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Crocuses: planting and care, growing in the garden. Planting crocuses in spring - decorating the garden with bright colors

Planting crocuses in the ground in the fall is the most common way to cultivate these wonderful flowers in the garden. In nature, representatives of the Iris family are the first to appear on forest edges, open meadows and hills.

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    Primroses crocuses

    In early spring, when the snow is just beginning to melt from the bright sun, you can see the magnificent heads of delicate pink or lilac buds. These are crocuses that can be planted at home.

    The plant, which is often called saffron, does not require special care. It is very unpretentious and hardy. Therefore, anyone can grow crocuses in their dacha. They take root well in their new place. Primroses are most often used in the design of alpine slides. But they look great in a separate flower bed or as part of a complex flower arrangement. It all depends on when the crocuses are planted.

    Decorating a garden is not the only purpose of plants. Extracts and powder prepared from dried parts of the crop are seasonings. Saffron is widely used in cooking as a spice. It is also known as a quality food coloring.

    Primroses have long been a raw material for the pharmaceutical industry. Their healing properties help create whole line medicines, which are plant-based. The flower is widely used in alternative medicine.

    You can plant the plant in a pot or open ground. An ornamental crop blooms in any conditions if you take soil preparation seriously and choose the right time. When to plant crocuses depends on the plant variety. There are about a hundred varieties found in nature, and the planting of each of them has its own nuances.

    The most common are those specimens that bloom in early spring. They are planted in the fall. Plants that can delight the eye with their buds until the onset of winter must be transferred to open ground in early August.

    Primroses can grow in one place for 5 years. Then the crocuses will need to be replanted. It allows you to rejuvenate and improve the health of the bulbs for lush flowering and further development in another area. Each planted specimen grows very quickly and produces many daughter tubers, which can serve as material for cultivating this plant.

    What varieties are suitable for autumn planting?

    When planning to grow primroses on your plot, the gardener must take a responsible approach to the choice planting material. Crocuses are perennial corms. It is recommended to buy heads only from trusted sellers to ensure that the selected variety should be planted in the fall for early flowering.

    These types include:

    1. 1 Spring crocus, which grows naturally in the Alps and Pyrenees. The medium-sized buds are lilac in color with purple veins.
    2. 2 Crocus biflora is usually white. On the petals you can see characteristic lilac or brownish vertical stripes.
    3. 3 Crimean Crocus has petals that are unremarkable on the outside, pale blue or white with longitudinal gray stripes. Inner side The bud is painted in a pale lilac shade, turning into bright yellow at the base.
    4. 4 Adam's Crocus can be found on the rocky slopes of Transcaucasia, in the foothills of Dagestan, and also Iran. The flowers of this variety change color from lilac to deep purple.
    5. 5 Golden crocus, found in Asia Minor and the Balkans, has narrow leaves and yellow flowers. Sometimes brown spots appear on the buds.
    6. 6 Yellow crocus is distinguished by the bright orange color of its buds. This species has characteristic feature- a bulbous nest covered with a special film protrudes slightly above the surface of the earth, giving the plant the appearance of a small bouquet carefully collected by nature itself.

    Any of these varieties can be grown on your site. Crocuses that are planted correctly will bloom in early spring.

    Tuber processing

    When choosing planting material, you must remember that the bulb must be whole, hard, without sprouts or damage to the skin. Its size can vary from 9 to 12 cm. It is this head that will be able to accumulate a sufficient amount of substances over the winter to please the eye in the spring amazing flowers. The number of buds that the plant produces depends on the size of the tubers.

    It is customary to disinfect tubers before planting. There are various medications available for this procedure. The most commonly used antiseptics are specially created for treating bulbous and other cultivated plants:

    • Fundazol;
    • Karbofos;
    • Maksim;
    • Speed;
    • Vitaros.

    These broad-spectrum fungicides reliably protect bulbs from disease and rot, making them resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. The drugs are very easy to use. They are usually sold in 2 ml packages. You need to dilute 1 ampoule disinfectant in 1 liter of water and soak the planting material in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.

    If you don't have it at hand special means, you can use an old and proven recipe. 5 g of potassium permanganate should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. A weak solution of potassium permanganate - good antiseptic. If you place crocus bulbs in it for half an hour, the effect will be the same as after known fungicides.

    After disinfection, flower tubers do not need to be washed. It is enough to dry them. Immediately after the procedure, the material is ready for planting.

    Site selection and preparation

    Before planting crocuses in the fall, you need to prepare the site in advance. The flowerbed intended for primroses should be located on open area, which will warm up well in the spring sun rays. If you leave flowers in the shade, they will not die, but they will not please you with an abundance of buds.

    Crocus corms grow well in sandy loam soils. The soil must be permeable to air. You should not allow moisture to stagnate at the roots, otherwise the plant will begin to rot, which will inevitably lead to its death.

    The problem of heavy clay soil is very easy to solve. The area should be dug well with the addition of coarse river sand. This material will ensure good drainage in the flower garden and prevent water stagnation. Sand or small river pebbles are added to a depth of 20 cm.

