Well      06/12/2019

Cabinet with self-adhesive film. How to renew old furniture with self-adhesive film? How to properly apply self-adhesive film? How to properly cover a cabinet with self-adhesive film

Furniture decor is creativity that does not like fuss. Have you been thinking about how to update for a long time? old wardrobe, but were afraid to spoil an out-of-fashion or familiar piece of furniture. let's consider different variants, ideas and techniques and choose something for ourselves. U simple cabinets and sliding wardrobes, the decor can be similar, but as for a simple, old wardrobe that has lost its former luster: you can make a unique piece out of it.

Decor options

You can make your own cabinet decor using interesting ideas and all kinds of techniques. Some of them, such as photo printing or color film, do not require special skills. And not everyone can do such things as matting or stenciling; certain skills are needed. Let's figure out what will help us decorate the closet and wardrobe:

  • Photo printing or photo wallpaper.
  • Colored stained glass film and vinyl stickers.
  • Frosting of glass or mirror.
  • Vinyl or regular wallpaper.
  • Decorative plaster (screening).
  • Restoration and painting.

Photo printing or photo wallpaper

This technique is most often used to decorate wardrobe doors. Large format printing has long been used in interior design. A special printer uses a special printer to apply a design to paper or any other surface. The inconvenience is that this is an expensive service and you need to look for a special workshop for making photo printing. Photo printing on glass is called a tabernacle.

There are more a budget option- this is a photo wallpaper. Sold in construction stores or online stores. The cost is 300 rubles. and higher, depending on the size. The subjects of photo wallpapers are very diverse, from landscapes, flowers, animals, to fairy-tale characters for children's wardrobe. When gluing, use starch-based glue, so you can later remove the old design and change it to another.

The video shows how to properly place photo printing on glass:

Stained glass film and vinyl stickers

This is something that you can quickly, without special skills, stick with your own hands on the surface or glass of a cabinet or wardrobe. Add some presentability to your closet. Stained glass films are at the peak of fashion today. They can be bought both in online stores and in specialized repair hypermarkets.

Except beautiful decor, the film protects the wardrobe and just the wardrobe from damage. The stickers and film are very easy to remove.

No one will distinguish your imitation from a real stained glass window.

The cost of stickers depends on the size; this is an inexpensive decor. Self-adhesive base stained glass film for glass allows you to often change the surroundings with your own hands.

Matting glass or mirror

Used for glass and mirror cabinet fronts. More suitable for a wardrobe. Industrial matting involves removing the top layer of a mirror or glass. This results in several levels and a three-dimensional image.

You can frost glass or mirrors with your own hands using a special paste. To work you will need a stencil and a rubber spatula. Place the stencil on the surface and apply the paste to it with a spatula. Leave for a while, according to the instructions. When using paste with abrasive, you need to rub the glass along the lines for about an hour. Wash off the remaining paste with water.

Video master class on matting:

Vinyl or regular wallpaper

You can update your closet with your own hands using wallpaper. This cabinet decor is suitable exclusively for old wooden or “Soviet” furniture. But this is good, solid furniture, it can still serve and please us. Simple ones are more suitable for decoration. paper wallpaper, since it is easier to coat them with glue and glue them. And the price of simple wallpaper is cheaper and lighter than vinyl. U simple wallpaper There are two drawbacks: they are not durable and the design is usually not interesting.

Vinyl wallpapers come on paper or non-woven backing. They are heavier than simple ones, vinyl with paper base glue better with glue based on starch, and with non-woven material - Methylane Vinyl glue.

Before applying wallpaper, be sure to degrease the surface. This can be done with alcohol, gasoline, or acetone.

Do not forget to press more firmly with a dry cloth or sponge and straighten the wallpaper so that the paper does not wrinkle.

Decorative plaster master class

This technique, with which we will decorate the cabinet, is called stenciling. With help decorative plaster and stencils we will get three-dimensional decorative elements. They can subsequently be painted in any color, gilded or tinted to suit your taste.

