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How to fertilize the lawn after winter. Year-round lawn care at your dacha. Care of rolled lawn in spring, features

How should you care for your lawn in the spring so that it looks as well-groomed and beautiful as possible in the shortest possible time? What unpleasant surprises could potentially harm your lawn and how should you deal with them? Let's find out what lawn care should be like after winter.

Lawn care in spring

Lawn care in spring

Start spring work in your garden is a responsible matter. It would seem that, in principle, you can start caring for your lawn in the spring immediately after the snow has melted and the turf has thawed. But it’s not so simple – you still need to give the soil time to dry. The fact is that immediately after the snow thaws, it still remains soft, and even ordinary walking on it can lead to the appearance of unsightly depressions.

Let us immediately note that spring is not best time lay a rolled lawn. It is better to do this in the fall so that the grass has the opportunity to strengthen and survive the winter. Therefore, we will not touch on this topic in this article.


The first thing you need to do in the spring is roll the lawn. In winter, moisture accumulated under the surface of the top layer of soil often damages the turf. The process of freezing and gradual thawing of the upper layers of soil leads to the appearance of tussocks of grass. As a result, its roots are torn away from the nutrient soil. Rolling the lawn will help solve this problem. Thanks to this procedure, the formed hummocks are reliably pressed to the ground. To roll the lawn, it is best to use a special roller.


The second stage of care is combing the lawn. Using special lawn or fan rakes, it is necessary to carefully rake the remains of dry grass, as well as leaves remaining from last autumn.

Aerator - a device for saturating the soil with air

On at this stage An aerator will help. This tool is designed to saturate the soil layer with air by piercing the soil with thin teeth. In addition, such treatment destroys all germinating weeds and rids the soil of the remains of dead grass. Lawn aeration can be done several times throughout the growing season.


The next very important action, which should never be forgotten, is verticutation. Verticutation involves vertically loosening the top of the turf layer. The purpose of this procedure is to saturate the soil with air, as well as to remove felt - the remains of its old layer. When verticutating, specialists use special devices called verticutters. Using sharp blade blades, they pierce the turf to the desired depth, while simultaneously destroying the lawn's outdated root system (i.e., the felt). As a result, conditions for the emergence of new young shoots improve.

Important information: Rolling, combing and verticutation must be done before the start of the growing season, which occurs around the beginning of May.

Top dressing

After combing the lawn is completed, it should be fertilized with useful fertilizers. In early spring, in addition to other care activities, you need to give the lawn a small portion of nitrogen fertilizers (at the rate of 1.2 to 1.7 kg of fertilizer per 100 m2). Such actions will help speed up the regeneration process. That is, the grass will acquire a bright green color much faster.

Fertilizing the lawn using a seeder

Important information: For fertilizing, you can use ammonium nitrate, urea, or specially created complex fertilizers for lawns in the spring. They need to be distributed evenly throughout the site.

Fertilizing can be done manually or using a seeder designed specifically for this purpose.


Start watering your lawn personal plot necessary, taking into account current weather conditions and associated humidity indicators. Experts recommend doing this in the early morning, because daytime watering, as a rule, leads to poor absorption of liquid by the soil due to its accelerated evaporation and causes minor burns of the green mass (water droplets on the grass act as a lens concentrating the sun's rays at one point). Evening watering, especially on a cool and foggy evening due to excessive humidity, can contribute to the occurrence of diseases in your lawn.

Important information: After adding useful fertilizers to the soil, it is necessary to water it abundantly. After treating the grass with herbicides, on the contrary, watering it is contraindicated.

It is better to water the lawn early in the morning

Work schedule for each month

We have familiarized ourselves with a detailed description of the basic lawn care procedures. It's time to schedule them for each month. Let us immediately note that the indicated time is not a dogma. You need to rely on current weather conditions. For example, if March turned out to be cold and the lawn is still covered with a layer of snow, there can be no talk of any work.


