Shower      06/14/2019

Tomatoes are very poor seedlings. Tomato seedlings have stopped growing: we find out the possible causes and fix the problem in a timely manner. Why tomato seedlings are purple

Tomatoes, albeit not the most whimsical plant, but sometimes causes some problems like experienced gardeners and, of course, for beginners. Tomatoes require special individual care and care, because if you do not take into account some of the nuances, seedlings can start to grow much worse or stop growing at all. In this article, we will consider the "requirements" for the maintenance of tomato seedlings and try to figure out what to do to avoid similar problems in the future.

Conditions of detention

Like most plant species, tomatoes require strict adherence to certain conditions in order to grow and produce. good harvest fruits. The first of these should be highlighted temperature regime. On different stages tomato seedling life is required different temperature. At the time of the appearance of the first leaves, it is best to remove the seedlings in a cool place with a temperature of about 16 degrees. At night, the temperature should not fall below 13 degrees.

After that, the temperature of the content can be raised to 20 degrees during the day and 16, respectively, at night.

Proper watering of seedlings is one of the key things that must be observed when caring for them. Tomatoes should be watered offensively, but rarely. Let them love water, but the main thing is not to overfill them, because with excessively abundant watering, the plant may stop growing due to the lack of sufficient air in the soil.

Causes of Poor Growth

The reason for the poor growth of tomatoes after picking can be, oddly enough, the poor-quality picking process. This is one of the main reasons why tomatoes stop growing.

A pick, albeit not a difficult one, but a very crucial moment in the life of seedlings, and therefore you need to approach it carefully. The greatest attention should be paid to the root system of seedlings. big problems could turn out like this:

  • Rotten roots during a tomato transplant
  • Severe damage to the root system during a pick
  • Poor crimping of the roots when planting in the ground, from which air pockets are created next to them, which leads to a halt in the growth of tomatoes

It is worth remembering that the cause of poor growth can also be external factors, which before landing in open ground might not have been. These include diseases and pests.

If tomato seedlings have undergone a disease, then it will naturally outgrow to grow. Among the most common diseases, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Root rot. It occurs if it is excessively watered tomato seedlings at low soil or air temperatures. If you have identified this disease in your seedlings, you should immediately find plants with healthy roots and transplant them into new, fresh soil, but before you do this, rinse the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Black leg is another common tomato disease. This infection develops very rapidly, so it is worth responding to it as soon as possible. Its symptom is the darkening of the root neck of the plant.

Also, tomatoes have "enemies" among pests. Woodlice, spider mites, earwigs - all of them can have a very negative effect on the growth of tomato seedlings after picking. Therefore, it should be processed by special means from pests.

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Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable. In most regions, you have to grow tomatoes through seedlings. And at this stage, difficulties often arise: tomatoes were planted on time, seedlings do not grow well.

What measures need to be taken to correct the situation, as well as to understand your mistakes in order to prevent them in the future.

How to grow tomato seedlings

Seed preparation. Getting healthy plants for early harvest starts with seeds. Therefore, first you need to check the germination seed. To do this, we make a saline solution and pour out the seeds. Sick, weak, empty ones will float to the top, and full-fledged seeds will sink to the bottom, rinse them in running water.

Now you need to disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. You can use aloe juice diluted in half with water for disinfection. Seeds are kept in this mixture for a day. These methods will help raise the immunity of future seedlings.

To obtain strong, stocky plants, it is necessary to harden the seeds, which are wrapped in a cloth, filled with water per centimeter and alternately kept either in the refrigerator or in a warm place for two days.

With poor-quality soil, it is impossible to get healthy strong seedlings. The soil can be purchased at a store of well-known manufacturers or prepared independently from humus, peat, sand, a little ash and complex fertilizer or superphosphate.

Tomato seedlings grow 50-60 days, which allows you to calculate the sowing time. Pour the prepared soil into a box, water it, make grooves in 2-3 cm increments, sow the seeds, cover with earth, cover with foil and put in a warm place for germination.

seedling care

Tomatoes are heat-loving crops. Therefore, when growing seedlings, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime: the daytime temperature should be 16-18 degrees, and at night 13-15.

When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, they should be dived into separate cups or pots.

Further care of plants comes down to timely watering, top dressing. Pickled seedlings can be sprayed daily with a mixture of low-fat milk (a glass of milk per liter of water), which will protect plants from viral diseases. Two weeks after picking, tomatoes are fed with nitrophoska (a tablespoon of fertilizer per bucket of water).

And two weeks before planting tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground, hardening of seedlings should be carried out.

Why seedlings do not grow well?

What can cause the seedlings to grow slowly after they are planted in cups?

