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Hoya loki description. Wax ivy (hoya): species characteristics and home care secrets. Watering a houseplant

wax ivy, porcelain flower - this is also the name of this attractive succulent, which has firmly entered human life as one of the most unpretentious ornamental plants.

This evergreen miracle arrived in our country from the distant tropics. On the islands of the Pacific Ocean, in Australia and Polynesia, India and Madagascar, on the peaks of the Himalayan mountains and southeast Asia, more than 200 species of both powerful climbing vines with fragrant flowers and small undersized shrubs grow.

Varieties of indoor flower: names with descriptions and photos

Caudata (Hoya Caudata)

This inhabitant of the tropical forests of Thailand and Malaysia was first described in 1883. The name caudata, which translates as "tailed", was obtained because of the long anther appendages sticking out in the center of the crown.

Dense ovate leaves with a heart-shaped base often have spots of various colors: pink to dark green. With age, the lower part acquires a red tint, and the upper part becomes a frequent silver speck. The long curly stems also change color.

Bloom for a week. Growing requires high humidity, temperatures above 20 degrees and bright diffused light. The soil is not demanding.

Variety Caudata silver splash (Caudata silver splash)

This tailed beauty, unlike the rest of its species, is sensitive to watering. Her the root system rots at the slightest excess of moisture, therefore, drying the soil between waterings and a good layer of drainage are mandatory conditions.

In summer, its leaves turn red not only on the lower, but also on the upper side. Leafy cuttings are dense to the touch and covered with thick fluff, which thins with age. Easily rooted, but may take several weeks to sprout.

David Cumming (Davidcummingii)

This rarely found species is named after Australian collector David Cumming, who first noticed and described the plant in a sparsely populated area of ​​the Philippines. It features unique salmon pink flowers with a bright yellow center and a delicious caramel smell in the evening. The leaves are lanceolate with barely visible veins. Requires a lot of light and heat, with insufficient water it quickly withers.

Calistophylla (Callistophylla)

Hoya calistophyll has 18-20 flowers in an umbrella, but this is not what attracts attention, but an unpleasant pungent smell that accompanies flowering. But, despite this, the plant is attractive in appearance: with wide, decorated with dark green veins, leaves and milky yellow flowers on a thin stem. Artificial lighting in winter is beneficial and accelerates growth.

Imperialis (Imperialis)

One of the largest and most beautiful types of curly hoya. Inhabits the Malay Peninsula. Its flowers, similar to dark red stars with a dazzling white center, begin to exude a strong pleasant aroma at dusk.

When growing, you need to ensure a large number of Sveta. In winter, you can not do without artificial lighting. Experienced flower growers once a month, it is advised to rinse the imperialis under a warm shower and transplant the plant into the soil with the addition of lime. The first flowers appear in the second year after rooting.. Heavy stems are made to support in the form of a lattice or arc.

Loki (Lockii)

In nature, it grows at a height of 20-25 meters above the ground, in open sunny places. It is endemic to Vietnam: the only colony growing in the wild consists of 50 plants and is carefully guarded from destruction. With good home care capable of delighting all year round with white flowers with a pearl-pearl hue. The smell of flowers is similar to the smell of chocolate, intensifies at night.

Shepherdii (Shepherdii)

Shepherd's homeland is the Himalayan heights. Blooms profusely in both light and shade. The corolla of the flower is pubescent, the petals are pale pink, the crown is purple. The leaves are very narrow and long, boat-shaped with a bright green vein in the middle. On hot summer days, shading from direct sun rays. For the winter period, the temperature in the room drops to 16 degrees, watering is reduced to 1 time per week.

Balance (Balaensis)

Climbing epiphyte with wide oval leathery leaves and thin reddish-brown lashes. A flower umbel can contain up to 50 flowers. Corollas are creamy white, with a velvety inner surface petals and a sugary sweetish aroma. In intense light, pink or silver blotches appear on the leaves. Requires daily spraying with warm water.

Lasiantha (Lasiantha)

Grows in shady places, has pointed leaves with gray markings and a pubescent corolla. The flowers are bright yellow with a tart, faint tropical fruit aroma. Any beginner will cope with the cultivation of this species. If you maintain a constant looseness and moisture of the soil, lasianta is able to bloom all year round.

Undulata (Undulata)

In the hollow internodes of this plant, ants, ticks, wasps and other arthropods equip their homes. The undulating dark green leaves with purple and gray patches grow in clusters. Under bright light, they turn purple.

Since this hoya is accustomed to a shady damp forest, special conditions must be created for cultivation. Rooted from freshly cut cuttings. Flowering period 2-3 days, the buds are creamy pink inside with purple-red dots.

Archiboldiana (Archboldiana)

First exported from the islands of New Guinea in 1933. The most thermophilic hoya, prefers temperatures above 30 degrees and abundant frequent watering. Blooms 2-3 years after rooting. There are three color options for the buds: lilac, pink and red. Propagated by cuttings in a waterproof substrate or water.

Byakensis (Biakensis)

The leaves are oblong with a bright vein, in the summer months they appear red edging. Flowers are odorless, on the peduncle their number does not exceed 30 pieces. Petals pale yellow, oily, translucent. At good care flowering can be expected at any time of the year.

It is grown both ampelno and on a support on the southern windowsill. It is tolerant of temperature extremes, loves bright light, so backlighting is necessary in autumn and winter. The soil must always be moist, and watering and spraying - daily and plentiful.

Globulose (Globulosa)

In nature, it grows in the wild forests of India and China. Large-leaved climbing hoya, growing only on a support. Flower umbels are large, spherical, with pale yellow flowers. The stem is covered with fine hairs, which fall off with age, and the stem itself becomes woody. Grown in cool and high humidity conditions.


As a result of crossing two specimens: lacunosa and obscura, this fast-flowering and unpretentious plant has appeared, with smooth narrow leaves and fragrant flowers. For the ability to change the saturation of the petals (from pale pink to bright pink), depending on the intensity of the light, and received this name, translated as "sunrise".


It is distinguished by succulent, rhomboid, elliptical leaves and bent into reverse side leaf plate. Honey-colored flowers with a madder middle, strongly smell of honey. Grown in a cool place in the shade.

Pachyclada (Pachyclada)

It has juicy, strong lashes and round dense leaves of small size, slightly pubescent with hairs. The corolla of the flower is velvety, the blades are turned back, beige colour. The crown is milky or snow-white, with crimson and pinkish spots.

During the spring flowering period, it spreads a burnt caramel aroma that attracts ants. The soil for breeding should be stored saturated with aluminum and nitrogen, with a low content of alkali and silica. Watering is weak tolerates midday heat and prolonged drought.


Creeping dense stems look like snakes crawling along the branches, over time it covers the trees with a dense solid carpet. Densely growing hairs on the leaves create an iridescent effect. The flowers are white, with a greenish tint, very fragrant and almost always larger than the leaves, but in home plant bloom rarely.

Best grown in a cool room or terrarium, in a flat container with breathable soil, and spray frequently.

Campanulata (Campanulata)

The originality of this hoya is in bell flowers with a pronounced lemon smell. Colors - white, milky, yellow of all shades. Inflorescences look like opened parachutes and are collected in dense umbrellas. The height of the shrub is 60-70 centimeters.

This capricious guest of the tropical forests requires special care. Basically, it consists in maintaining a temperature of 20-25 degrees and shading. The pot should be small, with a ladder-support, on which the hoya will rely on growth.


It grows in Cambodia, Siam and Laos. The leaves are rectangular-elliptical, wavy along the edge, 8-11 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, with convex veins. This species has the most fluffy leaves of all existing. The stem is thin, woody with age. Propagated by cuttings in water using a root stimulator. Watering - neat, moderate, until the earthen coma is completely dry.


Growth form - liana. The leaves are medium in size, oval, pointed. On the surface there is a contrasting pattern of dark blue veins. Ruby flowers with yellow streaks, scent similar to bergamot. Grows best in a tight pot with enough light. He likes thorough drying of the substrate and fertilizing with fertilizer with phosphorus.

Monette (Monettea)

In this climbing epiphyte, the milky juice has a viscous and transparent consistency, unlike the juice of the other hoi. The lashes are fleshy and strong. The leaves are oval, 15 cm wide and 20 cm long, with a sharp tip and a flattened base, gray-green, thick and velvety pubescent, with pubescence more pronounced on the underside than on the top.

