Well      04/19/2019

Delicious sweet strawberries at home. How to grow strawberries from seeds at home

Year-round cultivation of strawberries. What could be more profitable in the conditions of one separate apartment? Sweet berry has always been, and will continue to be, in demand among consumers. The season of ripe fruits, unfortunately, like the period of implementation, is short and fleeting.

Even during the period of early socialism, leading allied breeders created a technology for growing strawberries throughout the year. The technology received limited publicity and settled on the dusty shelves of history. The matter was continued only by some farmers, but the instructions for growing strawberries indoors were retained in full.

This article has helped many gardeners stop working hard on their plots and still get a bountiful harvest.

I would never have thought that in order to get best harvest on his own personal plot For my entire “dacha career”, all I need is to stop toiling away in the garden beds and trust nature. For as long as I can remember, I spent every summer at the dacha. First at my parents' house, and then my husband and I bought our own. From early spring to late autumn, all free time was spent on planting, weeding, tying, pruning, watering, harvesting and, finally, preserving and trying to preserve the harvest until next year. And so in a circle...

During the period of following the slogan “the economy should be economical,” the technology of growing strawberries throughout the year, it would seem, could come in handy. Economists quickly calculated the profitability of the event. It turned out that it does not require a large amount of investment. But this fact was not “to the advantage” of some party leaders, and “the matter was hushed up.”

One strawberry, two strawberry

Global geopolitical changes in one way or another influenced the development of all industries and production. Farmers, no matter how offensive it may sound, have remained practically on the “outskirts of history.” Only a small group of plant growers continued research in the area year-round cultivation strawberries Later they were joined by businessmen and those who at that time wanted to make basic money.

The technology turned out to be quite simple. If you strictly follow the instructions for producing strawberry crops under conditions closed ground, then there is a real opportunity to collect up to 150 kg of berries from an area of ​​10 m2 per year. Moreover, the financial costs will be no more than $50.

You provide strawberries all year round! photo

With such minimal financial investments, and they concern exclusively planting material, it is not difficult to calculate the profit from the sale of fresh berries during, well, let’s say, only the winter period. Note that today you can regulate the pricing policy of your own goods yourself.

With our modern lifestyle, seeing fresh strawberries or other berries on market shelves is no longer a fantasy. Moreover, growing a “berry queen” at home is also not impossible. Thanks to the developments of Soviet scientists, growing strawberries in an apartment turned out to be very simple.

Technologies do not conceal anything supernatural. An apartment can serve as a fairly acceptable place to start growing berries. The presence of windows and vents provides ventilation. Central heating– warmth and comfort. The plumbing system provides moisture. A minimum area is used for planting. Seedlings are planted in plastic bags purchased from a nearby store. Packages with seedlings planted in the substrate are installed on racks, positioned vertically. On an area of ​​one square meter you can make a good strawberry plantation.

Varieties for growing strawberries in apartment conditions are selected very carefully. In addition to the fact that all varieties must be remontant, they must also be divided according to the degree of ripeness - early, medium and late, in equal proportions.

Growing strawberries in an apartment description

The principle of growing strawberry crops is the use of plastic bags filled with substrate or soil, as well as the presence of mineral fertilizers. Factors ensuring the success of this event and its uninterrupted operation:

  • Quadrature of the area. Depends on the scale of the business.
  • Creation optimal conditions. Lighting, temperature, humidity.
  • An additional storage room for storing seedlings that are in a state of rest.
  • But the most important factor is the desire to create your own business, which will make you independent.

Having started building plantations in your own apartment, it is necessary to begin negotiations on the sale of promising products.

Strawberries are a perishable berry. And it’s up to you to decide: enter the market yourself as a distributor of your own products, or managers practicing in this topic will handle their sales, and you will get a regular customer.

In conclusion, we can draw a terse conclusion. This method is quite accessible, easy to use and does not incur large financial costs. Production can be launched in both small and large volumes. Almost complete absence of insect pests and plant diseases. Such production has one hundred percent profitability, quick payback and good income throughout the year.

