Shower      03.03.2020

How does a membrane heating tank work. Pressure in the expansion tank of a closed type heating: instructions, principle of operation. How does an expansion tank for closed-type heating work and how does it work

In terms of technology, we have gone far from our ancestors. But a stove bench is a heritage that you should not and don’t want to refuse. In the past, the favorite construction of the fabulous Emelya was the center of everyone country house. Now many homeowners are also striving to experience the benefits of a traditional Russian stove with might and main.

Figure 1. A simple but beautiful stove with a stove bench

Benefits of a stove bench

Before the advent of modern medicine, our ancestors were treated with decoctions, steaming in a bathhouse and lying on the stove. The latter during non-working hours was always at hand and back. A few nights in a warm building, and not only the cold went away, but also severe pain in the joints.

Sometimes receded and more serious sores. But it's not just about healing properties. It is very pleasant to roll on a heated couch. No wonder the hero from the fairy tale stubbornly did not want to get off the stove. Therefore, the popularity of the classic "heating equipment" is returning.

The oven can be ordered by a specialist, or you can do it yourself. And about that, follow the link.

How to build a Russian stove yourself?

Classic stoves had dimensions of approximately 2000x3000 mm. Modern designs are considered overall if they reach a size of 1500x2300 mm. Small structures include structures with a length and width of up to 1800 mm.

Such structures are of several types. But they all share a number of common elements:

  • heating stove;
  • couch;
  • oven;
  • hob;
  • ash pan.

There may also be a place for utensils and a firewood shed. To build a structure, you must have an ordering scheme. The article discusses in detail the order of laying. But first you need to take care of the base.

Figure 2. Workflow for building a kiln

Another scheme of oven masonry

We will not dwell on this option in detail. From the previous diagram, it is easy to understand what each element in the illustration represents.

Figure 5. Laying layout of another furnace option

This model is one of the simplest. However, it is effective and effective. Unlike more complex structures, the execution of this one can also be entrusted even to a relatively unprepared homeowner.

Figure 6. Alternative bed design

The nuances of the stove device

The outer part of the chimney is preferably made of silicate brick. It is more resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. After laying the chimney, fittings are installed that have not yet been installed (cast-iron hob, etc.).

If the goal is simple masonry brick, you can get by with a simple cleaning and alignment of the seams. If the plans include decorating a wood-burning stove, you do not need to pay attention to the joints. Typically, such structures are decorated with heat-resistant ceramic tiles. For example, or clinker.

The first option is preferable in terms of heat transfer. The tiles are characterized by a box-like back shape, which increases the thermal efficiency of the coating.

Figure 7. Tiled stove

Those who do not want to mess with tiles, but seek to somehow decorate the structure, can be recommended to paint the stove with heat-resistant paint. You can decorate in the traditional Russian ornamental style.

Between the main structure and the chimney - in the overlap zone - a thermal protection device is required. It is made, for example, from basalt panels. It is advisable to use plates up to 100 mm thick. IN last resort you can get by with 50 mm. But not thinner.

As a masonry mixture, you can use both purchased and self-made mortar. In the latter case, the composition of clay and sand is used. The ratio of components is from 1:1 to 1:2, respectively. The specifics depend on the quality of the clay. The choice of proportion is determined experimentally. Nevertheless, it is recommended not to be stingy and purchase a ready-made mixture with a verified ratio of components.


Figure 8. A stove bench made of fireclay bricks

There are a huge number of schemes of stoves with a stove bench. Some of them are relatively simple (like the one in this article). Others are abundant structural elements. It is better to entrust complex masonry to a professional, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. In any case, before starting work, it is advisable to get approval from a specialist. Then it is unlikely that you will have to regret the incorrect functioning or short operating life of the stove.

To date, there are a huge number of diagrams and drawings, on the basis of which it is possible to lay out a stove-bed. Even a beginner can cope with the task. Such structures will be discussed in today's article.

Read in the article

Advantages of a stove with a stove bench

There are several advantages that this unit has:

  • Small installation costs. Low cost of materials.
  • The ability to use different fuels in addition to conventional firewood.
  • With the help of a stove-bed, you can heat the room, cook food. The structure is also used as a bed.
  • Big break between fireboxes. One firebox is enough for the whole day.
  • It has a positive effect on human health.

Note! During the laying process, you must follow the rules, the implementation of which will significantly increase the safety of the entire structure.

