In a private house      05/17/2019

Selection in the interior of a vase with flowers. Floor vases are a great solution in a modern interior (60 photos). Creating and decorating a vase

Diversify the style of the room in several ways. Someone focuses on the color of the room, others prefer stylish, sophisticated accessories.

But nothing can replace a vase. In the interior they play special role: do not just create its aesthetics, but have practical significance.

Selection and application

Phytodesigners recommend starting from your own preferences. If you like large, fantasy containers, stop at the floor ones. A small but original vase with flowers in the interior of even a small room will look appropriate.

The flower composition is usually made up of living plants or dried flowers.

When choosing a container, consider:

  • Correspondence of the shape and size of the container with the outline of the bouquet. One flower on a thin stem looks impressive in a tall narrow vessel. In Japanese potish, they put a single plant with a bright bud or a tree branch. Tall bouquets are emphasized by classically shaped products, while miniature ones can be placed in an exquisite fumigation.

To correctly place accents in the room, you need to select containers of a certain type, shades, materials and shapes.

Varieties of vases

To enhance the existing style of the room, create its storyline, vases of various sizes and purposes are used. In the interior, their meaning is different - they bring a touch of elegance, hide voids, become independent accessories.

Products intended for decor, due to the boldness of their design, eclecticism, unusual shape, subtly place accents.

Wooden ones will enhance the magnificence of a hall or Provence style design, outrageous fantasy ones will complement a loft, hi-tech or modern, and delicate porcelain ones are an ideal choice for a girl's bedroom. The room acquires flexibility, freshness and some movement.

IN Lately relevant hand-made containers. They serve as accessories; they can be made of wood, plastic, cardboard.

Such vases are decorated with improvised materials: buttons, beads, twine, lace and even plant seeds.

material factor

Stylistics modern dwelling provides for various Construction Materials finishes and decor items. No exception and vases, which today are made from traditional and natural materials.

glass products

If earlier they stood only in the houses of the nobility, now even an ordinary apartment can get a little aristocratic. glass vase- beautiful, fragile, exquisite. It can have an unusual shape and a different purpose.

Tank features include:

  • geometric or irregular shape. Innovative technologies allow you to change not only the shape of the vase, but also its color;
  • various sizes. Thanks to this, the vessel is placed on the floor, on a table or on a shelf. Low, high, wide, narrow vases emphasize any design - from ethnic to Provence;
  • transparency. This feature of glass presents a lot of possibilities for design attempts. The "urn" will fit not only flower arrangements, but also sea stones, beads and even decorative jellyfish.

glass vase- the choice of those who have imagination and desire to create beauty in their home.

Clay amphorae

This is what ceramic vases were called in ancient times. Now lekythos depicting people or animals in the ancient Greek style fit well into the ethnic interior, they can emphasize the room in creamy brown colors.

Ceramics as a material for space decoration has a number of advantages:

  • floor lekythos hide voids in the room;
  • attractive appearance of compositions from dried flowers, thin branches and reeds;
  • clear contours of the "urn" fill bright interior volume;
  • complement the space, decorated in the spirit of ethnicity or classics.

Ceramic vases are able to ennoble the room, bring notes of fabulousness into it.

metal vessels

Desktop, floor containers look elegant, expensive and spectacular. Such vases in the interior are designed to create an atmosphere of refined aristocracy with a touch of decadence.

Materials are used in a variety of ways, from of stainless steel to brass or copper inlaid with silver, gold and enamel. By the way, in a vase made of metal, many store fruits or serve them on festive table.

In some cases, a three-dimensional pattern is applied over the entire surface of the vase. The main plots for him are plant or animal motifs. Containers are floor-standing, and are also designed for bouquets.

nobility of stone

Natural materials come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Their surface is polished, aged artificially.

Depending on the interior, accessories made of granite or volcanic rocks are popular. Vessels made of semi-precious stones - onyx, jade or opal - look gorgeous.

Stone vases - mostly outdoor, adorn wall niches and stairs. The owners of private houses prefer to see them on the porch, in the garden or on the terrace.

The design possibilities of vases are endless. They can fit into any interior, you just need to know some subtleties.

Amazing room

functional stylish product can play an unlimited number of roles.

Accessory most often used:

  • decorating the place for the holiday. Table vases containing original bouquets are preferred.

