In a private house      04/23/2019

Unpretentious indoor plants, or home gardening for the lazy. Unpretentious and shade-loving indoor plants

The easiest way to achieve comfort in the house is with the help of indoor plants. And the benefits of them are obvious - they purify the air. Only now, not every housewife has time to mess around with the plant every day. But there is always a way! We we share with you how to green an apartment without much effort.


Easy to care for, unpretentious houseplant, the only requirement - try not to move the pot. If you decide to breed clivia at home, then choosing a place for it is not difficult, since clivia tolerates bright diffused light or partial shade well. Clivia should be watered no more than once every 15 days in winter and once every 5–7 days in the rest of the year. Blooms up to 2 times a year.


The plant is able to independently make water reserves, so it perfectly tolerates dryness and heat up to 50 ° C. In winter, at home, care and maintenance of lithops are minimized. Flowers need to be provided good lighting and cool room temperature - no higher than 12 ° C. It should be watered from spring to autumn every 15 days.


Very easy to care for. And an accidentally fallen leaf can easily take root and grow into an independent beautiful tree.


This popular indoor plant has already managed to win the attention and love of many connoisseurs of beauty. Bright croton leaves will bring zest and originality to any home interior. The flower can grow up to 70 cm in height. Quite unpretentious, so any owner will be able to find him a place in his home.


Bromeliads are ideal for keeping not only at home, but also in the office. Tropical beauties hardy, do not require frequent transfers and are able to do without top dressing.


The real queen of the tropics, able to impress with the bright colors of the leaves even a seasoned grower. This spectacular plant has not yet gained well-deserved popularity, but is confidently moving towards it, winning the hearts of flower lovers with its exotic beauty and unpretentiousness.


The main requirements of Fittonia are regular spraying and abundant watering in the summer. The plant has many species with a variety of leaf colors. A composition of several fittonias in one pot is an unusually spectacular sight.

Japanese aucuba

Aukuba loves shade very much, and in bright light it needs to provide partial shade. Prefers moderate humidity and watering and easily tolerates sudden changes in temperature. Aukuba grows up to 1.5 m in height and can delight with its beauty for decades.


This plant does not like either too abundant watering or drying out of the soil. Water the flower sparingly. And you should also regularly spray its crown with water or even arrange a shower.

For beginner flower growers there is a large number of a variety of unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round. These include hibiscus, orchid, Kalanchoe and many others. However, there are several rules for growing and caring for any type of flower - it is important to choose the right room temperature, lighting in the house, soil, observe regular watering and replant if necessary.

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    Indoor maple

    Malvaceae family. It got its name because of its external resemblance to maple. Imported from the tropics, sun-loving, growing rapidly.

    After planting, the maple is placed in a sunny place. In the warm season, it requires abundant watering. The room where the culture is placed must be ventilated. Transplanted only in the spring. Loosen the soil well before planting. In winter, a strongly overgrown flower can be cut. Fertilize in the spring. Propagated by cuttings.


    A plant that blooms all year round. Its inflorescences have different colors. Loves the sun. The room must be ventilated. Prefers warmth. Stops blooming at low temperatures.

    In summer, water often and abundantly. Pelargonium is easily susceptible to fungal diseases. You need to make sure that the soil is always moist. Feed and water at the same time. Propagated by cuttings.


    It seems that the leaves and flowers are covered with a wax coating.

    The temperature must be kept at +20, not less (does not tolerate drops). It is important to avoid drafts. You can arrange a shadow, the rays of the sun are contraindicated. Watering should be regular. Water is used warm or at room temperature. Spraying is necessary only in summer. Fertilizing in the spring mineral fertilizers. Blooms all summer with proper care.

    Replant only when necessary. The soil is prepared in advance. It should be forest land mixed with swamp moss and turf. Propagated by seeds or division of shoots from a large bush.


    Unpretentious in cultivation, possesses medicinal properties, a wide variety of colors. Normal room temperature is suitable. The plant does not tolerate heat. Keep it in well-lit rooms. Due to the fact that geraniums love dryness, they are constantly watered, but in moderation.

    As soon as it begins to bloom, top dressing is applied using fertilizers with organic matter. Transplanted rarely, if necessary. The soil should be a mixture of garden soil, humus and sand. When propagating, cuttings are used.


    It is also called "Chinese rose". It has bright colors and a palette of shades. In care, the culture is unpretentious. Grows fast in bright light. If pruned, it will have stunted growth and an unattractive shape.