To work you will need:

  1. A stencil made of plastic or vinyl, or cardboard.
  2. Decorative plaster.
  3. Flat spatula.
  4. Painting tape.
  5. Old wardrobe.
  6. Acrylic paint.
  7. Sandpaper.

If the product we will decorate is covered old paint, it is necessary to sand the entire surface with sandpaper. We process until the wooden base becomes visible. If your old cabinet is not painted, then everything is simpler: remove it with sandpaper upper layer, remove dirt and old fat. If you see cracks in the wood, it is advisable to cover them with putty. We take our ready-made stencil or one made from cardboard and attach it to the surface of the cabinet door with masking tape.

Then we let the plaster dry, go over it with sandpaper and cover the entire cabinet acrylic paint in several layers. Acrylic will not only decorate the closet, but also protect it from destruction. Between painting, give the cabinet time to dry. At the end of the work, coat the surface with varnish.

In the video, work with decorative plaster:

Cabinet decor master class

In our master class we update old wall Soviet times. See how your closet will be transformed after this decor.

To work you will need:

  1. Old wardrobe.
  2. Acrylic enamel paint.
  3. Acrylic varnish.
  4. PVA glue
  5. Brush and paint roller.
  6. Coarse and fine sandpaper.
  7. Paper wallpaper.
  8. Gold paint.
  9. New fittings.

We disassemble the old closet and take out the drawers. We take a grinding machine or sandpaper and process the surface of the parts. If you process with sandpaper, then do it first with coarse sandpaper, and at the end go through it with finer sandpaper.

Apply acrylic paint first in the corners with a brush or sponge, and then over the entire surface with a roller. You need to paint 3-4 times until it disappears dark color. Next, we decorate the boxes: paint with a brush and white acrylic front sides boxes. We are waiting for it to dry. Next, apply masking tape to finish decorative element gold paint.

We paint the decorative element with gold paint. We paint all the boxes with white acrylic paint and dry them. We remove the tape. Next, we proceed to wallpapering. Wallpaper is the simplest, paper. Cut into strips, spread with PVA glue and carefully glue. Make sure that the wallpaper sticks tightly, press it with a sponge.

After repair work There are often finishing materials left that are a pity to throw away. For example, wallpaper that is sold in large rolls and always remains. How to use them? You can paste them over cabinets, bedside tables, doors, and other furniture.

With this simple action you will immediately kill two birds with one stone, use the remains of the finishing material and decorate old, battered furniture. To carry out such work you do not need any special skills, and we will now tell you how to do this.

A bright accent in a calm kitchen


You've probably heard more than once that various interior items are decorated with wallpaper. How many master classes have you seen on TV from designers of all stripes, because each of them considers it their duty to give a second life to some household item.

This is most often done with high-quality vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, since it is extremely difficult to work with paper options, and you have to work hard to get at least a satisfactory result.

Therefore, if you still have wallpaper, before you get involved in pasting surrounding objects, make sure of the quality of the finishing material.

Our choice of color and texture is also limited, since we work with residual material, but if you want to buy a new roll for these purposes, then start from general design room and your taste references.

Decorating kitchen furniture with wallpaper

It is quite acceptable to cover the furniture in the room with canvases with the same pattern as on the walls. Such an interior will look quite harmonious and holistic. If you need to use a different type of wallpaper, then do not forget about the overall design concept of the room.

Application of simple design solutions, will allow you to create a more harmonious interior. For example, if the room is decorated in light colors, then it is best to use dark or bright options for gluing cabinets. If the walls in the room are covered with wallpaper with ornaments, then in order to avoid overloading the interior, the furniture is covered with plain canvases. It will look very cool interior decoration cabinet, made to match the walls of the room.

A good option for decorating cabinets is imitation of other finishing materials, wood, brick, leather, stone. Such vinyl wallpapers are often used to decorate various rooms and they naturally remain. In addition, such canvases have significant relief and a repeating pattern, which will help hide defects on the surface of the furniture.

