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Agricultural technology for growing strong seedlings of cabbage at home. How to plant cabbage for seedlings at home: rules for growing and caring

Some dishes are simply impossible to imagine without cabbage. Thanks to this vitamin vegetable, food is nutritious and tasty. Therefore, almost every gardener actively plants his fruits in his beds.

At home, you can grow good and strong seedlings of cabbage

What is seedling method

Growing cabbage seedlings at home helps to get a rich and high-quality harvest. Thus, ready-made young plants are planted on the garden bed, which have developed roots and are able to grow in the future.

When purchasing them on the market, there is a risk of getting fruits of a not quite desirable variety, so many gardeners are accustomed to sowing cabbage for seedlings on their own.

Not every gardener has a greenhouse that provides full-fledged care for sowing, so vegetables are often grown at home, on balconies and window sills. To get healthy and strong seedlings, it is necessary to observe some conditions for planting and caring for it:

  • you need to choose the right sowing time for each variety;
  • prepare the ground for seeds, pots and cassettes;
  • it is important to maintain temperature and light conditions;
  • disinfect seeds and soil.

It is convenient to grow seedlings in cassettes

Variety selection and sowing time

Depending on the growing season, cabbage varieties are:

  • Early ripe. Maturing terms from 40 to 50 days.
  • Mid-season. Approximately 30 days before landing.
  • Late ripe. Ripens in 45 days.

Early varieties are sown in late February or early March. They are suitable for fresh consumption, possibly for salads. The other two varieties of seeds are suitable for salting and storage for the winter. They are usually planted at the end of March.

planting seeds late cabbage carried out at the end of March

The main varieties and their features

Peculiarities different types cabbage:

  • Cauliflower consists of a white head and dense inflorescences that have flowers at the ends yellow color. Cauliflower seedlings are planted in mid-March and until the end of April. You can grow it in the same ways as late and mid-ripening white cabbage. Regarding top dressing, cauliflower prefers chicken manure. This fertilizer will allow you to get juicy and large heads of cabbage. There are several subspecies of cauliflower: Amethyst, Purple ball, Snowball, Snowdrift and others.
  • Broccoli feels great in the middle lane. The sowing date is mid-March. Unlike cauliflower, broccoli is fertilized immediately after transplanting into the ground to increase the possibility of engraftment. The harvest is taken in several stages.
  • White, red. Sowing seeds begins at the end of March. It is necessary to choose a specific variety of such cabbage in accordance with climatic conditions. For a cold region, Dumas F1, Zarya F1 are suitable, for the middle zone Zarya and Kazachok.
  • Brussels. It is less popular among gardeners. But with the help of home seedlings, you can get quite decent high-quality cabbage. This variety is grown in areas with a warm climate. In the north, Brussels sprouts can be grown in a greenhouse. Planting cabbage for seedlings begins from mid-March to the end of April.

If it was not possible to start planting seeds on time, you need to speed up the process by soaking them in water (18-20 degrees) and drying them after 12 hours. Then it will be possible to resume cultivation correctly.

Red and White cabbage drop off at the same time

Seed preparation and planting

Cabbage loves fertile and neutral soil, which should not be heavy. Ready land is suitable for sowing. You can also prepare homemade soil by mixing equal amounts of peat, garden soil and sand. Next, the soil is fertilized and calcined. good fertilizer is wood ash, which prevents various diseases and nourishes the soil with useful trace elements.

Seed pre-treatment is required. To do this, it is correct to use special biostimulants. This will help reduce the risk of plant disease. The lightest solution can be obtained by dissolving 2 tablespoons wood ash in a liter of water. Next day he insists and then filtered. Also, cabbage seeds are placed in dark pink potassium permanganate and kept for 20 minutes. They are then washed in clean water.

It is necessary to prepare special containers for sowing seeds. Large separate boxes are well suited for this, peat pots as well as cassettes. Many gardeners choose to grow in cassettes, considering them lightweight and economical option. Cassettes are made of plastic, and they have a different size and number of cells. The seedling itself is uniform, without weeds. In cassettes, the roots take the form of a cell, completely entangling a clod of earth, which also contributes to a good survival of plants in the garden. The effectiveness of the cassettes has been proven by many studies in this field.

The prepared containers are covered with earth and small grooves are made 1 cm deep every 3 cm. When the seeds are dry, they are covered with earth and covered with sand or peat to avoid the formation of a crust on the surface. The soil must be watered abundantly, and the container must be covered with a transparent film.

At normal room temperature, the first shoots can be grown in 5-6 days. An important condition is the observance of the night mode. It is necessary to withstand 6-9 degrees for 4-7 days. To achieve this effect, the seedlings are stored in the room during the day, and when night falls, they are taken out to the balcony.

Cabbage seedlings grow well in peat pots

Growing conditions

It is necessary to carry out quality care of planted seeds:

  • It is necessary to constantly ventilate the room where the seedlings are located. The air should not be cold.
  • Water future fruits with settled water once a week. It is necessary to follow that upper layer the soil did not dry out. You can not overdo it with watering, as this can lead to root rot.
  • The place where the seedlings are located should be well lit. Sometimes additional lighting may be needed when the day turned out to be cloudy. Lighting fixtures will help with this. The distance from them to the plants should be about 15 centimeters. You can use artificial light up to 12 hours a day.
  • Seedlings are susceptible to diseases that lead to rotting of the root system. If there are signs of a "black leg", it is necessary to remove the diseased plants, and pour the good ones with a solution of potassium permanganate. Watering should be reduced, and the soil should be sprinkled with ash.
  • When the first sprouts appear, they should be planted in larger boxes. Peat cassettes or pots are suitable for this. When planting, weak plants are selected, one third of the root system of healthy seedlings is removed. This procedure is called "picking" and it is carried out to stimulate the branching of the roots. Then the sprouts are transferred to a warm place with a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Later it reaches 18 degrees during the day and 12 at night.
  • Seedlings are fertilized several times to provide the plants with a full range of useful trace elements. To do this, use manure and warm water in a ratio of one to five or chicken manure in a ratio of one to fifteen. Three grams of superphosphate can be added per liter of water. Top dressing is carried out after planting, then after 15 days and immediately before planting in the ground is planned.
  • The first couple of weeks the cabbage grows slowly, but after three weeks and picks, the sprouts will have three leaves. It is good if, by the beginning of transplanting into the ground, the plants will have a height of about 20 centimeters and 5-6 leaves per stem.
  • Before planting, it is necessary to harden the sprouts and stop watering for a week. Seedling containers are left for open balcony by opening the film. Water it two hours before planting in open soil.

For landing at open ground seedlings are taken with at least 5 leaves

Features of transplanting into open ground

This procedure is best done in the afternoon. Foggy and rainy weather perfect for a transplant. It includes the following actions and rules:

  • It is necessary to prepare a place for planting in advance, remove the roots of weeds, dig up a bed, break up clods of earth.
  • Carefully dug up the plants, they are placed in the holes to the very leaves. Then the seedlings need to be covered with earth and compacted, as well as disinfected from an earthen flea.
  • In the future, it is required regular care, abundant watering and hilling cabbage. As the seedlings grow, the amount of liquid required increases.

Sowing seeds and further transferring plants to open ground is not such a complicated procedure as it seems at first glance. But for beginners, there will be some difficulties in growing.

Then you can use the video blogs of Yulia Minyaeva, where the secrets of good cabbage seedlings are described in detail and in an accessible way. This visual material It will be useful for some experienced gardeners.

Regardless of what kind of vegetable is planned to be grown, whether it is colored or Brussels sprouts, it is necessary to observe simple rules care and exactly follow the planting technologies for each species. Then, having shown attentiveness and patience, it will be possible to get an excellent harvest.

Cabbage is a favorite vegetable on our table. The variety of varieties allows all year round include vitamin dishes with cabbage on the menu. However, environmentally friendly products can only be obtained from your own garden, knowing the technology of growing this vegetable crop. The yield of cabbage largely depends on the quality of the seedlings.

Choosing a variety of cabbage for growing seedlings

Before purchasing seeds, you should decide on the purpose of planting cabbage. Different varieties are used for pickling, pickling, making soups, salads, etc. In addition, cabbage varieties are distinguished by ripening time. Early-ripening ones are good for fresh consumption in summer, and medium- and late-ripening ones are good for harvesting and long-term storage.

White cabbage is the most popular vegetable on our table

Table: cabbage varieties by ripening time

Types of cabbage by maturity Names of varieties and hybrids Type characteristic
Early varieties
  • Rinda F1,
  • June,
  • Cossack F1,
  • Dumas F1
Cabbage is tender, very tasty fresh, but not stored for a long time. It forms small loose heads of cabbage weighing up to 2 kg with juicy leaves, which are used for making salads, saltworts and summer cabbage soup.
Mid-season varieties
  • Glory,
  • Present,
  • Midor F1
Heads are larger (3-5 kg), best suited for pickling and pickling. Dense elastic leaves do not sour in brine when stored in barrels or jars and do not lose their taste. Cabbage is kept fresh until the middle of winter
Late varieties
  • Snow White,
  • Moscow Late 15,
  • Valentine F1,
  • Aggressor F1,
  • Kolobok F1
cabbage is for winter storage. Possessing good keeping quality, it does not deteriorate until spring. Late varieties also produce tasty and crispy sauerkraut. The heads are very dense, the leaves are hard, they are not suitable for salads and eating raw

Cabbage Moscow late 15 - a productive late-ripening variety that forms a dense large head of cabbage weighing 4.5 kg

If the area allows, it is desirable to grow cabbage with different ripening periods on the site.

Video: overview of cabbage varieties

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings

To obtain strong viable seedlings of cabbage, you should carefully prepare the soil and seeds, sow at the optimum time and create seedlings comfortable conditions.

Soil preparation and selection

The soil for sowing should be light and loose, have a slight acidity. You can prepare a mixture of fertile soil with sand and humus (1:1:2). The soil taken from the garden must first be shed with a 0.05% solution of manganese or Fitosporin-M (1 drop per 1 liter). For alkalization of strongly acidic soil, an ash solution is added (1 tablespoon of ash per 1 liter).

Soil for seedlings of cabbage can be prepared by yourself from fertile soil, sand and humus, adding vermiculite to preserve right level humidity

Seedlings develop very well on ready-made soil, which is sold in garden stores. It consists of peat, earth, river sand, fermented sawdust, biohumus and mineral additives. Such soil is completely ready for use and does not require disinfection. When sown in a bio-soil (for example, "Friendly shoots"), the seeds germinate 3-4 days earlier than when using ordinary soil, and the seedlings tolerate picking and transplanting better.

Biosoil "Friendly shoots" for seedlings of cabbage contains biohumus and mineral additives

Instead of soil mixture for growing seedlings, coconut substrate with the addition of vermiculite (3: 1) is also used. Braid fiber has high moisture capacity and breathability, vermiculite contains nutrients.

