Water pipes      04/09/2019

Planting garden trees on the site. How to arrange the greenhouse, trees and bushes in the garden

Together with the soil scientist Pavel Trannua we continue to draw, on which the owners are eager to build a house and plant trees. Why not rush to plant apple, pear and other fruit trees? What is the best way to place a greenhouse in a summer cottage? Where to place the beds, and where are the currants, raspberries, gooseberries? We figure out where it is more profitable to plant on garden plot.

So far, we are only marking the place of the future orchard. Many people make the mistake of planting fruit trees The very first of all plantings, guided by the wrong logic that "they need the most time to grow."

On the contrary, fruit trees, as the most complex garden object, are planted last. And this is not only because the place for them should be chosen in the most balanced way, but also because the land in terms of composition should be the best, and it takes time to prepare it. Fruit trees are not planted in acidic soil, and deoxidation will take at least 1-2 years.

How to choose a place for an orchard on a vast plot of 10–20 or more acres, where, in addition to the not-so-spacious sunny front garden, there may be others suitable places for fruit trees?

There is a clear rule: fruit trees cannot be located in the lower part of the site, despite the fact that their water supply with groundwater will be better here. The factor of damage to flowers in spring frosts, as well as winter frosts, is more important for the Middle Strip. Accumulates in a low place cold air, there is always a few degrees colder than nearby in a high place.

For fruit trees, the morning sun is much more valuable than the evening sun. Hence, let your future garden be better lit from the east than from the west. Try to plan the site so that nothing blocks the morning sun from your best trees.

In addition, if possible, they try to choose a place for the orchard so that "behind" the trees, on the north side, there is protection from the cold winter winds. In the conditions of a cottage settlement, this factor is removed by itself, the winds are extinguished there by buildings and high fences, but in open areas, for example, on the banks of a lake or a wide river, it can be decisive.

On a fairly large area, in the presence of wind protection, fruit trees are best planted in a row or in two rows along the entire north side(or, say, a corner on the north and west sides). This is done so that they do not block the sun from the rest of the plantings, mainly the garden.

How to arrange the beds

All garden plants, without exception, are demanding of sunlight. They all turn out larger and tastier in a sunny place than when they are shaded. For many of them starch is the main "constructive" material, and starch, as everyone knows very well from school, is formed during photosynthesis in the light of the sun.

Yields in a sunny place are consistently three times higher than somewhere in a paddock in partial shade. For a garden, the sun is a decisive factor, therefore, if there is a choice whether to place the garden at the bottom of the plot and at the same time in the sun, or at the top, but in the shade, the first option should be chosen. You just have to build higher beds in the lowlands.

Speaking pragmatically, in the case of living outside the city, the berry plant is more important than orchard. This is so, if only because the annual harvest from berry bushes is much more stable than the "jumping", irregular fruiting of pome and stone fruits.

In addition, berry crops that are correctly selected in terms of fruiting provide us with fresh berries throughout the season from June to October inclusive, and this is not to mention their greater diversity. Ease of storage until the next harvest in frozen form is another advantage of berries. Hence the conclusion: take the total area under the berry more significant than under fruit trees.

The berry plant has slightly lower lighting requirements than the orchard and vegetable garden, but all the same, strawberries, raspberries, currants and other berries turn out sweeter in the sun.

More often berry bushes scatter over vacant areas. By type the following winning options are possible.

  1. Strawberries are allowed into the fruiting cycle with garden crops.
  2. Raspberries are planted as "undergrowth" near apple trees.
  3. Grapes are often planted in the walls of buildings on the sunny side.
  4. Actinidia and lemongrass twine hedges and arbors.
  5. sea ​​buckthorn, chokeberry, hawthorn, mountain ash can be used as a trimmed hedge.

How to position a greenhouse

Whoever has a well-established greenhouse, for that, the garden season begins in March, and ends in November-December, and when it is heated, it turns into a winter garden for the frosty months.

The error of the lack of fruit change in the greenhouse, or soil fatigue, under the same crop - tomatoes - is the reason for them serious illnesses phytophthora and whitefly lesions. The soil accumulates root secretions (slags), which do not have time to decompose by the next season and inhibit the plants of the same crop planted here again.

