Water pipes      06/20/2020

A master class on making crafts "Stork" for decorating the territory of a kindergarten. How to make a large garden figure of a stork with your own hands DIY stork from wire

Almost everyone has heard that storks bring babies. Yes, that's not true. But only if we consider direct meaning this omen. But legends are not born just like that, without any justification, right? And it’s not just that near maternity hospitals, on the territory of children’s institutions and on playgrounds for active games, children can often be found.

And is it only in this that the mysterious power of a beautiful bird lies? What else can a stork figurine bring to the owner’s house and why is it considered that a stork sculpture is an excellent gift for everyone to whom the donor wishes good and prosperity?

Symbolism of a bird and a figurine of a stork

A huge number of beliefs and legends are really associated with storks, which have come to us since ancient times. In ancient times, people believed in this majestic bird, considered it sacred and endowed it with great magical power. Even then, during the hunt for food, killing a stork or causing any harm was considered a very bad omen, because such an attitude towards the “deity” entailed misfortunes and even death of the culprit or members of his family, and in relation to the rest of the people led to crop problems associated with hurricanes, floods, droughts. That is why, from time immemorial, the inhabitants of many countries protected storks, rescued them, helped build nests, and every spring they waited for their return.

By the way, the stork was not immediately called a stork, and there is no authentic version of how and why the bird got its name. In Old Russian, Slavic, Sanskrit, German indeed there are consonant words, but that is why it is so difficult to establish the truth. Today, the version that the name “stork” comes from the German magpie “Heister” sounds most plausible, and the word first sounded like “geister” and much later became what we hear now. And, again, in different regions countries of the post-Soviet space, you can hear other names for the same bird: busel, chornoguz, leleka, busko, botsyun, toad-eater, etc.

Pagan beliefs show that people in ancient times firmly believed that the white stork carries the souls of people who later "turn" into newborns. Probably, it was from here that the proverb came about that storks bring babies, but not in a literal sense, but only play the role of an intermediary between God and people, helping souls come to earth.

They say that the first figurines of a stork were also created in order to protect from evil spirits and evil spirits, from bad weather and lightning into the house. Besides, in different countries they were considered helpers of the gods: in Rome - Juno (motherhood), in Greece - Hera (nurse), in Germany - Holda (awakening of nature), in the Baltic - Potrimpos (spring), etc.

And, of course, the sculpture of a stork symbolizes the love of children for their parents. In ancient times, the Romans and Greeks were sure that the grown-up babies of storks take care of their elderly parents and get them food. Then even the "Stork Law" appeared, which prescribed the care of parents until the end of their days.

These birds are the pledge family happiness, because they always break into pairs, hatch eggs in turn and take care of the babies together, and after a forced flight for the winter they return to their nests. To this day, storks are the only birds that never leave their family, because even after the chicks have become adults, they try to stay somewhere nearby.

Why are garden figures of storks so popular in Ukraine?

If we turn again to the legends, we can recall the legend that tells how storks brought bunches of grapes to the Cossacks in a Tatar prison so that they would not die of starvation. And yes, this is what saved the Ukrainians, who were subsequently released from captivity. The legends of Moldova, where the stork became a symbol of viticulture, speak of a similar case in the distant past.

It's hard to tell if this is actually true or fiction. But the fact that they are very popular not only in Ukraine, but also in the neighboring countries is a fact. Such garden decor more and more often you can see not only near some institutions, but also in the courtyards of your own houses, in summer cottages, in cities and remote villages. A well-groomed and interestingly designed area always contributes to the creation of a cozy, comfortable and peaceful environment, and if it is also a bird that brings happiness and joy to the owner, if it is beautiful and gives the site a special chic and individuality ...

At the same time, unlike most garden figures made of polymer, each future owner decides for himself how best to install the statue: on the ground or on the roof of the house, buy storks in a nest for the garden or make it with your own hands, opt for a single bird, a couple, a family of storks or more like a traditional stork with a baby. Here, as they say, to each his own, and you can give free rein to your imagination, solving not only the aesthetic problems of the exterior of the house, but also, perhaps, realizing your personal dreams and desires in reality.

