Toilet      04/19/2019

How to plant viola seedlings from seeds. Viola flowers growing from seeds - important rules for planting and care

Suitable plant for decorating a balcony or garden plot- this is a viola, planting seeds for seedlings of which begins in February. Bushes grown from seedlings bloom by the beginning of summer. Strong and healthy sprouts are obtained when all the features are taken into account during cultivation: from determining the planting date to transplanting into open ground.

Before planting, it is important to understand whether it is worth growing seedlings or whether it is better to prefer sowing in the ground.

A popular variety - Wittrock's viola - is considered a biennial, blooming in the second year of development. If planted early (and this is possible when grown by seedlings), flowers will form in the same summer.

Viola ampelous is also grown first in a house or greenhouse.

The perennial horned viola is frost-resistant, but hybrids cannot boast of this feature. Therefore, seedlings are first grown so that the bushes bloom in the summer.

Preparatory activities include determining the timing of planting, preparing the soil and processing the seed material.

While creating optimal conditions the plant blooms 2-3 months after germination, subject to additional lighting. In order for flowering to begin in May, seeds are sown for seedlings at the end of winter and early March.

Having determined when to plant a flower, we begin to prepare the container. Any container will do: cassettes, boxes, food packaging. Suitable for sowing peat tablets, which combine a container for sowing and soil.

A day before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water. To increase germination and accelerate germination, they are treated with growth stimulants such as Epin or Zircon. This will increase the resistance of future shoots to stressful situations (drought, frost, diseases) and obtain high-quality plants with strong roots.

Soil preparation

Those who grow Viola from seedlings need to remember: flowers love fertile, permeable soil, which does not harden after watering. Taking this into account, prepare the soil:

  • mix 2 parts of fertile soil and peat with three parts of humus;
  • combine manure, turf and peat in equal parts, and add 2 times less sand;
  • mix the soil, dry bird droppings(manure) and crushed coal in a ratio of 5:1:1, uncrushed pieces of coal will serve as drainage;
  • Pure peat is also suitable for growing seedlings.

The soil is disinfected by calcination or steaming, and treatment with Fundazol. Before sowing, spill with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.

Sowing rules

Seeds are planted for seedlings different ways: with embedding into the soil, without it and with slight embedding:

  • the first is based on the classical idea of ​​​​the emergence of seedlings in the dark;
  • the popularity of the second is due to the rapid germination of seeds (they do not waste energy on overcoming the earth’s layer, so they immediately grow);
  • the third is suitable for those who are disappointed in the traditional, but do not dare to use a radical method.

Classic way

Traditionally, planting viola seeds is done according to the following scheme:

  1. Furrows up to 0.5 cm deep are made in the ground 1 cm apart from each other.
  2. Water (this step can be done after embedding).
  3. Seeds are placed in them at intervals of 1-2 cm.
  4. Fill the grooves with soil.
  5. A film is stretched over the container (you can put glass), creating greenhouse conditions.
  6. Place in a warm place (air temperature 18°C).

Light is not needed until sprouts appear. Therefore, you can put a mini-greenhouse both on the windowsill and in the closet.

Popular method

How to plant viola seedlings from seeds without planting:

  1. Moisten the prepared soil (without making a groove!).
  2. Place seeds on the surface (distance 1-2 cm so that emerging sprouts can grow freely).
  3. Cover the top with cellophane.
  4. Place in a warm, dark place.

With this method, viola germinates in the dark, so it is important to provide a low level of light. To do this, cover the container with a sheet of cardboard or thick paper.

Alternative way

How to grow viola from seeds at home, combining the first and second methods:

  1. Place the seeds on the surface of the prepared soil.
  2. Sprinkle with a small layer of soil or sand (no more than 2 mm).
  3. Water warm water.
  4. Stretch the film (or put glass on top).
  5. Keep warm.

With this method of growing violet seeds, light is not needed before seedlings form.

Initial care after sowing

The main care before sprouts appear is to ventilate the “greenhouse” twice a day, removing the cellophane for 10 minutes. This is done to ventilate the ground and prevent the development of mold. As the soil dries, spray the surface with water using a spray bottle.

The sprouts will hatch 5-10 days after sowing (depending on the varietal characteristics). But they may rise later. This happens because:

  • the expiration date of the seed material has expired;
  • they are embedded to great depth;
  • For embedding, we used dense, heavy soil, through which it is difficult for sprouts to break through.

After the sprouts appear, the containers are removed to a lighted place with a temperature of 18-22°C, where further development occurs.

Do not immediately remove the film coating. The sprouts need to be allowed to get used to external conditions, increasing the ventilation period over time. The film coating is finally removed after a week.

Further care involves watering, additional lighting, feeding, hardening and picking.

It is necessary to moisten moderately as the soil dries: viola loves moisture, but excess provokes rotting processes. Water the plants at the roots, avoiding getting on the leaves.

Hardening is carried out in the fresh spring air: even viola seedlings can withstand temperatures of 5-10°C. With this approach, the bushes will form healthy and strong.

Violet needs at least 14 hours of daylight. With a lack of sunlight, the seedlings stretch out and turn pale. You can save the situation with additional lighting, using ordinary lamps or phytolamps for this purpose. Additional illumination is combined with treatment with the growth regulator Alar. Lowering the temperature to 12-15°C slows down development and reduces the elongation of sprouts.

Feeding and picking

The violets are fertilized for the first time after 3-4 weeks with a solution of mineral fertilizers. Next, the seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers monthly.

The main indication for picking is insufficient space for the development of the bush. The sprouts are transplanted twice: when a pair of true leaves appear and 2-3 weeks after that according to the 5x5cm pattern.

Wittrock's violet safely tolerates replanting even during the flowering period. If during this process the roots are damaged, the flower briefly stops development, but does not weaken.

If at the time of diving the stem is elongated, then when planting it is buried down to the cotyledons so that the sprouts hold on tighter. Additional roots are formed on the deepened part of the stem, and the root system is strengthened.

After diving, the sprouts grow intensively. After a month they can be transplanted to permanent place.

Transplanting violet sprouts to a permanent place

Before transplanting, prepare a place for flowers. The best option is in the shade fruit tree, saving you from the sweltering heat. Plants are replanted when the weather is consistently warm and night frosts have passed.

The bushes are planted in holes 5 cm deep at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. To prevent stagnation of water and reduce the risk of developing blackleg, drainage is poured into the bottom of the hole.

When transplanting into planting containers (boxes, flowerpots), you need to make sure that there is at least 1 liter of soil per plant.

Growing viola from seeds is just the beginning. We still need to provide her with decent care. Because with the right approach to sowing, the viola will bloom early, and a caring attitude will allow the flowering to stretch throughout the summer.

Viola Wittrock is a fairly old and well-known plant; this flower belongs to the violet family. This flower is mainly cultivated as an annual or biennial plant, but if divided regularly, it can be perennial.

