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What you need to know about growing sweet peppers. Outdoor Pepper Care

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How to grow Bell pepper: care, watering and top dressing

Sweet pepper (Bulgarian, Mexican) - a brief biological characteristic

Family: Solanaceae. Type: Pepper vegetable. Cultivation cycle: annual plant. Fruit: White, yellow, green, red or Brown with good taste and aroma. Features:Heat-loving and moisture-loving plant, the optimum temperature for growth and development is + 18 .. + 25 degrees.

Sweet pepper: Cultivation and care

Who would have thought that pepper was once considered a vegetable "for an amateur." And all because his predecessors were bitter and spicy in taste. And only with the advent of sweet varieties, pepper became a "regular" of our gardens.

However, there are nuances in its cultivation: in open ground, pepper makes special demands on air and soil temperature. Therefore, in the middle lane it is better to grow it in greenhouses or greenhouses, where the average daily soil temperature does not fall below +15 degrees.

Pepper in the greenhouse

The age of seedlings at the time of transplantation should be 50-60 days. In the greenhouse, peppers are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other and 60-70 cm between rows. Before planting, organic matter (3-5 kg ​​/ sq.m) and a full range of mineral fertilizers (according to the instructions) are introduced into the soil.

Peppers are planted with a clod of earth from the cups in which they grew so that there is no stunting due to transplant stress. After abundantly watered.

To keep the soil moist and to control weeds after planting, it is mulched with black spunbond or film.

Sweet Pepper Care

Basically, these are periodic waterings (1-2 times a week warm water), which can be combined with top dressing. Do not oversaturate the soil with moisture, otherwise the plants will begin to drop flowers. Pepper loves loose soil. If the plantings were not mulched, you will have to deal with the soil crust that forms after watering.

In hot sundial greenhouses ventilate. Remember that at temperatures above +30 degrees, pollen viability decreases, which affects the formation of the ovary. Diseases in tomatoes and peppers are common. However, the latter are affected much less frequently and less intensely. Therefore, subject to crop rotation, spatial isolation and proper agricultural practices, their appearance can be practically excluded.

Feeding peppers - how and with what?

For getting good harvest peppers are fed: 10-14 days after planting the sweet in open ground bird droppings(1 to 20) or this mixture: 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 35 grams of superphosphate, 25-30 grams of potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate can be replaced with 50-60 grams complex fertilizer) per ten liters of water.

This is enough to water 7-10 peppers.

After 10-14 days (approximately, or more precisely after the formation of the ovary on the plant), re-feed with the following mixture: 25 grams of superphosphate, 10-15 grams of saltpeter and 25 to 30 grams of potassium sulfate per ten-liter bucket of water. This time this composition is enough for 6-7 sweet pepper plants. They can also process, if necessary, peppers and a third and even fourth time (during the ripening of the fruit).

Pepper harvest

Pepper begins to bear fruit from the end of July - mid-August. It is not necessary to wait for the fruits to become the color characteristic of the variety. You can pick them 1-2 times a week, as soon as they reach their normal size. This usually occurs 30-40 days after the formation of the ovary. Peppers can ripen, for which it is enough to put them in a warm, dark, dry place.

Sweet pepper: Useful properties

  • Pepper is useful for people suffering from depression, diabetes, memory impairment, insomnia, loss of strength.
  • Red peppers, like tomatoes, contain lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer.
  • There is a lot of vitamin A in yellow (orange) pepper, which means that its constant addition to food improves vision, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes of the body.
  • The substances contained in pepper protect the body from premature aging and the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • Interesting: it turns out that sweet pepper comes from Mexico. It was dubbed Bulgarian thanks to breeders from this country, who bred sweet large-fruited varieties.

A. Sobolev

Gardener's tips for growing sweet peppers - practice

When planting sweet pepper seedlings in the ground, I do not bury them. This is their important difference from tomatoes.

If the seedlings have bloomed and have already tied fruit, it's okay. In the greenhouse, plants quickly come to their senses. But I don’t plant peppers with flowers and ovaries in open ground, I pluck them.

I remove the central, “main” flower from the pepper, growing from the first median branching. Then the pepper will give 3 or even 5 fruits more.

In the aisles, I definitely plant undersized varieties of calendula or marigolds, basil and coriander. They repel pests. Coriander and parsley blooming in the aisles, as well as banana and apple skins, attract pollinating insects.

During the growing season, I shorten strongly elongated shoots growing below the main fork of the stem, as well as excessively shaded (inside the crown).

Regular picking of peppers encourages plants to form new fruits. The more often you harvest, the more abundant it is.

S. Ryzhkina

sweet pepper varieties


maturation and bush




Very early, 30 - 50 cm

When ripe, orange-red, weighing 140-180 g, wall thickness 5 mm

Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, verticillium. blossom end rot


Early ripe 50-70 cm

When ripe, red, large, cone-shaped, weighing 140-180 g. Wall thickness 5-7 mm

12-18 fruits are formed on a bush. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, verticillium


Very 60-70 cm early

When ripe, orange-red, cone-shaped, weighing 170-220 g, wall thickness 5-6 mm

Peppers are suitable

to use

at any stage of development.


17 fruits

Three conclusions from eight observations

IN last years there were problems with sweet pepper. Previously, there were so fruitful years that they did not know what to do with! Usually planted up to 50 plants. Seedlings were acquired strong, with a developed root system. And suddenly the situation changed dramatically: all phases of development are very sluggish. I want to figure out: what was done wrong, what mistakes were made in agricultural technology? I'll try to analyze.

In our area, the soil is fertile (chernozem with a sufficient amount of humus), and, in principle, pepper should bear fruit well.

Every week (Saturday or Sunday) the peppers were poured with room temperature water from a barrel or tub heated in the sun. The exactingness of the root system in moisture was fully satisfied.

Peppers were planted in a sunny, well-ventilated place, taking into account its heat-loving ™.

The land was regularly loosened on the site in order to avoid drying out and cracking of the soil, i.e. dry irrigation was carried out.

When planting seedlings in open ground, they tried to observe crop rotation: they did not plant them after tomatoes, since these crops have identical diseases. The predecessor was cabbage or mustard, used as green manure. Unfavorable neighbors were not planted nearby - cucumbers and beans.

Straw mulching was not neglected, which made it possible to protect the soil from drying out.

Since pepper does not tolerate soil with high acidity, when planting seedlings, wood ash. In addition, the aisles were periodically dusted with wood ash.

A complex mineral fertilizer was used as foliar top dressing.

The conclusion suggests itself: the problems are caused by a significant temperature difference during the day (30 ° heat) and at night (much lower). And second: the lack of moisture - in the heat it evaporated quite quickly, and developing fruits were thirsty.

This year I decided to grow pepper seedlings on my own, for which I completed the preparatory measures.

Firstly, I purchased 4 varieties of peppers and selected ten seeds from each bag. These are Boatswain, Anastasia, Gourmet, Bogatyr. Secondly, I decided on the date of planting the seeds: this is February 23-24, when the growing Moon was in the fertile sign of Taurus. Thirdly, I prepared the ground for planting seeds for seedlings, which included 4 ingredients: land from our site, land for seedlings, wood stove ash and sand. The substrate turned out to be loose, light.

