In a private house      06/13/2019

The best varieties of roses for Siberia: descriptions and reviews. The best climbing roses of Siberia with reviews and descriptions

I have been growing roses in the garden since 2007, when I purchased it.
My passion for these royal plants began with a few rose seedlings bought at the market.

Three bushes hybrid tea roses The "Burgund" varieties from the market still grow in our garden and bloom consistently every year. I usually don’t cover them for the winter; I simply give the bushes a sanitary pruning and cover them with dry soil from greenhouses when the soil is already slightly frozen.
True, last snowless winter I covered the pruned Burgundy rose bushes with spruce branches.
"Burgundy" is an old reliable variety that is famous for its large, dark red, double roses beautiful shape. Velvety and very fragrant flowers are persistent, opening from pointed buds on thick, durable peduncles. The large dark green (young reddish-brown) leaves covering the dense, upright bush are also beautiful.

I tried to buy the rest of the roses for the garden through our Center natural farming"Shine" is mainly high-quality seedlings from German nurseries.

Experiments with rose seedlings of different groups

Experience in reliably covering roses in Siberian conditions We don't have enough yet. We are trying to replace the spruce branches with dry shelter. Time and experiments will show which method of wintering roses will be the best for the conditions of our garden.
It seems to me that, regardless of the method of shelter, ultimately the success of wintering roses depends on the abundance of snow and the duration of severe frosts.

We saved our roses in any winter, there was never a 100% loss. And many of our country neighbors refused to grow roses in their gardens precisely because of the poor wintering of the bushes.

Wintering rooted rose cuttings in the house and garden

The summer before last I tried (varieties “Bonica”, “Aspirin”); The cuttings have taken root well.
The first winter I had to keep the rooted cuttings on the windowsill. And last spring (2012) I planted young roses in the garden, where they bloomed well.

Now I’m worried about how these plants survived the last winter (2012-2013) on their own roots...
If my rose cuttings have successfully overwintered, I will give extra seedlings to my neighbors!

Olga Nikolaevna Plotnikova (Novosibirsk)

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Beginning gardeners should know the rules used to successfully grow flowers in harsh winter conditions. The first rule that experienced gardeners use is that seedlings must be purchased from local nurseries.

Selection criteria for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals

Siberia and the Urals are characterized by spring, which begins too late, and winter, which is harsh in nature. Warm days don't happen very often here and they don't last long.

In order to withstand harsh weather conditions, plants are needed that are adapted to such conditions, namely those plants that were grown in a given climatic region.

Growing frost-resistant roses in Siberia and the Urals

The second rule is growing Canadian roses. The climate of the country where these frost-resistant roses are grown has the same climate as the country of Russia. It is preferable to buy Canadian flowers not from the market, but from a reliable supplier.

Note! Another criterion that must be adhered to is vaccination.

It was found that flowers grafted in the Urals (and Siberia) had the most favorable wintering. They don't freeze thanks to increased immunity. In order for the plant’s immunity to be increased, it is grafted with another plant that has a much more durable immune system. In this case, the rootstock for the rose in most cases is rosehip.

Important! A flower for planting in Siberia and the Urals must have high winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and pests.

The wintering area must be prepared in advance. The earth where the flowers are located is hilled up, and additional shelter is provided. The plants are covered with spruce branches, film, roofing material, and then covered with snowdrifts on top.

Roses grafted in the Urals (and Siberia) have the most favorable wintering

Another way to ensure a favorable wintering in Siberia and the Urals is to cover the flowers with a box. A properly covered bush will overwinter well, and ventilating the plant before the onset of cold weather will not be a problem. Need to pick up cardboard box, which has a suitable average size, and cover the trimmed seedling with it. The box is covered on top plastic film to prevent the box from getting wet.

Description of roses for growing in the Moscow region

When choosing plants for growing in the Moscow region, you need to take into account the following parameters that the plant should have:

  • Since the Moscow region is characterized by all four seasons of the year, with corresponding temperatures for each of them, the plant must be hardy to changing climatic conditions;
  • Possess resistance to diseases. High humidity in the region under consideration, rare sunny days increase the development of various ailments;
  • Since daylight hours for more than 6 months in this region are much shorter than normal, you should choose varieties that do not require prolonged sunlight.

Charles Austin

The Charles Austin rose is ideal for the climate of the Moscow region and will decorate any garden. It has increased resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Criteria for selecting roses for cultivation in the Middle Zone

The middle zone has very harsh winters. Throughout the entire period, sharp temperature fluctuations are characteristic.

If a gardener has a summer house where he plans to grow flowers, it is important to take into account the parameters of the plant that will help him successfully withstand adverse weather conditions. For cultivation in the central zone, the best species are those grafted onto winter-hardy rose hips, and frost-resistant varieties of roses are suitable.

Thus, flowers for growing in Central Russia must meet 5 main requirements:

  • Have excellent health. This is their main requirement, since a diseased plant will not survive the winter well or may even die.
  • Flowers should not be afraid of severe frosts and should have a stable wintering environment. Frost-resistant varieties are selected.
  • Must have long term flowering, which should be abundant.
  • Flowers must be resistant to bad weather conditions. They should not be afraid of rain, moisture and heat, and in any case retain their decorative properties.
  • The shoots of the plant should grow well. This is important when, after an unfavorable winter, the part of the plant located on the ground may die. The more new stems grow, the more flowers there will be.
  • About winter-hardy roses without winter shelter(uncovered roses)

Winter-hardy roses - uncovered

There are flowers in nature that do not require shelter for the winter, the so-called “uncovered roses.” Roses that do not need to be covered for the winter can easily survive winters down to -40 degrees.

The most frost-resistant varieties of roses, which do not require shelter for the winter, are divided into 4 groups:

  • shrubby;
  • floribunda;
  • climbing;
  • ground cover.

