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How to make PVA glue at home - step by step instructions and a detailed review of the best glue recipes. Super reliable adhesive at home

The modern consumer has the opportunity to buy any adhesive suitable for different types of work. But there are situations when there is simply no way out: for example, gluing dragged on until night, all hardware stores are closed, and there was not enough wallpaper paste. How to make a paste with your own hands, what types of adhesives can still be prepared at home and how to apply them - all this is in our material.

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In what cases can a paste be useful

The paste is a universal composition. It is easy to make your own and easy to use. After drying, it does not leave marks on the wallpaper and is easily washed off the fabric. Where is the paste used:

Where applicable Description

IN repair work
Used to fill gaps in cracks wooden frames, for priming walls before wallpapering and painting, for wallpaper.

In horticulture
For sticking small seeds onto paper landing strips. For this purpose, use toilet paper, it is rapidly destroyed by moisture. A safe paste based on natural materials will not prevent plants from developing normally.

In children's creativity
The safe natural formulation of the adhesive can be used with children of all ages. It is not only easily washed off from the clothes and hands of the child, but also will not cause harm if accidentally swallowed or in contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

In needlework
The paste is needed for scrapbooking, papier-mâché, making interior items from fabric and thread. It is used for stiffening.

In a word, paste is a very useful composition in everyday life, which should always be at hand. And you can cook it in just minutes.

How to make a paste: quick and easy

Before we talk about how to prepare a wallpaper paste, let's see what are the advantages of a paste over a ready-made factory-made composition? It turns out there are quite a few:

  • it is easy to cook at home from materials that any hostess has;
  • manufacturing costs are minimal (home-made composition will cost two to three times cheaper than purchased glue);
  • the paste is universal and can be used for any type of wallpaper;
  • home remedy does not contain toxic substances or other compounds hazardous to human health. It does not cause allergic reactions.

And now about how to prepare a paste. We have selected some of the most popular tips on how to make wallpaper pastes from flour or starch.

Several options for making flour paste

The adhesive composition can be made from wheat, corn or rye flour. For our purposes, flour of the second or even third grade is useful. Its larger particles have an increased viscosity, which is good for a paste.

Advice! For the perfect adhesive, use whole grain flour.

An important point: so that the adhesive composition is not visible on the paper, use wheat flour for light wallpapers, rye flour for dark ones.

Take note:

Additives and proportions

Advice! If you decide to add PVA to the paste, please note that it can be noticeable on dark wallpaper. In this case, it is better to use wood glue.

There are situations when the natural composition of the glue attracts small insects- ants and bedbugs. If there is such a danger, add a little copper sulfate to the composition. A quarter of a teaspoon without top is enough for a kilogram of flour.

Important! Do not use wood glue, PVA and blue vitriol in the manufacture of paste for children's creativity!

To glue heavy wallpaper, you need to make thick glue. For the lungs paper wallpaper less flour is added to the composition.

Proportions for flour paste:

Amount of flour (grams) per 1 liter of water Additives For what purposes can you use
100 For gluing plain paper
50 — 100 4 table spoons of wood glueTo make papier-mâché
120 — 150 ½ cup wood glueWall primer for wallpaper
120 — 150 1/6 teaspoon copper sulfateFor sticking simple paper wallpapers
200 — 250 14 teaspoons of copper sulfateFor wallpapers made of thick embossed paper
200 A glass of wood glueWall primer for heavy wallpaper
300 — 400 A glass of wood glue, a teaspoon of blue vitriolSticking vinyl and non-woven wallpaper

The most common paste is obtained from one hundred grams of flour and a liter of water. By changing the proportions, you will get a thicker or more liquid version.

Important! The paste must be prepared immediately before use. Already two hours after preparation, it will begin to rapidly lose its adhesive properties. For this reason, it makes no sense to prepare homemade glue for the future.

How to change the thickness of the glue

While you are working, the paste "insists" and gradually becomes more and more thick. To return it to the state you need, take a mixer and add hot water by a tablespoon, thoroughly mixing the whole mass.

For your information! Dilution of finished homemade glue with water adversely affects its quality. To avoid this, after dilution, it is necessary to bring the composition to a boil.

Another problem: the glue turned out to be too liquid. To correct the consistency in a separate bowl, dilute the flour cold water until a creamy state, boil the glue again and gradually stirring the mixture, pour an additional portion into it.