It is impossible to grow something constantly from year to year in the same place under any justification and protective measures. Partial change of soil, the use of manure humus with irrigation with special microorganisms, thorough disinfection, autumn sowing green manure - all this does not prevent soil fatigue.

With the modern availability of relatively inexpensive polycarbonate greenhouses, it is more than reasonable to plan a complex of three short (4–6 m long) greenhouses on your site. It will set up a fruit shift worked out especially for permanent country living: nightshade (tomatoes, Bell pepper, eggplant) - pumpkin (watermelons, melons) - green (parsley, onion, spring garlic, basil, dill, etc.).

These three groups of cultures will alternate from year to year, and thus each will return to its original place in two years. When making organic fertilizers this is completely sufficient to destroy the root secretions.

Even if we neglect the factor of soil fatigue, there is also the factor of overheating of the central part of the greenhouse ("dead zone" in the middle polycarbonate greenhouse, which even with all the doors and windows open in the sun is not completely ventilated), which dictates the rule: instead of one long greenhouse, it is better to buy three short ones with the same area. Instead of one greenhouse 8 m long, it is better to buy two 4 m each, and even better - three 3–4 m each.

Let's return to the search for the most advantageous location for one or two or three greenhouses. Needless to say, the place must be sunny. After all, only the most heat-loving crops are grown in greenhouses, for which warm soil is very important. It does not make sense to put a greenhouse in the shade, since in spring the soil in the shade warms up very slowly, keeping the winter cold. The greenhouse is not only placed in a sunny place, but they also make sure that the edge of the earth (or tiles) around it is exposed to the sun's rays during the day and thus inside the greenhouse earth warms itself in the sun from all sides.

Greenhouses are traditionally located from north to south. This is how the most advantageous solar illumination of the rows of plants inside it is achieved. At the same time, taller tomatoes will be planted in the background (northern), and eggplants and sweet peppers will be planted in the front (south).

In addition, the greenhouse, located in this way, is heated more strongly in the morning by the eastern sun and in the evening by the west, and during the day its surface for the hottest southern sun decreases with the doors and vents open.

A number of greenhouses, with a height of 2–2.5 m (models with a pointed dome 50 cm higher) can simultaneously serve as a blind fence from the eyes of the eastern or western side of the site. However, in this case, gaps of at least 1 m are required between greenhouses.

The greenhouse must stand on solid foundation. Often a bar is used for this, but it is short-lived (the surface of moist soil is the most "rotten" place for wood material). Casting strip concrete means greatly increasing the cost of a greenhouse. Tiles laid out around the perimeter of the greenhouse are perhaps the most compromise solution.

The tile is positioned so that the frame of the greenhouse lies on its edge, and the main part of the tile is outside in the form of a circular path. It will make more comfortable care behind the greenhouse. The tile is placed on a leveled soil surface, sprinkled with sand in a layer of 5–10 cm: sand is poured from a hose until compacted. Thus, the fertile layer is preserved, and the roots of planted plants will grow into it. Unlike tape concrete base, which cuts the roots of greenhouse plants from all surrounding soil, halving their nutrition.

The frame is additionally attached to the ground with hammered hooks from a tube or some kind of thick wire. The greenhouse has a large windage and can be moved by the wind with the destruction of polycarbonate.

Comment on the article "How to properly arrange a greenhouse, trees and bushes in a garden plot"

Section: Landscape design. Site planning + landscape designer consultation, only 8000 rubles. I offer a solution for your site, under your budget.

How right? Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. I'm thinking of trying to plant carrots and beets before winter. when is it better to plant and whether it is necessary to cover, etc. Thank you!

I offer a solution for your site, under your budget. And also, if you are planning a landscape design of a summer cottage inexpensively or on your own.

Dacha and dacha plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs It is necessary to correctly distribute: about 12 different bushes of tomatoes (there are high ones).

Here is the gardener's calendar. It is bluntly painted what to do when. Choose what you are interested in - and in tasks for the weekend, having previously prepared everything you need.
There are a couple of sites for in-depth tasks - forum-dacha and mastercity, but without knowing what exactly you need, you can drown.
Well, the main thing is to understand from the very beginning what you have - what kind of climate, what soils, what about irrigation, drainage, and even neighbors) and what you ideally want - a garden, landscapes, a flower garden, a barbecue with a sandbox and a parking lot or something then more...

Plot planning up to 12 acres. And also, if you are planning a landscape design of a summer cottage inexpensively or on your own.

