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Horizons children All-Russian Subject Olympiads. "horizons". The Russian oven not only warms

Blitz Olympiads for teachers

for school teachers

Professional competence of school teachers

The questions of the blitz-Olympiad "Professional competence of school teachers" make it possible to identify the level of professional competence of teachers in matters of upbringing, education, organization of a children's team, regulatory documentation, etc.

Organization of self-education of school teachers

Blitz-Olympiad "Organization of self-education of school teachers" will reveal the level of knowledge of forms, methods and levels of self-education of school teachers.

Interaction between teacher and students in the learning process

Blitz-Olympiad "Interaction between teachers and students in the learning process" is intended for teachers, class teachers. The objective of the test is to test and expand the knowledge of educational technologies used to improve the quality of students' knowledge, knowledge of teaching methods and means in various learning models.

Methodological techniques for teaching schoolchildren to carry out creative projects

Blitz Olympiad "Methodological methods of teaching schoolchildren to carry out creative projects" is intended for teachers and is aimed at testing and expanding knowledge of modern educational technologies, increasing the level of mastery of the methodology for teaching schoolchildren to carry out creative projects.

Inclusive education at school

The Blitz Olympiad "Inclusive Education at School" is recommended for teachers and specialists of schools implementing inclusive education programs and allows you to identify the level of knowledge about the patterns and content of inclusive education, the requirements for its organization.

Organization of project activities for schoolchildren

Blitz Olympiad "Organization project activities schoolchildren" is recommended for teachers and allows you to identify the level of knowledge in organizing the project activities of schoolchildren.

Basics of organizing an interactive lesson

The Blitz Olympiad "Fundamentals of organizing an interactive lesson" is recommended for teachers and methodologists of schools and allows you to identify the level of knowledge in organizing an interactive lesson at school.

Innovative forms of lesson organization

Blitz-Olympiad "Innovative forms of organizing a lesson" allows you to identify the level of knowledge in organizing and conducting innovative lessons at the school of teachers, methodologists and other specialists.

Methodical work at school in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

The Blitz Olympiad "Methodological work at school in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard" is recommended for teachers, methodologists and other school specialists and allows you to identify the level of knowledge in the organization of methodological work at school.

Regulatory framework of the school

The Blitz-Olympiad "Regulatory and legal framework of the school" is recommended for teachers and other school specialists and allows you to identify the level of knowledge in matters of the school's regulatory documentation.

Organization of extracurricular activities at school

theater world

2019 has been declared the Year of Theater in Russia. This test will allow you to refresh your knowledge related to theatrical art, to test your erudition. It is designed for teachers to extracurricular activities dedicated to the Year of Theatre, high school students to expand their erudition, as well as people who are interested in theater.

Universal learning activities and their formation in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Blitz-Olympiad "Universal educational activities and their formation in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" is recommended for school teachers and allows you to identify the level of knowledge in the formation of universal educational activities of students.

For preschool teachers

Development of integrative qualities of preschoolers

Blitz-Olympiad "Development of integrative qualities of preschoolers" is devoted to the concept of "integrative qualities of a child", through which the result of preschool education is set in the form of a landmark. Some tasks of the test have a practical orientation.

Monitoring system for the individual development of preschool children

Blitz-Olympiad "System for monitoring the individual development of children up to school age"recommended for teachers, methodologists and other school specialists and allows you to identify the level of knowledge in the organization of monitoring the individual development of children preschool age.

Literary education of preschoolers

Blitz-Olympiad "Literary education of preschoolers" is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. The task of the Blitz Olympiad is to test and expand the knowledge of educational and educational technologies, knowledge of the methodology for introducing preschool children to reading.

Pedagogical organization of play activities for preschoolers

Blitz-Olympiad "Pedagogical organization of play activities of preschoolers" is intended for educators of preschool educational institutions. The task of the test is to expand knowledge of educational and educational technologies, game methods of teaching and raising children in kindergarten.

Methodical bases of education and training of children in kindergarten

Blitz-Olympiad "Methodological foundations of education and training of children in kindergarten" is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. The task of the test is to test and expand the knowledge of educational and educational technologies, knowledge of the methods of raising and teaching preschool children.

Organization of the pedagogical process and methods of education and training in kindergarten

Blitz-Olympiad "Organization of the pedagogical process and methods of education and training in kindergarten" is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. The objective of the test is to check the teacher's level of theoretical knowledge in the field of organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten, to expand knowledge of the methods of raising and teaching preschool children.

Physical development of children

Blitz-Olympiad "Physical development of children" allows you to check how familiar the teacher is with the basics of education and upbringing of preschoolers in the region physical education: the goals, objectives and principles of the physical development of children in kindergarten, as well as the methods used in physical education classes.

Development of creative thinking

Blitz-Olympiad "Development of creative thinking" is devoted to the concept of creative thinking, the features and conditions of its development in preschoolers, as well as methods for the development of creative thinking by educators. Some tasks of the test have a practical orientation.

Development of children's social skills

Test tasks of the blitz-Olympiad "Development of children's social skills" are devoted to the theoretical aspects of the problem of the formation of social skills in preschool children, as well as the organization and content of social and pedagogical activities in a preschool educational institution.

Features of children's adaptation to school

Blitz-Olympiad "Peculiarities of adaptation of children to school" is recommended for teachers of preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions and primary school teachers. The test contains questions about the types and levels of adaptation of children, and will also allow the teacher to get an idea of ​​​​how to build educational process to help the first grader to better adapt to school.

