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Budget interior of a country house inside with your own hands. Interesting ideas for a country house and garden. We remake an old furniture wall for a summer residence

Agree that the budget interior country house will depend entirely on its owners. And you don't have to have a lot of money to bring everything in. good view. It just takes a little ingenuity and creativity, and a few ideas on how to turn old stuff into something completely new.
Budget house interior

If you want to betray the new kind country house, there are several ways to achieve this. First of all, make a small plan of what exactly you would like to change, then orient yourself with what materials it will be best to achieve this.

Drywall for a budget country interior

One of the options for the capital finishing of your house. Can be used gypsum boards which are of two types.

The first is dry plaster, which consists directly of gypsum, pasted over with cardboard on both sides. In order for the material to be more porous, a foaming agent is additionally added. Often the material is used to decorate the walls and ceilings of a country house.

Drywall for country interior

The second option is GVL. The composition of the material already includes not only gypsum, but also reinforced fiber pressed with cellulose fibers. This version of drywall will be stronger, but correspondingly more expensive. GVL itself is moisture resistant, nails can be driven into it, as well as machined.

Plywood - a budget idea for a cottage interior

A fairly popular material, because working with it is very simple. It is inexpensive, and if you take care of it, it will last a long time.

The material itself consists of a fiberboard of several layers, which can be simply moisture resistant, or an increased category of moisture resistance.

Plywood in an economical country interior

If you sheathe the walls of the cottage with plywood, they will “breathe” and create a very favorable microclimate in the house itself.

Additionally, the material has thermal insulation properties, as well as a soundproof effect. Plywood can be varnished, stained, painted and covered with wallpaper.

Plastic panels in the interior of the cottage

Also very often used in the decoration of country houses. They are mostly laminated or photo printed. They can be universal, because laminated ones are more suitable for conservatives and connoisseurs of the classics. And the second option will please creative people who love something original.

Plastic panels for the interior of the cottage

All the options presented, in principle, belong to the budget category of finishing the house, and everyone can afford them.

Updates to the old facade of summer cottage furniture

When we figured out the interior finishes, we move on to furniture in country house. Basically, in the country there are all those things that were written off from home or bought cheaply. They do not always look attractive, but our small efforts can change everything drastically.

Here are a few ideas that you can use to betray the facade old furniture"new life".

Author's decoupage for country furniture

A very popular technique that will undoubtedly bring a lot of joy during the creative process, as well as radically change appearance your furniture.

Materials that will be needed during the work:

  • A picture printed on a color (preferably inkjet) printer.
  • Special glue.
  • Brushes, paints.
  • Roller and hair dryer.
  • Clear nail polish.

  1. First you will need to print the image that you would like to see on the furniture.
  2. Next we put it front side to our furniture and thickly spread with transformer glue.
  3. The next step is to thoroughly smooth everything with a roller and dry it with a hairdryer.
  4. When everything dries well, generously lubricate with water and remove the paper.
  5. Do not believe it, but our picture will be repulsed on the facade, and so that nothing happens to it, you will need to fix it with a layer of transparent varnish.
  6. If you need a little correction, you can use paints and a brush to touch up the desired areas of the image.

As you can see, the method is quite simple and fast, and the effect is simply stunning.

Cross-stitch painting of country furniture for a budget interior

If you do not want to mess with varnishes and pictures, you can use the easier method that our ancestors used.

Painting cross-stitch furniture for a country house

We take regular paint of the color palette that you like the most, and just draw a cross-stitch painting on the facade of the furniture.

Lacing "industrial" for furniture in the country

Sounds very unusual, but this is another a budget option how to make something amazing out of nothing.
If you like the industrial or loft style, then the facade of the furniture can be decorated in this style.

Decorating furniture with lace in a country house

To work, we need only a few nails and string. The point is to draw a picture using these items.