Landscaping. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Cottage and country plots: purchase, improvement It is possible to design both the entire site and its individual corners: a vegetable garden, a garden ...

Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping The result was a standard layout that has to be redone every year, because ...


Your husband is correct. I have experience in developing a dacha "from scratch", it was in the late 90s and there was no need to talk about the landscape. The result was a standard layout, which every year has to be redone, because a lot has not been taken into account. Therefore, when learning suburban area without hesitation, they hired an architect for their next house, who planned everything according to our desire. And here you need to understand that you need to be able to talk with 2-3 companies that offer such services, it is desirable to see their projects live. And it is necessary to communicate very closely with the architect, not to give him everything at his mercy, to ask, consult, and so on. And then the result will be excellent. I bought a lot of books landscape design- it is impossible to do it on your own, but the books helped a lot when communicating with specialists.

"But I do not consider this specialty serious and worthy of paying money for it" is a delusion.
Everyone must do their job.
the architect - to calculate the houses, the builder - to build, and the landscaper - the layout of the site ...
We all have mustaches ourselves .. that's why - then the ugly houses fall apart, and the plots look like ..... I even feel sorry for the words ...

Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. We have a plot. A new one, only the light roads were made and the lands were marked out. There is no money for the arrangement yet, maybe in 3 years we will master it.


Necessarily!!! plant fruit trees (apple trees 4-6pcs, plums 3-4pcs) and currants 3-5pcs. You can plant trees 2-3 years old (these are just thin twigs and not expensive), just in 3-4 years they will become larger, then it will be possible to form, or maybe not at all. And the currant during this time will also grow and bear fruit. And if during the summer you come 3-4 times, but in spring and autumn, 1 time - that's enough. Plant in early spring There will definitely be rain in the spring. Over the summer they will settle down. M.b. Some will die, but not all. Good luck!

lawn grass or bent grass - and cut 3-4 times per season.
trees and shrubs can be planted, but may die in the heat.
if only "at random"

Garden paths at their summer cottage: gravel, paving stones, concrete? willow and larch. Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs And I like it when she sheds her needles ...


During the construction of the house, we cut down a huge bush, leaving a stump. A month later, he was already with shoots, they were sprinkled with ground, until the autumn there was nothing. In the spring, shoots came out again, but few and weak, they were sprayed again, plus they anointed the stump with a concentrate. There were no more attempts.

There is experience in the fight against cherries. It also grows like a weed, from rhizomes. It is necessary to uproot and pull out the long roots that lie along the surface of the earth. They usually sprout. Overcame in two seasons. Don't lose hope. The main thing is to keep track of small shoots, which means there is a root. Undermine and pull out. If it is deeper than 20 cm into the ground, it can be cut, the likelihood that it will germinate decreases with depth.

Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs Spring. Apple trees. I don’t remember how many on our site, about eight apple trees, three pears, cherries, all kinds of bushes. How to carry out pruning and in what cases can it be avoided?


Good afternoon It's me, yesterday's wife in thought! Well, let's take on your glade ?!
About trees, concisely. It is necessary to cut it, the crown needs light and air, otherwise you will try to treat the tree. The old rule says: "Cut so that the hat flies through the crown." Trim at positive temperatures, the last eye looks out. Cut out everything that is diseased, dry and growing inside the crown or extending under very acute angle. The remaining subtleties depend on the initial formation of the tree: a trunk, a bush, a trellis, or something else. The more you cut the tree, the more it will grow. If the tree is a trunk, then leave 1 branch as the main axis, cut out the competition. Cut off the remaining branches to 20-50 cm, depending on the crown. After pruning, it should have a pyramidal shape, in which case all branches, including the lower ones, will receive enough sun. Take a photo - details will follow!
In autumn, it is not bad to cover the trunk with such ... Like resin against Operophtera brumata, which crawl into the crown in autumn to lay eggs, but it's already too late to rush about, we'll discuss it in the fall. Whitewash the trunks also in the fall, against cracking of the trunks in the cold with the already intense spring sun.
Remove the grass, it attracts mice like a magnet. Grass on the compost heap. Plant nasturtium (enriches the soil with nitrogen) or marigolds (against nematodes), they are decorative and suppress the growth of weeds. Feed with compost. Do you have a compost heap? If you don’t want to mess around and the trees are old, then you can trunk circle"score" and just mow around the grass. My old trees grow so beautifully, around the young ones I, accordingly, perform the above "dances with tambourines".
So sharpen your forks and scissors!

