Shower      03/29/2019

Growing carrots - all the secrets and subtleties of care. Secrets of proper planting of carrots in open ground and the basics of caring for them

Since ancient times, humanity has been engaged in agriculture. Today, all types of vegetables and fruits can be bought in the store without any problems. But no store-bought product can compare with one grown locally. personal plot. It’s much more pleasant to know that the fruits are grown with my own hands, so much time and effort has been invested into them. And if it also brings benefits, then it is doubly pleasant. One of these vegetable crops growing in the country is carrots.

Carrots are a common crop for growing in the countryside.

No summer season can’t do without planting carrots. Carrots are grown in open ground. Experienced gardeners We are sure that the root vegetable will please the eye as a result correct landing and proper care, and they know exactly how to grow large and long carrots, and even sweet ones. They always have a couple of secrets in stock.

Summer residents have to work hard: choose the right place, prepare the land, plant and care in a timely manner in order to get a good harvest by autumn. But any spring suffering begins with the choice of seeds.

Selection of seed material

Modern counters of any stores, including country stores, are replete with a variety of goods, in which it is easy to get confused. Therefore, before you go shopping for seeds, decide why you will plant the root crop:

  • for use in the summer-autumn period;
  • for winter storage.

In the first case, the vegetable must be used immediately, since it cannot be stored for a long time at home. The “Vitaminnaya-6” variety is perfect for this application. Varieties that can be stored before the onset of cold weather should have a long growing season. This type can be used for blanks. To keep the harvest in winter time, you should choose varieties such as:

  • Queen of Autumn (sweet and sour carrot flavor);
  • Gold autumn;
  • Moscow winter.

Queen of Autumn - an attractive variety of carrots

Preparing beds for planting

Every experienced summer resident has secrets in stock, thanks to which they know how to grow a good harvest of carrots. The preparation of the beds can be done either in the fall or directly in the spring a couple of weeks before sowing.

The first step is to decide on a location. Remember that the vegetable loves well-lit areas. Before planting, remember what grew in your garden bed last year. This is an important factor affecting the yield. It’s good if the following grew here before: cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, garlic or cabbage. You should not plant carrots after dill, parsley, parsnips - the root crop will not grow.

Before sowing, the soil is cleared of various types of weeds. Professionals believe that it would be a good idea to re-dig the beds in the spring; this ensures better air permeability of the soil.

Be sure to enrich the soil with carrot fertilizer. It is recommended to use the following composition for this: 2 tbsp. potassium sulfate, 4 tbsp. granulated superphosphate, a little ash and dolomite flour. The mixture of ingredients is applied to square meter land. The soil is ready for sowing.

Carrots do not tolerate weeds

Preparing the seeds

Carrot seeds, like any other, need preparation before sowing in open ground. Thanks to this approach, seed germination will be significantly better. Every experienced gardener has his own method in his bins, which is easy to use at home. Let's look at the most interesting ones:

  • Use of growth stimulants for treatment. All actions are carried out according to the instructions strictly attached to the chemicals. The process itself takes no more than 20 hours, and germination exceeds all expectations.
  • Sowing seeds into the soil. A cloth bag is taken, grains are placed there and the whole thing is buried 15 cm into the ground. The contents must be kept like this for at least 10 days, after which they are taken out of the ground.
  • Soaking the seeds for a day. Take a cloth, cotton wool or toilet paper and well moistened, you only need to keep them in this condition for a day, after which you can start planting.
  • Heat treatment with boiling water. Boil water, place the seeds in a rag bag and plunge into boiling water for 20 minutes. With help cold water Cool the contents of the cloth bag.

Carrot seeds can be treated with commercial growth stimulants

Planting carrots in the ground

It would seem that the technology for growing carrots in the country is extremely simple; there is no secret here. But is this really so? Schemes used for sowing vegetable crop, a huge variety. Everyone chooses the one that is more convenient. Among the sowing methods, the following should be highlighted:

  • in bulk;
  • in rows;
  • grooves.

