Shower      04/22/2019

The best top dressing for indoor plants without harmful chemicals. How to fertilize flowers: organic, mineral and folk fertilizers for house plants, feeding rules

Caring for indoor flowers in winter.

Features of care in winter and at rest

Like all living organisms, plants have a phase of activity, "wakefulness" and a phase of rest, "sleep". At the same time, their condition changes significantly. Accordingly, the care of indoor plants is somewhat different in both cases.

Winter care for indoor flowers

rest period

This period is a state when there is no noticeable growth of plants, the main part of the physiological processes of the plant is inhibited, and some stop altogether.

Allocate organic and forced rest. In the first case, the transition to the magnifying form of growth does not happen. For this state to change, the plant needs some time, certain temperature and lighting. The reason for this dormancy is the hereditary qualities of plants that have appeared in the course of evolution.

The reason for the second is unfavorable factors for development. First of all, it is lighting and temperature. If their level suits the plant, then there will be no forced rest.

For the most part, all indoor plants can be grouped into 3 categories:

1) plants that, in the presence of sufficient conditions for growth, do not have a dormant period. They are able to overwinter under standard conditions, however, it must be taken into account that some leaf fall and inhibition of development are a normal consequence of a decrease in light levels in winter;

2) plants with a mandatory dormant period. If they do not arrange such a rest, then they may die;

3) plants that may or may not have a dormant period. They are able to grow all year round.

The length of the dormant period depends on various factors, such as temperature, nutrient mixture moisture, lighting, etc. Low temperature, dry soil and bad light increase the duration of the dormant period, and heat, humidity and sufficient illumination - reduce.

Plants that do not need a dormant period should still be fed less and watered less often in the month when daylight hours are shortest. Plants without a dormant period, as well as flowering in winter, need to be watered and fed all the time of flowering.

Usually the dormant period occurs in the winter. Under natural conditions in winter, the daylight hours are so small that it is insufficient for plant growth, and therefore, in the main part of the plants, it slows down and they are ready for a dormant period. At this time, they are watered less and lower the temperature in the room.

Plants with a mandatory dormant period are transferred to a cool, dark basement, in which there are no drafts, but there is fresh air circulation.

In some plant species, leaves and stems fly around in autumn, so that only tubers remain in the ground, which can be stored in this state all winter. It is best to transfer such flowers to a dark, cool place (10-12 ° C). Pots can be kept moist by placing them in plastic bags and tying them tightly. Around February or March, the tubers are taken out of the ground and transplanted into fresh soil. Pots are placed on the windowsill and carefully watered.

At the same time, speaking about the dormant period, one can single out certain features inherent in each particular winter month.

December. houseplant care

Indoor air becomes very dry for window plants, so using humidifiers is recommended to increase the humidity.

Water for irrigation is heated. If the plants are installed next to each other, then there must be sufficient distance between them for unhindered air circulation.

Dry and yellowed leaves should be removed periodically, weak shoots should be removed. In this case, the plants will be healthy and beautiful.

Regularly ventilate the room, taking the plants to another place, otherwise they will freeze. The humidity of the air needs to be increased, but it is not necessary to wet the leaves much.

When shoots appear at the bulb, the plant is placed closer to the light, and at night a slight decrease in temperature is allowed so that the plants can rest.

January. houseplant care

The bulk of domestic plants at this time is resting, the frequency and volume of watering is small. After 20 minutes after watering, excess water is drained from the tray.

With the help of a small pruner, dry shoots are cut off. Also remove stems that have become excessively long due to lack of light. Cut dry or brown leaf tips without damaging the green part, otherwise the plant will begin to rot.

Needed this month high humidity air, so the leaves of plants are sprayed with warm water, not allowing moisture to linger on the flowers. Containers with plants are recommended to be installed on an expanded clay tray, which in turn is installed on a water tray. In this way, the adverse effects of central heating can be reduced.

Fresh air must constantly circulate in the room, but drafts should not be allowed.

Plants are fertilized when they begin to bloom.

February. houseplant care

As a rule, in February, plants wake up after a long winter hibernation. At this time, they should begin to be put in order, in particular, to renew the ground and the flower pots themselves. Dust is removed from the leaves in the shower or with a damp sponge. From cacti and plants with fluffy leaves, dust is simply shaken off or a soft brush is used. On a palm tree, both sides of the leaves are sprayed to avoid the appearance of red spiders. With the onset of night, the leaves are carefully wiped.

This month we are preparing for spring transplant flowers: purchase pots, growing medium, drainage material, trays, coasters and top dressing.

Broken flowers and leaves are removed immediately. Gradually increase the volume of watering. If the plant is resistant to water, then it is watered twice a week. Start watering cacti and succulents.

Want to have a beautiful home garden? We studied a lot of literature, recommendations and rules about proper care and content indoor plants? Even novice florists know that during the growing season it is necessary to feed houseplants. What to do in winter time year when most of flowers is in a dormant stage, stops in growth and development? Do houseplants need to be fed in winter? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Is it possible to fertilize plants in winter

Do houseplants need to be fertilized in winter? Expert opinions are polarized. Some florists strongly recommend that you completely stop feeding the flowers and let them rest, while others advise periodically fertilizing. What to do? What would be the right decision?

According to most experts in the field of home floriculture, the issue of feeding indoor plants in winter should be decided individually. Those flowers that are in the dormant stage do not need additional nutrients. Let's look at an example room lily. In the winter season, the flower rests and recovers. The upper part of it is cut off, and the pot with the onion is placed in a dark place. Accordingly, during this period, the lily does not need fertilizer.

However, there are many home flowers that do not stop growing and developing in winter, but, on the contrary, delight with beautiful flowering and juicy foliage. These are Violet, Azalea, Decembrist, Spathiphyllum, Orchid, Anthurium, etc. Such flowers must be periodically fed, while the frequency of procedures and the amount of fertilizer applied are set individually for each individual plant species and variety.

