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Low-growing unpretentious perennials for summer cottages with photos and descriptions. Flowers for a flower bed - blooming all summer, undersized, annuals, perennials - photo with names, scheme

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Everyone who breaks a flower garden must think about the combination of colors in the flower bed: someone likes monochrome compositions in the same colors, while others prefer a riot of colors in a contrasting garden, when all shades of colors are present in one mixborder. Whatever option you decide on - a multi-colored front garden or a plain flower garden - you will have to select suitable plants.

One of the most obvious yet most productive design ideas is the creation of a garden in one or another color scheme. One has only to choose a favorite color and harmonious additions to it.

The impression of a particular color can be weakened or strengthened through various combinations. The perception of color is governed by laws color harmony, which you should familiarize yourself with in order to create truly spectacular and picturesque plant compositions in your garden. Randomly planted flowers and shrubs can backfire, even if you use the best and prettiest ones.

Creating monochrome gardens and flower beds is far from a new trend in design development. When creating such a garden, one should especially carefully work out the rhythm of the composition in order to avoid monotony. In addition, when creating compositions, one should pay attention not only to the color nuances of the selected plants, but also to their habit and texture, development dynamics, flowering time, preservation of decorativeness after flowering. For a monochrome flower bed, at least three plants of the same species must be planted so that the plantings grow faster, but, of course, you can increase or decrease the number of plants planted depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower garden. Don't expect a flower garden to look spectacular the year you plant it, often the result will have to wait until the next season.

The voids between young plants in flower beds of the same color can be covered with ground cover plants, either small boulders, or flowerpots with annuals of the desired color.

Any composition is constantly changing: some plants are just emerging, others are already blooming, and others are already fading. In order for the flower garden to always look beautiful and well-groomed, inflorescences that begin to fade should be removed in a timely manner, which also often causes a new wave of flowering.

Each color evokes certain sensations, so a garden or flower bed, sustained in one tone, must correspond to the prevailing moods of its owner. So first decide what suits you best: the thoughtfulness of a blue garden or the elegant lightness of white?

Maybe the temperament of red or the joyful mood of yellow and orange?

Any composition should be diluted with various shades of green. The green color in the flower bed has a calming effect on our nervous system. When you look at green spaces or just walk in a park or forest, harmony arises in your soul not only with yourself, but also with the world around us. You must have noticed it. So, maybe it’s easier to create a garden from shades of green? For example, a coniferous garden. And only occasionally in some places to make blotches of saturated bright colors?

But no matter what combination of colors in the flower garden you choose, for the success of your venture, you need to create your plants good conditions for existence. Most perennials thrive in normal garden soil (i.e. reasonably fertile and near neutral acidity) with good drainage, moderate moisture, and semi-shaded locations.

This page describes the best combinations flowers in a flower bed in monochrome mixborders and contrasting flower beds.

Flower garden in white: a flower bed of perennials

White color- the color of sophistication and elegance, can never get bored. The white mixborder seems light, airy, elegant, and therefore the mood creates a festive, upbeat. It can be located in a conspicuous place, for example, in the front garden, or it can be laid out in a quiet cozy place (separated from the rest of the garden space), where you can retire and dream.

A white flower bed should not be placed in direct sun, it will look inexpressive, and it will also quickly fade. Place white flowers in a shaded place, and their color will brighten this corner, fill it with air and lightness. During the day it will create a feeling of coolness and lightness, and at night, white flowers in the flower bed will mark the boundaries of the site, paths, gazebo, patio.

To create a white flower garden, viburnum or bulldenezh are perfect, blooming in spring with caps of white flowers. Spirea gray, mock orange, blooming in early summer, will take over from them. Derain white and white-edged Potentilla Kuril with white flowers, elegant all summer. On a white perennial flower bed, a tree-like hydrangea, whose lush white inflorescences flaunt the entire second half of summer until late autumn, is also suitable for your white garden - both for a mixborder and planted with an accent. And in the foreground in front of them, undersized polyanthus white roses, lilies, astilbes, panicled gypsophila, white phloxes, large-flowered white bells are quite appropriate.

A border for a flower garden in white tones can be made solid from white-edged hosts or a low Carpathian bell, Alpine arabis (rezuhi). In flowerbeds or separate curtains, different types of chamomiles will perfectly fit into the landscape, for example, large-flowered "Alaska" or terry leucanthemum "Crazy Daisy", echinacea purple "White Swan", gracefully curved branches of white-flowered dicentra.

As shown in the photo, on a white flower bed, tender inflorescences of lilies of the valley and kupena will tell us about the arrival of spring:

Then the soil will be covered with daisies, and they will be replaced with flowers by a bush of a park rose that blooms almost all summer. And when the valerian blooms, its aroma will be added to the aroma of roses.

White flowers for flower beds and mixborders (with photos and names)

An elegant white flower bed can be created by planting perennial daisies different types, white peonies of different flowering periods, pyramidal white phlox, large-flowered perennial white bells, dwarf mock orange, black cohosh, low white delphinium "Galahad", shrubby small-flowered clematis, white-flowered Japanese anemone, daylily with white flowers, cornflower and aquilegia, autumn aster, white polyanthus roses (blooming twice during the summer) and many other plants.

For the earliest flowering in a flower bed in white tones, you can use a group of white tulips, daffodils and small-bulbous (muscari, chionodoxa, birdman), white-blue pushkinia.

When the spring border has faded, flower bed plants such as white violets or other annuals can be planted in its place. An excellent border is obtained from Alpine arabis (rezuha) - blooming wildly in spring for a whole month, and then retaining its original greenery all summer.

Below are photos and names of flowers for a white flower bed:

Yellow flower beds-mixborders

The radiant and bright yellow color makes the garden luxurious and life-affirming. This color visually brings objects closer and attracts attention. It is simply impossible not to notice a yellow or orange flower in the garden! Cheerful colors cheer up, making us smile involuntarily. Sometimes just one stroke of yellow is enough to bring a joyful feeling to the palette of the garden and banish the despondency from the soul, as this cheerful spot causes an involuntary smile. However, it should be diluted with calmer tones, otherwise an excess of yellow colors in the garden can cause a feeling of tension and excessive excitement.

