Well      03/26/2019

Spruce Glauka Konika: all about the dwarf plant. El konika - description and features of garden care

So that this coniferous tree can take root as close as possible near your country house, in a small square or garden, the following planting conditions must be observed:

  • choose a slightly darkened place for the dwarf spruce, because due to constant exposure to the sun it will definitely burn;
  • there should be no strong wind or constant draft in the landing area;
  • spruce often dies in early spring when it is flooded with a large amount of melt water, so this planting criterion should be provided from the very beginning in order to protect your green beauty;
  • Landing is allowed at any time of the year, even during a warm winter. However, it is better to do this in spring or autumn in cool weather with minimal exposure to sunlight - this way there is less risk that the tree will not take root;
  • It will be easier for this coniferous tree to take root in new soil if pleasant cool conditions are created for it during the first seven days of planting;
  • It is recommended to water the Konica spruce at least twice a week, 10 liters per plant trunk;
  • It is strictly forbidden to plant a tree in wetlands or land with high level groundwater.

Planting the Konika spruce in the city is strictly prohibited, because the polluted air of the metropolis has an extremely detrimental effect on its crown, causing various diseases tree. In the worst case, the tree may die.

It will also be possible to achieve the goal of normal plant rooting by properly preparing the soil:

  1. It should be well dug and light.
  2. When planting a Canadian spruce from a pot, you need to thoroughly remove all the soil from the roots. This needs to be done because quite often trees are sold in soil that is practically devoid of substances beneficial to the plant. Ideally, the soil for spruce should consist of the following components: turf and leaf soil, peat and sand (it is important to maintain a ratio of 2:2:1:1, respectively).
  3. If this plant is being transplanted from good soil, it must be dug out with a clod of earth, which will preserve the structure and condition of the roots, most of which is located close to the surface of the earth.
  4. The soil should be further enriched with special organic materials: up to 80 g of broad-spectrum long-lasting fertilizer for coniferous plants, as well as a bucket of well-rotted manure.
  5. Add compost and soil to clay or sandy soil.
  6. It is necessary to prevent the evaporation of moisture; to do this, the soil around the spruce needs to be mulched with peat with a layer of 50-70 mm.

If you keep the spruce indoors, the temperature in the room should not be higher than 15°C, and you cannot do without constantly spraying the plant and humidifying the air.


To propagate Konika spruce, the cutting method is used. Despite the fact that this process is long and labor-intensive, growing in this way good tree always succeeds.

Cuttings It is recommended to carry out dwarf Canadian spruce planting in early June.

Cuttings planted in enriched soil for three months at the cut site have time to create a special tissue that promotes healing of the plant wound.

It is from this tissue, compacted over time, that weak roots will appear on the cuttings after a year.

How to properly carry out cuttings of dwarf spruce

  • for cuttings it is better to use the lowest branches of an adult spruce, the length of which will vary between 10-12 cm;
  • It is necessary to separate a branch from a tree with a part of the bark of the trunk or the branch from which the cutting directly grows. Popularly, such a cutting with a small tree bark is called a “heel”. If this is not done, the plant will die;
  • an excellent tool for good growth cuttings are considered special growth stimulants, in which you need to keep the lower part of the cut branch for at least 2 hours;
  • It is better to plant a twig in the substrate to a depth of 2.5 cm;
  • do not forget to water the plant with a growth stimulator diluted in water. This should be done regularly, not allowing the substrate to dry out, but also not flooding it too much;
  • Regular loosening of the substrate will also contribute to the good development of Konica spruce.

A cutting grown in this way can be transplanted to permanent place Canadian spruce grows only after 4-5 years.

Perennial flowers are a very beneficial decoration for summer cottage. Read how to choose and plant them correctly.


