Well      06/13/2019

Lobularia is a lush flowering carpet. Growing lobularia from seeds

In addition to pleasant appearance, this plant has a honey aroma, and thanks to its unpretentiousness, its flowers delight others until the very frost.

Botanical description

Sea lobularia (Lobularia maritima), or otherwise called sea alissum, is one of the species of the genus Lobularia and belongs to the Cabbage family.

You can still hear folk names: beetroot, lawn, mason - it's all the same plant, it has no lack of popularity. The origin is Mediterranean, but the species is widely naturalized in areas with a cooler climate.

The best place for lobularia is a well-lit, warm area. Accordingly, damp and cool places for planting should be avoided. In partial shade, the plant feels good, but the number of inflorescences decreases.

Important! It is always necessary to take into account the possibility of cross-pollination of lobularia, so its various varieties are planted separately to avoid mixing, at a distance of at least 200 meters from each other.

Soil selection

Growing from seeds

The process of growing lobularia from seeds is simple. Possible as planting seeds in open ground, and preliminary germination at home. The seeds themselves do not need special care during storage. It is important to know when to sow seeds or plant seedlings.

Direct sowing

After flowering, lobularia fruits are formed - these are oval-shaped pods with sharp tops. The seeds are very small and of different colors, depending on the variety. In purple lobularia, the seeds vary from orange to brown. Whites have yellow seeds.

Seeds should only be harvested after the pods have turned yellow. harvested seeds do not lose their properties three years and all this time they are excellent planting material.

It is recommended to plant lobularia in the spring with a stable warm air temperature (end of April - May) or late autumn, but before the first snow (mid-October). Seeds should be sown in open, dug up soil, on which calcium flour for the plant can be pre-scattered. They are sown evenly over the entire sown area, after which they are gently, lightly tamped by hand.

You should not sprinkle the sowing with additional soil, as this will close it from sunlight and significantly slow down the process of seed germination. It is necessary to water the site evenly and carefully, without flooding the crops.

After waiting for the first shoots, the lobularia should be allowed to grow for another two weeks, and then thinned out. The distance between shoots should be approximately 15 cm - this stimulates the flower to grow, and also has a preventive effect against possible diseases.

Under favorable conditions, lobularia is able to reproduce by self-seeding. But even in this case, once every 2-3 years, plants have to be replanted.

seedling way

This method allows you to significantly accelerate the flowering of the plant. To do this, planting material is sown in small boxes filled with drainage and loose.

After sowing, the seeds should be pressed firmly with the palm of your hand, but they should not be pressed too deeply. Next, sowing must be covered with a film or glass. Comfortable temperature regime for a plant 16-20 °C.
Sprouts appear in about 7-10 days. After the sprouts sprout, protective film should be removed. For normal growth, lobularia sprouts need to create additional lighting. In May, sprouted sprouts are recommended to be taken out on open air- this contributes to the hardening of seedlings.

When three leaves appear on the stem of the plant, you should start diving, transplanting seedlings. Individual specimens can be transplanted into pots or other areas.

Lobularia is planted in open ground at the end of spring. Approximately two weeks before planting seedlings, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with top dressing. In heavy clay soil, it is desirable to add sand and gravel.

The size of the holes should slightly exceed the size of the rhizome so that the plant feels comfortable in the new place. After planting, flowers should be plentiful.

Do I need to care for lobularia?

Lobularia is a very unpretentious plant and does not require special conditions, but gardeners need to know about some of the nuances of growing this species.

For normal growth, the plant is planted on sufficiently moist nutrient soils. But it should be remembered that an excess of humus will lead to a loss of flowering, as the plant will increase its green mass.

Did you know? It is assumed that the word "alissum" comes from the Latin "a lyssa", which means "devoid of canine rabies." There is a version that this name is associated with the use of this plant in the distant past as a remedy. At present, alissum is not used as a medicine.

Lobularia belongs to frost-resistant plants and does not need winter shelter, and also easily withstands seasonal drops in air temperature. When flowering stops, the lobularia bushes are trimmed, thus causing a second wave of flowering. In this case, the stems of the plant are cut to 8 cm, no more.