    It is advisable to feed clay soil with organic and mineral fertilizers. Compost is suitable for this type of soil from natural substances. Good structure and enrichment of heavy soil useful substances crushed peat. But it is better to use it with lime to avoid severe acidification of the area. All substances are taken in a dosage of 0.5 kg per 1 m².

    Inorganic fertilizers should be represented by superphosphate. 40 g of active substance per unit area of ​​land will be quite enough. Phosphorus nourishes the bulbs and promotes the development of the root system. But its compounds can be used only 30 days after adding lime to the soil.

    If the soil in the future flower garden is of the light sandy type, then it must be enriched with humus or compost from last year’s leaves. Such soils are very poor, so it is recommended to apply at least 5-7 kg of organic fertilizers per 1 m².

    Loamy and sandy soils are ideal soil for crocuses. They do not require additional feeding. If the flowerbed is located in such an area, it is enough to only dig it up to 20-25 cm.

    The flower garden should be ready 2-3 weeks before planting. During this time, the soil will settle, and mineral and organic fertilizers will be partially processed, providing the flower tubers with the necessary nutrients.

    Optimal time for planting

    Perennial corms, which include crocuses that bloom in early spring, tolerate frost well. That is why they are usually planted in the fall. However, this does not mean that you can choose any time.

    Despite their resistance to low temperatures, flowers may die if they do not have time to adapt to a new place. Therefore, there is an unspoken rule that requires planting crocus tubers in open ground at least 2-3 weeks before the onset of severe cold.

    In the northern regions of Russia, the main work in the garden is carried out until mid-September. Residents of the central regions of the country replant flowers before the first days of October, and in the south the season can be extended even until November. This schedule is quite conditional and depends on weather conditions, which may change.

    You also can’t delay too much, since roots can appear on perennial bulbs very quickly. They are very fragile and easily break when planting flowers in open ground. Choosing the optimal time to transfer crocus tubers to the flowerbed is one of the main components of the successful cultivation of these beautiful spring plants.

    How to plant a plant in open ground in the fall?

    The answer to the question of how to plant crocuses is for every owner personal plot searches independently, depending on what flower arrangement he wants to get it in the spring. If we are talking about decorating an alpine slide, then the flowers must correspond to the general scheme in order to fit into landscape design. Usually they are planted in small groups located at some distance from each other.

    If the gardener's goal is blooming meadow, completely covered with thin green leaves and delicate lilac and white saffron buds, the crocus bulbs are distributed very densely in the soil. The planting pattern is usually 3x3.

    The flowering time of these ornamental plants usually lasts no more than 10 days. To preserve the beauty of a flower bed for as long as possible, many crocus lovers resort to a little trick. During planting, they place the bulbs at different depths, adjusting in a simple way flowering period.

    The optimal choice of distance from the ground surface is important condition cultivation of primroses. If the tubers are small, then they should be deepened by 5-7 cm. For large bulbs, this value can reach 12 cm. The well-known rule for planting this type of plant states that the planting depth should be 2 times the size of the tubers.

    However, unpretentious crocuses, having a powerful root system, are able to independently regulate their position in the ground, if necessary, lowering or, conversely, stretching closer to the top layer of soil.

    However, you should not plant flowers too deeply. In the spring it will be difficult for them to break through the thickness of frozen soil and snow. A short distance from the surface of the flower bed can threaten the tubers with freezing. Especially if we are talking about a region with harsh climatic conditions. The danger increases during snowless winters.

    Advantages of a special container

    Primroses are placed in specially prepared holes and covered with earth. The soil should be moist. To the bottom landing pit you can put a little sand mixed with humus. The bulb is carefully placed in the hole and sprinkled with earth. It is then recommended to cover the area to protect the flowers from the effects of low winter temperatures.

    You should not use cellophane film for these purposes. This material does not allow air to pass through, which is necessary for crocus tubers to develop normally. It is better to mulch the flower garden with sawdust, wood shavings or leaves that have fallen from trees.

    Sometimes gardeners use a different method of planting perennials. Plant tubers are first placed in a special container or basket filled with prepared nutrient substrate. Then the box with the bulbs is buried in the flowerbed.

    This method is almost no different from planting crocuses in open ground in the fall. But using a separate box allows you to quickly remove the tubers from the ground for storage in the spring and protects them from rodents.

    In spring, crocuses - bright primroses - bloom in the front garden.

    Growing them is not difficult at all if you know the subtleties. autumn planting crocuses

    Choosing planting material

    When growing crocuses, it is very important to choose the right planting material; the further development and flowering of the plant depends on its quality. When choosing bulbs, you need to take into account that there are autumn-flowering varieties, the planting of which differs in timing. Spring primroses are planted in autumn.

    1. When choosing bulbs, inspect them carefully. Healthy planting material has no signs of damage, overgrown roots or damage.

