In a private house      05/12/2019

White spirit than to replace. How to replace solvent for oil paints? S50 PU thinner universal

Oil paint is used either directly from the tube, or solvents are added to it. In each of these cases, the most stable film on the paint surface is obtained. There are many solvents for oil paints and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are situations when it is not possible to use a special solvent, so you need to know what can replace the solvent for oil paints.

One of the most common types of solvent for these paints is not P-4 solvent, but regular gasoline. It is a colorless, transparent, flammable liquid with a pungent, characteristic odor. Pure gasoline at home is used only as a solvent - for diluting putties, varnishes, pentaphthalic, alkyd and of course oil enamels. For degreasing the surface before painting, as well as for washing parts of mechanisms and dry-cleaning fabrics.

The next type of solvent for oil paints is turpentine. It is used to dissolve oil and alkyd paints, as well as for the preparation of varnishes based on rosin, copal and dammara. Before white spirit appeared, turpentine was considered the main solvent for paints and varnishes. It is a complex chemical composition, obtained as a result of processing resin, turpentine or wood (saturated with resin).

Everyone distinguishes three main types of turpentine:

  1. Stump turpentine, which is obtained by processing the stump of a coniferous tree.
  2. Wood turpentine. It is obtained with special processing branches and trunks coniferous trees. Wood turpentine has an almost brown or yellowish color that disappears during processing.
  3. Turpentine turpentine is pure essential oil, which is obtained by distillation of resinous secretions from coniferous trees.

But if you could not find the solvents listed above and do not know how to replace the solvent for oil paints, then you can use ordinary white spirit. It will be very easy to find it in any building materials store.

It is used as a solvent for some rubbers, fatty alkyds, epoxy esters, polybutyl methacrylate, and is also used in the preparation of organodispersions. It is very effective at thinning oil paints and varnishes, fillers, bituminous materials and car preservatives. With the help of white spirit, you can perfectly degrease the surface to be painted.

What paint thinners can be used? At first glance, it seems that there is nothing easier. Each type of paintwork material is accompanied by an instruction describing the ratio of paint and thinner, as well as the specific type of solvent that must be used in each case. But understanding the technology of diluting paints, varnishes, primers, the degree and quality of its influence on the result, you can use less expensive solvents for paints without compromising the quality of painting.

Classification of solvents for paints and varnishes

One of the main preparatory processes before painting a car is paint dilution. The implementation of this stage of work is ambiguous, since along with expensive branded compounds, domestic mixtures can be used.

The main function of the solvent is to dilute the working material to the required viscosity, it should not enter into chemical reaction with paintwork and other materials. The composition of the standard solvent includes the following components: white spirit, solvent, toluene, xylene, alcohols, hydrocarbons. Among themselves, most diluting mixtures differ in the ratio of various components.

The composition and properties of paint solvents dictate their use with specific paints and varnishes. One of the main requirements is that the mixture that dissolves paintwork materials must quickly evaporate from paint, varnish, primer, enamel under normal conditions. Based on this, paint solvents are classified in a certain way (see table).

When painting a car, any paint and varnish material should be diluted to the required viscosity in order to ensure maximum coverage of the surface. After painting the car body or any part of the structure, the solvent composition must dry quickly and evaporate.

In addition, such mixtures are necessary not only for high-quality dilution of paints, enamels, varnishes and primers, but also for cleaning and degreasing the surface of a car body or other parts before painting.

Xylene is often used as a solvent for car enamels. This oil liquid can be replaced with special branded formulations and used to dilute varnishes, paints and enamels, as well as epoxy resins. Xylene can be used to dilute polyurethane mastics. If you want to cover the car body with a protective varnish, then the most economical thinner in this case will be xylene. It is also included in many popular paint thinners: 649, R-5, RS-2, R-12, RKB-1.

Advantages and features of the use of mixture 650

Paint thinners have long been widely used in the repair industry. The most common compositions are 646, 650, which in the last century were used to dilute various enamels and varnishes based on cellulose nitrate. In the modern field of car repair, these compounds not only dilute paintwork materials, but also clean surfaces and tools.

Solvent 650 has the following composition: xylene, ethyl cellosolve, alcohols, ethers, as well as other components of organic origin. It is a clear or yellowish liquid. Composition 650 is used to dilute car enamels, primers, varnishes. It is especially in demand in the field of repair of trucks.