What can you feed

Is it possible to fertilize indoor flowers in winter? This issue has been dealt with. Yes, you can. And immediately another dilemma arises: how to feed houseplants in the home garden? What will be useful for flowers, and what is better to refuse?

The first rule: give up drugs that stimulate growth. The second rule: you need to significantly reduce the amount and frequency of fertilization. And the third rule: you must first water the flowers, otherwise you can burn the root system of the plant.

Specialized stores sell universal nutritional complexes used to nourish flowers at home. If you do not like combined mixtures, then you can choose a certain type of fertilizer (in particular, for citrus fruits, for violets, for orchids, for rhododendrons, etc.).

If you still don’t know how to feed home flowers in winter, use proven folk methods. Feed the plants in indoor garden Can:

  • infusion of citrus peels or pomegranate seeds (1 liter of warm water per 100 grams of orange peels or pomegranate seeds) - 1 time in 14 days;
  • diluted aloe juice (for 1.5 liters of water you need 1 teaspoon of juice) - 1 time per month;
  • water from the aquarium, where there is a lot of biohumus;
  • sugar water (dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar in 0.5 liters of water).

You can also feed indoor flowers in winter with an infusion of tea leaves or coffee grounds; water that remains after washing the cereals; diluted and low concentrated chicken manure.

The main rules of winter dressing

  • flowers that are at rest in winter do not need to be replenished with mineral or organic substances;
  • the amount of fertilizer applied and the frequency of application should be calculated specifically for each individual species and variety of indoor plants;
  • due to the fact that in winter the daylight hours are short, while the process of photosynthesis slows down significantly, frequent flower feeding will not be needed. It will be enough to fertilize once a month so that the plants feel comfortable and they have the strength for further growth and development;
  • nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - necessary elements for the full development of a flower garden at home. Nitrogen has a beneficial effect on the growth and improvement of the condition of the deciduous mass, phosphorus contributes abundant flowering and potassium protects against stress.

Video "Natural dressings for indoor flowers"

From this video you will learn about what natural dressings you can fertilize indoor flowers.

Indoor plants always bring joy, peace and comfort to the home of any person. In order for the flowers to be healthy and beautiful, they must be looked after. The main component of care - timely and proper feeding fertilizers. In response to these actions, flowers generously endow their owner with rapid growth and abundant flowering.

Since the nutritional area of ​​\u200b\u200bhouseplants is limited to the outside of the pot, they need fertilizer like no other. Without them, flowers quickly deplete the soil and take everything useful material from the soil, as a result, nothing remains for further good growth.

To date, there is a huge variety of fertilizers for indoor plants, each of which has a certain benefit for flowers.

organic fertilizers

The organic ones are all that is created by nature itself.

These include:

  • Manure
  • humus
  • mullein
  • bird droppings
  • animal urine
  • compost and other plant and animal residues

All organic supplements are of great benefit. They contain all the necessary substances for nutrition and healthy growth.

Without organic top dressing, mineral ones cannot be absorbed independently. Therefore, they should always be combined together.


This is one of the most popular types of mineral or, as they are also called, "chemical" fertilizers. They contain such important substances as ammonium and calcium salts of phosphoric acid.

Phosphorus is needed for proper nutrition indoor plants, improves metabolic processes, promotes metabolism, reproduction and division. Without phosphate fertilizers photosynthesis cannot take place. Phosphorus is of particular importance for fruits and flowers.

In addition, phosphorus helps the development of the root system, increases resistance to harsh weather conditions and diseases.

Finished phosphate fertilizer


When it is not possible to buy specialized complex top dressing, despite the fact that their effectiveness can have a dubious result, natural ones come to the aid of flower growers, which can be prepared at home on their own with their improvised means.

In addition to the fact that such additives do not incur material costs, they have proven themselves well, and their positive effect has been tested for years.

natural fertilizers can be made from a variety of products and media, for example, food and their waste, remnants of processed raw materials. Various decoctions of vegetables and herbs, fruits serve to increase immunity, growth and strengthening of flowers.


Experienced flower growers often use sugar as a top dressing. For example, cacti and ficus just need sugar and glucose, which is obtained as a result of the breakdown of sugar.

Glucose helps form complex molecules that serve building material for plants, and it also serves as a source of energy.

To feed green plants with sugar, you can dilute it in water and sprinkle them with sweet water or sprinkle granules on the ground and then water. This procedure should be carried out once a month.

Sugar serves as a source of energy


Medicines can also be used as fertilizer. For example, a solution of one aspirin tablet and one liter of distilled water applies as a leaf spray.

It helps boost immunity.

Aspirin solution increases plant immunity


As a rule, vitamins are drugs bought in a store that have chemical composition. Exist different kinds vitamins, each of which is aimed at solving certain problems or complex restorative.

They include nitrogen-containing fertilizers needed for the growth and development of greenery, potash- for budding, fruits and immunity. Phosphate- contribute to reproduction, metabolic processes and strengthening.

The use of all vitamins must be strictly according to the instructions so as not to harm the flowers.

Nitrogen-containing fertilizer for the development of greenery

drunk coffee

Drinking coffee is considered a good supplement. And most importantly, it does not need to be prepared, it is enough to take the remnants of processing from the drunk drink and mix them with the soil.

Method increase the acidity of the soil, will make it loose and saturate with oxygen.

Drinking coffee increases the acidity of the soil

Citrus and other fruits

Zest of tangerines, oranges and lemons serves as an excellent fertilizer. To do this, fruit skins are poured with boiling water and insisted for a day. Water the flowers with the resulting solution.

It boosts immunity and promotes rapid growth. The same can be done with any fruit skins.

A decoction of citrus peel promotes plant growth


Ash contains many useful elements, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and sulfur. Therefore, it is rightfully considered one of the best.

The ash is mixed with soil or dissolved in water for irrigation.

Ash contains many useful elements


To stimulate plant growth, it is necessary to apply yeast supplements. Consisting of hormones and vitamins help tissue regeneration and cell division.

To cook on your own, mix 10 grams of yeast with a spoonful of sugar and a liter of water.

