In a private house      06/17/2019

Fungal diseases of pear. Pear diseases and their treatment. Black cancer or anthracnose

Pear is one of the most common and highly valued by gardeners because of its tasty and healthy fruits. However this cultivated plant, like all others, is subject to the most various diseases. One of the most formidable is bacterial burn pears. Treatment can be quite lengthy and not give the desired result, especially if you use universal means against Gardeners often waste a lot of time on these useless manipulations, and when they realize what they are dealing with, it is already too late to save the tree.

What is fire blight?

Many gardeners do not know how to recognize this terrible disease, which is why they waste a lot of time, and meanwhile there is less and less chance of saving the tree. Among such ailments, the most dangerous is the bacterial burn of the pear. Treatment depends on how quickly the correct diagnosis is made, and whether there are other trees in the immediate area that may be infested. Today, experts are making a lot of efforts to find an effective remedy to combat it, however, despite this, the disease continues to actively destroy gardens.

The first time a bacterial burn was recorded was in the eighteenth century. After about 150 years, the disease spread throughout the continent. Now it is found all over the world, regularly devastating gardens. All above-ground parts of the plant are affected by bacterial blight of the pear. Treatment must be started at the earliest stages, otherwise it may not be effective.


What does a bacterial burn look like? fruit crops? The process begins in the inflorescences and quickly covers the entire tree. Branches and shoots are damaged. In spring, you will observe how the disease slows down the opening of the buds, which turn black and dry out, but do not fall off, but continue to stay on the branches. If the disease affects the tree at the time of flowering, the flowers will also darken and wither. The young twigs and leaves will slowly begin to turn black, they will crowd together, but remain in their place. That is why the disease is called “Anton’s fire.” The pear stands as if burned, black, lifeless, but with all the flowers, fruits and leaves.

The infection then moves along the trunk. It may be too late to wonder how to treat pear fire blight at this stage, but it is worth trying to save the rest of the orchard so that other trees do not suffer the same fate. At this stage, you can observe how the bark softens. Milky white droplets appear on it, they are called exudate. The bark around the site of discharge acquires a characteristic pattern; red-brown stains appear on it. Those tissues that are already affected by infection begin to peel off and become covered with blisters. Ulcers form on the tree.


So what causes fire blight on pears? Treatment can only be successful when we know exactly what we are dealing with. The causative agent of the infection is the bacteria Erwinia amylovora. They spread from a diseased tree to a healthy one, and high humidity and moderate air temperature are the most favorable factors for the development of infection. However, there is no age limit for the spread of the disease.

Diseases of young pears are as common as diseases of old fruit trees. The above exudate forms thin threads, which are easily carried by the wind. It is he who transmits the pathogens of the disease, which means that the disease quickly affects everything around. Flowers are the most convenient for the development of infection; it develops in them and continues its path throughout the tree. That is, spring is the time when the risk of infection is greatest.

Less commonly, the infection enters the plant through rain. The bacteria survive the winter inside the pear, and with the arrival of spring they resume their development. By mid-summer you will see milky white droplets coming out. That is, the cycle repeats again. Very rarely, infection occurs during grafting or through pruning tools. The infection can also be transmitted by insects, aphids, bees, flies and wasps.


To protect the pear from fire blight, you must follow some rules. First of all, you need to keep the area clean and pull out all wild plants. This is especially true for hawthorn, which is often a hotbed of infection. It is very important to process fruit crops in a timely manner, since insect pests are very fond of trees such as pears. Leaf diseases are not the only problem they suffer. On their bristles they can easily carry fire blight pathogens into your garden.


Experts offer several methods that can be used to combat this disease. Each of them has been tested countless times and is quite effective. At the same time, they all have their pros and cons, so you need to carefully weigh the expected risks and benefits. We bring to your attention three methods that help cure a bacterial burn.

A radical method of combating the disease

If you have a lot of fruit trees growing on your property, and you notice rapidly developing symptoms of the disease in one of them, then it would be best to get rid of it quickly. This way you will protect the rest of the garden. Moreover, if the affected area is less than 30%, then you can try to remove all the affected areas, even cutting out healthy tissue 20-40 cm below the affected area. After this, it is imperative to treat the instruments with 70% alcohol or 10% copper sulfate.