The most winter-hardy varieties of roses also include Canadian or “Canadian” roses, as rose growers call them among themselves. They can also easily overwinter without winter shelter. They belong to the climbing group and are the most unpretentious species.

Roses that winter without shelter winter well in the absence of snow and severe frosts:

  • Alexander Mackenzie. The flower can withstand temperatures down to −40 degrees.
  • Teresa Bagnet. Winters well in the absence of snow and severe frosts. The bush does not require shelter.

Alexander Mackenzie.

And park varieties are winter-hardy roses without winter shelter. They do not require special care and have high vitality. Only young seedlings require shelter for the winter.

About roses that bloom all summer

Roses continuously blooming active growth begin in late spring - early summer. They can bloom for a long time (all summer and autumn) and most often belong to the following groups:

  • wrinkled;
  • park;
  • polyanthus.

The bush species also boasts long flowering from late spring to late autumn. This type includes:

  • English roses;
  • French roses;
  • hybrid tea roses;
  • floribunda;
  • climbing varieties.

Among the groundcovers there are also unpretentious roses that bloom all summer until the onset of frost. These include, for example, Scarlet. This is a ground cover variety that is the hardiest. It blooms profusely all summer and autumn.


Additional Information! Ballerina is the most persistent and blooming. It begins flowering in mid-June and stops only in November. This flower also has additional advantages in the form of the ability to successfully tolerate cold, heat, rain or the presence of shade. It is resistant to diseases and harmful insects. For all these qualities, the plant was awarded the title “Best Classic Scrub”.

About rain-resistant roses

Rain-resistant roses are not afraid of moisture or hot weather and always retain their decorative value. These include the following varieties:

  • Hybrid tea (Ingrid Bergman, Aphrodite, Hommage a Barbara);
  • Floribunda (Sangerhause Jumbileumrose);
  • Rhapsody in blue is a Shrub class variety.
  • Climbing plants (Flammentanz).

TOP 10 most unpretentious and winter-hardy varieties of roses

Flower growers who grow plants in cold regions of Russia often wonder which roses are the most unpretentious and winter-hardy. These include frost-resistant varieties:

Paul's Scarlet

  1. Paul's Scarlet is a variety of rambler, that is, a once-blooming climbing rose.
  2. New Dawn is a climbing rose of American selection.
  3. The Fairy - has good winter hardiness and excellent landscape qualities.
  4. Flammentanz - this variety is distinguished by frost resistance. The flower can be successfully placed under cover, as a result of which it will withstand even very severe frosts.
  5. Westerland is a great scrub. Tolerates winter very well.
  6. Rosarium Uetersen - is distinguished by lush flowering before the onset of frost.
  7. Hansaland variety of wrinkled rose. It tolerates wintering without problems and with virtually no shelter.
  8. Rose Angela - has excellent endurance. She is not afraid of either rain or heat. Frost is also not terrible for this flower.
  9. Gloria Dei is the world's most famous cold-resistant hybrid tea variety.
  10. Pierre de Ronsard, also known as Eden Rose, is a spectacular climber. Has good winter hardiness.

Roses - beautiful flowers, which can delight not only residents of warm and sunny regions of the country with their beauty and aroma. There is a huge selection of varieties, including those that can thrive in regions with severe frosts or high humidity, or delight with your beautiful buds all summer and even autumn. The main thing is to take into account the weather conditions and parameters of the plant, which you need to familiarize yourself with before planting, and then it will look beautiful, healthy and give beautiful flowers to a caring owner.

Roses are southern plants, and until recently they were a rare sight in our gardens. But now there are many varieties of roses that feel great in middle lane Russia, the Urals and even Siberia. It’s about these, the most frost-resistant varieties we'll talk today.
The varieties of the park group are considered the most frost-resistant and least demanding to care for. English are distinguished park roses and Canadian park roses. Canadian ones are more winter-hardy and stable in our climate; in central Russia they can be grown without shelter.

Also unpretentious, stable and winter well with proper winter shelter are varieties of roses from the floribunda group.

They also winter well in our conditions. climbing roses. They can become a chic decoration for a gazebo or arch over the path. But you need to choose the right variety, it must have a flexible stem so that it can be easily winterized, and also study agricultural technology, all the rules for planting, care and pruning, since they are quite finicky.

Hybrid tea roses, too, with proper care and proper shelter, winter well in our conditions.

Our groundcover roses overwinter without problems under a layer of snow; for the winter, it is enough to pour a bucket of soil under the root.

1. Group of park roses for Central Russia, the Urals and Siberia

Park roses are the most unpretentious frost-resistant ornamental shrubs. The group of park roses usually includes so-called cultivated rose hips. They are usually bushes up to one and a half meters high, densely covered with foliage. Park roses bloom from the first half of June.

English park roses need shelter in the conditions of Central Russia and the Urals. A pleasant feature of these roses is their rich aroma, and also the fact that they bloom almost all summer. Among the English park roses, the following varieties are most suitable for growing in our climate:

- Park rose "Abraham Derby"

- Park rose "Benjamin Britten"

- Rose park "William Shakespeare"

- Rose park "Graham Thomas"

- Rose park "Louis Odier"

Canadian park roses . These roses were bred specifically for cold climates. In central Russia they don’t even need to be covered. In more northern regions, as well as where snowless winters are possible, shelter for the winter is still desirable. But in the south these roses do not grow very well. "Canadians" bloom all summer. There are many varieties of Canadian roses, let’s just mention a few:

- Rosa Prairie Joy

- Canadian park rose Moden Blush

- Rosa Canada Morden Sunrise

2. Roses of the floribunda group

These roses are obtained by crossing polyanthus and hybrid tea roses. The name of the group - "floribunda" is translated as abundantly flowering. This group was isolated in 1952 and included roses obtained as a result of crossing polyanthus and hybrid tea roses. Floribunda roses have inherited the advantages of both groups: high winter hardiness and disease resistance, as well as the abundance and duration of flowering from polyantha roses, the beauty and elegance of flowers from hybrid tea roses. Unfortunately, roses of this group often have almost no aroma, but their decorative qualities are excellent, plus they have good disease resistance and relative winter hardiness. Floribunda roses for winter.

