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How to make a playhouse with your own hands. Children's wooden houses: design options, projects and installation stages

And this slanting and flimsy hut seemed the height of perfection and the best refuge in the world. But having matured, almost all parents think about arranging a strong, comfortable, and most importantly - a reliable house for their child, especially if there is country house or cottages. And to build it is quite easy, you just need to get building materials, think about the design and be patient.

Now there are various ready-made plastic houses on sale, but children's houses have been and remain the most popular. wooden houses, which you can make with your own hands, taking into account the wishes of the baby and with his feasible help. A jointly built building will become a real refuge for a child, a place for games, dreams, or just a quiet cozy corner to hide, sit, think or even cry. After all, everyone needs their own space, and children are no exception.

Do-it-yourself playhouses are not only more interesting, original and affordable, but also carry a piece of love and care from parents, so a child in such a shelter will be especially cozy and comfortable. And if the baby also puts his hand to the manufacture of the building, then his joy will have no boundaries. You can create playhouses for children from improvised means, as a rule, these are plywood, chipboard sheets or boards, and bloom natural tones bright colors help.

Before building a children's wooden house, it is necessary to initially think over the future structure, paying attention to such features:

  • open or closed view of the house;
  • height and area;

Drawing of a plywood children's house

  • materials needed for construction;
  • placement - the house should be located in a dry and sunny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden, courtyard or cottage, within sight, in addition, you need to consider whether the building will touch the ground, since the manufacture of a ground or elevated building is significantly different;
  • number of windows and doors, their dimensions;
  • addition of a house with decorative elements, slides, awnings, fences, swings, ladders or sandboxes, as in the photo;
  • type of interior decoration.

In the course of these reflections, it is better to draw up approximate drawings in which all the wishes of the parents and the child himself will be noted. When developing a construction plan, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • the house must have at least 2 windows so that adults can see the children playing;
  • the lower border of the windows for convenience should be at a height of about 50-60 centimeters from the floor of the house;
  • doors need to be equipped at least 25-30 centimeters higher than the height of the baby, but it is better to make them with a margin so that, if desired, adults can also visit the child;
  • external and internal walls it is better to make them even and safe so as not to injure children during the game;
  • it is better to make the roof steep so that the child does not want to climb on it.

Drawings can be developed independently, relying only on your desires and capabilities, or you can go the simpler way and use the drawings that have already been developed, verified and tested in practice, which can be found on the Internet.

Consider the main types of children's houses and the features of their construction:

  1. Plywood children's playhouses

This option is most quickly built in the garden or yard of the cottage, and the facades can be decorated bright colors to protect plywood sheets from precipitation and winds, as in the photo. For the manufacture of a plywood house, according to ready-made drawings, the contours of walls, windows and doorways. The plywood sheets themselves need to be about 10mm thick to last long enough. For this type of houses, you can make a light foundation or do without it at all. For strength, it is necessary to dig support beams into the ground at the corners, having previously processed the wood from decay.

Choosing the type of plywood house

Next, they begin to manufacture wall panels, for this, a frame is knocked down from a wooden beam with a section thickness of 5 by 5 cm using nails or screws, to which the plywood cut according to the drawing is nailed. This is how all walls are made, which are firmly nailed to the support beams. The roof can also be made of plywood, and for strength, it is advised to overlap roofing boards on top. All corners and edges must be polished with a sandpaper- and you can decorate the house with multi-colored paints. But you need to remember that all varnishes and dyes must be extremely safe, because in this house the child will spend a lot of time and constantly inhale the evaporated substances.

  1. Children's wooden houses from solid boards

A house made of solid high-quality boards will last much longer than its plywood counterpart, because a well-treated tree can retain its shape for centuries. Therefore, such a children's house will serve not only children, but also grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Yes, and a similar house looks very beautiful and elegant on the territory of a country house or cottage (as in the photo) - why not choose this particular option for a children's shelter.

Consider a simple version of a children's house for giving from wooden boards with your own hands. Like any building, wooden playhouses need a quality support. The foundation for the building can be made of wood, eliminating the long and painstaking pouring of concrete. But to increase the service life, it is better to dig a hole about a meter deep at the site of the future building and lay out the foundations of brick. Also, a brick can be replaced with a decking board, but its cost will be significantly higher. The simplest and fastest foundation is a few brick columns and a timber strap attached to them. The drawings will help you get acquainted with the features of such a foundation.

Construction of the dlma frame

After creating the base, you can start making the floor, for this you need good floorboards. First, lags are fixed to the harness, which are covered with boards tightly fitted one to the other. To save money, you can get by with OSB or a double layer of plywood, as in the photo.

Next comes the turn of the walls. For their construction, it is necessary to dig support beams into the ground in the corners and in the places of future placement of windows and doors, having previously treated the wood with protective equipment. Next, the walls are sewn up with boards. The roof is made of timber, the construction technology is similar to the previous version of the plywood house.

After the completion of the roofing work, you can proceed to interior decoration. Wood must be protected from moisture and pests by covering it by special means, and after - varnish or stain. For convenience, inside the building you need to equip tables, benches of suitable sizes for the child. Below are drawings of a similar wooden house.

