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Decorative spruce konika: home care and replanting. Features of Canadian conika spruce

Have you ever seen a small, decorative spruce Konika? If yes, then you were probably surprised by her unusual appearance, because the plant does not exceed 30 cm in height. Today Konica is used for decoration, since it fits perfectly into any landscape design, giving it sophistication and beauty. The topic of this article is spruce canadian horsetail: landing and in open ground and care. It will help you create the most suitable conditions for the plant so that it grows on your territory as quickly as possible.

Spruce Canadian conika: planting in open ground and care.

Canadian spruce Konica - how to plant?

The peculiarity of this spruce is its cone-shaped shape, thanks to which it is possible to create an elegant appearance to the adjacent area. Fluffy, dense branches of bright green color will add brightness to your autumn and winter landscape. The fluffiness of the plant allows it to reach a diameter of more than 80 cm. Does spruce grow quickly? Unfortunately, there are no summer residents. Every year its growth is about 10 cm. Not much, but the plant is distinguished by its longevity and easy care, which anyone, even a novice summer resident, can do.

Is it difficult to grow Konica? No. The main condition is to create an optimal temperature regime. Spruce cannot be grown in northern regions, where winter temperatures drop below -15 degrees. The plant simply cannot withstand such sudden changes, so pay attention to this important aspect. What to do in this case? Better solution– grow Konica in a decorative pot, which you can easily bring indoors for the winter.

Since the plant is small, it will not take up much precious space. At home, you just need to provide everything the necessary conditions: regular watering, high-quality fertilizers and a small amount of diffused light. Direct ultraviolet rays can damage the plant, causing the needles to turn a dark purple color.

Rules for planting Canadian Konica in open ground:

  • Planting material (seedling) needs to be prepared for planting: grow to the right size(10-15 cm), soak for a while.
  • The landing site is chosen very carefully. The plant does not like straight lines sun rays and does not tolerate proximity to tall trees or shrubs quite well. The best option– choose a dark area for the spruce, without drafts, unfavorable neighbors and groundwater.
  • The soil should not be acidic, so it is recommended to mix it with a small amount of ash. In order for Konika to take off and begin to actively grow, it is important to create for her the most suitable soil. It can be purchased in specialized stores or mixed with garden soil, turf, peat and sand.
  • Planting time is selected depending on the soil system. Plants with open system planted at any time of the year, except winter, with closed ones in spring or autumn. Planting should be done on a cloudy, cool day, and the plant itself should be covered with some material for a couple of days to protect the delicate needles, which are not accustomed to the sun.

Caring for Konika is a simple task

Konica will delight those who do not have time for long term care. Spruce grows beautifully even without your attention. It tolerates drought well if you provide it with a dark place. The only thing that can upset you is an attack by pests or diseases. To prevent problems from occurring, it is recommended to use special preparations that will protect your plant. It could be inkstone, trichodermin or alyrin. If the spruce is severely damaged, you should not save it - it may be useless. It would be much better to burn it.

So, Canadian spruce, planting in open ground and care which is uncomplicated, will be an excellent addition to your landscape plot. We hope that our advice will be useful to you.

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These evergreen Christmas trees have always been considered the most the best decoration garden, because their decorative forms are ideal for landscaping and creating various garden compositions.

The most popular coniferous tree in our time is considered to be Canadian spruce and its low-growing conic form.

This tree is sure to be a highlight garden plot, thanks to the color of the needles and the surprisingly regular shape of the crown. Konica can grow both in open ground and in a pot, delighting you all year round with its beauty.

Botanical description

Gray conika spruce is decorative form, popular Canadian species oil. This tree has several more names that can often be found in the literature: white conic, glauca conic, gray conika. All these names extremely accurately describe the appearance of the spruce, which has bluish-colored needles.

This tree is considered a small copy of the gray spruce and great for landscape design. In 1904, the first mention of this coniferous tree was recorded, when a similar konica spruce was found in the mountains of Canada.

After that, it quickly spread throughout the world. And not in vain. After all, planting a huge coniferous tree on your site is quite difficult. Therefore, in such a situation the best solution will decorative spruce, which fits perfectly into absolutely any landscape design.