© Lyudmila Georgievna CHURKINA Kharkov

What is good for a tomato is death for a pepper

Not everyone knows how to grow sweet bell peppers. And all because they apply the same rules as when growing tomatoes. And they certainly fail: agricultural technology is significantly different.

Sweet pepper is a very heat-loving plant. Even in our south, in open ground, I plant pepper through seedlings, when the air warms up to 20-25 °, there is no threat of frost. It is possible earlier, but under a film shelter. I made many mistakes until I started reading literature on gardening, consulting with experienced gardeners. It turns out that sweet pepper has its own secrets. Here are six "not".

Don't spud.

Not everyone knows that pepper, like a tree, has a root collar. When planting, it must be above the surface of the soil, otherwise the process of fruit formation will be delayed. For the same reason, peppers, unlike tomatoes, cannot be spudded. Pepper does not have adventitious roots, like a tomato, so hilling will only hurt: the seedlings will sit for a long time without developing, and you will have to wait for late flowering.

Do not loosen.

In addition, pepper has a superficial root system:

you need to loosen the soil with extreme caution, but it is better to mulch it. For this, mowed dry grass, dry leaves, pine needles, rotted sawdust or fresh, but moistened with a solution of urea or ammonium nitrate.

Mulch will retain moisture in the soil and will not damage the root system.

Do not fill.

Peppers need to be watered often and little by little. Tomatoes are watered rarely, but plentifully. I use drip irrigation, which absolutely does not fit tomatoes!

Don't overdo it.

Don't forget about supplements. I start feeding the pepper at the age of two true leaves (once every 8-10 days). They like nitrogen and potassium, less phosphorus. But even here it is necessary to observe the measure: an excess of fertilizer will also negatively affect the development and fruiting of the plant. They don’t like manure either, so I don’t put it under the bushes (as I do with tomatoes) and don’t water it with manure infusion. To improve the taste of fruits, I feed them with potassium sulfate (20-30 g per 10 liters of water), the taste immediately improves.

Don't thicken.

When planting seedlings, I keep a distance between plants of 25-30 cm, and row spacing - 55-60 cm, then the roots feel free and there is enough sun for everyone.

Do not plant together with sharp varieties.

Peppers are a self-pollinating crop, but, as practice shows, cross-pollination of varieties growing nearby is also possible. I noticed that in this case, the yields are higher.

But because of the same feature, spicy and sweet varieties cannot be planted nearby.

For the prevention of diseases, twice a season I treat plantings with any copper-containing preparation. Don't forget to treat the leaves with reverse side.

Sweet pepper needs sand

My favorite crop is sweet pepper. Once I was given seeds of two varieties - with red and yellow fruits. It is a pity that they remained nameless, because these plants invariably give excellent results on my site.

Pepper needs iodine

These are rather late varieties, they have large cube-shaped fruits - an average of 20 cm in length. I also like the Atlant variety, it is already early ripe. Its fruits are smaller, but there are more of them on the bushes.

I plant seedlings in February, after the appearance of two true leaves I make a pick. We must try to plant the pepper so that by the time of transplanting to permanent place he did not bloom. I plant it in a greenhouse in three rows in a checkerboard pattern rather tightly - the interval between plants is about 35 cm. And since pepper loves iodine, I hang an open bottle of this liquid next to the bed. When watering, I also add iodine to the water - 30 drops per bucket.

I also noticed that pepper loves ash. I insist 1 cup of this raw material in a bucket of water for three days. I water the plants under the root with the resulting alkaline liquid.

How to make the land fertile

The land in our area is mostly sandy, which means it is poor. But surprisingly, it is pepper that feels very good on it. Of course, I want to increase the fertile layer. But manure has now become practically inaccessible, it is too expensive. I found a way out of the situation in the application of Baikal EM-1 fertilizer. I prepare a “sourdough” from the concentrate: I throw chopped nettles into the tank, add the old fermented jam and a glass of the preparation. I cover the container, stir occasionally, after two weeks I filter and add the resulting liquid when watering the plants, diluting 1 liter in a bucket of water.

The benefits of "Zircon"

Of the modern preparations, I liked Zircon the most. I began to use it after I overheard a conversation between two farmers who highly appreciated the ability of this remedy to increase plant immunity. And now I process all my garden and garden plants with this drug. I noticed that they were much less likely to be affected by diseases and pests. Yes and Negative influence nutrient-poor soil is flattened.

From the onion fly I recommend to escape as follows. In early spring, until the insects wake up, you need to prepare a pink solution of potassium permanganate, add 8 bottles of ammonia and boric acid(1 tsp of powder must first be diluted in hot water). Plants should be watered with this solution - under each bulb. A bucket of this liquid is enough for about 4 mg.

Dig - and no "nails"

It is often written that it is impossible to dig up the soil. I fundamentally disagree with this. After all, only by digging with the turnover of the layer can you get rid of the larvae of soil pests, especially the May beetle. These voracious creatures are capable of destroying onion plantings in a matter of days. And when digging, the larvae (and they, if anyone does not know, are quite large in size) can be collected and destroyed.

Not so long ago, tablets for the expulsion of moles appeared on sale. When laid in holes, they emit acetylene gas, which the animals cannot tolerate and therefore they leave their homes.

Natalya Stanislavovna KOVALCHUK

Pepper varieties are divided according to several characteristics: early maturity, plant height, color, shape, size and thickness of the fruit. Soon it is time to sow seeds for seedlings. Let's figure out which variety to choose.

Sweet or spicy?

First of all, decide which one you want to grow - sweet or spicy (bitter). If both - keep in mind that they must grow at least 10 m apart, otherwise the bushes will pollinate, and you may not get a sharp enough or not quite sweet version. If you want to grow a rich harvest hot pepper, give preference early ripe varieties with the traditional red color of fruits (Yubileiny, Tula, Fiery Volcano). And if the pepper, among other things, should please unusual view and decorate a garden bed or flower garden, take a look at specimens with medium-sized, original-shaped fruits (Jamaican red, Fireworks, Indian summer). By the way, in the fall it will be possible to “relocate” them to a container and take them home.

When choosing sweet peppers, decide whether to buy a hybrid (F1) or regular variety.

Hybrids are more productive, their fruits are larger, these plants get sick less often. But when growing such peppers, all the rules of agricultural technology must be observed, otherwise the result described by the seed manufacturer cannot be achieved. In addition, they are not recommended to collect their seeds: the signs of parental plants will not be preserved.

It is easier to grow plants of ordinary varieties, you can collect seeds from them, but it will be difficult to get huge fruits.

Early - not too late

By precocity, early, mid-season and late varieties are distinguished.

The early ones begin to bear fruit 100-120 days after sowing the seeds (Snezhok, Ivanhoe, Snegirek F1, Dobryak, Daredevil, Apollo, Je-mini F1). They are ideal for growing in regions with short summers in open ground, however, only with the use of temporary shelters from polyethylene film or nonwoven fabric(spunbond).

Mid-season varieties ripen 120-140 days after sowing seeds. Among them are Atlas, Gift of Moldova, Health, Arsenal, Hercules, Bogatyr, Orange King, Glob. They give a good harvest in greenhouses and low film shelters.