The plant does not need additional

Lobularia is a genus of flowering plants in the Cruciferous family, closely related to the popular garden flower from the genus Alyssum (they are often called sweet alyssum). You can meet its representatives on the territory of Macaronesia and the Mediterranean region. Lobularia canariensis is found in the Canary Islands and Cape Verde, while Lobularia maritima grows in Malta and Gozo in the Mediterranean.
Lobularia flower has a name that comes from Greek word"small pod" - refers to the fruit of lobularia.
Landscapers use the lobularia flower to decorate and decorate flower beds, rock gardens and living borders. This article proposes a description of the lobularia flower and tells about its cultivation from seeds in a personal plot. You can see photos of lobularia of various varieties:

The genus Lobularia includes both annuals and perennials. They grow to about 40 centimeters long (although they tend to be much shorter) and 15 centimeters wide. The plant grows very low to the ground, has hairy, slightly oblong and oval leaves of a gray-green hue and cruciform clusters of fragrant snow-white flowers. The leaves are arranged in an alternating pattern mainly on the lower part of the stem. When flowers appear on the trunks, it becomes rigid and branched at several points.
The flowers consist of four round petals, many gardeners are sure that their aroma is comparable to the smell of fresh and fragrant honey. No wonder the flower attracts a large number of flies to yourself - the aroma of the color is truly outstanding.
This genus is susceptible to attack by fungal plants and other pests. The following shows a few more photos of lobularia in landscape design personal plot:

Proper fit and aftercare for lobularia

Despite the fact that the plant is quite picky - it should be grown in a sunny place. But it is resistant to frost, and dies only during the most severe frosts or when water stagnates in large quantities in the root system (most often this happens in autumn and spring period). Based on this feature, we advise you to observe a sense of proportion during watering - since in hot weather, lobularia needs regular watering, but moisture stagnation will lead to root rot. The best solution is to avoid watering during the rainy season of spring and autumn. In many ways, the success of the growth and development of the plant in the future depends on this. Correct fit lobularia on a personal plot greatly simplifies the subsequent care of the plant and creates favorable conditions for its development.
During the growing season, gardeners strongly recommend consuming only organic fertilizers. And during irrigation, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil along with this procedure. Periodic loosening of the soil and its mulching after watering are the main activities that are included in the care of lobularia.

Growing lobularia seedlings from seeds

We have already told you in what conditions a flower should grow - in the same conditions it is necessary to plant it. You can sow seeds in the month of November - in this case, you will have to additionally insulate the soil so that the seeds do not freeze there. As a result, the first shoots will appear in the month of May (but there is a high risk of fungal diseases). There are also gardeners who sow seeds in open ground only in April. Growing lobularia seedlings from seeds does not cause any trouble even for a novice grower.

If you plan to start getting seedlings from seeds, then you should do this already in March. The seeds are sown in a container, and then either covered with polyethylene or placed in a greenhouse - so that the first shoots appear on time, do not forget to keep the temperature within 12-15 degrees Celsius. When the seedlings grow enough, you can begin to thin out the bushes, keeping a distance of at least 10 centimeters. Lobularia is planted on open ground only in May, when the root system has already formed - they are planted together with the root and the earthen clod at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other.
The first inflorescences appear on it earlier than one and a half to two months later. The layout of the fertilizer will contribute to a more active and healthy growth of the lobular plant (optimally - 4-5 kilograms per 1 meter squared).
after the end of flowering, the inflorescences are cut off, after which the inflorescences begin to bloom again for another one and a half to two months.