Now let's learn more about how to grow carrot seeds.

Growing carrots in bulk is a troublesome task, but most gardeners are confident that the method is the most effective and efficient.

In addition, it is the fastest of all presented. Vegetable grains are scattered over the entire surface of the bed, pressing lightly on them. After watering, the plants can be covered with film. Despite the attractiveness of the process, it has a number of negative aspects:

  • some of the seeds remain on the surface of the soil and there will be no seedlings from them;
  • shoots in some places are either sparse or too dense;
  • After germination, the crop is difficult to weed.

This method of planting vegetables may leave you without a harvest at all, since the young shoots can be clogged with fast-growing weeds.

The second method - sowing in rows - is more effective and common among summer residents. The harvest is richer. The root crop is planted in the ground, maintaining a distance that varies from 7 to 10 cm. But there is also a minus here. The grains are washed away when it rains and may not be found in the place where they were planted.

Sowing in rows is the most popular method among vegetable growers.

Furrow seeding is a more economical process. If country cottage area It has small sizes, then the method is just for you. First of all, mark out a garden bed at your dacha. It should be narrow, but quite high. Furrows are made on the surface of the soil, 15 cm apart from the edges, fertilizer for carrots is selected and applied, and watering is carried out. Vegetable seeds are sown in them.

The first weeding is done after the sprouts appear, that is, approximately in June, about two weeks after the root crop was planted. The next weed control is carried out after 20-30 days.

Is it possible to plant carrot seedlings?

Quite a lot is known about how to grow carrots in open ground. Is it possible to plant a vegetable through seedlings? Yes. Some varieties are sown in a protected place - in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Most people tend to assume that the crop does not tolerate transplantation well. This leads to damage to the tails, as a result of which it grows ugly. Actually this is not true. The seedlings take root well and the harvest grows excellent. The main thing is not to forget to use fertilizer for carrots.

Carrot seedlings take root well and produce high yields

Vegetable care

Summer residents often wonder: how to grow good carrots? She, like other plants, requires attention and timely care, which includes: weeding and fertilizing, watering and loosening. She needs moderate watering, but it should be regular throughout her growth. Humidification occurs on an increasing scale. By July, the watering rate gradually increases. Per square meter of soil with root crops will be within 20 liters. The closer autumn gets, the more watering rates will decline. The region and weather conditions must be taken into account and adjustments made accordingly.

The second important point when growing vegetables is feeding carrots. It must be done regularly. How to feed carrots? Each summer resident applies his own fertilizer to carrots. This can be organic matter or one of the types of mineral fertilizer, or you can use both together. Fertilizers for carrots come in a variety of varieties. This will not harm the culture.

The first time carrots are fed 10 days after the first shoots appear on the surface. To prepare fertilizer for carrots you will need: potassium sulfate (1 tbsp), double superphosphate (1.5 tbsp). The norm is diluted into 10 liters of water.

Potassium sulfate activates carrot growth

Subsequent feeding occurs two weeks after the first. Fertilizer for carrots is done as follows: potassium sulfate and azofoska (1 tablespoon each) must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

You shouldn’t stop at just one type of fertilizer; caring for carrots requires complex measures, so in addition to mineral supplements for feeding, be sure to use organic matter. As a fertilizer for carrots, you can use bird droppings, which are diluted in water and watered with the mixture between the rows.

Watering with salt also has a beneficial effect on seedlings; you need to dilute 1 tbsp. in 10 liters of water and water the plants.

Yeast feed recipe

We often hear the saying that it is growing by leaps and bounds. Everything is correct and applicable as fertilizer for carrots. Yeast is a kind of fertilizer for vegetables. For this purpose, both dry and “live” yeast are used.

First recipe. 1 kg of “live” yeast is diluted in 5 liters of water. Before watering, the resulting concentrate is diluted again with water (1:10).

