Water pipes      04/07/2019

Celery - proper planting in open ground. Growing celery root seedlings

Root celery, despite its current popularity, has been deprived of the attention of gardeners for quite a long time. And now it is difficult to find a person who does not know about such a culture. Although there are still points at which landing should take place celery root and caring for it are not familiar to everyone.
Today, root celery is considered a fairly common vegetable to grow on your own plot. This is explained by the fact that such a root vegetable, in addition to being rich in beneficial features composition, will add a special piquancy and pleasant aroma to almost any dish.
Fresh celery root vegetables cannot always be found on sale, and home-grown vegetables are always tastier and healthier than store-bought ones. Therefore, if you have your own plot, set aside one bed for celery, so that in the winter months you can prepare vitamin salads or soups with homemade root celery for your loved ones.

Selection of planting material

Unfortunately, many people refuse to grow celery on their own due to the fact that they consider this plant to be very capricious. However, having studied the characteristics of the vegetable crop and its cultivation itself, planting it will certainly give good results and will delight you with a rich harvest.
To begin with, it is worth noting that the pledge successful landing and excellent yield is the choice of root crop variety. When choosing planting material, you should consider:

  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • ripening times of vegetables;
  • size of ripe fruits.

Also, don't overlook taste qualities celery and your preferences. And in order not to be disappointed in the end when it’s time to harvest, you should carefully select seeds before purchasing them. Namely:

  • you should buy “fresh” seeds (the shelf life of such seeds should expire in at least a year);
  • It is worth choosing seeds of varieties whose ripened fruits weigh 0.5 kg or more;
  • give preference to early ripening varieties so that planting and ripening period ensure full-fledged fruits;
  • choose among domestic manufacturers - only proven ones. Seeds bred by foreign breeders are considered higher quality planting material.

Preparing Celery Root Seeds

Celery seeds (as well as its closest relatives - carrots and parsley) are very capricious. Firstly, they quickly lose their viability. Therefore, we recommend purchasing only fresh seeds or collecting your own every year. Secondly, their surface is impregnated with essential oils, which protect the seed from unfavorable conditions, but make it difficult to germinate. In this regard, before planting, the seeds should be soaked in water for two days, or even better, germinate them in a dark place on a plate with a damp cloth or paper. It is important to periodically (3 times a day) change the water in which the seeds are soaked or ensure that the cloth in the saucer is always damp. When the seeds sprout, it’s time to sow them for seedlings.

Growing root celery seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings can be done from February 5 to March 15. The best soil for growing celery, a mixture of six parts peat, two parts humus, part turf soil and part mullein is considered.
You can also mix vermicompost with sand in equal parts. Typically, celery is sown in a box in rows according to a 2x2 centimeter pattern. A match or a toothpick will be a good helper: first, they make shallow holes in the soil, and then the seeds are placed in them. Cover the top with half a centimeter of soil, cover with film and place in a warm, dark place.
As the soil dries, moisten it with a sprayer. A week later, friendly shoots appear. With the emergence of seedlings, the box with seedlings is placed on a bright, cool windowsill. Optimal temperature for seedlings now - +16°C.

At first, celery seedlings resemble thin, fragile blades of grass, so they are not watered, but sprayed and, if possible, taken out to the balcony in the sun. The air temperature on the balcony should be at least +8°C; celery seedlings cannot be frozen, otherwise the plant will produce a flowering shoot instead of a juicy root crop.
When the seedlings have two true leaves, you can plant each one in a separate pot, pinching the main root by a third when replanting. Seedlings are buried down to the cotyledons, without covering the growing point. We wrote in detail about what picking is and whether it is worth the candle in this article. Before planting young plants in the ground, you can feed the seedlings a couple of times with organic or mineral fertilizers.
Spraying with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, fertilizing with an infusion of bird droppings, a solution of humate or complex fertilizer have proven themselves to be very effective.

Planting root celery for seedlings

Sowing celery seedlings:

  • for seedlings, prepare boxes with loose garden soil mixed with sand and humus, or purchased soil mixture;
  • a couple of days before sowing, spill boiling water with potassium permanganate on the soil;
  • immediately before sowing, moisten the soil well and make furrows one centimeter deep;
  • sow the seeds at intervals of up to five centimeters;
  • You can sprinkle a very thin layer of earth on top or leave the seeds uncovered - this way they will germinate faster;
  • then moisten the soil with a spray bottle and cover the box with glass or film to create the effect of a mini-greenhouse;
  • before the celery shoots appear, the temperature should be at +25 degrees, and after five days the temperature should be lowered to +16 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will stretch out;
  • dense shoots will need to be thinned out.

In February, celery seedlings do not receive enough natural light, which can cause the seedlings to stretch out and fall over on their side. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally illuminate the seedlings.

Celery: planting in the ground

Celery root is useful plant, containing a lot essential oils, carbohydrates, vitamins - A, C, B1, B2, PP, amino acids, mineral salts and gives dishes a spicy aroma. It is sold in the vegetable departments of stores, but celery grown on your own plot is much tastier. Many gardeners consider celery to be a capricious plant, although root celery does not have any special difficulties in agricultural technology. The only thing is that you will have to tinker a little with the seedlings, because only with the seedling method of growing root celery gives yields of up to 3-4 kg.

Planting celery seedlings in the ground

Pledge successful harvest– high-quality fresh celery seeds. Seeds must be selected based on the following criteria. Seeds must be no older than one year. Root celery varieties for seedlings must have a root mass of at least 0.5 kg and be early ripening.

Root celery seedlings are grown in the same way as leaf celery. The only difference is that when picking seedlings, in no case should you pinch off a piece of the root of the seedling, otherwise the root crop will turn out small, but root celery is grown precisely because of its large root crop.

The optimal time for planting celery seedlings is from the end of April to the end of May. Leaf celery is planted earlier, root celery a little later. For root celery, it is preferable to plant in the second half of May.