It is better to place a yellow or yellow-orange flower bed in a semi-shady corner of the garden, against the background of a fence or dark greenery, in order to lighten and shade these places.

A small yellow mixborder can be created from Kuril Potentilla bushes with yellow, cream and orange flowers that delight the eye almost all summer. Bushes with different colors of flowers should be alternated with each other. Potentilla easily tolerates a haircut, and therefore is suitable plant for low curbs.

It is not bad to interrupt a continuous line of cinquefoils with high buzulniks (120-150 cm), the Przhevalsky buzulnik is especially beautiful (which prefers partial shade). You can plant shiny rudbeckia bushes next to them, characterized by long late summer and early autumn flowering. By the way, both buzulniks and rudbeckias retain their green outfit after flowering.

In the foreground of such a mixborder, you can plant Japanese spirea with yellow leaf color (for example, ‘Magic Carpet’ varieties). Useful in a yellow flower garden and stonecrop caustic, blooming in early summer, as well as daffodils. Their various varieties you can choose so that these lovely flowers will bloom, replacing each other, for almost two months.

If you want to dilute the yellow scale in autumn, then you can plant Gaillardia with the dark red color of the petals of the Burgundy variety to Rudbeckia, or add a lighter yellow shade of the Zone variety Gaillardia to the bright yellow range.

In the foreground of yellow flower beds, plant yarrow, St. John's wort, coreopsis, loosestrife, evening primrose, and even shorter flowers, such as alissum.

For early spring flowering, yellow chamomile, doronicum, is also suitable. Daylilies, marsh iris, bathing suits, marigold, buttercups look good near the reservoir.

For flowerbeds or individual curtains, a high buzulnik or a jagged buzulnik is more suitable, which, unlike the Przhevalsky buzulnik, prefer places that are exclusively open to the sun.

Heliopsis also prefers sunny places. thickets terry variety rudbeckia "Golden Ball" and tall goldenrod (solidago) may well cover the unsightly neighbor's or your own barn. Plantings of Jerusalem artichoke can also be attached to them.

Elecampane flowers in a tall yellow flower bed should be planted singly, because its "banana" leaves take up too much space.

Keep in mind that all these plants grow and bloom well only in the sun.

Photos and names of flowers for a yellow flower bed

As a single plant or for a sheared green fence in a sunny yellow garden, you can plant a yellow-edged deren or with foliage that is entirely yellow, an euonymus, the brightly colored fruits of which adorn the garden all winter. But just keep in mind that there are several types of euonymus and not all of them are beautiful.

For a pink-red flower garden with a yellow-green (lime) tint, fit:

Flower garden in pink tones: what flowers are suitable for a flower bed (with photo)

Pink flowers excite the imagination, but at the same time soothe, casting a romantic mood. When creating a pink flower garden, you need to know that there is a cold pink and a warm pink tone and they do not fit well with each other, so pay attention to this. It is best to limit yourself to one tone, then there will be no problems.

Roses, peonies, large-leaved and panicled hydrangeas, astilbes, Japanese spireas, thyme, various types of carnations, lilies, chrysanthemums, purple echinacea, stockroses, perennial mallow, yarrows can make up the pink range in the flower bed.

Pay attention to the photo - in a pink flower bed you can plant shrubs such as a variety of rhododendrons, elderberry with pink flowers and pale pink lilac:

As a border for a flower bed in pink tones, arabis alpine with pink flowers, awl-shaped phlox is perfect.

In summer, the sultans of the meadowsweet, Rogersia will bloom, a little later - the caps of the panicled phlox, and then the hydrangeas. Until the very frosts, blooming heathers and a prominent stonecrop will delight the eye.

Not to please yourself headache, instead of real roses, excellent flowers for a pink flower bed will be park roses(terry rose hips), blooming twice a season, unpretentious low-growing polyanthus roses, such as the Angel Wings variety. All of the above plants practically do not require fertile soil and much care, do not need winter shelter and grow well.

For a flower garden in pink tones are suitable:

Suitable for a pink monochrome flower garden T:

Flower garden in blue tones: photos and names of flowers for a blue flower bed

blue flower garden- This is a mixborder designed in blue, blue, lavender and purple tones. Blue and blue colors create a feeling of peace, satisfaction with life. They relax, cause a feeling of comfort and stability. These are the colors of the sky and the sea, air and light, they personify the eternal values ​​of the world. And at the same time, dark lilacs and purples can be worrisome.

WITH blue flowers all shades of white harmonize perfectly in the flower bed. They combine yellow and orange tones, which can be planted in small bright spots among a blue mixborder or rabatka.

The decorative effect of the blue flower garden largely depends on the lighting, that is, how well the landing site is chosen. The blue flower garden cannot be arranged in the shade. Plant at least three seedlings of each plant, this will allow your flower bed or mixborder to take on the proper look faster. In the first or second year, the effect can be very modest, but give your plantings time to grow, then the monochrome flower bed will appear before you in all its sophisticated, elegant beauty.

For a blue "thoughtful" flower bed, bells of various types are suitable. Low-growing plants for the foreground or ground cover: platycodon, gentian, liverwort, backache, viola, periwinkle, creeping tenacious. Large-leaved hydrangea will look very impressive as flowers for a blue flower bed in the background (the blue color of the flowers depends on the presence of iron in the soil, and therefore do not forget to water the soil with a weak solution iron sulphate otherwise the flowers will be pink). Aconite and delphiniums will perfectly keep her company in the background.

Veronica oak can be used as a ground cover flower for a blue flower bed, covering all bald spots and bare spots of earth between plants. In spring and early summer, it forms a solid blue carpet, and the rest of the time it will retain its green cover. In spring, sometimes small-bulb flowers also decorate such a garden: chionodox Lucilia, muscari, pushkinia, blueberry, hyacinth, and later - purple tulips.

Below are photos and names of flowers for a blue flower bed:

For the height of summer and the beginning of autumn, spikelet liatris, New Belgian aster, long-leaved veronica and blue cornflowers, both annual and perennial, are suitable.