This type of solvent is widely used to dilute cellulose nitrate film formers, it can replace branded mixtures without compromising quality. It must be introduced into the solution slowly, stirring constantly until the desired consistency of the mixture is formed. The great demand for composition 650 is due to its advantages:

  • low cost;
  • availability in any building supermarket.
  • ease and ease of use;
  • wide scope of application;
  • universality;
  • the painted surface dries quickly;
  • forms an even glossy film.

The high quality of solvent 650 ensures its production in accordance with specifications. The composition has high rates of fundamental parameters: volatility, acidity, coagulation. This mixture is toxic and flammable and must therefore be stored in a well-ventilated and fire-safe area.

When working with the composition of 650, you must be careful, observe safety precautions. In the mixing process, you should use a respirator, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation in the room. It is also important to protect your skin and eyes by using rubber gloves and goggles.

If the composition still gets on the skin, then this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body should be washed quickly with warm water using soap. Care must be taken to ensure that the mixture does not get on clothing, as it can destroy artificial, mixed or synthetic fabrics or dissolve the dye of the fabric.

This is the most famous and commonly used solvent. Literally, its name can be translated as follows: White Spirit - “white spirit”. Other names: nefras-C4-155/200 or Stoddard's solvent. Since there are many solvents, consider white spirit, so as not to confuse it with any other.


The composition of white spirit includes various hydrocarbons, which are obtained as a result of the processing of petroleum products. Moreover, aliphatic compounds predominate.

In view of the fact that the solvent is obtained during the distillation and filtration of oil, it is difficult to establish its exact composition. To track the quality and basic properties of white spirit, some liquid parameters are controlled by laboratory tests:

  • the solution should contain no more than 0.025% sulfur;
  • the environment is only neutral, the presence of alkali and acid is unacceptable;
  • aromatic hydrogens - up to 16%;
  • precipitation and the presence of mechanical impurities are unacceptable.

White spirit is sold in plastic and glass bottles. Its average cost cannot exceed 60-80 rubles per 1 liter, the price largely depends on the manufacturer's brand.

White spirit solvent is offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers. These are two different products - a foreign solution is thoroughly cleaned of harmful aromatic hydrocarbons that are harmful to human health and environment. The filtration process is complex and expensive, which affects the price of the product. But we note that with such cleaning, the dissolving properties of white spirit are significantly reduced. Accordingly, its effectiveness is called into question. For this reason, the domestic product is in the greatest demand.


Main technical specifications described in GOST 3134-78 “White spirit. Specifications» in clause 1.2:

Deviations from GOST:

  • the mass fraction of aromatic hydrocarbons can be 17% for white spirit obtained from Stavropol, Shaim, Dagestan, Volgograd oil rich in aromatic compounds;
  • the mass fraction of sulfur can be increased to 0.04% for Kazakh and Turkmen oil;
  • volatility in terms of xiol is exceeded up to 2.5...4.5 for Kazakh, Volgograd, Turkmen, Shaim and Mangyshlak oil;
  • the density of white spirit may exceed the value established by GOST up to 0.9 g/cm³ due to the undefined composition of the oil distillation product and low-sulphur gasoline.

It should be noted that some parameters can be adjusted by the manufacturer in agreement with the customer, for example, the presence of acids and alkalis in the composition, plate testing.

The solvent does not freeze, does not gain viscosity over time, its shelf life is practically unlimited.

Hazard Class

Like any products of primary oil refining, white spirit is a flammable and toxic substance.

The solution supports and spreads the flame, so it must be stored in a tightly closed container away from sources of fire. Do not work with white spirit near an open flame and very hot appliances.

If the solvent ignites, any means other than water must be used to extinguish the flame!

Hazard class of white spirit - 4 (moderately dangerous). To minimize the harm of the substance, important recommendations should be followed during work:

  • use personal protective equipment (gloves, respirator);
  • carry out work in a well-ventilated area;
  • do not contact with the substance for more than 5-10 minutes in a row, take breaks with thorough ventilation.


White spirit is in demand in several areas:

  • degreasing metal surfaces;
  • preparation of degreasing compositions;
  • production of paint and varnish solutions (paints, varnishes, primer-enamels for wood and metal);
  • manufacturing bituminous mastic and bitumen;
  • production of grinding pastes;
  • collectors and numismatists use to clean metal coins and antique gizmos from various contaminants.

