Shower      06/17/2019

Cozy place in the countryside. Life hacks for giving: how to decorate a recreation area in a beautiful and original way. Children's leisure in the country

Everyone sees vacation in their own way. Someone comes to the site to sit in a friendly company over a fragrant barbecue, others dream of a quiet, secluded pastime. That is why the place of relaxation in the country is arranged and designed based on the preferences of potential vacationers.

When planning to organize a platform for relaxation and pleasant pastime on a personal plot, you need to initially decide on its shape and appearance.

Cottage patio

This classic version decoration of the area for recreation. Usually, this zone is located inside the yard, between the outbuildings. In fact, this is a kind of room, located in the open air and surrounded by green spaces. Here you can hold family dinners, friendly meetings, as well as sunbathe, retire with your thoughts. The photo shows a variant of the courtyard.

The best place to locate such a corner would be a site away from the hustle and bustle of the street. Ideally, if in the daytime the courtyard is illuminated by the sun's rays, and at night it is fenced off with mosquito nets and illuminated with decorative light sources.

Open area for active pastime

If your family prefers active recreation, then the design of the relaxation area in this option will be very helpful. The area is planted with lawn grass, which makes it possible to have fun on warm summer days in outdoor activities and games. In the photo we see the described design option.

Cozy room in the garden

This approach to arranging a relaxation zone in a country house has long been successfully used in Western countries. Today, this technique is used by us. The garden room is a space that repeats the interior of a real relaxation room, only located in the fresh air. The walls and roofs of such a zone can be made of bamboo or lattice, along which flowering plants. To comfortably relax in this corner, the structure is equipped with a canopy. In the photo we can see an example of a room in the garden.

A place for relaxation under the crowns of green spaces

If there is a perennial chic tree in the country house, then under its crown it is quite possible to equip a place to relax with your own hands. For decoration, you need to install a bench, several flowerpots with flowers and a small pond. In order to relax on the site in the evening, we have light sources nearby. For convenience, you can install a small table. This type of relaxation area is ideal for intimate conversations and solitude.

summer construction

Saying the word “gazebo”, a colorful picture immediately appears: somewhere in the far corner of the dacha, among the flowers, there is an original building. Nearby is a wonderful pond. In order to organize such a picture at your summer cottage, you need to choose a good platform for building a gazebo. It can be a quiet, peaceful place away from the street. Sitting in the gazebo, you can plunge into the atmosphere of relaxation and pleasant contemplation of the garden. Therefore, you need to place this design in the most beautiful and cozy corner of the cottage.

In order for the summer building to look perfect, it is necessary to wrap it with climbing plantations. In the photo we can see this design option.

Independent arrangement of the relaxation zone

After you have chosen a suitable version of creating a place for relaxation, we move on to its construction. To begin with, we purchase furniture, which should be:

  • Convenient and comfortable.
  • Easy to wash.
  • Not heavy in weight.

Under all the above criteria, wooden, rattan, plastic, wicker furniture is suitable.

At the place of rest, you can install an outdoor stove or barbecue, which will be used for cooking fragrant kebabs. Of course, an open fire should be installed under a canopy in order to be able to use it in any weather.

For decoration on the site, you can place statues, interesting jugs, containers. Do not forget about the arrangement of lighting, which will also become additional element decor.

Additional, and perhaps the most bright element at the dacha there will be an artificial pond, built with your own hands. A fountain or waterfall will complement the overall picture and create an atmosphere of tranquility.

finishing touches

Do not be afraid to show individuality in the design of a place to relax in the country. To give originality, this area can be distinguished by raising it above ground level by 20-30 cm. This technique helps to draw attention to the relaxation zone and mark its boundaries.

Any unnecessary elements of everyday life are suitable for decorating the site. Old barrels can be decorated with an unpretentious pattern and flowering plants can be placed in them.

For children, the entertainment area can be decorated with play structures, sports elements, and a sandbox. Also on the site in a shady place, you can place children's table and several chairs for children's activities.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the design of a place to relax in the country with your own hands is a creative process. Therefore, any ideas that seem interesting to you are relevant and acceptable here. Show your imagination, use the advice of experts and in the end you will get an original corner for spending time with your family.

