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How to open a door if the lock is jammed. The front door lock is jammed, what to do?

Few people have had to deal with the fact that it is impossible to get into or out of their home. And it doesn’t matter for what reason - the key is lost or it won’t turn in the well. Let's figure out what to do in such a situation, how to open the door if the lock is jammed. This is the most common case in everyday life.

What should you do at the very beginning? Explore the castle itself door structure. This will help to at least approximately determine what caused the defect. After all, before knocking out the canvas, removing it from its hinges, trying to dismantle the locking device, looking for a locksmith or calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you should analyze all external manifestations of the malfunction. In most cases, the optimal solution is found, and if the lock is jammed, you can open it yourself. Moreover, without drastic and sometimes unnecessary actions, so that later it would not take a long time to eliminate their consequences.

Possible causes of the malfunction

  • Manufacturing defects.
  • As a rule, these are the consequences of its illiterate installation, and problems with the lock appear quite quickly.
  • Increased wear of parts. By the way, this often happens if “not native” keys are used, but duplicates. Moreover, they are made according to the sample without removing and disassembling the locking device.
  • Keyhole clogged.
  • Neglecting the requirements for periodic lubrication of the mechanism.
  • Gradual deformation (skew) door block or sashes. This is the case when thinking about how to open a jammed lock is a waste of time. Most likely, you will have to either remove the canvas or cut off the loops (depending on their type).
  • The defects are in the key itself. Many people use it not only for its intended purpose, but also as an impromptu screwdriver, bottle opener, and the like. Naturally, over time, such a key in the lock turns more and more difficult, and at a certain moment (usually the most inappropriate) it jams.
  • Hacking attempt.

Next, you should evaluate the complexity of the malfunction and your capabilities. For example, if it jams metal door, then you obviously can’t do it without a special tool. And you will definitely need outside help. If it is wooden and fairly new, then solving the problem by knocking out the canvas is also impractical.

And only after analyzing all the factors can you decide rational decision What to do if the door is deformed or the lock is broken.

Typical constipation problems and solutions

The key is inserted with difficulty and not completely

Defect of the cylinder or lever mechanism. Here you can’t do without a specialist and the appropriate tool. Most likely, you will have to remove the lock (secret).

Well contamination

It needs to be washed. It is better to use a “liquid key” (WD-40), which is injected into the lock. As options - machine or vegetable oil, kerosene. This is done several times, and after each filling of the lock with liquid, a key is inserted into it and attempts are made to push it deeper. At the same time, it turns as far as possible until it stops. As a rule, two or three “series” of such operations are enough to clean the canal. In some cases, a needle or wire helps, which can be used to pull out individual fragments.

Stuck debris

This happens when trying to hack. If an attacker is scared off by someone, he will try to hide traces of his presence. And so he breaks the master key and leaves. If this is the reason the lock is jammed, then a piece of metal can be easily pushed out reverse side. But only if someone is at home and can open the front door from the inside. It is better not to try to fix this malfunction from the outside.

The key won't come out

As a rule, this indicates that the lock on the door has broken. You should try to remove the key from the well using the recommended lubricants. To prevent this from happening again, you should immediately replace either the entire mechanism or its cylinder.

Difficulty turning the key

It is necessary to determine in which cases this is observed.

  • If the mechanism jams in any position of the sash, it should be cleaned; this is the result of dirt.
  • When jamming is only at closed door, there is a deformation of the block or web. The problem can be solved by sampling material in the area of ​​the castle, but only if the structure is wooden. Distortions of the metal frame, as a rule, are not eliminated - they will have to be changed.

Latch jam

This is often an obstacle to opening the door, even if the key is turned all the way. The problem can be solved with the help of any thin and hard object - a knife blade, a metal ruler. As an option, for lack of a better one, a plastic card.

The door leaf needs to be pulled a little away from the jamb by inserting a chisel, large screwdriver or ax into the gap - whatever you can fit. This will make it easier to access the tongue that the selected “tool” clings to. After several attempts, you can press it into the lock, and the sash will swing open. But even in this case, you will have to disassemble the locking device and determine the defect. The most likely cause is a weakened or broken spring mechanism.