Lawn care usually just begins in March. During the period of active melting snow mass try to avoid prolonged waterlogging of the lawn and in every possible way avoid the formation of puddles on it. Be sure to prick all wet areas with a standard or hollow-teeth fork (ideally, drainage first). Try to minimize movement on wet lawn surfaces. This will help avoid the formation of ruts, bumps, tracks and potholes, which are especially noticeable on young lawns.

A few days after the soil has dried, roll and comb your lawn. If, while working, you notice the initial signs of lawn diseases, you will need urgent treatment with fungicides. These substances will help prevent further spread.


After upper layer has dried thoroughly, it’s time to remove dry and rotten leaves and shoots from it, as well as the remnants of felt from the last autumn-winter period. That is, carry out the verticutation procedure described above. If you don't have special machine– pick up a regular fan rake and move along and across your lawn. Timely verticutation is an excellent prevention of fungal diseases in the lawn.

Special shoes for lawn verticutation

April is the month when a stable positive temperature background is usually established outside. It's time to spend spring feeding your lawn with complex fertilizers, which contain predominantly nitrogen. This beneficial nutrient, combined with phosphorus, potassium and other microelements, will help the lawn quickly recover. Fertilizer is usually applied manually. Under no circumstances exceed the dosage indicated on the package - otherwise you will only harm the young grass.

Helpful information. If your lawn is very sparse, experts advise carrying out reseeding planned for May as early as April. Reduce the rate of complete seed sowing by 2 times and scatter the required amount of seeds evenly throughout the lawn.

Don't forget to water your lawn thoroughly. By the way, if you did not manage to apply fertilizers in a timely manner, it is permissible to do this even after overseeding.


In May, you may already need to mow the lawn for the first time in the new season. After the grass has grown by about 7-9 centimeters, mow it evenly, leaving only 5, maximum 6. There is no need to mow lower - the lawn should have time to recover. Use a special lawnmower with a grass catcher that does not leave residue directly on the lawn. Otherwise, rotting may begin on its surface during frequent rains.

May – time to mow the lawn

  1. Mow all affected areas low, then clear them of any remaining grass clippings.
  2. Loosen the top ball of soil using a rake or cultivator.
  3. Level the surface.
  4. Perform seed scarification. This is the name for superficial damage to their hard shell to accelerate growth. To do this, you can wrap them in a layer of gauze and alternately dip them in hot and ice water for 2-3 minutes. Or mix and grind with sand.
  5. Sow fresh seeds lawn grass and carry out mulching - covering the seeds with a centimeter layer of a mixture of sand and peat. This way they can settle in.
  6. Roll the lawn where you are overseeding.
  7. Water the grass everywhere, not just where you overseeded.

To get a higher percentage of germination, feed the seeding areas with “starter” lawn fertilizer.

If you find areas of grass affected by diseases, take immediate measures to improve its health and stop the spread of infection. Choose specific activities based on the type of disease.

From time to time, it happens that on top of the surface of a fresh lawn there appear places with noticeably thinning grass, called bald spots by gardeners. If they have small sizes– the optimal solution would be to replace damaged areas with new fragments of turf. They can be taken from any other places, for example, from the edge of your lawn or from an area under bushes. If these bald spots are too large, add more grass in these places. To do this, first loosen the soil with a pitchfork, then level the surface (add sand if necessary), and finally sow the seeds.

Bald spots on the lawn need to be dealt with

When the weather is humid outside, you can sometimes notice a white substance that sticks together the grass stems. It's called "snow mold." This is a terrible, but, unfortunately, very common disease. It's not easy to fight her. Therefore, as soon as you notice the first signs of this disease– immediately begin to take action to eliminate it. Sometimes on initial stage It may be enough to cut the grass very short in the area where the first traces of mold are concentrated. You can also spray the entire grass with protective antifungal drug. But if the problem manifests itself in large areas of the lawn, and the mold has spread beyond measure, be prepared to re-lay or sow the lawn.