Porous coconut fiber is able to retain moisture better than peat

Seedlings grow well in peat tablets made from compressed peat enclosed in a natural shell. Peat is enriched with additional components: mineral, antibacterial substances, growth stimulator. Seedlings grown in such tablets are practically not affected by the black leg.

Instead of soil when sowing cabbage seeds, you can use peat tablets

Choosing a growing container

The roots of cabbage seedlings - thin, fragile leaves break easily, which leads to growth retardation, so it is better to immediately sow the seeds in separate containers. For growing seedlings without a pick, small ones are well suited. plastic cups or containers with cells. Tanks should have drainage holes so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil.

When growing cabbage in a separate cup, do not pick

Instead of cups, you can use jars of yogurt, cut off plastic bottles and even eggshells. Seedlings are easily removed together with a clod of earth during transplantation, and when grown in eggshell and completely landed together with a crushed container. An ideal air-water regime is created when seedlings are grown in peat pots, where the container itself is a fertilizer and is planted along with seedlings.

It is convenient to grow cabbage seedlings in cassettes with cells, where each seedling grows separately and does not interfere with others

Landing if needed a large number cabbage seedlings are more convenient to use spacious boxes with a pallet. The grown seedlings must dive into separate containers and then planted in the ground.

For a large number of cabbage seedlings, it is more convenient to use seedling boxes

Seed preparation

Dragee seeds do not need to be processed before sowing. They have already undergone pre-sowing preparation and are enclosed in a shell of an organo-mineral mixture, to which fungicides and microelements are added that increase germination. Such seeds are immediately sown in nutrient soil - they are larger than untreated ones, and they are easier to decompose in containers. However, such seeds retain germination for only 2 years, while ordinary seeds last 4 years.

Seeds must be calibrated, selecting larger ones for sowing

Raw seed must be prepared. Before sowing, the seeds are calibrated, selecting medium and large in size - at least 1.5 mm. To do this, they are placed in a 3% salt solution for 5 minutes. Small light seeds float up, heavy ones that have settled to the bottom are used for sowing. They are washed with clean water and dried, then disinfected from pathogens of bacterial and fungal diseases in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes and washed again with water. To accelerate the germination of seeds, you can place them for 12 hours in solutions of Epin (1 drop per 0.5 l), Nitrophoska (5 g per 1 l) or for 3 hours in an ash solution (30 g per 1 l).

Untreated cabbage seeds are disinfected in a manganese solution before sowing.

Improving the germination of cabbage seeds also contributes to their hardening. To do this, the seeds are placed in a container, poured hot water(50 °C) and leave for 15 minutes. Next, the soaked seeds are kept for a day in a refrigerator at a temperature of 1-2 ° C. Then dry and start sowing.

Used in the processing of cabbage seeds hot water with a temperature of 50 degrees

Seedling planting methods

Seedlings are planted in two ways:

  • with further picking:
    • in the nursery
    • in containers;
  • without a pick:
    • in cups,
    • in peat pots
    • in peat tablets,
    • into a snail.

A large number of seedlings to save space is convenient to grow in a nursery or containers.


When sown in a nursery, about 25 seedlings are located on an area of ​​1 m 2.

  1. Soil is poured into the box with a layer of 4 cm and spilled with a solution of Fitosporin-M or Gamair.
  2. Mark the grooves with a depth of 1 cm every 3 cm and lay out the seeds in them at an interval of 1.5 cm. Sprinkle with soil, compact and moisten the soil.
  3. Cover the crops with a film and put in a warm place (+20 ºC).
  4. The seedlings that appeared after 4-5 days are thinned out, leaving the feeding area for each sprout 2 × 2 cm.
  5. After 2–3 weeks, seedlings with 2–3 true leaves are planted in peat pots or cups, in which they remain until planting on the beds.

A large number of seedlings can be grown in a seedling box

Container with cells

It is more convenient to grow seedlings in plastic cassettes.

  1. The cells are filled with nutrient soil, not reaching the upper edge of 3 mm, so that the roots do not grow into the adjacent cell.
  2. 2–3 seeds are placed in each cell, they are deepened by 1 cm and watered from a sprinkler.
  3. The cassette is covered with plastic wrap and kept in a warm place until germination, monitoring soil moisture and removing condensate.
  4. After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into larger cups.

2-3 seeds are placed in each cell

You can grow cabbage seedlings without picking, immediately planting them in separate containers or in a snail at a considerable distance from each other.

Plastic cups

Growing seedlings in cups provides a greater percentage of plant survival and their uninterrupted growth.

  1. The containers are 2/3 filled with soil, 2–3 seeds are placed to a depth of 10 mm, sprinkled with earth and moistened with a spray bottle.
  2. Cover with foil and transfer to a warm place.
  3. As soon as sprouts appear, the shelter is removed.
  4. After the growth of 2-3 leaves, the weaker seedlings are removed, leaving one strong plant in the cup.

When sowing cabbage seeds in individual cups, seedlings grow stronger

Gardeners who prefer to grow seedlings in separate molds willingly use peat pots. Growing seedlings in peat containers helps to increase seed germination, increase productivity by 30%, in addition, the root system is not injured when planting in the ground. Seedlings are planted together with a pot, which, under the influence of moisture, dissolves after a while and enriches the soil with nutrients.

Peat pots can be of various shapes and sizes.

Peat tablets are peat balls of various diameters enclosed in a natural shell, which allows them to maintain their original shape. On top, recesses are made for sowing seeds.

  1. Before planting, the tablets are placed on a pallet or in large cells and moistened with water. Swelling, they increase in height up to 8 cm.
  2. The seeds are placed in the recesses and covered with 1–2 mm of peat from the tablet.
  3. The pallet is placed in a greenhouse until the emergence of seedlings.
  4. After the emergence of seedlings, the greenhouse is opened.

Cabbage seeds are sown in depressions made in the upper part of peat tablets.

Growing seedlings in peat tablets containing nutrients has clear advantages: additional plant nutrition and growth stimulants are not required, and the root system is not damaged when transplanted into the ground.

Landing in a snail

Growing seedlings in a snail is a way that saves space and soil. Shoots in the snail are evenly illuminated and well ventilated, without interfering with each other's development. The material for seedling rolls should be dense.

A snail with cabbage seeds is placed on a pallet and covered with a film, which is removed when sprouts appear.

Video: cabbage seedlings in a snail

The dependence of the time of planting cabbage for seedlings on the timing of ripening

The time for sowing cabbage for seedlings is determined depending on the precocity of the variety:

Sowing seeds of the mid-season Rinda variety is carried out in April, and in August-September you can harvest

Many summer residents who have experience in growing cabbage do not sow seeds at the same time, but every 3-4 days. This allows you to extend the harvest period.

Early cabbage is planted in open ground 45–50 days after sowing, seedlings of medium and late varieties - at the age of 35–45 days.

How to care for seedlings

Healthy seedlings can only be grown with proper seedling care.

Temperature regime

For seed germination, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect: cover the crops with a film and maintain a temperature not lower than +20 ºC. It is necessary to keep the soil in a moist state, but at the same time carry out airing daily, remove condensate. When sprout loops appear on the 3rd–4th day from sowing, the film is removed and the seedlings are transferred for a week to a cooler place with a daytime temperature of 10–12 °C, and a night temperature of 6–8 °C.

Containers with crops of cabbage seeds are placed under the film until germination

If this is not done, the seedlings will stretch and disappear. In the future, provide plants with optimal temperature regime: 18–20 °С during the day and 14–18 °С at night. Lower room temperatures can result in stunted seedling growth.


On the 3-4th day, shoots appear amicably, which need to be provided with good lighting. Seedlings are best placed on the windowsill on the south side, creating diffused light for them, shading with paper or using reflective screens. For intensive development of seedlings, it is necessary to provide a 12-hour daylight hours; in a darkened room, additional lighting with a phytolamp or fluorescent lamp will be required.

Cabbage seedlings need good lighting


Cabbage actively develops at an air humidity of 75% and soil - 85%. To do this, when the topsoil dries up, abundant watering with warm water is carried out. With a lack of moisture, the plants begin to wither, the leaves turn yellow. However, excessive watering should be avoided - stagnant water can lead to the development of root rot and the death of seedlings. Wet soil must be loosened, providing air access to the root system.

Cabbage seedlings must be watered, and on hot days - and sprayed

In case of violation of the light or temperature conditions, with improper watering, the seedlings can become thinner and stretch out. In this case, the plants must be transplanted into individual cups, pinching the root and deepening the seedling to the cotyledon leaves. To slow down the growth of plants will help the introduction of a solution of the Athlete preparation into the soil (1 ampoule per 500 ml), which also contributes to the formation of strong stems and a developed root system.

In low light, cabbage seedlings become thinner and stretched

cabbage pick

If the seedlings were grown in a common container, with the advent of 2-3 true leaves, it must be dived into separate cups. Seedlings growing in small cells are transplanted into larger containers. It is very convenient to dive seedlings into peat pots - when planting in the ground, the plants are planted together with the container.

Cabbage seedlings with 4-5 true leaves are ready for planting in the ground

Seedling feeding

Top dressing is necessary for seedlings of cabbage for better growth and development. Nutrient additives are applied during irrigation or by spraying. The first top dressing is carried out 2 weeks after sowing the seeds, introducing a solution of complex fertilizer Agricola-1 (25 g / 10 l) into the soil. Good influence on the development of plants and foliar top dressing. The leaves are sprayed with the prepared Agricola-1 fertilizer solution using a sprayer in the morning or evening hours.

Re-feed the seedlings 10 days after picking.

It is useful to feed cabbage seedlings with Agricola complex fertilizer containing all the necessary trace elements.

Before planting seedlings in the ground, the third dressing is carried out.

Using complex fertilizers containing a balanced amount of macro- and microelements, cabbage seedlings develop well and easily adapt to open ground conditions.


A week before transplanting to the garden, seedlings begin to harden:

Disease prevention

In case of violation of agricultural technology, seedlings can get sick. Cabbage most often suffers from blackleg and downy mildew.

The thickening of seedlings, excessive watering and non-compliance with the temperature regime often lead to the appearance of a black leg. Symptoms of the disease are darkening and rotting of the stem in the basal part. It is impossible to save such plants, therefore, to protect seedlings, it is necessary to focus on prevention.

Before sowing, seeds and soil should be disinfected; later, when irrigating, use only warm water, adding potassium permanganate to it. In the phase of 2–3 leaves, cabbage seedlings are sprayed with a 0.2% solution of Fitosporin-M. An acidic environment is favorable for the development of pathogens of the black leg, so the soil with high level acidity must be known. At the first sign of the disease, the affected plants are removed, healthy ones are transplanted into new ground, seedlings are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

black leg - fungal disease, which spreads rapidly in case of violation of agricultural technology for growing cabbage seedlings

Excessive watering and too high room temperature contribute to the development of downy mildew. This fungal disease especially often affects young plants with weak immunity. Yellowish-brownish spots appear on the upper part of the leaf, the reverse side is covered with a grayish coating. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to powder the plants with ash (25 g / 0.5 m 2) or treat with Fitosporin-M solution (3 g / 5 l), re-treat after a week.

