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What is useful irga: properties, contraindications, recipes and reviews. Irga - useful properties of a grape-like berry

Irga - amazing plant, Rosaceae family. It is undemanding to growing conditions, is able to normally tolerate frosts down to -40 -50 degrees, and during flowering frosts down to -5 -7 degrees. It grows well in soil different composition and acidity. But there is an indispensable condition - if you want to get a crop of large, sweet berries with the aroma of freshness, you need to take a sunny place for the irga. Therefore, shadberry bushes should be located at a distance of at least 2.5-3 m, unless you aim to grow a high hedge, for which the irga is very suitable.

The most common round-leaved irga, or common irga (rotundi-folia), is found in culture as fruit, honey and ornamental plant. Falling leaves, rounded or oval, dark green above, pale green below, yellow-red or dark red in autumn. The flowers are white or cream, collected in corymbose brushes at the ends of the shoots. The fruits are round, bluish-black or reddish-purple, up to 10 mm in diameter, edible, sweet, ripen in July.

Calorie irgi

This is a low-calorie berry, 100 g of which contains 45 kcal. However, due to the high content of carbohydrates, it should not be abused by obese people.

Useful properties of irgi

Irga surpass even grapes in the content of vitamin "C", and are also rich in carotene, vitamin "P", sugars and other minerals. In people who use irga, sleep, vision and bowel function improve.

Fruits improve digestion and strengthen the intestines. As a good multivitamin, fresh berries are used for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and beriberi, atherosclerosis, as well as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. With the permission and under the supervision of a doctor, the fruits of shadberry are used in the form of astringent decoctions for inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases.

IN folk medicine for gargling, fresh juice of shadberry berries is used as a dietary and medicinal drink with astringent properties, its mixture with juices of wild apples and pears. The abundance of vitamin P makes it possible to recommend the fruits of shadberry and juices from them to the elderly to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, prevent myocardial infarction and varicose veins. Irga normalizes sleep and strengthens the body. The use of tincture of irgi flowers normalizes the work of the heart and lowers blood pressure. Fresh fruit juice is used as a medicinal drink for intestinal disorders.

Irgi fruits do not ripen at the same time, so they are harvested in several stages. Irga is widely used in medical and dietary nutrition. Its fruits are used fresh as a dessert, they are dried, dried, frozen, jam is made, compote is prepared. Dried berries are sometimes called "northern raisins" and were formerly known as currants and are used as a filling for confectionery.

Juice from freshly picked fruits of shadberry is hardly squeezed out, but after 7-10 days of storage with a layer of no more than 5 cm, up to 70% of the juice can be squeezed out. Given that the berries have a fresh-sweet taste and are not rich in organic acids, they add to the processed products citric acid or natural juice of sour fruits.

To prepare juice from shadberry, the berries are kept in a dry room for a week, scattering them on film or paper so that they can release juice and become more fragrant. Then, using a juicer, squeeze the juice, mixing it with sugar (300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice), heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, poured into jars and rolled them up with lids. Store in a cool place. Since the juice of the irgi is of low acidity, it can be blended with other juices of berry crops, for example, with red currant juice.

From the fruits of irgi, a tasty and healing wine is obtained. For example, in the United States, extensive plantations of shadberry for winemaking have been planted since the 18th century.

Infusion of irgi flowers has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and reduces blood pressure.

This plant has several names. It all depends on where in the world it grows. IN North America it is called Canadian medlar. In Europe, it is willowberry or rock pear. In Russia, this representative of the flora is called sea buckthorn, sparrow berry, cinnamon and wine berry. But everyone knows another name - irga. It is not very popular among gardeners. But those who grow it know about its positive properties. The benefits and harms of irgi will be the main topic of this article.

plant history

Where did this tree come from? It began to be grown in England, and soon in Holland. How this berry came to the territory of Russia is unknown. In the 18th century, they also learned about it in North America. There she gained great popularity. Irgi berries were mixed with lemon and rhubarb and served with wild meat. This mixture improved the taste of the dish. Irgu was used to make jams and preserves.