Yeast solution stimulates plant growth

onion cocktail

onion peel solution able to accelerate and improve growth any plant.

Making your own food is very easy. The husk is poured with boiling water and insisted for several hours. After that, they spray the soil.

Onion shake improves growth


This is a universal fertilizer that is used for home and garden. It can be dissolved in water and used to moisten the soil, or applied neat by mixing with the soil.

Vegetable decoctions

Decoctions in which vegetables, such as potatoes or carrots, have been boiled, can be used for flowers. In them contains sugar which is useful to them.

Any vegetable broth should be diluted with water before watering the bushes with it.

aquarium water

Aquarium water with particles of decay products from fish will well replace purchased fertilizers. It contains many substances useful for growth, it soft and has a neutral pH balance.

Optimal application time - stage active growth, in most plants it is spring.

Aquarium water contains substances useful for growth

succinic acid

The substance that is obtained as a result of processing amber is called succinic acid and can be used as a fertilizer. The acid contains substances useful for growth and immunity. You can buy the product at a pharmacy.

Use succinic acid no more than once a year.

Succinic acid strengthens plant immunity


Crushed eggshells help strengthen the green friend. The resulting powder is mixed with soil or infused in water for several days, and then watered with flowers.

Egg shell helps to strengthen the plant

banana peel

In banana peel lots of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. These substances are necessary for flowers for proper and high-quality growth. An infusion is made from the skins, and then used for irrigation.

Banana peel infusion is needed for quality growth


If the plant is weakened and outwardly looks untidy, you can put a clove of garlic into the soil. In a few days the flower will improve appearance.

A clove of garlic can improve the appearance of a flower

Aloe juice

Aloe and its juice are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a fertilizer.

To prepare top dressing, dilute a spoonful of juice with a liter of water. The tool is universal and acts to improve the condition of plants as a whole.

Aloe juice has a general strengthening effect

tea leaves

The brew left from tea has a great effect on the appearance and enriches the soil with useful substances needed for flowers. tea leaves poured over the soil and left to rot.

Tea leaves enrich the soil

Fertilizer for flowers

When caring for home flowers, do not forget about top dressing. It is necessary to make them only in healthy plants during the growth period.

Any flower reacts positively for such procedures. Unlike vegetable crops for example, additions can be made more frequently and more. The focus of flower fertilizers is more diverse than for others.

While vegetables are fertilized only to produce a richer crop, houseplants are fertilized to improve their appearance, to help bloom, develop greenery, brighter color, and for other decorative purposes.

How to water flowers for rapid growth and abundant flowering

Any flower in the apartment exists for decoration, and only then to purify the air. In order for the decorativeness of the flower to be at its best, plants grew fast and bloomed a lot use the following fertilizers:

  1. Nitrogen
  2. phosphoric
  3. organic
  4. vitamins for growth

For beautiful flowering and growth, fertilizers are also needed.

What to fertilize in autumn

The period in autumn is very important for plants, many of them go into a dormant state at this time and their further growth depends on how they survive this time.

To prepare and strengthen them before winter, you need organic fertilizers, For example, manure, humus and ash.

What to feed in the winter and is it worth it

Since many plants hibernate in winter, they do not need to be fertilized at all.

But there are plants that remain active throughout the year. They need nitrogen fertilizers at this time, as well as vitamin complexes for immunity.

Folk remedies

For a long time, people have learned to use folk remedies for fertilizing plants. For example, using the usual garlic can improve the appearance of the plant, and eggshell strengthen stems and roots.

Various vegetable broths will help growth, and the ash left from the fire will increase immunity.

DIY supplements

In the absence of store-bought ones and if you want to make them yourself, you can help flowers using tools such as:

  1. Prepare vegetable decoction
  2. Use crushed eggshells
  3. Fertilize with tea leaves or sleeping coffee
  4. Fortify with Aloe juice or aspirin and sugar solution

Thus, almost all the fertilizers necessary for flowers you can cook by yourself.

When do plants need to be fed?

Indoor flowers themselves give signals to their owner about the lack of fertilizer.

These “calls for help” include the following symptoms:

  1. Yellowed or fallen leaves
  2. Spots on trunk and leaves
  3. Growth arrest
  4. No flowering
  5. thin stem
  6. pale plant color
  7. Frequent flower diseases

In addition to these phenomena, one should not forget that all plants need to be fed during the period of active growth- This is the spring and summer period.

Yellowed leaves of the plant signal a lack of fertilizer

Basic rules for fertilizing indoor flowers

Any grower must learn the rules:

  1. Do not fertilize dormant flowers
  2. The less light, the less fertilizer consumption
  3. Do not fertilize unrooted flowers
  4. Use additives only on the basis of their purpose.
  5. The younger the plant, the weaker the feeding
  6. Do not apply to dry ground
  7. Consider the composition of fertilizers depending on growth stage

If you apply fertilizers correctly in accordance with their purpose, then the plant will always thank you with the splendor of forms and bright generous flowering.

Good afternoon friends!

What to do so that our favorite flowers on the windowsills are green, beautiful, and rampant in bloom all year round?

And the secret of a luxurious indoor flower garden is tritely simple: the plants need to be well fed. We eat three times a day, so flowers need a varied diet.

Moreover, you can use homemade dressings for indoor flowers that every housewife has, and it is not at all necessary to buy them in a store.

When and how to fertilize

First you need to understand general rules how and when to apply flower food.

When to feed plants

If your plant has stretched out, the stems have become thin, if growth has stopped or slowed down, the leaves have turned pale, light spots have appeared on them, the plant refuses to bloom, then most likely it does not have enough nutrition.

But you don’t need to bring flowers to such a terrible state, you need to feed them regularly.

Already in March, when the sun begins to look into the windows more and more often and the flowers start to grow, you should start feeding them once every two weeks. And continue to feed in this mode until October.

Top dressing is applied both during growth and during flowering.