  • On New Year's holidays, glass and metal containers are filled with Christmas toys or garlands. Volumetric vessels made of ceramics or porcelain - perfect option to serve fruit. And hand-made vases do not require additional decor;
  • filling in empty spaces. Floor accessories refresh the room in the style of minimalism and hi-tech. They are usually placed in corner areas, fireplace niches, placed under stairs, on wide window sill. It is important to consider that the color of the vase must be matched to the main decor;

  • emphasizing the design of the apartments. A vase is a subtle but refined touch that can emphasize the interior. bizarre shapes, modern materials, painting are out of fashion. They are a good choice for ethnic, Mediterranean, classic, high-tech and modern spaces;
  • creating bright accents. You can dilute a monochrome interior if you use bright vases. Here it is important to take into account color combinations, try to complement the vessel with another matching accessory. You can place a rich shade product on a table, window sill or a special stand.

From the interior details, the overall color of the house is formed. Vases require a special approach, because you need to take into account their colors.

Bright vessels will effectively emphasize the pastel or silver background, while black and brown - cream or golden tones of the room.

"Urn" attracts the eye, and if you successfully combine it with lamps, furniture, decoration, then the room will acquire a stylish finished look.

Floor vases add a special zest to the decoration of your home.

They look stylish, add aristocracy to the interior, and are not always intended for bouquets, being in themselves unique items environment.

What choice to make

A floor vase should fit into the design of the room, its color scheme, match the shape of the place allotted to it in the room and be in harmony with all other elements of decoration.

On sale there is a large assortment - different in height, style, from various materials- clay, metal, porcelain, wood and glass.

Antique vases will add a special chic to your home; they can be purchased at a specialized store or found at a flea market. Czech specimens made of the famous Bohemian glass are very beautiful.

Modern fashion trends for vases

In the world of fashion, floor vases, like any other decor elements for interior decoration, have their own trends.

Currently, products painted with an eclectic mix of shades, accents and motifs are very popular. Metal vases have long been loved, as they are perfect for almost any interior, especially in a modern style room.

Wide models are in fashion, flat, rounded - like chemical vessels, with narrow and long bottlenecks, similar to jugs. Vases look original in the form of a cube, a cone.

As always, pottery, painted with an outlandish pattern, and models made of colored glass are relevant. Decorative vases with glass mosaic look especially beautiful.

Glass and ceramic vases will perfectly complement and give a complete look to your home. classical style. There are also non-standard vases on sale - asymmetrical, ribbed, in the form of different geometric shapes. Such models are good in high-tech interiors.

For ethnic-style rooms, vases made of wood, bamboo, and clay are suitable. Their height can be any. It is very beautiful when such vases are high - under the ceiling.

Concerning colors, then it can be very different. The main thing is that the vase looks appropriate in the interior. On a selection of photos of floor vases in rooms with various interiors you can see what they are and where it is better to place them in the room.

When choosing a vase, you also need to consider what material the flooring is made of. For example, on wooden floor white vases look beautiful, and simple vases made of transparent glass are beautiful in a colored interior.

If the decor of the room is not overloaded with modern details, antique vases or stylized antique ones - shabby or with cracks, will be appropriate.

The role of the vase in home decoration

Floor vases always look interesting and add zest to the home, making the room extraordinary.

They create a feeling of a holiday, you can put tall dried flowers, reeds, dried ears of corn, live green plants and flowers, spruce paws, decorated with New Year's toys, and in themselves they are already a noticeable, independent accessory.

A transparent vase can be filled with fruits or colorful Christmas balls different sizes. The filling of the vase can be changed depending on the season, home celebration or your own mood, thereby changing the interior of the room.

If the apartment is a studio, then with the help of a vase you can focus on the kitchen area, thereby separating it from the living area.

A floor vase will help decorate empty spaces in a room - in a corner, a wall niche, in the space under the stairs - and make the house cozier. An excellent solution is to decorate the room with several vases of the same shape and color, but different in size.

With the help of vases, you can give the interior a certain style or simply give it a complete, harmonious look.

Metal and glass floor vases can play up the interior in an original way - reflecting, refracting and transmitting light, they shine and shimmer, filling the room with highlights.

Painted with national ornaments or hieroglyphs, they are good in ethnic style interiors.

If the room is decorated with marine, ecological or tropical decor, vases made of wood and bamboo will fit into the decoration, and in country style, ceramic vessels of natural terracotta tones will be good.

If the interior is made in oriental style and resembles an Arabian fairy tale, it will be decorated with vases with glass or ceramic mosaics.

Floor vases, making the room look complete, and being a large object, nevertheless do not overload the interior. Just one vase will enliven the room and will be able to solve all the problems with the decor.