As a result of the fact that Konika spruce is unpretentious plant, special care She doesn’t make demands on herself. However, let’s look at some of the features of her care:

  1. Spray the needles regularly (at least 2 times a week).
  2. Feed with a root formation and growth stimulator, as well as 5 kg of rotted manure (in early summer).
  3. In October, the area near the tree trunk is mulched with peat compost (its thickness should be within 5 cm), which is covered with a layer of soil in early spring.
  4. It is possible to ensure oxygen access to the entire root system only by loosening the soil.
  5. Drying out of the soil can only be avoided by mulching.
  6. With the arrival of winter, the crown of the Canadian spruce should be protected with burlap or cardboard, tying it around the tree on all sides. In this case, the lower part of the crown should remain open to avoid the tree rotting. Konika spruce is a frost-resistant plant, but it needs to be covered for the winter in order to protect it from possible burning under the influence of sunlight.
  7. If the spruce is burnt, the affected branches should not be cut out. With the arrival of spring, the crown of the dwarf spruce is well watered and new branches grow on their own.

The video will clearly show how to plant and care for Canadian dwarf spruce:

Pest and disease control

Most spruce diseases affect the needles

Among the most common diseases of Konica spruce it should be noted:

Tracheomycosis(soil fungus) that attacks the root system. As a result, the needles begin to turn red and fall off. Young plants are most susceptible to tracheomycosis. It is impossible to cure a tree affected in this way. To protect the remaining plants, the infected plant is dug up with a large amount of soil and must be burned.

Rust(twig fungus). It manifests itself as very noticeable orange growths on the branches. Yellowed needles fall off. This disease can be treated with Glycodin or Vectra. Spraying with these preparations should be repeated 3-4 times, no more than once a week.

Schutte needle disease(pine fungus). As a result of this disease, the needles on the tree become black, covered with a white coating and fall off. You can save the affected plant with a 3% solution of copper sulfate. Then spray with Trichodermin or Alirin-B. If the spruce is damaged too much, it needs to be burned.

It can gnaw through the bark and lay its eggs inside it. bark beetle. Beetle larvae eat wood. It is impossible to save such a spruce, so it must be burned as soon as possible.

The rules for planting, soil selection and cultivation are described in this article.

How and what to do to make drainage for flowers - read about it here.

Over the years the best decoration gardens were considered evergreens, and the ability to decorate their shape allows you to create masterpieces in creating garden compositions. Canadian spruce is one of the most popular conifers for landscape design. This attractive tree will become a highlight of any site. Konica spruce is distinguished by its amazingly regular shape and color of needles. This coniferous plant It can grow calmly even in a pot without any problems, delighting with its beauty throughout the year.

Konica spruce: description and features

Canadian spruce is one of the popular types of coniferous ornamental plants. Konik spruce is perfect for landscape design. This coniferous plant goes by several other names: Canadian spruce gray conika, white konika spruce, glauka konika spruce. All these names very clearly reflect the features appearance a plant that has an unusual bluish tint.

Konica spruce is often also called miniature copy regular gray spruce. As mentioned earlier, the plant is ideal for creating landscape design.

The conic spruce was first discovered in the mountains of Canada in 1904, after which it began to quickly spread throughout the world. As a rule, planting a large coniferous tree requires a lot of effort, but this is not at all the case with conic. This decorative spruce will fit perfectly into a garden or area with almost any landscape design.

Description of the konika spruce:

Planting konika spruce

Preparing for landing

To get a beautiful and healthy evergreen coniferous tree, you must carefully prepare for planting. The first thing you need to do is choose good quality seedlings. You can buy them or prepare ones that you grow yourself. After this you need to find right place for planting coniferous plants.

If spruce seedlings are purchased, then you should adhere to the following simple rules:

  • It is best to buy seedlings that are planted in a pot with a closed root system, so that the plant can be planted at any time in spring or autumn.
  • If you buy seedlings with an open root system, they must be planted immediately.
  • Worth your time Special attention root system. It should be wrapped in burlap and hidden in a ball of earth, which prevents damage to the roots of the spruce.
  • The spruce seedling must be carefully examined. It should be free of dried and broken branches.
  • It is best to purchase seedlings in special nurseries to be sure of the quality of the plant.

After purchasing seedlings, you need to choose the right place to plant them. In this case, you should also follow a number of simple rules:

It is important soil selection. For planting, you need to select fertile soil, which should be loose, light and well-permeable to moisture. Before planting, it is advisable to enrich the soil with organic matter and dig it thoroughly.

