Shower      04/03/2019

What kind of care does a room pomegranate need at home? How to grow a pomegranate from a stone at home

Pomegranate room at home photo

indoor pomegranate also called dwarf. Considering the fact that in nature these plants usually grow on saline lands or in rocky areas, one should not be surprised at their unpretentiousness. In apartments or houses, they perfectly adapt to the microclimate of the home. But still, let's try to make out some of the nuances of breeding this culture.

Growing pomegranate from seed at home

Growing a pomegranate at home, contrary to many opinions, is not a laborious or difficult process. If you planted a plant like an exotic decorative tree, both methods are equally suitable for you: from a grain, or layering. But to obtain a crop and preserve the varietal qualities of the fruit, only the second of them should be used.

How to plant a pomegranate at home from a seed

As a material for planting and breeding, you can use seeds that can be carefully collected from a plant that blooms at home or bought at specialized exhibitions and agrotechnical stores. For the best effect, they are soaked for a day in a solution with root growth stimulants (Kornevin).

Then they are sown in flowerpots and covered with a transparent film. With the advent of the first shoots, you can remove the makeshift greenhouse and put the plant in a well-lit and warm place.

To grow a pomegranate from a stone at home, it is important to properly prepare them for germination by carefully removing the pulp, rinsing in cool water and drying it properly. This moment is really important, because it helps to avoid their decay.

It is desirable to plant seeds to a depth of 1 cm in a loose soil mixture (peat and black soil - 1: 2), while not forgetting about drainage. The location here must be chosen in the same way as in the case of seeds - where there is enough sunlight. As the earthen clod dries, it should be moistened.

You should be aware that sowing seeds often does not bring the desired result, and this method is used mainly when breeding new products and in the absence of the ability to use layering.

How to grow homemade dwarf pomegranate from seed video

Growing pomegranate at home using cuttings

Grow pomegranate indoor care at home, which will be the easiest to carry out, you can propagate it with ordinary cuttings. It is this method that is considered the most common due to the complete preservation of genetic material and high level survival rate. The quality of the crop and the resistance of the seedling to diseases will ultimately depend on this.

  1. For layering at the very beginning of spring, the middle (about 15 cm) of an adult stem with 3-4 buds is selected.
  2. Then you can place the cutting in water or treat it with Kornevin to stimulate growth.
  3. The soil for rooting does not differ from that recommended for seed germination.

If all the steps are carried out properly, then in a month the primary root system will form at the pomegranate, and new branches will begin to appear from the buds. Strengthened pomegranate trees are usually planted in separate pots after 1-2 months.

Pomegranate room care at home photo

Caring for a pomegranate at home is simple. In the summer it is even planted in open ground to decorate the flower garden in an original way. The main thing is to consider that shaded places are suitable for this culture. This will avoid sunburn.

Growing home pomegranate care should include systematic spraying and abundant watering, and in the spring it will not be superfluous to apply light nitrogen-containing dressings. This will help the flower to recover more quickly after a cold pore, enhance growth and have a beneficial effect on the density of the bush and the saturation of the color of the leaves. In summer experienced gardeners it is recommended to use fertilizers with phosphorus to stimulate the appearance of buds and the beginning of flowering.

With weak growth and a small amount of ovary, it is necessary to reconsider temperature regime, humidity level, watering frequency or location. To prepare for the wintering of a crop such as pomegranate, home care will include the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers, alternating them with potash supplements.

During this period, the plant may change, dropping foliage - this is a completely normal phenomenon. But, since the plant loves fresh air, it is worth taking it out to the loggia, while avoiding sub-zero temperatures and drafts. As for the frequency of watering in general, in winter their number can be reduced to 1-2 times a month. True, this advice is relevant only for grown seedlings, young ones will need more moisture.

Growing homemade pomegranate and caring for it video

Pomegranate home plant care: pruning and transplanting

Those who are wondering how to care for a pomegranate at home should not forget about the formation of a bush. Usually, shoots growing inward are removed, as well as all dry branches. It is best to do this in the off-season, then the pomegranate will grow fluffy and beautiful.

You can form a pomegranate plant at home in the form of a compact tree or shrub. With the onset of heat, the so-called branching stimulation is carried out, leaving the shoot so long that from 2 to 5 pairs of leaves remain on it. To avoid excessive thickening, you need to trim on the kidneys, looking inside the bush.