Excess moisture and elevated air temperature lead to the development of peronosporosis

Pest protection

The main enemies of cabbage seedlings are cruciferous flea and aphids. The appearance of white spots and holes on cabbage leaves is the result of an attack by the cruciferous flea.

Cruciferous fleas damage cabbage seedlings by making holes in the leaves.

The aphid reveals its presence on the seedlings of cabbage with white, and then with a brown coating on the leaves.

In the fight against pests, you can use natural preparations: herbal decoctions (chamomile, celandine, wormwood), ash solution (150 g / 5 l) or milk with iodine. You can wash the plants with soapy water. With a massive invasion of insects, you will have to use chemicals - Bankol (0.7 g / l), Anabasin sulfate (1 g / l).

Grow healthy seedlings even a novice gardener can do cabbage. Knowing the characteristics of a vegetable crop and creating comfortable conditions for it, you can harvest the whole season, prepare vitamin cabbage salads, pickle or store in the cellar until spring.

Good day to all! Today, the garden topic will be devoted to the most popular vegetable in our beds - cabbage.

If you make a list of leaders in garden crops, then the top four will undoubtedly include tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and our today's heroine.

True, regardless of the preference for one or another variety of the first three vegetable crops, our beauty is mainly grown exclusively white. Rarely does anyone plant broccoli or cauliflower. And there is no need to talk about other types.

But this, as they say, is a matter of taste for everyone. Today I will tell you about different representatives. Suddenly you want to master for yourself new variety. Moreover, the time for sowing and growing is no longer waiting. So let's talk about how to do it.

The timing of planting any crop, including cabbage, primarily depends on what climate is present in a particular region. That is, weather and climatic conditions are taken into account.

It is clear that in cold weather, plants develop more slowly, and seedlings should be sown earlier. However, in the southern regions, the timing of planting seedlings in open ground is earlier than in the northern ones. So don't forget about that either.

According to popular beliefs and advice, it is best to plant it for seedlings during the period when the moon is growing.

The table below shows the favorable and unfavorable terms of work with this vegetable crop.

In addition, planting depends on the variety. If you need to get the result quickly, then it is better to sow the seeds of early varieties. If you are going to store cabbage for several months, then medium. And of course, it is better to use seeds of late varieties for storage for the winter.

It is clear that all varieties have their own period of growth and development. And in accordance with this, all of them are planted in open ground in different dates.

Let's look at these terms for the white and red varieties:

  • for early varieties, this period is 50 - 55 days
  • for medium - it is 40 - 45 days
  • and for late varieties it is the smallest, only 30 - 35 days

And here are the timings for other varieties of this popular culture:

  • for broccoli it will be 45 - 50 days
  • for color, this period is the same and is 45 - 50 days
  • and for Brussels - it is the longest, and is almost two months, or rather 50 - 60 days.
  • kohlrabi and savoy cabbage have a short period, it is only 35 - 45 days.

And we cannot discount the factor that we will dive seedlings. And at this time, the plant will adapt to new conditions (I don’t want to use the word “sick” in this case). And it will also take about a week.

Now, knowing all these numbers, as well as knowing the approximate date of planting in open ground, you can accurately calculate the exact date of sowing seeds for seedlings.

This is a scheme that must always be followed, and then the plant will sprout in time, grow and give an excellent harvest.

Features of growing different types and varieties of maturation

As we have already determined, there is different varieties and types of this culture. And they all have different maturity dates. Therefore, they are planted in different time and at different times.

In the northern regions, early varieties may already be sown in mid-February, or early March. But April is the most suitable time for sowing a crop of medium ripening varieties. Moreover, they begin to sow seeds from the very beginning of the month, without delay.

But with late varieties, you can wait a little and start planting only by the end of April. There is a lot of time, and the cabbage will have time to grow, and ripen, and gain strength for long-term storage in the winter.

And now let's look at this issue in more detail, literally for each variety and species. As we can see, there are quite a few of them. And let's start with the most popular and beloved - with the white-headed beauty.

  • February 15 - March 15 - the timing of planting early-ripening varieties
  • March 1 - March 31 - mid-season varieties are planted
  • March 15 - April 15 - you can sow seeds of late varieties

For red cabbage, these terms are as follows:

  • March 15 - April 15 - seeds of early ripening varieties are sown
  • March 30 - April 30 - you can plant mid-season and late varieties

Cauliflower is loved by many garden plots, and every year it is grown more and more actively. And there are also early-ripening and mid-ripening varieties.

  • March 15 - April 15 - sowing dates for the first of them
  • April 1 - May 15 - just the time for the second. Often, mid-season varieties are sown for seedlings already in greenhouses with the onset of warm days. Then planted in open ground.

Kohlrabi is a storehouse of vitamins, and just a beautiful and original vegetable crop. They love to grow it, and most importantly, they love to harvest - unusual beautiful forks.

  • March 15 - March 30 - the timing of sowing early-ripening varieties
  • April 1 - April 31 - medium varieties are sown
  • from May 1, all late varieties are sown

This lovely "Brussels" beauty is not so often grown in our gardens. But if she has already settled once, she will become their permanent resident.

  • March 1 - April 1 - it's time to sow the early varieties of beauty
  • April 1 - May 1 - time for medium varieties
  • April 15 - May 15 - best time for late varieties

Broccoli - it even has a beautiful name! And what is she like! It’s a pity to even cut it when it ripens. How not to plant her in the garden with our familiar Russian beauty. What are the deadlines for it?

  • March 1 - April 1 - early varieties, or immediately into the ground from May 15 to June 15
  • March 15 - April 15 - time to sow mid-ripening varieties
  • April 1 - May 1 - just you can sow the seeds of late varieties.

And we haven't forgotten the overseas Savoy cabbage either. Her timeline is as follows:

  • February 15 - March 15 - the earliest varieties
  • March 15 - April 15 - medium and late varieties

And at the beginning of the chapter we also talked about climatic zones and features of sowing in them.

So, in the Urals and Siberia, it is customary to sow seeds for seedlings from about mid-April. This is the case if we are planting early ripe varieties. And at the end of April, seeds of medium and early ripening varieties can be prepared.

In the Volga region, sowing early-ripening cabbage begins in mid-March and continues until early April. And already, starting from the first days of April, mid-season and late varieties are sown.

in the Moscow region and middle lane They also begin to sow Russia from mid-March, and cherish medium and late varieties until mid-April. And there already with might and main begin to sow and grow seedlings.

Methods and features of growing from seeds

Cabbage loves full daylight hours. It needs at least 12 hours of light to flower and set. If there is not enough light, then germination may not occur. Early ripe varieties, and they ripen almost 90-100 days after sowing.

All this must be taken into account when choosing a landing method. And there are two of them. The most common is seedling and the second less popular is seedless.

Seedling growing method

Since planting seeds for seedlings is a more common and practiced method, we will consider it at the beginning.

If all the work on growing seedlings is divided into stages, then we can distinguish (conditionally, of course) such stages as:

  • soil preparation
  • planting seeds
  • seedling care
  • picking and hardening
  • planting seedlings in open ground

As for the soil, it is now easier to purchase it in the store. But if you decide to cook it yourself, then prepare the soil in the form of a mixture of peat and compost, which consists of humus, earth and sand. Moreover, sand should be no more than five percent of the total mixture.

Having prepared the soil, we prepare containers for seeds. Here you can either take a common box for all seedlings at once, or use individual cups for planting. In this case, you will not need to dive seedlings, transplant them later.

We fill the prepared containers with earth.

A day before sowing, it should be thoroughly shed with a solution of drugs such as Gamair and Alirin-B.

If we use a container for general planting, then we make shallow grooves in it 1 cm deep. The distance between them should be at least 1 cm, and preferably a little more. The earth must be slightly moistened by spraying from a spray bottle, then sow the seeds with a distance of 1 cm.

Then we sprinkle the seeds with earth and again lightly spray the earth. Then we put it on the windowsill, and wait for the shoots. The optimum temperature for this is 25 degrees Celsius.

The first seedlings will see the light in a week. And there will be friendly, pleasing shoots. After that, the temperature for a week is lowered to 17 degrees. Watering should be moderate so that there is no excess moisture. It is best to water through a syringe, or a rubber pear. In this case, small tender roots are not injured.

Seedlings dive very small, about 14 days after germination. After that, a small sprout adapts for 7-10 days, and then begins to grow and develop again. best temperature for this - 20 degrees. Watering for the entire period of growth should also be moderate. It is also necessary to provide the seedlings with a sufficient amount of light.

With the onset of warm days, it's time to slightly harden our sissy. To do this, 12 days before planting in open ground, you can first open the window for a short time for it, over time this period can be slowly lengthened. And after a few days, you can briefly leave it on a cool balcony. And also gradually increase the time of her stay there.

Seedless growing method

The second way of growing is seedless. As is clear from the word itself, it implies planting seeds directly in open ground.

Here, it is necessary to prepare the seeds even more carefully than for seedlings.

  • Sorting
  • culling
  • Aging in warm water within 15 minutes

All this is significant milestones and seed preparation activities.

After that, you can start sowing. We sow the seeds to a depth of 2 cm. It is generally believed that per 10 square meters. meters enough 1.5-2 gr. seeds.

As soon as the first three leaves appear, it is necessary to thin out and remove weak shoots. After the appearance of 5-6 leaves, one more, last thinning is done.

For this method of cultivation, care for seedlings is carried out in exactly the same way as with the previous method.

When to plant cabbage for seedlings

And so, we decided to plant our favorite vegetable crop in seedlings. And we have already decided on the varieties and terms of planting it in open ground. We have already dealt with this issue well. How to count and calculate, I hope everyone understood.

We know that already in July it is possible to harvest the first crop of early-ripening cabbage. If you count, it must be planted no later than the first decade of March. At the end of March it will be too late. This is the time for medium and late varieties.

It is clear that these dates are very approximate. After all, we also know and have already considered that the main factors are the climatic conditions of the area where you are planting.

Besides, it doesn't even happen year after year. Either in March, all the snow has already melted, and then it lies a meter thick. That is, the weather conditions are such that the dates need to be reviewed and shifted to one side. All this must be taken into account. And also take into account how many seedlings need to grow in home warmth before they land in the ground.

Lots of calculations. And below is a sample table that can help a little with the timing of sowing different varieties.

Planting dates for seedlings of early cabbage of different varieties

Many people sow early cabbage to get an early portion of fresh vitamins. They plant it not so much, mainly using medium and winter varieties. After all, it is they who are salted, prepared salads and stored all winter.