3. Decide on a set of plants (I advise you to use what you already grow as a basis, plus add what you dream of (but in a reasonable amount) many trees (forest, ornamental) can not be bought, but found in the nearest grove.
3a. Decide on the style of the future site (here I have, taking into account the characteristics of the house, the site and the whole area - country, but not one hundred percent, but stylized (but the general idea is read - wattle, sunflowers ...)
4. On a large sheet (the more the better) draw a plan of your site, mark all the buildings and existing trees and plants. Then start drawing out what you want to come to (new flower beds, paths, fences and buildings)
I have written all of this in very general terms. I would plan everything in the fall, so that the whole winter would be for reflection and correction. I consider my plan to be "a plan for the next 7-10 years", because I want to plant everything myself and do it myself. In my plan, I have the entire plot (about 25 acres), work remains to be done on all fronts. This year I'm going to make tracks, decorative fences and elements (they are simple, but require male hand) and plant some fruit and forest trees, which, I will have time to buy before the end of April, then during the summer I will plant other forest trees (I have a wild corner on the plan), flower beds, maybe some (and then partially, because you can’t plant everything at once - they make a flower bed for several years), then I need a lot of seedlings - I won’t have enough strength and money for everything at once, so I’ll split and stretch the pleasure. I also advise you to buy some reference literature about plants and shrubs (precisely decorative ones) in order to know their types and planting-flowering dates - it helps a lot in winter to decide on the assortment. Good luck.
PS I discussed the project with my landscape designer for almost a year, we met both locally and in Moscow, corrected several times. As I understand it, the main thing (if you do the project yourself) is to be able to pick up shrubs and flowers so that the garden blooms all season (and also aerobatics, when in winter (I go to the dacha every weekend in winter) the decorative effect of the garden does not disappear, but simply appears on the other side).


Registration is subject to the right to real estate objects - to land plots, buildings and structures, that is, objects whose movement without disproportionate damage to their purpose is impossible. Registration is carried out in accordance with federal law"On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it".
Starting from February 1998, all emerging rights to real estate and transactions with it are subject to registration with the justice authorities. If the rights to your summer cottages arose before this date and you are not going to conduct any transactions with them, then there is no need to register, your rights are already recognized by law. But if you sell, donate or make any other transaction, draw up an inheritance, you will have to register your rights to summer cottages and land, otherwise you will not be able to complete the transaction.
It does not give any advantages, it is simply your duty by law, such as registering a marriage. Registration fees are set by law and by the designated administrations and for different regions she will be different.

Layout of a suburban area.. Dacha, construction. Economy. Home Economics: Housekeeping Tips, Cleaning, Buying and Using household appliances, repair, plumbing.

If you have purchased a plot, growing fruit trees is a great option, as they require less maintenance than, for example, vegetable crops, but at the same time provide big harvest not to mention the decorative appeal of the garden. True, in order for the forces, time and finances to be spent on its arrangement not in vain, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this work. Therefore, in this article we will consider how to plant an orchard on your site.

Site Requirements

Ground water level

So that all efforts to grow a garden are not in vain, it is necessary to study the conditions on the site. Most important point is the proximity ground water. They should flow at a depth of at least 2.5 - 3 meters.

If you plant fruit trees in an area where groundwater is located closer to the surface, then the trees will grow up to a certain point, after which they will die. This is due to the fact that their roots will grow and, in the end, reach the groundwater, after which they will rot and die. The harbinger of the death of a fruit tree is the drying of the top of the crown.

Therefore, if you purchase a plot specifically for a garden, you should find out in advance at what depth the groundwater is located.

In the central strip and in the northern regions, it is best to grow fruit trees in areas with a slight slope, as they receive more heat from the sun.

The thickness of the fertile layer

The efficiency of a garden also largely depends on the thickness of a fertile garden. For fruit trees, it should be large enough. In addition, it is desirable that the soil be moderately moist and permeable to air and water.

To explore the soil different places of the site, it is necessary to dig trenches with a depth of about 2-2.5 meters, i.e. to the depth where the root system will develop. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to dense layers of soil, which must be breathable.