From October to February, plants usually have a dormant period, they, like bears, hibernate and do not need additional nutrition. The exception is those that bloom in winter. Winter-flowering can occasionally be fed, but not more than once a month.

Although flower growers still do not recommend doing this during the dark season from November to December.

How to properly fertilize

Important! In no case should top dressing be applied to dry land, as this can damage the plant and burn its roots.

First, we water the flowers, and after they have quenched their thirst (the next day after watering), we feed them.

Top dressing for flowers is applied both in dry form and diluted in water.

Dry products are scattered on the surface of the earth, then the soil needs to be loosened and lightly watered.

Top dressing, diluted with water, water the plant around the entire bush, preferably closer to the edge of the pot. It is not necessary to fill in, fertilizers are required to be applied very little. Water must be used only previously settled, and not from the tap, at room temperature.

Sometimes top dressing is used in the form of spraying.

Fertilizers for indoor flowers from our kitchen

The most diverse composition of vitamins and microelements of top dressing can be found in our kitchen. Home remedies are just as good as store-bought fertilizers, and they're all-natural. So do not rush to throw away onion peels, egg shells, peels from oranges and bananas, coffee grounds.

What dressings for indoor flowers can be used and how to prepare them, my further story.


Probably the most famous, popular and effective flower food is yeast. After all, they contain a lot of usefulness, including phytohormones, B vitamins that stimulate growth, and others.

Yeast top dressing is equated to full mineral fertilizer.

It favorably affects the root system, causes increased growth and flowering, and also improves the microflora of the earth. Your flowers will grow by leaps and bounds!


If you have natural pressed yeast, take 10 grams of them, stir in one liter of warm water, add a tablespoon of sugar.

Dry yeast should be taken 1 gram per liter of water + 1 teaspoon of sugar.

We insist this mixture for 2-3 hours.

Before applying top dressing, it will still need to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5 (1 glass of infusion to 5 glasses of water).

Coffee grounds

There is a lot of nitrogen in coffee, and plants love it very much, especially after winter. And the ground is home remedy makes loose and soft.

After preparing and drinking a morning drink, we dry the remaining coffee grounds and collect them in a jar, in a few days a fairly decent mass will be collected, which is enough for all your flowers.

We distribute a couple of teaspoons of dry thick along the edges of the pot, loosen, water. Everything is simple!

tea leaves

Dry tea brewing, as in the previous recipe, is brought into the ground, this will be fertilizer for home flowers.

Or you can just water the plants with unfinished tea, even sweet. Ferns especially like to drink tea.

But do not overdo it and rarely use such top dressing, because black flies also love it.


Feeding indoor flowers with sugar gives them energy, so almost all plants respect sweet water, and cacti most of all.

Dissolve one tablespoon of sugar in a liter of water and water the flowers.

onion peel

Onion peel is useful to us not only for coloring eggs, but also a wonderful flower food from it!

We will need to prepare a decoction.

We put a good handful of husks in a saucepan, pour two liters there hot water and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.

After the broth has stood with us for a couple of hours, it should be filtered and used for spraying or watering flowers.

This decoction is not stored for a long time, so pour out the leftovers immediately. And the procedure can be repeated in a month.


The egg shell is rich in calcium, which is also necessary for our pets.

Therefore, the shells from the peeled boiled eggs(you can also use raw ones) we don’t throw it away either, we collect it, dry it, grind it in a mortar, crush or in another convenient way. Preferably very finely, into crumbs and even dust.

Shredded shells can be used to feed plants in a dry form, sprinkling the surface of the earth and burying.

And you can insist them in water (a teaspoon of crushed shells per liter of water) and use for irrigation.

Sometimes, when planting plants, a handful of shells are poured onto the bottom, which will nourish and enrich the earth for a long time.


Banana top dressing is prepared simply: a whole peeled banana needs to be thoroughly mashed, pour a glass of water and mix until a homogeneous mushy mass. We feed our plants directly from a spoon with this mixture.

But we ourselves like to eat bananas, we often use banana peels for dressing.

How to cook

  1. We collect the banana peel and dry it.
  2. Finely cut with a knife, grind in a blender into powder.
  3. We fill any jar to half the volume.
  4. Fill with hot boiled water to the top.
  5. Close the lid and leave to brew for a day.
  6. We filter.
  7. Pour water into the jar until full.
  8. We water our plants.


A good top dressing for indoor flowers is also obtained from dried citrus peel. Prepare and apply it in the same way as a banana peel.


If you have aloe growing at home, you can use it yourself to feed flowers, or rather aloe juice. It stimulates plant growth well.

Cut the leaves, scroll them in a meat grinder and squeeze the juice. For 1.5 liters of water you need 1 teaspoon.

Pharmaceutical dressings for flowers

For top dressing, the products from our home first aid kit are also perfect.


Plants respond very well to spraying with aspirin: crush 1 tablet and dissolve in a liter of water.

Vitamin B12

As already mentioned, vitamin B is needed for growth, dissolve 1 ampoule in a liter of water and water the flowers. Violets like this dressing.

Castor oil

I always have a bottle of castor oil at home. I make face and nail masks with it, use it for burns and all sorts of sores.

While tying buds flowering plants you can feed with a solution of castor oil: 1 teaspoon per liter of water.


This is a good nitrogenous fertilizer, it is very easily absorbed by the plant.

Just like a person, ammonia affects plants: it invigorates, restores strength, and revitalizes.

After watering with a solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon per liter), the plant will turn green in three days, budding begins, and the solution disinfects and kills various fungi in the soil.


Helps to recover, grow actively and bloom luxuriantly.

Honestly, I don’t know if other plants are fed with iodine, usually this fertilizer is used to care for geraniums.

To prepare 1 drop of iodine, stir in a liter of water. Water very carefully along the edge of the pot so that the roots do not get burned. On one pot you can pour no more than 50 ml of the product.

Hydrogen peroxide

My favorite remedy is hydrogen peroxide. It not only saves me from the flu, but also helps the plants come to life right before my eyes.