Here are just a few varieties from this extensive group:

(Jubilee de Saint Petersburg), aka Jubilee of the Prince of Monaco (Jubilee du Prince de Monaco)

- Rosa Rotilia

3. Climbing roses

Climbing roses are obtained by crossing the wild multiflora climbing rose, the Japanese Vihura rose and modern varieties of floribunda roses and hybrid tea roses.

There are three main types of climbing roses:
- “Rambler” roses - shoots form flexible lashes that reach a length of 4 to 6 meters. They need to be tied up. Flowering is once, starting from the second year. Blooms luxuriantly in June-July, flowering duration is about 30 days.
- “Climber” roses - have thick shoots (which in our conditions are quite difficult to lay down for the winter), the height of which reaches from 2.5 to 3 meters. The large flowers resemble those of hybrid tea roses. Roses are repeat bloomers and can bloom this year.
- a separate group of climbing roses - “hybrids of Cordes selection.” Their parameters are similar to “Rambler” type roses. They are characterized by winter hardiness and disease resistance. They bloom profusely and continuously until late autumn.

In order for climbing roses to bloom well, you need to prune them correctly, lay them for the winter and form them on a support. These rules of agricultural technology differ for different groups of climbing roses.
Here are just a few popular varieties of climbing roses:

- Rose "Flamentan" from hybrids selected by Cordes. It has large double red flowers.

- Rose "New Dawn" has large semi-double or double pale pink flowers with a salmon tint and a pleasant apple scent.

- Rose "Cute" from hybrids selected by Cordes. It has large, double, very fragrant flowers of bright red color.

4. Ground cover roses

Many botanists consider this group to be conditional, because it is difficult to call a rose more than a meter high a ground cover, but there are such varieties in this group. The fact is that this group includes those roses that have the property of growing more in width than in height. In addition to this, many varieties of ground cover roses also belong to the floribunda group. Among the ground cover roses there are low ones up to 50 cm in height, medium-sized ones up to 1 meter in height, and tall ones over a meter. Shoots of ground cover roses can spread horizontally along the ground or droop in arches.

Ground cover roses have relatively good winter hardiness; for the winter, the roots need to be covered with soil, pouring a bucket of soil onto them. In regions with harsh climates, it is still advisable to cover them with spruce branches or lutrasil.

Here are some popular varieties of ground cover roses:

- Ground cover rose Swany

- Ground cover rose Fairy


When buying roses you need to pay attention to the following:

1. When choosing roses for your site, first of all you need to find out whether the roses are grafted onto rose hips or whether they are self-rooted roses. There are different opinions about which is better. In our climate, grafted ones are preferable; they will be more frost-resistant, will take root better and grow longer, and they are also less whimsical. However, it is necessary to monitor such roses so that they do not develop wild shoots and remove them in a timely manner so that the entire plant does not grow wild.
2. The packaging must contain information about the variety and recommendations for caring for this variety. Do not buy roses without this information.
3. When purchasing, it is necessary to inspect the seedlings, and if you notice damage to the roots or shoots, dried roots, shoots or buds, sprouted buds and other defects, then it is better not to take risks and choose seedlings of better quality.
4. Varieties that are specifically defined in a series based on the principles of stability and unpretentiousness are considered more reliable.

You should carefully consider the choice of rose varieties, especially in our climate, and do not forget to carefully study all the instructions for planting and caring for the selected varieties, and then your roses will certainly delight you with abundant and long flowering. Usually, new varieties of roses are purchased in February; it is at this time that there is a large selection and the seedlings are of the highest quality. However, having bought roses this month, you need to take care before landing.

You will find all the information about roses and proper care for them.

Please note that you can purchase inexpensive educational electronic magazines from us at landscape design. In particular, a special practical issue can truly become your reference book. The magazine contains combinations only with plant species and varieties that are stable in our climate (perennials and ornamental shrubs). There are spring, summer, autumn and decorative combinations throughout the season. Combinations for shady and sunny places.


Rose is a very beautiful, but rather finicky flower. However, breeding work does not stand still, and even in the harsh Siberian climate, beautiful floribunda roses can be successfully grown.

It is not easy for a delicate and capricious rose to survive in the harsh climatic conditions of Siberia. And even varieties that have been zoned and adapted to cold weather need constant and considerable care.

Features of the climate of Siberia

In Siberia, spring comes late, summer does not last long, and the harsh winter drags on for almost six months. The seedlings that were grown in local Siberian nurseries are best adapted to such conditions. Some varietal roses grafted onto winter-hardy rose hips are also characterized by good survival rates.

Floribunda roses - what are they?

Floribunda is a hybrid of polyanthus and hybrid tea roses, which combines best characteristics these plants. Its main distinguishing features are abundant and almost continuous flowering, good winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and pests.

But still, with the onset of cold weather (usually in October), floribunda roses need to be covered. It is best to use an air-dry method of covering. You should also remember that in the spring it is important to remove the covering material in time: otherwise the plants will dry out.

So, what varieties of floribunda roses can be successfully grown in Siberia?

Arthur Bell

This winter-hardy rose is very popular in Europe and Great Britain, but also feels quite comfortable in the Siberian expanses. Upright bushes of this variety, about 80 cm high, look ideal in group plantings. Semi-double cup-shaped buds with soft yellow petals and pink edging are collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. The flowers exude a subtle fruity aroma.

The only drawback of this rose is the rapid fading of the inflorescences: in sunny weather, the beautiful yellow color becomes pale cream.

Deja vu

This variety of Siberian selection has good winter hardiness. Erect bushes with several branches are abundantly strewn with double flowers, which are shaped like a cone. The petals are bright yellow in color, with a coral-colored wavy edge around the edges.