Strawberries on the balcony video

Gardeners in Russia and neighboring countries grow cabbage with pleasure and quite successfully. But the “set”, as a rule, is limited to varieties white cabbage different periods ripening, broccoli and cauliflower. Meanwhile, we already have popular types of cabbage that ripen earlier and bring less hassle when growing. In this article, we bring to your attention 5 types of cabbage that you may not have heard of yet, but which are definitely worth growing.

The long-awaited April does not always bring pleasant surprises with the weather. But sooner or later, all work in ornamental garden will start in April. From simple household chores and clearing plant debris, cutting dry clumps and mulching the soil to planting new flower beds, you will have to take care of a lot. Planting comes to the fore in April. It is better to plant bushes, trees, and vines this month. But don’t forget about caring for seedlings.

Among the variety of tomato varieties, as a rule, only two groups are distinguished: indeterminate and determinate. But the tomato world is divided into more diverse “clans”, knowing about which is not only interesting, but also useful. Tomatoes are divided according to the method of cultivation, according to ripening time, according to leaf shape, according to fruit shape, according to size, according to color... Today I would like to talk about varieties that form the most colorful group under beautiful name"Bi-Colour".

Enchanting April with its delicate blossoms and the first dazzling greenery is a very capricious and changeable month. Sometimes it unpleasantly surprises with its winter atmosphere, and sometimes it pleases with unexpected warmth. In April, work begins on the beds, and a full season begins in the greenhouse. Sowing and planting in open ground should not interfere with caring for seedlings, because the quality of the harvest depends on its quality. Moon calendar beneficial plants are especially favored at the beginning of the month.

Spring sanitary pruning allows you to form a beautiful crown and stimulates the formation of a high yield. Trees easily tolerate it, recovery occurs very quickly, wounds heal well. The main goal is to form the crown and remove branches that are broken and dried out during the winter. Winter pruning is especially necessary in the first four years after planting, when skeletal branches are formed. Optimal time spring pruning- from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring.

Extreme sensitivity to low temperatures makes zinnias annual plants, which are usually grown through seedlings. But there is nothing complicated about sowing and growing young zinnias. It is hardy and does not require special care plants that are easy to grow from seeds. And if you also collect your own seeds, you will get one of the most “economical” summer seeds in your collection. Bright baskets of inflorescences color the garden with a special cheerful canvas.

On domestic market There is a large assortment of cucumber hybrid seeds. Which varieties to choose to get maximum yield? We defined best hybrids, according to buyers of Agrosuccess seeds. They were “Merengue”, “Zozulya”, “Masha” and “Director”. In this article we will tell you about their advantages. Since absolutely all cucumber hybrids have no disadvantages: they do not turn yellow, have many ovaries, the fruits are not large, and are resistant to diseases.

Eggplants - tall, erect plants with wide, dark green leaves and large fruits - create a special mood in the garden beds. And in the kitchen they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplants are fried, stewed and canned. Of course, to grow a decent harvest in middle lane and further north is not an easy task. But subject to agrotechnical cultivation rules, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplants in a greenhouse.

Lenten charlotte with apples and cinnamon on vegetable cream is a simple pie that is suitable for fasting people; this pastry can also be included in a vegetarian menu. There are situations when dairy products need to be replaced with vegetable ones, then vegetable cream prepared on the basis of vegetable fats comes to the aid of housewives. The taste of cream goes well with apples and cinnamon, baking powder makes the dough fluffy and airy, the pie turns out simply delicious.

Buying a blooming orchid, lovers exotic plants They are wondering whether it will bloom just as well at home and should we expect it to bloom again? Everything will be - and grow, and bloom, and delight for many years, but under one condition. As with any indoor plants, for an orchid you must initially try to create conditions acceptable for growth and development. Sufficient lighting, humidity and air temperature, special substrate - the main points.

