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How to remove old oil paint from a door. We paint a wooden door with our own hands: the secrets of specialists. Getting Started

The simplest way to return attractiveness to old doors - to paint the canvas. The work is simple, but requires compliance with the technology. An improperly prepared surface or purchased the wrong paintwork material will lead to a worse result. When painting wooden doors, it is advisable to lay the sash horizontally, which will avoid the formation of streaks.

The choice of compositions is huge. Traditional opaque enamels and oil-based paints are preferred if you want to hide the unsightly surface of an old door.

Coating transparent composition allows you to save the textural pattern of the tree on the new canvas. Stain refreshes the color, gives a suitable shade. An attractive appearance is acquired by wood coated with oil impregnation. For achievement maximum effect stain treatment door leaf combined with clear varnish.

Paints and varnishes are made on a water and chemical basis. contains an aggressive solvent. In order not to be poisoned by toxic fumes, work is performed in a well-ventilated area. Alkyd paints and varnishes have enhanced water-repellent properties. They are best used for painting wooden entrance doors, as well as bathrooms, baths and utility rooms.

They are made on the basis of water. Consistency paintwork material great for brush application. The water base is non-toxic. The compositions are ideal for painting interior door blocks.


Scroll necessary tools depends on the type of work performed:

  • To mechanically remove old stubborn paint, you will need a scraper and sandpaper. You can speed up the process with a grinder or a drill with grinding nozzles.
  • With the chemical method of removing the old coating, enamel washers are used. Additionally, you will need a lot of rags and personal protective equipment: glasses, gloves, gauze bandage or a respirator.
  • If selected thermal method, to remove the remnants of dry paint, use an electric heat gun.
  • To cover panel doors, it is better to use a roller. On paneled doors, paint is applied paint brush.
  • A spatula will be needed if the door leaf is to be puttyed, and a grinder is used for final grinding.

After preparing all the tools and materials, they begin restoration work.

How to remove old stubborn paint from a wooden surface?

In order to qualitatively paint old wooden doors, the coating that has become unusable is first cleaned off. Do the cleaning delicately so as not to disturb the surface of the door leaf. Special care will be required if you need to repaint a veneered wooden door. The veneer is very thin and is afraid of mechanical influences. To remove old paint from wooden surfaces There are four common ways.


The most time-consuming and aggressive mechanical method is used when other methods of removing paint from a wooden surface have not brought a positive result. Veneered doors are not subjected to such cleaning. Mechanically, durable nitro-paints and alkyd enamels are usually removed. The peeled places are cleaned with a scraper or spatula. Stubborn paint is removed with a grinder, grinder or drill with grinding nozzles. It is difficult to rub with sandpaper. It is usually used if there is no power tool.

Sandblasting Applications

The mechanical cleaning method includes the use of sandblasting. Serving under high pressure air from the compressor mixes with dry particles of sand and breaks old paint. Sandblasting is easy to remove varnish or enamel from wooden door in a few minutes, but it is important not to overdo it. Impacts of grains of sand crush wood together with paint. If you stay in one place for a long time, the surface will be damaged. To remove a thin layer of paint, a fine abrasive is used: river sand or soda.

heat treatment

The panel and panel doors are subjected to heat treatment. For safe way paint strippers use a heat gun or a building hair dryer powered by electricity. The old coating, when heated, acquires a soft structure, easily scraped off with a scraper. Professionals use gas burners, but they work with such a tool carefully. An open source of fire, along with paint, can burn wood.

Chemical method

To strip the paint off the doors by chemical means, use solutions that soften most types of enamels and varnishes. Work is done in a well-ventilated area using personal protective equipment. The method is suitable for veneered door leaf, but first you need to read the instructions if the solution is safe for veneer.

To clean a wooden door from old paint, it is enough to lubricate it chemical preparation. After 5-10 minutes, the coating will rise in bubbles that can be easily removed with a scraper.

Surface preparation

The quality of the paint depends on proper preparation products. The process consists of the following steps:

How to paint a wooden door?