For your information! If you start pouring dry flour into the paste, you will get lumps that cannot be stirred with anything. I'll have to throw out the whole batch.


Now let's look at how to make wallpaper paste from flour. Here are two of the most proven recipes:

Paste recipe for light wallpaper

Take 8 tablespoons of flour and pour about 1.5 cups of cold water into them, stirring constantly. Pour the resulting composition into boiling water, constantly stirring the hot mixture with a spoon in one direction. After the glue boils, wait another three minutes, constantly continuing to stir. Then take the container off the heat and let it cool down.

Paste recipe for heavy wallpaper

For heavy wallpaper, a thick adhesive composition is required. For him, you need to take 16 tablespoons of flour per liter of liquid. The principle of preparation is the same. But there is a variant of the composition, which differs from the traditional increased strength. If you add gelatin, alcohol and glycerin to the mixture, you get PVA. On such glue, wallpaper from any material will be taken.

Proven Starch Paste Recipe

The starch composition is different in that it is completely transparent and leaves no traces on the wallpaper or on the fabric. How to make a starch paste?

For homemade glue, you can use potato or corn starch. The proportions of starch paste are the same as flour. 8 tablespoons for liquid glue and more - for thick.

To prepare the mixture, the starch is first diluted with cold water, and then boiled water is poured into the resulting creamy mass, constantly stirring, until the required density.

Advice! Before using starch, sift it through a sieve and remove any lumps.

Vitriol, PVA and wood glue can also be added to the starch paste.

Papier mache paste preparation method

For papier mache, you need a sticky composition with salt. The proportions are as follows: for 3 glasses of water (750 ml) you need a glass of flour and half a teaspoon of salt. How to make papier mache paste:

  • flour and part of the water are mixed, salt is added. Mix better mixer, so no lumps are guaranteed;
  • after the mixture is gradually poured into boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes and cooled.

As a result, you will get a fairly thick glue that will securely fix the pieces of paper in the structure. In some cases, the paper needs to be pre-soaked in adhesive composition. For this purpose, a liquid paste is made from 1/3 cup flour and a liter of water.

The Best Homemade Glue Recipes for Various Jobs

A bit of science to fully understand the process of preparing adhesives:

  • sealants are mainly composed of organic resins and water;
  • acetone, gasoline and ethyl alcohol can act as solvents for hydrocarbon substances and be the basis of the adhesive;
  • for elasticity, plasticizers are added to adhesive mixtures, these can be different types liquid soap or dishwashing detergents;
  • so that the glue layer does not shrink, wood dust or sand is added to it;
  • to increase the resistance of polymer adhesives, a catalyst is added to them - a salt or acid.

And now a few options for homemade glue that you might need.

How to make PVA glue at home just as good as factory glue

We have already said that PVA glue can be prepared at home. It's not as difficult as it seems. PVA glue recipe:

The composition will require 1 liter of distilled water, a bag of gelatin, 4 grams of pharmaceutical glycerin, a glass of alcohol and 150 grams of wheat flour.

For a day, glycerin is poured into a glass of water and left to swell. After gelatin, diluted to a creamy state of flour and water, glue is boiled in a water bath. After the mixture begins to thicken, glycerin and alcohol are added to it.

For your information! For better bonding of parts, before applying the adhesive, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust and, if necessary, the porous material should be primed.

Homemade PVA can be stored at room temperature up to half a year.

How to make styrofoam and gasoline glue for metal bonding

This recipe is almost half a century old. In Soviet times, it could be found in the magazines of young technicians.

How to do:

  • fill the container with gasoline of any brand;
  • cut the foam into small pieces;
  • gradually immerse the foam in the solvent.

As a result, you will get a homogeneous mixture, elastic, like chewing gum.

To connect the metal parts, you need to degrease the surfaces, smear with the resulting glue, wait about ten minutes and press firmly. Leave under oppression for a day.

Some argue which better adhesives foam: in gasoline or acetone? The dispute is in vain - both options have the same strength in gluing.

How to make glue from acetone and linoleum for leather, porcelain and metal

How to make super glue at home from nail polish thinner and a piece of old linoleum? Everything is very simple! Linoleum is cut into small pieces, the size of a five-ruble coin. After they should be poured with acetone in an airtight container and put overnight in a dark place. During this time, the linoleum should completely dissolve. If this does not happen, just wait a few more hours.