It is imperative that if you notice signs of fire blight in your garden, remove all wild plants and shrubs, and also treat the garden against pests to avoid further dissemination infections.

Treatment with antibiotics

This is the most effective method, which is most often recommended by experts. In order to get rid of this scourge, the most common “Streptomycin” is used. Moreover, the most effective is the use of antibiotics during the growing season. This drug can be bought at a regular veterinary pharmacy, with large bottles of 500 thousand units each. very affordable.

For minor damage, you can use Streptomycin. The dosage is one ampoule per 5 liters, it is enough to treat a dozen young trees. Best time for this procedure - May, June. At this time, shoots are growing rapidly, and such treatment will be an excellent prevention. It is worth repeating the procedure after 2-3 weeks, and also after every heavy rain, especially with hail.

It is not recommended to use Streptomycin more than 3 times in a row. Therefore, after several treatments, they switch to immune stimulants - these are “Fitosporin”, “Immunocytophyte”, “Silk”, “Zircon” and many other drugs. In addition, for the next treatment you can take 2 tablets of any tetracycline from a veterinary pharmacy. It should also be dissolved in 5 liters of water.

If the damage is severe, you can try injections of Streptomycin under the bark. To do this, select the most affected area, cut it out, and then perform ordinary injections around it.

Chemical treatments

Today in stores you can be offered a large selection of universal, antibacterial drugs, which can most often help if the pear is infected. Diseases of leaves, fruits, various pests - all these are problems that can be solved quite easily. However, bacterial burn is a slightly different case.

Modern fungicides, except those containing copper, have virtually no effect on its pathogens, which means that such treatment will have little effect. Many gardeners use the treatment after leaf fall, then in early spring and several more times until the fruits appear. However, this remedy can only be used for prevention. If the infection has already spread, then all that remains is to cut out the affected areas and try to save the rest of the tree. Dead plants or individual branches must be burned.

Other common diseases

However, fire blight is not the only problem for gardeners. Now let's look at what other diseases of pear leaves exist and how to combat them. A common ailment is scab. This is what affects leaves, flowers and fruits. The leaves fall off and the fruits crack. The disease can also lead to damage to the shoots, but then it is better to remove them. Scab and fruit rot are diseases of pear fruits that respond quite well to treatment. Rot appears on fruits in the form of brownish spots on the surface.

To combat scab, use repeated spraying with Bordeaux mixture and copper chloroxide. Treatment should begin before flowering. It is recommended to carry out this procedure a second time during bud setting, then after flowering and two weeks after it. Against fruit rot it will take more strong remedy- universal fungicide "Inta-Vir".

For prevention, they use “Fundazol” or “Sulfite”. It should be borne in mind that the fungus spreads well in humid weather, so it is better to carry out several treatments. A mixture of antibiotics helps against powdery mildew: Penicillin, Streptomycin and Terramycin in a 1:1 ratio. You can often see rust on pears, bright brown spots on the leaves and fruits. Against this disease it is necessary to use a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Major pests

When choosing what to treat a pear with, it is good to include a pest control agent in the mixture at the same time. They also cause considerable damage, in addition, they are carriers of various bacterial diseases. These are the hawthorn butterfly and the brown fruit mite, and the gall mite, the pear itch, the pear sawfly and the pear pipeweed, as well as many others. In order to protect yourself from all these misfortunes, it is enough to treat the garden with a systemic insecticide, such as Decis, Calypso or Biscaya.

Let's sum it up

Diseases such as fire blight, powdery mildew, fruit rot, and rust can quickly ruin all your work in the garden. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatment regularly, and if necessary, take measures to quickly and effective treatment. All of the above means and methods have been tested many times, their effectiveness has been proven, so you can use them on your summer cottage. The universal scheme is preventive treatment in the fall, after leaf fall, then in the spring, immediately after awakening, then after flowering. Usually this is enough to keep your garden happy all year round.

When caring for a pear, you need to be quite careful about its growing conditions. It is necessary to provide the tree with adequate watering, remove weeds in a timely manner, loosen the soil and carry out treatment against diseases. But often, due to a violation of the technology for caring for fruit trees, it begins to be affected by various diseases, but we will find out which ones further.