Second recipe. For 10 liters of water take 10 g of dry yeast, 2 tbsp. granulated sugar. Let it sit for 2 hours, after which the composition should be diluted again with water (1:5).

Despite the intensity of growth after such feeding, you should not get carried away with yeast. No more than 3 waterings are carried out per season.

Yeast dressing for carrots can be made from both live and dry yeast

Pests and diseases of root crops

Caring for carrots includes not only feeding with chemicals and yeast, but also controlling various pests. The main pests for the crop are aphids and carrot fly. They appear when the soil is overly moist or when there is no proper care. To combat it, seedlings are sprayed with Bitoxibacillin or Lepidocide once every two weeks. The chemicals effectively control insects.

At strong humidity Fungus may develop. Here drugs such as Phytocid, Liposam and Mikosan-V will come to the rescue.

Thus, in order to get a good harvest of sweet and juicy root vegetables in your garden plot, you will have to work hard, that is, not only plant, but also choose the right fertilizer for carrots.

Carrots are in second place after potatoes in the ranking of the popularity of root crops grown in our dachas. And the most demanding root crop in terms of growing conditions and care, although this is not obvious. Especially novice gardeners complain that the carrots did not grow well, or that they were small, crooked, “hairy”, cracked, bitter, with black spots, rotted and molded during storage. A lot of troubles can happen to carrots as they grow. To avoid them, you must strictly follow carrot agricultural technology.

The best conditions for carrots

This is an open ground plant. There is no need to grow carrot seedlings in our latitudes. First of specific conditions for carrots - soil.

Soil for carrots

It should be loose. Most often, our gardens have heavy soil.

And you need carrots:

  • loam or sandstone;
  • increased fertility;
  • well aerated;
  • with additional baking powder (sand);
  • with acidity as close to neutral as possible (pH 6-7);
  • moisture-absorbing;
  • not forming a soil crust.

It is advisable to observe these conditions not separately, but all at once. They are all important, but the most important, perhaps, is the looseness of the soil. The root crop must receive oxygen, otherwise it will have low taste qualities and suffer from fungal diseases.

Important! When sowing seeds in insufficiently loose and moisture-absorbing soil, their germination rate is greatly reduced.

Predecessors are suitable and not so

The second important factor. The plant cannot be grown in one place even for two years in a row. Carrots are not suitable for monocultures, since already in the second year of cultivation in the old place they begin to be affected by aphids, nematodes, Alternaria blight and especially carrot flies.

The place where the root crop is cultivated must be changed annually. Return to the old one - no earlier than the fourth year.

Predecessors of carrots

Suitable Absolutely not suitable
Cabbage Carrot
Bows Caraway
Tomatoes Parsley
Legumes Dill
cucumbers Parsnip

Sowing process

Timing for sowing carrot seeds in the ground open type depend on several factors. They are:

  • weather;
  • varietal characteristics;
  • purpose of cultivation.

Before sowing, the seeds must be prepared, and the soil must be treated and filled with fertilizers.

Soil preparation

Before sowing the root crop into the garden bed, it is necessary to add nutrients there. For carrots, the presence of humus or compost is required during the period of germination and the beginning of development. The norm of humus or vegetable compost per square meter of bed is 5 liters.

In addition to organic matter, nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are also added. The soil is dug to the depth of a spade two weeks before sowing.

If your soil is heavy loam, add sand as a loosening agent and also sawdust and ash. The root vegetables will be sweet, juicy, smooth and store well.

Important! Fresh manure cannot be applied to carrots (even if sowing is done before winter). The addition of unrotted organic matter will certainly lead to branching of root crops and a significant deterioration in taste. There is also no need to apply nitrogen fertilizers in excess of the norm, otherwise the root tissues will become coarser, the juiciness will decrease, but an excess of nitrates will appear.