If the soil layers are too dense, then this disadvantage can manifest itself only a few years after planting - they will begin to grow poorly and may even die completely. Of course, you can grow an orchard, even if the site does not quite meet these requirements, however, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. In such a situation, it would be more appropriate to start growing vegetables.

Site relief

When choosing a place for a garden, you need to pay attention to its relief, namely, the presence of lowlands and depressions. If water stagnates in them for a long time after rains or snow melts, then you will have to fill them up to even out the relief. This procedure will be costly.

If the terrain is not leveled, the trees will grow poorly as a result of soil salinization and become susceptible to fungal diseases.

garden planning

tree selection

If the site meets all the basic requirements, you can start planning it. To do this, first of all, you need to choose fruit trees for the garden.

Depends on the following factors:

  • Household preferences, because what's the point of growing, for example, cherries, if no one will eat them?
  • Climatic conditions - you can plant only those plants that are suitable for growing in your climate.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the number of trees. Do not chase the dream - to have a big garden. You should realistically estimate how many crops you can care for.

Arrangement of trees

Having decided on the plants, you need to plan their location on the site.

First of all, consider where you can not plant trees:

  • Near adjoining territory- if the trees are closer than 5 meters to the building, their roots can damage the foundation. In addition, during strong winds, branches can damage the roof.
  • Along garden paths– plant roots can swell the soil and damage the coating. In addition, falling fruits will interfere with movement.
  • - harvesting from branches located on the side of neighbors will be difficult.

In order for the fruit and berry garden to give a good harvest, you should not place trees randomly on the site. The natural style is used to decorate the landscape, however, it complicates the maintenance of the garden, which in turn reduces its productivity.

Aisles of trees can be planted with bushes of currants, gooseberries and other crops.

There are several geometric arrangements of plants:

  • Quadratic - plants are arranged in even rows, which provides the most convenient conditions for work.
  • Checkerboard- this scheme is denser, since there is one tree in the center of each square. This arrangement can be used for medium-sized plants that have a small crown.
  • triangular pattern- is the most dense arrangement of trees with a large crown.
  • Horizontal arrangement- implies the presence of a slope in the area along which ledges are created.

It is better to allocate a hill for fruit plants, it is desirable that it be located in the southern part of the site.
In this case, the laying of plants must be done so that the height of their trunks increases towards the north.
This will provide all the trees with light.

Another important point when designing a garden is the distance between seedlings. For different types plants, it should be different:

When planting dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties, the distance between them can be reduced to one or two meters.

Site preparation

For trees to grow well, the soil must be fertilized and prepared in a special way, no matter how good it is.

The instructions for doing this work are as follows:

  • First of all, the site must be fertilized with peat or manure. For one square meter one and a half two buckets of fertilizer per square meter should be applied.
  • Then the site must be dug up to the depth of the spade bayonet. It is advisable to perform this procedure in the fall.
  • If the soil is acidic, ground limestone should be scattered on its surface and mixed with the soil.
  • In the spring, the site must be dug up again and leveled with a rake.

After completing these procedures, you can proceed to landing.

Tree planting

Landing time

Planting trees is necessary when the plants are at rest, i.e. in autumn after leaf fall or in spring before buds swell. IN middle lane and in the north it is better to do this procedure in early spring, and in the south - in autumn.

In the spring, trees can be planted immediately after the soil thaws, when the soil stops sticking to the shovel. In autumn, it is advisable to complete the work two to three weeks before the first frost, so that the seedling has time to take root.

In the photo - apple tree seedlings

Planting seedlings

Different types of seedlings are planted in different ages Apples and pears are best planted at the age of two to three years. Plums, cherries and sweet cherries are usually planted at the age of two years.

It is extremely important to choose good varieties for planting that can cross-pollinate each other.
Before making a choice in favor of a particular variety, it is advisable to consult with experienced gardeners.
For seedlings good varieties the price can be quite high, however, in this case it makes sense to pay more.

For two-year-old seedlings, the trunk should be about two centimeters thick and about 50 centimeters high. When choosing, you should pay attention to the root system, which must be intact and have a length of at least 30 centimeters.


It is advisable to prepare the pits a week before planting.

Their size for different plants should be different:

  • Apple and pear trees - depth 50-60 centimeters, diameter 80-100 centimeters.
  • Plums and cherries - depth and width of about 35-40 centimeters.

