In a private house      06/14/2019

Bait for mosquitoes at home. Homemade mosquito trap - how to do it yourself with a photo. Types of homemade traps

With the arrival of the long-awaited summer, we all have the opportunity to enjoy not only warm days and romantic evenings, each of us will have more than one meeting with annoying insects - mosquitoes. Of course, today we have enough means in our arsenal to enable us to effective fight with a small bloodsucker, it is exactly what a mosquito trap is electric, homemade or mechanical that will be discussed in this material.

Of course, all known means of protection are indispensable in certain circumstances: a picnic is indispensable without a special spray or ointment. But the trouble is that the protection applied to the skin can cause allergic manifestations. Fumigators can be used in the bedroom, but special liners are valid for a limited time, and restocking requires material costs. It is much easier to build a special trap for harmful insects, you can even with my own hands- then annoying mosquitoes will not pester you with their annoying squeak and unpleasant bites.

Video "Ultraviolet traps"

From the video you will learn how mosquito traps work.


The old "grandfather" way to deal with unwanted insects in the room is the usual sticky tape. Such a trap for annoying mosquitoes, placed near the included lamp, will help to clear the room of insects.
Of course, this tool works much more effectively with larger representatives of insects, but mosquitoes will not be able to avoid spaced nets. The effectiveness of the method is due to the fact that even slightly touching the sticky surface of the tape, the mosquito will no longer be able to free itself.

Electrical traps

Electronic modern mosquito traps work on the principle of emitters: spreading heat or carbon dioxide around them, they attract insects, creating the illusion of the presence of a person or a mammal. Such funds are divided into several varieties:

Another tool that has recently appeared on domestic marketultrasonic repeller insects. This is a small device resembling a keychain, which, by creating certain ultrasonic vibrations, is able to repel insects.

And even if the price of such a device is somewhat higher compared to traditional methods, by purchasing it once, you will protect yourself from annoying insects for a long time without exposing yourself to the risk of developing allergic reactions. In addition, the action of the device is universal: during the day it can effectively fight wasps or flies, and in the evening it can build an impenetrable barrier for mosquitoes around you.

Insecticide baits

They are a fairly effective tool - these are small containers containing a special filler that can not only lure, but also destroy insects. The disadvantage of this method of struggle is obvious: each container is disposable: as soon as the dead insects completely fill it, it will end its service cycle.

Mechanical traps

This DIY mosquito trap, made in the form of a special container, is not only one of the most common, but also by far the most ingenious method of controlling insects.

Mosquitoes attracted by a special bait, getting inside the container, can no longer get out. Even an ordinary jar filled with sweet syrup can serve as an impromptu means of struggle: getting inside the container and wetting the wings, mosquitoes inevitably die.

Homemade traps

To make your own trap, you will need a regular plastic bottle. Her neck is cut off, stepping back a third of the total length of the container, and inserted with the reverse end into the rest of the bottle. The container is ready! It remains to fill it with bait mixture, and your trap will start working. So that insects cannot resist your “treat”, prepare it from a mixture of sugar, water and ordinary yeast: the fermentation process that has begun will inevitably begin to release carbon dioxide, attracting mosquitoes from all around. Then everything is simple: the insect, bogged down in a sticky liquid, will never find its way back out of the container.

You can organize a less intricate way to catch mosquitoes - make sticky tape. To do this, you need thick paper, cut into long strips, and a special sticky mixture made from rosin, turpentine, castor oil and sugar.

The ingredients must be cooked in a water bath until viscous, then apply the resulting composition to paper, and fix the strips under the ceiling with threads, choosing a place that will be of interest to insects - near lighting device or any element that radiates heat.

To protect your life in the summer months from annoying insects, it is not at all necessary to spend huge money on acquiring numerous special means, fumigators, sprays and other latest inventions in this field. It is enough just to go back to the roots and remember how our parents solved this problem, we are sure that you will learn a lot of means that are not only effective, but also safe for the health of your family members.

Intrusive mosquitoes interfere with the sleep of residents of both city apartments and private houses. Those who are accustomed to spending time in the country, in country house, these insects can ruin your vacation. There are many for sale chemicals from mosquitoes. However, not all people can use such sprays, ointments and fumigators.