For example, you chose "sunshine". Hammering nails into desired form, and then just tighten the lace. It turns out an unusual drawing that will fit in interestingly and emphasize the image of a country house in the chosen style.

We remake an old furniture wall for a summer residence

We have already reviewed the previous materials that can be used in interior decoration Houses. Now consider the option of finishing furniture, including the old room or kitchen wall.

The most elementary and affordable decor option for everyone is pasting the wall with a self-adhesive film. It is quite easy to use and does not require a lot of money.

Pasting furniture in the country with self-adhesive film

To date, there are a lot of varieties in this category, ranging from different color palettes, ending with textured and illustrated options.

To do everything right, you will need a little attention and diligence. We acquire a film and then follow this order of work.

Harmony and comfort are the main wishes of all summer residents. Our ideas for country house will find a visual embodiment in competent landscaping. At the same time, saving energy, time and finances is dear to us, because serene rest is the main occupation on a country estate.

The strict format here gives way to original, sometimes fantastic ideas for landscape and interior design. Combination of fragments is welcome ready-made options. And the country style dominates here in its diverse manifestations, which gives us freedom of choice.

Original home improvement

It is the well-thought-out interior of the cottage that contributes to a comfortable restorative rest. Stylish and comfortable design is possible even for a hut with one room, and its external decoration is important both for strength and for creating a pleasant mood. Do-it-yourself home improvement is interesting, joyful and practical.

Let's paint the facade bright colors, and the walls and windows, the door will be slightly contrasting. Solar yellow goes well with brown, blue, red, or green. From such color ideas our small house will sparkle like a cute field bouquet, and flowerpots on the windowsills will only emphasize the similarity.

rustic color

In the photo - pastoral cozy design small house.

Advice! The internal space of a single room will necessarily require division into zones for rest, lunch, and sleep. A mobile and decorative screen with fresh indoor flowers, a transparent or heavy curtain will fashionably and unobtrusively divide the room.

The instructions of the designers say that the following elements will bring a valuable folk flavor to the architecture:

  • carved architraves on windows and an entrance;
  • thematic pastoral paintings and photos;
  • souvenir crafts and attributes of peasant life;
  • wooden parts coated with varnish, not paint.

Modern touches

  • Ecostyle and minimalism are also suitable for small dacha. They will help us create magic: turn the house into a beautiful and worthy abode.
  • Only natural shades are characteristic color scheme these styles.
  • We will equip country houses from block containers with a transforming table, an armchair-bed to expand the space.

Unusual furniture

Country furniture should contribute to a pleasant stay. Its comfort is successfully combined with ease of transfer or transformation to save space.

And coating with varnish or paint guarantees hygiene and ease of cleaning.

  • We will fix the tabletop according to the technique of the Russian log house, and the benches - to the logs. This set is stable without nails - a hacksaw and an ax will make the connections strong.
  • Extends the life of rustic furniture quality wood walnut, oak, cherry, beech, birch, linden. Teak is the most resistant to frost, pine gives a healing effect, and aspen suppresses unhealthy energy.
  • Whole logs, twigs, bizarre stumps and logs are most suitable, and we use chipboard, plywood, fiberboard in detail: for backs, seats.

  • Decorating such furniture with fabric, stones and metal inlay will provide it with originality and originality.
  • Fastening parts with bolts, screws, nails guarantees reliability and stability. PVC and furniture glue will save you from squeaks.
  • Careful grinding and processing with special water-repellent coatings will increase the durability of the country headset.

  • Old furniture - free material for details stylish interior and original landscape. So, we will put planters on the chairs, we will remake the cabinets for decorative flower containers for the garden.
  • We will repair rare furniture and renew its decor: we will encrust, varnish or just paint.
  • Homemade save the family budget. A strong rope, an old chair and bearings - that's what we need. We will strengthen the wooden chair with slats and paint it. Then we drill holes for the rope and tie it on a strong branch of a mighty tree.

