Shower      06/13/2019

How to properly prepare and cover the rhododendron for the winter? Rhododendron care in winter: how to cover and properly prepare? Frost-resistant varieties and types


Many flower lovers have a flower bed with a rhododendron on their site and are aware of the importance of its shelter for the winter. But not every hostess does it right. Let's try to figure out how to properly carry out protective measures, and study a visual video.

Features of rhododendron

First, let's say a few words about the features of this exotic plant. There are many varieties of shrubs, and it is very important to know which kind of rhododendron adorns your garden plot, as all types react differently to climatic conditions.. After all, there are dwarf and tall, frost-resistant and, on the contrary, very tender, evergreen and throw off foliage for the winter.

Therefore, the choice of a plant should completely depend on the climate of your region, and only in this case its flowering will be plentiful and long. Best tolerated in winter middle lane Dahurian, Katevbinsky, Japanese, Caucasian and yellow rhododendron. But almost all representatives of this magnificently flowering plant are afraid of strong winds, therefore, when choosing a site, one should take into account the above fact.

Do I need to protect the rhododendron for the winter?

This issue is very controversial, since the shrub grows in Kamchatka, Siberia, the highlands of North America and Sakhalin, which are famous for their very cold winters. Moreover, in those parts it is found in the wild, and, accordingly, no one takes care of it and, moreover, does not cover it with the onset of cold weather. If the bush is strong and healthy enough, then it can withstand and minus temperature, some frost-resistant varieties survive even when outside the window -35 ° C.

However, it should be noted that today there are a lot of species bred by breeders in greenhouse conditions, and now they cannot boast of such resistance. Therefore, it is recommended to insulate young seedlings for at least the first three years, regardless of the variety, so that the plant acclimatizes and gets stronger. Further care depends on how frost-resistant the breed was planted, and what kind of weather prevails outside the window. If this representative of the flora sheds leaves for the winter period, then it is most likely quite frost-resistant, while evergreens, on the contrary, are more capricious and are afraid of severe frosts.

Preparatory stage

So, before discussing how to properly cover the rhododendron for the winter, you should talk about preparatory work which are held in advance in the fall. They include top dressing, mulching with peat and the construction of a frame for a future mini-greenhouse. It is very useful to fertilize the shrub with potassium, this will help absolutely all growths to ripen. But it should be abandoned in order not to give free rein to young shoots. In addition, it is recommended to introduce iron and colloidal sulfur. At the slightest hint of fungal diseases immediately treat the outer part of the bush with a solution.

You also need to know that this representative of the flora is very afraid of the accumulation of melt water near the root system. Therefore, even in the fall, a special groove should be made, which will ensure the removal of all excess moisture. Dry peat, pine sawdust and litter are excellent for mulching. The layer should be about ten centimeters, while it is the near-root space that should be well covered. With the onset of cold weather, the layer of mulch can be slightly increased - so that it covers the bases of the lower side branches.

In no case do pruning in the fall and do not forget to water the plant well until the soil begins to freeze, as very often rhododendrons die precisely because of a lack of moisture, and not because of poor frost resistance. This is especially true of evergreen representatives, the leaves of which evaporate the liquid. all year round. You can ignore this procedure only if the autumn turned out to be rainy. Don't forget to do reliable protection from the wind, and not only young, but also mature plants need such care.

Choosing a heating method

To better understand how to cover a rhododendron for the winter, be sure to watch the video in our article. But first you need to figure out the method that will be more convenient for you to use. So, the choice of insulation method, as has been mentioned more than once, depends on the variety and age of the shrub. So, young one-year-old bushes are covered with a cardboard box, having previously well mulched the soil around the stem. For air circulation, holes should be made in the sidewall, and the film will protect the compressed paper from getting wet. In addition, you can build a kind of "house" from spruce branches. It is better not to use hay and straw, as rodents start up in them.

Excessive shelter leads to decay, and the plant will die. Shelter work should begin no earlier than the temperature environment drops to -9°C.