    2. A good onion should be firm to the touch, with no soft spots.

    3. You should also pay attention to the scales. At the onion good quality they are dry.

    4. You should not buy seed material if there are signs of rotting at the bottom of the bulb.

    Preparing crocus bulbs for autumn planting + photo

    Before placing the bulbs in the holes, they must be processed and disinfected. This will protect the planting from damage. To prevent disease and rot, the bulbs are pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate. Fungicides are also used for this purpose. Good results treatment with Fundazol, the drug "Skor", "Vitaros". The working solution is prepared at the rate of about 2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is enough to treat up to 1 kg of crocus bulbs.

    Planting material is dipped into the prepared disinfection solution and left for half an hour. After this, they begin planting the bulbs. Treated bulbs should not be washed.

    Important! You can treat the seed material in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The bulbs are kept for about 30 minutes.

    Choosing a place for a flower bed

    Autumn planting of crocuses begins with choosing a location. It should be borne in mind that crocuses prefer sunny places, without stagnant moisture, the excess of which leads to various diseases. They need light to bloom fully. In the shade of trees, the buds may not bloom.

    The soil on the site should be loose and nutritious. Heavy soils are not suitable for growing spring primroses. River sand will help improve the condition of the soil. It is brought in for digging, which makes the soil looser. If the soil is not very nutritious, then it is advisable to add potassium, phosphorus and mature compost. Fertilizers containing nitrogen are not used when growing crocuses.

    When choosing a place for planting crocuses in autumn, give preference to quiet corners of the garden, where there are no drafts or cold winds. Strong gusts of wind can break fragile plants.

    Let's start planting bulbs

    How to plant bulbs correctly? Experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant bulbous plants in special baskets. They will protect crocuses from rodents and make it easier to dig up plants.

    Growing crocuses without baskets, the bulbs are placed on the bed, leaving a distance of about 5-7 cm between them. Looks very good blooming carpet from bulbous plants. To do this, the bulbs are planted tightly, at a distance of 3-5 cm.

    The depth for autumn planting of crocuses depends on the size of the bulb. Larger ones are planted to a depth of 10-15 cm, and smaller ones - 5-8 cm. How to determine the depth of planting material? The optimal depth is equal to the height of the bulb multiplied by 3.

    Crocuses are frost-resistant plants, but in regions with harsh climates it is better to mulch the bed with spruce branches or dry leaves. In the spring, all mulching material is removed, the planting site is carefully loosened, trying not to damage the root system of the plants.

    Caring for crocuses after flowering

    Crocuses need to be dug up annually. After flowering, which ends in July, it is necessary to cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant. Soon they begin digging up the bulbs. They are carefully removed from the ground with a pitchfork, trying not to damage them. Next, the bulbs are washed, sorted and sorted. After drying and airing, which lasts about 7 days, the planting material is stored.

    Crocus bulbs should be stored with a gradual decrease in temperature. At the first stage, the bulbs are lowered into the basement, where they are laid out in a single layer. After a few weeks, the planting material is placed in the lower section of the refrigerator, where it is stored until planting. Optimal time Planting of bulbs is considered mid-September - early October.

    How to force crocuses

    Experienced gardeners grow crocuses in pots. In this case, a flowering plant can be obtained by a certain date. But for this, forcing crocuses must follow all the rules.

    1. From planting to flowering, it takes from 3 to 3.5 months or 15 weeks. This must be taken into account when forcing crocuses for the holidays. To obtain a blooming specimen for the New Year, crocus planting is carried out in the fall, namely, in mid-September.

    2. All bulbs must undergo natural preparation in certain temperature conditions. To do this, bulbs are purchased in the summer and stored at a temperature of 30 degrees for about 7 days. Next, the planting material is lowered into the cellar, where it is stored until mid-August. Further storage of the bulbs occurs in the refrigerator at a temperature of 5-7 degrees.

    3. Crocuses are planted in a prepared container.

    4. The bulbs are placed very close to each other, not like in a garden bed. The fact is that the plant does not grow in such conditions and does not produce children.

    5. River sand is used as a substrate when forcing crocuses. Good drainage is provided at the bottom of each container.

    Forcing crocuses is a very simple task; knowing all the rules, even a novice gardener can handle it.

    Difficulties in growing crocuses

    Beginners often complain that growing crocuses does not bring results and the plants do not bloom. Why is this happening?

    Lack of flowering indicates improper care.

    The bulbs were dug up ahead of time, which disrupted natural cycle development.

    The above-ground part was cut off too early; the leaves are removed after they are completely dry.

    Violated temperature regime storage of bulbs. First, planting material is stored at high temperature, gradually reducing it. Final stage storage takes place at very low temperatures.

    The absence of flowering indicates that the bed has degenerated. Crocuses need rejuvenation of plantings once every three years. If all this time they have been grown without digging, then it’s time to plant the crocuses.

    On bulbs damaged by rodents, buds do not set. Planting crocuses in special baskets for bulbous plants will protect them.

    Some varieties of crocuses bloom in the fall, so when purchasing bulbs, be sure to ask what variety they are.