Video of the construction of a children's house in the country

An interesting variant of the children's house is a hut on chicken legs, as from a fairy tale about Baba Yaga. A feature of the construction of such a structure with your own hands is the presence of high supports, which can be made of brick, thick wooden logs or thick steel pipes. The height of the support should be no more than 70 centimeters for the safety of children. The supports must be strong and well dug into the soil, creating a reliable foundation for the children's house. Features of such a building are visible in the photo.

Further, a wooden beam is attached to the base, which will serve as the frame of the house. Strong floorboards are laid end-to-end on a square frame - and the flooring is ready. Then you can proceed with the installation of walls, which is carried out by analogy with plywood and wooden houses - first they are made of timber wooden frame, and then sheathe it with sheets of plywood or boards. The base of the roof is made of timber, on which metal tiles, slate, plywood or laminate are laid.

Since the house is raised above the ground, the entrance to it must be equipped with a strong wooden ladder, for safety it is better to supplement it with good high railings, as in the photo. Such an unusual and fabulous structure will bring an amazing magical flavor to the design of the cottage.

  1. Tree house

Older children will be delighted with the shelter built on the branches of a tree, because climbing into it is an adventure in itself. It is also quite simple to make it with your own hands, you just need to find a tall tree of strong species (oak is most suitable) with a lower branches height of about 7 m, a crown base height of 5 m and a trunk diameter of at least a meter. After choosing a tree, you need to carefully consider the drawings in accordance with the individual arrangement of the branches. Often, such houses are made of boards, have different configurations, and the entrance to them is provided with the help of ladders or rope ladders, an example can be seen in the photo. Such a structure will become not only a reliable refuge for the child, but also an extraordinary decoration of the dacha.

Construction of the walls of the house

Children's wooden playhouses have such a beautiful and varied design that they will not only become a favorite place for games and pastime of any child, but also perfectly decorate the garden or yard of any cottage.

Making a plywood house

For small children, you can make a light and simple house with your own hands, using ready-made drawings, as in the photo.

For a square building with a wall length of 1.7 meters, you will need:

  • Chipboard, 4 sheets with a size of 2 by 1.7 m;
  • timber 2.5 by 2.5 cm, 35 centimeters long, 8 pieces;
  • timber 2.5 by 2.5 cm. 2.5 meters long for the manufacture of walls, 13 pieces, 8 of them need to be cut from above to the corner;
  • boards 5 by 15 cm 2 meters long to strengthen the floor, 4 pieces;
  • boards with a section of 15 by 5 cm, 2 meters long for the manufacture of the floor surface, 13 pieces;
  • nails, self-tapping screws, metal corners, hacksaw, hammer and other woodworking tools.

When all the materials are ready, you can start building a house with your own hands.

First, with the help of a rope and stakes, you need to measure the area 2 by 2 meters, carefully level it, clean it of stones and debris, and compact it. Further, at the corners of the square, you need to dig holes with a diameter of about 20 centimeters, into which you firmly dig in the corner supports so that 15 cm of the beam remains on the surface. In the same way, additional supports are dug in in the middle of each side. Further, using the level, the places for attaching the floor boards are determined, here you need to be careful to avoid distortions. These 4 boards are nailed to the support bars in the form of a box, which then needs to be hammered on top with floor boards - and the flooring is ready.

Ready wooden house ik

Next, you can proceed to the construction of walls, for this it is taken chipboard sheet and two pointed bars of 2.5 meters each, they are nailed to the long sides of the sheet so that the even edge was flush with the sheet, and the pointed one protruded. All four walls are done in this way, but windows should be cut in two, and a doorway in the third. After that, the resulting walls are hammered into the ground right next to the wooden box and interconnected using corners and screws to avoid cracks.

When the walls are ready, you can safely begin the construction of the roof. To do this, you need to take two beams and cut out their corners at an angle of 45 degrees, if desired, the roof angle can be increased and a small sloping roof can be made. Two beams should be fastened together with a metal corner and screws. The second triangle for the roof is made in the same way. After that, the triangle should be attached to the front wall of the building and mark the corners on the beam in which the roof will be attached, they need to be cut with a hacksaw. Do the same with the opposite wall. Further, the triangles are interconnected using a transverse beam and attached to the building using corners and screws. To cover the roof, metal tiles, laminate, slate or even plywood are suitable - everything that is in the household or is most liked. Features of the construction of the roof are shown in the photo.

It remains only to paint the plywood with paints of your choice - and the house is ready. As you can see, making a children's house out of plywood with your own hands on the territory of a garden or a summer house is a simple and short-lived business.

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It's no secret that babies don't need much to be happy. The flight of their childhood imagination makes it possible to turn any household item into spaceship or a car, so it is easy to imagine the delight of a child who has received a wooden playhouse built in the country house.

The best choice would be a children's house, specially designed for a boy or girl. Owning such a dwelling of his own, a child with great desire will leave the city knowing that a cozy corner awaits him at the dacha. In addition, this will help parents to take up dacha farming, without being distracted by the unbearable behavior of a bored child.

Nowadays, you can easily buy a ready-made house by contacting a company that builds compact wooden houses. Specialists will be happy not only to select the design, but will be engaged in the delivery and assembly of the house. These products are usually good quality, but the cost of work sometimes scares off buyers.