Noble lush greenery, unpretentiousness, and the ability to purify the air from dust and pathogens make nephrolepis one of the most popular indoor ferns. There are many types of nephrolepis, but any of them can become a real decoration of the room, and it doesn’t matter if it’s an apartment, Vacation home or office. But only healthy, well-groomed plants can decorate a room, so creating suitable conditions and proper care- the main task of flower growers.

Correct herring under a fur coat - layers in turn, the order of which determines the taste of the dish. It is important not only to put fish and vegetables in a certain sequence. Product preparation is also of great importance. Never cook vegetables for this appetizer the day before; overnight in the refrigerator they will lose some of their flavor and become bland. Cook the vegetables 2-3 hours in advance and cool them to room temperature. You can also bake carrots, beets and potatoes in the oven in foil.

Experienced gardeners always have crystalline iron sulfate, or ferrous sulfate, in their garden medicine cabinet. Like many others chemicals, it has properties that protect garden and berry crops from numerous diseases and insect pests. In this article we will talk about the features of use iron sulfate for treating garden plants from diseases and pests and about other options for its use on the site.

Many people cannot imagine their diet without ripe, delicious tomatoes. Moreover, the variety of varieties allows you to choose the one that suits your taste the most. There are varieties that are called salad varieties, that is, they are best consumed fresh. These include the Honey tomato, whose name speaks for itself. In 2007, the Honey variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. “Agrosuccess” offers seeds from the best breeders in the world that have undergone additional testing

Retaining walls are the main tool for working with complex terrain on a site. With their help, they not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the rock garden landscape, the change in height, the style of the garden, and its character. Retaining walls allow play with raised and lowered areas and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help turn the disadvantages of the garden into its main advantages.

Every second gardener or just a lover of house plants dreams of growing not only beautiful, but also useful plant. And almost every housewife would not mind strawberries being such a crop. This is beautiful - flowering plant emits a pleasant aroma, has beautiful view, and it is possible.

General concept of remontant strawberries

In order to all year round To enjoy delicious berries, you need to know what types and varieties are required for propagation. We have already written in detail about this earlier.

Homemade strawberries all year round are quite possible if everything is organized correctly.

Experienced gardeners use for similar purposes exclusively remontant varieties , however, you should know which varieties are capable of bearing fruit continuously, and which ones - only two harvests.

Is it possible to grow strawberries on a windowsill?

Remontant crops differ from the usual type not only in that they are able to bear fruit several times per warm season, but also the duration of daylight hours. Conventional crops, as a rule, are characterized by ripening under short daylight hours, that is, they ripen even in the dark, if the temperature allows.

The strawberries have bloomed on the windowsill, we are waiting for the first berries.

Differences among varieties

Remontant crops are divided into ripening long daylight hours and neutral daylight hours - DSD and NSD.

Repairers of DSD are able to develop and lay buds only in the presence of prolonged lighting - produce crops twice a season . In this case, as a rule, the second harvest is distinguished by larger fruits and a higher overall yield level. However, in this case, this species is not particularly hardy, as a result of which many bushes die after the season - dry out.

NSD repairers are characterized by stronger endurance, fruiting is characterized by continuity and does not depend on the length of daylight hours. If they are created favorable conditions, are capable of producing high levels of yield for about ten months in a row. If grown at room temperature, with the provision of sufficient light, weather conditions and climate also do not affect them.

Classification of varieties

If you decide to grow strawberries on a windowsill, you should ask the store what type of seedlings they are and what they are called.

The main popular names of NSD repairmen:

  • Queen Elizabeth;
  • Queen Elizabeth II;
  • Roman F1;
  • Tristar;
  • Brighton.

Queen Elizabeth

It is believed that Queen Elizabeth is a long day ripening species, however, many gardeners still prefer to grow it in an apartment due to large sizes berries and high taste indicators.