On the eve of sowing, the soil on the ridge is loosened, leveled, and watered. Grooves two centimeters deep are made in the soil, with a distance of 15 cm between them.

Seed preparation

One of the ways to sow carrots is winter sowing. In this case, the seeds are not processed in any way and do not undergo preparation. Sowed dry.

During the winter in the ground they go through the process of vernalization, and in the spring they begin to grow very early. Since seeds germinate already at +8°C, ready-made root crops sown in winter can be obtained two weeks earlier than those sown in the spring. But such carrot roots are not suitable for long-term storage.

Advice! In spring, early carrots are sown in early April, late carrots - from mid-April to early May. The earlier you sow carrots, the more moisture stored in the soil from winter will reach the seeds.

Carrots take a long time to germinate - some varieties may take up to 25 days. This process is intended to speed up the preparation of seeds, as well as to disinfect them in order to protect them from future diseases.

Methods for preparing carrot seeds

Way Description

First, the seeds are placed in a jar with a saline aqueous solution (2 tbsp/1 l). Those that float up should not be sown - these are dummies that do not contain an embryo. The settled seeds are taken out of the water, washed and placed, wrapped in a cloth, in a hot place (+60°C) clean water for a quarter of an hour. Rinse again with cool water. Dry for 24 hours and sow.

This method is the simplest. There is no need to prepare solutions, and long soaking is also not required. After placing the seeds in a bag, put it in the refrigerator or bury it in the soil in early spring. Before sowing, the seeds are removed, washed, dried and sown.

This method is suitable for your own seeds, as a disease prevention. The seeds in the bag are placed in a glass of warm water (+40°C stable temperature, to which 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide is added. The solution can be prepared from manganese (slightly pink). The seeds are kept in peroxide for 24 hours, in potassium permanganate for 2 hours Then washing, drying and sowing.

This processing method increases the yield of carrots and also accelerates the ripening of root crops. You need only 20 g of ash per liter of water. It is infused for two days. Then it is filtered and soaked for 4 hours. Treatment is carried out one day before sowing.

Sowing and germination

You can use the “grandmother’s” method and simply germinate the seeds in a damp gauze and saucer until persistent five-millimeter roots appear.

The prepared seeds are sown densely in the grooves prepared in the garden bed and covered with light soil. The soil is compacted from above with a board or hands.

The optimal temperature for carrot seedlings is +15… +18°C. Prepared seeds germinate within 10-12 days.

Caring for carrots

Maintenance activities include weeding, loosening, digging, watering, pest control and fertilizing. All are required, none can be ignored.

Carrots are a long-day plant, so they need a lot of sun to thrive. Growing this root vegetable in the shade and even in partial shade is another mistake made by inexperienced gardeners who complain about crop failure.


Or thinning is a mandatory procedure. It is carried out twice. The first time a green root vegetable produces two true leaves. A distance of 2.5-3 cm remains between shoots.

A month later, when the young carrots have grown to 1.5 cm in diameter, a second breakthrough is carried out. This time, a distance of 6 cm is left between the plants, and the torn roots can be used for food.

Video - Thinning a carrot bed

Important! Do not leave uprooted plants or tops in the garden bed, even for a short time. The smell of carrots will attract carrot flies, which will then destroy all plantings.

Carrots need to be constantly removed from weeds, loosened and planted so that the head of the root crop does not become green and bitter. Loosening is carried out after each rain or watering to destroy the soil crust, which blocks oxygen access to the roots.


Watering is carried out frequently (every other day in hot weather), but the doses of moisture are small. The maximum amount of moisture required for carrots is:

  • after sowing until seedlings emerge (make sure that the soil does not dry out);
  • during the formation of the root crop;
  • during the period of its intensive growth.

It is better to water carrots in the evening, at sunset. It has been proven that in dry years, timely watering increases the yield and improves the quality of root crops.

Watering stops completely 20 days before the expected harvest, otherwise the root crops will crack.