Summer cottage decoration

The most convenient, but the same type of country houses from block containers are especially in need of the original arrangement. Our imagination and efforts will give them a charming originality and characteristic individuality. And the use of construction waste will make such artistic and architectural design absolutely cost-free.

We use a stone

  • Naturally looks in his garden an exclusive table made of natural stone. We will independently pick up and lay the stones in a rectangular cube (but easier - from a brick). Then we attach the side flower cassettes, cover the walls with moss and install the countertop.
  • Stones, boulders will make our flower beds unique.
  • Gravel will decorate garden paths and the bottom of a miniature pond.
  • Oasis in oriental stylesmall garden stones with a flower garden and a pond will give us a pleasant freshness even in the heat.

  • We will pave the paths with rubble, and the distant paths.

Fence Design Ideas

Shelves on the fence practical idea on the organization of usually not used space.

Many ideas for country house and dachas delight with their originality.

The main thing is that we will create these options ourselves.

  • All you need is a drill and large multi-colored transparent beads or glass.
  • IN wooden fence let's drill through holes and glue beads and glass there.
  • They sparkle in the sun with precious gems.

Unique reservoirs

  • Technological conditions are such that water is not absorbed at all, and its surface retains the illusion of a natural surface.
  • First, we will model the reservoir, calculate the dimensions and determine its place on the site. And at the same time we will decide whether it will become a corner of wildlife or a cultural recreation area.
  • Along the contour, we will remove a layer of soil, forming at the same time “shores”.

Advice! Do not dig a deep hole, because the more water, the more difficult it is to clean. Therefore, even for the wintering of fish, there is enough pit with a depth below the annual freezing and a diameter of 2 m.

  • The most spectacular ponds are terraces, gradually descending to the bottom. Here they picturesquely hold algae and decor on their horizontal ledges.
  • We level the bottom of the pit with sand, cover it with waterproofing - geotextiles, polyethylene, roofing material or old linoleum.
  • The overlap of the joints and care for the edges of the walls of the reservoir - 1m, which will ensure tightness.
  • Thick polyethylene is an excellent hydraulic barrier. When filled with water, it fits tightly along the relief bottom and approaches the outlet left at the walls. Now only we will fix this release with stones.

Advice. Mandatory sizing with sealant or thermal soldering of polyethylene seams with an iron through paper is a guarantee of high-quality waterproofing.

  • In a large pond, we lay the bottom with the most rigid plastic profile, which we will buy at horticultural markets. His solid construction laid directly on the sand.
  • The peculiarity of the pond decoration, its vegetation, paths and decorative highlights in the form of a fountain or a mill will make our country oasis unique.
  • A variety of fountains powered by electricity are quite accessible to us. After all, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is real and inexpensive. The generator up to 30 kW is ideal at the price and a practicality.

  • A variety of configurations of finished models, steps for descent, color variations and other design are constantly being improved. The owner himself can install it in a couple of hours.
  • We just dig in the purchased frame and plant it with flowers.
  • A bench, a deck chair, a hammock and a sunshade will turn this wonderful oasis into a special place to relax even on a hot day.

Fairy decor

The arrangement of the cottage also provides for the decoration of each section of the yard.

For example, we will build a table and chairs from stumps that have not yet been uprooted. It is only necessary to level their surface and attach painted plywood seats and a tabletop.

Children are delighted with the painted flat plywood figures - cartoon characters who have settled in the garden and on the playground. Their price is just the cost acrylic paints, and we know how to cut with a jigsaw since school.


  • The sports area usually has favorite gymnastic equipment, a tennis table and a place for mini football, volleyball and other popular ball games.
  • The gymnastic complex usually consists of horizontal bars, rings, wall bars.
  • A canopy is appropriate here: it will protect from an unexpected summer downpour and the scorching sun - it should not blind us.
  • On the benches it is nice to relax after a warm-up.
  • Electric lighting will extend the time of sports hobbies.