Photo of a floor vase in the interior

Today we draw the attention of our dear readers to the topic of choosing vases not by chance, because we have at full speed spring is in a hurry, which means that the time has come for bouquets presented with or without it. Let's take a break from business and worries for a while in order to take care of the proper design of the interiors of rooms in time with the help of fragrant inflorescences in the right vessels.

To begin with, you should understand what vases are and what they can be used for, because the function of the latter is not always that from time to time it is possible to immerse cut flowers.

Perhaps many will be surprised, but you can and should also find other uses for vases, so:

fruit vases

With their help, you can serve a festive table, using bright fruits or vegetables as decoration. Such vases are of different types: low and wide, on supports with an almost flat bowl resembling a water lily leaf, domed, in the form of a funnel.

Vases for decor

Used to display beautiful objects such as sea shells, pine cones, Christmas balls, even candies in colorful wrappers, and more. It is noteworthy that such vases are always transparent, made of glass, so all the contents are clearly visible through their walls.


Often used to mask unremarkable flower pots. So, a decorative planter can be made of metal, ceramic, frosted glass or plastic, the main thing is that it copes with the main task of “distracting attention”.


flower vases

It probably does not need to be described, but it should be noted that for different types colors should also be kept in stock different types vaz. For example, for tall roses it is better to use stable elongated vases (in the form of a cylinder), but for small lush bouquets it is recommended to purchase a low, wide vase at the base, so the bouquet will turn out spreading.

decorative vases

Rather, they play the role of art objects, with which you can effectively complement the interior due to the shape, color, texture of the material or the impressive size of such an object.

How to choose the right vase

Companion or rival

If you need a vase for flowers, then when choosing it, remember: the vessel should not argue with the bouquet. This means that it is still better to use colorful catchy vases as a decor, but for fragrant freshly cut buds, it is advisable to purchase a simple, concise one. For example, neutral transparent vases glass (perhaps with a hint of blue, green) will not distract attention from the wonderful wildflowers, and lush roses they will look even more picturesque.

An exception may be colored vases that contrast with the shade of flowers in the bouquet, for example: a black vase - white roses, orange chrysanthemums - a sky-colored vase.

Use a bold accent

Very often, when decorating interiors, vases are not given enough attention, which is completely in vain, because with their help, sometimes, you can surprisingly beat even the most ordinary environment.

Try instead of a boring plain vessel to choose an unexpected, even daring option, and the resulting effect will surely impress you. All that needs to be done is to opt for a vase that should be the focal point with a beautiful color, texture or pattern combined with a simple shape.

Don't upset the balance

At a time when the image of the interior has already been completed, and there are enough bright accents in it, it is better to make vases only as an addition.

Lungs are relevant today classical forms vases made from natural materials (glass, ceramics).

You can give preference to pastel colors, or choose achromatic shades (white, gray, black), which will not stand out against the general background, but will not get lost among the variety of items in your interior.

according to style

Going to the store in order to purchase a vase, first evaluate the style of your interior. This will help you not to spend too much time looking for the right vessel, significantly narrowing the range of suitable options.

Yes, in classic interior we recommend using graceful figured vases with painting, for scandinavian interior it is better to choose an original, rather catchy and decorative product, but in a loft, vases of a specific type will come in handy, for example, large glass or resembling a bucket made of tin.

In the process of creating an unusual and beautiful interior every item and separate element decor is of particular importance. In any country and among all peoples, flowers are the most frequent and indispensable decoration of a room, and a properly selected vase will help to emphasize their beauty.

What criteria should be taken into account

Making a choice is not so easy, especially when a lot of questions immediately arise before a person: which one to take - small, large, what shape or shade, how long the stem should be, etc. You can use the services of professional florists, but it is best to create a harmonious composition on one's own.

To select a vase for flowers wholesale or retail, the following simple and useful tips will come in handy:

    the product must be selected taking into account the size of the bouquet: for plants with short stems, the vessels should be tall and narrow;

    for a large armful, a flower vase with a wide neck or in the form of an aquarium is suitable; for stability, you can put pebbles or sand on the bottom, they are easy to buy in bulk at pet stores;

    if you want to have a universal product, then it is better to buy a medium-sized flower vase with wide base with a narrow neck;

    to fill the space in glass vessels you can add apples, oranges, colorful balls, stones, hay, pencils, etc .;

    if there are few plants, then small vials, bottles and test tubes are suitable for short stems, which can be bought in bulk at pharmacies and medical equipment stores, but for long ones - great option tall bottle or cylinder.

Flower vases are usually made from crystal, metal, porcelain, ceramic, clay and glass. And the latter are universal option for any interior, you can buy several items in bulk for the bedroom, living room or kitchen.