Description of the Canadian Christmas tree:

  1. This type of spruce belongs to the evergreen coniferous trees.
  2. Decorative form of a Canadian dove-gray Christmas tree. The decorative value of this tree is considered to be its height and correct form crowns
  3. Konik spruce reaches one meter in height, which is very convenient for home use. Under such growing conditions it can grow up to three meters.
  4. Can reach two meters in diameter.
  5. It grows quite slowly. During the first 10 years of life, it grows only 6 or 10 centimeters per year. At the end of this period, the growth decreases significantly - to 3 centimeters.
  6. Konica is considered a long-liver, as it can grow in one place for 300 to 500 years.
  7. Decorating form Canadian spruce has the right original form crown, which looks like a narrow cone. The most important feature of the tree is that the crown does not require any maintenance, since it takes its shape naturally.
  8. The crown is extremely dense, consisting of short needle-like needles reaching one centimeter in length. The color of the needles is bluish-green. Spruce needles do not prick at all, so it is completely safe for children and pets.
  9. It is quite rare to see cones on Canadian spruce. They are characterized by a conical oblong shape, which reaches a length of 6 centimeters.
  10. The root system is superficial, so you need to be careful when loosening the soil around the spruce.

The Canadian Christmas tree has several mutant varieties:

  • "Dwarf".
  • "Alberta Globe".
  • "Elegance Compacta".
  • "Laurin."

Konica spruce: planting and care

Landing technology. To get a beautiful and healthy evergreen coniferous tree, you need to carefully prepare.

First you need to select and purchase high quality seedlings or prepare, grown with your own hands. It will also be important to find appropriate place for landing.

Selection of seedlings. In most cases, spruce seedlings are purchased in special nurseries, and much less often they are grown at home. When purchasing, it is important to follow some rules:

  1. It is best to purchase a seedling in a pot with a closed root system. In this case, you will have the opportunity to plant it at any time from autumn to spring.
  2. If you bought seedlings with an open root system, you need to plant them immediately.
  3. With all this, do not lose sight of the root system; it should be with a clod of soil and carefully covered with burlap. This will help prevent damage to the roots.
  4. Look carefully at the seedlings. They should not have dried or damaged branches.
  5. It is recommended to buy seedlings from special nurseries, so you will be confident in what you are buying.

Choosing a landing site

This tree likes to grow in open, well-lit areas with little shade because it can be susceptible to sunburn. If you plant a coniferous tree in the shade, it will quickly begin to lose its decorative characteristics and the color of its needles.

In addition, it is very important that the chosen location is well protected from the wind, and there was no close groundwater underneath it, because the Canadian fir tree is not able to tolerate stagnant water.

Please note that near Huge trees didn't grow. Otherwise, the spruce will not have enough space and may lose its decorative characteristics.

The choice of area for planting depends on the desired garden composition and your landscape design. It is important to remember that there is no need to plant a Canadian Christmas tree within the city limits - it cannot tolerate polluted air and therefore may die.

Soil preparation and planting process

Konik spruce is an unpretentious tree and will grow virtually anywhere. But to preserve its decorative distinctive features and eye-catching crown color, you need to choose a grassy area.

The soil must be light and loose, excellent air and water permeability. It is very good if the soil is generously enriched with organic matter. In addition, the area needs to be thoroughly dug up before planting.

You can plant a Canadian Christmas tree in open ground summer, autumn and spring. But you need to know a few rules, since planting differs depending on the time of year.

  • In autumn and spring, seedlings must be planted with bare roots. In the summer planting material must be with a clod of earth, because there is a possibility of damage to the roots, since the spruce root system does not tolerate dry, hot air.
  • It is necessary to start planting by preparing the land. For spruce, a soil mixture of leaf and turf soil, sand, and peat in equal proportions is suitable. You can also add organic matter.
  • Next, you need to dig landing hole, the volume of which will depend on the size of the seedling itself and its rhizome.
  • The bottom of the pit can be covered with a drainage layer, which consists of crushed stone or broken brick.
  • Next, pour out some of the prepared soil, to which you can add complex fertilizer.
  • We place the seedling on this ground and sprinkle it with the remaining soil.
  • After planting, do not forget to water the tree; one seedling requires approximately 10-12 liters of water.
  • After this, it is imperative to mulch the tree trunk circle to save water. Peat is used as mulch.

Features of care

The upcoming care of the spruce does not require special efforts or any labor-intensive actions. But you need to pay attention to the tree so that in the coming time it will amuse you with its luxurious crown and eye-catching coloring of the needles.

Watering rules. Canadian spruce prefers regular moderate watering, especially when it is hot outside. In this case, young trees need to be watered 2 times a week, using 10 liters of water for each seedling.

