Shower      06/17/2019

Painting wooden windows with your own hands: what paint is better to paint and how to do it? Paint for wooden windows Paint wooden windows from the facade

The service life of a wooden window directly depends on how well its frame is protected by a layer of paint from the aggressive influence of the environment on it.

It suffers from exposure to two unfavorable factors: moisture and sunlight. Wood that is not protected from water entering its structure quickly begins to become covered with fungus and rot.

On the other hand, prolonged exposure to sunlight on an unprotected surface wooden frame leads to its overdrying, cracking and changes in structure.

It is for the purpose of protecting wooden windows from the influence of unfavorable natural factors on them, and not just for reasons of aesthetics, wooden frames need to be periodically maintained and painted.

Preparatory work

To prepare to paint a wooden window frame, begin by inspecting it for cracks, swelling, and peeling paint.

Once diagnosed, use a stiff metal putty knife or similar scraper to remove any cracked or blistered paint.

If there are many layers of old paint on the window frame, all of them need to be scraped off.

Treat the outer part of the frame (or better yet, its entire surface) with a special antiseptic impregnation that protects it from damage by fungal mold.

After this, move on to cracks, chips and areas with removed paint, using a special wood putty. After the putty has dried, sand the surface of the frame treated with it first. sandpaper P120, and then P240.

After finishing sanding, wipe the window frame with a damp cloth to remove the smallest particles of putty and abrasive from its surface.

Do wet cleaning in the room where the window is located to avoid dust sticking to the painted surface of the frame.

All that remains is to cover the areas of glass in contact with the frame with masking tape and cover the floor near the window with a piece of construction polyethylene.


If the frame is new or the old paint has been completely removed from its surface, cover the surface of the wood with a layer of primer before painting. After the primer has dried, start painting the frame.

Paint for a wooden frame must be moisture resistant. Before painting, check that the paint is not too thick and use an appropriate solvent if necessary.

The density of the paint should be such that it lays on the surface to be painted in an even thin layer and at the same time does not flow off it.

Usually the paint in the can turns out to be a little thicker than necessary, but some unfortunate craftsmen, without paying attention to this, spread thick paint on the surface of the frame.

As a result, the paint layer turns out to be uneven, with sagging and brush marks, and the excessive thickness of the paint coating leads to the fact that after some time the paint cracks.

Having dipped into the paint to a depth equal to approximately half the length of the bristles of the brush, alternately move both sides of the brush along the edges of the neck of the jar in the direction from the inside to the outside, thus removing excess paint from the bristles. After this, apply paint to the surface of the frame.

When painting the frame, start from the top of it - this way the paint will lie more evenly. Special attention When painting a wooden frame, pay attention to its end parts - they are the ones most susceptible to destruction due to moisture.

Upon completion of painting work, without waiting for the paint to dry, remove strips of masking tape from the glass.

The most the best option painting wooden frames is to paint them in two layers. After the first coat, carefully inspect the painted surfaces.

If any cracking or blistering of the paint is found, repair the defects and then apply a second coat of paint.

A correctly and conscientiously painted wooden frame will serve for a long time, without fear of rain, wind, or scorching sun rays.

Good luck to you! May everything work out for you!

Wooden window frames require periodic painting. In order to avoid repeating this process every year, you should treat it responsibly and prepare all construction materials and special tools in advance.

Repairing wooden frames is the most labor-intensive process. They are influenced from the street sunlight and precipitation, and from the side of the rooms - increased temperature compared to the street, dry air or water condensation. In addition, insects often infest wooden windows and can develop. To avoid these troubles, strictly follow the order of wood processing.

Repair of wooden frames begins with their detailed inspection and preparation building materials and tools. To paint old wooden windows you will need following materials and tools: scraper, spatula, sandpaper, Grinder, roller, brushes, tape, window film, primer, putty, white spirit, solvent and paint. Do not forget about the mandatory methods of protection against harmful volatile substances: mask, glasses, gloves and Panama hat.

To paint wooden windows from the inside of a room, alkyd paint is usually used. oil based, and from the street - acrylic paint for outdoor work. The choice of domestic or imported paint will depend on the cost of your repair and preferences.