In order for the pomegranate to grow full and healthy at home, it is advisable not to transplant it into a new pot for at least 3 years. After that, every spring you can replace the earth depleted in minerals and the flowerpots themselves with larger ones. Chernozem and soddy soil are great for pomegranate. It is also important to remember the need for drainage (small pebbles are great) to keep the roots from rotting.

Trimming homemade pomegranate video


Indoor or dwarf pomegranate care at home, which really does not take much effort and time from flower growers, is often bred by those who want to get to know the art of bonsai better. And it is not surprising, since with high-quality pruning and pinching, the plant can be given almost any shape. No matter what you choose this culture for: obtaining tasty and healthy fruits or for aesthetic pleasure, following simple rules and recommendations, the result will not be long in coming.

Growing exotic fruit trees and shrubs in a house or apartment is becoming increasingly popular due to the large number of varieties of ornamental crops. The pomegranate is no exception.

Decorative pomegranate can be grown independently. Most importantly, ensure proper care

By providing him with proper care at home, you can grow not only an ornamental, but also an annual fruit-bearing plant. Not all decorative varieties pomegranates can bear fruit, so choose a variety based on your needs.

Benefits of growing pomegranate

Indoor pomegranate is almost no different from the shrub that is grown in the garden. The only difference concerns the size of the plant. ornamental shrubs several times less.

The popularity of growing such a crop is caused by external features grenade. It easily fits into the interior of any home. Its wide crown with numerous branches covered with thorns, dense landscaping and beautiful bright red flowers and fruits attract the eye.

Pomegranate fruits are round, massive, bright burgundy in color, hanging from the beautiful thin branches of the shrub. They are not only beautiful, but also useful: they contain a large number of vitamins and minerals.

The use of small grains in a soft juicy shell helps to strengthen the immune system, and the systematic use of pomegranate juice is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Pomegranate is a useful product with a rich composition

Indoor varieties

For growing in an apartment, it is advisable to choose dwarf varieties, but you can use ordinary shrubs from the garden. The only downside garden bush- its dimensions. Most of such pomegranates have a powerful spreading crown, and the height reaches 4–5 m. Garden pomegranates, when grown at home, do not show parental characteristics, which once again speaks in favor of choosing a dwarf variety.

For growing at home, such decorative pomegranates are suitable:

  1. Nana.
  2. Baby.
  3. Ruby.
  4. Uzbekistan.

Each variety of indoor shrub has distinctive features and features for caring for pomegranate at home. If you want to plant a small pomegranate that can be placed on the windowsill, the Baby variety is best.

The height of such a shrub does not exceed 50 cm. It produces up to 3 kg of light brown fruits per season. If the desire of the gardener is to grow an exact copy of the garden pomegranate, then it is better for him to plant the Nana variety. It rarely grows more than 1 m in height and produces up to 4 kg of large burgundy fruits.

The tallest variety of decorative pomegranates that can be grown at home is Uzbekistan. This plant is more like garden molds. It grows up to 2 m in height and produces fruits the size of a large apple.

Flowering and fruiting

Growing at home will not bring rich harvests, so ornamental non-fruiting varieties are often chosen. Flowering occurs in spring and lasts until August, which is especially important for the interior. In winter, the shrub does not shed its foliage.

Pomegranate is a bisexual plant, it produces two types of flowers.

Females are elongated and oblong, and males are bell-shaped with short pistils, most of them. small flowers fall off quickly, and small thin-skinned fruits up to 4–5 cm in diameter grow from large ones by autumn.

They most often appear light orange and turn brown or burgundy as they mature. A home-grown pomegranate produces up to 5 kg of tasty fruits, the size of which differs from those given by garden shrubs.

In the process of ripening, pomegranate flowers turn burgundy

Growing from cuttings

Propagation by cuttings can be carried out 2 times a year. It is most effective to use semi-lignified summer cuttings or completely lignified material obtained at the end of winter for this. Rooting is best obtained with summer material, because during this period, flowers may already form on it.

Cutting process:

  1. Leave 4 internodes on each cutting and treat the cut points with a root formation stimulator.
  2. Prepare the soil for rooting (moist substrate of peat and sand).
  3. Bury cuttings in the ground to a depth of 2-3 buds, set it at an angle.
  4. Cover the container with the cuttings with polyethylene and place in a warm, well-lit place.

