Toilet      06/16/2019

Children's slide for a country house or cottage with their own hands. Children's slide to give: photo, video, drawings How to cover a wooden slide to slide

In the area next to country house or a cottage, families with small children often equip a place for active games. Depending on your financial capabilities, desires and area of ​​​​the site, you can choose one or another option. It can be a whole playground, a sandbox, swings or slides. Many designs are available from ready-made or you can assemble it yourself. You will learn how to make a children's slide with your own hands from the article.

Construction rules

Before you figure out how to make a slide for children with your own hands, you should study the rules for its construction and installation. You need to remember the following:

The slide must certainly be stable, functional, durable and have an attractive appearance. Its base can be concreted or use metal supports. All structural elements should be sanded and varnished.

Be sure to consider the age of the child, if we are talking about preschoolers or younger students, then the height of the slide should be a maximum of 3.5 m.

Varieties of children's slides

You need to choose the sizes and materials for a homemade slide, depending on where exactly it will be installed. For example, if you need to make it not for the street, but for the room, then it should be small, and for production use materials such as:

  • laminate;
  • plywood;
  • wood and more.

The principle of their manufacture does not differ from the construction of street slides, but we are talking about much smaller dimensions.

And if we are talking about making an option for the street, then you should also decide on the material, since working with each of them may differ. And the properties of this or that material are also different, they have their pros and cons. Their characteristics are:

Using the last option as an example, you will learn how to build a do-it-yourself slide for the street. After all, it is wooden slides that are most often installed in summer cottages.

Do-it-yourself wood slide

Since the tree is the most available material, then for the construction with their own hands they use it. In addition, the wooden structure is easier to repair and easier to mount. Unlike metal structures, you do not need to use a welding machine and other complex fixtures.

Works on construction of a wooden slide start with preparations. How well you do them depends on how successful the result will be. At this stage, you will need to do the following:

  • at the installation site of the slide, remove the fertile soil and level the soil;
  • fill the site with sand and let it settle, tamp the soil;
  • prepare wood blanks (for example, boards for feet, a beam under the base, a railing or stringer and more), dry them, file them according to the drawing and sand them well. Then soak them with a protective mixture;
  • paint steps, handrails and boards for the "tunnel" in two layers of enamel, taking into account intermediate sanding;
  • prepare the side elements for lining the tunnel and the side and treat everything with impregnation.

When the preparation is over, you can create the basis for the future structure and perform subsequent actions. The algorithm is this:

Naturally, there are different manufacturing options. It all depends on what the design will be. Perhaps it will consist of two slides different sizes And additional elements. It will be more difficult to do it yourself.

Stingray materials

Even the ramp itself can be made based on various materials. In addition to plywood, it may be suitable for:

  • plastic sheet (has the most best performance regarding slip, but may crack);
  • galvanized sheet 0.5 mm thick;
  • linoleum.

In addition, wood can be polished with wax. Some line the slope with a laminate, but this is not recommended, since the laminate tends to deform under load or moisture.

Ensuring safety and durability

During construction, it is necessary to follow a number of rules so that the structure lasts as long as possible, and parents do not worry about the safety of the child.

In particular, fix each structural element as securely as possible. It is not recommended to cover a finished wooden slide with a simple oil paint. It is better to use an acrylic coating or high-quality varnish. At least this applies to the slope as the most used part of the product. decorative coating You need to apply in several layers, while each one must be dried before applying the next.

The coating of the slope will wear off over time, respectively, it needs to be properly looked after. Each time before painting, the surface should be sanded, all deformations on the boards should be eliminated, and the cracks should be overwritten. And only after these actions the surface is covered with paint.

To ensure your child's safety while playing, remember the following:

  • periodically, a wooden slide should be inspected for deformations or cracked joints on the surface. This is especially important after winter;
  • it is better to install the slide in the shade, it is desirable that it is clearly visible from the window;
  • there should be no plants that cause allergies, poisonous or thorny plants. And honey plants can attract bees, which can be dangerous for children;
  • Pipes, electrical cables or hoses must not be placed near the slide.

If the slide will be made for common use, then there should be enough space around it so that there are several children there at the same time.

