Shower      04/10/2019

Pomegranate room care at home photo. Indoor pomegranate "Baby" cultivation care reproduction

Oranges and lemons on the windowsill are already a typical phenomenon. Therefore, amateur flower growers "domesticate" all new exotic crops - kiwi, pineapples, pomegranates, which not only bring tasty and healthy fruits, but also bloom very beautifully. Especially for cultivation in "captivity", breeders bred several dwarf varieties. Among them is Baby, who is distinguished by his miniature and unpretentiousness.

What does Baby pomegranate look like?

In nature, pomegranate is a low (2–2.5 m) tree or spreading shrub. The fruits of the latter are no smaller in size, but they differ in a very spicy sourness in taste.

"Natural" pomegranates are much larger than those that ripen at home

The Latin name of the pomegranate (Punicia) is translated as "Punic" or "Carthaginian". It was this state, located on the territory of modern Tunisia, that was the main supplier of delicious fruits to the Roman Empire. Pomegranates were quickly appreciated by its inhabitants, they became a symbol of fertility and long passionate love. And in Ancient Greece the fruit was one of the attributes of the wife of Zeus, Hera, and meant happiness in marriage. The Russian “garnet” comes from another Latin word, granatus (translated as “grainy”).

Indoor or dwarf pomegranates are a recent achievement of breeders. The Baby variety is especially distinguished by its diminutiveness. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 50 cm, but this does not affect the abundance of flowering or the ability to bear fruit.

The height of an adult Baby grenade does not exceed half a meter

Baby fruits do not exceed 3-4 cm in diameter (about the size of a walnut). But in taste, they practically do not differ from the "real" pomegranates. Benefits do not suffer. Any pomegranate contains a lot of anthocyanins, which increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, and have anti-inflammatory properties.

It takes about six months for the fruits of a room pomegranate to ripen.

Most often, Baby pomegranate at home is a shrub, consisting of 5-7 main shoots. A tree in one trunk can also be formed from it, if desired, but this does not have the best effect on the state of the plant, preventing its normal growth. The thickness of the branches in Baby is only 1.2–1.5 cm. The shoots are covered with smooth or slightly pubescent light gray bark (sometimes with a brownish undertone).

A tree is not the most natural configuration for a potted pomegranate, it is quite difficult to shape it due to the fragility of the shoots.

indoor pomegranate- deciduous plant. If he “goes bald” in the fall, this is the norm, and not the first sign of some exotic disease. During the growing season, thanks to the shiny leaves of a rich dark green hue, it looks very attractive even without flowers and fruits.

The leaves are entire, have an elongated lanceolate shape and moderately "corrugated" edges. They are collected in "bundles" evenly distributed throughout the plant on the branches, and those two that are located on opposite edges of each "bundle", opposite each other, are significantly larger than the others. The central vein is expressed very clearly, but from the inside. Newly emerging leaves have an unusual bronze sheen.

Baby's flowers are up to 6–7 cm long and about 2.5–3 cm in diameter, six-petalled, located on the tops of the shoots. Petals in the form of a wide oval, with a moderately "wrinkled" surface, the tips are slightly bent back. They are painted in a bright blood-scarlet, purple or crimson color. The first time the buds appear 3-4 years after planting the seeds. If this happens earlier, it is recommended to cut them off - flowering greatly depletes a young, fragile plant.

On a room pomegranate, you can simultaneously see flowers and ripening fruits

Flowers are 'male' or 'female'. The former play the role of pollinators, are devoid of a pistil and resemble bells in shape. The latter are more like water lilies, it is in them that fruits are tied. On average, "female" flowers are formed three to five per hundred. Flowering does not stop even during the ripening of the fruit.

The plant can be literally strewn with ovaries, but it will not have enough strength to “feed” everything because of its miniature dimensions. Therefore, it is recommended to leave 3–6 pieces, and remove the rest. The same is advised if Baby is grown only for the sake of flowering. Fruiting greatly depletes the plant, the next season it will not be so plentiful and spectacular. Pomegranates ripen closer to the middle of winter. This takes about six months.

The taste of Baby pomegranate fruits depends on how much heat and light the plant received.

At home, Baby pomegranate is most often grown from seeds. They can be easily purchased at any specialized store. As practice shows, germination is not bad, at the level of 50–60%. Viable seeds can also be obtained from self-grown fruits.

Self-grown indoor pomegranate seeds are no worse than purchased ones, plants obtained in a generative way inherit the breeding traits of the "parent"

Optimal conditions for the plant

The birthplace of natural pomegranate is North Africa, therefore, as you might guess, this plant is warm and light-loving. This feature inherited from ancestors room variety Baby. It is imperative to listen to its requirements regarding the microclimate, because flowering is possible only under optimal conditions. It also depends on how sweet the fruits will be and whether they turn red completely.

Baby pomegranate is placed on the south or southeast windowsill, where it will receive enough light

Baby needs a lot of light, but at the same time it must be diffused. Young plants should be especially carefully protected from direct sunlight. They are adapted to a permanent "place of residence" (sill of the south or southeast window) gradually, starting from 2-3 hours a day. But for adult specimens in the hottest midday hours, shading is desirable. The pot can be covered with tulle, paper screen, gauze, blinds.

The lighting requirements for a pomegranate do not change throughout the year, therefore, in order to provide a daylight hours lasting 10–12 hours, additional lighting will be needed in autumn and winter (and in cloudy weather and in summer). You can use special phytolamps or conventional fluorescent ones.