Like most varieties from the floribunda group, Deja Vu roses are excellent for group plantings. This plant is also suitable for cutting: the flowers do not fade within 14 days. Therefore, this rose is held in high esteem by florists.

Jack Frost

Bushes of this spectacular rose, reaching a height of 70 cm, are strewn with terry buds white in color with a barely noticeable greenish tint. The flowers (up to 9 cm in diameter) are shaped like a glass and are collected in small inflorescences.

Sunsprite, or Freesia

Since 1970, this rose has been deservedly considered the best representative of the floribunda group. It is not only stunningly beautiful and does not fade in the sun, but also tolerates frosts well (–30°C with light shelter), can grow in poor soils and is resistant to various diseases.

The dense bushes of this rose reach a height of 70 cm, their leaves are leathery and glossy. Golden-colored double flowers are cup-shaped and collected in inflorescences of 3-8 pieces.

The only drawback of the Sunsprite rose is that its flowers quickly fall off. But flowering occurs again, so you can have time to enjoy the attractive and very fragrant buds.

Evelyn Fison, or Irish Wonder

The bush of this rose is branched, rather spreading and prickly, growing up to 80 cm in height. Its leaves are leathery, greenish-shiny. The cup-shaped buds with many double petals of bright red and burgundy along the edges are simply mesmerizing. Flowers do not fade in the sun and are not damaged by heavy rains.

Rose Evelyn Fison grows well both in a illuminated area and in partial shade, most suitable soil for her – with neutral acidity.

Plant these attractive roses in your garden and... necessary care they will delight you with vigorous and fragrant flowering every summer, even despite the harsh Siberian climate.

Floribunda roses

Roses of this species, depending on the variety, can reach a height of 30 to 100 cm. At the top of each shoot a whole bouquet of brightly colored flowers is formed. They can be terry or simple, goblet-shaped or cup-shaped. Flowers ranging in size from 4 to 10 cm in diameter bloom in mid-summer. Their advantage is that they do not bloom in one wave, but throughout the summer, forming more and more flowers that decorate the garden until autumn.

Depending on preferences, floribunda roses can be grown as a shrub, standard or potted plant. You can decorate your garden plot, loggia, gazebo or apartment with them. They stand well as cut flowers and are often used for bouquets.

The flowers of this variety of roses are white to cream in color, medium in size, densely double (up to 50 petals), with a high center, in inflorescences. The bud is pointed. Has a pronounced aroma. The bush is medium, with straight shoots. The rose blooms abundantly. The variety is suitable for winter forcing.
This winter-hardy, cheerful floribunda has a rich, fruity aroma. The downside is that the flowers fade: they start out a wonderful bright yellow but quickly turn lemony and creamy. The flowers are semi-double, with crimson stamens. They appear in medium-sized clusters and on a bush with thick, hard, prickly shoots. The flowers are rain resistant. Forms a tall bush with dense leathery foliage, the flowers are large and weather resistant. Resistance to black spot and powdery mildew is good. Flowering begins early summer and continues until autumn.
Tight, cone-shaped, with a slightly elongated shape, the bud of this rose variety has about 30 wavy petals. The color is pinkish-orange with a yellow tint and red edging. The flower is double, growing up to 9-12 cm in diameter. The branched bush has straight shoots and is of medium height. The height is about a meter, and the width is within 60 cm. Buds appear in 2-6 pieces on the shoot. The stems are covered with medium-sized foliage. The aroma is light and pleasant. The variety is well suited for landscaping garden plots. Winter hardiness is high, but it is advisable to cover the bush for the winter. Disease resistance is above average, but additional treatments will only be a big plus. Rose Deja Vu loves sunlight very much.
This variety of rose is one of the most unpretentious. The bright yellow petals of this rose have a uniform color of the purest yellow and remain bright throughout the entire flowering period, from June to September, practically without fading. The buds appear singly or in clusters, with 4-7 flowers in each. The foliage is shiny and has a rich dark green color. The rose has a strong stem that can withstand strong winds and does not bend even in heavy downpours.
The bush of this rose is branched, rather spreading and prickly, growing up to 80 cm in height. Its leaves are leathery, greenish-shiny. The cup-shaped buds with many double petals of bright red and burgundy along the edges are simply mesmerizing. Flowers do not fade in the sun and are not damaged by heavy rains. Rose Evelyn Fison grows well both in a lighted area and in partial shade. The most suitable soil for it is with neutral acidity. Plant these attractive roses on your site - and with the necessary care they will delight you with vigorous and fragrant flowering every summer, despite the harsh Ural climate.

A variety with flowers of stunning beauty: the petals at the base are painted in a delicate cream color, which gradually turns into raspberry-pink tones towards the edges. The buds have a rich crimson color. The flowers bloom slowly, as if giving the opportunity to admire their perfection. Flower size 7-8 cm. Re-blooming variety. The plant is short, about 80 cm, but bushy, with dark green glossy foliage. Weak resistance to rain and fungal diseases. This rose was bred as a cut rose, so the flowers last a long time in bouquets. The variety is suitable for creating a hedge.

A dazzling, cheerful, unusually pretty rose. In heat and cold, in rain and drought, she is always neat, immaculately fresh and friendly. The flowers are medium-sized (6-7 cm in diameter), semi-double, with light silky wavy petals of golden yellow (like a buttercup) shades, hiding fluffy amber stamens in the depths. The aroma is delicate, fruity. Blooms all summer until late autumn. The height and diameter of the bush is 70-80 cm.

One of the most popular and recognized varieties among rose lovers. Charming blonde with warm satin petals white. As the flower matures, it may acquire a slightly pinkish tint. Blooms continuously all season long! Semi-double flowers measuring 6-7 cm are collected in large inflorescences. The aroma is weak, barely detectable. The bushes are branched, fast-growing, 1-1.5 m high, with large glossy light foliage. Plants are resistant to any vagaries of weather and are slightly affected by fungal diseases. Winter hardiness is very high.