There are many ways to build a harmless handmade mosquito trap. With the help of simple improvised materials, you can create special devices that can become an alternative to traditional insect repellents.

Features of homemade designs

Considering do-it-yourself mosquito traps you can make several different designs. They differ in principle of action, efficiency. You can create several traps at once, which will become a talisman against insect attacks, and over time choose the most effective option among those presented below.

All homemade traps take into account the behavior of mosquitoes. Insects are attracted to the warmth and smell of sweat, which is secreted by the glands of human skin. Mosquitoes are also attracted to water. Many residents of summer cottages have noticed that in damp areas where there is a reservoir nearby, there are much more insects. Mosquitoes also react to the carbon dioxide that people exhale.

Various materials at hand, which are usually available in any home, will help create an effective remedy that can protect against the bites, annoying buzz of these harmful insects.

adhesive tape

With the help of simple improvised means that are at hand, you can make homemade mosquito trap. DIY will be able to create an effective reliable means. To do this, you need to prepare castor oil, rosin, turpentine, water and sugar. You will also need pieces of cardboard or thick paper.

First, a solution is prepared that will attract mosquitoes by smell. Three tablespoons of sugar are diluted in five tablespoons of water. The composition must be brought to a boil. Stirring with a spoon, you should wait until it thickens. Next, 100 g of castor oil, rosin and 50 g of turpentine are added to the solution. When a homogeneous mass is obtained, it is applied to strips of cardboard.

Such a trap can be hung near the place of residence of people. The smell attracts mosquitoes, which will stick to the surface. When there is no free space left on the paper, you need to hang another strip. The presented trap changes once a week. Pine resin, flax oil, beeswax and honey can be used as impregnation for cardboard.

Plastic bottle trap

Considering the options for how to make your own mosquito trap, you should pay attention to one of the most popular ways. To implement it, you need a regular plastic bottle. It can have a capacity of 1.5-2.0 liters. Plastic containers are widely used for making various decor, useful gadgets. You can also protect yourself from mosquitoes with their help.

The design of this trap is quite simple. In addition to the bottle, you will need yeast and sugar. Insects in this case will be attracted to the smell of carbon dioxide, which is released by sugar and yeast.

The bottle must be cut across with a clerical knife. The upper part (where the neck is left) should be 1/3 of the total length. The cover must be removed. Neck forward, the upper part of the bottle is installed in the lower section. The joint must be sealed with tape.

Bait cooking

DIY mosquito trap reviews, collected from a bottle, they talk about its high efficiency. After making the main structure, you need to make a bait.

Take 0.5 cup of water. Its temperature should be around 30ºС. Next, you need to dissolve 100 g of sugar in it. Then 5 g of yeast is added to the solution. Any variety can be used. When the ingredients are well mixed, they are poured into the bottom of the bottle. The edges of the neck should not reach the surface of the sweet liquid.

The bottle is best used from dark plastic. You can wrap it in foil so that mosquitoes are not scared away by bright light. During fermentation, heat and carbon dioxide are released. Mosquitoes will fly into the bottle. They can't get back out. After a few days, the bait must be replaced.

Simple design

To make mosquito trap (without yeast) with your own hands, you can use another simple recipe. To do this, you will need to purchase a special glue from insects. They are treated with a piece of gauze. The canvas impregnated with the presented composition is stretched over the openings of the ventilation shaft. Also gauze can be hung near the windows.

Another simple method is the use of an ultraviolet light bulb. Such a device should have a power of 20 watts. It is placed in a metal mesh reinforcement. The grid is connected to the current. To ensure the safety of the presented tool, the structure is hidden in a special case in the form of a grid. Place the bait out of the reach of children and animals.

UV radiation is attractive to mosquitoes. They will fall on the electrical grid. It is an effective mosquito repellant. The trap can become a source of soft illumination in the evening, complementing the main lighting indoors or outdoors.

electric trap

If desired, you can do it yourself electric mosquito trap. This device will be an effective tool in the fight against annoying insects. The master must have certain knowledge in electrics. To make such a system, you will need a diode lamp and AA batteries.