Lock malfunction

If all of the above methods do not produce results, and the inspection does not reveal any defects in the door and frame itself, then there is only one diagnosis - the locking device is broken.

  1. In order not to periodically waste time and not rack your brains over what to do if the lock is jammed front door, you need to engage in regular preventive maintenance of the mechanism. What may indicate the need for lubrication?
  • Characteristic sounds (grinding, rustling) when turning the key.
  • It gets stuck in the cylinder when trying to insert/pull it out.
  • Difficulty turning.
  1. Special pads help prevent contamination of the keyhole. This is primarily relevant for street doors installed at the entrance to the building.
  1. Often the locking mechanism has complex design, which comes with the original key. Practice confirms that if such a lock breaks, it is much easier to replace its cylinder (for a cylinder model) or the core of a lever lock (with subsequent recoding). Even experienced master will not be able to make a one-to-one duplicate of such a key, having only its sample. The result is increased wear of the material and clogging of the mechanism with metal dust. After some time, you are faced with the fact that the key in the lock does not turn.

Do not forget that any method of solving the problem of stubborn constipation requires care. Excessive efforts are unlikely to eliminate it, but they may well aggravate it. If the lock does not budge, it is better to turn to professionals.

Life is unpredictable and anything can happen in it, so knowing how to open a door if the lock is jammed or the key is lost will not be superfluous. Of course, the easiest way is to call a locksmith, but in some situations this is impossible or the situation requires a quick solution.

Most often, the door does not open due to a broken lock.

What to do if you can’t open the door

IN Everyday life Not everything goes smoothly and flawlessly; sometimes various kinds of troubles happen. This situation can happen to anyone - the front door lock jams, the key is lost or broken inside the system. What to do in this case? How to open a jammed or broken front door lock?

To get out of such a situation, many cunning and most simple ways. For this purpose, both improvised means such as a hairpin or wire, and special tools can be used: pliers, screwdrivers, drill, grinder, crowbar, etc. There are even special mechanical master keys.

Using a special master key to open a door

If the problem is within your power, you can deal with it yourself, otherwise you can call a mechanic from the utility service or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There are also special companies that offer door opening services in emergency situations.

How to open a lock with a hairpin

You've probably seen more than once in movies how you can open iron door using a simple pin. If your lock is broken, this method can really help, but it is not suitable for all types of locks. Break the hairpin into two parts and insert one end into the lock. Use the second part to move the pins away, and try to turn the lock with the first part. You can also use wire instead of a pin.

The interior latch can be easily opened with a regular paper clip

If a lever lock is installed, the door must be pulled back as much as possible, and then the wire must be threaded and the levers moved back. Make sure that no pieces of the master key get inside the mechanism.

A screwdriver will help

You can open the door with a screwdriver, this is especially easy to do with a cross-shaped lock; to do this, you need to remove its upper part or drill a hole above the keyhole, then insert the screwdriver and turn the mechanism. Similar method also suitable to open the door if the handle is broken. If you need to move the latch, remove the front panel and feel with a screwdriver.

You can open the door with a screwdriver different ways depending on the type of lock

Now let's look at how to open the standard lock interior door keyless. The mechanism of such structures is quite simple. If the lock is a plug with a pin on the back side, you can try to open it with a flat screwdriver, pliers, a knife or a plastic card; sometimes you can even turn it with your fingernail, without using foreign objects. This situation is a fairly common occurrence, for example, a small child may lock himself in a room from the inside, or a person in the bathroom will become ill, and access to him will be impossible due to a closed door.

If the handle breaks, you need to try to insert a screwdriver, card or any other suitable object into the opening between the door and the frame in order to move the tongue.

What to do if the key is broken

Another thing is to open door lock co . First you need to remove the fragment. If its end sticks out, you can get by with pliers, but if it is stuck in the mechanism itself, then the task will be much more difficult to cope with.