Being engaged in the construction of the slide, you need to carefully plan everything and foresee all the risks. Regardless of what material is used, you need to carefully study its properties.

Now you know how to make a slide with your own hands in the country or near a country house. You just need to choose the right materials for the job and follow certain parameters. Over time, you will be able to supplement the slide with swings, shells, a carousel and other devices.

The children's slide is one of the favorite entertainment for kids, and parents are also not averse to sliding down it. Before, every playground had metal structure, today it is a bright and colorful design made of wood or plastic.

Today, a children's slide can be purchased at a specialized store and it will no longer be just a structure with steps and a descent, but a whole play complex. Of course, not every family can afford to buy such entertainment. But if you want to please your child, then you can make a children's slide with your own hands.

When buying a ready-made slide in a store, there is not always confidence in the quality of the product, but if you do it yourself, you can slowly foresee all the nuances of safety and minimal cost get a safe and high-quality design.

The first thing to worry about is the safety of the child. All equipment used in playgrounds must comply with GOST. For example, a slide should be equipped with railings and sides of such a height that the child cannot fall out or get stuck during the game. The lower part of the descent should have a smooth rounding with a radius of at least 5 cm at a height of 20-30 cm from the ground.

Near it there should not be electric lighting devices, household buildings, trees, etc. The child is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun, so at least part of the structure should be in the shade.

It must have the following characteristics:

  1. strength;
  2. stability;
  3. functionality;
  4. attractive appearance.

The structure must be well fixed, you can concrete or use metal supports. All parts must be sanded and varnished. The size of the structure should correspond to the age of the child; for children of primary school age, the height should not exceed 3.5 meters.


For the construction of a children's slide, it is necessary to use environmentally friendly materials. Most often, such structures are made of wood or metal.

The installation process will be different depending on the material chosen. Wood and metal have their own characteristics, which you need to know and take into account even at the selection stage.

Children's slide made of metal

To build a metal slide, you need electric welding and skills to work with it. It is also worth considering that the metal heats up during welding and can be deformed.

Therefore, the end result, without at least a minimum knowledge of working with metal, may not meet expectations. But despite this, the metal structure has such advantages as:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • reliability.

However, do not forget about the shortcomings. The main disadvantage of a metal slide is that it heats up in the sun and the child can get burned. Therefore, such a structure will have to be placed on the shaded side of the garden plot.

And one more minus - if a metal slide is installed in the country, then there is a high probability that the ubiquitous scrap metal collectors will drag it away.

wooden slide

One of the advantages wooden structure is the ease of installation. It does not require special and expensive tools to work. Main tool kit:

  1. jigsaw;
  2. drill;
  3. grinder and nozzles for it;
  4. hammer.

Anyone can use this tool. Wood has practically no disadvantages, and those that can be found are easy to fix. For example, to protect against moisture, it is enough to process it by special means and varnish.

The choice of material is up to you. And if you are the first to make such a design and have never worked with welding, choose a tree.

Construction process

The first step is to make a drawing. You can use a ready-made layout or come up with your own. Then, in accordance with the drawing, prepare the material: cut the timber to size, sand and plan the logs and boards. On all structural details, it is necessary to chamfer the corners so that the child is not injured.

Then a territory of 2 × 2 m is marked out, and more if possible, and in the future it is planned to create a playground. A garden drill makes depressions 60 cm deep in the ground. Coated waterproofing material poles are installed in prepared pits and concreted.

In the upper part of the bars, with a hacksaw or a milling cutter, grooves are cut into which the planks are inserted. The slats are fastened with self-tapping screws and perform two functions:

  1. strapping - the structure becomes stable and more rigid;
  2. fence - ensure the safety of the child on the hill.

Now you need to attach two more planks to the bars, a ramp will be attached to one, and a ladder to the other. On these strips, the floor from the boards is fixed with self-tapping screws.

The fence should rise at least 10 cm above the plywood, this will not allow children to fly out of it. All joints of wooden parts are additionally fastened with corners.

When the slide is fully assembled, they start grinding and painting. All elements are deburred grinder, A sharp corners grind down.

Now you can apply to wooden surfaces varnish or paint. In order to make the sliding better, you can additionally fix a sheet of tin on the descent.