    Despite the small size of crocuses, gardeners love them very much. After all, they are completely undemanding and easy to care for. In addition, crocuses are planted in the fall, which allows you to admire them in the spring. blooming flowerbed. Once you become familiar with all the intricacies of growing bulbs, it will go without much effort.

    Planting crocuses in open ground can be done both in autumn and spring. Most gardeners prefer the autumn option, but there is an opinion that spring planting leads to brighter and lush flowering plants. In addition, there are certain varieties that bloom only in autumn. Let's get acquainted with the features of spring planting crocuses in the garden, find out when to plant and all the intricacies of this process.

    Keep in mind that crocuses planted in the spring will bloom in the fall. And vice versa - planted in autumn period, will delight you with flowering in early spring. Note that crocuses planted in autumn grow less capricious and finicky. But spring ones will require more careful care.

    In order for crocuses to successfully take root and bloom later, they should be planted in the spring, when the ground warms up well and dries out after the snow melts. If you rush into planting, the bulbs are likely to rot and freeze.

    The optimal period in spring is April: This month is suitable for most regions. But if the climate is cold, it is better to plant in May.

    In autumn, crocus bulbs are planted in the ground from late August to early November. D For rooting, plants require about 4-5 weeks of warm weather (no earlier than a month before the onset of frost).

    Site selection

    Plant crocuses in a flowerbed that receives plenty of sun. Flowers need long daylight hours, which contributes to their brightness and splendor. Although crocuses grow in the shade, the buds are small and not so bright.

    In nature, crocuses and other snowdrops grow in those places where the snow melts first. Find such an area on your site, and make a flower bed there. This choice will be optimal.

    Do not make a flower bed in lowlands, since waterlogged soil is likely to cause the bulbs to rot. Also make sure that the acidity of the soil is not too high: it is ideal if it is neutral. If the soil is excessively acidic, add lime or ash to the bed; peat will also come in handy.


    Flowers love loose soil. If the soil contains a lot of clay, dilute it with sand. Additional nutrition in the form of suitable fertilizers will not hurt.

    In order for a bed with crocuses to delight you with its beauty and brightness, you must initially choose the planting material wisely.

    Inspect the bulbs and make sure they do not have too long shoots or overgrown roots. If the bulb is healthy, it will feel dense and rather heavy to the touch. It is better to discard loose, soft, flaccid specimens immediately.

    Inspect the planting material externally: if there are dark spots, this indicates decay. It is also better to remove damaged and deformed specimens immediately.


    Disinfecting treatment will protect the tubers from rotting, fungus, and other diseases. In addition to potassium permanganate and ash, you can also use special fungicidal solutions: Fundazol, Maxim and others.

    To make the tubers take root faster, you can also treat them with growth stimulants: Kornevin, Epin, Heteroauxin. On average, dressing is carried out within half an hour or 20 minutes if the tubers are small. Dilute all preparations strictly according to the instructions so as not to harm the plants.

    Let's go step by step through all the stages of rooting crocus in open ground in the spring.

    1. In a bed that has been dug up and loosened, they dig out small size recesses. So, if the onion is large, the hole should be approximately 10-12 cm deep; for a small one, 6 cm is enough.
    2. Place drainage at the bottom of the holes, maybe even sand. This layer will protect the onions from rotting.
    3. Planting is done while maintaining a distance of 3 cm. This is the minimum that will provide the crocuses with a normal amount of space and nutrients. It is impossible to plant more densely, but it is possible to plant less often.
    4. The tubers are slightly pressed into the soil and sprinkled with soil on top. The bulb is placed in the hole strictly bottom down: not sideways, not top. Experienced gardeners calculate the depth level based on the parameters of a particular bulb: the depth is taken to be three times greater than the length of the tuber.
    5. Watering is done, but not excessive.
    6. Wait until the water saturates the soil, and then add soil to those holes where there is not enough of it.
    7. To prevent the water from evaporating too quickly, mulch the top of the bed with coarse sand.


    What measures need to be taken to care for crocuses - let us clarify this important issue.


    If the weather is hot, you need to water the crocus bed more often. Do not wait until the soil dries out; moisten the flowers in a timely manner. If the weather is damp and stormy, you can skip the next watering: waterlogging is unacceptable for this flower. The bulbs are very vulnerable and quickly begin to rot from excess moisture. After the tuber rots, it is often not possible to save the plant.

    Along with watering, crocuses also need regular weeding. These plants love loose soil, so after watering and rain, the hard crust on the surface must be broken. While loosening, get rid of weeds at the same time.

    Top dressing

    Plants need additional nutrition. It is better to use potassium-phosphorus compounds, which will help crocuses bloom longer and brighter.

    Crocuses are known in the flower world for not tolerating fresh organic matter at all. Adding fresh manure to the bed will destroy the plants completely. To prevent this from happening, if you use organic fertilizers, then only aged, rotted ones. The fertilizer is not dug into the soil, but simply spread over the surface. This measure will help protect the roots and tubers from burns.