Comfort and beauty coexist harmoniously in a country estate, no matter what size and relief it may be. It is here that the surrounding nature generously shares healing energy. But only thanks to our imagination, bold aspiration and our hands, the country house will become comfortable and inimitable.

Only homemade parts interior and landscape, independently knocked down furniture bears the individuality of its owner, his creative energy. And the material is around us: large snags, dry branches, stones left over from construction, pebbles, sand.

The creative process itself will tell you that even extra stones will become a design masterpiece in our country house. We will also get new ideas for stylish and comfortable arrangement by watching the video in this article.


Country house for holiday lovers suburban area often necessary not only for seasonal short-term residence, but also for a longer period.

Therefore, when choosing buildings in a summer cottage, you need to carefully read all the modern proposals on the construction market, think about the material and functional purpose of the future home.

It is necessary to immediately decide what communications will be needed in the house. It depends on how much time you plan to spend in the country.

Country house project

Sample projects

offered by construction companies. The projects are universal, they are completed on a turnkey basis and have all the necessary drawings. Construction risks according to standard projects minimal and affordable.

Individual projects

They are ordered from developers or architects if the layout, exterior and interior of the house must be unique. Such a project will be completely exclusive and designed for the customer. It will cost more and take longer to develop.

Building material for a summer residence

Market leader building materials for country houses a tree. It is followed by brick, stone and foam block. Closes the list of the most popular materials of the product frame. Let's analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

Foam blocks

Pretty young material that is used for suburban construction not so long ago. Such houses are considered durable and comfortable for living.

The cladding of such houses is done decorative panels, which gives the cottage a solid and attractive look.

Material advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance;
  • comfortable microclimate;
  • climate resistance;
  • the load of the structure on the foundation is low.

Material disadvantages:

  • the need for additional costs for the construction of the foundation;
  • construction time is increased compared to the frame version.

stone or brick

A good option for building a house for year-round use. Caring for such a building will not require a lot of investment, and it will serve for many years.

Material advantages:

  • moisture resistance, resistance to temperature extremes;
  • excellent soundproof qualities, heat capacity;
  • durability, reliability and strength of the house.

Disadvantages for dacha construction:

  • high cost of work with stone and brick;
  • the cost of the material itself;
  • the construction of even a small country house made of stone will take a long time;
  • the need to build a monolithic foundation;
  • increased mass of walls.

A cottage made of stone or brick is suitable only for those who are planning a vacation for a long time.


The most popular material for the construction of country houses. They are comfortable and environmentally friendly. Small buildings of one floor are most often built of wood. You can also find houses with attics made of wood (as well as full-fledged two-story buildings).

Advantages of wooden houses:

  • environmental friendliness, thermal insulation, sound insulation;
  • pile-screw foundation on any soil;
  • price-quality ratio (building a summer house from wood is cheaper than from stone);
  • little construction time.

A wooden house is perfect for those who are building a cottage for a short stay (for example, for a weekend).


  • fire hazard (it is necessary to specially process the material, which deprives it of its environmental properties);
  • fungus may appear on the tree (or rot begins).

Foundations for wooden houses can be pile monolithic or columnar.

Frame country houses

A good solution for summer cottage construction in many respects. The frame house is being built very quickly.

It is enough to choose a project of such a house from a construction company, and in a few days this house will be produced in production. It will be brought to the site in the form of a constructor and erected in a matter of days.

Foundation for frame houses pile is made, due to the fact that the weight of the house is small. pile foundation also requires very little expense in time and materials. Which is very beneficial for those who do not want to invest huge sums in the construction of a country house.

Frame houses look very dignified, and at the final cost they are much cheaper than construction wooden house or brick.


The frame house is only suitable for seasonal living (during the warm season). The production technology has been developed for regions with a climate warmer than in Russia.

Some use insulation during construction, but the heat loss at home will still be large. And the cost of heating such a house in the winter will be significant.