The next method is to create a mini-greenhouse. In this case, metal or plastic arcs are preliminarily installed above the bush, it is better to do this in early autumn, and with the onset of cold weather, the frame is stretched protective material at least two layers. Basically, artificial agrotex, lutrasil, etc. have found their application. But you can also use spruce branches with dry foliage.

The size of the frame depends entirely on the size of the shrub. There must be a distance of at least 15 cm between the plant and the insulation. Otherwise, bending under a layer of snow, the material may damage the branches. Contact is also not desirable due to the fact that lutraxil will cool down and provoke more freezing at the points of contact. Arcs are usually installed 35 cm apart. Also, a layer of film is also laid on top of the selected material, it will become a reliable protection both from gusts of wind and from getting wet.

To strengthen the structure, you should thoroughly sprinkle the edges of the agrotex with a film of soil or put bricks on them, in general, any heavy object will do. One of the ends of the resulting tunnel is sewn up tightly, but the second one remains free to ensure air circulation, it closes only with the advent of constant frost. The advantages of such a shelter should also include additional protection from the scorching spring sun capable of causing unwanted burns to the leaves of the shrub.

If there is no time and desire to build a greenhouse, you can simply sprinkle the plant with snow or cover it with dry foliage, there should be no problems with undersized species, but the branches of tall shrubs should simply be bent to the ground. In principle, the designs of protective "houses" for rhododendrons can be different, some ideas can be seen on our video. The main thing is that the shelter should be light enough, reliable, of course, warm and prevent the penetration of winds and moisture.

The rhododendron, which the Greeks called the "rose tree" for its beautiful flowers of various shapes and colors, is ornamental shrub(or small tree) of the Heather family with dense glossy leaves and big flowers, blooming in spring and early summer.

Loves acidic soil and partial shade, in the open sun it can “burn out”. Responds well to abundant watering, especially before wintering.

Rhododendrons also include azaleas bred in greenhouses and at home. They differ in the number of stamens (azaleas have five, in rhododendrons - seven or more) and in the form of the underside of the leaves (in azaleas it is smooth, in rhododendrons it is finely scaly).

Why is seasonal protection important for a flower?

Rhododendrons are native to the highlands of the northern hemisphere. Wild shrubs easily tolerate severe frosts that occur at high altitudes.

Reference. However, there are varieties bred by breeders (mostly evergreen), not so frost-resistant, and they must be covered for the winter. In addition, they do not tolerate strong winds (and blizzards are not uncommon in winter) and the bright winter sun. Young plants that are acclimatizing and not yet too strong also need shelter.

Is it necessary to cover in the fall?

Deciduous rhododendrons (Dahurian, Japanese, yellow, Canadian), as a rule, do not need to be covered, you can only cover the root collar with mulch. Evergreens must be covered - from snow, from wind, and from sunburn. Even if the leaves of this plant withstand the cold due to the ability to save moisture, the flower buds will freeze and the shrub will lose its decorative effect.

More information about whether it is necessary to cover the rhododendron for the winter is written.

At what temperature?

Since rhododendrons are initially winter-hardy plants, they are not afraid of slight frosts. You can think about shelter when a stable low temperature is established - from -10 ° C and below.

Up to this point, you can even do harm by closing the bushes from slight cold weather: the root neck will begin to warm up and the plant will die. Dramatically changing weather - either frost or thaw - is also not useful for bushes.

In central Russia rhododendrons usually cover in mid-November, and judging by recent years when winter was late, then in early December.

The rhododendron bush is lignified, the trunk and branches can break under the weight of snow. Therefore, the shelter must be strong, light and reliable.

For the construction of the frame, you can use various materials:

  • corrugated cardboard - suitable for low shrubs younger than a year old;
  • plastic arcs for greenhouses;
  • wooden blocks - a strong frame is constructed from them;
  • metal arcs 6-10 mm thick (you can use an insulated cable);
  • metal fittings;
  • plywood.

As a covering material, it is best to use:

  1. spunbond;
  2. burlap;
  3. garden batting.

Important! You can not cover the rhododendron plastic wrap- it creates unbearable conditions for the plant: accumulation of condensate without ventilation, which is why there is a high risk of developing preliminary or rot.

About how to cover the rhododendron for the winter and what material to choose, it is said.