    Hibiscus will definitely bloom, as it should, once a year, if pruned. For the appearance of inflorescences, young shoots are needed. It is necessary to water regularly, because it is a moisture-loving plant. Top dressing is carried out in the spring using fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus. Replanted annually. Used land from the garden and a mixture of sand and peat. Divided into cuttings and seeds.


    It is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants. Proper care ensures flowering throughout the year. Its flowers are varied, many leaves are formed. Inflorescences with beautiful pubescence. They put it on the windowsills on the sunny side. If you maintain room temperature, begonia will fully develop and bloom. Moisture-loving, so it is watered often, but not sprayed.

    Spraying can cause brown spots on the leaves. Under the pot in which the plant is standing, it should be wet. The stand on which the flowerpot stands is placed on a damp surface. The plant loves heat and a lot of moisture. Water it moderately. As soon as the begonia begins to bloom, it needs to be fed.

    When transplanting, you will need simple land or mixed peat and black soil. Propagated by division, cuttings or stems.


    A unique plant without stems. Leaves sprout from the ground. Has white inflorescences. He is contraindicated in draft and cold. The most suitable temperature is + 23 degrees. In winter, water less often, protect the roots.

    Instead of watering, the plant is sprayed. The room must be humid. To simplify the task, they place on a stand under a flowerpot wet sand. Feed periodically with any fertilizer. Be sure to repot in the spring. They do it every year.


    Blooms for a short time. It has pinkish delicate inflorescences. The stem of the flower is thick. It's not only ornamental plant but also an effective medicine. Heals for many diseases. Constant moisture can cause root rot. Watering is infrequent, it is done with separated, cool water.

There are a number of unpretentious indoor plants: Indoor maple; Pelargonium; Anthurium; Geranium; Hibiscus; Spathiphyllum; Begonia; Kalanchoe; Orchid; Fuchsia.

Let us consider in more detail each flower and its care.

indoor maple

Belongs to the Malvaceae family, it is called indoor maple for its similarity with the tree of the same name. It was brought to the country from the tropics, because of this, the plant loves sunny color and grows quite quickly.


  • It should be located in a sunny place, best of all on a loggia.
  • Indoor maple will grow well and develop at a temperature of 15-16 degrees in summer, and 10-15 in winter.
  • In the warm season, the plant should be watered abundantly.
  • The room where the flower will be placed should be well ventilated. It is best to propagate indoor maple in the spring.
  • The soil for transplanting should be loose.
  • If the plant has grown, then it is better to cut it. It is worth doing this in the winter.
  • In the spring, indoor maple is desirable to feed with nitrogen fertilizers.
  • It can be propagated by cuttings.


Pelargonium - another year-round blooming flower. Its inflorescences can be different and delight the household with variety.


  • The flower is able to easily carry Sun rays, his poem can be placed on the sunny side of the apartment. The only royal subspecies does not tolerate bright light.
  • The room must be well ventilated.
  • The room temperature for a good development of pelargonium should not exceed 23 degrees, and if it falls below 10 degrees, the plant will stop blooming.
  • In the summer, the flower needs to be watered quite often, the rest of the time this should be done less often.
  • It is also worth monitoring the soil moisture, because the flower can be susceptible to fungal diseases.
  • Pelargonium needs to be fed in parts. Top dressing is introduced into the soil along with watering.
  • The flower is propagated by cuttings.


Anthurium - amazing plant, its leaves and flowers seem to be smeared with wax. The leaflets show an amazing ornament. Inflorescences amaze with their bright shades.


  • Anthurium tolerates sudden changes in temperature, so there should be no drafts in the room where it will be located. The temperature for growing is best maintained at about 20 degrees.
  • Does not like direct sunlight, so the pot with the plant should be in a shady place.
  • Watering should be carried out regularly, the water should be at room temperature or a little warmer. In the summer, it is better to spray the flower additionally.
  • In spring, anthurium is fed with mineral fertilizers.
  • If properly cared for, it will bloom all summer long.
  • A flower transplant is carried out only when absolutely necessary. The soil for transplanting should be prepared in advance and consist of forest land with a mixture of marsh moss and turf.
  • Anthurium can be propagated by seeds or by separating sprouts from a bush.


A few years ago it was very popular among flower growers, then interest was lost in it, and just recently it again began to be in demand among buyers in stores. Flower growers love her for her unpretentiousness in growing, a wide palette of colors and her healing properties.