Having decided to paint wooden doors with your own hands, you must not forget about the box. A design that has a different color of the frame and sash will look strange. Prepare a wooden door for painting in two ways:

  1. The door leaf is removed from the hinges and laid horizontally on a flat table or stools. Cleaning and painting of the sash and frame are carried out separately.
  2. The door leaf remains hanging on its hinges. After cleaning the sash and box, it is fixed with wedges in the open state for the duration of painting.

Of the two options, it is better to paint a wooden door at home with the sash removed. On a horizontally laid canvas, streaks will not appear, and it is much easier to clean the old coating. If the fittings are fixed, use the second option.

Coloring in the usual way

By the usual method of staining, it is meant to paint a wooden door in White color or give any other shade without the effect of artificial aging. Opaque enamel is used for work. The roller and paint brush are pre-prepared by removing loose bristles with villi.

The staining process in the usual way depends on the design of the door block:

  • Shield a wooden door is painted with a roller. First, the paint is applied to the ends of the sash. Further, it is rolled with a roller from the left corner of the upper part of the canvas to the right, and so on over the entire surface. After the first layer has dried, the sash is painted in the longitudinal direction. The second layer is allowed to dry. In the final, the coloring of the ends and the canvas is repeated from the upper corner from left to right.

  • Wooden paneled the door is painted with a paint brush. First, the ends of the sash, curly protrusions and depressions are covered. Further painting of the leaf surface occurs according to the scheme used for the panel door.

If door block should be done with antique effect, apply concentrated stain without coloring enzymes. The solution during impregnation burns the wood, giving it a gray-brown color. Shades are changed by adjusting the concentration of the stain.

With conventional staining with water stain, the door leaf is first moistened. The shutter can not even be removed. To avoid streaks, start painting from the bottom up. The first layer of stain goes along the fibers, the second - across, the third - again along the fibers.

Staining with a water-based stain slightly lifts the wood fibers. After the third layer has dried, the surface of the sash is sanded, dust is removed and repainted once. Alcohol stain does not lift fibers. The need for grinding the canvas is eliminated.

wood look

To beautifully paint a wooden or MDF door, use two opaque enamels on the same basis, but with a light and dark shade. Optimally combined yellow, beige or gray with brown. First, the door leaf is painted light tone. After drying, the product is treated with soap. A layer of brown paint is applied on top. In the final, the soap is washed off with water until the canvas acquires an old look.

To decorate a wooden or veneered door, the surface is brushed. After the appearance of soft veneer fibers, an imitation of wood texture will emerge. One or two coats of paint are applied to the doors, and after drying they are sanded.

How to varnish a wooden door?

Opaque enamels completely hide the color and texture of wood. To preserve the natural texture, you can paint the door with an alkyd, acrylic or other based varnish.

Transparent coating is optimal for a new blade. Stain will help hide defects on old wood. After soaking the surface, apply two coats of clear varnish in different direction. It takes more time to dry than the enamel requires. And each layer should dry separately.

With the help of a stain, you can paint wooden doors in wenge color, and open them with varnish on top. Sometimes they practice the use of roasting. A gas burner will help to achieve the color of wenge. The wood is burned with an open flame to a dark brown hue. Even after grinding pine board texture from wenge can not be distinguished. The finished canvas is treated with a protective impregnation, and after drying, covered with a transparent varnish.

Painting a wooden door with any paint and varnish material is available at home. It is only necessary to strictly follow the technology.

Nowadays, many methods have been developed for removing old dyes from wooden objects. Very often during repair work it becomes necessary to repaint the doors in order to make them attractive, but before that, the old dye should be cleaned. Let's figure out how to remove old paint from a door quickly and efficiently.

Dye removal methods

Heat treatment of the door allows you to remove the old dye by exposing the surface to a hot air stream. Often, building hair dryers or gas burners are used for heat treatment. As an advantage of this method, the absence of dust can be noted, and the disadvantages include a high probability of ignition and toxicity. Thermal treatment of wood is recommended to be carried out outdoors, using the necessary respiratory protection (mask, respirator). Be sure to keep a fire extinguisher or water tank with you.