The popularity of the tree increased so much that in the 19th century it began to be grown on special plantations. Even today irga gives in these countries good harvest and is used to decorate gardens and lawns. It is grown in Asia Minor and even in North Africa. In Russia, the berry began to be used everywhere in the 19th century. It was sold in the market under the guise of grapes. And only Michurin began to propagate this plant, thereby contributing to its spread.

What is irga

This plant belongs to the rose family. It can be classified as both trees and shrubs. Its leaves are round or slightly oval in shape. Their coloration is dark green above and lighter below. The foliage turns deep red in autumn and then falls off. The benefits and harms of irgi are known to many gardeners. But some breed it as a decoration garden plot. This plant has small flowers of light color, which are collected in a brush. They are odorless and located at the ends of the shoots.

Fruits of irgi

Irga berry, the benefits and harms of which will be described below, has small size. It can be compared to small apples. The diameter of the fruit is not more than 10 millimeters. There are sepals at the base of the berries. The plant bears fruit every year at the end of summer. But the ripening of berries occurs unevenly over a certain period, so the crop is harvested in parts.

In order for the berries to fully ripen, it is necessary good lighting. The fruits are dark, purple or blue color. Like some varieties of plums, there is a bluish coating on the skin. The pulp of the berries is sweet, fragrant and juicy. Irga, whose health benefits and harms have long been studied, will not only become a decoration of the garden, but will also produce a good harvest with proper care.

Types of irgi

Quite a lot of varieties of this plant are known in the world, about 25. Only a few of them are cultivated in Russia. It should be noted that berries of all kinds are healthy, tasty and suitable for eating. All varieties are winter-hardy and unpretentious. Therefore, the benefits and harms of irgi should be known to every gardener. Most often on the territory of our country there is an ordinary irga, or round-leaved. The height of this tree reaches 2.5 meters.

It has a fairly spreading crown and beautiful oval leaves. In spring, the irga blooms and forms white inflorescences with long petals. The berries of this species are black with a slightly bluish bloom. Canadian irga can reach a height of 6 meters. It grows large sweet berries. Very often this variety is used to decorate the site, since all year round Canadian Irga is very beautiful. The spiky species is a tree up to 5 meters tall, which is often used to build hedges. And finally, the alder-leaved irga, which, in comparison with its counterparts, has a small growth, up to 2-4 meters. After the formation of beautiful white inflorescences, juicy black berries appear. A distinctive feature of this species is the ability to grow and produce crops even in the shade.

Berry composition

The benefits and harms of irgi are of interest to many gardeners. But first, let's look at its composition. What good does this berry contain? Firstly, it is a huge amount of microelements necessary for the body.

In the berry you can find copper, iron, cobalt, vitamins B and C, beta-carotene, fiber, pectin, dyes and tannins, anthocyanins, organic acids, flavonols, catechins and many others. useful substances. All of them help the body fight many diseases. And since irga has antioxidant properties, this is one of the the best means to prevent cancer.

What is useful berry

Irga berry, the benefits and harms of which should be studied before taking, does not contain proteins and fats. Its calorie content is only 45 kcal. Therefore, its use does not harm the figure and is possible even with a strict diet. What is useful irga? Firstly, it is one of the best helpers for strengthening immunity. Irga treats indigestion and gastritis. Berries and tinctures relieve nervous tension and improve sleep.

Tinctures also have an anti-inflammatory effect and effectively help with tonsillitis, even purulent ones. Also, products prepared from the berries and leaves of this plant perfectly heal wounds and stop the blood. Looking at the composition, it is safe to say what effect the berry has. Irga, the benefits and harms, the recipes for which are described in this article, contains carotene, which increases the body's resistance to various infections, thins the blood and improves the condition with allergies. An infusion of the flowers of the plant reduces pressure and improves the condition of blood vessels.