The process of planting konika spruce

The plant should be planted in open ground in spring, autumn or summer. However, you should follow a few rules when planting a plant:

Konica spruce: care and maintenance

Caring for Canadian conika spruce does not require any special effort.. However, this does not mean that after planting you can forget about the tree. In order for the plant to delight in the future with its unusual crown and bright color of needles, it should be given a little attention.


Watering the plant should be moderate. In the summer, the spruce needs to be watered 2 times a week with 10 liters of water. In addition, coniferous trees can be sprayed with a hose 1-2 times a week. Despite this, you need to ensure that the root system is not flooded.


Occasionally trunk circle it is necessary to loosen, but this must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system. After loosening the soil, it is necessary to mulch with peat or compost.


Young plants must be protected from sunlight in hot weather. You can use cardboard or burlap for this. You can already cover the conika spruce late autumn to protect the plant from frost. It is worth noting that the lower part of the spruce remains open.

Top dressing

If organic matter and complex fertilizer, then at first the spruce does not need to be fed. In summer, the plant can be fed with organic matter diluted in water.


As mentioned earlier, spruce has a regular conical shape, so the plant practically does not need constant pruning. Only in spring and autumn can sanitary pruning be carried out, during which damaged and dry branches are removed.

Diseases of conika spruce

Most often, conika spruce is exposed to the following diseases:

  • Tracheomycosis. This disease cannot be cured. The needles begin to turn red and fall off. In this case, the tree must be dug up and burned.
  • Rust. To combat the disease, you can use the drug "Vectra". The main signs of the disease are the appearance of orange growths on the branches and the falling of yellowed needles.
  • Schutte. To combat it is necessary to use a solution of copper sulfate. During illness, the needles turn black and become covered with a white coating.

Use of Canadian conika spruce in landscape design can be seen in the photo below.

Canadian spruce Konica

Dwarf and decorative ones are very popular among landscape designers. These trees fit perfectly into the composition, look great and, thanks to their coniferous nature, all year round landscaping the area. The Canadian conika is a prominent representative decorative spruce, with unusual short needles and fluffy, correct form crown

Only those trees that are 4-5 years old are planted in the ground. Before this, it is recommended to keep the plants in special pots. This period is maintained so that the root system of the spruce, which is located mainly on the surface, becomes stronger. But more long term Canadian conica should not grow in pots in room conditions, as this can lead to the death of the plant.

If the seedling was purchased with closed roots, then for this process you can choose an early spring month, when the snow has just melted. If the spruce tree has a bare root system, then to plant it you need to wait until the weather is consistently warm, not hot, and the soil has warmed up sufficiently.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil. To do this, organic or mineral complexes for coniferous crops are added to the hole. The soil is well watered to make it easier for the root system to adapt. After planting, the plant must be shaded from direct sunlight for several days. This will protect the needles from withering and rapid evaporation of moisture.

Canadian conika is propagated using cuttings and. The process is carried out in the spring:

  • Young, healthy branches are selected and separated from the trunk along with a piece of it, the so-called heel.
  • The cutting process is carried out in cloudy weather.
  • Trees are selected at an average age of 5 to 10 years; branches must be cut from the middle of the crown.
  • One cutting should be approximately 7-11 cm in length. It is separated with a sharp downward movement so that some wood and bark of the mother plant remain on it.
  • After preparing the material, all cuttings are kept in a stimulating solution for 20-25 hours.
  • The cuttings are immersed in previously prepared loose, fertile and light soil to a depth of 2-3 cm. It is recommended to plant them at an angle to the ground of 30 degrees.
  • The container with seedlings is placed in. After a while, young shoots should appear, after which the rooting process begins. It lasts for approximately 6 months. In some cases, the root system appears only the next year.
  • Plantings must be maintained regularly. Ventilate and water, sometimes adding stimulating components to the water.
  • The soil should not completely dry out in the container, but it is also not recommended to allow waterlogging.

For propagation using seeds, the source material can be purchased at a special store or collected well-opened, ripened cones in the winter. it is necessary to prepare for planting by treating them with disinfectant and stimulating solutions. After this, they are sown shallowly in a special container with loose and fertile soil.