Phytolamps help extend daylight hours for houseplant up to the required 10-12 hours

Baby has a very positive attitude towards fresh air. If the temperature outside is suitable (25–30ºС), it can be safely taken out to the loggia, balcony, veranda or terrace. In the presence of garden plot the plant for the summer is sometimes even transplanted into open ground or added dropwise in a pot. It is advisable to place it so that a natural or artificial barrier covers the grenades from the west and north to protect against cold drafts. And the crown of a tree growing nearby will create the necessary partial shade.

Room pomegranate Baby feels great on outdoors if the weather is right for him

Baby likes warmth, but not extreme heat. At temperatures above 35ºС, especially in combination with low air humidity, a “protective mechanism” is activated: the pomegranate partially sheds its leaves and practically stops growing.

In nature, pomegranate blooms and bears fruit all year round, but at home it needs a “rest”. The dormant period lasts about four months, from November to February. The minimum time for which it is necessary to provide a change in conditions of detention is 6 weeks.

The beginning of the dormant period is easy to notice - the plant sheds its leaves completely or partially. In this case, the fruits, if any, remain on the branches. For the period of wintering, it is provided with a cool content (8–10ºС), they stop feeding, and the number of waterings is reduced to once every 3–6 weeks (this depends on the age of the plant and the size of the bush). If the fruits ripen, the temperature should be slightly higher - 12–14ºС. Appropriate place for wintering a pomegranate - a glazed loggia. The critical minimum for Baby is 5–6ºС.

In winter, Baby's indoor pomegranate looks exactly like this, it's completely normal for a plant

High humidity indoor pomegranate is not needed. It needs spraying only in extreme heat. The rest of the time, the standard 50-60% will be fine with him. You can also place a special device for humidifying the air next to the plant or place containers with cool water. But stuffiness, like cold drafts, Baby does not like. Therefore, the room must be ventilated regularly, but carefully.

Spraying for indoor pomegranate is a useful and pleasant, but not strictly mandatory procedure.

Embarkation and transfer procedure

Most often at home, Baby pomegranate is grown from seeds. They are purchased at any specialized store or obtained from fruits that have ripened on an adult plant. In the latter case, they must be thoroughly cleaned of pulp (the remaining lumps can become a source of rot development). Seeds that are greenish in color or soft to the touch are not suitable for planting. Best time for the procedure - April or May.

Seeds can also be extracted from ordinary pomegranates bought at the store. But such a plant will bloom at least seven to eight years after planting, and possibly later. In addition, in terms of dimensions, it will not fit into most modern apartments.

Baby does not impose special requirements on the substrate. Its main conditions are a neutral acid-base balance (pH 7.0) and good aeration. Nevertheless, flowering and fruiting always takes a lot of energy from the plant, so the soil must also be nutritious. You can mix the soil yourself from humus, black soil or soddy soil, peat chips and coarse sand taken equally, but a store-bought substrate is also quite suitable, for example, for roses, begonias. Also a good option is citrus soil mixed with expanded clay and sand (3:1:1).

Special soil for roses is quite suitable for growing indoor pomegranate

The root system, even in adult plants, is superficial, so it is not necessary to purchase a voluminous wide pot. The correct container for a room pomegranate is similar to a salad bowl or a deep plate. The pomegranate pot should be cramped - this contributes to the abundance of flowering. In a container that is too spacious, all the forces of the plant go to the development of the surrounding space.

A deep voluminous pot is not needed for the Baby pomegranate: it blooms better when the roots are a little crowded

In the landing procedure itself and further care there is nothing complicated:

  1. Seeds are soaked for 8–10 hours in a solution of any biostimulant (Epin, Zircon, potassium humate) so that it does not cover them entirely. Also suitable succinic acid and aloe juice.
  2. small plastic cups fill with freshly prepared sterilized substrate (a mixture of peat and coarse sand in approximately equal proportions). They need to be drilled with drainage holes first. A drainage layer 2–3 cm thick is required. The soil is moderately watered. For disinfection, it is held over steam, left in freezer or calcined in the oven.
  3. Seeds are planted in containers, deepening by 4–5 mm. The soil is sprayed with a spray bottle, the pots are covered with glass or a transparent film, creating a "greenhouse". Condensation often accumulates there, so it will need to be ventilated daily, opening for 5-7 minutes. The optimal conditions for seeds are a dark place, a temperature of about 25ºС, lower heating.
  4. Shoots appear in about 12-16 days. Once this has happened, the shelter can be removed. The containers are rearranged, providing a light day lasting 10-12 hours, like adult plants. The soil is moistened with a spray bottle as it dries.
  5. Seedlings with three pairs of true leaves are transplanted into pots 7-8 cm in diameter, filled with soil suitable for adult pomegranates. During the first two years of life, they must be especially carefully protected from direct sunlight. When they grow to 12–15 cm, pomegranates are pinched to stimulate branching.

Baby pomegranate seeds sprout quickly and amicably

Baby pomegranate grows quite quickly. At the first transplant, a pot with a volume of 0.5–0.7 liters is enough for him. Then it is increased annually by another 0.5 liters. Plants that are six years old are considered adults and do not need further enlargement of the pot. They need a capacity of 4-5 liters. You don’t need to increase it anymore, but you will have to change the substrate every 2-3 years. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment, trying to disturb the fragile roots as little as possible.

The volume of the pot for baby pomegranate seedlings is increased gradually, it is not recommended to purchase a container "for growth"

Indoor pomegranate needs regular pruning. Therefore, it can be propagated not only by seeds, but also vegetatively. The stalk is the top of a fruit-bearing shoot about 10 cm long with five to six growth buds. The procedure for their rooting is almost no different from the germination of seeds, with the only difference being that they are soaked in a biostimulant solution for 4–6 hours.