Scab - description and photo of pear disease

This is a fungal disease that is the worst enemy of many trees, including pear.

Pear scab

To begin processing wood at the initial stage of damage, you need to pay attention to the presence of the following symptoms:

  • a spot forms on the inside of the leaf, which has an olive color and a velvety coating;
  • further, the disease forms dark putrefactive spots on the fruits, as a result of which the skin of the fruit cracks and the pulp becomes hard;
  • the shape of the fruit is deformed as it becomes asymmetrical.

To prevent scab, you can treat fruit tree using 1% Bordeaux mixture. This needs to be done 3 times: with the formation of green mass, after the formation of pink buds and after flowering.

In addition, prevention involves careful and regular ventilation. For these purposes, it is necessary to thin the crown. Loosen the soil around the trunk and remove the carrion in a timely manner.

on video - treatment of pear scab:

With the onset of autumn, fallen leaves need to be burned. If the tree is severely damaged, then it can be saved with the help of drugs such as Dnok or Nitrafen. Treatment with Skor gives amazing results. These medications must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Fruit rot

A fungus can influence the development of the disease. The disease manifests itself in the form of brown spots on fruit. Next, growths form in which fungal spores mature. They are spread by wind and insects, as a result of which fruit rot can affect more than one tree. If you look at the affected fruit, you will notice that its pulp acquires a loose consistency and loses its taste.

Fruit rot

Some fruits fall off, and the rest dry up right on the branches. This becomes the main reason for the development of the pathological process next year. Observe mass destruction possible at the end of July. Then the crop ripens, and the weather outside is humid and hot.

An excellent preventive measure would be timely pruning of trees, installation of fences that would block air flows, as well as regular collection and destruction of affected fruits.

With the onset of spring, as well as in autumn, it is necessary to treat the wood with 1% Bordeaux mixture or the preparation Hom. In early spring it is worth spraying the pear with lime milk. To do this, take 10 liters of water and 1 kg of lime.

The video shows the fight against fruit rot:

Excellent results can be achieved by treatment with the simultaneous use of the following drugs:

  • Aktofit,
  • Ecoberin,
  • healthy garden,
  • Baikal.

The resulting bio-cocktail is used for foliar feeding, which must be applied throughout the season. This allows you to make the tree’s immunity stronger, and also create decent protection against pathogens.

What is the height of the Severyanka variety, and what fruits does it bear?

Sooty fungus

If you notice that the leaves on the tree have begun to turn black, then be sure that this is a symptom of sooty fungus. Somewhere in mid-July, a black coating forms on the leaves and fruits, which is very similar to soot. Most often, the disease affects weak crops that receive insufficient amounts of minerals.

Sooty fungus on pear

Fungi feed on the sugary secretions of insects, including aphids. They damage leaves, fruits, and also reduce the tree’s immunity. The spores overwinter without problems, concentrating under the bark and in dried leaves.

For prevention, you can use the insecticide Calypso. It will provide excellent protection against the accumulation of harmful insects. You can also use Fitoverm, the action of which is aimed at suppressing the growth and reproduction of the fungus.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew on pear

Treatment comes down to the timely removal of reflected shoots and their destruction. From time to time it is worth treating the pear with such agents as Sulfite and Fundazol. You can also use traditional methods struggle. To do this, you need to take 10 liters of water, add 50 g of soda, 10 g liquid soap. A 1% solution of potassium permanganate can cope with powdery mildew. Here's how to treat powdery mildew on currants and gooseberries:


This pathological process, if left untreated, can lead to the complete death of the fruit tree. Fungi of the Pucciniaceae family can influence its development. The disease can be recognized by the presence of spots on leaves and fruits. At first they are light in color, but then it becomes red.


Leaf diseases are often the reason why pear trees die. Rust of pome crops is caused by a fungus of the family. Fruits affected by rust must be completely removed and destroyed. They cannot be eaten. But this is why grapes turn yellow, leaves become covered with rust, and what can be done about this problem is indicated

To combat the disease, it is necessary to carry out all therapeutic measures in early spring. To spray the plant, use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. With the onset of autumn, it is necessary to remove and burn fallen leaves.