As shown in the photo, perennial bows are also suitable for a blue flower bed, which will decorate the mixborder in spring and early summer:

Crocus autumn (colchicum) will extend the life of the flower bed in the fall. In the blue garden, the most common forget-me-not will also be in its place, as well as its relatives brunner and ankhuz. And of course, a whole range of blue and blue phlox, Siberian and bearded irises, reticulated iris, campanula. There is a beautiful plant of monarda (bergamot), or, as it is also called, Japanese mint. Its double-shaped original flowers always attract the eye. Many people know that it comes in red and Pink colour, but few have seen her with purple and white flowers.

The purple monarda itself does not make much of an impression, but it will immediately sparkle in a flower bed in blue tones, like a precious amethyst, as soon as an aster with a bright yellow center and light lilac marginal petals appears in its environment.

Yellow flowers next to a purple monarda will also immediately make you pay attention to it! In the background of the mixborder, you can plant a spectacular Perovskaya with blue or lavender flowers and gray-blue foliage, stiff, erect stems 120–150 cm high.

There are enough plants with blue and blue flowers in the modern assortment so that you can create your own unique mixborder or flower garden in blue, purple or blue tones.

See how spectacular the blue flower beds are in these photos:

Red flower garden and photo of flower beds with scarlet flowers

The basis color solution red flower garden- red, crimson, orange-red colors of shrubs and perennial flowers. There are as many red flowers as there are blue ones, so it’s not so difficult to make a mixborder or a flower bed where red flowers predominate, besides, all shades of red, like raspberry, are perfectly combined with each other.

Red color strongly excites the nervous system, and therefore the influence of red color should be muffled with more gently colored colors. A contrasting combination with white does not change the temperament of the red color and its active impact on the emotional mood. In addition, you need to know that on a green background, the red color becomes more intense.

It is better not to arrange pure red monochrome flower beds, since large red spots can cause some irritation. If you are easily excitable - do not get carried away with red, it is better to use different shades crimson. But on the other hand, a flower bed with red flowers cheers up, increases efficiency, which is associated with the activation of all body functions.

As a rule, red flowers prefer a sunny location, but may well bloom well in partial shade.

The basis of the spring composition in a red flower bed, of course, is scarlet tulips. Then crimson peonies bloom. And then a whole cascade of red tones: gravel, lychnis, monarda, poppies, carnations, astilba, daylilies. Such red flowers for flower beds as dahlias, gladiolus, phloxes are very beautiful.

The next section of the article presents photos and plant names for green flower beds.

Flower garden with green plants: photos and names of flowers for a flower bed

Green color has a calming effect on the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, increases efficiency. All gardeners know about this feature of green color firsthand, but from their own experience. They come to the garden barely alive, but return, having plowed 10–12 hours a day on their native hundred square meters, fresh and cheerful.

Green color has many shades that allow you to make harmonious and varied compositions for the eye.

Green color has an interesting feature of visually approaching or receding. It fades into the background when combined with warm tones. So, flowers of red and yellow color in a green flower garden seem closer and brighter to us, and cold blue and purple, in harmony with green, visually bring the green background closer to us. Dark green foliage enhances the saturation of soft pinks and light reds. Bluish foliage in a green flower bed creates a backdrop that looks great against blue flowers. In addition, blue-green foliage pairs well with silver or gold.

As you can see in the photo, plants with silver foliage (for example, silver goof) will literally shine in a green flower bed if blue or pale purple flowers are planted around or under them:

Yellowish-green leaves complement plants with apricot and yellow flowers, make up contrasting combinations with blue, pink, lilac flowers.

Look at the photo - you can surround the flower bed with green coniferous plants, placing among them rhododendrons, hydrangeas of various types, ferns:

All of them require the same conditions for their prosperous existence as coniferous plants. And by all means, contrasting plants with red-brown foliage (for example, hawthorn, barberry, as well as vesicle varieties with brown foliage) should be placed among green plants.

You can use not only flowers for a green flower bed, but also creepers, for example, girlish or Amur grapes, whose autumn outfit will create a great contrast with conifers. Small patches of reds and yellows will enliven the landscape. Bushes of red viburnum and rowan trees will also not be superfluous, and the bush of black elderberry ‘Aurea’ will turn out to be the very highlight that will give the site originality.

Tall conifers are not suitable for small garden, and therefore it is necessary to plant dwarfs from this vast department of the plant kingdom, as well as bush and weeping forms. When purchasing coniferous plants, be sure to ask if these species and varieties are suitable for your region, if they are afraid of sunburn, and most importantly, what are their true sizes, so as not to be disappointed later.

However, a green garden can be created not only from coniferous plants. There is a large selection of dwarf deciduous plants, as well as a great variety of various shrubs with beautiful foliage and painted by nature in a wide variety of shades of green. Perennials - Goryanka, cuff, spurge, nomad, hoof, bergenia, ostrich, shield ... They all have different shades of green foliage: swamp, lettuce, olive, bottle, emerald, so in combination they can make a beautiful green border. Shrubs with silver or yellow-green foliage will look great in the background.

In a green garden there should not be too many types of plants, in addition, there should be a few flowers, but always exquisite, which should be planted in separate curtains, and therefore no multi-colored flower beds. A green garden, especially a coniferous one, is a solemn garden.

Variegated flower beds in a contrasting garden

Scientists have long established that color affects a person much more than smell, taste or sound. That is why, especially on a small garden plot, you should take seriously the right combination of plants with different colors so that the garden evokes visual harmony, and not vice versa.

As is well known, sunlight with the help of an ordinary glass trihedral prism is decomposed into seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. But the human eye in this spectrum is able to distinguish 16 shades of red, 29 orange and yellow, 30 green, 18 blue, 5 blue, 30 violet and 30 purple!

The simplest color division is the selection from the spectrum of three so-called primary ones: red, blue, yellow, and three additional ones obtained by mixing each two of the three primary ones. As a result of such mixing, additional colors are obtained to each of the main ones. So, green, obtained by mixing blue and yellow, will be complementary to red. Purple is complementary to yellow, obtained by mixing blue and red. Orange is complementary to blue, obtained by mixing red and yellow.