Mechanical removal of dyes is carried out using metal brushes or sharp spatulas. This method can hardly be called effective, since it requires a significant investment of time and effort with a high probability of damaging the surface of a wooden door. Another disadvantage of machining natural wood is a large number of dust.

The chemical method is in great demand and is considered the most effective, since special tools quickly and efficiently cope even with old layers of paint without harming the material.

Features of chemicals

Chemical washes of paint from wood allow you to remove paint on water, oil based and others in a short time. They differ high content active ingredients that gently penetrate the layers of the dye and separate it from the surface of the wood.

First of all, you should rinse the surface of the door to remove dirt. The composition can be applied manually or by dipping.

For manual processing, a long wide brush or roller is used. It is necessary to apply the product in a thin layer and evenly distribute it over the surface for the time period specified in the instructions. After the time is up, you need to remove the remnants of the wash and dye with detergents and water. You can use a spatula. To improve the result, you can apply the product again. Be careful not to leave the composition on the door for more than 2 hours.

It is inconvenient to use the immersion method for cleaning doors, since this requires a very large and wide non-metallic container, which is usually not available at home. After the procedure, the wash must be removed with great pressure water or use detergents. It is fireproof and non-toxic.

Key Benefits of Paint Remover:

  • effectively removes dyes from wood in a short period of time;
  • economy of use;
  • gentle removal of the dye without damaging the wood structure;
  • deep penetration into the old multi-layer dye;
  • does not lose efficiency when freezing and low temperature;
  • no smell.

When processing the door with chemical compounds, a respirator and rubber gloves should be worn. If chemicals get on your hands or eyes, rinse the affected area with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

Doing redecorating at home, many owners are thinking about new interior doors. This may also be entrance doors in the corridor, for example, of a private house. Ordering new doors will require financial costs and time to wait and install the door leaf. At the same time, old doors can still serve a considerable period of operation. Having put them in order, they will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room and perform their functions.

The process of removing paint from an old wooden window

How to remove old paint from doors? This will require a little time, tools and some materials. For the process, there are several ways to bring the door into proper form.

To upgrade a door new paint, you need to remove the old one, because it was once applied in 2-3 layers for brightness, protection of the door material. Time has done its job. In some places, the paint is swollen, somewhere it is cracked, and somewhere there are small streaks.

Removing paint from an old door

If a new layer of helmet is applied to such a base, then the doors will not have a normal appearance. All the hillocks will be bright and clear, as well as the cracks will look like they copied a picture from the dehydrated earth.

The second explanation is the base of the paint. Having painted the door, a considerable period of operation passes, during which it is forgotten on what basis the paint was. When applying new paint to a layer of old paint, it begins to come into contact with the base, it may simply not lie down, but take on drops, when it dries, the new layer may crack, and so on. This is one of the many reasons why old layer paint from the door surface.

If the decision is made to repaint the door in a different color, then the base should also be prepared by removing the old beauty. When applying a new color to an old one, a dark old color may appear dark spots, or vice versa, a dark tone will take light elements from the old paint - after drying, the effect of protruding salt can be obtained.
Another reason for removing old paint is the build-up of layers on the ends of the door, while the door can rub and close poorly. This can lead not only to deformation of the door leaf, but also to problems with the lock.

You can also remove the old paint in parts, say, only from the end of the door leaf, on one side of the door, since the second half is insulated and sheathed with leatherette.

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Design dark doors under the interior of a bright apartment

In any case, before starting work, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with which tools are applicable for removing paint, as well as which products must be applied to facilitate the process.

Chemical compositions for removing paint from the door

One of these compounds is special agent to remove paint from the door. It is sold in building supermarkets, on the building market. Before buying, you should familiarize yourself with which paint this tool is suitable for, for wood or metal surface intended liquid.