One of the pests that can greatly harm the Canadian conike is the bark beetle. Only preventive properties can be used against it. If an insect infests a tree, it is impossible to save such a plant. It is urgently necessary to remove it from the site and burn it so that the pests do not move to neighboring plantings.

Also, sometimes coniferous trees are affected by the hedgehog moth. This can be seen by the yellowing and falling needles. If this pest is detected, then the infected plants and all neighboring ones need a 3% solution of BI-58.

At improper care, excessive watering and high humidity Coniferous trees are attacked by fungal diseases.

Some of them can be cured. Rust will be noticeable by unsightly orange growths on the trunk and branches. To remove it, it is necessary to treat the infected plant with special chemicals once a week for 1-2 months. But tracheomycosis cannot be cured. It can be seen by the reddened needles, which fall off after a while. Such trees are promptly removed from the site and burned.

Dwarf coniferous trees are used as decorative plantings in gardens, parks and areas near private houses. When young, they are grown in pots and are often used to decorate offices and homes.

Landscape designers have been using these trees for many years to create evergreen compositions and decorative plantings.

Using simple gardening skills, you can grow a little green beauty on your own site. Simple rules care and unpretentiousness of trees will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the plantings all year round. And the interesting natural forms of dwarf spruce trees provide an opportunity to show imagination and create a unique decorative composition.

More information can be found in the video.

Glauca konica spruce is one of the beautiful ornamental plants that feel wonderful at home. These Christmas trees are especially in demand during the New Year holidays. This tree goes on sale very miniature, no more than 0.4 m high. However, with proper care, this plant can grow up to 4 m in height.

Spruce Glauca conica: plant description

These small Christmas trees are imported all over the world from Holland, Poland and Denmark. This beautiful tree is a mutant that emerged from an ordinary gray spruce. "Glayca conica picea" in principle cannot grow indoors, because in winter these trees do not need heat and a period of rest.

In gardens and parks, this variety of spruce grows fully by the age of 50. “Glayca conica” does not grow quickly. The first few years this spruce adds 4 - 5 cm in height. And the older the tree gets, the slower this spruce grows- from the tenth year, the increase in height is up to 3 cm per season. This tree lives for a long time - up to 500 years.

Externally, this Christmas tree looks attractive - its conical fluffy crown forms itself, without outside intervention. Cones rarely grow on this spruce. Their size is about 5 cm. The color of young needles is more juicy, but with age it becomes duller.

This dwarf spruce was not bred by breeders, but was a surprise given by nature.

The features of Glauka konica include:

  • This tree is not afraid of the bright sunlight, but it is better to protect it from the bright spring sun.
  • Because of this feature, in the spring the spruce trees are hidden under a canopy, which is removed gradually.

Glauka conica is highly resistant to frost. However, in late autumn it is better to pour a layer of mulch 5 cm high around the trunk. High-moor peat, humus or other material is usually used as a mulching material.

How to water Glauka konica spruce (video)

Spruce Glauka konika: growing in a pot at home and caring for the plant at home

This miniature tree most often does not take root in apartments. The fact is that he needs special conditions for living in winter - and firstly, low air temperature.

Even if it was given to the owners before the New Year, then 10 - 14 days Glauca conica can survive in a warm room, but then dies. However, it is still possible to grow this plant indoors until spring. And then this tree in a pot is planted on garden plot.

To this ornamental plant felt comfortable at home, you should choose this gray spruce appropriate place. Usually this spruce is placed in the coldest place: on the windowsill on the north side, between window frames, or taken out onto a glassed-in loggia. Optimal temperature in winter during the dormant period for blue spruce - +5°C. Higher temperatures have a negative effect on this tree.

This Christmas tree can be decorated for the New Year holidays, but warm room bring glauca conica into winter time no more than an hour or two. In such a short period, the heat will not have time to harm this Christmas tree.

If the temperature on the balcony in winter drops below zero, then you should wrap the pot warm cloth or an old wool blanket to protect the tree's root system from frost. But the crown of Glauka is not afraid of cold snaps at all.