Where can I install the figure of a stork?

They can be installed anywhere and look great everywhere. The ideal option is lawns and flower beds, especially if you have a stork with a child. A figurine of a stork with a baby can also be installed in a nest on the roof of a house or a tree, if he holds a bundle in his beak and stands on straightened legs, because in a sitting position the bird simply will not be visible.

Paired garden storks also can be both in a nest on a hill, and on the ground. But where there are several of them, for example, a whole family of parents and children, can only be placed on the ground, since it will be a little ridiculous to look at the roof of the house, “dotted” with a large number of large birds.

Now a few words about how you can install a decorative stork and where it is better to put a nest, if it will be used. In nature, storks can build their nests not only on high ground, but also on stumps, even in thickets on the ground. Therefore, if you decide, for example, to cut down an old tree, then you can leave a stump slightly above the average height of a person and install it there. This material is light enough to be installed "in all winds" with a secure fit and at the same time not subject to negative environmental factors such as snow, rain or temperature fluctuations.

If at all there is no desire to raise somewhere, then you can choose a place for it on the surface of the earth, but in order to give it some naturalness, it is advisable to choose slightly shaded places and put it next to shrubs or lush green vegetation.

And, of course, they can also be used for home decor if they are installed on the roof or nearby. standing pole. They always look amazing, and from a distance it will seem that they are actually alive.

How to make a decorative stork nest

This interesting and very unpretentious piece of decor for the garden is quite simple to make, and special skills are not required for this. Yes, if you want to make it really beautiful and reliable, you will have to spend a little time, especially if you want to give it the most natural look. But it's worth it. And, of course, it will look much more interesting than the finished composition of a stork in a nest bought in a store, because “live” branches will be used here, and a few drops of light gray paint on the nest itself will help to give even more naturalness. The painstaking work consists in collecting, cutting and laying out branches, but when the process begins, such a pastime will give a lot of pleasure and allow creativity to manifest.

For the base, you can take any non-heavy trough, basin or other container, which will subsequently be framed with twigs. It is advisable not to take old tree branches, because during the laying process they will break or they will have to be screwed with self-tapping screws. If you take something younger and bending, it will be much easier to work, and such branches can simply be tied together, sometimes making attachments to the base.

In addition, you can buy a ready-made one and wind the vine on it, giving completeness and naturalness. What is convenient in this option? The fact that in this basis there were initially rings into which the legs of a standing man are attached. This perfect option for placing a stork's nest on a roof or other elevation, because it is reliable and ergonomic, besides, it is possible to strengthen the fastening if you not only insert a metal leg into the ring, but also weld it.

Now about where you can place a decorative nest for a stork and how to fix it so that the design is preserved for a long time.

  • Roofs. Suitable for almost any gable roofs houses, garages, outbuildings, gazebos, on which a solid platform is installed (X-shaped lining connected by a board). You can fix the structure on the rafters using self-tapping screws or nails. flat roof not even worth considering, because the nest will not be visible, but if the goal is exclusively a stork figurine, then you can try.
  • High stumps, trees. This is just the case when you can not cut down the old tree to the end, but use it as a stunning decor for the garden, making it the main focus of the entire site design. Here the garden figure of a stork in the nest will look just great and will become the best decoration. Also, here you can place a standing garden figurine, if you attach the metal leg of a stork to a tree with staples or in any other way.
  • Pipe, chimney. Decorative storks will look great above the chimney, but remember that if it is working, then the smoke should go out unhindered. This means that it is necessary either to raise it above the chimney at least a meter using metal rods, or place it nearby. In any of these cases, when the chimney is running, protection from sparks will be required, therefore it is advisable to fence off

A beautiful well-kept garden is always pleasing to the eye. Help make it more comfortable garden sculptures, which can be made independently, for example or. One of the most popular is the stork. In this article we will look at what a stork can be made of.

How to make a stork with your own hands from plastic bottles?