Flat white flowers are odorless, open in a hemispherical large umbrella, flowering time is 10-15 days. Low germination rate in captivity.


With remarkable emerald green, medium size leaves. They are smooth, glossy, without pubescence. The color of flowers is changeable and depends on the intensity of light. It ranges from pale cream with pinkish undertones to bright pink. 15 - 25 "wax" flowers open in an umbrella.

The petals of the crown are bent back. The inner crown is pink with a darker raised center. This species needs moist and warm content. Lowering the temperature below 18 degrees threatens the death of the plant.

When using artificial lighting on the glossy surface of the leaves, a beautiful grid of dark blue veins is clearly drawn. This specimen is the slowest growing type of hoya.

Buoti (Buotii)

The region of distribution is the Philippines. The first description refers to 2002. A plant with a thin, curly stem, covered with tough dark warts. The flower petals have a smooth center and furry edges, and the buds themselves are pale yellow with a scarlet inner crown. Their delicate delicate aroma resembles the smell of vanilla. Flowering lasts 10-12 days.

The length of the leaves is 10 cm, the width is 4. They have a succulent structure, with a pronounced vein in the center and sharp tips, thin, elliptical in shape. Hoya buoti is unpretentious and quickly takes root. He loves warmth and feels good in the sun. Requires artificial lighting in winter fluorescent lamps within 14-16 hours. Not afraid of high humidity. Reproduction is carried out by cuttings in sphagnum or water.


Plants not only decorate the home and create comfort in it. It is believed that each of them carries energy that can influence human life. It is hoya that is called a plant for the family, which helps to establish harmony and bring peace to the fate of its owner. Add one more to your home garden and check if the old signs really work?


Hoya: types and varieties

The length of the stem of this climbing plant can reach ten meters. Decorative hoya due to long flowering. Young shoots stand out against the background of green foliage with a brown-violet color. Flowers are collected in large umbrellas and smell pleasant. In most varieties, oval leaves are quite large - up to 8 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. But there are also miniature plants, for example, hoya bella.

In nature, there are more than 50 species of this flower. Some of them are grown in greenhouses and houses.

The most famous types of hoya:

  • fleshy;
  • beautiful;
  • imperial;
  • heterogeneous;
  • linear.

Fleshy hoya wax ivy is a picky, climbing succulent with dense leaves that blooms continuously from early spring to late autumn. This species has many varieties, among which there are plants with multi-colored leaves - green with a cream-colored border or with a yellowish center.

Basic Growing Requirements

Hoya is a photophilous plant. When grown in room conditions, it blooms profusely only on the southern windows. However, on sunny, summer days, the plant must be shaded so that burns do not remain on the leaves.

The more light there is for the hoya, the faster it will bloom. If buds appear, it cannot be rearranged.

She does not like drafts, fluctuations in air temperature and strong cooling; at a room temperature below + 10 ° C, she may die.

  • Hoya loves light, well-drained, fertile soil.
  • For normal growth of shoots and flowering, regular fertilizing is necessary.
  • The soil in the pot should be moist, drying out before the next watering.
  • Hoya will benefit from a warm shower and regular spraying.

Special requirements include the selectivity of some plant species to soil acidity and air temperature. There are hoyas that cannot grow normally if the room is less than +20°C.

Home care

When choosing a plant for a room, you need to consider its size. Some hoyas grow quite large - these are real tree vines. Other types are compact and will not take up much space on the windowsill.

The plant can be grown as an ampelous plant by hanging the pot high, or establish a support by wrapping the stem around it. The younger the plant, the more flexible its stems, with age the shoots become woody, and can break when tied to a support.

There are no special problems in caring for hoya. All efforts pay off with beautiful flowering, which, with proper maintenance, can be quite long.

Content features depending on the season

Ivy is able to bloom in winter. If the grower wants to enjoy such a spectacle, then the plant begins to be prepared from September. The pot is placed in a bright, cool place and watering is reduced. It is best to place the flower on the eastern windowsill. In December and January, the flower is almost not watered - drought stimulates flowering. During this period, the room temperature should be around 15°C.

Some varieties do not like cool air, for example, hoya multiflora drops flowers and leaves when the temperature drops below +20 ° C.

Usually, the hoya uses winter as a dormant time, it benefits from reduced watering and no fertilizer. Most often it blooms in spring and summer. During this period, the plant needs regular watering, spraying, fertilizing and good lighting.

Watering hoya

In summer and spring, during the intensive growth of hoya, it is plentifully watered and sprayed. In autumn and winter, spraying is stopped, and watering is reduced. Water the plant as the earthen clod dries with settled, warm water.

To stimulate flowering, watering in the summer is done by soaking in warm water for 1-2 hours. To do this, put a flower pot in a large plastic bucket. From the shower, water the hoya from above with water at a temperature of about 30–35 ° C. When the water in the bucket reaches the top of the pot, barely covering the ground, turn off the faucet. After 1 hour, the plant can be removed from the bucket and put in its original place in the room.

Soil composition and pot selection

Hoya does not like large flower pots. In small ones, on the contrary, it grows very quickly. In its natural habitat, this plant leads an epiphytic lifestyle, settles in the crown large trees or on rocks where there is very little nutrient medium. Therefore, when choosing a pot, you need to give preference to small containers, with well-permeable soil for water and air.

The material from which the pot is made does not really matter, plastic, clay or wood will do. The substrate for planting should be loose. They independently prepare a mixture of peat, perlite, coconut fiber and tree bark. For nutrition, add a little leaf humus. Most hoya species prefer neutral or slightly acidic soil. But there are varieties that require a high content of limestone, for example, H. curtsii, H. serpens.


The fertile substrate in which the plant is planted is already a good fertilizer. But after a year of cultivation, hoya begins to lack the main nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This can be expressed outwardly by a slowdown in growth and a change in the appearance of the leaves.

  • With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become pale green or yellow, and then fall off.
  • Phosphorus deficiency is expressed by reddening of the veins of the leaf or its edges and tops.
  • With a deficiency of potassium, the edges of the leaf plate dry out and curl.

In the warm season, hoyu is fed during watering once every two weeks. complex fertilizer for flowering houseplants. The ratio of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in it should be the same. If signs of a lack of an element are noticed, you can find top dressing with its predominance.

Landing and transplant

Hoya doesn't like frequent transfers. If necessary, you can do a transplant once every 2 or 3 years.

Since this plant easily forms aerial roots, planting it can be very simple. A long shoot of an adult plant is placed in a pot of earth and pinned with wire. When the shoot gives roots, it is cut off from the mother plant.

When transplanting into fresh soil, the new pot should not be much larger than the previous one, the hoya will not bloom until its roots fill the entire space of the earthy coma.

Be sure to put good drainage at the bottom of the pot to drain water after watering. The land should be well-drained and fertile, you can use a mixture for succulents.

Reproduction features

The plant is propagated by seeds, layering or cuttings. For cuttings, branches of the last year are used, on which there should be 2 or 3 nodes. You can root them in water or a substrate. Hoya kerri, with heart-shaped leaves, takes root well from leafy cuttings.

Several branches are planted in one pot so that the plant looks more decorative during flowering.

  • In cut cuttings, the two lower leaves are cut off.
  • washed under running water to wash off the sticky juice.
  • Dipped in Kornevin powder.
  • Then they are planted in perlite or vermiculite - a moisture-intensive substrate in which the cuttings quickly sprout roots.
  • After planting, they arrange a mini-greenhouse, covering the flower pot with seedlings with a plastic bag. Put in a bright and warm place.

The first roots will appear within two or three weeks. If you plant a plant in a transparent plastic cup, it will be visible. Rooted hoya is transplanted into a small pot.

Plant diseases and pests

The hoya flower loves moisture, but with poor drainage in a pot and heavy watering, the root system can rot. If the plant is not transplanted into another container and fresh soil in time, it will die.

Hoyas suffer from insect pests:

  • scale insects;
  • whiteflies;
  • mealybug;

When the first signs of damage are found, the plant is treated with an insecticide. If a spider mite has settled on the leaves, treatment with acaricide or garlic infusion will help.