Dacha is not only beds with vegetables, but also outdoor recreation. Where, if not here, you can relax after a week of work, spend time with your family outside the bustle of the city, organize a picnic with friends. In order for leisure to be as comfortable as possible, the recreation area needs to be properly equipped - choose appropriate place, think over the design, choose the design. There is a mass interesting ideas how to make an open area in the country. The main thing is to be patient and inspired.

Placement options for recreation areas

Depending on the preferences, number and age of family members, the "relaxation corner" can be located:

  • in a completely open space;
  • under a canopy;
  • at the walls of the house;
  • near the tree;
  • near the reservoir.

For quiet family gatherings and meals, daytime walks with children, the area near the back wall of the house is best suited. If there is an emergency door there, this will be an additional bonus - it will be possible to quickly take out and bring in dishes, food, toys, furniture. It is advisable to move the venue for noisy parties with friends away from home so as not to disturb other family members in the late evening.

Comfortable and stylish area with a fireplace

An ideal place for romantic "tete-a-tetes" will be a secluded cozy corner under beautiful tree. It is advisable to equip an open area at the dacha of an elderly couple at the main entrance.

As for the “scale” of the recreation area, there are no restrictions on this issue. Can be modestly ennobled small plot territory, and create a multi-level platform with a fountain, pergola, swings and other "decorations".

Recreation area for a large company

The main types of open areas for a personal plot

What kind of postcard platform for giving or country house choose depends on the lifestyle of the owners and their preferences regarding recreation.

Beach type recreation area

If you plan to actively take sunbathing on your site, the “a la beach” area can be arranged right in the middle of the lawn. It is better to choose a place for a relaxation zone from the back of the house - away from possible street noise and ubiquitous prying eyes. It is desirable to construct the base of the site according to the type of podium in order to avoid stagnation of rainwater on it. As a flooring, it is recommended to choose a terraced board or stone.

To “furnish” the country mini-beach, sun loungers, mobile sun umbrellas, a small table, and benches are used. A swimming pool, fountain or artificial pond will perfectly complement the summer atmosphere.

Cozy seating area with sun loungers

Territory for active leisure

Fans of outdoor activities will surely like the idea of ​​arranging an outdoor sports ground. Under it, you should take the most flat area of ​​\u200b\u200byour possessions away from windows and flower beds. Since the selected area will be subject to active trampling, it must be sown with special “wear-resistant” grass mixtures or sports rolled lawn.

The size of the sports ground is determined by the type of activity:

  • basketball will need about 50 square meters. m;
  • for tennis or football - at least 60 sq. m;
  • for mini-volleyball - 40 sq. m;
  • outdoor exercise equipment or horizontal bars can be freely marked on 30 sq. m.

Using mobile equipment for sports and installing it just before the game, you can make your active leisure time diverse.

Sports ground for outdoor activities in the country

Cozy room under the tree

The easiest way to create a cozy outdoor seating area is to create space under a large spreading tree. The foundation of such an open area is desirable to make as close as possible to natural motifs. An excellent solution would be its paving with wooden cuts.

The choice of furniture for a place of rest depends on its purpose: if it is possible to receive guests here, a table and comfortable chairs are required. For a sweet afternoon nap, a hammock comes in handy. Reading books or working on a laptop will be comfortable on a cozy bench with a couple of pillows.

The trunk bench is ideal for relaxing in the summer heat.

Observation deck on site

If your country house has a powerful enough tree, a recreation area can be arranged not only under it, but also on it. Fits even relatively young tree if the piles, and not the trunk itself, serve as a support for the structure. How to make an open observation deck in the country:

  1. Mark the position of the corner posts.
  2. Saw off the posts, taking into account the desired height of the structure, and concrete them.
  3. Connect the railing to the posts (top trim).
  4. Make a horizontal strapping at the level of the future floor.
  5. TO bottom harness attach the lags.
  6. Install the floor and walls. You can use chipboard for outdoor work.

A platform on a tree will look original if you style it like a fortress tower or a ship deck.