But the early beauty is too good and tasty, so everyone tries to grow it as early as possible. Therefore, let's briefly go over the timing of its landing.

When you buy seeds, be sure to pay attention to getting the right variety. In our case, early. There are early varieties in almost all types and varieties of our heroine. And for all of them different sowing dates. There is usually information about this on the packaging. Also there you can find the approximate dates of its sowing and planting in open ground.

Early varieties require the most time to keep at home. And this means that some varieties are already beginning to be planted in January (for example, Savoy).

In the chapter above, we have already discussed in detail when which species should be sown. It remains only to adhere to this.

The white-headed and red-headed beauty is sown 40 - 60 days before planting in the ground; kohlrabi - in 30 -35 days; Savoy - in 40 - 50 days; Brussels and color - also in 40 - 50 days.

Now let's take a closer look at how to plant a particular species.

Planting cauliflower seedlings at home

Here, too, we will not come up with anything new. Depending on the variety, it is necessary to sow seeds at one time or another.

Below is a table to help you determine these dates. And also in it you can get acquainted with what varieties exist.

And so, judging by the table, the most optimal age for seedlings is from 25 to 50 days. We find our variety, and see what age is considered optimal for it.

In accordance with this, we begin to deal with seeds. We go through them and discard the unnecessary ones. Decide on a date. This important point. You need to be sure that by the time the seedlings require transplanting to the street, it should already be comfortable and warm enough for it.

We sow the seeds either in separate cups or in a common container (we have already considered the methods of planting today). Seedlings should appear in 7-10 days. This will happen if the temperature for this was comfortable, that is, 24 - 25 degrees.

But after their appearance, such a temperature will already be excessive, and it should be reduced by half. An ideal place on the windowsill overlooking the sunny side.

If the seeds were planted in a common die, then it is necessary to dive in time. This time comes, as a rule, on the 12th day after the emergence of shoots. The day before this important event for the plant, the plate must be kept again for a day at a temperature of 23 degrees.

And after the procedure, the temperature regime is the same as before the transplant, that is, 12 degrees Celsius.

A week before planting in the ground, hardening can begin. To do this, open the windows and take out the seedlings to the balcony.

Under such conditions, it then stands until it is planted in open ground.

Video on how to grow cauliflower

This video shows the process of growing cauliflower at home. This manual is like some necessary cheat sheet for gardeners and gardeners, especially for beginners.

Currently, "colorful forks" are grown in various regions of our country. And who else does not do this, for sure, after watching the video, they will be impressed and buy a bag, another seed of this wonderful vegetable crop.

When to plant the June white early

An early ripe beauty that all gardeners who grow this crop in their summer cottages want to have. White-headed varieties are without a doubt the most grown, and at the same time the traditional vegetable crop. And of course the most beloved.

The most popular among its many varieties are early varieties. This is due to the fact that already in June I want to get a fresh harvest. Hence the so popular name - "June".

The main feature of the "June" favorite is the fact that about 100 days pass from the start of sowing to the harvest. Therefore, they begin to plant it from mid-March, and in some regions, depending on the circumstances and weather conditions, until mid-April.

Some special conditions for its cultivation was not invented. Also, as for all other species and varieties, seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, with a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from each other.

Until the seedlings appeared optimum temperature for this event should be 18 - 20 degrees, with a plus of course. And when the shoots hatched, the temperature should be lowered to 14 degrees. It is important to maintain this temperature for 5-6 days. Then you can grow just at room temperature on the windowsill.

Do not forget about the light, it should be enough. The lack of light, or its lack, contributes to the stretching of seedlings. And that doesn't make her stronger.

If the seedlings have risen quite densely, then they must be threaded. The distance between them should be left at least 1.5 cm. Weaker plants are usually removed. A week later, a maximum of two, after the appearance of seedlings, they dive into small containers, dropping up to seven-lobed leaves.

Then, after another two weeks, the seedlings dive again, and this time they are already transplanted into separate cups.

In addition, this variety is also frost-resistant. She is not even afraid of frosts up to -5 degrees. This can be taken into account, and with an early landing in open ground, this can not be afraid. And you do not even need to cover the plants at this time.

Broccoli planting dates

Broccoli, of course, is not often found among gardeners, but if you decide to plant it, then you must follow some rules. Although the main planting work is carried out in the same way as when planting other types of cabbage.

In order to get more than one crop, but several, it is very convenient to sow the seeds in 2-3 stages. The interval between them can be in this case from 5 to 15 days.

They sow seeds without any innovation, just like everyone else. First, they prepare the dies, scatter the earth in them and process it. The seeds are sorted out and sown to a depth of 1.5 cm, the distance between the seeds is maintained at 3 cm. The seedlings grow fluffy, so they will need a little more space than usual.

Then the seeds are covered with earth and sprayed with a spray bottle. Waiting for shoots in 7 - 10 days.

Let me remind you that early varieties are sown 45 days before planting in the ground, and late ones - 35-40 days before. Here the difference is not so noticeable.

The peculiarity is that the seedlings are planted in parts. The first part is planted in the ground in early May (of course, if there are weather conditions for this). After 5 days, you can land the second batch, after another 5 - the next. And after 5 - the last.

In general, it is possible to transplant grown seedlings into a garden bed as early as two weeks after the appearance of the first seedlings. But in any case, you should be guided by the weather.

And to deal with this issue once and for all, let's watch a video together on the topic of planting broccoli.

Now that we have all learned about cabbage varieties, about the timing of their sowing and cultivation, we can easily cope with planting, caring for and caring for seedlings. And we can easily grow any of the known species and varieties.

Good luck with your gardening business!

Cabbage is not the last place in the summer cottage of every gardener. This is due to the fact that the vegetable is suitable not only for making vitamin salads, but is also used in many other dishes. To grow strong seedlings, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and recommendations for planting, caring for and growing cabbage seedlings at home.

Basic rules for planting cabbage for seedlings: how to sow at home

In order for the seedlings to turn out strong and healthy, it is necessary to sow accordingly, and first to properly prepare the seeds, containers and soil, and of course it is very important to choose the optimal timing. Only strict adherence to the recommendations will help to avoid serious mistakes that can negatively affect the growth and development of cabbage seedlings in the future.

When to sow seeds: optimal sowing time

Note! The site already has a detailed article about, including auspicious days for landing in 2019 according to the lunar calendar.

Seed preparation before sowing: pre-sowingtreatment

Before planting cabbage seeds, it is necessary to prepare them. This procedure is intended for seed collected independently, and for purchased. This requires initially conducting a visual selection, sifting out all damaged specimens, as well as those that are significantly larger or smaller than the bulk.

Then it is recommended to process (pickling) cabbage seeds from pathogens that may persist on the outer shell. To do this, they must first be soaked in warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate at a temperature of 40-50 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Can be held disinfection using the drug.

For stimulation of growth processes And increase in percentage of germination it is recommended to soak with a solution "Epin"(according to instructions) or "Zircon"(according to instructions). After that, the seeds must be immediately planted in the ground.

And even better germinate cabbage seeds on cotton pads. In 2-4 days, the seeds will hatch, and it will be possible to plant them in the ground.

Important! If, when buying cabbage seeds, they are painted in different colors (it is more correct to call them coated, granulated or glazed), then this indicates that the manufacturer has already taken care of them in advance and carried out a complete pre-sowing preparation. Therefore, no action is required with them. Landing should be done dry.

Video: soaking cabbage seeds

What soil to plant

Important! For planting, you can not take the soil from the site where cruciferous crops (rutabaga, turnip, radish, horseradish) grew, as they have common diseases.

Sowing cabbage seeds must be carried out in a light and nutritious substrate, which will enable the plants to fully develop. The best option would be to buy ready ground for seedlings of cabbage, where the composition of the soil is completely balanced and has a neutral level of acidity in the range of 6.5-7 pH.

You can also prepare the necessary soil for planting cabbage yourself by mixing the following components:

Important! Nitrogen fertilizers and humus should not be applied to the soil, as this can lead to excessive growth of the aerial part and further lodging of seedlings.

In addition, it is recommended to disinfect the substrate from pathogens of fungal diseases before planting cabbage. To do this, a few days before sowing, it is necessary to shed the soil with a working solution of the drug (according to the instructions) or a rich pink infusion of potassium permanganate.

And then it is desirable to sift the substrate and carefully loosen it in order to increase its air and moisture permeability.

landing tanks

For planting cabbage for seedlings, you can use wooden or plastic boxes and pallets, but there are also other containers that you should pay attention to. To understand their advantages and disadvantages, you should familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Important! The most important thing is that there are drainage holes at the bottom of the landing container.

  • Containers made of wood or plastic. This type of container has been used for planting seeds for a very long time due to its ease of use. Wooden structures can be completely built independently, without extra costs. They are suitable for both sowing and picking seedlings in the future. The disadvantage of containers is that the root system can be damaged during transplantation. It is also impossible to get one plant without affecting the neighboring one. In addition, these structures are quite heavy.
  • Plastic cups. They are also very popular with gardeners due to their low cost and reusable. In addition, sowing in such containers allows you to extract plants without damaging the roots, which reduces stress during transplantation. But this type of container has a number of disadvantages. The cups do not have drainage holes, so you need to make them yourself, and you also need to purchase additional trays to water the plants. In addition to all this, they do not have stability and need additional devices when transporting seedlings to their summer cottage.

100-200 ml cups will be enough.

  • Not so long ago, a type of landing tank appeared. Often sold at the same time with a pallet and a lid, which makes it easier for the gardener. It is a separate cell connected into a single whole, which allows you to plant plants immediately separately. They have drainage holes and are easily cut with scissors if necessary. When transplanting, the root system is not damaged. The disadvantage is that they break easily and are inconvenient during further transportation of seedlings.

  • Peat tablets. The best option for growing seedlings, allowing you to grow strong seedlings with a well-developed root system. For planting, it is necessary to soak the tablets for 7 minutes in water until completely swollen. They are nutritious compressed peat, placed in a special shell, which completely dissolves when planted in the ground. This allows you to land in the ground without damaging the root. The disadvantage is the high price and the need for frequent watering, as the moisture from the substrate evaporates quickly. Transportation will require additional equipment.

By the way! Cabbage can be sown for seedlings and in banks For more information about this method, see the following video:

What scheme to follow when landing

Planting should be carried out taking into account the fact that plants will need free space in the future for full development. Therefore, you should not thicken the crops too much.

Advice! It makes sense to sow thicker only in order to leave the strongest sprouts later. And they need not be pulled out, but cut off with scissors.

If you are going to dive, then you need to place the seeds in a common container at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other and with a row spacing of 3-4 cm.

And if you plant the seeds in a common container at a distance of 5-10 cm in a checkerboard pattern, then seedlings can be grown without picking.

Of course, it is ideal to sow immediately in separate containers, so as not to carry out a pick in the future, because cabbage does not really like it, especially cauliflower.