Late varieties of pepper (Trapez, Ingrid, Nochka F1, Ruby) can be harvested 140-150 days after sowing the seeds (until October). But such peppers have time to grow and ripen only in the southern regions.

Without any hassle, the pepper grows

The nature of the branching of the stem, on which the height of the plant as a whole depends, is another important point when choosing a variety.

Standard (single-stem) varieties branch only at the top of the main stem (Lumina, Eroshka, Funtik). Such plants do not need to be formed, tied to a trellis or stake, they need a temporary or small-sized shelter.

In plants of semi-standard varieties ( Barguzin,Chord,F1 pace) usually grows from one to three short shoots at the bottom of the main stem. Bushes have to be formed and tied up; these varieties are not suitable for growing in open ground.

In bush peppers (Merchant, Kakadu, Wonder Tree F1), the main stem branches from the very base, forming several long shoots. In a heated greenhouse, such plants can grow up to 3 m. They are the most productive, but at the same time the most capricious.

Anton LESHCHEV, Ph.D. agricultural sciences


IN Lately it became fashionable to grow vegetables, the fruits of which are very different in size from the rest of the family. Specialists have bred many varieties of pepper that can boast a very big size. Most often found on sale Red Bull, Quadro Red, King Kong. Their fruits, with proper agricultural technology, reach the size of a liter jar, and the wall thickness is about 1 cm.

True, in order to grow such peppers, no more than 5 ovaries should be left on the plant.

: Memo for growing seedlings -...
  • : When to sow biennial flowers What flower ...
  • Characteristics of pepper varieties
    TypePlant height (m)Number of side shootsQuantity



    start harvesting fruits from sowing seeds (days)




    Sweet pepper is a very popular crop among vegetable growers.

    And this explains a lot.

    It contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals, the amount of which exceeds tomatoes and eggplants, and the content ascorbic acid he has no equal at all.

    Pepper will decorate any dish on your holiday table, will give it an exquisite taste and aroma.

    This plant is grown and obtained delicious fruits easy if you follow all agrotechnical measures.

    Features of sweet pepper that you need to know when growing it

    • Pepper is negatively affected by changes in night and day temperatures, as well as changes in humidity.
    • Insufficient coverage of culture, especially during the formation of buds, has a bad effect on its development.
    • There are varieties and hybrids of sweet pepper. A hybrid will be your best bet, as it is more productive, more resistant to disease, and has nice, even fruit.
    • For growing crops, flat, sunny, calm areas are most suitable.
    • It is necessary to prepare the ground for pepper immediately after harvesting the previous crop.
    • You also need to know what fertilizer and when to apply.

    Peculiarities different types soil, which must be taken into account in order not to be disappointed in the harvest in the future:

    • What needs to be done to improve the fertility of the land if there are loamy soils on the site?

      To do this, you will need the following components: rotted sawdust, peat or manure. All of the above must be applied in certain quantities. Manure requires one bucket, two peat, sawdust is also one.

    • What needs to be done to improve the fertility of the land if there are clay soils on the site?

      To improve such lands, it is necessary to take sand of a large fraction and the same rotted sawdust, each of them in a bucket, mix and add to the soil.

    • What needs to be done to improve the fertility of the land if there are peat soils on the site?

      With the predominance of such lands, it is necessary to add components such as soddy soils and humus to it. Each of them is taken in a bucket, mixed and applied to the soil.

    • What needs to be done to improve the fertility of the land if there are sandy soils on the site?

      With such soils, the following substances are added: peat or clay soil, humus is added to them about two buckets and one bucket of sawdust.

    How to properly prepare the ground for sweet pepper, we list all the steps:

    • The first thing you need to know is that they begin to prepare the land for planting the crop immediately after harvesting the predecessor crop, that is, in the fall. The ideal ones are: cabbage, cucumber.
    • IN autumn period soil preparation organic fertilizers along with minerals. But before that, it is necessary to carry out harrowing or shallow plowing of the soil.
    • But if it suddenly turned out that you did not manage to fertilize the land in the fall, this can be done in the spring. In the same way and with the same fertilizers.
    • After entering all necessary fertilizers dig up the earth. At the same time, you need to immediately make beds on which the culture will grow. Height, which should be 25-30 cm.
    • And the last thing that is done is that the ready-made beds are watered with a solution prepared from the water of one bucket and 0.5 liters of mullein.

    After the measures taken to prepare the land, it can be used for planting pepper.

    And sweet pepper hybrids that you can try for planting on your site: Agapovsky, Atlant, Barguzin, Alyosha Popovich, Bogatyr, Bonus, Victoria, Vitamin, Dar Caspian Sea”, “Dobrynya”, “Yellow Bouquet”, “Green Miracle”, “Ilya Muromets”, “California Miracle”, “Bell”, “Cornet”, “Pioneer”, “Gift of Moldova” and many others.

    When choosing any of them, you must decide for yourself for what purposes you are going to use pepper.

    Seedlings of culture can be grown in three conditions, and briefly about them:

    • IN room conditions. Such seedlings are best placed on windows or balconies, if there is not enough light, then you can also artificially illuminate. Water used for irrigation should be settled for several hours. Feed indoor seedlings twice. The first time when the leaves appear, and the second time two weeks after the first feeding.
    • In greenhouses. In order to obtain high quality seedlings. It is necessary to use biofuel, that is, hot manure. Such seedlings can be grown with and without a pick. The best option for growing seedlings is to grow them in pots that are placed on the ground of the greenhouse and watered. Seedlings need to be fed at least twice.
    • In greenhouses. It is easier to grow seedlings than in a greenhouse. Under such conditions, seedlings growing in pots can be taken outside to undergo the hardening procedure. In the greenhouse, seedlings are fertilized with mineral fertilizers once or twice.

    Features of planting culture

    Since sweet peppers are characterized mainly by a long growing season, a suitable planting method would be seedlings.

    When planting seedlings, you need to consider the distance between them. The best option would be 45-55 cm.

    A suitable period for planting seedlings will be the last day of May or the first decade of June. Since there will already be complete confidence that the spring frosts will no longer come, and the culture will not freeze out. The best time of day for such a process would be evening time, and you can also select a cloudy day. Thus, the culture adapts better to new conditions and is less injured.

    It is generally impossible to plant seedlings during the day, especially if it is a very hot day.

    Before planting, you need to prepare small dimples with a maximum depth of 50 cm. A little ash and humus are poured into the bottom of the hole, and then seedlings are installed and the hole is filled up.

    For faster adaptation of the plant to new conditions, they need cover with foil or other material. After the culture takes root and takes root in the ground, the shelter can be removed.

    In the first days of the plant's life, it will look lifeless and lethargic, even if you water it often, but you should not worry, this is quite normal. After ten days, the culture will come to life and begin to grow rapidly. In order for the seedlings to take root better, it is necessary to carry out daily loosening of the soil.

    When planting a crop, you need to immediately install pegs so that you do not injure it later. This is necessary in order to tie up the culture in the future and ensure its normal growth without breaking.

    An important role in the life of a culture is played by the pinching of a plant. To form a stronger and more branched bush, you need to pinch the top. This process is carried out when the plant has reached a height of at least 30 cm.