On the other hand, a wooden house will cost much less if you build it yourself. What is needed in order to build a children's house in the country? In this case, you will need to purchase Supplies And essential tool. Spending two days off, with your own hands it is quite possible to build small house for your favorite offspring.

Do-it-yourself house for children: the advantages of wooden houses

The procedure for building a children's house in the country with their own hands

First of all, you need to clarify what plan will be future house, determine its appearance. For this purpose, a schematic drawing is first sketched out, which allows you to determine the type of building.

Characteristics of a child country house, which must be determined before starting construction works:

Development of a plan for a children's playhouse made of wood

Initially, a detailed construction plan is required, as well as sketches and drawings. It is important to take into account the specifics of the future structure:

  • The distance between the floor and the ceiling should be at least one and a half meters. However, it is undesirable to make the room too high.
  • Will right decision install at least two windows. Firstly, such a measure will provide sufficient lighting in the room of the house. Secondly, you need to remember about the safety of children, who need constant supervision. Children can be monitored through the windows.
  • The door is recommended to be made to the level of the ceiling. So the child will definitely not fill himself with a bump on his forehead, besides, it is possible that adults will someday have to visit the baby.
  • In order to avoid unnecessary injury, all walls on the inside and outside must be smooth.
  • It is better to make a sloping roof, because a flat one can attract children, and sooner or later they will perch on the roof, which will create a traumatic situation.

Tools and materials for construction

Before you start building a small country house for children, you need purchase the following tools:

List of materials that will be required for the construction process:

  • Wooden beam for frame house. Builders recommend using a beam with a cross section of 50X50.
  • Sheathing lumber. You should choose plywood, the thickness of which does not exceed 10 mm. Oriented strand boards are also used. They are cheaper than plywood, but more durable. Everything is at the discretion of the owners.
  • Roofing material.
  • Bricks.
  • Glasses for window frames. It should be borne in mind that glass is not safe for a child, therefore, if there is a desire to increase the access of light to the house, then it is better to install plastic windows.

How to make a children's house: construction technology

Foundation and floor

By analogy with construction big houses, children's playhouses start building from laying the foundation. As a base, you can use earth, gravel, cement or crushed stone.

Exist different variants suitable for laying wooden boards. Some take off upper layer soil, they are covered with rubble from above, the site is leveled, and then support bars are laid on the site. You can do it differently: each corner of the building must be paved on a special concrete block, and the supports are placed on a sand cushion. Thus, the corners of the building will be placed at a depth of up to half a meter. The earth from the recesses must be removed, and a mixture of sand and gravel is poured into them. Then the holes are carefully compacted.

Blocks are installed on the prepared places, which should be on the same level. So that the frame is not crooked, you should use building level.

Without a waterproofing layer, the house will not be able to stand for many years. Most often, the insulator is roofing material or modern bitumen-polymer mastic. Some prefer natural ventilation. In this case little house built on metal rods or brick pillars with a height of not more than 20 cm.


Having dealt with the foundation and floor, you can proceed to the installation of walls. To make walls, it is necessary to construct a frame from beams, which in the next steps are connected to thin sheathing boards or shields. Don't forget doors and windows. The first step should be to install a beam in each corner, the section of which, as a rule, is 50X50, and length - three meters. The product is cut into three equal parts or in half. Then the bars are attached under the door and window frames.

To fix the main bar, it is nailed to the floor with nails. The main thing is that then these nails can be easily pulled out. This measure is explained by the fact that ensuring a strong connection of building units is possible only with the help of special mounting corners, which are installed later.

Between the rafters, auxiliary struts are installed without fail, which act as fasteners. Keep in mind that the top of the bars are connected by a frame that acts as the basis for roofing. After the base for the walls is prepared, the nails are pulled out, and in their place install metal brackets. The playhouse will stand firmly and will not fall apart only when all corners and joints are fastened with corner fasteners.

Bars installed in a horizontal plane mark window openings and a door. Their height is calculated in advance. Calculations are based on the width of the cladding board. Such dimensions should be laid down so that during sheathing work there is no need to cut the boards according to their width or hide half the frame. In short, you need to figure out how many solid boards can fit into the remaining lower and upper opening. At this level, horizontal braces should be fixed.


The roof of a small do-it-yourself playhouse can be high and sloping. The design of the roof depends on personal preference. Classic performance requires the following algorithm of actions:

Sheathing and decoration of the house

The final stage of construction includes the sheathing and design of the structure. To create walls, lining, shields or wooden planks. Lining will allow reduce upholstery time, since there is no need to fit elements that fit together without problems. Since the task was to make a children's house, it would not be superfluous to decorate it with colorful drawings. Children themselves can be involved in the creative process. Windows can be decorated with carved platbands, which are purchased separately, or made by hand.

Inside small house they make a bench and a table, but, of course, these are not the only interior items that can decorate a room. A small porch will give the house a more noble look.

The main thing is that the constructed play structure does not pose a danger to the health of the child. It's about the proper fastening of the elements. wooden structure. It is important that children do not get hurt or scratched during outdoor games. Boards must be carefully cut, and apply a protective layer of some paint and varnish substance.

Self-tapping screws, nails and metal staples should not stick out and stick out, they are closed with special plugs.