Ideas for unusual DIY products

When choosing a vase for flowers, do not forget about important rule- it should not be more beautiful and brighter than the bouquet itself, ideally the vessel complements and emphasizes the beauty of flowers. For those who want to have in the house unusual product, there are several non-standard design options from improvised means on your own:

    Simple field cornflowers and daisies and other wild flowers will look amazing in small bottles of different sizes or medical beakers; To create a special effect, water can be tinted with food coloring.

    Ordinary bottle will receive new life using woolen threads or even an old sweater. Matter is glued to the bottle, such a flower vase will be an unusual addition to the Art Nouveau interior.

    Plain glass cups, which can be bought in bulk at any hardware store, are perfect. They are supplemented with pebbles, wrapped with adhesive tape with a pattern, bows, sparkles, wooden sticks or you can paint it, for example, under a brick.

When creating a beautiful and harmonious bouquet, be sure to consider the place where you plan to put the flower vase. In the kitchen, a low container with a lush composition will look great, but for the living room better fit a tall flower vase and long-stemmed plants like lilies or tulips.

Creating manual original products- it is very an exciting activity for all. And in the process of making home interior be sure to include in the number of decorative elements products made by one's own hands.

Thus, you can decorate your corner in an original way, as well as save the cost of buying such items that are currently not cheap.

An interesting element in the interior is a vase. But how to make a vase with your own hands so that it brings harmony and beauty to the interior?

Creating and decorating a vase

The most important thing is that the future element self made blended well into the interior of a house or apartment, so as not to stand out as superfluous. The design should take place in one shade, and the result should be the big picture.

Photos of vases that can be seen on the Internet have different shape and varied styles.

In modern times, there is a wide variety of styles in the interior.

Before you start creating a vase, you should consider and analyze each interior style, and understand how to emphasize the originality of this style with a vase made by yourself.

Choosing a vase for the style of the interior

Minimalist style. Choose concise and modest forms, color shades which are not saturated and restrained; The finish of the vase should be neat.

Classicism style. Symmetrical patterns and drawings are quite suitable here. Preference is given to light shades, and drawings of traditional colors that take place in the design of the entire interior.

Hi-tech style. The most modern materials are used to create a vase. It can be glass, and metal, and wood, and steel. Shapes and finishes are also variable, can have a bizarre and unusual character.

Kitsch style. Strict rules are not needed here, but, on the contrary, preference should be given to refined and non-standard elements. You can combine everything, even the most incompatible with each other. Colors should be saturated. You can also decorate a vase bright colors and custom decor.

Modern style. Abstraction and the use of lines smoothly merging into each other - that's the piquant moment of creating such a vase. Decoupage of a vase is most often created on the basis of materials such as wood and metal.

Avant-garde style. Here you need a rich imagination and creative thoughts in the process. Bright, saturated colors and unusual patterns will be in place;

A beautiful vase in the interior not only complements a certain style, but also speaks of the perfect taste of the owners of the house or apartment, and also pleases the eyes of all guests.

Size and properties of the vase

Ideas on how to decorate a vase are very diverse and everyone is different from each other. But first you need to decide on the size of the future decor element.

The width of the future vase can be different, and, basically, it depends on the personal tastes and preferences of everyone.

Sometimes the width of the vase depends on the style in which the vase is made, as well as on the style of the interior for which it was selected.


If the vase is outdoor, then its height should vary between 40 and 100 centimeters. The vase does not have to be on the floor, in most cases it can be placed on a bedside table or on a table.

But on bedside tables and tables, the vase looks beautiful when its size is not so huge. A vase with large dimensions is best placed on the floor, and put beautiful flowers in it.

The material from which you are going to build a vase should also be taken carefully. After that comes the choice of the form of the product. The form can be variable, and is selected at the discretion of the person himself.

The main thing is to turn on full fantasy and harmonize the form with the style of the interior.

vase shapes

The most popular forms that appear in the works of famous interior designers are:


Rounded shapes. Such forms are suitable for absolutely any style of interior, and it is easy to make it using the papier-mâché technique, taking an ordinary bottle as a basis.

Square shapes. Modern styles the interior will be in good harmony with such an element of decor. A cardboard box is taken as the basis;

Triangular shapes. The method using newspaper tubes is best suited here. This type of vase looks individual and luxurious;

After the base of the vase is made reliably and beautifully, you can already proceed to external decoration. Various ways decor applied at this stage.

Many initially cover the vase with paint or varnish. And then you can create hand patterns on a vase, or attach some figures or stickers.

You can decorate the finished vase by putting beautiful flowers, berries, branches, and everything else in it.


DIY vase photo