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What are linkrusta wallpapers? Linkrust in the interior - elegant design and durability! Linkrusta wallpaper how to glue

What amazing materials for finishing apartments can not be found on the shelves of specialized construction supermarkets and on virtual showcases of online stores! One of them is linkrusta wallpaper. Perhaps many have not even heard of this name before. Nevertheless, a similar finish option exists, and at the same time, he manages to win more and more new fans from year to year, both among interior design specialists and among ordinary people who like to equip their own apartment and carry out many do-it-yourself room finishing works.

What is this amazing material? It turns out that he comes from -. Back at the end of the 19th century, to be precise - in 1877, an English inventor named Frederick Walton (eng. Frederick Walton). By the way, it is Walton who is the "father" of another popular repair material - linoleum.

Interesting fact! Lincrusta (a material also known as "lincrust") was originally called linoleum muralis, which in Latin means "linoleum for walls." And only over time it began to be called as we call it today.

Linkrusta wallpaper is a finishing material for inner surface walls. The surface is washable and its texture can be either smooth or embossed.

In a nutshell, the fabrication process can be described as follows:

  1. The base is taken - a textile or paper substrate.
  2. On top of this substrate, a decorative layer is applied, the material for which is a gel produced on the basis of linseed oil. This coating is also known as natural or natural plastic. Besides, finishing coating can be made on the basis of alkyd resins using fillers such as cork or wood flour. Rosin, chalk and wax can be added.
  3. The outer layer is painted with special paints.

Must be remembered! The composition of the material makes it possible to produce a surface. They can be alternating, and the size of the ornament can vary from very small to quite large.

As for the appearance of this product, it resembles stucco rather than wallpaper sheets. At the same time, this material should be glued in the same way as wallpaper. On the other hand, due to the greater weight, as well as some features of the material, it is somewhat more difficult to stick it compared to the wallpaper that is familiar to all of us. Their sticking can be carried out both on the walls and on the ceiling of the room.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Lincrusta have been producing them for several decades. This, in many respects, is a guarantee that they were able to accumulate a fairly rich experience in production, and their products are high quality coatings with numerous advantages. We list the main ones:

  • Natural raw materials that are used in the production process. It is completely natural, environmentally friendly, and, therefore, safe for human health.
  • The absence of "drying" and shrinkage after a certain period of operation.
  • Their painting can be carried out many times, which gives new opportunities in interior design.
  • If necessary, they can be restored. At the same time, such places will subsequently be invisible.
  • Long service life, which, subject to careful treatment, can be up to several decades.
  • The beautiful appearance of the surface, which will become great option for classic, truly "royal" interiors. Thanks to wide choice patterns and patterns, you can choose the finish for almost any style.
  • Moisture resistance, contributing to a more thorough care with the possibility of gentle wet cleaning.

The price of linkrusta wallpaper is quite high. However, there is a price to pay for such beauty.

As for the shortcomings, it is hardly possible to identify something obvious here. Perhaps, for some, the price of linkrusta wallpaper may seem quite high. In addition, inside the room, the walls of which are finished with this material, a significant drop in temperature is not allowed.

How to glue wallpaper Lincrusta

It is well known that linkrusta is quite difficult, and this work requires experience and appropriate professional skills. However, provided that you read the gluing instructions in detail, and also take into account all the comments and feedback experienced craftsmen, it is quite possible to cope with the task on your own and do it all by hand.

Now we will dwell in more detail on the main stages of gluing:

  • First of all, you will need to very carefully check each roll for any damage. In addition, the batch number of different rolls must also match.
  • As with gluing conventional sheets, you will need to carry out extensive wall preparation, including work such as plastering, puttying and priming the surface.
  • Prepares sheets for pasting. To start, you will need to moisten wrong side canvases warm water. The sheet will absorb as much liquid as needed, so there is no need to worry about using too much. a large number water. Fold the sheet in half, connect it inside and leave for a few minutes so that it swells even more. It should be borne in mind that after that the canvas slightly increases in length and width (up to 10-20 mm.), And also becomes elastic. Work must be carried out on a table or on a clean floor surface. It is fashionable to put paper, unnecessary newspapers, etc.
  • We start gluing. It is necessary to take into account the fact that manufacturers can leave special technological tides, which are designed to preserve the integrity of the roll. they need to be cut. The whole process is similar to sticking ordinary wallpaper: a vertical line is set, glue is applied, the stripes are glued to the wall. It takes about 24 hours to dry.
  • If necessary, you can fix the edges of the canvases with thin screws, nails or special buttons, which are removed after the glue dries. Holes from fasteners, just like the joints between the canvases, can be sealed with putty and further processing with sandpaper.
  • After you have finished with the installation, proceed to the final stage of finishing: painting the Linctusta wallpaper.