Classic wardrobe decoration

IN construction stores You can find special photo wallpapers designed for covering doors and cabinets. Usually these are paper versions that depict non-trivial scenes, less often a banal imitation of a wooden covering.

In fact, the easiest way to cover a wood-effect cabinet is with self-adhesive film, which comes in just these colors. German and Dutch film is more expensive and of better quality, Chinese film is cheaper, but the edges of this film often come off due to the poor quality of the adhesive composition.

Note that self-adhesive wallpaper can be plain or stained glass, if this option suits you, use it.

If you are going to paste Kitchen Cabinet or a bedside table in the hallway, it is advisable that the wallpaper be moisture-resistant for wet cleaning. You need to think about this in advance. Self-adhesive film has moisture-resistant qualities, like most vinyl wallpaper, but the paper is weak.

Use of green and white colors that fit into the interior

If you only have paper scraps, in principle you can use them, but after pasting you will need to apply a layer of varnish to them, which will add gloss and protect the canvas from moisture.

We produce pasting

Collecting the necessary materials

Before you start work, you need to take care of the tools and material. Here's what we'll need:

  • sandpaper (sandpaper), an appropriate attachment for a drill or grinder, to prepare the surface for pasting;
  • in some cases a hair dryer, but not necessarily;
  • measuring instruments - ruler, tape measure, corner;
  • tools for markings and markings - pencil, pen, marker;
  • cutting tool - knife, scissors;
  • primer and wood putty for preparatory work;
  • tools for applying compounds - roller, brush, spatula;
  • rags for smoothing and removing glue;
  • PVA glue.

Using a grinder to sand surfaces

As you can see, the list is quite impressive. If you don't have some materials, buy them. By the way, if the fittings of your furniture are worn out, then you can change them too. For example, a handle, a new handle for a cabinet will not cost much, but will add color to your newly made wallpapered furniture.

Preparatory work

Before wallpapering furniture, you need to take care of the surface on which you will apply the material. We need to make it suitable for such work, so we will perform the following manipulations:

Typical domestic kitchen cabinet after decoration

  • To make it easier to work with a cabinet or bedside table, you need to disassemble it and remove all the fittings from it.
  • The next step is to sand decorative surface, remove the entire layer of varnish from it. This can be done using sandpaper, which is very labor-intensive; it will be easier to put the appropriate attachment on a drill, grinder or screwdriver and go over the varnish.

You can also remove the varnish using a hair dryer. To do this, the surface is heated and the applied composition is scraped off with a spatula. But even in this case, you can’t do without sanding.

  • If your furniture is made of solid wood and has not been treated with anything, then it is recommended to go over it with sandpaper to create some roughness.
  • In the next step, we remove all dust from the skin using a damp cloth. Give the furniture some time to dry.
  • After examining the dried surface for defects, we decide whether it needs to be puttied. If the cracks and grooves are not so large, and the wallpaper for pasting is embossed, you don’t have to do this. If the defects are deep, you will have to level the surface with putty, maybe even in several layers.
  • As you probably already guessed, after the putty has dried, the putty areas must be treated and leveled with the general surface. This is also done with sandpaper.
  • Now the surface of the cabinet is almost ready, all that remains is to prime it for better adhesion to the wallpaper.

Carrying out the preparatory work will ensure 80% of success, even if you cannot hang the wallpaper beautifully the first time, you will already have a basis for further experiments.


Pasting furniture also takes place in several stages:

Furniture wallpapering work

  • First of all, it’s worth making blanks from leftover wallpaper. To do this, the item is carefully measured and the dimensions are transferred to the wallpaper. Some patterns are cut out in accordance with the size of the closet or bedside table.
  • Next, the prepared surfaces are coated with glue. You can use wallpaper glue, but it is better to use construction PVA, it will glue the materials together better. You need to carefully apply the cut pieces to the surface of the cabinet, trying to immediately level the canvas. This is not so difficult to do, since the patterns are small in size.
  • It is recommended to stock up on a large number of dry rags or rags to smooth the sheets and remove any remaining glue from them. A special pressure roller will help to press the pieces more tightly.
  • After wallpapering a cabinet or other furniture, you need to give the glue some time to dry, and only then screw on the fittings. Usually a few hours are enough, but in the case of large items, it may take a day.