Before using any tool, you should study it. Irga, vitamins, the benefits and harms of which are described here, are not recommended for people with low blood pressure. It can be consumed, but in moderate doses (a handful of berries). There are no more contraindications, but you must always remember that you need to know the measure in everything. Eat these healing berries for health, carefully studying their composition. Irga, the benefits and harms, photos and cooking recipes of which you will find here, will protect the body from many ailments or help to cope with them.

fruit preparation

You can prepare healing infusions from both fresh berries and dried ones. Therefore, harvest the fruits for the future, drying them in the shade. An infusion of berries is prepared as follows. Pour one tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Then you need to insist this mixture for 30 minutes, and then drink it. This remedy is excellent for stomach and intestinal disorders.

You can pour two large spoons of berries 1.5 cups cold water, insist for 8 hours, and then bring this mixture to a boil (do not boil). Then the remedy is insisted for another 2 hours. After that, it is taken 100 milliliters twice a day before meals (30 minutes before). This infusion improves vision and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Preparation of bark, leaves and flowers

What is irga, benefits and harms, recipes for the preparation of healing tinctures - this information is simply necessary for the correct use of the gifts of the plant. After all, you can use not only fruits, but also leaves, bark and flowers. The flower tincture is excellent tool to lower blood pressure and treat heart failure. They are harvested in May, during the flowering period. To prepare a healthy decoction, you need to take a handful of dried or fresh flowers and pour 500 milliliters of boiling water over them. We insist the mixture for about 2 hours and filter. The decoction should be taken two large spoons three times a day. The infusion of the leaves has an astringent effect and is therefore effective in case of diarrhea.

Pour one large spoon with a glass of boiling water and take a decoction of half a glass three times a day. A decoction of the bark is good for sore throats, burns and stomach diseases. Pour a small spoonful of chopped bark with a glass of boiling water. We put the mixture on the fire and boil for about 25 minutes. Then we apply it as intended. It is better to harvest the bark in autumn, leaves and flowers - in May, and berries - at the time of ripening. All raw materials must be well dried. It must be stored in a dry place.

Breeding shadberry

If you were attracted by irga, the benefits and harms, the photos and recipes of which are presented in the article, then plant it on your site. This unpretentious plant does not require special conditions breeding. It easily tolerates frost, drought and prolonged rains. The only condition for almost all types of irgi is the presence of light and sun. This will provide you with juicy and well-ripened berries. The plant can be propagated by cuttings or grafting. Plant trees at a distance of 2 meters from each other, as they grow well. From irgi you can make a beautiful and useful hedge. In autumn, it is necessary to form a crown by cutting. Birds love to feast on these delicious berries and eat them completely from above.

Irga is a small shrub or tree that belongs to the Rosaceae family. It is unpretentious, so many gardeners try to grow it on their plots. The uniqueness of this plant lies in its useful fruits, which contain a significant amount of useful substances in their composition. Consider what an irga is, its beneficial features and contraindications.

Useful properties of berries

What is useful irga? Its fruits are necessary for the human body, since they contain such substances:

  • vitamins C, PP, B;
  • carotene, considered a powerful antioxidant;
  • pectins - remove toxins, heavy metals and other harmful elements from the body;
  • organic acids;
  • trace elements.

Thanks to this composition, irgi berries are actively used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Increased blood pressure. Irga is very useful for hypertensive patients, as it helps to reduce pressure in a short time. Also, these berries improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole, thinning the blood and strengthening blood vessels.
  2. Angina. Juice based on the fruits of irgi is actively used in folk medicine in the treatment this disease. It promotes the elimination of infection, as well as the healing of wounds.
  3. Stomatitis. Decoctions based on the fruits of this plant have an antimicrobial effect, so you can get rid of stomatitis or periodontal disease.
  4. Diabetes. The use of berries helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, they should be eaten with diabetes.

Also, the fruits of irgi should be used as a prophylactic to avoid the development of cardiovascular or colds.