Preparing wooden windows for painting

In order for wooden frames to last longer, it is necessary to choose the right time for painting. The ideal condition for repair is a warm day without bright hot sun, when the humidity is low and ultraviolet radiation does not destroy the structure of the paint. Wooden frames dry well at temperatures above 5C and relative humidity air below 80%. You should not apply paint to a wet surface, because... Later, bubbles may appear on it, and you will have to repaint the frame. Paint peeling also occurs due to dampness or poor pre-cleaning.

Preparing a window for painting

Let's take a closer look at how to paint wooden frames in frame house. The first thing you need to do is remove old layer paints. For this work, use a scraper and coarse sandpaper. If you have problems closing the frame, use a surface sander. Use the machine carefully so as not to damage the wooden base of the frame.

Remover for removing old paint

Currently, special liquids for removing the old layer of paint have appeared on the construction markets, such as Tikkurila, Shostka, Svema, etc. This significantly speeds up the process of preparing wooden frames for repair. This mixture is applied to the frames, and when the paint wrinkles and turns into a cheesy substance, it is scraped off with a spatula and the surface is treated with coarse sandpaper.

It is better to remove wooden window sashes and all fittings before painting so that the window looks neater after painting. If it is not possible to remove the handles or locks, simply cover them with masking tape.

We also carefully and accurately prepare all window glass. It is necessary to cover all the glass with newspapers, securing them with tape on the sides, retreating 2 mm from each edge, so that the paint gets into the narrow cracks and does not allow moisture and water to accumulate in the future. Throw away the old glazing beads, paint the new ones separately from the frames and nail the finished ones with nails.

The process of puttying and priming wooden windows

Carefully inspect the wooden frame. All parts and elements that may rust over time and ruin your repair, pre-treat them specifically for iron (nail caps, metal hinges And so on).

Antiseptic is important detail preparatory work before painting frames. This treatment will prevent wood rotting, the development and formation of fungus, and will not allow insects to settle in your home. will allow your frame to last longer.

After treating the frame with an antiseptic, we inspect the surface of the window. All cracks, undulations or potholes must be filled. But do this gradually, because too thick a layer of putty may fall off along with the paint layer, and you will have to start the repair again.

After applying the first layer of putty, you need to clean the surface with sandpaper. After a few hours, when the second layer has dried well, we once again smooth the entire surface of the frame with sandpaper. The process must be repeated until perfect flat surface wooden frame.

The next stage is the primer. This process will ensure reliable and high-quality coating wood paint. Modern primer mixtures are also... When applied, it forms a protective transparent film, which is necessary to preserve the natural grain of the wood. In addition, primer mixtures protect well from mold, dampness and fungi, and do not allow rotting processes to develop on the outside of the frame, even with increased humidity.

Window primer

The primer consists of the following elements: oil, resin, glue, and various pigments. The recipe for each primer mixture is significantly different, but what all wood primers have in common is their ability to preserve natural structure wood Therefore, a metal primer for wooden parts do not use.

Before priming the surface, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease it with white spirit. It is better to prime with a brush rather than a roller. If the putty did not dry very well or you missed an area when priming the surface, a dark spot may form in this area after painting.

Painting a wooden window in several layers

After the above treatment, the window is smooth and even. Before painting, you need to thoroughly clean the room, clear the space near the wooden window from dust so that it cannot get on the freshly painted frame.

When renovating, many people are faced with the question of what color to paint the windows? As a rule, water-acrylate or alkyd enamels are chosen for painting wooden frames. Their main advantages are high moisture resistance, elasticity and resistance to fading from sunlight. In our country, with sudden temperature changes, changeable weather, and precipitation, Dulux, Remmers, and Caparol will hold up well on window frames. This option is quite expensive. Domestic window paints are comparatively cheaper.

On average, repairing and painting a window will cost from 500 to 10,000 rubles.

Examples of alkyd enamels from Russian manufacturers
  • The paint must be thoroughly mixed in a jar, strained on a special metal sieve into a bath.
  • The first layer of paint is more watery than the subsequent ones, because its purpose is to impregnate all the unevenness of the wood.
  • To dilute, use thinner or white spirit, see paint composition.
  • After the first application, the paint must dry. And only after that you can start painting the second layer.

As a rule, windows are painted in three layers, although sometimes two layers will be enough.

It is worth noting that the second and third layers of paint should be thicker to avoid subsequent drips. If they do appear, they must be urgently removed using a rag and solvent. If this is not done on time, later you will have to re-clean and paint the entire surface of the frame.