Planting material for propagation of indoor pomegranate cuttings can be obtained in abundance in the process of pruning the plant

Video: planting pomegranate seeds

Important nuances of plant care

Room pomegranate of the Baby variety is deservedly considered unpretentious plant. Caring for him is within the power of even a novice florist.

Despite the fact that the birthplace of the plant is northern Africa, its main requirement is abundant watering. But it is also impossible to overmoisten the soil so that the roots do not rot. To avoid stagnation of moisture in the pot, a layer of drainage must be placed on the bottom, and about half an hour after each watering, excess water is drained from the pan. Before the procedure, it is desirable to slightly loosen the soil.

The soil in the pot should be allowed to dry out 1.5–2 cm deep, no more.

Most often, the fruits of indoor pomegranate crack due to excessive watering.

This is easy to check with wooden stick or toothpicks. In extreme heat, the soil is moistened every day or every other day; in cooler weather, 2-3 times a week is enough. The frequency is adjusted depending on the phase of plant development. Pomegranates that have just emerged from "hibernation" are watered abundantly, blooming - moderately (this helps to set fruit). Those on which the fruits were formed - as the soil dries. It is important not to overdo it so that they do not crack. The faded plant is again watered abundantly - in the fall it forms flower buds for the next year.

In nature, pomegranate blooms in the midst of the drought season. Therefore, abundant watering at this time will cause the plant to drop all the buds.

Water for watering and spraying (in the heat you can also wipe the leaves) should be soft and heated to room temperature. The tap must be defended for at least a day and a few granules of citric acid or 2-3 drops are added to it apple cider vinegar for 10 l. At all, perfect option- rain, melt or spring water. About once a month it is replaced with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Potassium permanganate - effective and popular disinfectant destroys many pathogenic fungi

During the active growing season, Baby is fed every 12–14 days. Flowering and formation fruit ovaries they take a lot of strength from the pomegranate, so fertilizing is a must, especially if cloudy cool weather has been standing for a long time. Any complex remedy for flowering houseplants that does not contain chlorine is suitable. This microelement greatly weakens the root system, which is not very powerful in a pomegranate.

Baby pomegranate needs regular feeding - abundant flowering severely depletes the plant

In the spring, before flowering, pomegranates must be watered 2-3 times with a solution of nitrogen-containing fertilizer. This macronutrient stimulates the formation of green mass. You can use those dressings that are usually used for garden plants- carbamide, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate (2–3 g/l). In this case, it is desirable to protect the plant by wrapping the lower part polyethylene film: fertilizer that has fallen on the bark often causes burns similar to sunburn. A flowering plant needs phosphorus most of all, a fruit-bearing plant needs potassium. Any top dressing is applied only to moist soil about an hour after watering.

Carbamide, like any other nitrogen-containing fertilizer, stimulates indoor pomegranate to build green mass.

Baby responds well to organic fertilizers. Some flower growers generally recommend using only them so that there are no nitrates in the fruits. In this case, you can water the plant with infusions of fresh cow dung or bird droppings, nettle leaves or dandelion, wood ash.

Trimming, including radical, Baby endures very easily, as if not noticing the "stress". It cannot be neglected - during the season the bush can more than double in volume. Thin shoots are intertwined so that it is almost impossible to separate them. The crown turns out to be very untidy, “chaotic”. This impairs its aeration, creating favorable conditions for the development of many pathogenic fungi, pest attacks.

Pruning, including radical, indoor pomegranate tolerates without problems

But it’s still not worth being overly zealous - Baby’s buds are formed only on annual shoots. Indoor pomegranate can be given any shape, here the grower is limited only by his own imagination. The most common option is a spherical bush. To do this, you need to stimulate the branching of young plants, pinching each shoot by 3–5 cm (2–3 upper buds).

Baby pomegranate is good for bonsai formation

The procedure is carried out at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring, simultaneously with the return of the Baby pomegranate to the “place of registration”. In adult specimens, no more than five points of growth are left on each of the shoots, a branch is cut off directly above the last bud.

Then get rid of all root growth. On skeletal shoots (there should be no more than five or seven), branches of the second and third order are gradually formed in the same amount. Shoots over the age of five are cut to the point of growth, replacing with new ones.

Young pomegranates of the Baby variety are distinguished by their growth rate, so pruning for them is a mandatory procedure.

Video: correct pruning indoor pomegranate

Baby rarely suffers from diseases and pests. The main threat to him is root rot, the development of which is often provoked by the florist himself, by watering the plant too often and / or abundantly. If at the same time the room is also cool, the pathogenic fungus will not keep you waiting.

A pomegranate affected by rot practically stops growing, the leaves turn yellow. The bases of the shoots turn black, become slimy to the touch. Comes from the soil bad smell often covered in mold.

Root rot is a dangerous disease, in the appearance of which the owner of the indoor pomegranate is often to blame

It is impossible to save a plant if the disease has gone far. It remains only to throw it away. When rot is seen on early stages, radical pruning and transplanting with a complete replacement of the soil with a disinfected one and sterilization of the pot can help.

Remove all parts of the plant on which the slightest traces of rot are visible, capturing 3-4 mm of healthy tissue. The roots are washed in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate. Trichodermin or Glyokladin are added to the soil during transplantation.

Growing homemade pomegranate is the dream of many gardeners and flower growers. not only brings tasty and healthy fruits, it also performs a decorative function. Growing exotic crops at home is becoming more and more fashionable. If you follow the basic rules for care, you can get a fruit-bearing tree that will live and bear fruit for more than a dozen years.

considered a subtropical plant. Under natural conditions, it can be found in warm countries. It grows well in India, the Caucasus, China. Pomegranate loves light and warmth.