Planting celery root seedlings in open ground

The area for planting celery seedlings is prepared ahead of time, in the fall. The soil in the garden bed should be loose and fertile. If the soils on the site are poor, it is necessary to apply rotted manure and phosphate fertilizers to the beds in the fall at the rate of 6-8 kg of manure and 10 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. m. m. In the spring, when digging, an additional 3-5 g of nitrogen fertilizers, 5 g of potassium and 2 g of fertilizers with manganese are added to the soil per 1 sq. m. m.

When choosing a location, you need to take into account that root celery seedlings prefer the sun and do not like drafts. If the conditions for soil fertility and illumination of the site are not met, this will have an impact Negative influence on the formation and weight of root crops. The seedlings are ready for planting when they reach a height of at least 10 cm and have 5-7 true leaves.

Celery is replanted only in warm, sunny weather. Holes up to 10 cm deep are dug in the garden bed with a distance between holes of 30-40 cm and 60 cm between rows. If the weather was dry and hot before planting, then 1-1.5 liters of water are poured into each hole. The seedlings are planted in this “mud”, trying not to cover the growing point, otherwise the root crops will grow small, with many lateral roots, which will greatly reduce their taste. After planting, the ground around the seedlings is mulched to prevent the soil from drying out.

Caring for root celery seedlings after planting in open ground

To obtain good harvest Root crops of celery root need to be watered regularly and abundantly, loosen the soil between the rows, and pull out the weeds. 10 days after planting the seedlings, when they have taken root well, it is necessary to fertilize the celery with complex mineral fertilizer at the rate of 25 g per bucket of water and another similar fertilizing 5 weeks after planting. The plant needs abundant watering in the last month of the growing season, that is, in September-October. It must be remembered that root celery is not hilled in order to avoid the appearance of lateral roots that inhibit the development of the root crop.

For excellent root vegetables experienced gardeners It is recommended that in mid-summer, dig up part of the stem from the ground and carefully trim the resulting side roots with a sharp knife, and a few days later, when the cuts have dried, add soil to the celery stalk again.

Planting celery - where to start?

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  • ​Hello, dear subscribers and readers of our site!​

​It is possible to grow root celery in our latitudes only with the help of seedlings; this must be done back in February. Before boarding you need

​, but this only improves the taste of the petioles.​

Leaf celery can grow at relatively low temperatures, so it can be planted as seedlings from the beginning of March.​

  • ​In stores you can find varieties Appia, Berger White Ball, Diamond, Delicatessen, Esaul, Friga, Gribovets, Monarch, Maxim, President RZ, as well as varieties from Holland Ilona, ​​Pontor, Mentor, Luna, etc.​
  • ​, very productive, with a pleasant intense aroma. Both varieties are included in the State Register (State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for Use). The Samurai variety is distinguished by an attractive leaf shape, curly, with a corrugated edge;
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Growing leaf celery

​An important point in this case is picking. Moreover, the procedure must be carried out twice before planting the seedlings in open ground, and each time the main root is shortened by approximately a third. During the second picking, it is better to immediately replant the plant into a separate, fairly spacious container, which will allow the root crops to develop correctly, which means the root will be even and smooth.​

​ First you need to decide what type of celery you want to grow on your site. On this moment there are three of them:​

​growing leaf celery

​, as well as the root, seedling method. In addition to the noted advantages of the seedling method of growing leaf celery, it is important that you will receive a higher harvest of aromatic greens during the season, since the growing season of plants during harvesting increases significantly.​

Growing celery

​Grow leaf celery​

Rinse the seeds with hot water

​It is worth dwelling on root celery in more detail, since planting this particular crop is most common in domestic garden beds.​

​After you have soaked and buried the seeds in the soil, cover the seedlings with peat and keep the seedlings at a temperature of about 20 degrees.​

The healing properties of celery are due to the valuable amino acids, trace elements, and essential oils it contains. The vegetable is rich in vitamins K, C, E, provitamin A, as well as B vitamins. Leaves, roots and stems stimulate appetite and help improve digestion. They have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, mild laxative effect, and help improve the overall tone of the body. The benefits of celery for enhancing sexual function, strengthening nervous system, treatment skin diseases. This product contains minimal amount calories, so it is widely used in the diet of those wishing to lose weight.​

​earlier variety Kartuli​

- moisture-loving, but does not tolerate waterlogging.

How to care for celery

It is better to replant celery in open ground in good warm weather. Moreover, it would be better to know that such grace will last about another week. Planting occurs at a distance of at least 30cm. from each other.​

Leafy - grown to produce greens rich in vitamins;

​through seedlings up to 4 cuttings. You will get much more greenery if you water and feed the plants well after cutting.​

​Celery seeds should be sown for seedlings in mid-March in a light soil mixture made up of leaf soil, humus (or well-rotted compost), low-lying peat and no more sand. To speed up the germination of celery seeds, they should first be treated with growth stimulants and then soaked in water for three days. I try to evenly distribute small celery seeds in rows in the seed box, sprinkling them with peat; I do this in order to avoid picking when growing seedlings (this is not root celery, which has a very long growing season and requires the production of powerful seedlings). With this method of planting, it will only be enough to thin out the young seedlings, providing each seedling with a sufficient feeding area.​

​it can be successfully grown in almost all regions of Russia and the technology for its cultivation can be achieved even by novice gardeners. And the arguments in favor of cultivating this spicy leaf crop on summer cottage plenty. Uses of celery various dishes, not only improves their taste, most importantly it contains many useful to the body substances. Its regular use helps strengthen blood vessels. It is especially useful for gastritis and gout, bladder disease, and non-advanced prostatitis. Celery prevents the formation of kidney and bladder stones, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, as well as a laxative effect; it is often recommended to be included in the diet for obesity.​

  • ​, tie with gauze and soak for several days. Then dry it on paper and only then can you sow.​
  • ​Root celery is grown using seedlings; planting is carried out in February. In order for the plant to produce good shoots,
  • Seedlings need to be watered evenly after planting.

​Celery prefers humus-rich soil with sufficient moisture. Any culture can be its predecessor. In the fall, humus is added to the area intended for celery. Before planting, dig up the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm and loosen the bed.