Formation of a culture of safe behavior

The Blitz Olympiad "Formation of a Culture of Safe Behavior" is dedicated to the basic concepts and modern approaches to the formation of the foundations of life safety, as well as the system of work on the formation of the foundations of life safety for preschoolers.

Modern technologies for teaching preschoolers

Blitz Olympiad " Modern technologies teaching preschoolers" is dedicated to modern pedagogical technologies for teaching preschool children, as well as forms, methods, classification of types of technologies used by kindergarten teachers.

Adaptation of the child to the conditions of kindergarten

The Blitz Olympiad is intended for pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions: educators, methodologists, educational psychologists and other specialists involved in the effective organization of the prevention of maladaptation of preschoolers to kindergarten conditions. As part of the Blitz Olympiad, the level of theoretical preparedness is determined on the following issues: the theory of "adaptation", existing theories and trends in science, determining the causes of maladaptation, knowledge individual characteristics children, the specifics of the stages of adaptation; the ability to predict possible violations in the behavior of preschoolers.

Features of the organization of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution

The test is intended for pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions: methodologists, educators, junior educators. During testing, the level of mastery of the teacher by the theory and methodology of creating a subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution is determined in accordance with the advanced pedagogical ideas and requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of a preschool educational institution.

The value of morning exercises for preschoolers

Morning exercises are called exercises for a reason. If, shortly after waking up, you perform a set of exercises for all muscle groups, then the body will recharge positive energy and cheerfulness for the whole day, the vitality will rise. And if this is done to the music and in an exciting way, then the mood will also improve, which will also contribute to a positive mood for the working day.

Creative and aesthetic development and education of preschoolers

The test is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. The task of the test is to expand, deepen and test knowledge on the theory and practice of creative and aesthetic education of preschool children.

Methodological foundations of mental education and development of preschool children

The test is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. The task of the test is to check the level of knowledge of the theory and methodology of mental education and development of preschool children.

Methods and forms of labor education and physical development of children in preschool institutions

The test is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. The task of the test is to expand, deepen and test knowledge on the theory and practice of organizing labor education and physical development of preschool children.

Methods and forms of organizing the education of preschool children

The test is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. The task of the test is to test and expand the knowledge of educational and educational technologies, knowledge of the methods of raising and teaching preschool children.

Aspects of the methodology of ecological education of preschoolers

The test is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. The task of the test is to expand and deepen knowledge on the theory and methodology of environmental education and upbringing of preschool children.

Features of the social and personal development of preschoolers

The purpose of the test is to identify the level of theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing the social and personal development of preschool children in a preschool educational organization. The test is addressed to teachers, methodologists of a preschool educational organization, as well as teachers additional education working with preschoolers.

Theory and methods of education in Russia and abroad

The purpose of the test is to identify the level of theoretical and methodological knowledge on the organization of education, to expand the understanding of the features of education in different countries Oh. The test is addressed to teachers, methodologists of general education institutions, as well as teachers of additional education.

For teachers working with children with disabilities

Ecological education of children with disabilities

Blitz-Olympiad "Ecological education of children with disabilities" is dedicated to the theory and practice of environmental education of students with disabilities, as well as the psychological and pedagogical foundations of environmental education.

Socialization of children with disabilities

Performing the tasks of the blitz-Olympiad "Socialization of children with disabilities", the teacher must show knowledge of the tasks, stages and methods of socialization of students with disabilities. Most of the test questions have a theoretical orientation.

The development of phonemic hearing in students with disabilities

Blitz-Olympiad "Development of phonemic hearing in students with disabilities" is devoted to the concepts of "phonemic perception", "phonemic hearing", as well as the means of forming phonemic hearing in children with disabilities, the role of games and exercises in the formation of phonemic hearing, as well as overcoming phonemic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech.

Children with autism spectrum disorder. Features of education and training.

The Olympiad is addressed to teachers who work with "special" children in a correctional school or as part of inclusive education.

Blitz Olympiads for children

For younger students

Mathematical games "Ostrich"


Blitz-Olympiad "Mathematical games "Ostrich" is designed for students in grades 1-2. The main character of the mathematical quiz is an ostrich, who tries to solve mathematical problems together with the farmer's children - Valya and Vitya. The tasks are entertaining.

Forks and spoons

the world

This quiz is based on questions on table etiquette. WITH early age begin to teach kids how to use cutlery, table etiquette. Participation in this quiz will help consolidate the knowledge gained in various classes in kindergarten and at home.

How animals are protected

the world

This quiz is about ways to protect against enemies in different animals. No one wants to be eaten, so over millions of years animals have evolved very interesting adaptations. You definitely need to know about them. It is very interesting!

Russian oven not only warms!

the world

In the blitz-Olympiad for primary school students "The Russian oven not only warms!" intertwined folklore and history (Russian way of life). As questions for the quiz, not only Russian folk tales were used, but also proverbs and signs associated with the Russian stove - a unique structure that not only warms, but also feeds, heals, and also ventilates the room.

Number 7 is ruled by Saturn


Mathematical quiz for primary school students is based on data from the second largest planet in the solar system - Saturn and other cosmic bodies. Along with mathematical operations, what needs to be done to find the correct answer, the participants of this quiz will get acquainted with interesting facts that have been studied by scientists from different countries about Saturn.

