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The bas-relief on the wall is a stylish interior decoration. How to make a beautiful bas-relief on the wall Do-it-yourself gypsum bas-relief step by step instructions

When decorating the interior of an apartment or house, you can make a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands.

Decorations of this kind are justifiably called exclusive, because the bas-relief makes the design of an apartment or house simply unique, because even the author does not always succeed in repeating the work already done.

For a person who has never encountered this trend in fine art, very often there is not enough determination to create such a picture.

However, it is well known that it is not the gods who burn the pots. After reading given material, you will learn how to make a bas-relief on the wall yourself.

And the bas-reliefs in their apartments are molded not only by professional sculptors and artists.

The novice master is increasingly performing the design of his home with my own hands. Including the bas-reliefs on the walls.

Basic concepts

At all times, people gave a lot of effort and financial resources to decorating their homes, and primarily walls. The most popular and scarce ones were chosen from the paintings of the classics and avant-garde artists.

Bas-relief, as a technique for obtaining three-dimensional images on the wall, has recently begun to gain popularity. It can be applied to a separate tablet and fixed in place.

Larger compositions are molded directly on the entire wall. The bas-relief most often depicts flowers, trees, birds, animals and plot paintings.

In order to create a bas-relief with your own hands, you can go through a master class and use special techniques and techniques.

Preparatory stage

Even the simplest stucco molding gives the room an elegant and solemn look.

When developing the design of any apartment or house, from the kitchen to the bedroom, you can use relief images.

Bas-reliefs harmoniously fit into the interiors of any style, from modern to fusion.

To create such paintings, you only need desire, accuracy and perseverance.

Before starting any serious business, you need to properly prepare, watch a master class or consult with your neighbors.

Practice shows that at first the wall or walls on which the bas-relief will be applied are selected.

It is very important to evaluate how the picture will be illuminated, with natural light or with the help of electric lamps.

The next step - among the abundance of paintings, you need to choose the one that will be molded in a specific place on the wall. Such decisions require time to think and choose a specific option.

It is not recommended to take on a genre painting with images of wild animals and brave hunters for a person who intends to make a bas-relief with his own hands for the first time.

The most suitable in this case will be images of flowers, leaves and fruits.

It will be useful to see the simplest master a class from a specialist who is professionally engaged in sculpting bas-reliefs for walls.

It is desirable to choose an image that is not complex, but not primitive either. In its original state, it should please the eye.

To do this, you need to collect the minimum set of tools that is used in this case:

  • trowel;
  • brush flat;
  • palette knife;
  • maklovitsa;
  • masking tape;
  • rubber gloves;
  • film is transparent.

It will take and finishing material, which is used when leveling walls. The creation of a bas-relief is carried out in several steps.

Each step requires special primers and plastic materials.


In order to mold a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands, you can use the most different material. The most common are alabaster, clay, gypsum, gypsum-based plaster.

Looking through the master class on creating a bas-relief, you need to choose the most suitable texture for yourself.

It makes sense to create a bas-relief on a separate tablet. For this, drywall or fiberboard is suitable. The finished picture must be fixed in the place where it will serve as a decoration.

Step #1 - Image preparation

From among the pre-selected paintings, you need to take the most clearly traced.

The outline of a leaf or flower must be transferred to paper. Then a transparent film is applied on top.

And already on top of it the image is transferred.

The contour can be outlined with a pencil or a helium pen, so that it does not wear out.

Step number 2 - preparing the base

The basis for the bas-relief is prepared from acrylic putty or Marseille wax.

A layer of putty is applied to the gypsum board with a spatula and leveled.

After 15-20 minutes, after the material hardens a little, you need to transfer the image to the base.

To do this, a film stencil is placed on the base and the outline of the pattern is outlined with a hard pencil.

A relief image of a leaf or flower remains on the puttied surface.

Step number 3 - the formation of a picture

This stage can be called the longest and most responsible.

A master who is engaged in modeling from plasticine or clay will quickly cope with this matter. A person who does not have such experience will have to work hard.