Celery: beneficial properties, planting, growing and care

​, high taste qualities, has increased resistance to drought and low temperatures.​​Predecessors​
​ All the questions have already been resolved: when to sow celery, how to properly process the seeds, and you actually planted the plant itself in the garden. Now you need to decide how to properly care for the crop so that it pleases you with a good harvest. In general, care is approximately the same for all three types of celery. But let’s dwell on this issue in more detail. Petiole - for obtaining juicy petioles:
​Cut leaves placed in a plastic bag can be stored for up to a week in the refrigerator without losing their quality. You can also prepare celery for the winter by tying it into small bunches and drying it well in the shade or in a special electric dryer. After sowing, before germination, cover the seed box plastic film, you need to place it in a place with a temperature of 20 - 24 degrees (not far from radiators). If you sow the seeds with the recommended preparation, then seedlings should appear in 6 - 8 days. From this moment, the film must be removed and the young shoots should be placed for 8 - 10 days in the brightest place with a temperature of 13 - 16 degrees - this is necessary so that the young shoots do not stretch out, but the development of the root system begins first.
Regular consumption of celery normalizes the activity of the entire cardiovascular system and relieves insomnia. Celery is especially useful for older people, as it improves the body’s water and salt balance and normalizes metabolism. Celery increases the overall tone of the body, mental and physical abilities. Sowing seedlings is carried out as follows:
​it is necessary to stratify the seeds​​Using a spray bottle.​
​Late varieties are grown in seedlings, while early ripening varieties are immediately sown in garden beds. Celery is planted directly into the ground as soon as possible. early dates. The seeds are pre-soaked for 24 hours in warm water, which significantly accelerates germination, then planted to a depth of 0.5-1 cm in previously prepared holes. The seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance of 8-10 cm between the plants.
​– any vegetable crops.​​So, what is common to all three types is that celery does not like it when even a light crust forms on the surface of the earth, so loosening the soil when growing the plant plays a significant role. In addition, the culture does not like thickening, so experienced gardeners It is advised not only to plant seedlings at a sufficient distance from each other, but also to regularly weed the bed to remove growing weeds. Don’t forget about watering - the soil where celery grows should be moderately moist, so watering the bed with the planted crop must be done as the soil dries out.​


​Root - for obtaining root crops.​

​Grows very slowly, sowed at the end of January, while the stems are thin. But when it grows by self-sowing, and in the most unexpected places (sometimes between the tiles of the path), it is such a nice sight to behold. I’m thinking about it myself, maybe I can sow it before winter?​

​The main components of successful​

Varieties and popular modern varieties

​Before you start

  • ​Prepare boxes with loose garden soil mixed with sand and humus;​​, which includes the following activities:​
  • ​When the first shoots appear on the plant, the temperature needs to be lowered slightly so that the seedlings are more stable. And when true leaves appear, root celery is grown through seedlings. Seeds are sown in February-March. In order for the seedlings to be stronger and more friendly, the seeds are stratified: placed in damp gauze, kept at room temperature for 5-6 days, then placed in the refrigerator for 10-12 days, after which they are planted in the ground to a depth of about 0.5 cm. After a week, shoots appear. If there are 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings are picked. This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the central taproot, since then, instead of an almost rounded root crop widened towards the bottom, numerous thickened roots are formed in the lower part, which spoil its presentation. Seedlings can be grown without picking, but then they will be weaker and will take root less well when transplanted. Young plants are planted in the ground in mid-May at the age of 60-70 days. The planting distance is 30x20 cm. Celery seedlings are planted at the same depth at which they grew in the greenhouse; the apical buds are not covered.
  • ​Athena​​Landing​

​In addition, it is necessary to regularly feed the plants, applying appropriate fertilizers approximately 2 times a month.​

When deciding how to plant celery, you need to know that, of course, not so much actually depends on the species, but there are still certain nuances.

  1. ​in my opinion, it needs six months from germination to harvest​​growing leaf celery seedlings​
  2. ​growing leaf celery Two days before sowing, moisten the soil with boiling water mixed with potassium permanganate;

​distribute the selected seeds along the damp gauze;​ ​you need to pinch the root and pick Further care consists of weeding, loosening, watering and fertilizing. The plants are fed twice, in May-early June and in July. Fertilizing is carried out with mineral or organic fertilizers. ​,​ - seeds or seedlings When growing celery, due attention must be paid to mulching the soil. This will prevent the soil from drying out too quickly, and the mulch will also prevent the formation of a crust on the ground.​ Once you have decided on the type, you need to pay due attention to the choice of seeds, of which there are a great variety on the market today. It would seem that the whole difference lies only in appearance and in some agricultural technology. Actually celery different varieties differs in taste, application, properties. Therefore, everything is individual here and you will probably have to try several options to choose the most suitable one for yourself. suitable variety.​​It’s just that in winter it doesn’t have enough light, and maybe warmth.​​is: regular moderate watering, ensuring sufficient illumination of seedlings, maintaining the soil in a loose state, ventilation in sunny, warm weather. When the seedlings have two true leaves, the crops need to be thinned out.

​, it will be interesting to get acquainted with the plant itself. I will not tire of repeating that basic knowledge about vegetable crops allow you to competently apply various technologies their cultivation, make adjustments in accordance with the local climate and the characteristics of crop cultivation in a particular area. So, let's try to figure out what kind of “vegetable” this is and what varieties there are?

​right before sowing, water the soil well and make furrows one centimeter deep;​

  • ​keep them indoors for 5-6 days;​ ​so that the plant's root system develops better.​
  • ​When growing celery various types caring for plants has a number of features. In addition to the agrotechnical measures listed above, petiole celery is subjected to high hilling of plants a couple of weeks before harvesting. This helps to whiten the petioles, as a result of which the amount of sharp-smelling essential oils in them decreases and bitterness disappears. ​Tender​

​A biennial vegetable plant, widely distributed in cultivation.​

​As for individual characteristics, then the following should be taken into account:

The healing properties of celery

​Varieties that have received the greatest demand and popularity:​

Agricultural technology for growing celery

​Leaf celery ---- if you sow seedlings in February-early March, plant them in the OG in late April-early May, then the first selective cutting of individual leaves can be done from mid-June, and then progressively. If you sow seeds in the exhaust gas at the end of April - beginning of May, then --from the end July.​

​Identify celery by permanent place You can start growing in the garden from the end of April. Scheme for planting seedlings: 25 cm between rows and 18 - 20 cm between plants.​


The distance between the seeds should be approximately 5 cm;

​refrigerate for another 10 days;​

​Carefully monitor the light and temperature, remember that the plant needs to be hardened off. The plant is planted in the ground around the end of April.