Nutrient deficiency. During this period, plants need nitrogen to build green mass. With a small amount of nitrogen in the soil, plants develop poorly, have a thin stem, a small leaf of a yellowish tint. In this case, it is enough to feed the plants with a solution of urea (a tablespoon per bucket) under the root. If a sheet with wrong side It has purple hue, then the plant lacks phosphorus, which is necessary for the normal development of the root system. In this case, you need to prepare an extract from superphosphate or feed the plant complex fertilizer. Good result obtained by feeding with sodium humate - a growth stimulator. The solution is diluted to the color of tea, and poured into a glass in a bush. The first feeding after picking is carried out after two weeks and further fed after 12-14 days.

Improper watering can also lead to slow tomato growth. It is impossible to allow the earth to dry out in a glass, but it is also not worth pouring heavily, you can provoke diseases with a black leg. Excess water reduces the resistance of tomatoes to temperature extremes, and the plants stretch. Seedlings are usually watered with settled water. room temperature once every five days.

Lack of lighting also slows down the development of tomatoes. In spring, the day is short, so you need to further increase the daylight hours by setting fluorescent lamp and turn it on every day for 12 hours.

Mistakes when picking: the root was strongly pinched or bent, or maybe even broken, so the plant cannot develop normally. Read how to properly dive seedlings.

If there is a cat in the house, then measures should be taken to protect the seedlings from the pet. Cats are very curious and will definitely explore the landings. And the earth in pots can provoke them to use as a toilet, which can cause the death of seedlings.

So we figured out how to grow tomatoes if the seedlings do not grow well, and found out the reasons for this. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, everything will be fine, and tomatoes will delight you with an excellent harvest.

Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable. In most regions, you have to grow tomatoes through seedlings. And at this stage, difficulties often arise: they landed on time tomatoes, seedlings growing poorly.

What measures need to be taken to correct the situation, as well as to understand your mistakes in order to prevent them in the future.
"Country hobbies"

How to grow tomato seedlings

Seed preparation. Getting starts with seeds. So first you need to check seed germination. To do this, we make a saline solution and pour out the seeds. Sick, weak, empty ones will float to the top, and full-fledged seeds will sink to the bottom, rinse them in running water.

Now seeds need to be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. You can use aloe juice diluted in half with water for disinfection. Seeds are kept in this mixture for a day. These methods will help raise the immunity of future seedlings.

To obtain strong stocky plants, you should carry out seed hardening, which are wrapped in a cloth, filled with water per centimeter and alternately kept either in the refrigerator or in a warm place for two days.

With poor-quality soil, it is impossible to get healthy, strong seedlings. The soil can be purchased at a store of well-known manufacturers or prepared independently from humus, peat, sand, a little ash and complex fertilizer or superphosphate.

Tomato seedlings grow 50-60 days, which allows you to calculate the sowing time. Pour the prepared soil into a box, water it, make grooves in 2-3 cm increments, sow the seeds, cover with earth, cover with foil and put in a warm place for germination.

seedling care

Tomatoes are heat-loving crops. Therefore, when growing seedlings, it is necessary to observe temperature regime: daytime temperature should be 16-18 degrees, and at night 13-15.

When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, they should be dive in separate cups or pots.

Further care of plants comes down to timely watering, top dressing. Pickled seedlings can be sprayed daily with a mixture of low-fat milk (a glass of milk per liter of water), which will protect plants from viral diseases. Two weeks after picking, tomatoes are fed with nitrophoska (a tablespoon of fertilizer per bucket of water).

And two weeks before planting tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground should be carried out.

Why seedlings do not grow well?

What can cause the seedlings to grow slowly after they are planted in cups?

Nutrient deficiency. During this period, plants need nitrogen to build green mass. With a small amount of nitrogen in the soil, plants develop poorly, have a thin stem, a small leaf of a yellowish tint. In this case, it is enough to feed the plants with a solution of urea (a tablespoon per bucket) under the root. If the leaf on the wrong side has a purple hue, then the plant lacks phosphorus, which is necessary for the normal development of the root system. In this case, you need to prepare an extract from superphosphate or feed the plant with complex fertilizer. A good result is obtained by feeding with sodium humate - a growth stimulator. The solution is diluted to the color of tea, and poured into a glass in a bush. The first feeding after picking is carried out after two weeks and further fed after 12-14 days.

Wrong watering can also lead to slow growth of the tomato. It is impossible to allow the earth to dry out in a glass, but it is also not worth pouring heavily, you can provoke diseases with a black leg. Excess water reduces the resistance of tomatoes to temperature extremes, and the plants stretch. Seedlings are usually watered with settled water at room temperature once every five days.

lack of lighting also slows down the development of tomatoes. In spring, the day is short, so it is necessary to further increase the daylight hours by installing a fluorescent lamp and turning it on every day for 12 hours.