It happens that after winter, small depressions appear on the surface of the lawn, inside which liquid accumulates. This indicates that the soil in these areas is not dense enough. Decide this problem This can be done by loosening the soil and filling the discovered areas with sand or peat. First you need to cut a layer of turf in the shape of a triangle, and then remove the resulting layer. Next, loosen the soil and mix it with added sand or peat. Maintain a 1:1 ratio. Remove the remaining excess soil and return the cut layer of turf to its place, pressing it firmly to the ground. If the recess is large in size, the operation described above may not be enough. Then you will have to replant the grass again, having previously prepared the ground for this.

Video. Spring lawn care package

The ideal lawn for a summer cottage

To get a perfect, even lawn and cause the envy of your neighbors, you need to try hard. Lawn care requires quite a lot of effort and is necessary throughout summer season. It includes many different procedures that not only help good growth and the development of herbal coverings, but also serve as prevention against diseases.

Read our article about how to properly care for a lawn, what fertilizers should be used, and what equipment will help treat a large area.

Lawn care after winter

If you want a beautiful lawn, you should start caring for it as soon as the snow melts. TO compulsory work include:

  • soil drainage;
  • alignment, trimming edges;
  • verticulation (aeration and scarification);
  • restoration of bald spots;
  • feeding;
  • cutting and watering.

How to deal with melt water in spring

One of the most big problems after winter - melt water. A large amount of liquid collects on the lawn, which subsequently negatively affects the quality of the grass cover and causes fungal diseases at the grasses To eliminate this drawback, when laying the canvas, it is necessary to provide drainage to remove excess moisture. Such a system will be very useful in rainy summers.

Another perfect solution to combat stagnant water on the site - use a landscape slope technique. This option can be used during the formation of a site or part of it, when zoning is carried out or the soil is leveled for sowing a lawn.

The idea is to make the overall slope of the ground surface 3-5 degrees towards the final boundary of the site. The result is a kind of slope that will not be visually noticeable. At its lower border rummages drainage ditch to drain water from the site.

Leveling the lawn after winter, trimming edges

After the water has left the area and the grass has dried out a little, you can continue caring for the lawn in the spring. It should be rolled with a special garden roller Sadko HLR-57 or Elephant.

You can also compact it using a board. Pressing the soil with your weight, you need to gradually move the plate evenly across the entire plane of the lawn. This is necessary in order to level the surface of the lawn as much as possible and press the grass roots to the ground after thawing.

The edges of the canvas tend to lose their shape due to grass growth. To give the lawn an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to level the contour once a year. You don't have to make a straight stripe - it can be an arc, a wave, or any other shape that you like.

How to care for lawn grass

Verticulation is the name given to comprehensive lawn grass care, including aeration and scarification of the turf. This is done twice in the spring (after winter and in mid-May), and then repeated if necessary to remove the accumulated layer of debris and felt from the grass and open air access to the roots.

The aeration procedure is best carried out with a special aerator, for example Husqvarna AR19 1100 or Gardena ES 500. You can also use ordinary garden forks: you need to evenly pierce the turf layer at a distance of 10-15 cm, and to a depth of 10 cm.

During scarification, moss and weeds are removed from the surface of the canvas and the felt is combed out. As a result, the soil becomes loose, the access of air, water and minerals to the roots is facilitated, and the grass quickly grows. The procedure can be carried out with a regular rake, but for convenience it is better to use a Gardena EVC1000 or Husqvarna S500 PRO scarifier. Prevention should be carried out in late spring.

How to care for your lawn when bald spots appear

Fertilizing the lawn in spring

After winter, grass needs a lot of nutrients. To maintain the balance of the nutrient medium, fertilizing with a higher content of nitrogen and less potassium and phosphorus (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate) is suitable.

The lawn should be fertilized after the second mowing and verticulation. Fertilizer granules are applied to the surface of the grass and then watered well. IN rainy weather There is no need for additional moisture. It is not recommended to carry out the feeding procedure in hot, dry weather.