This tree, among other things, prefers sprinkling, therefore, using a watering can or hose, you should spray the needles several times a week. But be careful not to flood the root system.

Loosening and mulching

From time to time you should loosen the tree trunk circle, but this must be done extremely carefully, since the spruce rhizome is close to the surface and you have the opportunity to damage it.

After loosening, be sure to mulch the soil. Used as mulch peat or compost. This mulch perfectly protects the tree from the appearance of a huge number of weeds and drying out.


Young tree seedlings need protection from direct sunlight, because they can get burned and die. Cardboard and burlap are used as protection. It is necessary to cover in the fall for the entire period of cold weather, while leaving the lower part of the spruce open.

Top dressing

When they are added to the ground during planting complex fertilizers, as well as organic matter, at first the seedlings do not need additional feeding. Next, with the arrival of summer, you can feed the tree with various organic fertilizers, which are diluted with water.


The Canadian Christmas tree is famous for its regular conical crown shape, which virtually does not require pruning. In spring and autumn, you can carry out sanitary pruning, during which you remove all dried, broken and damaged branches.

Canadian Christmas tree in landscape design

Canadian spruce is extremely popular among landscape designers due to its decorative features, so it is often found in areas. Methods for using wood in landscape design:

At any time of the year, these evergreen beauties decorate your garden, and their decorative forms fit unusually well into the landscape of the site.

IN Lately A variety of Canadian spruce, konica, is gaining popularity. This plant will become the highlight of the garden area, thanks to its needles with an unusual shade and the correct crown.

It is difficult to grow a large coniferous tree in the yard; in this situation, a decorative conic will help out, which will successfully complement any design.

Spruce characteristics:

Konica is a decorative variety of Canadian gray spruce. It attracts people with its regular crown and low height;

The height of this spruce is about 1 meter, which is very convenient for home use. If all conditions for the plant are ideal, its height will not exceed 3 meters;

The diameter of the plant reaches 2 meters, which, considering its height, is very beautiful;

Such a spruce develops very slowly, the plant grows by 6-10 cm annually in the first 10 years. Then the annual growth does not exceed 1.5-3 cm per year;

Konica is a plant that grows for a very long time, can grow without replanting for 300-500 years;

In its form, this variety decorative spruce resembles a regular cone. Its peculiarity is that the crown practically does not require care, it is formed in a natural way;

The needles of the plant are very thick, they consist of needles about 1 cm long, they do not prick, for this reason they are safe for animals and children;

There are almost very few cones on the spruce; they are oblong, about 6 cm long;

The root system of the plant is located near the surface, for this reason planting and caring for the Konik spruce must be carried out carefully.

Konica spruce, planting seeds and cuttings

This spruce is propagated by seed method or rooting cuttings. Each method takes a lot of time, and it will not be possible to get one seedling soon.

Seed propagation

I rarely propagate konica; this method is unreliable; the plant obtained in this way loses many of its maternal decorative qualities. From the seeds obtained from 1 cone, only a couple of seeds can obtain maternal qualities. But in some cases this method can be beneficial.

Spruce seeds are sown as follows:

First you need to collect seeds from ripe cones, this is done in winter;

After this, an acidic soil mixture is prepared. To do this, mix coarse sand, turf soil, leaf humus and peat in equal quantities;

Seeds are sown in a container filled with the mixture to a depth of 1 cm;

She is placed in a cool place and kept there all winter.”

Under such conditions, you can get the first seedlings already in early spring;

At proper care within a year, seedlings can grow to a height of 20 cm;

The seed method will be successful if these conditions are met; conic spruce seeds germinate well.

Reproduction by cuttings

Using this method, spruce seedlings are obtained in most cases. The new plant takes on all the characteristics of the parent tree. Propagation by cuttings is best done outside protective structures - this way the rooting conditions will be the same as when propagating in nature.

Rooting of cuttings is carried out in June, so favorable conditions the cut on the cutting will overgrow and roots will actively begin to form;

Cuttings are harvested only from the lower branches of the tree;

Cut cuttings 10-12 cm long;

It is important to cut the cuttings correctly - it is imperative to leave a heel on the cutting (cut it with a small amount of bark), otherwise it may die;

After this, you need to place the cuttings in a growth stimulator, for example, you can use the “Kornevin” solution;

To plant cuttings, mix a fertile substrate, you need to mix coarse sand, turf soil, leaf humus and rotted peat;

The prepared cuttings are immersed in the soil no deeper than 2.5 cm;

Subsequent care consists of regular watering.