During the summer, intense heat frame house is also poorly tolerated. The walls become very hot and the rooms become very hot. An air conditioner needs to be installed.

The operation of the house will not be as cheap as its construction. Wall insulation does not allow the walls to let air into the premises.

Photos of beautiful country houses

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

For residents of modern cities, a dacha is a place for relaxation and solitude. This is serenity, fresh air and a pleasant pastime with relatives and friends. Therefore, the design of a country house inside should create a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation. After all, sometimes you want to go out of town and hide from problems and worries.

Modern designers know how to equip a country house inside and create a favorable environment, allowing you to forget about city life and stress. Rustic country style remains relevant today with its elegant accessories and wood decor, as well as wicker furniture and natural materials.

Features of the interior of a small cottage

If your country house small area, do not rush to think that you will not be able to implement all the ideas in small space. Mini-houses can contain everything you need and be multifunctional, while looking stylish and elegant. Most often, small houses are built in areas where there is already a main housing. Also, small country houses can be found in the backyards of residential private houses, townhouses and cottages. Such structures can be surrounded by a garden and serve for gatherings with friends and solitude.

When creating the country interior of your dreams, consider the following recommendations:

Country Country

Rustic style will always be relevant. This design looks aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly. When choosing a Country style, use only natural materials or their imitation: wood, stone and glass surfaces. Wicker furniture and clay pots will be an excellent decoration of the interior, and the decor of natural natural shades will give freshness. As for furniture, massive old cabinets and tables, restored and re-painted, are suitable in such an interior. Patchwork-style pillows and curtains, plaids with embroidery and fringe will be a highlight when decorating a summer house. Also, do not forget about hand-made accessories or hand-made paintings.

Cottage in Scandinavian style

The design of a small country house inside can be decorated in the style of calm Scandinavia. In such an interior, it is better to adhere to restraint in the choice of decor and prints, to give preference to simple and concise forms. Curtains can also be completely abandoned, furniture can be used in calm pastel or very dark colors. You will be able to create a calm atmosphere of coziness and comfort, which is just what you need to relax outside the city.

Cottage in Provence style

This design is similar to Country using natural materials and shades in the interior: beige, green, olive, brown, blue. However, here the emphasis is on the use of decorative elements and textiles. Decorate your house with pleasant trinkets in the form of homemade toys on shelves, pillows and bedspreads. On the walls you can hang pictures depicting beautiful landscapes.

American style

This design does not imply high costs when creating the desired interior. However, this does not mean that the house inside will not look luxurious and elegant. American style involves choosing contrasting colors, arranging the interior space, zoning with small podiums or ledges on the walls. Finishing materials - wood and stone. In such an interior, natural or decorative fireplace, as a decor, you can choose small stone fountains.

Also for country houses made in american style often use natural stones different kind. Such a decision will give your house even more elegance.

Natural light is welcome, so windows are often left without curtains and curtains. The window openings themselves are made large sizes or even leave the room without windows. As a light source, choose lamps and fixtures with warm and soft light. The small American-style country house pictured below shows a practical and concise design.

Retro in the country

When choosing a retro style, give preference to wicker furniture, antique dishes, beautiful lampshades, dense natural draperies and black and white family photos on the walls. If you inherited old-fashioned interior items or an old rarity, feel free to use them as decor. It could be old phones Sewing machines, vinyl records or posters depicting celebrities of those times. In the kitchen area you can place a beautiful painted samovar, an old piano or a grandmother's chest is suitable for the living room. Interesting extravagant shapes and geometric ornaments are also welcome in the design.

Hello dear readers! Many happy owners country houses they try to spend the weekend in the country, where you can escape from the bustle of the city and get enough fresh air! Accordingly, when visiting the dacha, people want to be met bright interior rooms with a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. Well, let's think about how you can transform the interior of a country house!? We present to your attention 10 bright ideas dedicated to the bright decor of the dacha.