Lawn grass care: cutting and watering in spring

basis regular care The lawn is being mowed. For this purpose, lawn mowers (Gardena Power Max 42E or Husqvarna LC 356V) and trimmers (Gardena PowerCut 500 or AL-KO BC 1200 E) are used. The height of the grass should not exceed 4.5-5 cm.

If the cutting could not be done on time, and the grass has grown too much, then first mow it halfway with a trimmer, and the second mowing is carried out using a lawn mower, leaving the grass cover at the required height.

Haircuts should be done regularly every 7-10 days, and during the rainy season the interval is reduced to 5-6 days. It is quite convenient to use the Grunhelm EM-618B lawn mower with a container for mowed grass, which immediately after mowing can be sent to compost or to garden beds as mulch. With frequent mowing, the grass begins to bush and becomes denser, which gives the area a neater appearance.

In hot weather, the grass quickly dries out, the cover becomes red and completely loses its aesthetic appearance. Watering can be done from a hose or using an automatic irrigation system, which is installed simultaneously with the drainage system at the time of laying the canvas.

Modern systems with electronic air and soil humidity sensors, they can turn the water supply on and off without human help. Timely and regular watering will allow you to grow thick, vibrant and juicy grass, keeping your lawn looking emerald throughout the summer.

Lawn care in spring video

Summer lawn care

Caring for lawn grass in summer includes watering, fertilizing and removing weeds from the grass surface. If these activities are not carried out regularly, the lawn can very quickly lose its appearance.

At the beginning of summer, the turf should be aerated again. This should be done on a cool and humid, but not rainy day. During aeration, the appearance of the coating is slightly disturbed, so at the end of the work you need to carefully level the surface with a rake.

At the end of summer, it is advisable to carry out verticulation again, and, if necessary, reseeding the grass. The lawn should be fed in August with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, or with ready-made complex lawn care products (Fertika, Bona Forte, Pokon).

In addition to regular watering and mowing, do not forget to remove weeds as they grow. Weeding can be done manually, or use selective herbicides (Agrokiller, Lontrel-zood). These drugs destroy monocotyledonous weeds without affecting dicotyledonous cereals.

How to care for your lawn in autumn

With the arrival of autumn, when the heat begins to subside, watering of the area is gradually reduced, and if there is enough precipitation, then it is stopped completely. In September it is necessary to carry out aeration and scarification again.

With the beginning of leaf fall, you should regularly remove fallen leaves and constantly keep the lawn clean. This will protect the grass from rotting and disease. As necessary, winter sowing of herbs should be carried out.

Disease control and prevention

Few experts know the answer to the question of how to care for lawn grass so that it does not get sick. Most fungal diseases occur due to high acidity of the soil. Throughout the year, various mineral fertilizers, which in turn significantly increase the pH level.

Lawn grass prefers slightly acidic soils, so when acidity increases, green growth stops, moss, rot, and others may appear. fungal diseases.

After testing the soil for acidity and confirming the problem, it is necessary to carry out the liming procedure. Doing so better in autumn once every 3-4 years. Ground limestone is used for liming the soil. wood ash or dolomite flour. Consumption should not exceed 500 g. on square meter canvases.

How to choose lawn care equipment

Depending on the size of the lawn, different techniques can be used. If the lawn is small, you can get by with a simple set gardening tools: rakes, pitchforks, hoes. On medium areas for relief manual labor It is better to use electric and motor units.

These include: seeders, aerators, verticutters, lawn mowers, trimmers, rollers, garden vacuum cleaners. They can be of universal use with various removable accessories. For large areas, it is rational to use a mini-tractor or walk-behind tractor with a set of attachments.

When purchasing a particular unit, carefully read the technical data. This will help you do right choice and purchase exactly the equipment that is most suitable for your site.