Irga is useful for both the body of women and men. As for children, its berries help strengthen weakened immunity, thereby preventing the development of colds in the cold season.

Irgi leaves: useful properties

In addition to the fruits of this plant, which have a beneficial effect on the human body, in medicinal purposes the leaves of irgi are also used. If you make tea based on them, then the nervous system calms down. Also, the leaves help fight the following ailments:

  • high blood pressure;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • any diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If we talk about the external use of shadberry leaves, then in folk medicine they are used for such diseases:

  • wounds with suppuration;
  • thermal burns.

To prepare a medicinal infusion from the leaves of shadberry, you must use the following recipe: 3 tbsp. l. the main ingredient should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let stand covered for about 3 hours. At the end of this time, the filtered infusion should be taken 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day. In this case, it is necessary not to forget to control the blood pressure indicator.

The use of irgi berries

The fruits of the plant are actively used in cooking. Alternative medicine suggests using these recipes as therapeutic and prophylactic agents. Consider what can be prepared from these berries.

To prepare this is not only healthy, but also insanely delicious dish you will need 1 kg of fruit, 1 kg of sugar, 3 g of citric acid and 1 glass of water. First you need to prepare sugar syrup. For this, sugar and water are taken, put on fire. This mixture must be brought to a boil. After that, peeled and washed berries should be placed in syrup. Bring to a boil again. Leave on low heat, cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. A few minutes before readiness, you need to put citric acid in the jam. Ready meal can be poured into jars and rolled up or stored in the refrigerator after its preparation.


In order for the juice from the berries of the shadberry to turn out to be more fragrant and sweet, it is necessary to rinse the fresh fruits and leave to dry on a clean cloth in direct sunlight. So that it does not turn out too sugary, you can also add red currants when squeezing the fruit. It will give a pleasant sourness, which will make the drink more piquant.


Homemade wine from shadberry is prepared very simply. This process takes place in several stages, namely:

  1. Syrup preparation. It will take 1 kg of sugar and 2 liters of water. Water should be put on fire until it boils. After that, gradually add sugar, constantly stirring the liquid. Cook it for 10-15 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Juice extraction and must preparation. Irgi fruits are not very juicy, so you can soak 3 kg of berries in hot water for the night. In this way, it will be much easier to squeeze the juice out of them. From 3 kg of berries, approximately 1 liter of juice will be obtained. This is the amount needed for the subsequent preparation of wine. Juice should be poured into syrup.
  3. Fermentation. Pour the resulting liquid into containers with a narrow neck. They should not be covered with a lid. It is necessary to use plasticine, in which to make a hole for holding the tubes. They must be placed so that one end does not touch the liquid. The other end of the tube must be placed in a glass of water. Containers in this form should be kept warm for 2-3 weeks, until the juice with syrup becomes light.
  4. Infusion. After the completion of the fermentation process, the wine must be infused. To do this, the liquid should be filtered, poured into a large bottle, which is then tightly sealed with a lid. Leave for 3-4 months. After this time, a delicious and aromatic wine will be ready.

In order to make preparations for the winter, it is not necessary to cook the berries of this plant. They can also be used in dried form for making compotes in the cold season. Another option is freezing fruits. After defrosting, they can be added to pies and other culinary delights. Berries have a pleasant taste and aroma, making dishes more spicy and rich.

Important to remember! Dishes and drinks prepared on the basis of shadberry should be consumed in moderation!

When the fruits ripen

After planting, the shrub begins to bear fruit only in the third year. To collect juicy and ripe berries, you should wait until the beginning of July. This period is the ideal time for harvesting the plant. Sometimes growth can even be delayed until August if the shrub has grown strongly.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that the berries of the plant are enriched with a significant amount of useful substances, they still have their contraindications for use. These include:

  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to fruits;
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • low blood pressure, hypotension.

Also, medicines based on irgi have a calming effect, causing increased drowsiness. Therefore, for people who need concentration, it is better to refrain from eating berries until it is time for rest. After eating berries, a person will feel the desire to sleep.