  • Geranium is grown room temperature. Dislikes high temperatures.
  • The plant should be placed in a well-lit room, but without direct sunlight.
  • Geranium does not like moisture, so you do not need to spray it additionally, and it should be watered moderately, but regularly.
  • During the beginning of flowering, you need to feed, but you should not use fresh organic fertilizers for this.
  • The plant is rarely transplanted, but if necessary, the soil should be prepared in advance. It should consist of garden soil, humus and sand.
  • Geranium is propagated by cuttings.


Hibiscus has another name - " Chinese rose”, for the similarity with this beautiful flowers. Its inflorescences are bright and have a wide palette of shades. Even a novice florist can take care of him.


  • Hibiscus loves light, so it is best to place it in a well-lit area.
  • The plant grows quickly, so it needs space.
  • It needs to be trimmed to give it shape and slow growth. If pruning is done every year, then the hibiscus will also bloom, because inflorescences appear only on young shoots.
  • Watering should be plentiful and regular.
  • For top dressing in the spring, potash-phosphorus fertilizers should be used.
  • It is desirable to transplant hibiscus every year, the soil for transplantation is suitable for this: garden soil, sand and peat.
  • The plant is propagated either by cuttings or seeds.

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beautiful blooming houseplants decorate the house bright colors and lift your spirits. Behind flowering plants it is interesting to observe, the appearance of buds and their opening is expected as a holiday. If you decide to spice up your home with potted flowers, start by acquiring low-maintenance and easy-to-care houseplants. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a selection of the most popular flowering houseplants that stand out from others:

Firstly, these plants are unpretentious, adapt well to room conditions, are easy to care for, special conditions are not required for their growth and flowering. However, if you try to follow all the rules for the care and maintenance of the selected houseplant as much as possible, then it will thank you with more lush flowering.

Secondly, the selected indoor plants will settle in your home for a long time. Every year at a certain time you will be able to enjoy their flowering again.

Thirdly, the presented plants do not have a pronounced dormant period; after flowering, their leaves and stems do not dry out, they remain green and quite attractive.

"blooms profusely and luxuriantly all spring, summer, and only in autumn, with a reduction in daylight hours, flowering stops. With additional artificial lighting, it can bloom all year round. The main conditions for flowering indoor abutilon are bright lighting and regular watering. The plant is a miniature tree with leaves like a maple and grows very quickly, so it constantly needs to be shaped by pinching and cutting off the elongated shoots. Except natural species abutilon seeds can now be purchased hybrid varieties abutilon differing in color and shape of flowers.

A bright representative of the aroid family. Despite the tropical origin, this plant adapts well to indoor conditions, but still a number of requirements for the maintenance of anthurium should be observed - this high humidity, regular watering and bright ambient lighting. Anthurium flower - a small cob surrounded by a red bract, symbolizes passion, strength. Anthurium is called a flower " male happiness and are often given to men.

A continuously flowering plant has been grown since ancient times, both as an annual garden plant and as a houseplant. Balsam is easy to care for, requires only regular watering and spraying. A large selection of seeds of balsam varieties allows you to find flowers with a shape and color for every taste. Balsam always blooms very profusely, so that green leaves are almost invisible.

Another old houseplant. The numerous genus Begonia has provided us with many plant species. There are begonias with beautiful leaves, they bloom inconspicuously and are classified as decorative. deciduous plants. tuberous begonias after abundant flowering enter the dormant phase, they retain only tubers that are stored until the next season. But there are continuously flowering varieties of begonias that are easy to care for and do not require special treatment. Every year, new varieties of continuously blooming begonias come on the market, surprising in the color of the flowers and their shape.

It has very large bright flowers. Despite the fact that the hibiscus flower lasts about a day, the flowering of the plant continues from spring to autumn, as new buds constantly appear. The unusual color of the flowers of modern varieties of hibiscus is amazing. Hibiscus grows as a tree and requires constant shaping. For the onset of flowering, the plant needs bright lighting; when kept in the shade, you will admire only lush green foliage.

now sold at every turn. Kalanchoe flowers flare like bright stars among dark green fleshy leaves. Such potted plants often presented as a gift, and the owners throw them away after flowering, but they can be stored until the next flowering season. Faded flower stalks should be cut off, the plant should be moved to the shade and rarely watered, so you will create an artificial rest period for the plant. After a month, move the plant to a lighted place and water moderately, as the soil in the pot dries out.