First you need to disassemble the light bulb. This is done very carefully so as not to damage the internal parts. Next, you need to drill two holes in it. They are threaded with ordinary aluminum wire. One of its edges will need to be fixed. Next, the wire is wound around the light bulb. If there is an extra aluminum conductor, it must be cut with wire cutters.

When carrying out all actions, it is important to be guided by the rules of electrical safety. If the master does not have the required qualifications, he should not carry out such actions. Such a device may be unsafe during operation.

Completion of assembly

The same procedure is performed on the other side, where the second hole is drilled. Next, you need to connect one of the electrical terminals of the lamp (native) to the end of the aluminum conductor, which was wound on the surface of the device. To do this, twist the outputs tightly. The other two ends (from the lamp and aluminum wire) are connected to the high voltage module. This structural element additionally connected to the switch. On this side, the wires should go to the battery.

Electrical DIY mosquito trap must be properly assembled. A lamp with a winding must be put on the connected high-voltage module. The wiring on both parts of the parts must match. Only if they are in contact, the device will work.

After that, the structure is considered assembled. It must be carefully checked before use. If all parts are firmly interconnected, you can connect the device to the network. It is important to wear protective clothing and rubber gloves.

Operation of the electric trap

By creating handmade mosquito trap you need to check the device before use. To do this, the device is inspected, visually determine the integrity of the systems. Then it can be connected to the network. If the lamp lights up, everything works fine, you can install it indoors or outdoors.

Mosquitoes flock to the light emitted by the lamp. At the same time, it should be dark in the room and on the site. If there are other sources of light, mosquitoes will fly to them. As soon as the insect sits on the surface of the lamp, entangled with a wire, it will be struck by an electric current.

It is recommended to install a plastic tray under the lamp. Mosquitoes will fall into it. You can hang the presented catcher. For this, the design provides for the presence of a loop. This is an effective remedy. However, during its operation, the lamp must not be left unattended. Especially if there are children or animals in the house.

The problem called "mosquitoes got" is known to each of us. Its solution is relevant not only for summer residents and residents of the private sector, located near a lake or other body of water. Bloodsuckers attack apartment owners in city skyscrapers. Moreover, the number of storeys is not a hindrance for them. Disillusioned with the advertised exterminators, craftsmen are trying to find their own method of struggle. A do-it-yourself mosquito trap is an alternative to tablets, ointments, aerosols, electronic traps and other industrial devices.

Can be made from improvised means

The principle of operation of home-made and industrial traps is based on the physiology of mosquitoes: they are attracted by heat, the smell of urea secreted by human sweat glands, CO2 (exhaled gas) and water. A home mosquito trap does not require the purchase of expensive chemicals, motion sensors. In his household there is always a piece of cardboard or other thick paper, castor oil (castor oil), turpentine, rosin, water and sugar. This kit can be used to make an adhesive sheet or tape. The work is as follows:

  • A sticky bait solution is being prepared. To do this, 3 tablespoons are dissolved in 5 tablespoons of water. Sahara. The sweet liquid is heated to a boil. While stirring, bring to a boil.
  • Hot sugar syrup is mixed with half a glass of rosin, a quarter of a glass of turpentine and 100 g of castor oil until a homogeneous sticky mass is formed.
  • The prepared composition is applied to cut paper strips or a whole format sheet.
  • The finished trap is placed near the resting place on the street or at the entrance to the room. You can bring it into the house and watch how mosquitoes will flock to the smell and stick to the paper.
  • As the trap fills with insects, it should be changed. Usually, this is done once a week.

Attention! As an impregnation for paper tapes another composition is also used: pine resin (0.3 kg), linseed oil (0.15 kg), beeswax (0.01 kg), honey (0.05 kg).

"Ode" to a plastic bottle

A plastic container in domestic open spaces is used in various fields. After its emptying, enterprising users do not throw away the container, but create a lot of useful household appliances. So it came in handy for the fight against bloodsuckers.