On the video - how to deal with rust on a pear:

As soon as the first frost has passed, it is necessary to treat the tree trunks with a solution of Urea. 10 liters of liquid will require 0.7 kg of composition. A positive result is achieved when using the systemic fungicide Bayleton. Over the entire season, treatment should last 5 times.

Black cancer

Symptoms of this pathological process appear over several years. It damages trunks and skeletal branches, resulting in the formation of small size cracks. Over time, they grow, the bark breaks and the cambium is exposed.

Black cancer on a pear

Brown spots form along the edges of the cracks. They look a lot like wet ones, but that's just open wounds, into which pathogenic microorganisms or fungal spores can easily penetrate.

To combat the disease, you should cut off the affected bark with a sharp knife, grabbing a little of the healthy bark. Use copper sulfate to treat the wound. It is fashionable to cover the wound with clay mixed with mullein. Fallen leaves must be destroyed in the fall.


This disease is of fungal origin. It is popularly called “stem rot.” The bark is damaged, causing it to turn red-brown and begin to dry out. Sun burns and frost damage can affect the development of the pathological process.


For treatment, it is necessary to cut off the affected bark and cover the wound with clay. We still have to regularly remove dry and disease-affected branches and whitewash the trunks for the winter.

Bacterial burn

This disease is considered one of the most dangerous for all varieties, including. You can recognize it by its black leaves. Treatment here is complex. The bacteria Erwinia amylovora can influence the development of the disease. But they can be spread by some insects or precipitation in the form of rain. In order to detect the pathological process in time, it is necessary to examine the tree when it is blooming.

Bacterial blight on a pear

The inflorescences rapidly wither and become brown in color. The leaves begin to curl and turn black, but remain on the branches. The bark and shoots slowly die off.

This disease is characterized by rapid spread. Often a bacterial burn leads to the death of the entire tree. If the plant was cured, it will bear fruit again no earlier than after 2 years. As soon as the disease is discovered, it is necessary to immediately cut off the affected shoot, while capturing 20 cm of healthy shoots. Burn all cut elements. garden tools, used for wood processing, should be disinfected upon completion of work. And here is what can be done about this problem. outlined in the article at the link.

The video shows the treatment of a bacterial burn:

It is necessary to combat diseases that affect pears immediately after the first symptoms are detected. If you react quickly and use effective treatments, then it is quite possible to save the tree itself and the harvest.

Like any other fruit trees, pears (Pirns) need treatment from insect pests and diseases: without timely measures to protect the trees, you not only risk losing your harvest, but also completely losing your fruit plantings.

When carrying out agricultural measures against diseases and pests of pears, do not forget to remove dried leaves and cut out affected branches.

Pear diseases cancer and cytosporosis: description and control measures

Bacterial cancer, or bacterial necrosis of pear bark

The causative agent is a bacterium Pseudomonas syringae. Since spring, browning of the buds and bark of branches, blackening and drying out of young shoots with leaves have been observed. The spots on the leaves are black, cracking along the edges of the blades.

Swellings in the form of blisters appear on the bark, and depressed spots with a purple-cherry border often form. The wood rots, a pungent odor appears, and the trees die. Bacteriosis usually begins with linear necrosis of the cortex and develops into wide longitudinal stripes.

Control measures. Trim affected branches, remove dried trees, disinfect cuts with 1% copper sulfate and seal oil paint. An effective measure to combat this disease of pears is to spray trees with copper-containing preparations.

Cytosporosis, or infectious drying of pear bark

The causative agent is a fungus Cytospora microspora. The bark of the branches dries out without changing its color, and convex fruiting bodies form on the surface gray. In the spring, when the buds open, branches and entire trees affected by cytosporosis dry out. The infection persists in the bark of the branches.

Control measures. Comply with everything agrotechnical requirements growing this crop, take measures to protect trees. Remove and burn affected branches. To treat this disease of pears, spray the trees in the spring before the leaves bloom with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes.

How to treat pears for other diseases

Monilial burn of pear

The causative agent is a fungus Monilia cinerea. In spring, flowers, ovaries, and fruit branches turn brown and dry out.

Young leaves also turn brown and do not fall off for a long time. A grayish coating of mycelium develops on the affected bark and leaves. The disease is most dangerous in wet, cold spring. The infection persists in the bark of the affected branches.