Nothing gives a child as much joy as skiing. So why not put this play structure on suburban area so the kids can climb it whenever they want? Of course, it is easier to buy than to make. But there is no guarantee that manufacturers use to make slides quality materials and do not violate technology. Parents who think about the safety of their children take on the construction themselves.

Which slide to choose - metal or wood?

The production of slides mainly takes wood and metal. The selected material affects the manufacturing technology, because any building material has its own characteristics.

Wooden slides in classic version build with an upper platform in the form of a house and comfortable steps. All parts of such slides are connected using fasteners. Every detail must be polished so that the child does not get hurt. It is important that all boards used in the construction are even and dry.

Metal slides usually look simpler: a small platform, a ladder made of pipes and a ramp. Supports for these elements of the structure are usually poured with concrete. Metal slides are most often painted.

Only those who know how to handle a welding machine can undertake the creation of a metal slide. It is impossible to fuse metal parts without welding skills - in inexperienced hands, the material heated by welding will bend and become unsuitable for construction.

A table indicating the pros and cons of using metal and wood in the construction of a slide will help you make a choice in favor of one or another material:

wooden slide metal slide
wood - traditional material which is convenient to handle and cutThe metal slope of the slide will not deteriorate during operation
Wood products are environmentally friendlyThe design will stand securely - no element will move away and will not loosen
The slope of the wooden slide is always warm, despite the cold weatherThe slide will remain in its original form, even when the child grows up
The tree is subject to rotting and drying outThe metal is subject to strong heating in summer and cooling in winter.
Mold can grow on woodIt is better for children of school age to ride on an iron slide, as little children can accidentally get injured by hitting a sharp corner of the structure.
The wooden ramp gets wet, and therefore deformedA slide made of metal, the design of which has limited possibilities, can quickly bore a child

The listed disadvantages of wooden slides can be dealt with if periodically covered wooden details slides with special protective equipment and varnish.

The choice is yours. But manufacturers offer to purchase slides, some parts of which are made of metal, while others are made of wood. Thanks to the combination different materials, the game design seems more interesting.

Ideas for creating slides

Creative design of a wooden slide Wooden slide under the roof Wooden slide with metal ramp
Wooden slide with a large platform and stairs on both sides Metal slide under the roof Low metal slide for children younger age
Simple metal slide This building has a simple wooden slope Thanks to the curved bars, this slide looks unusual

Step-by-step production of a wooden slide

Any construction begins with the execution of drawings. They will tell you what materials, in what size, will be required, and most importantly, they will give a clear idea of ​​the scale of the work. These drawings should reflect the dimensions of the base, descent and stairs of the structure.

A simple wooden slide with a long slope

The height of this structure is 3 meters, the length of the slope is 6 meters. The site is located at a distance of 2 meters from the ground. The length of the handrails, which are attached to the structure on the sides of the descent, depends on these numbers.

But if a wooden slide is being built for a child under 4 years old, then you need to sketch on paper a drawing of a small structure with a short slope and a ladder of a couple of steps.

From the tools you will need to arm yourself with a drill, saw, screwdriver and shovel. At the very beginning of the work, you will need a skin, and upon completion, a stain and a coloring emulsion. Instead of paint, you can use wood varnish.

Necessary materials

To build a wooden slide, you need to purchase the following materials:

  • 8 boards;
  • 4 thick beams with a length of 0.6 meters and one 2 times thinner with a length of 0.8 m;
  • Several sheets of plywood;
  • 2 round profiles made of wood.