In order to remove a broken key from the lock, you can use pliers, a drill or a jigsaw blade

A thin jigsaw blade can help; insert it into the keyhole from the bottom side with the teeth facing up, then turn it to engage the key, carefully remove the blade along with the fragment. Further, the same methods can help, how to open the door lock without a key. If there is a second key, and the mechanism is not damaged, additional measures will not be required at all.

If the key could not be obtained, it is necessary to unwind the lock and remove the chip. The cylinder lock can be drilled to get the larva. In general, it is quite difficult to open the door in this case.

How to open a balcony door

How to quickly open a plastic balcony door if the lock or handle is broken? There are several ways to do this. If the door is slammed and there is no handle on the back to open it, you need to somehow get to it. To do this, you need to remove the double-glazed window from the door leaf; it is held in place by glazing beads; carefully remove them and remove the glass. Now the handle can be reached without problems.

To open plastic door you can try to remove the glass pane

The second way is to reduce the strength of the vestibule. To do this, use a hex key to unscrew the screw on the hinges. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to do with the door closed.

Use of heavy artillery

When the methods described above do not help, more radical methods must be used. Of course, it is better not to allow this to happen, because after dismantling the lock and door you will have to either major renovation system, or its complete replacement.

In particularly difficult cases, the lock will have to be replaced with a new one

If the lock is broken and more gentle methods are powerless, how to open a metal door in this case? You can also try . Modern models are equipped with security bolts that protect against hacking in this way, so this will not always help; in this case, you need to cut the hinges of the bolts with a grinder.

Another way is to saw the lock tongue, but this is only possible if there is sufficient clearance between the blade and the frame. If there is a gap at the front door, a crowbar can help. Find a suitable gap and insert the tool, try to find the most vulnerable spot and pry it off.

If you do not want to risk the integrity of the structure, and you have not mastered the indicated methods of how to open the front door if the lock is broken, it is better to call a specialist, he will quickly cope with the task with minimal losses.

Damage methods: what to do if the lock is not padlocked

The peace of mind of the residents of a house or apartment depends on the reliability of the door lock. But there are situations when you want to break it. Usually this does not apply to locking structures on your door, but to your neighbor’s, in order to take revenge on him for inappropriate behavior. The article will tell you how to quietly damage a door lock and, if necessary, fix it.

Sometimes revenge covers a person completely. But it should be served cold.

The reasons for it may be:

  • IN apartment building, frequent and great noise from cheerful companies that the neighbors from above gather.
  • I'm tired of my neighbor making repairs forever. A buzzing hammer drill not only disturbs the sleep of small children, but also drives an adult to neurosis.
  • Gossip neighbors, envy.
  • The incessant cry of a baby.
  • Dog howls and barks.
  • Smoking on the stairwell leading to seepage tobacco smoke to the apartment.

If no amount of persuasion and entreaty helps to get rid of such troubles, the question arises, what to do? Often the first thing that comes to mind is to break the structure - then the neighbor will not come out to smoke, and guests will not be able to quickly get to him.


Advice: Before you ruin your neighbor’s door lock with your own hands, you should remember the criminal code, or rather its article, which provides for punishment for intentional damage or destruction of property.

You can spoil the element in different ways, they depend on the type of construction and the presence of certain tools presented in the photo.

Tools for damage

The most common ways to ruin a door lock are:

  • Pouring instant glue into the keyhole. This composition instantly blocks all functions of the device. Glue - great option break not only the built-in lock, but also the padlock. For some other options, watch the video.

Glue in the well

  • Application of cold welding.

  • Filling the keyhole with pins, toothpicks or other small objects.

  • Hammering coins into the key hole. This is quite easy to do in lever structures that have big sizes keyhole.
  • Application polyurethane foam , spoiling both the element itself and the door trim.

Blowing the well with foam

  • Sealing the mechanism with chewing gum.

Screwing in a self-tapping screw

  • Special breakdown of a similar key in a keyhole. This often happens when an apartment is robbed, when you need to find a key that fits the lock.

  • Breaking the hinged element using wrenches.

Photo from the site Open-locks.rf

When the key turns in the mechanism or there are other difficulties when opening the shutter, this is an alarm bell. Often such problems lead to the fact that the door at a certain moment is blocked and a person cannot get inside the room.