Make a "house" yourself or buy ready-made?

If there is no time or opportunity to make a covering structure yourself, you can buy it. Inexpensive ready-made shelters for rhododendrons are sold in garden stores, consisting of a wire frame and a cover made of garden covering batting. They are easy to use: the plant can be quickly covered and quickly closed.

However, according to gardeners, the frames of such structures are not very strong. Therefore, if there is time, desire and necessary materials you can make a "house" for the rhododendron yourself.

Nuances for different types of azalea

All types of azaleas are very sensitive to lack of moisture, so the shelter protects not only from frost, but also from desiccation.

  • deciduous azalea- a bush up to one and a half meters high with large flowers various shades from white to lilac. Before shelter, you need to bend the branches to the ground and sprinkle with oak leaf litter, peat or soil so that they do not freeze out in winter.
  • japanese azalea- This is a dwarf variety of rhododendron (30–50 cm) with small flowers(3 cm) different colors from orange to pink. It can grow at home, and after flowering - and on the street. Before shelter, the Japanese azalea should be watered abundantly - before the onset of frost, and after cooling down to -10 ° C, cover with spunbond.
  • evergreen azalea- a bush up to 1 m high, flowers with a diameter of 7 cm. mature plant well tolerates frosts down to -30 ° C. Only young azaleas need protection, which can be covered with spruce branches.
  • Katevbinsky azalea, otherwise called multi-flowered, is one of the most winter-hardy varieties up to 2–3 m high with large (up to 15 cm) leathery leaves and lilac-lilac flowers. Fungicide treatment is recommended before wintering. Katevbinsky azalea is not afraid of severe frosts, therefore it is sheltered from the wind and sun by making a frame of boards or bars covered with non-woven material.

Some gardeners believe that all types of azaleas and rhododendrons should be covered for the winter - since winters can be very cold and windy.

How to close correctly - step by step instructions

Before shelter, be sure to abundantly water the bush under the root. and along the leaves and mulch to a height of 5 to 20 cm (depending on growth) trunk circle fallen oak leaves, rotted pine needles and peat.

Reference. For mulch, it is better to take dry oak leaves, as they rot the longest.

You will need materials for the manufacture of the frame:

  1. saw;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. screws;
  4. hacksaw for metal;
  5. jigsaw for cutting plywood.

When using any frame, covering material will be needed:

  • twine or special plastic fasteners;
  • knife or scissors.

Choice of method

  • First way:
    1. A frame is made of three boards or bars fastened in the form of a wigwam. Its height is calculated so that the shelter is at a distance of 15–20 cm from the branches.
    2. A ready-made purchased cover (or sewn independently) from covering material is pulled onto the frame so that the bottom of the cover lies on the ground.
    3. The cover is straightened, the part lying on the ground is pressed down with bricks or simply sprinkled with earth so that the shelter does not blow away from the wind.
  • Second way:
    1. A vertical arc frame is constructed from plastic arcs (as for a greenhouse) or wire / cable (6–10 mm thick) in increments of 30–35 cm. Across the arcs, the wire is also fixed at a distance of 30 cm to get a semblance of a grid with cells.
    2. Covering material is thrown over the frame and fixed on top with the same frame or tied with twine. You can fix the spunbond with plastic fasteners.
    3. The bottom of the shelter is also pressed down with bricks or soil.

    Such a frame can be installed even before the onset of cold weather, leaving one end open for ventilation. When stable frosts are established (below -10 ° C), both ends are closed.

  • Third way:
    1. The bush is wrapped with a metal or plastic mesh, or simply put inclined supports around it - the height should be greater than the height of the bush itself.
    2. Spunbond (lutrasil) is thrown onto this mesh (supports), the bush is carefully covered and tied around with twine.
    3. The bottom of the shelter is pressed to the ground.
    4. Suitable for undersized varieties rhododendron.

  • Fourth way:
    1. They build a "stool", the legs of which can be wooden or made of metal fittings and the roof is made from a piece of plywood.
    2. The resulting structure is closed with a spunbod or lutrasil.
    3. The edges of the material are pressed to the ground.