Journey to the Emerald City

cognitive development

Blitz Olympiad "Journey to the Emerald City" allows you to plunge into fascinating world fairy tales "The Wizard of the Emerald City", remember the main events and, together with the heroes, once again defeat evil!

Water is the source of life on earth

the world

Blitz-Olympiad "Water - the source of life on Earth" allows you to systematize and consolidate the knowledge of primary school children about one of the most important substances on the planet Earth - water.

First steps in science

cognitive development

The Blitz Olympiad "First Steps in Science" is intended for children of primary school age and allows you to consolidate knowledge about the planet Earth, natural phenomena, substances and their states.

Inhabitants of the deep sea

the world

Blitz Olympiad "Inhabitants sea ​​depths"invites children of primary school age to plunge into the mysterious world of the seas and oceans, to expand and consolidate knowledge about plants and animals of the underwater kingdom.

Brushes, paints and easel

cognitive development

We invite children of primary school age who are interested in fine arts to take part in the Blitz Olympiad "Brushes, Paints and Easel", to repeat and consolidate their knowledge in this area.

Inhabitants of rivers and lakes

the world

Blitz Olympiad "Inhabitants of rivers and lakes" invites children of primary school age to travel along rivers and lakes. During the journey, you can meet the inhabitants of the water depths, get acquainted with their characteristics and lifestyle. Ready? Then go ahead!

« Horizons of technology for children» (Polish: Horyzonty Techniki dla Dzieci) is a Polish monthly popular science magazine for children. He spoke in a very accessible and interesting way about the latest in science and technology, about physical and chemical phenomena, the history of inventions. Each issue contains puzzles, a quiz, a section for DIY enthusiasts, novice magicians, young craftswomen and much more. For the USSR it was published in Russian.

« Horizons of technology for children»

Technique in philately.

Festival of the Kite.

Twelve castles of the royal treasury.

Chemistry in our house.

How much does a color weigh?

Monorail railway.

Philately in the world.

Road zebras.

The story of the houses-cities.

Secrets of one production.

Chemistry in our house (how to become an organoleptic).

2750 BC

Hocus pocus abracadabra.

ABC radio amateur (Installation of electronic circuits).

How the body of the car has changed.

Decorative plates and flower vases.

Chemistry (Temperature paints).

Hocus-pocus-abracadabra (how do objects disappear?).

Car racing.

Detector radio receiver (ABC of a radio amateur).

Jump into the universe.

Polish, Hungarian and Vietnamese snakes (young designer's corner).

Hocus pocus abracadabra.


Letter from the USSR pilot-cosmonaut A. Leonov and science fiction artist A. Sokolov.

Hocus pocus abracadabra.

Fun math.

Electronics under the microscope.

Paper and wasps ... (chemistry).

What you need to know about gasoline.

Model of a steamboat (Young Designer's Corner).

Amazing Chocolate Bar (Fun Math).

The Secret of Vydzhiga.

When braking the wheels (car yesterday, today, tomorrow).

Magic ribbons (hocus pocus abrocadabra).

Turntable (corner of the young designer).

Magic apple (hocus pocus abracadabra).

Cable across the Atlantic.

About the rifle.

Cloud shadow (Fun math)

Our planet is a huge magnet.

Chameleon paints (Chemistry).

Hot, warm, cold? (The world in the eyes of a physicist).

Quarries of Ancient Egypt.

How Armand Fizeau measured the speed of light.

Morse telegraph apparatus (young designer's corner).

Siege of Rhodes.

Perpetual calendar (Young designer's corner).

Bengal lights (Chemistry).

1973-09(136) Contents of the journal: Merry Mathematics - Treasure of robbers. IN empty house(Science fiction story). The world in the eyes of a physicist - Magnetic radiator.

1973-12(139) Contents of the journal: A monument that is more magnificent than a pyramid. We are building a mini-car"Gzhes"! Want to play treasure hunter?

1976-01(164) Contents of the journal: Sinan is an old architect. Canned lunch. How and why - About energy.

1976-02(165) Contents of the journal: How a great philosopher woke up his student. Colored factories. How and why - About nuclear energy.

1976-03(166) Contents of the journal: The first journey through railway. The car yesterday, today, tomorrow - From the history of trucks. Geometric puzzle. The story of our reader - Incident in Arvivur.

1976-04(167) Contents of the journal: Invasion of centipedes. The city is talking. About papyrus, paper and waste paper products.

1976-06(169) Contents of the journal: Vikings. I see the Earth, I fly into the Sun... Ma-hi-fi and holes in the cheese. Underground urban development. Piezoelectric effect and piezoelectric materials and their applications.

1976-07(170) Contents of the journal: How and why: about thermonuclear energy. Sundial. The simplest telescope

1976-08(171) Contents of the journal: The father of electricity. Warsaw Central. Victory of the knight Stanko. Chemistry - It all started with Michal Sendziwoj.

1976-09(172) Contents of the journal: In search of life on Mars. Radio corner - Antenna and grounding. Why does the light bulb shine, or about the heating of conductors during the passage of current.

1976-10)173) Contents of the journal: In the footsteps of ancient metallurgists. About the Sun - almost everything. Corner of the young designer - A device for testing dexterity.

1976-11(174) Contents of the journal: How to organize work. About the world's first oil well and ancient salt mines. Corner of the young designer - Sled with control, or a roller walker on runners.

1976-12(175) Contents of the journal: Tale of the laser. Hocus-pocus - Magic water. For craftswomen of all trades - Christmas tree for dolls, What can be made of beads, a folding man.