Primary and secondary colors, generally speaking, should cancel each other out and give a gray color. Further mixing of pairs of neighboring colors with each other gives six more shades: red-orange, yellow-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green and yellow-green. Having even the simplest circle of three primary and three additional colors, you can quickly make harmonious combinations of plants.

The main compositional means for flower beds planted by color are contrast and nuance. The primary colors - red, blue and yellow - have the most pronounced differences, and therefore their combinations are called the main harmonious contrast.

Contrasts can be not only in color (primary and secondary), but also in saturation (pure and mixed colors) or light (dark and light colors). Red color is combined not only with green or white, but with blue and yellow. All cold colors are well complemented by warm ones: blue and blue - yellow, orange, red. Violet - yellow and orange and all their shades.

Psychophysiologists believe that blue, purple and dark red colors inhibit physiological functions, and therefore light colors should always be added to their company - white, pink, cream, lemon yellow. Green is in harmony with all the colors of the rainbow. Red flowers optically approach on a white background and recede on a dark one (black or purple), the most contrasting combination in a flower bed is red and blue flowers looks on a neutral (white and gray) background.

The color of blue flowers is brighter when combined in a flower bed with plants with yellow and white flowers. Yellow flowers in compositions with other colors (except red) they always attract the eye and visually come to the fore. But muted yellow-green tones, on the contrary, are a good background for all bright colors.

For a contrasting garden with purple-lilac, yellow and orange flowers, fit:

For a motley flower bed in the form of inflorescences fit:

Low, small-sized flowers that bloom presentably throughout the summer and warm season, become an exquisite decoration of the front garden or flower garden in the yard.

Such ornamental plants are perennial and annual, they do not need complex care, and their successful combination makes it possible to create attractive compositions for the garden, decorate beautiful flower beds and flower beds.

The list of varieties that can bloom throughout the summer is quite large. This list includes both perennials and annuals. Among the wide variety of flowers, the most popular are undersized species, which are characterized by colorful flowering, ease of cultivation and unpretentious care.

We offer you to study the photo with the names of the most popular low-growing flowers for the garden, blooming all summer.


Our compatriots, who are fond of growing flowers in the garden and in the country, prefer the following varieties:

  • gentian;
  • geranium;
  • dahlias;
  • shaving;
  • bells;
  • oak sage;
  • phloxes;
  • gypsophila paniculata;
  • tricolor violet.

But the most favorite plant is the Balkan geranium. The height of the carpeted and creeping species of the Balkan geranium is a maximum of 25 centimeters. The leaves of this ground cover plant are openwork, rich emerald color. With the advent of autumn, the foliage begins to turn yellow and red.

The first flowers appear in early summer, they are fragrant and have a purple and deep red color.

Long-blooming sedum is also popular. Varieties False and Evers do not exceed 20 cm in height. The shoots of this flower are creeping, and the leaves are fleshy, light green in color. The inflorescences are bright pink, shaped like stars.

This video talks about the features of growing sedum:

Another favorite of summer residents perennial- mountaineer related, covering the soil. Its leaves are lanceolate evergreen, the color of the inflorescences is pink, in appearance they resemble ears.

Next on the list of popular perennials that bloom all summer is seaside armeria. Armeria bushes are spherical in shape, the foliage is blue-green, the inflorescences are crimson, located on thin stems.

On many summer cottages you can find lobularia. The maximum height of this plant is 15 centimeters, the stems are thin, the leaves are oval. White-pink flowers, similar to balls, emit a fragrance with honey notes. Flowering continues from June until the arrival of the first autumn frosts.

Crimson arenaria also helps to transform the summer cottage - a clove variety with small stems of a reddish hue and leaves of a rich emerald color. The inflorescences of this plant are star-shaped, of an attractive pinkish color, their beauty can be admired until autumn.

Among the most unpretentious perennials, delighting with their flowering throughout the summer, it is especially worth noting the small bushes of gaillardia. Gaillardia inflorescences are small, terry, saturated orange color with yellow trim. Flowering continues until frost.

Many summer residents fell in love with Gaillardia for its fluffy emerald foliage, collected in a rosette at the roots.

undersized annuals

Ornamental annual plants are often used to decorate the garden area and flower beds in the yard, pleasing with attractive and long flowering. The height of such plants is no more than 30 centimeters.

Such green spaces are in most cases used as carpets for the soil, they provide an opportunity to fill empty seats between rose bushes and others beautiful bushes, organically combined with lawn grass.

For decorating home gardens in the garden, the following annual varieties are most often used:

  • night violet, iberis and nemophila - for flower beds;
  • ageratums - for alpine slides and rockeries;
  • charming daisies - for garden paths, ridges and curb structures.

Breeding annual ornamental plants is the fastest and easiest way to decorate a home garden. Professional landscape designers and ordinary gardeners actively use various types of marigolds and undersized asters to decorate summer cottages. These flowers can be found in almost every dacha.

To decorate the garden area and flower beds in the country, decorative annual flowers are often used, which are popular due to their long and presentable flowering.

We recommend to study: the best varieties weaving and climbing plants for decoration of fences and high structures.

You will find photos and names of garden shade-loving flowers.

The procedure and methods for arranging a pond in a country house with your own hands are described in the article at:

Types of Attractive Undersized Flowers for Front Gardens

Low or, as they are also called, dwarf flowers are classified into light-loving and shade-loving varieties. Small flower beds can be decorated with compositions created from ageratum, colorful asters and rocky alyssum. These flowers go well with verbena, beloved by many gardeners, marigolds, nemesia and flax, as unpretentious as the listed varieties. Plants adapt well to the available conditions and will decorate your site throughout the summer.

Fluffy ageratums will help to aesthetically decorate sunny areas.

Violas are also distinguished by beautiful flowering. Dwarf species of asters bloom no less presentably, among which the Milady variety is the most popular. This variety, in addition to presentable flowering, also has resistance to weather changes.