The pomegranate tree is grown for its fruits. It is of medium height, single-stemmed with heavy large fruits. At home, the tree is not grown, so the pomegranate is turned into a bush by pinching and pruning. Pomegranate bushes are more decorative and easy to care for, do not take up much space. Growing a pomegranate from a stone at home does not require much work or skill, but the pomegranate must be kept in certain conditions in order for it to bear fruit.

Features of the structure of indoor pomegranate:

  • Home decorative pomegranate, grown as a bush, reaches a height of no more than 1 meter.
  • Its fruits will not be too large, no more than 5 cm in diameter, but they are still edible and healthy.
  • The flowers of the pomegranate bush are also decorative, large, red.

If you grow pomegranate at home, big harvest better not to wait. At home, pomegranates do not often bear fruit. On open ground you can grow a single-barreled pomegranate, so it will be easier to care for it. In a healthy plant, the leaves are dark green, smooth, even.

The pomegranate is accustomed to dry conditions, so its root system is very well developed.

It allows him to extract moisture from the very depths. Homemade pomegranate also has a fairly powerful developed, for this reason it often has to be transplanted, all the while increasing the volume of the pot. All varieties of pomegranate have thorns that are easy to break off. Young shoots have a reddish color of the trunk, which then turns gray and green as it grows.

The pomegranate fruit is familiar to everyone. This is a red berry with a dense skin, inside which are juicy seeds separated by a thin white film. The weight of one such fruit can reach 500 g, but in ornamental varieties they are small. Pomegranate does not like cold, so the main task when growing it is to protect it from frost. When growing indoor pomegranate, this is not difficult.

Planting rules: seed preparation, soil capacity

Growing a pomegranate at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The most popular way to propagate a pomegranate is with the help of seeds. To grow a healthy plant, you need to carefully prepare the soil for planting and not neglect the basic rules for planting pomegranate seeds:

  • For seeds, only ripe red, burgundy fruits are chosen. You need to carefully inspect them for damage, mold, rot spots.
  • The most even and largest seeds must be freed from the pulp and rinsed thoroughly. If the pulp remains on the seeds, they may become moldy and become unsuitable for planting.
  • In order for the seeds to hatch well, they need to be soaked in a solution of epin. A solution is poured into a saucer so that the seeds are half in water, and left for 12 hours. It is very important that the seeds are not completely covered with water, oxygen is very important when hatching.
  • Pomegranate seeds are not stored for a long time, they need to be processed and planted almost immediately.
  • For planting a pomegranate, the same soil is suitable as for citrus fruits. It can be purchased at a gardening store.
  • Moisten the soil before planting. Seeds do not need to be deeply deepened into the soil, no more than 1 cm.
  • You can prepare the substrate for planting yourself. To do this, mix peat, sand and earth. Such a mixture must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or warmed up well in the oven.
  • It is advisable to choose a clay pot for planting grenades, not plastic. You need to take care of good drainage.

In order for the seeds to hatch faster, after planting, place the pot in a warm and bright place. It is best on the windowsill on the south side. You can cover the pot with polyethylene, but do not forget to open it periodically and ventilate it.

Germination of pomegranate seeds is very high at proper preparation. However, seeds do not always germinate immediately. Some will hatch a week after planting, while others may suddenly appear six months later, when they have already been forgotten.

Pomegranate is not the most whimsical plant to care for. It does not require constant and complex care, however, it is still necessary to observe the basic conditions for its cultivation. Only in this case, the pomegranate will be beautiful, healthy and fruitful.

Pomegranate care at home:

  • After the appearance of the first shoots, the seedlings begin to grow rapidly. As soon as the first 2 leaves appear on the sprouts, they are dived into a deeper container so that the seedlings are less stretched up and give more foliage.
  • As soon as the third pair of leaves appears on the seedlings, pinch the fourth. After that, the plant has 2 crowns, and instead of a tree, ornamental bush. For growing at home, this is the best option.
  • In order for the pomegranate to bloom in the year of planting (the first flowering begins after 10 months), it needs enough light. Pomegranates will not bloom in the shade. However, direct sunlight is also undesirable, in the midday sun it is better to cover the plant.
  • Pomegranate does not need frequent. In dry conditions and low humidity, it is enough to water it once a week. As soon as upper layer the soil in the pot becomes dry, you can water it.
  • Pomegranate makes it clear that he does not have enough light. The plant begins to stretch in height, the leaves become rare. With enough light, the foliage is quite dense and the leaves are large.
  • If it is not possible to increase the illumination of the house, you can arrange a small "hibernation" for the plant. Place it in the cold (up to 10 degrees).
  • Pomegranate does not need frequent feeding. With an annual transplant, you can add horn shavings.
  • Pomegranate is a deciduous plant, which means that it needs to arrange dormant periods. In autumn, the pot with the plant should be moved to a cooler place (below 20 degrees).
  • In order for the pomegranate to bloom and grow well, it needs to be cut and pinched regularly. In this case, it will bear fruit every third, fifth year of life.

Transplant: terms and rules

It may be necessary if the pomegranate has grown strongly and needs a larger pot, or when transplanting into open ground. It is necessary to follow the rules of transplantation so as not to injure the plant. It is undesirable to touch the pomegranate for the first 3 years. During this time, it has not yet grown so much that there is a need for a transplant. A young plant is more difficult to transplant. If the bush has new shoots, shoots that need to be replanted, this can be done annually, in the spring.

When transplanting a pomegranate, you need to change the soil in the pot. Over the course of a year, they become depleted, their nutritional properties are lost, so it is advisable to replace it with fresh. If the pot is large enough and the plant is not cramped, you can transplant it once every 3 years or even less often. If the pots are small, the transplant will have to be carried out annually.