    This method is also suitable for low-growing plants.

  • Fifth way:
    1. IN cardboard box(better take corrugated cardboard) make holes for ventilation.
    2. The box is placed on a bush.
    3. The structure is covered with a covering material, the edges of which are attached to the soil.

    Suitable for young low bushes.

    Attention! You can not put spanbond on a bush without a frame - branches will break under the weight of snow and flower buds will be crushed. Any frame should not touch the branches, it is better if there is at least 15 cm to them.

  1. If the shelter is too early, the root neck may begin to warm up, and the bush will die, in addition, the leaves will turn black due to condensation.
  2. If the rhododendron is already covered and it is too difficult to disassemble the structure, you can simply open the spunbond on one side for air circulation.
  3. If the shelter is too late, the leaves of the "rose tree" may curl into a tube. At the same time, they seem to gather into a fist, lowered down. Don't worry, because it natural process- twisted leaves save moisture, and "hanging" does not allow snow to accumulate on them.

When should you shoot?

In the spring, when the heat comes, you can remove the shelter from the rhododendrons. Warm up at the time of opening the bushes should not only air, but also the earth, because when the air is already well warmed up, and the ground is still frozen, the leaves begin to evaporate moisture, and the roots cannot yet get it. The plant begins to dry out. To speed up the process of thawing the soil, it is necessary to water the rhododendron.

Reference. You can open rhododendrons only on a cloudy day, as the leaves that have weakened over the winter are afraid of burns from the bright spring sun.

Useful video

More detailed information how to properly cover the rhodendron for the winter is presented in the video:


If you make the right “house” for the rhododendron and cover the bush in time, it will overwinter without problems and in the spring will delight gardeners with bright beautiful flowers. It is important to know the rules for sheltering rhododendrons and azaleas for the winter and follow them.

Rhododendrons are increasingly found in park areas and on garden plots in many regions of our country. And if those who grow flowers and shrubs in parks and squares know well how to take care of all flowering plants, then summer residents can not always produce the right autumn color for their flowering perennials.

This article was written to help them - it will tell you what kind of care rhododendrons need in the fall and how to prepare them for the winter.

Features of caring for rhododendron in the fall and preparing for winter

Many gardeners believe that flowering shrubs need care only during the summer, while they continue to bloom. And when the flowers have fallen, then you can do nothing further - the bushes in further care dont need. But this is not so, and this flower is no exception. It is on how the rhododendron is prepared for winter that the growth and abundant flowering of this perennial in the next season depends.

And especially care must be taken in the fall about young plants that were planted in the current season. Moreover, you need to know which varieties of rhododendrons were planted.

Although most of these perennials are quite pampered plants, but in Lately breeders have bred varieties with high frost resistance, which are able to withstand colds down to -35 C and below.

These bushes are evergreen perennials, so their foliage evaporates moisture during the winter. Therefore, watering the rhododendron does not stop not only in autumn, but also in winter.

Pruning rhododendron in autumn

Pruning shrubs is one of the mandatory procedures that all perennial bushes undergo. And the rhododendron is no exception. Like other plants, it has three types of cutting:

  • sanitary;
  • formative;
  • rejuvenating.

When it is better to carry out each of these procedures - you should understand especially. But usually this event is held either in spring or autumn. But during flowering it is better not to take pruners. The only thing that can be done in the summer is to remove dried inflorescences and broken branches. And, of course, you have to remove diseased aerial parts if pests or diseases attacked the bushes.

Why prune a rhododendron

It would seem that a lush flowering perennial does not need this procedure at all - it grows, blooms and is good. And even though broken or frostbitten shoots are visible in some places, they don’t really spoil general form this plant. However, this should not be said.

The purpose of any pruning is to maintain the beautiful shape of this perennial, remove all damaged or frozen shoots through which pathogenic microorganisms or pests can enter and cause irreparable damage to the plant.

A anti-aging pruning allows you to restore youth to a shrub that has already begun to grow poorly, practically does not bloom during the summer. Therefore, pruning this pink perennial is a necessary procedure. You just need to know which type of pruning of rhododendron is best done in spring, and which one in autumn.