Control measures. Remove dried, affected branches, disinfect the cuts with 1% copper sulfate, and cover with oil paint.

To treat pears against this disease, in case of severe spread of monilial burn, spray the trees three times with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes according to the following scheme: the first - in the bud release phase, the second - immediately after flowering and the third - 10-14 days after the second.

Fruit rot of pear

The causative agent is a fungus Monilia fructigena. The disease appears in places where the pear moth is damaged and quickly spreads by spores to neighboring fruits.

The skin of the fruit turns brown, and grayish sporulation pads of the fungus form in concentric circles on its surface. Spores are spread by wind, insects, and water flows. The infection persists in dried fruits that overwinter on tree branches.

Control measures. Before treating pears for this disease, collect and remove the affected carrion and fruit from the branches. Spray the trees with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes at the same time as against monilial burn (before and immediately after flowering).

With the massive development of this disease of pears, it will be necessary to resort to treatment methods in the summer, taking into account the waiting time for drugs.

Stoneiness of pear fruits

The causative agent is apple wood pitting virus ( Pear stony pit). Cracks form on the bark of the branches, chlorosis and yellowing of the veins are observed in the leaves, the fruits become smaller and take on an ugly shape. At the same time, accumulations of hard cells form in the fruit pulp, and the fruits become tasteless. The infection persists in the affected wood.

Control measures. Promptly remove trees heavily affected by rockiness from the site and burn them.

In these photographs you can see the symptoms of pear diseases, the description of which is presented on this page:

How to treat pears against pests: photos and control measures

Multiflora pear

Multiflora pear ( Vanessa polychloros) is a large butterfly. The wings are brick-red, with numerous dark spots, brown on the underside, and have a characteristic white dot. The caterpillars are bluish-black, with longitudinal stripes and yellow spines throughout the body, and completely eat the leaves.

Control measures. Spray trees with karbofos, fufanon, kemifos when caterpillars appear en masse. To combat these pear pests, cut off and destroy nests with younger caterpillars.

Pear Tube Gun

Large pear pipe gun ( Rhynchites giganteus) – a large (7-11 mm) copper-red, shiny weevil, with wrinkled stripes on the elytra and covered with light hairs.

Beetles and larvae overwinter in the soil, before flowering they come to the surface and feed on buds, flowers, leaves, young shoots, and later on fruits. In June and July, females lay one egg per fruit and gnaw the stalk. The yellowish larva feeds on seeds.

Control measures. Shake off and destroy beetles, collect carrion. To treat pears against these pests, spray the trees immediately after flowering with one of the following preparations: Decis, Karbofos, Fufanon, Inta-Vir.

Pear codling moth

Pear codling moth ( Carpocapsa pyrivora) - dark gray butterfly. After the trees bloom, butterflies fly for a month in the evening. The females lay eggs on the fruits, the caterpillars bite into the fruit and feed on the seeds.

The development of the caterpillar lasts up to 30 days, and one fruit is enough for it to feed. Having finished feeding, the caterpillars go into the soil and overwinter in cocoons. Fruit rot develops on damaged fruits.

Control measures. Before treating pears for these pests, collect and remove the carrion. Spray the trees 3-4 weeks after the end of flowering with one of the preparations: Decis, Karbofos, Fufanon, Inta-Vir.

Ermine fruit moth

Ermine fruit moth ( Yponomeuta padellus) - small white butterfly.

As shown in the photo, the caterpillars of these pear pests are dark gray or yellow-white in color, with two longitudinal rows of black dots along the back:

In early spring, the caterpillars bite into the buds, when the leaves grow, they gnaw and skeletonize leaf blades, create cobweb nests and live in large colonies. Having finished feeding, they pupate one at a time in transparent cocoons on the branches.

Gardeners who have ever encountered pear diseases know that in a short time they can destroy the tree and fruit. To prevent this, it is necessary not only to know how to treat a pear tree, but also to determine in time what disease the tree is dying from. Below is a list of pear diseases with descriptions and photographs. As well as treatment options for various diseases.

Pear diseases and the fight against them

Good to know!

If you find the source of the disease in time and prevent it, you can get a good harvest.