Peroxide has an oxidizing effect, antiseptic properties, heals not only the leaves, but also the earth, protects against pests, and is a good disease prevention.

This remedy is an ambulance for withering plants as well as a hot shower.

1 tablespoon is diluted in a liter of water and the leaves of plants are sprayed once a week, but only for those who like spraying. Other flowers can be watered with this composition.

Tatyana will tell in detail very interestingly about peroxide as a good top dressing for flowers in her video.

Let's summarize. As you can see, there are many available funds, which can be used as home dressings for indoor flowers. It is better to alternate them. We bought bananas, make top dressing from their peel, bake pies - set aside some yeast for your pets, and pour sweet water or sprinkle with peroxide - much easier.

Let your favorite flowers delight and thank you for your work!

For those who like to watch and listen more:

Interesting and useful publications about flowers and for flowers:

  • How to decorate flower pot: 25 decor ideas with photo and video master classes
  • How to keep a bouquet of flowers in a vase longer
  • Why don't cacti bloom?
  • Why does the spathiphyllum dry or turn yellow leaves
  • What flowers should be kept at home
  • Gloxinia home flower. Landing and care

Indoor plants delight all households throughout the spring-summer period. However, like many other crops, with the onset of cold weather, they fall into a kind of hibernation and often throw off their foliage. This leads many novice flower growers to the question of whether indoor flowers need to be fed in winter. If yes, then what? This is a perfectly legitimate question.

In fact, first of all, it all depends on the particular plant. If it really falls into hibernation, then in this case it is better not to disturb it and not wake it up. However, there are many varieties of flowers that continue to function in the winter, just not as active as before. Such crops need additional trace elements.

However, before deciding what fertilizers to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth clarifying a few nuances. Firstly, in the cold season, you should not overdo it with additives. If the plant receives too many nutrients, then this can destroy it. Therefore, the amount of feeding should be correctly calculated based on the characteristics of a particular culture.

Secondly, you need to understand that in winter, the duration of daylight hours is reduced. In this regard, the processes of photosynthesis are much slower, so it is quite normal that the foliage of plants becomes more pale and lethargic. This does not mean that the flower is sorely lacking in nutritional supplements. At this time, it is enough to make nutritional supplements at intervals of 1 time in 30 days.

Whether it is necessary to feed indoor flowers in winter can be determined based on the condition of the plant. Consider the recommendations of experts.

When does a plant need fertilizer?

Indoor flowers usually themselves signal that they lack nutritional supplements. It is enough to pay attention to some symptoms. First of all, sharply yellowed or fallen leaves should alert. However, in this case, it is worth making sure that this is not a sign of hibernation. If this happens to a plant that blooms year-round, then this is a very alarming signal.

Also embarrassing should be the appearance dark spots on leaves and flower stems. If the plant has stopped blooming and stopped growing, then this is also a symptom that the culture needs top dressing. In addition, you need to consider that the flower stems must be strong. If the plant cannot stand on its own and has to be tied up, then it is quite possible that we are talking about a lack of nutritional supplements. Consider the nuances of their introduction.

Features of winter top dressing

During this period of time, plants most of all need:

  • Phosphorus. This component is recommended for those who are wondering how to feed indoor flowers in winter so that they bloom. Phosphorus in the composition of fertilizers will help to enjoy beautiful buds longer term.
  • Potassium. This substance will help restore bright colors to flowers and save plants from stress.
  • nitrogen. This component is necessary if the plant has too little deciduous mass.

You can buy dressings that already contain all these substances at any specialized store. However, in addition to the main components, synthetic additives are often also present in such formulations. In this case, it is much cheaper and more useful to do the feeding yourself.

Orange and lemon peels

The vitamins contained in these citrus fruits are useful not only to humans, but also to plants. Therefore, when deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, you should definitely pay attention to them. The fact is that the bark of these citrus fruits contains vitamins that increase the immunity of the culture. Therefore, after eating an orange, you should not throw out its bark, but pour it with 1 liter of warm water. This tincture is prepared very quickly - 1 day. After that, the resulting liquid must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, so as not to burn the delicate root system. Next, citrus water is introduced into the soil.

Especially such top dressing like azaleas, hydrangeas and rapsis.


This plant is used not only for home treatment, but also by those who know how to feed indoor flowers in winter. To prepare a nutrient mixture, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 1 liter of warm water and apply the liquid to the soil. Thanks to the juice of this amazing plant flowers will grow stronger. In addition, aloe has excellent disinfecting properties, so pests will be less likely to disturb flowers.

This top dressing is universal. It will suit any type of plant.


Sugar dressings are especially to the taste of ficuses and cacti. This is due to the fact that during the breakdown of the sweet additive, glucose is formed. Any experienced gardener knows how these crops respond well to a given substance. However, other plants can be fertilized with this simple component. Glucose is involved in the formation of complex molecules necessary for the growth and production of more energy by plants. By and large, this component provokes and accelerates the growth of new cellular material, due to which the flowers become healthier and fresher.

Therefore, when deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth diluting one teaspoon of sugar in a liter of heated water. Plants can be fertilized with this liquid once a month. Or you can just sprinkle the ground in the pots with a little sugar.

However, don't get carried away. Too much sugar is harmful not only to humans, but also to any other living organism.


Is it possible to feed indoor flowers in winter with vitamin supplements? Yes, you can, but only after reading the instructions in detail. The fact is that most formulations contain aggressive chemicals that are used to get a quick effect. If such additives are used in the winter, the plant may not be able to cope with their processing. Therefore, vitamins must be used with caution. At the same time, it is worth giving 2 times less amount of the recommended supplement. The instructions usually indicate the period when the flowers are in the active stage. If we are talking about the cold season, then the plant needs much less vitamins.

When deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, preference should be given to natural compounds.

chicken manure

This top dressing contains everything necessary for the growth and health of flowers, including vitamins and useful trace elements. However, you should also be careful when using chicken manure. To prepare a nutritional supplement, it is enough to dilute 1 teaspoon of manure in a bucket of water. It is much more convenient to pre-prepare the concentrate by mixing the fertilizer with 1 liter of water, and only then pour it into a bowl with the rest of the liquid.