It will securely fasten the details of a broken porcelain vase, the back of a wooden chair, leather upholstery sofa or details of a metal candlestick.

How to make glue for electrical parts

How to make conductive adhesives with your own hands - many radio amateurs think about this. By default, the mixture should include conductive metal powders, binder polymers and solvents. The easiest option is to add graphite powder to any superglue. To do this, simply sharpen a simple pencil and use graphite rod powder. The only negative is that graphite has a lot of resistance.

To make homemade conductive glue, take the previous recipe with linoleum and acetone, add powdered silver and graphite to the composition. The amount of filler is selected empirically, but on average a proportion is required: 30 grams of silver x 15 grams of graphite x 60 grams of glue. Mix all ingredients carefully and store in an airtight container. glassware. On parts, such glue dries in a quarter of an hour.

How to make moisture resistant casein glue

If you managed to get hold of casein powder, the task is very simple. The powder is poured with water and insisted for three to four hours. Separately in hot water dilute borax in a ratio of one to seven. This mixture is poured into casein water and heated to seventy degrees. After half an hour, the glue can be used.

How to make hot glue at home from milk? If there is no casein powder, a similar composition can be made from regular milk. It is fermented and filtered through filter paper or cotton wool. After that, paper or cotton wool is poured with water and boiled until the substance evaporates - this will be the desired casein. Then proceed according to the recipe.

Another recipe for hot glue is from rosin, flour, aluminum alum and water in proportions, respectively, 1.5 x 40 x 10 x 3. All fillers are filled with water, the composition is heated over low heat until it thickens. Glue is used hot. After cooling, it is unsuitable for use.

What else can glue be made from:

  • from cottage cheese and slaked lime. The ingredients are mixed until smooth and used to glue parts made of fabric and wood;
  • from drying oil and wood glue. 3 parts of wood glue are heated in a water bath until dissolved, then 1 part of drying oil is added and mixed. This composition is also used hot. He is not afraid of water and sticks well.

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As often happens, the glue bought in the store is of very poor quality. Therefore, many seek to find an alternative solution and try to create an adhesive on their own. For a person who is used to constantly making something, experimenting, tips on how to make glue at home will be very useful.

Traditional flour paste recipe

In some cases, this is resorted to when there is an urgent need to perform any work related to the use of glue. For example, if the amount of adhesive is incorrectly calculated, and it ended in full swing. In order not to quit what you started and not rush to the store, you can make homemade glue, the quality of which will be much higher than the purchased one. In addition, using it you can be completely sure that it does not contain substances harmful to humans. It is not difficult to prepare it, and the material is always found in the house. This is wheat flour. Flour glue is prepared at the rate of 1 liter for two or three rolls of wallpaper.

To prepare it you will need:

  • container, the volume of which depends on the required amount of glue,
  • flour - 6 tbsp. spoons per liter of water
  • water - 1 liter.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat water to a boil.
  2. In a separate bowl, dilute the calculated amount of flour in a small amount of cold water until a homogeneous mixture (without lumps) is formed, the density of liquid sour cream.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling water in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  4. Bring to a boil again and leave to cool.

IN ready-made it should have the consistency of a thick jelly. Similarly, you can make glue from starch, which is no different in quality from flour paste. In terms of gluing efficiency, both flour and starch pastes, in some cases, even surpass ready-made industrial adhesives. The wallpaper glued by them perfectly adheres to any wall surface. They can glue all types of paper and cardboard.

PVA glue at home

The most common adhesive, which is popular not only when performing home repairs, but also in large-scale construction, is PVA glue. It is an excellent wallpaper adhesive and is used successfully in the preparation of tile mortars and as a primer for surfaces prior to final finishing. The scope of its use is so wide that it is safe to say that polyvinyl acetate is a kind of lifesaver of a zealous owner who can prepare PVA glue with his own hands.

To do this, he needs to have:

  1. One liter of distilled water,
  2. 5 g photographic gelatin (sold in the shops "Photo goods"),
  3. 4 g pharmacy glycerin,
  4. 100 g wheat flour,
  5. 20 mm of ethyl alcohol (can be bought at a pharmacy).

Glue preparation takes place in two stages:

  1. preparatory, during which gelatin is soaked in a glass of water for a day;
  2. main.

