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How to plant currants in autumn and spring. How to plant currants in the fall to ensure a great harvest in the summer

Currant is not only a beautiful, fragrant berry, but also vitamin, and, therefore, very useful! Therefore, in our area, almost every garden is decorated with clusters of white, black, yellow, pink and red berries.

If currants are properly cared for, then from one bush of this crop you can collect a whole bucket of berries! These and many other advantages of it have prompted many gardeners to grow it. But when and how to plant currants so that healthy shrubs grow that would give a plentiful, healthy and tasty harvest?

Most experienced gardeners say that best time for planting currant bushes is early autumn. If the autumn was warm, then the bushes can be planted until October.

However, in case of early frosts, it is better to dig in the seedlings and wait a bit - until the beginning of spring. At the same time, the main thing to remember is that the bushes should be planted as early as possible, almost immediately after all the snow has come off the ground.

The right time for planting currant bushes guarantees high survival rate and bountiful harvest delicious and juicy berries. Now it is worth determining a suitable place for planting currant bushes.

For planting, you should choose a sunny place, since absolutely all varieties of currants are sun-loving. Yes, black currant can withstand shading, but she will not be able to feel great there, therefore, in conditions of lack sun rays she will bear less fruit. At the same time, on well-lit shoots, much more branches with flower buds are formed.

In addition to good lighting, the site must be reliably protected from the wind, as it interferes with pollination. Also, you should not choose lowlands for landing, as cold air can linger there.

The next factor to consider is access to moisture. The fact is that in the wild, currant grows in humid forests, along river banks and even near swamps. Of course, currants can withstand short dry periods, but if this is repeated often, the shrub may get sick or die.

That is why it is necessary to choose soil with enough water. However, this does not mean that the soil should be swampy, since currants often get sick with fungal diseases. On the other hand, planting currants is undesirable in places with high level ground water, since the roots of the plant will die in this soil. Experts recommend well-draining soil for currant bushes.

It is recommended to place currants not around the perimeter garden plot but in a separate place. It is very convenient to plant shrubs in rows with a distance: in the country - 2 m, in industrial plantings - 3 m. For cross-pollination, you need to plant various mutually pollinated varieties on the site, this should increase productivity.

Preparing the landing site

Before planting, it is necessary to dig the entire area to a shallow depth, while adding 4 kg of humus, 20–30 grams of potassium sulfate, 100–150 grams of superphosphate per 1 m 2. If peat is used instead of humus, then it is better to mix it with bone meal, adding 100 grams of it for each m 2.

For planting currant bushes, pits should be dug at a distance of about 1.5 - 2 m from each other. The pits do not need to be dug too deep, you can do this with a continuous trench with a depth of 35 - 45 cm. If time permits, you can leave the pits to "rest" for one to two weeks so that the earth shrinks.

How to plant currants?

Consider step by step instructions how to plant currants in spring:

  1. First of all, pour a bucket of water into the hole.
  2. Carefully place the seedling so that the roots do not intertwine with each other.
  3. Fill the hole with earth.
  4. Form a hole around the shrub and pour water again.
  5. To avoid the formation of a crust, the soil should be mulched with humus.

During planting, the main thing is not to damage the roots, while the root neck should be located above the soil surface at least 5 cm.

In order for the shrub to grow strong, it is advisable to cut it when planting, leaving 10-15 cm from the ground. By the way, cut branches can be planted in moist ground, where they should easily take root.

Plant seedlings at an angle of about 45 degrees. Sloping and deep planting promotes the formation of fresh shoots, additional roots and buds on the covered part of the stem.

Thanks to this, a powerful developed bush with an abundance of strong branches is formed. Otherwise - with the usual direct landing - the bush turns out to be single-stemmed.


Currants need regular watering. Even a single drying of the soil can lead to a decrease in yield, as well as to the crushing of berries. Therefore, at a time it is required to pour from 3 to 5 buckets of water under each bush.

Stop watering only if the berries have begun to stain. Moreover, in this case, watering is harmful, since the berries will crack right on the bushes from excessive saturation with liquid in the cell sap.

Also, the roots of the plant must be protected from freezing. To do this, in the fall, you should spud the bush with a layer of earth, and sprinkle the trunk circle with compost and peat.

To achieve an excellent harvest, currant bushes must be formed. Initially, all shoots should be cut, leaving up to 5 buds on them. In adult shrubs, it is required to replace the old five-six-year-old fruit-bearing branches with more powerful young ones, and you will also need to remove excess annual shoots.

In the process of shaping, the gardener should strive to form a bush with the maximum wide base. Why is it so important? The wider, freer and lighter the middle of the plant, the more uniform the fruiting of the entire shrub, and not just peripheral branches, as happens with strong thickening.

The presence of approximately 16-20 powerful branches of different ages is a sign of the correct formation of the bush.

Yes, planting currants in the garden, you definitely will not regret it. Good luck growing this valuable plant!

Let us continue our conversation about blackcurrant.

Plot under planting black currant we chose and seedlings best quality they are already waiting for the hour when they settle in a permanent place.

So, it's time for our black-eyed beauty to take her place in the garden.

Perfect time for blackcurrant plantings- Start autumn period(end of September - early October).

The plant planted at this time, before the first frost, has time to completely restore the root system, firmly settling in the ground.

  • Blackcurrant is recommended to be planted in spring only in special occasions- she does not tolerate such a landing too well.

If you missed autumn auspicious time, dig seedlings until the spring season.

But be aware that such a landing requires certain places, with very little snow cover (the shrub easily freezes the roots).

In the spring, blackcurrants are best planted at the end of April (have time to do this before the buds open).

The most important event

This is exactly the planting of currants. It's hard work and responsibility.

seedlings for planting black currants not only buy in nurseries, but if you already have currant plantations on your site, then you can take excellent material from them:

  1. We cut several cuttings from young, summer branches. Leave 4 buds on each.
  2. We cut off the tops of the branches - we do not need them.
  3. We put the cuttings in water and wait about 3 weeks.

After this time, young cuttings give roots. As soon as the long-awaited roots appear, the currant is ready to appear in the garden.

When planting, keep in mind that the bushes will grow, so keep the required distance between each bush of about 2 m.

Important boarding rules

You know main secret how to plant blackcurrant One of the most important conditions for this event is that the root neck of a young seedling should go deep into the ground 6-9 cm below the soil level.

In this case, the bush is located at an angle of 45 °.

  • By observing these conditions, you will allow the young growth to quickly form a strong bush and form additional healthy shoots and a developed root system.

If the gardener needs standard material, blackcurrants are planted without slope and deepening.