  1. The process of building a slide should be started with a cut of all wooden elements while being guided by the drawing. Bars and boards need to be sanded sandpaper and then round off the sharp corners;
  2. Now it's time to make markings on the ground and drill holes in the ground to hoist the bases of the bars into them. The bars will not budge during the operation of the slide, if their foot is poured with concrete;
  3. Taking the saw, you need to create notches at the top of the racks. They are needed to fix planed boards. Supports must be attached to each other with self-tapping screws. The design will become reliable after transverse bars or, in other words, sides are attached to it, preventing the child from falling down the hill;
  4. To an almost finished structure, two bars can be screwed onto self-tapping screws, to which a ladder and a slope are attached. After that, on a small platform of the slide, you can lay floorboards and fix them with self-tapping screws. It is advisable to lay floorboards at a short distance from each other. Thanks to the gaps of only a few mm, the wooden floor will dry out well if it gets wet with rain or snow;
  5. Then you can make the sidewalls for the stairs. To do this, the edges of the two boards must be cut down, placing the saw at an angle of 45 degrees. These boards are attached to the racks, and then smaller boards - steps - are fixed to them;
  6. The gap between the steps must be calculated in advance. Due to the large or too small distance, it will be difficult for children to climb up. Comfortable step for climbing stairs - 35 cm +/- 5 cm;
  7. The ramp is initially created in the same way as a staircase, but instead of boards, sheets of plywood are placed on the sidewalls tightly pushed against each other. WITH reverse side they are fixed wooden slats with screws;
  8. Lastly, the structure is varnished or painted with emulsion. Wood and plywood must be processed, otherwise they will deteriorate under the influence of moisture, thereby reducing the life of the slide.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a children's metal slide

Preparation: drawings and tools

One of the main tasks is to make a drawing of the future building for children's games.

This slide is for older kids.

To work with metal, you will need a welding machine and a pipe bender. The parts bent by him are needed to create a railing on the top platform of the slide. Although for the manufacture of a simple metal slide, you can do without them.

List of materials

To make a simple metal slide, you will need:

  1. Galvanized sheets or stainless iron;
  2. metal square profile pipes;
  3. Metal round pipes;
  4. Special corners.

For the manufacture of slides, metal with a thickness of 3 mm should be chosen. A suitable size for square profiles is 3x50x50 mm and 2x25x50 mm.

Stages of work

  • First you need to put four metal profile pipes into the holes dug in the ground. Then you need to weld a smaller pipe to their tops, which will serve as a support for the base of the site. Following it, handrails and stiffeners must be attached to the structure by welding;

Railings are an indispensable element of a metal slide that insures children from accidental falls. There should be no jumper racks on them.

  • The next step is welding guides for the future ladder and ramp to the construction. Later, metal sheets are attached to the base of the platform and the sliding surface by welding;
  • Now it is necessary to weld short profile pipes to the guides of the stairs, which will become steps. The second and subsequent pipes must be welded every 17.5 cm. With such a gap, the child can easily release the leg stuck between the steps during the game;
  • It remains to add handrails to the stairs, closing the distance from them to the guides with metal sheets. All available corners must be rounded to avoid injury to the child. The protruding edges of the pipes can be "closed" with hemispherical plugs.

Video instruction

Thus, the main advantage of a wooden slide is ease of manufacture, and metal structures are durability. To create a wooden play structure, you will need to sand, saw and screw the boards. Installation of a metal slide is based on the use welding machine.

In the courtyard of a private house or in the country, the best entertainment for a baby is a children's slide. The slide down playground is suitable for children from 2 to 7 years of age and older. It is not difficult to implement such a design, knowing how to make a children's slide with your own hands, how to ensure safety and what to look for in the manufacture. The easiest, fastest and most inexpensive option for a summer residence is a wooden slide, the construction of which we will consider in this article in the form step by step instructions for beginners with no construction experience.

Do-it-yourself children's slide

Types of children's slides

The location of the slide (in the house or on the street) will determine its dimensions and material of manufacture. From this point of view, there are two types:

Room slide for a child in a house / apartment

Usually, small size, installed in the child's bedroom. Any materials (chipboard, plywood, laminate) are suitable for manufacturing, since it is excluded Negative influence environment. A do-it-yourself indoor slide for children is made according to the same principle as a street slide, but more compact in size.

There are such slides in the yard of almost every high-rise building. Residents of the private sector have to take care of their installation themselves.

Varieties of slides depending on the material of manufacture

On sale there are ready-made slides from different materials (the most popular is plastic), for self-manufacturing usually wood or metal is used. Nevertheless, short review will give an idea of ​​​​the advantages of a particular material for a slide. Listed in order of ease of installation and duration of use:

inflatable slide

Made of PVC (laminated PVC fabric). Suitable for the little ones.