1977-01(176) Contents of the journal: Space ferry. Polish ship for transporting chemicals. Chemistry - Heat and fire in laboratories

1977-02(177) Contents of the journal: Why springs burst, or about the fatigue of metals. Riveter's Corner - Overload Alarm

1977-03(178) Contents of the magazine: For craftswomen of all trades - Bags for a walk. What the Vikings found on Mars. Corner of the young designer - Learn to think logically.

1977-05(180) Contents of the magazine: "Bumar" is construction machines. Chemistry - measurement of weight and volume in the home laboratory. Corner of the young designer - "Peeper" for underwater observations.

1977-06(181) Contents of the journal: From the book of tales about electronics. "So that it would be easier to lift loads of all kinds ..." Corner of the young designer - Labyrinth

1977-07(182) Contents of the magazine: Young designer's corner - Signaling device. For craftswomen of all trades - Screen and mattress for the beach.

1977-08(183) Contents of the journal: Chemistry - "Gold" in the crucible. Riveting master's corner - Board on uneven wall How to saw planks. Young designer's corner - Board on wheels

1977-09(184) Contents of the journal: Chemistry - Magic transformations of flowers. Where did soap come from, paper toys, a mini-flashlight. Young Constructor's Corner - Ropeway

1977-11(186) Contents of the journal: Unusual animal professions. Corner of a young designer - Multi-storey "tic-tac-toe", mathematical scales. Hocus-pocus - Ribbons that are not afraid of scissors.

1977-12(187) Contents of the journal: Extraordinary journeys in a time machine. Hocus-pocus - For dexterous hands. For craftswomen of all trades - Geometry comes to the rescue.


In ancient Poland. Merry Math - Once again about the number 200. Can the ceiling replace the oven?

Optical illusion. For preschoolers and those a little older - Focus with a box and a pencil. Electronic 1+1=? - Decade counting device

About oil. Ancient mathematical machine. Merry Math - Where is the center of gravity of the broom.

Tulse is a city in the Greenland glacier. Chemistry - Simple Ways obtaining oxygen in the home laboratory. Corner of the young designer - Sailboat in a bottle.

Liquid crystal, or neither liquid nor crystal. About the multitude of inhabited worlds. Corner of the young designer - Controlled kite.

If gravity were ten times less. How to weigh an elephant. Young designer's corner - Electric musical instrument.

Robots are different. Chemistry - In the world of crystals. Merry Math - Riddles with bows.

Tsar Cannon, Tsar Bell. About interstellar mail carriers. Corner of the young designer - Hammock. For craftswomen of all trades - Fan.

Oil camii - a city on the sea. A man with a brilliant memory. Chemistry - In the realm of smells. For preschoolers and those who are a little older - Acorn little men and not only.

Wooden architecture. Thinking hand. Journey to the bowels of the Earth. Chemistry - Welding of polyethylene film.

For preschoolers and those who are a little older - Libra. Corner of the young designer - Stroller for dolls.

The hardest day of my life, or Plusx visiting an alien. All-terrain vehicle. Boat with a steam engine.

Trans-European motorway north-south.

Young Designer's Corner - Safe Rocket.

Around the world

Ma-hi-fi and sugar in gasoline.

Interesting experiments in physics.

Corner of the young designer - Simple rectifier, Libra.

Fun Math - Rocket and planet problem.

Why not all elements are found in nature.

Corner of the young designer - Mechanical frog.

Mammoth, when did you disappear?

Logic riddle.

Corner of the young designer - Board on rollers.

Something about salt.

Unripe gold.

Construction crane.

Merry Math - False Proof.

Outstanding architect of the Renaissance.

How to see an atom?

The world's first encrypted letter.

Chemistry - Predicting weather by color, or about a chemical barometer.

Corner of the young designer - Safe universal chaise lounge "BUSH".

Corner of the young designer - Wheeled simulator.

Radio corner - Semiconductors.

Rainbow - what is it?

Space inventions.

in the kingdom of Athens.

Gulf of the Polar Bear.

Scandinavian house.

Iron forest.

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.

Interesting experiments in physics - How to make a magnet.

Chemical pantry - Sand and clay.

Magnetic theater - What a puppeteer needs to know.

Magic alloys of metals. Chemistry - Copper and chemicals.

About foundry workers and casting of bells.

Submarine rocket.

Optical illusion.

1. Useful invention Theodora of Samos.

2. Chemistry - On sulfur and its compounds.

3. For preschoolers and those who are older - Treasures of the postmaster.

1. How many times has the planet Uranus been discovered?

2. Mosaics of the Ancient World.

3. Secrets of radioactivity - Eight, four, two, one, half...

From time immemorial, in any nation it was believed that offending an orphan is not just a sin, but a grave sin not only against the child, but also against the whole society. However, times and customs are changing...

On June 7, 2006, about fifty residents of the Kolpino district of St. Petersburg addressed an open letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin regarding the alarming situation that has developed in the Orphanage School N27 at St. Petersburg, Kolpino st. Volodarsky, 6. The appeal was published on the website of the news agency "", and over 200 people signed it.

"For several years now, a group of residents of the city of Kolpino has been showing constant concern for pupils orphanage. During this time, orphans, abandoned to the mercy of fate by their parents, have become almost family to them. The townspeople always tried to take part in their future fate, they wanted the children to become honest, decent people, worthy citizens of their Fatherland after leaving the children's children's school", the letter says.