A rose incomparable in its beauty. Chiseled flowers, as if created from expensive porcelain, with white petals and a bright crimson contrasting border. The more the flower blooms, the wider the border on the petals and the more cherry shades it contains. The flowers are 9-10 cm in diameter, double, with a barely noticeable aroma, and retain their shape for a very long time. Flowering is remontant, twice a season. Bushes about 80 cm high. Quite resistant to heat, rain and fungal diseases. They overwinter without shelter down to -25°C. They look equally good in group plantings, in flower beds or as a tapeworm.

A charming, delicate and sophisticated beauty rose, captivating with warm coral pink shades. The flowers are large (8-10 cm), moderately double, elegant, goblet-shaped, turning into cup-shaped when fully bloomed. The petals are silky wavy, golden-yellow at the base, and rich bright crimson along the edges, which provides the effect of undying radiance. It blooms for a long time and looks perfect in any weather. Height 60-80 cm.
The bush is well thickened, reaches a height of 80 - 165 cm, a width of 60 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, semi-double, 5 - 6 cm in diameter, contain about 20 petals and are evenly scattered throughout the bush. The shape of the flowers changes during flowering from a conical bud to a flat cup-shaped one. Rhapsody in Blue surprises with the combination of purple-violet petals with a white open center and golden-yellow stamens. Roses are collected in clusters consisting of 3 – 7 buds. Depending on external conditions (weather, planting site, lighting), the petals may be purple or purplish-blue. When blooming, the flowers have a gray-blue tint. Flowering is abundant and begins in June. Consists of two long waves with a break of about a month. Roses are very fragrant, with a slight scent of cloves and spices. This variety is suitable for cultivation in central Russia, provided it is covered for the winter and planted in a place protected from cold winds. Resistant to powdery mildew.
A stunning low rose suitable for any situation - part floribunda, part miniature rose, part scrub or ground cover rose - and is excellent for planting in a small garden, as well as for large areas in the landscape. As soon as they open, especially in cold weather, the flowers have a pink tint in the center. Later they become pure, shining white. They appear in huge numbers in clusters of 2-15 pieces, so that the entire bush is covered with flowers. The petals fall off well before they dry out and turn brown, so the bush always looks fresh and tidy. The bush is of good shape, dense, sometimes wider than tall, with small foliage. The variety is very disease resistant, apart from some susceptibility to rust in contaminated areas. It blooms very profusely and almost continuously until late autumn, winters well under light cover.
Very profusely flowering floribunda with large, densely double flowers on a compact bush. The flowers are soft apricot, fade to pink, nostalgic in shape, in clusters. The foliage is dark green, dense, and has a sweet aroma. Flowers can behave differently depending on the climate in which they grow. If the rose receives everything it needs, then it will develop quickly and bloom profusely until late autumn. Moderate resistance to powdery mildew and strong to black spot.
A disease-resistant rose from the category of low-growing red floribundas. Attracts attention due to its excellent disease resistance and abundant flowering. The flowers are bright crimson-red, medium-sized, semi-double, appearing in large racemes. The bush is branched, erect, compact, up to 60 cm in height. The foliage is dark green and very shiny.

We have described the most popular varieties of floribunda roses among gardeners in the Urals and Siberia. But there is still a lot the most beautiful varieties, which we also advise you to pay your attention to.

Lilac floribunda roses

White floribunda roses

Yellow floribunda roses

Pink floribunda roses

Orange floribunda roses

Red floribunda roses

Mixed color floribunda roses

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The best frost-resistant rose varieties for the Siberian climate

Not all plants can withstand the harsh Siberian climate. As the Siberians themselves joke: “In our area, weaklings cannot survive.” In winter, the air temperature can reach -50 degrees, and in summer +35. The sharply continental climate with late spring and short summer creates difficult conditions for flower growers. But nothing is impossible if you set a goal. There are roses that can withstand Siberian weather. These specially bred varieties are intended for northern gardeners. Let's take a closer look at them.

Which roses are the most unpretentious and winter-hardy?

When purchasing seedlings, priority should be given to plants grown in Siberian nurseries. Flower growers also distinguish Canadian varieties, which are also suitable for growing roses in northern conditions. But it’s not so easy to get them, and besides, you often come across deceivers who pass off ordinary seedlings as Canadians. A reliable, verified supplier will be able to guarantee the quality of the product, so you should not so unconditionally believe in advertisements promising to sell seedlings at incredible discounts.

As many years of observation have shown, grafted seedlings take root best in Siberia. Thanks to their high immunity, they practically do not freeze out in winter.

Amateur flower growers put this species in first place. A plant with large, dark pink flowers that fade at the ends. This rose blooms repeatedly in waves, the first time very profusely. In a more severe climate, the flower will be smaller than in the south of Siberia, where it can reach twelve centimeters in diameter. This climbing rose has very good immunity and is resistant to fungal diseases. Rosarium Vetersen has powerful stems reaching three meters in height. It is simply impossible to break them in strong winds or even if they are not laid correctly for the winter. The rose bush is placed in an arch, pergola or other structure.

Westerland German

This variety is very popular and loved by Siberians.

  • It blooms early and stays blooming almost until wintering.
  • At the German rose large flower(10 cm in diameter) apricot or orange in color.
  • This type of plant is the most unpretentious and does not require additional care, for which it received an ADR certificate.
  • If you carefully and promptly remove fading flowers, the rose bush will begin to actively grow and form many new buds.

New Dawn

A soft pink and very fragrant rose. It blooms almost all season and never gets sick. New Dan is of American origin and translates to "New Dawn". But the Siberians gave it their name - “Very”. Thus, they characterized the capabilities of this type of rose: very fragrant, prickly and unpretentious. When purchasing, you should be careful, as there is another variety of this variety that blooms only once at the very beginning of summer.