Easy to assemble (inflated manually or with an electric pump), compact, has a short service life.

plastic slide

Designed for children 3-5 years old. Plastic allows you to make slopes various shapes: pipe, spiral, wave.

PVC slide takes up little space, is easy to maintain, safe, has a sliding surface of the slope. You can go down the hill at any time of the year, the plastic ramp has a high heat capacity (does not overheat in summer and does not cool in winter). Making a plastic slide with your own hands is quite simple - connect the parts according to the instructions.

The main disadvantage is the fragility of plastic (inherent in cheap models made in China).

metal slide

Reliable, durable, with proper care it can ride two or three generations. It is possible to make different heights and different lengths of the slope (descent).

The disadvantage is the high thermal conductivity of the metal (it is very cold to go down in winter, and very hot in summer). In addition, a metal slide needs maintenance, and a steel ramp is prone to corrosion.

wooden slide

Wood is a natural and affordable material.

The slide made of wood is environmentally friendly, lightweight, comfortable, suitable for installation anywhere and use in any weather.

However, wooden slides need constant protection (wood is subject to decay and deformation).

A wooden children's slide for giving is the most popular and easiest option for a do-it-yourself device, due to the availability of wood, maintainability and the ability to perform work without the involvement of specialists (welding, using a welding machine, etc.).

How to make a children's slide out of wood with your own hands

1. Design

3D projects, drawings, slide schemes allow you to get a holistic view of the configuration and dimensions of the future structure, and also greatly facilitate the manufacture of parts.

Development of a slide project for children (what to look for):

  • child's age. The kid will need a gentle low slide. So that he himself or with the help of adults could go down it. Older children will be more interested in the presence of turns or bends on the descent;
  • height. It will allow you to choose the required height of the stairs (the higher the child, the greater the distance between the steps should be) and the steepness of the march. In addition - determine the location of the installation of handrails;

Note. For young children, it is imperative to install a gentle staircase, for older adults, a vertical one is acceptable.

  • hill dimensions. Dimensions are needed to calculate the width of the slope (descent) and the height of the enclosing sides;
  • installation location. Before the slide, you must leave free space for a safe descent;
  • the angle of inclination of the stairs and slope so that they are safe for ascent and descent;
  • the wishes of the child and their own abilities.

A drawing of a simple slide made of wood is shown in the figure.

2. Material for a children's slide made of wood

As an example, we will indicate a list of lumber for a wooden slide with a slope length of 3000 mm and an upper platform size of 500x500 mm.

The material was prepared for the site

No. p \ p Material Purpose Quantity
1 wooden beam 100*100*1500 mm. For supports 4 things.
2 wooden beam 20*40*500 mm. To reinforce the top platform (stiffening ribs) 2 pcs.
3 wooden beam 30*30*500 mm. For fencing the top platform 2 pcs.
4 wooden beam 30*30*1500 mm. for railings 2 pcs. if necessary
5 board 20*100*500 For connecting supports from below (strengthening the structure) 4 things.
6 board 25*100*500 To cover the floor of the upper platform 5 pieces.
7 board 25*100*300 For the arrangement of steps 6-8 pcs. (depending on the height of the child)
8 floor board, 3,000 mm or moisture-resistant plywood, at least 20 mm thick. or factory plastic ramp For the slope device 2 pcs. The number of pieces and their length depends on the given length of the ramp and its width
9 board 25*100*3000 For mounting ramp railings (+ stiffening rib) 2 pcs.
10 screws, anchors For fastening Take galvanized hardware to avoid corrosion. Nails should not be used
11 lumber for arranging stairs: board or timber For bowstring / stair stringer 2 pcs.

Advice. Under the top platform, you can make a box for storing sports equipment or toys.

From the tool it is useful - a tape measure, a hammer, a level, a drill, a planer, a saw.

3. Preparation of material for a children's slide

Note that only well-dried wood is used in the work, this will reduce the likelihood of deformations. All lumber must be processed (planed) with an electric planer to eliminate notches and knots. And also sand and chamfer (round off) to eliminate all possible defects in wood.

Bottom support pillars process with any material to avoid decay (waterproofing mastic, engine oil waste, resin, etc.).