On permanent place spruce is replanted at the age of 4-5 years.

Preparing a seedling before planting

To grow beautiful and healthy evergreen tree, it is necessary to purchase or grow high-quality planting material. In addition, it is important to choose a suitable place for it. In addition to planting your own seedlings, they are bought from specialized nurseries.

There are a few things to consider when purchasing:

1. It is advisable to buy a seedling in a special container with closed roots. So you can plant it on the site at any warm time of the year;

2. A seedling purchased with unprotected roots must be planted without delay;

3. The roots of the plant must be in an undestroyed earthen coma, which is wrapped in burlap during transportation, this will protect the root system from damage;

4. Make sure that there are no dry or damaged branches on the seedling.

Choosing a place for konika spruce

This plant is growing well open areas with slight shading from the sun, otherwise the hot rays of the sun can burn the young needles. In strong shade, the spruce will lose the color of its needles and will not be as beautiful. It is important to choose a site for planting that does not have high groundwater and is protected from strong winds.

They can't be located next to each other large trees, otherwise the spruce will lose its attractiveness. Do not forget that there is no point in planting conika spruce in urban areas - it will not withstand high air pollution.

Planting spruce

Konica can be planted at any warm time of the year, but planting in different time may differ:

1. In spring and autumn, it is better to plant bare-rooted spruce trees on the site. In the summer, it is imperative to keep a ball of earth on the seedling, which protects the roots. In konika spruce, the roots suffer greatly from hot and dry air;

2. It is necessary to prepare the planting hole taking into account the dimensions of the root system and seedling;

3. At the bottom of the pit, it is advisable to prepare a drainage layer from crushed stone or broken bricks;

4. After this, the seedling is placed in the planting hole and covered with soil;

5. After planting the spruce, it is necessary to water it; 1 bucket of water is used for each hole;

6. Then the tree trunk circle is mulched; peat is well suited for this.

Spruce care

After planting, caring for the plant is simple; you just need to perform several operations regularly.


The plant requires moderate but regular watering. This is especially true in the hot summer; young trees need to be watered once every 4 days, using a bucket of water for each. In addition, conika is excellent at sprinkling; you can simply spray the needles with a hose between waterings.


It is advisable to loosen the soil around the trunk from time to time, but keep in mind that the roots of the plant are close to the surface. Mulch the loose tree trunk circle; compost or peat is suitable for this. The mulch layer will protect the seedling from weeds and drying out of the soil.

Plant shelter

Young seedlings require protection from the direct rays of the summer sun; for this, burlap or cardboard is used. You need to cover the tree in winter too, just leave the bottom of the tree open.

Top dressing

If fertilizers were added to the planting hole, then for the first few seasons it will have enough nutrition. At the age of 3 years, the plant begins to be fed with an organic solution.

Canadian spruce is a decorative form of spruce. Its height is up to 1 meter, but under certain conditions, the spruce can reach 3 meters. Its appearance is quite original: cone-shaped, bluish-green color, the tree is characterized by softness and short shape, a weak tap root and the root system is located close to the soil surface. As a result, loosen the soil very carefully.

Features of growth

Konika spruce grows slowly, only 3-4 cm grows in a year. There are certain species that grow up to 10 cm. When the spruce is 5 years old, its height is approximately 20 cm, at this age it already stands out for its decorativeness. At 10 years old, Canadian spruce reaches a height of 80 cm. It grows for 10-15 years and reaches a level of 1 meter. In the following years, spruce growth is characterized by some slowness, only 2-3 cm per year. When the spruce reaches twenty years of age, its height is 1.5 m, and the diameter of the base of the roof is 1 m.

Caring for Canadian spruce

Konik spruce requires minimal care. The tree crown does not require pruning. It has enough natural precipitation. But still, at least minimal care is required.

If there is a drought outside, then spruce must be irrigated through the crown. A few days later, it is recommended to slightly loosen the soil. When summer comes, it is necessary to fertilize the conika spruce. To do this, take 5 kg of rotted organic matter and mix it with the soil in the root zone. When October comes, you need to lay a layer of peat compost 5 cm thick. As a result, the tree will better withstand the winter. To prevent spring browning, you need to wrap the conika spruce with burlap. This will serve protective element from the sun and will not interfere with ventilation.

Spring browning of spruce is not a disease. In this way, Canadian spruce reacts to solar activity after winter. We can say that this is a seasonal growing season. Soil that has not melted cannot fully saturate the roots with the necessary nutrition, as a result of which the spruce begins to turn brown. When the juice begins to flow and the conika spruce has sufficient nutrition, its color is restored.

