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How to put the arch in the doorway. Installing an interior arch in a doorway: do-it-yourself installation features. wooden arch

In order to make an arch from MDF, you need to choose a shape not arcuate, but in the form of a trapezoid or rectangle (the so-called portal). Rather - exterior finish. And this is even easier and much cheaper than other commonly used materials. This is shown on the example of a trapezoid, which is more complicated than a rectangle. Moreover, it is possible to make such an opening with an arch with the simplest tool and at home. Hammer, wood saw, screwdriver, drill, perforator. For the main problem of production "on the knee" - uneven edges of manually cut material - is easily solved. These edges are closed with a corner.

The upper part of the former opening was with a significant casting slope. And it still needed to be removed. Having cut only the central part, he thereby increased the height of the opening in the end - by 3 centimeters. And this turned out to be justified.


Fig.1. Finishing the opening

It shows the feasibility of refining the opening for arched arches.

We make the frame of the upper part from UD (or PPN) 27x28 ceiling profiles for GKL.

Fig.2. Trapezoidal arch frame

I didn’t sheathe it with drywall at all, immediately - MDF panels (shade - oak). Panels placed across. Such a technique would make it possible to make a sheathing from a lining, moreover, bought in the form of scraps - at the price of waste. I put 2 vertical strips on the wall - on the side - on dowels (5-6 pieces per strip). - Made of steel 1.2 mm, with a distance between them - 5 centimeters less than the depth of the opening. On strips - with the help of kleimers, I installed MDF panels, pre-cut with a length to the depth of the opening.


Fig.3. Aperture lining. Incision

The junction of vertical panels with inclined ones is organized by the existing tongue-and-groove pair (Fig. 4). In this photo - at the junction between the panels there is no gap, as it seems. There is a radius, that is, a small indentation. And at the transition from inclined to horizontal, I cut it manually at the appropriate angle (Fig. 5). Contrary to my fears, it turned out okay. After all, MDF is well processed.

Fig.4. Joint of vertical and diagonal panels

Fig.5. Joint of diagonal and horizontal panels

Fig.6. opening slopes

The front side of the wall itself, in which the opening was cut, was also sheathed with MDF. By the way, it was the many short cuts from the sheathing of this wall that led to the decision to finish and slope the opening. MDF panels. Panel joints on different surfaces framed with PVC corner 10x20 (walnut). And the main perimeter - a PVC casing (also - oak), on top of the corner.

Fig.7. Finished opening in the form of a trapezoid

I did not emphasize the left vertical side as arched - so as not to reduce the width of the opening.

It would be possible to arrange panels along the sides of the opening. It would be even easier. Since the frame and kleimers would, in fact, not be needed here. It is only necessary to level with plaster / putty more or less slopes. - Set vertical and horizontal lines. And put the panels on silicone or liquid nails.

Create refined interior, besides, it is possible to emphasize its individuality and expressiveness by using the arch in the doorways. The installation of arches in doorways is carried out not only to increase the space, but such a structure, due to its diverse design, is suitable for zoning any room.

Design developments allow you to design an arched opening in various variations, from classical form before complex options. To determine the choice of design of the doorway, it is necessary to study in more detail each model separately.

Types and features of modern arches

Arched forms are almost similar in type, although each designer can bring something new, it all depends on his imagination. But in practice, there are still types of arches:

  • classic shape - a standard model, which is cut in the form of a regular arc;
  • arch in the style of "modern" - has a raised upper part;
  • romantic style - a rectangular arch with rounded corners;
  • ellipsoid shape - its arc is an arc in the shape of an ellipse;
  • arch, made in any form.

When choosing the shape of an arch, all parameters are taken into account: width, height, architectural structure of the building, since any arch model significantly reduces the size of the passage between rooms.

In this regard, it is recommended to carry out an arched opening in the case when the dimensions completely allow for reconstruction. If the opening is wide, then an ellipsoidal and romantic model would be more appropriate, if it is high, an arch in the “modern” and “classic” styles will do. Well, if the opening is very large, then here you can show your imagination and perform more intricate and complex forms.