How to do it right: painting linkrusta wallpaper

This material represents wide opportunities for painting and painting. You can get acquainted with the features of painting in more detail in the video instructions:

Be careful! Painting Lincrusta can be carried out by far not with all paints. For example, water-based and water-dispersion paints are not suitable for this task.

Most experts in the field of repair, as well as the manufacturers themselves, in their instructions, strongly recommend the use of paints made on the basis of drying oil. It is also allowed to use acrylic enamels made on a synthetic basis.

Very important condition is the use of a good primer to cover the top layer of wallpaper, so that the paint is firmly and permanently fixed on their surface. The very same work on applying a primer and painting can begin only after complete. After the paint has been applied, the wallpaper is left to dry for several hours. After the time required according to the instructions, the surface of the painted wallpaper dries completely. Wet cleaning is now allowed.

Decor and use in the interior

As for the use of linkrusta wallpaper in various parts of the apartment. It is allowed almost everywhere. Due to the variety of patterns and textures, as well as the possibility of painting in any color, you can glue these wonderful canvases in the kitchen, bedroom, hall and even in the bathroom.

They will fit and the hallway. In addition, they will fit well into the interior of some non-residential premises, such as bridal salons, restaurants, casinos, hotel foyers, etc.

It should be noted that most often Lincrusta wallpaper is painted in two, as a rule, contrasting colors. After the paint has dried, the top layer is decoratively removed from the surface of the convex elements of drawings or ornaments. Thus, a very attractive combination of colors is obtained: our main background is dark, and decorative patterns- lighter.

Linkrust wallpaper analogues

Many are interested in whether these paintings have analogues. Yes, there is such material, although it is not widespread enough. It's called Anaglipta. Remarkably, this material was invented by one of the employees, who at that time worked in the company of Frederick Walton himself.

Anaglipta is made on fabric basis, differing, at the same time, in good flexibility and low weight.

abundance finishing materials striking in its diversity. For those who prefer the presence of elements of luxury and sophistication in the interior, materials made using Lincrusta technology are offered. First of all, these are elegant linkrusta wallpapers, combining ancient grandeur, environmental friendliness, material of incomparable quality. Trademark Lincrusta has been famous for its products for many decades. English handwriting is easily recognizable in all its manifestations. A feature of this elite finish is unique, inimitable embossed patterns, images, executed in a classic style.

Initially, for the manufacture of wallpaper such as linkrusta, only natural materials: linseed oil, rosin, wood flour, wax. Over time, life has made its own adjustments. Modern technologies allow the use of synthetic resins and oils, which are completely harmless to human health. Wallpapers are available in milk or ivory color and are painted after sticking to the surface.

How to glue wallpaper

The material is expensive, so when buying wallpaper, you should pay attention to the production time, since linkrusta has an expiration date. It is relatively small, only two years old. It is not difficult to glue the linkrusta with your own hands, but the technology must be followed exactly.

Surface preparation

  1. Careful surface preparation required: removed old finish, all cracks and shells are sealed and wiped. Putty is made solid and very even. After the final alignment, the wall should be thoroughly sanded and dedusted.
  2. The dry surface is covered with a deep penetrating primer. The manufacturer recommends for more flat surface glue it with sheets of special paper under the wallpaper. If the wall turned out to be completely smooth after grinding, then the stage with gluing the paper is skipped.

Wallpaper preparation

The wallpaper itself also requires preparation. To avoid deformation of the plastic front surface, linkrusta should be stored in an upright position. The boxes should also be unpacked vertically. Both edges are made in a compacted version, they are not afraid of the load. Whereas the main canvas, with careless handling, can warp or stretch.

  1. A roll of wallpaper must be placed on long table of sufficient width and cut according to the given dimensions, taking into account the fit of the pattern. On reverse side Each canvas is marked with the top and put a serial number so as not to be confused when gluing.
  2. The edges are cut with a paint knife and a metal ruler.
  3. Next, you need to thoroughly soak the wrong side of each sheet. hot water and lay the canvases on a flat plane, connecting in pairs with the wrong side inward. Do not be afraid that the wallpaper can get wet and deformed. The front surface is not afraid of any water.

wallpaper sticker

After 20 - 25 minutes, paper base the canvases will get wet enough and they will be ready for further work. For wallpapering, linkrusts use a special glue of the same company. Its consumption is 250 g/m2. Of the tools you will need:

  • wide brush or roller for applying glue;
  • narrow paint brush to work in hard-to-reach places and in the corners;
  • rubber roller, it is good for them to smooth the wallpaper;
  • a sharp knife to cut the canvases.