Such seedlings will become rather weak plants (they cannot be protected from winds and frosts), and the life period will be limited (only 6-10 years).

But they have their undeniable advantages:

  • Due to its compact form, the standard currant is ideal for small gardens where there is very little space.
  • These species receive more sun, so their yield will be higher than that of ordinary seedlings.
  • Standard varieties get sick less, because their branches do not come into contact with the ground.
  • Such crops are easier and easier to care for.

The most suitable blackcurrant varieties for growing in the standard way: Aist, Dream of Kyiv 3, Universitetskaya, Memorable, Sanyuta, Yubileinaya, Monastic, Premiere.

Autumn planting of blackcurrant

  1. Immediately before planting, all damaged, diseased roots are cut off from the seedlings.
  2. A bucket of water is poured into the pits / trenches prepared for planting.
  3. The cutting is carefully placed in the hole in an inclined position (keep a 45° angle). At the same time, carefully straighten the roots.
  4. Gradually, slowly, the young plant is covered with soil, while watering (it will take up to 3-4 buckets of water per plant).
  5. Gently tamp near the trunk, pressing the ground with the toe of the foot.
  6. After planting, the soil near the shrub is mulched (rotted foliage, peat, humus or compost is suitable for mulch). The mulch layer will protect the shrub from moisture loss and prevent the formation of an unnecessary crust on the ground.

Advice. Experienced gardeners it is recommended that when planting blackcurrants (at the time when the plant is covered with soil), shake the stalk periodically so that the soil occupies the voids near the root system. It is best to plant shrubs with an assistant: one person holds the seedling, the other digs it in.

After planting, the plant is pruned, leaving only 5-10 cm from the ground level.

Such a hard pruning will delay the appearance of the first crop for a year, but it will give the shrub more strength, allowing it to form a powerful, strong bush.

Spring planting of black currant

Recall that the black-eyed beauty does not tolerate the spring landing well, so leave these events for areas where winter does not indulge in a lot of snow.

  1. Saplings at the very beginning of spring are cut short to prevent premature bud break.
  2. We wait for the complete thawing of the soil and plant a young plant in the garden. The best time for this is April-May.

All preparation activities seats checks and the landing itself are exactly the same as in autumn.

Cultivation of stems

Unlike the usual ones, standard blackcurrant plantings are done straight, without tilting.

Our task is to prevent the development of root branches. The neck of the young root is cleared of additional shoots and buds. Buds must be removed from the entire seedling before planting.

This procedure is carried out in the same way as the usual option. Varieties-boles are planted at the beginning of August.

  1. We plant a cleaned, thick summer branch in the garden and pinch its upper zone.
  2. The following year, young twigs appear on the top of the plant. In the month of August, we again pinch each fresh process. At the same time, we remove the rest of the fresh shoots and leaves below the required length (for young standard seedlings 20-25 cm from the ground level, for two-year-old seedlings about 40 cm).
  3. In the third year of development, we again pinch the tops of new branches and remove near the root growth. All shoots longer than 10 cm are also cut off. During this period, your standard seedling can already please you first, but so far with a small harvest of berries.

In the subsequent time, pinching is carried out every spring and summer, at the same time all branches that appear below the established level of our trunk are removed.

After planting black currants in the third year of life, our currants will already produce abundant and rich crops.

But, unfortunately, the fruitful period may end after 6-7 years of the life of the culture.

Young stems in dry weather (especially in dry late spring) need watering with simultaneous mulching.

In autumn, the roots of the young must be protected from severe frosts. To do this, after mid-October, we will spud the soil with peat or compost to a height of about 10-12 cm.

We will need to cover the area near the root with a 5-6 cm layer of mulch.

Fragrant beauty care


Blackcurrant is very respectful of moisture (its roots are located close to the surface and cannot provide themselves with drinking from groundwater).

If there is not enough water, the shrub will slow down its growth, and the berries will become small and quickly crumble.

The autumn dry season will lead to the freezing of plants (especially if the winter is harsh and snowless).

It is very important to provide the bush with drink in the following periods:

  1. The time of growth of branches and the formation of ovaries (end of May-beginning of June).
  2. When pouring berries (June).
  3. After harvest (August-September).
  4. If the autumn is too dry, we do watering before winter (end of October).

The soil must be moistened to a depth of about 40 cm. The moisture consumption is 4-5 buckets per m² (the amount increases when watering in dry and windy weather).

For this procedure, it is necessary to dig ditches to a depth of 12-15 cm near the bush, keeping a distance of 20-30 cm from the tips of the branches.

Watering is best in the evening. warm water.

  • Watering should be stopped when the currant berries begin to acquire color, otherwise the juicy berries will crack on the bushes due to waterlogging of their cell sap.

Needed fertilizers

The black-eyed beauty lacks nutritional components in the soil. Top dressing of culture is carried out throughout the entire time of its development and fruiting.

♦ The first two years of life. After planting blackcurrant, the young plant will have enough nutrition (potassium and phosphorus) from the dressing mixture that you laid on the bottom of the planting trench.

At this time, we will feed currants only at the beginning of the spring season with nitrogen supplements (50 g of urea per bush).

♦ Third anniversary. At this time, in addition to nitrogen-containing additives, currants already need organic (5-6 kg), superphosphate (40-50 g) and potassium (15-20 g) supplements.

♦ Fourth year of growth. Starting from this period, we will reduce the dose of urea to 20-40 g. Now it needs to be applied in two stages (2/3 in early spring, the rest after the flowering of the shrub).

In subsequent years of life after planting blackcurrant, the rate of nitrogen supplements (urea) remains the same, but the amount of other types of fertilizers depends on the quality of the soil:

  • Loamy land. For one bush organic additives (15-20 g), superphosphate (130-150 g), potassium sulfate (35-40 g). Fertilize in three years once (in autumn).
  • Peatlands and wetlands. In the autumn seasons, each plant is fed with superphosphate (120-150 g) and potassium sulfate (25-30 g). Fertilize currants every three years. In addition, every four years such land must be limed (400-500 g of lime per m² is applied).
  • Light soils (sandstones and loamy sandstones). Feed every spring. Each bush needs organic matter (4-6 kg), superphosphates (45-50 g) and potassium sulfate (15-20 g).

♦ Liquid supplements. In addition to the main additives, the beauty also needs liquefied ones (they are added simultaneously when watering).

As feed, you can use slurry (a bucket of manure diluted 3-4 times per bush), bird droppings (it is diluted 10 times, consumption: ½ bucket per bush).

They are brought in:

  1. During the flowering season (May).
  2. During the rapid growth of shoots (June).
  3. After the end of the harvest, when the buds of flowers are laid (August).