This tree is also extremely sensitive to indoor air humidity. Dry air is harmful to needles, so in the room where Glauka konica is located, the humidity should be at least 70%. Typically, such humidity can be provided by a special air humidifier, which is directed to the crown of this tree. If such a device is not available, then bowls with water are placed near the dove-gray Christmas tree, and the needles are sprayed up to 6 times a day.

In winter, this tree should not be watered frequently, since its roots are also dormant. You just need to prevent the soil from drying out. As soon as the soil dries to a depth of 2 - 3 cm, the spruce should be watered. To prevent the soil from drying out too much, you can cover it with a sheet of paper or newspaper. It will allow air to pass through to the roots, but the moisture will not evaporate. Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature.

To prevent heating devices from drying out the soil below, the pot with the plant is placed on an elevated surface to move the tree away from the radiator.

The needles of this spruce are sensitive to bright sunlight, so Glauka Konica is not placed on windows where the sun is in the first half of the day. The best thing is to create diffused light to illuminate the tree. In this case, it is recommended to regularly rotate the tree so that all the needles are illuminated evenly. If the needles do not receive enough sunlight, they begin to turn yellow and crumble.

If it is not possible to create a normal darkening for the spruce, then you can insert a sheet of whatman paper between the tree and the window, which should be higher than the tree. This darkening is especially important at the end of February when the sun begins to get hot, but the spruce has not yet come out of hibernation and reacts negatively to temperature changes.

Criteria for choosing a plant when purchasing

  1. When buying spruce picea glauka konica, you should pay attention to general state plants. The needles should be the same color - bright green, and the tree itself should be of the correct conical shape.
  2. You should not buy this blue spruce in stores, which is strewn with sparkles and other tinsel. Such plants are oversaturated with aerosols, which are used to apply artificial snow. These aerosols clog the tree's needles, and such a plant has little chance of survival.
  3. It is necessary to gently move the trunk. If the tree sways from side to side, it means that the plant was recently transplanted into this pot. In this case, the root system is most likely damaged, and such a tree will be sick for a long time and may not survive.
  4. If the crown of the tree is large and the pot in which it grows is small, such a tree is not worth buying. The root system of Glauca conica corresponds to the volume of the crown; if the roots are smaller, it means they were cut off before transplanting. This plant has little chance of growing with damaged roots.
  5. It’s worth digging up the soil in the pot a little. If the roots occupy all the space in the pot, then this tree grew in a flowerpot from the very beginning. You can buy such a tree with confidence.
  6. If there are too many young shoots on a tree in winter, then such a tree is not worth buying. Young needles indicate that the tree was kept warm in winter, and it awoke from hibernation at the wrong time. Such a tree will get sick, even if the necessary conditions are created for it.
  7. A healthy Glauca conica has uniform and dense needles, the trunk should not be bare at the bottom, and roots should emerge from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

The main difficulties when growing spruce at home

The main difficulties when growing this Christmas tree at home:

  • in the autumn - winter period, this tree should be kept in the cold so that the plant does not die from the heat;
  • in addition, even in winter, high humidity should be maintained in the room where Glauca conica grows;
  • You need to cover the root system of the tree in extreme cold to prevent it from freezing.

How to plant Glauka konika spruce (video)

Rules for planting and replanting the Picea Glauca Konica Christmas tree

According to the requirements of the international convention, plants cannot be transported across the border in soil, therefore glauca conica spruce is transported in a transport substrate (peat or coconut fiber). But after purchase, these trees must be transplanted into normal soil. However This spruce should be replanted in the spring, when it wakes up from winter hibernation. And in winter, it is enough to place Glauca conica in a room where the temperature does not rise above 5°C, and it will survive well in the transport substrate until spring replanting.

This Christmas tree is extremely picky about transplants. If its roots are damaged, it takes a very long time to recover (about 3 months), so this tree is replanted using the transshipment method. Suitable soil for spruce can be purchased at any specialized store. And the pot for transplanting needs to be chosen a little larger than the previous one.