Today we will tell you what varieties of Wittrock viola exist, what are the features of growing and planting viola from seeds, as well as caring for this flower. In the material you will see photos of some varieties of viola.

Key features of the Wittrock viola

This flower includes a large number of varieties and variety groups. This type of viola is one of the most popular. It was obtained by crossing the following types of varieties:

  • Altai;
  • yellow;
  • tricolor, etc.

The flower is a dense bush about 30 cm high. Its flowers are large and have a diameter of about 11 cm, they have irregular shape and may have different shades. It is very rare to find viola petals of the same tone.

Varieties of Wittrock viola are combined into the following series:

  • Rococo;
  • Bambini;
  • Swiss giants.

Viola varieties, their descriptions and photos

Below are descriptive characteristics of some varieties of viola:

Growing Wittrock's Viola

When planting a viola, you need to know its main characteristics:

  • cold resistance;
  • tolerates shade well;
  • neutral regarding the length of daylight hours.

Mostly flowers are good develop in both partial shade and sun. It is worth remembering that in very hot weather in the sun the plant stretches and the flowers appear too small. The optimal temperature for growing viola is about 15 degrees. When grown in partial shade, flowering will be longer, but not abundant.

Viola is planted in the following soils:

  • fertile;
  • loamy and sandy loam;
  • well drained.

Viola will not bloom on dry soil, but the flower needs heat good watering. It also needs to be protected from drafts. Viola is good at replanting during flowering. It is not recommended to plant in lowlands where there is stagnation of melt water. Also, the flower does not really like fresh organic fertilizers.

Despite all that has been said, viola is not too demanding in terms of care and gives good self-seeding.

Viola of this species is capable of reproducing in the following ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings

It is best to grow biennial plants through seedlings. We'll talk about this below.

Planting flower seeds for seedlings

Planting seeds for seedlings gives the plant the opportunity to bloom in the middle of summer. But if you sow the seeds directly into open ground in June, you will see flowers only at the beginning of the next season.

Growing viola from seeds can begin in February. To begin with, the seed is needed for a day soak in a solution with a biostimulator, For example:

  • "Epinom";
  • "Zircon";
  • "Heteroauxin".

Dilution of liquids must strictly comply with the instructions for a particular product.

  • mark the furrows;
  • sow the prepared seeds;
  • pour settled water;
  • sprinkle the seed with soil;
  • cover the containers with glass or transparent film;
  • place them in a room where the air temperature is about 15 degrees.

First shoots and picking

In about a couple of weeks the first shoots appear. When germination begins, the film or glass must be removed, and the containers themselves must be placed in a cool and well-lit place with an average temperature of about 10 degrees. Plant care at this time is as follows:

If the seedlings of viola seeds grow quite intensively, they need to be planted again, but, as a rule, one transplant is enough.

When should a plant be transplanted into open ground?

Planting viola seedlings in open ground should be considered depending on the climate of your region. As a rule, transplantation is carried out at the end of April or May. The most important thing is to plant the flower after the end of the period when there are night frosts. Frail flowers do not always tolerate such sudden temperature changes.

Transplantation into the ground carried out like this:

  • Place the seedlings in the holes at a distance of 15 cm from each other;
  • sprinkle the roots with soil;
  • compact the soil around the flower;
  • Water well.

Perennial plant varieties tend to grow and lose their attractiveness over time. They can be propagated by cuttings.

Features of caring for viola in open ground

After you have transplanted the flower into open ground, you need to observe enough simple rules caring for it:

The flowering of viola will be simply magnificent if once a month you fertilize it with ammonium nitrate or superphosphate at the rate of 30 grams per square meter soil.

Compliance with all planting and growing rules is the key to beautiful flowering in the future.

Seed collection

Viola seeds left on peduncles ripen in mid-August or early September. After the flowers fade, small boxes appear containing small seeds. Brown. It is important not to miss the moment when they begin to ripen, because the boxes may open and scatter the seeds. When the seed pods are turned up, this means that the seeds are ready to be collected. They should be cut, the seed removed and spread out to dry. Then they are taken to the basement or refrigerator for subsequent stratification.

If the boxes filled with seeds are not specifically removed, then the seeds will sift themselves, and over time you will see spontaneous shoots throughout the area. In such cases, seedlings need to be planted in prepared areas without preliminary seedlings.

Caring for viola in winter

Despite the fact that viola is resistant to cold, in very severe frosts it must be covered with tree leaves or spruce branches. As a rule, this applies to regions where the average winter temperature drops below 30 degrees below zero.

Dangerous diseases and pests for flowers

The most common diseases that violas are exposed to are:

  • root rot;
  • gray rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • spotting;
  • blackleg;
  • variegation;
  • ring necrotic spotting.

Plants affected by the disease must be removed immediately to deprive the planting of a source of infection. Then the soil needs to be dug up well.

As for pests, but The danger in this case is represented by:

  • clover cutworm caterpillar;
  • violet mother of pearl.

Both pests very quickly eat plant leaves. To eliminate them, insecticides are used, a solution of chlorvos, tobacco infusion or karbofos is sprayed.

Viola Wittrock in landscaping

Viola has so many varieties that it can be easily used to create flower beds of different styles. Early flowering allows these plants to be widely used for spring decoration gardens, parks, design of ridges, partners, borders or flower beds. Violas are often used in leading positions in mixborders, next to stones in rockeries, on hills, in group plantings on the lawn.

Very often they are used to draw up tree trunk circles next to trees, container compositions that are installed on windows, loggias and balconies.

We can conclude that Wittrock's viola is incredible beautiful flower, unpretentious in care and easy to plant, capable of decorating any interior of a park or garden. And the long duration of flowering of this plant will certainly not leave any lover of green pets indifferent.

Viola flower

Good afternoon, dear readers!

A constant inhabitant of all summer cottages, viola captivates with its variety of colors collected in one flower. And this makes her a favorite of many gardeners. Pansy, garden violet, Wittrock violet are names of the same flower.

And, of course, every gardener wants to have this charm in his flower garden.

Having decided to grow viola for the first time to decorate the garden plot, work should begin at the end of February. The sowing period can last until mid-March. This will give you the opportunity to see pansies blooming in early summer.

This option is the most common because bright colors of flowers are simply necessary during this period to create the mood and attractiveness of the garden.

If the sowing time has been missed in early spring, then doing this work in May will give the gardener the pleasure of flowering in August, and it will last until the cold weather.

Planting viola seeds - pansy seedlings

First you need to prepare a soil mixture suitable for sowing. Required:

  • 3 parts leaf soil
  • 2 parts river sand
  • 1 part turf soil

The soil should be moisture-permeable (viola does not like waterlogging). To improve the structure of the soil, charcoal is ideal, which can be added to the mixture.