The essence of the process is to give volume to the painted leaves or flowers.

Volumetric composition is not created in several steps. Putty is applied to certain areas of the picture not immediately, but gradually, layer by layer.

The material from which the three-dimensional figure is molded must be plastic and not harden immediately.

You need to prepare a putty of this consistency in advance.

Step number 4 - painting and fixing the bas-relief

When the bas-relief on the wall is finally molded with your own hands, it must be dried.

After that, all sharp edges and protruding corners are cleaned with a fine sandpaper.

At this stage, the main thing is not to overdo it and do not scrape off the excess.

In the end, in order for the bas-relief on the wall to take on a complete look, its surface is primed and painted.

Most often, a three-dimensional picture is painted with water-based paint.

Plaster bas-reliefs

Gypsum is a material that both professionals and beginners love to work with.

It is enough to view the master class with general recommendations by handling it and it will be easy to achieve results. Gypsum is mixed with PVA glue.

This mixture is similar to plasticine for sculpting individual elements of the picture. In order to get a three-dimensional image of a leaf or flower, you can simply buy the appropriate form in the store.

You need to pour a mixture of gypsum with glue into it and wait until it hardens. When the mixture hardens, carefully remove the resulting element from the mold and fix it on the wall in the right place in the composition.

Wall bas-reliefs made using artificial flowers harmoniously fit into the interior design. Fabric, paper or plastic is the material that is used to make flowers.

Alabaster or a mixture of plaster and PVA glue is diluted in a trough-type container. The consistency of the solution should be like that of sour cream or yogurt.

A flower made of fabric or plastic needs to be dipped several times into the solution. It is important to ensure that there are no streaks that quickly harden.

After each dipping, a pause is maintained, during which the solution slightly hardens. When the texture of the flower acquires a uniform saturation, the procedure can be completed.

After the flowers have completely hardened, they need to be fixed on the panel with thick alabaster. From separate fragments the composition is made in the entire wall.

Concluding the master class on making a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands, it should be noted that there is nothing complicated in this technology.

In this context, it should be emphasized that the bas-reliefs on the wall are one of the types of decoration.

Rich compositions that claim to be of aesthetic value should preferably be made under the supervision of an artist or decorator.

Simple drawings for walls work equally well with masters and diligent and purposeful beginners.

After reading the material, you have learned how to make a bas-relief, and now you can surprise your relatives and friends with an amazing technique.

28.06.2019 0

How to make a bas-relief with your own hands step by step on the wall

Originality, beauty have always been in a special place in the interior of the premises. The bas-relief on the wall is a drawing that is only half the volume. The sophistication and creativity of the decor is due correct location on the surface of the fragments.

Carving on stone or wood, as an element of decoration of the interior of the premises, appeared many centuries ago. The protruding half-dimensional decor can depict any animate or inanimate object.

In the art of creating sculptures, there are two concepts: bas-relief and high relief. Their main difference is in the height of the figures. For example, if a fragment protrudes from the surface a little more than half of its volume, this is a high relief. In addition, the high relief elements are much higher, and some of them can be freestanding.

The bas-relief organically fits into the interior in any light (except very dim). High relief, on the contrary, needs only diffused light.

Advantages and disadvantages of the bas-relief on the wall

Like other types finishing works, the relief on the wall has its own advantages and disadvantages. Among the special advantages is the ability to create an image in almost any room. Subject to all the rules in the process of compiling and applying decorative ornaments, you can:

  • Disguise errors in the wall, including significant differences;
  • You can create a whole panel and thereby occupy an empty wall;
  • Visually zone the room;
  • Ability to create unique compositions;
  • Individual interior with a special charm;
  • If desired, the whole process can be carried out independently, without resorting to the services of a master.

Among the main disadvantages:

  • The presence of a certain experience, creativity and at least the basic skills of an artist;
  • The process is laborious, scrupulous with drawing and execution the smallest details, therefore, most often all the work is entrusted to the masters. The cost of such work is quite high.