    If you decide to plant several varieties of pepper. It is better to do this at a certain distance from each other. Because cross-pollination of crops among themselves may occur, which in the future will not greatly affect the taste of pepper.

    What should be observed when caring for sweet peppers?

    There are many diseases and pests that can harm a plant. To prevent this from happening, you need to take preventive measures. In the fight against them can help as folk remedies, and means which are on sale in the market.

    Also, crops growing in the neighborhood can provide protection to their neighbors. For prevention, every two weeks, plants can be watered with a solution, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

    You also need to pay attention to the timely watering of the crop, to tying it up from unnecessary damage, to weeding and removing weeds, as well as to making various kinds of plant nutrition for better development.

    Watering the culture is very important. With proper moisture, the plant will grow and develop well. The soil must be constantly moist. But Precipitation should also be monitored if they are abundant watering should be completely excluded, and if not very much, then from time to time it is necessary to water the culture.

    It is best to moisten the soil in the morning, during cold nights. And if not, it is fashionable to water during the day. The temperature of the water should not be cold, so as not to harm the plant. Before watering, you need to carry out a slight loosening of the soil, this is done so that there is no bark around the crop.

    feed the plant is needed in several stages:

    • The first stage must be carried out after two weeks of planting the crop in an open area. For this event, you need to prepare a special solution consisting of urea, superphosphate and water. Having combined all these components, they are thoroughly mixed and poured 1 liter into each bush.
    • The second stage must be carried out during the flowering of the plant. For this event, you need to prepare the following solution, consisting of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate and water. All components are mixed and applied under each bush.
    • The third stage must be carried out during the appearance of the initial fruits. For this event, you need to prepare the following solution, consisting of potassium salt, water and superphosphate. All components are mixed and poured under each bush, in two doses.

    Loosen the ground under the planted plant must be carried out with extreme caution. The root systems of sweet peppers are close to the surface. In order not to harm the roots of pepper, loosening is carried out not to a great depth.

    The fruits of the culture can be removed unripe and ripe. But when removed unripe, you can get a larger harvest.

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    This collection of material contains stepwise technology sowing, planting and caring for the plant. A description of the most popular and recommended by experts, varieties of pepper, will help you make the right choice.

    Sweet pepper, description

    Sweet pepper - annual herbaceous plant, belongs to the species "Peppers" and the family "Solanaceae".

    A well-known agricultural crop is grown in temperate, tropical and subtropical latitudes of all continents. America is considered the birthplace of the plant.

    This warm and moisture-loving vegetable plant bears fruit with tasty and nutritious fruits.

    The fruit of pepper looks like a juicy hollow berry with numerous seeds. Fruit color varies from red, yellow, orange, green and white to brown or purple. The size and shape of the berries also differ, depending on the variety of pepper.

    The semi-lignified stem and powerful branched root system make it possible to keep a large number of ripened large fruits on the plant at the same time. A low bush, with simple and short-leaved green leaves, became popular precisely because of the useful and fragrant fruits.

    A huge number of varieties of sweet pepper have been bred and cultivated in the world. In our country, the most common variety type is bell pepper.

    sweet pepper varieties

    Successful cultivation of sweet peppers largely depends on a well-chosen variety. Considering the main varietal characteristics of a vegetable crop: ripening time, size and shape of fruits, crop preferences in certain climatic conditions, it is important to choose the most suitable varieties of pepper.

    Consider the most popular and productive varieties.

    • "Tusk"

    Early ripe, tall variety (up to 160 cm high), has sweet and fragrant red fruits. fruits elongated cylindrical shape. Pepper is suitable for growing in the greenhouse and in the open field.

    • "Agapovsky"

    It is characterized by medium maturation and cultivation in greenhouse conditions. The bush is compact, with red cube-shaped fruits.

    • "Bogatyr"

    Mid-season variety, with large (according to the name) red and juicy fruits.

    • "Apricot Favorite"

    Cone-shaped, smooth, orange fruits ripen early. Compact low (up to 50 cm) bush is suitable for growing in closed and open ground.

    • "Big Dad"

    An early ripe, undersized variety with thick-walled, fleshy, purple-colored fruits. Universal at the place of planting (greenhouse or open ground), variety.

    • "Yellow Bell"

    Differs in yellow fruits of a cube-shaped form and early dates aging (about 70 days).

    • Hybrid F1 "White Star of the East"

    Powerful bush, with large whitish-cream fruits and early ripening.

    • Hybrid F1 "Chocolate Star of the East"

    Semi-spreading bush, with large, prism-shaped and brown, juicy fruits. Characterized by medium maturation.

    • "Gladiator"

    Dutch variety, with large and fleshy (wall thickness 10-13 mm) yellow peppercorns. Possesses mid-season ripening.

    • "Medal"

    An early maturing variety with a long fruiting period. The fruit is large, thick-walled (10-12 mm), bright red.

    • "Yova"

    early and unpretentious variety, has a high yield and large fruits.

    • "Victoria"

    The fruits are cone-shaped, slightly ribbed, of medium size. Medium early variety.

    • "Brooch

    The variety is characterized by early ripening, resistant to diseases. The bush is not tall, with orange-red thin-walled (5 mm) fruits.

    • "Bogdan"

    A variety with a long fruiting period, with light orange thick-walled, large and fragrant fruits. The weight of one peppercorn is about 200-250 gr.

    • "Golden Pheasant"

    High-yielding variety, with yellow fruits, pronounced sweet taste. Peppercorns are large (up to 300 gr) and thick-walled.

    • Belozerka

    A low shrub densely covered with yellow and red cone-shaped peppercorns.

    • "Kolobok"

    Differs in a rounded shape and thickened walls, fruits, red. Has excellent taste.

    • "Alba"

    High-yielding variety, with fruits of blunt-conical shape and medium size. Peppercorns are thick-walled, juicy, orange hues.

    • "Sun"

    A variety with yellow and large fruits, has high taste and technological qualities.

    It is also possible to distinguish varieties according to individual characteristics. For example:

    • Varieties of sweet pepper, with a pronounced sweet flavor (Swallow, Winnie the Pooh, Tenderness, Maikop 470).
    • Varieties resistant to diseases, pests and hot climates (Ararat, Terek, Adler, Erivan, Kazbek).
    • Varieties for cultivation in open ground (Etude, Carat, Curiosity).
    • Varieties for growing on the windowsill (Watercolor, Sweetie, Tomboy, Yarik, Chanterelle, Treasure Island).
    • Varieties for growing in a greenhouse (Orange miracle, Alyonushka, Winnie the Pooh, Tenderness, Swallow, California miracle).
    • Varieties characterized by thick-walled and large fruits (California miracle, Gladiator, Winnie the Pooh, Gift of Moldova).
    • Varieties for conservation (Kupets, Victoria, Ermak).
    • Early varieties of sweet pepper (Lumina, Ivanhoe, Triton, Alantik F1).

    The best sweet pepper according to agronomists and gardeners, early and mid-season varieties are recognized: Eroshka, Funtik, Heracles, Fakir, Chardash, Yunga, Accord, Viking, Claudio, Cornet, Atlant, Big Papa, Lyceum, Smile. According to reviews, these varieties of sweet peppers have established themselves as hardy, high-yielding crops, with high taste and technological qualities.