As with standard wallpapering, try not to create drafts in the room; there is some chance that the sheets will not stick well.

Expression of imagination in the kitchen interior

Actually, this is the whole technology of decorating pieces of furniture with wallpaper. Definitely, after these manipulations, your cabinet will look better, certainly more interesting than if you painted it.

You can glue the cabinets yourself, as you can see, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to put in a little effort, patience and accuracy. In addition, restoring such items with your own hands will give you confidence in own strength and will confirm that you have design abilities. Try it, maybe the world doesn’t yet know the name of the new, successful designer.

Self-adhesive film is convenient to use and widely applicable finishing material, which has a number of advantages:

  • It can be used for different types surfaces.
  • This material is durable, practical, environmentally friendly, has extensive color palette, making it perfect for creating any interior design. He is also able to update old, shabby furniture so that it looks as if it had just come from the store.

Examples of using self-adhesive film

How to cover furniture with film yourself

So, covering furniture with self-adhesive film is not the most difficult task, but you still need to know a number of features. Before purchasing film, you need to measure the furniture that is to be covered. And purchase it in accordance with these dimensions, not forgetting that the rolls have different widths.

The process of pasting furniture is as follows:

  1. All handles and other loose decorative elements must be removed from the furniture.
  2. Then, the surface must be thoroughly washed and degreased. For this you can use detergent or ethyl alcohol. This procedure will be sufficient if the surface is polished or varnished and undamaged.
    And if you are dealing with a surface made of plywood or boards, then it requires preliminary priming with methyl wallpaper glue or polyester varnish. If cracks and damage are found in the furniture, they must be repaired using sandpaper, putty and covered with acrylic primer.
  3. Next, cut a piece of film to the size you need. on her inside There is a special centimeter grid along which it is easy to cut the film evenly.

How to properly stick film without bubbles

When pasting, the film is separated from the paper by a few centimeters, applied to the surface, after which it must be pulled off with one hand and smoothed with the other using a clean, dry cloth. This way you get rid of bubbles. If after pasting they still remain, they can be removed by piercing them with a needle.

Or you can use another method to avoid bubbles. To do this, before gluing, you need to spray the surface with a weak soap solution. In this case, the film will slide, and it will be much easier to eliminate air bubbles.

Often, owners of old furniture want to give it a new appeal. This desire can be realized with the help of self-adhesive film. This is the most popular way to decorate a variety of interior items with an already boring appearance. But most people do not know how to glue self-adhesive film to furniture. Therefore, they cannot make their wonderful desires come true.

Using self-adhesive, you can change the appearance of not only any piece of furniture, but the entrance or interior doors, window sill, various glass surfaces.

In this article we will introduce some of the subtleties of choosing a self-adhesive film. With a number of its advantages. And also how to correctly stick it on any surface. This information will enable you to give new life various interior elements without special financial investments and physical costs.

Some advantages of its use

Self-adhesive decorative films have a number of obvious advantages over other types of adhesive finishing materials:

  • fairly good versatility;
  • ease of fixation on various surfaces;
  • do not require the involvement of a team of specialists for gluing it;
  • provide the opportunity to replace an accidentally damaged area without problems in a minimum period of time;
  • have fairly good resistance to high humidity and sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • provide a wide range of textured designs from imitation natural wood and marble to a variety of geometric and abstract patterns;
  • have an easy to clean surface;
  • have a fairly low cost.