Important! The thickening of crops is the cause of weak and elongated seedlings of cabbage, and can also cause the development of various diseases.

Video: we prepare seeds and sow cabbage for seedlings

Immediate fit

When planting cabbage seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to consistently perform actions. This will help prevent serious blunders that can negatively affect the plants in the future.

Step-by-step instruction sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings:

  • Pour the prepared substrate into the planting containers (2/3).
  • Water it abundantly and wait until the water is completely absorbed and the soil settles.
  • Make rows 1 cm deep and spread the seeds.
  • Sprinkle with earth on top.
  • Moisten the top of the substrate with a spray bottle.
  • Cover with a transparent lid or film to keep the moisture inside.
  • Put the containers on the window and ensure the temperature of the content is up to + 18 ... + 22 degrees (less for white cabbage, more for color).

Video: a proven method of sowing cabbage for seedlings (white cabbage)

Note! Serious differences in sowing and growing various kinds there is no cabbage, but there are some small nuances, especially cauliflower (it is more thermophilic).

You might want to watch the following videos:

Video: especially growing and sowing Beijing cabbage for seedlings

Video: sowing and growing cauliflower seedlings - the subtleties of the process

Features of further care and cultivation of seedlings of cabbage

To grow healthy cabbage seedlings at home, you need to create optimal conditions. Otherwise, the seedlings will have an unsightly pale appearance.

Temperature regime

Remember! Cabbage is a cold-resistant plant. The only exception is cauliflower: it needs more room conditions but also too high temperatures she can't stand it.

As soon as the cabbage seedlings hatch and friendly shoots appear, the temperature of the content must be set in this range ( recommended for white cabbage and other types of cabbage, except for cauliflower ): during the day - + 14-18 degrees, and at night - + 8-12 degrees. This mode will help to restrain the excessive growth of the above-ground part (prevent it from stretching) and will allow you to build up the root system.

Therefore, it is advisable to take containers with seedlings to a balcony or loggia. Or, if you only have a window sill, then slightly open the windows, setting them to the winter ventilation mode.

In general, as a rule, trays with cabbage seedlings are placed in a greenhouse.

And here is the seedling cauliflower does not tolerate low temperatures, so for her successful cultivation the temperature both during the day and at night should be 4-6 degrees higher, i.e. during the day - + 18-22 degrees, at night - + 14-18 degrees.

Interesting! Cauliflower does come in many colors, but it got its name not because of this, but because it is the flowers (tightly pressed buds) of this plant that we eat, and not the leaves.


Cabbage is a photophilous crop, so any slight dimming can lead to the death of seedlings. For the full growth of cabbage seedlings, daylight hours should be within 12-15 hours.

Planting containers with seedlings should be placed on the southern windowsill, or at least in the southwest or southeast. And in the evening or morning hours, if possible, provide backlighting phytolamps.

Watering and humidity

Watering cabbage planted on seedlings should be carried out as the topsoil dries up, avoiding overflow, as well as drying out of the roots. In this case, water should not fall on the leaves.

Note! Cabbage seedlings are strictly forbidden to water cold water, only warm or at least room temperature. Optimal water for irrigation - it is rain or melt water. Will go for watering cabbage and ordinary running water, passed through the filter and settled for 24-48 hours at home at room temperature.

top dressing

In order for cabbage seedlings to be strong and healthy, fertilizers must be applied. This will help her to develop more actively and fully.

However, if you initially prepared nutrient soil (with humus or compost, wood ash), then in principle no additional top dressing is required. Of course, if appearance plants will not require otherwise.

Cabbage seedlings are fed in the following order:

  • at the stage of appearance of 2 cotyledon leaves (7-10 days after germination);
  • 10-14 days after the first (in the phase of 2 true leaves);
  • 10-14 days before planting in open ground.

By the way! If you grow with a pick, then the first top dressing should be done 7-14 days after it has been carried out.

First feeding You can do yeast infusion. Dissolve 10 grams of dry yeast in 1 liter of water, add 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, let it brew for 4-6 hours and pour under the root.

The second top dressing should contain lots of nitrogen. Say you can water herbal infusion(for example, from nettle) or use mineral fertilizers(for example, ammonium nitrate or urea).

You also don’t want to bother, then it is recommended to use cabbage seedlings to feed complex mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions. Or prepare such top dressing from different fertilizers, for example, taking 3-4 g of urea, 3-4 g of superphosphate and 3 g of potassium sulfate per 1 liter.

Video: how to care for cabbage shoots

Picking seedlings of cabbage

The picking procedure involves planting plants in separate and more spacious containers.

A pick of cabbage seedlings is needed only if the seeds were sown in one common container and the seedlings began to run out of space. In general, cabbage does not like picking very much, because. the procedure causes severe stress for the root system of the plant.

When to carry out picking cabbage? The main condition is the appearance of 2 true leaves in the seedlings.

When picking, cabbage seedlings should be deepened to the first pair of cotyledon leaves in order to form a strong root system.

Immediately after picking, for a couple of days, it is recommended to transfer seedlings to more warm room with air temperature +18..+22 degrees. This will make it easier for seedlings to get used to (more precisely, to recover) and take root in new conditions.

Video: how to dive seedlings of cabbage

About picking cabbage when growing seedlings in a greenhouse see the following video:

Problems in growing cabbage seedlings

Sometimes the most harmless mistakes in caring for seedlings lead to the appearance of diseases: overflow, lack of lighting, elevated temperature. The most common problems when growing cabbage are:

  • Cabbage seedlings turn yellow. There may be several reasons. So, the leaves may turn yellow due to deficiencies in the soil of elements such as phosphorus (then the leaves turn yellow on the underside and may acquire a red-violet hue), potassium (the tips of the leaves turn yellow), iron (they turn yellow throughout the base). Yellowness can also appear from excessive nutrition - an overdose of fertilizers. To correct such situations, the earth should be shed with water or completely transplanted into new soil.

  • At the seedlings of cabbage leaves curly. As a rule, this occurs due to the bright sun on the window and from waterlogging of the soil, combined with the dryness of the air in the room. With good humidity and moderate temperature, curly hair should go away. You can additionally feed with humic fertilizers, for example, Gumi, Potassium Humate, etc.
  • Cabbage seedlings are rotting. As a rule, rotting is caused due to the appearance of seedlings black leg. In the affected seedling, the lower part of the stem first darkens and rots, then a constriction forms in this place, the plant dies and lies down. To prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to first disinfect the soil. If this was not done or the disease still appeared, then it is worth removing all infected seedlings, and spilling the earth with a solution of potassium permanganate (3-4 g per 10 liters of water), after which do not water the seedlings for a week.

  • Cabbage seedlings are stretched. The main reasons are insufficient daylight hours and incorrect temperature conditions. But seedlings can stretch even with good lighting, if the planting density is too high, which is why not all plants have enough light. Naturally, without the recommended temperature regime, the normal development of seedlings should not be expected.

  • Other diseases. In addition to the black leg, seedlings can be affected phomosis (dry rot), clubroot and many other very dangerous and destructive diseases.

To prevent the occurrence of these problems and diseases of seedlings, it is enough to follow all the recommendations for processing seeds and soil before planting, as well as to properly care for plantings.

Video: prevention and treatment of cabbage seedling diseases

Terms of planting seedlings of cabbage in open ground and greenhouse

Advice! 10-14 weeks before planting cabbage in open ground, seedlings should harden- first, just open the window in the room for a couple of hours, and then take it out to the greenhouse for 3-4 hours. In the last days before planting in the garden, containers can be left directly in the garden (if the weather allows).

Planting cabbage seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse should be carried out when the seedlings have 3-6 true leaves. Cabbage can survive small frosts, so you should not wait until they pass, but plant as soon as it warms up to plus values.

Video: planting cabbage seedlings in open ground

​Related Articles​

Gently press the soil around the seedling

Can be transplanted to permanent place

The technology for growing cabbage seedlings is the same for any species. Its seeds resemble radish seeds, yet they belong to the same cruciferous family, but a little smaller.

  1. After you have received a good and strong seedling, it must be planted in the ground. But 12 days before that, it should be hardened in order to gradually accustom it to the wind, sunshine and ambient temperature.​
  2. And late-ripening cabbage is perfect for long-term fresh storage. These varieties ripen in 160-180 days. The most famous of them: Krumont, Cade, Gingerbread Man, Galaxy.​
  3. Seeds for planting are prepared in advance. First, we select the largest ones, after which we disinfect them by conventional soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. After thirty minutes, the seeds should be washed in clean cool water, left for a couple of hours in an ash solution. It is easy to make - you need to dissolve one tablespoon of ash in water. ​

An example of a ripe cabbage. Cabbage requires moist soil, so it is best to plant it in dense clay soil.

Planting cabbage seeds for seedlings

​Fill planting containers with this or ready-made nutrient mixture, water and prepare the seeds. Choose large seeds, put them for 20 minutes in hot, about 50 degrees water, then cool in cold water and soak in potassium permanganate for disinfection for several hours.

  • Sowing cabbage for seedlings at home is less popular than tomatoes and peppers, perhaps the lack of space on city windowsills is already affecting. In March, enthusiastic gardeners have almost everything occupied with pots with emerging shoots. You can use a home mini greenhouse as a balcony shelving unit and diversify your home plantings with additional plants.​
  • kohlrabi - March 10-30;

Before placing the cabbage seedling in the hole, sprinkle the roots with Kornevin powder, a small amount, just powder a little. Put the plant in the hole. Hold with one hand, and sprinkle with the other to the cotyledon leaves. Then lightly press the earth around the plant with your palms down so that the roots fall into the right place and there is no void in the ground around them.

This is about the size the plants should be before planting.

  • Cabbage is grown mainly through seedlings. This is an extremely cold-loving, light-loving plant. Home microclimate for her is absolute nonsense. She simply cannot live in such a microclimate. The maximum that she can do at home is to climb, but she will immediately lie down, the color will turn pale green, then yellow, and then she will disappear. Cabbage seedlings cannot be grown at home. For her, cold and light are important.
  • It is not recommended to plant seedlings in open ground when the air temperature is low, because in this situation the seedling will give an arrow with seeds in 30 days
  • The next step is the actual cultivation of seedlings for planting. This stage is considered very important, because the quality of the seedlings themselves will depend on how high-quality the seeds were. Therefore, only high-quality seeds for planting cabbage for seedlings should be selected.

But if there is no ash at hand, then this is not a problem, just wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and leave in a warm place.

Sowing dates are early. After emergence, the plants require thinning up to 40 cm between rows. Caring for such cabbage is practically no different from ordinary, seedlings. The soil must be regularly loosened and watered, the cabbage itself must be sprayed.

How to grow seedlings of early cabbage

Soil preparation begins in late summer or early autumn, at this time the soil is dug up, in some cases fertilizer is required. This is best done in dry weather. Then the soil is left until spring.