Seedling containers can be small cups or common boxes. The containers are filled with soil in advance, giving the soil a chance to settle. A manganese solution is used to disinfect soil. A day later, seeds that have been pre-treated with growth stimulants are laid out on the surface. This could be “Epin”, “Zircon”, etc.

You need to put 2-3 grains in separate cups. In the boxes, a distance of 1-2 cm is left between the seeds, and the rows of 0.5 cm should be 2-3 cm apart.

Plant the seeds shallowly. A minimum layer of soil, which is moistened strictly with a spray bottle, so that the seeds do not become exposed.

On a note! The greater the distance between the seeds, and subsequently between individual sprouts, the later it will be possible to start picking viola seedlings.

To protect crops from drying out, they are covered with glass and film. For seedlings to appear, a temperature of 15-20°C is sufficient. Don't forget about daily ventilation. Shoots will appear in 7-10 days. The shelter is removed and conditions are created for the normal development of seedlings. The best option would be t=10°C, a bright place and watering, without waterlogging.

From the boxes, the grown plants dive into larger containers. Deepening is carried out to the cotyledon leaves. The containers are shaded until the flowers take root.

From cups and peat tablets you need to remove weaker sprouts, leaving one. They also need to provide a larger food area. It is most convenient to work with peat containers. Enough for the bottom of a 250 ml glass. pour a small layer of fertile soil, place a tablet with a sprout on it, cover it with soil and water it.

Selecting a site for planting

Garden violet is not a capricious plant. Compliance is minimal comfortable conditions will allow you to create magnificent flower arrangements.

The favorite place for growth is sunny areas, but full sun is not desirable. If at noon, landing pansies will be covered with scattered shadow from garden trees and bushes, then she will gratefully sway with variegated, purple and yellow flowers, without drooping from the heat.

Soil requirements are also low. Loose, sufficiently nutritious, with good drainage properties, moderately moist soils will be good option for arranging flower beds with violets.

The addition of charcoal, in crushed form, copes well with drainage functions. In addition, having the properties of water absorption, it will absorb its excess and, as needed, give water to the roots of the plant. Having created such content, in the future it will be enough to weed the weeds, loosen the soil, and combine watering with occasional fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

It should also be remembered that viola can grow in the shade. But in this case, the flowers will be smaller and their color will be paler than shown on the seed package.

Summer sowings in June determine the initial purpose of the viola - growing in a biennial crop. In this case, flowering will occur in the spring following the year of sowing.

In a bed with light fertile soil, shallow grooves are cut and the seeds are sown. You can use the scatter method.

In both cases, a very thin layer of soil is sprinkled on top. Moistening will not be required if the soil is well moistened before sowing. The bed is shaded to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture from the top layer of soil. After 10-14 days, violet sprouts will appear.

Care consists of gentle watering and careful hilling, which ensures the stability of tiny plants. You can simply add fertile soil to the base of the stem


The stronger seedlings dive to another bed when they have at least five leaves, keeping an interval of 5-7 cm. In August or September, a second transplant is carried out, using seedlings as a border for flower beds with perennials, or planting flowers in separate groups. Diluting plain ones dark varieties, bright and variegated violet flowers.

The distance for mature seedlings should be at least 15 cm.

By the end of September, the viola will have compact bushes with 5-6 leaves. Such plants will go into winter green, and in the spring their flowering will be early and abundant.

If the violet seeds were sown earlier than the specified period, or during a prolonged autumn, flowering may occur in autumn period. But this drawback will lead to a worse wintering of the flower.

In spring, viola is in danger of getting wet, so it is necessary to drain melt water from the area. The possibility of flooding should be eliminated when choosing a place for planting in the autumn.

Flowering will occur in mid-May. One flower retains its decorative effect for a week and fades. If you remove them in a timely manner, the flowering period of the viola will be significantly extended.

Pansies - outdoor care

Fertilizing with full mineral fertilizers (nitrophoska - 50g/m2), in combination with watering, will also help to extend the flowering period. Bright islands of violets will decorate the garden for a month, then there will be a sharp decline in flowering, and it will resume in the second half of summer.

In shaded corners suburban area Pansies can bloom all season long, with timely watering and fertilizing. Removing faded flowers and seed pods must also be done in a timely manner so that the plant does not have to waste energy on ripening the seeds.

The main work involves weeding and loosening. Watering and fertilizing have already been discussed.

Except seed growing violets, dividing the bush at all stages of its development is acceptable for it. Even flowering bush will not suffer significantly if disturbed by division. This is the advantage of the plant when it is necessary to fill empty spaces in any corner of the garden.

By layering

It is worth mentioning the propagation of pansies by layering.

  • To do this, the selected plants are shaded, creating conditions under which the flower, in pursuit of light, stretches its stems.
  • It is more convenient to bend it to the ground, pin it and cover it with fertile soil.
  • For the winter, it is advisable to cover it with dry garden plant debris.
  • This work is carried out in the second ten days of July. The flower must have enough time to take root.
  • In spring, young bushes are separated and planted in a flower bed or flower garden.


Propagation of garden violets by self-sowing is quite good. If for some reason the withered flower was not removed, the seed pod will soon ripen. It will open and small seeds will scatter near the plant. Under the shade of the mother bush they quickly germinate and become new planting material.

If the gardener does not need them for planting on the site, they should be removed from the flower garden. Dense plantings are less decorative and more difficult to care for. In competition for nutrients, they lose flower size and brightness.

How to grow Pansies: video

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When to plant viola seedlings?

The plant is also responsive to complex mineral fertilizers. They like superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (20 g per 1 square meter). For the plant to bloom magnificently, it is enough to carry out two feedings. One - before the release of buds, and the second - during the beginning of flowering. Fertilizing is carried out at the root. Remember: viola does not like fresh manure! He is destructive for her.​

How to grow viola seedlings

​The basic principles for growing the plant are given above; now let’s get acquainted with how to grow ampelous viola from seeds to get cascades of flowers. Planting seedlings can begin in late January - early February, also by preparing containers (some use peat tablets). Seeds are placed in the soil, then the containers are covered like a greenhouse and sent to a bright place. The temperature for ampelous viola varieties should be maintained at 15-18 degrees throughout the entire growing stage.​

​When starting to plant viola seeds for seedlings, you need to prepare suitable containers and soil (​

​Scented viola (V. odorata). grassy perennial With small flowers(diameter about 2 cm). From the second half of summer, the viola grows a large number of easily rooted shoots that form a dense cover on the soil. The flowers are dark blue in color and have a pleasant, delicate aroma. Viola fragrant can bloom for a whole month.​

Growing from seeds

​The type of soil is no less important. Viola, planting and care open ground which are discussed above, prefers well-moistened, drained and fertile soils.​