Main types

Depending on the goals to be fulfilled, several furnaces are distinguished, which are equipped with a bench. They will be discussed further.

Swede oven

This model is equipped with a special shield that acts as a heater. It contains vertical and horizontal gas channels. Smoke is distributed through these pipes, which subsequently heats all elements of the furnace. Thanks to this circumstance, it is possible to evenly heat the room. During operation, efficiency increases, and fuel is consumed slowly.

Additional Information! The Swede is small. Therefore, the furnace mechanism can be installed in almost any room. Also pleased with the efficiency of work, which is achieved thanks to the chimney system.

Russian stove

This building is impressive. It needs a lot of space to install. Right established mechanism Does an excellent job of keeping you warm for hours. This goal is achieved thanks to the cooking chamber, which is located deep in the stove. Some models are equipped with special smoke dampers. These elements perfectly protect the room from the spread of smoke.

Important! The Russian stove with a stove bench is equipped with additional elements for cooking. For this purpose, a wooden plate is installed on it.

Cast iron stove

A fireplace stove with a bench is regularly improved. These devices belong to the mechanisms long burning who do their job well. The air temperature level remains unchanged for five hours after the first laying.

The stove-fireplace for giving is equipped with a chamber in which fuel is burned. Thanks to hermetic doors, the process of smoldering firewood proceeds more efficiently. At the same time, carbon dioxide, which is formed during combustion, does not go outside. Flue gases are directed to the combustion chamber. As a result of the course of all processes, a a large number of heat.

Note! A fireplace stove is more efficient than other types of stoves with a stove bench. Some models have hob. With it, you can easily cook or heat food.

How to make a do-it-yourself oven

To make the oven yourself, you must follow certain masonry rules. They will be discussed further.

Structural elements

The composition of the furnace includes the following mandatory components:

  1. Couch.
  2. Confessor.
  3. Cooking plate.
  4. Ash storage compartment.

Foundation device

A Russian stove can weigh several tons. For such a weight, a reliable foundation is needed. Moreover, its area should be slightly larger than that of the furnace mechanism.

Additional Information! The stove for the house should not fit snugly against the wall. It is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 15 cm.

At this distance, you need to dig a hole. Subsequently, its bottom is covered with rubble and sand. Then they move on to the rammer. Half of the depth is filled with concrete.

The foundation dries for one month. During this time, it is not recommended to start further work.

After drying, you need to move on to waterproofing the foundation. Thanks to this step ground water can't get inside the oven.

The order of laying the stove with a comfortable stove bench

In the process of laying the mechanism, red brick is often used. It has good durability and high wear resistance. Clay is also used.

To equip the mechanism with a bench, you must follow the above scheme.

Note! When laying a Russian brick oven with a bench, you will need a level. With this tool, you can achieve evenness of masonry both horizontally and vertically.

The manufacturing process of the device consists in following the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The first row of the oven is laid. The quality of further work depends on the correct laying.
  2. Installing the door blew.
  3. The next row is laid according to the previous principle.
  4. The laying of the furnace compartment begins. Channels are mounted, a blower damper, which should be blocked with a brick.
  5. Doors for cleaning chambers are being installed.
  6. The firebox door is installed.
  7. The arrangement of caps and the formation of the next row continues.
  8. A protective wall is laid out.
  9. The chimney is being installed. After that, the procedure for laying the furnace can be considered completed.

Important! Before self erection the furnace mechanism does not hurt to consult with experienced stove-makers. They will suggest the basic principles and methods that must be observed.

Nuances when installing a stove with a lounger

Most people decorate stoves. For this purpose, heat-resistant tiles are suitable. You can decorate the building with tiles. Thanks to this decoration, heat transfer is significantly increased.

Another option is to paint the mechanism with special paint. The doors of the product will need to be lubricated with sealant.

Before laying the stove bench, you must listen to the recommendations of people who already operate this unit. Among them are a few tips:

  • The stove with a bench can be used in the summer to cook food. Also, it is necessary to install a special valve on it, thanks to which only the lounger will heat up. The rest of the structure will remain cold.
  • In winter, it is better to remove the valve altogether. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve maximum heating of the room.
  • Red or fireclay bricks, which were used during laying, increase the life of the structure. A brick oven heats up a room faster.
  • It is necessary to clean the ash pan at least once a month.

Thus, a stove with a lounger is an excellent mechanism that, subject to the rules of operation, will last for many years.