After the gelatin has swollen in water, you can proceed directly to the preparation of PVA glue:

  • A container with distilled water is placed in a water bath. Prepared gelatin and flour mixed with a small amount of water (so that there are no lumps) are added to it.
  • The whole mixture is brought to a boil (*do not boil!). It should become like thick sour cream. In order for the mixture to be homogeneous, it must be stirred constantly.
  • Add glycerin and alcohol. To obtain a thick mass of a homogeneous composition, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed. This may take five to ten minutes (depending on the amount of adhesive being prepared). For complete readiness for use, the glue must be cooled.

DIY wood glue

This - best glue for a tree. It effectively glues paper, cardboard and other materials. But it has several features:

  1. it cannot be stored in liquid form for a long time, as it deteriorates very quickly (it becomes covered with mold and gelatinizes),
  2. it has a disgusting, pungent smell.

Therefore, it is pre-boiled and a gelatinous mass is prepared, which has more long term validity. If necessary, pieces of the desired size are cut off and dissolved, heating over low heat. There are several ways in which you can prepare high-quality wood glue at home. The following are the most available.

Method number 1. Take ordinary wood glue. Grind and soak it in a container with water until completely swollen. It should become soft, reminiscent of jelly. This jelly is placed in a container for melting, which is called glue. You can make it yourself from an ordinary tin can. An oilcloth with a gelatinous mass is placed in a water bath and put on a very low fire. The mass must be constantly stirred with a wooden stick. If it burns, the glue will turn yellow and lose some of its adhesive properties. After the gelatinous mass turns into a liquid state, it is diluted with vodka in the ratio: for 720 g of glue - 950 g of vodka. And add for every hundred grams of glue - twelve grams of powdered alum. The joiner's glue obtained in this way provides high strength to the glued surfaces and water-repellent properties.

Method number 2. Boil carpenter's glue with water in a 1:1 ratio in an oilcloth. After boiling, when it begins to thicken slightly, pour the mass into a porcelain mortar and grind with a pestle until a gelatinous mass is formed. After that, put this mass on a special plate, cool and cut into pieces. If necessary, dissolve 720 g of the resulting workpiece in a solution consisting of 720 g of water and 360 g of vodka. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Method number 3. In a water bath, boil 1 kg of wood glue and 1 liter of 9% table vinegar in a liter of water until it is completely dissolved, then a liter of vodka is added with constant stirring.

Method number 4. Dilute wood glue with water in a ratio of 1:1. Heat in a water bath until completely thickened. Then add one weight part of glycerin, equal to the originally taken weight part of the adhesive. Heat until the water has completely evaporated. Pour into molds and dry. To use, dilute with water (1:1).

Styrofoam Adhesive

Currently, foam and polystyrene plates are often used for insulation and soundproofing of residential premises. They are glued to bearing wall. When choosing an adhesive for styrofoam, it must be taken into account that solvents, such as acetone, can melt it. That's why, perfect option for him - the above wood glue.

But, at home, you can make another waterproof glue for polystyrene - from cottage cheese:

  • To do this, mix lime (slaked) with cottage cheese in equal proportions until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is advisable to use such glue immediately after preparation, as it quickly hardens.

Casein glue for leather, wood and even puzzles

A good option for gluing wood and leather products, as well as other materials, is casein glue. It can be successfully used in surface treatment for puzzles.

Stage 1: isolation of casein from cottage cheese

To make it at home, cottage cheese must go through a degreasing process. To do this, it must be soaked in a soda solution (per liter of water - 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda) for 15-20 minutes. Then it is thoroughly washed running water, squeezed and dried to hardness. Next, a powder is prepared from it. This is dry casein.

Stage 2: preparing glue from dry casein

dry casein

To prepare glue from casein, you need to pour the powder into any dish (preferably flat) and pour water in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Two parts of water are taken to one part of casein powder. You should get a thick mass. The most crucial moment in the preparation of casein glue is its further mixing until a homogeneous state is obtained. The better the mass is mixed, the higher the quality of the adhesive. This procedure will take at least 30 minutes. But the process can be accelerated if you use a conventional mixer. This is a great wood glue. It has excellent adhesion to leather and is well suited for shoe repairs. The disadvantage of this adhesive is that it must be used within two to three hours, after which it hardens and becomes unsuitable for further use.

Glue for needlewomen

Today, needlework is one of the most common women's hobbies. Women are increasingly fond of making flowers, using various types of fabric for this. The most impressive and elegant flowers look, the petals of which are glued to each other. For this, a special fabric glue is used, which can be prepared in several ways.