Varieties of lobularia for garden landscape design (with photo)

A variety of shades of petals allows you to widely use this plant in the landscape design of any garden or backyard. The following are the most common varieties of lobularia, which are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to growing conditions, they are accompanied by photos illustrating their external attractiveness. For landscape design garden variety can be selected from the attached photo:

Lobularia marine prefers partial shade

Lobularia marine is one of the most common varieties of this variety. It also requires well-drained soil, which should also be moderately fertile. Usually the plant is grown in loamy or sandy soil, and acidic or spruce soil will provide it with enough support for further growth. Best of all, the marine variety feels in places protected from wind and exposure to direct sunlight.
This annual (rarely and short-lived perennial) plant grows up to 30 centimeters in height and about the same in width. The stem is profusely branched with dense clusters of snow-white flowers. Leaves are 4 mm long and up to 5 mm wide.
Flowers reach five millimeters in diameter, fragrant with 4 rounded petals - the shade can be pink, purple, rose-red and lilac. Flowers grow throughout the growing season or all year round, in areas where there are no severe frosts and no frosts. Pollinated by insects.
The fruit is an elongated pod (rather hairy) oval or round in shape. Each contains two seeds. Seeds are dispersed only by the wind.
In gardens, varieties with pink and purple petals are most often found - seeds are planted in early spring. In the design of a personal plot, it is most often used as a ground cover, as it rarely grows above 20 centimeters. Lobularia also decorate cracks in walls and pavements.
The plant prefers partial shade, and the species with darker flowers is best placed and stored in a cool place.

Lobularia "Royal carpet" - honey smell from July to October

Representative of the cruciferous family. The height of the flower can reach 12 centimeters - they are very low and bloom quite densely. Lobularia flowers "Royal Carpet" up to three millimeters in diameter form racemose inflorescences. The honey scent will cover your garden as the first petals of lilac, pink, purple and white shade. Flowering time from early July to late October. This is very convenient when there are large color compositions in the space of the garden. He does not like prolonged drought, but a large amount of moisture harms him.

Once in a flower bed, lobularia stays there for a long time. And not only because unpretentious plant well propagated by self-seeding. Inconspicuous at first glance, the flower conquers with its modest but exquisite beauty, wonderful aroma, vitality, abundant flowering until frost.

As a representative of the group of ground cover plants, lobularia looks especially impressive in the company of bright, flowering partners in the flower garden, and in borders and mixborders it looks simply amazing.

Lawn, sea alissum, beetroot - it's all about lobularia

Lobularia or alyssum: common and differences

Lobularia and alyssum are closely related, many believe that this is the same plant. Confusion is added by seed producers, often putting an equal sign between them. After all, both belong to the Cabbage (Cruciferous) family, have a common homeland - the Mediterranean, and are very similar in appearance. herbaceous plant, semi-lignified by the end of the growing season, forms a highly branched bush 10–40 cm high, abundantly covered with small flowers collected in lush racemose inflorescences. Narrow sharp leaves of gray-green color are practically invisible from under the flower carpet.

Alyssum is a perennial, and marine lobularia is its annual variety. Initially, species with white and light purple inflorescences were grown in decorative floriculture. Through the efforts of breeders, varieties with flowers of pink, raspberry, lilac, and purple hues have been created.

The culture is photophilous, it prefers loose, not too fertilized soils - otherwise the plant will “fatten”, it is worse to bloom. Moisture-loving, with a lack of watering stops flowering, but after pruning and moistening it quickly resumes.

The special value of the lobularia flower is in its ability to quickly grow into a lush carpet, forming compact spherical bushes. The plant is unpretentious in cultivation and care, blooms until frost, is responsive to formation, quickly resumes flowering after pruning.

This is interesting! Lobularia marine has healing properties It is used as a laxative and mild diuretic. Dried bouquets of flowers - resistant natural flavor air. A pillow-sachet of petals will relieve insomnia.

Use in garden design

Lobularia in white, purple, mixed shades is loved by garden designers. Due to its neutral coloring, it is indispensable as a border culture. With its help, lawns, paths, mixborders are bordered.

In discounts it is used as groundcover, acting as a backdrop for bright spots of flowering annuals and perennials. For the same purposes, it is planted in relief flower beds - rock gardens, rockeries.

Lobularia of a light purple hue resembles star pearls, goes well with other border cultures of warmer, richer colors - marigolds, nasturtium, undersized zinnia.