The seeds are lightly sprinkled. First, the seeds are sown superficially (as in the second option). Then the top is lightly sprinkled (1-2 mm) with earth or sand. Spill or spray the plantings with warm water. The containers are covered with film or glass and ventilated regularly. Place the seedling container in a warm place. Illumination does not matter.​

  • ​Sowing seeds in open ground in the fall - flowering next year. In August-September, the seeds are sown in the ground. Before the snow falls, the plants have time to sprout and develop powerful roots. Viola, planting and caring for which is very simple, blooms the next year after sowing. Flowering lasts from April until frost.​
  • Even an increase in temperature to 23 degrees causes viola seedlings to be delayed for up to one month. As soon as sprouts appear above the soil, the temperature should be reduced to 12-15 degrees. Grown viola seedlings easily tolerate low temperatures, even at 5 degrees they feel good. In this case, development slows down somewhat, but in conditions of lack of light, the seedlings stretch less.
  • The optimal substrate for growing viola is made from peat, the pH of which is 5.5-5.8. There is no need to add fertilizers to such soil; viola seedlings need to be fed in the phase of formation of two true leaves.​

​Viola, better known as pansy, is hardy and absolutely easy to care for. Its bright color will decorate any flower garden, so flower growers are very willing to plant this flower. In sunny areas, viola blooms profusely; in partial shade its flowers become somewhat smaller. However, buying ready-made seedlings every spring is quite expensive, so many people grow viola seedlings on their own. It should be taken into account that this plant is biennial and, when sown with seeds, will bloom only in the second year.​

​Don't forget to remove dried flowers. This will allow the plant to bloom longer and more abundantly.

​Pansies of this variety look great in flower beds and borders. Growing terry viola flowers is not a difficult process, but quite painstaking. To obtain rapid flowering of Rococco varieties in the year of planting, it is necessary to begin the growing process in the first weeks of February. The seedlings are planted in moist and sufficiently compacted soil, then a greenhouse is formed using the same glass or polyethylene. The temperature required for seed germination should initially be maintained at about 10-12 degrees, and as the shoots grow, it should rise to 16 degrees. With the appearance of the first 2-3 leaves, future flowers dive.

  1. ​see video)​
  2. ​With its incredible beauty and variety of shapes and colors, the viola, the planting and care of which is discussed above, inspires the creativity of breeders, landscape designers, flower growers, and artists.​

​Cuttings can be carried out in different time. When cutting early, from May to July, take the tops of green shoots, which have 2-3 nodes. Most cuttings root in 3-4 weeks. Plants from such cuttings begin to bloom in summer or early autumn. If cuttings were carried out later than July, then the viola begins to bloom in the spring of next year.

​After emergence of seedlings, it is not recommended to immediately remove the film from the container - you need to let the seedlings get stronger. It is best to gradually increase the ventilation time over the course of a week.

​Sowing seeds in early spring for seedlings - flowering in the year of planting. It is believed that with this method, the viola begins to bloom in the second year. In fact, flowering can begin as early as the first summer after planting. To do this, you should sow the seeds at an earlier period - from late February to early March. It is advisable to use additional light. The resulting seedlings bloom in May-June. If you create suitable conditions for the viola (it does not like direct sun and heat), it will bloom all summer, and will bloom again next spring. Seedlings grown in the spring are then planted in open ground or to the balcony.​

​Where do landscape designers use these garden flowers? Viola is great for framing ridges and borders, and lining small bushes. Low growing varieties They look very organic in rock gardens and rockeries. Mixes of violas give the landscape a unique flavor and create bright accent. Today it is difficult to imagine a garden without this beautiful plant.​

​To get good seedlings an important condition is to create drainage in the container. Sow viola seeds for seedlings on top of a moistened substrate, sprinkling them with a thin layer of vermiculite. Cover the container before emergence plastic film or a piece of glass. This will speed up seed germination. Periodically, the cover must be removed for ventilation, which will avoid the formation of fungus in the soil. If you use cups for growing, you need to sow 3-4 seeds in each of them. After germination, the strongest and most well-developed sprout is left in the glass, removing the rest.

​After purchasing several bags of bright viola, pay attention to the fact that this flower is sown in the summer. Many inexperienced gardeners make the mistake of sowing viola in the spring and expect to receive lush flowering in the summer. This is a biennial crop, so it is important to know when to plant viola seedlings.​

​Pansies planted in summer should be covered with straw, dry branches or spruce branches for the winter. This will protect the delicate roots of the flowers from freezing.​

​The end of February - the beginning of March is the time of the sacrament of growing viola seedlings. Of course, the ideal place for planting seeds would be a greenhouse or greenhouse with a certain microclimate. But it will not be difficult to grow viola seedlings at home. You just need to follow some rules for caring for seedlings.​

Video - growing viola from seeds

Viola: planting and care. Pansies. garden flowers

This variety is considered the most “violently colored”. It is quite possible to grow horned viola flowers yourself if you strictly follow the rules for planting them while maintaining a certain temperature regime. You can start sowing at any season, based on the expected date of the desired flowering of the viola. It is worth considering that the period from planting to flowering can take from 10 to 13 weeks. The planted seeds of horned viola will begin to grow if the temperature is maintained at 6-8 degrees. For the sprouts to fully develop, the temperature will need to be increased to 16-18 degrees as they grow. The stage when 1-2 true leaves appear will be suitable for diving.​

​. Often, they are used as containers peat cups, the bottom of which is previously covered with drainage. Small-sized pebbles, expanded clay, and even wood chips are suitable. If possible, the soil should be prepared with your own hands, using river sand, humus and peat. In the absence of opportunity or any ingredient, you can purchase ready-made soil that is suitable for violets.​

What is the correct name of the flower?

​People call the viola flower pansies. It's abundant flowering plant amazes the imagination with a variety of colors: from snow-white to black with various shades of yellow, red, of blue color. Many amateur flower growers have already noted the special unpretentiousness of the viola, but you still need to know how to grow it correctly so that it can be admired from the beginning of spring until autumn.​

​This method is more suitable for greenhouses rather than gardens. It is usually used for propagation of elite varieties.​

​Viola seedlings are quite resistant to temperatures of 5-10°C, so before the real leaves appear, the containers (without the film) can be taken out to the balcony for hardening.​

A little history

​Sowing seeds in summer. From late May to early June, you can sow seeds directly into the ground. Viola begins to bloom in August-September. Snow covers the plants already with flowers. In early spring, violas bloom again.