However, if there is a large number information with step-by-step instructions, you can create a high relief on the wall yourself. There would be a desire and time.

The main types of materials from which the bas-relief is made

Initially, only stone or wood was used to create compositions. Modern Choice materials are much wider. Today's elements can be built manually or casting. For a bas-relief on a wall with your own hands, almost any material that can be cut, sculpted is suitable, it can be suitable for pouring into the appropriate shape:

  • Gypsum;
  • Limestone;
  • Clay;
  • Polymer compounds;
  • Stone;
  • Tree;
  • Decorative and other similar compositions.

To artificially add age to the elements, a patina is applied to them. To give additional volume, they are covered with bronze or gilding. At the same time, the bas-relief harmoniously looks with wrought iron, stone. Therefore, fireplaces are often decorated with such decor.

The main types of drawings for bas-relief

The first images of the bas-relief must necessarily contain the figure of a man in their composition. This attribute is currently optional. Thematic focus, as well as the number of panels, dimensions depend on the total area of ​​​​the room.

These can be plot compositions that occupy an entire wall or only a small corner. Previously, it was assumed that relief volumetric images are relevant only for classic styles with their inherent soft lines, artsy details. Several types of images are popular.

Nature (landscape)

This type of bas-relief is relevant not only for classics, art nouveau, modern, empire or rococo, but also for modern design trends. You can depict a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forest or think over a seascape. These include coral fields, schools of fish, algae, the image of a newt.


The bas-reliefs of cherry blossoms on the wall refer to the Japanese flavor, which can be complemented by images of dragons. A branch of cherry blossoms looks organically on the hay of the hallway, kitchen. The whole tree has a bright personality. The living room especially benefits from such a composition.


The association with flowers is immediately evoked by the bas-reliefs of roses on the wall. There are a lot of options for its use, as well as varieties of a flower. In the bedroom with classic design embossed panels with lush tea roses will be appropriate, not forgetting to paint them in the appropriate color. A scattering of small little roses is suitable for any room. Having chosen the right shade, such an ornament looks good with materials such as stone or textured brick.


Ornament of the vine will emphasize sophistication Italian style. It can decorate columns or empty niches. Vine white color looks good on painted walls and vice versa, a colored vine will serve as an accent on a white surface.

apple trees

The bas-relief tree on the wall is equally suitable for any room. However, given its size, the hallway should be treated with special care. The voluminous bas-relief in this part of the house is able to visually reduce the already small area premises.

And other options

Drawing volumetric drawings on the walls can have different themes. It all depends on skills and practical experience masters. The more panels with the presence of small details, the more difficult and painstaking work.

Necessary materials and tools for creating a bas-relief on the wall

For sculpting on the walls in an apartment with your own hands, you will need specialized tools that can be purchased at art stores or building markets. As a container for mixing the solution, experts advise choosing a ball, or rather half of it. By turning it inside out, you can save time scraping and cleaning the last batch and preparing the next batch. In addition, it is very convenient to collect a solution from such a container, since it has no corners.

Palette knives are special spatulas in the form of spatulas of various shapes. To create some elements of the bas-relief, for example, a vine, you will need convex and concave palette knives. They cost more, because masters often replace them with ordinary spoons of various configurations and volumes (coffee, tea, dessert, tablespoons).

Easy to use plastic spoons. give desired shape a little heat will help the handle holder.

As a rule, an aluminum spoon serves as the main tool, and a plastic auxiliary one. An art knife is used to create a fine texture on the image. An ordinary shoe knife can serve as its analogue.

A confectionery syringe with nozzles, as well as a medical syringe that helps to create very fine lines. Additionally, you will need brushes, 2 flat and 2 round. Before each intake of the next portion of the mixture, the instruments (except syringes) are pre-dipped in water.