Pest Control

There are many preventive methods prevent carrots from being damaged by pests and diseases.

  1. Timely tillage.
  2. Maintain crop rotation.
  3. Destruction of residues and tops after harvesting.
  4. Seed disinfection.
  5. Planting partner plants nearby (for example, onion phytoncides repel carrot flies).

If prevention does not bring the desired result, and the carrots are still damaged, the crops need to be treated.

Root crops are treated with “Lepidocide” and “Bitoxibacillin” against carrot flies and aphids. These are biological products. Treatment is carried out twice - immediately after detection of pests on the leaves of the plant and two weeks later.

Timely use of “medicines” will protect carrots from pests. Just do not carry out the treatment immediately before harvesting. After this, you must wait at least 20 days.

Top dressing

During the growing season, the root crop is fed twice. You can use both mineral fertilizers and organic matter.

The application of mineral fertilizers is carried out according to the following scheme.

1 feeding – at the age of 21 days (three weeks after sprouting). Ingredients: water, balanced azophosphate, potassium sulfate. Proportions: 1 l/1 tbsp/1 tbsp.

2nd feeding - a month after the first.

Important! Organic fertilizers for this root crop should be used with caution. It is better to add them in solution.

Bird droppings are diluted 1/10 in water, settled, diluted with water again 1/10, poured into the grooves.

Mullein is diluted with water 1/20, infused, and watered into the furrows, which always follows the main watering.

If you want to get sweet carrots, 20 days before harvesting the root crops, the tops need to be sprayed with a solution of humates (1 g per 10 liters of water) plus nitrogen fertilizing in a proportion lower by half. After such a procedure useful material from the tops they “go” into the root crop, and the carrots turn out juicy and sweet.

Video - How to feed carrots

Video - Caring for sown carrots

Carrots have long won the right to be called one of the most popular crops among gardeners. It is grown in gardens almost all over the world. Carrots gained their popularity for their relative unpretentiousness, high yield and, of course, for great benefits. Its beneficial properties are explained high content vitamins, including vitamins of groups B, C, E, K, PP, as well as carotene, which the human body processes into vitamin A. High content of useful minerals, such as iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus. At the same time, carrots contain a small amount of calories and are used in dietary nutrition.

Carrot strengthens the retina of the eyes, prescribed for hypovitaminosis, diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, cardiovascular system, polyarthritis. Also known are her healing properties at peptic ulcer and cancer. Thanks to such beneficial properties Almost every gardener grows carrots in the country.

From the experience of gardeners, it is known that you can get very early carrots by sowing them in a greenhouse. To resort to this method of growing, you don’t even need to prepare a special greenhouse, just sow one row at a short distance from the walls in the greenhouse that is intended for other crops. The growth of carrots turns out to be so active that by the time high tops form, which begin to interfere with the main plants in the greenhouse, the carrots are already quite suitable for harvesting.

However, most people most often resort to the traditional method - growing carrots in open ground. Therefore, let's talk about this option, consider ways to obtain good harvest carrots, growing and caring for them, as well as the features of cultivating a healthy root vegetable.

Currently on sale you can find two seed options:

If everything is clear with the first and second options, then the third is a relatively new product on the market. Each seed is enclosed in a special gel shell. The shell has a special composition, it retains water and creates optimal conditions for seed development. In addition, the shell contains useful macro- and microelements that accelerate the development of seedlings.

Gel dragees They are more expensive, but their use can be considered quite justified, since the seeds produce stronger and more friendly shoots. Dragee is very convenient for spot planting, so fewer seeds are required, whereas with conventional sowing the seedlings often have to be thinned out.

Planting methods

Exist several landing methods carrot seeds, among which you can choose the most suitable:

If as planting material For cultivation, seeds in traditional weight packaging were selected; before sowing, it is recommended to carry out special preparation.

To produce seed disinfection, they are placed for a day in water heated to 40 degrees.