To make a homemade catcher, you will need a bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2.0 liters, granulated sugar (0.5 cups), 5 g of yeast. The principle of operation of the future device is based on attracting insects to flock to the smell of carbon dioxide. It is breathed out by humans and warm-blooded animals. This plastic bottle mosquito trap attracts insects with CO2. The manufacturing algorithm is

  • The plastic container is cut across. You should get 2 fragments. The one containing the cone-neck must be at least 1/3 of the total length of the vessel.
  • The cone-shaped funnel is tightly inserted into the bottom (bottom) part of the bottle upside down.
  • The junction of both halves is sealed with tape.

The design of the catcher is ready. It remains to prepare the bait.

  • Sugar is dissolved in half a glass of slightly warmed water (no more than 30 ° C). Then the yeast is bred (you can use the "Saf-Moment").
  • The resulting composition is well mixed and poured into the prepared plastic trap(bottom bottom).
  • The level of the sweet fermenting solution should be such that the edges of the neck do not reach it.

It would be nice to use dark bottles of beer or kvass so that mosquitoes are not scared away by bright light. If the plastic is light, the design is wrapped in opaque paper or mirror foil. Soon, in the installed trap, fermentation processes will begin with the release of an aroma that attracts mosquitoes and heat, on which mosquitoes also fly. Flying in through a narrow neck, insects will not be able to get back out. After the end of the fermentation process of the bait (and this lasts for several days), it should be replaced.

Attention! It is necessary to strictly follow the recipe in the manufacture of the solution. If the water is not warm enough, fermentation may stop or not start at all. And with an excess of sugar and yeast, foaming will increase: the solution will rise sharply and begin to “crawl out” of the trap. In this case, remove excess foam.

Such a device is easy to design and install in a house or on a veranda. The undoubted "plus" of the trap is ease of manufacture, autonomy and silent operation.

A simple mosquito trap can be made from a piece of gauze smeared with insect glue. The finished fabric is stretched ventilation holes, mines. It can also be used for window openings.

A UV-based insect trap can be made from a 20 W fluorescent lamp enclosed in a mesh armature. Mesh weaving is two metal wires under tension. For maintenance safety, the model is placed in a woven mesh case. The trap works as follows: mosquitoes, attracted by ultraviolet radiation, fly at it, fall under the action of voltage applied to the electrical grid. On the one hand, the device fights insects, and on the other hand, it is a source of soft, calm lighting.

Electronic device from economy lamp

If you are friends with electrical engineering, then an economy class lamp with a used resource can be used for homemade design traps. You will also need a high-voltage module and a finger battery.

  • The light bulb is disassembled, the necessary parts are removed.
  • 2 holes are drilled into which a soft aluminum wire is threaded. One end is fixed, and the wire is wound in a spiral around the light bulb.
  • The rest is bitten off.
  • The same operation is performed from the other end, through another drilled hole.
  • Two "native" wire ends come out of the light bulb. One of them is connected to the end of the wound aluminum wire and twisted tightly on it.
  • The remaining 2 outputs (from the light bulb and aluminum wire) are connected to the module, previously connected through the switch to the battery.
  • A light bulb with a high-voltage winding is put on the connected module. This must be done so that the wiring on both parts matches, and their contact occurs.
  • The resulting trap device turns on, the lamp lights up. Mosquitoes flock to its light. As soon as they sit on the body of the lamp wrapped in wire, they are immediately struck by a current discharge.
  • A polyethylene lid is used as a tray for fallen insects. It is glued with building glue to the bottom of the lamp.
  • A loop is made in the upper part of the catcher for hanging from the wire.
  • The device works when the general light is off.

Night "catch" of mosquitoes

Well, and if the bloodsuckers are completely fed up ... Our compatriot turns on the vacuum cleaner at 3 o'clock in the morning and collects them from the walls and ceiling.

In case of dominance of the room by mosquitoes, one catcher will not be enough. Strengthening the effect is achieved by placing several traps in all rooms in problem areas different designs. It is necessary to take into account the moment of habituation. If it is found that the trap does not work (there are no or few insects in it), the structure itself or the bait must be replaced with a new one, and after a while, return to the previous version.