Making an arch in a doorway

As a rule, before proceeding with the installation work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • metal scissors;
  • construction knife with various nozzles;
  • screwdrivers of various configurations;
  • hacksaw for cutting drywall;
  • water level or plumb;
  • a simple pencil, an awl and a tape measure.

For installation, you will need both a screwdriver and a punch device.

arch material:

The material from which it is installed door arch, is very diverse, but the following types are in demand:

  • MDF sheet, its demand is determined by the ease of installation;
  • drywall, thanks to which you can make an opening of any configuration;
  • foam or polystyrene foam boards;
  • a natural stone.

Before using each of these materials, it is necessary to study all the advantages and disadvantages separately and learn more deeply all the nuances of installation.

Methods for performing interior arches

You can complete the arch using one of two methods:

  • using drywall and decorative elements;
  • the surface of the wall is cut out under the arched opening of any configuration.

If a renovation was started, the old partition can be dismantled and in its place a new one made of drywall, with additional decorative elements. But it is important to consider that if the wall is load-bearing, then it will be necessary to take permission for its redevelopment.

As mentioned above, the arched opening can be made in old wall and without the use of drywall. When using this method, the space of the opening is expanded, and an arch is formed by sewing material at the top of the wall.

Before starting the arch, you need to carry out preparatory work. The first step is to beat off the old plaster and putty. Then the surface inside the opening is leveled.

It is important to note that the walls before sheathing must already be prepared and have a final size, since in the future measurements will be made according to these guidelines.

The next step is to create a project. To do this, the opening is measured, in particular the height of both walls, and the height of the arched opening is determined, which will determine the distance from the ceiling to the top of the arch. Using these points, you can determine the radius of the proposed arch. After all calculations, the arch is transferred to paper.

The simplest task is to create a diagram of an arched opening, and therefore measurements are performed right at the place where the opening is formed.

Making a PVC arch: the nuances

You can make an arched opening from PVC with your own hands, or you can order and mount a finished structure. But in order to save money, it is better to make it yourself. Since these panels have different colors and sizes, you can choose profiles and corners for them. PVC is fixed in the same way as lining or other panels. They are fastened with a special lock.

If the arch is rectangular in shape, the crate is not required, you can get by with a metal profile for PVC and corners.

The main thing when performing work is to correctly cut the panels to obtain the required dimensions. When the panel is ready, the opening is closed to it. At the same time, the sidewalls are fastened with self-tapping screws and closed with a profile. Such an arch is recommended to be performed if the wall surface is even. With problematic walls, the arch is made using crates. To make it, you can use wooden bars or a metal profile, it all depends on the design of the walls.

Using MDF. MDF panels can also be used to decorate an arched opening. MDF has a width of 20-25 cm and can be used as one part of the arch, and in this regard, the panel can not be cut, but an arch can be made from a single material. Such an opening will look like a portal. Of course, when making a semicircle, you will need to be careful in order to do everything exactly. Such a design can be partially installed using a crate in place of a semicircular arch.

The most common material is drywall, with its help the arch fits well into the opening, it can be made in any configuration.

Of course, making an arch without detailed instructions will be more difficult. But an important role is played by the material and design of the opening, as there are transitions that make it difficult to carry out work.

  1. The first stage is preparation, which includes calculations, procurement of material and tools.
  2. Next, the structure is built. It is produced schematically on the opening or, using a metal profile, a frame is constructed that creates the size and appearance of the arch.
  3. Produced decorative trim. In the case when a visual frame was performed, it can simply be fixed.

Fasteners are selected depending on the material. Wooden and polymer structures can be fastened with self-tapping screws, but PVC panels require caution when fastening, as excessive pressure can cause unwanted cracks.

The tree for installation must be selected with care; for arches, it is most practical to choose species high class- they are more stable. It is not recommended to take overdried wood, as such material may crack during work. However, when there is nothing instead of it, then it is used.