    In any case, when choosing a variety for planting on your site, it is first best to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and suitability for a particular climatic zone.

    Growing Sweet Peppers

    A light and heat-loving plant, pepper grows well in the open ground of the southern regions, with a warm and mild climate. In the zone of central Russia, the culture is mainly grown in greenhouses and greenhouses.

    Sweet pepper has a long growing season. Therefore, for the successful formation and ripening of fruits, pepper is planted in open ground, ready-made sprouted seedlings.

    The technology of growing seedlings of sweet pepper

    The process of planting sweet pepper seedlings includes several main steps:

    • preparation of seeds for sowing;
    • sowing seeds in a container;
    • seedling care;
    • planting seedlings in separate glasses;
    • planting seedlings in open ground.

    Let us consider in more detail all of the listed stages of growing sweet pepper seedlings.

    Preparation of sweet seeds before sowing

    • To begin with, you need to select the strongest and most viable specimens from the total mass of seeds. After pouring all the seeds into a container with salted water, only the “drowned” seeds are left.

    • Selected sweet pepper seeds are disinfected (20-30 minutes) in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after which they are washed.
    • To improve germination, seeds are soaked for 12 hours in a growth stimulator.
    • Even without additional growth stimulation, the seeds must be kept wet (on a damp cloth or cotton wool) for about 2 days. This procedure will allow the seed to germinate faster in the soil.

    Sowing sweet pepper seeds

    • The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings varies from the end of January to the beginning of March.
    • The seeds are planted in a single container, making not deep (1-2 cm) grooves with a row spacing of 5-6 cm with a pencil or stick. The distance between the seeds is about 2 cm. They also practice “solid” sowing over the entire surface, without rows.

    • Sowing can also be carried out immediately in individual cups, for example, peat pots, with a diameter of about 10 cm.

    Practitioners are divided on this matter. Some believe that it is easier and easier to take care of a single large capacity, and after seed germination it is more convenient to choose the strongest and healthiest sprouts, which are then transplanted separately. Others argue that pepper does not tolerate transplanting well, so it is better to sow it immediately in disposable cups. And if you transplant - do it very carefully and correctly, without injuring the roots of the seedlings.

    • The soil in the container should be light and loose. The soil mixture consists of humus, sand and soddy soil. To create a more nutrient medium, 1 tbsp is added per 1 kg of the mixture. wood ash.
    • After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with earth, slightly compacted and covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect. The seed container is placed in a warm place for subsequent germination.
    • During this period, regular airing and watering of the planted seeds are provided.
    • After 1-2 weeks, the first shoots of pepper appear. In this case, the film must be removed immediately.

    Caring for sweet pepper seedlings

    • The temperature of the room in which the seedlings germinate should be about + 22-25 ° C.
    • To have enough seedlings sunlight, the container is placed on the windowsill. In cloudy weather, in the morning and in the evening, you need to illuminate the seedlings fluorescent lamp. Normally, the plant should receive light from 8.00 to 20.00. With a lack of lighting, yellowing and falling leaves are observed.
    • As the soil dries up, watering is provided at room or slightly warm temperature. It is important to provide seedlings with moderate watering, avoiding either the drying of the soil or stagnation of moisture. Excessive moistening of seedlings can lead to black leg disease. Seedlings respond favorably to spraying (from a sprayer) leaves with water.
    • When airing the room, it is better to remove the seedlings from the windowsill, because. they don't like drafts.

    Planting seedlings of sweet pepper in separate glasses

    • When two true leaves appear on a young plant (not counting the cotyledons), the seedlings are transplanted into separate cups or pots.
    • First, the soil of the container is moistened with water.
    • When transplanting, carefully prying the sprout, keeping a clod of earth near the root, the seedling is planted in a separate container. This event will ensure the best survival of the seedling.
    • When transplanting, it is better to pinch the main (long) root, about 1 cm, to stimulate the development of lateral roots.
    • The seedling is placed in a cup with soil mixture, sprinkled with soil to the level of the cotyledon leaves and watered.
    • In the period of appearance of 2-3 leaves, the first feeding of seedlings is carried out. To do this, take 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate, 1 g of potassium-containing fertilizers, 3 g of superphosphate and dissolve everything in 1 liter of water.
    • The next top dressing is carried out after about 2 weeks with a double dose of fertilizer.
    • The last fertilization falls on the period before planting seedlings (2-3 days) on the street. The dose is doubled again.
    • Many gardeners recommend, a day before planting seedlings, sprinkle it with a solution of a natural growth stimulant. The plant will be more hardy, resistant to diseases and will show high fruiting results.

    Planting seedlings of sweet pepper in open ground

    • For a permanent place, seedlings of heat-loving sweet pepper planted only in May month (at the age of 90-100 days). The plant by this time has about 10 leaves. Seedlings planted on the site in the first half of the month are covered with a film to avoid freezing. If, however, the pepper was planted in the second half of May, additional shelter is not needed.
    • Before planting seedlings (for 1.5-2 weeks) in open ground, it is carried out hardening. For this, in good weather, seedlings are periodically exposed to the street (balcony), gradually increasing the exposure time. At night, seedlings must be brought into the room.

    Sweet pepper for greenhouses

    • Seedlings for planting pepper in a greenhouse are grown in the manner described above.
    • The soil in the greenhouse, before planting, is fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers.
    • Seedlings for greenhouses are planted at an earlier age (50-60 days), at a distance of about 40-50 cm between seedlings and with a row spacing of 60-70 cm.
    • Peppers are planted in the greenhouse soil along with a clod of earth from a cup where seedlings grew. The procedure is done carefully, avoiding transplant stress for the plant.
    • After planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly, the soil is mulched.

    Planting sweet pepper

    Pepper planting is carried out in the process of planting germinated and hardened seedlings.

    Sowing seeds in open ground is not advisable, even in warm, southern regions. The plant will develop more slowly, and the yields will not be large.

    Choosing a place for planting sweet pepper

    • The place for planting sweet pepper in open ground should be open, sunny and calm.
    • The soil for sweet pepper should be light, nutritious and loose, with good aeration. Straw, peat, sawdust, humus should be added to dense soil. Poor soils need to be fertilized with organic matter, potash and phosphorus mineral fertilizers. Acidic soils should be limed.
    • The predecessors of pepper on the site can be any vegetable crops (onion, cucumber), except for representatives of nightshade (tomato, potato).
    • Peppers are prone to pollination, so you should not plant other varieties of peppers or hot peppers nearby.

    Agrotechnics of planting sweet pepper

    • For planting, prepare holes, about 30x50 cm in size. In one hole, in different ends, you can plant two plants at once, then the dimensions of the fossa and row spacing increase slightly.
    • Between the holes leave about 30-40 cm, between the rows - 40-50 cm. Often, to save space, landing in a checkerboard pattern is practiced.
    • Landing is best done in the evening.
    • Water is poured into the hole, after it has been absorbed, seedlings are planted.
    • The seedling is covered with soil to the level of the neck of the stem.

    sweet pepper care

    Sweet pepper is a vegetable crop that is demanding for care and the qualitative composition of the soil. To achieve maximum yields, you need to perform all agrotechnical practices for caring for a plant: watering, loosening, top dressing and pest control.