In the June-July months, foliar application will be useful mineral fertilizers: potassium permanganate (12 g), boric acid (4 g), copper sulfate (40 g).

Each substance is dissolved separately, then the solutions are mixed, diluted in a bucket of water. They spray plantings.

Weeding and loosening

For the excellent development of currants, the soil around the plant must be kept in a moist, weed-free state.

Carefully loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm. Carry out such activities every 20 days.

  • You will have to engage in loosening less often if you will mulch the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earth in the bush area with organic matter (grass, compost, peat). The ideal mulch thickness is about 8 cm.

♦ Autumn. If your site is loamy and heavy, it needs to be dug 15 cm around the circumference of the bush, between plantings of blackcurrant 15-20 cm.

At the same time, break up frozen clods of earth for better absorption of moisture. If there is light soil, there is no need to dig it, just regularly loosen it by 10 cm.

♦ Spring. Under each bush you need to mulch the soil. Use dry grass or peat.

Some gardeners cover the ground near the shrub with newspapers (this is done when the buds swell).

Newspapers are removed when the black-eyed beauty begins to bloom (during this period, beneficial insects crawl up).

Then (after flowering) the paper can be returned to its original place.

Shaping and trimming shrubs

♦ Formative blackcurrant pruning. This essential condition good plant development.

The first time the plant is pruned after planting. At the same time, about ½ of the size of each shoot is cut off with the obligatory preservation of up to 4 developed buds on each.

These procedures continue for the next 2-3 years.

Annually cut out aged, frail and thickened branches. They need to leave three young, strong annual shoots.

If the currant does not form enough basal shoots, take care of the existing ones and stimulate the emergence of new ones.

To do this, remove perennial branches (even fruit-bearing ones). Spud regularly bush up to 10-15 cm in height.

  • Formative pruning is completely completed 4 years after planting blackcurrants. At this time, the plant provided itself with 12-15 shoots of different ages (at the same time, there will be 3-4 more young one-year-old branches).

♦ Sanitary pruning. Simultaneously with the forming pruning, sanitary pruning is also carried out. In the process of processing, diseased branches, dry, broken ones are removed.

They are cut off completely, leaving not even a hemp.

♦ Anti-aging pruning. Such care is carried out for an adult fruit-bearing plant.

He is relieved of mature (5-6-year-old) branches. They no longer bear fruit, but only take strength from the currant.

It is easy to recognize such branches: they are thick at the base, with dark brown, almost black bark. Almost all of their fruit twigs are withered and dying.

  • But if the old branches are in good condition, they are developed, have strong growths and large buds - the life of such shoots, if desired, can be extended for a year.

In the process of rejuvenating pruning, young branches are also removed (undeveloped, with a small number of fruiting buds).

The best pruning period is early spring, before bud break (late March-early April).

But gardeners sometimes do not have time to carry out the procedures (they take a lot of time).

Therefore, pruning currants in the fall (after harvesting the berries) is acceptable. Such an event can be carried out slowly, right up to the cold weather.

How to keep the ovaries

After planting blackcurrant and it would seem good growth, the plant suddenly begins to drop ovaries at the end of flowering. What's happened?

The reason is the unexpected May and June frosts (this is when the currant blooms and forms the ovaries).

  • Most The best way protect your blackcurrant beauties - spraying shrubs with water. Moreover, not only plants are irrigated, but also the soil around them. It is necessary to spray abundantly in the morning and in the evening several times.

Wet plants during frosts are covered with an ice crust, which releases heat when thawed.

Such care for blackcurrant saves future harvest from death. Many summer residents during these periods cover currants plastic wrap or burlap.

The ideal would be to combine the shelter of shrubs and their spraying.

Smoke is an excellent tool. Use raspberry, strawberry leaves, last year's potato tops, straw, or straw manure.

The material is folded in heaps about 70 cm high, up to 80 cm long and wide. They are placed on the same line with a distance of 3-4 m.

  • Smoke begins when the temperature drops to + 1 ° C (when frost is promised). And the process is completed an hour after the thorough heating of the air (from 0 ° C).

Gathering a fragrant harvest

Beautiful, bulky odorous berries must be harvested after full ripening (all greenish shades should disappear from the color).

The blackcurrant crop is harvested with individual berries, or with whole brushes.

Use large trays or boxes for harvesting.

  • If you needed blackcurrant planting for sale and the crop needs to be transported, it is better to let the berries ripen on the way. In this case, you need to collect them on brushes. The fruits should be firm, not completely colored (but green color should be absent).

It is best to harvest currants in the early morning (in the absence of dew) or late in the evening. Immediately after the rain, this procedure should not be carried out - wait until the bushes dry out.

The uniformity of fruit ripening depends on the duration of flowering. If the currant blooms for a long time, then the berries will ripen at different times.

To achieve ripening in the same period, arrange a more uniform and intense lighting of currant bushes.

Now we have learned how to properly plant and properly care for blackcurrants. In the next article we will talk about this wonderful berry bush.

See you soon, dear readers!

On light sandy and sandy loamy soils, fertilizers are used annually, and in spring. 4-6 kg of organic matter, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-20 g of potassium sulfate are brought under the bush.

In autumn, heavy loamy soil is dug up to a depth of 10-15 cm in trunk circle, 15-20 - between bushes and rows. In order to better absorb moisture and linger snow in winter, earthen clods are not broken. If the soil is light and not very compacted, on the contrary, it is not dug up, but loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm.

Currants are planted in pits 30-40 deep and 40-50 cm wide or in the same trenches. At autumn planting they are dug up and seasoned with a nutrient mixture in advance (2-3 weeks in advance) so that the soil has time to settle. For spring planting places are also prepared in the fall.

After the purchase, it is important to bring the seedlings to the site safe and sound. Sneak away the leaves, and so that the roots do not dry out during transportation, wrap them with a damp cloth and place them in plastic bag. In the garden, remove the shelter and carefully inspect the bushes.

Placement in the garden of blackcurrant bushes

The seedling, in principle, will not be worse - it will grow as usual. But basal new shoots will form poorly and wait longer for a lush bush.

Now our seedling can easily grow until spring.

Preparing a residence for blackcurrant

Like all currants, black currant also loves the sun, but grows well in partial shade. If we plant several bushes at once, then the distance between them is maintained by 1.2 meters. Think over your plantings so that later you do not transplant adult plants. Currant grows in one place for 30 years or more. At good care and anti-aging pruning.

Planting density of this crop depends on the type and variety. When placing it, the fertility of the soil, the shape of the crown of the bushes are also taken into account. The most sprawling and tall varieties are planted less often than currants more compact form. The interval between the bushes should be 1-1.5 m.