​As for root celery, caring for it also includes a number of specific techniques. To obtain a high-quality root crop, in mid-summer the upper part is freed from the ground and the side roots are torn off. As a result, in the fall the plant will form a large, rounded root crop. In addition, when growing, it is necessary to take into account the following property of celery of this variety: increased root growth begins after the leaves descend to the ground. Therefore, for good development of the root crop, the leaves are artificially pressed to the ground with hands or a light roller. At the same time, the petioles crack, which, however, does not harm the growth process of root crops.

Photo gallery (click to enlarge):


Celery: sowing for seedlings, agricultural technology for growing and caring

​In the first year of cultivation, it forms a rosette of glossy dark green leaves on long, sometimes fleshy cuttings, and, depending on the variety, a root or taproot. In the second year, leaves grow in early spring, just after the soil thaws. Next, a straight stem 30-100 mm high, hollow inside, and an umbellate inflorescence are formed. Celery blooms by mid-July with small white flowers. In August, the seeds ripen, after which the plant dies.​

Leaf celery does not like deep planting, preferring to grow on the surface

​Root: Diamond, Maxim, Apple.​

  1. ​should be planted at the end of February, beginning of March. They germinate for a long time, then you dive straight into the ground all summer, tear off the leaves, leaving only the middle (5 leaves) so that the root is large. you dig up the roots in October
  2. Celery is a cold-resistant plant
  3. celery

How to properly grow celery seedlings

​sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top, or do not cover them, so that they germinate faster;​

​Seeds can be planted.​ If you want the seedlings to take root well,​All types of celery are harvested in October.​


​Celery is a cold-resistant crop, the seedlings are not afraid of spring frosts, and in the fall, adult specimens can withstand temperatures down to -7 ° C. Petiole celery is planted in grooves up to 10 cm deep. In addition, this type requires more frequent hilling, which helps the petiole to form ​ ​Leafy: Cheerfulness, Spartan, Kartuli.​

​I understand that the answers are about the root one (it is sown in January and February). Chereshkovy in early March. . And the LEAF (what is the question about) is still later, in mid-March.. The rules for growing celery are as follows.​​. At a young age, a well-rooted plant is not afraid of frosts down to -5 degrees, and a well-developed celery bush can withstand minus temperature up to 8 degrees. Optimal for the Celery or Umbrella family. About 20 types of natural celery are known.​

​moisten the ground with a spray bottle, cover the boxes themselves with glass or film;​

​Seedlings should be started when at least two true leaves appear on the plant. When diving, you need to be extremely careful so that the root is not damaged, otherwise, instead of the root crop, a plant will grow that is unsuitable for consumption. You can, if desired, skip the picking procedure, but then the seedlings will not be so hardy in relation to various influences.​ ​it needs to be transferred to the garden bed without breaking the lump under the root​Leaf and root celery after harvesting can be used to force greens into winter time, for which plants are dug up before frost with a lump of earth and buried in a greenhouse or planted in pots.​

​,​There are three varieties of celery cultivated as vegetable plants:​Root does not need hilling at all. The soil from the top of the plant is even raked so that lateral roots do not appear.

Petiole celery: cultivation and care

Chereshkovy: Atlant, Malachite, Yunga. Leaf celery must be grown through seedlings. Seeds germinate for quite a long time, up to 3 weeks. A few days before sowing, the seeds are soaked at room temperature between damp cloths until germination begins, then slightly dried and mixed with sand for sowing (1; 10).​ ​growing leaf celery​


Until there are shoots, the temperature should be about 25 degrees, and a few days after germination it is lowered to 16; ​In a couple of months,​​, then pour plenty of water.​

Root celery: agricultural technology for growing seedlings and care

Increasingly, summer residents prefer to plant umbrella crops, celery in particular, in their country beds. Celery is known to have a pleasant taste and can be used to prepare soups, salads and other dishes.​

​Cheerfulness​ ​leaf celery (plucked)​​In general, if you put in a little effort and take proper care of the plant throughout the summer, the result will exceed all expectations and you will get a good harvest.​

  • ​Before asking the question of how to plant leaf celery, it must be said that the seeds of this plant germinate rather slowly, and in the initial period it itself does not show activity in development. Therefore, seedlings in this case are the best way out. However, if you do not want to pre-germinate the seeds, you can sow them directly into the garden bed, but this must be done in early spring. It is also worth saying that this crop is quite cold-resistant: both seedlings and seeds can withstand minor frosts.​
  • It is better to sow leaf celery for seedlings in mid-March. In a box, seeds are sown in rows with a distance between them of at least 6 cm, sprinkled on top with a layer of humus no thicker than 0.5 cm.
  • ​The temperature is considered to be in the range from 15 to 20 degrees.​
  • - the most famous of them and is listed as a vegetable crop.