William Sheakespeare 2000

This rose is of English origin and was bred by the famous breeder David Austin. William Shakespeare has beautiful fragrant purple-red flowers. The height of the stem is slightly more than one meter with many shoots. Thanks to his high immunity to fungal diseases and low maintenance requirements, William has become a real favorite among all gardeners in Siberia. When purchasing, you should carefully read the name of the variety; the fact is that there is still William Shakespeare without the number 2000. This ancestor of William Sheakespeare 2000 is not as frost-resistant as modern look, so it’s better for Siberians not to take it.

Read also: Lilies: planting and care in open ground

The last fifth place in the ranking of the best roses for Siberia is also occupied by a product of David Austin's selection, called Golden Celebration. No wonder this variety was called Golden Holiday. Large yellow buds with the scent of caramel and lemon really create a holiday feeling. The only disease that this plant cannot tolerate is black spot. Austin roses are the best varieties for the Moscow region - Princess Margaret and Alexandra Kent. All these varieties tolerate cold well, but this does not mean that the bushes can be left uncovered during the winter at a winter temperature of 35 degrees.


The top rose rating for the Moscow region is Chippendale. Unpretentious look, resistant to heat and cold, is ideal for growing in a continental climate. This rose has beautiful large ones (12 cm in diameter) orange flowers with a discreet pleasant aroma. A cut stem with a flower can be stored in a vase for about two weeks. This variety is especially loved by country designers; it is good to form various design solutions. These flowers are a real boon for cottages and garden plots.

Black Magic

A variety of frost-resistant roses from German breeders. Very beautiful, frost-resistant and unpretentious roses can stand in a vase for up to three weeks. Black Magic has a dark red (black) bud color and large, very beautiful leaves. The variety was bred for commercial purposes, but all gardeners in northern countries happily grow it as a decoration for their garden.


The frost-resistant Robusta variety is suitable for both flower growers in the Moscow region and Siberians. The peculiarity of this rose is that it is able to recover even after slight freezing. The choice of shades is quite large, which allows gardeners to create different color compositions Location on.


The frost-resistant rose Regelda has lemon-colored flowers and double petals with light red edges. Judging by the reviews of summer residents, this park variety so frost-resistant that gardeners do not even cover it for the winter. Special care these roses will not require.


Perhaps the most unpretentious bush variety for the Moscow region this is Hinselland. Due to the fact that this rose lends itself well to shaping, Hansaland has become one of the favorite flowers of country designers. Lush buds of rich red color are perfect as decoration for garden plot. This plant has a height of about 1.5 meters, which makes it ideal for creating a hedge. As already mentioned, one of the ideal options for flower growers of Siberia, are Canadian varieties of roses.


A tall rose bush reaching two meters with scentless pink or red flowers. This plant usually blooms all summer and quite profusely. Mackenzie is very frost-resistant and is perfect for the Siberian climate. It doesn't have to be closed in winter.

Morden Centennial

Centenary Morden's medium-sized bright pink flowers are collected in inflorescences. The bush of the plant is usually a little more than one meter, the aroma of the flower is not expressed. This variety can withstand frosts above -30 degrees, but if the bush is covered for the winter, the rose will bloom more abundantly in summer. Judging by the reviews of flower growers, this Canadian variety all residents of the northern regions of Russia love it equally.


Externally, this variety resembles a small tree about two meters high. Wasagaming does not need shelter for the winter. The only thing Wasagaming doesn't like is excessive humidity. Flowers planted in coastal areas are often attacked gray rot. It is propagated using shoots.

Read also: Dicentra flower: description, types, reproduction and care

Prairie Joy

buds Pink colour with a pleasant, slightly perceptible aroma. The petals grow burgundy, and when they grow, they acquire a deep green color. The aroma of Prairie Joy is mild and does not irritate others. The variety is valued by summer residents of Siberia due to its frost resistance. It is lightly covered for the winter with branches or film, since the shelter helps to get more abundant flowering bush.

Adelaide Hoodless

This variety has advantages over others. It grows very quickly, and its flexible branches enable garden designers to create the most unimaginable solutions. Judging by the rave reviews, the unpretentious, frost-resistant variety with bright red flowers collected in inflorescences is very popular among flower growers in the Moscow region.

From my experience, we can judge that the elegant varieties of David Austin roses have a good wintering in Siberian conditions.

Austin varieties that winter safely in our garden: “Graham Thomas”, “Glamis Castle” (a charming and prickly plant - blooms continuously), “Tamora” (huge delicate flowers; winters with us, although it is recommended for the southern regions), “William Sheckspeare 2000”.

Olga Nikolaevna Plotnikova (Novosibirsk)

How to properly plant, cover and propagate roses of Siberia

Shrub roses care and cultivation

  • Boarding time. Taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region, it is best to plant winter-hardy roses starting in May, waiting until the earth warms up to ten degrees Celsius. Flower growers in Siberia even found a sign: as soon as dandelions bloom, rose seedlings can be planted. The deadline for planting is the fifteenth of June. Otherwise, the rose bush will not strengthen during the short Siberian summer and will freeze in winter.
  • Soil for planting. To plant winter-hardy varieties of roses, you will need acidic soil with a lot of humus, and loam can serve as a base. The best composition, for a rose the following: 1 part clay, 1 sand, 2 peat, 3 humus and 0.5 wood ash.
  • Planting a seedling. The hole for planting must be at least 0.5 m. Before planting, the roots of pink seedlings are kept in a growth stimulator solution for three and a half hours. If the root is long, it is trimmed. In this way, the lateral roots will be stimulated. If these are tea or English varieties(William Shakespeare, for example), then the landing should be a little deeper than usual. The grafted area is deepened 8 cm to the surface of the earth. Thus, the bush becomes more resistant to wintering. It happens that a plant produces roots just above the grafting site and develops its own weak root system. Such roots should be removed immediately.
  • Watering and hilling. The root should be spread along its entire length. The hole is buried and watered. If desired, you can water the plant before burying. The planting site must be hilled up, otherwise the water can evaporate. If a rose is planted in a very cold region, then it is advised to cover it with lutrasil at night, this way the bushes will be protected from night frosts.