The main advantages of the variety:

  • large whisker formation for breeding;
  • size of berries – 50 grams;
  • beautiful flower stalks - a nice decoration on the window;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • long-term storage in fresh and processed form.

In most cases, the first Elizabeth is raised in the house by those owners who are satisfied with this strawberry productivity period due to busyness. The remaining varieties are bright representatives of their species, distinguished by regular fruiting, pleasant aroma, beautiful peduncles, high level endurance.

Rules for planting strawberries at home

When choosing a variety, you should take into account that the plant will live in the selected container for about three years, since it reduces immunity and productivity, lengthens the adaptation period.

To once again Do not replant the strawberries, you need to immediately choose a larger pot.

Besides, adult seedlings may well die due to the fact that it is not able to adapt to new conditions as much as possible.

For one bush you can use a container with a volume no more than three liters . The flowerpot should be wide and medium in height - at least twenty centimeters. You can use balcony boxes for group planting. Depending on the size of the box, the number of seedlings is calculated. If the approximate volume of the container is from ten to fifteen liters - four bushes, the distance between them is twenty-five centimeters.

Preparing the container

The container for seedlings must be properly prepared.

  • Holes should be cut at the bottom of the pot or box to drain excess water, and the bottom of the container should be filled with a drainage mixture - expanded clay, pebbles, broken brick or pebbles.
  • As a substrate, you can use a universal ready-made mixture from the store, which is used for indoor plants.
  • But it is also permissible to use a mixture prepared independently - forest soil, humus, humus, peat, sand .
  • The dose is selected at the rate of two parts to one part.

Planting a seedling


  • It is recommended to feed approximately once every fourteen days .
  • The frequency and amount of fertilizing will depend on the condition of the seedlings, stage of development, and time of year.

It should be remembered that there is a so-called “dead period” when the plant rests - does not bloom, does not bear fruit, and does not throw out shoots. At this time, all functions of the culture freeze - the plant thus rests - no fertilizing or fertilizing should be applied . Can be used monofertilizer , or perhaps a complex consisting of several substances.

Growing algorithm

Planting usually begins in July.

Approximately in the second week after transplanting the seedlings, new leaves should appear.

This is due to the adaptation period - so that the seedlings can adapt by winter and show results in the spring. Planted in a large pot, it can be placed on the balcony, on the sunny side - on the south or south-east side of the balcony.

The appearance of the results - the first additional leaves - is expected on eleventh day . If young leaves appear, the plant is firmly rooted and established. At the same time, the old leaves gradually die and fall off. On the thirtieth day, you can expect the emergence of the first peduncles, which should be removed so that the second flowering will bring better results.


Approximately the thirty-seventh day - flower stalks open.

The first flowers appear on bushes planted more than a month ago.

First, several openings appear - approximately from two to four inflorescences . The duration of flowering varies within three days, then the petals fall off and the first fruits set.

The conditional end of flowering, if the strawberry belongs to the period of long daylight ripening, occurs approximately on the fifty-second day after planting.

We help flowers pollinate.

First berries

At the same time, the first berries have increased in size, and the flower stalks bloom and fade in turn.

It is necessary to monitor the stems due to the fact that the first berries are extremely large - the stems can break.

To prevent this phenomenon, you can place a fabric roller or foam rubber under the stems. And you should also remember about systematic watering as needed. The first sampling of ripened berries usually occurs on the sixty-first day, if all measures of correct agricultural technology are followed.

Deformed berries appear when the peduncles are insufficiently pollinated.

Fruiting all year round

For winter fruiting, strawberries need additional lighting, which will increase the length of the day to approximately twelve hours.

Additional lighting for homemade strawberries.

Temperature conditions are maintained at twenty degrees Celsius . If for indoor growing If the DSD variety is used, it is worth remembering that the duration of active productivity of this species is two or three years.

If you decide to grow NSD remontants, you need to be prepared for the fact that a decline in productivity may occur within a year, and then you will need to replant and breed young seedlings.

Video on how to plant strawberries from seeds at home