Planting Konica

Canada spruce can be replanted during the growing season. Planting Canadian conika spruce is not very difficult, however, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

Application of Canadian spruce

Konica is often used in landscape design. The tree looks great alone, as well as in a group. As for flower beds, it is planted there very rarely due to its slow growth.

Spruce is used for various compositions. It is planted on terraces, near the house, in containers, and is also used to decorate the garden. Great option for konica it is a smooth, trimmed lawn. Wood is used for the background flower arrangements , are also combined with other conifers that are short in stature.

Canada spruce can be grown in a pot. To do this, you need to purchase it in a store, dig it up in the forest, or grow a seedling from seeds. This the seedling must be carefully transplanted into a pot, the root collar of the spruce should be at ground level. In this case, the root system should not dry out. If you bought Canadian spruce in a store, you need to replace the soil.

To create soil for spruce, you need to take turf and leaf soil, sand and peat, the ratio should be as follows 2:2:1:1. Place drainage at the bottom of the flowerpot, which has a layer of 10 cm. When you plant or replant spruce trees, it is recommended to make fertilizer. Twice a season you need to do general fertilizing.

For normal functioning of the conic spruce you need:

  • set the light mode to normal;
  • in winter it is necessary to provide the necessary humidity (80-90%) and normal temperature(+5-15 degrees);
  • To prevent drying out or waterlogging, mulch with peat, its layer should be 5-6 cm. Mix this layer with the ground from time to time, and put a new layer on top.

Canadian spruce is characterized by slow growth and no need to trim it. Only dry and diseased branches should be removed.

When summer comes, take the container with the spruce outside under the trees. Do drip irrigation. Replant it in a larger pot every year.

At good conditions konica can live in a flowerpot for a long time than an ordinary spruce, which can only exist in a pot for 3-4 years.

Canadian spruce for the holiday

Due to modern trends Decorating a spruce tree in a flowerpot for the New Year is considered very fashionable. When installing this plant as a New Year tree, you need to find a place that will be remote from various heat sources. The best option It would be possible to place the container on a cold window, however, if you use a spruce as a Christmas tree, this is not very possible. Under no circumstances should you place a flowerpot on a south window, as there is a lot of sunlight, and the tree does not tolerate direct sunlight. In any place where you place a flowerpot, you need to turn it towards the light from time to time.

If the Canadian spruce is placed in a heated room, then you need to spray the crown from time to time. The best option would be if the air humidity is higher near the konica spruce. To do this, you can place a bowl of water near the flowerpot. Or you can also do this: put one edge of a towel in a bowl with water, and place the other on the radiator. If you use the latter method, then do not forget to regularly add water to the dishes because it evaporates quickly.

When all the holidays are over, move the conika spruce to the loggia or balcony, if it is glazed. In this room, cover the flowerpot with the spruce with a cap, this will give the plant the necessary humidity. You can take it as a cap five liter bottle which has no bottom. Wrap the flowerpot warm material so that the ground does not freeze. But don’t overdo it with insulation, create optimal winter weather for spruce, because it is not a tropical plant.

If it happens that the root system completely fills the entire pot, it needs to be transferred with lumps of earth into a larger pot.

If you follow and adhere to all the rules for caring for the spruce and create the necessary conditions for it, then the Canadian conic spruce will delight you with its beauty for many years. It will perfectly decorate a room in the house, and will also create the uniqueness and originality of landscape design.

Last New Year I decided to get an indoor Christmas tree. I already had experience growing coniferous crops in the garden, so the choice fell immediately on the gray Konika spruce, which was recommended by experienced specialists.

Konika spruce is an ornamental variety of classic gray spruce, discovered in 1904 in the vicinity of Liggan Lake in Canada. Initially small sizes the trees were caused by a mutation, but later, with the help of selection, this species trait was preserved.

The Canadian spruce Konika is distinguished by a narrow cone-shaped crown and dense foliage. At home, the plant can grow up to 30 cm, but this growing method is not recommended, since all conifers require low temperatures for the dormant stage.

In the garden, spruce can reach a height of up to 1-1.5 m. The average diameter of the crown is 80 cm. The needles are very soft and have a bluish-green color. The needles grow up to 10 mm in length. The root system is poorly developed, most of appendages is on surface layer soil.

The plant has a slow growth rate; per year the growth is no more than 2 cm in height, even with high-quality care in comfortable climatic conditions. Stable growth persists until 15 years of life, then practically stops.