    It is recommended to carry out two feedings annually. The first is carried out in the spring, when the plants are still sitting in the snow. Fertilizers are scattered directly on the snow. It is better to use nitrogen-containing compounds for the first feeding, but in moderation. Nitrogen will help crocuses green up faster and grow lush foliage. Gardeners usually use urea or ammonium nitrate as a source of nitrogen. Will also fit complex feeding such as nitroammophoska, where phosphorus is also added.

    Important: carefully control the amount of nitrogen fertilizers. The fact is that nitrogen increases the risk of fungal disease of the bulbs, and also the excess content of this mineral in the soil makes flowering less lush.

    The second application is carried out after the crocuses have bloomed. This time, potassium phosphate compounds are added: potassium monophosphate, superphosphate, etc. It is useful to feed the crocuses after flowering with ash, simply scattering it over the garden bed.

    Transplantation and storage

    The procedure is carried out after the next flowering period comes to an end. After the foliage has turned yellow and fallen off, it's time to replant. Before placing the bulbs in a new bed, dry them and inspect them for rot or damage.

    If you plan to store tubers over the winter, do so in a dry room at a temperature of about +20 degrees. It is better not to raise the temperature higher, so that premature germination of tubers does not occur. Lower temperatures can lead to rot.

    Important: if the crocuses feel good, grow and bloom safely in the old bed, there is no particular need to replant them. In this case, the transplantation is carried out according to the plan every five years.


    On the eve of winter, the bed should be protected from the cold by pouring soil on top or covering it with agrofibre. Under such protection, the flowers will safely overwinter and next season they will delight you with active growth and flowering again.

    Why don't they bloom

    Sometimes gardeners have to deal with the absence of flowers from crocuses planted in the spring. We will find out why this happens further.

    Confusion with varieties

    Crocuses are divided into autumn and spring flowering. The first should be planted in the spring, the second in the fall. By mixing up planting dates, you may experience a lack of flowering.


    Sometimes the bulbs in the ground are eaten by mice and other rodents. It is clear that crocuses are unlikely to bloom after severe damage.

    Excessive division

    If the mother bulb has produced too many children, it may not have the strength to flower.

    Incorrect landing

    If the tubers were buried too deep during planting, this may also cause a lack of buds.

    We learned how to plant crocuses in open ground in spring. The most important thing is to carefully select high-quality bulbs and plant them in a well-lit place. Then the flowers will quickly sprout, begin to actively develop and retain their decorative effect for a long time.

    Crocus (Crocus) or saffron is a herbaceous corm plant of the Iris family. The aquatic habitat is steppes, forests, meadows of Southern, Northern, Central Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Asia Minor and Central Asia.

    The word "crocus" translated from Greek means "fiber, thread", and translated from Arabic“saffron” means “yellow” (the stigmas of the flower are colored yellow). The crocus was first mentioned in Egyptian papyri.

    In floriculture, crocus is known as spring primrose, but there are also species that bloom in autumn.

    Botanical description

    Crocus is a low-growing herbaceous plant about 10 cm high. Underground part: a flattened round bulb with a diameter of about 3 cm, shrouded in scales, a bunch of fibrous roots is attached to the bulb. There is no stem.

    The leaves are linear, narrow, appear before or after flowering. A single goblet-shaped corolla with a diameter of 2-5 cm appears on a leafless peduncle. They can be colored white, cream, blue, lilac, purple, yellow, Orange color, there are two-color ones, decorated with spots and stripes. In general, the flowering period lasts 2-3 weeks.

    How to plant crocuses in the garden

    • Spring crocuses are planted in open ground in the fall, and autumn-blooming crocuses are planted in the summer.
    • Choose a sunny area; they will grow normally in partial shade or shade.
    • The soil needs to be nutritious, loose, light.
    • When digging the area, add rotted manure, compost or peat with lime. Add ash to clay soil.

    • Plant the bulb to a depth of 2 times its size; if the soil is heavy, a depth of 1 size is sufficient.
    • Maintain a distance of 7-10 cm between plants. Do not thicken the plantings, since crocuses can grow in one place for 3-5 years, forming many “children” - the area will turn into a continuous carpet of flowers.
    • Water well after planting and mulch the soil with fine organic matter or humus.

    You can plant crocuses for forcing. Forcing is a way to force a plant to bloom in room conditions out of season. Dutch large-flowered varieties are best suited.

    • Take bulbs of approximately the same size, plant 5-10 pieces in a shallow bowl.
    • The soil must be loose, water-, breathable, and neutral.

    • Plant the bulbs evenly, slightly pressing them into the soil and leaving almost no space between them, sprinkle with soil to the level of the growth point of the above-ground part, and water moderately.
    • Keep in this form in a cool place for 3-4 months at a temperature of +0 to +10°C.
    • In advance, a week or two before the desired flowering date, remove the crocuses and place them in a warm, bright place, open them and water them.
    • Soon shoots will appear and the plants will bloom.