4. Preparing a place for a slide for children

Level the area allocated for the hill, mark the place of installation of the supports. In our case, this is a square of 500x500 mm. Deepen holes of 500-600 mm at the corners of the square with a drill. Pour gravel-sand mixture down. The pillow will serve additional protection support stands.

Note. If it is planned to equip a complex playground, more free space should be provided.

5. Installation of children's slide supports

Supports (No. 1 from the table with a list of materials) are installed in the prepared places and securely fixed with concrete.

To make the structure stronger - its bottom is "bound". To do this, grooves are made in the racks (with a chisel or router) with a depth of 20 mm. With a planed board (No. 5), inserted into the prepared grooves, the supports are interconnected. It is better to fasten with self-tapping screws or screws.

Note. Installation of the slide is possible without digging in, in this case extensions are provided.

6. Installation of the floor (top deck) for the children's slide

The work uses elements No. 2 and No. 6. The beam is laid out parallel to each other, boards prepared for the floor are attached to it.

Advice. A gap of 5-7 mm should be left between the boards for water to drain.

7. Making a ramp (descent) for a children's slide

In the presence of a plastic slope, it is simply installed and fixed on existing structure. When making a ramp with your own hands, elements No. 8 and No. 9 are used. The floorboards are fastened together, and fencing boards are installed along them.

The place of attachment of the slope to the floor of the upper platform can be made in two versions:

  • by forming desired angle(usually 45 °) and fastening to the base;
  • by sawing the grooves, as shown in the photo.

Please note that the bottom of the ramp is also sawn at an angle to ensure its stability when descending the hill.

The main rule here is that the boards that make up the slope are carefully polished after the formation of the shield - this will eliminate the smallest flaws in the boards and prevent the appearance of splinters and abrasions in the child.
After construction, the slope is painted.

What to make a ramp for a children's slide?

Summarizing the experience of users, we can highlight the most popular materials for the descent device:

  • plastic sheet. Has the best sliding characteristics, but is prone to cracking, and also makes the structure expensive;
  • sheet of galvanized steel with a thickness of at least 0.5 mm;
  • thin plywood;
  • linoleum;
  • wax polish applied to wood;
  • laminate, on the contrary, is not recommended to be laid, because. it deforms under load and under the influence of moisture.

Laid on top of a solid wood deck, these materials make the slide more slippery for the kids slide, which means the descent will be faster.

A drawing of a slope for a children's slide is shown in the diagram.

An older child will be interested in a slide that has not a straight, but a helical slope. In this case, it is necessary to approach the design of the gutter more carefully, and its additional coating is mandatory.

Advice. Any unevenness of the slope, sharp corners, metal parts can cause injury, so the attachment points of the self-tapping screws are polished, and the slope is painted or varnished.

8. Making a ladder for a children's slide

An obligatory element of a children's wooden slide is a staircase consisting of at least several steps.

Structurally, the staircase can be made on a bowstring or on a stringer. An example is shown in the diagram.

Note. Round steps can be made from improvised means, for example, from cuttings garden tools(shovel).

9. Fencing of the stairs and the floor of the upper platform

Railings for the stairs and the upper platform depend on the height of the slide, the age of the child and other factors.

Despite the seeming simplicity - a children's slide made of wood requires compliance with some rules during construction:

  • flexible plywood can be used for the manufacture of a rotary slope;
  • each element of the ladder must be securely fastened;
  • it is advisable to paint a finished wooden slide not with ordinary oil paint, but with acrylic, and even better with high-quality varnish. In any case, the most exploited surface is the ramp. The decorative coating is applied in several layers with mandatory drying of each layer;
  • over time, the slope coating will wear off, and therefore will need care. Users advise each time before painting to grind the surface, eliminate possible deformations of the board, fill the cracks with putty, and only then cover with a new layer of paint.

Safety in the operation of children's slides

  • the ramp should rest against the mat (or sand mound) - this will ensure a soft landing;
  • a wooden slide needs periodic inspection for cracked joints or deformed boards. Especially true after winter;
  • it is better to install a wooden slide in the shade, in a place that is clearly visible from the window;
  • there should be no thorny bushes, poisonous plants (datura, foxglove) or allergenic plants near the installation site. Honey flowers are also not the best neighborhood - they will attract bees;
  • there should be enough space so that several children can be near the slide;
  • electrical cable, pipes, hoses should also be located away from the slide.