    In addition to the main activities, pinching the central flower on the plant is carried out, which can significantly increase the yield of sweet pepper.

    In addition, in hot, humid weather, pinching is carried out, removing lateral stepsons and lower leaves.

    • Watering is carried out regularly, as the soil dries.
    • Peppers need to be watered often, but little by little.
    • Excessive moisture, as well as drying out of the soil, leads to the fall of the ovaries of pepper fruits.
    • For irrigation, it is better to use warm water.
    • Excellent results are shown by drip irrigation of beds with pepper.

    Loosening and mulching

    • To prevent the soil from drying out, the beds are mulched with peat or sawdust.
    • After watering, if the site is not mulched, it is necessary to loosen the soil shallowly (taking into account the surface root system of the plant).


    • Recommend top dressing (2-3 times) during the growing season of the plant.
    • The first top dressing, as a rule, is nitrogen. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers or liquid manure (12:1) can be used. Fertilizer application rates must not be exceeded. An excess of nitrogen will negatively affect the fruiting process of the crop.
    • Before the start of budding, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied.
    • After flowering, during the period of fruiting, superphosphates and wood ash are added.
    • Sweet pepper responds well to the introduction liquid dressings organic fertilizers.

    Control of pests and diseases of sweet pepper

    • A fungal disease of the "black leg" appears when the pepper is not properly cared for and the soil layer is infected: with excessive moisture, use for irrigation cold water, planting in places with constant drafts or dense clay soils. A sign of the disease is a blackened stem at the base. In case of infection, the top layer of soil is removed, and the area is disinfected with a weak solution of bleach.
    • Prevention of the disease "late blight" is the disinfection of seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. Signs of the disease are the appearance of brown spots on the stem and leaves. Infected plants are sprayed with infusion of onion peel or Bordeaux liquid.
    • So that sweet peppers do not become infected with “black bacterial spot”, all plant residues are collected and burned in the fall. Seeds, previously, are subjected to disinfection.
    • When attacked by aphids or spider mites, spraying with tincture of garlic, wormwood or tansy helps.
    • The fight against bears and slugs comes down to the use of special chemicals or traps.

    Sweet pepper garter

    • Tall varieties of sweet peppers need a garter and bush formation (leave 2-3 main stems).
    • Already when planting seedlings, next to the bush, you can install a support and tie up the stem.

    Sweet pepper harvest

    • Both ripened fruits and still unripe (greenish) are harvested.
    • Unripe fruits are placed in boxes for ripening at room temperature. This will ensure better ripening of the young fruits remaining on the bush.
    • When harvesting, the fruits are cut, not broken out, so as not to damage the branches and stems of the bush.
    • From the first, large and ripe fruits, you can collect seeds for sowing next year.

    Thus, observing the basic rules for planting and caring for a plant, every gardener, including a beginner, can easily grow sweet peppers on his plot.

    Well, the undeniable benefits and high nutritional value of this vegetable crop will be an additional incentive for self-cultivation of pepper.

    Sweet pepper, photo

    Video: "Features of growing sweet pepper"

    Video: "Typical mistakes when growing sweet peppers"

    Growing sweet peppers in the photo

    Of the variety of types of pepper in the culture, the most common pepper is annual, or capsicum. It is to this species that the so-called sweet (or Bulgarian) pepper, widely known and popular among amateur gardeners, belongs.

    There are two groups of varieties of pepper - vegetable and spicy (hot). In the former, the fruits are used in an unripe form as a vegetable, in the latter they are very sharp and are used as a spice.

    Pepper fruits are very different in shape - from round to elongated-cone-shaped with a two-, four-chamber middle. IN technical maturity(before the seeds ripen) the color of the fruit, depending on the variety, is dark green, green, light green, cream, yellow. When the seeds ripen, the fruit turns red, in some varieties - orange.

    The birthplace of pepper is the tropics, so it is distinguished by increased requirements for heat, humidity, soil fertility; is, along with cucumbers and tomatoes, productive greenhouse culture.

    In the southern regions it grows and gives a good harvest in open ground. In the central (middle) lane it is grown in glass greenhouses.

    Pepper belongs to the nightshade family, like tomatoes and eggplant. Therefore, the cultivation of pepper and other solanaceous crops is largely the same. The best predecessor garden bed can be cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, onions, garlic and green crops.

    The fruits become edible 25-45 days after flowering, at which time they are green or white in color.

    Ripe green fruits are considered ripe. It makes no sense to wait until they turn red - their taste will not improve from this.

    Pepper is a light-loving plant, grows poorly in the shade. Optimum temperature for development and fruiting +18...+25°С. At +15...+20°С plant growth slows down, and at +13°С it stops. Prolonged cooling negatively affects flowering and the formation of generative organs. Sharp diurnal temperature fluctuations cause a massive fall of flowers and ovaries.

    The culture does not tolerate even short-term frosts. Plants die when the air temperature drops to -0.5°C. Therefore, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for growing peppers.

    Sunny, warm days are necessary for peppers during the fruiting period. It does not tolerate high humidity either. At a temperature of +35 ° C, the buds and flowers fall off.

    Pepper plants grow slowly at the beginning of the growing season, the root system grows longer than the leaf mass. Flower buds begin to form on the plant when the fourth leaf is unfolded. The ripening phase occurs 15-45 days after the appearance of the first bud.

    According to the technology of growing pepper in the open field, the plants do not stepchild, only the first bud is removed. Fruits are formed in the places of branching of the stems, so well-developed plants with a large number branches tend to produce more fruit.

    When caring for peppers in the open field, regular watering under the root is required. Optimal Humidity soil enhances fruit formation, promotes the release of quality products. With a lack of moisture, the fruits become smaller, deformed, they are often affected by vertex rot.

    The correct technology for growing pepper does not allow mixed plantings of sweet and bitter species, since cross-pollination will occur, and appearance sweet forms will taste bitter.

    The growing season of the culture is long (150-200 days). Therefore, even in the southern regions, the cultivation and care of pepper is done through seedlings. To grow seedlings for open ground start in the second half of February. Sow in boxes or bowls with drainage holes.

    The sowing depth when planting pepper seeds for seedlings is 1.5-2 cm. Until the seeds germinate, the crops are kept at a temperature of +25...+28 °C. After the appearance of mass seedlings, the crops are transferred to a cool room (+17 ... + 20 ° C) for a week so that the seedlings do not stretch. In the future, seedlings grow at room temperature +20...+24°C.

    Seedling bell pepper on the picture

    Seedlings dive in about 20 days into pots 7 x 7 cm, one plant at a time. Weak seedlings are discarded. The pots are filled with nutrient soil. Mineral fertilizers are not added to the soil when growing seedlings. After planting seeds for seedlings for growing peppers with a small volume of pots, plants do not need fertilizers. In the garden bed they are brought into the hole.

    When growing pepper seedlings from seeds, seedlings are looked after in much the same way as tomato seedlings. But given that peppers begin to be grown a month earlier, it is necessary to lengthen the daylight hours with the help of illumination up to 12-14 hours.