Transplanting is best done in the spring after the winter rest of the plant.

It is best to transplant the pomegranate before it begins to bloom and bear fruit. When transplanting a plant, you can use ordinary garden soil or purchased soil. In the first case, the earth must be disinfected so that no fungal spores and larvae of harmful insects are left in it. If the pomegranate is not dwarf, then it will need to be transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse. In this case, the landing hole is made large enough, as for fruit bushes. Pour earth mixed with manure into the pit.

When transplanting a pomegranate into the ground, you need to carefully choose a place. Pomegranate well withstands any soil, except for waterlogged ones, as it is used to an arid climate. After transplantation, the young plant should be watered every 7-10 days and periodically spray the foliage. Spraying is necessary not only to remove dust and dirt from the plant, but also to moisten its ground part. Instead of an annual transplant, you can simply change the topsoil and regularly fertilize the plant with organic fertilizers.

Pomegranate does not get sick often. This is a fairly resistant plant. More often you can find a sick pomegranate in the open field, since insects have more access to the plant. However, indoor pomegranate can also hurt.

Branch Cancer. This disease often affects pomegranates after severe frosts or with existing damage to the branches. The branches of the plant begin to dry out, the bark on them cracks, the leaves fall off. The only way to save the plant is the timely removal of the affected branches and good care.

Often pomegranate diseases occur due to improper care. It is necessary to regularly inspect the plants, wipe the leaves, monitor the humidity of the room, avoid waterlogging the soil so that the roots do not rot.

More information can be found in the video:

The pomegranate tree symbolizes wealth, prosperity and is one of the favorite plants of flower growers. Growing it from a bone at home is a fascinating and interesting activity. At proper care in a few years you can get beautiful bush. Varieties such as Dwarf, Baby, Carthage are ideal for sowing.

Indoor pomegranate is an unpretentious and grateful plant. If you create a comfortable environment for him, then he will delight not only with flowers, but also with fruits. They are not always edible, but how beautiful the green fluffy bush, hung with red balls, looks!

Selection and preparation of seeds

To grow indoor pomegranate from a seed at home, you need to purchase seeds. Varieties of Baby or Carthage are available in many specialized stores. You can combine useful and pleasant: to collect seeds from a pomegranate fruit. When buying fruit in the market, you do not need to pay attention to the size and taste qualities: on sale hybrid varieties, which, when grown from seed, do not acquire the quality of the mother plant.

For seeds, choose a ripe fruit without rot, mold. Such a fruit will have a thin peel, through which it is easy to feel the grains. Ripe bones are hard to bite into. An empty bone inside is not suitable for sowing.

  • If the seeds are taken from the fruit, then the grains are pierced in several places with a needle, placed in a jar, closed with a lid and left for several days.
  • After the bones are freed from the pulp, they are washed with water, wiped and dried. It is necessary to ensure that they do not dry out and do not lose their germination.
  • To cull pomegranate seeds, they are soaked in saline. For sowing, only those that first fell to the bottom are left.
  • Before planting the seeds, they are wiped with a nail file so that the sprout breaks through the thick skin faster.
  • When buying seeds of Baby or Carthage varieties in a store, it is worth treating the bones in a solution of potassium permanganate to protect plants from diseases

Preparing seeds for planting at home does not take much time, but all procedures must be done very carefully, because the quality of a houseplant depends on it.

Seedling care rules

Seeds in the soil are waiting for the hour when young borers break through to the light, but the flower grower should not relax: growing pomegranate is a laborious task. During this period, it is important to create optimal conditions for the rapid emergence of young shoots.

Features of planting pomegranate seeds

  • Select a wide container with a height of 10 cm.
  • For drainage use expanded clay or gravel.
  • The soil is bought in the store. Riding peat or sand with 50/50 peat is best.
  • The seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of no more than 1 cm.
  • After planting, the soil is compacted.
  • The pot is covered with glass or film - for quick germination.
  • The container is placed on the windowsill, if there is a working battery under it, or in another warm place.
  • Airing is carried out once a day for several minutes.

In this period important role playing heat and humidity. It is strictly forbidden to water the soil. When drying is allowed, the earth is sprayed from a spray bottle. If the seeds are viable, they will sprout within two months. Sometimes sprouts appear after six months, so you need to be patient.

For the appearance of fast shoots at home, pre-germination of seeds is practiced. The bones are soaked in a growth stimulator and wrapped in a damp towel or soaked in a saucer with warm water for 12-20 hours. Seeds need to breathe. It is important that they do not dry out and are not completely immersed in the liquid. Bones without moisture crack and die.
After the appearance of sprouts, the film is removed, and the seedlings are thinned out, removing weak plants. Leave only healthy, strong specimens. Of these, several seedlings are later selected.

Plant care and bush formation

After the appearance of two or three leaves, the plants are transplanted into cups. The day before the procedure, the soil is watered. Remove seedlings from a container with a clod of earth so as not to damage the root system. For transplanting, take a fertile mixture for deciduous plants and don't forget about drainage in pots. The plant is buried in moist soil so that the root neck sinks 1 cm. After planting, they do not water it and put it in a greenhouse on a windowsill or under lamps. In the early days, the greenhouse is shaded from the light.

During this period, it is important to monitor the humidity: it is necessary to ventilate the seedlings several times a day. After the appearance of new leaves, the plants are gradually accustomed to independent living.

Top dressing is applied when there is complete confidence that the seedlings have taken root. On initial stage apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, later - complex top dressing for fruit houseplants. They are introduced no more than once a month during the period of active growth.