Special paint remover

When choosing a paint remover, you should remember that the more poisonous the liquid, the more harm it can cause to the surface of the door and the person doing the work.

Specialty chemical paint removers come in such forms as dry mixes, liquid solvents, pastes and gel concentrates. After choosing a chemical wash, you should read the composition and precautions.

There are some tools that you need to work with only in a respirator and gloves, so as not to get burned or poisoned by toxic gases. This is very important, especially if the work will take place indoors and not outdoors.

Chemical compositions to remove paint from wood

The dry mixture is diluted with water or other liquid specified in the instructions. After that, the finished mixture is applied to the surface of the door and left for a while. It all depends on the type of mixture, the manufacturer, the quality of the product. After reading the instructions for use, you can decide whether this tool is suitable or not.

Gel and paste is also applied to the door with old paint and left for a while. After some products, you should rinse the surface with white spirit or plain water.

The chemical composition can act on the old paint within 20 minutes, and can take up to 4 hours. In order not to get into a mess, before purchasing this tool, you need to consult with the seller, as well as familiarize yourself with the instructions.

Regardless of the consistency of the product (liquid or dry), the wash is applied to the surface of the door, which is already prepared for this procedure. To do this, use a spatula to remove all the “inflated” paint, and the one that can be easily removed, then apply the product precisely to those areas where the paint cannot be removed.

The process of removing paint with a special gel

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Tools for mounting an interior door

How to remove paint from a metal door

A metal door needs to be updated more often than a wooden one (especially if the door goes directly to the street). temperature fluctuations, high humidity in cold weather - all these components act on the door covering. The paint peels off, swells, and rust can form on the door under the paint.

Paint from a metal door can be removed with improvised means, a grinder, a chemical agent. Before removing the paint, you need to prepare the door. For this:

In order to remove the paint, it is also necessary to prepare materials and tools:

Without a chemical reagent, it is difficult to remove old paint from a metal door; you can also damage the door leaf itself by scratching it. With scratches left, a new coat of paint will outline the outline of the scratch. It may stay that way.

The process of removing paint from a metal door

After the paint has been removed, which has lagged behind the base on its own, it should be applied chemical agent at the specified time. You do not need to do anything with the door during this time. After the hours have passed, the old coating is carefully removed with a spatula. The remaining small "islands" can be cleaned with sandpaper. As a result, the door leaf must be processed with a grinder for evenness (so that there are no small burrs).

A thermal gun is suitable in the sense that hot air melts the paint, use a spatula immediately after using the gun.

When processing a metal door, the metal heats up, so you need to be careful when working with the door leaf.

It is possible to remove paint from the door with a building hair dryer, a blowtorch and other heating objects only from a metal door leaf.

Removing paint with a hair dryer

When using heating objects on a wooden canvas, there is a high probability of fire. When inserting a peephole into a metal door, you need to be careful so that it does not deform or melt. It must either be removed or tightly closed. If steel door stood in doorway at the entrance to the apartment, it should be taken out into the yard, warning the neighbors about the work, because there will be not only a lot of garbage, but also unpleasant odors.

If you have an old wooden door but the paint is peeling off, it's not hard to give it new life. The existing product can be restored with your own hands. First you need to remove the paint from the wooden door.

Three ways to remove paint

Theoretically, there are three ways to get rid of old paint:

Thermal. The thermal method is based on heating the old paint until it softens.
Mechanical. The coating is removed using various scrapers, sandpaper. Can be done manually or with power tools.
Chemical. The paint is being processed chemicals, softened and removed.

In theory, everything is simple, but in practice, most often you have to use all three methods, because chemistry does not dissolve all types of paint and varnish coatings, heating cannot remove the layer in the recesses, but mechanical way, even with the help of a power tool, an extremely laborious and dusty process. Therefore, do not rely on any one option. It is better to stock up on as many devices and tools as possible.