Annoying troubles can happen at home, in the office or in the garage. The main thing in such a situation is to remain calm and, if possible, turn to specialists. But it is also possible to fix the problem yourself. In this article we will tell you what to do if the lock of the front iron door jams.

Photo from the site 02-ufa.ru

Types of locking structures

The sequence of actions that will help you get into the building is different depending on the structure of the mechanism. In an effort to make the shutter more reliable and minimize the possibility of hacking, manufacturers are changing the principle of operation. The most popular types of deadbolts are:

  • cylinder;
  • mortise;
  • overhead;
  • mounted

To find out how to open a jammed front door lock, let's look at the features of their device.


The most common type of shutter. Many experts advise the installation of just such mechanisms, as they are the most reliable and durable. To increase the service life can be increased by installing a special titanium gasket on the body.

Photo from Gorodverey.ru

This device is quite simple to install. The secret of its strength is that it can only be opened with a standard (original) key.

The design is a set of cylinders located in the same plane. In a calm state, the crossbars are at the same level, a straightened spring presses on them from above, and there is a plug under each active element. A through groove for a flat key is cut into the shutter body.

When the door is opened, the unlocking element, thanks to its thread, clamps the springs of certain cylinders; when turned, the plugs are removed from their place.

Photo from ebay.co.uk

This mechanism is quite easy to use, but how to get out of the situation if the lock cylinder of the front door is jammed?

To open the core, you need to remove the housing and disassemble it using a screwdriver. To do this, you need to insert the key and keep it in a static position. Then find the fasteners on the end of the mechanism and unscrew them.

When replacing pistons, it is important to take into account their exact size, because they may not fit and you will have to buy a new element.


This type of design is reliably protected from burglary, but opening it in the event of a breakdown is problematic. If in the previous mechanism it was possible to replace one component, then this shutter device requires more careful preparation.

This happens due to the fact that the bolt does not have removable parts. To remove a defective copy, you will need more than one, several screwdrivers. The dismantling procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • First, the handle is pulled out; first you need to loosen the clamping force by unscrewing the screws.
  • Next, the decorative panel is removed.
  • Then the bolts are unscrewed from the end part of the structure, which allows the entire body to be removed from the canvas.

When choosing a new mechanism, take the old one with you or measure its parameters; such preparations will eliminate the need to make adjustments and fill gaps in the sashes.


How to open a jammed front door lock? The principle of removing such a structure is similar to dismantling a cylinder valve.

What is this mechanism? The name speaks for itself. The body seems to be placed on top of the canvas, and does not cut into the end. From the inside, such a device simply snaps into place. Therefore, you can often encounter the problem that the key turns inside the core while the bolt on that side remains motionless. Lubricating the elements or replacing the spring will help prevent final breakdown of the locking structure.

Photo from the website Instrument.ludus.rf

In both cases, the box must be removed. To do this, all fasteners are unscrewed. Then the cover is removed and the remaining fasteners are removed. Next, the functional elements are replaced. Due to the low cost, you can replace the entire case with all contents. A simple device quickly breaks down due to frequent loads.


This type of mechanism is installed in garages or utility rooms. The entire body is brought out and is supported by a metal bow, which is threaded into a loop.

Such valves are easy to use and do not cause any complaints in terms of reliability. But since they often come into contact with an aggressive external environment, they often fail - due to rain, temperature changes and fresh air, the metal simply oxidizes and easily corrodes. The inner cylinder gradually stops functioning.

Photo from Osaexpress.ru

Typically, such mechanisms are dismantled by cutting the bow and then replacing it with a new device. But if the lock is still strong, then you need to take a thin aluminum plate and clean the main groove.

Causes of shutter problems

Often there is no sign of a breakdown, but the mechanism still fails. Why does the front door lock jam and how can I fix it?

The methods for unlocking the shutter largely depend on the reason for which it failed.

Even if the door opens directly onto the street, it is necessary to protect the bolt from natural factors (rain, fog, wind) with the help of a canopy or vestibule. Because corrosion is the most common cause of mechanism failure.