Affects the multitude garden plants, including garden ones. The leaves and wood of the pear tree suffer from it. First, the lower part of the leaf is affected with the appearance of black dots. Then the disease spreads to the fruits, and they become covered with rotten spots and the skin cracks. In this regard, the fruit loses its taste.

How to treat:

To get rid of scab you will need a solution of Bordeaux mixture. They need to spray the trees before flowering, during the appearance of buds and after flowering. The bark should be thinned out a little so that the pear is ventilated. Whatever falls off during thinning should be removed and the leaves thrown into the fire.

With a progressive disease, you can resort to the chemical agent “Skor”. Typically, this treatment is carried out at least six times per season. Before winter, the soil needs to be dug up properly.

Fruit rot

The fungus that infects the fruit causes brown spots, and over time, gray growths appear on them. The flesh of diseased fruits rots, and the pears themselves fall to the ground. The virus becomes active in mid-summer, when the weather is dry and hot.

How to treat:

You can get rid of fruit rot by directly harvesting infected fruits and branches. In spring and autumn weather, for prevention, the tree is treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, and the leaves can be treated with lime and water.

Among the chemicals that will strengthen the plant’s immunity, the bio-cocktail “Baikal” and “Healthy Garden” will help.

Sooty fungus

This disease causes the tree's leaves and fruits to turn black. If a pear has reduced immunity, which is typical for young plantings, insects such as aphids further worsen its condition.

How to treat:

When sooty fungus appears, you need to use a soap-copper solution together with Bordeaux mixture when spraying.


The sooty fungus is not harmful to the only variety of pear – Cathedral.

Powdery mildew

When did this garden crop appear? white coating on the leaves, which means the tree is sick. The plant soon begins to dry out and die. The leaves curl into a boat and fall to the ground. Young shoots are susceptible to such infection in the spring.

How to treat:

First of all, you need to get rid of those shoots that are already infected. In the extension phase, it is necessary to treat the buds with fungicides. Repeated treatment must be carried out again after two weeks.


The fungus is the causative agent of this disease. Orange spots on pear leaves and shoots indicate the presence of a disease. Activation occurs in mid-April. Diseased areas of the pear are no longer capable of photosynthesis. If the disease is advanced, fruitfulness ceases.

How to treat:

Experienced gardeners, when rust appears on leaves, often destroy leaves and fruits susceptible to this disease. They claim that a solution of urea with copper sulfate, as well as ash mixed in an infusion of marigolds, have proven themselves to be excellent. Spraying helps prevent this infection from occurring on early stage, more often in the spring. All pear varieties are susceptible to this virus.

Antonov fire

This is a cancer characteristic of pears that affects the tree bark and branches. It appears in the form of cracks, which increase in size over time, and the bark bursts. Then brown spots appear on the cracks, and the fungus penetrates them. In this regard, other diseases immediately begin to spread to the affected pear.

How to treat:

Pear cancer should be treated slowly, carefully diagnosing the infected areas where the root cancer is located. The simplest and effective means Bordeaux mixture and solution have proven themselves copper sulfate.

Bacterial burn

It is considered a dangerous disease that spreads from diseased trees to healthy ones. Can lead to the destruction of all garden crops. If you don’t start fighting it in time, you can lose it forever beautiful plot, and diseased trees will have to be burned.

How to treat:

If a gardener discovers a bacterial burn on a pear at the initial stage, you can simply remove the affected branches and treat with a solution of copper or iron sulfate. As chemical methods can be treated with Azofos solution or antibiotics: gentamicin, rifampicin.

It is best to start processing in late spring. To prevent inflorescence disease, it is recommended to treat it with Bordeaux mixture.

At a more advanced stage of the disease, it is necessary to uproot or burn the trees.

Brown spot

Begins to appear at the end of spring. Leaves affected by this disease become covered with brownish spots. Every day their number increases and falls to the ground. The period of strong disease activity occurs in mid-summer.

How to treat:

In case of brown spot, the infected leaves should be destroyed. Treatment of pear leaf disease is carried out with a fungicide together with copper. It is recommended to stop spraying after fruit growth.

Mosaic on leaves

Often observed in young plantings on the leaves in the form of greenish spots. Some gardeners try to vaccinate trees against all sorts of diseases, thereby risking infecting them with this disease during grafting.