    • After forcing the bulbs, do not throw them away: continue to water them and feed them with complex mineral fertilizers. When the leaves begin to turn yellow, gradually reduce watering until it stops completely. After the leaves dry out, remove the bulbs, clean them of soil, wrap them in a napkin, and place them in cardboard box, store in a dry, dark place until planting in open ground.

    Caring for crocuses in the garden

    Caring for crocuses is very easy.


    If the winter was snowless and the spring without rain, a need arises. In general, crocuses are drought-resistant. Periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds.


    • During active growth introduce complex mineral fertilizers, it is not recommended to introduce fresh organic matter.
    • Add more potassium and phosphorus; an excess of nitrogen (especially in damp weather) is fraught with fungal diseases.
    • Apply the first fertilizing before flowering (30-40 g of fertilizer per 1 m²), the second during flowering.

    After flowering

    When the spring crocuses fade and their leaves turn yellow, you can forget about them until the next season. Care for fall-blooming crocuses in the same way.

    After flowering, faded inflorescences should be cut off. Green leaves will decorate the garden for a long time. When they dry out, dig up the bulbs as necessary.

    Mulch the remaining crocuses over the winter with peat or dry leaves.

    When to dig up crocus bulbs?

    The need for digging arises after 3-4 years. During this time, the mother bulb will acquire many daughter bulbs, which will interfere with each other, and the flowers will become small. You can dig up, replant, divide the bulbs more often.

    You can dig up spring-blooming crocuses from July to September, and autumn-blooming ones from June to August.

    Dig up the bulbs, clear the soil, remove dead scales, and place them in a single layer in a box or cardboard box. Ideal storage: until August, keep the air temperature at 22 ºC, from August lower it to 20 ºC, and from the middle of the month lower it to 15 ºC. Such conditions are provided in specialized farms. At home, you can store it at room temperature in a dark, dry place with good ventilation before planting in open ground.

    Propagation of crocuses by bulbs

    Reproduction is carried out by separating daughter bulbs. Carry out planting following the agricultural techniques described earlier. Flowering will occur in the 3rd or 4th year of life, depending on the variety and species.

    Growing crocuses from seeds

    Spring-blooming crocuses can be propagated. Flowering of crocuses grown from seeds will occur approximately 4-5 years after planting in open ground, so this method of propagation is not very popular.

    • You can sow before winter (autumn) or grow seedlings in spring (sow in mid-March to early April).
    • In both cases, the seeds must first be soaked in a growth stimulator for 30-40 minutes, then kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    • To sow seedlings, the seeds also need to be stratified.
    • Sow the seeds sparsely in a bowl with damp sand; do not bury them in the soil, but simply spread them over the surface. Then cover with film and place in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks or dig in the garden and cover with spunbond.
    • Then take out the bowl and place it in a warm, lit place.

    • When the seedlings appear, carry out the first watering using a fine spray.
    • Grown plants are planted in separate pots or on permanent place in the garden.

    Diseases and pests of crocuses

    Penicillium, sclerocylus, gray mold, Fusarium - diseases that affect crocuses. Warm, damp weather contributes to this. If you see flattened crocus flowers covered with gray spots, this is a sign of a viral disease. Affected plants must be dug up and destroyed.

    Treat the soil with a fungicide. To avoid such problems, inspect the bulbs for damage before planting. If any damage is found, sprinkle the area with ash or treat it with a fungicide and dry it.

    Bulbs can be damaged by wireworms (click beetle larvae). They yellow color, hard to the touch. At the end of April-beginning of May, spread last year's unripe grass, hay or straw around the area, moisten it and cover it with boards. This works like a trap. Burn them at the stake along with the larvae.

    Collect slugs by hand.

    Field mice can eat succulent crocus bulbs. To prevent this from happening, it is better to use different zones landings (several groups per different areas). In case of invasion, use ultrasonic repellent.

    Types and varieties of crocus with photos and names

    Crocuses are classified into 15 groups. The first is autumn-flowering, the rest are spring-flowering. Dutch hybrids, the Chrysanthus group, are the most popular varieties in commerce.

    Let's look at spring bloomers.

    Reaches a height of 17 cm. It has become the basis for breeding many species and varieties. Leaves are standard. The funnel-shaped flowers are white or purple. It blooms for about a month.

    Crocus biflorus Crocus biflorus

    The corolla can be pure white, white with brown-violet stripes, white inside and brown-violet outside, lilac-blue with external spots of brown.

    Golden crocus Crocus chrysanthus

    Reaches a height of 20 cm. Golden-yellow flowers have an orange throat.


    • Blue Bonnet - has large (3 cm in diameter) flowers of a soft blue color.
    • Nanette - yellow-cream corollas decorated with purple stripes along the outside.
    • I. G. Bowels - a large corolla is bright yellow inside, brownish outside.

    Crocus tommasinianus Crocus tommasinianus

    The perianths are pink-lilac, with a white border along the edge. The opened corolla takes the shape of a star. 1-3 peduncles appear from one bulb.