Method one


  1. 3 art. spoons of wheat flour
  2. one glass of water.


  • Dilute the flour in a small amount of cold water and pour in a thin stream into a glass of boiling water. Boil.

Method two


  1. one st. a spoonful of wheat flour
  2. one st. a spoonful of potato starch,
  3. one st. a spoonful of granulated sugar.
  4. one glass of water.


  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and bring to a boil.

Method three


  1. sachet of gelatin
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons of flour
  3. granulated sugar - one tbsp. spoon,
  4. water - one glass.


  • Soak gelatin overnight, pouring water (1/3 cup). In the morning, in the remaining water (2/3 cup), stir the swollen gelatin, flour and sugar. Boil.

The glue for fabric should be stored in the refrigerator, in a hermetically sealed container.

Excellent dextrin-based paper glue

For origami, quilling, paper applique, dextrin paper glue, which can be prepared at home, is ideal. And for this it is not at all necessary to look for dextrin in stores. It is easily prepared from starch. Gotta take it in required quantity. In a heat-resistant dish, send to a slightly heated oven. After that, gradually increase the temperature to 160ºС and hold in this temperature regime about an hour and a half. Under the influence of hot air, starch is split, and it passes into dextrin. Now you can start preparing the glue.


  1. dry dextrin - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  2. water - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  3. glycerin - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  • Mix dextrin powder with water. Lightly heat until the dry matter is completely dissolved, stirring constantly. Then add glycerin.

Turbo glue from acetone and old linoleum

There are many more different methods that contain tips on how to make glue at home. Among them there are very affordable way preparation of universal glue without special costs, - from acetone and old, already outdated, linoleum.

How to make it:

  • Cut the linoleum into small pieces, which are placed in a container with a hermetically sealed lid.
  • Fill with acetone. In this case, acetone should be twice as much as linoleum.
  • Close the container with a tight lid and put in a dark place for 12 hours.
  • The glue is ready for use when the pieces of linoleum are completely dissolved.

This adhesive is great for bonding metal, porcelain, wooden products, leather, etc.

Moisture resistant universal adhesive

Another recipe for universal glue, which can glue absolutely everything. The main advantage of its use is moisture resistance. It is prepared like this:

  • soak ordinary wood glue in water until completely swollen,
  • then dissolve to the state of a gelatinous mass in a container with linseed oil.

Bonus from builders for cooks: food glue

Now many are fond of homemade cakes and decorating them with sweet figurines, various colors from edible mastic. But in order for all this beauty to keep its shape and stay on the surface of the cake, special food glue is required. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but before you go looking, try making glue at home. There are several recipes for this.

Recipe number 1: based on starch


  1. starch - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  2. water - 1 glass.


  • Prepare a thick starch jelly and leave it for several hours in a warm place. It should turn into a viscous mass.

Recipe number 2: sugar glue


  1. 250 g granulated sugar,
  2. Glass of water.


  • Prepare a slightly undercooked caramel toffee. It should remain in the form of a stretching liquid.

Video: do-it-yourself flour paste

Probably everyone knows how to glue parts (surfaces) together correctly. After all, everything is written in detail on any tube of glue. And now we will look at several options for how to make very strong glue at home. For many, such opportunities will be a real discovery.

First, let's repeat the general rules for gluing objects:

  1. The surfaces to be glued must be well cleaned of various contaminants, grease and old glue.
  2. For stronger bonding, the surface must be rough, this can be achieved with a file or sandpaper.
  3. Why does the adhesive layer have to be thin? A thick layer of glue "creates" the conditions for the emergence of forces that "burst" the adhesive film. Therefore, with a thinner layer, a stronger bonding is obtained.
  4. It is necessary to attach a load to the adhesive seam, use the strength of the hands or pull it off with bundles.

So, we know how to properly glue the sole of your favorite slipper, or glue two halves of a cup. But, after all, none of us plans to break something, tear it off, and on purpose, just in case, we don’t keep universal glue at home. Or he, as always, did not end on time.

What can replace factory glue?

1. Unusual glue for linoleum, tiles can be made from polystyrene foam and acetone.

This is done very simply: crumble the foam into the place that needs repair, and sprinkle it with acetone. As soon as the foam begins to melt, press the surfaces to be glued.
** It is very convenient to glue the sole with such an unusual tool. In the same way, pour the foam into the hole, drop 10-15 drops of acetone, wait a bit and press.