More effective method Soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate is rightfully considered disinfection. Seeds must be treated in a 1% solution. To do this, 1 g of potassium permanganate is diluted in 100 ml warm water. The solution must be saturated, since lower concentrations of potassium permanganate are practically useless. The seeds must be kept in the solution for 20 minutes, after which they must be washed with warm water.

Increase seed germination can be done by heating it in water at temperatures up to 50 degrees. It is recommended to keep the seeds at this temperature for about 20 minutes. Next, the seeds should be cooled in water until room temperature.

Preparing the beds

Choosing a place for garden beds

Carrots are a light-loving plant, so you should choose places with good sunlight for planting them. Root vegetables grown in the shade will be thin and tough.

Since carrots belongs to the umbrella family, it should not be grown in the place of previous growth of dill, celery, parsnips and parsley. Family pests may remain in the soil from last year, and there may be insufficient nutrients. Traditionally, potatoes are considered the best predecessor, and after carrots it is recommended to plant legumes. Carrots can be grown again in the same place after three years. The most favorable neighbors of carrots are onions and garlic, as well as beets and beans.

Soil preparation

Well-drained loam is considered the most favorable soil for growing carrots. To prepare the soil, soil, sand, peat and compost are usually mixed. If you have to deal with heavy clay soil, add sawdust at the rate of 3 kg per 1 sq. meter. Sawdust can be soaked in a solution, for the preparation of which you take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea per liter of water. The soil should be well dug and loosened.

Soil fertilization

In order to increase soil fertility, you can apply cow dung, however, you need to make sure that it is well rotted. Consumption is usually half a bucket per 1 sq. meter.

As a top dressing you can use such complex mineral fertilizers, like ammophoska or azofoska. Mixtures of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are often used.

The indicated dosage is calculated for 1 square. meter of bed.

Sowing seeds

Regardless of the chosen planting method, you can determine uniform sowing rules:

  • sowing is carried out in early spring, as soon as the last frosts have ended, the average temperature should not be lower than 8 degrees;
  • the distance between seeds should be 3 – 4 cm;
  • after sowing, you can cover the beds with film until shoots appear, and the film should be a couple of centimeters from the ground;
  • It is necessary to water the crops moderately but often;
  • from the moment of emergence of seedlings it is necessary to carry out regular weeding;
  • if there is a need to thin out the seedlings, the first can be done after 10, and the second after 20 days.

Caring for carrots

Features of care

There are several rules that allow properly care for plantings carrots:

Feeding carrots

Can be used as a fertilizer both organic and mineral fertilizers:

  • Quite often a solution is used as a top dressing. bird droppings. It is often mixed with superphosphate. Take 10 parts of water for 1 part of manure, this mixture is infused, and before feeding it is diluted another 10 times. A solution of manure is often used. Manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Fertilizer is applied to the furrows between the rows of carrots.
  • It is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers in two stages:
    • The first feeding is carried out 3 weeks after the emergence of seedlings. To prepare a solution for 10 liters of water use: urea - 1 tsp; double superphosphate – 1.5 tbsp. l.; potassium sulfate – 1 tbsp. l.
    • The second feeding is carried out two weeks after the first. To prepare a solution for 10 liters of water use: azofoska - 1 tbsp. l.; potassium sulfate – 1 tbsp. l.

Control of pests and diseases of carrots

The most common pests are carrot fly and aphid. To get rid of them, it is recommended to spray the plants with Lepidocide or Bitoxibacillin once every two weeks.

If fungal diseases are spreading, Phytocid, Trichodermin or Mikosan-V will help cope with them.

It is worth paying attention to a product called Liposam, which will allow better adhesion medicines to plant leaves.

Choosing a carrot variety depends on the purpose of cultivation:

Another point that should be taken into account when selecting a variety is what soil it will have to be grown on. For heavy and dense soils You can choose short-fruited varieties, for example Karotinka.