At PVC fixing panels, it is better to use screws with a small diameter, which you can easily fix into the material, and they will not damage it. But also when using PVC, only a metal profile can be fixed with screws, and the panels themselves can be fixed to special mounts. But in this case, the evenness of the walls also plays an important role.

If, after leveling, everything is in order, then the profile is attached around the perimeter, and plates are inserted into it, which may not be fixed. But if the presence of curvature is detected, then it is recommended to carry out the crate, for which it is better to use wood - it is more harmonious with plastic.

So, after studying the instructions, we can conclude that installing the arch is very simple, the main thing is to choose the right material and follow the installation rules.

An arch instead of a door to delimit the interior space is a great solution that will transform the interior. Sometimes arches become an indispensable design element when various defects walls and doorways. When installing doors, these defects become too noticeable, and the drywall construction allows you to hide irregularities and create an original stylistic solution.

Arches can be used not only instead of doors. Drywall partitions with an arch for passage - good way divide a large room into several zones. Moreover, the construction is relatively light construction does not take too much time, and after the installation of drywall in the room there is not much debris left.

Drywall as the main material

A few words about drywall. Today it is one of the most popular and sought-after materials. It is valued for its low weight, strength, flexibility, processing variability, affordable price. Drywall is environmentally friendly. There are many material markings that differ various properties: fracture resistance, strength, moisture resistance.

When erecting a drywall arch, two methods of material processing are used: wet and dry.

The dry method involves bending drywall to a significant radius. During installation, the material is carefully attached step by step to the metal profile. In this case, the bending of the sheet takes place gradually, without critical loads. This method of dry mounting is also popular: the edges of the sheet are slightly notched, which reduces the risk of tearing the material.

In the wet method, the radius cannot be too large, as the material may not withstand deformation and collapse. A drywall sheet is placed on a special grid and, using a sharp awl, is perforated over the entire surface. Then the sheet is rolled with a roller dipped in water. Humidification gives additional flexibility to the material.

Also, the method of processing and creating the radius of the arch depends on the thickness of the drywall.

  1. The bending radius of a material having a thickness of 7 mm should not exceed 300-350 mm with a wet method of processing, and 1 m with a dry one.
  2. If the thickness of the drywall is 9.5 mm, then the radius for dry installation should not exceed 2 m, for wet installation - 0.5 m.
  3. Drywall with a thickness of 12.5 mm with a wet method can be used to create an arch with a radius of 1 m, with a dry one - 2.5 m.

Building an arch with your own hands

It is not difficult to make an arch instead of doors on your own. The main thing is to learn about all the subtleties and nuances associated with the construction of the structure. For the first time, it is best to try to make a simple arch, with a classic arc.

For finishing and installation work the following materials are required.

Tools for installation work.

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Perforator.
  3. Drill.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Jigsaw.
  6. Construction circle.
  7. bubble level.
  8. Stationery knife.
  9. Peeling planer for end processing (optional).

Step 1. Preparing the doorway. To do this, you need to remove the door, dismantle door frame, platbands. There should be no old wallpaper, wood, plastic or other materials left along the edges of the opening.

Step 2 measurements. Using a tape measure, you need to carefully measure the width and height of the opening. On the walls, you can mark the beginning of the radius of the arch. It is desirable that the distance from the floor to the beginning of the radius on one and the second side of the doorway coincide, otherwise the bend may turn out to be a curve.

Step 3 Cutting and installation of the facade of the arch. The width of the drywall sheet should be equal to the width of the doorway. The upper edge of the sheet should remain flat, on the lower edge, using a compass or a rope with a pencil, the radius of the arch will be marked.

Do homemade compasses easy: you need a rope, a pencil and a self-tapping screw, which is screwed to a rigidly fixed wooden block. A rope is attached to the screw. A pencil is tied to the other end of the twine. Then on a sheet of drywall, which is already cut into desired length and width, you need to find the radius point. To do this, the upper point of the bend is marked with a pencil in the center of the sheet. The rope must be taut. Next, you need to draw a smooth line with a pencil from one edge of the drywall sheet to the second. Stretching the twine will help achieve the classic radius.