An annual planted in a container forms a ball, densely showered with flowers and smelling of honey. Looks effective in vertical gardening balconies, terraces, patios.

In the photo, seaside lobularia

Popular varieties

The first to enter the culture and gave birth to new varieties of sea or seaside lobularia. A low plant (12-15 cm) has a creeping rhizome, when it grows, it forms a pillow, densely covering the soil. Collected in a brush purple flowers exude a subtle sweet aroma. It begins to bloom 1.5 months after germination, when grown through seedlings - already in May, withstands autumn frosts.

Royal carpet

Lobularia of this variety creates a truly royal carpet of flowers of all shades of white, lilac, raspberry, purple. A dwarf creeping plant 8–12 cm tall, popular as a border and ground cover mixture. Suitable for winter sowing seeds. Continuous flowering from June to October, refreshing look, instant replacement of faded inflorescences with new ones, combination with many garden plants- Variety advantages.

Royal carpet is good in the garden

snow carpet

No less charming are the thickets of lobularia of the Snow Carpet variety. The boiling whiteness of fluffy inflorescences really resembles snow, creates a feeling of purity and airiness. Compact bushes 10–15 cm high grow in diameter up to 40 cm. The culture is sensitive to thickening - when planting, an interval of at least 20 cm between plants should be maintained. White, constantly blooming balls look original in mobile containers, flowerpots, in raised flower beds.

Snow white blooming cloud

In the very name of the variety - an anticipation of something unusual. Lobularia Oriental nights will not deceive your expectations - juicy dark purple, purple flowers correct form, with a recognizable honey smell are impressive. Low bushes (up to 15 cm) branch strongly, grow back intensively after pruning. Refresh alpine slide, decorates, sets off any flower garden.

Pictured Eastern Nights

star pearl

The second name of the variety is Purple Queen. Lobularia Starry Pearl resembles Eastern Nights. Miniature highly branching bushes are distinguished by the density of flowering, the intensity of the growth of new shoots and peduncles. Quickly fills the free space of the flower bed, creating volume. An unpretentious, cold-resistant crop can be grown through seedlings and winter sowing. The variety is prone to abundant self-seeding.

Growing at home

To get a thick carpet or a beautiful flower border, you need to plant more than a dozen plants. Considering the prices for ready seedlings, it is more profitable to grow lobularia from seeds at home. The unpretentious annual plant perfectly tolerates winter sowing, it can be sown in spring with seeds in open ground, or you can try to grow seedlings.

Growing seedlings

Experienced flower growers prefer the seedling method, although this is more troublesome. What are the benefits?

  • Early flowering - not at the end of June, but already in May.
  • Freezing from spring frosts is excluded.
  • The flower garden is planted evenly, there are no bald spots if the seeds have not sprouted.

Sowing technology is no different from other annuals.

Sowing seeds

Seeds of lobularia are small, remain viable for 3 years. IN room conditions sprout, depending on the variety, in 10-15 days.

Lobularia seeds

We prepare a container with soil in advance. The container must have drainage holes. Plastic containers with a lid are suitable - this is a ready-made mini-greenhouse with a good amount of air. The soil needs light, breathable. It is good when the composition contains high-moor peat, river sand - they have loosening properties.

Before sowing lobularia for seedlings, the soil is moistened, if necessary, disinfected by spilling a solution of manganese or antifungal drugs. Grooves are drawn on the surface, in fact, they outline the direction of the rows. The seeds of the flower are very small, they are sown on the surface of the soil. The maximum can be sprinkled with a layer of coarse sand no more than 0.5 mm. After sowing, the seeds are lightly pressed with a wooden block, the soil surface is sprayed with a spray gun.

Advice! Effective sowing of small-seeded annuals in the snow. It is laid in a layer on top of the prepared soil, the seeds are evenly distributed. Gradually melting, the snow will draw the seeds to the desired depth. Short-term cooling stimulates the awakening of the embryo, faster germination.