    Watch the video "Planting Pepper Seeds" to better understand how this agricultural technique is performed:

    How to grow a good crop of peppers outdoors

    • Do not use seeds purchased from a random source for sowing. Receipt basis quality seedlings, and consequently, a good harvest - these are high-quality seeds. Purchase seeds in specialized stores. The seed packet should be clearly labeled with the variety, number of seeds and expiration date.
    • Do not sow seeds in a dense, heavy potting mix of unknown origin. The best mix is ​​garden soil plus store-bought special seedling soil. Remember to water the soil in the boxes first before sowing the seeds, otherwise the seeds with water will be pulled deep into the soil and the germination period will be extended.
    • Do not thicken seed crops; always sow the norm, otherwise the plants will stretch out, be weak, and may be affected by the "black leg".
    • Do not place containers with seeds on the radiator - the soil dries up instantly and the hatched seeds die. Crops are placed only next to the battery and must be covered with a film.
    • Do not use pots or other containers without drainage holes for sowing. Stagnation of water leads to the death of seeds, as well as seedlings in the initial stage of seedlings.
    • Do not be late with picking seedlings. For most vegetable crops, this should be done after one or two true leaves have appeared. After picking, the plants are watered and shaded for 1-2 days.
    • Do not forget to harden the seedlings before planting them in a permanent place. 7-10 days before planting, containers with seedlings are taken out for 2-3 hours on loggias, verandas, windows in the room are opened. Seedling residence time outdoors gradually increase. Seedlings are planted in the evening or on cloudy days.

    The video "Growing pepper seedlings" shows how to properly plant seeds and care for seedlings:

    Planting seedlings of sweet pepper in open ground

    Pepper seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of 55-60 days. By the time of planting, it should be strong, have a height of 16-20 cm, 8-10 developed leaves, buds and form a well-developed root.

    Seedlings are planted in double rows (ribbons) with distances between tapes of 60 cm, between rows of 30 cm and between plants of 20 cm. Wide aisles are made for passage during harvesting and caring for plants, and in narrow ones, furrows are made for irrigation.

    Low-growing varieties of this crop can be planted thicker, tall ones - give more distance. The main thing is that adult plants should close in crowns.

    When planting in open ground, pepper seedlings are not buried, since additional roots are not formed above the root collar on the stem, like in eggplant. Buried plants grow poorly and do not give a good harvest. For the same reason, growing peppers never spud.

    Proper care of sweet peppers in the open field: watering and fertilizing

    When caring for peppers, top dressing and regular watering are necessary.

    Watering. WITH early age and during the entire growing season, pepper needs frequent watering and obligatory loosening of the soil after each watering or rain.

    Excess moisture, as well as its lack, are contraindicated in pepper. Excessive watering reduces air access to the roots, the leaves turn pale green and the plants wither.

    Insufficient watering of sweet pepper inhibits plant growth, leads to the dropping of flowers, ovaries and the formation of small fruits. The frequency of watering depends on weather conditions and the phase of plant development, but generally at least 1-2 times a week.

    Proper watering of pepper is carried out only with warm water. From wells and wells, water for irrigation should be preheated in the sun in containers for 2-3 days.

    Fertilizer and top dressing. Peppers need fertile soil. It successfully grows on light loamy and chernozem soils, well supplied with nutrients, including nitrogen. Solonetzic and heavy loamy soils are not suitable for pepper.

    Peppers, like tomatoes, need phosphorus. He needs both organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers. To feed peppers in open ground, when planting seedlings, a tablespoon of superphosphate mixed with humus or simply with earth is added to each well.

    During the period of budding, flowering and fruiting, every two weeks they give top dressing with complex water-soluble fertilizers (Sudarushka, Agrolux, Aquarin, Mortar or Zdraven, etc.). They are alternated with organic fertilizers.

    In the second half of summer and autumn, sweet peppers are fed by Kaliyfos.

    Harvesting is carried out selectively when the fruits reach consumer (technical) maturity (green). Collection - weekly, preventing the formation of seeds in them, as this will slow down the emergence of new ovaries. Remove the fruits carefully with both hands, so as not to break off the plant shoots along with the pepper.

    The video "Growing Peppers" demonstrates how to properly water the crop:

    In this section of the article, you will learn about pests and diseases of pepper, as well as measures to combat them in the garden.

    Stolbur (small-leaved) pepper leaves in the photo

    Stolbur (small-leaved)- viral disease is manifested by chlorotic coloring of leaves, internodes are shortened. Then the leaves wither, hang down and fall off. Stolbur is not tolerated either with the juice of a diseased plant or with seeds. The main carrier of the disease is the cicada.

    Planting high-quality seedlings in the ground, systematic watering followed by soil loosening, weed control are the basis for the prevention of this disease.

    Top rot of peppers in the photo

    Blossom rot- a disease of a physiological nature. It manifests itself when high temperature and low relative humidity.

    Regular even watering. Root and foliar top dressing with calcium nitrate, as well as superphosphate during the period of intensive fruit growth, allows you to get a full harvest.

    Black bacterial spot of pepper. Not only fruits are affected, but also leaves and stems. On the leaves, the spots are small, at first watery, and then blackening, the tissue around the spots turns yellow. The disease is carried with seeds and plant debris. Preventive spraying with the copper-containing preparation "Abiga-Peak", starting from seedlings, allows you to get healthy pepper fruits.

    During the harvest period, to contain the spread of the disease, use the biological preparation "Gamair", which has a therapeutic effect.

    Fusarium wilt. Symptoms first appear as slight yellowing of the leaves and wilting of the upper leaves. As wilting progresses, the leaves may turn dull green to brown and remain on the plant. When the stem or roots are cut, reddish-brown stripes are visible in the conductive tissues. Sick plants must be removed.

    Look at the selection of photos "Diseases of pepper and measures to combat them":

    spider mite on the pepper in the photo
    Spider mite in the photo

    Spider mite. IN steppe zone Pepper plants are often infested with spider mites. When a pest appears, treat the plants with Iskra-M or Fufanon. If the harvest is on the way, use Tuoeum Jet, colloidal sulfur or Bitoxibacillin.

    Aphids on pepper (photo)
    Aphids in the photo

    Aphid. This pest can also create problems when growing a crop. To fight, use Iskra Zolotaya or Konfidor, Komandor with a waiting period of at least 20 days. During the harvest period - "Fitoverm", "Iskra Bio", "Akarin" (waiting period 2-3 days).

    Here you can see photos of diseases and pests that threaten the crop:

    Spider mite on sweet pepper leaves (photo)
    Aphids on sweet pepper leaves (photo)

    The best varieties of sweet pepper for open ground: photo and description

    Traditional varieties of sweet pepper combine excellent fruit set, large fruit and excellent taste. They differ in ripening time, fruit color, their weight is up to 200 g, with a fleshy, juicy wall. Characterized by a friendly return of the harvest.