In the same way, it is required to mark the bend of the arch on two sheets of the same size.

Step 4 Cut drywall along a curved line. The first sheet with a drawn arc is quite difficult to cut. It is important to achieve a straight line, not to damage the material. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a jigsaw. You can pre-train on the remnants of the material so that the finishing operation is successful.

The second sheet is much easier to cut. You can apply the cut material to the whole sheet and cut the arc as if it were a pattern. Ideally, two sheets should be the same, with even ends.

Step 5 Installation of the profile to the top and sides of the doorway. The front sheets of the arch will be attached to this profile along the perimeter. The length of the large guide profile must match the width of the opening. Shorter segments should match the height of the cut sheets of drywall. Holes for dowels are drilled using a puncher. A profile is fixed to this fitting. If the doorway is narrow, then you do not need to do a double strapping. If wide, then the profile is mirrored on one and the other side of the doorway.

Step 6 Fastening the facade of the arch to the profile. Drywall sheets with a cut-out radius are attached to self-tapping screws on both sides of the doorway. It is important that the edges of the arch exactly match in height with each other. Hats of accessories are required to be recessed into the material by 1-2 mm.

Step 7 Installation of a radius profile. Using a tape measure, you need to measure the length of the radius. The guide profile is cut to this size. Since the arch has two facades, two profiles are required. Then you need to give the metal profile flexibility. To do this, it is required to make cuts on the metal on both sides at a distance of 3 cm. Thanks to this, the profile will easily bend and acquire desired shape.

Step 8 Installation of an arched end sheet of drywall. This material has increased strength and flexibility. But despite this, you need to bend it carefully. A strip is cut from a sheet of drywall, having the same length as the length of the radius of the partition.

You can bend the material both dry and wet way. To make the arch perfectly even, you can make a special template with which the arched drywall sheet will acquire the desired shape. The only drawback is that the material needs to be kept in a bent form for several days so that it acquires the desired radius. You can also make transverse cuts along the entire length of the sheet on reverse side. It is important that the cutting depth is not more than 3-4 mm, with a material thickness of 7-8 mm.

If there is no time, then you can bend the sheet in a wet way. It is important that the perforation is uniform and that the material does not break.

The radius sheet is mounted on the profiles using self-tapping screws. The draft version of the design is ready.

Step 9 Fastening the arched corner for putty. For these purposes, you need a stapler, with which the finishing fittings will be mounted to the curved edges of the arch.

The corner itself has holes on two faces, one face is divided into fragments, due to which the material is easily bent and takes on the desired shape. The corner is designed to align the ends of the arch.

Step 10 Finishing arches. To protect the material from moisture absorption, it is best to use a primer. The coating is applied to all sections of the structure made of drywall. The primer dries overnight.

Step 11 Alignment of the surface of all elements of the arch. For these purposes, putty, spatula, reinforcing mesh are needed. The reinforcing mesh is designed to align all grooves, joints and structural irregularities. Putty is applied over it. The material must be applied in several layers. Thus, it is possible to achieve ideal flat surface. After the putty dries, you need to clean all the structural elements with sandpaper. This will hide the protrusions and roughness.

Step 12 Arch painting. Before painting the structure, it is required to carefully remove dust into it with a brush or a soft cloth. Then all the elements of the arch must be coated again with a primer. If this is not done, the paint will roll on the surface of the putty, which will ruin the look of the arch.

It is best to cover the structure water-based paint. The material dries quickly, has no pungent odor, and is easy to apply. After drying, the paint does not change color, does not fade in the sun.

The arch is ready. She will become unusual and stylish decoration rooms, will bring novelty and freshness to the interior of the house.