​Don’t forget to thin out dense shoots.​

​When the greenery gets stronger and takes root, it can be transplanted into the soil itself​​Make sure that the growing point is located above the soil, and the seedlings are located at least a quarter of a meter apart from each other.​ ​Celery is not only useful, but also capable enhance the taste of your dishes because it contains aromatic oils. It can also be used for drying and canning. This is why sowing celery is becoming increasingly popular.​

Rules for choosing seeds for root celery

​, forms a large number of small tender leaves on short petioles, with high content essential oils;​

  • ​Botanical name​
  • ​Before the seeds are sown, they must be pre-treated. Here, each gardener has his own method, but the most popular is soaking them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, literally for several hours. After this, the seeds are germinated on a damp cloth, and only then are they sown for growing seedlings in boxes with previously prepared soil. For the soil, prepare a mixture consisting of humus, sand, peat and leaf soil. They try to take them in equal parts, but it’s okay if there is a little more of one component. All actions are carried out around the beginning of March.​
  • Leaf celery seedlings must be thinned out so that the distance between neighboring ones is at least 5 cm. 10 - 15 days before planting seedlings in the ground, they need to be fed with a solution of nitrophoska (20 grams per bucket of water). The seedlings are planted in the ground when they have 4-5 leaves. Best time for this May.​
  • Celery is a moisture-loving plant

​Celery is grown to produce aromatic greens or root vegetables in one year, but this plant is biennial, as it flowers and produces seeds only in the second year.​

How to properly plant root celery seedlings

​Since in late winter the seedlings are not yet provided with the proper amount of natural light, they should be artificially illuminated with a lamp.​ ​, without deepening the growth point.​ The soil needs to be loosened periodically

​Celery is divided into the following types:​

  • Petiole celery is less common in cultivation. Only one variety is included in the State Register, Tango. This is a mid-season variety, high-yielding, with good taste, and retains its presentation for a long time. There are a number of more early varieties, for example, Golden, Malachite, Pascal, as well as the late Triumph, for open and protected ground. Sometimes you can find varieties Dutch selection Avalon, Loret Bolivar, Greenlet, Ducklet, and others.​
  • celery petiole
  • - fragrant celery (Apium graveolens L), a valuable spicy-flavoring vegetable plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family, the celery genus.
  • ​After the first shoots have appeared, the seedlings, so that they do not stretch out, need to create appropriate conditions - ensure an ambient temperature of 14-15 degrees Celsius and observe the light regime.​
  • The soil for planting leaf celery is prepared in the fall. In the fall, they dig up the ridges and introduce organic fertilizers(bucket on square meter) . Leaf celery does not tolerate acidic soils, so such soils must be limed before planting. In the spring, when digging, add up to 20 g of urea, 40 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride per 1 m².​
  • ​, which needs regular watering. Celery also needs watering after each cutting of greenery, and to ensure good air access to the root system, after each watering it is necessary to loosen the soil.​
  • The leaves of this spicy herb are pinnately dissected, the inflorescences are umbrellas in which small flowers are collected.
  • ​When the first leaves of the celery appear on the seedlings, the seedlings are plucked. In large pots, the roots will not be damaged as much and the fruits will be as smooth as possible.​

​Young root celery seedlings need moderate moisture and periodic fertilization. If you want the root vegetable to be round, then remove upper layer soil around it and small roots on the sides. Also, shortly before harvesting, you can lower the leaves to the ground so that the root crop is larger and grows faster. Harvesting takes place in the month of October.​

​, remove weeds and water the celery generously, the harvest will appear around July or August.​

How to plant celery in the garden and care for it

​leafy - a plant with lush and aromatic herbs, containing a high concentration of essential oil;

​All varieties of root celery have a significantly later ripening period than other varieties, from 150 to 180 days, and are grown through seedlings. Despite the popularity of this vegetable, there are not very many varieties on sale. The following are included in the State Register:

​, characterized by the presence of large leaves on tall fleshy petioles, which are used as food;

​Origin​​As soon as the plant has two true leaves, a pick is made - pinching off the main root, which has a positive effect on the formation of the root system. Planting ready seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground is carried out in mid-April - early May, using a 25x25 pattern. Leaf celery is not planted densely. The distance between rows is 40 cm, between plants in a row is 10 - 15 cm. When planting, do not cover the apical bud with soil.


Growing Leaf Celery | Dacha kingdom

Celery is demanding of light

​Celery has a tap root. The root of the root also has a tap root, and don’t let this bother you: the rounded shape of the fruit is the thickened part of the tap root. Celery should be transplanted to the garden bed in mid-May. This should be done in dry and warm weather. Plants should be planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other, without covering the growing point. Do not bury the plant in the ground to prevent adventitious roots from developing. Before the beginning of summer, it is advisable to cover the bed with film.

​The size of the celery root crop depends largely on what seeds you choose to plant. Also, the taste of the fruit and its ripening period depend on the choice of seeds. Here are some tips the right choice celery root seeds:​

Botanical description of celery

​The method of growing and caring for this species is not much different from others; we will only dwell on the differences. This crop, like other types of celery, is petiolate - has long thick petioles, which are used as an ingredient for salad; mid-early varieties Diamant

celery root ​– distributed everywhere in the wild.​​Growing petiole celery seedlings is similar to growing leafy celery seedlings. There is a slight difference only when planting seedlings in open ground. The prepared material is planted in grooves, the depth of which is approximately 10 centimeters. This method has a beneficial effect on the formation of the petiole. Feeding is carried out two weeks after planting. Fertilizing is applied in liquid form (up to 10g of urea, about 50g of superphosphate and 10g of potassium chloride).​ ​, so it is planted in a place open to the sun, however, with light shade, the plants do not suffer much and the greens turn out to be more fragrant. To avoid significant shading of individual plants when direct sowing seeds into the ground, seedlings should be thinned out in a timely manner. The first thinning is carried out by 4 - 6 cm between plants 27 - 30 days after their appearance, the second time after another three weeks, thinning with an interval of 18 - 20 cm.