Preparatory work before creating a bas-relief on the wall

On preliminary stage it is important to prepare the surface for the process. The wall should be cleaned of the previous coating. Leaving a layer of putty, primed and let dry well. In order to give additional strength to the bas-reliefs, two-thirds of the self-tapping screws are inserted in thicker places. Flower petals and other similar parts are prepared from foam (cardboard or salt dough) in advance, after which they are carefully treated with a primer.

Make a solution according to the attached instructions. On this stage it is very important to know the characteristics of a particular mixture. How long does it take to set, is it possible to add dyes to it, and so on. If the bas-relief contains elements with a bulge of 10 millimeters or more, you need to make a wire frame (reinforcement). For the manufacture of various elements, ready-made forms are used. If these are not commercially available, then you can make them yourself.

Stages of creating a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands

Masters advise beginners to use ready-made molded parts that can only be attached to the surface. You can also form a convex pattern using a template.

  • Drawing is applied to the surface with a simple pencil. Without special creative skills, you can use ready-made stencils, drawings printed on tracing paper, after which it is drawn on the surface with a marker. Also, the contours can be circled with a toothpick;
  • After setting the mixture, it is necessary to apply the contour of the ornament. Only after that, the volume is increased. Putty should be applied to separate areas. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried;

In some cases, an in-depth image is required. It can be done in two ways:

  1. Grow a background layer around the image. At the end, the background is sanded.
  2. Make notches corresponding to the image using a chisel or cutter.
  • Covering the surface with an ordinary transparent film, if necessary, draw the details;
  • After the finished relief image has dried, it is painted in the desired shades;
  • Use sandpaper to remove unnecessary irregularities.

Features of creating a bas-relief from different materials

Each material has its own characteristics in processing. In interiors, gypsum or wood is most often used.

from wood

To create a bas-relief from wood, in addition to the source material, you will need slightly different materials. Mills of conic and trailer form. The first cutter is used for fine finish canvases, the second - for rough work. High-precision equipment, including special programs, is used for overall panels.


Gypsum is a very malleable material with good technical specifications. It is with gypsum that masters advise beginners to start. With the right proportions, the solution is homogeneous with good adhesion.

Fastening the finished bas-relief to the wall

In the case of using a finished bas-relief, it must be attached to a wall or a sheet of drywall. The second option is applicable if you plan to make the bas-relief removable.

It is necessary to create a single conglomerate between the image and the base, removing any errors. To attach a separate picture, you will need special tile adhesive. If the image is overall, then it is fixed with the help of self-tapping screws, nails. The finished panel should be sanded with sandpaper. After cleaning all the seams and depressions, the surface is primed and painted with water-based paint.

Creating such a decor is initially difficult. It requires skill, patience and perseverance. In order for the images to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to strictly observe the application technology. Otherwise, the structure will not be able to dry to the end and will soon collapse.

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A bas-relief is a three-dimensional relief on the wall surface - an ornament or pattern that protrudes above the plane. It helps to create an exclusive interior, because each work is unique, and it is impossible to repeat it exactly.

Advantages of a bas-relief on the wall

Not a single type of finish can be compared in terms of aesthetics with a bas-relief. It attracts attention at first sight, looks unusual and interesting. You can create a drawing yourself. The advantages of the bas-relief are:

  • originality and showiness of finishing;
  • the ability to mask the unevenness of the walls;
  • the ability to act as a means of zoning a room.

More more ideas for interior design can be found on the website https://masterinterera.ru/

You can create a bas-relief in the interior with your own hands, and this is another advantage of this type of wall decoration.

I don’t want to glue wallpaper, but the coloring of the walls seems not enough interesting way finishes - complement it with a bas-relief, which can be created from various materials:

  • gypsum;
  • plasters;
  • clay.

The base can be made of wood or metal - they are poured or processed, creating original compositions on the wall.

Types and themes of bas-relief

Not every relief pattern on the wall is called a bas-relief, but only one whose elements protrude from the surface by no more than half. If more - this is a high relief.

The wooden bas-relief looks original in the interior, if you choose it according to the design style of the room, the color that matches the color of the furniture. In this case, it will harmoniously fit into the overall style.