With the onset of warm days, people try to travel as often as possible to summer cottages resting from the bustle of the city. How nice, after frying a barbecue, to dine on summer kitchen! However, the impression of communicating with nature will inevitably spoil annoying insects in the form of mosquitoes and midges.

They squeak unpleasantly, fly into the eyes and nose. And after such a rest, you have to treat bites so that they do not interfere with sleep.

There are many repellents on the market today to minimize the number of bites. But what to do with the squeak emitted by mosquitoes on the street? And most repellents do not have the proper effect on midges.

For these purposes, traps for mosquitoes and midges were invented. They can be either electrical or mechanical. And with a little imagination, you can build such a trap with your own hands, saving family money.

An effective way to control mosquitoes

Types of traps

Factory traps are designed to lure not only mosquitoes and midges, but also other flying insects, including horseflies and flies.

After all, the bite of a horsefly is much more sensitive than a mosquito and entails more serious consequences. So what are the traps offered to consumers by manufacturers of these devices?

Mosquito water trap

Overview of the most popular traps

With the advent of summer, the shelves of hardware stores are full of a variety of mosquito and midge repellents, which include repellents, fumigators and spirals.

However, the action of repellents is short-lived, fumigators are effective only indoors and require a supply of plates, and in order to get rid of bloodsuckers with a spiral, you will have to sit near it. Therefore, many owners land plots prefer to use traps.

electric trap

Velcro traps

Velcro are the most familiar and accessible means. Resin-impregnated strips of paper are hung in places where insects accumulate, for example, near a light source. Even hitting the wing, neither a fly, nor a mosquito, and even more so a midge, will not be able to escape from the captivity of this simple device. Such a trap is especially effective against large insects - flies, wasps and horseflies.

Electrical traps

Such devices are very effective against any type of flying insects and do not harm environment. But they can only be used when connected to electrical network. True, some electric traps can also run on batteries.

There are several types electric traps.

  • With UV lamp. The ultraviolet light emitted by the lamp attracts midges, mosquitoes, horseflies, flies and even wasps.
  • Insect exterminator with fan. These devices suck insects inward.
  • Destroyer that emits carbon dioxide. Such devices, releasing carbon dioxide, imitate the heat emanating from mammals, including humans.

All such traps work on the principle of heat release, due to which insects perceive them as living beings. Each of them is equipped with a lamp protected by a fine metal mesh through which an electric current passes.

Flying up to it, insects are struck by an electric discharge, after which they die. Although the voltage supplied to the grid is safe for humans and animals, it is detrimental to insects.

One of the inventions of our time are ultrasonic generators. They are made in the form of small key fobs that emit ultrasonic signals of various frequencies. You can always carry them in your pocket, which eliminates the need for additional protective equipment.

Insecticide traps

Such traps are produced in the form of containers in which the bait is placed. At the same time, a liquid substance can act as a bait, getting into which mosquitoes, midges and other insects get wet and cannot get back, or it poisonous substance which has a detrimental effect on insects.

A significant disadvantage of such traps is their one-time use. This means that as the container fills up, it will have to be thrown away. But considering that about 20 thousand mosquitoes can fit in one container, the service life of such a trap is very long. True, by luring horseflies, which are many times larger than mosquitoes and midges, this period will be significantly reduced.

Mechanical traps

This concept refers to hand-made traps. The main advantage of such devices is safety, environmental friendliness and the ability to use both outdoors and indoors.

The desire to save money forced people to make their own baits in the form of Velcro and containers filled with poisonous substances.

Rating of the most effective traps

Every summer resident and farm owner wants to protect their territory from the invasion of midges. And various traps can help in this, which not only lure, but also destroy blood-sucking insects.

Anti-mosquito lantern

Electric exterminator SWI-20

This appliance can be used both indoors and outdoors as long as it is protected from the elements. It attracts insects to itself by means of ultraviolet light emitted by two lamps with a power of 40 W each. This unit can be suspended from a wall or ceiling, or placed directly on the floor.

The electric exterminator SWI-20, made in Switzerland, effectively cleans an area of ​​250 m² from midges, if it can be connected to a 220-240 V network. Insects are killed when approaching the lamp of the device through a grid that is supplied with voltage that is safe for humans.