If we are dealing with a standard situation, that is, the entrance doors open onto a warm and clean entrance, then the larva may not work due to a number of factors:

  • wear of internal parts;
  • manufacturing defect;
  • errors during installation of the structure;
  • misuse;
  • mechanical damage to the box.

Stuck lock, how to open it in this case? To avoid trouble due to a factory oversight, you need to check the product without leaving the cash register, turning the key in the core several times. You also need to inspect the integrity of the cylinders and, if possible (if the top panel of the housing is removed), the safety of the springs.

Photo from Fanfamilyguy.ru

It is easier to fix a malfunction in advance than to wait until dubious signals lead to a fatal breakdown, which can be eliminated by cutting off the old mechanism. What to pay attention to:

  • when opening or closing, the lock makes squeaks and noises;
  • the key seems to encounter obstacles;
  • On the contrary, the “sting” easily scrolls, leaving the door closed.

There are a number of preventive measures that will help avoid annoying breakdowns:

  • install an additional gasket that will prevent dust, foreign particles and other debris from getting into the well;
  • regularly lubricate the parts of the locking mechanism;
  • exclude the possibility of opening the door using master keys and devices not intended for these purposes (poor quality
  • duplicates or keys with erased divisions);
  • contact with door leaf be careful, do not slam the doors;
  • use keys only for their intended purpose and not for any other purpose economic purposes(unscrewing screws, opening a tin can);
  • monitor the installation of the mechanism (initially there should be no distortions in the design).

The owner's manual for your new lock will give you some tips on how to open a stuck door lock.

Photo from the site http://yoshkar-ola.medvezhata.rf

Emergency cases

Our modern life is very mobile, but no one is immune from unforeseen situations. So write in mobile phone several service numbers for opening deadbolts.

After all, it may happen that you find yourself outside without tools and the ability to get inside. Then the answer to the question of what to do if the door lock is hopelessly jammed is simple: knock on your neighbors and ask for a screwdriver or call a technician.

Modern aid agencies respond quite quickly. Some craftsmen will fix your problem while maintaining the integrity of the body, cylinder and even the door leaf itself.

To visualize how to quickly and without causing damage to the parts of the locking structure, watch the video, which will tell you what to do if the lock of the front door is jammed.

As a conclusion

Dismantling the main types of valves requires little preparation and tools. Some structures can be removed by unscrewing the fasteners, while others are better cut off. In this article we answered the question of how to open a door lock if it is jammed. If you do not have the appropriate skills, it is better to turn to specialists. This will help avoid damage to the key itself and other functional elements.

It often happens that the lock suddenly breaks, the door is jammed, or the child closes it from the inside, but is not able to unlock it. This is not insurmountable in most cases when the key is available. You can use several recommendations that will help you navigate in difficult times and open the lock in the door.

Door locks have various designs, therefore, to eliminate the causes of breakdown of a particular locking device You should know some subtleties.

In order to quickly eliminate the consequences of an emergency, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause that caused such an unpleasant situation. There are many reasons, but the most common are the following:

  • the castle fell into disrepair;
  • the latch moved back;
  • the tongue is jammed;
  • a key is stuck in the hole.

Algorithm for finding the cause of the problem

If the latch begins to jam, you need to unscrew the locking mechanism with a screwdriver and eliminate the cause of the breakdown.

Depending on the type of lock, we will try to find out the reason for its breakdown:

  1. To determine the problem area that is causing the door to stay closed, you need to pry it in several places with a large screwdriver and try to move it.
  2. After this, you need to decide which method of eliminating the emergency is most suitable.

Let's look at some of the most common causes of lock failure and how to fix them.

What to do when the latch moves?

Sometimes the reason for the inability to unlock a door in which the latch is mounted is that the latter is not twisted enough when opening. To completely close the door, you need to push it to force the latch, which has moved a few millimeters, into the groove. This is enough to secure it tightly in the box.

In such a situation, little is required: place a hard object in the gap between the frame and the door leaf (you can use the same screwdriver) and press the door.