If the house has cats a, then measures should be taken to protect the seedlings from the pet. Cats are very curious and will definitely explore the landings. And the earth in pots can provoke them to use as a toilet, which can cause the death of seedlings.

So we figured out how to grow tomatoes, if seedlings do not grow well and found out the reasons for this. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, everything will be fine, and tomatoes will delight you with an excellent harvest.

how to grow tomato seedlings

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depends on the quality of seedlings future harvest, so poor seedling growth and leaf wilt is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: the condition of the soil and even the care conditions created in the greenhouse. Tomato seedlings do not grow well in cramped conditions, in uncultivated soil and without fertilizers. Having considered all the common causes of seedlings withering, the gardener will save the future harvest.

Features of care

Seedlings grow quickly found immediately after planting or after the formation of the main stem of the bush. Culture develops poorly if it lacks free space. The lack of moisture and nutrients affects the condition of the stems, leaves and fruits. Creating conditions for seedlings is the primary task of the gardener.

Why tomato seedlings do not grow or grow poorly:

  • the temperature regime is not observed;
  • insufficient nutrition;
  • lack of nutrients and vitamins.

It is important that before planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, right conditions: first of all, before planting, the soil and all equipment are cleaned of harmful microorganisms.

Particular attention is paid to the temperature regime in the room, as soon as the first shoots appear, the culture boxes are removed to a cool place. During the day the temperature should not drop to 10-14°C. The optimum temperature regime is 18 ° C during the day and 13 ° C at night, otherwise the seedlings will quickly dry out or begin to fade.

A bush develops well, which is sprayed with low-fat milk. This procedure will help to avoid fungal diseases in seedlings. A plant planted in untreated soil or in unfertilized soil (dry soil without mineral substances and vitamins) does not germinate well. Whatever the reason for the poor growth of seedlings, it must be eliminated, otherwise it will not be possible to get a good harvest.

What does growth depend on?

Only 3 factors affect the growth of seedlings: the conditions created in the greenhouse or on open area, care and processing of bushes. A problem at each stage of seedling growth indicates the reason why the plant withers quickly.

Tomato seedlings do not grow in depleted soil if the soil has been used for planting other crops for several years in a row, especially root crops. The nutrition of the stem and the development of lashes depend on watering, and in the future - the appearance of the first inflorescences and greens. The picking is very important, which is carried out until the main bush is formed. Pests and diseases of tomatoes can affect the growth and formation of the first crop ovaries.

Soil quality

If the seedlings do not grow well, the first thing to check is the condition of the soil.

The soil determines the growth of the root system and the main stem of tomatoes. If the quality characteristics of the soil are not suitable for the growth of seedlings, the leaves begin to wither, root rot appears. Another sign of poor soil is the bluish tint of the seedlings. The leaves turn blue if there is not enough magnesium in the soil.

Seedlings grow poorly due to lack of nitrogen.

The trace element is especially important for strengthening the plant, the growth of seedlings into a full-fledged bush. Nitrogen enriches the soil with oxygen and saturates the root system with it. Without nitrogen, a weak, deformed bush and small fruits are formed - it is impossible to harvest a good crop in such conditions. The main symptom of nitrogen deficiency is the depletion of leaves and stems.


Magnesium helps to develop the root system of tomatoes, if there is a lack of such an important element in the soil, the plant quickly weakens.

Getting magnesium from natural products at home is very difficult. It is easier to buy magnesium-containing fertilizers that are suitable for feeding the soil for tomatoes. Magnesium is sold in powder or granules. They are diluted with water: the soil around the bush and neighboring crops is irrigated with the resulting mixture. To dilute the mixture to the desired concentration, use the instructions (it is necessary to adhere to the exact proportions).

What to do if there is not enough nitrogen in the soil:

  • fertilize with urea;
  • fertilize wood ash;
  • fertilize with purchased nitrogen-containing powders.

Nitrogen is sold as a powder, soluble in water. To dilute the fertilizer, use warm purified water (1 tablespoon of fertilizer per 10 liters of water).

If the seedlings do not grow due to a lack of nitrogen, fertilizer is applied 2 times a week for a month.

Use a nitrogen-containing additive for tomatoes with caution: an excess of nitrogen in the soil will harm the fruits. It is important to follow the instructions for the purchased fertilizer. If the upper layers of the soil are sprinkled with wood ash, the growth of seedlings is gradually restored.