The container with the sown seeds is covered with a transparent lid or placed in plastic bag. In this form, they are until shoots, which will appear approximately in 2 weeks. Every day the greenhouse should be ventilated, if necessary - moistened. But caution is needed with water - alyssum, although marine, does not tolerate getting wet.

Sowing time

The answer to the question of when to plant lobularia for seedlings depends on how early spring comes in your area. Optimal timing For middle lane- the first half of March. By this time, daylight hours increase and the seedlings turn out to be strong, do not stretch, take root better.

Seedling care, planting

Thin, fragile seedlings emerge from small seeds. If a lot has risen, they are thinned out, leaving 2-3 pieces at a distance of 10 cm. The second option is diving into cups or pots. It is also recommended to take several plants, in case something does not take root.

To prevent the lobularia from freezing, seedlings are planted after May 10. Flowers are planted in a sunny area in groups, observing an interval of 20 cm.

From tender, weak sprouts, strong, strongly branching bushes will grow.

Direct sowing into the ground

It is possible to grow lobularia from seeds by spring sowing in open ground approximately from mid-April. The site is well loosened, leveled, complex mineral fertilizers are applied before sowing. Sow on the surface of the soil. The technology is the same as when growing seedlings.

Advice! The annual propagates by self-sowing, retaining varietal characteristics. Seedlings sprout early, develop rapidly, catching up and overtaking seedlings. Seedlings are thinned out, some of them can be planted for further cultivation.

Care rules

The lobularia flower is unpretentious and does not need special care, but if you follow certain rules, it will be grateful and respond with luxurious flowering.

  1. Grows best in full sun or light shade.
  2. He loves space, stretches out in dense plantings, is poorly ventilated, which leads to rotting of the roots.
  3. Sensitive to drought and water overflow. In the first case, it stops flowering, in the second, it begins to get wet and rot.
  4. Regular pruning of faded flower stalks stimulates the appearance of fresh ones. After cleaning, it is desirable to water and fertilize with complex fertilizers.
  5. One of the few horticultural crops that can be cut. To renew the flowers, the ground part is cut off, leaving 5-6 cm, watered abundantly, fed. The second flowering will be no less magnificent, will last until frost.

An unpretentious plant gives more than expected from it. With it, the usual flower beds will sparkle with new colors, and the garden will be filled with honey fragrance.

Alyssum is loved for its beauty, grace and alluring aroma of flowers. It is jokingly called "a flower for lazy summer residents." The secret of the popularity of the plant is unpretentiousness and simple care.

Popular types and varieties

Alyssum rocky

A common horticultural species native to Southern Europe. This is a strongly branched perennial 15–25 cm high. The gray pubescence gives the leaves a grayish tint. Forms round bushes 30–40 cm wide. Cultivated forms have double flowers. different shades yellow color. Alyssum rocky blooms in April-May for a month, it can bloom again in August.

A common perennial species in Europe. In our country, it grows in the steppes and dry forests of Central Russia. Bushes grow up to 10–20 cm. They have raised and creeping shoots. The leaves are pubescent gray-green in color, the flowers are yellow, collected in brushes.

Alyssum pyrenees

Perennial 15–20 cm tall, native to the Iberian Peninsula. It has fleshy silvery leaves covered with hairs and compact white inflorescences.

Alyssum creeping

Winter-hardy perennial from Asia 40–60 cm high. Shoots are collected in bunches. The leaves on them are narrow gray-green in color. The flowers are bright yellow, collected in elongated inflorescences.

Often alissums include sea lobularia - a plant with fragrant flowers of white or lilac color. In the wild, it is found in the crevices of rocks and on the sand dunes of the Mediterranean. Most varieties of marine lobularia have shoots 8–10 cm long, but there are varieties that grow up to 40 cm. The bushes are upright or spreading in shape. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate. small flowers collected in inflorescences-shields. During flowering, they completely cover the bushes. The aroma of the flowers is thick and strong, reminiscent of the smell of honey. This attracts insects - bees and butterflies.