A building hair dryer is an indispensable thing for removing old paint. It looks and functions almost like a regular hair dryer. That's just the air temperature gives out from 100 to 600 ° C. Therefore, handle it carefully so as not to get burned, and in no case use it instead of a hair dryer. And vice versa: if there is no building hair dryer, then you should not try to use the usual hair dryer. You won't get results.

In addition to a hair dryer, you can use other heat treatment methods: blowtorch or gas burner. These tools require special care in handling. You can easily overheat the area, and damage not only the paint, but the wood itself. In addition, these devices have open flames, so follow the safety rules. An infrared lamp is also used to heat the coating.

A cycle is a scraper with a metal blade and a handle. If it was not possible to acquire a special scraper, a spatula, or any other similar tool, will do.
You will need sandpaper with different grains. In addition to paper, special abrasive sponges are very convenient, especially if there are reliefs on the surface, for example, carvings. It is very good if you have a grinder at your disposal - using it greatly speeds up the process.

It can be manual or in the form of a nozzle on a drill. Either option may be useful. Drill bits come in the form of a disc or a cup.


Rags to remove dust, polyethylene to protect furniture and other items, adhesive tape - it’s hard to say right away why it might be needed, but the fact that it will come in handy for something is a fact.

On sale there are various washes for old paint. Try to determine the type of paintwork material and choose the right chemistry.

Getting Started

The work ahead is rather dirty, and in the process, no matter how the coating is removed, rather unpleasant odors appear. If you plan to work indoors, close the room's furnishings protective film and check if it is possible to ventilate the room.

Start the process of removing old paint by using a blow dryer. Most models have temperature control - you need to choose it empirically. Hairdryers are often equipped with additional nozzles. Among them there is a nozzle-scraper, which allows not only to direct a jet of hot air, but also to scrape off softened paint at the same time.

Where the coating cannot be removed with a hair dryer, use other methods.

When the coating is mostly removed, the surface of the door leaf is additionally treated with sandpaper to remove the remaining areas of the coating and scuffing from the scraper.

Remove dust and inspect the surface. Perhaps in some places it is necessary to putty defects. Before you fill in the chips and gouges, inspect the door to decide whether to paint it with new paint, or if the wood is in good condition, maybe decide that varnishing will give the product more charm.

Painting doors is one of the options for updating them. And the most common.

The design of painted doors can be quite different, the main thing here is to do everything right so that the coating looks new for a long time. Today we will decide whether it is possible to paint the doors water-based paint, as well as how to paint the doors correctly.

The video in this article will show the entire process of doing the work and from the photo you can see its individual stages.

Painting the door is done in three stages, each of which is quite important and will affect the final result. Let's immediately see what we have to do and estimate the amount of work.

Stripping the door Door painting begins in this. The surface will also depend on the correct removal of the previous coating. It must be clean and smooth. you will find out below.
Primer Doors primed for painting correctly will only contribute to the correct distribution of the dye and the quality of the connection. This largely determines the service life of the entire structure. Door painting is done only on a primed surface.
Dye application Coloring panel doors and any other fundamentally different. Liquid is simply applied to primed doors for painting. But how to paint the doors with a roller or other tool, we will consider a little later.

Choosing a material

If the paint on the door has burst or you are completely restoring it (see), you will need to choose the right dye. There are a large number of them in retail.

The range of different compositions for covering wooden doors is quite wide. In order to make a worthy choice, you first need to determine what exactly you want to see as a result: to emphasize and preserve the natural beauty of wood, or to create a coating that will completely hide the original structure.

Depending on this, a person can buy:

  • Polyurethane, alkyd, acrylic, oil or perchlorovinyl based paint, as well as opaque enamel.
  • Tinted and transparent varnish, stain, oil impregnation. They will give the natural color a different shade or more brightness.
  • If you need odorless door paint, then it is worth paying attention to acrylic. He won't be here. But again, look at the photo of the flowers and choose the right shade. It is also worth knowing that when applying the coating, it will be slightly different.