The observation deck on the tree is a cozy refuge for contemplating the beauty of nature

Patio area and its features

Patio - an open-air room - an ideal place for organizing family holidays, receiving guests, solitude with your favorite book in the warm season. Traditionally, such a platform is located at the back wall of the house, if the walls of outbuildings or a fence are adjacent to it in a U- or L-shape.

But this is optional. You can equip a patio in any convenient location, the main thing is to adhere to the main idea - to create an atmosphere of maximum security. Trees, shrubs, flower beds will help in this, hedge etc. Abundance is inherent in the patio decorative elements:

  • fountains;
  • mini waterfalls;
  • alpine slides;
  • statues.

An abundance of greenery and flowers always decorates the patio.

The design of such a site is chosen in accordance with the possibilities of the territory and the preferences of family members. Spacious country patios are equipped with all the necessary attributes of a pleasant feast:

The perfect solution would be to install in the pool patio area. In combination with a juicy green-floral design, you get a real paradise.

Creating a recreation area with your own hands

An outdoor area in the country should be not only beautiful, but also practical. The importance cannot be overlooked technical issues, in particular, a competent choice of materials for paving.

Which base material to choose

From bulk materials(sand, expanded clay, gravel) it is better to refuse. They complicate the cleaning of the territory, make light portable furniture unstable. Best suited for paving a recreation area:

Wooden flooring is also very popular. But remember: wood must be treated with antiseptics.

wooden base playground looks great

The site of the territory selected for the open area is freed from sod, deepening by 15-20 cm. The surface is leveled, tamped and treated with a herbicide that prevents the germination of weeds. The area is filled with a layer of rubble and sand. Then the selected base material is laid and (if necessary) the curb is installed.

Water drainage from the territory

So that the water on the site does not stagnate, the base must be made with a slope in one or two directions. If the paving is made of uneven and / or small elements, the slope should be at least 2 cm per 1 m. For smooth coatings, 1 cm per 1 m is sufficient.

The drainage itself can be made open at the edges of the site or underground. In both cases, it is necessary to provide for the drainage of water in drainage well. Elements of open drainage should be selected in accordance with common style recreation areas.

Arrangement and decoration of space

To make an outdoor area for leisure as comfortable as possible, it needs to be properly and beautifully furnished. Furniture should be comfortable; if you like gatherings in a large circle, it is very important to calculate a sufficient number of seats. An excellent choice would be wooden or glass table with garden chairs and sofas. You can also purchase several rocking chairs, deck chairs, a decorative bench.

Minimalist outdoor area

Arched canopies, richly entwined with flowers and greenery, will add special charm and airiness to the open-air area. A fireplace or barbecue will make a truly warm and “completed” recreation area. To add a special chic and color to the courtyard will give its design in a certain style - romantic, fabulous, classic, national, exotic. Figurines, vases, souvenirs, textile decorations will help in this.

Children's leisure in the country

Equipping a recreation area, do not forget about the children. A small play space will allow them not to get bored during family gatherings. Be sure to provide a swing. The place for its installation should be chosen taking into account the swing amplitude. The easiest option is a rope swing mounted on a strong tree branch.

You can also install a sandbox. A huge selection of models will allow you to successfully fit the product into the overall design of the recreation area. The most convenient plastic sandboxes - they are safe, durable, easy to clean. Light weight and modular design allows you to remove them to the barn at any time.

Swing in the garden - a joy for children and adults

Stylish and fast platform from pallets: a master class

An excellent outdoor area with your own hands can be obtained from euro pallets - a simple and cheap material that has a wide design potential. To create a recreation area you will need:

  • about 50 pallets (size 100×120 cm and 80×120 cm);
  • angular Sander;
  • sandpaper;
  • dye;
  • roller

Handle all Euro pallets grinder And sandpaper. Using a roller, paint them in the desired color (it is better to choose light shades). It is advisable to use garden fleece as the basis for the site: this material will not allow rainwater to accumulate. When the pallets are dry, line the floor with them.

Laying painted pallets on the base

Then install and fix the pallets intended for the side walls and backrest. Create seating and table right size. To create coziness on the site, decorate it with bright accessories, lay out multi-colored pillows on the “improvised sofa”. A special atmosphere will be created by garlands, candles in original candlesticks, flashlights.