How to treat:

Mosaic on the leaves cannot be treated. If the disease progresses, seedlings or big trees can't help anymore. It would be best to cut down such trees and burn them before the infection spreads to healthy plants growing close to the source of the disease.

Cracks in the bark

If small fruits and tree litter are observed, and the tree is covered with numerous cracks, it means the plant is sick. But the cracks themselves are not a cause for concern. An infection that has engulfed the plantings can enter with spores through wounds and cause rot.

How to treat:

Cracks in the bark of trees cannot be ignored. Ignoring this form of the disease can lead to other infectious diseases. When treating you should arm yourself wire brush, with which you can clean damaged bark. If you don't have a brush, a knife will do. The next step will be treating the bark with a solution Bordeaux mixture with an antifungal drug (you can choose any one). A solution of iron sulfate is also used in treatment. At the end, after processing, the cracks are usually covered with wet clay.

White spot

Caused by the formation of white spots on the surface of leaves. As the disease progresses, the spots change color from white to yellow, and then brown. As a rule, the infection begins in late spring, the plant’s immunity deteriorates, leaves fall to the ground, and it loses its ability to resist winter. If left to its own devices, over the course of many years the disease will progress and infect other trees. It's all about bacteria, which tolerate winter well and every year in the spring they infect the pear again.

How to treat:

White spot treatment is carried out in early spring using a nitrafen solution (10 liters of water per 5 grams of product). Summer residents are also accustomed to using a mixture of slaked lime and copper sulfate solution. Spraying is carried out several times in one season. The initial period when you need to do this is April, when the buds are just blooming. Then during the appearance of buds and after flowering.

Some gardeners carry out late processing. In this case, spraying is carried out to check the effect of the liquid on the leaves. For example, if there are no burns, it is recommended to treat all parts of the pear.

An orchard requires all-season care, and it is better if this is prevention than treatment of diseases and destruction of pests. Diseases of pear and apple trees are especially annoying to the gardener. The 6-acre dacha area is a breeding ground for many diseases. Once you attach the leaves to your neighbors tree, within a week everyone in gardening is discussing the attack. Only common struggle against diseases and pests will preserve the harvest of sweet pears dripping with juice.

Problems encountered when growing pears

What ailments lie in wait for the pear orchard and how to deal with them:

  • weather disasters that weaken the tree;
  • fungal diseases crowns and fruits;
  • bacterial and fungal diseases of trunks and root systems;
  • viral diseases;
  • insect pests.

It is rare when a disease comes to a pear tree alone. A weakened tree is hit with a plethora of misfortunes. Agrotechnical garden care measures can eliminate many of the causes of disease.

Signs and treatment of the most common pear diseases

An unpleasant surprise is the appearance of scab in the garden. It affects many fruit trees, but each plant has its own fungus - Fusicladium pirinum develops on the pear, affecting all green growth. If leaf diseases are noticed on the pear, as in the photo, treatment begins immediately. Following the leaves, the fruit will become covered with unpleasant scabs, crack and rot.

Treatment consists of immediately removing the affected shoots. The entire tree is treated three times with a 1% solution of copper fungicide. During budding, after flowering, and again after 2 weeks. If the garden is heavily infected with pear scab, control measures include treating the tree trunk. In the fall, after harvesting and removing plant debris, the ground around the fruit tree should be moistened with ammonium nitrate of 10% strength. Do not spray on the trunk!

Another dangerous disease of gardens is carried from infected trees by insects and wind. The Erwinia amylovora fungus is just waiting for its spores to land on the legs of insects. The sign is the appearance of black or brown leaves in the crown. This is a bacterial burn of the pear, treatment of which should begin immediately. The fungus penetrates deeper, penetrates the cambium and can destroy the tree. Therefore, first you need to cut out all the lesions to healthy tissue. At the same time, do not forget to disinfect the knife after each cut. If affected most of branches, it is better to uproot the tree to save neighbors from infection.

Spraying is carried out with fungicides in a concentration of 1% copper, 0.7% iron sulfate or antibiotics rifampicin, gentamicin and the like.