How to make the interior design of a country house bright.

1. Fireplace.

The cottage must have a fireplace! If you can't install a real fireplace, consider electric portable or built-in fireplaces. The electronic fireplaces installed in the niche of the fireplace portal look spectacular, which can be made of wood, laid out of stone or glued to the wall with suitable figured polyurethane foam elements, the latter, by the way, can be painted in any bright color that harmonizes well with the environment. IN last resort, instead of an electronic fireplace, you can make a traditional one in shape fireplace portal and install large paraffin candles! Next to the fireplace, put a rocking chair, cozy wicker or plush easy chair. Arrange photo frames with family members and favorite figurines on the mantelpiece.

Decorative fireplace portal made of polyurethane foam can be painted in any color.

2. Skin.

The skin will look great on the floor near the fireplace, as for its naturalness, take a closer look at artificial imitations of fur, they look just as good as natural ones, they are easy to care for, and most importantly, all the little animals remain intact! By the way, faux fur skins are produced in all kinds of colors, so if the interior of a country house is made in some special bright color, in which, for example, orange details predominate, then you can pick up a skin rug on the floor in a rich terracotta color.

3. Shelves-ladders.

A wooden folding ladder can serve as a great decorative element for giving, which is also practical, because it can serve as an excellent shelf for small things or a hanger for things! If such a ladder is not available, but you really liked the idea, you can order its manufacture by a carpenter, for convenience, it is better to make the crossbars wider, and create a side from the side of the wall.

4. Bright dining area.

You can have lunch, breakfast and dinner in a bright environment, for this you just need to choose furniture in rich colors. You can see in the photo below best examples furniture for the dining area. Separately, I would like to note a great idea with paired shades of chairs, shades of yellow and orange, as well as pink and purple look great.

5. Curtains.

Bright curtains will help to revive the overall atmosphere, do not be afraid to pick up multi-colored textiles. Curtains of two or three harmonious shades, sewn in single vertical stripes, will look great, you can sew such curtains yourself, you just need to choose fabrics that are suitable in tone and texture.

6. Wicker furniture.

The interior of a country house will look incredibly cozy with wicker furniture. Many people think that wicker furniture it would be appropriate to look on the street in the gazebo, no, this is a stereotype! The photo below shows interiors with wicker furniture, rate it! Separately, I would like to note a rack with wicker baskets, each of which has signs that can be signed with chalk (toys, plates, mugs, nails, etc.), a great idea! How to make such universal plates by type school board so that you can erase the inscriptions?! It is necessary to take the same rectangles from plywood and paint them with black matte paint, the miniature board for inscriptions is ready, we arm ourselves with chalk and sign the signs!

7. Upholstered furniture.

What could be cozier than traditional upholstered furniture!? But in addition to convenience, I would like to see an aesthetic design, white or gray shades look great. If muted tones don't inspire, look for bright colors - orange, blue, delicate floral print, etc. Besides upholstered furniture can be combined with wicker. Also, do not forget about bouquets of flowers, in the country they will look as relevant as possible, if it is a pity to cut fresh flowers, get a beautiful bouquet of bright artificial flowers. If you want to give the interior a touch of tenderness and simplicity, pick up bouquets of tulips, daisies, lilies or lilies of the valley. If you want to create a festive atmosphere, take a look at the bouquets of roses.

8. Coffee table.

Near the sofa it is better to install a compact coffee table, firstly, it will complement the interior, and secondly, it will be convenient for your family or friends to drink tea or coffee with it. Suitable for a summer residence wooden tables made from birch logs or a painted pallet, an old chest, a box, a cart.

9. Pictures.

Without paintings on the walls, the interior of a country house will seem unfinished. Images of animals, fields, forests, rivers, oceans, seas will be appropriate. Pictures can be placed near the dining area, above the sofa, as well as on one of the walls near the bed.