and completely undemanding to living conditions. This plant will forgive you if you forget to water it, as it belongs to succulents and, like cacti, there are thorns on milkweed shoots. Euphorbia Mil will bloom continuously if you put it on the sunniest windowsill. Euphorbia flowers are small, but very bright due to orange or red bracts.

often called the flowers of our grandmothers, but since that time so many luxurious varieties and varieties of pelargonium have appeared that it is breathtaking. Now you can choose a variety of pelargonium not only by the shape of the flowers and their color, but also by the size and shape of the plant, the color of the leaves and the smell, so the fashion for indoor pelargonium does not go away. This houseplant remains at the peak of popularity due to its beautiful bright flowering and ease of care. The main conditions for flowering pelargonium are bright sunlight.

It is considered the flower of female happiness. Flowers - white cobs with a white bract on thin tall peduncles appear like sails over large green leaves. Spathiphyllum blooms for a long time from spring to autumn. The main requirements for caring for the plant are moderate watering, high humidity, ambient lighting and a temperature of + 20 ... + 25 0 С.

a charming plant with graceful flowers. Blooms profusely and for a long time from spring to autumn. In summer, the plant will feel great in the garden in a shaded, cool place. In an apartment, fuchsia also loves coolness and dim lighting, so it will grow well on east or west windows. Numerous varieties of fuchsia with a variety of flower shapes differ in color and pomp of skirts. Fuchsias love high humidity and regular watering.

Everyone likes flowers, but not every housewife will undertake to plant them on her windowsills, avoiding the difficulties associated with care. However, there are countless unpretentious plants that, without special conditions will grow in a city apartment.

The most popular unpretentious indoor flowers

Flowers are planted in apartments for a number of reasons. For some, this is an air purifier, for others, an addition to the design of the room or living decoration the entire dwelling. Have you decided to green your home? Below you can get acquainted with the leaders of unpretentious indoor flowers.


Considered one of the most unpretentious perennials. In everyday life, the flower was called " wax ivy". Thick-skinned leaves long time retain moisture, so watering is rarely needed. It prefers the south side of the windows, but it will also feel good on the north side.

Without watering, can survive more than a month. If for a long time the hoya lived without moisture, the trunk dried up and the leaves fell off, cutting off the stalk at the base of the stem and putting it in water, after a week you can observe the appearance of roots. The plant requires a transplant in case of lack of space for the root system. In terms of fertilizers, it easily survives their absence.

With increased attention, the perennial may bloom. Flowering occurs in the form of umbrella inflorescences with beautiful flowers which have a fragrant aroma. The ideal conditions for a flower will be the air temperature in summer up to 25 degrees, and in winter 12-15 degrees. Stems and leaves adore the sun's rays and not be afraid of their direct hit. Hoya can be fed with complex mineral fertilizers. The flower is terribly moisture-loving, so it loves spraying.

Aspidistra came to us from England with the name "cast iron flower", thanks to the ability to tolerate the lack of moisture and feel great in hot and cold periods. It has a large number of leaves on the cuttings, which is why it is called a "friendly family."

This indoor plant is ideal for landscaping apartments and offices. Comfortable in artificial lighting. Perennial with very large leaves. It grows intensively even in smoky rooms.

Perennial blooms extremely rarely and does not depend on care. But if this happens, then it is covered with flowers in the form of stars. purple. Does not require special attention, does not need fertilizers. A sufficient condition for life will be moderate watering.

Proven unpretentious plant. He does not like the heat very much, so in the summer he feels better on the north side of the windows. Tolerates moisture well. With a strong drying of the soil, the foliage may droop, but it is worth slightly moistening the ground, the spathiphyllum comes to life before our eyes.

Perennial is afraid of drafts. The best care is to place the spathiphyllum pot away from the cold and open windows. The most popular plant today. Perennial grows up to 30 cm in height, taller growth is less common. The ideal conditions for life will be an air temperature of 22 degrees and constant humidity, which can be achieved by spraying water around the flower.


A very hardy ornamental plant with heart-shaped foliage. Adapted to the lack of light, so it feels good in the dark corners of the room and on the non-sunny sides of windows. Weaves very well, and will be an excellent decor for a bookshelf or arch.

Does not like frequent watering and bright lighting. Feels comfortable at a temperature of 20 degrees.