Why does the hoya not bloom, the leaves turn yellow?

With improper cultivation of hoya, difficulties may arise - the leaves will turn yellow, curl and fall off.

There are several reasons for this:

  • cold air in the room;
  • excess sun;
  • lack of moisture or excessive watering;
  • dry air content environment;
  • poor drainage;
  • cold water for irrigation;
  • lack of nitrogen in the soil.

Some flower growers, in order to achieve the laying of inflorescences, place a pot of hoya several times in spring or early summer. warm water with a temperature of 30–35 ° C and water it 2 or 3 times a week with settled warm water.

For flowering, the plant needs the following conditions:

  • good lighting;
  • age 2–3 years;
  • cramped pot;
  • shoots not less than 30 cm long;
  • fertilizing with phosphate fertilizers.

In winter, watering is reduced and the hoya is kept in a bright place with a temperature of 15 ° C. It blooms on old flower stalks, so they can not be cut off. When the plant blooms, they stop fertilizing it and try not to turn the pot so that the buds do not fall off.


Ivy hoya - description, photo

Room hoya can be of three types:

  • erect plant in the form of a bush;
  • liana wrapping around a support;
  • hanging or ampelous hoya.

In any of the varieties of the plant, young shoots grow without leaves and have a brown-purple hue. Over time, they turn green, covered with leaves and aerial roots. In adult ivy, the branches are woody.

The oval, fleshy leaves pointed to the top are shiny at a young age, and then become dull. Their width can be from 3 to 5 cm, and the length - 5-8 cm.

On the stem branches, inflorescences are formed in the form of umbrellas, which consist of star-shaped pink or white flowers. Today, there are hoya varieties whose flowers can be yellow or even green. The flowers look very beautiful because of the five-membered crown towering above the petals, which is located in the center of the corolla and can be of a different color. Hoya flowers exude a pleasant fragrance that naturally attracts insects.

Can you keep a hoya at home?

According to popular superstition, wax ivy cannot be kept at home, as it has the following properties:

  1. A family living in a house where a liana grows is facing financial problems.
  2. Ivy hoya is a husband and is able to destroy family happiness.
  3. An indoor flower during flowering brings misfortune to the house.

To believe or not in such folk signs and superstitions, everyone decides for himself. However, there are other sources that claim that hoya in the house, vice versa strengthens the family, as it pacifies envy and removes the feeling of resentment. Therefore, many flower growers consider a flower keeper of family happiness and decorate their bedrooms.

The benefits and harms of hoya

There is some truth in the sign about the negative impact of wax ivy during flowering. This is due to the fact that its flowers exude a strong aroma. It is pleasant, but in a small, enclosed space can be annoying. Therefore, during flowering, it is better to take ivy out of the bedroom and place it in big room. If allergy sufferers live in the house, then it may be necessary to completely abandon the cultivation of a houseplant.

Many are interested - poisonous or not hoya? All parts of the vine, when damaged, exude juice that can irritate the mucous membranes. Therefore, care must be taken when caring for wax ivy. It is also recommended to ensure that the leaves and flowers are not plucked or chewed by children and pets.

In all other respects, hoya is a beautiful house plant with which you can decorate an apartment or house. And if you do not believe in various signs and superstitions, and wax ivy is already growing in your house, or you just want to start it, check out the types and varieties of the flower, as well as the rules for caring for hoya at home.

Types and varieties of hoya, photo

Hoya the Beautiful

Hoya is beautiful

The ampelous plant is distinguished by creeping shoots with sharp thickened leaves up to 2.5 centimeters long. Throughout the summer, wax ivy blooms with white flowers with a red-violet or red crown. Liana can be grown in any home and room, since this species has a faint aroma from the buds. It is adapted to room humidity and temperature, so it grows without problems at home.

Hoya Majestic or Imperial

Hoya Majestic

This is a climbing shrub with oblong, oval leaves, the tips of which are pointed. Leathery and smooth leaves reach a length of 20 cm. During flowering, inflorescences are formed on the plant in the form of umbrellas, each of which consists of six to ten flowers, the petals of which look like stars. Outside, the buds are yellowish green in color, and inside they are dark red. During flowering, a pleasant aroma emanates from the plant.

Hoya Meaty or Waxy

Hoya Wax

On a vine with shoots up to 6 meters long, white flowers with a pink crown form during flowering. Hard, thick and oval leaves of the plant are covered with a wax coating. Silver markings are scattered across their dark green background. From this species were bred beautiful varieties, which differ in the color of leaves and flowers:

  1. Crimson Queen - a variety with bright pink buds, along the edge of which there is a white-pink edging.
  2. Compact - the plant is distinguished by small leaves with a barely noticeable pattern.
  3. Tricolor - the variety got its name for the color of the leaves, which have a pink, cream and green color. The flowers of the plant are scarlet.

Long, thin shoots of creepers require support or a garter.

These are the main types of wax ivy, which are most often grown by flower growers in their homes and apartments. But there are also rarer varieties of the plant:

Hoya flower: home care

How to care for a hoya?

Most often indoors grow hoya fleshy or beautiful, which are unpretentious in care, grow well in apartments and houses. But their flowering requires good lighting, so these types of wax ivy are placed on sunny windowsills. Since the leaves of both species are thickened, they are watered only after the top layer of the soil has dried. Hoya Kerry requires the same placement and watering.

If your wax ivy has thin leaves, then the plant requires shading from direct sunlight and regular watering. The soil in the pot should not dry out.

Liana can be placed on the western or eastern window. Plants with fleshy leaves are not afraid of even direct sunlight.

Air temperature for ivy it should be from +17 to +25 degrees. The plant does not have a pronounced dormant period, so in winter it can be kept at room conditions. If during the cold season indoors the air temperature drops below +15 degrees, then Hoya the Beautiful can shed its leaves.

In autumn or winter as the days get shorter, wax ivy can slow down its growth. At this time, it is necessary to stop feeding and reduce watering. But if the indoor flower is provided with additional lighting, then it will begin to grow again.

spray the plant optional, since the liana with fleshy leaves is calm about dry air in apartments. But so that the leaves remain decorative and pests do not start on them in dry air, ivy should be bathed from time to time under a warm shower. First, cover the soil with polyethylene. If the vine has grown, and it will not work to remove it, then just spray or wipe its leaves from dust. A bush with clean foliage will immediately take on a more decorative and beautiful look.

Hoya fertilizer

For top dressing of wax ivy, it is recommended to use fertilizers for succulents. Feed during active growth flower, that is, from spring to autumn. Fertilizers should be used strictly according to the instructions, as their excess will negatively affect the decorative effect of ivy.

Hoya in bloom

If you provide a tropical vine with bright, diffused light, then it will bloom beautifully and profusely. But you need to know that during flowering, the flower pot cannot be rearranged from place to place. Otherwise, the buds will start to fall off.

After flowering, flower stalks are not recommended to be cut or cut off. After some time, buds may appear on them again.

Hoya transplant

Young plants require transplanting every spring, while adults, if necessary, are transplanted once every three years. The pot is selected 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous one. If you transplant the vine into a larger container, then it will grow foliage and may not bloom in the year of transplantation. In a tighter pot, wax ivy will bloom profusely. Therefore, if you want to get more young shoots, then take a bigger pot. But it should be borne in mind that the largest container size for an adult plant should be 20 cm.

Hoya soil should be slightly acidic or neutral, breathable and loose. You can use the soil for orchids or cook it yourself from sod and leaf soil, peat and sand. Pieces of sphagnum moss and charcoal are added to the mixture.

The bottom of the new pot must be covered with drainage. A layer of nutrient soil mixture is poured on it and a flower is placed, which must be removed from the old container along with a clod of earth. The roots are covered with soil and watered.

Supports and pruning

Liana definitely needs supports, otherwise her long shoots will begin to break under the weight of foliage and inflorescences. As supports, you can use lattices, trellises, posts, moss supports, all kinds of arcs in the form of arches, rings or hearts. You can hang the hoya on the wall and distribute its shoots on shelves, hooks, or on nails that are not completely driven in.

If you want to get wax ivy in the form of a bush, then you will need to constantly pinch the shoots at the required length.