Bas-relief ideas can be varied. Depending on the style, these can be plant and animal motifs, abstract elements or antique scenes look aesthetically pleasing. Size, plot and difficulty will depend on:

  • the volume of the room;
  • decoration style.

Often a three-dimensional image is made directly on the wall, however, it is possible to install pre-prepared plates with a ready-made relief. We also recommend looking at finishes. decorative panels on this site http://mirstrojka.ru/dekorativnye-paneli/

DIY bas-relief

Many people order wall decoration with volumetric drawings from specialists, however, knowing what to make a bas-relief from, you can do the work yourself.

For a bas-relief based on putty, you will need:

  • putty;
  • glue;
  • putty knife;
  • cutter;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • stained glass outline.

At the first stage, a sketch of the future is transferred to the wall surface. three-dimensional picture. It is transferred to paper, covered with a film and the contour is transferred to it. An abrasion-resistant marker or felt-tip pen is suitable for this.

Foundation preparation is the second stage. It is necessary to apply acrylic putty, fine-grained gypsum is the basis of the future bas-relief. They need to be leveled and allowed to dry, but not completely. After 15 minutes, you can get to work - transfer the drawing to the wall.

Fix the film on the wall with masking tape, circle the pattern so that the image is printed on the wall. Simple Ways creating a bas-relief for beginners involves the following steps:

Putty is applied along the contour on the wall - one layer after another. Subsequent layers are applied only after the previous ones have dried.

Then, with the help of palette knives, they cut through the image, outlining every detail. The largest and most convex elements must be reinforced with self-tapping screws. So the image will be strong.

When all the details are drawn, the panels need to be dried well, treated with sandpaper. It is necessary to smooth out all the roughness, corners, convex and concave elements. Work at this stage requires accuracy and caution.

After finishing, the drawing is primed and painted. use better water-based paint. In order for the surface around the three-dimensional drawing not to look unnaturally even, apply a small layer of plaster and treat it with crumpled paper, polyethylene, so that the surface becomes rough.

Do-it-yourself gypsum bas-relief has a slightly different manufacturing technology. It is better to use ready-made molds for casting elements from a mixture of gypsum and PVA glue. The mass should be like plasticine.

Using ready-made molds, you can cast individual elements ornament, dry and stick on the wall. Those parts for which there are no molds, or they are too small for casting, can be molded by hand.

When the whole drawing is ready, all the cracks are sealed with white sealant. Further, as in the case of putty, the bas-relief is coated with a primer and painted. You can apply paint, wax, add gilding.

Bas-relief in the interior

The bas-relief goes well with many finishing materials:

  • plaster;
  • marble;
  • skin;
  • tree;
  • mirrors.

Numerous photos of the bas-relief on the living room wall or ceiling, in arched openings, niches, in bedrooms different styles indicate that both in a classic and in a room stylized as an antique interior, it looks harmonious.

Simple in form and pattern, the bas-relief will give original look modern minimalist interior, and the classic is appropriate even in the loft style.

The bas-relief will be appropriate in different rooms:

  • in the living room, with the help of a bas-relief, you can recreate the interior of an ancient castle, palace, or, conversely, complement a modern interior with it;
  • in the bedroom original solution will be the placement of a large panel above the head of the bed or the entire wall;
  • indoor kitchen three-dimensional panel appropriate in the dining area or on the kitchen apron. You can decorate a whole wall or a free niche in this way;
  • in a spacious bathroom, a bas-relief can complement the decoration of the walls with marble.
  • V large hallway stucco can decorate part of the wall, for small room it is better not to use volumetric images.

Small stucco elements can complement a plain wall if paintings, photographs, shelves with souvenirs, collections are placed on others. This way it won't look empty.

Volumetric floral pattern fills the space well, without overloading the interior.

The room can be transformed if you complement the design with a few stucco elements on the walls or ceiling. Sometimes a bas-relief can become a compositional, organizing center of a room.