As children, each of us tried to build a separate housing for ourselves - toy house. Despite the simplicity of the design, it was the best shelter for games.

A shaky structure made of a box, cardboard or branches in the form of a hut bore the proud name of a house and seemed to be the best.

Having matured, we think about creating a more durable and functional house for children.

Most often, a children's playhouse is built from wood. The choice of material for the house is due to rational considerations - wood is an environmentally friendly and durable material. Small house, made from coniferous wood, will have a positive effect on the health of the child. In addition, it will enable the child to feel independent. Having built a full-fledged developing house for the baby, you will provide him with his own play area, where he can play in it in any weather.

For parents, the main thing is that it be safe, inexpensive and fit into general style cottage or suburban area. Another advantage of the house is that it can be used as an outbuilding, so to speak, a beautiful storage shed garden tools, unnecessary things or firewood.

How to make a children's house out of wood

This article will describe step-by-step instruction how to build a children's wooden house with your own hands.

1. Ideas for a children's house

First, think about how the house will look like, what type, type and dimensions will be. To do this, you need to define:

  • Type. Open or closed;
  • Dimensions. Occupied area and height;
  • Place of installation / location. A house installed on the ground and on a tree have a different principle of constructive device;
  • The material from which the building will be made;
  • Availability of windows, doors and material for them;
  • The presence of additional components - extensions, a fence (fencing), a terrace, a slide, a sandbox, a swing, a ladder.
  • The presence of interior decoration.

Pictures of a house for children

The photo below shows how to do children's wigwam for Indians, a hut for Robinsons and a yurt for nomads made of wood, fabric, branches and shrubs.

A hut for fairy-tale heroes and forest dwellers.

A pirate frigate for young robbers and a sailing schooner for cheerful sailors.

When developing a plan for a house, it is worth considering the following:

  • mobility or stationarity. Both the size of the house and the technology of its construction will depend on this;
  • At least two windows are required. First, it's lighting. Secondly, the hut must be clearly visible for control;
  • the height of windows from the floor should be 500-600 mm;
  • door height. At 200-300 mm. taller than a child. But it is better to make them to the ceiling, because sooner or later you will be invited to the house;
  • walls. Must be smooth to prevent injury;
  • roof. In no case should it be flat. In order not to attract the child to climb on it.

You can sketch your own sketch or use ready-made drawings. The schematic drawings below show projects of children's houses that you can build with your own hands.

The scheme of the children's house with all the indicated dimensions will help to properly prepare materials for construction.

3. Tool and material for manufacturing


  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • metal corner;
  • building level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or hammer and nails;
  • sandpaper (for sanding wood);
  • brushes and paint for painting the house or any finishing material type of lining or siding.


  • beam for the manufacture of the frame. Recommended section 50x50;
  • lumber for sheathing. Boards or timber will create a beautiful house;
  • plywood (thickness not less than 8 mm) or OSB for sheathing. Cheaper, but also less durable material that requires additional processing;
  • roofing material;
  • brick;
  • glass for windows (if necessary and only for children over 7 years old, and even then in doubt - it is better to exclude any presence of glass).

4. Building a wooden children's house with your own hands

4.1 Foundation

Of course, a strong foundation for a children's playhouse made of wood should not be poured. But here to take out the soil with a depth of 80-100 mm. and lay out a brick over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building does not fit. So the hut will last much longer.

As an option it can be used terrace board. But its acquisition is very costly.

The most budgetary and fastest option is to make a foundation of several bricks and a timber strapping installed on it. This approach to the foundation is usually used in greenhouses.

4.2 Floor for the house

It is better to equip the floor according to all the rules of the genre. Namely, lay the logs and fill them floorboard. Or lay OSB or plywood in two layers, so that the next layer overlaps the seams of the previous one.

4.3 Walls and frame of the children's house

Holes are dug in the corners of the foundation for the installation of timber. This is a wall support. Before placing the timber in the ground, it must be processed. Additionally, a bar is also installed in the places where windows and doors are installed. For rigidity, the frame bars can be fastened together with a metal corner. Next, the frame is sewn up with boards or plywood.

A wooden children's house, the drawing of which is given below, can only be built with the installation of supports.

For an ordinary house, there is an easier option - knock down the shields from the boards. And fill a bar along their perimeter. Then wooden shields knock each other down.

The material was prepared for the site www.site

4.4 Roof for a children's house

The roof device begins with the manufacture of gables. For them, the same timber is used as for the frame. Two triangles are installed on opposite walls. If necessary, several more are installed between them.

A beam is stuffed between them. One or more depends on what the roof will be covered with.

Or we knock them into a shield, which will then be attached to the gables.

The bottom line is the difference in ease of use. One slope or two, the main thing is that the roof is not used by the child as a playground. If the boards fit well, it is enough to treat them with an antiseptic and paint.

5. Finishing a children's house made of wood

In order to please you with a wooden house for children made with your own hands, you need to take care of protecting the wood for as long as possible. To do this, it must be treated with solutions against bugs and decay. And then open with stain, varnish or paint.

Install benches inside the house or make a table and chairs of appropriate sizes.