Video - Detailed instructions for building an arch with your own hands

In an article on specific example installation shown interior arch with your own hands detailed photos. Thanks to the article, you will gain theoretical knowledge on self installation factory-made arches and you can easily bring them to life. All that is needed for this is the desire and small skills of a home master.


To install a factory interior arch, you will need:

  • wood saw;
  • roulette;
  • building glue (transparent) and "liquid nails";
  • screwdriver;
  • wood screws.

Installation order

Before doing the work, we determine the height and width of the future arch (usually the height of the arch is determined by the height of the doors in the apartment, and the width is determined by the thickness of the wall of the opening). We free the doorway from old door blocks and other structures (if any).

We prepare the doorway for the installation of the future arch

To do this, we mount wooden bars on the sides of the opening (a metal profile can be used) with the help of a dowel of nails to the walls and a transverse (horizontal) bar that determines the height of the future arch.

The width of these bars should be equal to the inner width of the arch with a margin of several millimeters. We mount the transverse bar in such a way that it is 5 cm lower than the planned height of the arch. This is done so that the arc of the arch overlaps it, which gives rigidity to the structure. We sew up the unnecessary space on both sides of the opening with a fiberboard - fiberboard.

We are preparing a code

Based on practice, the width of the arch usually does not exceed 150 mm, and the width of the fiberboard strips that come with the arch is on average 200 mm. Therefore, in accordance with the width of the future arch, we mark and cut the painted fiberboard that comes with the kit (if necessary).

We insert a strip of fiberboard cut in width into the groove of one of the arcs of the arch.

We measure the cut line with a pencil, so that there is a margin of 10-15 mm.

We take out the fiberboard from the arc of the arch and cut it along the intended line.

Next, having smeared the groove in the arc with glue (it can be applied pointwise in several places), we glue the fiberboard leaving a margin of 5-7 mm on each side. For these operations, it is desirable to use transparent glue, no matter what spoils the view in places where the glue can protrude.

Glue the second half of the arch in the same way.

Installing the arc of the arch

To fix the vault of the arch in the opening to its inner side, we fasten a small piece to the self-tapping screw wooden lath or a metal plate (the thickness of the wooden lath can be a lot), and with its help we fasten the arc.

Preparing the sides

Using a tape measure, we measure the distance from the edge of the arc to the floor on one side of the arch.

In accordance with these measurements, we saw off two side panels of the arch and a strip along the length.

We saw off fiberboard by the same 5-7 mm less by which we left a margin in the paragraph above. This is done for rigidity and maximum symmetry of the structure, so that the upper part of the installed arch is docked with the lower one.

We apply glue into the grooves of the sawn and prepared panels.

We glue the fiberboard, equalizing it along the bottom edge (the necessary margin remains in the upper part).

In the same way, we mount the second panel and get the finished side rack of the interior arch.

We mount the rack of the interior arch

To do this, apply "liquid nails" on inner sides racks and glue it to a vertical bar.

One of the installed side racks.

In this case, it is advisable to press it for a few minutes until the glue grabs. Similarly, we make the second rack of the arch.

Final moment of installation

It remains only to close the junction of the upper and lower parts of the arch with a decorative molding.

To do this, apply small drops of glue to the side elements of the molding.

And glue them to the junction of the arch.

Having measured, the distance between the side parts of the decorative overlays is cut off the required length of the middle element. The cut should be as even as possible to form a tight joint with the side elements of the molding and glue it. Glue the moldings on the other side in the same way.

This completes the installation of the interior arch with your own hands and you can enjoy the work done.

Watch the tutorial video.

How to install an interior arch with your own hands

Installation of an interior arch

Designs in the form of an arch for many years remain in the trend of interior fashion. Thanks to the use of these elements, it is possible to give the room an attractive look and visually expand the space or divide it into zones. Consider how an MDF arch is assembled if the work is planned to be done by hand.

Many choose to remove interior doors in some rooms of the apartment, and in the doorways to make arches. Exists a large number of various forms of openings and ways of their finishing.