When painting, do not dip the entire brush into the paint, only half of it; leave the excess paint in the tray, gently brushing the brush along the edge. Start painting from the outside of the window. It is important to have several types of brushes: small ones for more difficult to reach areas, large ones for smoother surfaces. The width of the brush varies from 3cm to 5cm. A flat brush is suitable for painting frames.

The paint will adhere perfectly along the wood grain. Paint the corners with light, short brush strokes.

Another important note - remove the tape and newsprint from the glass before the paint is completely dry. If this is not done in time, the paint layer may be damaged.

We install the previously removed fittings after the wooden frame has completely dried.

If you have been wondering how to properly paint a window - with your own hands or with the help of professional craftsmen - after our article all questions and doubts will disappear. Have a nice renovation!

Where to buy paint? What price?

Wooden house and windows white- a classic Russian version, typical for private development in most regions of our country. But this is not the only solution: methods of color decoration are described below window openings in objects from natural material, and also tells what to consider when choosing a covering material.

Types of coating compositions

Wood frames require more maintenance than PVC or aluminum frames. Their main disadvantage is the need for regular painting, since natural conditions constantly affect decorative surface. How to paint windows in a wooden house? Today the following compositions are popular:

There are no universal paints: each performs a specific task. Therefore, before purchasing them, you should determine your goals and only then be inclined to choose one or another coating. By the way, price is not an indicator of quality and vice versa. You should only trust trusted and reputable manufacturers.

Painting old frames

Give it to the old window new life, even if the design is outdated, it is quite possible by following simple recommendations. The color of windows in log houses can be any color. Universal white will give the building freshness, but sometimes it can turn yellow from the bright sun. Frames in brown, coffee or beige shades are good; in combination with wood they form a harmonious ensemble.

So, the sequence of actions:

It is recommended to completely disassemble the window structure into its components - frame, frames, glazing beads, fittings. All wood is carefully inspected for damage. If it is found, it is mercilessly disposed of by generously wetting the parts with strong aqueous solutions of chemicals. After the procedure, the wood must be given time to absorb. If the areas of damage are severe, you should refuse to extend the service life of the entire window unit.

Next, the entire structure is coated with a solvent or heated with a hair dryer, naturally removing all the glass. This will remove the old paint. Use a spatula, carefully releasing clean wood layer by layer. You can use grinder or act manually, then it will take more time, but the risk of damaging the surface with automation will be less. After processing, the frame parts are again impregnated with protective compounds.

All irregularities, cracks and defects are puttied. For this purpose, a special composition is purchased that hardens in air. After restoring the contours of the glass, they are inserted back, carefully hammering in the glazing beads. The block is ready for painting.

The shade of the roof helps decide what color the windows in the house should be. This is most harmonious for a private property. Of course, it is unlikely that a white roof exists, but this color goes with everything, so you can safely act in this case.

Stages of work:

After the layers have completely dried, the frame is inserted into place, the sashes are hung, and the fittings are installed. You can “revive” the window with the help of beautiful hinges or handles - copper or brass will perfectly emphasize the richness of the wood.

Choice of colors

Many owners choose colors based on the style of the building. For example, Russian wooden house, the color of the roof and windows is the same or, in general, natural. Using varnish or a glazing matte composition, you can preserve light wood shades.

It is not forbidden to do window designs ocher or brick - dark brown. There is a plus here: rain streaks and dirt from fallen leaves are less noticeable on the windows.

Other styles, for example, chalets (Swiss houses), modern (objects with double light), country (rustic) also tend to be varied, not dissonant with the walls of the building. You can highlight the windows with light shades - yellow, orange, blue. The latter option is only acceptable if the building has an appropriate roof or doors.

Wooden houses in the minimalist style do not welcome excesses - bright colors not for them. It's best to highlight window units painted platbands or highlight openings with painted casing boxes. Otherwise, the frames remain wooden, sanded and varnished.

Whatever the owners choose, it is important to remember that the paint composition should not be corrosive or contain too much a large number of chemicals and volatile compounds so as not to harm the wood. So, having decided the question of what to paint with, you can get to work: all recommendations are available and do not require much skill and skill.


Despite the fact that most homes are now equipped with more modern designs made of plastic and aluminum, which have won universal love, many people have wooden windows in their apartments. Painting windows is a procedure that owners of wooden windows sometimes have to carry out. This is done to ensure that the frames retain their attractive appearance and serve their purpose for as long as possible.