Hoya pruning can be done to form a plant of the size you need. Branches that are too long can be shortened, and unnecessary cut off altogether. Broken and dried branches are also cut off. To stimulate the appearance of side shoots, the old branch is cut between the nodes.

Hoya breeding

Propagation of hoya cuttings

hoya stalk

This is the easiest way to propagate wax ivy as cuttings root easily and quickly. You will need to cut a short stalk with two or four leaves and two or more nodes. They can be placed in water or directly into the substrate. The breeding ground must be loose. Water should not stagnate in it.

Rooting in water:

  1. Cut off the leaves from the bottom of the cutting, leaving only the top leaves.
  2. Treat the lower sections with root hormone.
  3. Wrap a jar or other container of water with foil on the side and top, after pouring water into it with a temperature of up to +22 degrees.
  4. Pierce the foil with the handle and place it in water so that bottom node was in the water.
  5. Put a transparent bag on the cuttings and container. Inside the package there will be increased air humidity, which is necessary for better rooting. Otherwise, the cuttings may simply wither. However, air access does not need to be blocked.

After about two weeks, the roots will appear, and the hoya cuttings will need to be immediately planted in a small pot filled with soil. If you miss the time, the cuttings will become fragile.

Rooting hoya cuttings in the soil:

  1. Treat the lower cut of the cutting with root and place it in moist soil so that the lower node is in the substrate.
  2. Put a transparent bag on the pot.

The cuttings should take root in the soil in two or three weeks. When new leaves begin to appear on them, the package can be removed. Wax ivy grown from cuttings will bloom in the fourth year.

Reproduction of hoya layering

For this method of reproduction, a long shoot is selected and a pot of soil is prepared, which must be placed next to the wax ivy. The soil should contain peat and be nutritious.

The place of the escape, which will be placed in the ground, is slightly incised. The branch is placed in a nearby pot. A knot and an incision located on the shoot should be in the ground. The branch is attached to the soil with a hairpin or bent wire. Moss is laid on top, and the pot is covered with a film. Moss must first be watered. When roots appear on the allotted branch, it will get stronger and give new leaves, it can be separated from the mother plant.

The shoot with roots can be left in the same pot or transplanted into a new one. Hoya propagated by layering will bloom in a year.

Hoya from seeds

Reproduction of hoya by seeds is rarely carried out by flower growers, since planting material it is difficult to find creepers for sale, but getting seeds from home ivy almost impossible. But if you are lucky and you have purchased seeds or seeds have formed and ripened on your beauty after flowering, then they can be used for planting. This must be done immediately, otherwise the planting material will lose its germination.

For sowing, a mixture of earth and chopped sphagnum moss is used. The seeds are placed in a moist substrate, and the crops are covered with a film on top. The container is placed in a bright, warm place, and the soil moisture is constantly monitored. Crops are aired every day.

If the seeds are good, then the seedlings will appear in a week. They will grow slowly. Only after about three months, several pairs of leaves will appear on young plants, and they can be planted in separate small pots.

Reproduction of hoya leaf - photo

On Valentine's Day in flower shops you can see leaves in the form of hearts in small pots. These are rooted hoya leaves. Only some types of vines reproduce in this way (for example, Hoya Kerry). The cut leaf is simply placed in a moist substrate and covered with a transparent bag. The roots on the leaf will appear quickly, but you can wait a long time for a new shoot or not wait at all.

Hoya pests and diseases

Powdery mildew and gray rot- This fungal diseases, which can affect the vine. The reason for their occurrence are low temperatures in the room and waterlogging of the soil. Powdery mildew can be recognized by a white coating that looks like cotton wool. You can get rid of it by processing fungicidal preparations. With gray rot, weeping gray spots appear on the leaves. The plant can die quickly, so the disease is not treated.

If a sticky liquid appeared on the shoots and the trunk and they became soft, it is possible that the hoya was struck by a bacterial disease. You can cure a flower with the help of preparations that contain copper.

Thickening and spots on hoya leaves indicate a viral infection. Such diseases are not treated and quickly infect nearby. standing plants. Liana needs to be urgently moved and placed away from other flowers. If she starts to die, she will have to be destroyed.

Under adverse conditions, red spider mites, aphids or scale insects can settle on hoya. They suck the juices from the plant, causing the leaves to turn yellow, dry and fall off. If there are few pests, then the leaves can be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. You can get rid of a large number of pests with Actellik or another insecticidal drug.

Why hoya does not bloom and other problems

If the hoya does not bloom, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. Insufficient lighting. This is the main reason why hoya does not bloom.
  2. big pot. For flowering, the vine needs a cramped pot. In a large container, it will only grow foliage.
  3. No dormant period. Some types of hoya need a dormant period in winter. To do this, the plants are kept in a cool room, not fed and rarely watered. In spring, the flower is brought into the room and exposed to a well-lit place.
  4. Excess fertilization. Use succulent fertilizers for wax ivy, which must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Hoya turns yellow. Leaves can turn yellow in low light, from intense heat, and if pests are wound up on them.

The lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, and young shoots do not grow.. Such symptoms can occur if the hoya is standing in a draft or in a room that is too cold for her.

Hoya drops flowers. The pot with the plant during flowering was moved to another place.

Red leaves on a vine. The reason may be an excess of sunlight or high air temperatures.

Falling leaves on the hoya. This situation can occur if the room is hot, and watering is very rare. Or vice versa, the leaves can fall off with constant waterlogging of the soil. In this case, the roots rot first.

hoya not growing. Pale leaves and growth inhibition indicate a lack of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil.

Leaves curl, turn pale and dry. The reason is cold water for irrigation or in excess sunlight. For the same reasons, spots may appear on the leaves of the hoya.

As you can see, problems in growing hoyas arise mainly due to care errors. If you fix them, your flower will grow quickly and bloom beautifully for a long time.


Description of types and varieties of wax ivy

Currently, a fairly large number of species and varieties are well known, which differ mainly in the shape and color of the foliage. Flowers are most often similar in appearance and building.

Varieties of hoya (video)

Hoya lacunosa (concave)

Perennial with long and thick green branches bearing leathery, oval-shaped foliage with a pointed tip and a red chestnut or dark green coloration. Umbrella inflorescences most often consist of twenty flowers, similar to whitish-pink balls with a pleasant aroma. The best varieties Long Leaf, Ruby Sue, Royal Flesh, Escimo and Snowcars.

Hoya carnosa

A succulent, evergreen ornamental shrub that produces beautiful small, five-petalled, hairy flowers, with pinkish or slightly creamy petals, and a cherry-coloured corolla. The foliage is large in size, fleshy type, with a waxy characteristic sheen.

Hoya multiflora

A multi-flowered liana-like variety that needs support. It has decorative foliage and flowers. The foliage is linear-lanceolate, with a very pronounced venation. The flowers are light straw-yellow in color with yellow edging, characterized by a pleasant and light citrus aroma.

Hoya fleshy

Evergreen type, with weak branching liana, which has a brown and smooth stem that becomes woody over time with fleshy, shiny, green leaves. Flowers small sizes, fragrant, collected in fairly large and dense umbellate inflorescences of white and pale pink, or red and purple coloration. With proper care, flowering multiple times a year.

Gallery: wax ivy (25 photos)

Hoya tricolor

Diverse form of decorative perennial, characterized by a fairly high endurance, thick leaves of dark green color with whitish and pink veins. Forms medium-sized and scarlet-colored flowers, collected in flower umbrellas with a bright aroma.

Hoya beautiful (lanceolate)

A tree, or rather a strongly branched shrub, with shoots hanging down, which explains the cultivation in hanging planters or baskets. The foliage is small, ovate-lanceolate, green or variegated. flowers white color, graceful, collected in umbrella inflorescences, formed all year round.

Hoya imperialis (imperialis)

H.imperialis - climbing liana with pubescent shoots and petioles of flowers. The foliage is leathery, smooth, oval in shape, with pointed tops. The flowers are large, dark red in color, with a slight greenish tint and a pleasant and delicate, sweet aroma. Flowering occurs in the first half of summer.

Hoya Locky

Very attractive and popular in our country, ornamental perennial bushy plant. Under conditions of proper and regular care, such the variety is able to delight its owner all year round with numerous snow-white flowers with a very characteristic mother-of-pearl tint.