Viola is also a great container plant. It will perfectly decorate a terrace or balcony.​

​When growing in containers, viola seedlings are planted twice:

Planting by seeds

In June-July, a place is set aside in the flower garden for sowing pansy seeds. The seeds are pre-treated with a growth accelerator. The seeds are buried 0.5 cm into the groove, sprinkled with earth without lumps. The soil is carefully spilled with water, trying not to wash away the sowing area. It is useful to mulch the sowing area with fine sawdust, which will retain moisture in the soil.​

​A little patience, warmth of hands and love will give you the lush beauty of multi-colored pansies that will decorate borders and paths, rock gardens and balconies, flower beds and garden vases.​

Pansy seeds are carefully placed on loose, moist, well-drained soil. They are sprinkled with a small layer of earth on top and moistened again with a spray bottle. The boxes with seedlings are covered with glass or film and placed in a warm place. Moisture, loose soil, warmth - these are the basis for success in growing viola seedlings. Ten days later, friendly shoots appear. When the plant has two true leaves, it’s time to dive.

  • ​If you properly organize the care of your violas, you can overcome any difficulties. In return, Pansies will become a real find for your garden, and will lift your spirits by winking at you from the flowerbed.​
  • ​Experienced gardeners who have been breeding violets of this type for many years have revealed a secret that promotes excellent plant growth: place the seeds on a layer of fresh snow (about 2 mm) laid on top of compacted soil. In addition to excellent feeding, the use of this method will also serve as a delineation for uniform placement of seeds if the container is in the form of a tray.​
  • Peculiarities of growing viola

Seed germination

In order for viola, the planting and care of which even a schoolchild can master, to grow normally and bloom profusely, the soil must be constantly moist and loose. That’s why regular watering and loosening the soil is so important. Removing spent flowers promotes long-lasting flowering.​

  • ​Seedlings need proper and regular watering. Upper layer The soil should never be dry, but there is no need to flood the seedlings either.​
  • The period of seed germination depends on the variety. Usually sprouts appear on the fifth to tenth day. Reasons for slow germination:​
  • Very often there is confusion with the name of this plant. Some call it violet, others - viola, and still others - pansies.​

The plants are planted for the first time when two true leaves have formed.

Sowing and growing seedlings

​After 2 weeks, shoots will appear; they must be shaded from the sun with a dark film, which is removed after two weeks. By August, the seedlings will have grown and can be transplanted to a permanent location. This planting material produces plants with lush and long-lasting flowering, which is impossible to achieve from viola grown from seeds in seedlings.​

​Viola seedlings can be grown not only using the classic two-year technology, when pansies are sown in the summer and left to winter in the open ground, but also using the one-year technology. This method is expensive, but sometimes it is the only possible one when growing large-flowered varieties violas, which in conditions middle zone do not tolerate wintering in open ground well.

  • Seedlings are planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Caring for seedlings is simple: the same warmth, humidity and loose soil. It is very important to maintain a balance of these components and not allow excess sunlight or watering. Active sun can burn tender leaves, so it is recommended to slightly shade the seedlings with foil or cardboard. It is also very important that the water does not stagnate: the fragile roots of the seedlings begin to rot, and a “black leg” is formed.
  • ​Wittrock violet - this scientific name wears viola. Summer residents and gardeners love it very much for its long flowering, varied colors and ease of care. People lovingly call the viola Pansy. Sometimes novice flower growers complain that viola is capricious and does not always live up to their hopes for lush flowering, or even does not want to bloom at all.​
  • ​Having covered the tray with glass or polyethylene, as shown in the photo, it is put away on a warm windowsill, where there will be a lot of sunlight. Small sprouts that appear in just two weeks will delight you with rapid growth, which is worth supporting with fresh air baths, gradually increasing their duration. Already with the appearance of two or three leaves on the sprouts, the glass and film can be removed completely. Watering is carried out using a spray bottle, without over-moistening the soil and making sure that it does not dry out. To strengthen weak sprouts, you can apply recharge in the form of microfertilizers.​

Proper care of viola seedlings

​Growing a flower is easier by seed method. If you want to get flowering in the first year, then plant the viola seeds in boxes at the end of February or at the beginning of March. Cover the boxes with seedlings with film or glass and put them in a warm place. Provide the seedlings with regular loosening of the soil and abundant watering during the germination period. After two weeks, small shoots will appear, which then need to be pruned at a distance of 5 centimeters. In May-June, plant the viola in open ground (distance from each other is 10-15 centimeters). Plant the plant with seeds in open ground in June-July, and in August transplant the viola to a permanent place. Just keep in mind that viola will begin to bloom next year in early spring. This plant can be propagated by spring self-sowing, but in this case the flowers will lose their species differences. Viola can also be propagated by cuttings. At the end of May you will plant apical cuttings with several knots in moist soil. Cover them with a jar on top to maintain high air humidity. In the fall, the cuttings will take root and can be transplanted to a permanent location.​

​Viola requires regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with the NPK complex. Seedlings are fertilized once every 10 days, and adult plants - once a month.​

When the sprouts have 1-2 true leaves, they are picked into separate containers. Usually by this moment the central stem of the sprouts is strongly elongated to the cotyledons. When picking, the sprouts can be buried into the soil up to the cotyledons - they will be more stable, with powerful roots.​

​old seeds;​

​Violet is a genus of plants from the violet family (Violaceae). Viola is the Latin name for violet. Perennial pansy (or tricolor violet) is a species of plant from the genus violets.​

The second picking is carried out at 5 weeks of age. For this, separate pots are used, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 cm.

Caring for viola seedlings grown in open ground involves insulating them with straw or spruce branches before winter. This “cover” will protect the plant’s root system from freezing. In spring, young plants are fed with a solution complex fertilizer twice - before the formation of buds and at the beginning of flowering.​

Viola: planting and care in open ground

When growing viola as an annual crop, pansy seeds are sown from December to February. Peat with a pH of 5.5-5.8 can be used as soil; it is better not to fill the peat with fertilizers, but to use fertilizing with each watering, starting from the appearance of the first true leaves. Viola seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of vermiculite or peat, the boxes should be covered with film and excessive waterlogging should be avoided.

At the end of May, beginning of June, viola seedlings are planted in open ground.

​Wittrock's violet - this is the scientific name of viola. Summer residents and gardeners love it very much for its long flowering, varied colors and ease of care. People lovingly call the viola Pansy. Sometimes novice flower growers complain that viola is capricious and does not always live up to their hopes for lush flowering, or even does not want to bloom at all. In fact, pansies, like every flower, require an approach and knowledge of some simple secrets that allow you to admire their beauty from early spring until late autumn.​

​You can get acquainted with the process of planting viola seeds in the ground in the video below.​

Viola diseases

Propagation by cuttings

​Noxious weeds should be removed regularly. For the winter, plants are covered with spruce branches, fallen leaves or straw.​

In order for the seedlings to bush better, at the stage of two or three pairs of true leaves, the sprouts are pinched.


​thick layer of soil above the seeds;​

​Viola (or violet) - often one-, two-, or perennial herbaceous plant, less commonly a subshrub. Plant height 15-30 cm.​

​If plants are planted in large seedling boxes, it is important to maintain a distance between plants of about 6 cm. Unheated greenhouses in a summer cottage are suitable for growing seedlings.​

Types of viola

​The use of fresh manure is unacceptable, as this provokes the disease “blackleg”.​

​The best temperature for seed germination is 18-20ºС; at temperatures above 23ºС, viola seeds may go into “rest” (not germinate for a long time). The germination period of viola seeds is from 5 to 14 days.