On sale, Konica spruce is usually found in small pots, but due to the impossibility of compliance temperature conditions The plant is not recommended to be grown in an apartment or balcony.

It is advisable to transplant young conics into open ground in the spring, when the tree is still in hibernation, but the procedure can be carried out in September, until the onset of the first frost.

Selecting a location

Gray spruce of this species prefers well-drained acidic soil, for which loam with a high content of humus is suitable. The plant should not be planted in lowlands or near a body of water, as conika does not like high humidity.

For planting, it is advisable to choose a well-lit area with sufficient partial shade during the day, which avoids needle burns due to exposure to open sunlight.

Landing technology

It is advisable to plant the plant in the morning or evening, since during this period there is a comfortable temperature for the spruce and optimal diffused light. Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Dig a planting hole slightly deeper than the container in which the spruce was located. Place on the bottom broken brick or expanded clay as drainage.
  2. 2 hours before planting, carefully remove the spruce from the container and immerse it in warm water. Then free the roots from the remaining substrate and straighten the thin roots.
  3. Plant the spruce in the prepared hole, sprinkle with a layer of light and fertile soil. Sprinkle moderately with ambient temperature water.

After planting, you need to mulch the area trunk circle, and if there is strong exposure to the sun, it is advisable to build a canopy for shading for 2 weeks or cover the tree with burlap during the day.

If you plant a konica spruce in the spring, then you cannot clean the roots from soil residues, so as not to disrupt the growing season.


Unlike many other varieties of gray spruce, konica requires minimal care. It does not need crown pruning, since due to the slow speed of development, natural formation occurs. Basic care requirements:

  • The plant must be watered very carefully. Watering is recommended only if dry weather persists for more than two weeks. It is best to add water by irrigation or spraying the needles with a spray bottle;
  • Fertilizing is carried out twice - in spring and autumn. After the end of winter, 5 kg of rotted humus should be added under the tree, mixed with top layer soil. In the fall, you can simply mulch the soil with peat or compost;
  • in cold regions, it is advisable to cover the plant with agrofibre for the winter or completely wrap it in burlap;
  • Throughout the summer, you should maintain moderate soil moisture and periodically update the mulch layer.

In spring, brown spots may appear on the needles, which is not a disease. As a rule, this is a typical reaction to strengthening solar activity. It is at this moment that it is advisable to protect the tree from direct exposure to light.

Diseases and pests

When grown in unfavorable conditions and not following basic care rules, there is a risk of conics becoming infected with diseases and pests. The main ones:

  • Tracheomycosis. Fungal disease roots coniferous plants. Young trees are susceptible to it in the first 2 years of growth. Infestation can be determined by the redness of the needles and their subsequent falling off. Effective treatment no, but to prevent the fungus from spreading to the rest of the plant, the infected tree must be dug up and burned;
  • Schutte's disease. A whole group of dangerous fungal infections of coniferous trees. Typical signs of the disease are darkening of the needles, the appearance of white plaque and abscission. If infection occurs in the first 3 years of life, then it will not be possible to save the spruce; adult plants are treated with a 3% solution copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture;
  • Hedgehog moth. Usually found in warm regions, as the insect does not tolerate severe frosts. The peak of infection occurs in early spring, when the female lays thousands of small larvae. They are very difficult to notice on a tree; the appearance of the pest resembles a small ball of a dark shade. As a result, the spruce begins to weaken, the needles turn yellow and fall off. Complex insecticides are used for treatment; treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 10-12 days.

The bark beetle is also dangerous for adult plants. The insect appears on the trunk, bites into the wood, which leads to the drying out of the spruce. It is almost impossible to get rid of this pest; it is advisable to burn the infected tree.

Application in landscape design

IN last years Canadian conika spruce has become very popular in landscape design. The tree can be used as a tapeworm on the lawn or next to a building, as part of a multi-species mixborder.

In addition, spruce, due to its small size, can be grown in large rock gardens, as well as as a background for various flower arrangements. Spruce looks especially decorative with garden succulents and other coniferous shrubs and when planting on a flat, trimmed lawn.

The Canadian conika spruce will become a real decoration of the site; it is not recommended to grow this plant at home, since it is difficult to achieve a comfortable temperature regime.

The plant requires minimal care; you just need to shade the needles from direct sunlight and avoid waterlogging the soil. But you should be prepared for the fact that even in favorable conditions, spruce develops very slowly.