2. Ordinary garlic will help you glue glass and plastic products. It is only necessary to grease two surfaces with a cut garlic clove.

3. If there is chalk in the house and " liquid glass", then you can make a refractory putty. She will help you glue porcelain, as well as glass.

4. fell off tile? A mixture of tooth powder and ordinary silicate glue (clerical, for gluing paper) will help to correct the situation. Craftsmen say it turns out very strong adhesive.

5. Cut the remnants of linoleum into small pieces (without fabric base), put in a jar and fill with acetone. After 10 hours, you will have a permanent adhesive ready. If you add 1:1 chalk to it, you will get mastic.

6. If there is wood glue in the house, it can be made more waterproof by adding drying oil to the hot glue solution (25 g per 100 g of dry glue).

Use these tips if you have an extra piece of linoleum or polystyrene on hand.

In my house, of all of the above, there was only garlic and acetone, and also factory-made super glue, which I once bought “just in case”.

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Many people often need to glue or glue some object made of plastic, wood, rubber, etc. Today in stores you can find the glue itself for various purposes. But what to do if you don’t have glue at home, and going to the store is not the right time. In this article, we will tell you how to make your own glue and look at popular glue recipes.

You will need:


This glue is designed for gluing wood, paper, cardboard. Therefore, you can safely use it, or.

Its advantage over other types of glue is that it is not afraid of moisture.

Making casein glue at home is easy:

  • To do this, you will need to pour yellowish or white casein powder into a bowl.
  • Then pour water into it in small portions, constantly stirring the contents of the vessel.

  • Pour water until you get a mass of about the same density as sour cream.
  • It takes about 30 minutes to stir the casein glue, as its quality will depend on this.

You can prepare casein from fat-free cottage cheese:

  • To do this, squeeze it well in gauze.
  • Rinse in water with soda, squeeze hard and dry.

  • After complete drying, the cottage cheese is ground into powder and sieved.


This glue will easily help you glue leather, fabric, paper and cardboard.

To make dextrin glue you need:

  • Dextrin 3 tbsp. l
  • Cold water 4-5 tbsp. l

You will need to stir 3 tablespoons of dextrin in 4-5 tablespoons of cold water. In the process of stirring, the water must be heated and continue to stir, and after a while add a spoonful of glycerin.

Glue is used cold and stored in an airtight container.


To make waterproof glue, use freshly curdled milk or cottage cheese and mix it with slaked lime so that a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

Apply the resulting mass in a thin layer on the surface to be glued, squeeze strongly and dry.

It is best to glue wood materials with this glue.


To make PVA glue, take:

  • Potato/wheat flour 4 tbsp. l
  • Water 0.5 tbsp.

Combine, stir thoroughly, so that there are no lumps. While the starch is being stirred into cold water you need to boil the water. Quickly pour boiling water into the already mixed solution of starch and water and stir the mixture for 10 minutes. It is not recommended to use iron spoons, as they heat up quickly and can be easily burned.

Put the resulting glue on the stove and boil it until a transparent and jelly-like mass is obtained.

Frequently Asked Questions

    How to cook flour glue for wallpaper?

    After spending a little time, you can get high-quality glue. The basis is wheat flour (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Pour the flour into a bowl, add warm water, boil for several minutes over low heat. The finished composition should drain from the fingers, but you will notice stickiness.

    How to cook glue from starch?

    The process includes the following steps: sift the starch to remove lumps, pour warm water and stir for a long time (thick sour cream should turn out), slowly add boiling water and whisk quickly, filter, heat in a water bath, pass through a sieve again. It is necessary to prepare such glue immediately before use, it is safe, hypoallergenic and very popular.

    How to weld wallpaper glue?

    Popular options:
    - flour or starch paste (recipes are given above);
    - home PVA: 1 l. water, gelatin - 5 gr., glycerin - 4 gr., flour - 100 gr., alcohol - 20 ml. Pour all gelatin with a glass of water and leave to swell for 24 hours. Flour is also combined with a glass of water. Heat 1 liter of water, pour in gelatin and flour solutions. Bring to a boil, pour in alcohol and glycerin, mix everything and leave to cool.

    How to make styrofoam glue?

    The process of creating glue is absolutely not complicated: find a container, pour solvent into it, lower the material and wait until it is completely dissolved, apply with a brush to selected areas. When the substance dries, it will resemble glass.