An ideal perennial for beginner greenhouse growers at home. Mother-in-law's tongue has beautiful xiphoid leaves. There are both bright green and spotted colors. It tolerates the lack of proper lighting, does not like watering in excess.

A perennial likes when it is moistened no more than once a week. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, so a corner with diffused lighting will become a favorite place for life. For fertilizer, any universal additives are suitable.

The pronounced green leaves of corn with a bright yellow stripe will be the perfect complement to any design solution. Decorative perennial has long leaves, the construction of which is similar to the structure of a palm tree. The height of the plant reaches more than 3 meters in height with a trunk width of about 10 centimeters.

Dislikes shade, prefers bright lighting. Recommended air temperature is about 18 degrees and infrequent watering.

The plant is known as a creeping indoor perennial. The ideal solution English ivy will be placed in a suspended form, in which case the perennial will have the opportunity to shoot arrows of shoots into the space along the furniture.

The plant is prone to infection with a red tick, therefore it requires acceptance water procedures under the shower. Likes full sun and moderate watering. In its composition contains toxic substances, which is extremely dangerous for small children, so it is advisable to place a pot with a plant at a certain height.

Oldest tree with sticky milky sap. Able to reach a decent height, but if desired, you can turn it into a nice little bush with the help of pruning. It has dark green oval leaves of large sizes, which perfectly decorates the room.

Loves bright lighting and infrequent watering. The plant has a big sweet tooth, it will be useful to add a little sugar when watering.

The most popular unpretentious flower with a smart look. It has bunch-shaped long green leaves with a reddish or gray border. Among flower growers it is called the "rainbow plant".

It takes root in rooms with an air temperature of about 20 degrees with medium lighting. Watering is recommended no more than 2 times a week in the summer and 1 time in 10 days in the winter. The plant is very dangerous for dogs.

Six of the brightest and longest flowering plants

What woman does not dream of having a flower in the house that will bloom magnificently, endlessly and colorfully? And in order to constantly feel the joy and pleasure of the sight of such a "scarlet flower" of divine beauty, it is enough to get acquainted with a few unpretentious flowering plants for the home.

chic indoor rose. The plant is very unpretentious with insanely beautiful colors. If pampered with care, the plant will delight in flowering with early winter and until late autumn. Feels comfortable in a pot with good drainage.

The plant is not indifferent to acidified water, and will be very grateful if the water for irrigation contains a few drops of lemon juice. For rapid flowering, a place with bright lighting is recommended, otherwise the buds of future roses will not open.

plant from early spring to late autumn, gives salute in the form of bright blossoms. He feels comfortable anywhere, but he is wary of partial shade and can be capricious and refuse to bloom. The approach to watering is special, it is necessary to prevent complete drying of the soil.

The plant accepts watering in the form of soft water, preferably settled. Do not allow moisture to get on the flowers or leaves, this can lead to rotting. The flower prefers moist air, which can be easily achieved by spraying water in the space around it.

Saintpaulia flowering perennials bloom for a long time, taking small breaks to recuperate. Small bushes of the plant bloom magnificently in the form of a cap. Known to everyone, will add more comfort and warmth hearth if you let her feel the attention and care. The plant loves everything, but little by little. This also applies to lighting and moisture.

Excellent care will be watering 2 times a week and bright light, but without direct sunlight.

Perennial from the family of aster flowers. Outwardly, the flower is very similar to a chamomile with a bright color. Today, more than 80 varieties of gerberas are distinguished. For breeding a flower at home, use the "festival" variety. The plant has large blooms and small petals. Loves plenty of light and warm air.

The flower pot must be made of clay. The constant spraying of the stems will have a beneficial effect on life, avoiding flowering. Watering is recommended not to the root system itself, but along the edges of the pot.

The plant with its appearance is able to plunge into the atmosphere of the tropics. Hibiscus flowers are simply huge and can reach about 15 centimeters in diameter. The bush blooms almost all year round and is able to please from one to three flowers per month. If desired, the bush can be easily cut under a tree.

Grows only in very bright light. It is recommended to water moderately, only to maintain soil moisture.

Another name for Oxalis. The perennial resembles a bunch of clover leaves, painted in a velvety purple color. Throughout the year it pleases with pink or white flowering. The flower gained its popularity due to the shape of the leaves, which are very similar to moths.

The plant prefers bright light and infrequent watering.

Which flower to choose, a person determines for himself. The main thing is that the plant gives a lot of joy and festive mood!

Unpretentious indoor flowers will appeal to everyone!