Growing Canadian spruce in a garden

This Canadian spruce can also be grown in the garden. When planting a tree, certain rules must be followed:

  1. It is better to choose a place for planting in the shade for Glauka konica. This spruce is shade-tolerant, and spring Sun rays can burn tender needles, which as a result will turn yellow and fall off, and will never recover. For the first few years at the end of February, it is better to cover the crown with any covering material to protect the needles from the sun.
  2. This tree feels better in the garden, so it is better not to keep it in the room for a long time. Trees growing in containers can be planted in open ground from early spring until late autumn. After planting the plant in open ground, its crown must be shaded for 5 - 7 days. The cover is not removed immediately.
  3. In late autumn, a layer of peat or other mulching material is poured into the trunk circle of these spruce trees to protect the roots of the tree from frost.
  4. The best soil for growing spruce trees in the garden is loam. It is good if the soil holds water well. Sandy or too compact soils are not suitable places to grow these trees. Also, you should not plant Canadian spruce on wetlands where groundwater comes too close to the surface.

This tree needs to be watered regularly during the summer season. And if the summer is dry and hot, then the amount of watering is increased.

Plant diseases and pests

There are few diseases that affect this spruce:

  • Rust- This fungal disease affects the needles on which bubbles appear yellow color. To rid a tree of this disease, you should spray the crown three times with an interval of 10 days with Vectra solution, Skor or another similar preparation.
  • Tracheomycosis- this fungal disease affects the root system of Canadian spruce. The main symptoms of the disease are that the needles change color to red, dry out and fall off, and the tree itself weakens. The tree cannot be cured. In this case, the spruce is dug up along with the ground and burned.
  • And another fungal disease that affects Canadian spruce is Schutte, affecting only needles. Symptoms of this disease: needles and shoots are covered with a brown coating. Usually, in order to get rid of this disease, spruce trees are sprayed copper sulfate and drugs such as Trichodermin, Maxima or Alirina-B. If the tree is severely affected, then it is better to dig it up and burn it so that the disease does not spread to other plants.

The main pests that attack Glauka conica spruce can be divided into two large groups:

  • bugs gnawing pine needles;
  • bark-eating insects.

The first insects feed on young shoots and needles. These pests can completely gnaw off the crown of a spruce tree if the fight against them is not started in time. Trees that have been attacked by weevils, sawflies, yellowtails and other similar “harmful” bugs may slow down their growth or even die. But the bark of such spruce trees is preferred by bark beetles, longhorn beetles, borers and some other pests. Moreover, pest invasions most often occur during the dry season.

How to care for Glauka konika spruce after winter (video)

Gray spruce Glauka konika - very beautiful decorative tree. And although it is grown mainly in parks, squares or garden plots, some fans indoor plants This tree is also grown at home.

Thanks to the right kind crown and neutral green color, tend to fit harmoniously into any landscape. For example, konika spruce looks great both in simple traditional front gardens and in the fanciful new-fangled styles of a modern garden. How to plant it on the site, how to provide proper care, you can find out from the article. The corresponding photos, description, as well as information about the height of an adult tree are also attached here.

History and description of the plant, its maximum height

At the beginning of the last century, an interesting dwarf spruce was discovered in Canada. After some research, scientists came to the conclusion that this plant appeared due to a natural mutation of the Canadian spruce (Picea glauca).

The conika spruce looks like this:

  • The crown of the tree is very dense and has the shape of a cone.
  • Light green needles (up to 1 cm in length) densely cover the branches.
  • The average diameter of the crown at the bottom of the plant is 80 cm.
  • The roots are not long and are located closer to the surface.

Dense branches of conika spruce

Conica grows very slowly. Young trees add 6-8 cm per year. By the age of 10-12 years, the height of the plant reaches approximately 1 m. After this, the growth rate slows down and grows by only 2-3 cm per year.

At home, in Canada, the maximum height of the conic reaches 3-4 m. In Russian latitudes, this figure is even lower - 1.5-2 m. Such a small growth is due to a decrease in the distance between internodes, combined with increased branching. This circumstance “flattened” the tree from top to bottom.

The ancestor of the conika, Canadian spruce, has the same number of internodes and branches, but its height, due to the greater distance between them, is 25-35 m. Thanks to its beautiful conical crown, this tree is used in the USA as the main decoration for Christmas in the most significant places countries.