What to do when the lock tongue is jammed?

When the door is not locked with a key, but you cannot open it when you turn the handle (due to the fact that the tongue is jammed), then you can try the following. Find a flexible and flat object (for example, a metal ruler, knife, plastic card). After this you need to do this:

  1. Tilt the map in direction door handle and press on it. There should be a feeling of sliding along the inclined tongue cut.
  2. Then you need to press the card in the opposite direction from yourself so that it helps the tongue move into locking device. In this case, you should press on the door or pull it towards you: it all depends on the direction in which the door opens.
  3. If the location does not allow you to influence the cut, then a knife blade or card is inserted from above and tilted diagonally, trying to reach the locking mechanism from the inside. Be sure to apply force when pressing the tongue.

What to do when the lock on the door is broken?

A very common reason for a door being unable to open is a broken locking mechanism. In this situation, access to its internal structure is required.

When it comes to English type lock, then it is easiest to get to its mechanism from the inside. And here drilling out the cylindrical mechanism will be sufficient.

The device creates a shock in the lock mechanism, as a result of which the locking elements take the shape of a key.

After removing the lock cylinder, try to hook the drive mechanism with a metal hook. In this case, the crossbars should go into the body.

Sometimes the cylinder is simply knocked out by hitting with a hammer any solid object of suitable size resting on it.

It will be more difficult with another type of locking device. If there are fasteners on the handle, they are unscrewed using a screwdriver or any other available “tool” - a nail file, a knife, etc.

Having dismantled the handle, take any thin object with a sharp end (a pencil or a knitting needle, for example) and use it to feel for the latch mechanism, press on it and at the same time open the door.

When the latch has nothing to do with it, and the whole point is that the lock bolt is jammed, then it is difficult to cope without the help of a specialist. But you can try the following:

  1. Remove decorative trims.
  2. Using a hammer and chisel, dismantle the part of the box into which the metal receiving plate is embedded.
  3. When you open the door towards yourself, you can open it without problems. Otherwise, the final deterioration of the box cannot be avoided. There is a chance to leave the expensive door leaf intact.

You can open the lock with a regular paper clip if you straighten it and make a hook at the end.

You can resort to one more method in the case when there is a sufficient gap between the canvas and the box through which the lock bolt can be seen.

The latter can be cut using a grinder. You can use the same method to dismantle the hinges holding interior design doors.

Important: if you know that you won’t be able to cope on your own, then you should not rush to break down the door or try to enter the room via the balcony. Contact the specialists of the company from which the door structure was purchased, or the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees who know how to open the locking mechanism with minimal losses.

In some cases, the cause of the breakdown lies in improper installation of the mechanism. By repairing, it is possible to achieve the same functionality, but only again for a while. Therefore, it has to be replaced.

It is much easier to do this than to restore the original attractiveness of a door that has been mangled by burglary.

What to do when the key is stuck on the other side of the well?

Such a situation is possible with erroneous locking from the outside (when it was believed that there was no one in the room) or with the action of a child who cannot unlock it on his own. In this state of affairs, it is quite possible to do without detrimental interference in the door structure or the locking mechanism. The method is distinguished by simplicity, ingenuity of the mind and has long been known to the majority who were locked up due to someone else's carelessness.

It is necessary to put some voluminous sheet of paper into the gap between the door and the floor: an old newspaper, a piece from a magazine, or something similar. You can try using a pin, carnation or thin knitting needle to push the key out of the hole. The fallen key on the newspaper is pulled into the room and the door is opened from the right side with the obtained key.

This option is suitable when the key in the lock is straight and the lock hole is through.

Other ways to fix the problem

If there is glazing on a slammed canvas, you can try to remove the glass by removing the frame holders. After all, glass can break. It will be much more profitable to insert it again than to completely reinstall the mutilated structure.

Having two-way access to the lock mechanism device, it is much easier to dismantle or open it.

Having noticed such malfunctions as malfunctions in the functioning of the lock or sagging of the web, it is necessary to urgently take measures to eliminate them.

There is no point in bringing the situation to the point of unscheduled intervention.