Also, do not forget about lighting for plants. After all, in winter, they desperately need sunlight. Therefore, at this time of the year it is better to move flower pots closer to the windows. Or you can take advantage of additional lighting by installing fluorescent lamps for your favorite colors.


In addition, it must be borne in mind that in the cold season, flowers need to be watered much less frequently. Since all processes in plants occur more slowly, they do not feed as actively when compared with the spring or summer period. It is best not to apply water directly to the ground, but to pour it into a bowl in which the pot stands. Then the flower will decide for itself how much moisture it needs to absorb.

Indoor plants delight all households throughout the spring-summer period. However, like many other crops, with the onset of cold weather, they fall into a kind of hibernation and often throw off their foliage. This leads many novice flower growers to the question of whether indoor flowers need to be fed in winter. If yes, then what? This is a perfectly legitimate question.

In fact, first of all, it all depends on the particular plant. If it really falls into hibernation, then in this case it is better not to disturb it and not wake it up. However, there are many varieties of flowers that continue to function in the winter, just not as active as before. Such crops need additional trace elements.

However, before deciding what fertilizers to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth clarifying a few nuances. Firstly, in the cold season, you should not overdo it with additives. If the plant receives too many nutrients, then this can destroy it. Therefore, the amount of feeding should be correctly calculated based on the characteristics of a particular culture.

Secondly, you need to understand that in winter, the duration of daylight hours is reduced. In this regard, the processes of photosynthesis are much slower, so it is quite normal that the foliage of plants becomes more pale and lethargic. This does not mean that the flower is sorely lacking in nutritional supplements. At this time, it is enough to make nutritional supplements at intervals of 1 time in 30 days.

Whether it is necessary to feed indoor flowers in winter can be determined based on the condition of the plant. Consider the recommendations of experts.

When does a plant need fertilizer?

Indoor flowers usually themselves signal that they lack nutritional supplements. It is enough to pay attention to some symptoms. First of all, sharply yellowed or fallen leaves should alert. However, in this case, it is worth making sure that this is not a sign of hibernation. If this happens to a plant that blooms year-round, then this is a very alarming signal.

Also, the appearance of dark spots on the foliage and trunk of flowers should confuse. If the plant has stopped blooming and stopped growing, then this is also a symptom that the culture needs top dressing. In addition, you need to consider that the flower stems must be strong. If the plant cannot stand on its own and has to be tied up, then it is quite possible that we are talking about a lack of nutritional supplements. Consider the nuances of their introduction.

Features of winter top dressing

During this period of time, plants most of all need:

  • Phosphorus. This component is recommended for those who are wondering how to feed indoor flowers in winter so that they bloom. Phosphorus in the composition of fertilizers will help you enjoy beautiful buds for a longer period.
  • Potassium. This substance will help restore bright colors to flowers and save plants from stress.
  • nitrogen. This component is necessary if the plant has too little deciduous mass.

You can buy dressings that already contain all these substances at any specialized store. However, in addition to the main components, synthetic additives are often also present in such formulations. In this case, it is much cheaper and more useful to do the feeding yourself.

Orange and lemon peels

The vitamins contained in these citrus fruits are useful not only to humans, but also to plants. Therefore, when deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, you should definitely pay attention to them. The fact is that the bark of these citrus fruits contains vitamins that increase the immunity of the culture. Therefore, after eating an orange, you should not throw out its bark, but pour it with 1 liter of warm water. This tincture is prepared very quickly - 1 day. After that, the resulting liquid must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, so as not to burn the delicate root system. Next, citrus water is introduced into the soil.

Especially such top dressing like azaleas, hydrangeas and rapsis.


This plant is used not only for home treatment, but also by those who know how to feed indoor flowers in winter. To prepare a nutrient mixture, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 1 liter of warm water and apply the liquid to the soil. Thanks to the juice of this amazing plant, the flowers will become stronger. In addition, aloe has excellent disinfecting properties, so pests will be less likely to disturb flowers.

This top dressing is universal. It will suit any type of plant.


Sugar dressings are especially to the taste of ficuses and cacti. This is due to the fact that during the breakdown of the sweet additive, glucose is formed. Any experienced gardener knows how these crops respond well to a given substance. However, other plants can be fertilized with this simple component. Glucose is involved in the formation of complex molecules necessary for the growth and production of more energy by plants. By and large, this component provokes and accelerates the growth of new cellular material, due to which the flowers become healthier and fresher.

Therefore, when deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, it is worth diluting one teaspoon of sugar in a liter of heated water. Plants can be fertilized with this liquid once a month. Or you can just sprinkle the ground in the pots with a little sugar.

However, don't get carried away. Too much sugar is harmful not only to humans, but also to any other living organism.


Is it possible to feed indoor flowers in winter with vitamin supplements? Yes, you can, but only after reading the instructions in detail. The fact is that most formulations contain aggressive chemicals that are used to get a quick effect. If such additives are used in the winter, the plant may not be able to cope with their processing. Therefore, vitamins must be used with caution. At the same time, it is worth giving 2 times less amount of the recommended supplement. The instructions usually indicate the period when the flowers are in the active stage. If we are talking about the cold season, then the plant needs much less vitamins.

When deciding how to feed indoor flowers in winter, preference should be given to natural compounds.

chicken manure

This top dressing contains everything necessary for the growth and health of flowers, including vitamins and useful trace elements. However, you should also be careful when using chicken manure. To prepare a nutritional supplement, it is enough to dilute 1 teaspoon of manure in a bucket of water. It is much more convenient to pre-prepare the concentrate by mixing the fertilizer with 1 liter of water, and only then pour it into a bowl with the rest of the liquid.

Also, do not forget about lighting for plants. After all, in winter, they desperately need sunlight. Therefore, at this time of the year it is better to move flower pots closer to the windows. Or you can take advantage of additional lighting by installing fluorescent lamps for your favorite colors.