Celery is propagated by seeds, which, like most spicy crops, germinate very slowly. Therefore, to obtain uniform germination and a generally high-quality harvest, many gardeners prefer to grow leaf celery through seedlings.​

Caring for celery is quite simple: it needs regular watering, loosening the soil and fertilizers. Apply phosphorus-potassium mixtures to the soil twice a season. The first time was 2 weeks after the transplant, and the second time was three weeks later.​

​seeds should expire next year, not this year;​

​needs to be watered regularly

​root - all root vegetables are suitable for consumption, the most common type used for planting this crop.​​(very aromatic, resistant to septoria), Kornevoy Gribovsky (with high taste and commercial qualities, not prone to flowering), Yudinka ( characterized by weak branching of root crops), Apple (stable, with good taste); ​, forms round-shaped root crops with a large number of root branches in the lower part. Relatively soft, spicy, aromatic leaves are also used for food.​

Growing leaf celery seedlings

​Lighting​​Root celery must be grown only by seedlings, since sowing seeds in open ground will not give the expected results - the root simply does not have time to grow. Planting root celery seedlings should occur in early to mid-February, since the growing season for this crop is from 150 to 200 days. Regular watering. Celery is a moisture-loving crop.​

During the season when growing leaf celery, two

There are three main varieties of celery: leaf, root and petiole. Each of the named types of celery has its own growing characteristics. In today's article we will get acquainted with the general rules

​In early October, celery is removed from the soil with a pitchfork, but not pulled out, but pryed up. Then they need to be shaken out, the roots cut off and dried.​ ​choose varieties of large-fruited root vegetables, the size of which reaches 0.5 kg;​ However, water stagnation should absolutely not be allowed, otherwise the plant may get sick.

Growing Leaf Celery

In order for the celery harvest to be rich, you should take care of the soil for sowing it in advance. In the fall, the area where you plan to plant seedlings needs to be dug up and fertilized with humus. In the spring it needs to be loosened and dug up again. Fertilizers for the soil should be evenly distributed throughout the soil so that the soil is saturated with oxygen.​

​mid-season varieties Albin​​In leaf and petiole celery, the root crop does not form.​ - prefers open sunny places. Before sowing the seeds, they must be pre-treated. This can be done using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Or take the seeds and put them in gauze, rinse under running water hot water and then soak in water room temperature for 3 days. After soaking, the seeds need to be dried a little. And only after that you can start planting them.

​Harvest. Celery leaves can be cut as early as early June. Leaves are cut off almost at root level.​feeding​

​growing leaf celery​When everything is ready,​

​it is advisable to choose early ripening varieties so that the fruits have time to ripen on time;​ You also need to mulch the soil so that it does not dry out, it should be fertilized strictly once every two weeks. For fertilizer, use organic matter, in particular, nettle infusion. Also, sowing partly depends on the chosen variety. If you plan to grow early varieties of celery, you can plant it in the spring directly on the ground, while late varieties should be grown using preliminary seedlings. Seeds for sowing must be of high quality and fresh.​

​(high-yielding, with a low location of lateral roots), Egor (yielding, with high commercial qualities and high sugar content).​ ​All modern varieties of celery - and were obtained as a result of long-term selection from a wild form that is thin, hard, not suitable for food root.​ ​Soil​​The soil for growing seedlings can be prepared using the method described above, or you can simply take prepared soil from the garden in the fall, adding sand and humus to it.​

​For two years in a row I tried to grow root celery, but in vain. I sowed seedlings in mid-February and still by autumn no tubers had formed, only leaves. I won't do it again.​


How long does it take for leaf celery to grow?

svetlana faynleyb

​. The first three weeks after emergence, using diluted organic fertilizers: Biud (1:20), or bird droppings(1:20), or mullein (1:10). If the fertilizers listed above are not available. You can water the seedlings with fermented grass. The second feeding is carried out three weeks after the first, using a complex mineral fertilizer. Fertilizers are given after watering, then the soil is loosened.


Nikolay Tsuprunov

You can eat the root crop straight from the garden

Irina Shabalina

​the highest quality varieties are varieties of foreign selection; in some cases, you can also find domestic ones, but with the condition that you or those you know well have also taken them before.​

Oksana Kisko

To prevent celery stalks from becoming bitter and bleached, they need to be hilled a few weeks before harvesting. But please note that


Before sowing, soak them in warm water for a day

​The mid-early variety Cascade is interesting; it is productive and resistant to cercospora blight. Root vegetables of this variety do not become discolored during cooking.​

​mid-season varieties bred by VNIISOK Zakhar and Samurai​

- rich in humus, loamy, sandy loam, neutral peat.​

Before the first shoots appear, the box with the sown seeds should be kept in a room with a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. When the first shoots appear, it is necessary to place the seedlings in a cooler place, where the air temperature is approximately 16 degrees. Also, to prevent the seedlings from stretching out too much and starting to fall to one side, they should be provided with additional lighting.​

​Sown in February; greenery will be in July​

​Celery cuttings​

​Leaf celery seeds can be sown immediately in the garden bed as soon as the soil on the site warms up a little and allows you to start working with the soil. Depending on the region, the usual sowing time is mid-April - early May. But as mentioned in the previous section, celery seeds germinate very slowly, and it can be problematic to get uniform, friendly shoots when sowing directly into the ground. Therefore, experienced gardeners prefer

​, please yourself with your favorite recipe, or harvest for long-term storage for preservation or drying.​

Galina Isaeva

​There are not very many varieties of root celery at the moment, so when choosing a variety, be guided by your wishes, when you want to get the harvest, and for what purpose you are planting this crop.​


​the concentration of essential oil in the stem will be reduced​

How to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse How to properly plant tomatoes

In this article we will look at planting root, petiole and leaf celery for seedlings in 2019. How to plant the crop correctly, when to plant celery in seedlings and in the ground, depending on the variety and region. Lunar calendar for 2019.

Celery (lat. Apium graveolens) is a cultivated biennial vegetable plant from the Umbellaceae family, up to 1 meter high. Just like carrots and parsley bloom and produce seeds in the second year of life. In the first year, the plant forms a rosette of leaves, fleshy petioles and stores nutrients in a juicy root crop.

Current features of agricultural technology when planting

IN agriculture celery is grown in the following varieties:

  • Leafy – from 50 days from germination to ripening;
  • Petiole - 80-180 days from germination to ripening, depending on the variety;
  • Root – 140-190 days from emergence to ripening.

The long ripening time of the petiole and root varieties makes it important to plant celery as seedlings. Early ripening petiole and leaf celery can be grown by sowing seeds in open ground.