What to do if the leaves of a pear turn black due to a coating of sooty fungus? First, the fungus invades the leaves infected by aphids and its sweet secretions. But the pear itself is attractive to the fungus. It is not introduced only into the Cathedral variety. Very soon the affected area covers the entire crown, depriving the tree of photosynthesis. Needs to be diluted soap solution 0.5% copper sulfate or oxychloride. Add 150 g of soap to a bucket of solution and bring it to a homogeneous state.

Every time the leaves and fruits turn black due to a pear disease, you need to find the cause of the disease and fight it.

Rust, which cannot be confused with other lesions, causes no less damage to the garden. Orange spots affect not only the leaves, but also the fruits. The fungus infects the plant in early summer, and by autumn, spores ripen in the papillae on the back of the leaves. The tree is losing vitality. The fight against the scourge involves removing the affected parts, treating with fungicides, ash infusion, etc. The mushroom is born on coniferous trees, and then moves on to the orchard.

The disease pear cytosporosis can cause no less harm to trees. Cytospora is caused by the pathogen Cytospora leucostoma, a fungal disease. But the pathogen invades the damaged tree bark. The root cause may be sunburn or frost damage. In this case, the bark dries out, peels off, and acquires a red-brown color.

At first it forms a coating, the leaves seem to be sprinkled with flour. Then the leaves turn red, fold along the middle strip and dry out. You need to keep an eye on young plants while they have tender leaves. The fungus is eradicated by treatment with penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics. Spraying with fresh, “from under the tail” mullein and a solution helps a lot soda ash with liquid soap.

The pear diseases described in the photo and their treatment are varied, but they all lead to death or a significant reduction in the yield and tasteless fruits.

There are certain patterns for the appearance of fungal diseases. They take root in damp, warm weather, or at times of sudden temperature changes.

The appearance of heavy dew is a time when you should be especially vigilant. In the dense crown of trees, where moisture is retained for a long time, the mycelium of the fungus feels comfortable. In order not to have to figure out why pear leaves turn black, how to treat, what to treat, you need to manage the garden correctly.

But pear wood, its bark, and roots are home to diseases of another group.

Root canker, a bacterial disease spread by the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Appears on the site with infected planting material. It remains in the ground for several years. The beginnings of the disease can be detected by careful examination of the root system. planting material. It is necessary to remove doubtful areas before planting and disinfect the roots in copper sulfate.

A pear can become infected with black cancer when the trunk begins to crack and become overgrown with bright brown discharge. There are many reasons for bark cracking, including too deep planting. But every crack is a gateway for infectious and fungal diseases. And the struggle for the life of the tree knows no rest.

Pear pests

There are many hunters who feast on pear leaves and fruits in the world of insects and arthropods. The gardener is forced to carry out preventive treatments of the pear during a period of mass pest invasion. But quietly, gradually, imperceptibly, arthropods - mites - penetrate into the green cover. For the pear the most terrible pest considered to be a pear or gall mite.

A tiny creature up to 1 mm in size, with 4 legs, gets into the garden with the wind, or on clothes and shoes, creating colonies. A gardener can introduce a pest by planting plants infested with mites.

If there are swellings on the leaf, then colonies of mites have begun to reproduce. The swellings are called galls, they are obtained due to changes in leaf cells under the influence of poison. The pest sucks the juice out of the leaf cells, the tissue dies, the leaf turns black and is dropped.

Measures to combat gall mites on pears include:

  • in the systematic removal of fallen leaves with colonies of arachnids;
  • planting varieties resistant to pest infestation;
  • digging tree trunk circles in the fall.

Chemical treatment against gall mites involves the use of sulfur and phosphate preparations. Of the ready-made insecticides, Vertimek is suitable. All of the drugs listed are hazardous to health, and they must be used with protective equipment.

You cannot leave mummified leaves on trees in winter - this is where the offspring of the hawthorn overwinter. A cabbage-like butterfly, in a favorable winter, leaves bare not only pear trees, but also hawthorn, bird cherry, and apple trees.

The pear sawfly, an insect up to 6 mm in size, waits for flower buds to open to lay one egg in each flower. During development, the caterpillar damages 4 fruits. Control measures include digging, destruction of spider cocoons that house the future offspring.

It is impossible to list all pear pests in one article. But taking preventive measures will help get rid of many problems.

Fighting pear diseases - video