  • ​Where to plant viola.​
  • What are pansies?
  • ​With the arrival of warm days, you can begin replanting flowers in open ground, leaving 15 cm gaps between the bushes so that air circulation is free and there is additional territory for lush flowering. The flowers will grow quite quickly and rapidly if their care was initially correct. All that the viola will require in the future is moderate watering and fertilizing with fertilizers, as well as loosening the soil as needed.
  • ​When improper care Viola can develop the following diseases: root and stem rot, black leg, downy mildew, aphids, leaf spot. Just make sure that water does not stagnate at the roots of the plant, then you will avoid all these diseases.​
  • There are currently about 500 species of viola. A flower whose varieties are so diverse amazes even connoisseurs.​

When warm weather sets in and the threat of frost has passed, they begin to plant the seedlings in a permanent place - on the balcony (March) or in open ground (May-June).

​Heavy and dense soil with which the seeds are sprinkled.​

​Viola, whose flowers are one of the oldest garden plants, known to botanists since the 16th century. Also in ancient Greece and in Rome, people decorated their rooms with them during the holidays. But they began to cultivate it only two centuries later. F. Miller, the famous English florist, was the first to do this. Since sowing viola seedlings is carried out in peat soil without fertilizers, the first fertilizing is done after three weeks. In regions with a harsh climate, planting viola seedlings from seeds becomes the only way to grow this flower. When growing viola seedlings, it is necessary to maintain the substrate humidity in the range of 40-70%; higher humidity prevents the penetration of oxygen to the roots of the plant, which leads to stretching of pansy seedlings.

How to easily and simply grow Viola from seeds on your site?

General information about flowers

Most varieties of pansies are light-loving plants, so they are most often planted where there is a lot of sun. But viola also tolerates partial shade well, although the flowers in this case may be a little smaller.​

The plant belongs to the violet family. It is widespread in both Asia and Europe. These flowers have also taken root in Russia. Viola is a perennial. This can be seen from her biological features. But gardeners prefer to grow Pansies as biennial plant. Viola flower is a herbaceous bush with a height of 15 to 30 cm.

Preparing to grow viola from seeds

​There are quite a few varieties of Pansy flowers, which begin blooming with the arrival of early spring. Among the most common varieties are known:

​Viola is a low-growing (up to 30 cm) plant with an eye located in the center of the flower, and often colored in four colors at the same time. The viola is different abundant flowering and a riot of colors that will certainly decorate your flowerbed with long-lasting flowering, from early spring until late autumn.​

There are several types that are considered the most popular among gardeners:

How to plant seeds?

​When planting seedlings in the ground, maintain an interval of 10-15 cm. If seedlings are planted in boxes or pots, then maintain the following ratio: 1-2 liters of soil per plant.​ The emerging shoots are exposed to the light. Moreover, even direct sunlight in spring is not dangerous for plants.​​The violet appeared in Russia at the end of the 18th century, thanks to the famous botanist P. S. Pallas, who studied the flora of Altai. It was he who brought the violet to St. Petersburg, which is now called Altai.

​To do this, use any mineral fertilizers, pouring the solution under the root. Then fertilizing is repeated every month. You also need to be careful with watering. Water should be directed right to the root, avoiding drops getting on the leaves.​

The complexity of this method of growing viola lies in the need to create a number of conditions:

​To obtain strong viola plants, the temperature of growing seedlings should be no more than 20ºС (growing at high temperature may be the reason that the flower size will be smaller than stated by the originator of the variety), pansies tolerate temperatures well down to +5ºС. Viola is difficult to grow in the same room where heat-loving flowers are grown.​

​Soil requirements: looseness, moisture, good ventilation.​

Growing long-flowering species

Breeders divide varieties into short, medium and tall. Violas also differ in inflorescences. The smallest flowers are only 4 cm in diameter, the largest ones are up to 6 cm, and some varieties give magnificent flowers up to 10 cm in diameter! Viola planting dates.​

  • ​Viola Wittrock;​
  • This plant grows well in fertile soil and in partial shade. As for humidity, moderate watering is suitable for the soil in which the viola will grow. Severe drought and lack of watering, as well as significant waterlogging, will negatively affect its flowering and condition. These magnificent flowers have some distinctive features, such as excellent attitude to transplanting to a new place, as well as frost resistance. Viola responds well to feeding with fertilizers, but has a categorically negative attitude towards organic additives.​

​Viola tricolor (V. tricolor). Two-or annual plant. Height 10-20 cm. In open ground, this viola blooms from May to September, and it looks most decorative in the second year of flowering.​

​Many people consider growing seedlings to be quite a troublesome task, so they prefer to sow the seeds directly into open ground. When sown in late May - early June, viola will begin to bloom in August-September. If you sow viola in August, flowering will begin in early spring next year.​

Growing from seeds of viola ampelous

​For sowing, select any suitable containers: special cassettes for seedlings, small flower pots, food containers, etc. It is very important to choose suitable soil- it should be loose. You can buy special soil for violets or prepare it yourself.​

Growing from Viola Rococco seeds

At the beginning of the 19th century, the well-known pansies appeared in Europe - Wittrock's hybrid violets. They combined the beauty of three types of violets: Altai, yellow and tricolor.​

Growing from seeds of viola hornata

​The mature viola seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-May, when no return frosts are expected.​

​Additional lighting;​

Viola (pansy): growing by seedlings

​Good development of pansies is possible only with high level lighting, fluorescent lamps as for petunia will not help, you need to use Dnat lamps (which shine so that it is impossible to work with them next to them).​
​How to care for pansies​
Viola can be planted in different terms. It all depends on what time of year you want to get flowering. It may be the end of winter: at this time pansies are planted as seedlings. It could also be summer, when the seeds are sown directly into the ground.​
​Viola Horned.​
Well, you have become the happy owner of viola flower seeds. A package with colorful design will become a clear example what a blooming viola will be like. Now you can begin preparation, and, directly, the cultivation itself.​
Viola Wittroka (V. wittrokiana). Typically considered a biennial or annual, it can also be grown as a perennial when divided annually. Height 15-30 cm. This is a highly branched plant. Large flowers have a diameter of 4-10 cm. Flowers come in a wide variety of colors, and they can be plain or spotted. Depending on the time of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in the ground, viola can bloom in summer or autumn. Varieties of Wittrock's viola, based on a number of common characteristics, are conventionally divided into several groups: “trimardo”, “hemalis-winter”, “Schweitzer Risen”, “Swiss grandiflora”, etc. For example, varieties from the “Pirnaer” group are distinguished by early flowering.​
When sowing, the seeds are placed in small depressions (up to 0.6 mm), maintaining an interval of 10-15 cm. After this, the soil is shed generously and wait for the emergence of seedlings.
​The containers are filled with soil and sowing begins. It can be produced in different ways:
​How is viola grown? Flowers, growing from seeds is the simplest and most cheap way, can also be planted by sowing in open ground or by cuttings.​
​When transplanting to the bottom of a hole 5 cm deep, you need to pour a handful of sand as drainage and plant pansy seedlings with a lump of earth. The distance between plantings should be about 10-15 cm. For larger plants with large flowers, the distance between bushes is 20 cm. The seedlings are watered abundantly at the root and lightly shaded for several days. Sand will allow water to quickly go deep into the soil without forming stagnation. This reduces the risk of viola disease with blackleg.​