Popular varieties leaf celery are considered:

  • Vivacity F1,
  • Tender F1,
  • Kartuli F1,
  • Zakhar F1.

The listed hybrids are distinguished by their delicate leaf rosette structure, high yield up to 2-2.5 kg/m2 per season, increased cold resistance and resistance to fungal diseases.

U petiole celery gardeners prefer varieties:

  • Jung F1,
  • Zakhar,
  • Malachite F1,
  • Crunch,
  • White feather F1,
  • Nuget,
  • Gold F1.

For the listed varieties, the declared yield is 3.3-3.5 kg/m2. A special feature of these varieties is a sharp decrease in bitterness after “bleaching the petioles.” The Golden and White Feather varieties have the ability to self-bleach.

U k celery variety in the territory Russian Federation popular varieties:

  • Gribovsky root,
  • Egor,
  • Albin,
  • Apple,
  • Diamond F1,
  • Esaul,
  • Cascade,
  • Maksim.

The varieties are resistant to bolting, have a distinct aroma, and are little susceptible to disease. The fruits are dense and light. Productivity up to 3.8 kg/m2. The period of technical maturity is from 140 to 200 days from emergence and depends on the early maturity of the variety, therefore root celery requires early planting of seeds for seedlings.

A temperature of 23-25°C is considered favorable for germinating celery seeds. Under such conditions, seeds germinate in 10-15 days. At lower temperatures, seedlings are expected to appear by 20 days after sowing. These aspects should be taken into account when choosing planting dates and methods.

Dates for planting celery seedlings in 2019

The exact timing of when to plant celery depends on the climatic conditions of the region.

Is different long term technical maturation. Planting root celery seedlings must be done 60-80 days before transplanting into open ground.

In the northern regions of Russia, in the Urals and Siberia seeds in 2019 should be sown from the third decade of January to mid-February.

For central Russia and the Amur region These dates are shifted by 1-2 weeks.

In the southern regions, the Caucasus and Southern Urals The optimal period for sowing seeds will be the second half of February - the first ten days of March.

In 2019, residents of the southern regions should sow petiole celery for seedlings in the last week of March - the first week of April.

In the regions temperate climate mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are planted for seedlings during March, and in the Urals, in the North and in Siberia sowing should be completed by March 10.

In the southern regions, it is irrational to grow early ripening varieties for seedlings; in the rest of Russia, seed sowing is completed by the third ten days of March.

It is rational for residents to sow leaf celery for seedlings northern regions, Siberians and gardeners of the Urals. Sowing seed material in the second half of March.

In 2019, gardeners central Russia You don’t have to worry about severe frosts at the beginning of summer, so it is allowed to sow seedlings of mid- and late-ripening varieties of leaf celery in the first ten days of April.

Seedless cultivation

For the southern and Caucasian regions of Russia Growing leaf, early-ripening root celery, early-ripening and mid-ripening petiole celery using the seedless method is permissible from the beginning of May.

In the middle zone, sowing celery seeds in open ground is rational for leafy and early-ripening varieties of petiole celery, starting from the second half of May.

In Siberia, the Urals and northern regions Early and mid-season leafy varieties can be sown directly into the ground starting from the last ten days of May and early June.

When to plant celery in 2019 according to the lunar calendar

According to astrological theories, the phase of the moon influences the well-being of vegetable plants by redirecting the accumulation of nutrients to the appropriate organs.

It is believed that the above-ground part of the plant develops more intensively during the waxing moon, and the underground part - during the waning moon.

In the table below you will find the dates for planting celery seedlings in 2019. lunar calendar gardener

On full moon and new moon days According to this calendar, it is not recommended to carry out important manipulations with plants. Watering, weeding and tying are allowed.

  • In February it is the 5th, 19th,
  • in March – 6, 21,
  • in April 5, 19.

Favorable days for planting and sowing in the ground:

  • petiole and leaf in May: 1-4, 8-10, 12-14, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-31.
  • root in May: 1-4, 12-14, 21-23

How to plant celery on seedlings and in the ground

We looked at when to plant celery seedlings, now we’ll tell you how to do it correctly. Leaf and petiole celery have similar agricultural techniques.

Preparing and planting seeds

Before planting, seeds require treatment against diseases with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. Then they are placed on gauze, paper napkin or non-woven material, intensively moisten and place in a warm place for germination.

On the 5th day, the seeds are transferred to a seedling box and sprinkled with a layer of peat 3 mm thick.

The soil is made up of equal parts of humus, turf soil, peat and sand.

Watering is carried out through a sieve or with a spray bottle. The temperature must be maintained strictly within 18-20°C.

After 5-7 days, the first shoots appear, after which the temperature is reduced to 15°C. Young plants require additional lighting up to 13 hours a day, otherwise the seedlings wither and become excessively elongated.


At the stage of the second true leaf, picking is carried out, pinching off the growth zone of the main root and planting the plants in individual containers with a volume of 150-200 ml.

It is possible to plant in peat pots or a seedling box according to the pattern 35 mm 45 mm to a neighboring plant.

A week later, the first fertilizing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizer.

From the beginning of May, plants begin the hardening procedure at a temperature of 10°C, gradually increasing the cooling time from 2-3 hours to a full day by the end of the 10th day. In mid-May, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

Planting scheme leaf celery according to the recommendations of agronomists - in staggered rows with a step of 25 cm. The distance between the rows is at least 25 cm.

Petiole varieties celery is planted in ridges 8 cm high with a step of 45 cm and row spacing up to 40 cm. In this case, the growth bud must be exactly at ground level.

The soil is mulched with pine litter or sawdust. A week after transplantation, a second feeding is carried out with complex or potassium-nitrogen fertilizer and vermicompost infusion.

Features of planting root celery for seedlings

It differs in that the backlight is increased to 16 hours a day, and temperature regime after emergence, it should remain at 16°C.

The next feature is associated with transplantation into open ground, when repeated picking is carried out, shortening the longest roots by lengths. The time of transplantation is chosen after the onset of stable warmth and an increase in the average daily temperature to 18-20°C.