Lantern-destroyer "Sniper"

This lantern is made in China, and the materials used in its manufacture are metal and plastic, which are of high quality. The principle of its operation is ultraviolet radiation, which attracts all flying insects, including mosquitoes and midges. UV lamp The lantern is protected by a grid, which is supplied with a current that is harmful to insects, but safe for humans. Once in it, the vile dies.

This shredder is waterproof, so it can be used both indoors and outdoors. Detachable leg and top loop allow it to be used by positioning it along garden paths or hanging from the ceiling and wall. This device is non-volatile, since it uses a solar battery as a power source.

Trap-destroyer GF-4WB

IN this device Three technologies for attracting insects have been applied:

  • imitation of human breath;
  • thermal radiation that mimics the temperature of the human body;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

The exterminator is equipped with a built-in fan that sucks insects as they approach the device into a special mesh located at the bottom of the device.

This trap is not affected by moisture, so it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Exterminator SK 800

This device is manufactured by the Australian company Smartkiller and is intended for all types of flying insects. It is able to effectively get rid of midges on an area of ​​​​up to 150 m².

The exterminator uses 3 technologies to attract insects. By mimicking human breathing and body temperature, the device attracts gnats. The built-in fan sucks in mosquitoes and midges inside the device.

The operation of the device is possible only if it is possible to connect to an electrical network with a power of 220 V. And since there is no gas bottle It can be used not only outdoors, but also indoors.

This system is made in the USA and requires a carbon dioxide tank to operate. By releasing gas into the air, preheated to 35-40 degrees, it imitates a large crowd of people. In addition, this device uses an additional bait Octenol.

Being potentially dangerous for insects, this exterminator is absolutely harmless to people and animals. Although the manufacturer guarantees efficient work systems on an area of ​​20 acres, it is able to protect plots with an area twice the declared area from midges.

Mosquito Magnet Patriot System

This device is also made in the USA and is able to effectively protect an area of ​​up to 45 acres from midges. The system runs on propane, which in the process of operation is converted into carbon dioxide, which simulates the heat of the human body. For greater efficiency the device is equipped with Octenol bait.

There is also a domestic analogue of electric mosquito traps: the Aerofrog mosquito extermination system. It was created with the support of the TsAGI Aviation Research Center and using their developments in the field of aerodynamics and robotic technologies, which made it possible to significantly improve the suction properties of the trap.

Methods for making traps

In order to make an insect exterminator with your own hands, you will need improvised materials that are available in almost every home.

DIY trap

DIY Velcro

Such an exterminator is made of thick paper, cut into strips. Further, these strips are processed with an adhesive mass, which is represented by various compositions.

To prepare the first composition, you will need the following ingredients:

  • rosin;
  • Castor oil;
  • turpentine;
  • sugar.

Another composition can also be used as an adhesive mass, for which you will need:

  • pine resin;
  • wax;
  • linseed oil;

Such a mass can also be made from other components, which are:

  • glycerol;
  • rosin;
  • petrolatum.

To prepare the composition, all substances are placed in a bowl and melted in a water bath, and then thoroughly mixed. After the mass has cooled slightly, paper strips are smeared with it, on top of which threads are glued.

Now ready-made Velcro can be hung in rooms where there is an accumulation of insects, or on the street, for example, in the summer kitchen.

Container trap

This insect exterminator is made from a plastic bottle.

  • A bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters is cut off the neck. In this case, the third part of the bottle is cut off.
  • A composition prepared by mixing a glass is poured inside warm water, 50 g sugar and 1 g yeast.
  • A funnel obtained from the upper cut-off part is lowered into the container with liquid, neck down and pressed tightly.
  • The container is wrapped in thick dark paper and placed in places where insects are most concentrated.

Such an exterminator is very popular among summer residents. True, fermented jam is usually poured inside the bottle. If such bottles are hung on trees, plantings can be protected from pests.

How can such an exterminator get rid of midges, mosquitoes and horseflies? As you know, all blood-sucking insects flock to the heat emanating from mammals. In the process of fermentation of the composition of water, sugar and yeast, carbon dioxide will begin to be released.