    How to make conductive glue with your own hands?

- glue, widely used in various fields, and, without exaggeration, being one of the most popular.

And although you can purchase this product without problems, self-production is also not difficult, which will help out in a situation where you urgently need to glue something, but the funds were not at hand.

Polyvinyl acetate

Polyvinyl acetate, better known as PVA glue, is produced on an industrial scale using special equipment. In the mortar mixer, the polyvinyl acetate dispersion and the filler are mixed.

There are various types of this glue (stationery, wallpaper, universal, etc.) and, accordingly, manufacturing recipes. It is difficult to accurately follow the PVA recipe at home, but it is not at all difficult to make an analogue that will practically not be inferior in its properties and characteristics.

How can you make PVA glue "with your own hands"?


There are many recipes self cooking glue. We offer one of the most easily implemented and affordable recipes, almost all the ingredients of which are sold in a pharmacy (except for photographic gelatin, which you need to look for in a specialized store, as well as flour - if you don’t suddenly find it at home, then you will definitely find it in the nearest grocery store).

So, to prepare PVA, you need to take:

  • 1-1.2 liters of distilled water;
  • 20-25 ml of ethyl alcohol;
  • 4-5 g of glycerin;
  • 5-6 g of photographic gelatin;
  • 100-120 g flour.

Cooking process

Gelatin is soaked for a day in ordinary warm tap water according to the instructions, after which it dissolves in a steam bath. Flour and distilled water are added, and the mixture is kept on fire until it acquires the density of sour cream. During boiling, the mixture must be constantly stirred.

When the desired consistency is reached, the mixture is removed from the heat and slightly cooled. After that, you need to add alcohol and glycerin and mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps. If the formation of lumps still could not be prevented (they may appear even at the boiling stage), then you can pass the glue through a sieve.

When the mass has completely cooled, it can be used for gluing paper, wood and other parts for which PVA is usually used.

Storage of finished glue

You can store a homemade product for no more than six months. The ideal storage temperature is + 10-15 degrees.

Nothing terrible will happen if the glue remains at room temperature, but when the thermometer is minus, the “functionality” of the product drops sharply. It will be usable for no more than one month.

Youtube video about the production of glue

In this video, you can clearly see how PVA is done at home without problems. A very simple recipe, according to which it will not be difficult to make glue even for those who are trying home “glue production” for the first time.

Producers of PVA glue in Russia

In Russia, many companies produce PVA glue and dispersions. For most of them, this product is only part of the range. These enterprises specialize mainly in the production of paint and varnish products. In addition, there are companies that produce exclusively PVA products, such as, for example, Polymer Export, Rikol and others. These are large manufacturers exclusively engaged in the production of PVA glue and vinyl acetate dispersions.

When choosing a product, give preference to reliable manufacturers, especially if you are going to glue large or expensive items.

Areas of application of the adhesive

PVA glue is used in a wide variety of areas, from gluing paper to various types industry. This product is widely used in repair work (wallpapering, primer, addition to cladding solutions, gluing wood elements, fiberboard, etc.)

This adhesive is used in the printing and packaging industry for gluing paper products. It is also widely used in the woodworking and furniture industries, since PVA does not change the color of wood and allows you to save its properties.

In the textile industry, they "strengthen" carpets and connect fabrics. It is also used in the manufacture of glass and paint products, household chemicals, shoes, etc.

Do-it-yourself glue or is it better to buy?

Prices for PVA glue vary depending on the type of glue, manufacturer, product weight, etc. For example, 1 kg of universal PVA glue costs, on average, from 40 to 60 rubles, a five-ten-kilogram container will cost a little less.

In general, this product has a very democratic price, and if any complex or responsible work is expected, then it is better to buy an adhesive made in an industrial environment. But if you already have experience self-manufacturing PVA, or there is no way to purchase it, but something needs to be glued urgently, then you can do it without any problems on your own.

What can replace PVA glue?

The problem with replacing PVA most often occurs in those who live in foreign countries, as this product is sometimes quite difficult to find there. If suddenly there is a need to find a replacement, then you need to focus on the material of the surfaces that must be connected. For wooden parts you can buy special glue for wood, for wallpapering - “wallpaper”, etc. Paper or cardboard is glued together at home using a regular paste (made from flour and / or potato starch. So it’s easy to choose a substitute for PVA, the only negative that such products are often more expensive than this versatile, inexpensive and sought-after adhesive.