6. Baby house safety

Separately, I want to focus on how to make the house safe. For this you need:

  • choose a flat area for the installation of the house. Or a reliable tree;
  • check the quality of wood processing. Mechanical to prevent splinters from entering. And antiseptic - wood should be environmentally friendly;
  • screw the screws correctly;
  • for roofing it is better to use soft materials or polycarbonate. Because, for example, metal tiles have sharp edges and can cause injury.

Treehouse for kids

If you have already grown from a small children's house on the ground, then it's time to move higher, for example, to the crown of a tree (canopy, uvei, i.e. the upper / middle branched part of the tree). In addition, we will describe how to make a tree house for children with your own hands.

1. Tree selection

Pay attention to the crown of the tree, the trunk, the location of the branches, the age of the tree and its size. Coniferous trees not very suitable for this kind of construction, since the needles transmit little light.

In addition, it is important to remember that as it grows, the tree will change its shape. Therefore, build on the lower branches or try to take this fact into account.

2. Choice of design option (shape)

It is necessary to work out the idea, again, taking into account the configuration of the tree.

A schematic drawing with dimensions will help you develop your project and imagine what the finished product will look like.

4. Installation of the house

All work on the construction of the walls and roof of the house is best done on the ground. But, the device of the floor - supports, belongs to the category of high-altitude work.

To make a floor in a house on branches, you need to install a platform that will be the basis of the whole structure. It can be supported by additional supports placed on the ground, or by supports placed on the trunk of a tree.

Fixing the platform on the trunk will allow you to adjust its height over time.

5. Finishing work

Installing a ladder is a mandatory step in building a treehouse. The ladder can be wooden or rope. The first one is more reliable. In addition to the stairs for the house, you can fix the rope, along which the descent will be faster.

6. Security

  • comfortable stairs (straight, spiral), preferably with railings;
  • the optimal height of the house. Preferably up to 3 meters;
  • a reliable platform, necessarily fenced with walls or handrails;
  • the technology for building a children's wooden treehouse does not provide for nailing. It is safer to use bolts and nuts;
  • In addition, the wood and all connections of the house must be periodically checked and tightened.


As you can see, making a wooden house for children with your own hands is not difficult. In fact, according to the same principle of modules, wooden houses for the playground are made, and even cardboard houses to play in the apartment.

Wooden children's houses - photos and pictures for ideas

Children love outdoor games and lead an active lifestyle. And of course, even the smallest ones want to have their own play corner. The building can appear in the form of a fabric canopy or a cardboard castle. Do do-it-yourself children's house possible by using ready-made construction drawings game complex photo. In a week, you can build a miniature fortress or a covered gazebo. Such a building will become not only a playground for kids, but also an architectural decoration.

Do-it-yourself children's house on the site

Every adult in the past was a child. And everyone remembers how they wanted to become adults as soon as possible, so that everything was like their parents - their own house, car, and so on. But if it is not difficult to buy a children's car for a child, then with the construction of a house, albeit a toy one, it is somewhat more difficult. But if such a desire has ripened, first of all you need to assess your capabilities. All children's houses are divided into several groups:

  • by location (freestanding, wall-mounted, treehouse)
  • materials - wood, plastic, metal, brick
  • by number of storeys by design (frame, prefabricated panel, etc.)

A small ready-made house from a local supermarket will cost at least five thousand rubles, and if you make it yourself, it will cost much less.

On a note. If you build a house yourself, the children will help you. They will bring tools and participate in the process. The event will be remembered for a long time and will bring you closer to the children. Thus, the educational goal will also be achieved.

A children's house can be made with your own hands from wood

  • This is the most milestone. Decide how much area you are ready to allocate for the construction. If it is located on suburban area, then the house can be large, and if in a small apartment, it may be a small corner house in the form of a castle tower.
  • Consider whether the building needs a foundation. In any case, the building must be sufficiently stable, as well as protected from ground water. If the house is on piles, it is necessary to deepen them to a certain depth for stability.
  • Consider the inclinations and hobbies of your child. Does he need a house to quietly read a book or play with toys, or will he bring a crowd of friends there. Since the kids have a lot of energy, the design must withstand their running around and outdoor games.
  • Come up with a design for the future structure, consult with households and children. Maybe it will be like a pirate ship or a hobbit house, or maybe a traditional wooden house, only in miniature.
  • Next, designate the construction budget and time frame, that is, how much time you can devote to the construction site.
  • Create a blueprint for the building. Check all future sizes. It is quite possible to order hardware store not only the material, but also cutting it into the size you need. Then you will be brought ready-made beams, wall elements, etc., and you will not need to mess around with a circular saw.
  • Make an estimate, include all the material there, including nails and screws.
  • Take another look at the drawing, the estimate and estimate how feasible the idea is, because if there is not enough time or effort, it will be a shame not only for you, but also for the children.

Children's house - a boat - an excellent play area and scope for a child's imagination

First you need to plan a drawing of a children's house, determine the dimensions of the house

Note It is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail, in future construction must not be sharp corners, protruding nails, wobbly structures. A wooden building should not be located close to flammable places, such as a fireplace or a barbecue area. It is advisable to impregnate the house with fire-retardant impregnation after construction.

The most budget option - a hut house

The easiest and fastest way is to build a small hut. For this, trimming boards, timber, sanded tree trunks are useful. The branches are placed in the form of a cone, tightly tied from above so that the structure does not fall apart from wind loads. The top is covered with a piece of tarpaulin or other durable fabric. It is advisable to dig some of the supports into the ground for the stability of the structure.