Insects will flock to it, crawling into the hole of the funnel, and falling into a sticky mass, which will become the last refuge for both mosquitoes and horseflies.

Important! For effective action the destroyer, it is necessary to ensure that the joints between the container itself and the funnel do not allow air to pass through. In order for insects to crawl into the funnel, carbon dioxide must only come out of it.

Trap-container to reduce the number of mosquitoes

As you know, mosquitoes and midges breed in water. Based on this principle, it is possible to make a more sophisticated exterminator that will allow female insects to lay eggs, but will not allow grown offspring to get out.

To do this, take any plastic bottle, preferably large capacity, so that the water does not have time to evaporate. The neck of the bottle is cut off, and four holes are drilled: two from the top - for attaching the handle, and two just below - for overflowing excess water. To create the effect of a dark reservoir, the bottle is painted black.

A wire is inserted into the holes for the handle, and the holes for draining water are protected by screens made from scraps of window mesh.

The neck of the bottle should be wrapped with a black rag, which can be a sock, preferably a fleecy one. In this case, not only the outer part of the neck is wrapped, but also the inner one. Now a window mesh screen should be glued to the neck.

The exterminator for mosquitoes and midges is ready to work. It remains to fill it with water. It should be remembered that it is blooming water that attracts insects, so it must be rainy. Using tap water some cut grass is thrown into it.

Water is poured until it overflows through the overflow holes. The sock should also be thoroughly moistened with water. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that it is always wet.

How does such a destroyer work? Everything is simple here: mosquitoes and midges will be attracted by a dark wet rag with stagnant water. They will lay offspring in it, and when the larvae hatch, they will fall into the water, where the process of their maturation will take place. And the mesh, stretched over all the holes, will not allow the grown offspring to get out.

Video: Mosquito trap is the best protection in the country

The market is full of various winged insect repellents. Most of them are either unreasonably expensive or difficult to use. homemade trap for mosquitoes is a simple and affordable alternative store offers. It is only important to decide on a suitable variety and properly prepare the bait.

How to make a DIY plastic bottle trap

The fight against winged pests does not require serious costs. A do-it-yourself mosquito trap is a device of two types:

  1. From plastic bottles with bait: carbon dioxide, water or an electric light bulb. The device is cheap, easy to manufacture, but not very efficient. If yeast is used as a filling, then near the bottle there will be bad smell. They all operate on the same principle: an insect flies into a funnel without a chance to get out of it.
  2. Velcro tapes. They are hung by the window or balcony door. The design of this device is more complicated than in the first case.

On carbon dioxide

Mosquitoes search for prey by the smell of CO₂, which is emitted by all warm-blooded creatures. The deception is that this gas is emitted not only by living organisms. Carbon dioxide is also formed as a result of fermentation. Yeast secrete it when they absorb carbohydrates, thereby attracting blood-sucking insects. Such a bait is prepared from three components:

  • sugar - 50 g;
  • dry baker's yeast - 5 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

All that is needed for the trap is typical household items. Need the following materials:

  • plastic bottle (1.5 l) - 1 pc.;
  • cardboard or dark fabric;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • scotch;
  • stapler.

Having collected everything you need, you can start making a homemade mosquito trap. The bottle is cut into two parts, the smaller of which has a neck. Further on the instructions:

  1. Sugar is poured into the lower container, adding yeast.
  2. That's where the water is poured.
  3. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed (it should foam). Permissible temperature liquids - not higher than 40 degrees. Otherwise, the yeast will die before the start of fermentation.
  4. The neck is inserted into the container with the bait to make a funnel.
  5. The walls are wrapped with a dark cloth or cardboard, secured with tape / stapler. This will speed up the fermentation process, which takes place more actively in the dark.
  6. Finished fixture put on the place of accumulation of mosquitoes (next to the open window or on the terrace). If there is twine, then the container can be hung indoors.

A homemade mosquito trap from a plastic bottle lasts about a week, after which the bait is updated. An increased dose of yeast and sugar enhances its longevity. It is important that the container does not fall under the open rays of the sun. Otherwise, all fermentation will come to naught. Putting it next to people is also undesirable, since the bait exudes a specific smell.