Work should begin at some distance from the left corner. A vertical line must be applied to the wall to prevent displacement when sticking. Remaining moisture is removed from the canvas with a dry sponge and glue is applied in an even layer, trying to avoid gaps. Then the sheet is pressed tightly against the wall, placing the left edge along the intended line. The canvas must be pressed evenly with a good effort to the surface with a smooth roller. If air bubbles are noticed, they must be disposed of immediately.

It is convenient to trim excess wallpaper from above and below by slightly moving part of the sheet away from the wall and placing a piece of plywood, board or thick plastic under it.

Special attention requires the design of corners. Wallpapers are thick and it is absolutely impossible to drive them into a corner by bending. Having chosen a sheet soaked with water with the corresponding number, it is cut lengthwise in the place where it should be adjacent to the corner. Further, the process is repeated in the same order as gluing wallpaper to linkrusta on a solid plane. Between themselves, the canvases are connected exactly end-to-end with the most accurate fit of the pattern. If gaps are found in the seams, then they must be rubbed with putty in the color of the wallpaper, dried and sanded with sandpaper.

Coated surface finish

At the end installation work allow sufficient time for the wallpaper to dry. It will take a day or two to wait. At this time, there should be no drafts and temperature changes in the room. The same mode should be maintained for a few more days and only then proceed to the finishing.

Lincrusta wallpaper painting is an unplowed field for the imagination of a finisher. Of the materials, oil or acrylic paints are best suited. Some masters use water-based dyes. Various methods are used:

  • artistic painting;
  • glazing;
  • lessirovaka;
  • staining for marble, leather, wood.

Decorators actively use gilding, silvering, patination. The relief surface allows you to apply various combinations of colors and shades for its painting.

The possibilities of using linkrusta wallpaper in any interior are limited only by their high cost. And there are no restrictions regarding the purpose of the premises. Historically, it has been given material used to decorate front rooms, residences of dignitaries, cabins and premium class railway cars. Currently, linkrusta is often found in the decoration of elite cafes, restaurants, as well as expensive apartments and mansions.

In a previous article, I talked about the unique final coating of walls and ceilings, about. If the choice of the method of finishing the room fell on this version of the wallpaper, you can be sure of high-quality and sophisticated appearance interior upon completion of the renovation. Since the cost of linkrust is high, there is a way to save the family budget by gluing and painting linkrust with your own hands. This process will be discussed in this article.

Preparing for wallpapering linkrust

Before starting work on wallpapering, it is necessary to purchase and prepare consumables. Right choice wallpaper linkrusta will eliminate problems in the process of working with the material. Even in the store, after selecting the relief and type of wallpaper, view each roll. The batch number and production date on all rolls must match, this will help to avoid the smallest differences in batches, even with the same relief. Next, inspect the rolls for molding damage, chips, defects, and torn edges. If the rolls meet all the indicators - make a purchase. In addition to the wallpaper itself, you will need a special glue for linkrust, perchlorovinyl or flour paste based glue.

Paint for coloring linkrust will also come in handy, although not immediately, you will have time to select and purchase the desired type and color. Apart from Supplies prepare tools for working with wallpaper:

  • A plumb line and a simple pencil for evenly positioning the canvases;
  • Cloth to remove excess glue;
  • Rollers and brushes different sizes for applying glue and paint on the canvas;
  • A spatula for leveling the canvas and a roller for processing joints;
  • Wooden slats and thin carnations for fixing the canvas on the wall;
  • Ladder.

Lincrusta wallpaper pasting

Consider step by step instructions for gluing walls with linkrust.

  • Preparatory work is required not only for the base, but also for the wallpaper. Clean the walls of the old coating, eliminate cracks with putty. Remove baseboards and sockets, level, prime and sand the surface. After covering the wall with a deep penetration primer, stop work for 2-3 days until completely dry. Wallpaper cut into desired length, do not forget about the allowances of 5-15 cm, depending on the pattern, which will be needed to connect the patterns. Roll the strips into rolls and place in hot water for 10 minutes. Roll out the canvases on a polyethylene-covered floor, leave overnight. Such preparation will help to avoid shrinkage and make the joints invisible.
  • Apply glue to the wall and to the canvas. Fold the fabric in half and let it soak for 10 minutes. At this time, using a plumb line and a pencil, mark a straight vertical line on the wall.

  • Further work is standard for wallpapering. Glue the first sheet, smooth the surface. Glue the second sheet side by side, carefully joining the patterns. Cover the entire room this way.
  • The peculiarity of working with linkrusta wallpaper is the severity of the wet canvas. To prevent the wallpaper from moving out of its place under the action of its own weight, nail wooden lath top around the room. Install the same rail in the corners so that the canvas does not move away during drying.
  • After the wallpaper has dried, cut off the excess fabric, dismantle the rail, carefully putty and sand the remaining holes from the nails. If necessary, do the same with the seams between the canvases.