Russian stoves came to the living user from the depths of centuries. Modern interpretations are somewhat different from the old ones, but in general they repeat all the architectural and functional aspects. The effectiveness of the structure with a stove bench and a cooking stove is beyond doubt. The only question is whether to make such a project or order drawings of the project (as well as masonry and trial run) to specialists.

Before delving into the topic, you should understand the definition.

    Until now, such a term as ordering is in use:
  • and the masonry itself (the brick is laid out layer by layer horizontally, with a detailed receipt for the placement of the rigging elements);
  • and the type of furnace design (stove-ordering, in which each layer is associated with the placement of an element).

In general terms, a Russian stove is understood to be endowed with the following features:

  • massiveness and scope (as a rule, the design takes at least ¼ of the hut, and sometimes half);
  • the presence of beds (they are also called a couch - a place where people go to sleep or when they feel unwell to warm up);

  • compatibility of the heating base with a stove for cooking;
  • wood is mainly used for heating.

IN vintage models it was customary to use the firebox itself for cooking, surrounded by red-hot wood firebrands (refractory food containers with porridge or stew with a “horned” grip they were placed inside the firebox, where they languished for several hours).

To date, there are those in which it is allowed to use coke coal in the furnace. It gives more heat than ordinary wood, but coal dust is a big problem. At the same time, a horizontal stove is used in cooking, and the “languishing” effect has to be abandoned.

Such heating structures are relevant for Russia, the eastern regions of Ukraine, as well as the northern regions of Belarus. If you are interested in a scheme or masonry, there is practically no information in Western European sources.

The dimensions of some models reach 1.5-2 m in length and / or width. In height (we do not take into account the chimney) more than 1.2-1.5 meters. It is probably hard to believe, but the most gigantic furnaces reached such dimensions that it was quite possible for a person to wash inside them. IN modern conditions such projects are, of course, not in demand.

The device of the Russian stove

    The main elements without which the device of the Russian stove is unthinkable:
  • foundation (guardianship);
  • cooking chamber, it is also a firebox, also called a crucible or a firebox. Located under the bed. The air for burning firewood enters through the throat, and after heating it goes to the overtube, after which it goes to the chimney for removal to the street;
  • cheeks - the front wall of the furnace;
  • mouth - the gap between the cheeks of the firebox for communicating the firebox with the chimney and the heated room;
Also, an important role of the mouth is the laying of dishes and firewood in the furnace (crucible).
  • vault - the topmost layer of the firebox. During operation, it undergoes intense heating, therefore it is prone to the formation of cracks from incandescence. Here it is necessary to involve the most heat-resistant and heat-intensive materials;
  • under - the bottom of the cooking chamber (crucible). It has a slight slope towards the entrance to the furnace, so that it is easier for the user to slide in and out heavy dishes with food. It is installed directly on the roof lining. Provides strength to bricks hewn into a cone along a cylindrical surface;
It is recommended that the top surface of the hearth be thoroughly sanded to make it as easy as possible to move heavy cast irons and other food containers.
  • podpechek (podpechek) inside the ward under the hearth. The element is designed for storing and drying firewood;
  • hob. An independent surface, the basis of which is most often a cast-iron, and sometimes a steel part. Located on the underside;
  • a sixth - a platform in front of the entrance to the crucible. This is where the stove is placed, if it is provided in the model;
  • "trough" or semicircular vault - covers the sub-heaters. Material crumbles on the trough, they are able to retain heat (brick chips, sand, pebbles);
  • chambers (in some regions they say "palat") or overlap. This element is also called a couch - a place where people go to bed. In classic models it is located strictly behind the chimney, in some more modern ones it is moved to any side. It is at this level that the ordering ends with the most top layer bricks;
  • hailo - a smoke outlet above the hearth in front of the mouth. It is a bell, expanding downwards. During the operation of the furnace, smoke from burning firewood goes there.

More complex projects may include a number of elements - to retain heat, to accommodate cooling cooked food and cold clean dishes. The higher the user requirements, the more complicated circuit stoves, their device and bricklaying.

Do-it-yourself Russian stove

We must pay tribute to the courage of some enterprising people, but to make order with a stove bench and a cooking surface with your own hands is a rather bold decision. The fact is that no matter how intelligibly the design scheme looks on paper, it is rather difficult to translate it into reality. And yet for decisive people there are recommendations.