The simplest version of a children's house in the form of a hut

Despite the apparent simplicity of this structure, it has certain advantages. It can be quickly disassembled and moved to another place, and if the child gets bored, it is easy to dismantle the building and at the same time use the material for other purposes.

A children's house in the form of a hut can even be placed in an apartment

A street children's house in the form of a hut should be a little stronger than an apartment

Prefabricated panel house

Fast and convenient construction technology. Separately, 4 walls, a roof are assembled, and then mounted on site. To build a house measuring 2 by 3 meters, you need 2 wooden frames measuring 3 meters * 1.5 meters and 2 wooden frames measuring 2 meters by 1.5 meters, These blanks are assembled on the ground, Then one of the participants in the construction holds the frame vertically, the other connects them with a screwdriver. The roof of the house is assembled separately and then rises to the top. This method of construction is extremely convenient for the construction of small, light buildings. In a few hours, a one-piece structure is assembled from finished parts. The walls are sewn up with clapboard, plywood or even hardboard.

frame house

This technology is one of the most popular among summer residents and in cottage construction. The basis of the structure is formed by a wooden frame made of timber of the desired thickness. The thicker the beam, the greater the load the structure will withstand. Find the information you need regarding the thickness of the timber in building guides. If the structure has two floors, a bar with a thickness not less than that required for floors is required so that it can withstand the weight of the floor and dynamic loads.

The construction of a frame children's house with their own hands consists of a frame and slabs between them

The frame structure is not built for long - first the side racks, then the level check, then the transverse ones, then the intermediate ones. When the frame of the building is ready, then the walls can be sewn up with a board, a block house, windows and doors can be hung. The roof is covered with bituminous or bright-colored metal tiles. If desired, such a house can be insulated with mineral wool or other materials.

log cabin

If possible, the child can use a house stylized as a hut or a medieval tower with a small window and a wrought iron door. An individual order for a log house for a playhouse will not be cheap, but the result will look spectacular, especially if you want to surprise guests or neighbors.

Small house for a city apartment

Here, boards with a cross section, for example, 5 * 5 cm, are suitable, from which the frame of a house or turret is made. Top attached furniture stapler or carnations a beautiful bright fabric that matches the design. Don't forget to sand the boards to avoid splinters.

Any house can be decorated decorative element custom-made - for example, a round window or an original door. Near the house you can put a sculpture of a fairy-tale character, this will emphasize the flavor. For example, we give calculations for a small house.

A simple children's house in an apartment can be made from simple cardboard

House project "Country"

Beginning builders are already on initial stage must plan the progress of the work. The first step is to talk to the children. Girls will certainly want to live in a magical castle, while boys will prefer Pirates' ship or a space station. The compromise would be cottage with room and veranda. In terms of device, it does not differ from a gazebo or a small bath, so construction will not take much effort.

According to calculations, the room will occupy an area of ​​2 m2, and the terrace - 3 m2. Ceiling height - 1.8 meters. Do low ceilings pointless, the children will grow up quickly, and after a few years the dwelling will be too small. Parents will be able to enter the spacious shelter and look after the kids.

Country-style children's house looks very cute and elegant

Installation of two windows on the east and west sides is provided. Door - single-leaf Entrance - from the south. building technology- frame. Foundation - 9 rectangular blocks. Roof - wooden crate, covered with two sheets of ondulin. Overlappings - wooden. The floor is boardwalk. At the entrance to the terrace, two concrete steps are installed.

List of required materials

Firms specializing in the production of goods for summer cottages supply, including toy dwellings. The prices for such products are high. Caring parents look through catalogs and magazines to build a house without someone else's help. Calculating the cost of materials will help you budget in advance. In this case, the costs for the construction of a wooden building in miniature are considered:

  • polished timber - 10,000 rubles
  • screws - 300 rubles.
  • OSB sheets - 2,000 rubles
  • lining - 4,000 rubles
  • ondulin - 1,000 rubles
  • weatherproof flooring board - 3,000 rubles.
  • 2 small windows - 2,000 rubles
  • door with fittings - 1,500 rubles
  • foundation blocks - 4,500 rubles.
  • draft boards - 2,000 rubles

Children's house can be part of a large play complex

The total is 30,000 rubles. The amount is rather big, but the house will turn out almost like in adults. Electricity is dangerous for children, so light bulbs are replaced with battery-powered lamps. Additional expenses will require the purchase of decor elements - pillows, rugs and other trifles.

The boys can have a great time playing in the fireman's house.

fantasy buildings

Fairy tales and cartoons fascinate with their colorfulness. It is not difficult to please children by building the house of a fairy-tale hero. For example: put in a room cardboard box from washing machine. Windows and a doorway are cut in the side walls. Instead of doors, a rope cornice is placed above the recess, on which they broadcast thick curtain. From above, unsightly cardboard is pasted over with gift paper or painted with acrylic art paints.

A cardboard house can be designed in the form of a rocket

For outdoor recreation, it is not difficult to lay out a stone tower or put together a wooden shed. In order not to suffer with the drawings, you can put old table and nail wooden planks to the legs. Get a small dwelling with a flat wooden roof. When building materials are not enough, even unnecessary curtains are used. Four pillars are dug into the ground, which are then covered with matter.