    Popular varieties:

    • Lilek Beauty - the corollas are about 3 cm in diameter. The petals are oblong, the color is lilac: darker on the outside and lighter on the inside.
    • Whitewell Purple - the opened flowers look almost flat, their diameter is 4 cm. The color is lilac-violet.

    Autumn-blooming crocuses

    Beautiful crocus Crocus speciosus

    The oblong leaves extend 30 cm. Large flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm are colored lilac-violet shade, there are longitudinal veins of a purple hue. There are forms with white, blue, dark blue, lilac, light purple colors.

    The best varieties are:

    • Albus - snow-white flowers.
    • Artabir - has flowers of a delicate blue hue with dark veins.
    • Oksinan - has violet-blue flowers.

    Crocus pulchellus

    The height is 7-10 cm. Light purple corollas with stripes of a darker shade reach a diameter of 6-8 cm.

    Banat crocus Crocus banaticus

    The leaves are silver-gray in color and stretch 15 cm in length. The flowers are light lilac and large.

    Among the autumn-flowering crocuses, it should be noted: Sharoyan, Pallas, Gulimi, holoflowered, medium, trellised, yellow-white, Kardukhor, Kochi, Cartwright.

    Dutch crocus hybrids

    Crocus white photo

    Spring-blooming crocuses with large flowers. There are more than 50 of them. Based on color, they are divided into groups:

    1. Pure or white, with a spot of various shades at the base.
    2. Purple, lilac, lilac flowers.
    3. They have a striped, lattice-like color.

    Their color begins in May and lasts 10-17 days.

    The following varieties grow well in temperate climates:

    • Albion – White flower with a diameter of 4 cm, the length of the tube reaches 5 cm, covered with strokes of a lilac hue.
    • Vanguard - has bluish-lilac flowers with spots of a darker shade.
    • Jubilee - at the base of the corolla there is a clear light purple spot, the corollas are blue with a violet tint.
    • Sniper Banner - light grayish-lilac petals inside are covered with a thick mesh of lilac shade.
    • Kathleen Parlow - white flowers with touches of lilac.
    • Chrysanthus are hybrids that bloom in spring.

    The most famous varieties:

    • Gypsy Girl - the corolla is light yellow on the inside and yellow-cream on the outside. The cream-colored pipe is decorated with touches of dusty purple.
    • Marietta - the spot at the base of the corolla is greenish, the corollas are dark cream, there are stripes of a dark lilac shade on the outside, the tube is gray-green.
    • Lady Killer: the inner lobes are white, the outer lobes are white inside, and on the outside they are dark purple, have a white border and a bluish spot at the base.
    • Saturnus is a yellow-cream flower with a bright yellow throat. The outer lobes are covered with thick streaks of lilac.

    It’s spring, the snow begins to slowly melt and is replaced by fragile primroses. In my garden these are, of course, crocuses. They are the touching harbingers of warmth and the awakening of all living things.

    My many years of experience cultivation of this crop indicates that when minimum costs effort, you will always get great results. This wonderful flower will revive your garden after a gloomy winter, filling it with rich colors and positivity. Crocuses will decorate alpine slide, flowerbed or lawn. They are also successfully grown at home.

    Crocus or saffron is a herbaceous corm plant from the Iris family. There are approximately 80 varieties and over 300 varieties that bloom in both spring and autumn.

    This is a miniature plant, not exceeding 10 cm in height, producing at the time of flowering a bunch of narrow leaf plates and single goblet-shaped inflorescences. The color of the flowers can be any color, except, perhaps, red; striped and two-color varieties have been bred.

    Flowering lasts two to three weeks. The bulbs are small, round or slightly flattened, covered with scales.

    Choosing a place for crocuses

    It is recommended to plant these flowers in an open, well-lit, easily warmed area. They will also grow quite well under the openwork crown of trees that lose their crown for the winter, since during the active development of flowers their foliage has not yet had time to develop and will not create a shadow.

    You should not place them under coniferous species, as well as near various buildings - otherwise the development of crocuses is inhibited and flowering stops.

    In their natural environment, crocuses grow in meadows, where they are constantly in interaction with other plants, so on your site they can be placed close to medium-height crops, such as peonies or ivy.

    The level of soil moisture is very important for crocuses. To avoid losing planting material to rot, choose a dry place for planting with good drainage. Observe your area: those places where there is no stagnation of liquid after rain or melting snow, and the level groundwater tall enough and will be ideal for growing this crop.

    Crocuses cannot be called too demanding on the quality of the soil. They can grow in dense, depleted soil with sufficient fertilizing. Of course, it is desirable that the soil is sufficiently loose and nutritious with good access to moisture and oxygen. Loamy soil type is considered optimal.

    The only condition is the acidity level of the soil; it must be neutral. Planting in acidic soil should be combined with the addition of lime, wood ash, chalk or dolomite flour.

    Subtleties of planting saffron

    Cultivation of crocuses involves frequent transfers, approximately every 3-5 years. Over these few years, each bulb grows with a large number of children, and as a result, you are looking at a continuous lawn of saffrons. Therefore, they should be planted at a considerable distance from each other: there should be at least 8-10 cm between plants.