You can learn more about the benefits from the video:

Several subtleties of choosing self-adhesive

Before sticking a self-adhesive film on any element of a furniture set or other piece of furniture, you should take into account a number of criteria for its selection. These include:

  • quality of self-adhesive;
  • current condition of surfaces planned for pasting;
  • aesthetic appeal of self-adhesive film;
  • possibility of accidental damage to the glued surface.

Tip: This film is an ideal material for restoring various elements of a furniture set and other interior items. It can be easily pasted onto a variety of surfaces made of wood, ceramics, plastic, glass, and plywood.

Options for its use

Before purchasing self-adhesive, it is advisable to determine the functional purpose of the surface on which you plan to stick it. So the choice of design and color is like this decorative film largely depends on this.

If you want to give old furniture a more attractive look, then, as a rule, multi-colored pieces of self-adhesive tape or colorful pictures are glued onto it.

And if it is necessary to renew the protective layer on it, then it is more rational to use a film with a texture visually reminiscent of the structure of natural wood.

When planning the restoration of a furniture set in the living room or bedroom, it is advisable to select a self-adhesive with a pattern that most harmoniously suits the general style interior of the room.

Tip: Due to the easy removal of various types of dirt from the surface of the self-adhesive film and its fairly good resistance to fluctuations in moisture and temperature, it is in great demand for decorating a kitchen apron.

Standard technology for decorating furniture using self-adhesive

Having become familiar with its advantages and subtleties of selection, for many it remains topical issue– how to properly stick self-adhesive film on various surfaces.

Before gluing the film to furniture, you need to have the following on hand:

  • an ordinary wooden ruler;
  • pencil;
  • standard scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • a piece soft fabric or a felt spatula.

Let's get started with self-adhesive tape

To get acquainted with technological process Let's consider, for example, how to cover a closet.

This is one of the main stages of the entire process. So the quality of its preparation largely depends on the result obtained. appearance. Therefore, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dust. Any contamination must be thoroughly removed from it. If there are irregularities of various types, they need to be cleaned with fine sandpaper. As a result, the prepared surface should be perfectly smooth and clean.

More details can be found in the video:

At the next stage, the side wooden planes of the cabinet must be primed. To do this, you can use regular stationery or wallpaper glue. Before application, it is advisable to dilute it with a small amount of water. The working mixture must have a milk concession. This will make it possible to ensure sufficiently good penetration of the prepared solution into the wooden structure of the cabinet. And it will improve the adhesion of the applied decorative film to the base surface.

Preparing self-adhesive

The process of cutting self-adhesive film will be facilitated by a convenient scale printed on the protective paper on the back of the self-adhesive film. Its grid is made with a gradation of 1 cm. Using a regular ruler or meter, determine dimensions surface to be glued.

Tip: If you are doing this work for the first time, it is advisable to add at least 1 cm to the length and width to the obtained measurement result. Since you are unlikely to be able to ensure a fairly accurate match between the edges of the film and the cabinet wall being decorated. On an already pasted surface, you can easily trim off the protruding part of the film with a stationery knife.

Applying self-adhesive to the surface

If you have to carry out such a procedure for the first time, then before starting work it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for performing this process. As a rule, manufacturers explain its main stages in an accessible form in the form of several pictures depicted on a protective paper layer.

To directly decorate the cabinet with film, carefully separate a small section of self-adhesive tape from the protective paper in one of the corners. Carefully glue the freed section of the film onto the corner of the cabinet wall. Now, across the entire width of the self-adhesive, separate the paper layer by 1-2 cm. Lightly press the second edge of the decorative material with the adhesive surface onto the other corner of the cabinet wall.

Tip: If your surface is of significant size, for example, more than 50 cm, then it is advisable to carefully “fix” the film in several places, evenly distributing them along the entire width of the furniture wall.

It is advisable to start “attaching” the self-adhesive from the place where it was first glued. Using a soft cloth or felt spatula, carefully press the self-adhesive film onto the main surface. At the same time, make light circular movements with your hand. If folds or small air “bubbles” appear on the glued surface, then carefully “peel off” the film and reapply it.