To work, it is necessary to cut a template from a sheet of plywood. This is the body of a bird and wings on the sides. Also prepare white and black plastic opaque bottles, self-tapping screws and red electrical tape.

  1. We fasten the templates together with self-tapping screws.
  2. For feathers, we use plastic milk bottles. We cut them into strips of the same width and make a fringe along the edges.
  3. Next, using a glue gun, we attach the feathers to the body of the bird.
  4. For the tail and lower body we use black shampoo bottles.
  5. We wrap the beak with red tape.
  6. Legs can be made of wire. And toy eyes can be purchased at a needlework store.
  7. Do-it-yourself stork for the garden is ready!

We make a stork from polyurethane foam with our own hands

Now consider another option, how you can make a stork with your own hands. In this case, we use a five-liter container, adhesive tape with foam and mounting foam.

  1. Using adhesive tape, we attach body parts to a plastic container. The neck consists of wire lined with foam pieces.
  2. For the hips, we also use pieces of foam.
  3. To make a beak, a large nail will do.
  4. This is how it looks like at this stage.
  5. The author of the lesson proposes to make legs from used electrodes. You can pick up similar material: it can be metal rods or thick wire in several turns.
  6. Before proceeding to the next manufacturing step, check the reliability of the support.
  7. Next, simply apply mounting foam on top of the layout.
  8. We cut off the excess.
  9. We paint the finished sculpture with acrylic paints.
  10. We finish the nose from a piece of wood and fasten it to a nail.
  11. To make the stork look like a real one, we insert real feathers into the tail and wings.
  12. Here is such a wonderful stork turned out.

Making a stork with your own hands from a canister

For work you will need the following materials:

  • five-liter canister;
  • strong thick wire and plastic tubes;
  • net;
  • Styrofoam;
  • white and dark plastic bottles;
  • corrugation.

Now let's look at all the manufacturing steps step by step.

  1. We cut blanks from sheet foam.
  2. Next, with a knife, we give them the outlines of the head.
  3. We give the beak a flatter shape and cut out the eye sockets.
  4. With the help of a sandpaper we make the surface smooth. We insert toy eyes into the eye sockets.
  5. Cut out a beak from a plastic bottle and attach it to Titan glue.
  6. We make a body for a stork with our own hands from a plastic canister.
  7. Cut off the handle.
  8. Cut out a piece from the mesh so that you can wrap it around the canister.
  9. Round the mesh a little to make it look more like wings.
  10. We bend a thick rod and make legs.
  11. We cut feathers from white bottles.
  12. Now you can start assembling all the components together.
  13. We start work from the tail.
  14. To make a neck, we put a corrugated hose from a vacuum cleaner or a similar part on the wire.
  15. We fasten all feathers to self-tapping screws.
  16. Since the stork's wings are folded, it is enough to attach the feathers to the stomach and a little on the sides.
  17. We cut the white bottles in half and make cuts in the form of a fringe. We fasten them to the neck with adhesive tape.
  18. We start making wings from the edge of the grid.
  19. The next row covers the previous one by a third.
  20. Starting from the third row, we use white plastic.
  21. To make paws, cut blanks from half-liter bottles.
  22. At the end, we paint the beak and legs of the bird in red.
  23. Do-it-yourself stork for the garden is ready.

It is very easy to make from plywood. To do this, you do not need to look for a place in the garage or rent a storage room: it is enough spacious kitchen and mother-in-law, a great lover of crafts.

To make the process go quickly, purchase a six-millimeter sheet of plywood and paint from the building materials market, which are used to update the facade of the house. The tool, if not enough, ask a neighbor or rent it. Do-it-yourself stork for a garden is an interesting craft, but a little capricious. Patience is the main condition when doing work, otherwise you can drag out the work so much that they would rather buy metal figures than wait for inspiration to find you.

To make a stork for the garden with your own hands in a matter of days, follow the tips:

  1. A piece of plywood should be rectangular, with sides of 850 and 580 millimeters.
  2. Paint is better to take white. Buy black and red dye for it. With proper breeding, you will get an exceptionally stable color.
  3. Do not refuse waterproof varnish: it will help protect your product from atmospheric precipitation.
  4. Sandpaper is enough and half a meter.
  5. It is better to use an electric jigsaw.
  6. Brushes are up to you.