Bottom line

A beautiful emerald lawn in your yard is the result of hard work and regular maintenance. Use garden and lawn equipment to create a unique landscape without effort, and you will be able from early spring to late autumn enjoy the beautiful view.

Have a beautiful green lawn on your summer cottage not so easy. In order for your lawn to please you for a long time, it should be given special attention every spring.

When positive temperatures are established and the top layer of grass is dried, it is recommended to begin preparing the green area for the next season, in other words, already in early spring You should start restoring the lawn after wintering.

As a rule, the basis spring care should include the following steps:

  • combing;
  • aeration;
  • feeding;
  • sowing new grass (optional).

Video: spring lawn care


Important! No matter how much you would like to grab a fan or ordinary rake upon arrival at the site and begin spring combing, you should refrain from this procedure until the grass is completely dry.

  • For combing, you can use a simple rake or a fan rake. The latter are more desirable and convenient, because ordinary ones can tear out the grass along with the roots, especially if you have young crops (they are 1-2 years old).
  • First, you should collect all fallen leaves and other debris in the area.
  • Next, comb the lawn well, that is, you need to comb out all the compacted grass that is on the surface of the ground, and then collect it in a pile and take it to compost pit or destroy (burn).

Video: combing the lawn in early spring


This is the process of enriching the upper and lower layers of the lawn with oxygen, in other words, providing air access to the roots, which contributes to faster development of the root system. Thus, acting with special devices, the soil is pierced to a shallow depth (8-10 centimeters). It should be noted that for young grass 3-5 cm will be enough.

You can use various means to aerate your lawn. For example, verticutters or scarifiers (they are mechanical, electric and gasoline). With the help of these same units, it is possible to comb out especially large areas, which are very difficult to handle with a rake, as well as time- and labor-intensive.

By the way! If you have a small area, then you can use special aerator sandals or a pitchfork to perform this procedure.

Video: lawn aeration in spring

Feeding and fertilizer

Fertilizing is a very important part of spring lawn care. During this period, it is necessary to give preference to nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which help any plants grow green mass. For example, ammonium nitrate or urea (urea). There are also special complex mixtures for feeding the lawn (usually spring-summer).

By the way! It is very convenient to apply prolonged complex fertilizers, especially for use on large areas. It is enough to apply them in early spring, and this will last until the end of the growing season (that is, there will be no need to feed in summer and autumn).

According to some gardeners, it is most convenient to use liquid fertilizers. If you follow the proportions, you will definitely not burn out the young grass, unlike dry and granular analogues.

After fertilizing the lawn, it is imperative to water it abundantly: to prevent the young grass from burning out with fertilizer granules, they must be dissolved with water at all costs.

The main thing when applying fertilizer is to distribute it evenly throughout the entire yellow-green area, otherwise the grass will grow unevenly and it will look sloppy.

By the way! There are special devices for feeding lawn grass.

Video: what and when to feed the lawn

Restoration (seeding of lawn grasses)

If there are damaged areas on the lawn ( various kinds bald spots), then it should be darned or restored, in other words, a new one should be installed. To do this, you should clean its upper part, lightly loosen it, and then evenly sow the seeds and mulch with a thin layer of soil (with the addition of river sand). Then tamp down well.

Advice! Over the winter, uneven spots can form on your lawn. Such depressions should also be filled with soil.

Video: lawn restoration

Thus, if you properly care for your lawn in the spring, then every year you will have a beautiful emerald green lawn, which will attract the envious glances of your lazier neighbors.

Video: spring lawn care

In contact with

: 10 stages

The winter period is the hardest in the life of a lawn. It is often subject to freezing, excessive moisture, various diseases, trampling. Bald spots, yellow spots, pits, and bumps appear. You can repair all this damage if you know how to care for your lawn in the spring.

In spring, the lawn requires the most attention. At this time, the foundations for his growth and development throughout the season are laid. After winter, a lawn requires care and attention, just like a garden. However, the mechanism of its revival has a specific character.