When digging a hole, the earth must be sorted - the upper dark layer should be folded in one direction, and the lower one in the other.

The process of planting trees with your own hands is as follows:

  • In the center of the hole, you need to make a hill from the topsoil.
  • Then two buckets of compost should be added to the ground.
  • After that, the seedling is located in the center of the pit, and its roots are neatly straightened around the hill.
  • After that, the hole must be covered with earth, holding the seedling. This work is more convenient to do together.
  • After backfilling with earth, the plant needs to be watered (one and a half to two buckets per seedling).
  • To prevent evaporation of moisture, the soil around the tree should be sprinkled with a layer of compost or peat a few centimeters thick.

Note! The root neck after planting (the place of transition from the root to the trunk) should be located 6-8 centimeters above the soil level. As a result, after the earth settles, it will be at ground level.

All other seedlings are planted in the same way. If the work is done correctly, then it remains only to provide normal care for the orchard and you can wait for the first harvest. You can find detailed information about caring for young trees on our portal.


It is not difficult to plant an orchard on the site, however, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the above rules. Only in this case, the complex of work performed will give a positive result. From the video in this article, you can get some additional information on this topic.

Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all names of the same plant, which we strongly associate with Mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious it is. But, in addition to a delicate sweet taste, they are also very healthy. And here is an interesting detail: it turns out that figs are completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in the middle lane or in a house - in a container.

Quite often, even experienced summer residents face difficulties in growing tomato seedlings. For some, all seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain ideal conditions for growing seedlings in an apartment. Seedlings of any plants need to provide a lot of light, sufficient moisture and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

Delicious vinaigrette with apple and sauerkraut- vegetarian salad of boiled and chilled, raw, pickled, salted, pickled vegetables and fruits. The name comes from a French vinegar sauce, olive oil and mustard (vinaigrette). Vinaigrette appeared in Russian cuisine not so long ago, around the beginning of the 19th century, perhaps the recipe was borrowed from Austrian or German cuisine, since the ingredients for the Austrian herring salad are very similar.

When we dreamily touch bright seed bags in our hands, we are sometimes subconsciously sure that we have a prototype of the future plant. We mentally allocate a place for him in the flower garden and look forward to the cherished day of the appearance of the first bud. However, buying seeds does not always guarantee that you will eventually get the desired flower. I would like to draw attention to the reasons why the seeds may not sprout or die at the very beginning of germination.

Spring is coming, and gardeners have more work to do, and with the onset of heat, changes in the garden are happening rapidly. Buds are already beginning to swell on plants that were still sleeping yesterday, everything literally comes to life before our eyes. After a long winter, this can not but rejoice. But along with the garden, its problems come to life - pests and pathogens. Weevils, flower beetles, aphids, clasterosporiasis, maniliasis, scab, powdery mildew- the list can be very long.

Breakfast toast with avocado and egg salad is a great start to the day. The egg salad in this recipe acts as a thick sauce seasoned with fresh vegetables and shrimp. My egg salad is quite unusual, it is a dietary version of everyone's favorite snack - with Feta cheese, Greek yogurt and red caviar. If you have time in the morning, never deny yourself the pleasure of cooking something tasty and healthy. The day should start with positive emotions!

Perhaps every woman at least once received a blooming orchid as a gift. It is not surprising, because such a lively bouquet looks amazing and blooms for a long time. Orchids cannot be called very difficult indoor crops to grow, but not fulfilling the main conditions for their maintenance often leads to the loss of a flower. If you are just getting started with indoor orchids, you should find out the correct answers to the main questions on growing these beautiful plants in the house.

Lush cheesecakes with poppy seeds and raisins, cooked according to this recipe, are eaten in my family in the blink of an eye. Moderately sweet, plump, tender, with an appetizing crust, without excess oil, in a word, just like mother or grandmother fried in childhood. If the raisins are very sweet, then granulated sugar can not be added at all, without sugar, cheesecakes will be better fried and will never burn. Cook them in a well-heated pan, greased with oil, over low heat and without a lid!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their large counterparts not only in the small size of the berries. Many varieties of cherry are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato. Anyone who has never tasted such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual exotic fruits. In this article, I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits of unusual colors.