However, "this year the school began to visit more and more often different kind foreign activists. With the consent of the administration, they showered children with gifts, distributed religious literature among them, and carried out so-called "educational work."

"The townspeople watched everything that happened with anxiety. They did not like such an unhealthy interest of foreigners in Russian children. It soon turned out that their concern was not in vain. The school administration decided to take some of the children to the United States this summer, where they months (!) will live in the families of Americans.<...>

In your Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, you drew Special attention to the fact that our country is currently in a severe demographic crisis, they said that government bodies should take all necessary measures to rectify this situation.

But if there is a demographic crisis in Russia, then why are Russian children being taken abroad?! After all, we can take care of them ourselves.

We are extremely concerned about the situation that has developed in Children's Children's School No. 27, and we ask you to instruct the relevant authorities to conduct a very serious check of the actions of local authorities for their compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation."

It so happened that I had to take an active part in writing this letter. For the past year, I have been visiting the orphanage together with other townspeople and I know firsthand what is happening there. For everyone who knew about what was happening in the orphanage, it was obvious that something had to be done. This is how the idea of ​​the Open Address to the President of Russia arose. However, first things first.

You still don't know who you're contacting...

For officials from the Administration of the Kolpinsky District, as well as the director of Children's Children's School No. 27, the news about the Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin came as a complete surprise. They clearly did not expect this turn of events.

For clarification on this matter, I turned to the chief specialist in working with orphanages in the city of Kolpino G.A. Svetlykh. However, the official in charge of our orphans stated that she had no information on this matter, and that "such issues are resolved with the knowledge of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg." At the same time, Galina Alekseevna did not refute the information that the children from children's children's school N27 were going to be taken to the USA.

She asked to provide the address of the website where the letter was published, and said that she would give any comments only after she had read the appeal and carried out an appropriate check.

However, the comments were not long in coming. On the same evening, a letter with rather strange content was received by the news agency "". Assuming that his signature would be published under the appeal to V. Putin, the anonymous author wrote: "People, don't believe it! This is a lie. I suggest that the initiators of the letter meet and discuss the situation. vol. 4614580."

Calling the next morning on the indicated phone number, I got to the excited director of the orphanage N27, Yuri Sergeevich Shelukhin. Accusing the Orthodox of lying, he did not explain what the untruth of the appeal was and resolutely stated that the children would still be taken to the United States. In order not to be unfounded, I will give the full transcript of our conversation with him, made according to the audio recording that I have preserved:

- Hello, hello. Yuri Sergeevich?
- Yes...
- You are concerned about the editor-in-chief of the news agency Alexander Kolyshkin. Yesterday we received an offer to meet with an initiative group...
- I would like to express these proposals much earlier, before releasing such information, you will forgive me, please, in the light ... You give such information from which you will forgive ... Have you ... been at least in an orphanage?
- Yes I was.
- So what? ... And 250 residents of Kolpino adopt children, arrange holidays for them, come to an orphanage?... Come, please, I am ready to meet with you and discuss any information... and give you any information before collecting all these squabbles, gossip ... On the issue of children's recreation, on the issue of children's pastime, on the issue of raising children.
- Excuse me, but are children being taken to America or not?
- Well, why not? What am I... it's not my whim!... It's not only the children from the orphanage-school number 27 that are being taken. But 35 people are being taken from all over St. Petersburg. And it's not me who decides. Yes, they are taking them! ... Yes, they are taking them! ... Children go on vacation, with our teacher, with our educator. Four people are going to rest, so what?! Over the 14 years of work that I have been working here, I have given only 14 people for adoption abroad, abroad fourteen, that is, per child per year. And I don’t have a single child of Russian adoption - Russian citizens don’t take it, you understand correctly ... Please, come, I will meet with you.

After that, we quickly agreed on a meeting, and I went to the DSh N27. However, when I arrived at the school, the director flatly refused to talk to me, referring to the lack of an official letter from the townspeople. He apologized for the inconvenience and, by the way, said that in connection with this appeal he was already being summoned to the head of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg, OV Ivanova. So I have not been able to get any new information about the essence of what is happening.

Going down the stairs with me, Yu. Shelukhin, having emboldened himself, taught: “You know, there is a saying: If you don’t know the ford, don’t poke your head into the water. That’s it ... you still don’t know who you contacted ...”

How this was to be understood and what Shelukhin discussed with the head of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg remained a mystery to us. In any case, a few days later I turned to the Administration of St. Petersburg.

Is this the policy of Russia?!...

The press service of the Government of St. Petersburg declined to comment on the information about the children's trip to the United States. But the Education Committee frankly stated that they were aware of the events, but, despite the protests of the Kolpino public, they were not going to cancel the trip.

Olga Konstantinovna Nesterko, chief specialist for work with orphanages of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg, said that orphans are being taken abroad for a month and a half from five orphanages as part of a certain Mir program that has been operating in St. Petersburg for 6 years.

“No one leaves children there, they are taken with their teachers to rest in America and return back. Each child has insurance, which the mayor of the city gives for foreign families. A large package of documents is collected for each child and all children naturally return to Russia - this is guaranteed by the American side. Not a single child has remained abroad in the 5 years of this program," O. Nesterko said.

Answering the question where the children would still live, Ms. Nesterko said that some of them would live in children's camps, and some - in American families. In order to supervise the children, specialists from the Committee and district departments of education will also travel abroad. "Each group of children goes under the responsibility not of a foundation, but of a specific specialist. Two specialists with four or five children come from the 27th orphanage," she explained.