Hoya Kerry

Lianoid perennial with highly decorative heart-shaped, fleshy foliage and fairly long lashes. Flowers have different color shades, starting from soft pink coloring, to yellowish and lemon tones.

Hoya southern

The variety is very popular with amateur flower growers. and has woody long shoots with rounded, shiny, leathery leaves. Flowers with white, shiny, slightly pubescent petals gather in umbellate inflorescences of raspberry color with a pleasant aroma.

Hoya Thompson

The foliage is oval, with velvety pubescence, grayish-green coloration and silvery spots. The flowers are quite large, snow-white in color, with a reddish-yellow center and star-shaped pointed petals. The flowers exude a delicate jasmine fragrance, bloom late autumn and in winter.

Hoya linear (linearis)

Indoor highly decorative and relatively unpretentious perennial with light green and hairy leaves, as well as pale pink or white flowers, collected in very attractive umbellate inflorescences.

Hoya compacta

The miniature look is represented by many cultivars, but N.s. cvRegalis with two-color leaves, H.c cvLuraLei or MaunaLoa with a yellow central part of the leaves, as well as H.c. cv Marginalis. The variety forms inflorescences in the form of spherical umbrellas with a characteristic pale pink coloration.

Hoya care at home

Lighting, temperature, humidity

At the stage of active growth and rapid development, the plant will need to provide an optimal temperature regime in the range of 17-25 ° C. In winter, it is enough to keep the room temperature at 14-15oC.

Wax ivy needs fairly bright natural light, but is often very difficult to tolerate exposure to direct sunlight in the summer. Good growth is observed when grown as an ampelous plant on the walls of south facing rooms. Indoor humidity levels don't matter much, but the culture is responsive to systematic spraying with water at room temperature.

How to propagate hoya (video)

soil and flower pot

A semi-epiphytic plant needs a fairly loose, permeable soil. Simple universal primers, purchased at a flower shop, are not very suitable for growing wax ivy.

It is also allowed to independently prepare a nutritious planting substrate based on soil for growing cacti and succulents, perlite or vermiculite, crushed sphagnum moss, pine bark and crushed coconut tablets, with the addition of a small amount of charcoal.

The flower pot must have good drainage holes.. Too large, tall or bulky flower pot for wax ivy is not suitable. However, each time it is required to purchase a new pot for transplanting, on the bottom of which it is imperative to pour a good drainage layer.

Wax ivy bloom

To achieve the fastest and very abundant, long flowering, wax ivy needs to be planted in a small flowerpot. Subject to temperature regime, optimal humidity and proper care, an ornamental perennial plant blooms in summer and autumn. Also during the year you can observe repeated, lush flowering.

Watering a houseplant

In the spring and summer, indoor hoya needs to be watered quite plentifully, but severe waterlogging should not be allowed. When carrying out irrigation measures during flowering, it is required to ensure that drops of water do not fall on the flowers. For irrigation, you need to use only well-settled and heated to room temperature water.

top dressing

Starting in early spring and throughout the active growing season, wax ivy is recommended to be fed a couple of times a month. For this purpose, it is advisable to use conventional fertilizers designed to feed any flowering houseplants. Fertilizers are applied to moist soil, which should be carefully loosened after such an event. In winter, fertilizer is not required.

Wax tree propagation methods

Indoor wax tree reproduces in several ways. You can independently grow a decorative perennial from seeds or through cuttings. The second option is the most popular in indoor floriculture.

Reproduction by cuttings

Shanks should be short enough, not more than 10 cm long. Cuttings can be rooted in water or soil, indoors at an air temperature of at least 22 ° C. Rooted cuttings should be regularly sprayed with settled water from a spray bottle.

How to propagate hoya leaf

Petioles at the leaf base, as a rule, contain a certain amount of roots, which is why many amateur flower growers prefer this particular method of reproduction. Cut leaves with petioles are placed in a nutrient soil substrate, but it is first recommended to treat the cut site in water with the addition of phytohormones or root formation stimulants.

About propagation of wax ivy by seeds

Fresh seed material can be used to propagate indoor decorative perennials. To this end seeds need to be dried, then sown in a nutrient soil substrate based on flower soil and sphagnum moss. After about two or three months, the seedlings can be planted in separate planting containers.

About superstitions: is it possible to keep wax ivy at home

Only a few varieties of wax ivy are well adapted to growing in home floriculture, and the most famous among them is Hoya fleshy. However, many flower growers are very wary of cultivating such a beautiful flowering perennial indoors, due to a large number of superstitions.

It is believed that wax ivy brings misfortune. According to flower growers, such a flower is able to drive men out of the house, and also deprives financial well-being. However, many owners of such a flower believe that it helps to pacify envy and is a plant that protects family happiness. As long-term practice shows, the only and most real obstacle to growing a wax tree at home can be considered the presence of a strong allergy to pollen.

How to make hoya bloom

If room ornamental plant does not bloom, then you should, first of all, pay attention to compliance with all growing conditions. Lack of flowering may be the result of getting enough sunlight. You can not install a flower pot far from the window or make any designer fences for indoor flower in the way of lighting.

Important to remember, that wax ivy does not have a dormant period as such, therefore, a timely increase in the length of daylight hours with the help of special lamps helps the plant to fully develop and bloom. Also important factors affecting the flowering of a plant are the size flower pot, type and mode of irrigation measures, wintering conditions, soil characteristics and frequency of top dressing, as well as the age of the ornamental plant.

Features of growing hoya (video)

Diseases and pests of wax ivy

As a result improper care characteristic spots often appear on the foliage of an ornamental perennial. The reason for this phenomenon most often lies in insufficient or excessive lighting. With excessive irrigation or improper fertilization, the leaves often wrinkle the plant, and the root system rots quite quickly.

Diseases on the wax tree are extremely rare, with the exception of powdery mildew. In any case, compliance with the rules of care is the most effective way of prevention, allowing you to keep your pet healthy.

Hoya (Latin name Hoya, folk - wax ivy) is an evergreen plant (liana or shrub) of the Lastovnevye family. In the wild, it can be found on the west coast of Australia, as well as in South and Southeast Asia. It grows mainly in light forest under trees, using trunks as a support. Some types of hoya grow up to 10 meters in length. The inflorescences are umbellate, the diameter of the flower is 1 - 2 centimeters. The exception is hoya "Imperial" - her flowers reach 8 centimeters in diameter. The buds give off a strong fragrance as well as nectar that attracts many insects. Individual flowers can last up to 3 weeks. The plant got its name in honor of the Englishman Thomas Hoy, who devoted his whole life to the study and cultivation of tropical flowers under the Duke of Northumberland.

Hoya "Beautiful" during the flowering period.

Some plant species have been cultivated for indoor or greenhouse conditions.

  • Hoya wax ivy "Fleshy" (Hoya Carnosa) is the most common species among lovers of indoor plants. It belongs to the vines, blooms with medium-sized buds of white, white-pink or raspberry color.
  • Hoya "Beautiful" (Hoya Bella) - shrub species. Reaches 30 centimeters in length. It blooms profusely and for a long time, the buds are white with a raspberry center.
  • Hoya "Lockii" (Lockii) is a bushy plant. With proper care, all year round pleases with snow-white flowers with a mother-of-pearl tint.
  • "Pale" (Hoya Acuta) - curly ivy. The buds have a yellowish tint, they smell like mint or citrus. The inflorescence can have up to 50 buds.
  • "Long-leaved" (Hoya Longifolia) is an epiphytic shrub. It blooms with white flowers with a mild aroma.
  • Hoya "Shepherdii" (Hoya Shepherdii) - refers to vines. The flowers are white with pale pink tips and a red crown. In the inflorescence there are 12 - 15 medium-sized buds.
  • "Pitted" (Lacunosa) - a profusely flowering shrub with leaves on which there are small depressions - pits. The buds are yellow with a greenish tint, fragrant.
  • "Emglore" (Engleriana) is an epiphytic shrub. It blooms with white buds with a red center. In inflorescence 4 - 5 flowers.
  • Hoya "Multiflora" (Multiflora) is a climbing plant with straw-yellow flowers exuding a lemon scent.

Hoya "Locky" wax inflorescences, similar to space rockets.