With the help, transfer the outline of the stork to plywood, if the drawing is already applied to a thin sheet of newspaper, plug in the power cord of the jigsaw and carefully cut out the body of your stork. In order to “put the bird on its feet”, you can also cut out a stand from the remnants of plywood.

Sand the edges with pieces of sandpaper, cover with the first layer of varnish, let dry. Now you can take on the paint. Cook 3 types - red, white, black. The first tone is on the nose, the second on the body and up to the middle of the wing, the third is allowed to empty places. Leave for 8 hours. Check the paint for strength and apply another layer of varnish on top.

On the legs, you can start up or thin fittings. Fasten it to the body and stand, cover it with red, deepen the places for the eyes with a few blows with a hammer, fill in the potholes with black and leave for a day. If there is no fittings, then you can use the old Stork for the garden with your own hands and bridge it on the roof ridge if you wish, if you screw the body to the mop, the wide part of which goes under the rafters, where it is nailed.

What else can you do for the garden with your own hands? Fly agaric from hemp and basin, animal figurines from cans, a unique bed in pink tones.

But the stork is somehow closer to the heart of a Russian person. This noble bird can also be molded from gypsum and clay, and one plastic bottle, 500 grams of gypsum, gauze bandages and metal rods that bend well, 3 cans go to it

A decorative stork made of plywood with your own hands will decorate any adjoining territory. Playgrounds, summer cottages looks boring without any kind of decorations. A well-groomed flower bed will attract even more attention and please the eye if it is supplemented with a fake bird shown in the photo. There are many variations on the manufacture of artificial birds, made from all sorts of improvised materials, which sometimes you can’t even imagine in the form of crafts.

Some animals require special skills, abilities and take a lot of precious time, so it is better to take on a job that will surely turn out to be effective without painstaking efforts. One of these creations is a stork made of plywood with his own hands.

Why stork? The answer is well reasoned. Even a small child knows that this noble bird represents peace, tranquility, family well-being, fidelity, constancy. Many beliefs and signs are associated with the location of the stork nest, their annual return and offspring.

How to start decorating

It has been proven and tested in practice that all ingenious inventions are simple and accessible to everyone. So this unpretentious composition is acceptable in terms of material costs and complexity for people who seek to embellish and ennoble not only their territory, but also the surrounding space.

You will have to work with plywood. Quite suitable material for those who are trying to learn the lessons carpentry. The material is easy to cut, although it is quite strong and dense. It can be processed without grinder, using sandpaper. After coating with several layers of drying oil or varnish, it is generally not subject to swelling, delamination, cracking due to external effects of precipitation and temperature changes.

Garden plywood storks are made from medium grades and thickness of wood board. There is no way to exclude the influence of environmental factors, but to look for the most expensive and quality plywood for street exposure - an unreasonable decision. Therefore, it is meaningless to describe in detail the characteristics of the material. Whatever you get, from that an excellent creature from the feathered family is molded.

You need to start by roughly representing the actual size of the bird in order to know the specific parameters of the consumable. Plywood sheets are different sizes, but there is no need to cut a two-meter bird. If a stork settles in the front garden, then a small bird will fit into this space, perhaps more than one. And if you mount it on the pediment of the house, good example in the photo, it is desirable to make a larger decor so that it is visible from afar and not lost.

How can such beauty be lost, even if the color scheme is simple and at the same time bright. Running a little ahead, you will have to stipulate that the color of the finished stork, cut and assembled with your own hands, includes only three colors: gray, red, black.

Based on the description of a stork for a summer residence or a garden, you can already draw up an estimate of materials for its manufacture:

  • plywood sheet;
  • paper or finished sketch;
  • pencil, scissors;
  • jigsaw;
  • paint with a brush;
  • ship varnish.