Tools for the job

    What tools do you need:
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • measuring bar to the width of the masonry joints;
  • building level - a must! Without it, it is guaranteed that the structure will have a roll, and it will be impossible to eliminate it at the end of the masonry;
  • rule (with its help, the surface of the foundation is leveled - a one-time operation);
  • a plumb line (also an extremely important device, serves to clarify the vertical curvature in any desired place);
  • ordering - a special device for multi-level oven masonry;
  • Master OK;
  • pick-nosed hammer - hand tool, allowing you to chop a solid brick into pieces instead of cutting it with a grinder.

Materials and accessories

When creating a Russian stove with a stove bench and stove, you will need additional elements, thanks to which you will achieve the desired functionality:

    • hardened brick (recommended M-200) in the amount of 1850-1900 pieces;
    • oily pure clay 245-250 kg;
    • cleaned sand 295-310 kg;
The number of bricks, sand and clay are given in quantities calculated for a model 2.3 long, 2.0 m high, 1.6 m wide.
  • grate;
  • furnace, cleaning and blowing doors;
  • damper for the firebox;
  • smoke damper;
  • hob;
  • steel sheet, steel angle, water tank - according to the situation and depending on the project.
The number of doors and grates is determined based on the nuances of the project.

Layer order

In competently drawn up working drawings, the Russian order with a stove bench and stove is represented by each level separately. Otherwise, it will be impossible to fold the stove due to the complexity of its internal (not visible from the outside) device.

      Typical example:
    • row 1st. The layer is laid without screed directly on the floor waterproofing. Overheated brick is suitable, since there will be no exposure to high temperatures;
    • row 2nd. Along the edges of the future hearth, bricks are placed on edge, and if non-solid bricks are used, in the next row they must be covered with solid ones;
    • row 3rd. Similar to the previous one. It is also recommended to install a blower door here;
    • row 4th. It is put in the same way as the 2nd;
In this row, do not forget to leave room for the cleaning channel.
    • row 5th. The cleaning channel continues. Make the basis for future arched vaults;
    • row 6th. The narrowing of the cleaning channel begins. The grate is installed;
Grids are cast-iron or steel gratings through which an air flow with improved draft passes. They allow oxygen to pass through and trap ash from the burning fuel.
    • rows 7th, 8th. Here is the steel sheet. It is also necessary to fasten the wire to fix furnace door. The laying of the hearth is finished;
    • row 9th. Sand bedding is being done. Bricks along the entire row of the future hearth are installed on the edge.
    • rows 10th, 11th. Just like the previous one. A hob is installed on top. On the edge of the hearth, it is best to lay half bricks;
    • rows 12th, 14th, 16th. Just like the previous ones.
Raising the arch is recommended to start on the 15th row.
  • rows 17th, 18th. A knitting metal wire is laid between them. On these rows, the vault narrows;
  • rows 19 to 21. The work on the bed is being completed;
  • row 22. At this level, the hail rise begins. At this stage, the stove masonry is very complex and responsible;
  • rows 23 to 31. A tubular channel is formed. Blowers and valves are placed in the right places.

Summing up, we note the availability of laying stoves with a stove bench and a cooking panel. It is possible to carry out what you have planned with your own hands, although it will require a high concentration of attention, thoroughness and repeated refinements in the calculations. Be sure to enlist the help of an experienced specialist - if not practical actions, then at least useful tips with his hand.

The expansion tank is a very important element in the heating system. It prevents pressure buildup in heating system when it heats up. Tanks can be open and closed type. Open tanks have a number of disadvantages that do not exist in membrane tanks. They are bulky, have a large heat loss, do not work under great pressure. Membrane tanks are more perfect, and they do not have the disadvantages that open ones have.

What is a diaphragm expansion tank

An expansion tank is an important element in heating, because it prevents the coolant from boiling, which can lead to bad consequences.

Such tanks can be used in different systems:

  • with heat pumps and solar collectors;
  • With autonomous source heat;
  • connected to the district heating network according to an independent scheme;
  • with closed loops.

Membrane tanks regulate the pressure in the heating system in case of its increase and in case of pressure drops, which prevents emergency dangerous situations and sometimes malfunctions of heating systems.

expansion membrane tank May be with fixed and replaceable baffle. The first, made with an internal cavity divided into two parts by a securely fixed membrane, which is located along the perimeter of the section.