Among gardeners there are many who prefer plants with large flowers, for example, a low-growing variety of tagetes rejected. Begonias will help to give an aristocratic and luxurious look to the garden.

To arrange colorful accents, it is advised to plant calendula. This dwarf plant with terry or ordinary large flowers is familiar to many, some use it in therapeutic purposes in traditional medicine recipes.

Plants with blue flowers

Miniature and very elegant flowers with pale blue and rich blue inflorescences are in fashion today. In recent years, the celestial gamma has been extremely popular.

With the advent of heat, the following garden ornamental plants expel flowers:

  • pushkinia;
  • ground cover umbilicus;
  • mouse hyacinth;
  • blueberries;
  • brunner;
  • charming forget-me-nots;
  • liverwort;
  • chinodox.

To obtain a decor that will retain its beauty throughout the summer season, experienced gardeners It is advised to give preference to the following varieties:

  1. Perennial aquilegiashade plant with attractive carved foliage and inflorescences in blue tones. The height of dwarf species is no more than 35 centimeters.
  2. bells(these plants are both perennial and annual - depending on the variety) with blue, light purple or bluish flowers that do not lose their beauty for a long time.
  3. Undemanding to care delphiniums. These unpretentious perennials begin to bloom in early June and decorate the site before the arrival of cold weather.
  4. Drought tolerant and sun loving undersized hyssopam. Hyssops tolerate cold well and, in addition to decorating estates, are also used for medicinal purposes, as well as for preparing culinary dishes.
  5. Flax(there are perennial and annual varieties), which needs fertile soil, well warmed by the sun.
  6. Among amateur gardeners there are many who admire irises. Iris are often used to decorate flower beds. Most varieties of irises are undemanding to care for and tolerate cold well. From year to year, they delight the owners of the plots with their colorful flowering.
  7. Cold hardy and hardy aconites, also known as wrestler. These flowers can be planted both in sunny areas and in the shade.
  8. Among the most popular and fastest growing undersized varieties includes another perennial - periwinkle. This plant attracts attention with its brilliant leaves of rich emerald color with a smooth texture and lush bloom.
  9. pygmy veronica- another plant that is perfect for decorating a summer cottage; it is often used to decorate garden flower beds.

From this video you will learn how to properly care for New Zealand delphiniums:

Semi-shrub lavender, belonging to the category of perennials, will be a great solution for flower beds that are located in open, well-lit areas. This plant tolerates heat well and is suitable for regions with an arid climate.

Form a very aesthetic picture Mordovians, supplemented by undersized ornamental grasses. In such a long-flowering composition, you can include a blue variety of chicory, a globular oak, spray chrysanthemums and meadow flowers (sage, geranium, cornflowers).

Probably every summer resident at least once planted in his garden phloxes. There are many varieties of these wonderful blue blooming plants. If you follow the rules for their breeding, then phloxes will retain their attractive appearance for a long time.

With the help of ground cover phlox, you can create a picturesque design of flower beds. These plants can decorate the front garden in front of the house and flower beds in the garden.

On a note! Looking for an ornamental flower bed plant that will delight with colorful and long flowering - pay attention to platycodon. This plant is also called broad bell. Platycodon is very popular, it has attractive buds that will please your eye for a long time, provided you plant it in a well-lit flower bed.

Another garden plant that blooms beautifully and will decorate a flower bed and border area - september days- it's a variety perennial asters with chamomile-like flowers. Below is a photo of this wonderful flower:

Ways to combine low varieties of flowers in the front garden

When decorating a flower bed with undersized flowering plants, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • in the middle of spring, the center of the flower bed is decorated. The middle part is best decorated with agratum (this flower is planted with seedlings) - this will make it possible to form a lush center of the flower arrangement;
  • surrounded by ageratum recommends planting flax ( annual variety). It is sown at the end of April, the most popular variety with burgundy inflorescences "Ruby" and a white variety with the beautiful name "Clear Eyes";
  • flax can be supplemented with a mixture of dwarf asters - they are planted with seedlings in early May. Asters will delight the eye until the second decade of October;
  • it is advisable to start decorating the border area in mid-spring. Borders are most often decorated with shaving - a plant with small inflorescences and lush flowering.

This is one of the possible options for decorating flower beds and flower beds, but you can choose any other. There are many varieties of ornamental plants that bloom throughout the summer, the main thing is to choose the right combination.

Important! When choosing varieties, choose them so that the plants do not interfere with the growth of each other and need approximately the same conditions - only in this case you can create a presentable flower bed decor that will be combined with the overall design of the site.

Experienced gardeners who are fond of growing flowers believe that compositions that include flax, multi-colored asters and meadow cornflowers look the most attractive.

To make the design of the flower garden as presentable as possible, perennials should be combined with undersized annuals.

From this video you will learn about the features of growing phlox:

It is not difficult to beautifully decorate rock gardens, rabatkas and other types of flower beds on the backyard territory. Beautifully flowering perennial and annual undersized plants that cover the soil, in addition to undemanding care, also protect the soil from weeds. Low flowering plantations have a lot of advantages, which is why they are so popular.

Choosing the right decorative plants of small height, you can create original and at the same time harmonious combinations, thanks to which the flower bed will become a highlight in landscape design.

A competent approach to the design of flower beds with dwarf and undersized flowering plants will allow you to create aesthetic compositions that will delight you throughout the warm season.

The florist, as an artist, carefully selects colors and creates paintings, not only on canvases, but on flowerbeds of natural flowers. Nowadays, people increasingly prefer beautiful flower beds in their dachas, instead of traditional vegetable gardens. In the article, we will consider how to choose the right plants to create flower beds in various styles.

The choice of plants for the flower bed

The choice of color when creating flower beds

If you show imagination and take into account the effect that different colors have on the human psyche, you can create flower beds that have a different character. And this is not a stipulation.

  • Flowerbeds grown in orange, red tones are exciting, and can even be somewhat annoying if you look at them for a long time.
  • On the contrary, flower beds in blue and blue tones are calming. An orange-yellow flowerbed looks like a joyful bright sun, and even on cloudy days it will, as it were, illuminate the site.