It is worth noting that it is not difficult to grow hoya at home, it is difficult to achieve its flowering. The most common of the above varieties are "Karnoza" and "Bella". Subject to all the norms and rules for care, you can achieve abundant and long flowering. Only professionals and collectors undertake the cultivation of other varieties. Home care involves constant monitoring of lighting and air temperature.

Choosing a place for hoya

In order not to wonder why the hoya does not bloom, you need to remember that it is impossible to release buds in dark rooms. Wax ivy loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The best option will put a flower on the western or eastern windowsill. In the summer, be sure to ensure that the leaves do not come into contact with the window. They may get burned. If the windows of your apartment are only on the south side, be sure to shade the plant, make sure that the light falling from the window is diffused.

The temperature of the air in the room is also very important in the care of the hoya. During a period of active growth optimum temperature 18 - 25 degrees, during the rest period - 16 - 18 degrees. Wax (hoya "Karnoza") can also winter at a lower temperature - from 12 degrees. Too much warm room winter can lead to problems with flowering.

Water procedures and top dressing

As for air humidity, it does not really matter for growing hoya. The exception is the variety "Beautiful" - it grows better in a humid room. On hot days, it is advisable to spray the leaves with settled water. If size allows, you can completely bathe the plant by placing it in a tub or basin of warm water. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the root system and refreshes the flower. But it can be done no more than three times a year.

For irrigation, settled or purified water is also used. The plant tolerates a lack of moisture well in winter, but an excess of it will lead you to the question of why the hoya does not bloom. For timely flowering, watering during the dormant period should be scarce - once every 3 weeks is enough. In summer, water procedures are carried out as the soil dries completely.

Starting from March and throughout the growing season, it is necessary to feed the plant with special fertilizers. It is better to buy them in a specialized store. Top dressing is carried out 2 times a month, at the end of November they are suspended.

Transplant Secrets

Any of the hoya varieties is rarely transplanted - about once every 3 years. mature plant maybe once every 5 years. If you want to get a decorative flower with bright leaves and shoots, you need to take a spacious pot. A close container is needed to stimulate flowering. In both the first and second cases, a prerequisite is the presence of a drainage layer and a hole in the bottom of the pot.

Hoya at rest, after transplanting into a new pot.

Hoya must be transplanted into a new pot. Before use, it is desirable to wash it using products that do not contain chlorine. The soil is bought or made independently. It is necessary to take: part of the leafy earth, part of the humus, 2 parts of the clay-soddy earth. You can add a little peat, charcoal and coarse sand. Small-leaved hoya species, such as "Bella" or "Emglore" can grow in a mixture of peat and sphagnum. And some do just fine in hydroponics.

Reproduction by cuttings

Indoor hoya flower is easiest to propagate by cuttings. It is better to cut the cuttings in the spring, at the moment the plant leaves the dormant period. It is better to take last year's shoots. For propagation, cuttings with two or three internodes are suitable. Smaller shoots can also be rooted. Especially if they belong to varieties with large leaves.

The easiest way to root is to place the cutting in a glass of water, after treating its tip with Kornevin. You can also germinate the cutting in a special substrate. There are two ways to make soil.

Option number 1:

  • moss or peat;
  • vermiculite or perlite;
  • polystyrene or small expanded clay.

Take 1 part of each ingredient.

Option #2:

  • 3/5 of the planting soil;
  • 1/5 part of perlite;
  • 1/5 part of small expanded clay.

Hoya cuttings with sprouted roots, ready for planting.

Containers for young plants are selected according to your desire. It can be small clay pots, disposable cups, plastic containers. To create a thermal effect, improvised greenhouses are used: a cut plastic bottle, glass jar or just a piece of polyethylene. Once a day it is necessary to open the cuttings for ventilation. As soon as the plant begins to grow, you can transplant it to a permanent place of residence.

Propagation by air layering

This method is not popular, but very unusual. The shoot with a large number of adventitious root primordia is wrapped with wet sphagnum and covered with a film. Further, this entire structure must be wrapped with a thread.

After about 14 days, roots should appear at the place of the winding. The main thing is not to forget to moisturize the moss every day. The shoot with new roots must be cut off and planted in a separate pot, the moss can not be removed.

We give the plant a beautiful shape

Hoya "Karnosa", held by a special device.

The crown is formed by pinching every fourth leaf. Shoots that have grown too long are cut off - this contributes to abundant and intense flowering. For support, twine is used, which is attached to a window or wall.

You can purchase a special support in the store. It is a plastic or metal ring mounted on props. The structure is stuck into the ground, a plant is carefully placed in the middle of the rings. The pot in this case should be heavy enough so that the flower does not fall on its side.

Diseases, pests and other growing problems

Red spider mite on hoya leaves.

Hoya is rarely attacked by insects and diseases. However, unsuitable conditions can provoke troubles of the following kind.

  • Infection with a scab or red spider mite - the plant is hot, the air is too dry. The treatment is carried out with the drug "Aktellik" or another insecticidal agent.
  • Root nematode - the disease is carried along with the soil. To avoid infection, it is advisable to steam the ground before transplanting.
  • Spots on the leaves - an excess or lack of light.
  • Lightening of the leaves and very slow development - lack of fertilizer.
  • Why hoya does not bloom - there is little light or a room that is too hot in winter.
  • Hoya has bloomed, but the buds are crumbling - too dry and hot. Also, the movement of the flower during this period leads to dropping. While it blooms, it is better not to touch the pot at all.

Almost all hoya varieties exude a strong aroma. Therefore, people prone to allergies, it is better not to grow such a plant. Or purchase it as a green decoration and prevent it from blooming by settling it in a dimly lit room. The juice of the leaves contains a mild toxin, you do not need to install the flower where it will be available to children or pets.

Hoya is quite an expensive houseplant. A full-fledged flower is a rare guest in stores. Many flower growers acquire germinated cuttings and plant them themselves. The cost of cuttings varies from 150 to 300 rubles, depending on the variety. The price of an already grown plant starts from 1500 rubles.

Hoya fleshy (Noya carnosa) is a climbing succulent evergreen shrub plant belonging to the genus Hoya (Noya) and the Kutrovye family (Arosynaseae). A popular indoor flower is preferred to grow at home by many amateur flower growers.

Currently, a fairly large number of species and varieties are well known, which differ mainly in the shape and color of the foliage. Flowers, most often, are similar in appearance and structure.

Varieties of hoya (video)

Hoya lacunosa (concave)

Perennial with long and thick green branches bearing leathery, oval-shaped foliage with a pointed tip and a red chestnut or dark green coloration. Umbrella inflorescences most often consist of twenty flowers, similar to whitish-pink balls with a pleasant aroma. The best varieties are Long Leaf, Ruby sue, Royal Flesh, Escimo and Snowcars.

Hoya lacunosa (concave)

Hoya carnosa

A succulent, evergreen ornamental shrub that produces beautiful small, five-petalled, hairy flowers, with pinkish or slightly creamy petals, and a cherry-coloured corolla. The foliage is large in size, fleshy type, with a waxy characteristic sheen.

Hoya multiflora

A multi-flowered liana-like variety that needs support. It has decorative foliage and flowers. The foliage is linear-lanceolate, with a very pronounced venation. The flowers are light straw-yellow in color with yellow edging, characterized by a pleasant and light citrus aroma.

Hoya multiflora

Hoya fleshy

Evergreen type, with weak branching liana, which has a brown and smooth stem that becomes woody over time with fleshy, shiny, green leaves. The flowers are small, fragrant, collected in fairly large and dense umbellate inflorescences of white and pale pink, or red and purple coloration. With proper care, flowering multiple times a year.

Gallery: wax ivy (25 photos)

Hoya tricolor

Diverse form of decorative perennial, characterized by a fairly high endurance, thick leaves of dark green color with whitish and pink veins. Forms medium-sized and scarlet-colored flowers, collected in flower umbrellas with a bright aroma.

Hoya tricolor

Hoya beautiful (lanceolate)

A tree, or rather a highly branched shrub, with shoots hanging down, which explains growing in hanging pots or baskets. The foliage is small, ovate-lanceolate, green or variegated. The flowers are white, graceful, collected in umbellate inflorescences, formed all year round.