So, a frequently used option for decorating a poem is to install an arch made of mdf. Consider how this structure should be assembled if the work is done by hand.


Arched interior structures from MDF are popular. The fact is that such a finish of openings has some advantages over other options. The advantages of using include:

  • external attractiveness of the material;
  • variety of textures and colors;
  • the ability to make an arch of any desired shape;
  • acceptable price;
  • relatively simple installation (the ability to assemble with your own hands);
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • high wear resistance.

Advice! Consumers have the opportunity to purchase ready-made standard kits for the manufacture of arches (they are suitable for standard openings) or order their manufacture according to their size.

decorative trim

The popularity of arched structures made of MDF is due, among other things, to the variety of their decorative design. Possible options:

  • lamination with polymer film. This is the most inexpensive way finishes, the film can have a wide variety of patterns, including those imitating the surfaces of natural materials;
  • the use of special paint coatings makes it possible to choose almost any color options. Perfect for modern interiors;
  • bases covered with natural veneer can be additionally varnished. This finish will fit perfectly into a classic interior.

Typical design

If it is planned to equip standard doorways, then it is more rational to buy ready-made arches from MDF. Installation of a standard set is easy to do with your own hands; this will require a simple set of tools that are in the arsenal of any home master.

Ready-made interior arched sets are modular design. The standard set includes:

  • a pair of parts for the side parts;
  • internal detail of the vault;
  • two pairs of platbands;
  • pair of arcs;
  • two lock pieces (some kits include four locks).

Advice! If the width of the arched opening differs from the standard, then you should additionally purchase special parts - retractors, made with the same coating as the rest of the parts.

In order to choose the right one, and subsequently it is easy to install interior arched structures with your own hands, you need to correctly take measurements from the opening, the main parameters are: depth, height and width.

If the arch is planned to be installed in a regular opening, having the shape of a rectangle, then you need to choose a kit, supplemented by corner fillers. A set without these elements is only suitable for openings that initially have the required shape.

If the opening is rectangular, but there are no corner fillers, then you can solve the problem by sewing up the corners with drywall or plywood, having previously assembled a frame from a metal profile.

But this version of the device is not recommended if the opening has a small height. In addition, when using drywall or plywood, you will need to perform finishing works, and if a set with ready-made corner fillers is purchased, then finishing is not required.


Consider how to install ready-made interior structures in the form of MDF arches.


You should start by taking measurements and purchasing a kit that matches the parameters. In addition to the arched set, you will need to buy:

  • polyurethane mounting foam;
  • PVA glue.

You should immediately prepare the tools, you will need:

  • clamps - four pieces;
  • hacksaw for cutting elements;
  • construction level;
  • measuring tool.

Then you will need to start preparing the opening, you must:

  • remove the door and disassemble the box;
  • inspect the opening in order to identify defects.

It is important that the walls around the entire perimeter of the opening have an equal thickness. Subtle deviations can be eliminated with putty, if the irregularities are significant, it is better to use drywall constructions.


Consider how the assembly of the arch is carried out using a ready-made set of MDF. Order of operations:

  • they begin work with the preparation of a design code: after preliminary measurements, they begin gluing;
  • they lay the arched arc on the floor, glue the groove of this part with glue and insert the end of the vault into it. Do the same with the second arc. In order for the arch detail to fit well into the groove, it is tapped with a wooden hammer;
  • on wrong side assembled structure inflict mounting foam and put the part in place. At the time of solidification of the composition, the part is fixed with clamps;
  • after fixing the vault, you can proceed with the installation of columns, take measurements and file the parts to the desired height;
  • install side panels. After checking the correctness of their installation level, fix with foam;
  • glue is applied to the grooves of the platbands and installed in place, inserted into the panels;
  • install decorative locks.

So, ready-made MDF arches are easy to install on your own. Standard sets are used to design standard openings. If you need to install the arch in a wide opening, then you can order the manufacture of parts to order according to the provided dimensions.