Can you degrease with white spirit? - of course you can. For these purposes, both white spirit itself and solutions based on it are suitable.

When choosing a composition, it is white spirit made according to GOST 3134-78 - nefras-C4-155 / 200 is often produced according to specifications, so this solution may be of lower quality, respectively, its dissolving characteristics may not meet expectations.

How to replace white spirit

If we are talking about the original solution, made in accordance with GOST, then in the absence of it, it can be replaced with other substances:

  • turpentine (wood processing product);
  • petrol;
  • solvent R-4;
  • FAS-104;
  • B-70 (technical gasoline);
  • solvent

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find a variety of solvents with different smells and concentrations. Therefore, there is simply no single recommendation regarding the replacement of white spirit - it is necessary to select the composition based on the needs and specifics of use.

Let's summarize

Does white spirit degrease or not? This is one of the most popular solvents, so it copes with this task with a bang. Low cost and high efficiency are the main advantages of spirit over other compounds.

Degreasing metal surfaces, dissolving paints, dissolving tar - these are just some of the ways to use the liquid. The inscription "GOST 3134-78" will help you not to make a mistake and choose a really high-quality product from Russian manufacturers.

It is also worth remembering about safety: allergic reactions and irritation of the mucous membranes when working with a solvent will help to avoid personal protective equipment and good ventilation.

Did you know?

In France, they created the White Spirit perfume in the female and male version. Perfumers did this to show that the smell of a solvent can be pleasant. Here's what it says about them

Of course, this is only eau de parfum and, of course, it will not work to dissolve the paint with them!

Solvent is a mixture of volatile organic solvents: aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols and ethers.

A solvent is a substance of organic or inorganic origin that has the properties of dissolving a variety of substances. After its evaporation, the original structure of the dissolved material is restored. Solvents give paintwork materials the desired paint viscosity.

Each solvent is suitable when working only with a certain group of paints:

with oil paints - gasoline, white spirit, turpentine, kerosene;

with glyptal, bituminous varnishes and paints- solvent-naphtha, turpentine, xylene;

with perchlorovinyl - acetone.

Washes are used for household needs and for removing paint and varnish coatings. The solvent is especially necessary in construction, when carrying out repair work, they are diluted with various coloring substances, they remove pollution.

GOST 18188-72 used to dilute nitro paints, nitro enamels, nitro putties general purpose, including automotive.

GOST 7827-74 used for dilution paintwork materials based on polyvinyl chloride resins PSH LS and PSH LN, copolymers of vinyl chloride, epoxy resins and other film-forming substances (with the exception of XA-124 gray and protective enamel).

GOST 7827-74 is used to dilute perchlorovinyl, epoxy, organosilicon, polyacrylate paints and varnishes, as well as rubbers.

GOST 3134-78used for diluting oil paints, enamels and varnishes, as well as paints and varnishes, primers, drying oils and bituminous materials, as well as putties of grades: ML, MCH, PF, MS, VN.

GOST 2768-84used for dissolving natural resins, oils, cellulose diacetate, polystyrene, epoxy resins, vinyl chloride copolymers, polyacrylates, chlorinated rubber, for degreasing surfaces, for the synthesis of acetic anhydride, acetone cyanohydrin, diphenylol propane and other organic products.

Oil solvent GOST 10214-78 used to dissolve bitumen, oils, rubbers and other substances. Formaldehyde, polyacrylate, melamine alkyd, organosilicon, alkyd-styrene, alkyd-urethane, epoxy ester paints and varnishes are brought to working condition by dissolving them with a solvent. It is also included in such mixed solvents as RE-2V, RE-3V, RE-4V, etc.



Soluble film formers

The main brands of paints and varnishes

Solvent 646

Cellulose nitrate
Cellulose-glyphthalic nitrate
Cellulose epoxy nitrate
Urea (melamino) -

NTs-269, NTs-279, NTs-291; NTs-292; NTs-299; NTs-5108; NTs-524

NTs-170, NTs-184, NTs-216, NTs-217, NTs-25, NTs-246, NTs-258, NTs-262, NTs-271, NTs-273, NTs-1104, NTs-282, NTs- 929, NTs5100. NTs-5123, nitroenamels for freight. ed.