Usually, when creating flower beds, various combinations of colors are used, sometimes even contrasting, and neutral White color used to smooth them out. For example, combinations look very nice:

  • red with yellow and green
  • purple with yellow
  • blue with orange.

It all depends on the preferences of the gardener.

The influence of site illumination on the choice of plants

Depending on the lighting, flowers for a flower bed of various colors look different.

  • For example, flowers of blue, purple or blue color in partial shade look faded, but in the sun they look spectacular.
  • When choosing flowers for a flower bed, you need to remember that they should bloom at the same time if the flower bed is of a regular type. If an irregular flower bed is created, then the flowering of different species should occur sequentially one after another.

The choice of the type of flowers largely depends on the location of the flower bed.

  • Well-lit areas require flowers that love to grow in the sun.

  • Shade-tolerant plants, such as lilies of the valley, should be planted in a flower bed in partial shade. pansies and forget-me-nots.
    • The perennial hosta also grows best in partial shade. Its decorativeness lies in juicy green, gray-blue or yellowish-variegated leaves, edged with a light border.
    • Unpretentious astilba does not like the bright sun. She has beautiful carved foliage and flowers in the form of fluffy red, pink and white panicles.

  • When choosing flowers, it is necessary to take into account that some of them have different requirements for soil and watering, so it is better to plant flowers in the same flower bed that are similar in their requirements. So, for example, perennial plants, when fed with nitrogen, begin to “fatten”, that is, there will be many leaves and almost no flowers, while bulbous plants, on the contrary, need nitrogen supplements.

Neighborhood of annual and perennial plants

In the same flower bed, many often breed perennials next to annuals and bulbous plants.

  • Bulbs, such as daffodils and tulips, are the earliest bloomers.
  • In early June, biennials begin to bloom. At the same time, certain types of perennials bloom, for example, peonies and irises.

  • Flowering annuals occur mainly in July and August.

The most common types of flower beds


A mixborder is a flower bed of irregular geometric shape.

  • To create them, perennial and annual plants are used together, and in large area mixborders - even shrubs and trees.
  • Plants are selected so that flowering is continuous throughout the season. Species with inconspicuous flowering, but with beautiful decorative leaves, are also suitable.

For example, in the center of the mixborder, you can plant trimmed boxwood with wormwood, then place decorative onions, vervain, multi-coloured and yarrow behind them in groups. Frame the edge with geranium, cuff and cinquefoil. If the mixborder is located against a wall or fence, then red clematis will look good in the background.


Rockery is a picturesque flowerbed among the stones of large boulders.

  • Fountains and artificial ponds often serve as elements of rockeries.
  • On such a flower bed you can plant a eryngium (Eryngium). This ennobled burdock, reaching a height of up to one meter, has a bluish-gray color that looks very nice surrounded by stones and pebbles.
  • The lovely flowers of the Carpathian bell, a spherical bush, which looks like a grassy tussock, will also be beautiful here. This plant is very unpretentious and long flowering.
  • To add bright colors to rockeries, you can use ground cover flowering plants - styloid phlox, thyme, sapling, violets, primrose, irises.

  • Daffodils and tulips are also suitable for decorating a rocky flower bed. And ferns, geyhera and hostas will give it an elegant look.
  • It is necessary to consult with specialists when buying any plants for rockeries, whether they can grow in specific conditions specific region.

Regular flower beds

Flower beds with strict geometric shapes are called regular flower beds.

  • Usually undersized annual, biennial and bulbous flowers are planted on them.
  • A regular flower bed needs to be looked after all the time, since no deviations from the original form are allowed here, and growing plants strive to go beyond the outlined boundaries.
  • Regular flower beds adorn large open areas. In suburban areas, such flower beds are extremely rare.

Vertical flower beds

Very popular among gardeners are vertical flower beds, which use climbing plants.

  • Arbors, walls, special structures made of twigs or wire, pergolas, garden sculptures can serve as supports for such flower beds.
  • Creation vertical flower bed requires considerable work and imagination, but its beauty justifies it.
  • They occupy a very small area and can be created in small garden plots.
  • Mainly for vertical gardening they use annual plants that give long lashes and abundant flowering - the well-known nasturtium, begonia, petunia, and many other ampel varieties.
  • At present, it is very fashionable to use for vertical gardening a new hybrid ampelous petunia - calibrachoa with small flowers, but extremely abundant flowering on 1.5 - 2-meter shoots.

  • Fortunia has gained popularity - it is also a hybrid of petunia, which has larger flowers.
  • For a green background, you can successfully use silver dichondra, which has recently appeared on sale. This climbing plant has rounded small green and silver leaves, but its flowers are inconspicuous.
  • Nolans are ground cover plants, but they can also be planted in vertical flower beds. The whips they form are strewn with blue and lilac funnel-shaped flowers. They are not demanding to care for, can grow in shady places, tolerate a lack of moisture well, but are afraid of the wind. To give the plant the necessary shape, pinch it. In combination with bright nasturtium and marigolds, as well as white petunia flowers or dark blue phacelia, nolans look very impressive.

Ribbons and borders

Along garden path, walls or fences break long flower beds - rabatka.

  • Borders of flowers can decorate lawns, trunk circles trees. -Borders, borders, borders of flower beds are usually decorated with beautiful perennial undersized plants, for example, saxifrage, primrose, subulate or dwarf phlox, yaskolka, edelweiss, dwarf astalbs and many others.
  • On the discount, you can plant primroses, which, with proper care, grow up to 25 cm, bloom with red, raspberry, pink, white inflorescences, one of the first from the end of April. Bloom through June.
  • The flowering of phloxes will replace primroses on the discount, they bloom at the end of May, have a wide range of colors in delicate pink, lilac and purple or purple tones.
  • There are many undersized flyers with which they decorate borders and borders, for example, asters, begonias, daisies, nasturtiums, forget-me-nots, lobelia. This is not a complete list. However, the use of perennials is preferable, as they do not have to be planted every year, which significantly reduces the amount of work in the garden in the spring.
  • Undersized is the exquisite Narbonne flax, blooming with blue flowers in July, large-flowered gazania, with flowers of different colors, reminiscent of daisies, elecampane swordtail with golden flowers.
  • Many gardeners use spinach and lettuce as border plants. A border of curly green and dark purple lettuce looks beautiful. Salads different varieties you can fill in the gaps between colors.