I started growing annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but one wonders how different petunias of the past are from today's many-sided hybrids! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, as well as consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - fragrant and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods, combined with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack that is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken fillet in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with a spark, use hot chili.

The question is how to grow healthy seedlings, all summer residents are concerned in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or a private house, this is not so easy to do. Certainly, everyone experienced gardener there is a proven way to grow seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The variety of tomato "Sanka" is one of the most popular in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the very first to bear fruit in the garden. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even faded yet. Of course, if you follow the recommendations for growing and make an effort, even a novice grower will get a rich harvest and joy from the process. And so that efforts are not in vain, we advise you to plant high-quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM "Agrosuccess".

Task indoor plants in the house - decorate your home with your appearance, create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only watering on time, although this is also important. It is necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, make the correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural in this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Tender cutlets from chicken breast with champignons to cook simply according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to cook juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, this is not so! Chicken meat contains practically no fat, which is why it is dry. But if you add to chicken fillet cream, White bread and mushrooms with onions, you get awesome tasty cutlets that both children and adults will like. In the mushroom season, try adding forest mushrooms to the minced meat.

Having a private house and a plot, any owner thinks about the layout of his own garden, as well as what fruit trees to plant in it. To enjoy lush bloom plants of your offspring, the aroma and taste of fruits from trees, you need to know how to properly plant a garden.

If a gardener has his own land near a private house at his disposal, and his desire to supply his family with useful and fresh fruit very large, you should think about preparatory work prior to tree planting.

It is necessary to allocate an open and well-lit place for fruit planting. It must be necessarily with a high location of groundwater. It is best not to bookmark in the lowlands. Most fruit crops prefer to grow, fully illuminated by the sun's rays.

In the future, light-loving crops will need to be located on the southwest or south side. If the area is small, they are advised to plant in steps. This is done so that tall plants are placed closer to the north, and low ones are closer to the south.

When preparing the land, it is required to remove wild shrubs from it, as well as old unnecessary stumps, stones and everything that will interfere with the normal existence of fruit trees. Further, deep plowing or digging is carried out with the obligatory turnover of the reservoir. After that, watering and deep cultivation are necessary.

In order to know in the future what kind of agrotechnical care measures will be required, it is recommended to give a sample of land for research to a chemical laboratory. The results will help the gardener decide what top dressing and how much to apply during autumn processing.

Usually in landing pits put humus or humus, mineral complexes, as well as slaked lime, biological preparations for the protection of plantings from diseases and pests.

Thinking about how to plant a garden on the site, it is advised to draw a breakdown scheme for planting fruit trees. For each crop, about 4 square meters are allocated. m of area, that is, planting pits should be placed at a distance of at least 4 m from each other, in the aisles they leave from 2.5 to 3 m. Then all the trees will be comfortable.

When preparing planting pits, it is important which seedlings will be placed in them: for two-year-olds, the size of the hole is 60 × 60 cm;

A couple of days before planting, seedlings must be placed in a container with a growth stimulator. Suitable "Kornevin", "Fitosporin" or another drug. A few weeks before planting seedlings in the planting pits, you need to pour part of the soil mixture into a cone.

Video "Decorative trees for the garden"

In this video you will learn how ornamental trees decorate the area.

Choose a style

At the stage of drawing up the plan, it is important to decide on the scheme for planting fruit trees. They practice styles such as regular (aka geometric) and landscape, which is considered natural. Next, we will describe in detail what each of these styles is.

landscaped or natural

Since under natural conditions trees do not grow according to any pattern, but in a chaotic manner, the landscape style looks as natural as possible. In this case, fruit trees can be placed according to your taste, but with the obligatory consideration of their compatibility with each other, as well as other important factors.

Plant compatibility is called allelopathy. For example, it is best achieved by placing fruit trees of the same type in the neighborhood: pears with pears, apple trees with apple trees, etc. But since such uniformity is boring, trees that are compatible with each other are most often planted: an apple tree will not mind close proximity to a red mountain ash, but it is better not to plant a peach or cherry near it. Walnut, for example, generally need to be placed apart, away from other plants.

To do everything right, before planting crops, it is advised to check their allelopathy according to a standard table. landscape style crop placement is suitable for uneven areas that have hills and depressions. It is these "shortcomings" that make it possible to create the illusion of a natural, that is, natural composition of fruit trees.