Nitro enamels:
No. 924, EP-773, KO-83, NTs1124, NTs-1120

NTs-081, MS-067, MCh-042

NTs-008, NTs-009, EP-0010, EP-0020

Solvents R-4

vinyl chloride

HS-76, HS724, HS-782, HSL

Comparing solvent and white spirit, you need to immediately make a reservation that these are two solvents, with similar properties, which are produced primarily from crude oil by distillation in cracking columns in refineries. Without access to oxygen at a temperature of 130 to 150C, evaporation of hydrocarbons occurs, from which a solvent (solvent) is produced. In the same cracking columns, at a temperature of 155 to 200C, mixtures of hydrocarbons called white spirits are evaporated. Aromatic hydrocarbons are evaporated from oil at low temperatures and in the solvent they make up to 56% of the total mass. The mass of such hydrocarbons White spirit should not exceed 16%.

In addition to oil cracking, solvent production has been established in the production of coke from coal, when light aromatic fractions of hydrocarbons are released when heated in the form of coke oven gas, are collected when passing through exhaust pipe, condense, passing through the coolers, and the output is quite usable xylene, toluene and solvent. Such coke oven gas contains up to 60% light aromatic hydrocarbons. Thanks to more high content aromatic hydrocarbons, the solvent, in contrast to white spirit, has a sharper characteristic odor, which evaporates quickly enough, however, when long work with a solvent in a closed unventilated area, it can cause a person headache and even hallucinations.

The content of hydrocarbons of different volatility gives both solvents several various properties, for example, solvent, may have a yellowish tint, White spirit is always transparent, solvent dries within 10-20 minutes, White spirit dries within 1-2 hours, solvent gives paints a glossy surface, and White spirit makes paint matte with an additional film on top. Solvent has found application not only for diluting paints, it is also actively used for cleaning metal parts (including car bodies) before painting them. White spirit is more actively used by paint manufacturers and consumers in the home. Similar properties include the ability of both solvents to dissolve oil paints and fats. Solvent, in addition to oil paints, dissolves nitro-containing paints well. Both solvents are used in the production of glyphthalic, pentaphthalic, alkyd and bituminous paints and varnishes, when removing old dried paints and when removing grease stains before painting. Due to the low odor and low drying speed, white spirit has received more active use in the production of paints. With the help of solvents, rubbers, bitumens and polyesteramides are dissolved. Sometimes solvent is used to obtain poison from rats and beetles, but this is rather an exception.

Both solvents are flammable with a low flash point, and both have the ability to accumulate static electricity in themselves, which can cause an explosion. The density of the solvent is higher than the density of white spirit, and they are respectively - 0.86 and 0.79.

Despite assurances in the development and improvement of the quality of both solvents, to date, not a single refinery in Russian Federation does not produce solvents corresponding to GOST 1978 and 1979, which determine their regulatory compliance. This happened for a number of reasons:

  1. GOST allowed the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons, which made both solvents so odorous that they did not find their application abroad, that is, they are not sold for export. Western analogues do not have a smell and color, which is provided for in the regulations of these countries, so our solvents lose a lot to them.
  2. Increasing consumer requirements for solvents have led to an increase in the flow of imported solvents. A transparent and completely odorless solvent produced at coal processing plants in Alsace and white spirit, distilled in Norway, greatly pressed the production of domestic solvents, making its production unprofitable.
  3. The deepening of the oil refining process created the conditions when it became possible to distill the fractions of solvents and white spirits with a boiling point from 120 to 200C to more expensive benzenes and gasolines, replacing solvents with inexpensive orthoxiols and toluenes. Today, the production of solvent and white spirit according to GOST standards is economically unprofitable, and all oil refineries that sell solvents make them based on their own specifications. Such solvents do not have the density of the claimed solvents, and have overestimated strong odors.
  4. The modern development of chemistry has made it possible to obtain solvent and white spirit by simply mixing various hydrocarbons. As a result, it turned out to be much easier and cheaper to achieve the properties of solvents by adding various hydrocarbons than to carry out complex and costly refinery processes.
  5. Many manufacturers seek to replace solvent and white spirit with various kerosene-based solvents. Such attempts are quite successful and will probably soon make it possible to completely abandon the age-old dependence on petroleum solvents.