Appearance of the finished site

As you can see, a cozy rest area in its country house or in the country can be equipped even with a minimum of waste. You just need to turn on the fantasy and not be afraid bold ideas. After all, the "paradise", created with trepidation by one's own hands, will certainly become a favorite place for the whole family to spend their leisure time!

The recreation area in the country requires the presence of benches, hammocks, swings, comfortable sunbeds. If you can do without some items, then you can’t do without benches in the country - they are the necessary attribute of comfort. Constructions garden benches can be very diverse - the main thing is that they are comfortable and, if possible, correspond to the style of the entire garden plot.

The design of the recreation area on the site depends on financial capabilities and a flight of fancy - some options are offered to your attention.

Arrangement of a recreation area on the site

Benches, swings, hammocks - these attractive attributes of country life can be called "mobile places of rest". And all because their location can be changed at will. Agree, even the heaviest bench design can still be rearranged to another place!

Benches include not only benches in their classical sense, but also sun loungers, garden chairs, chairs, Garden swing and garden puffs. All these are ground "landing" places. Well, hammocks and hanging seats are located, so to speak, in the air, so they are special pieces of furniture, and they always look unusual, no matter what material they are made of. But the main thing - where you are at the moment, there is rest.

A big advantage when arranging a recreation area on a site is that all components can be changed and combined, connecting together separate things from different sets. But the main thing is that there are several mobile resting places, because you will probably want to relax and admire the garden in different places.

The location of the recreation area in the country

The location of the recreation area in the country should be cozy and beautiful. It should be a quiet, secluded area. It is desirable that the place be located next to a flower garden, pond, alpine slide, plant composition, in a word, next to what you can admire.

It is advisable for a do-it-yourself recreation area to choose places near the "nodal" points that attract attention. For example, on retaining walls and at their foot, near garden accents, next to spectacular lights, garden modules, in patios. You can equip a recreation area directly at home, on "drowned" and open recreation areas, and on interesting "islands" of paving.

For hanging seats and hammocks, it is necessary that in the chosen place it is possible to place special structures for hanging.

The place must be protected from the winds. Sunny or shady place - you choose.

Designs of garden benches (with a photo of benches in the garden)

The design of benches, of course, is known to everyone. But it doesn't have to be a legged seat! The bench can also be a composite structure.

For example, it can be combined into one complex with a pergola, and then it has “walls” and a “roof” covered with climbing plants. Another example is everyone's favorite garden swing. They have their own advantages: a solid roof, you can not only sit, but also lie down, and, moreover, you can swing. It’s just better to choose not the most typical swing options, but look for more interesting models so that they look original in the garden.

Suspended seats and hammocks consist of a base, cables and hooks on which they are hung. There are models hanging chairs, which have a vertical frame with a base that is placed on the ground, and then the seat itself is already suspended from it.

As you can see in the photo of the benches in the garden, they can be made from any materials. Suitable wood, driftwood, metal, forging, wicker and rattan, glass, plastic, vinyl, rubberized fabrics and various combinations of these materials. Main - appearance, style.

For example, you can make classics from wood, or you can make hi-tech. The choice of a bench, swing, hammock, chair made of one material or another is closely related to the design style of the corner where it will be located.

Not all portable resting places make sense to do it yourself.

It is easy to make a beautiful bench in the garden yourself if you like to make things - in this case, you become the owner of an author's bench. Do it yourself, however, does not mean carpentry work. Benches can be unusual, and they can be made in 15 minutes, the main thing is to come up with an idea for their creation.

Well, if you want to buy a finished bench - there is nothing easier. They can now be bought from catalogs and ordered by individual project. In specialized firms, you can order a bench that looks more like a work of art than garden furniture.

And you can buy bright, ultra-modern bean bags and garden pouffes, which are designed specifically for the open air. They will lift your spirits!

Well, hanging seats and hammocks are generally better to buy in ready-made, firstly, according to safety precautions (it is fully taken into account there), and secondly, such beautiful models, as on sale, it is hardly possible to do it yourself, since professional materials, usually imported, are used for their manufacture.