Lincrusta wallpaper painting

Complete drying of the linkrust will take from several days to a week. Take your time with the start of staining, the paint will lie unevenly on a wet base, and will not last long. The choice of paint for linkrust consists of two of the most popular positions. acrylic paint it is environmentally friendly, it has a wide range of shades, it is easy to apply and convenient in further operation (it is not afraid of moisture). But over time, acrylic reacts with the materials that make up the linkrust, becomes brittle and crumbling. Oil paint devoid of such shortcomings, it will firmly cover the linkrust and it is possible to remove it only with a change color design. Staining linkrust with rollers. Unique design you will achieve by manually painting the relief in a shade contrasting with the base.

The use of linkrust in the interior is a way to make repairs practical and durable, and the design expensive and sophisticated.

Today you can decorate the room with the help of the most various materials endowed with unique properties. Linkrust is one of them. Linkrusta wallpaper is an original type of finish. They look very elegant and luxurious thanks to the unusual and very original look, with which no currently known wallpaper can be compared.

Linkrusta wallpaper is far from latest development. Their appearance dates back to 1877. The developer of this unusually attractive material was Frederick Walton, known as the inventor of the most popular coating today - linoleum.

Therefore, for the first time, linkrust appeared under the name linoleum for walls (Linoleum Muralis). Subsequently, the material was renamed Lincrusta wallpaper.

Structurally, it consists of three layers:

  1. The base is made of fabric, interlining or paper.
  2. Decorative gel layer, referred to as natural or natural plastic. Linseed oil is used to produce the gel. Most often, wax, rosin or chalk is added to flax.
  3. A layer of paint.

The composition has remained unchanged to this day. However, very often wallpaper for linkrust walls can also be found with a synthetic composition. Such samples are usually cheaper than natural ones.

The production technology consists of several stages. To begin with, all components of the decorative layer are sieved and mixed. The result is a plastic mass, which serves as the basis for applying relief.

Sticking linkrusta is carried out similarly regular wallpaper. The difficulty can arise only in the fact that the linkrust canvas has a much greater weight, and therefore it is somewhat more difficult to stick it. This is due to the volumetric patterns, more reminiscent of stucco.

Also, before proceeding with gluing, linkrust should be soaked in hot water for a maximum of 10 minutes, and then leave them to dry for 10 hours. This is done to expand and obtain the desired shrinkage.

Lincrusta wallpapers are available in milky or white-beige shades, which implies their further coloring, which will emphasize the unusual pattern of the material.

Perhaps most potential buyers should be interested in the environmental friendliness of the material. Natural wall-paper for walls linkrusta are made only of natural components.

Moreover, most specimens, especially of natural origin, are still made by hand.

Sticking linkrusta does not cause any serious problems, so it can be carried out by any person who at least once had to deal with wallpaper. Surface preparation is carried out in advance. By the time of applying the material, the casing, switches and sockets must be removed.

After removing the old coating, it is necessary to putty cracks and irregularities. The surface is then sanded and primed. After it dries, a finishing putty and primer are applied. Next, the linkrust is cut into pieces of the required size.

After this, the canvas must be rolled into small rolls and immersed for 10 minutes. into water at a temperature of around +50°C. Soaked sheets get rid of excess moisture and leave for 8-10 hours until completely softened. During this time, the linkrust should shrink. Next, you need to trim the edges with a very sharp knife.

Linkrusta wallpaper how to choose glue

When gluing linkrusta, starch paste is usually used, to which carpentry glue is added. Perchlorovinyl glue, for example, Bustilat, is also suitable. The air temperature in the room must be above +15°C. Linkrusta sheets are covered with glue, after which they are folded in half. In 10 minutes. you can move on to applying them to the wall. Before fixing the first canvas, it is necessary to mark a strictly vertical line. In the corners, the sheets must be joined. The fabrics should be smoothed very tightly so that there are no wrinkles, bubbles or folds.

Each next sheet must be glued end-to-end, pressing the edges strongly. Additionally, you can fix the upper part of the material on wooden glazing beads. If the work is done correctly, the joints should not be noticeable. It takes about 7 days for the walls covered with linkrust to dry completely. After that, you can proceed to their coloring. It is done with oil or enamel paint. If cracks appear, you need to cover them with a semi-oil-based putty.

It needs to be sanded and painted over. The trims should be nailed back into place before staining is carried out. And switches and sockets are mounted only after the applied paint is completely dry. In order for the glue to dry evenly, constant conditions must be maintained in the room where the repair is being carried out. Also, drafts should not be allowed. Then the result of the work will be at the highest level.