When to plant blackcurrant

As for how to plant grapes correctly, almost all types of soils are suitable for growing it, except for marshy and saline ones. For planting grapes, choose places with good lighting. Even a small shadow can lead to a decrease in sugar content, and the berries themselves will become much smaller. For better rooting, the cuttings are placed in water for a day, immersed by a third of the length. Planted on a bed, placing it at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other, leaving 40-50 cm between rows. Planted obliquely, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees. They are deepened so that 2 buds remain on top, and one of them should be at the level of the soil (Fig. 4). To avoid voids, the ground around the cuttings is compressed and compacted. After planting, water thoroughly and mulch. In the spring, they are cut and left in the garden for another year. Transplanted to permanent place autumn. Care consists in watering, followed by mulching the soil. Sometimes in the spring the cuttings bulge out, then after the earth has completely thawed they are besieged. Do this carefully, trying not to damage the kidneys. Formative pruning is completed in the 4th year after planting. A properly formed bush usually has 10-15 branches. different ages(about 2-4 of each). At the same time, there are more annuals for a couple of branches, and fewer 5-6-year-olds. Simultaneously with the forming, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing dry, broken and diseased branches. Cut them out to the very base, leaving no stumps.

In addition to applying basic fertilizers, blackcurrants are given liquid top dressing that are combined with irrigation. Usually they are used during flowering (May), during shoot growth (May, June), when pouring berries (June) and immediately after harvest (August), when flower buds are laid.

Preparing seats for planting blackcurrant

Due to the lack of moisture in black currants, the growth of shoots slows down, and during the period of formation and filling of berries, they are crushed and shed. Autumn drought can lead to freezing of bushes, especially in snowless harsh winters. Due to the fact that the roots of the currant are not deep, it is not able to drink itself at the expense of groundwater, and needs to be watered.

When digging a hole or trench, the upper (fertile) layer is placed on one side, and the lower (subsoil) layer is placed on the other. Then prepare the filling mixture. The fertile layer is mixed with 8-10 kg of organic fertilizer and 200-250 g of any complex mineral.

​If the tips of the roots and shoots were damaged during delivery, carefully cut them back to a healthy part. So that the seedlings do not dry out, it is better to dig them in before planting. And you can dip the roots in a clay or earthen mash. But in any case, the root system must be protected from direct sunlight.

Planting blackcurrant seedlings

Unsuccessful landing site.

And now I'll tell

​Find out how close the groundwater is in your area. For many trees, shrubs and flowers, this is of great importance. Blackcurrant does not like groundwater above one meter.

One of the main features of planting young currants is the deepening of the root neck of the seedling 6-9 cm below ground level. In this case, the planting material is placed in an inclined position.

But before you plant strawberries correctly, you need to find soil in your area that will be light in texture. Note that there should be no carbonates in the ground. Their high content will lead to poor fruiting of strawberries.

Proper soil care

You can immediately plant the cuttings in a permanent place. Then proceed as follows. In the place prepared for the new bush, 5-6 cuttings are planted in a circle at an equal distance from each other, observing the above rules. After rooting, 2-3 plants are left, which will become the basis of a powerful bush. The rest are dug up and used for planting elsewhere.

Pruning an adult fruit-bearing bush is mainly rejuvenating. First of all, aging 5-6-year-old low-yielding branches are identified and removed. It is easy to recognize them by outward signs. Old branches are thick at the base, their bark is dark brown, almost black. The annual growth at the ends of most branches is very weak, about 10-15 cm. Fruit branches, although numerous, are mostly dying and dry.

For top dressing, an infusion of mullein or slurry is used, diluting 3-4 times (a bucket of solution per bush); infusion bird droppings, diluted 8-10 times (half a bucket-bucket of solution per bush). Sometimes it's hard to get natural organic fertilizers, in these cases, you can use ready-made preparations from the store, for example, "Barrel and 4 buckets", "Top-roots", etc. Or use an infusion of weeds.

Watering blackcurrants

It is often not necessary to water currants, it is enough to do this several times a season: during the growth of shoots and the formation of ovaries (late May - early June), when pouring berries (June), after harvesting (August-September). If autumn is dry, winter watering is needed (end of October).

When they begin to fill the pit, they first pour the filling mixture (about a third of the volume), and then the fertile soil. Then the root system of the seedling will be protected from burns that happen when fertilizers get on the roots.

Blackcurrant bushes are best planted in low, moderately moist, sunlit and wind-protected areas. Often they are planted along the fence. This is a good option. It is advisable to place only bushes, stepping back from the fence by 1 m. You can plant blackcurrants between young fruit trees. In this case, the distance from the tree to the bush must be at least 2 m.

Avoid landing in the shade. No swampy lowlands, close groundwater, long standing melt or rainwater.​

Additional nutrition for blackcurrant bushes, basic fertilizers

About common mistakes when planting blackcurrants in the fall

Planting blackcurrants in autumn begins at the end of August, but if it is still hot and dry, then postpone this business. Autumn is rainy - you can start early. Until the end of September, you can safely engage in planting. Later you need to look at the weather, if frost is not expected for another month, plant it.

Thanks to this method of planting, a sprawling bush with a wide base is formed faster. Also, the inclined position of the seedling contributes to the formation of additional roots and shoots. If the gardener wants to get a standard currant bush, then the seedling is planted without deepening in an upright position. In such plants, the renewal of shoots will be rather weak.

The soil needs to be well moistened, but at the same time make sure that there is no excessive excess of moisture. Be careful not to get groundwater close to the surface. If they are found, then such a plot for growing strawberries is not suitable.

Propagation of blackcurrant by horizontal layering is also simple and affordable way obtaining blackcurrant seedlings. But it is only suitable for young 3-5 year old plants.

Of course, when removing branches, not only their age is taken into account, but also their condition. If the old branch is well developed, well located, has strong growths with large flower buds, then it can be left for another year. And vice versa, if the young branch is poorly developed, shaded and there are few fruit-bearing buds on it, then it is cut out.

What liquid top dressings are needed for blackcurrant bushes, and proper watering

With liquid mineral dressings, 10 g of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and 20 g of phosphate fertilizers are dissolved in a bucket of water (consumption per bush).

When watering black currants, the soil is moistened to a depth of 30-40 cm, spending 3-5 buckets per 1 m2 of soil surface.

​In landing pit the seedling is placed in an inclined position, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees, and slightly deepened so that the soil level is 5-6 cm above the root collar. With such a planting, additional roots are better formed, more new basal shoots appear, which means that a more powerful, durable bush with a wide base develops. Whereas with direct planting, a standard bush is formed with one or two skeletal branches and a shorter lifespan.