Design of a recreation area in the country house and garden plot

In the design of a recreation area in the country and garden plot image is everything. What the bench, chair, deck chair or swing stands on is also important. There must be some kind of surface: lawn, gravel, bark backfill, paving. It is best if the place on which the bench stands is highlighted with something. For example, on the lawn there may be a small area paved with slabs. natural stone at some distance from each other, in between - a lawn.

A log or a stump suitable in shape and appearance can act as a bench. A retaining wall can also be a bench.

From a large flat stone it will turn out original bench if you make a wooden pad for the seat.

A beautiful bench in the style of minimalism, architectural style or hi-tech can be formed by a niche in brick fence. If you have an old spreading tree on your site, then you can arrange a circular bench around it.

There are transparent benches made of modern garden plastic, under which flowers will look great. In general, the latest gardening trend is to plant flowers under the benches.

Practical bench-box where you can clean garden tools sure to come in handy in the garden.

Traditional materials are good. But you can also cast a bench from concrete, ordinary or tinted. You can decorate such a bench with mosaics or tiles.

Pay attention to the photo of the recreation area in the country: you can make a flower garden bench with your own hands. Half of the bench is a flower garden, on the other half there is an overlay for sitting.

In eco style, an ordinary box can serve as a mini-bench.

Bench in modern style can be done by simply putting 2-3 wooden beams large section on each other, and fastening them.

The hammock bench is a trendy novelty that everyone will notice. It looks like a huge "bow" for shooting, made of tinted solid wood, which is installed on a special foundation, and on which, like a bowstring, a large wicker hammock is stretched. For the winter, the hammock is removed from the base.

Use hanging resting places in the summer living room.

Instead of one of the usual garden chairs, get garden chair- a rocking chair.

For portable resting places, special sites can also be provided and arranged. In the absence of garden furniture, it will be possible to display containers with flyers or garden figurines on them.

When designing a recreation area in a country house and a garden plot, you can arrange an express platform in 5 minutes among, on the lawn, using a household irrigation device. Often, for irrigation, sections of pipes are inserted into the ground, into which a hose is inserted and watered. So, you can insert a beach umbrella into such a pipe, and put a chair, garden chair or pouffe under it. Express site is ready according to your requirement!

Many gardeners buy a summer cottage for growing vegetable crops, which will be tasty and also contain an aesthetic feature. But the purpose of the house outside the city is to relax from the bustle of the city in seclusion. Therefore, for many, the main thing in the country is the creation of a recreation area. At the same time, its design is a responsible task that requires a lot of time and some financial resources.

The plan of the recreation area and how to choose the right one

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

The appointment of a recreation area in the country, most likely, will not raise any questions. But how can you arrange a vacation in your own country in the country? Before you start compiling such an important document as the design of a recreation area on a plot in the garden, you need to find out for whom it will be intended, because from this moment will depend on what details it will be based on and the design will be completely different.

Consider the following types of recreation areas:

Children's playground in the country

It is immediately clear that you cannot build a reservoir here or a bathhouse will not be located. And besides, the fence will be small, like a fairy-tale house. Such a territory must be furnished with the following details: small forms like a swing and so on. It is necessary to choose plants that will not be thorny. Flowering varieties should be used very carefully, as their pollen can cause allergies in children. The stylistic direction of the design of such children's area depends on the preferences of the children themselves.

For the elderly

There are some nuances here. The bath is appropriate in this design. In this case, the decor for the bath can be anything. In this case, you need to pay attention to the choice of a quality rocking chair or bench. Also, the design of the site should include a gazebo from which opens beautiful view. It's great if some area is on the sunny side, and some is in the shady side.

Mostly these are people who have poor eyesight, so it is better to choose plants bright colors. Let the flowers have big buds, decorative leafy varieties are the best option. In addition, it does not need to be located away from home, so that you do not have to walk for a long time. An excellent solution is an installation on the site small table for games with chairs. This design from the outside looks very nice.