Hoya imperialis (imperialis)

H.imperialis is a climbing vine with pubescent shoots and petioles of flowers. The foliage is leathery, smooth, oval in shape, with pointed tops. The flowers are large, dark red in color, with a slight greenish tint and a pleasant and delicate, sweet aroma. Flowering occurs in the first half of summer.

Hoya imperialis (imperialis)

Hoya Locky

Very attractive and popular in our country, ornamental perennial bushy plant. Under conditions of proper and regular care, such the variety is able to delight its owner all year round with numerous snow-white flowers with a very characteristic mother-of-pearl tint.

Hoya Kerry

Lianoid perennial with highly decorative heart-shaped, fleshy foliage and fairly long lashes. Flowers have different color shades, starting from soft pink coloring, to yellowish and lemon tones.

Hoya Kerry

Hoya southern

The variety is very popular with amateur flower growers. and has woody long shoots with rounded, shiny, leathery leaves. Flowers with white, shiny, slightly pubescent petals gather in umbellate inflorescences of raspberry color with a pleasant aroma.

Hoya Thompson

The foliage is oval, with velvety pubescence, grayish-green coloration and silvery spots. The flowers are quite large, snow-white in color, with a reddish-yellow center and star-shaped pointed petals. The flowers exude a delicate jasmine aroma, bloom in late autumn and winter.

Hoya Thompson

Hoya linear (linearis)

Indoor highly decorative and relatively unpretentious perennial plant with light green and hairy leaves, and pale pink or white flowers, collected in very attractive umbellate inflorescences.

Hoya compacta

The miniature look is represented by many cultivars, but N.s. cvRegalis with two-color leaves, H.c cvLuraLei or MaunaLoa with a yellow central part of the leaves, as well as H.c. cv Marginalis. The variety forms inflorescences in the form of spherical umbrellas with a characteristic pale pink coloration.

Hoya compacta

Hoya care at home

Lighting, temperature, humidity

At the stage of active growth and rapid development, the plant will need to provide an optimal temperature regime in the range of 17-25 ° C. In winter, it is enough to keep the room temperature at 14-15oC.

Wax ivy needs fairly bright natural light, but is often very difficult to tolerate exposure to direct sunlight in the summer. Good growth is observed when grown as an ampelous plant on the walls of south facing rooms. Indoor humidity levels don't matter much, but the culture is responsive to systematic spraying with water at room temperature.

How to propagate hoya (video)

soil and flower pot

A semi-epiphytic plant needs a fairly loose, permeable soil. Simple universal soils purchased at a flower shop are not very suitable for growing wax ivy.

It is also allowed to prepare a nutritious planting substrate on the basis of soil for growing cacti and succulents, perlite or vermiculite, crushed sphagnum moss, pine bark and crushed coconut tablets, with the addition of a small amount of charcoal.

The flower pot must have good drainage holes.. Too large, tall or bulky flower pot for wax ivy is not suitable. However, each time it is required to purchase a new pot for transplanting, on the bottom of which it is imperative to pour a good drainage layer.

Wax ivy needs plenty of natural light.

Wax ivy bloom

To achieve the fastest and very abundant, long flowering, wax ivy needs to be planted in a small flowerpot. Subject to the temperature regime, optimal humidity and proper care, an ornamental perennial plant blooms in summer and autumn. Also during the year you can observe repeated, lush flowering.

Watering a houseplant

In the spring and summer, indoor hoya needs to be watered quite plentifully, but severe waterlogging should not be allowed. When carrying out irrigation measures during flowering, it is required to ensure that drops of water do not fall on the flowers. For irrigation, you need to use only well-settled and heated to room temperature water.

top dressing

Starting in early spring and throughout the active growing season, wax ivy is recommended to be fed a couple of times a month. For this purpose, it is advisable to use conventional fertilizers designed to feed any flowering houseplants. Fertilizers are applied to moist soil, which should be carefully loosened after such an event. In winter, fertilizer is not required.

To achieve the fastest and very abundant, long flowering, wax ivy needs to be planted in a small flowerpot.

Wax tree propagation methods

Indoor wax tree reproduces in several ways. You can independently grow a decorative perennial from seeds or through cuttings. The second option is the most popular in indoor floriculture.

Reproduction by cuttings

Shanks should be short enough, not more than 10 cm long. Cuttings can be rooted in water or soil, indoors at an air temperature of at least 22 ° C. Rooted cuttings should be regularly sprayed with settled water from a spray bottle.

How to propagate hoya leaf

Petioles at the leaf base, as a rule, contain a certain amount of roots, which is why many amateur flower growers prefer this particular method of reproduction. Cut leaves with petioles are placed in a nutrient soil substrate, but it is first recommended to treat the cut site in water with the addition of phytohormones or root formation stimulants.

About propagation of wax ivy by seeds

Fresh seed material can be used to propagate indoor decorative perennials. To this end seeds need to be dried, then sown in a nutrient soil substrate based on flower soil and sphagnum moss. After about two or three months, the seedlings can be planted in separate planting containers.

Hoya cuttings should be short enough, no more than 10 cm long

About superstitions: is it possible to keep wax ivy at home

Only a few varieties of wax ivy are well adapted to growing in home floriculture, and the most famous among them is Hoya fleshy. However, many flower growers are very wary of cultivating such a beautiful flowering perennial indoors, due to a large number of superstitions.

It is believed that wax ivy brings misfortune. According to flower growers, such a flower is able to drive men out of the house, and also deprives financial well-being. However, many owners of such a flower believe that it helps to pacify envy and is a plant that protects family happiness. As long-term practice shows, the only and most real obstacle to growing a wax tree at home can be considered the presence of a strong allergy to pollen.

How to make hoya bloom

If the indoor ornamental plant does not bloom, then you should, first of all, pay attention to compliance with all growing conditions. Lack of flowering may be the result of getting enough sunlight. You can not install a flower pot far from the window or make any designer fences for indoor flower in the way of lighting.

Important to remember, that wax ivy does not have a dormant period as such, therefore, a timely increase in the length of daylight hours with the help of special lamps helps the plant to fully develop and bloom. Also important factors affecting the flowering of a plant are the size of the flower pot, the type and mode of irrigation measures, wintering conditions, soil characteristics and the frequency of top dressing, as well as the age of the ornamental plant.

Features of growing hoya (video)

Diseases and pests of wax ivy

As a result of improper care, characteristic spots often appear on the foliage of an ornamental perennial. The reason for this phenomenon most often lies in insufficient or excessive lighting. With excessive irrigation or improper fertilization, the leaves often wrinkle the plant, and the root system rots quite quickly.

This amazing flower is distinguished by fragrant buds, reminiscent of exquisite porcelain crafts that decorate home interior. In addition, the varieties of hoya are amazing, since each of them has its own uniqueness. According to some reports, scientists in nature, there are more than three hundred of its names.

An exotic plant belongs to the Lastovnevye family. In its natural environment, it is found in India, China, Myanmar (former Burma). It gracefully wraps around the trunks of majestic trees. It spreads with a soft blanket on rocky slopes and edges of moist forests. A truly amazing plant!

The flower owes its name to the famous gardener, who was engaged in the study and selection of exotics - T. Hoya. In Europe, the plant is mainly cultivated as an indoor flower of extraordinary beauty. Wax liana is rightly called a majestic guest from the distant tropics, who won the hearts of flower lovers. Consider the varieties of hoya, photos and plant names in order to choose the right option for you.

For the first time, wax ivy was recorded in 1810 by the British biologist R. Brown. He gave the name to this exotic plant, which is relevant to this day.

In the fragrant environment of flowers

Of course, every person likes to be surrounded by virgin nature. Unfortunately, urban residents do not always succeed. Therefore, they try to create an oasis of beauty in their living space. Great idea- consider varieties of hoya to appreciate the splendor of this indoor flower.


To create an interior in a residential area, you can use various indoor plants. The ideal option is the exotic Kerry hoya flower. The plant was first discovered in 1911 in the northern regions of Thailand by the American professor A. Kerry. This pretty species of ivy was named after him.

The main feature of the flower is huge, up to 15 cm in length and width, fleshy leaves in the shape of a heart. For such an unusual charm, they began to call him "Valentine". In addition to exotic leaf plates, the plant throws out buds in an umbrella inflorescence, which come in the following shades:

  • citric;
  • yellowish;
  • pink;
  • white with a barely perceptible shade of yellow.