When the roots are wrapped in an earthen ball in a pot, the seedling is pinched and after a week it is transferred to a large container for permanent place. Once every two months, pinch the plant under the third pair of leaves and form a bush of the desired shape.

Indoor pomegranate is thermophilic and tolerates hot weather well at home, if a certain level of humidity is maintained. But the cold in the room can ruin it. At a temperature of +16, the plant sheds leaves and goes into a passive phase. This means that growing bushes on an unheated balcony is unacceptable during the cold season.

In order to form a bonsai from a pomegranate at home, you need to grow it with one branch. The top of the seedling is not pinched, but the only branch is tied to a wire so that it is straight and vertical. When the plant gets stronger - adjust the height.

Bonsai can be of different shapes; spiral, upright, curved with an inclination to the side. The pomegranate crown is made triangular, broom-shaped, round or spreading.

Indoor variety Baby lends itself to shaping even in adulthood.

Growing bonsai in the traditional form is very popular with flower growers. A small tree with a thick trunk and spreading branches holds the gaze of every person. To get such a miracle at home, you need to make a lot of effort and spend several years, but believe me, it's worth it.

Growing indoor pomegranate from a seed at home is within the power of every grower. To make the plant happy lush bloom, you need to pay a little attention to it and learn as much as possible about how to properly care for young seedlings, learn the features of bush formation and the rules for fertilizing in different periods of the year. Learn to talk with your green pet, and he himself will tell you what and when to do so that a lush pomegranate bush flaunts on the windowsill and pleases not only with bright flowers, but also with a rich harvest.

10Pomegranates are loved for their tasty and juicy fruits. Many people dream of growing pomegranates at home, but this exotic plant with their own characteristics. To get the long-awaited fruits, you need to know how to care for decorative pomegranate. In the premises, it performs primarily decorative functions. For these qualities, the plant was awarded a diploma from the Horticultural Society in England. Caring for a decorative pomegranate at home is not difficult.

Decorative pomegranate will decorate any room

The pomegranate is a representative of the Loosestrife family, in the natural environment it is represented by trees and shrubs, the height of which can reach 5-6 meters. The distribution area is the mountainous regions of India, Southern Europe, the Russian Caucasus. At home, it is rarely possible to grow pomegranates up to a meter height, growing is not always a fast process.

The pomegranate has a thin, woody trunk covered with small, clustered leaves that may be lanceolate or ellipsoid in shape. Their color changes depending on the season: green in spring, yellow in autumn. Flowers, resembling a funnel, grow individually or in inflorescences. They can be of different colors (white, yellow, orange), bloom in the summer indoors, in nature all year round.

Fruits with a diameter of about 12 cm and weighing up to 0.5 kg can only be grown from bell-shaped flowers. Their color varies from pale pink to bright scarlet, in a berry there are about 10 cells with seeds that have a sweet and sour taste.

The history of the origin of the pomegranate

According to legend, the pomegranate was called the "Punic apple", in Latin the word sounds "punica", it denotes the original area of ​​\u200b\u200bits growth Carthage (now Tunisia). The pomegranate was an indispensable attribute of the Greek goddess Hera and personified a passionate love relationship. The color of the juice was reminiscent of the blood of warriors killed in battles in ancient times. Another Latin word "granularis" (granular) gave Russian name this fruit, it indicates the main characteristic of the fruit.

Uses of pomegranate and its beneficial properties

Many cultivate pomegranates solely for the sake of tasty fruits. It is used:

  • consumed fresh;
  • added as a seasoning to meat and fish dishes;
  • obtained from juice citric acid, syrups, sauces;
  • pomegranate peel is used to make medicines;
  • in cosmetic procedures.

Decorative pomegranate is extremely rich in useful substances, they are contained in all its parts: fruits, leaves, flowers, trunk, roots, peel. It consists of:

  • vitamins of group B, C;
  • many amino acids;
  • monosaccharides;
  • iron, iodine, calcium.

Useful properties of pomegranate:

  • vitamin B12 has a positive effect on the blood, hemoglobin rises, blood pressure stabilizes (it is recommended to drink juice);
  • pomegranate seeds will help those suffering from diabetes;
  • this is a high-calorie fruit that helps to fight losing weight with bouts of hunger;
  • its cleansing abilities are comparable to green tea;
  • vitamins will support the body during the cold season;
  • the fetus normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • it boosts immunity.

pomegranate contains useful material not only in berries, but also in the skin

Types of pomegranate

  • ordinary pomegranate in nature grows up to 10 meters;
  • a variety of ordinary pomegranate grown at home is a dwarf pomegranate 30 cm high, flowering occurs in the first year, fruits reaching 3 cm in diameter are often removed so that they do not interfere with flowering;
  • variety "Flore Pleno" has terry to the touch and bright-looking flowers, the plant does not bear fruit, slightly higher than the dwarf variety;
  • "Double Flower" - the owner of terry flowers of various shades with patterns;
  • 'Flore Pleno Alba' is famous for its white flowers;
  • Socotran pomegranate got its name from the island where it comes from, it has small flowers and berries, it tastes very sweet;
  • There is special types growing in the Crimea.

Pomegranate flower Flore Pleno

Reproduction of decorative pomegranate

Pomegranate can be propagated in two ways: seeds and cuttings. Each grower can choose the option available to him and suitable for the existing conditions.

Reproduction by seeds

This method is best used in autumn or spring. Seeds are taken from the fruit itself, they are thoroughly washed, dried during the day, put in the refrigerator, filtered after a few days. Soil for flowering plants or a mixture is placed in the pot, which includes parts of leafy soil, peat, humus and sand, the depth of seed penetration is 0.5-1 cm. There should be drainage inside the pot. It is advisable to cover everything with a film from above and put it where the temperature does not fall below 25 ° C.