In addition to traditional plants with white and lilac inflorescences, varieties with pink, yellow, raspberry, red flowers have been bred.

Among the variety series, the leader in popularity is " Esther Bonnet". From seeds grow compact bushes 6-8 cm high with dense inflorescences of white, pink, purple and lavender.

In the sort series " Golf» includes miniature plants up to 6 cm with flowers of bright colors and delicate pastel shades.

Of the varieties known "Tinu Team", "Snow City", "Snow Carpet"- lobularia with white flowers.

In plants of varieties Rosie o Day" « Purple Crystal" inflorescences Pink colour.

"Oriental Nights", "Purple Queen» – lobularia with beautiful flowers dark purple.

Growing from seeds

Alyssum is grown through seedlings or by sowing seeds in open ground.

For growing seedlings in the spring prepare boxes or pots and loose soil mixture. The soil is used in the store or added to a self-prepared mixture of peat, garden soil, humus and sand. All components are taken in equal parts.

Seeds before sowing are soaked for 5-6 hours in a solution of growth stimulants. Then they are dried a little and start sowing. The earth in the box is leveled and grooves are marked. Alyssum seeds are small, they are placed in rows to a depth of no more than 2–3 mm. The distance between the seeds is 1-1.5 cm. The grooves are sprinkled with sand and sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

The boxes are covered with foil or glass and placed in a warm place with an air temperature of 23-25°C. Shoots appear quickly, after 4-7 days the first shoots are visible. Remove cover from containers. If the crops were carried out early - in early March, then the seedlings are illuminated. If sown in late March - early April, then additional lighting during this period is not required. After germination, the temperature is lowered to 18-20°C. It is best to transfer young plants to glazed balcony. In a warm room, seedlings will quickly begin to stretch. Seedlings are moderately watered, avoiding waterlogging.

When the grown seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, a pick is carried out. Tender plants are carefully removed from the soil and transplanted one at a time into a larger box. Instead of boxes, you can dive alissum into separate pots or seedling cassettes with a diameter of 6–8 cm, 2 pcs in each cell.

In a common container, a row is planned and seedlings are laid out in it at a distance of 3–3.5 cm from each other. The ground is shifted with a wooden ruler, filling the row. The soil around the seedlings is compacted. After 4–5 cm, new rows are drawn and the rest of the plants are transplanted.

Alyssum is sown in open ground when the earth warms up - in late April - early May. Seeds are laid out sparsely in grooves to a depth of not more than 3 mm. From above they are sprinkled with earth or compost and watered. If the weather is dry, the crops are covered with lutrasil. Shelter after germination is removed, and after 2 weeks the seedlings are thinned out. A distance of 15–20 cm is left between them. Extra plants can be transplanted to another place.

To get a constantly blooming alyssum of different shades, crops are carried out several times at intervals of 2 weeks.

To get early shoots in spring, seeds can be sown in late autumn. Spring seedlings are strong, healthy and fast growing. The soil for winter crops is prepared in advance before the ground freezes. They mark grooves on the beds - they should be deeper than with spring planting– 4–5 mm. Seeds are sown when a frozen "crust" forms on the soil. The rows are sprinkled with compost or peat.

Choosing a place and soil for planting

For alyssum choose open and sunny areas. You can plant them in the shade, but with such a planting, flowering will be worse.

The earth must be dry, loose and permeable. With poor drainage, plants are more likely to be affected by fungal diseases.

If the soils are heavy and clayey, then compost, humus, sand are added to them. If necessary, the earth is limed to reduce acidity. Its level should be neutral or alkaline, as in nature, alyssum prefers calcareous sandy soils.

The plant is undemanding to fertility. Lobularia can grow even on poor soils. The main thing is that plants should not be grown in soil fertilized with fresh manure.

Landing in open ground

Hardened seedlings are planted in open ground from the second decade of May. Alyssum is considered a cold-resistant plant, but if there is a threat of night frosts, it is recommended to protect plantings with a light covering material. The distance between the bushes is left 20 cm. As they grow, they will close into a continuous curtain and when the inflorescences bloom, it will look like a colored carpet.