At correct selection varieties and following the recommendations for growing carrots in the country, you can get a plentiful, vitamin-rich, crispy and tasty harvest.

Carrots are herbaceous plant small in stature, belonging to the two-year-old group. During the first year of its “life”, the crop strengthens its root system, vegetative part, and a thickening appears, which contains a huge amount of substances. During the second year, the generative part is formed. She is responsible for reproduction. The yield of this root crop depends on many factors: the right variety, climate conditions, proper planting and care.

What types there are are indicated in this article.

Planting process

When fertilizers have been applied to the intended area for planting seeds, it is worth digging furrows that are not very deep. It will be 2 cm. A distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between these grooves. Before sowing, the seeds should be ground. Thanks to these actions, you will be able to clear them of bristles. Sprinkle the sifted seeds with soil and then compact them.

If the process of seed ripening occurs at an air temperature of 16-18 degrees, then it will be possible to get the first result in 14 days. The main advantage of this planting material remains that, being in the ground, they are able to tolerate minor frosts. If the thermometer is 4 degrees, the seeds will be able to survive. If it becomes known that a prolonged cold is approaching, it will lead to intensive flowering of the root crop.

Indicated in this article.

The video shows growing carrots in open ground:

Carrots are a plant that loves light very much. When planting seeds in a dark area, you risk reducing the yield and taste of the finished vegetable.

Care process

In order to receive excellent harvest carrots, you need to correctly draw up a plan for caring for root vegetables. This process involves a set of activities: preparatory stage soil and planting, watering, loosening, subcortexing, pest control.


After planting carrots, it is necessary to saturate the bud with water 2 times a week. Such actions should be performed until the planting material appears from the ground. Then watering is done once a week.

Watering the soil early stage performed to a depth of 10 cm. As the root crops grow, the depth reaches 20 cm. Thanks to abundant watering, the carrots will begin to grow deeper, consuming moisture from there. With shallow watering, the fruit will begin to develop shoots on the sides. This will lead to worse appearance root crop, and it cannot be stored for a long time. It is not recommended to water the plant 3 weeks before harvesting, as this will lead to cracking.


In order for the root crop to be of normal size and not ugly, it is worth performing this type of care such as thinning. You can begin such actions after 2-3 leaves appear from under the ground. It is advisable to perform thinning once per season.


After thinning has been done, you can begin to loosen the soil. Thanks to such measures, it is possible to eliminate the formation of a green head in the product.


To prevent damage to the root crop during loosening, the soil should be mulched with fine grass, chopped with a grass cutter. The thickness of the mulch layer will be 1.5 cm. As the length of the root crop increases, the thickness of the layer increases. If everything is done correctly, then you can be sure that a crust will not form on the surface of the earth, water will evaporate less, weeds will not grow, and root crops will constantly receive the required portion of oxygen.

Top dressing

It is impossible to get a high carrot yield without fertilizing. For these purposes, you can use ash, mullein and chicken droppings. Dilute mullein with water in a ratio of 1:10, chicken manure - 1:30. Add 250 g of ash to the resulting solution. Feed twice throughout the season. The first time - after 2 weeks after germination of the plant, and the second time - 14 days after the first feeding.

Pest Elimination

Root crops have one important and terrible enemy - the carrot fly. To prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to remove all existing vegetation after thinning. As a preventive measure, plant onions around the perimeter and leave dill umbrellas. To prevent carrots from rotting, you should constantly monitor watering. In this case, it is better not to top up than to overfill.

In the video - carrots: growing and care in open ground:

Necessary agricultural technology

Agricultural technology for obtaining high-quality carrot crops is simple. The soil requirements are not high. It is worth sowing planting material in the fall, since carrots are not intended for long-term storage, or in the spring after the snow melts.

No matter what time was chosen for sowing, the soil for growing is prepared in the fall. Deep digging is carried out in the selected area. Add humus and thoroughly crush the lumps of earth. Fresh litter can be added 6 months before sowing. It allowed the accumulation of nitrates and reduced crop staleness.