Wrong watering

If there are no problems with the soil, but the seedlings of planted tomatoes still grow poorly, care needs to be reconsidered. If the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, the tomato does not have enough moisture or there is too much of it. This leads to rotting of the root system of the future tomato bush.

Watering seedlings is scheduled according to the schedule: no more than 2 times a week during the period active growth tomatoes. Before planting seedlings, the soil is plentifully watered and fertilized, the next watering occurs no earlier than a week later. The culture does not grow if excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots.


If it is not possible to determine the right amount of moisture for tomatoes, it is necessary to check the quality of the soil. If the earth is dry, water is added, if moisture is not absorbed, watering is stopped for a while.

Installing an irrigation system will help solve the problem. drip or autonomous watering will protect seedlings from excess or lack of moisture.

The level of moisture varies depending on the place where the crop is planted: on the south side, moisture evaporates faster, and in the shade, irrigation water can stagnate at the root system. Temperature must be taken into account environment and the level of moisture in the region where the crop is planted.

Wrong pick

Picking is the removal of the final part of the tap root. This procedure stimulates the branching of the root system and accelerates the growth of tomato bushes. If the picking was carried out incorrectly or the plant did not receive proper care after the procedure, the seedlings either do not grow at all, or do it very slowly.

The reasons for the insufficiently rapid growth of seedlings:

  • the root system is incorrectly bent;
  • during the procedure, the roots were torn off too much;
  • damage to the roots during planting in the ground;
  • the roots were poorly wrung out, as a result of which an air layer formed in the soil.

Dive is important to do according to all the rules: any damage to the root system of tomatoes can lead to the death of the crop. After picking, the plant sprouts poorly, then it is necessary to check the condition of the root system and improve its nutrition.

The entire subsequent period after the procedure, the soil is plentifully watered and fertilized. For feeding use natural fertilizers or mineral complexes that accelerate the development of the main stem.

Diseases of tomatoes

Diseases of the stem and root of tomatoes are the main problem of gardeners. fungal diseases and infections affect the culture at any stage of development. Diseases are the main factor why seedlings do not grow or quickly lose juices. Common problems:

  • root rot;
  • blackleg;
  • late blight.

Excessive watering of the crop or low ambient temperature leads to the appearance of root and root rot. With such a disease, the seedling does not grow for a long time and gradually rots.

An infectious disease (black leg) develops rapidly and passes to neighboring crops. It is dangerous for the entire garden, therefore it is difficult to treat.


What to do if the seedlings are infected? If the seedlings have suffered from root and root rot, they should be urgently transplanted into a new, cleaned and disinfected soil. Plants severely affected by rot are discarded. The soil after a diseased culture is replaced with soil washed with a solution of potassium permanganate.

It is possible to save a softened stem with a dark leg only at the initial stage of the disease.

Pests and insects

Tomato seedlings do not grow because of pests. Among them, the most dangerous are spider mite, wood lice or earwig. The leaves of a seedling attacked by pests turn yellow, their edges are deformed: holes or dark spots appear.

"Fitoverm" or "Aktellik" are able to help the culture. Means are used strictly according to the instructions.

Treatment land plot occurs on a large scale: diseased crops and neighboring plants are sprayed. An integrated approach will get rid of pests and protect future crops.

Insecticides are used with caution, especially during the period of active growth of seedlings. Processing should only be carried out by a professional.

Growing tomato seedlings is a rather complicated process. This problem is more common for beginners. Judging by the experience of those whose previous attempts were not successful, mistakes can be avoided as a result. Adviсe experienced gardeners to consider all aspects proper cultivation tomato seedlings. We will talk about what to do if tomato seedlings grow poorly after picking in the article.

There are several reasons why the growth of tomato seedlings stops. In order to competently find and eliminate them, it is necessary to consider each of the possible options.

Before taking any action, you must determine the cause, after picking, seedlings do not grow because:

  1. Irrigation was done incorrectly the ground is dry or there is excess moisture. If the cause is not watering, you need to check the drainage holes. It happens that novice gardeners forget about drainage, the lack of holes does not allow excess moisture to escape.
  2. Plant development may slow down due to the fact that it is not suitable for tomatoes priming. Often this happens when seeds are planted in the ground from the beds. The soil may be too acidic or too alkaline, so growth may have stopped.
  3. The reason may be lack or excess of nutrition. Fertilization - very good sign growth stimulation, however, should not be done frequently. A large number of fertilizer will harm the plant.
  4. Growth can be affected diseases or pests. Infected plants do not have enough strength to develop to their full potential. After transplantation, the bushes experience stress, if diseases or pests are connected to this, development will stop.
  5. If tomatoes slow down their development after picking, then it was not done correctly. The roots are severely torn, damaged or bent. Also, during transplantation, if the roots are poorly crimped, air cavities can form - all these moments are harmful.