When creating a bas-relief, it is important to provide the right backlight so that the three-dimensional image “plays” - this will achieve maximum effect decorative.

Photo of a bas-relief on the wall

The bas-relief on the wall was used in ancient times as an element of decor for rooms and products. They decorated buildings, halls and various rooms. In the modern world, a bas-relief on a wall has found its home as an excellent wall decor in the interior of apartments and houses. In this article, we will look at another interesting view wall finishes. A bas-relief on the wall with your own hands can embellish any interior. The main thing is to know the basic principles and step-by-step steps for applying it to the wall.

Using bas-relief wall decoration, you can decorate an empty wall in your house in a very original and exclusive way. Recreated paintings or panels on the walls using the bas-relief technique look great. Wall decoration near fireplaces with bas-relief patterns is very common. The bas-relief on the wall, illuminated by spotlights, creates a 3D visualization of the picture, and if you use designer ones, then the whole picture of the room can change beyond recognition.

If we compare the bas-relief on the wall with, then the bas-reliefs are not always made using any paints. If the lighting is generally organized correctly, then highlighting the bas-relief with color is not required. The volume of the picture is visible due to the play of light.

Functional tasks of the bas-relief

In addition to aesthetics and decorative purposes, the bas-relief on the wall also performs a number of functional tasks:

  1. Hides uneven walls;
  2. Decorates engineering communications;
  3. Visual adjustment of space;
  4. Space zoning.

In the case when the three-dimensional drawing and decorative painting are combined properly, very original and spectacular decorative elements are obtained. And despite all these merits, the bas-relief on the wall is rarely used to decorate interiors. The main reason for such a low demand for this decorative element lies in the high cost.
The reason for the high pricing is manual technology erection of all elements of the bas-relief. As a result, to erect a bas-relief on the wall of your house, it will take a lot of effort and money. But there are several ways to recreate a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands. We read about this further.

Creating a bas-relief with your own hands

In order to make a bas-relief yourself, you will need the following material:

  • Gypsum;
  • Plaster (based on gypsum);
  • Alabaster;
  • Clay.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the whole process of creating a bas-relief on the wall with our own hands

First stage

First you need to prepare a form for the future relief. To do this, you need to choose a box of suitable dimensions, it can be a box of sweets, and a frame glued to the glass. If you have conceived a large bas-relief pattern, then you can put together a plywood box with low sides yourself. The size of the box will depend on the estimated dimensions of the future relief.

Second phase

When the shape for the relief is created, it will need to be covered with polyethylene. Take polyethylene film and cover it all inner surface box. Make sure that the polyethylene does not form folds, they can leave a mark on the very detail of the bas-relief.

Third stage

If you are working with bas-reliefs for the first time, then it is best to use gypsum and gypsum plaster as a solution. Prepare a solution from the material according to the instructions described on the package. In the case when the relief element is supposed to be high enough, it is necessary to reinforce the hardening solution. To do this, insert a few wire flagella into the bottom of the mold.

Fourth stage

Fill the prepared form with the diluted mixture. Leave the material to dry until the mixture sets a little. For each type of material, this time may be different, so discuss this detail with the seller in advance.

Fifth stage

Now we are starting to recreate the future drawing of the bas-relief. After completing the previous steps, we have gypsum board. On this plate it is necessary to apply a drawing of the future relief, to recreate its exact contour. Next, prepare the mixture again and apply to the plate according to the contour. We carry out a gradual build-up of the relief layer by layer, allowing the previous layer to always dry a little.

The plaster must always be damp. Therefore, prepare the solution in small portions so that it does not have time to harden before applying it to the stove. If excess material appears during work, feel free to remove them with a clerical knife. In principle, the entire resulting relief can be edited using a chisel and chisels for polishing wood.

ATTENTION! “Before the material is completely dry, sand it. Since it will be very difficult to grind in a frozen form!