According to the official, there is little that the residents of Kolpino can do for the orphanage. On the other hand, the Mir public foundation, which organizes this trip, constantly helps the Education Committee: it purchases gyms for children, assists in conducting and organizing summer holidays and is doing a great job in this direction. “I don’t know why the public is outraged,” Nesterko wondered. “Has the public provided any assistance to the orphanage?”

The official was so carried away that she said that she could not do anything since the Americans were kinder than the Russians. Commenting on the statements of the director of the Orphanage N27, in which he actually admitted that in this case it is not so much about rest as about the alleged adoption, O. Nesterko said:

"Adoption and a trip to rest are different things. International adoption goes through the center, which is located on Zvenigorodskaya, 10. There is a law on the data bank of orphans for adoption. Now we have a directive from the city governor V.I. Matvienko to disband and the closure of orphanages, and we create a database for adoption for all children.80% of them go for adoption abroad - this is the policy of Russia, and not the position of a particular orphanage. Because Russian citizens do not adopt children from orphanages over 12 years old, especially from children's homes for correctional development, of which we have 23. "That is, we will hand over (or maybe sell? ..) our orphans out of sight and live for ourselves without problems? It's curious, what would the main specialist in work with orphanages do with her bank of orphans, if America didn't exist? Where would these 80% of orphans go? send children to good America.

This is how, it turns out, some officials in the Administration of St. Petersburg understand Russia's demographic policy! It just seems to me that the Russians are not so bad, rather, we are not lucky with the officials. Ms. Nesterenko would sit at home, raise her children, but no, give her international activity, she sends Russian orphans to America by order of the governor V. Matvienko! Maybe for our demographic situation it is better to send this lady to America herself? Together with the one that gives such installations? It's unlikely they'll take it...

Secret charitable foundation

It is clear that without some support, the committee on education would hardly have succeeded in distributing its orphans abroad. However, a charitable cultural and educational public organization "Mir" was found in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg, Obvodny Canal Embankment, 223/225), which, headed by its executive director Valery Aleksandrovich Nosenko, organized the export of children to the USA.

It is impossible to see anything special either in the name of the charitable foundation or in its location. This is an ordinary fund, of which there are many in the city. However, a characteristic distinguishing feature of the Mir Foundation is the complete absence of information about its activities.

Usually, when a charitable foundation is seriously involved in public actions, information about this gets on the pages of newspapers, on the Internet, and is widely circulated in the media. Any more or less wealthy organization tries to inform its citizens about itself - what it does, with whom it cooperates, what goals it sets, what events it carries out. To do this, public funds acquire a press service, organize their own Internet representation, and so on.

At the cultural and educational public organization"Mir", despite the fact that she has been working in the city for almost 6 years, none of this turned out to be. I have not been able to find any significant information about the foundation's activities in St. Petersburg.

Hoping, nevertheless, that this was just a coincidence, I turned to the executive director of the fund, V.A. Nosenko. According to the director of the fund, "Mir" is a Russian organization. One of the aspects of the fund's activities is the export of Russian orphans for a period of up to 5 weeks for vacation in the states of Georgia, Florida and North Carolina. This program is carried out in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2001 N 736 / 28-5 "On the organization of the departure of underage citizens of the Russian Federation from the Russian Federation for rest, education or treatment" and is called "New Horizons for Children".

"All children are returning from a trip, and there has not been a single case of children not returning. Our organization, including myself, fully support the issue that all children return. We give appropriate obligations at the US Consulate, this It is written in the contract, we have letters certified by a notary from each family, that all children will return to Russia," V.A. Nosenko emphasized.

However, he declined to say what the children's recreation program in the US is. According to him, what the townspeople wrote Open letter VV Putin and drew public attention to this issue, gives the management of the fund the right not to provide any information on this matter. "We are completely transparent in front of those bodies that are responsible for this - this is the Committee on Education, which signed an agreement with us, the Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg, etc. Unfortunately, I don't know you at all..."

At the same time, the executive director emphasized several times that the Mir Foundation operates in accordance with Russian law, but refused to disclose the names of the leaders and organizations with which the foundation cooperates in the United States. According to him, any information about the religious and other affiliation of these organizations and American families hosting Russian children is confidential and not subject to disclosure (!).

We still don't know where our children are

Thus, despite the protests of the public, the children were nevertheless taken away to some kind people in America. On June 26, the day of departure, O. Nesterko provided me with "all the information she had on this issue." These are the order of the head of the Committee on Education O.V. Ivanova on sending children to the USA, a Brief report on the previous trip of children, Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation N 736 / 28-5 and ... that’s all - she didn’t have more open information.

There were still personal matters for each child, however, even full list children (the names of 4 children from children's children's school N27 nevertheless became known) remained classified. As Ms. Nesterko explained, she is an official and cannot provide this information without the permission of the head of the committee. "Write a letter to the head of the committee, and if she gives the go-ahead, I will give you this list," she said. My objections that we had already written a letter to V.V. Putin and that a copy of it is in the Administration of St. Petersburg (it is possible that it was on O.V. Ivanova’s desk) had no effect on her.

Neither detailed information about the fund that finances this trip, neither the program according to which children are taken abroad, nor the schedule of the trip's events, nor the names of the host American organizations - none of this was found in the office of the St. Petersburg official. Moreover, as it turned out later, Ms. Nesterko did not even know that the program for exporting children to the United States was called "New Horizons for Children", and not "Peace", as she had previously claimed. And that this program has been operating in St. Petersburg not for 5-6 years, but only for the second year.