Lawn care in spring is carried out in stages. Experts advise performing work in the following sequence:

1. Disposal of melt water
2. Weed removal
3. Combing
4. Feeding
5. Watering
6. Aeration
7. Restoration (repair)
8. Treatment
9. Fight against unwanted animals
10. Haircut

When does lawn work begin in the spring?

Lawn care begins in early spring, when the first warm weather arrives and the snow begins to melt. First of all, it is necessary to destroy the ice crust - crust. It prevents the penetration of oxygen and disrupts plant respiration. You can break thin ice with a rake, and thicker ice with a pitchfork.

As a rule, this work can begin at the end of March, when the thaw sets in. In any case, you should familiarize yourself with the forecasts of weather forecasters. If there is a possibility of frost returning, you should wait until April.

Before you take care of your lawn, stock up on wood planks. They will have to be used to move around the site. Otherwise, you risk trampling and further injuring delicate plants.

1. Disposal of melt water

Lawn care after winter begins with draining melt water. To prevent the lawn from being covered with puddles in the spring, arrange drainage system. If drainage is not done, this can lead to the formation of holes and plant rotting. In this case, you will have to drain the water manually.

It happens that part of the area has already dried out, and in some places there is still snow. It is necessary to ensure its rapid melting. Try to distribute the snowdrifts throughout the area. Then the lawn after winter will not be subject to excessive waterlogging, and the top layer of soil will dry out evenly.

2. Weed removal

With the beginning of spring, weeds awaken. It takes away nutrients and moisture. At the same time, the earth becomes depleted and dries out. Weeds also spoil decorative look lawns. They can be dealt with in two ways: removed mechanically or chemically.

The mechanical method is more labor-intensive. Weeding can be done manually or using a shovel, hoe, or root extractor. Weed rhizomes must be carefully pryed and pulled out completely to prevent the subsequent appearance of the weed through vegetative division by the root. At the same time, you should try not to extract too much big clods land. This method is used in small areas.

Lawn care large sizes requires the use of chemicals to remove weeds - herbicides. Chemical solution Prepare immediately before processing in compliance with the dosage indicated on the package. It is applied locally to the weeds with a brush or sprayer. Selective herbicides should be used that kill weeds and do not harm lawn grass.

Working with herbicides requires special care. Treatment is carried out in calm weather with the obligatory use of personal protective equipment (overalls, respirator). Children or pets should not be nearby.

3. Combing the lawn

Remains of dry grass are a breeding ground for infections and insect pests. They need to be removed by combing turf rake. This process is called scarification. Before fertilizing the lawn in the spring, it is necessary to comb it to better penetrate the fertilizer to the roots.

The main tasks of scarification:

- removal of “felt” (dead parts of plants)
- destruction of moss
- improved access sunlight to escape
- loosening the crust on the soil (improving air exchange of roots and reducing the risk of diseases)

Before caring for your lawn grass, make sure the soil is thoroughly dry. Otherwise, combing may cause the roots of lawn grass to be pulled out. You should walk with a rake over the entire area of ​​the site in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Collected waste must not be stored on the lawn. It can be used for compost or taken away.

It is recommended to use a rigid rake with twisted teeth. With them it is possible to clean lawn felt with the highest quality. If you have young lawns, caring for them requires increased care. In this case, soft fan rakes are used.

4. Feeding the grass

In April-May, lawn care continues after winter. When set positive temperature regime, the lawn is fertilized with complex fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen. They also contain phosphorus, potassium and other useful trace elements. Fertilized shoots will recover faster after winter and will be denser and brighter.

It is best to apply fertilizer when the lawn grass is still green. active growth. Fertilizing must be distributed evenly in strict accordance with the standards specified by the manufacturer. You can use a special sieve for this.

Under the influence sun rays granules can “burn” the emerging grass cover. Therefore, it is better to fertilize the lawn in the evening or in cloudy weather. The ideal time is before the rain. If the weather is dry, the area should be watered generously to dissolve the granules as quickly as possible.