How to properly cover roses in Siberia

Resourceful flower growers have invented several ways to protect their pets from frost. Here are some of them:

  • Roses can be covered with snow simply by throwing more snow on each bush. Fortunately, in Siberia the snow does not melt throughout the winter, but lies steadily, only being added from time to time.
  • Using plastic arcs, a frame is made and leaves and soil are poured on top. The frame is reinforced from above using spunbond and film. The edges of the film must end on the ground so that they can be secured with a brick. Until the most severe frosts, the film is kept slightly open, otherwise the bush may be prohibited.
  • Another option is to make a hut from polycarbonate. To do this, gardeners in Siberia take two pieces of polycarbonate and place them above the bush, fasten them with twine and put a film on top. As in the previous case, the film is kept slightly open until the most severe frosts.
  • Small bushes can be hidden for the winter under plastic buckets. To do this, each rose is sprinkled with spruce branches and placed on top of buckets.

The beauty of nature is calming and mesmerizing. A person himself can create a pleasant atmosphere around himself by planting flowers. Even in harsh climates, some beautiful plants can survive. Winter-hardy varieties roses can decorate an area where the cold constantly reigns. You can plant a front garden in some regions of Siberia, namely: Eastern, Western and Southern. Certain types of flowers are able to withstand frosts, so they are allowed to be planted in the Siberian regions.

Of course, the main rule is careful care of plants and their high-quality selection. Each variety must meet certain necessary requirements: early flowering ability, disease resistance, and good frost resistance. You need to approach their hiding place correctly winter time year, as too harsh air temperatures can damage wood and soil. The descriptions and photos below will help you choose the appropriate option.

The best varieties of floribunda roses for Siberia

The varieties are famous for their extraordinary beauty. They bloom “collectively.” 3-4 processes of different shapes and even colors are formed. Unusual plants have vibrant greens and look great in the yard. Below are some of the best varieties in this category with descriptions and photos.

3 Solero

Resistant to fungal diseases
Average price: 270 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A plant with this name was bred in 2009. Lightly fragrant bright yellow flowers will be a worthy decoration of the front garden. Any stage of flowering is distinguished by grace. Roses have small sizes The buds are 6-7 centimeters in diameter, they are quite dense in volume. Bushes are resistant to climate different conditions: rain, sun and frost. During active flowering, buds from yellow shades turn into light milky.

During cultivation, Solero is unpretentious. The harmonious shape of the bushes looks impressive. The variety has received the Allgemeine Deutsche Rosenneuheitenprüfung certificate, which confirms its resistance to fungal diseases. Experienced gardeners are confident in the durability of these roses. In their reviews, they recommend Solero for cultivation in Siberia, since the variety will be of no use powdery mildew, as well as sub-zero temperatures. Reviews are full of positive comments. Some buyers just don’t like the fact that the bush is small.

2 Gartenfreude

Self-cleaning ability
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The relatively recently bred variety has a deep pink color and instantly catches the eye. The terry nature and small size of the buds look great in the garden. Resistance to frost, as well as to various precipitation, makes it possible to grow them in Siberia, where cold prevails. Translated into Russian, Gartenfreude sounds like “The Gardener’s Joy.” The self-explanatory name justifies itself. Reviews from many buyers reflect positive emotions from seeing such beauty in the yard and garden.

The wavy petals give each bud an extraordinarily beautiful appearance. At first glance, all the flowers are the same, however, if you look closely, you will notice that they are not all similar to each other - they have different sizes and even colors. Creeping shoots cover the space with a bright canvas, blooming in 10-15 pieces. The contrast of roses with green leaves especially stands out. After flowering, the bush will have a neat appearance, since this variety is capable of self-cleaning when withering. The downside of Gartenfreude is the lack of smell, however, some people even like it.

1 Home and Garden

Better endurance and unpretentiousness
Average price: 860 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The most delicate-looking roses, which, judging by the reviews of connoisseurs of natural beauty, make you want to eat them. It's as if the artificial bushes called "home and garden" have an airy pink color. The variety blooms in tassels and almost evenly. The 9-10 centimeter buds stand out impressively among other vegetation in the garden or yard. Reviews from rose lovers confirm resistance to various diseases. Gardeners say that Home and Garden has never been noticed in a sick state. In addition, buyers note the durability of the variety.

The plant can be confidently called romantic - the color, indeed, carries warmth. In Siberia, such a rose will delight every owner and every guest. Flowering will be almost continuous. This fact is especially appreciated by rose growers. The densely leafy bush complements the image and gives it unimaginable beauty. There is a good reason to give preference to Home and Garden - the variety is one of the most hardy and unpretentious. The plant has received various awards in Australia and France.

The best climbing varieties of roses for Siberia

Growing climbing roses in Siberia is difficult. However, they are adapted for this. This means that with a competent approach and proper care, the gardens and courtyards of any home will be decorated with these delightful plants. Here are some of the best climbing varieties with photos and descriptions.

3 Swan Lake

Strong odor
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The name in honor of the Russian ballet “Swan Lake” speaks for itself. Roses have a pleasant light shade. The impeccable shape of the buds is pretty and beautiful. It is noteworthy that depending on the intensity of flowering, the variety changes the appearance of the flower - from goblet to cup-shaped. The stem has sharp and frequent thorns. Swan Lake is quite popular among rose growers, this is explained by numerous reviews. The variety tolerates the winter season well, which means it can be grown in Siberia.