When is the best time to prune rhododendron - in spring or autumn

It cannot be unequivocally said that these flowering shrubs should be cut only in spring, or only in autumn. You need to figure out when which type of these procedures to carry out correctly.

Sanitary pruning usually carried out early spring when it is already noticeable how the shrub endured the winter. All broken and frozen shoots should be removed. If the stem breaks off less than half, then such a branch can be saved. Usually, an elastic bandage is applied to the broken place, and a support is placed under the shoot. The support should be left for several seasons.

Frozen branches should be cut back to healthy wood. In deciduous varieties of these shrubs, the bark of the shoots can crack in severe frosts. In this case, it is necessary to cut out all damaged areas to living tissue.

Also in the spring after planting seedlings in open ground carry out start pruning perennial. In evergreen bushes, the crown is usually already formed, but deciduous shrubs sometimes have to be trimmed to give the plant a more decorative look.

Formative pruning plants are carried out in March, when sap flow has not yet begun in the shoots. In this case, the branches are cut to sleeping buds.

But in this article we are talking about pruning rhododendrons, which should be carried out in autumn period. In autumn you can anti-aging pruning shrubs, all other types of this procedure for rhododendrons are produced in the spring.

Timing of pruning rhododendron in the fall

Anti-aging pruning of rhododendrons in the fall should be done in a couple of weeks before frost and 10-14 days after fertilizing the soil. Usually, depending on the climatic conditions in the region, the timing of this event can vary from late September to mid-October. Places of cuts should be covered with a special varnish-balm.

How to prune rhododendron in autumn - instructions and diagram

Anti-aging pruning in the fall should be carried out gradually so as not to weaken the rhododendron. Therefore, at the end of the first season, one half of the plant is cut off, and the other half the next autumn.

In evergreen shrubs, the shortening of old shoots usually awakens dormant buds from which new shoots grow.

Deciduous rhododendrons should not be cut radically - flush with the ground. To rejuvenate the old shoots of this variety of evergreen perennials, it is enough to shorten them by 0.3-0.4 m.

Pruning should be carried out with a well-ground secateurs, trying not to squeeze the wood of the shoots.

Video: preparing rhododendrons for winter - pruning in the fall and shelter

Important! To get a beautiful and voluminous bush, it is necessary for the first few years after planting the seedlings to pinch all the tops of the shoots in the first decade of June. And in the fall, remove weak young shoots growing inside the crown.

Care after pruning, top dressing

As mentioned earlier, the evergreen varieties of this flowering perennial require regular watering not only in autumn, but also during winter (despite the fact that the soil may freeze). However, if the autumn is rainy, then you can do without watering the rhododendron.

On a note! Watering is done with soft, slightly acidified water with a pH of about 4.5. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of citric acid in a bucket of water.

For top dressing rhododendrons in autumn should be taken seriously. After all, it depends on the correct and timely application of fertilizers how strong and powerful the “rose tree” will grow, as well as the active and abundant flowering of its shoots. Under them, fertilizers should be applied in small portions, top dressing should be applied in liquid form, and not dry - then they will be absorbed by the root system faster.

The main signs that the plant lacks nutrients, is a change in the color of the foliage, inactive flowering, a small increase in new shoots, a massive fall of old leaves in mid-August.

Usually, at the end of flowering (at the end of summer), top dressing from mineral fertilizers containing superphosphate and potassium sulfate - 8 g of the first fertilizer and 6 g of the second are enough for a bucket of water.

In autumn, as a top dressing of rhododendron, you can add not completely rotted manure. It will simultaneously serve as mulch and fertilizer, which will completely decompose by spring.

In the last decade of September or in the first decade of October (a couple of weeks before frost), the “rosewood” should be treated with a Bordeaux mixture or any other fungicide that contains copper. This preventive measure will prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Shelter of rhododendron for the winter

It is necessary to cover the rhododendron for the winter in accordance with all the rules in order to prevent the bushes from freezing. And even if the variety of this shrub is frost-resistant, it is necessary to add a layer of mulch to the trunk circle. This precaution allows you to protect the root system from freezing.