Important: The adhesive layer retains its properties for 2 hours.

Having ensured high-quality fixation of the self-adhesive along the entire width of the wall, we begin to glue it lengthwise. To do this, carefully separate the protective paper from the main decorating material in sections 2-3 cm wide. And using light circular movements with your hand, gradually press the film towards base surface. At the same time, we periodically check that the pasted furniture wall has a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

After reading this information, we hope it becomes clear to you how to glue self-adhesive film to various surfaces.

In conclusion, we offer some tips on how to properly care for self-adhesive tape.

To remove various types of stains on it, just wipe it with water. Well, if the dirt could not be removed the first time, then you can use an alcohol solution or various detergents without “abrasive” inclusions. This way they can damage the pasted surface.

Self-adhesive film is a universal material that allows you to quickly and easily special costs transform any furniture set. The process of gluing with such film is quite simple, however, you need to know how to cover furniture with self-adhesive film correctly and what material to choose for this.

This material is made from a combination of wallpaper and adhesive tape. Self-adhesive film can be used to cover not only furniture, but also the surface of walls, ceilings, or some elements of a car. In this case, for each you need to use a certain type of film.

Features of the material

Using self-adhesive film, you can bring to life the most versatile and original design ideas, which becomes possible thanks to the advantages of this material:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to influence high temperatures(does not melt at temperatures up to 80 degrees);
  • a wide range of colors, textures and patterns;
  • inexpensive price;
  • Ease of use;
  • ease of care.

In addition, the features of the film also include the possibility of gluing it to almost any surface. Therefore, you can paste over not only wooden furniture, but also furniture made of plastic, plywood, glass or metal. The only difficulty that may prevent you from quickly transforming furniture may arise due to uneven surface the item chosen for pasting. Therefore, first you need to get rid of all defects, especially if the furniture is antique. It may have rough spots or pits that can be treated grinder or fine sandpaper. If this is not done, then self-adhesive film may peel off or blister in areas of unevenness.

The gluing process cannot be called complicated; it does not require any skills or practice. The only thing you need is time, and if you need to cover a complex surface, then an assistant. You will also need the following tools:

  • ruler;
  • marker or pen;
  • sharp knife or scissors;
  • putty knife;
  • industrial dryer.

An industrial hair dryer is necessary to thoroughly dry the surface of the furniture, as well as the already pasted film, before gluing.

What furniture can be covered with self-adhesive film?

Self-adhesive film for furniture is moisture resistant, not affected by temperatures and has different simple care. Thanks to these qualities, it can be used for finishing furniture in different rooms:

  • for pasting kitchen units. Update kitchen set Self-adhesive film for furniture will help quickly and effortlessly, which you can buy at an inexpensive cost. Such a film on kitchen furniture will become an avid assistant in maintaining cleanliness and order. The surface of kitchen furniture is constantly dirty, and this can be corrected with the help of self-adhesive film;
  • for pasting furniture in the toilet and bathroom. Due to the fact that this material is not afraid of water and moisture, the furniture in these rooms can last longer. And at the same time, the film will help create original design, which, if desired, can be easily changed over time;
  • for pasting furniture in . Children, as a rule, love to draw, and they do it wherever they can. The furniture in the nursery also takes the hit. However, if you cover it with self-adhesive film, then as a result, any design can either be wiped off, or the film can be re-glued, or left as is, if desired. In addition, children love everything bright and interesting, and with the help of such a film, even the most ordinary children's furniture can be transformed beyond recognition;
  • for pasting furniture in the living room, hallway or bedroom. Decorative self-adhesive film for furniture is perfect for these rooms, as you can always choose the necessary texture and color of the film so that it fits harmoniously into the overall room.

When pasting pieces of furniture - chairs, cabinets, the surfaces of tables or chests of drawers, for each you can choose a film that is suitable in color and texture, which will help refresh the interior and design of any room. Below you can see what a self-adhesive film for furniture looks like (photo).