Regular or geometric

Based on the name, the selected types of crops should be placed so that they form symmetrical shapes - rectangles or squares. It is recommended to plant fruit rows so that there are straight paths between them. This great option is called quadratic and involves the creation of convenient conditions for the care of plantings in the future.

There are geometric tree layouts tested by many gardeners. If you plant them in a checkerboard pattern, then you need to place an additional tree in the center of each of the squares. This planting option is perfect for medium-sized crops with a compact crown.

There is also a triangular type of arrangement of seedlings, used in the presence of trees with large crowns, as well as horizontal. The latter involves the presence of a slope and the creation of ledges.

What trees to plant

So, it is important for the gardener to decide which trees are best planted in the garden, so that these crops not only fit together normally, but also grow and bear fruit. It is necessary to choose those that, due to their features, will be comfortable in your latitudes. For example, in the middle zone of our country they grow well different varieties apple and pear trees, cherry crops, as well as plums and cherry plums. Residents of warm latitudes should give preference to apricots and cherries.

Also, usually the selection of varieties of fruit trees is carried out with the expectation that they have the opportunity to participate in each other's pollination. It is better to explain with an example: if you plan to plant apple trees, you need to purchase seedlings, most of which belong to winter varieties. Then the fruits obtained from adult trees should be preserved after harvesting. appearance And taste qualities until spring.

Most often, the decision on how many trees to plant is made by each gardener, based on their preferences and needs. For orientation, it is worth noting that a family of 3-4 people will have enough planting in the country 2 summer apple trees and the same autumn varieties, 3 trees winter variety, a couple of pears, 4 cherries, and 4 plum crops. Of the latter, you can buy 2 cherry plum seedlings and 2 plum trees.

Recently purchased country cottage area 15 acres in size. It has only the house itself, there are no plantings. We plan to set up a small garden in the country and small garden. Tell me, what is the scheme for planting a garden and trees relative to the sun, what else needs to be considered?

Everyone who has at least a small plot of land is sure to plant it with something - be it garden beds or a small garden. In the case when the site went to already defined places for planting various crops (allocated permanent place for a garden and a garden, there are perennial plantings), nothing needs to be changed much. Is it possible to replenish the garden with new trees and shrubs and observe ".

Those who are just planning to equip a garden and a vegetable garden are more fortunate. After all, they have the opportunity to correctly plan the scheme for planting a garden and trees relative to the sun. As you know, the presence of sufficient sunlight is a guarantee good harvest in future. However, there are other important factors that must be considered when planning a vegetable garden and a garden.

What should be considered when developing a landing scheme?

When planning a scheme for planting a garden and trees, you first need to consider which side of the sun the plantings will grow from.

For successful cultivation vegetables, they need to allocate the sunniest place on the site, preferably on the south side.

Shady places under the house, near a fence or tall trees can be left for onions grown on a feather (it can grow in partial shade). Or plant some herbs there.

When compiling a planting scheme, it is important to take into account not only the location of crops relative to the sun, but also the following factors:

  1. Plot size. Given the overall size land plot, determine how much space can be allocated for a garden and a garden. If the total area is small, and in the first place the task is to set up a garden, it does not make sense to plant a lot of fruit trees. They can “take away” a place from other crops, since one adult tree with a spreading crown needs at least 4 sq.m. area.
  2. General relief. The ideal terrain would be flat or slightly sloped. Avoid places where water stagnates - both vegetable and horticultural crops will feel bad there.
  3. Soil condition. Each crop, both vegetable and fruit trees, has its own requirements for the condition of the soil, but they have one requirement in common - the soil must be fertile.
  4. presence of winds. In open areas, you should create a shelter for plantings from the wind, which can cause damage to future crops.

The most common is a square or rectangular planting, in which the number of beds in the garden is determined depending on the size of the plot.

Near the garden, you can plant berry bushes. For planting red currants and gooseberries, well-lit dry places are taken away, and black currants can be placed in a more humid place. Raspberries are planted in the sun, but separately from other shrubs, as they grow very strongly and can drown out neighboring plantings.

Each group (trees, shrubs, vegetables) needs to be given its own place, you should not mix them. Growing trees will eventually take away all sunlight vegetables or strawberries growing under them, and they will stop producing crops. Therefore, the garden is laid away from the garden.

Proper site planning - video