Do I need to cover the rhododendron for the winter

"Rose Tree" must be covered for the winter in order to preserve growth and flower buds from freezing and burns during the cold season. These buds appear in the plant already in the third decade of September. And if they are not protected from frost in a timely manner, then next season the bush may not bloom well, and the number of new shoots will be small.

Therefore, the timely shelter of rhododendrons for the winter is a precautionary measure that protects the plant from the cold and contributes to active growth And abundant flowering"Rosewood" in subsequent seasons.

Another purpose of shelter is to protect this flowering shrub from cold strong winds and too much snow, as they more often destroy rhododendron shoots than low air temperatures.

How to cover a rhododendron for the winter

Evergreen species of "rosewood" overwinter worse in cold regions than deciduous ones.

How to properly cover rhododendrons that shed foliage for the winter? To do this, it is enough to sprinkle bushes with a height of more than 0.8 m with a layer of peat up to 15 cm thick, and if the bush is more than 1.5 m high, then the protective layer should be at least 25 cm.

Important! Do not hill or cover the base of the shrub with a protective layer. It is better to overlay it with coarse river sand so that the bark on the trunk does not decay.

In the last decade of October - the first decade of November, when the air temperature is consistently low, all shoots are neatly tied. Bushes over 1.5 m high must be tied to a wooden stake. Varieties with flexible shoots are best tilted to the ground so that they hibernate under snow cover.

Near the bush, it is necessary to drive in a support and put any covering light material on the bush to protect the shoots from bright spring sun rays.

Video: how to cover rhododendrons for the winter

What are the features of preparing for winter in different regions

The main nuances of protecting these plants in winter and early spring are the protection of shoots and evergreen varieties from the rays of the sun, which can cause burns on wood and foliage. To prevent this from happening, in the middle lane (in the Moscow region), in the Volga region, in the Urals and in Siberia in the third decade of February - the first decade of March, it is necessary to shade the bush from the south and west.

These regions are less prone to burning in early spring the following varieties:

  • dwarf;
  • Vazeya;
  • Canadian;
  • Ledebour;
  • Pink;
  • Adhesive.

And large-leaved evergreen rhododendrons tolerate bright spring sunlight worse.

Typical mistakes in caring for rhododendron in the fall and in preparation for winter

Often beginners make the following mistakes when caring for rhododendrons in the fall and in preparation for the winter season:

  • do not make top dressing under the bushes in the fall;
  • forget about the need for autumn watering;
  • do not cut the bushes in the fall;
  • plants are not properly covered for the winter.

From right autumn care behind " rosewood"And timely shelter for the winter depends on how this perennial will grow and bloom next season. Therefore, all necessary agrotechnical measures should be carried out in order to maintain the high decorativeness of these bushes for as long as possible.

Video: wintering rhododendrons

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Please tell me how to properly cover rhododendrons for the winter? What materials are best to use and when should you start covering?

Proper shelter of rhododendrons for the winter will provide the plant with reliable protection from the cold. In this article we will tell you how to arrange a safe wintering for them. Help these delicate flowers delight you for more than one season - use our recommendations.

Shelter of rhododendrons for the winter - is it always necessary?

Deciduous varieties (Canadian, yellow, Ledebour, Dahurian, Schlippenbach, Japanese) from the age of three years do not need shelter. It is enough to sprinkle the lower 10-15 cm of the trunk with mulch from pine needles, leaves or sour peat.

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In winter, the main danger for the rhododendron is not the cold, as one might assume, and the sun and the wind, accelerating the evaporation of moisture from the leaves. The plant does not replenish its water reserves, since the roots cannot extract it from the frozen ground.
For this reason, for such winter-hardy rhododendrons as Katevbinsky and Caucasian, serious warming is not required. You can simply cover them with a box or build a protective structure from boards, and then wrap them with white geotextiles.

How to cover heat-loving rhododendrons for the winter?

Sheltering rhododendrons for the winter will require serious effort if your flowers are heat-loving varieties. Alas, most flowering varieties fall into this category.