Advice. If you install a sports equipment in a children's playhouse - a ladder or a slide for a child, he will receive not only personal space, but also the opportunity for constant training.

Interior design

The play area should not be overloaded with furniture. For comfortable placement, it is enough to put a pair wooden benches along the walls and a table in the middle of the room. It is advisable to nail the legs into the floor so that the kids do not drop heavy furniture. The room may not be furnished. To avoid injury, install soft ottomans. Hammocks are equipped for summer night gatherings.

It is necessary to think over the interior of the children's house

Fire safety

Buildings made of wood in case of careless handling of fire are easily ignited. wooden details treat with fire retardant paint or siding. A brick house is considered reliable, but not everyone can afford this material. The above wooden house will last more than one year, if you handle it carefully. For safety reasons, children should not be left unattended in the country house.

It is better to cover the children's house with a flame retardant

DIY children's houses

Do-it-yourself children's house 40 photos:

Which of us in childhood did not build huts from furniture and blankets at home or similar buildings from improvised materials on the street? How fun, it was interesting to build such a structure, and then hide in your home and feel like a real owner. You can remember a little childhood and give these happy moments own child. Building a children's house with your own hands is not such a difficult task. And if you manage to attach a child to the construction, then joint work will unite, strengthen mutual understanding.

Little house for a child

On sale now it is easy to find a huge variety of children's toys. This number includes all kinds of structures from tents to houses. Ready option All you have to do is purchase and install.

Independent construction will require some skills, an indefinite amount of time, imagination. But such an option will save a lot of money, as well as give multiple satisfaction with the result.

Little children's house

Build a playhouse with your own hands - invest your warmth. The construction is erected "for themselves", which means that all the nuances, requirements, wishes will be taken into account.

Collecting a “shelter” with your own hands together with a child will be doubly useful. So the baby will join the work, acquire the necessary skills, invaluable knowledge, experience. Joint actions will help the educational process, give unforgettable moments of communication with each other.

Children's house frame

What can you build with your own hands

With your own hands, it is easiest to build a children's house from fabric, cardboard, plastic. This design will be less reliable, but suitable for the smallest. It is acceptable to install a similar option outdoors, indoors. A children's house of this kind is usually easily disassembled. The possibility of rapid transformation ensures safety from weather conditions. This design does not take up much space, so it can be easily used even in a city apartment.

Assembling a children's house

From wood, you can make a more solid game dwelling. The following building types are possible:

  • shield;
  • frame;
  • log.

Such a do-it-yourself children's house will take much more time to build, and it will cost more. If the structure is made of sufficient size, glazed, equipped with a real door, then the children's house can be used not only for games, but also as a guest summer option.

An example of a children's house

Construction of a fabric hut

The main advantages of the design:

  • elementary construction;
  • low cost;
  • ease of transportation.

Children's house for a child

A hut made of matter necessarily has a frame. The basis can be wooden bars, aluminum or plastic supports. Elements are often used for this. old furniture. A children's house made of textiles can be fixed on a rope base. One of the parties to "attach" to a tree or building.

Having decided on the frame, proceed to the choice of the main coating. The fabric is used depending on the purpose of the structure. If this is a home playhouse, it is better to use lightweight breathable fabrics. Linen or cotton will be a great solution. For an outdoor model, it is better to choose denser ones, possibly resistant to moisture. If an awning or tarpaulin is used, provision must be made for ventilation.

Large children's house

The fabric can be picked up right away with a fun pattern or you can give the baby the opportunity to participate in creating their own decor. The children's house can contain a thematic coloring or be designed according to the taste of the young owner.

For street version it is necessary to provide, in addition to the frame, the presence of a base. The wooden flooring will best solution. You can make a platform made of plastic, but it is less environmentally friendly, it will not allow the structure to “breathe”.

Scheme of the children's house

For kids, you can make a children's house with your own hands from foam rubber, sheathed in fabric. In this case, large window and door openings should be left so that the baby is not hot, and the air can circulate freely. Structural elements can be connected using Velcro or zip fasteners. This option involves not only using a piece of fabric, but cutting, sewing. First you need to make a drawing, calculate the proportions. This is not difficult at all, since the assembly principle is simple and does not require special skill.

Children's house with a slide

The Indian wigwam is the simplest and most interesting thematic version of the building. Such a children's house will not leave indifferent any child. It is elementary to build it, even just by studying the photo in detail. The lightness, mobility of such a hut allows you to easily transfer the structure as needed. When the playhouse loses its relevance, it is extremely easy to dismantle it and use the materials for other purposes.

Scheme for assembling a children's house

Making a cardboard house

A cardboard children's house, along with a cloth one, is the simplest in execution. You can assemble the structure from separate sheets, but in this case you will need to perform a drawing, calculations, transfer the parts according to the dimensions to cardboard, cut, connect.

Preparation, assembly of parts is carried out with the utmost care. It is necessary to exclude the formation of unnecessary creases, incorrect slots. You can connect the elements using grooves, glue, adhesive tape, furniture stapler.