Experts in this matter advise choosing:

  • Acrylic dyes with water base, because they spread well and cover the surface, besides, they have a comfortable enough consistency to work with a brush.
  • Paint and varnish alkyd materials- their main advantages are high water-repellent performance, good drying speed and resistance to temperature changes.
  • You can choose to cover and varnish. To paint the doors, the color of the lacquer You should choose the right shade for it, it must match the overall interior.

In order for the painted ones to be attractive and of high quality, experts recommend choosing materials belonging to the second group.

All due to the fact that they have the best indicators of resistance to various negative factors, which are enough in the bath. In addition, similar materials can be used to paint interior and exterior doors.

Attention; Coloring compositions made on the basis of alkyd resin must be applied to a surface that will be completely dry. Otherwise, if the paint is applied to damp wood, it will begin to flake and peel off due to bubbles appearing on it.


  • Painting wooden surfaces is not carried out at once, you need to perform several layers. It often happens that there is a need to use two different formulations.
    First, an impregnation with a tinting effect is used, and only then a decorative layer is applied. It is extremely important to choose such compositions that would work in a duet. For example, before applying varnish, you can not use drying oil. Only stain is suitable for varnish.
  • If your plans are only to refresh the color of the doors using oil impregnation or stain, you will still need to apply at least two layers. How many of them will be needed in the end will depend entirely on the surface of the door. You can apply up to ten layers until the result that the person wants is achieved.

Step by step instructions for painting wooden doors

Tools needed for the job

After the paint is selected, you need to take care of the tools:

  • Gloves.
  • Rags.
  • Paint brushes.
  • roller.
  • Small spatula.
  • Emery skin.
  • Paint bath.
  • Masking tape.

Since the doors consist not only of canvas, but there are also other components, the first step that needs to be done in order to successfully paint wooden doors is to properly prepare them. You can, of course, paint only the canvas, but in this case the difference between the box and it will be noticeable to the naked eye.

So, painting the doors must begin with the following steps:

  • We remove the door from the hinges and lay it on the goats, stools or a table. If you decide to use alkyd products that have a pungent odor, then all work is best done outdoors.
  • If you cannot remove the canvas, then it must be blocked with wedges. They are arranged in such a way that the panel brush can reach all surfaces. The interlock must also prevent the doors from closing, which will inevitably damage the applied paint layer.

Attention: Experts still advise to remove the canvas, but if this is not possible, then resort to the second option described above.

Then we start to remove the accessories. If the handles and hinges are non-removable, then we seal them with tape or wrap them in paper, but foil is most suitable. We advise you to fix and seal the lock with tape.

Preparing the door for painting

This is very milestone work, which includes several stages. Treat it carefully and with special care. In this case, the painting of the doors will turn out one hundred percent.

Preparation takes place according to the following scheme:

  • At the very beginning, we remove all layers of paint, putty or primer that are available. As a result, the wood should be completely clean.
    For these purposes, you can use grinder or do makeshift fixture from a bar, wrapping it with sandpaper. If there is a building hair dryer, then it is best to use it, the process will be much easier.
    Layers of paint will bubble when heated and then removed with a spatula. You can also buy a special wash designed for wood. But such a tool is not cheap. How to remove paint from a door different options, you can read on the pages of our site.
  • Then we carry out the first grinding, which helps to eliminate small defects: scratches, remnants of the old coating or dents. To do this, use sandpaper or a machine that is connected to a vacuum cleaner.
  • The next stage of work will be puttying. Existing significant defects must be treated with a special wood putty of the desired color, if the coating is eventually transparent.
    If the doors are painted transparent composition, then the color will have absolutely no meaning. Do not forget about the gaps that exist between the lintel, jamb and canvas elements.
  • After the time specified in the instructions has passed, we grind the entire surface again. First, we use an abrasive skin that has a medium grain or nozzle on a typewriter, and then we apply a fine grain.
  • If there are deep flaws on the door, repair them with auto-filler, which does not include fiberglass. A similar option can be used if the painting will be carried out with opaque paint.