When several strong leaves appear, the sprouts should be placed in separate containers after about 2 months. Cultivation will be successful, the flower will have a warm and humid microclimate.

The danger of propagation of decorative pomegranate by seeds is that it is likely that it will lose the features of one or another variety. Therefore, seeds are taken only from specific forms but they rise quickly.

Reproduction by cuttings

This procedure is best done in the summer. The algorithm for growing decorative pomegranate is as follows:

  1. Take a cutting 10 cm long from a plant that has already borne fruit more than once, which has several buds.
  2. Place the cutting in a slightly damp mixture of peat and sand at an angle of 45-50 degrees, a couple of buds should be in the ground.
  3. Vessels with sprouts should have recesses in the bottom, and the vessels should be covered with foil.
  4. The sprouts need to be provided good watering, ventilation, temperature more than 20 ° C, so that after propagation by cuttings they take root.
  5. After 2 months, when the plant is formed, it can be transplanted into a separate pot. It can bloom in the same year.

Pomegranate cuttings are carried out in the summer

Caring for decorative pomegranate at home

Even a novice florist can take care of a decorative pomegranate. You need to make some efforts if you want to grow it not only for the sake of contemplating beautiful flowers, but also for obtaining nutritious fruits. Falling yellow leaves are often perceived as a symptom of plant disease; for a pomegranate, this is an absolutely normal event in the fall.

Place and lighting needed for a decorative pomegranate

Room pomegranate is preferably placed near south-facing windows. With a lack of daylight hours, the plant needs to be provided with additional light with phytolamps, otherwise it will shed its leaves.

In summer, the pot can be put on the balcony, but do not do it abruptly, but gradually accustom the flower to the bright sun. It is better to protect it from direct rays, especially at noon.

Optimal temperature for decorative pomegranate

In the summer season, pomegranate feels comfortable in the temperature range from 20 to 25 ° C. If the temperature is above this mark, then it is better to take the flower to fresh air, you can’t do without constant ventilation either. November-March is the dormant time for the plant, the temperature should be around 12 ° C, the critical minimum is 6 ° C.

Watering decorative pomegranate

The need for moisture is determined by the stage of plant development:

  • active flower cultivation is accompanied by an excess need for water;
  • in the warm period, the pomegranate needs abundant watering;
  • in winter, the plant does not need a lot of moisture, watering can be reduced to 1-2 times a month;
  • if the pomegranate has bloomed, then it should be watered less;
  • when fruits appear, water them carefully to avoid damaging them.

During periods of water shortage, watering is carried out 2 times a week. Dry topsoil signals this. To get as many fruits as possible, the water temperature during irrigation should be 18 ° C.


High humidity can lead to pest infestation, damage to parts of the plant, so moderation is important. Spraying, water containers will help get rid of dry air. In the warm season, spraying warm water the plant needs at least 2 times a week. It is advisable to wipe the surfaces in the pot room more often with a damp cloth, not forgetting the pomegranate leaves.

Soil for decorative pomegranate

Pomegranates are best planted in a narrow pot, this increases the number of ripened fruits. Soil composition: turf, clay, part of the leaf earth, sand, expanded clay. She should be neutral. You can buy a mix flowering plants, but it should be fertile, loose, pass air and moisture well.

The soil for flowering plants is quite suitable for planting pomegranate

Top dressing of decorative pomegranate

Spring and summer are the time of active feeding. Pomegranates are suitable for both chemical (nitrogen) and organic fertilizers (chicken manure, mullein infusion). Fertilizers are applied a couple of times a month. When there is an active cultivation of decorative pomegranate, it needs fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus, complex fertilizers can also be used.

Before applying the substance, the flower should be watered, drained from the pan so that the soil remains moist. Reduce feeding in autumn.

Pruning decorative pomegranate

Pomegranate pruning is done to give it a beautiful shape, it also increases its lifespan. It is necessary to cut the shoots above the buds, in dry and long branches that have already borne fruit, leave 4-5 internodes. Pruning is done at the end of winter, during the rapid growth of the flower, you can also cut off excess shoots. Cuts need to be processed.

Transplantation of decorative pomegranate

A plant that has not reached the age of three should be replanted every year so that it has enough room to grow. A more adult flower is transplanted as needed. It is best to transplant in early spring. The diameter of the new pot should be half a liter larger than the previous one, transplantation is carried out by transshipment. The composition of the soil can be mixed with the obligatory content of turf, sand, there must be a drainage layer below.


Fans of indoor plants are sometimes lost in the next choice of "green neighbor". If you want to grow homemade pomegranate, caring for the plant is very simple and will not cause problems in growing it. Such an exotic plant is completely unpretentious, and it can be grown in an ordinary pot on the windowsill.

Dwarf pomegranate - beauty and well-being in the house

The name of the fruit comes from the Latin granatus, which means grainy. By historical information, pomegranate was a symbol of a rich harvest, gave faith and life.

The story says that the fruit came to our countries from Carthage and was called the "Punic apple". In every country, pomegranate is a symbol of something special. In Greece it is fertility, in Persia it is passionate love. And the wife of Zeus holds a pomegranate in her hand as a symbol of marriage. Even in the real world in Greece, during the wedding, flowers and fruits of the tree are thrown under the feet of the bride and groom. And the bride herself during the celebration, instead of a bouquet, can throw a juicy fruit to her bridesmaids.

Mostly at home, they prefer a dwarf or indoor pomegranate, the cultivation of which will be a pleasure. It should be noted that the plant perfectly decorates not only any interior of a room or garden, but also has a lot of useful properties.