The distance between currant bushes depends on the variety: sprawling ones are planted after 1.5 m, straight-grown ones - after 1. When planting in rows, row spacing is made 2-2.5 m wide. This distance is quite enough for the passage between plants when tilling the soil, garter bushes, spraying, harvesting and other works. When choosing a place for currants, keep in mind that vegetable, fruit and berry crops (except currants and gooseberries) are good predecessors.

Preservation of ovaries in blackcurrant after flowering

Planting in autumn in a mound.

Currants need to take root before winter

Blackcurrant pruning and shaping bushes

Before planting currants, it is necessary to prepare planting pits. Their size should be 40x40 cm or 40x50 cm. Compost or rotted humus is poured into the bottom of the pit. The seedlings straighten all the roots. Then they are evenly sprinkled with soil, carefully compacting it. It is recommended to periodically shake the seedlings so that it completely fills the voids around the root system of the plant.

Many novice gardeners are wondering when to plant currants? Experts say that this berry crop can be planted both in spring and autumn. At the same time, young seedlings develop equally well, and actively begin to bear fruit after 2-3 years.

In early spring, under a bush, the soil is loosened and fertilized. Then shallow grooves (10-15 cm) are made along the radius and 1-2-year-old shoots are laid in them. Pin tightly with hooks in several places. When the buds wake up, sprinkle with soil, leaving only the tops on the surface. After some time, vertical shoots will appear from the ground. When they reach 10-15 cm, they are hilled with loose and moist soil, after 2-3 weeks the hilling is repeated. During the summer, the soil with layering is abundantly watered and mulched with compost, peat or other organic matter.

They also take care of the further renewal of the bush. To do this, choose and leave strong, evenly spaced annual basal shoots, about 4-6 pieces. All the rest are cut out.

In June-July, foliar top dressing with microelements is useful for blackcurrants. On a bucket of water take 5-10 g of potassium permanganate, 2-3 - boric acid, 30-40 g blue vitriol. Each drug is dissolved separately, and then the solutions are mixed and sprayed on the bushes.

Water is poured into grooves 10-15 cm deep, which are dug around the bush at a distance of 20-30 cm from the end of the branches. This the best option, but can be watered with an overlap along the furrows along the row. In case of severe drought after watering, it is advisable to arrange a control measurement. If the soil is moist at a depth of a little more than a bayonet of a shovel, then the currant has received enough water.

In the planting pit at the seedling, the roots are straightened and covered with soil, gradually compacting it.

In the area allotted for currants, all the pits and depressions are first filled up so that the place becomes even. Then the soil is dug up to the depth of the shovel bayonet. Fertilizers are applied for digging, using per 1 m2: 3-4 kg of organic, 180-200 g of any complex mineral. The latter can be replaced with 100-150 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate (or 100-200 g of wood ash).

The root system will not be protected from frost with this method. Organize on a low plot drainage system, water drainage. Dig grooves along the area to drain excess water. It is possible to make additional drainage from sand, stones, shards at the bottom of the planting pit so that the water does not stagnate at the roots.

Methods for propagating blackcurrant

Late boarding dates.

Reproduction of blackcurrant by lignified cuttings

In order to calmly winter and in the spring immediately begin to grow with warmth. In the spring she wakes up early.

After the pit falls asleep by 2/3, abundant watering is carried out (0.5 buckets per pit). After the planting pit is completely filled up and the soil is compacted, the seedling is watered again (0.5 buckets).

Any types and varieties of currants can be planted in the fall. During the winter, the earth around the young bush will settle and compact well. Such bushes grow early in the spring and develop well in a new place.

In autumn, layering is separated from the bush. Well-developed and fully rooted are planted in a permanent place, and the weak grow in the garden for another season.

The best time for pruning currant bushes is considered to be the early spring period before bud break. However, in currants, they start growing very early and can bloom in late March - early April. And since pruning takes a long time, gardeners often do not have time to complete it in the spring. So it's better most pruning should be done in the fall, especially since it can be done until the onset of stable cold weather.

Propagation of blackcurrant by horizontal layering

Very often, the ovaries fall off after the end of flowering in blackcurrants. The main reason for this is the spring return of cold weather, which occurs at the beginning of May, when flowering occurs, and sometimes at the beginning of June, when the ovaries are formed.

Blackcurrant lacks nutrients found in the soil. Therefore, throughout her life she needs to be fed.

In this case, the bush is periodically shaken. Then the soil will evenly fill the entire space between the roots and there will be no voids.

There are several ways to save your favorite currant variety. One of the options- plant a young bush, with already formed roots. The second way is a little more difficult.- cut off shoots from old fruit-bearing bushes by cuttings. Both options are good for increasing the number of currant bushes in the area (cottage). Let's take a closer look at the rules for planting garden currants in the fall, step by step guide and schemes.

The best time for planting work in Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow region and the southern regions

Early autumn is a favorable time for planting currants

It is worth planting currant bushes in early autumn or spring. In the northern regions, in the Urals and in Siberia you can plant currants in the summer (end of August), in outskirts of Moscow end of september - beginning of october in the southern regions landing is made later - from 10-15 days of October. This allows the plant to adapt to the soil. And at the same time, and adapt to wintering. Yes, and the mother bush more easily tolerates cuttings at rest and the approach of winter. But the optimal landing time is September. And for all regions.

The rooting period of blackcurrant is 16-20 days. And for white and red - up to 25 days. Therefore, planting should be done 3 weeks before the onset of cold weather and frost on the soil.

Spring planting is carried out on warm ground. It is better to start it at the end of March. Then the earth is warmed up, and the soil almost does not freeze. Yes, and you do not need to water such a plant. But the shoots will not begin to grow at high speed. This will give time for the cutting itself (young bush) to take root.

Planting dates should coincide with relatively warm weather. If you plant a bush closer to summer, then you will have to wait a very long time for the berries.

Advantages of autumn planting of red and black currants

Of course, autumn planting is fraught with many risks. But on the other hand, it provides several advantages over spring sowing.:

  • fast rooting
  • absence of pests
  • good ground adaptation
  • friendly spring shoots
  • active crown formation.

Such results will be only when the technology of planting in open ground and after landing. And most importantly, the choice suitable place. It should be covered from the windy side with other shrubs or fencing.

There is also a not very pleasant nuance during the autumn planting. This the probability of damage to young bushes of red, white and black currants during winter frosts. But such grief can be helped by covering the plants for the winter with a film.

Choose the desired bush

The selection of a young seedling should be approached responsibly. Which bush to choose? There are several ways to obtain the desired plant variety:

  1. cuttings from an old fruiting plant
  2. buying an annual bush the variety you like
  3. independent growing shoots from a grafted plant.