Plants are planted in level soil with a distance of 40 cm from each other. The soil is mulched with straw. 2 weeks after transplantation, the plants are fed mainly with potassium fertilizer.

Video from Yulia Minyaeva. Planting celery on cheesecloth

An interesting way to plant celery seedlings.

Video. Features of growing and planting root celery

Useful video from the “Garden World” channel - complete information on how and when to plant root celery seedlings to get a good harvest.

Regional differences in agricultural technology according to reviews from gardeners

Some gardeners stratify leaf celery seeds at 4°C for 2 days to increase the yield of seedlings. According to reviews from residents of Siberia and the Urals, this method leads to the formation of a peduncle already in the first year of the plant’s life. Therefore, they offer another option for pre-sowing preparation:

  • Soaking the seeds in hot water (strictly 45-50°C) in three doses for 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 20 minutes.
  • Between soakings the seeds are washed running water temperature 16-20°C.

This option of pre-sowing preparation allows you to get vigorous shoots in 4-6 days.

To improve the taste of petiole celery, many home garden owners recommend whitening procedure, when the petioles from the ground to the leaves are wrapped in burlap, dark agrofibre or paper 4 weeks before harvesting. This technique allows you to reduce the amount of essential oils and significantly increase the organoleptic properties of the vegetable.

In the southern regions, gardeners are experimenting with the option of planting leaf celery before winter. As a result, the leaves ripen 20-25 days earlier than with the seedling method, but the yield sharply decreases and the number of plants with “arrows” - flower stalks - increases.

Reliable data on whether it is possible to plant celery before winter in Siberia, the Urals and in Middle lane, not presented due to abnormal winters in most of Russia.

We looked at the features of planting celery seedlings in the ground, depending on the variety and region, and also provided a lunar sowing calendar. We hope that the information was useful to you. Feel free to ask questions!

Fresh celery is not always available for sale, and home-grown vegetables are always tastier and healthier than store-bought ones. Therefore, if you have your own plot, set aside one bed for these root vegetables, so that you can prepare vitamin-rich salads or soups for your loved ones in the winter months.

How to choose the right seeds

For a long time, this vegetable was undeservedly deprived of attention and appeared extremely rarely in Russian garden beds, but now its planting is increasingly of interest to domestic gardeners. This interest is explained simply: celery root vegetables not only add a special piquancy and spicy aroma to dishes, but in addition they have numerous benefits. It is not for nothing that in former times this vegetable plant was necessarily included in the daily diet of both ordinary people and aristocrats.

Celery root vegetables not only add a special piquancy and spicy aroma to dishes, but also have numerous beneficial properties.

Are you concerned about the question of how to plant root crops in order to reap a large harvest in the fall? To obtain it, you will need to choose the appropriate variety, correctly determine the timing of when to sow celery, and carefully grow the seedlings. After transplanting into open ground, the vegetable will also require some care, which will be briefly discussed below.

Video about growing celery

The choice of seeds for sowing is very important, as it largely determines the final result - the size of the root crops, their taste, and ripening time. Therefore, in order not to be disappointed in the harvest, when purchasing:

  • choose only fresh seeds that expire next year;
  • give preference to large-fruited varieties whose root crops weigh half a kilo;
  • for cultivation, take early ripening varieties, otherwise the root crops simply will not have time to ripen;
  • Seeds of imported selection are considered to be of the highest quality, but you can also find good ones among domestic producers. planting material– try to buy products from trusted manufacturers.

The choice of seeds for sowing is very important, as it largely determines the final result.

Although not so many varieties of root celery have been bred so far, so as not to get confused when buying seeds, check out the most. This way you will know in advance what result to expect and will be able to choose the variety that will best suit your preferences.

Because too long term Due to the ripening and too short summer in Russia, root crops can only be grown using seedlings, and no later than mid-February. Typically, the optimal planting time is indicated on the seed package.

Before planting celery, the seeds will have to be first washed under running hot water, tied in gauze, and soaked for three days. After soaking, the seeds will need to be dried a little on paper, and you can start sowing.

Planting root celery for seedlings

Sowing occurs as follows:

  • for seedlings, prepare boxes with loose garden soil mixed with sand and humus, or purchased soil mixture;
  • a couple of days before sowing, spill boiling water with potassium permanganate on the soil;
  • immediately before sowing, moisten the soil well and make furrows one centimeter deep;
  • sow the seeds at intervals of up to five centimeters;
  • You can sprinkle a very thin layer of earth on top or leave the seeds uncovered - this way they will germinate faster;
  • then moisten the soil with a spray bottle and cover the box with glass or film to create the effect of a mini-greenhouse;
  • before the celery shoots appear, the temperature should be at +25 degrees, and after five days the temperature should be lowered to +16 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will stretch out;
  • dense shoots will need to be thinned out.

In February, seedlings do not receive enough natural light, which can cause the seedlings to stretch out and fall over on their side. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally illuminate the seedlings.

In February, celery seedlings do not receive enough natural light, which can cause the seedlings to stretch out and fall over on their side.

With the appearance of the first true leaves, the plants will need to be planted in separate pots. It is worth noting that in spacious containers the roots will not be damaged, and as a result the root vegetables will be smooth, without a “beard”.

Planting in beds and further care

In mid-May, celery seedlings can be transplanted into a bed with loose, fertile soil, prepared in the fall. For transplantation, you should choose dry, warm weather, which is predicted to last for another week. Plant the plants at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other, trying not to cover their growing point. You cannot bury the plant in the ground, otherwise it will develop strongly adventitious roots, and the root crop will turn out to be clumsy. It is recommended to cover the bed with covering material until June.

Video about planting celery root seedlings

You should care for root crops during the season in the same way as other garden plants: regularly water, weed and loosen the rows. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied twice per season - two weeks after transplanting to the garden bed and another three weeks later.

Plant plants at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other, trying not to cover their growing point

Ripe root vegetables can be dug up in early October, prying them up with a pitchfork (do not pull them out!). After digging, shake the roots off the ground, cut off the lower roots, foliage and dry. This root celery can be eaten immediately or stored.