Work sequence

You can cut a stork out of plywood in a matter of hours. Sleight of hand and imagination will speed up the process without hindrance. The first step is to draw it. Everyone imagines what a stork looks like, but not everyone will be able to portray it.

Drawings of a plywood stork in the photo simplify the first step. It remains only to project them onto a large paper format. As you can see in the proposed sketch, a pattern, compasses and other technical tools will not be useful. Anyone can draw two ovals and connect them with smooth lines. Try to depict a bird with a long neck, beak and wings in such a way that the silhouette resembles a representative of the stork squad. The better the proportions are respected relative to the template, the more likely it is to get a similarity to the source.

Next, the drawn silhouette must be cut out. The plywood stencil is ready. All stages of creating a symbol of devotion and good luck are within the power of even a schoolboy, so the participation of children will not hurt. The paper stork must be placed on a plywood sheet and lightly attached with buttons, a stapler, tape, whatever comes across. Outline with a pencil. The lines must be clear in order to preserve all the smooth curves of the body and sharp corners beak, tail and wings. Now you can start cutting. At this stage, haste and strong pressure on the jigsaw is useless. You have to work without haste.

The plywood stork template will be completely ready after its careful grinding from all sides. The first grinding is done rough sandpaper, after which it is imperative to go through fine-grained a couple of times, including slices. When the surface becomes smooth, without burrs, the most beautiful stage creating creations with your own hands: assembling all the parts into a single product.

Screwing on the legs and gluing the wings is quick and easy. If the stork settles in the garden, it must be installed on the base. Take a small wooden block, drill holes in it, generously coat them with wood glue and insert the legs. Drying of the wings and support will take a little time. It is advisable to press with a clamp and fix the wings with the body.

Then it's time to color the bird. most popular and suitable paint is acrylic. The color sample is shown in the photo: the beak and legs are red (can be dark orange), the body is light gray, the plumage of the tips of the wings and tail is black, the eyes are marked with small black circles. Cover with varnish when the paint dries.

That's the whole procedure! A video with a lesson in making a magic bird is attached.

Crafts arrangement

It is not enough to make a stork out of plywood. Regardless of the location of the plywood stork, you still need to make a nest for it. It will even resemble the present, because it will have to be built from thin twigs. On a horizontal surface, the nest should become like a stork. The same wide, deep. On the gable of the roof, the nest can also imitate the nest. Make it voluminous so that the composition looks complete.

If desired, the stork is paired. Then he is not alone. "Procreating" miracle birds is inexpensive, so after a few training sculptures, you can take on more complex and labor-intensive designs.

It is very easy to make a stork from plastic bottles with your own hands, a master class will allow you to complete this product in a short time. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow all the instructions in order to get really good result. The product can be placed on a personal plot, which will make it possible to decorate the territory.

A master class allows you to make a stork on your own, for which you need to use plastic bottles and other improvised materials. To make the craft look the most realistic, it is necessary to make blanks from plywood. Wings and torso are drawn on them. Prepared templates must be carefully cut.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • plastic bottles;
  • insulating tape;
  • self-tapping screws.

It is better to take bottles that are opaque (white) and dark, and then arrange them, and only red is suitable for electrical tape.

Previously prepared templates need to be connected. To do this, you will need self-tapping screws. To make feathers, white bottles are used, in which dairy products are usually sold. They need to be cut so that strips of the same width are obtained. Along the edges, you need to make many shallow cuts to get a fringe.

The resulting wings are fixed on the body of the bird. To make the fastening as strong as possible, use glue gun. It must be applied carefully, without leaving traces of glue on the body. To make the tail and the rest of the body, which will be located below, you need to use dark plastic bottles. In such containers, for example, beer is sold.

The beak can be obtained from the blank of a plastic bottle, since the stork has a red beak, the base is wrapped with red tape. Need a stork and legs. For their manufacture, you can use a thick wire. For the eyes, take large beads, which are attached to the head with glue. On this, a stork for a garden with your own hands can be completed. It can be placed near a flower bed or on some kind of stand.