Of course, it is better to plant an already proven variety that has taken root perfectly on the site. To do this, cut off a young shoot from an old plant and plant it in a prepared place.

But if you need to buy a currant bush, then you should choose it according to several parameters:

  • two or more escapes
  • the root is stiff, with a small amount of pile
  • without external signs of disease
  • without broken roots or cut parts.

This choice is guaranteed to give a good yield., rapid growth of the bush, disease resistance (at least at first).

Often gardeners prefer to experiment themselves. That's why graft another variety to the main plant. And then from such a vaccination they take an escape to form a new young bush. This breeding method is also good. Only shoots need to be taken from those plants that did not get sick, they bear excellent fruit. You can cut off the shoot after the currant begins to lose leaves. This usually starts by mid-September.

Cuttings are best done when the bush no longer bears fruit and has prepared for winter. After the leaves begin to fly around actively, you can cut off the young shoot and prepare it for planting in a new place.

Landing site preparation

Before you make cuttings (cutting off shoots from an old bush), you need to decide on the place for the future planting of a young bush. For varieties of blackcurrant, the best place would be a lighted area that is not shaded from the sun. It is good to choose a low-lying area with good humidity. This will provide several benefits:

  1. rapid development bush
  2. increased productivity
  3. abundant bloom without void flower
  4. large fruit.

It is better if the soil is with low acidity. And friability also plays an important role in the rooting of the bush.

AND white currant They prefer bright places, but grow well in a small shade. The main thing is the lack of acidity in the soil. And it is better if such a place is on a hill. Wherein do not forget that loose soil helps the plant to start up new shoots with sufficient speed. And this means that the harvest will not have to wait long.

We fertilize the soil for young bushes

For those estates where soils with a low acid content, it is enough to fertilize with a mineral additive before planting. And after fertilizing, slightly loosen. And you can plant a prepared cutting.

And where there are a lot of salts and acids, it is necessary to slightly improve the soil. This is done like this:

  • removed upper layer soil at the landing site by 40-45cm
  • the extracted soil is mixed with dolomite flour (0.5kg per 1m2)
  • falls asleep back to the landing site
  • fertilized mineral supplements.

This will help the plants to take root well and actively bear fruit in the second year after planting.

Fertilizers that should be used should be as natural as possible. Best suited for all varieties of currant Humat + 7 iodine for fruit bushes . True, it must be used strictly according to the instructions, not exceeding the dose.

A cutting or a young bush can only be planted on the ground. Therefore, after fertilizing the hole, it is worth pouring another layer of soil and only then arrange the plant. This will prevent the roots from burning or rotting.

Many gardeners prefer to fertilize the soil for planting currants with humus or compost. This will also give an excellent result for the plants themselves and their owners. But here the humus must be poured into prepared places a couple of weeks before planting the cuttings. Then the soil has time to settle slightly. And the compost itself is better mixed with the soil.

Sometimes places for planting currant bushes are fertilized with potash mixtures. This approach takes time and additional expense. Although this fertilizer is ideal for loamy soils. But on top of the mixtures, it is necessary to pour a layer of soil for the calm growth of a young bush.

We plant a plant in autumn in open ground, a step-by-step guide

The first step is to dig a hole for planting. Next, you should decide on the type of landing.

If planted in the traditional way, then the plant in the pit should be positioned so that it is in an inclined position at an angle of 45 degrees above the ground surface. At the same time, for blackcurrant, after shrinkage of the soil, the root system should deepen by 10 cm. And for red and white - it can be a little less (5cm). Pruning is required up to 3 buds above the ground.

Sprinkling the plant with soil, it is worth making sure that the bottom 3 shoots are also covered. Then in the spring young branches will grow from these buds.

For the fan method when the plants hang on short trellises, the bush is set vertically. Root penetration is the same as in the previous method. But here it is worth tamping the place under the bush tightly. And then the branches should be cut to half.

Tapestry method involves preliminary pruning before planting. Then it is necessary to remove all root buds and small shoots. Then plant vertically in the ground. But after planting, cutting such a bush is not necessary. Deepening the roots, as in the previous methods.

Proper care of a young bush after planting

To care for a young plant after it is placed in the ground, you need a little more:

  • soil mulching peat, compost or humus (up to 10 cm deep)

  • powdering holes sand (so that a crust does not appear on the ground after watering)
  • abundant watering warm water (if autumn is dry)
  • hilling bushes before frost (by 15 cm).

In the spring, when the earth is just beginning to warm up, young plants should be freed from a large layer of earth that is being hilled for the winter. This will allow the currant to quickly grow and begin to form a crown.

Some useful information that will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners:

  1. currant bushes are best placed in one place, and not around the perimeter of the site - this will give abundant harvests and help the plants retain the right amount of moisture
  2. not only in spring, but also in autumn- the formation of bushes for the spring after autumn pruning will be more active and faster

  1. from frosts on the soil, currants are better cover with a dark film- this will give good condensation even from the winter sun
  2. water plants abundantly needed only during a period of drought - especially loves water.

Right choice places, soil preparation, adherence to planting technology guarantees abundant harvests from each bush. In this case, the berry will be large and tasty.

What is the best way to define quality? planting material?

The most important criterion is the condition of the root system. That is, seedlings should have 3-5 skeletal roots in a lignified state (with yellowed bark) 15-20 cm long and, most importantly, well-developed overgrown fibrous roots. And the aerial part may consist of two or even one shoot 30-40 cm long.

After the purchase, it is important to bring the seedlings to the site safe and sound. Flip the leaves off, and so that the roots do not dry out during transportation, wrap them with a damp cloth and place them in a plastic bag. In the garden, remove the shelter and carefully inspect the bushes.

If the tips of the roots and shoots were damaged during delivery, carefully cut them back to a healthy part. So that the seedlings do not dry out, it is better to dig them in before planting. And you can dip the roots in a clay or earthen mash. But in any case, the root system must be protected from direct sunlight.

Placement in the garden of blackcurrant bushes

Blackcurrant bushes are best planted in low, moderately moist, sunlit and wind-protected areas. Often they are planted along the fence. This is a good option. It is advisable to place only bushes, stepping back from the fence by 1 m. You can plant black currants between young fruit trees. In this case, the distance from the tree to the bush should be at least 2 m.

The distance between the currant bushes depends on the variety: sprawling plants are planted after 1.5 m, straight-tall - after 1. When planted in rows, the aisles are made 2-2.5 m wide. This distance is quite enough for the passage between plants when tilling the soil, tying the bushes , spraying, harvesting and other works. When choosing a place for currants, keep in mind that vegetable, fruit and berry crops are good predecessors (except for the currant itself and a).