In each group, there are about 20 buds that exude a pleasant aroma. When nectar appears on the flowers, the petals turn dark. It can be red-brown or deep pink. Its graceful hanging shoots, decorated with porcelain buds and succulent foliage, will make a residential abode a charming oasis of comfort.

Observations of botanists show that the color of the buds is not the last influence. The larger it is, the richer the petals of the flower.

To date, biologists know such varieties of hoya of this variety:

Each subspecies is characterized by dense leaves of a fleshy nature. The coloring of the buds can be:

  • white;
  • pink;
  • red;
  • yellow.

Adult specimens emit droplets of nectar that exude a persistent caramel aroma.


The flower belongs to the plants of the ampelous nature. It was brought to Europe from India, although it is also found in other tropical countries. The beautiful hoya shown in the photo grows successfully in room conditions, where the humidity level often changes. It is a compact shrub with curly shoots covered with many thickened ovoid leaves.

In the summer, inflorescences appear on the plant in the form of a glamorous umbrella, covered with many snow-white buds. The center of each of them is decorated with a wax crown, consisting of five purple-red slices.

This type of hoya exudes a subtle aroma, so it is placed in any part of the living space.

Many gardeners like to grow subspecies of this wax vine:

The flower throws out buds at the tips of climbing shoots. Therefore, it is desirable to plant it in special pots for climbing plants.


A fanciful variety of an ampelous flower for interior decoration is Hoya Lakunoza. Its dark green foliage grows up to 5 cm long, despite the fact that the edges of the plate are slightly twisted. Young falling stems are reddish-brown. It is on them that flower stalks appear.

Inflorescences in the form of umbrellas consist of many buds (the average number is 20 pieces). They are located on a fleecy base with purple splashes.
The oval crown is most often white, although it is also found with a cream tint.

Hoya Lacunosa exudes two dissimilar aromas. During the day it smells of cloves, at night - spicy incense.

Biologists classify several subspecies of such ivy:

This type of wax liana blooms for about a week, filling the room with a heady exotic aroma.


A particularly popular view among lovers of exotic plants is the Fleshy Hoya. In nature, it is found on the territory of such countries:

  • India;
  • China;
  • Japan;
  • Vietnam;
  • Malaysia.

Despite this, the flower successfully takes root in countries with a cold climate, only as a houseplant. Even under such conditions, it reaches a length of about 6 m. Therefore, they make a support in the form of a ring for it, so that thin shoots wrap around it.

Biologists note other varieties of hoya, photos of which are proof of the popularity of this flower. Here are some of them:


The flower has original leaf plates. At first they are painted red, and over time they acquire a yellow tint. The green edging remains unchanged throughout the life of the plant.


In the photo, the hoya "Carnosa Variegata" is shown in at its best. Her "stylish" pink buds with snow-white edging attract Special attention succulent fans.


In such a liana, the middle part of the leaf plate, as a rule, yellow color. If you look closely, you can see how it smoothly turns into a green border.

Crimson Queen

The highlight of the variety is the buds. They are painted in a rich pink color. And their edging is pale pink, which gives the flower an unprecedented tenderness.


This species is also called - "Hoya Imperialis" or "Majestic". In nature, it grows on the territory of the picturesque island of Malacca in the form of a climbing shrub. Her graceful shoots are slightly pubescent. On the sides are oblong oval-shaped leaves with pointed tips. They reach a length of 20 cm. Their surface is smooth, which gives them an artsy originality.

During the period of lush flowering, spherical umbrellas consisting of 10 buds hang from curly shoots. Each of them has the following features:

  • length - 20 cm;
  • outer color - yellow-green;
  • internal - dark red;
  • pubescent crown - in the form of a five-pointed star.

Hoya Magnificent exudes a pleasant fruity aroma, so it is advisable to grow it in a well-ventilated area.

Depending on the coloring of the buds, scientists distinguish many subspecies of such wax ivy:

The plant grows wonderfully high temperature air. Therefore, it is important to ensure that it does not fall below 20 degrees.

Original varieties of hoya for home exotics

As practice shows, the wax liana has become one of the most attractive succulents of our time. This porcelain miracle is valued for unpretentious care, exquisite beauty and delicate aroma. A huge number of varieties of hoya is amazing, but some of them are truly magnificent. Consider varieties that are unique and unique in order to become forever her loyal fans.


This cute waxy original leaves:

  • size - medium;
  • shape - oval;
  • tips are pointed;
  • the surface is a contrasting pattern of blue veins.

The buds of hoya "Kalimantan" are painted in ruby ​​​​color. When fully opened, they exude a smell reminiscent of bergamot. Such a plant grows wonderfully in a tight container and loves a lot of light.


In its natural environment, the flower grows at a height of about 25 m above the ground. Hoya Lokki is carefully protected by Vietnamese law from destruction, since there are about 50 such wax ivy in the wild. Despite this, the flower is grown at home. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that throughout the whole year it is strewn with mother-of-pearl white buds with a chocolate aroma.


This pretty flower loves shady places. No wonder growing it indoors is a pleasure. Hoya "Lazianta" has pointed leaf plates covered with gray patches. On the pubescent corolla, bright yellow flowers are formed, exuding a tart fruity aroma of exotic fruits.

In order for the hoya to bloom all year round, it is desirable to maintain humidity in the container and looseness of the soil.


In nature, this type of ivy is found in the virgin forests of India and China. It grows mainly on the trunks and large branches of trees. Therefore, indoor hoya Globulose needs an artificial support made of wooden rods.

The plant has large inflorescences, consisting of many buds of pale yellow color. A distinctive feature of the flower is pubescent climbing stems. Over time, the villi fall off, and the shoots become woody.

The flower should be grown in a cool room with high level humidity.


Amazing beauty ampelous plant will appeal to many flower growers. It has emerald-colored leaves covered with a graceful veiny mesh. Unlike its relatives, the Fitchi Hoya plate is not covered with villi, therefore it has a glossy surface.

The color of the buds depends on the intensity of the light flux. She may be:

  • hot pink;
  • cream;
  • pale pink.

The crown of the flower is always pinkish white. There are about 25 "porcelain" buds in the inflorescence. The plant prefers high humidity therefore needs frequent watering. The temperature in the room should not be less than 18 degrees.


An epiphytic plant hanging from rocks, distinguished by bare shoots with bright green foliage. With abundant light, they acquire a purple or reddish hue. Hoya "Nicholson" is characterized by fleshy oval-shaped foliage. The tips of the plate are pointed, which gives it an original look.

Umbrella inflorescences have up to 40 buds of such colors:

  • light yellow;
  • pink;
  • cream;
  • green;
  • red.

Petals of hairless buds reach a length of only 7 mm. Their edges are slightly wrapped in the opposite direction. The crown is dyed white. A truly majestic porcelain flower. It is quite possible to grow such beauty, since hoya is an unpretentious plant.

Hoyi collection in the home garden - video

Hoya carnosa among the people has several names: fleshy hoya, wax, wax ivy. Liana comes from tropical forests, where it wraps around trees and weaves high up. The plant has waxy thick leaves and inflorescences in the form of umbrellas or balls, consisting of many beautiful, often hairy flowers. It is for the unusual color that the plant conquers everything. more fans. To fully enjoy the color, you should properly care for the flower.

There are many varieties of hoya, of which several are quite famous and common.

Hoya Kerry stands out, which is sometimes also called a valentine or a lover due to the heart-shaped leaves.

Reproduction methods

There are a number of ways to propagate hoya carnosa of varying degrees of difficulty and efficiency: cuttings, seeds and from a leaf.

Reproduction by cuttings

Most simple and common way hoya breeding at home is propagation by cuttings.

Cuttings are carried out in spring or autumn, during the growing season - these are not the only, but optimal periods. The stalk must be cut from last year's minimum shoot, it can be older, but not younger. Young cuttings from the tops of the shoots take root poorly, their tissues are still weak and rot.

To get a cutting, you need to take a fragment of an escape with two nodes and two pairs of leaves- length 2-3 cm. The roots do not appear under the node, but between the nodes, so the cut must be done in such a way that there is room for the roots to grow.