At the same time, O. Nesterko said that in the Administration of St. Petersburg one person is in charge of all orphanages, and "I do not have enough time to work with the media, the public, all my time is spent communicating with representatives of public funds." Thus, even if we assume that our officials and representatives of these most notorious "public funds" pursue one single goal - caring for Russian orphans, such work can hardly be effective. Moreover, it frankly borders on criminal negligence.

Just think about it! For 2 months now, the residents of Kolpino have been demanding that the St. Petersburg authorities provide them with complete information about the children's trip to the United States, the townspeople wrote an Open Letter to President V.V. Putin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation M.E. Fradkov, the Prosecutor General of Russia and the Mayor of St. Petersburg , and in response they hear only general phrases about some kind of "new horizons" and Russia's policy on the adoption of children by foreigners.

“We still don’t know where our children are, what they do, who they live with,” one of the initiators of the letter, I.A. Belysheva, said with concern. “After all this story, we have no confidence in the city guardianship authorities "Even if children from our orphanage return to Russia (and we will definitely control this), it is not known what will happen to them next, what will happen to children from other orphanages. After all, as you know, the general list of children has remained secret" .

Moreover, according to our information, the N27 orphanage school is currently preparing documents for the adoption by American parents of at least one child who was on a similar trip to the United States last year. Moreover, those close to the director of the orphanage frankly declare that the rest of Russian orphans in America is just a bride. Or maybe just an auction?

There is no silver lining... or what to do?

The story that took place in St. Petersburg brightly highlighted the problems that have accumulated in our orphanages. The indifferent attitude towards orphans, it turns out, is just a part of the problem of today's Russia. Now it is no longer a secret that state guardianship bodies, which should primarily take care of orphans, do not cope with their duties, and sometimes openly abuse their powers.

Obviously, care for orphans should not and cannot be the prerogative of the state alone. This is our common problem, and we need to solve it together, using the positive experience that has been accumulated on this issue over the centuries of Russian life since the time of the Russian Empire.

Every orphanage should have an independent public committee, consisting of people who regularly visit the orphanage and take care of the orphans. This Board of Trustees, being in close cooperation with the administration of the children's children's school, could organize some children's events on its own, conduct certain public work with the townspeople and the media, and control the actions of the administration of the orphanage and the school.

It is clear that at present, for a number of reasons, not all Russian orphanages have such "people of good will." The story of the transfer of St. Petersburg children to the United States only confirmed this - only residents of Kolpino expressed their concern about the dubious vacation of orphans abroad, while children from other St. Petersburg orphanages were also taken to America.

This state of affairs is connected both with the excessive development in modern society feelings of selfishness and loss of sacrificial love, as well as with the obstacles that are built by the guardianship authorities on the way of adopting children, but much more important - the complete lack of specific work in this direction.

Today, only a few Russian citizens know what needs to be done to take an orphan child for the weekend, take him on vacation, and so on. The names and surnames of those specialists who work with orphanages in local administrations and should be known to any city dweller can often only be found out from the scandalous reports of state television channels. The events that are held at the Children's School of Music are often not covered by the media, as they are very dubious. And all this, not even talking about the bureaucratic delays that are characteristic of our authorities. Stupid billboards appeared on our roads - advertisements of policemen-district officers. It's called social advertising. Wouldn't it be better to advertise mercy, kindness, to call on our compatriots to look at the unfortunate orphans not with the cloudy eyes of scoops (they say, these are all problems of government agencies, even if they deal with orphans), but through the eyes of living people!

Solving these problems, as well as addressing this issue to the Russian Orthodox Church, which for centuries looked after and cared for Russian widows and orphans, could move things off the ground. Moreover, the attraction of ecclesiastical authority is of fundamental and almost paramount character here. It is the church parish that can and should become the starting point for the social work that will be carried out at the Children's Children's School with the help of a public group.

Moreover, it is absolutely not difficult to do this today - the Committee on Education of the city administration only needs to conclude an agreement with the local diocese, and it will not be difficult for the bishop to assign to each orphanage a certain parish, and there will always be people in a city parish who are willing to devote some part of their time to such a saving cause.

Such interaction between local authorities, the public and the Church could bring positive results in the very near future. In the meantime, our children are at the mercy of officials from the administrations, we should not expect any changes in this direction.

The purpose of the competition:

Competition objectives:

Involving children in the creative process of preparing for the new year and creating an author's Christmas toy.



younger students,

middle school students

high school students

Procedure and timing:

The winners and prize-winners of the competition are determined based on the results of Internet voting and the assessment of the expert commission on January 12

All participants of the competition receive a free certificate confirming their participation in the All-Russian competition of author's toys "Decorate the Christmas tree"

1 toy, 3-5 photos in JPG format. The image of the toy should be in focus, well lit and reflect all the beauty and details of the work. The originality and complexity of the technique of making the toy is evaluated.

Competition "April 12 - Cosmonautics Day"

The purpose of the competition:

Competition objectives:


Works performed independently or in collaboration with parents/teachers are accepted:


younger students,

middle school students

high school students

Procedure and timing:

Photographs of drawings, crafts, models made by the authors are provided (1 drawing / craft / model = 1 application, the number of applications is not limited.)

All submitted photographs of works are posted on the website.

The procedure for determining the winners and awarding:

The winners and prize-winners of the competition are determined based on the results of Internet voting and the assessment of the expert commission on April 17

In each age category (preschoolers, junior schoolchildren, middle school students, high school students) winners and prize-winners will be selected.