For alyssum, excessive moisture is detrimental, but also long breaks in watering, overdrying of the soil adversely affects general condition and flowering plants. It is important to determine the optimal level of watering. Young bushes are watered regularly as the topsoil dries up. For an adult alissum, if the weather is not dry and there is no rain, moisturizing once a week is enough. In extreme heat, water more often - 2-3 times a week.

top dressing

Perennial alissums are fed 1-2 times per season, annual lobularia 2-3 times.

For the growth of young plants, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used: urea, saltpeter, Agricola-7 (1 tablespoon of one of these products per 10 liters of water).

Before flowering and after pruning, the plants are fed with complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.


Alyssum (lobularia) begins to bloom 1.5 months after sowing the seeds. In cool summers, flowering is longer, and in hot weather, when the air temperature rises above 30 ° C, it is shorter.

Pruning alyssum stimulates the emergence of new flowering shoots. After the first wave of flowering, wilted inflorescences are cut off, leaving parts 5-6 cm long. Plants are watered and fed. This will give impetus to new growth. Soon, young shoots will appear from the sinuses, and after 10–14 days, the alissum will bloom again. The second bloom is more magnificent and longer. Until frost, you can enjoy honey aromas.


Alyssums breed seeds, cuttings. For perennial species all methods are suitable annual plants grown from seeds.

seeds ripen by autumn. In September or early October, seed pods are collected from the bushes. If you leave faded plants in flower beds, they will take care of themselves - alyssums easily reproduce by self-sowing. Seeds retain maximum germination for 3 years.

For cuttings in June or August, apical shoots 10 cm long are cut off. Peduncles and lower leaves are removed, leaving a few upper leaves. The stalk is immediately planted in a pot in a mixture of sand and peat. Roots appear within 1-2 weeks. Rooted cuttings are planted in open ground.

The earliest flowering of alyssum can be obtained if rooting is carried out in winter or in early spring. For this autumn mother plants they dig together with a clod of earth, cut off the above-ground part and plant them in pots. Plants overwinter in a cool room. They are rarely watered. Over the winter, new branches grow, which can be cut and rooted. This process will be successful at an air temperature of 23-25°C. The container with cuttings is covered with a transparent bag or jar.

Pests, diseases

Of the diseases, alyssum is most often affected root and root collar rot, powdery mildew.

The reasons for the appearance rotten is excess moisture. Alyssum seedlings can get "black leg" disease. If diseased plants are found, they are destroyed and watering is reduced - the soil surface should dry out. The soil around the bushes is loosened to improve air exchange to the roots. Fungicide treatment and planting healthy plants in new soil will help stop the spread of the disease.

The first signs powdery mildew is the appearance of white spots on the leaves. They increase in size, become gray color. The leaves begin to dry out, the flowers fall off. Most often, alyssums in thickened plantings get sick. Plants are poorly ventilated, the soil around the bushes does not dry out. Diseased alissums are removed, healthy plants are treated with preparations containing copper for prevention.

Plant pests are cruciferous flea, cabbage moth, turnip white.

cruciferous flea voracious insect. In a week, it can destroy all the buds and make holes in the leaves. It is better to use against the cruciferous flea preventive measures. It is effective to spray every 2 weeks with insecticides, for example, Iskra.

Pale green caterpillars cabbage moth gnaw leaves, buds, flowers. They are harvested by hand, destroyed by chemical and biological insecticides. The pest is repelled by infusions of wormwood, tobacco, vinegar, citrus.

turnip white lays eggs on leaves from May to August. The yellow-green caterpillars that have appeared live on them, gnawing holes. Light traps are set against butterflies. Caterpillars are harvested by hand, bacterial and chemicals, tobacco infusions.

Alyssum (lobularia) in a flower round dance is always in the foreground. Its low, lush and fragrant curtains frame borders and lawns, decorate planters, rockeries and.

Learn more about growing alissum (lobularia) from the video.