5. Watering the lawn grass

Watering with a jet is not permissible, it washes out the roots and damages the cover. The best system lawn watering - drip. Perfect option- automatic with several sprayers covering the entire area of ​​the lawn.

You need to water in the evening so that less water evaporates and more is absorbed. Don't overdo it. To avoid overwatering, control the volume of water.

Place glass cups on the grass in different places. Record the time during which a little more than 1 cm of water is collected in them. This is a one-time watering rate. In accordance with the results obtained, set the timer for the automatic watering system.

6. Soil aeration

Vertical puncture of compacted soil is called aeration. You can compare this process with ventilation. Aeration greatly improves the penetration of air and water into the soil. The puncture holes provide artificial gas exchange: oxygen penetrates to the roots and carbon dioxide is removed, which inhibits the growth of lawn grass.

The simplest tool for aeration is a garden fork. The puncture depth should be at least 10 cm. The appearance of the lawn does not suffer in any way. You can use special devices, for example, aerator sandals with spikes. Such a walk on the lawn will not only provide ventilation to the roots of the plants, but will also pump up your legs (which will be very useful before the beach season).

If you have a large lawn, you can make maintaining it easier by purchasing an aerator rake. They have thin teeth-plates that cut the soil horizontally. This tool allows you to combine combing and aeration into one procedure. There are also roller aerators that have a spiked roller. They are even more convenient to work with.

7. Lawn repair

Areas damaged in winter in the form of bald spots and uneven areas require restoration. It is also sometimes necessary to touch up the edges of the lawn. Restoration includes the following procedures:

- digging up “bald” areas
- bedding soil into holes, cutting off the tubercles
- compaction (with a lawn roller or barrel)
- sowing grass mixture
- watering
- mulching

8. Lawn treatment

Yellow zones, gray spots on the grass, mold, mildew, mosses, lichens are lawn diseases. They can be treated chemicals or by removing affected areas and reseeding. Chemicals, as a rule, need to be sprayed 2 times with breaks of 2-3 days.

You need to constantly review the area and identify unhealthy trends in time. Owners who know how to properly care for their lawn recommend disease prevention every spring. To do this, you need to treat the lawn with iron and copper sulfate.

9. Control of unwanted fauna

Moles can live on the lawn in summer, earthworms, ants. They worsen the decorative appearance of the lawn, damage it, and also cause discomfort to people. The fight against them must begin even before they appear.

Install against moles mole parrots (scaring sounds). Although worms improve soil aeration, they also make earthen piles, crushing grass. Mulching will protect you from such troubles. To prevent ants from bothering you when relaxing on the lawn, we treat you with “ akkelik."

10. Lawn mowing

Lawn grass begins to grow at a temperature of +5, so in May it reaches a height of 10 cm. It’s time for the first haircut. This work should only be carried out with a lawnmower on dry grass. The grass cover is mowed to approximately half its height (up to 5 cm) to allow it to recover after winter. All subsequent haircuts will not be so gentle.

A mowed lawn will not delight you with its well-groomed appearance for long. The second haircut should be done after a couple of weeks. You can cut your hair lower - 3-4 cm. It is worth continuing to adhere to this frequency (once every 2 weeks). The cut grass does not have to be removed from the lawn - it will serve as mulch and natural fertilizer.

What to do with the lawn in summer, autumn, winter?

Lawn care begins in early spring and ends in late autumn. Your lawn needs periodic attention throughout the season. However, the most labor-intensive spring activities are already behind us.

During the summer months, lawn grass requires care in the form of fertilizing, weeding, cutting, and watering. It is advisable to carry out aeration 1-2 times during the summer. You also need to trim the edges of the lawn.

Caring for lawn grass in the fall involves the same work as in the summer. However, their number is gradually decreasing. Haircuts and watering are becoming less and less. In rainy times, the lawn is repaired by overseeding and fertilizing with potash fertilizers. Before winter, the area is cleared of leaves and aerated.