Prizewinners and winners will receive corresponding diplomas (Diplomas are confirmed by the State Mass Media Registration Certificate El No. FS 77-65510 dated May 4, 2016, issued by Roskomnadzor of the Russian Federation.)

For 1st place, the winners will receive free participation in 3 Olympiads in any subject of their choice.

For 2nd place, the winners will receive free participation in 2 Olympiads in any subject of their choice.

For 3rd place, the winners will receive free participation in 1 Olympiad in any subject of their choice.

All participants of the competition receive a free certificate confirming their participation in the All-Russian competition "April 12 - Cosmonautics Day"

Requirements for competitive entries:

1 work, 3-5 photos in JPG format. The image must be in focus, well lit and reflect the beauty and detail of the work. The originality and complexity of the execution technique is evaluated.

Information about the participant (name and age) must be attached to the photo of the work.

Competition "May 9 - Victory Day"

The purpose of the competition:

Competition objectives:

Involving children in the creative process of preparing for the celebration of Cosmonautics Day.



younger students,

middle school students

high school students

Procedure and timing:

All submitted photographs of works are posted on the website.

The procedure for determining the winners and awarding:

The winners and prize-winners of the competition are determined based on the results of Internet voting and the assessment of the expert commission on May 11

In each age category (preschoolers, junior schoolchildren, middle school students, high school students) winners and prize-winners will be selected.

Prizewinners and winners will receive corresponding diplomas (Diplomas are confirmed by the State Mass Media Registration Certificate El No. FS 77-65510 dated May 4, 2016, issued by Roskomnadzor of the Russian Federation.)

For 1st place, the winners will receive free participation in 3 Olympiads in any subject of their choice.

For 2nd place, the winners will receive free participation in 2 Olympiads in any subject of their choice.

For 3rd place, the winners will receive free participation in 1 Olympiad in any subject of their choice.

All participants of the competition receive a free certificate confirming their participation in the All-Russian competition "May 9 - Victory Day"

Requirements for competitive entries:

Information about the participant (name and age) must be attached to the photo of the work.

Competition "November 4 - National Unity Day"

The purpose of the competition:

Competition objectives:

Involving children in the creative process of preparing for the celebration of the day of national unity.


Drawings, postcards, posters made independently or jointly with parents/teachers are accepted:


younger students,

middle school students

high school students

Procedure and timing:

Photographs of drawings, postcards, posters made by the authors are provided (1 photo = 1 application, the number of applications is not limited.)

All submitted photographs of works are posted on the website.

The procedure for determining the winners and awarding:

The winners and prize-winners of the competition are determined based on the results of Internet voting and the assessment of the expert commission on November 6

In each age category (preschoolers, junior schoolchildren, middle school students, high school students) winners and prize-winners will be selected.

Prizewinners and winners will receive corresponding diplomas (Diplomas are confirmed by the State Mass Media Registration Certificate El No. FS 77-65510 dated May 4, 2016, issued by Roskomnadzor of the Russian Federation.)

For 1st place, the winners will receive free participation in 3 Olympiads in any subject of their choice.

For 2nd place, the winners will receive free participation in 2 Olympiads in any subject of their choice.

For 3rd place, the winners will receive free participation in 1 Olympiad in any subject of their choice.

All participants of the competition receive a free certificate confirming their participation in the All-Russian competition "November 4 - National Unity Day"

Requirements for competitive entries:

1 work, 1 photo in JPG format.

Information about the participant (name and age) must be attached to the photo of the work.

Children's drawing competition for Children's Day.

June 1 - International Children's Day. Children's Day is not only a fun holiday for the children themselves, it is also a reminder to society of the need to protect children and their rights.

In the modern world, the issue of childhood safety is very acute. The task of adults is not only to protect the child, but also to prepare him for a meeting with various dangerous situations. life situations. After all, as you know: "Forewarned is forearmed."

We congratulate all children on the holiday and invite you to take part in a creative competition dedicated to Children's Day!

Accepted for the competition creative work on the following topics:

  • "June 1 - Children's Day"
  • "My Happy Childhood"
  • "Our friendly family"
  • “I can do everything! I can do everything! I sculpt, draw and sing!”
  • "I love reading poetry"
  • "What a Wonderful World"
  • "Safe Road"
  • "Safe Internet"
  • "Childhood without danger"
  • Free theme for creativity

The order of the Competition:

  • Acceptance of works from May 15 to June 15, 2019 inclusive.
  • Determination of winners from 16 to 24 June 2019.
  • Publication of the results of the competition on June 25, 2019.
  • Diplomas in electronic form are sent to participants within a month
  • after summarizing the results (when paying for the diploma in electronic form).
  • Diplomas in paper form are sent to participants within one or two
  • months after summing up the results (when paying for the diploma in paper form).


Children aged 1.5 to 18 years:

  • pupils of preschool institutions of any type in the Russian Federation and foreign countries;
  • students of grades 1-11 of educational institutions of any type of the Russian Federation and foreign countries(schools, lyceums, gymnasiums);
  • students of art schools, institutions of additional education for children;
  • children not attending educational institutions.
  • students of schools, technical schools, colleges, universities, etc.
  • preschool teachers, teachers of schools and gymnasiums, teachers of additional education, teachers of schools, technical schools, colleges, lyceums, universities and other teachers working with children, adolescents, youth living in Russia and outside the country.