General recreation area

Such a design in the dacha in the center consists of a barbecue and you can build a canopy and a table with benches. Bath is also appropriate. At the same time, the decor of the bath should be combined with the rest of the style of the site. So that the bath harmoniously fits into the whole picture in the garden.

This is an area that has a hard coating. Here you can choose both stationary and portable furniture. Such a recreation area can be made as if separated from another space. To do this, use different dividing walls like a gabion or a hedge. And many other decor options.

Miscellaneous rest

For some gardeners great view recreation is the practice of some kind of sport. Then you should equip the site in the country, which will have a hard surface. You can equip a large complex with a horizontal bar and a rope on the site.

Perhaps you prefer sports games? In this case, you will need a table for tennis, or maybe you like to lie down in general. In this case, a bathhouse would be an excellent solution, its arrangement is simple, and you yourself can cope with such an easy task. You can also equip your summer cottage with a basketball stand or a vertical support, on which a badminton net is stretched. In this option, a soft surface such as sports lawns or polyurethane coatings is suitable.

The playing area in the country can be crossed with the sports area, and you can install a billiard table, table hockey, cricket and other games on the site. And the arranged table under a sprawling tree is a ready-made dining room on open nature, where to eat. But most easy way- This is a shop in a picturesque corner on the site, where you can comfortably sit and read a newspaper. And the swing will be a favorite area in the country for all family members.

Recreation area projects in the country

Project suburban area With various options recreation areas mainly depend on the size of the lands themselves and personal wishes. Basically, you need to figure out what you want to get in your garden. Then you start drawing. Of course, this should be done at the stage when the site project is being created. But many gardeners do not do this, and only at the end they remember that it was still necessary to draw up a project for the territory in the garden. Take a close look at the area around the house.

If the territory large sizes, that is, the ability to install a couple of playgrounds, for example, a nursery along with a sports one. If the territory is limited, then one of the projects must be selected. For example, you can easily place a bench for adults next to the children's area. As it becomes clear, you can always connect a pair of species.

The project is drawn up indicating the location of the recreation area. It is better to opt for a sunny side that is protected from the winds, in particular when it comes to a playground. However, if it doesn’t work out, then it can be organized in a shady area. For example, by placing a barbecue. And from the winds, you can protect the territory with a retaining wall. The project must include all existing facilities, paths and plantings.

The project should include pedestrian areas that will become a connection between the recreation area and the house. It is not necessary to have such pedestrian areas in terms of our construction on a summer cottage, since we need to leave a slightly secluded place. The project may consist of several options on the tracing paper, so you will be able to notice the disadvantages of the project.

Arrangement of a recreation area

When you have created all the necessary drawings and carefully drawn everything on paper, you can already begin to translate all ideas into reality. First, you should clean the future recreation area from debris, weeds. Then we lay the cover, then we install small forms, sculptures and plant flowers. But first you need to think carefully. Because correct design such a garden area is an important point.

Once again, we add that the design of the territory for a good rest can be arranged in any stylistic direction - classic, vintage, and so on. In order to complement the design of various stylistic trends, there are many architectural forms, and you can choose a special paving area for recreation.

To date, quite fashion trend is an outdoor fireplace, next to which furniture is installed. The stylistic direction can be modern or high-tech. They are used in the design of tubs with vegetation, in addition, containers for these purposes can be chosen for metal. In some cases, you can look at your household plot as an impeccable opportunity for a good rest in the open nature. On such a site, you can spend a period with relatives or retire with a book in your hands. But in order to create a cozy place, you will need to work hard. First, you need to carefully consider the design of the recreation area. Here it is necessary to take into account not only your preferences, but also the conditions of your garden.

Consider how to arrange parks and recreation areas with your own hands:

Stage 1 - choosing a place

When choosing a place for a corner for relaxation, it is necessary, first of all, to build on the possibilities of the territory. It is possible to allocate a site and complete the design of an open-air dacha recreation area both in the front part of the garden and in its depths. You can arrange it with a barbecue. The grill is nice and cozy.

When choosing a place, they are guided by the following points:

  1. Convenient access to the site and the proximity of its location to the house.
  2. Protection from prying eyes of passers-by.
  3. The presence of a small slope that prevents the accumulation of water.
  4. In small areas, the recreation area has a more compact shape.