Details of the production of the second option

To make a talisman bird for the garden with your own hands, you should prepare the following materials and tools:

  • empty plastic bottles;
  • 2 wooden beams: thick and wide (will serve as a base);
  • thick aluminum wire (you can use a rod) to make lower limbs;
  • polystyrene (thickness 10 cm);
  • corrugated hose;
  • plastic canister (2 pcs., capacity 5 l);
  • metal mesh (under the wings);
  • stapler.

How to make a stork with your own hands? The procedure will take a little time, but the algorithm of work is simple. On the paths personal plot or a stork will appear in the garden after a few hours of execution.

First you need to start making the head and beak of the bird. These parts are cut out of foam. On the surface, you can either draw eyes with black paint or glue 2 black buttons (you can use beads).

The beak itself must be cut out of a dark plastic bottle. It will consist of 2 parts, glued to the head. To get the body of a bird, you need to cut off the handle from the canister.

Bending tightly around the contour of the canister, bend the metal mesh. Remove excess material. You can perform the lower limbs if you bend the rod, the ends of which should be fixed in wooden block. Plastic feathers are cut from bottles. They are attached to the base of the canister. Attach the tail first.

You can plant the neck of a stork by fastening the wire to the armature. The next step is to put the prepared hose on the wire. Since the feathers on the neck should be small, they are attached with tape. Feathers along the body are fixed on a metal mesh.

Since the bird in the garden will be upright, its wings will be folded. They need to be fixed with a stapler. Feathers should be arranged so that the details of each subsequent row overlap the previous row by 1/3. This will give the craft naturalness and naturalness.

The master class ends with the fastening of individual elements. To give the product maximum attractiveness, you can perform decorative tinting of the beak, eyes, legs. The craft can stand on the street throughout the summer, it is not afraid of bad weather.

Alternative product

The original DIY stork for the garden can be complemented by a baby in the nest. The implementation of this option will help to make the home happy and bring prosperity and well-being to the house. For the manufacture of a stork sitting in a nest, patterns of the Tilda bird are used as the basis. It is quite modern and fashionable today. homemade toy from tissue matter. Patterns for her are simple.

Cut out of dense and durable fabric individual elements crafts. The pieces are sewn together with a thread. To give the body volume, you need to fill it with any filler, so you don’t need to completely stitch the bird right away. Burlap, sawdust, straw, feathers, unnecessary flaps, etc. can act as a filler. After completing the filling stage, the hole is completely sewn up.

The beak is made separately. To create it, you need a strong red cardboard. The finished part is attached to the already made head. You can sew clothes. To do this, you need to take measurements from the finished bird. At the final stage, the eyes are glued, the baby is wrapped in a light cloth and placed next to the mother.

If you install crafts on the branches of trees in the garden, when it rains, you need to remove it from there so that appearance product is not damaged. Another such bird is placed on the windowsills, it will be in perfect harmony with indoor flowers.

Based on a fabric stork, feathers are obtained from plastic bottles white color that sell milk or other dairy products. They are fastened together. Finally the wings come out.

Unusual option

Noteworthy is the master class on making a stork, which is based on a large plastic bottle with a volume of 6 liters. To make the head, you need to use foam, which will need to be carefully cut. Do not forget about the shape of the beak and eyes. Black pebbles can act as eyes, which are fixed with glue.

The beak can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle. It also sticks to the head. A large plastic bottle will act as the body. It needs to cut off the neck. Special metal mesh - wings. If the bird's wings are bent, it is necessary to make appropriate bends on the grid.

The legs are made of wire, which is folded in several layers. Feathers will be from light-colored plastic bottles. They are cut so that individual feathers look realistic. Fixing is done with a wire to the wings themselves.

To make the neck look voluminous, the bottles need to be finely chopped, you get a fringe. They are arranged in rows. Small bottles are put on the paws, which are also cut at the base. If the fixation of parts seems weak, then the fastening process can be carried out using self-tapping screws.

Making a stork is not a very long and difficult undertaking. To bring the idea to life, you can use the above recommendations. However, you can make certain adjustments to the idea that will allow you to create a unique and original product.