Irga Canadian is a very interesting fruit and ornamental culture. A deciduous shrub with a height of 1.5 to 8 meters is beautiful at any time of the year. In spring, the irga looks attractive during bud break, when it seems to be shrouded in silver-white hoarfrost.

Later, during flowering, it is strewn with clusters of fragrant white flowers surrounded by bees. Until mid-summer, the bush is decorated with brushes of blue-violet berries. Until late autumn, the decoration of the shrub is foliage, gradually changing color from green to crimson. Against the backdrop of snowy winter garden burgundy-brown branches look spectacular.

Let's start, perhaps, with the description of Irga, this is a fast-growing, fast-growing, long-lived shrub. The culture enters fruiting after planting in the third year. The life expectancy of irgi is 40-50 years. Frost resistance is excellent, tolerates frosts up to 40 degrees without loss. In the conditions of the Moscow region, it does not need shelter for the winter. The plant also feels good in more northern regions. Well-growing bushes are very photophilous and, if planted too tightly, they stretch strongly upwards and bear fruit poorly.

The root system of the shrub is superficial, the bulk of the roots is located at a depth of up to 40 cm, some go deep into 1 m. The radius of distribution of the root system reaches 2 m.

Irga blooms in late April - early May, for 10-15 days. The flowers withstand short-term spring frosts down to -7 °C.

The shrub is not picky about the quality of the soil, it is drought-resistant. Irga grows quickly - already in the third year after planting it begins to bear fruit, and at the age of 8-10 years, a period of full productivity begins. The period of productivity is 20-30 years with an average yield of 8-10 kg of berries per bush.

The advantages of the shrub are early and abundant fruiting, the self-pollination of the plant ensures annual fruiting. Irga is unpretentious to growing conditions, very winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

Beneficial features

Irgi berries are a good multivitamin remedy containing vitamins C, B 2, carotene, pectins, anthocyanins and trace elements (cobalt, copper, lead). The fruits are useful in the treatment of hypo- and beriberi, for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the cardiovascular system.

Medicinal properties of berry berries

  • soothe nervous system, useful for insomnia and restless sleep;
  • increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and strengthen them;
  • used to prevent myocardial infarction and varicose veins (prevents the formation of blood clots);
  • have a general strengthening effect, downgrade high pressure and normalize cholesterol levels;
  • used for prevention peptic ulcer and as an anti-inflammatory agent for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • useful berry in the fight against sclerosis;
  • juice from fresh berries has astringent properties, so it is used to gargle with inflammation.

Types and variety of varieties

Irga is from the Rosaceae family and has more than 25 species. The most common of them are:

  1. Irga canadian- shrub with drooping branches up to 6 meters high. Valued for very sweet, tasty berries weighing up to 1 g. Productivity up to 6 kg / bush. The greenery is lush, very good in hedges when planted after 2 meters. It is a fast growing shrub with an annual growth of up to 40 cm in height and width.

For the past 60 years, Canada has been the breeding center for the best varieties irgi. The most popular among gardeners are:

  • pembina- the height and width of the shrub reach 5 meters. The crown is spreading. The advantage of the variety is the formation of a small amount of root shoots.
  • Smokey- shrub up to 4.5 m high, crown in the form of an open umbrella. A variety with a late flowering period, which makes it possible for him to avoid the loss of the ovary during late spring frosts. Smokey's berries are large with a diameter of up to 14mm with a great aroma. The berries are the sweetest of all varieties available, fleshy and without astringency.
  • Northline- a multi-stemmed bush of medium size, vertical trunks. The berries are very large, up to 16 mm in diameter, blue-black with a wax coating, the maturation of non-cracking berries is friendly. The variety forms a lot of root shoots. Needs a pollinator.
  • Sturgeon- a multi-stemmed sprawling shrub up to 3 m high. The variety is high-yielding, berry brushes are long, the fruits are large and sweet.
  • Thyssen- a shrub reaching a height of 5 m with a strongly spreading rounded crown. This is the earliest, quick-growing variety. The size of the beautiful berries palatability up to 17mm in diameter. The fruits are fragrant with a slight acidity. Due to the uneven ripening of berries, the harvest period is extended in time. Frost resistance up to - 28 ° С.
  1. Irga Lamarck is a large shrub or small tree up to 8 meters high. The crown has a rounded shape. Unlike the Canadian irgi, it grows more slowly, the annual growth is no more than 25 cm in height. Irga Lamarck is very beautiful during the flowering period and in the crimson decoration of the foliage in the fall.