1. The first stage of warming is similar to that described above: the root part of the trunk must be sprinkled with 100-150 mm mulch, and then left until the first frost. When the temperature at night begins to drop below zero, it will be possible to start building a frame for insulating materials. A firm base is essential, as wrapping the plant itself will damage the fragile buds.

2. Around small bushes, it is enough to drive a few bars into the ground (we use a bar of 3 cm - 4 cm), the photo shows examples of such frames, on which geotextiles will subsequently be wound. Around larger rhododendrons, it is better to install arcs of metal rods. In any case, the shelter of rhododendrons for the winter should be carried out in such a way that 20-25 cm remain between the plant itself and the material protecting it.

3. It is necessary to wind geotextiles or other insulating material no earlier than the soil is completely frozen. This usually happens after the average daily temperature is set at -8 - -10 ° C. Until this moment, the rhododendron must remain open so that the water from the leaves evaporates freely. If you close the flower before the roots stop supplying it with moisture, the steam accumulated under the dome will cause the plant to rot.

But even after the onset of slight frosts, you should not wrap the rhododendron tightly. Leaving room for air to circulate will make it easier for the plant to overwinter. Only after the arrival of real cold weather, the flower should be tightly closed until spring.

Shelter of rhododendrons for the winter is not in a hurry. This plant tolerates cold well, so the main danger for it is not frost, but evaporation from frozen soil.

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In order for the rhododendron to please with its flowering for more than one season, it is necessary to take into account its features when planting in the soil.

  • Rhododendron loves acidic light soil. At the same time, it should not be allowed to be clayey.
  • A place for planting should be chosen not too lit - the plant may suffer from bright sunlight.
  • In order for the rhododendron to take root well, it can be planted in a group with plants that also prefer acidic soil: hydrangea, heather. Nearby they winter better.

It should be noted that compliance with the rules when planting will make it possible to grow a healthy plant that can endure wintering.

How to plant a rhododendron in the fall is described, and how to prepare it in the fall for winter, read.


Rhododendron should be watered until frost. Evergreen varieties need more moisture, they need not only to be watered under the root, but also to spray the greens, especially if there is little rainfall in autumn.

However do not allow stagnation of water at the roots. This must be taken into account when preparing for winter. To do this, you need to make a groove near the bush in the fall, which will ensure the waste of excess water.

top dressing

Particular attention in the fall should be given to feeding the plant. At the end of summer, you need to stop fertilizing the rhododendron with nitrogen. Instead, potassium supplements should be preferred. The first sign of a lack of minerals is a discoloration or massive fall of foliage in August.

Liquid fertilizer solutions are better absorbed by the root system. good option for fertilizer in the fall there will be manure that has not rotted to the end. It will decompose smoothly until spring and at the same time can serve as mulch for the roots. For the winter, be sure to treat the plant with a fungicide.


The rhododendron has a superficial root system, therefore the plant must be mulched before the cold. Dried pine needles mixed with peat are well suited for this. The leaves that the rhododendron showered during the summer can not be removed, but rather, raked them under a bush. This will give the root system additional warmth and nutrition.

If the plant is already large, above a meter, then you need to mulch to a height of up to 25 cm from the ground. The larger the crown of a shrub, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bground near the roots needs to be covered. Ideally, if you can completely cover the area under the shrub with mulch.

Watch a video on how to properly prepare a rhododendron for the winter period:

Life cycle features

Many varieties of rhododendron live in the wild in rather harsh climatic conditions. They also grow on Sakhalin, in Siberia, in Kamchatka and on the territory North America, Where harsh winters. Some varieties can tolerate frosts down to -35.

It is important to understand that many of the varieties offered for gardening have been bred under greenhouse conditions. This means that they cannot be left without shelter for the whole winter. Rhododendron is afraid not so much of the low temperature of the content as of the cold wind, heavy snow and bright winter sun. These factors negatively affect the moisture reserves inside the plant.

How to insulate each type of garden azalea?

Rhododendron has about 600 varieties. Azaleas, widely known to gardeners, also belong to them. They are divided into evergreen and deciduous species. In preparation for winter different types their characteristics must be taken into account. However, for all types of rhododendron, mulching is a prerequisite in preparation for winter.