In addition, it must be borne in mind that in the cold season, flowers need to be watered much less frequently. Since all processes in plants occur more slowly, they do not feed as actively when compared with the spring or summer period. It is best not to apply water directly to the ground, but to pour it into a bowl in which the pot stands. Then the flower will decide for itself how much moisture it needs to absorb.

Floriculture in apartments and houses has been and remains one of the most popular, interesting and exciting hobbies. For some, this is even a profitable business. Fans of domestic plants include, first of all, summer residents, but ordinary housewives and even housewives, who are becoming more and more, do not lag behind them.

Demand, as you know, gives rise to supply, and therefore on the shelves flower shops now full of all kinds of fertilizers for indoor plants. But do not forget that before there was no well-established production of dressings, and our mothers and grandmothers fertilized flowers with improvised means, which is much more profitable and convenient than using purchased fertilizers. There are many time-tested plant nutrition recipes. It's time to find out about them!

Many novice flower growers ask themselves the question: “Why fertilize indoor flowers at all?”. The answer is simple: the flowers that live in our apartments sit in pots or flowerpots, in the ground, in which, over time, the reserves of substances necessary for flowers are very quickly depleted. As a result of this, plants begin to experience a deficiency of important elements and begin to grow more slowly, wither, turn yellow and may die. Therefore, if you want to see full of life, green and dense, brightly flowering plants on your window, then you need to fertilize them.

Basic rules for fertilizing indoor flowers

For gardeners, when feeding flowers, it works next rule: "Do no harm!", as excess fertilizer or improperly applied top dressing can bring great harm plant. There are basic rules for how to feed plants:

  1. Fertilize the soil only for plants that are healthy. Make sure there are no pests on the bush.
  2. During the dormant period, that is, from the first autumn days until the beginning of spring, avoid feeding the plants often. Do this no more than once every 1-1.5 months, with the exception of some types of crops.
  3. Avoid fertilizing flowers immediately after transplanting new ground or a pot: firstly, there is still a supply of nutrients in fresh soil, and secondly, the plant has already suffered stress, after transplantation it needs peace, and not active growth.
  4. Be sure to water the plant well before feeding: if you do not, the roots of the flower can get severely burned. Water the flowers with plain water, and then, after 2-3 hours, add nutrients.

If you bought a plant in bloom in a store, then do not fertilize it at first - there should be required amount minerals. Wait about a month before the first feeding.

Do-it-yourself fertilizer for home flowers

Behind good fertilizer there is no need to run to the store - take a good look around you. Our house is always full of what fertilizers for indoor plants can be prepared on their own, without any "chemistry".

From our table

In the process of daily cooking, we, without noticing it ourselves, send very useful and necessary substances to plants into the bin or into the drain. This is water from washing cereals, eggshell, fruit cleaning waste and much more. But with the right use of this waste, you can create very nutritious fertilizers from almost nothing.

Of whatWhat givesHow to prepare fertilizer
Boiled or raw egg shells, and even the water in which you boil eggs for breakfast, are a natural source of calcium for houseplants. All flowers love her, with the exception of fans of acidic soil.Water, in which eggs have just been boiled, can be watered without special preparation - just cool it. And prepare a useful infusion from the shell: rinse with water and carefully grind the shells and fill them with water (based on 3 liters of water, the shell from 4 eggs), then insist this mixture for 2 weeks, placing the container with it in a dark place. Do not close the container lid tightly. The characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide and turbidity of the water will inform you that the fertilizer is ready.
Good source of potassium and organic matterThe preparation of banana fertilizer is carried out in two ways: the skins can be well dried and crushed, and then the resulting powder can be used when watering every 7 days (1 tsp per glass of water). The second option: pour fresh banana peel with water, wait one day, strain and, diluted twice with water, water the flowers
This fertilizer stimulates plant growth and repels pests.Grind the peels of lemons, oranges or tangerines, then place the gruel in a jar (a third of a liter jar is filled) and pour boiling water over it. You need to insist the mixture for about a day, then strain it, add water. Apply diluted 1:10 once every 1-2 months
Helps fight diseases, stimulates flower growth, repels midgesA handful of husks are poured with boiling water (1 liter). Then, after holding on fire for 8 minutes, let it cool and insist for about 3 hours. Now the solution must be filtered and used for spraying 1 time in 8 weeks (such a product is not stored long time so always prepare a fresh solution). To get rid of midges, you can water the soil
A source of glucose and a growth stimulant for young shoots. Suitable for succulents: ficuses and cactiDilute a spoonful of sugar in 1 liter of water and use the solution to water the plant
Grounds from the coffee maker and from your cup are a source of nitrogen. It also gives the soil airiness and looseness. Thick plants love acidic soil.Everything is simple here: the thick is mixed with soil and mixed into pots
Good soil conditioner. Suitable for use as a drainCollect tea leaves from tea bags or from a teapot and mix into the ground
Source of nutrientsCollect water from spilled cereals and water flowers with it

Video - Do-it-yourself fertilizers for indoor plants

Your own helpers

Flowers themselves can be an excellent source of nutrients. For example, the juice of one of the most popular house flowers is aloe. This is a great helper for other colors: it accelerates development and raises immunity.

  1. Pluck off the bottom leaves of an aloe that is about 4 years old.
  2. Place the leaves in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the leaves.
  4. Dissolve the juice in water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1.5 liters of settled water for irrigation.
  5. Water the plants once every 14 days.
  6. Plants can also be sprayed with this solution.

It is good if you put a little crushed fern on the bottom of the pot - such measures will help improve the condition of the soil and increase the acidity of the soil.

Aloe is a great helper for other flowers.

Pets - producers of fertilizers

Rarely in which apartment there are no pets: people give birth to birds, fish, hamsters, cats and dogs. But if cat waste is dangerous for flowers, then waste from other animals can be very useful.

A good source of elements necessary for the growth of flowers can be the water in which they live aquarium fish. I use it for watering in spring or in the first half of summer - during the active development of plants. Use this water once a month to prevent acidification of the soil.