    • If your pets please you with flowering with the arrival of spring, then plant them in September. If the soil in the area is loose, then the depth of the hole should be equal to two diameters of the bulb. In heavy soil, the hole should be proportional to the bulb. In both options, a layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the planting hole. It can be coarse river sand, gravel or pebbles. Before planting, the bulbs are carefully examined for damage and diseases, and the affected ones are destroyed. After planting is completed, the area is well watered.
    • If you have a preference autumn varieties saffron, then they must be planted before mid-summer. In this case, you will be able to admire their flowering this September. The cultivation of this type of crocus is due to its specifics; there is no need to plant them if they have buds. The plant simply will not find the strength to take root and will die.

    If you nevertheless planted a crocus with a set bud, and it wilted, then urgently cut off the wilted foliage and peduncle. This will give the plant a chance to survive. Next season it will produce a bunch of leaves, but you won’t see flowering until a couple of years later, when the corm has gained strength.

    Forcing crocus

    You can enjoy the beauty of this flower even in winter. These flowers feel quite good in the apartment, especially varieties Dutch selection with large inflorescences. Healthy, undamaged bulbs, preferably the same in diameter, are planted in wide, shallow pots of several pieces.

    The substrate must be light, water- and breathable, with neutral acidity. A drainage layer is required at the bottom of the container.

    After the inflorescences wither, caring for the bulbs continues; they are regularly watered and fed. Complexes of mineral substances intended for indoor use are used as fertilizers. flowering plants However, the concentration indicated on the label is halved.

    Humidification is gradually reduced after the foliage of the flower begins to turn yellow. After final drying, the saffrons are dug up, cleared of soil and, wrapped in paper, placed in a cardboard box. Keep it in a dark, dry place until autumn approaches.

    Caring for crocuses will not require any special effort or time from you. It can be said that they do not require watering, unless in cases of drought or a completely snowless winter. The amount of moisture received by the crocus root system affects only its height, and they treat dry soil quite calmly.

    In summer, hydration has more negative than positive effects. This is due to the period of rest when excess moisture they don't need it at all.

    Mandatory procedures include loosening the soil, fertilizing and weed control.

    During the entire growth period, crocuses are fed twice, while the addition of fresh organic matter is contraindicated for them, since this kind of fertilizer can cause infection with various diseases. It is allowed to add well-rotted manure or peat.

    Use exclusively mineral preparations with high content potassium and phosphorus, nitrogen here should be contained in minimum quantities. This is due to the fact that this element provokes intensive growth of the leaf apparatus, which is fraught with infection by fungi. This is especially true in rainy weather.

    The first feeding is carried out in early spring, a dry complex of nutrients is scattered directly on the snow cover. The procedure is repeated a second time 2-3 weeks after the start of flowering.

    In the latter case, potassium is especially valuable for crocuses, as it contributes to the formation of high-quality planting material. When the foliage of the flowers turns yellow, they are left alone.

    Transplantation and propagation of crocuses

    As noted above, it is not at all necessary to dig up crocuses every year. This must be done once every 3-5 years in mid-summer during the hibernation phase. This is explained by the fact that the mother’s bulb not only increases significantly, but also acquires many children.

    Depending on the variety, one plant produces 1-10 daughter bulbs per year. As a result, there is a shortage of space, which primarily affects the inflorescences - their size is significantly reduced.

    Spring crocuses are dug in July-September, and autumn ones - from early summer to August. The excavated material is sorted, slightly dried and cleaned of excess scales and roots. All patients are removed, and mechanical damage processed with ash or crushed coal. Keep the bulbs in a dry, cool place.

    Daughter bulbs separated for propagation are planted on the site in the same way as adults. They will bloom in three to four years.

    Spring-blooming crocuses also reproduce by seed method, but in this case they bloom only in the fifth year, so it is quite rarely used by gardeners. Crocuses that bloom in autumn most often do not have time to produce fully ripened seeds, so this method is not relevant for them.

    Timing for digging up crocuses and storage details

    • In crocuses, which delight with their flowering in the spring, the countdown of the annual life cycle begins in the last days of winter or on the eve of spring, and from July they go into hibernation. In the fall, they wake up again to quickly accumulate nutritional reserves. A root system and a renewal point are formed. For this reason, crocus foliage should be preserved during this period. Therefore, crocuses should be dug and planted during the dormant period (this is the second half of June - the end of August).
    • The life cycle of autumn crocus begins in August. Flowering is replaced by the formation of leaf apparatus and a replacement bulb. Their hibernation period occurs faster than their spring counterparts by 4 weeks. These bulbs are dug from the very beginning of June until mid-August.

    Crocuses removed from the ground are dried in a shady place, cleaned of soil and dead parts. Then they are placed in one layer in boxes (boxes) and kept in a dark, dry and regularly ventilated place at 22 degrees Celsius until August.

    Now the formation of future flower buds is taking place. From the first days of August, the content degree is reduced to 20, and after seven days - to 15.