Deciduous species of rhododendron winter well in the middle zone. In especially snowy winters, they can not even be covered, but if there is not enough snow or the plant is still too young, it is better to do it anyway.

After all the leaves have fallen, buds remain on the branches - these are flowers that will bloom next spring. They need to be protected from the sun in late winter - early spring. For this, a hut built from wooden frame and light covering material.

The leaves of evergreen varieties of rhododendron at the first frost are twisted into tubules and lowered. So the plant itself begins to prepare for winter. At the same time, evergreen varieties of rhododendron still need more serious shelter, since the moisture from them evaporates even in winter. To shelter such varieties better fit non-fragile porous insulating covering material, such as polypropylene foam.

TO evergreen varieties applies hybrid rhododendron Kazimierz Odnowiciel. It was bred by crossing varieties of Finnish selection, resulting in a winter-hardy variety that can withstand temperatures as low as -30. It must be planted in partial shade, which will also make it easier to transfer the bright light of the winter sun.

Among deciduous varieties, the Japanese rhododendron managed to gain particular popularity. This is one of the brightest ornamental varieties rhododendron. At the same time, it is quite frost-resistant, but for the winter it is also better to cover it.


When to start?

You need to start gradually, but you should not rush with it:

  1. First of all, you need to mulch the roots. This should be done as soon as the low temperature is established. Weak frosts down to -4 will not harm the rhododendron, and early mulching can cause the roots to rot. The plant does not need to be fertilized.
  2. Shrubs should be covered after mulching. Doing this is recommended late autumn when the temperature drops to -10, although the shelter frames themselves can be placed even before frost.

    It is important that the leaves and branches of the plant do not touch the frame, between them and the shelter there should be air bag. The shelter must be designed in such a way that snow does not accumulate on it. Otherwise, the branches of the plant may be damaged from gravity. The most important condition is to cover the plant before the first snow.

  3. In autumn, anti-aging should be carried out. It is better to carry it out 2 weeks after fertilizing the soil, and the shrub should not be radically cut. It is better to do it gradually. For rejuvenation, shoots of deciduous rhododendrons are enough to be cut by 0.3-0.4 cm.

When preparing for winter, the plant should not be dug up or transplanted. Rhododendron responds well to transplantation and this is done simply because of the presence of a superficial root system, but this is not necessary before wintering.

If it is necessary to transplant a bush, it is better to do it in early spring or late summer, when the air humidity is high enough and the temperature is comfortable.

Step-by-step instruction

If the rhododendron requires shelter for the winter, a certain sequence should be followed when preparing it:

If the plant does not need shelter, then its preparation for winter will be easier:

  1. Watering until late autumn.
  2. Shrub fertilizer.
  3. Pruning.
  4. Fungicide treatment.
  5. Mulching.
  6. In late February - early March, shade the bush from the bright sun.

Watch a video on how to wrap a rhododendron for the winter:


It should be noted that the health of the shrub and its flowering for the next season depend on proper preparation for winter and care in the winter.

It is very important not to make mistakes that are most often encountered when breeding garden azaleas.

  • Lack of feeding in autumn.
  • Insufficient watering.
  • Lack of anti-aging or too strong pruning.
  • Loosening and digging the soil.
  • Wrong shelter for the winter.
  • Early removal of covering materials.

Do not rush to remove the covering material and clean winter shelters. You need to do this gradually:

  1. You need to wait until all the snow melts.
  2. At first, it is enough to simply ventilate the winter greenhouses in the morning or in the evening, while the sun is not yet so bright.
  3. After removing the shelter, it is necessary to inspect the plant. If the leaves are wilted, this may indicate a loss of moisture. Then the bush needs to be watered urgently.

Main problems

The main problems that garden azalea faces in winter are dryness from cold and wind and the likelihood of root rot. Proper preparation by winter, taking into account the above rules will help prevent problems.

Rhododendron at first glance may seem like a capricious plant, but the rules for caring for it are not so complicated. If you prepare a garden azalea for winter, make a shelter, then you can preserve the health and beauty of the shrub, which can overwinter and bloom profusely in spring.