A flower bed, formed according to a strict geometric shape and forming a harmonious ensemble with a nearby building, is called a parterre.

  • Parterres are complemented with arabesques - flower beds made in the form of butterflies, flowers or any other. But creating such flower beds is very laborious and expensive, so they are practically never found in summer cottages.

Group landings

Many, creating landscape design on the site, use group plantings of flowers and other plants.

  • Such flower beds attract with their natural appearance, as they do not have the correct geometry and are asymmetrical.
  • Use to decorate a sculpture, fountain or house wall.
  • For such a flower garden, some flowers are usually used, for example, in spring - tulips, crocuses or primroses. Asters, zinnias, dahlias, lilies, gladioli are planted in summer groups.
  • You can create group plantings of 4-5 types of plants, but you have to select harmonious combinations of sizes, colors of flowers and leaves.
  • When creating such a flower garden, one should strive to achieve the naturalness of its appearance, as if nature, and not man, created it.
  • Examples of group plantings are the combination of delphinium with chamomile and lily, or daylily with hosta, tradescantia and iris. It will turn out beautifully if high bells are planted in a group with ferns and digitalis.

Multi-level flower beds

A popular design solution is the device of raised multi-level flower beds, which are visible from any corner of the site.

  • Skilled gardeners can create such stepped flower beds on their own from improvised materials, for example, from boards, bricks, car tires.
  • In the center you can place roses or phloxes, fill the middle level light colors having an average height, and on the lowest tier to land low dark flowers. It will be interesting if such a flower bed is made in one color, but with different shades.


The best option for small areas are round or square mono-flowers, on which a certain type of flower is planted, for example, roses, dahlias or asters.

Irregular flower beds

Irregular flower beds are perhaps the most common among gardeners.

They do not have any strict rules for their device.

  • Flowering plants are planted on them. different dates both perennial and annual plants.
  • Most fast way to make a blooming flower bed is the use of annual flowers, from which colorful compositions are created. Significantly accelerates the timing of flowering, growing them with seedlings, and not sowing directly into the ground.
  • In the middle of the flower bed, or in the background if the flower bed is against a wall or fence, taller flowers should be planted, such as lavatera, cosmea, tall ornamental sunflowers, or bright orange and yellow saffron.
  • Perennial plants can also be planted in the center, for example, delphinium, Turkish cloves, lupine. Terry peonies from white and pink to dark burgundy are very beautiful. True, they bloom for a short time, but then the peony bush decorates the flower bed with beautiful carved foliage until late autumn.
  • They will make the flowerbed original and visually multi-tiered flowering decorative bows, the inflorescences of which look like unusual balls.

  • All spring, summer and autumn, decorative yarrow inflorescences can decorate the flower garden.
  • Hosta is a universal ornamental plant for summer cottages. If it is properly planted so that there is no stagnation of water, then, apart from regular watering, practically no care is required for it. The choice of varieties is very large - from large and high, to low curb. decorative element are leaves of various colors of green, yellow, blue and variegated. Hosta can grow in places with different lighting conditions. But partial shade is better for her. It winters well, so a variety with beautiful large leaves can be safely planted in the center of a flower bed and not touched for many years.
  • Bulbous and tuberous tall plants are also used to create flower beds - there are a huge variety of varieties of lilies, gladiolus, dahlias. But here we must remember that dahlia tubers and gladioli bulbs should be dug up for the winter, and stored in a cool basement until spring.
  • The closer to the edges, the lower in height the plants are selected.
  • Annual dahlias are very good in the flower bed. They bush, have a wide range of colors, bloom profusely almost all summer until the very frost and are undemanding to care for. By the way, their ability to bush strongly should be taken into account when planting seedlings. Otherwise, the plants will become cramped in a month.
  • Breeders have created many varieties of asters, low and high, with a wide variety of colors, sizes and shapes of flowers. Large needle-shaped asters and medium-sized globular asters are very beautiful.
  • Petunia is very popular among annuals due to its abundant flowering and variety of colors.
  • You can supplement the gaps between flowers in a well-lit flowerbed with Khsuston's ageratum - a small plant 20 cm high. It blooms profusely with spherical bluish, white and lilac inflorescences almost all summer.
  • When creating a flower bed, it is better not to get carried away with too much variety of species. Designers recommend using one or two flowers that are attractive during the summer, while the rest of the plants will gradually replace each other. An example of this is a flowerbed planted with broad-leaved and reddening by autumn bergenia, daylily or hosta.
  • A flower border is planted along the edges of the flower bed, for which low-growing or ground cover plants with inconspicuous small flowers are used. For example, you can plant lungwort, alyssum, sage, cuff, lavender as a border. The border is also arranged from subulate phlox, Steller's wormwood or gray sedum. Below is a photo of these plants for the flower bed.

To create a unique landscape design on the site you can combine flower beds various kinds. When planning them, the best effect will be achieved by skillful selection of plants. The main principle of the gardener in this case is the desire for a biological and harmonious unity of flowers for flower beds.

Flowers are one of the most beautiful creations of nature. And even a small flower bed can revive appearance land plot, fill it bright colors and captivating aroma.

Now flower growers have practically no restrictions on decorating their flower beds, the choice of flowers is huge: bright and delicate, perennial and annual, of various heights and flowering splendor. Therefore, creating the desired composition is not difficult.

But if you are a beginner florist and have not yet decided what exactly you want to see in your flower bed, our article will help you understand the features of the most popular garden flowers and make your choice.

perennial flowers

Perennial flowers are called flowers that retain their properties for more than two years. Many flower lovers prefer perennial flowers, which, although they do not please with bright colors throughout the season, have a number of other advantages.

The advantage of perennial flowers is the fact that they endure cold weather, do not require constant transplantation, and besides, for the most part they are unpretentious and easy to care for.