Place in prepared containers, cabbage planting pattern 3 x 3 cm, planting depth 1 - 1.5 cm, sprinkle with earth and cover with polyethylene.

Cabbage seedlings at home are much better than market ones, so you should plant at least one bowl to see the results.

Transplanting cabbage in open ground.

Cabbage loves water

I do not thin out cabbage seedlings in the nursery. Let it grow thick. When planting in the ground, you will reject weak seedlings, choose strong, strong, beautiful.

Therefore, cabbage seedlings need to be grown, roughly speaking, almost on the street. It is necessary to make the so-called cold nursery. How to make it? Very simple.​

Not the last place in the cultivation of seedlings for planting is played by the place of its growth, the choice of soil and proper care. Let's consider all these stages in more detail.​

  • After the seeds "hatch", it's time to start planting them in peat pots or cassettes, special tablets. Those seeds that have not begun to germinate should be thrown out immediately, as there will be little sense from them.
  • The plant loves moisture, so you need to constantly monitor the moisture content of the soil, which should not dry out. Early varieties should be watered 3-4 times a week, the irrigation rate is 15-20 l / sq.m of soil.
  • When growing cabbage, it is necessary to periodically arrange top dressing, which differ depending on the type of soil. On acidic soils, liming is carried out before digging, as otherwise the plant will get sick.
  • Growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse is the same as at home. Keep track of soil moisture. Avoid both overdrying and excessive moisture. Simple rules for caring for plants, their regular watering - and soon you will see the result of your efforts - young weekly sprouts.
  • Sowing cabbage for seedlings is quick and easy, and the vegetable can be easily grown both in seedlings and in seedlings. The main task the gardener will take care of the sprouts only at the seedling stage, watering and careful attitude will help to grow a really large and tasty product.
  • Brussels - in late March-early April;

Cabbage seedlings planted


Early cabbage in the open garden and in the greenhouse

When you take cabbage seedlings out of a pot or nursery, you will plant them in the right way - at certain distances. Plants of varying degrees of development will quickly level out, catch up with each other. Even if some plants were oppressed, they will quickly recover. For cabbage, the earliest period of development is not the main one; what is important for it is what will happen in the garden after planting. There are many features here.​

You take an ordinary box, you can even use a balcony box for flowers.

Conditions for growing early cabbage

Usually, planting is carried out at the beginning (this applies to early varieties) or at the end of the month of May (for late varieties). Before sowing in open ground, it must be well watered. After that, the seedlings are not watered to prevent the development of root system diseases.

Many believe that the process of planting cabbage seeds to obtain quality seedlings simple but misleading. First you need to choose a suitable place.​

Before planting, it is recommended to sterilize the soil in the oven at a temperature of 80 degrees, which will protect the plants from the black leg. The seedlings themselves are powdered with calcined sand or wood ash. Cabbage is transplanted into large pots when it has two true leaves, and kept in these containers until it is time to plant them in the ground.

  • Watering before harvesting depends on whether the cabbage will be further stored or harvested for consumption. So, if storage is planned, then watering should be stopped 30-40 days before harvesting (for dry areas - 15 days).
  • The following ingredients are recommended for top dressing:
  • Once you have planted the seeds in the ground, you need to maintain a temperature of about 20 degrees. This is normal room temperature. For the first sprouts to sprout, it will be enough to have a temperature of about 6-9 degrees at night. Such drops are needed so that cabbage seedlings at home do not stretch too much.

When to sow cabbage for seedlings? Basic rules for growing cabbage seedlings

Growing seedlings of early varieties

After we planted all the seedlings, we again need to water the wells well, now with plants. The amount of water for each is at least 1 liter. Water gently, do not pour on the plant, only around it, so as not to wash it out of the ground. Water will get where it needs to go - to the roots. The sooner the seedlings get water, the better. Approximately 15-20 minutes after watering, some seedlings may settle down, fall on their side. Therefore, you should again go through the garden, straighten the seedlings, adding earth to the stem. After another half an hour, it is necessary to water the seedlings again - again at least a liter per root. Wet afterwards trunk circles mulch, for example, with dry earth. This is done so that a crust does not form from the sun or wind.

Proper preparation of beds for planting seedlings is an important factor in the success of harvesting. Before planting seedlings, the bed must be carefully dug up, simultaneously removing the roots of perennial weeds. Even if your land is plowed up or dug up in the fall, then in the spring the place for cabbage must be dug up again. Try to carefully break up the clods of earth. At the same time, the soil is loosened, saturated with oxygen. I usually use a digging fork. They do not cut the roots of perennial weeds. After all, cutting the root into 2-3 parts with a shovel, you will thereby get 2-3 plants from one weed.

Container for cabbage seedlings

Early varieties of cabbage should be planted according to the 45x25 cm scheme. At the same time, a 35x60 cm scheme is suitable for planting late varieties. At the same time, seedlings need to be deepened by 1 cm.

An early variety is transplanted into open ground when four true leaves appear on the seedlings, and the danger of frost is already gone. The soil around young plants is compacted and watered, on sunny days it is necessary to do a little shading so that the cabbage does not die in the very hot sun.

Landing in open ground

The main problems that can arise during cultivation are pests. A greenhouse helps a lot from the bright summer sun, but drastic measures must be taken against insects and other pests.

urea - 40-45 g / sq. m;​

After that, the level of this temperature must be maintained for about 4-8 days. Proper care and planting of cabbage seeds for seedlings will ensure the appearance of the first leaf. Still, planting cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse is much easier than at home. Suitable glazed balcony or a loggia where you can adjust the temperature. As soon as the first seedlings appear, you can raise the temperature to 13-18 degrees Celsius, but on too warm and sunny days you can lower it to + 14-16.​

Growing seedless method

Cabbage can be sown at several times, depending on what kind of crop you want to get - early, medium and late. Recall that late varieties of cabbage are best stored in winter. You can plant cabbage for seedlings at the following times:

Pre-sowing treatment of cabbage seeds of different types is the same. First, pour the seeds of the selected variety into a triple layer of bandage or gauze. To disinfect them, it is necessary to place them in hot water, the temperature of which is + 50 ° C, for 15 minutes, after that - for two minutes in cold water. Next, the cloth with seeds is placed on a saucer, kept for a day at room temperature, making sure that gauze was wet all the time. Then the swollen seeds are removed to the lower shelf in the refrigerator so that they harden here for 24 hours. After that, the seeds are dried to flowability and sown. The quality of the soil is very important. The land should not be "random" - from the street, garden. Since in such soil there are pathogens of fungal diseases that are dangerous for seedlings. Purchase special soil for cabbage seedlings from a reputable store. You can calcine it for 15 minutes in the oven at a temperature of + 200 ° C or 5 minutes in the microwave, turning it on at full power. The cooled earth is poured into a clean seedling box, previously washed with laundry soap. They spill the soil with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, sow cabbage seeds at a distance of 2 x 2 cm from each other and sprinkle 1 cm on top with the same soil. After that, the box must be covered with a transparent film and put in a warm place.

So, our seedlings are planted. Now all care comes down to inspections and watering. So far, our seedlings do not require a lot of nutrients.

Scheme of planting cabbage seedlings

Sown seeds should be well watered

Potential Growing Problems

After all the above steps have been successfully completed, in order to obtain a high-quality and abundant harvest, certain rules for caring for seedlings must be followed.

At the same time, the seedlings will turn out to be strong and squat. In this case, it will be much easier to transfer it to a permanent place of growth.

Cabbage planting scheme: sizes for early and late seedlings

  • double superphosphate - 30-35 g;
  • If you have already decided how to grow cabbage seedlings at home or when to plant cabbage seedlings in greenhouse conditions, you can safely get down to business. Do not forget that planting early cabbage for seedlings requires constant flow fresh air, which means that the room with sprouts should be regularly ventilated.

It is very important not to miss the emergence of seedlings. As soon as the first “loop” appears from the ground, immediately place the box on the windowsill or glazed balcony (if the temperature there does not drop below +10 ° C). It is important to prevent the seedlings from pulling out so that the seedlings grow strong. This is facilitated by the optimal temperature, irrigation regime. As soon as the first shoots appear, place the box with them closer to the light, where the temperature in the room is + 15 + 17 ° C. If it is higher, the seedlings will begin to stretch. Very moderate watering is needed, since excessive soil moisture at this stage of cultivation contributes not only to stretching the seedlings, but also to infecting its “black leg”. If you notice that the stalk near the ground has become thin and black, the plant has fallen, which means it is sick. black leg." Tear it straight from the root and remove it, and transplant healthy seedlings into another soil. You can try to save diseased plants. To do this, spray the stem and the ground around them with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, and sprinkle the soil around the stem with ash and stop watering the seedlings altogether.

  • But when 6-7 true leaves grow, you can start feeding. These top dressings should mainly consist of organic fertilizers, that is, humus or manure. But, of course, now it is no longer necessary to use fresh manure, but only its solution - 1:10. This is practically all that cabbage needs, as it loves organics very much.
  • Cabbage must be planted at a great distance from each other. There should be at least 50-70 cm between individual plants. But, of course, I never go to the garden bed with a ruler. I propose this method. Before making any plantings, I mark future landing sites directly in the garden in advance. For cabbage, I do it this way: with a scoop or chopper blade, I draw a zigzag line on the ground.
  • Fill it with soil. Soaking, warming cabbage seeds is not necessary. You can sow them in rows, or you can scatter. It's not that important. After sowing, it is important to lightly sprinkle the seeds with earth, trample lightly and be sure to pour abundantly on top. Cabbage is a moisture-loving plant, so there will be no harm from abundant watering.

For these purposes, the following procedures are carried out:

Rules for growing early cauliflower

The planting scheme is simple, early varieties are planted in two options: 70x25 cm and 60x30 cm. Medium and late varieties are planted denser, but for all of them one rule must be observed - you can’t thicken the plants much!

The main insects that infect cabbage:

Potassium sulphate - 40-45 g. The land in the garden should be prepared towards the end of summer or in the fall, the soil must be dug up and organic and mineral fertilizers with phosphate and potassium added. Land cultivation is carried out only in dry weather to achieve maximum effect, after which the soil can be left until spring. In the spring, for faster heating of the soil, put a black film in a couple of weeks.

When the seedlings reach 20 days old, transplant each into a separate container. Small seedling cups with a diameter of 5 and a height of 6 cm are suitable. Carefully, using a small spatula or a coffee spoon, take out the plant along with a clod of earth, plant it in a cup filled with moist soil by half or 2/3, cover the stem with earth to the cotyledon leaves. Put the cabbage plants to take root on the windowsill, which is not exposed to direct sunlight and a temperature of +20 ° C. Under such conditions, the seedlings will stay for 3 days, during which they will have time to take root. After that, put it where the temperature during the day is + 13 + 14, and at night + 10 + 12 ° C.