A quick guide will help you make a wooden slide with your own hands. In the future, it can be supplemented with other elements of the gaming complex: swings, sandbox, sports equipment.

To entertain and keep the kids busy personal plot while parents are busy with their "adult" affairs, you can install a swing, a sandbox and a slide. Construction of a wooden slide for home or giving is quite simple and does not require expensive materials. Today we'll talk about how to make a slide for children with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself slide for children: drawing

To calculate the amount required material First of all, prepare a design plan. You can draw a layout yourself or take a ready-made drawing from any source as a basis, adjusting the dimensions to your requirements.

When designing your own layout take into account the following points:

  • age of the child: for children from 1.5 to 4 years old, the height of the slide should be no more than 1.5 m; from 4 to 11 years - from 2 to 4 m;
  • the optimal length of the slide can be calculated by the formula: “height of the slide x 2”;
  • the slope of the slide should be within 40-55 degrees;
  • the height of the steps and handrails is calculated depending on the height of the children;
  • it is necessary to provide protective bumpers, the height of which on the launch pad should be at least 60 cm, on the descent - about 20 cm.

How to draw yourself scheme? You can create your drawing based on these photo:

Do-it-yourself wooden slide for children: manufacturing steps

Preparatory stage

First of all, based on the drawing, it is purchased required amount the main material - boards, bars; auxiliary material - self-tapping screws, varnish for woodworking, paint. It is also necessary to prepare tools - a saw, a hammer, a screwdriver, a drill, a tape measure, a level, a planer.

IMPORTANT! Special attention it is necessary to give wood - it must be dry, without visible defects. It is preferable to use wood coniferous trees. As fasteners, it is advisable to use not nails, but self-tapping screws, bolts, screws, since nails can come out during operation and cause injury .

Preparation of materials

  • First thing, sawing all parts of wood, according to the drawing.
  • Then everything wooden parts must be freed from knots and chipping and carefully sand to remove all defects.
  • To avoid decay, the bottom of the supporting pillars is processed resin, mastic for waterproofing, shale or anthracene oil, oily antiseptic.

Site and foundation preparation

The place where the slide will be installed must be carefully leveled, and the positions of the support posts should be marked with a tape measure.

If you decide to put a slide not at home, but in a summer cottage, follow the following instructions. With help garden drill dig holes, about 60 cm deep, which will make the entire structure more resistant to weather conditions - freezing of the soil during severe frosts and soaking it during periods of rain.

In the resulting wells insert poles, leveling them with a level and pouring concrete.

IMPORTANT! Z the descent must be soft enough - covered with sand, or artificial grass, rubber mat, to avoid injury at the end of the descent.

Assembling a wooden structure

  • in installed supports cut grooves. Their width should correspond to the width of the board that the frame will consist of, and the depth should be about 2-3 cm;
  • a board is inserted into the grooves and the rack is pulled together with self-tapping screws;
  • at the upper ends of the support pillars, transverse bars are screwed on both sides, which will serve as the railing of the launch pad;
  • two bars are screwed to the supports, to which the ladder and descent will be attached;
  • on top of these bars the floor of the descent platform is being laid. Small gaps (2-3 mm) should be left between the boards to ensure the flow of rainwater and melted snow;
  • mounted ladder: the edges of two boards are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, screwed to the transverse beam of the launch pad. Between themselves, these boards are fixed with the help of steps. The optimal step between the steps is 25-35 cm. Next, balusters are installed, to which the railings are attached;
  • mounted descent: the edges of two boards are sawn off at an angle of 45 degrees, screwed to the transverse bar of the descent platform opposite the stairs. Between themselves, these boards are fixed with the help of several transverse bars, fixed with self-tapping screws. Plywood or long boards are laid on top of the transverse bars, which will be the descent.

Final stage

After assembling the slide, it is necessary to carefully examine all the places of the fasteners, check that all the hats are recessed into the wood.