Abundant flowering can decorate the surrounding view. When cutting, you can safely expect a long fresh standing. Roses smell “delicious”, the smell is very pronounced, it can be felt from a long distance. Swan Lake will contribute to the sobriety and elegance of any garden design. Experienced gardeners mostly recommend planting this plant. It will require a lot of care. It is also necessary to take into account that the variety is not resistant to rain.

2 Jasmine

An excellent combination of beauty and frost resistance
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The rose was bred in 2005. A few years later, the plant began to win awards at exhibitions and competitions. The cascade of Jasmine inflorescences stands out with its luxurious weaving. Lush buds have a pleasant aroma. The strong and straight stem is weather resistant. The ability to grow on poor soils makes it possible to plant this variety in the Siberian open spaces. Cut roses will sit in a vase for several weeks without changing their fresh appearance. Flowers are easy to care for, which is a real boon for every gardener.

Resistance to frost is confirmed in customer reviews. The plant will live at temperatures down to -24 degrees. With the help of Jasmine bushes, arches, gazebos and fences are successfully decorated. Any yard, garden and vegetable garden will be transformed and take on an incredible look when such roses bloom in it. Experienced rose growers prefer the variety because of the clear balance between the beauty and durability of the plant. The only disadvantage is that in frosty weather the bushes must be bent to avoid wilting.

1 Rosarium Jutersen

The most popular variety. Excellent aroma. Incredible pomp
Average price: 1,370 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The beautiful pink climbing rose is one of the most popular among beauty lovers today. The plant appeared in Southeast Asia, and then began to “travel” around the world. The variety is difficult to care for, but is worth taking care of. Landscaping is done in a vertical position and fences and any fences are decorated with flowers. The decor with Rosarium Utersen will look elegant and cute. It stands out among its peers in the number of petals - there can be about 100 of them on one bud, which turns it into a lush flower.

The aroma of the variety spreads throughout the area, with an apple tint. The green leaves have a shiny appearance. Unfavorable weather is not scary for such roses - they survive both heavy rain and frosty air quite steadily. Therefore, they are able to please the eye in the Siberian regions. In just a few years of flowering, the Yutersen Rosarium will transform any architectural structure into wonderful view, growing around the entire perimeter. Feedback from rose growers is positive; everyone loves the pleasant smell and magnificent beauty. You just have to care for the plant responsibly and correctly, then it will only bring pleasure.

The best hybrid tea varieties of roses for Siberia

The LaFrance variety is the “parent” of hybrid tea plants. They were bred back in 1867 by crossing tea and remontant roses. The flowers have a distinct aroma. Photos along with descriptions will clearly show the advantages of plants.

4 Osiana

Soft color. Long stems
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

In 1989, a breeder under the name Tantau created this magnificence called “Osiana”. The plant is compared to the bride - it is soft creamy in color and stands out for its attractiveness. The rose's capriciousness is fully justified. Proper care will reward you with amazing blooms. The edges of the buds are light, and closer to the middle they have a slightly brighter shade. The number of petals in each flower reaches 45 pieces. The tea hybrid is intended for cutting; the plant will decorate the room for a long time.

Long stems reach 2 meters in height. Roses are quite demanding to care for, especially at low temperatures. It is necessary to very carefully protect them from hypothermia and wrap them in severe frosts. Then she will be able to delight gardeners and their guests for a long period, even in Siberia. On rainy days, the flowers suffer as they find it difficult to tolerate them. All these important points must be taken into account and avoided unpleasant consequences, because the charm of the plant is worth it.

3 Red Intuition

Best price. No thorns
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An unusual rose that has a red tint with dark stripes. Appearance always attracts the attention of gardeners. A distinctive feature is the absence of thorns or their insignificant number. Red Intuition occupies a leading position in the sale of seedlings. The light and unobtrusive aroma delights, and the shape of the flowers arouses increased interest among others. The garden plot will become one of best places for relaxation, if you plant a Red Intuition plant on it. The buds will bring magical beauty to any yard.

Each flower is goblet-shaped. The bushes withstand bad weather and also have no predisposition to fungal diseases, which is classified as better advantage Red Intuition. The rose will not deteriorate in frost down to -35 degrees and will delight the eyes of guests throughout the flowering period. Moderate watering and periodic pruning will keep the buds looking fresh for a long time. Bushes cannot do without preventive care, otherwise the rose may suffer a disease called chlorosis.

2 Blue Moon

Fast adaptation
Average price: 319 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Favorite variety of millions. Due to their unusual color - silver-lilac - roses are in great demand both in warm and cold regions. They are hardy and capable of delighting with beauty for a long period. A strong aroma can be felt when you are “a mile away” from the planted plants. The variety quickly adapts to external conditions, so it is perfect for snowy Siberia. Rose has passed various tests and received an ADR certificate.

One of the best selection products, of course, stands out among similar ones in quality. Thanks to its rare coloration, Blue Moon attracts the attention of even people who are indifferent to the beauty of nature. A small number of thorns suits many gardeners. In their reviews you can find only positive comments. However, some are concerned about the fact that bushes require care. Proper planting and proper protection of the variety will allow you to enjoy its views.

1 Black magic

Better resistance to external factors
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

A German breeding company developed the variety in 1997. The enchanting shade of dark color delights all people. Created for cutting, Black Magic has over time shown that it can easily grow in garden conditions and at different temperatures. Amateur gardeners often plant bushes of these roses and speak well of them. At each stage of blooming, the buds have unimaginable beauty. They open up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The structure of the petals is velvety and shimmers with shine.

The smell of the flowers is not very pronounced. The wealth of foliage around it decorates general form. The stem has a height of 1 meter, which is optimal for both a flower bed and a home. The rose is hardy in both cold and hot weather, which makes it possible to buy seedlings in frosty regions. In the 2000s, Black Magic received numerous awards and won the title of "QUEEN OF THE SHOW". Flowers will not lose their decorative effect even in rainy weather. The variety is characterized by increased resistance to any external factors. If no mistakes are made while growing, Black Magic will enchant everyone around it.