​Compliance with temperature conditions;​
​The N:P:K ratio at the initial stage of fertilizing is 14:1:4, increasing to 14:4:14. It is imperative to fertilize with microelements. The concentration of fertilizers for nitrogen is at the beginning 75 ppm for nitrogen, gradually increasing to 100 ppm.​
​Planting in open ground takes place in June-July. Seeds are sown in loose, moist beds. Shoots appear in approximately two weeks. In August, the plants are planted in a permanent place. The violas are strengthening and gaining strength. Viola will bloom only next spring, but experienced gardeners they say that in terms of splendor and duration of flowering, biennial pansies are superior to their counterparts grown from seedlings.​
​Among the Wittrock viola variety groups, Rococco is popular.​
​Before you grow viola, you should find a place on your site in advance for these mysterious “lights”. Ideally, in a place where there is the most sunlight and the soil is suitable with moisture and air permeability.​
​Altai viola (V. altaica).Ornamental perennial plant. Height up to 20 cm. Frost-resistant. It can bloom twice a season: from mid-spring to mid-summer and from August until the first frost.​

Pinching is done at the stage of two or three true leaves. IN further care taking care of plants consists of regular and sufficient watering and fertilizing.​
The seeds are planted in the ground. Depressions (up to 0.6 cm) are formed in the soil 1 cm apart. The seeds are placed in the resulting grooves every 1-2 cm. The seeds are sprinkled with soil. Plantings are spilled or sprayed with water. To create a humid microclimate in seedling containers, they are covered with film or glass. To prevent mold from appearing, open the film twice a day for about 10 minutes. Place the “greenhouse” with the seeds in a warm place (20-25°C). Illumination does not matter.​

​Growing from seeds - this way you can grow a sufficient number of plants for a garden or balcony. In addition, it is profitable - seeds are much cheaper than ready-made seedlings. To improve germination, it is advisable to soak viola seeds for a day in a solution of special preparations (for example, zircon) before planting.
This is the basic scheme for growing pansies. But how to grow healthy viola seedlings so that they don’t stretch out in a container on the windowsill? Since sowing is carried out in early dates, the seedlings need to be illuminated, for which they use ordinary fluorescent lamps or phytolamps, which are classified as special lighting fixtures. Viola requires at least 14-16 hours of daylight. The growth regulator Alar somewhat limits the growth of seedlings, but subject to the use of additional lighting.​
​Selection of optimal soil.​
​Viola is planted at the age of 5-9 weeks in pots with a diameter of 10 cm. The concentration of fertilizers can be increased to 100-150 ppm. Watering is moderate, the temperature is not high, even an unheated greenhouse with a double film and additional agrofibre covering on the arches will do.

​Violas constantly need moisture. Without watering, plants do not bloom. However, overmoistening and stagnation of water leads to the fact that the plant may die or develop blackleg. Therefore, do not be lazy to loosen the soil, give oxygen access to the roots of these amazing flowers.​
​However, the seedling method is also very popular, so we will dwell on it in more detail.​
​These flowers are quite large in size, with terry leaves of various colors. New ones have also been released hybrid varieties, belonging to the Viola ampelous group, which look great in hanging flower beds, as shown in the photo.​
​Now you need to decide on the appropriate period when you can plant the seeds. For those who found best option In terms of a permanent place for subsequent cultivation of viola, already in July you can sow purchased seeds. In this case, the viola will delight you with its beautiful flowering in May next year. But in order to get seedlings at home, you need to start planting viola flowers in February. It is worth noting that grown from seeds in room conditions and flowers planted as seedlings are distinguished by rich shades, great view and resistance to various types of adverse conditions.​
​yellow viola (V. lutea). The most unpretentious of all violets. Height 8-15 cm. Viola received its name for the bright lemon-yellow color of the flowers. Blooms from May to July.​
​When planting seedlings or sowing seeds, the choice of location is of great importance. Violas grow and bloom best in bright sunny places, but with shade from the bright midday sun. In the garden this can be a place under trees with a not very dense crown, and on the balcony - the western or eastern side.​
​Seeds are sown superficially in the ground. The soil is shed generously or sprayed with water, preferably warm (30-35° C). The seeds are placed in recesses every 1-2 cm. The container with the seeds is covered with film or glass. The soil is regularly ventilated. Place the container with the seeds in a warm place and cover the top with some material (for example, a sheet of cardboard).​
Any variety of perennial and biennial violas can be grown according to one of 3 schemes:
​As for the temperature regime, 18-30 degrees of heat is required for seed germination. Deviation in any direction negatively affects the germination of viola seeds.​
At the end of February - beginning of March, you can sow viola for seedlings at home. The seeds must first be soaked in a solution of Zircon, Epin or EM-1. this will speed up seed germination and make seedlings more resistant to pathogens.​

​If viola seedlings are elongated, then you can use a growth regulator Alar 2500-3000 ppm, one or two treatments.​

It is difficult to find a plant in the garden that is less demanding of its development conditions than cute curly bushes with flower eyes. Growing viola is possible even for the person who first poured seeds into the palm of his hand for sowing.

The name of the plant is a tracing-paper translation of the Latin name of the genus Violet (Viola). Fragrant flowers have been adored for centuries in many countries, especially the French. Emperor Napoleon never returned home to his Josephine without her favorite bouquet of violets. And the great Goethe always went for a walk with a bag of viola seeds and scattered them throughout the outskirts of Weimar.

In the genus Viola of the Violet family, approximately 500 are known, and according to some sources - more than 700 species, distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere in areas with a temperate climate. The most popular of them in garden floriculture are violas:

  • fragrant,
  • horned,
  • nursing,
  • Labrador,
  • canine,
  • pubescent,
  • Korean,
  • tricolor,
  • Wittrock,
  • ampelous,
  • Williams and others.

The plant is very easy to cultivate, but a gardener who decides to plant it in his flowerbed needs to know certain rules of agricultural technology.