With vegetable oil

A simplified version of a homemade trap. It is made from only two components:

The manufacturing process goes like this:

  1. The neck of the bottles is cut off - it no longer needs to be used as a funnel.
  2. The lower parts of the containers are generously lubricated with sunflower oil.
  3. Traps are placed in places where insects accumulate.
  4. You can cut holes on the sides by threading ropes through them. So you can hang containers around the premises.

Street water trap

This option is designed for the principle of mosquito breeding. The trap works differently from the previous two. It only helps to control the population of bloodsuckers. An artificial "reservoir" is more difficult to make than a container with carbon dioxide or vegetable oil. You will need a large bottle (from 2 liters) so that water evaporation does not affect the overall effect. Next, the trap is made according to the instructions:

  1. Cut off the neck of the container.
  2. Make holes in the top of the remaining container. This will be the drain for excess water. Holes are sealed with trimmings of window mesh. It is advisable to make two more holes higher in order to attach a carrying handle to them.
  3. The bottle is painted black. This achieves the effect of a dark stagnant pond - a suitable breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  4. Next, the container is filled with liquid until it reaches the drain holes.
  5. A window mesh is placed over the bottle.

Mosquitoes willingly flock to the "blooming water", so it is advisable to throw a bunch of grass into the trap as well. So the liquid will become infected with algae. Females will fly up to the pond and begin to lay their eggs directly on the net. It is important to keep it moist all the time - this will attract insects. The hatched larvae fall through the net into the water. They have no chance of getting back.

Homemade sticky bait

Adhesive tapes are effective against mosquitoes and flies. These traps can be made at home, so you don't have to buy them in a store. First you need to take care of the components for the viscous mass. It is applied to paper or cloth tapes. Glue is brewed from several ingredients:

Materials for the trap can be found in any home. It is made from:

  • Cardboard sleeve. You can take it out of the roll toilet paper or paper napkins.
  • Thick paper. Thin soaks faster.
  • Threads.

The trap turns out to be similar to a regular roll. It is made according to the following method:

  1. Cut off a long strip of thick paper (preferably from a sheet of wallpaper).
  2. It is wound on a cardboard sleeve to make a roll.
  3. Prepare the glue. Ingredients from any recipe are mixed with each other. Next, they need to be heated on water vapor.
  4. A small piece of tape is pulled from the sleeve, lubricating it with glue.
  5. The trap is set in the place of the greatest accumulation of insects.
  6. When the sticky area is filled with them, it is torn off and a new one is lubricated.

Adhesive tape can also be made in a simplified form. Ribbons cut from a sheet of thick paper are lubricated with one of these baits:

  • rosin;
  • turpentine;
  • Castor oil;
  • jam.

Next, the traps are hung with clothespins on clotheslines. When the tape is filled with insects, it is simply changed to a new one. Sticky baits must be prepared and applied carefully. These mixtures are difficult to wash even from the skin, not to mention clothing. The second disadvantage of such traps is their fragility. Natural ingredients do not last as long as chemical counterparts.

Do-it-yourself electric mosquito trap

Such a device requires certain knowledge in electrics. The trap is more difficult to make than Velcro or bait bottles. It is made with one of three elements:

  • Powersave lamp;
  • a special lamp that emits carbon dioxide;
  • fan.

Store traps often combine the last two details at once. "Carbon dioxide" light bulb attracts insects and they fly up to her. Then they are sucked by a fan into a bag of gauze. The disadvantage of the device is that mosquitoes are unlikely to die in such conditions. Moshkara can even get out through gauze. The assembly of such a trap is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Cut off the bottom and top of the milk/juice bag.
  2. Attach the fan to the bottom of the tank. It has to push the air down.
  3. The fan is connected to the wires through which the voltage will be conducted.
  4. Further, a gauze bag is attached to the same lower part.
  5. The upper part of the package is equipped with wire to make a handle (bow).
  6. The lamp holder is screwed to this handle.
  7. The device is suspended and connected to the network.