Tanks with a replaceable baffle differ from fixed ones in that the coolant is in a membrane tank and does not come into contact with the steel surface. Mounting and dismantling of the membrane quite simple, through a flange that is bolted.

Advice. When installing a membrane tank, it is necessary to securely attach it, because during operation, the mass of the tank increases.

Advantages of membrane expansion tanks

Expansion tanks have a huge number of advantages:

  • do not pollute water;
  • low costs during operation;
  • easy installation;
  • safety, reliability;
  • installation in any part Houses;
  • the impossibility of pouring water from the tank;
  • no heat loss;
  • minimum air supply;
  • natural rubber and butyl membranes can be used in drinking water supply;
  • apply to any type of water;
  • convenient to use;
  • radiator and boiler due to lack of contact between water and air last longer, than usual.

Expansion membrane tanks are used in closed heating systems and ensure reliable operation of the boiler.

Advice. When choosing a membrane tank, you should give preference to closed tanks, which are much better than open ones.

The design of the expansion membrane tank

flat or balloon metal body, internally separated by a rubber membrane. One part contains air or gas, which is compressed to a certain required level. The level of air compression can be found in the passport. The other part of the tank in working condition will be filled with water and due to this, the level of gas compression will be the same as in the entire heating system. Tank compressor maintains pressure in the air chamber.

One of the most important element of a membrane expansion tank is the membrane, which can be two types:

  • balloon;
  • diaphragmatic.

Diaphragm valves are used in tanks with a small volume and cannot be replaced. Balloon can easy to replace if necessary, this type of expansion tank is more reliable due to the fact that the water is in the membrane and does not touch the tank body.

Advice. Choosing a membrane expansion tank, it is necessary to pay attention to the material from which the membrane is made.

Choosing a membrane tank

In heating systems, the membrane load, as well as the expansion of water, does not change very significantly, but the heating temperature of the liquid can be approximately 90 ° C.

Choosing an expansion membrane tank, Special attention need to be given to the material from which the membrane is made. The material must be of high quality, reliable and resistant to high temperatures and drops.

You should also pay attention to the following characteristics of the membrane:

  • range operating temperatures;
  • long life time;
  • sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • impact resistance high temperatures;
  • dynamism.

Advice. When choosing an expansion membrane tank, it is necessary to select tanks with a durable and reliable body so that it lasts longer.

Calculation of the volume of the expansion membrane tank

In order to determine the volume of the expansion membrane tank, you need to determine the total volume of the heating system, which consists of several volumes:

  • pipeline;
  • heating device;
  • boiler.

The easiest way to determine the required tank volume is calculate 10% of the total volume of the heating system. If it is 500 liters, then you need a tank with a volume of 50 liters.

If the volume of the expansion membrane tank is less than necessary, then this will lead to bad consequences. Cracks will start to appear, there will be a leak hot water through the thread, and the tank itself can deteriorate very quickly and it will have to be changed.

The membrane tank is selected individually for each heating system.

Advice. If safety valves are installed in a closed heating system, pressure build-up can be avoided and the entire system protected.

Installing an expansion membrane tank

To install and connect a membrane tank to the heating system, you will need skill and knowledge. You should not take on the installation of the tank yourself if you are not sure that everything will be done correctly.

For installation you will need:

  • stepped key;
  • gas key;
  • plastic pipes;
  • wrench.

When installing a membrane expansion tank in the heating system, you need to very carefully and carefully check tightness connections.

The expansion tank must be sealed, it cannot be disassembled, opened, it is simply connected to pipeline which is closest to the boiler . It is also necessary to install safety devices to prevent pressure build-up.

When installing the tank, take into account a few rules:

Advice. In order to extend the service life of heating systems, it is not necessary to use water with oxygen impurities and aggressive gases.

Possible breakdowns

The most common breakdown of a membrane expansion tank is considered to be membrane rupture in case of exceeding the permissible pressure and uneven loads. Replaceable membranes break much more often than pressed ones, because for the latter, more durable materials are used, since they can be changed at any time, but pressed ones are not.

Due to the rupture of the membrane, if it is not replaced, the tank will eventually falls into disrepair because water gets on inner surface tank and it becomes unusable under the influence of corrosion.

The quality and reliability of the membrane expansion tank is also affected by the choice of material from which it is made. quality material will cost much more.

Membrane expansion tanks are an important part of the heating system, because it is thanks to them that pressure control in the heating system is possible. To select a tank, you must consider individual characteristics systems and choose for it.