    These varieties include:

    Pepper seeds "Gift of Moldova" in the photo
    Pepper "Gift of Moldova" in the photo

    "Gift of Moldova",

    Pepper seeds "Swallow" in the photo
    Pepper "Swallow" in the photo


    Pepper seeds "Belozerka" in the photo
    Pepper "Belozerka" in the photo


    Pepper seeds "Winnie the Pooh" in the photo
    Pepper "Winnie the Pooh" in the photo

    "Winnie the Pooh",

    Pepper seeds "Venti" in the photo
    Pepper "Venti" in the photo


    Pepper seeds "Caramel" in the photo
    Pepper "Caramel" in the photo


    Pepper seeds "Golden Jubilee" in the photo
    Pepper "Golden Jubilee" in the photo

    "Golden Jubilee"

    Pepper seeds "Yaroslav" in the photo
    Pepper "Yaroslav" in the photo


    Pepper seeds "Alyosha Popovich" in the photo
    Pepper "Alyosha Popovich" in the photo

    "Alesha Popovich".

    Early ripe hybrids of sweet pepper.

    Pepper seeds "Latino" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Latino" F1 in the photo

    Latino F1- from shoots to technical ripeness of fruits 97-110 days. Plants up to 100 cm high. The fruits of this variety of pepper for open ground are cube-shaped, 3-4-chambered. In technical ripeness it is dark green, in biological ripeness it is bright red.

    Pepper seeds "Peresvet" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Peresvet" F1 in the photo

    "Peresvet" F1- from seedlings to technical ripeness 92-105 days, to biological - 120-135. The plant is medium-sized, 50-60 cm high, compact, standard.

    Pepper seeds "Sonata" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Sonata" F1 in the photo

    "Sonata" F1- from germination to technical maturity 95-100 days. The plant is up to 100 cm high. The fruit is cuboid, 3-4-celled, glossy, dark green in technical ripeness, bright red in biological ripeness, weighing 180-200 g.

    Pepper seeds "Orange miracle" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Orange miracle" F1 in the photo

    "Orange Miracle" F1. Hybrid for open and protected ground (100-110 days) Plants 90-110 cm high. Fruits are large, cube-shaped, bright orange color.

    Seeds of pepper "Jubilee Semko" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Anniversary Semko" F1 in the photo

    "Jubilee Semko" F1- hybrid for open and protected ground (90-100 days). The plant is standard, medium-sized, 50-60 cm high, compact, slightly sprawling and slightly leafy. The fruits are light green in technical ripeness and red in biological.

    Pepper seeds "Montero" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Montero" F1 in the photo

    "Montero" F1- 90-108 days pass from germination to technical ripeness of fruits. The fruits are long, prism-shaped, green in technical ripeness, bright red in biological ripeness.

    Pepper seeds "Snowfall" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Snowfall" F1 in the photo

    "Snowfall" F1- cone-shaped fruits, up to 15 cm long, creamy white at the technical stage, red at the biological stage.

    High yields give and hybrids

    Pepper seeds "Grenada" in the photo
    Pepper "Grenada" in the photo


    Pepper seeds "Seville" in the photo
    Pepper "Seville" in the photo


    Pepper seeds "Casablanca" in the photo
    Pepper "Casablanca" in the photo

    Seeds of pepper "United" in the photo
    Pepper "United" in the photo

    "Single" with large cube-shaped fruits.

    Seeds of a mixture of pepper hybrids "Siesta" in the photo
    Peppers hybrids "Siesta" in the photo

    Among the best varieties of pepper, a special mixture of Siesta hybrids is distinguished.

    Hybrids of sweet pepper of the original color:

    Pepper seeds "Cardinal" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Cardinal" F1 in the photo

    "Cardinal" F1 with major purple cube-shaped fruits.

    Pepper seeds "Aries" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Aries" F1 in the photo

    Aries F1- with large dark red fruits weighing up to 300 g, prism-shaped.

    Pepper seeds "Fidelio" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Fidelio" F1 in the photo

    Fidelio F1- with silvery-white fruits.

    Large-fruited sweet pepper hybrids include:

    Pepper seeds "Russian size" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Russian size" F1 in the photo

    "Russian size" F1. Without much additional effort, giants grow over 20 cm long.

    Pepper seeds "Yellow bull-NK" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Yellow Bull-NK" F1 in the photo

    "Yellow Bull-NK" F1- fruits of an elongated shape, large, up to 200 g, 9x20 cm in size, consist of 3-4 lobes, green, yellow when ripe.

    Pepper seeds "Red bull-NK" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Red Bull-NK" F1 in the photo

    "Red Bull-NK" F1- fruits are large, weighing up to 200 g, elongated shape 8 x 20 cm, consist of 3-4 lobes, light green, red when ripe.

    Sweet pepper "Black bull-NK" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Black bull-NK" F1 in the photo

    "Black Bull-NK" F1- Differs in defiant brilliant black color. Fruits weighing up to 400 g.

    Pepper seeds "Indalo" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Indalo" F1 in the photo

    Indalo F1- mid-season hybrid. From shoots to technical ripeness of fruits 110-120 days. Plants 110-120 cm high. This is one of the best varieties of sweet pepper with large cube-shaped fruits, beautiful bright yellow color, weighing 280-300 g. Wall thickness up to 10 mm.

    Pepper seeds "Flamenco" F1 in the photo
    Pepper "Flamenco" F1 in the photo

    Flamenco F1- early maturing, high-yielding. The variety has cuboid thick-walled fruits measuring 10 x 14 cm, consisting of 3-4 lobes. The fruits are light green in color, when ripe, it acquires an intensely bright red color. The variety is suitable for various types closed and open ground.

    The following hybrids deserve attention: Minotaur F1, Sevilla F1, Athena F1, Flamenco F1.

    look the best varieties pepper in the photo below:

    Pepper variety "Seville" F1
    Pepper variety "Flamenco" F1

    Uses of sweet pepper

    According to the content of vitamin C, sweet pepper ranks first among vegetable crops. Its fruits in technical ripeness contain 100-150 mg% of vitamin C per 100 g of fresh weight, and in biological - 250-480 mg%. Vitamin P (rutin) is of particular value to pepper; in fruits it is 70-380 mg% per 100 g of wet weight. Contains sweet pepper and vitamin A - 0.5-16 mg%. It contains from 2 to 6% sugars and starch, about 1.5% proteins, fat, fiber, ash compounds.

    Sweet pepper contains valuable carotene for the body (red pepper is especially rich in it), vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, as well as minerals, among which there are sodium and potassium. It is also rich in glucose, fructose, useful organic acids and mineral salts.

    The use of all varieties of sweet pepper for food is permissible at the onset of technical ripeness. These are already fully formed fruits of at least 6-8 cm, with thick fleshy walls, light green or green in color and with a characteristic peppery aroma.

    Red, yellow, orange, rose yellow, black, lilac or green peppers are beautiful in all forms. Fresh fruits decorate dishes with bright multi-colored colors, taste and aroma. You can also use pepper leaves in the preparation of soups, green cabbage soup, borscht. They contain vitamin C.

    Sweet peppers are eaten raw, fried, baked, stuffed, pickled, pickled and even dried. Ripe fruits can be crushed and dried. Dry fruits of this culture and powder from them are a vitamin product used as a seasoning for second courses and for making sauces.

    Sweet peppers can also be kept fresh. To do this, the fruits are cut carefully together with the stalk. Each fruit is wrapped in paper, placed in cardboard box in 1-2 layers, place them on a shelf in a dry cellar. Fruits harvested at the stage of technical ripeness gradually ripen, and their content of vitamin C increases.