Growing viola in the garden

There are several ways to add a cute flower to your garden. The most common is sowing seeds, which is carried out both in open ground and for seedlings. Varietal violas are propagated by the vegetative method using cuttings and layering.

Choose a sunny site for planting, with loose and humus-rich loamy soil, well fertilized with potassium and phosphorus.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Propagation of viola by seeds is used more often as a simpler and less expensive opportunity to grow a flower. If you sow seeds for seedlings, you can expect flowering already in the current season. Seeds sown in open ground will produce plants that will bloom next spring.

Viola is planted in open ground in May-June, when the threat of return spring frosts has disappeared. Sowing is carried out sparsely, in rows, and the seeds are embedded in the soil no more than 1 cm. Shoots appear in 10-15 days. If the weather is dry, water them lightly so as not to be washed away by the pressure of water. The soil between the rows is loosened and weeds are removed.

When the seedlings grow up, they are thinned out, leaving a distance of 7-10 cm between neighboring flowers. It is also possible to plant the seedlings after 3-4 weeks in the beds where the viola will overwinter. The first time after picking, the plant is shaded.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The timing of planting viola seedlings depends on when they plan to wait for flowering. If you sow at the end of January or February, the bushes will produce buds at the end of May. Sowing in March will produce flowers in late summer.

Shallow bowls for seedlings are filled with purchased soil, which is spilled with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate on the eve of sowing. Small viola seeds are placed in shallow grooves, barely covered with soil. Sprinkle with water from a spray bottle, cover the crops on top with plastic wrap and place a south-west window.

The mini-greenhouse is regularly ventilated and moistened. Shoots appear after 10-14 days. At the beginning of April they are planted in pots bigger size, deepening to the cotyledon leaves. At the end of this month, they begin to harden the seedlings, placing them on an unglazed or veranda during the day, and returning them indoors at night. Seedlings are planted in open ground in the first or second decade of May, maintaining a distance of 15-20 cm between them. At the beginning of June, viola is already blooming.

Advice experienced flower growers about how to plant viola beautifully: if, when planting seedlings in a garden bed, some of the plants are placed in the shade, and the rest in a lighted place, then flowering will be prolonged.

Those in the sun bloom their petals earlier, those that receive less light bloom later and fade after all the others.

Viola propagation by cuttings and layering

Especially valuable varieties are propagated vegetatively. Cuttings are taken from May to July from well-developed healthy plants. For this, apical shoots with 2-3 internodes are used. Plant them in a shaded bed close to each other so that they touch. The groove is well watered and the cuttings are buried about 0.5 cm. Sprayed on top and covered with film. After 3-4 weeks you can already check what kind of roots the viola has. Usually the plants develop a good root system by this time.

For propagation by layering, the plant is shaded so that it stretches. At the beginning of autumn, the shoots are bent to the ground and sprinkled with fertile soil. By spring, the cuttings take root and are transplanted into the garden bed.

Before winter, viola is planted in a permanent place in early September using the transshipment method. Rooted bushes are covered with dry fallen leaves to protect them from freezing. In winter, make sure that during thaws, water does not stagnate in the beds with wintering violas.

Growing and caring for a viola flower in a pot

In May, the grown seedlings are transferred into flower containers, which are placed in a garden, on the terrace or hung in a flowerpot. Violet loves moisture, but stagnation of water causes it to get wet. Therefore, a layer of drainage, for example, made of expanded clay or gravel, is required at the bottom of the pot. Any purchased and fertile soil is suitable for viola. However, the containers can be filled with ordinary garden soil mixed with humus, and for looseness, add a little coarse river sand.

Plants are moistened regularly, avoiding drying out. On the eve of a long absence of the grower, watering into a tray is also possible. Violas are fed weekly with any universal flower fertilizer. With this care, they open their buds almost all summer.

How to care for viola in the garden

The main measures for caring for viola in the garden include timely loosening of the soil, especially after rain, it is necessary to weed and destroy the crust on the ground, which prevents air from penetrating to the roots. Simultaneously with weeding, weeds are removed from the feeding zone of the viola bushes.

Watering and fertilizing

The plant is quite moisture-loving, but from excess moisture in a particularly rainy summer it gets wet if it ends up in a lowland that is constantly flooded with puddles. However, the viola should not suffer from a lack of moisture, otherwise the flowers become smaller, the growth of the bushes slows down, and flowering may stop altogether. If it is too hot, flower buds do not form.

The first feeding during viola cultivation is done on the eve of budding - add a tablespoon of nitrophoska to a bucket of water. The second time is fed during flowering with Agricola-7 fertilizer, diluting 1 tablespoon in 10 liters of water. The solution is watered at the roots of the plants.

After the flowers wither, the stems are cut, leaving 10-12 cm from the ground level, the bushes are watered abundantly and fed. Very soon new young shoots grow, on the tops of which flowers appear again.

How to collect viola seeds

The time to collect seeds comes when the top of the seed pod turns white or yellow, and it itself rises upward on the peduncle. Picked at this moment, they ripen well while drying in a shaded place with active air circulation. Viola seeds remain viable for 2-4 years. There are approximately 800 of them in 1 g.

Viola diseases and the fight against them

Many gardeners claim that viola is resistant to diseases and pests. However, this remark is more true in relation to natural views, but varietal plants are more vulnerable to care problems.

Most garden violas suffer from blackleg and powdery mildew in high humidity conditions. In order to prevent blackening of the base of the stem, experts recommend not thickening the plantings and disinfecting the soil by watering with a solution of potassium permanganate or foundation. Against powdery mildew process the solution soda ash and laundry soap.

Leaf spotting often affects Wittrock's viola. It is treated with either a copper-soap preparation. Viola tricolor and fragrant from ascochyta are sprayed with copper-containing agents. Phyllosticosis occurs most often on Williams and ampelous viola plants. Treatment before flowering with Bordeaux mixture or Abiga-Peak and Homom preparations helps to save plantings from it.

Tricolor, ampelous and fragrant viola plants affected by pythium (root rot of seedlings) or gray rot are destroyed along with the clod of earth where they grew. The soil under neighboring healthy bushes is shed with Maxima or Alirin-B solutions.

Those infected with fusarium, late blight or the variegation virus of Wittrock, fragrant, Williams and tricolor violets cannot be cured. Fungal spores live in the soil for a long time and it is no longer recommended to plant viola in the bed where the defeat occurred. To avoid viral infection, the plant is not planted near cucumber and pumpkin beds.

Viola pests and ways to get rid of them

Systemic insecticides are used against insects, mites are eliminated using acaricides, and to prevent the appearance of nematodes, sodium nitrate is added to the soil a week before planting - 150-200 g per 1 sq. m. m.

Planting and caring for viola in the open ground does not cause too much trouble for the gardener. But the friendly blossoming of cheerful bushes, accompanied by a fragrant aroma, brings a lot of positive emotions throughout the summer.

Secrets of growing viola - video