It is also important to note that if you plan to plant most of the area with flowers, then perennial flowers will make this process much cheaper due to their ability to multiply, because after a couple of years the plants can be divided into parts and planted without spending money on buying new ones. seedlings.

Well, one cannot fail to say that perennials grouped by size give the flower bed a particularly stylish look.


These flowers can be found in most areas. Even in small flower beds near high-rise buildings they have a place. And all because these flowers simply amaze with their beauty and delicious aroma. It is difficult to disagree with the Chinese, who dubbed peonies the flowers of the emperor.

Like most perennials, peonies are easy to care for, grow quickly, forming lush bushes. A variety of shades and varieties allow you to give free rein to imagination, using just one type of flower.

In order for peonies in your garden to please the eye for a long time, you should only occasionally loosen the ground under the bushes, feed with any fertilizers available to you and cut off dry and excess branches, thinning out the bush.

lilies of the valley

Lily of the valley flowers are found not only in flower beds, but also in the wild. These fragile white bells on a thin stem appear in May and delight with their charming sweet aroma until June.

Lilies of the valley practically do not require care, but they love moisture and partial shade. These flowers are hardy and grow fast. However, lilies of the valley should be carefully planted, as they have very fragile roots.


Daffodils are one of the first spring flowers, they bloom in April. Florists distinguish several thousand varieties of narcissus, which differ in color, size and structure of the flower. But the most popular are white, yellow and cream daffodils.

In order for the soil to be favorable for the flowering of daffodil, it must be well loosened and moistened. It is advisable to plant daffodils in an area well lit by the sun. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the flowers with peat or other insulation, but in general, the daffodil tolerates cold well.


Gladiolus bloom from July to September, pleasing to the eye for almost the entire season. The earliest ones bloom as early as 70 days after planting. Gladiolus also boasts a variety of varieties and colors, which allows you to create the most intricate compositions in flower beds.

Gladiolus flowers are unpretentious in care, they love partial shade, but landing in sunny areas is also possible.


One of the most delicate flowers - chamomile, also belong to perennial plants. The white daisies with a yellow core that are familiar to us are far from the only variety of these flowers; the variety of daisies will not leave indifferent the amateur grower.

These flowers prefer the sun; chamomile bushes do not grow well in the shade. Before planting, it is recommended to fertilize the soil well. Daisies are quite fragile, so it is better to cover the bush for the winter. With proper care, these flowers grow quickly, so after a few years the bushes need to be divided. It is better to do this in the spring, because. autumn is an unfavorable time for planting daisies.


May-June is the time of tulips. These perennials are perhaps the champions in the variety of varieties, such a number of shades, shapes and textures of buds is rare.

Of course, some exotic varieties require special care, but in general, tulips are unpretentious. They love the sun, but it is better to plant them at the end of September, when the heat subsides. Before planting, it is better to saturate the soil with mineral fertilizers. The bulbs are planted one at a time, after 2-10 cm, depending on the size. It is better to dig out large bulbs in a year, but small ones can grow in one place for 2-3 years.


Irises bloom with beautiful large flowers and inflorescences of yellow, pale blue and other colors. The advantage of this flower is that it can bloom twice a season: in late spring and early autumn.

Irises bloom willingly both in the sun and in the shade, patiently endure frost and drought. For better flowering, it is recommended to feed the soil with mineral fertilizers a couple of times a season and plant bushes every few years. It is advisable to do this in the spring.

undersized flowers

Low-growing flowers are truly versatile. Of these, you can create an independent composition that will become a living carpet of color, or you can use it for more complex multi-tiered flower beds in combination with tall perennials. These flowers are annual, biennial and perennial, but we will consider in detail just undersized ones.


Daisies are quite popular in flower arrangements, because they go well with both high and low flowers, perfectly complementing the decor of the flower bed. Most often you can find the so-called terry daisies of white or red colors.

These flowers love sunny areas, but planting daisies in partial shade is allowed. In order for the flowers not to dry out, abundant watering is required, especially in hot and windy weather. It is better to fertilize the soil under daisies in May. For the winter, these flowers require warming.


Pansies are both annual and perennial, depending on climatic conditions. In addition, viola (the second name for pansies) is one of those flowers that do not limit the grower to one variety, but tricolor pansies are especially popular.

These flowers should be grown in a sunny area, besides, violas are very thermophilic. Watering should be moderate, as abundant moisture adversely affects pansies. It is important to note that violas, as a rule, do not bloom in the year of planting, but the next year they will delight with lush flowering for a long time. In addition, pansies are capable of self-sowing, which means that at the place of flowering, flowers will appear again in a year without your help.


Petunias are perennials, but our harsh climate only allows petunias to be grown as annuals. Petunia bushes bloom in red, crimson, purple and pink, and the edges of the flowers are always white.

These flowers are very delicate, they require regular attention: watering, mineral feeding, weeding. But with proper care, petunias will bloom from early summer until the first frost.


Gatsania blooms with a bright yellow-orange carpet until autumn. Lush inflorescences reach 9 cm in diameter.

Like petunias, gazania is very picky. It needs a lot of light, careful watering and regular loosening of the soil. But it is worth loosening carefully so as not to damage the fragile root system of flowers.


These flowers are ideal for dry areas. Purslane easily tolerates heat and prolonged absence moisture. In addition, purslane is characterized by long flowering: from June until the onset of the first cold weather, these flowers will decorate your flower bed with bright colors.


Begonia is considered to be one of the most beautiful flowers. Arriving from warm lands, but adapted to the European climate, begonia now pleases flower growers with a choice of several thousand varieties.

Flowers of this species are very fond of moisture, watering should be regular, but not excessive. Begonia also loves mineral fertilizers, they are recommended to be applied to the soil under flowers at least once a month.

You can choose and embody your floral fantasies almost indefinitely. And if you decide to go in for floriculture, then here is another bonus: in addition to a beautiful fragrant flower bed, you get an activity that perfectly relieves stress and allows you to just relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. And it is already worth it to create your own flower island.