The first mention of a dwarf pomegranate falls on 1803. In height, the plant reaches a maximum of 120 cm. Its leaves are light green with a glossy sheen, located on red cuttings. In connection with the change of seasons, pomegranate leaves change their color: in spring the plant acquires bronze tones, in summer - shades of green, in autumn - yellow colors.

The flowering time of the shrub falls on May-September. Pomegranate flowers are large with a diameter of up to 4 cm and purple in color, but most of the fruit does not form. The duration of flowering of one flower is a maximum of 3 days, but every day new buds form on the bush. Only flowers with long columns can ripen into small pomegranates. So, out of a hundred flowers, only 3 form a fruit. You should not worry that the rest of the flowers fall off: this is an individual property of the plant.

The pomegranate fruit itself can be colored as in Orange color, and in brown-red and ripens in winter. But the pomegranate does not have a special, pronounced taste, besides, the fruit itself is very small. Therefore, basically bonsai serves as decoration of the room. The owners, in order for the plant to give all its strength in color and have a sufficient number of new buds, cut off the ovaries.

Necessary conditions for a home tree

Indoor pomegranate belongs to light-loving plants, so the pot must be placed on any windows, with the exception of the northern ones. But the plant does not accept direct sunlight, especially young growth. In summer, when it is warm and light, it is better to take the tree to the balcony or veranda, and to winter the plant should be brought into the house.

Homemade pomegranate, like any exotic plant, needs warmth, especially during flowering. Therefore, the temperature in the room must be maintained above +20°C. But if the room is very hot, then the leaves may begin to fall off the pomegranate. To prevent this, you can spray the leaves with cool water. During the ripening of the fruit, the pomegranate at home prefers cool rooms with a temperature of + 14 ° C, and during the dormant period it is even lower.

The soil of a homemade pomegranate, in order to ensure flowering and fruiting, must be rich and valuable in various mineral components.

Watering the plant also needs to be approached competently in order to prevent waterlogging or drought of the soil. The most abundant watering of the shrub falls on the period after flowering, so that later the plant will please with its flowers. In winter, home pomegranate practically does not need watering - once every 2 months is enough.

Home pomegranate will not refuse to feed, but no more than twice a month. Must be applied to moist soil and spring period nitrogen fertilizers, during the color - phosphorus, in the fall - potassium.

After the fruits of the tree are ripe, it usually sheds leaves, that is, a dormant period begins. To do this, the grenade should create optimal conditions with a temperature of no more than + 12 ° C. It is difficult to maintain such a temperature at home. You can, for example, move the plant pot to the window or put it on the balcony for 3 weeks.

After a dormant period, in February, homemade pomegranate begins to form buds. During this period, it is important to prune dry or unnecessary branches of the plant. Pruning is carried out in such a way that the bud of the shrub looks outward, otherwise, with further growth, the inner bud will thicken the plant. You can form a pomegranate in the form of a tree, while cutting the basal branches. It is important to prevent severe pruning, otherwise the plant will weaken, the number of buds will decrease, and, accordingly, the flowers.

For young plants, transplantation is carried out every year until reaching 3 years. Homemade pomegranate does not require large containers and pots, and, conversely, the closer the root system, the stronger the flowering will be.

How to grow a pomegranate?

Reproduction of homemade pomegranate can be carried out in 2 ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Before you grow a pomegranate from seeds at home, you need to purchase seed. You can buy it at the store, or you can take it from a houseplant. Before planting a seed in a container, it is necessary to prepare it. To do this, the largest and ripest fruit is selected and several grains are taken. To get the seed itself, you need to remove the pulp of the grain, rinse in water and wipe dry with a napkin or dry. Seeds should be planted at a distance of about 1 cm from the surface and away from each other. Seed germination time on average reaches 2 weeks. For good germination of the future plant, the pot should be placed in a warm, sunny place and provided with abundant watering.

To grow a pomegranate at home when propagated by cuttings, the shoots should be taken from a fruitful plant with several buds and covered after planting plastic bottle or glass jar.

If an exotic plant has undergone a disease, there is no need to delay its treatment. When pests appear on the leaves, they must be treated with special chemicals or assemble by hand. dry room and air can provoke the appearance spider mite. To prevent such a disease, the plant must be often sprayed and moistened. Over-watering can also affect pomegranate health, with yellowing leaves being the main sign of overwatering. In such a situation, the plant must be transplanted into dry soil and rotten roots removed.

You should not be afraid of such, as it seemed, excessive care. The main thing is that the process of growing indoor pomegranate brings delight, then the plant will delight the owner with its beauty.

Homemade Pomegranate - Family Health Benefits

Pomegranate is a healthy fruit: for the treatment of diseases, raw materials are obtained from all parts of the plant: from the fruit, peel, flowers, roots.

The value of the fruit lies in the contained minerals and organic acids. Pomegranate is rich in various vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and even fats. Fruit juice has an analgesic, choleretic, antiseptic effect. The fruits of the plant are used for digestive diseases. They normalize blood pressure, relieve headache saturate the body with vitamins. Pomegranate peel has found its use as an anthelmintic drug, due to the content of ursolic acid. Doctors recommend the use of pomegranate juice for infectious and colds, anemia, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For indigestion, colitis, the peel of the fruit is used. And pomegranate flowers are brewed like tea, which makes this drink similar to the popular hibiscus.

What is useful pomegranate?

Thus, homemade pomegranate is perfect for those who want to acquire a decorative tree. It will not be difficult for beginner flower growers to grow a pomegranate with juicy and ripe fruits, and take care of dwarf pomegranate even a schoolboy can.