How to paint a wooden frame correctly

Take note of a few rules that will help you and tell you how to paint correctly. This applies to the preparation stage for work and will greatly facilitate the application of the coating.

  • Wooden windows are painted only at the right time of year. It is better to do this at the end of spring, when warm and dry weather sets in and precipitation is almost impossible. The right time is the end of summer, when the intense heat subsides, but the autumn rains have not yet begun.
  • Before painting the window, it is necessary to eliminate all defects and damage.
  • All painted surfaces must be cleaned, previous paint removed, and sanded.
  • Be sure to apply the paint in several layers, at least twice with an application interval, this will increase its service life.
  • Before painting the frame, it is recommended to coat the putty areas with a primer. It is recommended to seal the glass with masking tape or paper strips to prevent paint from getting in.
  • Do not forget to dilute the paint from the can with a solvent, since the composition in the container is too thick.
  • When working with paints and solvents, be sure to wear gloves and a respirator - take care of your health.

Step-by-step window painting scheme

So, how to paint it yourself? Do not forget that painting window frames depends not only on the quality of the paint and tools, but on the correctness of the preparatory stage.

  1. Prepare necessary tools. It is better to cover the surfaces around the window with newspapers and seal the glass and fittings.
  2. The window must be cleaned of old paint - remove it with a spatula and sandpaper or use a special liquid sold in stores.
  3. Remove all dirt and dust.
  4. Degrease the frames or rinse with water.
  5. Fill any cracks and chips on the frame. Then prime the window. Do not forget that before applying putty and primer it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surfaces. We recommend that you first go over the putty areas with primer or paint so that the paint is absorbed and dried, this will ensure uniformity in painting.
  6. Let the frames dry thoroughly. Now you can start painting. The frames are painted first from the inside, then from the outside. Apply paint from top to bottom, covering the horizontal surfaces first, then the vertical ones.
  7. Apply one coat of paint and let it dry! Then apply the second and third layers, the strokes should lie on top of each other. Walk over the surface with a roller to smooth out any unevenness.
  8. Paint with a wide brush, corners and hard to reach places paint with a thin brush.
  9. Cover the outside of the window in the same way.
  10. Remove the masking tape and paper before the paint dries, otherwise they will stick and come off along with the new paint.

How to choose paint for painting windows

What to paint with is a question that must be approached carefully and responsibly. Choosing the right material is not the last thing in the entire process of updating frames, because good paint will not only change the appearance of the window, but will also increase its service life.

When choosing which paint is best to paint a wooden window, look at moisture-resistant materials - this will protect the frames from the penetration of unnecessary water and protect the wood from cracking. The paint must be elastic in order to protect the frames from deformation and shrinkage.

The best option is alkyd paint or acrylic. As a rule, these paints are good because they do not turn yellow and have no odor. Do not be alarmed that the paint has water base(diluted with water), after drying it is very resistant and will last for many years. Answering the question of how to paint the outside of window frames - choose bright hues, which are capable of reflecting Sun rays and thereby extend the service life of the frames.

When starting a renovation, some choose varnish as a coating. How to paint old windows with varnish? Applying varnish is no different from applying paint. It's better to choose acrylic lacquer, which is moisture-repellent and environmentally friendly (wave-based), in addition, it can beneficially change the appearance of windows.

Even if you decide to paint the windows with expensive shiplap varnish, it will crack in a couple of years. Therefore this is not the best option.

Coating the old layer

If you are wondering how to paint wooden windows old paint, then it’s better to give up this thought. It is not for nothing that one of the main conditions for proper window painting is the removal of the old coating. If you apply a new layer to an old one that has already cracked from time to time, you risk getting a result that is not at all what you expected. New paint it will begin to bubble on top of the old layer, unevenness and roughness will appear - it will not look aesthetically pleasing and will negate all efforts.

Painting with the help of professionals

If you don’t want to think about how to paint old wooden windows with your own hands, are unsure of your abilities, or simply don’t have free time, entrust the process to professionals. Specialists will do the work quickly and efficiently, using the most the best materials, which will increase the service life of your window for a long time. The average cost of work in Moscow, for example, starts from 3,000 thousand rubles, which will not be an unaffordable amount.
Painting wooden windows yourself will take a lot of your time and require concentration and attention. Sometimes it's easier at reduced prices.

