Mixer      06/16/2019

Names of Floribunda roses: the best varieties. Floribunda roses History of floribunda roses

Floribunda rose is an interesting type of rose, common on many continents. On proper care the culture responds with the most beautiful, bright flowers that it produces throughout the warm season. Almost all floribunda varieties are characterized by frost resistance and are not afraid of pests and diseases, hence their popularity and wide distribution.

What are Floribunda roses?

Floribunda roses

Rose Floribunda is a hybrid bred by breeders. To obtain it, a huge number of crossings of known species of roses were carried out. The main difference between the hybrid is the juicy color of the buds and long flowering.

Bushes can be of different heights, but they are always compact, so they don’t take up much space on the site. The foliage is rich, green. The leaves are typical for a rose, medium in size. Now about the floribunda rose buds. They are characterized by some features:

  1. the size can be large or medium - small flowers are uncharacteristic for the species;
  2. There are more than 100 colors and they always depend on the variety;
  3. the flower shape is similar to hybrid tea roses;
  4. buds can be double, semi-double or single.

Floribunda rose varieties

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Floribunda rose varieties

The popularity of the flower is very high, although caring for it at home is not very easy. But it responds to the right care lush flowering and abundant, green foliage. What varieties of this type of roses are the most popular?

  • "Kimono" gives a peach color. The buds are very large, similar to tea rose flowers. The bush itself is small, fits well into any landscape, looks beautiful in combination with hydrangea and red and white roses.
  • "Deutschwelle" has a very rare bud color - purple. Their size reaches 10 cm in diameter - they are large and very beautiful. The bushes are large and can grow from 1.5 meters or more. The variety is unique in that it is easy to care for, it can withstand significant cold spells and is resistant to diseases and pests.
  • "Nicolo Paganini" is recommended for beginning gardeners. Produces lush inflorescences - up to 12 buds on each. The petals have a velvet surface and the color is deep scarlet. The bushes grow within 80 cm, compact, with lush foliage.


Main positive quality Floribunda roses – long flowering. But, in addition, the advantages of the species include unpretentiousness and resistance to severe frosts.

  • “Masquerade” is a type of rose that can change the color of its buds, hence the name. The color changes throughout the warm season, and the future shade is difficult to predict. The buds have a diameter of 6 cm or less, their original color is orange-yellow, and the border of the petals is coral.
  • 'Pierrot' produces large, double, blood-red flowers. Flowering lasts all summer. They usually do not fade in the sun; in any case, they do not completely lose their rich color. The bushes themselves grow within a meter and have a rich, deep leaf color.

How to propagate Floribunda roses?

Floribunda rose seedlings

To propagate floribunda roses, ready-made seedlings (bushes) are purchased or the cutting method is used when a mother plant is available. Cuttings are not very difficult, but they must be carried out according to certain rules.

To begin with, several cuttings 8 cm long are cut. The pagons are cut to 0.5 cm above the bud. The thickness of the branch chosen for cuttings should be as wide as a regular pencil. The lower cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees, and the upper cut at a right angle. Thorns and leaves are removed.

Floribunda roses

Places of cuts (pagons and where leaves and thorns were removed) must be treated with preparations containing phytohormone.

In order for the cuttings to take root, they need to be planted. For this, a place with good soil is prepared. Holes are made in the soil up to 15 cm deep. The depth of planting the cutting itself is 4 cm, no more. The distance between the sprouts is 15 cm. The plantings are covered with film. From time to time they are watered, ventilated, the soil is loosened, and fertilizers are applied for seedlings. Such cuttings should grow in one place for up to 2 years, and then be transplanted to a permanent place.

Soil and place for planting

Soil for planting

The first thing you need to decide on before purchasing floribunda rose seedlings or digging up grown bushes obtained from cuttings is the place and soil for permanent planting.

  • The planting site should be in partial shade or in a sunny place where there is dense shade at noon, since constant sunshine will simply burn the delicate leaves and petals of the buds. If bushes are planted near the house, then it is better to choose the western or eastern wall, but certainly not the southern or northern one.
  • The optimal soil option is sandy-clayey. The soil should be loose for better breathability. If the roots lack air, the buds will not be bright. Heavy soil can be diluted with humus or sand.

How to plant Floribunda roses?

The best, strongest seedlings are always purchased or selected for planting. Ideally, they should have no more than 3 shoots - strong, flexible, without any damage and a good root system, without areas of decay, cuts, or breaks. Before planting a bush, it is worth cutting off the shoots to a height of 35 cm from the root system, trim the roots to 25-30 cm, and treat the cuts with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting time is in spring (from April to late May) or autumn (from mid-September to mid-October). The soil for planting is well dug up, loosened, and fed with fertilizers (phosphorus, compost, humus).


If there are very strong winds in the region where the site is located, it is worth planting young floribunda rose bushes near a natural or artificial fence to protect them from the wind, otherwise they may fall before they have time to take root.

There are 2 main methods for planting floribunda roses.

  1. A hole is dug, 60 cm wide and deep depending on the size of the roots. Fertilizer is placed at the bottom and dug into the soil (to reduce the concentration). After this, one person puts the seedling in the hole and holds it, and the second straightens the roots and sprinkles them with soil little by little. Now all that remains is to compact and water the soil, and then provide the plant with quality care at home.
  2. The second option involves planting by only one grower, unlike the first option. A hole is dug 60 cm wide and up to 30 cm deep. A solution of water, sodium humate and heteroauxin is poured into it. Now you need to place the seedling in this solution (in the hole). Hold the seedling with one hand, and sprinkle it with earth with the other. Finally, the seedling needs to be darkened for the next 10 days.

How to care for roses?

The future color of the buds and their number depend on the painstaking care, so here everyone chooses for themselves. If you take full care, the bush will grow green and lush, but will produce few buds, but if you take care of it regularly and efficiently, the bush will repay you with beautiful flowers and become a real decoration of the garden.

  • Water the rose regularly. Watering should be plentiful, as water is very important for this crop. For this plant, the soil is always kept moist. Watering is carried out in the early morning or evening so that drops that fall on the leaves do not burn them under the scorching sun. In spring and summer, regular watering is needed, but by autumn it is reduced so that new pagons do not begin to grow.
  • Fertilizers are applied separately or together with watering from the second year of growth approximately 5 times a year. Mineral substances for roses are always added in limited quantities, and organic substances are added carefully, especially manure, which can easily burn sensitive roots or young pagons in the root zone. Experienced flower growers recommend adding minerals diluted in water along with watering, and simply scattering organic matter on the ground around the bush. As watering or rain occurs, they will seep into the ground and be absorbed by the crop.
  • Floribunda roses

    • Pruning is done about once a year, in the spring, to renew the branches and remove all the bad ones. After pruning, about 3-5 branches are left on the bush. Usually dry, diseased, thin pagons are cut off, and strong, persistent ones are left, which will produce a lot of foliage and buds. To stimulate the growth of the remaining shoots, you need to shorten them to 4-5 buds.
    • To prevent the soil from becoming crusty, it is constantly loosened after watering and at the same time the emerging weeds are removed.
    • For the winter, the bush is pruned 40 cm from the ground, all the leaves are torn off, and the root zone is hilled up to 20 cm and covered with fallen, dry leaves. If the winters in the region are harsh, it is worth making a covering frame from wood or mesh, and pour dry leaves on top.

    Floribunda rose – unique ornamental plant, pleasing to the eye throughout the warm season. It has lush foliage and large buds in a wide variety of colors. It is not difficult to breed and care for her, so growing this beauty personal plot causes a lot of fun.

When creating the design of garden plots, they are now popular and in demand.

They were bred by crossing polyanthus, muscat and tea roses.

As a result - beautiful roses and a long-flowering, winter-hardy plant that is not susceptible to disease.

Floribunda roses have beautiful flowers, have a variety of colors, they are decorative and unpretentious.

Planting floribunda roses and caring for them will not be difficult and everyone can grow such a plant in their garden plot, even if you have no experience.

Appearance of the plant

Floribunda roses were classified into a separate group in 1976; they were identified as an intermediate link between roses of other classes.

For a gardener, the advantage of such floribunda roses is that they do not bloom in one wave, but throughout the entire summer they form a large number of flowers that delight the eye with their splendor and decorate the garden until autumn.



Bluvender is a spreading bush with a height 55 centimeters. The stem has dark green leaves, and the inflorescences contain small double flowers of a lilac hue. Because of its beauty, it is often planted in the foreground in the garden. The pluses include the fact that bluevender is resistant to disease.

Blue Baju

This floribunda variety has unusually colored flowers. On the stems there are buds of light lilac-blue tones on a yellow background.

At the same time, the Blue Baju variety is capricious, reacts to changes in temperature, air humidity and is susceptible to various diseases. The plant is popular precisely because of the beauty of the flowers and their original color.

Nicolo Paganini

This variety is a bush of a plant that is decorated with decorative foliage and large inflorescences. The inflorescences consist of classic dark red roses with a sweet aroma.

They are used to make bouquets and decorate areas, and the plant is resistant to diseases.


This variety of floribunda roses are small bushes up to 70 centimeters tall with fragrant double yellow flowers on the shoots. Their big advantage is that they do not fade in the sun, which is important.

This variety is also one of the first to bloom and continues until frost.

Lilly Marlene

This floribunda variety is grown in many greenhouses. It is a bush about 70 centimeters in height, covered with shiny green leaves, with a bronze tint.

Weakly double, medium-sized flowers of bright red color have an unobtrusive aroma.


This new variety floribunda roses with bright crimson flowers of unusual structure; they consist of two tiers. The diameter of the lower petals is 6 cm, the inner petals are pointed, their diameter is 6 cm. The rich color lasts throughout the season.

The plant can grow and develop in any conditions and is almost not susceptible to diseases. Once every 4 years you need to do anti-aging pruning of the bushes.


This is a tall shrub with shiny green leaves, double red flowers, cup-shaped, reaching a height of 80 centimeters. 4-10 flowers with grooved petals form inflorescences.

The floribunda Stromboli rose variety has a faint aroma and blooms long and profusely.

Growing and care


Selecting a location

Before boarding garden plant you need to prepare and choose an area that is well lit and protected from the wind, because roses love warmth.

Soil preparation

You also need to prepare the soil in advance. The area needs to be cleaned, all weeds removed and dug up.

In the spring, holes are dug at least 50 by 50 centimeters in size, possibly larger, because the roots of the rose do not like crowded spaces.

Features of landing

In order for additional roots to form, the grafting site must be 3 centimeters below the soil surface. Possible for one square meter plant up to 7 bushes together.

You also need to add a composition of:

The bushes are placed in the holes, sprinkled with the mixture on top and watered well. To retain moisture in the soil and reduce weed growth, the soil next to the plant is sprinkled with sawdust.

Conditions for favorable growth

Proper care means:


Roses require plenty of watering; drying out may cause the buds to fall off.

It is also good to spray the leaves after the heat. The soil periodically needs to be loosened and weeds removed.

Top dressing

Fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers should be done throughout the season.

What fertilizers can be used to feed roses?

Organics include:

  1. humus,
  2. mullein,
  3. compost.

Mineral fertilizers include:

  • potassium,
  • urea,
  • saltpeter

This will have a beneficial effect on the formation of buds and the duration of their flowering.


In spring and autumn period floribunda rose bushes need to be rejuvenated and shaped.

The shoots are shortened by 4-6 eyes, old branches are removed. Also, before covering the bushes for the winter, they are pruned by 40 centimeters in the fall.

Preparing for winter

  1. Before sheltering for the winter, you need to clear the rose bushes of inflorescences and leaves and hill up the soil to create a mound 30 centimeters in height.
  2. Next, the prepared bushes are covered with leaves or spruce branches, and on top non-woven material.

If the rose bushes are insulated in this way, then after the end of the frost, in the spring they will grow actively, the main thing is to remove the shelter in time when the weather warms up to avoid rotting and decay.

Propagation of floribunda roses

The plant is propagated using cuttings.

They are prepared from woody shoots.

The cuttings also need to be looked after and watered, ventilated, loosened the soil, and fed.

Such cuttings will take root within two years, and already in the third year the bushes can be planted in a permanent place.

Floribunda roses Lately are popular because they can be used to create color compositions. And all summer until autumn you can admire the bright flowers.

Delightful floribunda roses have recently become very popular in garden design. They were bred by crossing polyanthus, muscat and tea roses. The result was a beautiful, long-flowering, winter-hardy and disease-resistant plant. Floribunda roses are distinguished by their excellent quality of flowers, abundance of colors, decorativeness and unpretentiousness. Planting and caring for them is not difficult, so grow this beautiful flower Even a not very experienced gardener can do it.

Floribunda rose: general description, varieties, photos

Roses of this species, depending on the variety, are tall can reach from 30 to 100 cm. At the top of each shoot a whole bouquet of brightly colored flowers is formed. They can be terry or simple, goblet-shaped or cup-shaped. Flowers ranging in size from 4 to 10 cm in diameter bloom in mid-summer. Their advantage is that they do not bloom in one wave, but throughout the summer they form more and more flowers that decorate the garden until autumn.

Depending on preferences, floribunda roses can be grown as a shrub, standard or potted plant. You can decorate your garden plot, loggia, gazebo or apartment with them. They stand well when cut, so they are often used to make bouquets.

Popular varieties of floribunda roses

The species range of these flowers is so large that gardeners are lost in choice, not knowing which of the many varieties to plant on their site. To make your choice easier, in our gallery you can see photos of different types of floribunda roses. Descriptions of some of them can be found below.

Carte Blanche. Bushes up to one meter high have dense decorative foliage and medium-sized double flowers. white. The variety blooms profusely until autumn and is rarely affected by fungal diseases.

Galaxy. On bushes 70-80 cm high, medium-sized double flowers form and bloom throughout the season. They are distinguished by a pastel yellow color and a red tint along the edges of the petals. All the beauty of this flower can be seen after its complete dissolution. The buds have an original scent of linseed oil.

Bluevender. The plant is a spreading bush, the height of which can reach 60 cm. The stems are strewn with shiny dark green leaves. The inflorescences-armfuls consist of medium-sized double flowers of a pink-salmon hue. This variety is often used for foreground planting. Resistant to diseases and has many high awards.

Blue Baju. This variety is distinguished by flowers of very original color. A large number of pale bluish-lilac buds are formed on the shoots, which appear blue against a yellow background. The plant reacts to air humidity, temperature changes and may be susceptible to various diseases. However, the unusual color of the flowers makes it very popular.

Niccolo Paganini. The plant is a powerful bush abundantly strewn with decorative foliage. Large inflorescences of this variety are collected from fragrant dark red roses classic shape. It has excellent health and is used for landscaping and bouquets.

Frisia. On the shoots of dense, compact bushes 70 cm high, extremely fragrant double flowers of bright yellow color are formed. Their peculiarity is that they do not fade even in the sun, which is extremely valuable for roses. This variety is one of the first to bloom and blooms until frost.

Lilly Marlene. A plant with a reliable reputation is grown in almost all greenhouses in the world. The bush, 70 cm high, is abundantly strewn with shiny green foliage with a bronze tint. Medium-sized, slightly double, fiery red flowers have a light aroma.

Sangria. This fairly new variety is distinguished by bright crimson flowers of an interesting structure, which consist of two tiers. Their lower petals have a diameter of 6 cm, and the pointed inner petals, with a diameter of 3 cm, are tightly collected. The color intensity is maintained throughout the season. The plant can grow in almost any conditions and is not susceptible to diseases. Anti-aging pruning is required for bushes no more than once every 3-5 years.

Stromboli. An upright, vigorous shrub 70-80 cm high, it is distinguished by shiny dark green leaves and double bright red cupped flowers. The inflorescences consist of 3-10 buds, each of which has velvety, grooved petals. This variety has a weak aroma of flowers and is characterized by a long and abundant flowering.

Floribunda rose: planting and care, photo

The site for planting a garden plant must be chosen very carefully, since roses love warm and well-lit places, protected from the cold wind.

Soil preparation

The soil for planting shrubs must be prepared in advance. The area where the roses will be planted is cleared of debris, weeds and dug up. In the spring, before planting, holes are dug, the size of which must be at least 50x50 cm. The root system of the plant does not like cramped conditions in which it develops poorly. The grafting site should be two to three centimeters below the soil surface, which will lead to the formation of additional roots. When planting in groups, up to seven bushes are planted per square meter of land.

A certain earthen composition should be added to each hole, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • garden soil - 2 parts;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • humus – 1 part;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • weathered crushed clay - ½ part.

Add a handful to the resulting mixture bone meal and superphosphate. The bushes are planted in prepared holes, sprinkled with earthen mixture and watered abundantly. The soil around the plant is covered with sawdust, which will help retain moisture and avoid germination. large quantity weeds.

Features of care

Caring for floribunda roses includes:

  1. Timely watering.
  2. Feeding.
  3. Pruning.
  4. Shelter for the winter.

Roses must be watered promptly and abundantly. Plants do not like the soil to dry out and may react by dropping buds. After a hot day, the leaves can be sprayed with water. room temperature from the sprayer. The soil around the plant must be periodically cleared of weeds and loosened.

When caring for floribunda roses don't forget about fertilizing, which are held throughout the season. It is recommended to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. From organic fertilizers you can use:

  • humus;
  • compost;
  • mullein.

As mineral fertilizers apply:

  • potassium;
  • urea;
  • saltpeter

Shrubs will respond to timely feeding by producing a large number of buds and prolonged flowering.


In autumn and spring, floribunda rose bushes must be rejuvenate and shape. The first and main pruning is carried out at the very beginning of the growing season.

For the successful development of old shoots and the formation of new shoots and long-lasting abundant flowering, moderate pruning is used. For this:

  • shoots are shortened by 4-6 eyes;
  • old branches that are more than two years old are completely cut out;
  • the lateral shoots on the main stem are shortened.

In the fall, the bushes are pruned just before covering them for the winter. To do this, the shoots are shortened by about 40 cm. Rose varieties Eslanda Robson, Red Poppy, Flame of the East, Heart of Danko and some others are additionally pruned in the summer. This promotes their continuous flowering for three to four periods.

Sheltering bushes for the winter

IN middle lane in our country, caring for roses includes them protection from winter cold. To do this, the bushes are cleared of inflorescences and leaves, and the soil is piled up around them. The result should be a mound about 30 cm high. The trimmed bushes are first covered with leaves or spruce paws, and then with non-woven material. With such insulation, the plants will survive any frost and begin to grow actively in the spring. However, when warm weather sets in, the shelter must be removed in time. Otherwise, without air under the influence of heat, the bushes will begin to rot and rot.

Propagation of floribunda roses

The plant is propagated by cuttings, which are harvested from woody shoots. Cuttings take root in compliance with the following recommendations:

In one place the young growth takes root and develops over two years. In the third year, the bushes are planted in their permanent place.

Due to their benefits, floribunda roses are becoming increasingly popular. They are good in the flower garden as tapeworms and in group plantings; they can be used to create compositions and create colorful spots on lawns. At correct landing and compliance with all care requirements, all summer until autumn you will be able to admire a spectacular and bright flower garden with floribunda roses.

Rose Floribunda: mysterious beauty

Rose Floribunda is the result of long-term breeding work. Back in the 20s of the last century, the Danish breeder Svend Poulsen began crossing large-flowered polyanthus roses with hybrid teas, then with hybrid polyanthas and others. garden varieties. The result of creative searches was a hybrid called Floribunda, officially registered in 1952. Since then, this unique group of roses has traced its history. As a result of ongoing selection, a huge number of varieties have been developed, differing in the color of the petals, the shape of the buds and the height of the bush. But they all correspond to the name of the group, which translates as abundantly flowering.

Without exception, all varieties of Floribunda roses look gorgeous during flowering, and their aroma is difficult to resist. Among the variety of varieties, it is worth noting the most popular:


A low, abundantly flowering variety that is popular. Densely double petals form a cup-shaped bud. Petal coloring soft pink color gradually “burns out” to almost white. The reverse darker side of the petals contrasts with the light side, giving the flower a special showiness. Flower brushes of 4-5 pieces each form on the bushes. The foliage is dark in color and has good disease resistance. Diadem bushes are characterized by compact shape and high winter hardiness.

Niccolo Paganini

It is considered one of the best flower bed varieties. The height of the compact bush with large dark leaves reaches 0.8 m. The petals are painted in a dark red color, which does not change during the entire flowering period. From 5 to 12 buds are formed in the brushes, quickly opening and blooming for a long time, while maintaining their shape. The variety is suitable for both warm and temperate climates. It is distinguished by high winter hardiness and resistance to hot weather.

Carte Blanche

Pure white glass-shaped buds attract with a rich aroma. Bushes 0.9-1.0 m high are covered with dark green glossy leaves. The flowers form clusters of 11-15 buds. Carte Blanche has good frost resistance.


An erect, branched bush grows up to 1.5 m in warm climates. Special attention deserves the color of the flowers, which is constantly changing. The main color of the buds is creamy yellow with a reddish edge. In summer, the petals turn pale and become almost white; in autumn, the color of the petals changes to pink. Flower clusters are formed from 3-9 buds.

Lilli Marleen

A compact bush 0.5 m high in spring is covered with reddish foliage, which later becomes matte. green color. The blood-red, velvety buds form cup-shaped flowers when they bloom. Flower clusters are formed from 3-15 buds, not “burning out” under sun rays. The subtle aroma of Lilli Marleen is noticeable at close range. The variety is resistant to diseases, but requires preventive treatment against powdery mildew.

The varieties of the Floribunda group of roses can be listed for a long time, each of them is good in its own way and each is capable of decorating any plot or flower bed.

Main characteristics of the Floribunda rose

Rose Floribunda has become beloved and popular among domestic gardeners due to its remarkable qualities. These include:

  • beautiful aroma;
  • abundant and long lasting bloom;
  • big color choice and bud shapes;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • sustainability to diseases;
  • high winter hardiness.

The latter quality is especially valued in our latitudes, because the plant is not afraid of frost and tolerates Russian winters well, and if it does suffer, it recovers much faster than other varieties of roses.

Floribunda roses are propagated by grafting or cuttings. Experienced gardeners They can grow a rose from seeds, but this is a troublesome task, the results of which can only be seen after a few years.

Roses of this group are bred for bouquet cutting and for decoration. garden plot. The versatility of the plant allows it to be grown in open ground, in greenhouses and even flower pots.

The main advantage of the Floribunda group is considered to be abundant flowering throughout the summer. Simple, double and densely double flowers are collected on bushes in lush clusters of up to 10-12 pieces, giving the bush a special decorative effect. The variety of colors allows you to create spectacular compositions both in single-varietal plantings and in combination with other flowering and decorative foliage plants.


Before you plant a Floribunda rose on your site, you should make sure that there is something for it. appropriate place. These plants need a lot of sunshine, but full sun all day will not do.. It is advisable to choose an area where the bushes can be in the shade during the midday heat, otherwise the roses will quickly fade.

Plants planted on the south side of buildings or fences will suffer from sunburn, and near the corners of buildings and in the passages between them - from drafts.

It is preferable to plant Floribunda roses in the spring, but you can also do this in the fall. Gardeners in the middle zone should focus on the approximate planting dates for their latitudes.:

  • from the end of April to the end of May;
  • from early September to mid-October.

When choosing a grafted rose seedling, pay attention to the root collar. Its diameter should not exceed 5-8 mm. The seedling should have 2-3 lignified shoots, covered with intact green bark, and a developed root system with a sufficient number of thin roots.

The soil for Floribunda roses is prepared in advance. Sandy-clayey, moderately breathable soil with a high humus content is considered optimal. When preparing a site for planting, the area is dug up to the depth of a shovel and compost and phosphorus fertilizers are added. Landing is carried out as follows:

  • Seedling shoots are cut to 35 cm, the roots are shortened to 25-30 cm.
  • Cooking landing hole , pour a mound of soil mixture into the center of the hole.
  • Lower the seedling into the hole, carefully straightening the root system on the surface of the mound.
  • The planting depth is determined by the grafting site - it should be 3-8 cm deeper soil surface.
  • Cover the roots with soil mixture, compacted by hand and water it.
  • Escapes trim to 2-4 buds.
  • For the first time after landing shade the plant from midday sun rays.

Further Floribunda roses can be propagated from cuttings, which are first kept in a root formation stimulator, and after the roots appear, they are planted in open ground or flower pot.


Proper care consists of watering, loosening, mulching, fertilizing and covering for the winter.


Watering for roses plays an important role, especially during intensive growth, when plants form young shoots, leaves and flower buds. Lack of moisture will negatively affect the decorative appearance of flowers.. Water the plants regularly and abundantly, at least once a week. For irrigation use warm, settled water.

It is best to moisten the soil in the evening, directing the stream to the base of the bush. In addition to traditional watering, sprinkling is used.

When sprinkling Floribunda roses, choose morning or evening hours so that before nightfall the moisture has time to evaporate from the foliage, otherwise fungal diseases may develop.

Loosening and mulching

Loosening is a necessary procedure to provide the roots with a sufficient amount of air and life-giving moisture. The soil under the bushes is loosened to a depth of no more than 10 cm, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the sensitive roots.

It is useful to mulch the soil with a suitable organic material in a layer of about 8 cm. This will retain moisture in the soil and prevent the growth of weeds.

Top dressing

Floribunda roses will not be able to show all the beauty of flowering without additional nutrition. If during planting the plant was laid required amount nutrients, then in the first year after planting the bushes are not fed.

Starting from the second spring, roses need regular feeding, the amount of which can reach 5-7 per season. The first feeding is carried out in early spring, the second - when the first buds appear, further ones - at intervals of 1-1.5 months.

For feeding I use complex fertilizers in the form of a solution of 30 g of fertilizer and 10 liters of water. 3 liters of nutrient solution is poured under each plant. always on damp soil - after watering or rain. In the fall, at the end of October - beginning of November, potash fertilizers without chlorine are applied in dry form, scattering them over the surface.

Shelter for the winter

When growing roses in the middle zone, Floribunda rose bushes are covered with winter time. The remaining inflorescences and leaves are first removed, sanitary pruning is carried out and the shoots are shortened to a height of 0.4 m. Then they are covered with earth up to 0.2-0.3 m and covered with spruce spruce branches or non-woven covering material in case of a winter with little snow. The fallen snow will cover the bushes with fluffy caps, and then the plants will not be afraid of frost.


For Floribunda roses, regular pruning is an important care item. It is held twice a year - in spring and summer. The main formative one is spring pruning of bushes. The abundance and duration of flowering of garden beauties depends on how correctly it is carried out. To enjoy fragrant flowers throughout the summer, you should follow the basic rules of pruning.:

  • Begin spring pruning after warm weather sets in, since the young shoots that will begin active growth, may be damaged by frost.
  • Necessarily delete branches older than 2 years, as well as thin, dry and damaged.
  • Trim the top of the bush, shorten the lateral shoots on the main shoot.
  • Leave 3-5 strong and strong shoots, completely cutting out old shoots in the middle of the bush.
  • With medium pruning leave 4-6 buds, at low– 3-4 buds.
  • Do cut 1 cm above the upper bud. In this case, the bud should be located on the outside of the shoot, then the subsequently expanded bush will look more impressive.
  • Make oblique cuts To ensure free flow of water, after pruning, cover them with garden varnish.

If the Floribunda rose is not pruned or trimmed lightly, it will grow into a large bush with weak stems. Correctly carried out spring pruning stimulates the plant to form lush flower clusters with a large number of buds, which will begin to open in June. Summer pruning will prolong the flowering of rose bushes. In the fall, only sanitary pruning is carried out.

Protection from diseases and pests

Floribunda roses are susceptible to attack by insects and fungal infections. Dangerous for flowers are the roseate sawfly, spider mite, aphids, rose leafhoppers and leaf rollers. Ready-made insecticides are used to control pests; fortunately, there is a wide choice of them. Preventative treatment of plants in early spring is useful.

Fungal infections on rose bushes often include rust, powdery mildew, leaf spot and gray rot. Infection can be stopped by removing all affected leaves and shoots, treating iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. It is also recommended to use fungicidal preparations.


Floribunda – unpretentious plant. Varieties of this particular group are recommended for inexperienced gardeners to understand the intricacies of growing garden roses. Bushes of different heights will create magnificent borders or hedges on the site and will be effective in group or single plantings. Proper pruning and regular application complex fertilizers will ensure abundant flowering throughout the summer, which will delight the owners of the site and attract the attention of passers-by.

The Floribunda rose in the photo was obtained by crossing the hybrid tea and polyantha species. At first, almost any variety of such roses had no aroma, but then breeders were able to breed new plants with fragrant flowers. Breeder Poulsen developed these varieties of roses. During further hybridization, new hybrids arose, which own characteristics did not fit into the description of the categories available at that time. Because of this, new varieties appeared in the 20th century, which received the name Floribunda, which translates as “abundantly flowering.”

Floribunda varieties

At the end of the 70s of the 20th century, varieties of roses Floribunda Nina were preserved in some countries under their own name, and in others they began to be called “bush roses with inflorescences”, “hybrid-polyanthus” or “flowerbed roses”. In the domestic system, the name Floribunda was retained. It must be added that a huge number of publications do not need to establish a classification in Russia, thus independently introducing confusion into the typology of roses. Thus, this category is based on species that have large inflorescences that bloom for a long time.

Floribunda roses have a long-lasting decorative value, a huge number of flowers and aromas, excellent flower quality, and increased winter hardiness. Therefore, these rose varieties are quite popular, as shown in the photo. They are usually planted in flower gardens, about garden paths, as a border or single-grade group. They also look great in standard form, in particular the aromatic varieties.

Cultivators are used to care for indoor crops and as forcing. According to the most excellent examples it is possible to trace the cultivation of these varieties of roses, starting from a semi-double hybrid with small flowers to a double cultivar with good features, from a barely noticeable fragrance - to an excellent smell. These varieties are shown in the photo below.

Planting Floribunda


  • Golden Dreams

This hybrid is a low lush rose, which blooms during the summer period. This variety was developed around 1998. The flowers of this variety are medium-sized, semi-double, with a rich golden color. Rose has a delicate aroma. Looks great both on the bush and in cuttings. The rose reaches a height of approximately 90 centimeters, and a width of about 65 centimeters; the leaves are dark green in color. The hybrid is resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew.

  • Kimono

The kimono catches the eye thanks to the salmon-pink hue of the flowers. This hybrid has peach shade in the first days of flowering. The tassels are erect. Roses of this hybrid look brighter, so summer residents quite often buy seedlings of this species. The racemes consist of approximately 18 flowers.

This hybrid can be planted in flower beds, where it looks great. Seedlings of this hybrid can be planted near any other plants. They will look very elegant with raspberry crops and red flowers. Seedlings of this type are ideal for decorating a rose garden. This hybrid is effectively used for urban landscaping. Delicate salmon-pink flowers lift your spirits. At the same time, the plant also has a pleasant smell.

Samba variety

  • Samba

This hybrid reaches a height of approximately 65 centimeters. This bush is frost-resistant. The leaves of the bush are large, leathery. The flowers of the plant reach a diameter of approximately 6 centimeters. The flower bud is initially colored yellow tint, and after it opens it turns red.

  • Deutsche Welle

Rose Deutsche Welle is a frost-resistant hybrid. It has wavy edges of its petals.

  • Freesia

Freesia is the star of the yellow Floribunda category. The flowers of this plant are bright yellow. This Freesia flower is quite fragrant. The bushes reach a height of approximately 65 centimeters. Flowering period until frost.

  • Rumba

The Rumba variety has been in demand for more than 50 years, thanks to its beautiful bright color. Rumba is an unpretentious plant with abundant flowering. The flowers reach medium size, double. They are yellow in color. The bush reaches a height of approximately 55 centimeters with shiny dark green foliage. Caring for this plant is easy because it is an unpretentious plant.

Planting roses in the garden

  • Heckenzauber

Thanks to its abundant flowering, this variety is so popular. During this period, the plant blooms with double pink flowers, which have a delicate aroma. They are somewhat similar to camellia. Caring for it is easy.

  • Blue Baju

This hybrid has a blue color that makes it look effective in any flower bed. The bluish-lilac color looks elegant against the background yellow rose. The cultivar reacts to temperature fluctuations. Despite these disadvantages.

  • Bluewunder

The flowers are salmon pink in color. They are medium in size, collected in an armful of inflorescence with a pleasant aroma, approximately 48 pieces each. The large bush reaches a height of approximately 58 centimeters, they have a dark green color. The hybrid is quite disease resistant. Quite effective in the foregrounds of plantings, as shown in the video below.

  • Galaxy

This hybrid has a gentle appearance. The ocher-yellow color of the bud slowly opens, the double flowers reach medium size, and it has an original scent. When fully bloomed, the flowers have a pastel yellow color, and the edges of the petals have a slight red tint. The bush reaches a height of approximately 75 centimeters.

Color different varieties roses

  • Jubile

When half-opened, the leaves are white in color and have a delicate crimson border, which expands when the flowers open. The bush reaches a height of approximately 78 centimeters, with fairly dense foliage. This hybrid blooms continuously, quite impressively.

  • Sangria

This hybrid is a type of the new Floribunda palette. Caring for this species involves pruning for approximately 4 years. This flower is extremely durable and retains its intense color.

Care and planting

Floribunda is a group of roses that are characterized by large inflorescences and an almost constant flowering period. A distinctive feature of the Floribunda rose is that its flowers can grow not individually, but in an inflorescence, which sometimes reaches up to two dozen units. In terms of the size and shape of the flowers, and the number of colors, these roses are quite similar to their “parents”. The advantage of this rose is that it is frost-resistant and easy to care for.

Caring for a Floribunda rose involves such an important process as pruning. In these hybrids, during spring pruning flowers begin to bloom abundantly much earlier. With abundant pruning, the bush grows with very elongated shoots and blooms in August, and some species only in September, creating graceful flowers.

Caring for Floribunda

Most best result For this category of hybrids, moderate pruning of about 5 eyes gives. Also, it is better to carry out such care as pruning with wood for more than 2 years. Pruning species in the Floribunda category in summer allows you to obtain 3-4 periods of almost constant flowering. As you can see, care is not difficult.

The methods of such a process as planting seedlings and pruning for Floribunda roses are identical to those for tea roses. Planting rose seedlings in spring period must be carried out in such a way that the grafting area is several centimeters below the soil surface. Pruning must be done in spring, summer or autumn. Pruning in the spring is the main one. The creation of the shape of the bush mainly depends on it. During this period, pruning of roses should begin immediately after the flowers have finished opening after wintering or when planting seedlings in the spring.