We send seedlings to open ground

In addition to manure, there is another potent nutrient - nettle. It is necessary to collect about 5 kg of nettle, put it in a barrel, fill it with water. The nettle should sour a little. Water the plants with this water. Alternate these waterings with watering with manure solution.

In those places where the tops of the zigzag line are, I will make holes and plant seedlings. This is the most The right way, at which the ideal distance is automatically obtained.​

This box of sown seeds must not be left at home. It is necessary to bring it to the dacha or take it out to the garden. If you still have snow, then shovel it, put a box with sown seeds on the cold ground. The place should be open, warmed by the sun. Install arcs from above, stretch the film. This is how your seedbed will stand until germination. Shoots will appear in ten to twelve days.

Periodic feeding of the plant will allow you to get a tasty and healthy harvest. For top dressing, a solution of complex fertilizers with microelements is used, which is sprayed on seedlings;

Usually, cabbage seeds are sown in a vegetable or tray. A specially prepared soil mixture is placed in a container. It is recommended to carry out this process in the fall.


Cabbage care is as follows: the plant needs constant spraying in hot weather, if you want to get beautiful, large cabbages, then you should not forget about watering. Manure and wood ash are suitable as fertilizers, the first feeding is done 10 days after planting, repeated - every 2 weeks.

At the beginning of the growing season - cabbage leaf beetle, cruciferous flea, cabbage fly, cabbage moth, cabbage stem secretive proboscis;

Cabbage also loves organic fertilizers, most often they use manure along with wood ash, the norm is 6-8 kg / sq.m.


Planting cabbage for seedlings: technique, timing, video

Early seedlings are planted in open ground in the first half of May, when 45-50 days have passed since sowing. Young plants tolerate transplanting better than overgrown ones. Therefore, if you see 4 formed true leaves, then the plant is ready for transplanting.

Variety selection

  • Young cabbage plants are planted in open ground from April 25 to May 5 (depending on weather conditions). Cruciferous plants such as turnips, radishes, cabbages, turnips, radishes, watercress, swedes should not grow in this place for 3-4 years. To do this, dig up a bed, loosen it with a rake, make holes with a shovel at a distance:
  • These measures are enough to grow a wonderful crop.
  • So, at each vertex of our markup we dig holes. It must be dug deep enough, about 15-18 cm deep, despite the fact that our seedlings are still small. Why is that? We will “charge” these wells with useful substances necessary for the growth of cabbage.

If you already have a greenhouse installed, then bring the nursery inside, additional arcs with a film will no longer be needed. An additional greenhouse will need to be made only for cauliflower seedlings, as it is afraid of frost. And white, Brussels, Savoy, others do not need additional shelter, they endure frosts down to -5 ° C.

necessary watering. Only under the condition of frequent watering will you get an elastic ovary and, as a result, a good head of cabbage;

Instructions for preparing the soil mixture for obtaining good seedlings:

Seedling growing technology

When the first inflorescences have formed, it is necessary to break the leaves a little for shading, so that the heads turn out to be large and lighter. It is necessary to harvest selectively, as the cabbage ripens.

In the middle of the growing season - cabbage white;

Site preparation

You can grow seedlings of early varieties of cabbage at home or in a greenhouse, the main thing is to strictly follow the simple rules of care. The sprouts are transplanted into beds in two rows, with a distance of 30-40 cm between the bushes. When planting, do not deepen the heart, plant carefully. For autumn harvests for the winter, sow from June 5 to June 15.

​30 x 40 cm for early and hybrid varieties cabbage, 50 x 60 for medium and 60 x 70 for late varieties of red and white cabbage;

In addition, the soil around the cabbage will need to be loosened after each watering, as it loves oxygen very much.

We add humus to the hole, you can even use fresh manure - all this will benefit the future harvest, since we will not plant seedlings in it. By adding fresh manure or humus, we form the bottom layer of the hole. In quantity, this should be equal to the volume of a 200 gram plastic cup without a top. Then I add wood ash on top - the amount is approximately equal to the volume matchbox. Then it is very important to sprinkle everything lightly on top with earth. Not a thick layer - usually a handful of earth is enough to cover manure, ash.

  • If you have a stationary greenhouse, for example, a glass one, then the seeds can be sown simply in the soil of the greenhouse without any nursery, since the land is there in early spring very well warmed by the sun.​
  • preventive treatment of formed heads of various disinfectants to prevent the development of diseases;
  • Mix one part of humus and sod land;

Harvesting is carried out as it ripens, for early varieties it is the formation of a loose head, for medium and late varieties - after the completion of the second stage of formation. The head of cabbage itself should be dense enough, then it will be stored longer and better.

During the formation of heads - cabbage aphid and scoop.

Be sure to make a tunnel greenhouse for young plants, as they do not withstand cold weather and May frosts.

Seedling Care

To get early cabbage, sow seeds for seedlings in mid-late March. The same dates are also suitable for planting cauliflower seedlings.

30 x 40 cm for kohlrabi;

And you will still need to spud. But this is already when the heads of cabbage begin to spin. Then it will begin to rise above the surface of the earth, it will have a leg. So that the cabbage does not collapse, you will need to rake the ground to it.

Landing in the ground

The next step is watering the hole. This condition is mandatory, since we plant moisture-loving cabbage. Pour at least a liter of water into each well. For future heads, it is very important that the planting holes are well watered, as watering from above alone will not be enough. So, a cold hotbed is main secret receiving good harvest cabbage. Periodic weeding of emerging weeds.

Then a little ash should be added to the resulting mixture (approximately 10 tablespoons for every 10 kg of soil). Ash will be used by the plant as a source of macro- and microelements, and will also serve as an excellent antiseptic;

Early varieties of cabbage are not able to give such a plentiful harvest as medium and late ones, but its average volume reaches 1.5-3 kg / sq.m. At proper fit it is possible to achieve that, following the early varieties, others will begin to produce their crop, that is, cabbage can be harvested all season.

Seedling care

Protection against these insects can be different. When grown in a greenhouse, the plant is less susceptible to such damage, but certain protection measures should be taken.

It is quite easy to get seedlings: after sowing, the usual room temperature of 20 degrees is maintained, + 6-9 degrees is enough for the first shoots at night. If this decrease is not ensured, then the seedlings will stretch out a lot.

  • Planting time for seedlings of other types of cabbage:
  • Sowing early cabbage for seedlings begins with the preparation of the soil and containers. For growing you can use:​
  • 60 x 70 cm for Brussels;
  • But most importantly, do not forget to water it. It is better to overfill than underfill.​

There is another secret. If the weather is sunny, then it is better to leave the spilled holes under the sun, let it take an hour and a half, so that the manure inside the hole begins to emit heat, ignites spontaneously, as they said before. The holes will get warm. This is very important.​

Video "Sowing cabbage for seedlings"

shoots of cabbage


Cabbage seedlings - the secrets of growing and planting in open ground

Observing all the above rules, recommendations and technology for breeding seedlings, you can get an excellent result. Despite the fact that getting seedlings is a rather painstaking process, but its result will definitely please you.

Choosing a variety for growing seedlings of cabbage

Mix the resulting substrate well.

  • Growing early varieties of cabbage is not so difficult, especially since it requires minimal care. You can do this using seedlings or not, growing plants in greenhouses or on open ground. The main thing is not to forget about planting at the very beginning of spring, about watering, protecting cabbage from the bright sun. Seedlings are planted in the ground only after the threat of frost has already passed, usually this is the end of April, on the site itself it can be kept in simple film shelters or greenhouses. Cabbage itself is a rather unpretentious culture; its cultivation should not pose any problems.
  • Main diseases:
  • The period of low temperature lasts approximately 4-7 days, after which the first leaf appears. It is difficult to maintain such control in an apartment, so cabbage is best grown in greenhouses or on a glazed loggia or balcony. After the appearance of the first leaves, the temperature rises again to +14-18 degrees, on sunny days it can be reduced to +16.​

Sowing seeds for seedlings

large containers;

30 x 50 cm for broccoli;

enough cabbage unpretentious plant, but various problems may arise. They usually appear when the heads are large enough to be eaten.​

Now you can plant seedlings that we have grown in a cold nursery. But we will plant it for a reason.

After some time (10-12 days) in your cold nursery you will see such a picture - a forest of seedlings.

This video will tell you how to properly sow cabbage for seedlings.

There are other options for soil mixtures. They may differ in the main component. For example, peat can be used instead of sod land. The main thing in your experiments is to get well-aerated soil with a large supply of nutrients. Then the substrate should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Cabbage is one of the main vegetable crops of our latitudes; it is grown almost everywhere in household plots. Therefore, it is often necessary to obtain her seedlings. In this article, we will consider the features of planting cabbage for seedlings, tell you what needs to be done in order to achieve an excellent result.

Black leg, which leads to rotting of the stem;

Be sure to ventilate the plants so that there is an influx of fresh, but not cold air.

Brussels - in April,

How to care for seedlings

Peat pots or cassettes for cabbage seedlings.

40 x 60 cm for the Savoy;

Cabbage damaged by caterpillar of white butterfly

This is how seedlings should be taken out of the pot

Cabbage has very few seeds that do not germinate. It's not scary that your seeds have sprouted so often. This is fine. It tolerates thickening up to a certain stage - until the 3-4th leaf appears. Until this moment, nothing needs to be done with the seedlings - just make sure that the earth does not dry out, water it periodically. Remember that if it is + 5 ° C outside, then it can be + 20 ° C in the greenhouse, and this can cause the soil to dry out.​

A modern table is unthinkable without cabbage. But on the one hand, it is quite difficult to grow it - many gardeners have problems with cabbage seedlings. On the other hand, there is nothing special and difficult. There are secrets of growing cabbage seedlings and planting them. If you want to grow beautiful cabbage yourself, then first of all you need to think about seeds, about those varieties that will provide you with the result that will satisfy your wishes.

Getting down to the idea of ​​​​planting cabbage, however, like any other vegetable, you first need to decide on its variety. There are a wide variety of varieties. They differ both in their taste and ripening time. You also need to consider why you are planting it: for spring salad, autumn sourdough or winter storage. There are the following varieties of cabbage:

Kila, giving rise to swellings and outgrowths;

Once a week, seedlings should be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

This vegetable tolerates transplanting easily, however, growing seeds in a separate peat pot, you can get a more developed root system. Many people prefer growing plants using cassettes. Indeed, growing cabbage seedlings in cassettes greatly facilitates the entire care process. After the seedlings have risen and become full-fledged seedlings, it is necessary to plant them in a wider container - cassettes that are great for picking, watering and processing seedlings.

How to form beds

25 x 50 cm for cauliflower.

Planting seedlings in the ground

If you don’t look after the cabbage, then the white butterflies will do their “dirty deed” - only holes may remain from the leaves. Of course, they won’t eat the whole head of cabbage, but they can spoil it. How to deal with it? There are many chemicals protecting plants from pests. They can be used on late varieties of cabbage, when the harvest is still far away. But on summer varieties the use of chemistry is undesirable.

There is another secret - Kornevin (Heteroauxin), a root formation stimulator. Kornevin will help to make sure that any seedlings take root 100%, since damage to the root system is inevitable when planting seedlings. Kornevin will reduce all these troubles to a minimum. Open the bag with Kornevin, keep it ready. Seedlings should be removed from the pot as shown in the photo.

Seedling picking

First of all, answer very important questions before buying seeds:

. This may lead to the development various diseases and a decrease in the quality of the crop.​

early ripe;

Peronosporosis, which manifests itself in the form of plaque and spots.

One and a half to two weeks after the seedlings appeared, the seedlings must be dived, planted in larger pots. Usually, special peat pots or cassettes are used for this, but ordinary plastic bags filled with soil are also suitable. About an hour before picking, the seedlings must be watered, after which a plant with a lump of soil is selected, the root is shortened by about a third. All seedlings, when picking, are buried in the soil to the cotyledon leaves.

Savoy cabbage - end of March,

The soil for growing seedlings can be prepared independently. All types of peat are suitable for this. Peat is chosen because it absorbs moisture well, is breathable, and does not compact. If lowland peat is used, sawdust is added (up to 1/3 of the composition). Then it is steamed for 2 hours and nitrogen fertilizers are added. It can be 20–25 g of urea or ammonium nitrate or 50 g of complex fertilizers per 10 liters. Also for 10 liters you need to make:

Put 2 handfuls of humus in each well, one each of sand and peat, 50 g of wood ash, you can add half a teaspoon of nitrophoska, mix everything and pour plenty of water over the holes. Dip the root of the plant directly into the water, sprinkle it with wet, and dry earth on top so that a soil crust does not form. If the seedlings are a little stretched out, plant them in such a way that the first pair of true leaves is at ground level. If the weather in the following days promises to be sunny, be sure to shade the plants. This can be done with newspaper, non-woven fabric, or burdock leaves if they have grown by this time. Every evening, carefully water the seedlings from a watering can with a spray tip. When after 5-7 days the seedlings take root, remove the shelters. They are left only if night frosts are expected.

I offer a simple ancient way - garlic. As soon as you see white butterflies, take three large heads of garlic, peel, chop all the cloves, pour 5 liters of water, soak for about a week. Strain, spray your cabbage with this garlic tincture. It is desirable, of course, to have such a tincture by the time the summer of butterflies begins. Garlic tincture will scare away butterflies from heads of cabbage and there will be no caterpillars on it.

Carefully separate one plant from another

Of course, you can already notice at this stage that some plants are stronger, taller, stronger. Most likely, these are the ones that will be planted in the garden. But so far they are all equal. You can leave everything as it is and wait for the 3-4th leaf to appear. Or you can carefully transplant some of the plants from the nursery together with a clod of earth into a separate pot. Not every plant in a separate bowl, but a bunch of plants.

You only want to use cabbage in the summer, make vitamin salads out of it, for example;

Before sowing, it is necessary to water the prepared soil well. Then the seeds can be sown. Seeds should be grown on the substrate in rows. The distance between them should be 1 cm, at the same time between the grooves - 3 cm. It is necessary to sow the seeds in a fairly blurred range. Seeds of early varieties should be sown in early March, medium ones - from the end of March and all of April, but late ones - throughout April (up to the 20th of its numbers).


The control measures are very simple: the soil is simply sterilized before planting at a temperature of 80 degrees.

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out when early varieties already have 5-7 true leaves and a height of 12-20 cm. You need to start doing this from mid-April to early May. The landing pattern is simple - 70x30 centimeters, it should not be heavily thickened.

Broccoli or color is best planted from mid-March to the end of May for several crops,

300-450 g of dolomite flour,

If you want to use the seedless method, plant the seeds immediately in a permanent place. To do this, dig the soil here since autumn. As soon as the snow melts, spill it with boiling water, cover with a film for two days so that the earth thaws. After that, loosen the earth by 5 cm, make grooves to a depth of 1 cm, with a distance of 20 cm between them. Pour the recesses with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, sow the prepared , as described above, seeds. Place low arcs over the crops, put a transparent film of high density on them. If warm days come, open it on one side. When the seedlings reach 20-30 days of age, plant them in a permanent place.

Now you should separate the individual seedlings from each other. To do this, lightly press on a clod of earth, entangled in roots, divide it first into two parts, and then smaller ones. Each time, a lump of earth will unite less and less plants.

Cabbage is very fond of fertilizing with organic fertilizers, but it is better not to apply fertilizer before planting.

Do you want to ferment it;

After you have prepared necessary ground and sowed the seeds, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for their germination. Temperature is important here. For seed germination, a temperature of + 4-5 degrees is required. After they have sprouted, the temperature should be + 20-25 degrees. Once the seeds have germinated, the seedlings need to be thinned out. The temperature should be 10 degrees lower. After one week, it should be already +17 degrees (at night - +9, and on cloudy days - +14).​

Late ripe.

You can grow a variety of varieties of early cabbage, we offer simple rules on how to grow early, very healthy and tasty cauliflower on your site.

Scheme for picking cabbage seedlings: (1 - correct, 2,3,4 - incorrect (2 - the root is bent, 3 - the root does not contact the soil, 4 - the seedling is dived finely).

Beijing cabbage is planted 2 times per season.


How to grow cabbage: all the details of growing

50–70 g of complex fertilizers,
  • Cabbage loves abundant watering. Give her enough moisture. Water in the evening, if the weather is hot and dry, then do it every 2-3 days. On cloudy days, you can water abundantly every 5-6 days. Combine loosening with hilling. Adding peat to a height of 5 cm gives excellent results. It will become an excellent mulching material, muffle the growth of weeds, help maintain moisture, while giving the plant nutrition.
  • Section: Garden and gardenFrom the article, the reader will learn all the details of growing cabbage seedlings at home, how to sow immediately in open ground. The article tells how to plant seedlings in a permanent place and take care of them. Cabbage can be grown in two ways - seedling and seedless. The first is aimed at obtaining an early harvest. Here are the dates for planting the seeds of certain types of cabbage:
  • When separating seedlings, be sure to discard wilted, outwardly diseased, too small plants.
  • This plant has a very interesting feature- it is better to transplant it into the ground earlier, with the full presence of 1-2 true leaves, when the 3-4th leaves are just emerging. Well, as a last resort, when the 3rd-4th leaves have already grown, but not later. Since at the same time you can’t get large beautiful heads of cabbage, let them ripen later. This pattern has long been noticed, but why it happens is a mystery. Apparently, this is due to the energy of the environment.​
  • Or maybe you have a basement or other storage where you want to store it until the next harvest.
  • When the seedlings are two weeks old, they pick it up. To do this, they are planted according to the scheme (cassettes can be used for such purposes). It is necessary to deepen the seedlings into the substrate to the cotyledon. Then, after two weeks, they are transplanted again, but this time already in pots, paper or plastic cups or other similar containers 5x5 cm in size. Before planting in a cup, the seedlings are treated with a weak solution blue vitriol(blue) or another drug that prevents the appearance of various fungal diseases. During this period, the temperature should be +21. If you do not want to make a pick, then you need to plant the seedlings immediately in separate pots. In this case, trauma to the root system practically does not occur. At the same time, you should not overmoisten the soil, otherwise your seedlings may be affected by black leg disease.

Preparation and sowing of cabbage seeds

Early varieties are considered low-yielding. They are characterized by small (average about 1.5 kg) heads of cabbage with an average density. Early ripe varieties ripen within 90-120 days. These include the following types: Solo, Start, June, Transfer, Athlete, Cossack, Parel, Polar K-206, Eaton, Malachite, Craft.​

Growing cabbage seedlings in a box

cabbage pick

Planting depth is the length of the third cotyledon leaf, while the growth point should not be covered with earth. Cabbage should be planted in cloudy weather or in the afternoon, be sure to water it at the same time.

Planting cabbage seedlings in a permanent place

Thus, planting cabbage for seedlings for each individual species, if followed, will lead to the appearance of timely sprouts and leaves.
  • 1 glass of wood ash.
  • In hot, dry weather, cruciferous fleas harm seedlings. To preserve young plants, they are dusted with sifted wood ash. In wet weather, slugs become the main pest of cabbage. They can be dealt with with chemical and folk remedies. If you chose the first, sprinkle the earth on the cabbage plantation special means designed to control this pest. If you do not want to use chemicals on the site, dust the soil in these places with dry mustard or ground black pepper. You can collect slugs by hand and then destroy them. Cabbage Butterfly Larvae can also damage these plants. Therefore, gardeners are trying to plant seedlings in early dates when there is no emergence of these insects yet. From folk remedies, you can advise an infusion prepared from 10 g of white mustard powder, which is dissolved in 1 liter of water. The liquid is insisted for 2 days, before spraying it is diluted with water in a ratio of 5:1. Stepchildren of tomatoes will also help to cope with this scourge, they are laid out in the aisles. Video on the topic - how to grow white cabbage: Experience in growing cauliflower:
  • White-headed (hybrids, early varieties), red-headed - from March 10 to March 25;
  • Lightly sprinkle the roots with Kornevin powder
  • Cabbage seedlings are usually planted in open ground 30 days after germination.
  • There are countless varieties of this vegetable. There is super-early cabbage, which already ripens by the end of June, forming tight, juicy heads of cabbage, there are varieties that ripen in the middle of summer, and there are varieties that are harvested only at the end of October - they are intended for late storage. In addition to white cabbage, there is cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Beijing, red cabbage, Savoy, broccoli, kohlrabi, decorative. The choice of variety and type depends on your needs.​
A prerequisite for growing seedlings at home is its additional illumination with a simple fluorescent lamp. When the seedlings grow up, they can be planted in the soil.

Growing cabbage in the garden

At the same time, medium-term varieties are suitable for summer consumption, and for pickling, storage. They have a ripening period of 150-170 days (there are also mid-ripening varieties that ripen a little faster - in 130-150 days). Mid-season cabbage varieties: Rinda, Pegasus, Slava 1305, Nadezhda, Rodolfo, Bronco. Mid-late varieties: Krautman, Mother-in-law, Dobrovodskaya, Sibiryachka-60, Midor, Druzhny, Megaton, Amager 611, Zimovka 1474, Belorusskaya 455.​

cabbage plant care

In order for the harvest to really turn out early, it is necessary to start sowing seeds for seedlings from the second half of March. After that, experts recommend sowing them every 15-20 days, which will allow you to get excellent harvests throughout the season.​

The main pests of cabbage

You can also grow seedless cabbage if everything is available for a long growing season favorable conditions. They do this in areas where heavy rainfall occurs, while the soil should be free of weeds, the seeds are sown directly into the ground, the planting depth is 1.5-3 cm.

How to sow cabbage for seedlings in a greenhouse Growing eggplant seedlings