If you call a professional, after just a few hours of painstaking work, you will enjoy the look of freshly painted windows. In addition, frames do not need to be painted more than once every 1–2 years, so the cost of the service does not seem exorbitant at all.

If you are still thinking about how to paint old wooden frames, stop doubting your abilities, because this process is available to everyone. And if you don’t want to do the restoration yourself, call a specialized company.

Carefully monitor the condition of your windows; timely painting of wooden frames is the best thing you can do to maintain their original appearance.

Windows with wooden frames are a wonderful choice for those who appreciate classics and care about maintaining a cozy climate in their home. Over time, the tree loses its presentable appearance, so it needs to be restored in time.

There are no problems with new high-quality windows - painting them is not a problem. But restoring old wood frames with shabby appearance sometimes causes difficulties. So how do you paint an old wooden window?

Preparation before painting

So, there is an old wooden window, slightly damaged by time. Under no circumstances should you start painting it with raw paint from a can, as many do. This can only be done in one case - if the frame has just been purchased and is of excellent quality. But even here you can’t do without a primer.

An old window needs to be thoroughly prepared before painting, and to do this you need to assess its condition:

  • conduct a detailed diagnosis of all aspects window frame;
  • assess the tightness of the glass to the glazing beads;
  • check the presence and condition of the old paint layer.

It is imperative to prepare the window for painting. If you ignore this point, you can only ruin the product and waste your time. After a thorough diagnosis, the frame should be removed from all defects that were found. If there are rotten places, they need to be scraped off with a sharp metal object, for example, a knife. Old paint, if it does not adhere well or bubbles, also needs to be removed. To upgrade your window with your own hands, it is better to completely clean the frame of old paint using a special solvent and a knife.

After removing damaged areas of wood, irregularities and pits often appear on the window frame. Sanding with coarse sandpaper followed by applying putty will help correct the problem. At the same time, in this way you can fill the cracks that appear as a result of the wood drying out. Preparing the window for painting does not end there. Once the putty layer has dried, it can be polished with fine sandpaper. All that remains is to cover the frame with a layer of primer enamel. You can’t do without it, since paint applied directly to wood does not adhere well, swells and peels off ahead of time.

If preparatory work completed and the window frame has a smooth, smooth surface, you can move on to painting the old wooden window.

Applying paint to the frame

To make applying the paint easier, it should be diluted with a solvent. The choice of liquid for dilution depends on the composition protective coating. This can easily be clarified with the seller from whom the paint was purchased. But if you can’t get any recommendations on this matter, you can apply universal thinner"White Spirit". It suits almost all types alkyd paints. How to calculate the optimal amount of solvent? Here everything is chosen by eye. The main thing is that the finished mixture does not have a thick or watery consistency.

To paint the frame without staining the glass, you need to use masking tape. It will help refresh the window without losing its transparency. The adhesive tape is glued around the perimeter of the glass close to the glazing beads. When working with a brush, minimal splashes are created, so narrow strips of masking adhesive tape will be enough. To paint a window frame easily, quickly and efficiently, you should adhere to several rules:

  • During work, you must be careful, make sure that the paint goes on evenly and does not get into unnecessary places;
  • It is not recommended to immerse the entire brush in a container of dye. It is enough to dip the brush halfway and walk it along the edge of the can to get rid of excess paint;
  • Coloring must be done from top to bottom. This will prevent the appearance of sagging and leaks;
  • there is no need to try to apply as thick a layer of paint as possible in one go. This may result in uneven surfaces.

One simple rule will help you paint wooden windows correctly: it is better to apply 2-3 layers, the first of which should be thin. Moreover, the next round of painting is carried out only after the previous layer has completely dried. Thus, the entire process can take several days, depending on the drying speed of the coating. This technology helps to get rid of unpainted areas and provides reliable protection wooden frame from natural precipitation and sunlight.

Painting a wooden window is not difficult. Armed with patience and tools, an old product with an unsightly appearance can be turned into beautiful thing, which is proven using the example of a window frame. With the above tips, you won’t have to rack your brains thinking about how to paint wooden windows using old paint. The main thing to remember is: “It’s not so much difficult to achieve professional quality painting of old windows, but to maintain this quality for a long time.” Video can't be loaded: Tips for painting old wooden windows (