An important point: when choosing a film, you need to consider what type of furniture surface it will be glued to. For example, if the furniture is antique, then a transparent film is best suited for finishing it, with which you can hide scuffs and small scratches, without changing the color of the old wood. A film with a mosaic pattern will look good on glass.

Self-adhesive film is easy to maintain. To maintain the good appearance of your furniture, you just need to wipe the film with detergent. It is better not to use powder products, as they can damage the structure. In case of severe contamination, ethyl alcohol can be used.

How to glue self-adhesive film on furniture: surface preparation

Before you start gluing furniture, you need to carefully prepare the surface so that the film sticks well and no air bubbles form. Initial stages:

  1. Any surface, be it a table, chest of drawers or closet, must first be thoroughly cleaned and thoroughly degreased with alcohol. The most suitable film for gluing is smooth surface, on which there is a varnish coating. If the surface is rough, you must first coat it with furniture varnish yourself and leave it to dry for two days;
  2. further on chipboard surfaces, plywood or wood, you need to remove dust and protruding particles of material. Using fine sandpaper, carefully rub the surface. You can even use an acrylic primer, as it will promote reliable adhesion of the film to the surface;
  3. if the selected piece of furniture contains metal parts that also need to be sealed, then such parts should be pre-moistened;
  4. After preparing the surface, you need to cut the self-adhesive film into the necessary parts. A grid with reverse side material, which is lined by centimeters. You need to mark the mesh, making a small margin, and cut it using sharp scissors or a knife.

Stages of gluing self-adhesive film

When purchasing such material, it is always accompanied by instructions that describe the process of gluing to a specific material. In fact, there is nothing difficult in gluing the film and even an inexperienced person can do it. However, you need to be careful to do the gluing carefully so that the finish doesn’t look clumsy later. Stages of finishing furniture with self-adhesive film:

  1. The prepared film must be separated from the paper by a few centimeters. Next, you should apply it to the surface with the sticky side so that it matches the size of the surface;
  2. then you need to carefully separate the film from the paper part and glue it evenly over the surface. You need to start smoothing the film from the center. To do this, you can use a dry sponge. It is necessary to smooth it out in the same way as during so that air blisters do not form;
  3. if a mistake was made during gluing, it must be redone immediately, since if a little time passes, the film will no longer be able to be removed.

It is worth paying attention if the purchased film sets to the surface instantly, because then gluing it will be extremely inconvenient. In order to slow down the adhesion, you can use powder or talc, lightly applying it to the surface of the furniture. If during the process it was not possible to avoid the formation of air bubbles, then you can get rid of them with a needle. Blisters need to be punctured and smoothed out.

How to remove self-adhesive film from furniture

After a while, everyone may get tired of the color or pattern of the film that is glued to the furniture in the kitchen or living room. However, not everyone knows how to remove the film correctly without damaging the surface of the furniture. Self-adhesive film is a fairly durable material that is so popular because of its aesthetics and durability. Therefore, special measures must be taken to remove the film. There are several ways to remove film:

  • You can remove the self-adhesive film using hot water. You need to wet the film well. Then, using a thin spatula, you need to carefully remove the material so as not to spoil the surface of the furniture;
  • If hot water did not help and the film still does not come off, you can use a hairdryer. In order for the glue to detach from the surface, it must be heated well. Both a regular hair dryer and an industrial hair dryer are suitable for this;
  • Another way is to use a heater. You can use a regular home heater that blows hot air. To do this, you need to set it to full power and point it at the glued film. This way it will heat up, after which it can be easily removed;
  • if there is a little glue left on the surface from the film, it’s not a problem. You can easily get rid of it by using a little solvent.

Self-adhesive film is a universal type of material, thanks to which you can completely change the design of any furniture without much effort or high costs. This durable material will allow you to add new colors to the design and interior of any home.

Video on how to cover kitchen furniture with self-adhesive film