Preparing a residence for blackcurrant

In the area allotted for currants, all the pits and depressions are first filled up so that the place becomes even. Then the soil is dug up to the depth of the shovel bayonet. Fertilizers are applied for digging, using per 1 m2: 3-4 kg of organic, 180-200 g of any complex mineral. The latter can be replaced by 100-150 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate (or 100-200 g of dre ash).

Blackcurrant is worse than other berry bushes, tolerates high acidity of the soil. To lower it, liming is carried out. To do this, lime is added for digging (300-500 g / m2).

When to plant blackcurrant

Planting black currant better (late September - early October). Before frost, the currant seedling will have time to heal the wounds on the roots and, with a restored root system, will normally overwinter. Spring planting is also possible (no later than the beginning of May), but it tolerates it worse than autumn.

In the spring, it is recommended to plant currants only in areas where little snow accumulates, so there is a high risk of freezing of the roots. It happens that the acquisition of planting material occurs at the end of autumn. Then it is better to dig the seedlings for the winter, and plant them in early spring (before bud break), after cutting the shoots short.

Preparing seats for planting blackcurrant

Currants are planted in pits 30-40 deep and 40-50 cm wide or in the same trenches. During autumn planting, they are dug up and seasoned with a nutrient mixture in advance (2-3 weeks in advance) so that the soil has time to settle. For spring planting, places are also prepared in the fall.

When digging a hole or trench, the upper (fertile) layer is placed on one side, and the lower (subsoil) layer is placed on the other. Then prepare the filling mixture. The fertile layer is mixed with 8-10 kg of organic fertilizer and 200-250 g of any complex mineral fertilizer.

When they begin to fill the pit, they first pour the filling mixture (about a third of the volume), and then the fertile soil. Then the root system of the seedling will be protected from burns that happen when fertilizers get on the roots.

Planting blackcurrant seedlings

The seedling is placed in the planting hole in an inclined position, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees, and slightly deepened so that the soil level is 5-6 cm above the root collar. With such a planting, additional roots are better formed, more new basal shoots appear, which means that a more powerful, durable bush with a wide base develops. Whereas with direct planting, a standard bush is formed with one or two skeletal branches and a shorter lifespan.

In the planting hole at the seedling, the roots are straightened and covered with soil, gradually compacting it.

In this case, the bush is periodically shaken. Then the soil will evenly fill the entire space between the roots and there will be no voids.

When the roots are covered, but the pit is not yet completely filled, the seedling is watered, spending about half a bucket. Such watering is necessary not only for moistening, but also for a tighter fit of the soil to the roots. Then the pit is completely filled up, a hole is made around the bush and another half of a bucket of water is poured into it. For longer moisture retention, the hole is filled (mulched) with compost, peat, or simply dry earth.

In dry weather, especially in late spring, new plants are also watered, followed by soil mulching. In autumn, the roots protect from winter freezing. To do this, in the second half of October, they first spud with soil to a height of 10-12 cm, and then cover the trunk circle with peat or compost with a layer of 5-6 cm.

Proper soil care

Due to the fact that blackcurrant is a moisture-loving crop, the soil around the bushes and between them must be kept loose, moist and, of course, weed-free. Why is the earth loosened every 2-3 weeks to a depth of 8-10 cm.

You can do this much less often if the soil under the bushes is mulched with organic matter (peat, compost, grass), pouring a layer 6-8 cm thick.

In autumn, heavy loamy soil is dug up to a depth of 10-15 cm in the trunk circle, 15-20 - between bushes and rows. In order to better absorb moisture and linger snow in winter, earthen clods are not broken. If the soil is light and not very compacted, on the contrary, it is not dug up, but loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm.

Watering blackcurrants

Due to the lack of moisture in blackcurrant, the growth of shoots slows down, and during the period of formation and filling of berries, they are crushed and shed. Autumn drought can lead to freezing of bushes, especially in snowless harsh winters. Due to the fact that the roots of the currant are shallow, it is not able to drink itself at the expense of groundwater, and needs to be watered.

It is often not necessary to water currants, it is enough to do this several times a season: during the growth of shoots and the formation of ovaries (late May - early June), when pouring berries (), after harvesting (-). If the autumn is dry, winter watering is needed (end of October).

When watering black currants, the soil is moistened to a depth of 30-40 cm, spending 3-5 buckets per 1 m2 of soil surface.

Water is poured into grooves 10-15 cm deep, which are dug around the bush at a distance of 20-30 cm from the end of the branches. This is the best option, but can also be flooded in furrows along the row. In case of severe drought after watering, it is advisable to arrange a control measurement. If the soil is moist at a depth of a little more than a bayonet of a shovel, then the currant has received enough water.

Additional nutrition for blackcurrant bushes, basic fertilizers

Blackcurrant lacks nutrients found in the soil. Therefore, throughout her life she needs to be fed.

For the first 2 years after planting, currants have enough phosphorus and potassium from the filling mixture laid in the planting pit. Therefore, in early spring, it is fed only with nitrogen fertilizers (40-50 g of urea per bush). They bring it under the bush according to the projection of the crown, immediately close it up, then be sure to water it.

In the 3rd year of life in the garden, in addition to spring nitrogen fertilization, in the fall, 4-6 kg of organic fertilizers, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-20 g of potassium sulfate are applied under the bush.

Starting from the 4th year, the dose of urea is reduced, leaving 20-40 g. Moreover, it is now applied in two doses, that is, two-thirds are given in early spring, and a third - shortly after flowering. If nitrogen fertilizers are further fed annually, without changing the dose anymore, then the frequency of application and the amount of organic, phosphorus and potassium depend on the composition of the soil. On loamy, fairly fertile soil, these fertilizers are applied once every 2-3 years ( better in autumn, but also in the spring). 15-20 kg of organic matter, 120-150 g of superphosphate and 30-40 g of potassium sulfate are used per bush.

On peat-bog soil, currants are also fed once every 2-3 years. In autumn, 100-150 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate are added under each bush. In addition, every 4 years the soil is limed using 300-500 g of lime per 1 m2.

On light sandy and sandy loamy soils, fertilizers are applied annually, and in spring. 4-6 kg of organic matter, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-20 g of potassium sulfate are added under the bush.

What liquid top dressings are needed for blackcurrant bushes, and proper watering

In addition to applying basic fertilizers, blackcurrants are given liquid top dressing, which is combined with watering. Usually they are used during flowering (), during the growth of shoots (May, June), when pouring berries (June) and immediately after harvest (August), when flower buds are laid.