Children's house in the country
Do-it-yourself children's house frame

The easiest way to make a children's house out of cardboard is to make it from a finished box. As a base, take any dense packaging from large household appliances. Carry out the necessary slots - windows, doors. Next, they perform the necessary decor and the playhouse is ready.

The cardboard children's house is afraid of moisture, so it will have to be used exclusively indoors or on a fine summer day outside. To prevent the material from absorbing moisture from the ground, install on outdoors it is necessary on the basis. The lightness of the cardboard will allow you to easily rearrange the box.

Scheme for a children's house

Games in such a dwelling should be calm, otherwise the structure will simply be damaged and the playhouse will become unusable very quickly. The "apartment" out of the box will be an excellent temporary shelter for a small child, since the design is non-capital, has small dimensions.

The design of a cardboard children's house is very easy to select as needed. It is easy to create a wigwam, a spaceship or a princess castle from such material. It is only necessary to clearly design the future model, correctly connect the elements. And for this, it is better to make drawings in advance, and cut according to them.

Children's house for a summer residence

Construction of a wooden house

The construction of a children's house made of wood must be approached with all seriousness. This is not just a toy, but a real miniature of the building. Depending on the option chosen, the level of complexity of execution, tools, materials, and costs will vary somewhat.

Children's house frame
Wooden children's house

What you need to work

Before starting construction work, stock up necessary materials, tool. To build a children's playhouse out of wood you will need:

  • board, beam to get the base;
  • lumber for sheathing (plywood, hardboard, lining);
  • roofing (ondulin, tiles);
  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • window, door block.

Scheme of the children's house

As a working tool, you need to stock up on the following devices:

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • chisel;
  • metal corners;
  • drill;
  • glue;
  • screwdriver, hammer, nails;
  • a set of keys, chisels, screwdrivers, utility tools;
  • sandpaper for sanding wood;
  • brushes, paint for finishing works.

Depending on the chosen model, the required set of materials and tools undergoes minor changes.

The scheme of the frame of the children's house
Green children's house

Shield house for games

Fast and easy to implement is a panel children's house. The technology is extremely simple.

  1. Perform a drawing-scheme of the future design, calculate the dimensions, options for fastenings, openings.
  2. Based on the calculations, each surface is collected separately: walls, floor, roof. The material of execution can be boards, finished panels. You can use elements of old furniture, remnants of materials from construction.
  3. All finished surfaces are connected with a screwdriver into a common structure.
  4. The frame of the house can be installed on piles, a kind of foundation (elevation on the bars), drainage embankment (crushed stone on the sand). It is not necessary to create a capital foundation for such a building.
  5. The house, if desired, is additionally sheathed with plywood or clapboard.
  6. The finished structure can be equipped for convenience with a ladder, porch, and other elements.

This construction option is simple, convenient. Good summer house for games can be assembled in just a few hours. Such work does not require special skills, knowledge of construction. The result will please the little inhabitant for more than 1 year.

White children's house

Frame children's house

This option is more difficult to perform, more skills are required, a partner is desirable. The construction is similar to the manufacture of a standard frame structure perhaps with some simplification. Construction consists of the following stages.

Children's house from solid wood
  1. Foundation laying. It is necessary to remove the soil, lay a brick around the perimeter of the future building, or make a fill in the corners, and a bunch of timber on top. There is no need to overdo it too much - the house is not capital, the laying of a real foundation is not required.
  2. Floor covering. This stage it is worth going through all the rules: lay the logs, and boards or plywood are nailed onto them. The floor in the playhouse for children is supposed to be used intensively, so you should worry about reliability and safety.
  3. Frame devices, walls. In the corner parts of the foundation and where openings are made, bars are placed in the ground as supports for future walls. In order for the structure to have good strength, they are fastened with metal corners. Finally, the resulting base is sheathed with lumber. Additionally, you can make insulation.
  4. Roof installation. Gables are knocked down in the corners - triangles from a bar. If necessary, several more are installed between them. It turns out a kind of frame, which must be covered with boards. Top - roofing material.
  5. Installation of windows, doors. If you have the necessary skills, the designs can be made independently. Glass is better to use safe, or paste over with a special film.
  6. The final stage is decoration.

The frame model is more durable, lasts much longer, will delight children and adults.

Children's house from a tree
Children's house frame

Decorating a playhouse

The most pleasant stage of work is decoration. When the structure is erected, and the house is in a hurry to accept the inhabitants, it is worth preparing it for settlement. External design is best done in accordance with the general style of the surrounding space. Children's house is desirable to organically fit into landscape design. It can be a great addition to an existing arrangement. At the same time, do not forget that the building must be attractive to the child, beckon the little naughty to play in it.

Wooden children's house

Children like original performance. Princess castle, hobbit dwelling, pirate ship - just a few ideas for implementation. It is good if the dwelling can be supplemented with a ladder, slide, sports equipment.

Interior decoration is carried out taking into account the wishes of the owner. The children's house should be safe, so all kinds of soft elements will come in handy. Juicy colors in the design will be the main task.

Children's house in the yard

Building a children's house with your own hands in a city apartment or in a country house is not such a difficult task, but you will get a lot of pleasure, joy, enthusiastic emotions. The child will be able to use such a building until he grows up, and the impressions of the games will remain with him until old age.

Video: DIY children's house

50 photos of children's house design ideas: