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Stomp in a good way: laying paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house with photo examples. Options for laying paving slabs Design options for paving slabs for a private home

High-quality laying of paving slabs in a dacha largely determines not only the appearance of the entire yard, but also the durability of paved paths and areas around a private house. Figured paving element (FEM) is the most popular material for arranging recreation areas and paths leading to them. In order to beautifully and correctly pave the canvas, you need to know some mandatory requirements. Using them, you can do the work yourself, bringing your planned solutions to life.

Today it is difficult to imagine a house or country cottage area without garden paths, laid out paving stones. More recently, the surrounding areas were rolled into asphalt. With the advent of tiles, the situation changed dramatically. The technology for producing FEM by pressing has made it possible to create a laying material that is widely used today.

Paths made from paving slabs have a number of advantages over their concrete or asphalt counterparts:

  1. Environmentally friendly. In the production of tiles, components containing carcinogens are not used, therefore they do not emit when heated hazardous substances.
  2. Long service life. Greater wear resistance is ensured by manufacturing technology.
  3. Easy to install, repair and maintain. Damaged track fragments can be easily replaced intact, and if dismantled to repair communications, the coating can be reused. Thanks to simple installation technology, it is possible to do the work yourself.
  4. Weather resistant. Withstands more than 200 full temperature cycles. Can be used in any region of the country.
  5. Wide range and colors. It is possible to choose materials of various sizes, shapes, thicknesses and colors, which allows you to implement your intended design solutions.

A significant disadvantage is the high cost of quality material. However, paving stones are easier to maintain and install compared to other types of coating. A yard made of paving slabs looks more attractive than an asphalt one. The service life is at least 15 years, and when using material with the addition of granite chips - more than 25 years.

Step-by-step plan for installation at the dacha

Before paving the site begins, installation of communications must be completed. The width of the track is selected based on the size of the material. The base for the canvas is arranged with the required slope, which is 1 cm per 1 m of coverage. The technology for laying paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house involves the sequential implementation of several stages:

  • selection of materials and calculation of their quantity;
  • marking paths and areas on the ground;
  • preparation of the base;
  • laying paving stones and curb stones;
  • filling the seams, completing the work.

Both vibro-cast and pressed tiles are suitable for paving garden paths. If a car is supposed to be parked on the site, then pressed paving stones are preferred, because it can withstand heavy loads. The thickness of FEM on pedestrian paths is up to 4-6 cm, and in parking lots - 6-9 cm.

Calculation of the need for tiles should be carried out at the stage of preparation of work. This includes contingency expenses. This could be a fight, a large waste when cutting stone, etc. To compensate for these losses, material is purchased 3-5% more than necessary. If you plan to lay colored paving stones, then purchase additional FEM of all colors. The stones remaining after installation will be used to repair the canvas.

Preparing tools and selecting consumables

To lay paving slabs in the yard, you will need sand, crushed stone, cement and curbs. The volume of consumables will depend on the length of the paths and the depth of the trench. For 10 m² of track you will need 0.8-1.0 m³ of crushed stone, 0.7-0.8 m³ of sand and 180-200 kg of cement.

To carry out the work you will need:

  1. tape measure, level, fishing line;
  2. rubber hammer;
  3. grinder with diamond cutting wheel;
  4. surface vibrator or hand tamper;
  5. Master OK;
  6. rule;
  7. beacons.

As the latter, you can use sections of water pipes or profile pipes, corners, wooden slats.

Choosing a layout for installation in the courtyard of a private house

The pattern of laying tiles depends on the shape, size and color of the material. Using rectangular stone you can get a large number of options for arranging paths. Among them, the most used tile laying schemes are:

  • geometric;
  • chaotic;
  • artistic.

In the first option, by selecting colors, you can create a unique design of a garden path. Most often, laying paving slabs on curved areas is carried out using paving techniques such as “running” and “herringbone”. A more expensive option is pruning. Here, every stone adjacent to the curb is trimmed to the right size.

Chaotic layout does not have a scheme as such. It involves laying out material in artistic disorder. For single-color stones, materials of different sizes are used, and if the tiles are multi-colored, then they are diluted with color.

Artistic diagrams have the purpose of laying out a drawing, the complexity of which depends on the qualifications or perseverance of the master.

Planning and marking work

At this stage, the shape and size of paths on the ground are marked. To do this, pegs are installed and a thread or fishing line is pulled between them, which completely follows the shape of the paths or site.

Carefully carried out markings will allow you to correctly lay the tiles in the country house.

Preparing the bedding layer

To lay a garden path, it is necessary to properly prepare the base. The scope of this work will depend on the type of soil on the site. The entire width of the planned path or site is removed upper layer earth to a depth of about 40 cm. Then the surface of the trench is compacted with a hand tamper. To prevent the tiles from moving, curbs are mounted on cement mortar.

A sand cushion 10-15 cm thick is placed along the bottom of the trench. It is better to use river or washed sand, because it contains no clay. Crushed stone of a fraction of 5-20 mm is laid on top and compacted with a surface vibrator. The layer thickness should be at least 15 cm, and if the soil is soft, then more. Sand is placed on top of the crushed stone, leveled and spilled with water. After this, you can begin laying the tiles.


It outlines the contours of a path or platform and protects the canvas from spreading. The installation of the border can be with a visible edge, flush with the tiles, or FEM can be laid without it. In this case, a retaining (limiting) rail is installed, which fixes the stone and prevents it from sliding.

If the canvas is laid with a protruding border, then it is installed with a bevel towards the path, and if flush, then away from it. When arranging a path around the house, the framing is done only on the outside, and the tiles are placed 5 mm above the edge of the stone.


To lay tiles well in your dacha with your own hands, you need to know a few simple rules:

  1. Start laying out the stone from the bottom level towards the top.
  2. Installation is carried out on your own, i.e. the worker is on the laid canvas.
  3. When laying in a circle, work is carried out from the center.
  4. The layout begins from the place where the eye first falls.
  5. It is better to install tiles with a shift (diagonally). This way the flaws are less visible.

The first row is laid along a cord stretched level across the track. During work, the horizontal installation is checked after 3-4 rows. Installed material settle with light blows of a rubber hammer. Lay the tiles right next to each other. The resulting gap of 1-2 mm will be sufficient for water drainage.

Final stage

At this stage, the gaps between the tiles are filled. Depending on the type of base (drained or undrained), the joints are filled with either dry sifted sand or sand-cement backfill. You can make this mixture yourself or purchase it in a retail chain.

The seams are filled with sand using a broom or rubber scraper in several stages. After the first filling of the gaps, the entire area of ​​the path is spilled with water from a hose with a sprayer. After the sand has settled and the tiles have dried, the process is repeated.

Caring for garden paths consists of timely repair of damaged elements, removal of overgrown grass and adding sand to the seams. Periodically, the road surface is washed with a stream of water to remove adhering debris. You should not use metal tools to remove snow to avoid damaging the coating.

There are various options for arranging a yard in a private house. Some provide aesthetics to the area of ​​the house, others make it functional. The most popular way to decorate a yard is to use paving slabs. This solution is practical and at the same time quite cute.

If you decide to decorate the yard of your home by creating a covering from this material, then this is a completely reasonable decision. However, if this is your first time are you faced with this problem?, then you probably have a question about how to lay paving slabs correctly. In order not to be mistaken with this, you need to familiarize yourself with general principles this matter. This is what this article will discuss.

Material advantages

Nowadays, paving slabs are the most common material for paving sidewalks and laying out garden paths, as well as areas near private and country houses. This popularity of this material is mainly due to the advantages it has. The main ones include the following:

  • ease of installation. If you use paving slabs to decorate your yard, then you can do all the work yourself, without involving specialists;
  • This material is distinguished by a variety of shapes, colors and structures. A person who purchases this material for the first time is faced with the problem of choice, since the range of paving slabs is quite large. However, there is a definite advantage to this, since you can use this material to implement any design solution and find an option that will be in perfect harmony with the characteristics of the site. At the same time, the owner gets the opportunity to create a unique design that will be practical and at the same time pleasing to the eye;
  • protection from moisture. Even with heavy rainfall, puddles do not form on the paving slab surface. The water flows gently without changing appearance coatings;
  • durability. A coating made of this material is able to withstand heavy loads for decades, while maintaining its performance characteristics;
  • ease of repair work. If damage occurs in a particular area while using paving slabs, the owner will not have to replace most of it. All you need to do is replace the damaged elements. This work will not be a big difficulty even for a beginner;
  • environmental friendliness. Under influence high temperatures the asphalt begins to separate harmful substances that negatively affect human health. However, this does not apply to paving slabs, which, regardless of the temperature affecting them, continue to be an environmentally friendly material.


However, paving slabs cannot be called an absolutely ideal material, since for it characterized by certain disadvantages. However, we note that they are insignificant.

Before making a choice in favor of tiles, you need to familiarize yourself with all its advantages and disadvantages and then, after carefully weighing everything, make a final decision.

Preparation for installation

There are a number of steps that must be completed before actually laying the tiles. One of them - preparation of the territory for subsequent creation of paving slabs. It involves holding certain events.

Before starting to lay the material, it is necessary to remove the turf from the area on which the covering will be created to a depth of 15 cm. Then the cleared space should be cleaned. Seeds and plant roots should be removed.

If the site where the coating is laid is dominated by clay soils, then in this case it is mandatory to install a drainage system. It is necessary to make a slight slope, due to which water will drain from the coating.

After this it is necessary perform proper compaction using available tools. For example, you can use an ordinary log, which will do the job perfectly.

Then you need to prepare a concrete pad on which curbs or stones will be installed. When the cushion is created, prepared stones are laid out to mark the boundaries of the covering.

Base for paving slabs

Once the surface for laying paving slabs is prepared, you can lay out the material in the yard. And then you need to start preparing the foundation, which will then be material is laid out.

Laying tiles

Laying tiles is quite a difficult task, especially for a beginner. Many people are interested in the question of how to properly lay this material. First you need solve the problem with the drawing, which you want to have on the cover. It must be marked in advance on the prepared area. It is necessary to tighten the cord so that the laying is carried out as evenly as possible. Experts recommend installing tiles diagonally away from you. When laying paving slabs, you need to ensure that the particles of the future coating fit tightly to each other.

Main stages

Installation nuances

Laying paving slabs for many may seem like a simple task. However, everything is not so simple here. There are certain subtleties that you should be aware of. Next, let's look at the most important details.

  • It doesn't really matter what kind of paving slabs you decide to lay in your yard. The material almost always does not lay flat. When the job is completed, unwanted waste is left behind—wasted money. Therefore, they should be included in the price so as not to spend too much. The most waste occurs when parallel tile laying is done. It is best to lay the material diagonally. This will save money on materials.
  • If you are faced with the task of adjusting the plinth to a certain shape, then you must first cut it with a grinder and then break it off. Cutting the tiles to the end is not the best solution, as this leads to an increase in the amount of dust that will have to be removed from the surface.


Many owners of private country houses want to have beautiful yard area. This is quite easy to achieve these days. Thanks to paving slabs, which are a common material, you can easily transform the courtyard of a private house, as well as paths in parks and sidewalks.

To many, installing this material may seem like a simple process. However, it is not. There is certain nuances, which you should know about. First, you should get acquainted with the technology of laying a covering made of this material, and only then engage in laying out paving slabs yourself. In this case, you can avoid mistakes and get a beautiful yard that will delight the eye for many years.

Publication date: 05/21/2015

  • Drawing up a site plan and selection necessary materials and tools
    • Site layout
    • Required tools and materials
  • Technology for laying road paving slabs
    • Paving paving slabs

When improving the courtyard area in their private households, owners are increasingly using material such as paving slabs. On the one hand, when laid correctly, it looks very aesthetically pleasing and helps keep the yard clean, and on the other hand, the technology for laying paving slabs with your own hands is not so complicated. Having correctly decided on the location of the site where the paving will be done, as well as having prepared all the required materials and tools, you can quickly and beautifully decorate your yard with decorative paving stones.

IN Lately paving stones have become a very popular material for laying on the ground. This is due not only to its high wear resistance, but also to the fact that paving stones can impart special architectural sophistication and a certain character to the surface.

When planning to lay part of your yard with paving slabs, you first need to decide what area and where to cover it with this paving slab. It is very important to rationally approach the question of the feasibility of laying decorative paving stones in the courtyard of a private household.

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When choosing a site for paving slabs, try to choose a level place, make the site of the correct geometric shape and think about where sedimentary water will flow.

When planning the location of the site, which will be decorated with paving or road slabs, it is necessary to take into account some factors. The most important among them are the following:

  • The area should be fairly level. In the case of a strong slope, you can make a multi-level paved area, but in no case should you allow it to be laid at a significant angle of inclination;
  • It is advisable to make the platform of the correct geometric shape. On the one hand, it will look aesthetically pleasing, and on the other hand, the paving process itself will be easier. Without experience in laying paving slabs, it is best to start with laying a rectangular area;
  • It is not necessary to cover the entire yard space with tiles. You can lay a paved area of ​​regular geometric shape in the central part of the yard or on the territory adjacent to the entrance to the house, and from there lay paving stone paths to various important points on the territory of the personal plot;
  • When planning the location of a paved area, you should foresee where sedimentary water will flow. If necessary, the installation of artificial drainage should also be planned;

An example of how paving slabs harmonize with the courtyard space, complementing it and ennobling it.

The most important thing is that the site being laid is in harmony with the general yard space, visually organizing and ennobling it.

In general, the plan for creating a platform from paving slabs completely depends on the fantasies and wishes of the owners. Depending on the total area of ​​the area proposed for paving, as well as on the specifics of the landscape of the yard, the necessary materials are calculated and the tools needed to ensure that the paving takes place without delay are selected.

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Depending on the individual characteristics of each site being laid, the selection and quantity of materials may vary. Here we offer a standard set necessary when paving a regular rectangular area. The materials listed below are quite inexpensive and available at any hardware store. So, what materials and tools will you definitely need?

Here you can see the necessary tools for laying paving slabs, such as a trowel; shovel; Bulgarian; rope; rangefinder; mallet; level; brush.

  • Paving slabs (calculation is made by footage; sales of figured paving slabs are usually made per linear m);
  • Sand;
  • Cement (preferably brand M400);
  • Concrete plates for laying a border around the perimeter;
  • A shovel, a container for mixing cement mortar and for preparing the grout (a mixture that will include cement and sand);
  • Mallet with rubber knob, smooth wooden plank, spirit level, lacing;
  • To cut tiles, it is best to use a circular saw with a diamond blade. However, such a machine may not be available in a household or country house. Therefore, a grinder is most often used instead. Using manual circular saw when cutting tiles, extreme care must be taken to avoid injury;

Thus, having drawn up a rational and aesthetic plan for laying a courtyard area from paving slabs, as well as selecting and preparing all materials and tools, you can proceed directly to the work process. The stages, rules and technology of such work require strict adherence to certain norms and standards.

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When laying paving slabs, sand will serve as a tile adhesive that will fill the gaps between the individual mosaic components.

Technology self-installation paving slabs may seem quite simple and affordable, but it is very important to follow all procedural steps and recommendations so that the paving is not carried out in vain and the site does not crack, deform or fall apart in the shortest possible time. You need to start with careful preparation of the area allocated for paving.

Preparing the base for installation Very important stage, which will largely determine the success of the entire work, is the preparation of the basis for the direct laying of the tiles. Such preparation is carried out in the following sequence:

The basis for high-quality laying of paving slabs (paving stones) is a carefully prepared base.

  1. We outline the perimeter of the site in accordance with the previously drawn up plan-scheme. It is convenient to use tension lacing and pegs for marking. We remove the turf and the top layer of soil along the cord and inside the intended area. If necessary, you can dig a small hole. This depends on the thickness of the selected type of paving slabs and on how much above the ground level the surface of the site will be. The general outlines of the recess should be 10-15 cm wider than the intended perimeter of the site (this is necessary for the correct laying of curb slabs.
  2. We pour sand over the entire area of ​​the formed depression and compact it, forming a sand cushion about 5 cm thick. To create such a cushion, you can use both sand and granite screenings.
  3. Now you can begin laying concrete curb slabs. They are laid around the perimeter on a thick cement mortar, which is prepared in a ratio of 1/3 – cement/sand. It is very important to install all curb slabs evenly. They are placed along a stretched cord that controls the perimeter line, and the upper horizontal plane of the slabs is controlled using a level or spirit level.
  4. If it is assumed that the future site will have a slight slope for water drainage, then the curb slabs should be laid at the appropriate slope. To create such a slope, you can drive pegs along the edges of the site, use a hydrostatic level to mark zero (single-level) marks on them, tie a cord on one peg just above this mark, and on the other just below. This cord will regulate the horizontal slope of the curb slabs.
  5. In the end, you should end up with a site enclosed along the perimeter by concrete curbs, which will be laid with paving slabs inside.


After the solution on which the curb slabs are laid has completely hardened, you can proceed to the most important stage of work, which is the actual laying of paving slabs.

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Paving tiles on the prepared site is carried out using the following technology:

Paving stones laid on the right technology, can be used within a day.

  1. First you need to prepare a gartzovka - a backfill mixture that includes cement and sand in a ratio of 1/6. It is advisable to sift the sand before use. The cement and sand should be mixed very carefully so that the mixture is fairly uniform. There is no need to add water to this cement-sand mixture.
  2. We pour the garnet into the space between the curb slabs and carefully level it. To level the backfill in this way, it is best to use a long strip, the cut corners of which are installed on opposite curb slabs. We fill the paving stone to such a level that the tiles simply laid on it, not compacted, protrude above the curb slabs by 5-10 cm (depending on the thickness of the paving slabs themselves). Subsequently, it will be necessary to add grout here and there and level it if the paver will stand on it during the paving process. It may be more convenient to sit on already laid tiles, moving forward in the process of work.
  3. Having filled in and thoroughly leveled the grout, you can begin laying the tiles. This is done from one edge of the site to the other. When laying one tile against another, it is important to leave an even gap between them. This usually happens automatically, since a technological protrusion is made on the side surfaces of the tile during its factory production. It helps to create uniform gaps between individual tiles.
  4. The most important and difficult thing in the entire laying process is to compact the tiles into a groove to create a perfectly flat outer surface.

The most difficult thing in the process of laying tiles is to compact the tiles evenly into the groove; to do this, use a mallet and a small wooden beam.

To do this, you can use a flat block or plank placed on opposite curb slabs. You can stretch a cord between such plates and use it as a guide. For experienced craftsmen It is enough to have a small block for mutual alignment of nearby tiles. The compaction itself and the leveling of each tile are done with a mallet with a rubber knob. The mallet should be used to hit the material attached to the tile. wooden block.

  1. To form the first row along the curb slab, figured paving slabs often have to be cut. The safest and easiest way to do this is to circular saw. If this is not available, a grinder with a diamond disc blade is used. Most often the tiles in the last laying row also have to be cut.
  2. After dry installation is completed, the resulting area is watered with water, which penetrates inside, under the tiles, thanks to the remaining gaps. The cement-sand mixture soaked in this way hardens, forming a solid base under the tile. The strength of such a base largely depends on how evenly the tile material itself was laid.
  3. After some time, you can fill the gaps between the tiles with grout or just sand (the first option is more reliable). The tile is watered again. After the grout has dried in the gaps between the tiles, the area is washed with water from a hose. All dirt and remnants of used materials are washed away. The site is now completely ready for use.


Thus, adhering to all technological standards and recommendations, it is possible, using available and inexpensive materials, improve the yard in front of your house. An area paved with paving slabs will not only look aesthetically pleasing, but will also be easy to sweep or even wash with water under pressure. And by running tiled paths to various important objects on personal plot, you can perfectly organize the entire territory.


Laying paving stones with your own hands: step-by-step instructions for paving paths

This article will introduce you to the procedure of laying paving stones with your own hands: step-by-step instruction for paving areas and paths, supported by photos and videos, will include full review recommendations on the selection of materials, planning of future construction and its implementation. The specificity and advantages of using materials such as paving stones and paving slabs will be discussed in detail.

The area in front of the entrance to the house is paved with paving slabs

In the photo, paving stones in the courtyard of private houses can be seen as decoration:

  • paths;
  • areas for summer recreation;
  • barbecue areas;
  • courtyard and entrance to the house;
  • areas for placing a car in front of the house;
  • areas around the gazebo, canopy or bench;
  • areas under a car canopy, etc.

Paving stones belong to the category of reliable materials with a high level of strength and wear resistance. It has one undeniable advantage. Looking at asphalt roads and the state in which they are, it is immediately clear that the old cobbled streets benefit greatly. Even after 100 years of use, this antique coating retains its strength without repair.

Note! Paving stones in your yard will provide similar quality and durability, but only if you select the right materials and fully comply with the requirements of paving technology.

The summer patio is decorated with paving stones laid in a circular manner

Before starting work, you should take care of preparing the necessary materials and tools.

  • before you go shopping Consumables, you should carefully measure the area for laying the coating, understand the diagrams and patterns, and also calculate required amount paving stones with a small reserve in case damage occurs during the work;
  • Dry paving mix should be purchased along with the material. If you plan to lay paving stones on concrete, as a rule, such paths can last for several decades. Or purchase other components for working on a sandy surface;
  • if necessary, you need to buy or rent the missing equipment and tools;
  • enlist the help of an assistant, since it is quite difficult to lay the sidewalk yourself, or call specialists. Coping with such a large amount of work alone will be problematic, especially if you do not have enough experience and knowledge.

A neat garden path paved with your own hands

Paving stones are products small size, consisting of natural stone. Most often, this type of coating is found on pavements, but due to its natural origin, which ensures that it retains its shape over a long period of time, it is often used for paving paths in the courtyards of private houses.

Features of choosing paving stones for paths in the country, prices for concrete materials

Concrete paving stones are one of the most commonly used materials for paving areas and sidewalks. In production, concrete is used to make blanks. Special plasticizers are added to this mixture, as well as pigments of various colors.

Note! Concrete tiles can be created using different technologies– vibropress or vibrocasting. In each case, the coating acquires special properties and advantages.

The cost of concrete tiles ranges from 300 to 500 rubles per square meter

The production process during which concrete pavers are created is as follows:

  • preparation of concrete mixture;
  • filling forms;
  • special treatment of the mixture;
  • drying stage.

After the concrete has completely dried, the finished pieces are removed from the molds. During the drying period, the concrete mixture hardens and gains strength.

If you want to purchase concrete paving stones for work, along with a low and affordable cost, you get quite acceptable performance properties. This material option is suitable if the construction budget is limited.

Prices for paving stones based on gray cement:

Product shapeCement brandDimensions, cmPrice, rub./m²
Paving stonesM40020x10x4325
Paving stonesM30020x10x5352
Paving stonesM40024.3x12x7357
Paving stonesM20020x10x5374
Paving stonesM30020x10x4380
Paving stonesM40020x10x7387
Paving stonesM30020x10x6440

Features of other types of paving stones

In addition to concrete paving stones, there are other types of coating. Clinker material is made from clay. Blanks are a kind of bricks used for paving areas. Clinker paving stones come in different shapes and colors. This type of material is characterized by increased strength, durability and resistance to low temperatures.

Stone paving stones for platforms and sidewalks are considered by developers as classic version coverings. The materials for its production are natural stones, mainly:

Basalt tiles are often used for decoration local area

There are many ways to lay stone paving stones, which makes it possible to create a road surface that can last more than a century. The modern assortment offers several varieties of this material. Classification is based on external characteristics blanks, which can be:

  • sawn;
  • chopped;
  • chipped and sawn.

Helpful advice! Use special types of paving stones to organize the covering of paths and terraces. For these purposes, products made from high quality colored concrete or ceramics are provided.

Granite paving stones: material features

Granite paving stones are classified as coatings of natural origin. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, in the conditions of advanced technological progress, specialists have not yet been able to create a technology for producing an artificial analogue of this stone, which has the same service life, level of strength, and resistance to weathering.

Crushed granite paving stones

The chipped version of the material is used in classic design. The coating can withstand significant operating loads, so it can be called almost eternal. While budget cement paving stones can last no more than 20 years.

Granite is extremely stable, which is why it is best suited for paving:

  • sidewalks;
  • platforms;
  • highways;
  • park paths.

Over a period of long-term use, the stone practically does not undergo external changes; it retains its properties.

The process of paving a sidewalk with granite tiles

Advantages of using granite paving stones:

  • stone blanks have an increased strength index, due to which the entire coating is durable;
  • Thanks to its dense structure, granite acquires moisture-resistant properties. Moisture cannot penetrate into the deep layers of the material, so paving stones are not afraid of severe frosts and rains;
  • stable structure protects granite from damaging effects chemical substances. This same property provides the material with excellent performance characteristics;
  • Natural destruction of the material occurs very slowly. The stone is not subject to cracks, burnout, and does not show vulnerability to the effects of putrefactive processes and atmospheric phenomena. The natural pattern of the rock is preserved almost in its original form;
  • crushed paving stones do not absorb dirt particles, self-clean in the rain, and do not contribute to the accumulation of moisture on the surface. Granite is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • paving stones can be easily repaired, and the pieces themselves can be used for re-paving. Reusable material does not affect the quality of the tracks.

A path made of granite paving stones will last for decades

Note! Crushed granite has a fairly high strength index. The stone can withstand high pressure, strong blows, conditions of high traffic (the surface does not wear off), exposure to static loads.

Modern paving stones and tiles have many various forms and colors. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to implement an interesting design solution in the yard of your home. These coverings are excellent tools for arranging the local area. They are characterized by reliability and practicality, which allows the use of paths and playgrounds for many years.

Even the common brick-shaped tile or pavers can be used to create a variety of designs. To do this, it is enough to select interesting scheme and purchase material in appropriate colors. Thanks to this, you can improve the aesthetics of the coating and even maintain the style in which the design of your suburban area is made.

Combination of circular and classical paving stones

Using several types of tiles, you can create interesting patterns by laying the coating according to a specific pattern. You can develop the drawing yourself or use ready-made options for laying paving slabs:

  • geometric figures, for example, colored diamonds on a plain background. To give the image a complete look, you can use a third color to create a kind of borders along the edge of the path;
  • zigzags resembling the letter "M". In your work you can use 2-3 colors and paving stones of various widths. The drawing will turn out dynamic;
  • complex geometric designs look no less impressive. To work, it will be enough to choose two colors that contrast with each other. You can create something like a labyrinth or decorate the path with twisted spirals in the form of a Greek design;
  • The staggered order of placing paving stones or diagonally is very often used when designing paths and platforms. Two-tone colors can be diversified by using lines of different thicknesses and sizes;
  • a strict design can be achieved through repeating geometric shapes of the same size, for example, rhombuses, squares, rectangles.

Examples simple circuits laying paving slabs: 1 - herringbone, 2 - spiral, 3 - ladder, 4 - checkerboard

Helpful advice! If you use repeating geometric shapes, be sure to eliminate any unevenness. Prepare the base thoroughly before laying so that the pattern does not look crooked. In this case, paving should also be given increased attention.

Even the simplest patterns will effectively decorate any yard. Using curly or straight types of paving stones, you can emphasize and highlight certain advantages of the local area.

Two-color patterns that are simple at first glance will look quite decent if you carry out the work step by step and carefully. At the same time, you should follow the advice of experts in order to achieve the most accurate and flat surface. Otherwise, even the highest quality and most expensive material, which will be laid out in intricate patterns and designs, will have a careless and cheap appearance. Neglect of technology leads to the formation of unevenness and height differences across the surface of the coating.

Figured paving using paving stones of different colors

Coating in the form of paving stones has many advantages. Among them, the following qualities stand out:

  • compressive strength;
  • long service life;
  • attractive appearance;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • wide range of applications, including paths, rest areas, pedestrian walkways, parking areas and traffic areas;
  • high level resistance to temperatures, both low and high.

Helpful advice! If the surface will be subject to heavy loads in the future, it is recommended to pave sidewalks over concrete base. A sand cushion is not suitable for these purposes.

The rest area is made of cement paving slabs

Before laying paving stones, preparatory work should be done. The list of these works includes the following procedures:

  1. Determine the condition of the pavement surface.
  2. Select a scheme in accordance with the planned loads.
  3. Prepare the surface for work.

To carry out the work, you will need to prepare the appropriate tools and additional materials:

  • paving stones or paving slabs;
  • a mallet with rubber pads or a hammer with a similar coating;
  • building level;
  • grinder with sets of discs for cutting tiles;
  • tape measure, shovel, brush, rake;
  • container (metal);
  • block of wood;
  • watering can, wheelbarrow;
  • sand and a special sieve for sifting it;
  • protective hand gloves and goggles.

Before you start laying tiles, you need to prepare everything necessary tools and materials

If you correctly calculate and design the site or path, in the future you will insure yourself against rework, and therefore from additional costs for the purchase of material. At this stage, the shape of the paving stones is selected. How to lay this covering option correctly will depend on other factors: paving patterns, mosaics, color scheme, the surrounding landscape, as well as the foundation.

Using a tape measure, a set of wooden pegs, construction cord and a level, mark out the area for laying out the site or paths. Instead of building level you can use a level.

Helpful advice! Be sure to walk through the area reserved for paving the sidewalk and check how convenient the location you have chosen is, whether the paths interfere with the passage road transport. This stage of work still allows you to make changes without damaging your project.

During the paving process, you can’t do without a rubber mallet and a building level.

After this, you need to calculate the consumables:

  • cement;
  • paving stones;
  • curbs;
  • crushed stone;
  • gravel;
  • sand.

Related article:

Paving slabs for paths in the country. Prices, types and styles. Paths in the country house, paved with paving slabs. Right choice and laying paving slabs. Photos of finished paths and platforms.

Substrate preparation: how to lay pavers on sand and gravel

The quality of the future coating is largely determined by how carefully you think through and prepare the base.

The first stage involves preparing the soil. To do this, remove the top layer (turf) from the surface of the earth. After which you will need to remove a layer of soil 20 cm thick. Pipes can be placed under the base of the future coating, which will subsequently be used to lay elements of communication systems. This way, you don't have to break paths to lay communications.

Preparing a site intended for paving with paving slabs

Then the resulting depression is filled with gravel with large fractions or crushed stone. This is done to form a cushion for laying paving stones. Depending on the purpose of the tracks, a certain thickness of this layer is selected. For laying a pedestrian path, it is recommended to take a thickness of 10-15 cm. If it is planned to build a parking area and a driveway for cars, then this figure should be increased to 15-20 cm.

To shrink the crushed stone cushion, you can use a vibrating machine or a regular compactor. An intermediate layer of sand is poured on top of it, after which it is leveled with a rake and compacted a little. It is allowed to use a dry sand-cement mixture with a ratio of these components of 1:5, respectively.

Helpful advice! The height of the layer should be about 3-5 cm, so that as a result the surface of the tile covering rises 1 cm above the planned laying level. Over time, the paving stones gradually shrink, so this gap is designed to compensate for the height difference that occurs during operation.

Leveling the base using a cement-sand mixture

To ensure that the base is correct and well-planned, it is recommended to install guides that will eliminate unevenness. For these purposes, it is best to take slats or pipes; excess material from the top layer will be screeded along them.

Geotextiles are laid on top of the crushed stone. This type of material should be laid in 2 layers for greater efficiency. Advantages of using geotextiles:

  • the material does not allow layers of crushed stone and sand to mix;
  • normal outflow of water is ensured;
  • the base is durable and more durable;
  • the likelihood of weeds growing between the paving stones is eliminated (plants contribute to the destruction of the paved surface, reducing its service life).

If you follow all the recommendations for forming the base, this area will become an excellent basis for laying tiles or paving stones. Thanks to strict adherence to technology, the platform or paved path will be durable and will not sag over time.

The final result will directly depend on the quality of preparation of the base.

No more suitable material for paving paths in the yard country house than paving stones. Many owners of such cottages know how to lay this type of covering with their own hands. After all, this is a great way to save on arranging your local area and make it comfortable and beautiful. To ensure that the paths have a complete appearance, curbs should be installed before paving the paving stones.

The border will perform several functions at once:

  • decorative (the coating receives a beautiful frame and harmonious appearance);
  • limiting (the paving stones will not spread to the sides due to the outflow of water);
  • strengthening (the base becomes stronger and more stable).

Before installing curbs, use wooden pegs to model the area or path you are going to build. Mark all bends, turns and intersections.

Helpful advice! In places where the path bends, trim the corners of adjacent borders. Use a grinder for these purposes.

A path with curbs looks neater

Next, all the pegs need to be connected to each other using a rope or cord. Be sure to use a building level or level when doing this. Dig a groove so that the curb installed on the cushion rises about 1-2 cm above the rope. Concrete mixture should be placed at the bottom of this groove.

The border is installed on the prepared cushion, after which it should be hammered in by lightly tapping it with a rubber hammer or mallet until the surface is level with the tension level of the rope.

When installing a curb, you should monitor its position. Each element is necessarily checked for verticality, to which it must strictly comply. After which the gaps between the curb elements are controlled. These parts should be installed as closely as possible to each other. The groove itself should be filled with sand from the outside and compacted thoroughly.

In some cases, designers do without using curbs during the installation of paving stones. Videos on how to properly lay material in such conditions can be easily found on the Internet. In fact, paving is carried out flush with the lawn or 1-2 cm above it.

We lay paving slabs with our own hands: step-by-step instructions, video

Laying of paving slabs as a covering is carried out manually diagonally. The workpieces are placed on the surface of the base in the “away” direction. This is done so as not to disrupt the integrity of the prepared and even top layer. Make sure that there is a gap of about 1-2 mm between the workpieces.

Helpful advice! The easiest to install is the “Old Town” tile. Its blanks have special protrusions that prevent the elements from fitting tightly to each other.

In the future, these gaps will be filled with sand or a special dry mixture. This procedure is performed in order to fix the tiles in the required position. Sand during the operation of the coating will not allow the workpieces to move from their places.

After the tiles are laid on the surface of the base, they should be compacted. This must be done very carefully so as not to spoil the workpiece. Use a rubber hammer or wooden mallet. Visually control the placement of each element in accordance with the installation scheme you have chosen.

To lay the tiles evenly along and across the rows, a rope is pulled

If it was not possible to install the tile as expected, the workpiece should be lifted, the amount of sand under it adjusted (remove or, conversely, added), level the surface using a tamper and try again to install the element correctly.

If the project involves the creation of a platform or path, it is not correct form, with turns or curves, you will need to cut the material. Any type of tile covering can be cut quite well. For these purposes, it is better to use a grinder. Stock up on a set of discs designed for working with stone surfaces.

Before starting to cut the material, the tile should be applied to the intended installation location and marked in the form of a line. It will be used to cut off the unnecessary part that extends beyond the border. To avoid waste of material, it is recommended to cut the tiles last, when the solid pieces have already been laid.

Paving a path with installed curbs

When the rough laying is completed, a control check of the placement of the tiles is carried out using a rule or building level to determine the presence of defects in the coating:

  • unevenness;
  • depressions;
  • bulges.

After all defects have been eliminated, the coating is covered with river sand with a fine fraction or a mixture of sand and cement. Use a mop, broom or brush to remove excess. Use a hose to spray the surface with water. At this point, the work on laying the coating is completed.

Use the video material to visually see how the tile covering is laid. Subject to technology and the selection of high-quality materials, paving stone paths will decorate your country yard for a very long time.



Do-it-yourself technology for laying paving slabs on sand and on a concrete base

Paving slabs laid on the site have not only an aesthetic, but also a utilitarian function. Such tiles can significantly improve the aesthetic appearance of the yard, as well as ensure comfort when staying on the site. There are several technologies for laying paving slabs, thanks to which you can do the work yourself.

This material chooses most of owners of private and country houses for the purpose of arranging their personal territory. Using paving slabs, you can lay out paths in the yard, platforms or parking areas, as well as make a blind area. It is this material that has all the necessary qualities to perform such work. Such tiles have an affordable price, easy installation and easy care. This material also has high performance characteristics, wear resistance and frost resistance. At the same time, on the modern building materials market you can find widest choice textures, colors and patterns of paving slabs. All this determines the wide popularity that this material has received for last years.

Types of paving slabs

New types of rubber-based paving slabs, tiles with textured, three-dimensional patterns and polymer-sand tiles are constantly appearing on the building materials market. Laying paving slabs with your own hands should begin with choosing a tile depending on the purpose for which it will be laid and in what way.

Today, tiles are produced in two ways:

  • vibration casting method;
  • vibration pressing method.

The vibration casting method has certain advantages. Tiles produced in this way are available on the market in a wide range, in different colors and shapes. Also, this manufacturing method involves the production of tiles to order according to individual parameters. Important point: vibro-cast paving slabs differ no long term operation (no more than seven years). In addition, this type of tile is not suitable for constructing paths and areas that will be subject to heavy loads, so for paving, for example, a car park, it is best to use vibropressed tiles.

Tiles produced using the vibration-pressing method are stronger and more reliable, so they are used for any purpose. It is used for laying parking areas, paths in the yard, as well as driveways. Vibratory-pressed paving slabs include granite paving stones, which are actively used for laying roads. This is due to the fact that such material can withstand heavy loads without problems. In addition, it is worth noting that tiles produced in this way have high frost resistance, a long service life and resistance to stress.

In view of this, it should be noted that for paving areas or more expensively in the courtyard of a private house, vibro-cast tiles are quite suitable if they are not subject to strong impact. It should also be noted that in a process such as laying paving slabs, the price per square meter of this material is not the least important. In this regard, vibro-cast tiles will cost much less.

Preparing the site for laying paving slabs - marking paths

Despite the fact that there are different methods for laying paving slabs, they all begin with planning the site and marking the areas that will be finished with the material. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a site plan and mark on it those paths and areas on which paving slabs will be laid. After preparing the work project, in the selected areas for paving using a tape measure, stakes and cord, appropriate measurements should be taken and markings should be made. The width of the paths is determined depending on the size of the territory.

When marking, it should be remembered that during the laying of tiles it will be necessary to equip a slight slope in order to ensure the drainage of rainwater.

Preparing the foundation

After marking the site has been completed, you should begin preparing the foundation. This is done in several stages:

At the stage of preparing the path surface for laying paving slabs, you should also take care of draining water from the yard. To do this, dig a trench next to the curb and lay a pipe in it, having previously wrapped it in a layer of geotextile. It helps prevent sand and soil particles from entering the pipe, thereby avoiding pipe clogging and drainage well. When laying the pipe, you should make a slight slope in the direction where the melt water will flow.

Laying paving slabs with your own hands step by step instructions on sand

The technology of laying paving slabs on sand involves creating a sand cushion, which must be thoroughly compacted and its surface leveled. After creating such a pillow, you should lay out the tiles to see how they will fit. The installation process should begin from the curb stone and move away from you.

The tile should be driven into the sand and using a mallet (made of wood) you need to level its position. Specialists use vibrating plates for this. Therefore, if the amount of work is quite significant and everything is done independently, then it would be quite justified to rent a vibrating plate. During work, you need to constantly monitor the level of the tiles. From time to time you need to use a building level to check how level the tiles are. One of the sides of the path, parallel to which it is laid drainage pipe for water drainage, it should be at an angle of approximately three degrees to the adjacent side.

After the first two rows of material have been laid, a rule should be applied and by tapping with a mallet it is necessary to make the gaps even. Upon completion of the paving process, fill all gaps with plaster mortar (dry) and moisten with plenty of water. In this case, it is advisable to water using a hose with a diffuser, so that during watering, a copious stream of water does not wash the solution out of the gaps. Before you water the tiles, you need to get rid of small debris from the surface. Now you need to leave the surface for a while for the tile to set. At the same time, there is no need to allow loads on the tiles during this time.

An important point: material consumption depends on the installation technology, for example, during diagonal laying, it will take much more tiles. In addition, it is very important to ensure that the base for the tiles is well prepared, since the lifespan of the paved path or area depends on this.

How to lay tiles on a concrete base

Laying paving slabs on a concrete base is carried out only if significant, constant loads will be placed on the surface. To lay tiles using this technology, you can make a cushion of crushed stone and fill it with cement mortar, then level the surface, wait until it dries and the base for laying is ready. If the base requires reinforcement, then in the trench, after the crushed stone cushion has been laid, formwork should be made and a layer of concrete (about ten centimeters) should be poured into it and a reinforced mesh should be laid. To do this, you can use a grid with cells ten by ten centimeters. To prevent cracking, you will need wooden slats that are installed across the trench.

When laying paving slabs on a concrete base, you will need an M150 mixture. You need to pour cement on top of the concrete and use a trowel to level the layer. Next, the surface should be covered with film and sprinkled with a small amount of water from time to time. Lay such tiles on concrete surface should be done by using a conventional mortar of cement and sand. Before you begin laying, it is advisable to lay out all the tiles in the correct order on the surface in order to form a pattern and understand in what order to lay them.

After this, the entire tile is removed, and the solution must be applied to the surface in a layer of about three centimeters. Next, you can proceed directly to installation. To correctly determine the width of the gaps, you will need crosses. During work, it is necessary to constantly check the evenness of the masonry and do not forget about the necessary slope of the surface for water drainage.

Laying paving slabs video


Paving slabs - beauty under your feet: 50 best photo ideas for your site

Paving slabs are one of the most popular coatings for decorating paths, courtyards and adjacent areas, squares and sidewalks. It is easy to install or dismantle; you can create a unique mosaic pattern from it, while the composition will not be limited in either shape or color scheme. To have an idea of ​​what it looks like, look at the photo of paving slabs.

Not only its service life, but also its appearance depends on the quality of paving slabs. If you compare its quality with asphalt, you should pay attention Special attention on such material properties as:

  • Price. Despite the fact that one square meter of this material is cheaper than asphalt, it is not inferior in its quality characteristics.
  • Frost resistance. Unlike asphalt, tiles do not deteriorate when exposed to low or high temperatures. Its structure remains the same: it does not acquire the fragility due to which it is so quickly destroyed in winter time asphalt road surface.
  • Aesthetic qualities. With the help of this building material you can realize any design idea. The richness of colors and small sizes of the bar allow you to lay out a pattern of any complexity.

How original is the design of the yard with this building material, look at the paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house in the photo:

Production methods

The main elements from which paving slabs are made are sand and cement. The following can also be added to the solution:

  • granite chips;
  • marble chips;
  • pigment.

The quality and technical characteristics of the material depend not so much on the composition and proportions of its components, but on the production technology.

Vibration pressing

The mold for making tiles is located on a vibrating bed. Due to vibrations, the dry mixture in the mold is compacted. To speed up the process and improve quality, force is applied to the mass. This is done using a vibrating punch until the required density is achieved. After the process is completed, the punch and mold are removed, and what remains on the frame is ready product. The products obtained in this way are of high quality and have a service life of about 25 years.


This method is used for accelerated production. With this manufacturing method, the vibration process is replaced by a high-pressure pressing process. The resulting mixture is homogeneous. This production method is considered one of the most expensive, as it requires special high-quality equipment.


Most cheap way production of paving coverings. Forms are placed on a vibrating table into which the liquid solution is poured. A vibrating tabletop is needed in order to partially separate the solution into fractions. Cement laitance forms on the surface, after which the workpieces are removed from the table, covered with a special film and placed in a separate room to dry. Drying lasts about a day, but for the material to acquire required level strength, it should lie in the warehouse for about a month. Look at examples of photos of paving slabs in the yard.


The tiles are produced in the following formats:

  • 50 by 50 cm. This size is used not only for decorating paths or large areas. Often used as a blind area around the perimeter of a building. To avoid cracks, the surface for laying this coating must be well prepared, otherwise it may burst.
  • 40 by 40 cm. Used mainly for decorating paths and surrounding areas.
  • 10 by 20 cm or 10 by 10 cm. Imitation of paving stones. It is mainly used to decorate sidewalks and squares. Can be used instead of asphalt covering on roads and parking lots.
  • The height varies from 5 to 12 cm. It all depends on the production technology. The greater the height, the stronger the material, but the higher the price.

Below you see how the paving stones lie in the courtyard of a private house in the photo below.

Types of paving slabs

Paving slabs differ not only in manufacturing technology, but also in the composition and shape of the block. Often patterns are applied to the surface that imitate various materials. From marble imitation to texture parquet board. Below are the main types of this building material. ABOUT possible options See the photo in our gallery for laying such paving stones.

Clover shape

The material from which bars of this shape are made is concrete, which contains fine granite crushed stone. Has a smooth surface. Easy to clean, moisture resistant. The patterns for laying paving stones come out in very beautiful shapes.

English cobblestones

Obtained through the process of vibratory casting of concrete mortar. Very similar in shape and color to natural stone. Usually has a gray or brown color. It turns out beautiful paving slabs.


An elongated block with a bend similar to a wave or lightning, due to which the probability of the bars shifting in the horizontal direction is minimal.

Look at original design paving slabs in a private house in the photo.


As the name suggests, the block is very similar to a brick. The same elongated and regular shape. The most popular and cheapest type. It has high strength and long service life. Below you can see a drawing of brick paving stones.


Tiles with rounded edges. Although the assembly strength of a structure made from such slabs is low, design possibilities limited, it is still very popular. The shape of the slabs itself is very aesthetic and the design looks very original. Often this material is coated with a pattern of paving stones with an imitation of marble.

See the photo for types of laying such paving stones.

Laying options

Laying begins with choosing a paving stone pattern and laying method. There are many options for laying paving slabs, but the composition must be harmonious and meet accepted aesthetic rules. To avoid wastage of material, preliminary stage preparation, the design of the coating is carefully worked out, then the material is purchased the desired shape and quantity. See examples of laying paving slabs in the photo in our article.

There are several installation options; below are only those that are most often used. They do not require any special skills; they are easy to install even with the help of improvised means. See the options for laying paving slabs in the photo.


The material is laid either lengthwise or crosswise. As a result, a surface with regular geometric shapes should be formed. Installation is carried out in a special trench with concrete pouring. Below are shown the methods for laying paving slabs in the photo.


Classic way. The elements are laid like this: start from the corner - lay two tiles around the perimeter, then lay two next to each other - perpendicular to them. The next row is laid in the same way. Straight paths and sidewalks are usually decorated with wicker. The pattern of laying paving stones from two colors is especially original in appearance. Look at the drawings of laying paving slabs.


Complex design, requiring certain skills. Typically, brick-shaped tiles are used, from which a zigzag pattern is laid out. S-shape. This method is often used to decorate private courtyards or city squares. Below is a photo of this type of paving slab installation.


The bars are laid in relation to each other at an angle of 45° or 90°. This method is used most often, since this installation gives the structure a high level of stability. With this installation method, mainly brick tiles are used. See examples of laying paving slabs in the photo.

Random Mix

Complicated installation method. Patterns of paving slabs are laid in no particular order. Often this method uses tiles of different shapes and colors. Below is what paving slabs look like in the courtyard of a private house in the photo.

Photo gallery

In our photo gallery you can see 37 more ways to lay paving slabs in the photo.

How to make a vibrating table for paving slabs

Paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house or in a country house perform two functions - aesthetic and utilitarian. The key to high-quality implementation of both is correct styling paving slabs.

Many people trust this to professionals, trusting that they know their job. Is this so? Will a hired worker always perform the installation better than the owner himself?

The main thing is to know how to lay paving slabs with your own hands.

A good help will be step-by-step instructions, in which, in addition to the order of work, all the nuances of this rather simple and exciting process. Where the result appears with the first tile laid.

Preparation for laying paving slabs

Planning is the key to ensuring that your homemade path will not fail for a long time.

  • Site layout. Few people decide to cover the entire space on the site with tiles, and it is also difficult to do without paths, at least from the gate to the cottage and outbuildings. Perfect option- think over the paths to the house and from it to the main buildings on the site. This way the lawn is preserved, and there is no need to knead the dirt when it rains. In addition, you will not have to uproot trees and other perennial plantings.
  • Material selection. Paving slabs are gradually gaining ground over other types of paving. The main advantages: ease of operation, the ability to dismantle the coating, does not “float” like asphalt when heated, does not burst from the cold (frost-resistant), and does not require maintenance. A path lined with paving slabs allows moisture to pass through, thereby not harming the soil (environmentally friendly).
  • Tile. When choosing a tile, you need to know that according to the manufacturing method, it can be vibrocast (possibly self-production) and vibration-pressed (made in industrial conditions). Varies in color, thickness and shape. Requires a base of different composition. All these factors determine the technology for laying paving slabs.

Tile covering of paths and platforms - parameters

A comparative analysis of tiled paving is provided in the table

The type of soil also influences the choice of base for paving slabs. Movable soil requires the construction of a concrete foundation even for a pedestrian path, while dense soil allows you to get by with a sand-cement cushion even under a car.

Laying paving slabs with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

General tips and rules on how to lay paving slabs correctly:

  • provide drains for water drainage. If paving slabs are laid on sand, then water will go into the gaps between the tiles, and if on a concrete base, then a transverse, longitudinal or transverse-longitudinal slope is required. Thus, water, rain or melt, will not collect between the concrete and the tiles. Consequently, the possibility of swelling of sections of the track is eliminated. The optimal slope of paving slabs is 1 cm per 1 meter. Please note: the gap for water drainage should be located between the curb and the tile surface;
  • correlate the size of the tiles with the dimensions allocated for the path. The wider the path, the larger the tiled elements should be (subjective opinion), or vice versa, from small tiles. It would seem that large tiles will make the layout quicker and simpler, but in reality, it may turn out differently. The large dimensions of the tiles are directly reflected in the weight; the weight of paving slabs 40x40 cm is 15-16 kg (depending on thickness). As a result, such slabs are difficult to lift, move, or level. While you adjust the height, you will have to lift the weight several times to add sand;
  • lay (bring up) communications before laying paving slabs. Otherwise, it will need to be dismantled and reassembled. If there is no need for communications yet, then conditions can be created for their installation later. To do this, it is recommended to lay under the path in the most likely places where future communications will pass. plastic pipes diameter 50 mm;

  • Installation of paving slabs is not carried out during rain or immediately after precipitation. The soil and the laid cushion must dry out. Optimal humidity the base is the guarantee that the tile will not spread over time;
  • the base for laying paving slabs must be perfectly level. The sand used for backfilling should not contain clay or other impurities;
  • choose optimal size tracks. It is reasonable to select the width of the path based on the size of the paving slabs, plus a value equal to the sum of the gaps between them. In this way, it will be possible to avoid labor-intensive and not always beautiful cutting of tiles. The same applies to patterned layout. However, this approach is only possible when laying tiles with the correct geometry. The use of imitation natural stone, a circular pattern, and complex geometry does not always make it possible to do without cutting. In this case, you need to think about the exact location of individual whole and trimmed elements.

Stage 1 - Layout of paving slabs - diagrams, patterns, drawings

To create a beautiful tile path, you need to make the right sketch. A drawing or diagram of laying paving slabs will help not only to visualize the project, but also to calculate the required amount of material.

The choice of laying scheme is influenced by the shape (geometry) of the tiles (see photo) and the planned layout design.

Considerable room for maneuver is created by the use of rectangular paving slabs, with standard sizes 100x200 mm, “paving stones” or “brick” type. They give greatest number styling options.

Traditional options for laying paving slabs:

1. Geometric styling. Can be represented by colored canvases or illusions.

By playing with colors and tiling, you can create a unique design for garden paths. Examples in the photo (rhombus, square, circle, new and Old city, parquet, checkerboard, fan, coil, butterfly, wedge sheet, hexagon or honeycomb).

2. 3D illusions - paving slabs with a 3D effect. Laying tiles with a pattern that creates a three-dimensional stereoscopic (three-dimensional) image is a clever technology for deceiving the eye.

An example of which is provided below, does not have a diagram in the classical sense. Involves laying out tiles in artistic disorder. If the tiles are monochromatic, then the size of the tiles varies during laying; if they are multi-colored, the colors vary.

4. Artistic laying of paving slabs, the photo of which is provided below, gives an idea of ​​the diversity various options styling The complexity of the design is determined by the skill or perseverance of the artist.

Stage 2 - Preparation of material and tools for laying paving slabs

For work you will need: sand, cement, tiles, curb. The following tools will be useful: nylon thread, pegs, rubber hammer, long rule, level, tamper, trowel, broom. In case of trimming, you need a grinder with a disc for cutting concrete. Knee pads are a handy thing, because work takes a lot of time focusing on these parts of the body.

Stage 3 - Marking for laying paving slabs

Marking the site consists of determining the contour of the future path. The area around the entire perimeter is marked with pegs, between which a nylon thread is stretched. Due to the fact that it serves as a guide for laying out the tiles, it must be pulled strictly according to the level.

Stage 4 - preparing the base for paving slabs

To install the base, you need to remove the top layer of turf, level the bed, pour water and compact it using a tamper. Dense soil does not require such work. There are stones, roots of trees and shrubs in the soil - all this should be removed.

Note. You can leave the soil, but then the path will be much higher than the rest of the cover on the site, which can lead to it being washed away by melt or rain water.

The resulting bed is covered with a drainage bearing layer, for example, crushed stone or gravel 150-200 mm high. For car path(platforms) the layer thickness increases to 400 mm. Many people place geotextiles under the gravel and on top of it to eliminate the possibility of the cushion being washed out. groundwater. 20 mm is poured on top of crushed stone. sand to level the base.

Stage 5 - Technology for laying paving slabs

Step-by-step instruction

1. Installing a curb for paving slabs or curbs

The purpose of the curb stone is to mark the path and protect the tiles from spreading. But there are examples of laying paving slabs without a border.

The curb is installed on a leveled base. For greater reliability, it is laid on a concrete base (concrete castle).

You can install a plastic border for tiles

The border can be installed flush with the tiles or protrude a few cm. It is recommended to lay the tiles just above the curb (curb) by 5 mm, this is a gap for shrinkage.

There are three types of base:

Laying paving slabs on sand.

In this case, the distance between the curbs (or the tensioned thread if they are absent) is filled with sand. The height of the sand layer is 50-60 mm. Before work, the sand is watered with water using a spray bottle and left to dry a little. Next, it is leveled and compacted. The laying is done on moist, but not wet sand.


On the base prepared at the fifth stage, a second layer of sand (30-40 mm) is laid, on which the reinforcement mesh. The mesh is covered on top with a mixture of sand and cement in a ratio of 1:4.

Laying paving slabs on a concrete base.

The composition of the “pie” is shown in the diagram.

Note. Laying tiles on concrete is not the best option. This is due to the fact that the concrete base does not allow moisture to pass through. Water gets trapped between concrete and tiles and at sub-zero temperatures leads to deformation of the path.

3. Laying tiles

Simple rules for high-quality and efficient work.

How to lay paving slabs correctly:

  • the tiles are laid from the lowest point upward;
  • The masonry is carried out using the manual method. That is, when performing work, the master moves along an already laid path so as not to damage the compacted and leveled base;
  • Installation of tiles in a circular manner begins from the center of the pattern.

  • the beginning of installation occurs at the optically visible boundary, i.e. to the place where the eye first falls: Entrance door, porch, veranda, gazebo, etc.
  • The tiles are not laid out in even rows, but diagonally. This makes it easier to align horizontally.

When starting to lay, the first thing to do is pull the cord across the width of the path, and level the first row of tiles along it. The horizontal line should be checked with a level every 2-3 rows.

"Planting" paving slabs The tiles are placed in the intended place and installed accurately by lightly tapping them with a rubber hammer. If the tile falls under it, add sand or a mixture.

The gap between paving slabs is usually 2-3 mm (enough for water to escape). Exact gaps are maintained using crosses (but this is a theory, it does not occur in practice).

Some manufacturers have provided limiters (remote locks) on the tiles, allowing installation without the use of additional accessories at the same distance from each other.

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Appeared new technology- paving slabs that glow in the dark. Installing such tiles will mark the boundaries and make it safer to move along the path at night. Glowing paint is applied over the tiles and is absolutely safe for users and the soil.

Another option for decorative path lighting is LED paving slabs. In this case, during the laying process, brick blocks are installed - LED lights powered by electricity or solar panels.

Stage 6 - Grouting the joints of paving slabs

In addition to understanding how to lay paving slabs, you need to know how to seal the seams. Filling the seams between paving slabs is done in two approaches. To begin with, pour a thin layer of clean, sifted, dry sand onto the laid tiles. Using a broom or brush, the backfill is swept between the seams. Then a layer of sand (if the base is sandy) or a sand-cement mixture in a 1:1 ratio (for a cement-sand or concrete base) is poured onto the path and the seams are also filled (spilled) using a broom.

You can purchase a ready-made dry mixture for filling the seams of paving slabs: M150 (120 rubles/25 kg) and Quick-mix PFN (1650 rubles/25 kg).

At the end of the work, the path is watered with water using a sprayer. Watering is carried out until puddles form on the path.

Important. The distance between the curb and the tiles is not concreted, and is also filled with dry mixture.

Note. Professionals advise vibrating the seams with a special board, but users argue that in private construction this is unnecessary.

Caring for paving slabs

It’s not enough to know how to lay paving slabs; you also need to provide them ongoing care so that it lasts the billing period. Simple maintenance consists of periodically sweeping and washing the paving slab path (to ensure that the colored tiles remain as beautiful). In winter, you should not use metal shovels to clear snow, and do not use crowbars or ice axes to remove ice, and also sprinkle the path with anti-ice compounds containing salt.

Water repellent for paving slabs

The porous structure of concrete acts like a sponge - it absorbs water. Hygroscopicity plays its detrimental role precisely in winter, when water penetrates the pores of concrete, freezes, expands and destroys the structure of the concrete base. As a result, the appearance of microcracks, dents, cavities, and color changes.

To prevent this, use protective impregnations - water repellents for paving slabs

Water-repellent compounds (materials, additives, liquids) do not protect the tiles from fading in the sun and abrasion, but only saturate the surface of the concrete and thereby prevent “saturation” with water (provide water-repellent properties).