Successful rooting will occur at a soil temperature of 23 to 26 ° C. It is important to monitor the constant moisture of the soil: it should not dry out, but excess moisture can lead to rotting of the handle, so the polyethylene must be systematically removed from the container, airing it.

Rooting a cutting is a lengthy process, it will take from 30 to 50 days. As soon as new buds appear on the cutting, the polyethylene can be removed while continuing to carefully care for the plant. The shoot that took root first and has already managed to grow must be cut off by 1/3 for its branching.

Growing from seeds

Growing a pomegranate from a seed is a difficult and long task. For planting, only fresh seeds, previously cleaned of pulp, are suitable. Before use, the planting material is filled with water, but not completely, otherwise the seeds will lose their germination capacity and soak there for 1 day.

It is best to sow pomegranate seeds in winter. After 5-6 months, young bushes can be taken out into the street without harm. Boarding process:

  1. The seeds are taken out of the water and dried.
  2. Prepare a growing container. A drainage layer of small pebbles and expanded clay is laid on its bottom. It promotes good removal of excess moisture.
  3. Prepare the soil. It is best to use loose nutrient soils. Such a substrate can be prepared independently by mixing river sand, humus, soddy soil, as well as an equal part of leafy soil.
  4. Seeds are placed in moist soil. They can be sprinkled with a thin layer of earth or dug in 1 cm.
  5. The container is covered with polyethylene and cleaned in a warm place.

After 14-16 days, the first shoots will appear. During this period, it is necessary to provide the plant with a sufficient amount of sunlight, so it is necessary to remove the polyethylene and rearrange the container closer to the window. Further care behind pomegranate sprouts is reduced to moderate watering and diving when the first 4-6 leaves appear on the plant.

Pomegranate care

The first care difficulties can be expected in the first year of the shrub's life. Often a few months after planting, it begins to bloom. It is advised to cut off the flowers when they appear, because the young plant does not yet have the strength to ripen them. Only from the second year of cultivation, 2-3 pairs of flowering can be left.

How to care for decorative pomegranate: proper lighting, watering, fertilizing and pruning, plant transplantation.

Lighting and air temperature

The pomegranate loves the light. With its lack, the plant sheds leaves, so you should put the pot closer to the window, preferably on the south or southeast side. The most suitable areas for growing it are a loggia or balcony, where there is a lot of light and no drafts.

In summer, the plant can be taken out into the street, but you need to accustom it to direct sunlight gradually. They can leave burns on young leaves, so the bush should be shaded.

This plant is thermophilic, but it does not tolerate heat. It is not recommended to grow them in rooms where the air temperature exceeds 27 ° C. Pomegranate can be kept where the air temperature is not lower than 11 ° C. The critical mark is 6 °C. At this temperature, the plant can live no more than 1 month.

Watering and spraying pomegranate

Pomegranate loves moisture, especially it needs it during the period of flowering and formation of ovaries. Watering rules:

  1. Monitor soil moisture. Drying out leads to the death of the bush. In summer, the plant is watered 2-3 times a week, and in winter - 1-2 times.
  2. Use warm water for irrigation.
  3. The pot must have drainage, without it it is impossible to water.
  4. Spray the bush in the summer at least 1-2 times a week.

Spraying is carried out if the plant is constantly in a room where the air temperature does not fall below 20 ° C.

In winter, the pomegranate enters a state of dormancy and perfectly tolerates fresh coolness. The main thing is to keep the soil moist.

Fertilizer and transplant

Pomegranates need frequent feeding. From April to October, fertilize the plant at least 2 times a month. Various means are used for this:

  • mineral compositions of complex type;
  • infusion of mullein diluted with water;
  • aqueous solution of chicken manure.

Indoor pomegranate can be fertilized with an aqueous solution of chicken manure

Fertilizers are applied under the root of the plant along with watering. The main thing is to follow the proportions and not exceed them, otherwise the leaves and fruits will fall off. Mullein is diluted with pure warm water in a ratio of 1:10, and chicken manure - 1:25. Many gardeners, in order to protect their plants from death, dilute fertilizers again, pouring in another ¼ of the water.

Transplantation is carried out in early spring. The transfer method is used. Transplantation is carried out annually until the plant reaches the age of 5 years. Later, the procedure is repeated once every 4-5 years. It is best to use pots that are slightly larger than the old containers in volume.


The pomegranate grows very fast. If a stalk was planted, then after 6–7 months it will outwardly resemble small tree. For his active growth and to maintain decorativeness, pruning is needed. Its result will later be the correct distribution of plant forces for the ripening of the crop.

Pruning allows the pomegranate to form a clear tree. It is best to leave only 4-5 trunks on the bush, shortening them to 5 internodes. Cut points should be chosen according to the location of the kidneys. Pruning is carried out over those buds that are directed from the crown of the bush.

With the first days of spring, you need to carry out sanitary pruning. Root shoots and dry branches are removed. Young branches are pruned only if they have already fruited, and those shoots that stand out from the crown must be pinched.

Diseases and pests

Ornamental pomegranate is rarely subject to diseases and pest attack, but cases of infection sometimes occur. The main problems faced by the gardener:

  1. Spotting. It often occurs due to excessive watering. The appearance of spots is the reaction of the plant to damage to the roots. A plant transplant can correct the situation. As you shake the pomegranate roots off the ground, inspect them for rot. Damaged areas are trimmed and treated with crushed charcoal.
  2. Branch Cancer. The first sign of the disease is swelling of the cortex and the appearance of cracks on it. It is very difficult to get rid of the disease: it is necessary to cut off the damaged parts of the crown and keep the plant warm.
  3. Powdery mildew. Occurs due to bad conditions content. You can fight it with drugs "Skor" or "Topaz", a weak solution soda ash with soap. Spraying is carried out according to the instructions: exceeding the dose of fungicides can cause the death of the plant.
  4. Pests are whiteflies, scale insects and aphids. It is not difficult to get rid of aphids: you need to wipe soapy water pomegranate leaves, and when whiteflies appear, spray the bush with infusion of garlic or onions. The latter helps not only from whiteflies, but also from scale insects. Recipe: 20 g of onion peel is poured with water, insisted for 5 days, filtered and used for its intended purpose. Specialized chemical preparations "Confidor", "Mospilan" and "Aktara" help against pests.

In the image and likeness of a pomegranate. It is believed that the crown on the fruit was the inspiration for the creators of the crown. The headdress appeared in the East, where pomegranate fruits grow.

Due to the scarlet color, like rubies, they were considered symbols of power. So they turned the crown of fruits into a crown. Do you want to see the sign of the kings in your home? Learning to grow homemade pomegranate.

Pomegranate from the stone at home

The pomegranate belongs to the genus Derbennikovs of the Myrtaceae family. It includes small shrubs and trees. Pomegranate belongs to the latter. In its natural environment, the tree grows in southeastern Europe and Asia.

According to climatic conditions, culture is satisfied with lands where there are no temperatures below -15 degrees. There grenades reach 6 meters in height. At home, trees usually do not exceed one and a half meters. standard height bushes in pots - 90-100 centimeters.

You can grow a culture from the seed of a fruit bought in the market or in a store. However, they sell from large trees. It is better to look into the seed shop and find the name “Dwarf Pomegranate” there, more precisely, its varieties “Carthage” and “Baby”. They are adapted for home keeping, with proper lighting and pruning, they stay within 40 centimeters.

grow up pomegranate at home from the seed of a large, smooth fruit without dents on the peel, mold and rot. Frozen grenades are also not good. Bones in other fruits germinate in 95% of cases.

So, there is no need to select a lot of seeds for planting, 2-3 is enough. The flesh around them should be elastic, scarlet. Green grains are not ready for germination.

Before planting the seeds, the pulp is removed from them, or rather, washed off with a slightly warm running water. After, we take the settled liquid room temperature, adding a couple of drops of a growth stimulator, for example, Epin, to a teaspoon.

In its solution, the seeds are kept for 12 hours. At this time, we are preparing the soil. Suitable flower from the store. If it is possible to make a substrate on our own, we take peat, river sand and fertile soil, that is, humus.

We mix the components in equal proportions and put them in plastic pots or cups with the addition of drainage at the bottom. The bottom of the containers is perforated for the outflow of water.

We lay the seeds in pots for 1-1.5 centimeters, sprinkle with earth and spray abundantly with warm water. For the effect of a greenhouse, cover with a film or slice plastic bottle. We need humidity and air temperature of about 25-30 degrees Celsius.

We are waiting for sprouts. When planting in late autumn or early spring, they should appear in a couple of weeks. Seeds planted in the ground at other times hatch from a month to 3.

With the advent of the first leaf, we remove the covering material and put the pot in a sunny place, not forgetting to periodically moisten the ground with a spray bottle. The soil should not dry out. After the development of the 8th leaf, we transplant the tree into the main pot.

Ceramic is preferred. Enough shallow capacity. Homemade pomegranate seeds has a shallow root system. The substrate from the bottom of the pot remains unclaimed.

Growing pomegranate cuttings

A cutting is a cut branch intended for vegetative propagation. A vegetative distribution is called vegetative, without seeds. Pomegranate cuttings are separated in summer or February.

In winter, completely stiff shoots are taken, and in summer - only half. The latter fit better. However, in the middle of summer the plant is covered with flowers. Many do not regret cutting off beauty.

The buds look like scarlet roses, sometimes they have an elongated shape close to the funnel. The petals are scarlet, like the fruits of the pomegranate. Some varieties of culture are bred solely for the sake of buds. In general, no one will judge if the cutting is taken from winter plant. A separated branch must have at least 4 internodes.

Maybe it's better to focus on the question, how to plant a pomegranate seed at home. Pomegranate cuttings survive 45% less often. Every second will take root. You can increase the rate by treating the stem cut with a rooting stimulator. We find it in gardening stores.

In the photo shoots of homemade pomegranate

The roots of pomegranate cuttings are also given in water. For fidelity, you can make a substrate of sand and, sticking a shoot into it for about 3 buds. We will observe a 45-degree angle with respect to the soil. Upright cuttings rarely take root.

Having planted the stalk, cover the pot with a film and put it in a well-lit place. We keep the temperature at the level of 23-27 degrees. Once a day, remove the film for 20-30 minutes for ventilation.

If the cutting takes root, it will happen faster than in the case of seeds. Usually, the branch seizes with the soil in a week and a half. After another three weeks, rooting is completed.

Evidence of this - new kidneys. We wait for 3-4-ex and shorten the escape by a third. This will lead to branching of the tree, the formation of a lush crown. The formation of 2-3 lateral branches gives a reason to transplant the shoot into the main pot.

Pomegranate cuttings, despite the low survival rate, have advantages. Taking a branch for rooting, we see how strong and healthy it is. Trees from seeds can grow frail. The reason will lie in the parent plant, its fruit, and not the care of the seedling.

In addition, the pomegranate variety is definitely visible on the handle. Seeds, even in packages, sometimes surprise. From the "Dwarf Pomegranate" can grow, for example, ordinary. So believe the labels on the packages and photo.

homemade pomegranate in pots is almost impossible to find in stores. Rare offers bite in terms of price. Therefore lovers indoor plants and contrive, germinating seeds and rooting cuttings.

However, before applying to the soil planting material worth finding out how to grow pomegranate at home. As they say in relation to people: - "It is not enough to give birth to a child, he still needs to be brought up." To do this, you need to be patient and know some secrets. So, let's find out the nuances of caring for a tropical tree.

Pomegranate care

Bright light is the first thing you need indoor pomegranate. Home Care involves growing a tree exclusively on the southern windows. Pomegranate is one of the few plants that love the direct rays of the sun.

From 4,000 to 6,000 lux for a tree is a comfortable environment. In cloudy weather and in winter, pomegranates are illuminated with phytolamps. They should bring daylight hours to 10-12 hours. In this case, the tree will continue to bloom and bear fruit. The lack of light will lead to the dropping of part of the leaves and hibernation.

Although pomegranate seeds germinate at 30 degrees, mature trees prefer temperatures in the range of 20-25 Celsius. They are being held all year round.

There is information that from November to March, the pomegranate has a dormant period, it needs coolness. However, flower growers prove the opposite by posting photos online. winter trees in bloom and noticing that the heat did not affect their health and fruiting.

The watering regime is also the same all year round. Pomegranate loves slightly moist soil. As soon as the soil begins to dry out, it is moistened. If excess water has drained into the pan, it is released.

Stagnation of moisture in the pot stand can lead to rotting of the roots of the tree. It will perish on its own and bear no fruit. Pomegranate berries, by the way, reach almost half a meter in diameter.

This is the champion pomegranate grown in the Chinese province of Sichuan. The width of the fetus was 48.7 centimeters. Standard berries of a tree in diameter do not exceed 18 centimeters.

Pomegranate is watered with settled, soft water at room temperature. At the same time, the plant has no special requests for air humidity. Perfect option for apartments with a dry atmosphere due to heating devices.

Pomegranate is favorable to fertilizers. However, top dressing gives strength for the formation of a mass of buds, rapid growth. The tree has no resources left for fruits. If pomegranate is grown for them, it is worth minimizing top dressing.

Waving a hand to get a bountiful harvest, we introduce nitrogen-phosphorus from spring to July. They will help form the ovaries of "roses". From the second half of summer, potassium supplements are needed.

The advantage of a grenade is not only in relative unpretentiousness for tropical plant but also in its disease resistance. Both fungi and insects rarely covet the hero of the article. In this regard, pomegranate is more profitable than other fruit crops grown at home, for example, oranges and lemons.

Pruning and transplanting homemade pomegranate

Pruning pomegranate helps to form a lush crown and limit the height of the tree. It is customary to cut the shoots growing inside the bush. Leaving the branches directed outward, we make the crown sprawling. At the same time, you need to cut the shoots on the kidneys, looking inside the bush. The procedure is well tolerated by the plant in the off-season.

Cutting shoots stimulates branching. Cutting near the kidneys, directed inside the crown, we avoid its thickening. For the viability of shortened branches, we leave at least a couple of leaves on them, preferably 5. In their natural form, by the way, pomegranate branches are chaotic and curvilinear, as if broken. This picture is attractive for a semi-wild garden, but not at home.

pomegranate pruning carried out in two ways. The first is aimed at forming the appearance of a spreading bush, and the second - a miniature tree. In the latter case, you can work not only with thin branches, but also with powerful shoots, more like trunks. Even in their youth, they are twisted into such bundles. This forms a single, wide trunk with a rounded crown.

Having worked on the basics of composition, you can think about transplanting a pomegranate. It is required by the plant at least 3 years after planting. More than 4 years in the first pot is also better not to keep. By this time, the soil in the flowerpot is depleted, there are almost no resources left for the growth of the tree.

If up to 3 years the plant grows stronger, then after pomegranates it easily tolerates annual transplants. They change both the soil and the pots. If you transplant laziness, you can delay the process for 3 years.

You can’t pull any more, since the pomegranate is from fast-growing crops. During the season, the tree can double in size, as well as its root system. Maybe. It is thanks to the rapid growth of the pomegranate that it is considered the tree of life.

So he was called in Ancient Egypt. The fruit of culture, as a sacred symbol of life, was placed in the sarcophagi of the pharaohs in the hope of giving them a rebirth in another world.

The pomegranate is also called the tree of life in the Karan. According to the scripture, the hero of the article grew up in Paradise. Later, the Prophet Muhammad recommended pomegranate fruits to his students as a drug for envy and hatred. So, the energy of the tree is peaceful.

The ancient Greeks associated culture with Aphrodite, and therefore with love and voluptuousness. Feelings are kindled not only by the color of the fruits, their grains, but also by the drinks in which they are present. Grenadine is made from pomegranate. It is a sweetener syrup, as well as a natural dye. It is added to alcoholic drinks especially liqueurs and wines.

ornamental plant indoor pomegranate (Punica) - the most unpretentious dwarf shrub for growing on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. In the homeland of the pomegranate, in countries with a hot and humid climate, it is planted in open ground, decorating lawns with perennial deciduous shrubs. An ornamental plant is quite unpretentious to the composition of the soil and does not require frequent watering. During the flowering period, it is almost completely covered with red inflorescences that ripen into small pomegranates - a symbol of passionate love among the ancient Greeks.

Varieties of indoor pomegranate

Several varietal types of indoor pomegranate are adapted for home floriculture:

  • Punica Granatum "NANA" (Dwarf pomegranate);
  • Baby;
  • Carthage.

They differ in height (from 30 cm to 100 cm) and fruit size (5-7 cm in diameter).

Secrets of indoor pomegranate care

Lovers of indoor potted flowers appreciate the decorative dwarf plant not only for its exceptional external qualities, but also because indoor pomegranate care does not require special skills. If you follow some rules and create a minimum of conditions for a dwarf shrub, it will thank lush bloom from November to the end of January.

In summer, indoor pomegranate "lives" perfectly in the garden or on the balcony. To avoid burning the leaves, do not plant it in the sunny side. The best place- east or west side shaded by trees.

Care for indoor pomegranate at home. Photo

In the hot season, the plant requires abundant glaze and spraying.

In order for the mini-shrub to increase the number of green leaves for indoor pomegranate care at home, it is better to choose nitrogen fertilizers, and in order for the fruits to appear - phosphorus supplements. You can choose a mineral mixture in any specialized flower shop.