Purchasing a seedling and planting it on the site

Konica spruce, like all its relatives, does not tolerate even the slightest drying of the roots. Therefore you need to purchase small tree in a container where the lump of earth is constantly moistened.

Advice. It is best to purchase konica seedlings from trusted garden centers. If you buy a spruce on the market from an unknown seller, you can lose time and money.

Landing is considered a very important moment. The further growth and development of the tree completely depends on this manipulation. When planting, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Konica should be planted in the garden either at the end of April or at the end of August. Just at this time, the roots of the plant grow intensively, which contributes to good survival.
  2. You need to choose a sunny place. In the shade, the correct crown of the plant may change, and the spruce will become less decorative.
  3. Considering small sizes konica, it can be safely planted near the house.
  4. The planting pit should be prepared in advance. The bottom must be covered with a layer of crushed stone or broken brick.
  5. It is also advisable to prepare the soil mixture in advance. For spruce, a mixture of garden soil, sand, peat and humus (2:1:1:1, respectively) is suitable. From mineral fertilizers You can add nitroammophoska.

Seedlings of spruce konica

The landing itself should be carried out as follows:

  • Soil is poured over the drainage layer so that a lump of earth from the container fits into the hole. Well watered.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the container and immerse it in the hole.

Attention! The earthen clod must not be allowed to be destroyed during planting. If this happens, then over the next 15-20 minutes you need to cover the roots with moist soil and lightly compact the soil.

  • The trunk of the plant is leveled on all sides.
  • The free space is filled with soil mixture.
  • Water the planting well. This requires at least 10 liters of water.
  • Finally, a shallow hole is created near the stem for further watering and cover it with a 5-centimeter layer of mulch.

Caring for dwarf spruce

Caring for the conic can be called minimal. It does not require pruning or any other crown maintenance. The fertilizer that was added during planting is enough for her to last for several years. If the summer is not hot and not very dry, the plant is provided with moisture through natural precipitation.

Despite these qualities, proper care can further increase the decorative value of spruce. For example, during hot periods, you should regularly water the tree, while simultaneously irrigating the crown. The first couple of months after planting, moistening the soil is required weekly. If a crust forms on the soil around the trunk, be sure to loosen the top layer.

Attention! Konik spruce has roots almost on the surface of the ground. Therefore, the plant does not tolerate trampling and significant soil compaction at a distance of 1 m around the crown.

Although konika spruce is winter-hardy, in order to avoid freezing, it is recommended to mulch the soil in the area around the trunk well for the first 2-3 years after planting for the winter. Seedlings that are too small can be completely covered with spruce branches before frost.

Dwarf spruce in landscape design

Despite the fact that conika loves sunny places, in the spring the plant can get significant sunburn. This is manifested by browning of the needles. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to wrap it in spring period crown with gauze, burlap, etc. The main thing is that the material does not obstruct the passage of air and is able to diffuse the bright rays of the sun.

The place of conics in the garden, as well as diseases that can affect the plant

  • at the entrance to the house;
  • near the gazebo;
  • At the playground.

Dwarf spruce is good both in single and group plantings. Such groups especially decorate the site in the off-season. At the foot of the conic, a calm green lawn or contrasting antennae and tenacious plants look great.

The spruce is especially beautiful during the period of formation of new shoots - it turns into an emerald green, fabulously beautiful cone. IN middle lane this time falls in May.

Carry out preventive treatment of spruce

Konik spruce can be affected by various fungal infections, timely detection and immediate treatment of which will help save the plant.

  1. Rust - orange growths appear on the branches, the needles turn yellow and crumble. As a treatment, the crown and trunk are treated with special preparations for a whole month at intervals of 1 time per week.
  2. Coniferous Schutte disease - caused by a fungus. When affected, the needles darken, then become covered with a white coating and fall off. If the disease is detected early, plants can be saved. In advanced cases, all that remains is to dig up and destroy the spruce.

The small growth of the once mutated Christmas tree turned into a significant advantage for it. Such a plant will decorate any area, and anyone can plant and care for it.