To make sure the cultivation is correct planting material worth checking point by point possible reasons.

Poor soil for growing tomatoes

Novice gardeners do not always attach importance to the choice of soil, take soil from the garden. This is the main mistake, the growth of the plant depends on its quality. You can't save on this.

It is preferable to buy ready-made soil or prepare the mixture according to existing rules. To disinfect it from germs, it is necessary to use special means. Otherwise, pathogenic microbes or pests are formed.

If the soil is not of good quality, it must be enriched useful substances, add peat, fertilizer.

This problem is solved quite simply, it is not necessary to disturb the seedlings. The soil is sprinkled on top, after watering, everything useful will go to the roots. This moment must be taken into account, to prepare the land for planting correctly. Tomatoes give good growth if the soil has enough nutrients.

Stress after transplanting tomatoes

For any plant, transplanting is stressful, seedlings need to get used to new conditions. It takes time for the sprouts to take root, which is why proper care is so important.

  • Tomatoes need to be watched, watched temperature, watering, maintenance. Today, this problem is easier to deal with by buying a growth stimulator.
  • Special tools allow plants to survive a stressful situation.
  • Among experienced gardeners, a safe remedy made from natural substances is popular - sodium humate.
  • Thanks to stimulants, plants develop better, because they have a positive effect.

Preparations that have a positive effect on the root system and increase the growth rate will help to cope with stress. You should also increase the immunity of seedlings with Immunocytophyte or Novosila.

Use stimulants according to the instructions, the method of use is always indicated on the packaging.

Non-compliance with the rules of picking

First of all, the transplant must be carried out by deadline. Reasons for incorrect picking:

  1. Too overgrown or, conversely, a poorly formed plant will not take root well.
  2. Before transplanting, the soil was poorly watered, which caused damage to the roots.
  3. The seedlings for the picking period have one small root, if it is damaged, it will take a long time to recover.
  4. If you transplant densely growing seeds, where the roots of the plants are heavily intertwined, problems can also arise.

The optimal age of tomato seedlings for picking 10-15 days from emergence.

Wrong care

As for home care, this is a very important topic, maintenance has a very strong effect on growth. This includes all the accents of watering, fertilizer, temperature conditions, abundance of light.

  • be sure to water the plant after picking;
  • watering to carry out under the root of settled water;
  • cold water when watering will be harmful;
  • weak sprouts do not like a lot of sun, better create shading;
  • temperature should not be lower 20 degrees during the day, 16 degrees at night;
  • it is impossible to fertilize after picking, it is necessary to wait a certain period;
  • fertilizing with nitrophoska to produce no earlier than after 14 days;
  • any intervention in the process of seedling growth is detrimental;
  • necessary check the soil for moisture, spray weak sprouts, slightly moistening the soil.

After picking, give the plant enough time for the first 3-5 days.

What to do to help seedlings grow better

Caring for tomatoes in the seedling growth stage is very important point, From him depends on the quality of the harvest. The stronger the sprouts are, the easier it will be for him to take root in the open field. This work cannot be called easy, which is why many gardeners buy ready seedlings and only those who are patient manage to grow it on their own.

The following are tips to help seedlings grow better:

  1. Properly organize the place where the trays with sprouts will be located. Best fit window sills or heated greenhouses.
  2. Prepare the soil according to the recommendations, it should consist of peat, earth, sand, decayed humus. Be sure to disinfect the soil with special means or heat it in the oven.
  3. Check the quality of seeds, monitor the shelf life. Harden them in the refrigerator, process disinfectants. Seeds may have fungi.
  4. First days water only with a spray bottle. If the air is dry or hot, it is necessary to spray regularly, create a humid environment.
  5. Before picking, as soon as 3 leaves have formed, water the soil well. This must be done in three stages the day before the transplant.
  6. Transplant in a well-watered tray soil or in peat pots.
  7. Thoroughly press the ground so that the roots "sit down". If this is not done, the roots may die.
  8. In order not to form diseases (pests), for a long time gardeners used spraying with diluted milk at the rate of 1:4.

With the onset of stable warm days, at lunchtime, the trays are taken out to the street or balcony. This measure will allow the plant to get used to its natural environment to avoid stress.

To ensure good growth, it is necessary to pay attention to the soil, feed and water in time. If you follow the recommendations from the moment the soil is prepared to the pick, there should be no problems. By observing growth, any care errors can be eliminated. Good luck with your picks and rich harvests!