Leaf loss on a plant may not always be a sign of it. feeling unwell. Pomegranate sheds its leaves before winter, freeing itself from dense greenery. At this time, you must feed its potash fertilizer.

Care for indoor pomegranate adults and young is different. Young plants need watering more often, while adults can be watered once every 10 days.

For wintering not a hot place is better suited, even a glazed loggia. An important requirement is the absence of drafts and very low temperatures;

At transplant plants should choose black soil with the addition of turf. Complex soil is ideal;

At the bottom of the pot into which the plant is transplanted, it is necessary to lay drainage so that the roots don't rot.

Bush formation

At proper cultivation indoor pomegranate, the plant will look beautiful and original. To achieve an aesthetic shape and a neat look, flower growers cut off excess shoots and form a bush. It is best to prune at the beginning of the active growth period or before wintering - in spring and autumn.

Caring for indoor pomegranate at home involves pruning:

  • dry twigs;
  • fattening (not developing) shoots;
  • branches that grow in the direction deep into the bush.

External shoots, if they are healthy, should not be pruned. To get a beautiful, full-fledged bush, it is better to start pruning for formation in adult plants that are already over 3 years old. Young pomegranate in room conditions must be transplanted. Do this annually to replace depleted soil with fresh.

The secrets of breeding indoor pomegranate

Dwarf shrub is a fairly common plant that can be purchased at any flower shop and, when brought home, transplanted into a suitable pot. But it is much more interesting to grow this flower yourself, especially since it reproduces well both by cuttings and seeds.

Reproduction by seeds

Growing a plant from seeds is very easy. The main thing is to create right conditions. Flower growers recommend taking the bones of a young plant, they have a large vitality and grow better.

Pour any store-bought plant growth stimulant into a small bowl and soak the seeds in it.

When they swell, plant them in the ground, covering the container with the ground with a film.

Remove the polyethylene when the first sprouts appear, and place the container on the windowsill on the sunny side.

A stronger plant can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Reproduction by cuttings

Reproduction and cultivation of indoor pomegranate from a cutting has one secret. If you do not choose the right branch for cuttings, then the plant will not bear fruit. To cut off a cutting, select a fruiting branch that already had small pomegranates on it.

Place the cutting in a jar with a growth stimulator.

When the lower cut swells, take out the cutting and transplant it into a container with soil, covering it with a film.

As soon as new shoots appear on the branch, the film can be removed and the pot placed in a well-lit, warm place.

When the plant begins to form and young branches appear, pomegranate shoots need pinch. In this case, it will increase the number of branches, it will be lush and beautiful. Do not do this only if they plan to use the flower as a bansai.

Many believe that it is very difficult to achieve pomegranate flowering in room conditions, and even more so that it bears fruit. Actually, it is not. If you properly care for the plant, then even a small pomegranate can bloom in the first year. As for the flowers, few people know that pomegranates have male and female flowers. You can tell them apart by looking at the base. In male flowers, it is thin, while in female flowers it is thicker. In addition, male flowers fall off almost immediately after opening, while female flowers round off during flowering, forming a pomegranate fruit.

Do not wait for flowering and the formation of fruits on young, newly appeared twigs. As a rule, they appear on the longest, adult shoots. Knowing all these simple secrets, you can easily grow a "flower of passion" on your windowsill.

Even at home today you can grow pomegranates, the dwarf form of which I really like. The tree in room conditions develops well, caring for it is not difficult, although it has its own characteristics. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to grow a lush beautiful plant which will decorate your home.

In nature, pomegranate grows up to 10 m in height, at home its height varies between 30-100 cm, so it is easy to grow it in an ordinary apartment or country house.

Among the plant varieties, the most popular are:

  • "Carthage dwarf" up to a meter high;
  • miniature kind of "baby", it grows up to 30-50 cm in height.

The shoots of the tree are strewn with oval glossy foliage. During the flowering period, which lasts from April-May to August, bright red pomegranate flowers up to 4 cm in length and 2-3 cm in diameter delight the eye. They have the shape of a bell or a jug, they are distinguished by self-pollination.

IN autumn period small, round fruits up to 5 cm in diameter are formed, the shade of which can be either light orange or maroon. Fruits with a tough, thin skin are sour in taste, contain many small scarlet grains with stones.