Examples of bas-reliefs on the wall

To learn the process of creating a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands, more clearly. must see concrete examples. Let's look at examples of two popular volumetric decors, in the form of a Lily and a Tulip. When you see a clear plan of action for recreating a particular bas-relief, it will be easier for you to recreate your original drawing based on the steps below.

Bas-relief - "Lily"

First stage. The wall on which the "Lilies" bas-relief will be located must be protected with masking tape. Stick the tape on the entire surface of the wall where the bas-relief will be located.

Second phase. Next, we cover the glued area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall with putty. After the putty has completely dried, apply a primer on top. We recommend using primer paint for this purpose, it has a rough effect after drying. This quality allows much better retention of subsequent layers.

Third stage. After the primer is completed, we apply a layer of Marseille wax to the wall. You can use a trowel for this. Wax drying time from 3 to 4 hours.

Fourth stage. Apply cling film to the prepared wall surface and fix it only from above, so that the film can be lifted at any time. Next, right on the surface of the film, we begin to draw a sketch of the lily.

Fifth stage. Now you need to apply Marseille wax on the wall under the film, exactly along the contour of the lily sketch. To do this, you will need a trowel and a palette knife.

Since the wax is white, we will need to highlight it with a different color in order to see the silhouette of the sketch later. To do this, cover the dried wax with water colored with a little maklovitsa. After this coloring, the sketch of the lily will stand out visually on the wall.
In order for the bas-relief to be made with high quality and the relief drawing to be realistic, it is necessary to do all the work in stages and carefully.
When the shape of the future Lily bas-relief is betrayed, we proceed to its coloring. Prepare the acrylic paint according to the manufacturer's instructions and apply it to the completely dry bas-relief.
Each paint has its own drying time, but on average this process lasts no more than 8 hours. After the acrylic paint has dried, proceed to finishing bas-relief surface.
Use ottocento as a finishing touch. Using a brush, apply the composition to the entire surface of the bas-relief in two layers, drying each one in turn.

Bas-relief - "Tulips"

The work on creating a bas-relief from "Tulips" goes through the same stages as with "Lily":

  1. Apply plaster and primer;
  2. Cover with Marseille wax;
  3. Drawing a sketch on food film;
  4. Drawing a bas-relief according to a sketch;
  5. Cover with a finishing layer ottochento.

To make the tulip buds look as realistic as possible, shape each bud by hand. And wipe the surface of the bud with a damp sponge, then the buds will be smooth.
The process of creating a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands is not an easy and very painstaking task. However, at the end you will receive a unique decor on the wall, which will not only decorate the entire interior of the room, but also perform a number of technical functions described above.

Beautiful bas-reliefs to you!

Video lessons: Do-it-yourself bas-relief on the wall.

For more good example watch a few video stories on the topic of creating a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands:

For those who want to unusually decorate the interior and give it a decorative originality and exclusivity, you can use the technique plaster moldings on the walls - a bas-relief. This is both a simple and intricate technique, somewhat similar to applying Venetian plaster but more complex and interesting. It all depends on skills, imagination and patience. However, this work can be done even with children. Their reliable handles will come to the rescue when you need to mix the gypsum mortar.

Bas-relief - what is it?

Quite a long time ago, people began processing and decorating walls. various decorations. It could be stone or wood carving. But in comparison with other techniques, the bas-relief was considered the most popular and status.

This concept includes a convex decorative element. It can be a figure of an animal, a person, a plant, as well as a pattern or a mythical creature. It all depends on the imagination and design of the apartment.

For the implementation of such projects, special template forms made of a transparent polymer are often used. Stencils can be made independently or ordered in the workshop, there are also ready-made matrices for sale.