Trunks acquire a beautiful sinuous shape when regular shaping is performed. Such trees look good in single plantings and alleys.

Often in gardens there is also irga spiky and irga round-leaved, they are decorative and their fruits are also eaten, but they are smaller in size and the taste of the berries is low.

Conditions for planting, growing and care

Irga is undemanding to growing conditions, it is not capricious in care.

In the garden or personal plot it can be planted on the north side, as its multi-stemmed bushes trap snow and protect from cold northern winds. It is good to plant raspberries, currants, gooseberries next to it, for them it will serve as a good protection.

Irgu can be planted both in spring and autumn. In the prepared pit, seedlings are planted 5-10 cm deeper than they grew before, this will contribute to the growth of more basal shoots. After planting and abundant watering, the soil around the seedlings is mulched, the plant is cut to about 1/3 of the height, leaving no more than 5 well-developed buds. Plants are planted every 2-3 m, and when creating a hedge, it is preferable to plant in a checkerboard pattern every 0.5-0.7 m in rows and between plants.

Further care consists in watering during dry periods, loosening the soil around the bushes and top dressing. Irga is responsive to fertilizers. During the season, it is desirable to feed it monthly with liquid organic fertilizers(infusions of mullein or bird droppings) combining them with watering and making foliar top dressing with micronutrient fertilizers. The plant will thank you.


If you decide to form a plant in the form of a multi-stemmed bush, then in the first years after planting it is necessary to remove all weak shoots, leaving 2-3 of the strongest zero shoots from the root shoots. A well-formed bush consists of 10-15 branches of different ages.

When the annual growth of shoots is no more than 10 cm, they begin rejuvenating pruning, which consists in removing all weak and strongly elongated shoots. The rest are cut to a height of up to 2.5 meters. All places of large cuts must be treated with garden pitch.

For greater decorativeness of the Canadian irgi, its crown must be shaped in an oval shape when pruning. The result of such pruning will be a powerful growth of young shoots with the formation of fruit buds.

Irgu Lamarck is formed by a tree with 3-5 trunks, the rest of all basal shoots are removed throughout the season. Branches are shortened annually.

When using Canadian shadberry to create a hedge, it is necessary to cut it annually, shortening the annual growth by 10-15 cm. annual pruning will promote better branching.


Canadian irgu can be propagated in several ways:

Pests and diseases

Irga Canadian is resistant to the main fungal diseases and pests. It can be affected by the caterpillars of the currant leafworm, the caterpillar of the rose leafworm. They damage the leaves and gnaw on the tops of young shoots. To combat pests when processing the garden, one must not forget to spray the shadberry bushes.

During berry ripening great harm it is applied by birds, who also love to feast on its juicy and tasty berries. To avoid crop loss, young bushes can be covered with a net. When the plants are already large, then there will be enough berries for everyone.

Vitamins - for the future

Irga bears fruit annually and abundantly, but its berries ripen unevenly and therefore they are harvested in several stages.

The shelf life of the collected berries is small, only 2-3 days, if stored in a cool place (basement or refrigerator).

Compotes, juices, jams, jelly, wine are prepared from sweet berries of shadberry, they are dried and frozen. Irgi berries, due to their low acid content, do not have a bright taste, but they have a very bright color. In this connection, it is very good to add them to compotes from apples, pears and other fruits that do not have a pronounced color.