Landing preparation

Indoor pomegranate is grown by planting seeds home plant. Before you sow them, you need to prepare the soil.

For their planting, you need a neutral, fertile, loose soil. Suitable purchased composition for roses or begonias.

You can make the mixture yourself, using for this in equal proportions:

  1. sand;
  2. humus;
  3. turf and leaf land.

At the bottom of a wide, shallow pot, drainage is laid, which is used as pebbles or expanded clay.


To grow a dwarf pomegranate, they take hard, cream-colored seeds. They are washed, kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 12 hours, dried. You can store and use the bones for 6 months.

Planting is carried out in the spring, then the bones will quickly sprout. If you do it at another time, the process will be delayed.

The seeds are sown in the soil prepared in advance, deepening by 1 cm, covered with a film and waiting for seedlings. They appear within 2 weeks under the following conditions:

  • good lighting;
  • air temperature in the room 25-27 degrees;
  • moist soil.

After the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are picked into separate pots. When the tree reaches 10-15 cm in height, pinch the shoots so that they bush better.


At home, pomegranate is propagated by cuttings and grafting.

Reproduction by cuttings

This is the best method, because the cuttings take root and take root without problems, while retaining the properties of the mother bush.

To propagate a pomegranate, you need to cut off young shoots from it, which begin to become stiff, with 4-5 live buds. You can carry out this procedure:

  • spring;
  • in summer.

In this case, the cuttings take root faster.

Cut shoots are soaked using a rhizome growth stimulator. The lower part of the cuttings is cleaned of buds, stuck into the prepared soil. Landing is carried out at an angle, deepening the shoots by 3-4 cm.

When the rooting process is completed, new shoots appear. When this moment comes, each seedling is planted in a separate container.

Reproduction by grafting

It is an efficient, albeit laborious, process. For stock use any young indoor pomegranate. You will also need cuttings from a varietal, healthy, fruit-bearing tree.

Any method of grafting can be used, for example:

  1. in a side cut;
  2. in a split

Features of care

After planting or propagating a pomegranate tree at home, it needs to provide quality care.


A pot of dwarf pomegranate is placed on the windowsill. If there is a lot of light, suitable:

  1. southern;
  2. eastern;
  3. western side.

On cloudy days dwarf pomegranate provide illumination with a phytolamp.


The pomegranate tree loves bright lighting, without which it begins to shed its foliage.

In summer, you can take the plant to the balcony, in a private house - to the street. The first days he needs adaptation, keep a little under the direct rays of the sun, gradually increasing the duration.


For the growing season, which lasts from spring to autumn, the plant requires an air temperature of 24-26 degrees. For the rest period, it is reduced to 12 degrees. Rest lasts 1-2 months, its duration affects subsequent flowering and fruiting.

If it is not possible to lower the temperature in the room, then a number of conditions must be met:

  • reduce the number of waterings;
  • place the grenade in a dark place;
  • remove leaves from the tree.


The pomegranate tree needs a lot of water. It is watered as the soil dries.

It is necessary to ensure that there is no excess moisture, otherwise the plant will get sick. During the wintering period, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.


To support desired level humidity, you need to carry out spraying. They are performed:

  1. once a day during a hot period;
  2. in warm weather - 2 times a week.

These procedures improve appearance plants. For the dormant period, spraying is stopped.

top dressing

Decorative pomegranate definitely needs top dressing. It is carried out twice a month during the warm period. In doing so, they use:

  • in spring - nitrogenous compounds;
  • during the flowering period - mixtures with a phosphorus content;
  • in the fall - potassium-containing fertilizers.

Once a month, you will also need a comprehensive mineral composition. In autumn, top dressing is performed less often, completely stopping it from December until the onset of spring.


For the formation beautiful bush, its good development carry out pomegranate pruning. Forming is carried out in 4-6 main shoots. Thin stems are cut in such a way that each leaves 5-6 buds for foliage, and a cut is made above the topmost of them.

In summer, only young shoots are pruned. This stimulates more lush flowering.

Do not get carried away with the process, so as not to lose a lot of crown. This will weaken the tree.


Transplantation of young plants that have not yet reached the maximum possible height is performed every year. At the same time, each time the size of the pot increases, taking into account the volume of the rhizome.

Mature trees are transplanted every 3 years by transshipment. This will minimize the impact on the root system.

Room grenade does not need special care, and in terms of decorativeness and beauty it will surpass many plants, becoming an adornment of the home garden.