In areas with a larger area, you can successfully divide the recreation area in the country house in the garden into several subzones, united by a single design.

Stage 2 - zoning of the territory

You can separate the recreation area from the main garden with your own hands using hedges. Plants for the design of such fences can be selected depending on the illumination of the allotted area and the taste preferences of the owner. Coniferous hedges will not only complement the design of the recreation area in the country, but also purify the air by filling it essential oils with bactericidal properties.

In the photo, a do-it-yourself scheme of the park and recreation area

Stage 3 - base preparation + paving

The easiest option for a recreation area is soft lawns, which are not only pleasant to walk barefoot on, but also have a small picnic right on the grass. In places where it is supposed to place a table with your own hands with chairs, it is advisable to make paving from wooden cuts, stone, tile, paving bricks or plastic modules with a corrugated surface.

Stage 4 - the device of a brazier and arbors

The gazebo is a secluded corner where you can enjoy hours of communication in a pleasant company over a cup of aromatic tea or coffee, admiring the surrounding beauties. The gazebo will become reliable protection in bad weather: during the rain, the hosts and guests who have gathered for a planned picnic can be accommodated within its walls. Thinking over the design of a recreation area in the garden, do not forget about such a functional element of the interior as a brazier. The brazier can be used both for its intended purpose, delighting guests with a fragrant barbecue, and as a heating device, the fire in which will warm on a rainy day. In families with small children, outdoor fireplaces are often installed instead of a barbecue in open areas, which also successfully replace the traditional stove.

The photo shows a diagram of the park and recreation areas and how to make them yourself

Stage 5 - the choice of garden furniture

When choosing garden furniture for a comfortable stay, designers recommend being guided by principles such as lightness and practicality. An alternative to the familiar to many of us upholstered furniture wicker, wooden, forged openwork or plastic furniture can serve. The materials used for the manufacture of garden furniture, as a rule, are easy to care for and are not afraid of adverse weather conditions. Decorate furniture and enhance comfortable rest a variety of soft flooring and pads will help, which in case of rain can always be brought under a canopy.

You can organize a territory for spending time in solitude on open area. You can choose an open area if you have a family with children or a lot of guests are expected all the time. In its decoration, you can use elegant tables with chairs. For hot days in the summer, you need to buy a large umbrella that protects from the bright rays of the sun. great idea is a hammock or hanging sofa.

Another new trend in decorating suburban areas today is the patio. The patio is an open area or a cozy patio, equipped with elegant furniture for a summer residence. Here you can spend your holidays with family members. You can complement the area around with an elegant flower bed. It is better to opt for less whimsical varieties of flowers if you cannot water them daily. An excellent solution in this case is a daylily, which is beautiful and bright flower which does not require constant watering.

Pictured are various parks and recreation areas

To give the site a little coziness and comfort for spending time with friends, it needs to be supplemented garden furniture. For a small garden area, transforming furniture would be an excellent solution. It is better to opt for wooden furniture, which is comfortable and at the same time beautiful. In addition, massive wooden benches perfectly complement the interior outside the city. Forged furniture gives a very rich look to the cottage - this is a table or an elegant chair. Wicker furniture is a good option for a comfortable area in the suburban area. You can also purchase plastic furniture. It looks great, but due to its low mass it is unstable.

If you install a bench in a picturesque corner of the garden, and place lanterns or lamps near it, you can get quite cozy and romantic places for gatherings in the evening.

You can relax outside the city not only during the summer period, but also in any other season of the year - for this you can equip a comfortable veranda. Such a building harmoniously fits into the decor of the summer cottage. Near it you can install flowers in pots, a stylish tablecloth and decorative accessories. Also a great solution are climbing varieties plants near the fence or as a hedge of roses or grapes. Of course, plants need some effort to please their owners.

To all necessary items have always been with you, it is better to equip the site with the help of built-in storage places in the table, under the bench. It is also necessary to insulate the gazebo in advance and turn on infrared heater in order to spend a long time on such a site in the cold season. The decor of the recreation area is a creative process that involves the construction of structures and planting vegetation.