Particular attention should be paid to dried fruits of shadberry, they may well replace expensive raisins. dried berries retain their properties for a long time. They are stored in closed glass jars.

Characteristic of the irgi is the poor return of juice from fresh berries. After 5-7 days of maturation, the yield of juice during processing will be up to 80%.


Juice from berries of irgi is useful for the eyes, heart, throat, blood vessels. The prepared juice is used for the preparation of fruit drinks, drinks, jelly.

Juice with sugar

The berries that have lain in a cool place for a week are washed, squeezed out the juice, mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Heat the juice over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, without bringing to a boil. The heated juice is poured into glass jars or bottles, stopper and store in a cool place.

Natural juice

Juice is squeezed out of the prepared berries, poured into liter jars, pasteurized for 15-20 minutes and rolled up with lids.

Irga Canadian, due to its medicinal, taste and decorative qualities, deserves a place of honor in the garden or in the country. Maintenance is minimal, but benefits and pleasures are in abundance.

The shade-tolerant tree-like shrub of the common irga from the pink family boasts a lush crown, sweet berries, and unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil. Irga feels comfortable, successfully bears fruit where other garden crops die. In addition to taste, these berries are also medicinal, like flowers and leaves. Useful properties of irgi and contraindications to its use will be described in this article. Other names of irgi: yurga, pyrus or karinka.

The plant itself (especially flowering) has a very attractive appearance, thanks to which it is used to decorate a garden plot, for example, as a living fence.

  • strengthening of immunity, antioxidant properties, due to the carotene contained in the fruits;
  • soft removal of toxins, heavy metals from the body, thanks to pectin;
  • overall improvement in heart function, reducing the risk of heart attack;
  • with hepatic, renal ailments;
  • cancer prevention;
  • for sore throat, sore throat (fruit juice, gargle);
  • brewing bark, leaves to alleviate the effects of burns, pustular skin diseases;
  • gum strengthening treatment various diseases oral cavity (stomatitis, periodontal disease);
  • with indigestion;
  • for the prevention of varicose veins.

It is also necessary to mention contraindications, possible harm which can cause irga. If there is a tendency to allergies, then the gifts of this shrub should be used with extreme caution. Irga is a strong allergen. It is not recommended to take pyrus in case of manifestations of hypotension (low blood pressure).

If a person suffers from blood diseases (hemophilia, clotting problems), Irga should not be consumed. She thins the blood. Do not combine the use of decoctions or fruits with the intake of milk - they are not compatible (an upset stomach will not take long). You should also take into account the inhibition of actions, which can be observed from excessive use of irgi.

If a shrub grows in an ecologically unfavorable zone, then all that remains is to admire it, since the irga very actively “pulls” harmful components from the earth, air, and water.

Irga, the use of berries in cooking

Most often, irgu is used for treatment, but fresh berries, jams, liqueurs, wines, compotes from it are incredibly tasty. Baking with irga is a real delicacy, its berries go well with shortcrust pastry, cottage cheese.

Irgi jam

To get fruit juice harvested crop should be previously kept without access to sunlight - so the berries will become sweeter, juicier. The fruits ripen in stages, they are also harvested in stages. Irga itself is a perennial bush, lives for about 50-70 years - it depends on the conditions environment. She is resilient, practically not afraid of garden pests, she does not need spraying. The shrub is decorative at any time of the year.

If you decide to plant on your suburban area irgu, then you need to consider that you have to protect it from birds, as they love to feast on it. To prevent the feathered inhabitants from reaching the harvest, gardeners prudently cover the bushes with a special bird net that can be bought.

In any case, try medicinal properties This plant can be used by anyone. Today you can buy dried fruits or flowers of irgi - they are offered by pharmacies, online stores medicinal herbs. This dark blue berry has a low calorie content (45 kcal), practically does not contain fats, proteins. The carbohydrate value of irgi is 12 g per 100 g of fruit.

Taking into account the beneficial properties of irgi and contraindications, one should take into account the factor of individual intolerance, and also observe the measure.