In winter, the vegetation on the lawn enters a dormant period; it is advisable not to disturb it. Avoid walking or storing anything on the lawn. You cannot fill the skating rink in this place in winter. If the winter has little snow, it is recommended to throw snow from the paths onto the lawn to protect it from freezing. Winter is the time to prepare tools and equipment for lawn care

Lawn care using special equipment

Most lawn work is quite labor intensive. If you have seeded a large lawn, it is easier to maintain the lawn using special equipment. It saves time and effort.

A mechanical seeder can be used to disperse fertilizer. This way the granules are distributed more evenly. For combing, scarifiers or special attachments on a lawn mower are used. Electrical combers at the same time aerate the lawn. There are also motor aerators, which are indispensable when processing particularly large areas.

Buying a rolled lawn

If you do not have a lawn or it is in poor condition, then you should think about purchasing a rolled lawn. According to statistics, this is what most homeowners around the world choose. This is a ready-to-roll sheet of turf on which grass has already been grown.

Care roll lawn doesn't require much effort. However, it also needs to be cut, watered, fertilized and combed. The appearance of a new rolled lawn is always perfect, and the subsequent appearance depends on how you look after it.


Proper lawn care

Lawn is an artificially planted grass cover that constitutes the main or background element landscape design. IN middle lane In Russia and more northern regions, it is advisable to use meadow bluegrass for planting.

Decorative lawn can be of the following types:

Parterre lawn. Must be uniform in composition, color and height. To create it, it is most advisable to use one type of grass.
Moorish lawn. Diverse in composition and contains not only herbs, but also flowering plants.

So that decorative lawn always looked impeccable, it requires careful care. This is especially true after winter.
Basic restoration measures in the post-winter period

You will need to carry out the following procedures:

  1. Neutralization of ice crust on the surface of the lawn. The crust of ice that forms on the lawn when the snow melts causes damage to the root system of lawn plants, as it disrupts air circulation. To neutralize the crust, you can use any garden tools- for example, a rake. Important: you don’t just need to chop the ice, but remove it from the lawn. This is because crushed ice will melt and refreeze faster. It is also recommended to take preventive measures against the appearance of an ice crust, which is typical for spring, when the day is warm and there are frosts at night. Prevention is carried out by organizing drainage from the lawn: surface (creating a slope) and internal (piercing the soil with a pitchfork or similar devices).
  2. Fertilizer application. In spring, lawn grass experiences a clear lack of useful nutrients and substances necessary for growth, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. This is due to the freezing of the soil during the winter, which contributes to the destruction of nutrients, and the washing out of the soil with spring waters. Important: fertilization is adequate only after the snow has completely melted. Otherwise, another washout and minimization of the desired effect is possible. Complex fertilizers It is not recommended to apply before the first mowing of lawn grass.
  3. Mulching. This is not a mandatory procedure, but is recommended in order to reduce the number of waterings (the lawn requires a large number of irrigation to maintain highly aesthetic appearance). A mixture of sand and peat is optimal for mulching.
  4. Weed control. This is most important for a uniform lawn, where the appearance of other types of plants other than uniform green grass is unacceptable. Removal of weeds is allowed manually using country tools, or by chemicals– herbicides. When using chemicals, herbicides must be applied directly to the weeds to be destroyed.
  5. Restoring the original appearance of the lawn. After the winter period, as a rule, “bald spots” and areas with yellowed grass cannot be avoided. In this case, it is necessary to carry out additional seeding at the site of damage to the lawn.
The set of actions is as follows:
  • the lawn should not be located at a level higher than other areas, as this will cause excessive leaching useful substances and soil;
  • It is recommended to fence the lawn with a stone or similar durable border;
  • It is necessary to remove animal waste products from the lawn, otherwise this may cause a chemical burn of the grass with subsequent formation of bald spots.