For top dressing, an infusion of mullein or slurry is used, diluting 3-4 times (a bucket of solution per bush); infusion of bird droppings, diluted 8-10 times (half a bucket-bucket of solution per bush). Sometimes it is difficult to get natural organic fertilizers, in these cases you can use ready-made preparations from the store, for example, "Barrel and 4 buckets", "Top-roots", etc. Or use an infusion of weeds.

With liquid mineral x, 10 g of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and 20 g of phosphate fertilizers are dissolved in a bucket of water (consumption per bush).

In June-July, foliar top dressing with microelements is useful for black currant. On a bucket of water take 5-10 g of potassium permanganate, 2-3 - boric acid, 30-40 g of copper sulfate. Each drug is dissolved separately, and then the solutions are mixed and the bushes are sprayed.

Preservation of ovaries in blackcurrant after flowering

Very often, the ovaries fall off the blackcurrant after flowering. The main reason for this is the spring return of cold weather, which occurs at the beginning of May, when flowering occurs, and sometimes at the beginning of June, when the ovaries are formed.

As horticultural experience has shown, the best way to protect currants from frost is by spraying with water. At the same time, not only the bushes themselves are plentifully irrigated, but also the soil under them. Spraying is carried out in the evening and at night, and several times. As a result, the leaves and brushes are covered with a crust of ice, which, when thawed, releases heat, saving the flowers from damage.

Some gardeners cover the bushes with burlap during frosts, nonwovens, polyethylene film. This is also a good way to protect. But it is best to combine spraying and shelter.

Blackcurrant pruning and shaping bushes

From berry bushes, perhaps, blackcurrant most of all needs pruning. The first time it is carried out immediately after planting the seedling for the correct formation of the bush. Cut about half of each shoot, leaving no more than four well-developed buds. This is necessary in order to cause the appearance of strong lateral branches.

Over the next 2-3 years, they continue to form a full-fledged bush with the help of pruning. For this, only 3-4 strong and conveniently located annual basal shoots are left annually, the rest are cut to the ground. First of all, the weak, thickened and sick are removed.

Sometimes there are few root shoots. In this case, they should be handled with care and stimulate the growth of new ones. To do this, cut out 1-2 perennial branches, even if they bear fruit, spud the base of the bush with earth to a height of 10-15 cm.

Formative pruning is completed in the 4th year after planting. A properly formed bush usually has 10-15 branches of different ages (about 2-4 of each). At the same time, there are more annuals for a couple of branches, and fewer 5-6-year-olds. Simultaneously with the forming, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing dry, broken and diseased branches. Cut them to the very base, leaving no stumps.

Pruning an adult fruit-bearing bush is mainly rejuvenating. First of all, aging 5-6-year-old low-yielding branches are identified and removed. It is easy to recognize them by external signs. Old branches are thick at the base, their bark is dark brown, almost black. The annual growth at the ends of most branches is very weak, about 10-15 cm. Fruit twigs, although numerous, are mostly dying and dry.

Of course, when removing branches, not only their age is taken into account, but also their condition. If the old branch is well developed, well located, has strong growths with large flower buds, then it can be left for another year. And vice versa, if the young branch is poorly developed, shaded and there are few fruit-bearing buds on it, then it is cut out.

They also take care of the further renewal of the bush. To do this, choose and leave strong, evenly spaced annual basal shoots, about 4-6 pieces. All others are cut out.

The best time for pruning currant bushes is the early spring period before bud break. However, in currants, they start growing very early and can bloom in late and early April. And since it takes a long time, gardeners often do not have time to complete it in the spring. Therefore, it is better to do most of the pruning in the fall, especially since it can be done until the onset of stable cold weather.

Immediately after harvesting, old barren branches and basal shoots that thicken the bush should be removed. Then carry out sanitary pruning of dry, diseased, broken shoots and branches. Then only detailed pruning will remain for the spring.

Methods for propagating blackcurrant

To replace old fertile blackcurrant bushes, gardeners can grow seedlings themselves. Especially if high-yielding plants with large berries grow in the garden. Of these, bushes should be selected for reproduction without signs of disease or damage by pests (terry, bud mites, glass box, stem gall midge are especially dangerous).

Reproduction of blackcurrant by lignified cuttings

Propagation of blackcurrant by lignified cuttings is the most affordable and easiest way. Cuttings are best harvested and planted in early autumn, in the second or third decade of September, or, in last resort no later than mid-October.

You can cut the cuttings in the spring, before the buds open. But the spring version is much worse than the autumn one, since the planting time is also limited (cuttings need to be planted in slightly thawed soil, actually right in the mud), and the best rooting time (before bud break).

Well-developed annual shoots about a pencil thick are cut into cuttings from 2-4-year-old branches. The leaves are removed, and the shoot is divided into parts 12-15 cm long, so that each has 5-6 buds. The uppermost (unripe) part is discarded. The upper cut is made above the kidney, and the lower one is below it.

For better rooting, the cuttings are placed in water, immersed by a third of the length. Planted on a bed, placing it at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other, leaving 40-50 cm between rows. Planted obliquely, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees. They are deepened so that 2 buds remain on top, and one of them should be at the level of the soil (Fig. 4). To avoid voids, the ground around the cuttings is compressed and compacted. After planting, water thoroughly and mulch. In the spring, they are cut and left in the garden for another year. Transplanted to a permanent place in the fall. Care consists in watering, followed by mulching the soil. Sometimes in the spring the cuttings bulge out, then after the earth has completely thawed they are besieged. Do this carefully, trying not to damage the kidneys.

You can immediately plant the cuttings in a permanent place. Then proceed as follows. In the place prepared for the new bush, 5-6 cuttings are planted in a circle at an equal distance from each other, observing the above rules. After rooting, 2-3 plants are left, which will become the basis of a powerful bush. The rest are dug up and used for planting elsewhere.

Propagation of blackcurrant by horizontal layering

Propagation of blackcurrant by horizontal layering is also a simple and affordable way to obtain blackcurrant seedlings. But it is only suitable for young 3-5 year old plants.

In early spring, under a bush, the soil is loosened and fertilized. Then shallow grooves (10-15 cm) are made along the radius and 1-2-year-old shoots are laid in them. Pin tightly with hooks in several places. When the buds wake up, sprinkle with soil, leaving only the tops on the surface. After some time, vertical shoots will appear from the ground. When they reach 10-15 cm, they are hilled with loose and moist soil, after 2-3 weeks the hilling is repeated. During the summer, the soil with layering is abundantly watered and mulched with compost, peat or other organic matter.

In autumn, layering is separated from the bush. Well-developed and fully rooted plants are planted in a permanent place, and the weak grow in the garden for another season.