Bas-relief master class

Before starting work, you need to prepare a place on the wall where the modeling will be done, decorating the interior. And also decide on the design of the picture, that is, find directly the drawing for the sketch, which is planned to be reproduced using plaster or putty. For novice masters, you should not immediately take on the creation of global works. Try to start by making a simple image on the wall in your apartment, for example, a tree or a simple flower -

We present a small master class on making a bas-relief on the wall at home:

1. Find a suitable pattern. You can draw it on the wall with chalk or pencil in the required scale.

2. The next step is to prime the wall surface inside the outline of the drawing. Be sure to let it dry.

3. In a small container, dilute the gypsum plaster to a viscous state with a ratio of 1:1. It is necessary to ensure that the batch is homogeneous and without lumps.

4. Using a small spatula or a special palette knife (or use an ordinary dessert knife), apply the mixture in small portions on the drawing from the bottom up, along the entire tree trunk. You can even leave space for better designation bark structures. While the putty is damp, form a relief by making shallow cuts and notches with a knife.

When applying putty to the location of the foliage, you need to use a little more solution. In this case, the mass should be sculpted with perpendicular movements to the wall with frequent, chaotic punctures.

5. After the putty has dried, paint over the wood. For this, ordinary acrylic paints are used. The first layer of the trunk can be painted yellow. When it dries, apply a second coat of paint - already brown. Let it dry again, moisten the sponge and wash it off the tubercles so that the paint remains inside the recesses. Should be a nice overflow. The foliage is painted using the same technique in a greenish color.

Master class for advanced masters

Advanced masters will be able to increase their skill level by more than complex design and the globality of the plot of the bas-relief image.

When performing the bas-relief "Rose", you will need the following materials:

  • gypsum putty (you can use alabaster, a tool for starting and finishing work);
  • gypsum plaster;
  • quartz soil;
  • set of palette knives;
  • a set of chisels;
  • a set of artistic loops;
  • rubber spatula;
  • abrasive mesh;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • container for kneading;
  • film for protection against pollution;
  • sponge;
  • rag;
  • sprayer with water;
  • gloves;
  • art paint (water-based acrylic, etc.);
  • dust mask.

It is conditionally possible to represent the stages of the bas-relief as follows.

Wall preparation

Before starting the artistic painting of the wall, you need to prepare the surface itself. It should be perfectly flat, well-plastered, treated with a special adhesive composition(adhesive or non-woven primer) and 2 layers of putty for painting. Then it is primed with ordinary soil.

Drawing a sketch of a picture on the wall

The drawing is selected, on which the sketch is performed. It can be transferred to the wall with a pencil, often a stencil or carbon paper is used. With the help of quartz primer, which is applied inside the borders of the image, the surface is prepared for applying the initial layer of stucco.

Application of the first layer of gypsum plaster

The first layer of the applied composition must be very thin and durable. Gypsum plaster is usually used for this. About 200 ml of water is poured into the mixing container, and then powder is poured using a palette knife gypsum plaster in proportion with water 1:1. You can knead with a drill with a nozzle, a spatula or a palette knife until a homogeneous mass is obtained, resembling thick sour cream in consistency.

It should not drain from the spatula and hold firmly on it. The purpose of applying the first layer is to make an initial stucco for good adhesion between the wall surface and future layers of bas-relief putty. With the help of two palette knives, the gypsum composition is thinly applied over the entire surface of the drawing, trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the applied sketch. In the first layer, you can highlight the volumetric parts of the future bas-relief, using a slightly thicker layer in the places indicated in the figure.

At the end of this stage, the surface of the workpiece is wetted with water from a spray bottle. You can gently smooth with your fingers what happened, and allow time to dry.

Application of the second layer of gypsum putty

On a well-dried first layer, it is necessary to apply a second one, already from gypsum putty. Similarly, a water-putty mixture is prepared - approximately 1: 1. Using a small palette knife, a gypsum composition is applied to the drawing and gently smoothed in the direction from the edge to the center.

Next, slightly moisten the drawing with water from a spray bottle and, using palette knives, artistic special devices - loops and fingers, smooth and form the desired relief on the applied layer of putty to obtain a smoother image. Correct all irregularities and flaws until the composition "seizes". When the second layer dries, you can putty visible defects with a finishing acrylic putty. And let the painting dry again.