Aquarium water is a good source of flowers needed for growth.

You can also fertilize indoor flowers with droppings of dogs, birds, guinea pigs. An infusion is prepared from it: the litter is collected and poured warm water, then wait for the fermentation process to begin (from 3 days (rodent droppings) to 2 weeks). Dilute the product 1:25 and use to water house plants.


Ash has long been known among gardeners and summer residents as a source of minerals for plants. The soil is enriched with mineral elements, including potassium and phosphorus, and crops on such fertilized soil begin to grow faster.

Grilled kebabs in the country or just burned a fire - collect some wood ash and bring it home. Dilute 1 tablespoon of the brought top dressing in 2 liters of hot water, let it brew for one day, strain and water the plants.

not bad mineral fertilizer- ashes from cigarettes. Just add it little by little to the flower pots.

The first aid kit is also helpful.

Every home medicine cabinet contains potassium permanganate, aspirin and castor oil. These drugs are excellent sources of nutrients for indoor flowers.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate will help get rid of indoor midges and will also become a source of trace elements for plants. Dilute a few grains of potassium permanganate in settled water, giving it a pale pink color, and water your flowers.

Aspirin has long been known as excellent tool for cut flowers, which increases their life in a vase. Why not try to feed this drug and ordinary houseplants? We prepare the solution as follows: in 1 liter. settled water dilute 1 tab. drug. Water flowering or bud-forming plants with this remedy.

Castor oil will delight indoor flowers that form buds or are already blooming. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of this drug in a liter of water and water the flowers.

Indoor plants are in almost every home. Green pets in both summer and winter delight the owners with bright foliage and beautiful flowering. But for this, even in winter, they need careful care, watering and top dressing.
Of course, we are not talking about those plants that fall into hibernation. They do not need abundant watering and winter feeding.

Today on the site "Popular about Health" we will talk about how you can feed indoor flowers in winter folk remedies.

Features of feeding houseplants in winter

The need for fertilization in winter depends on the type of home plant and climatic conditions in the room. For example, most succulents "rest" in winter. They do not require watering and, especially, fertilizers.

But others, in particular, azalea, indoor violets, as well as anthurium, spathiphyllum and other flowering ones, it is useful to feed in winter.

This is especially needed for flowers that love sunlight, watering and irrigation. In addition to fertilizing, it is also useful to highlight them with phytolamps, prolonging daylight hours.

Signs of the need for feeding

There are several main signs by which you can understand that plants need additional nutrition:

Weak stems that stretch upward;
- yellowing, small, drooping leaves, loss of their brightness;
- falling leaves, the presence of spots on them;
- prolonged absence flowering;
- low disease resistance;
- other pronounced signs ill health.

To help the plants, you can buy ready-made fertilizers at the gardening store. But many people prefer to feed indoor flowers in winter with self-prepared, folk remedies. Consider a few popular recipes:

natural fertilizers

wood ash :

Many gardeners are well aware of this fertilizer. Wood ash contains useful substances necessary for any plants. For indoor flowers - this is one of the best fertilizers.

From it you can prepare an infusion - 1 tbsp per 1 liter of settled water. It is recommended to water the flowers 1-2 times a week.


Houseplant lovers often use sugar for feeding. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp in half a liter of water. When the sugar dissolves completely, the plant is watered with a solution, no more than 1 time per month. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to use some of the EM products with this top dressing, for example, Baikal EM-1.


Instead of sugar, it is better to use glucose, it is much more effective. Buy a tablet preparation, dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water. Water, spray the leaves, but not more than 1 time per month.

baker's yeast:

This product is very useful for green pets. Yeast activates the vital activity of microorganisms in the soil, as a result, the release of carbon dioxide is accelerated, and the mineralization of organic matter is activated. The solution can be used, no more than 1 time per month.

A nutrient solution is prepared from yeast, which is useful for feeding indoor flowers in winter: dissolve 10 g of fresh yeast in 1 liter of warm water, where you first stir 1 tbsp of sugar. Before watering, dilute the solution with settled water, in a ratio of 1x10.

If using dry yeast, take 10 g - 10 liters of water and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Before watering, the solution is diluted with water 1 x 5.

drunk coffee:

The sediment left in the cup from brewed and drunk coffee is an excellent fertilizer for indoor flowers. It is easy to use: mix the sediment from the cup with the earth in a pot. Coffee top dressing is loved by many flowers. Among them are azaleas, roses, lilies, rhododendrons, as well as most evergreens.

tea leaves:

Many people add drops to the soil and tea leaves left after drinking tea. This is really useful for flowers, but it can also have an unpleasant effect: black flies are very fond of tea leaves, which are bred in large quantities in soil fertilized by tea leaves.

onion peel:

Speaking of fertilizing domestic plants in winter with folk remedies, one cannot fail to mention a decoction of the husk onion. This fertilizer is loved by all plants without exception. Top dressing promotes their growth, makes them stronger, activates flowering. And this is understandable, because the broth contains almost all the necessary nutrients.

To prepare fertilizer, pour 2 handfuls of husks with two liters of water. Boil, reduce heat, cook for 10 minutes. Then let cool and infuse, about 3 hours. Strain, spray plants. For watering, dilute in half with water.

banana peel:

Don't throw away the peels of eaten bananas. Fold in a three-liter jar, fill to the top with water. After a day, strain the infusion, discard the peel. Infusion water and spray.

When transplanting a plant, mix dried peel into fresh soil. Over time, it will rot, and the plant will receive the trace elements it needs, activating growth, flowering and brightness of the green mass.

Experienced flower growers advise using homemade flowers in moderation, the main thing is not to overdo it. Excess fertilizer is just as harmful to plants as deficiency. In some cases, too concentrated watering solutions can even kill a green pet.

Therefore, top dressing should be correctly formulated, balanced as much as possible and applied in a timely manner (taking into account the winter rest period of many plants). Only if these conditions are met, feeding will be beneficial.