The video explains how to properly grow carrots in open ground:

When non-granulated planting material is used during sowing, it is advisable to carry out preparation here. Seeds can very often contain dummies. To prevent them from getting into the ground, it is worth using some methods to remove them:

  1. Using an ebonite stick. To do this, just move it over the seeds and those that are spoiled will simply stick to it.
  2. Place the planting material in water, and seeds suitable for sowing will fall to the bottom.. After this check, dry the seeds.

Before planting, you need to soak the seed in water. Keep it there for half an hour. The culture represented is very fond of sunlight. The process of growing carrots can take place around the perimeter of the beds with onions and garlic. It is allowed to plant cabbage near it. But after harvesting, it is not recommended to plant cabbage, as it will become depressed.


When choosing suitable variety Carrots must be taken into account that they are divided according to their ripening periods into early, middle and late.


This variety is worth choosing for a quick harvest. The resulting root vegetable is not intended for long-term storage. It should be eaten immediately.

To the very the best varieties worth mentioning:

  • Amsterdam;
  • Helen;
  • Darling;
  • Nantes;
  • Orange nutmeg;
  • Paris Carotel;
  • Chantenay 2461;


The duration of storage of the crop depends on the ripening period. The later the harvest occurs, the longer it can be stored. This collection includes the following varieties:

  • Alenka;
  • Berlicum Royal;
  • Dolyanka;
  • Gold autumn;
  • Emperor;
  • Red giant.

Long-term storage varieties

If you are going to store carrots in winter, then you need to pay attention to the following varieties:

  • Biryuchekutskaya;
  • Vitamin-6;
  • Gueranda;
  • Gross;
  • Cardinal;
  • Queen of Autumn;
  • Losinoostrovskaya 13.

The sweetest varieties

The presented varieties are grown for cooking baby food. Carrots contain a large number of carotene and sugar. This root vegetable should also be consumed by people who are very long time are at the computer. To get the sweetest carrots, you should buy the following varieties:

  • Children's sweetness;
  • Children's joy;
  • Emperor;
  • Karotan;
  • Beautiful maiden;
  • Darling;
  • Nastena;
  • Orange friend.

Varieties for Siberia

To plant carrots in Siberia, you need to focus on those varieties that are not afraid of the harsh climate. This should include:

  1. Shantanay. Planting material is late-ripening. The finished harvest can weigh 250 g and has a conical shape. At proper care and cultivation, it is possible to obtain an even and beautiful root crop. It does not crack, can be stored for a long time, and resists various ailments.
  2. Nantes. This variety belongs to the mid-season group. It has a cone-shaped handicap. Before they ripen, the tops of carrots turn green or purple. Ready carrots even and smooth, has an orange tint. The variety can withstand different types rotten, perfectly stored.
  3. Losinoostrovskaya 13. Also belongs to the mid-season group. The mass of the finished root vegetable is 180 g. The shape of the carrot is a cylinder with a pointed or blunt tip. The core and pulp are presented in one color scheme. The product tastes very juicy, tender and sweet.

The video shows the secrets of growing carrots in open ground:


If you decide to start growing carrots in open buds, then to get good results it is important to know small tricks. They will help you get excellent results as efficiently and quickly as possible:

  1. Manure should not be used as fertilizer. In this case, you will get branchy and tasteless root vegetables.
  2. For more uniform sowing of planting material, it is necessary to mix it with sand in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. To reduce seed consumption, it is worth gluing them in starch clusters onto thin pieces of paper. Maintain a distance of 5 cm between seeds. During planting, you simply roll out the tape in the furrow and sprinkle with soil.
  4. To get an early harvest, it is worth sowing seeds before winter. Then the crop will be stored for a long time.
  5. To obtain large root crops, it is necessary to make the distance between plants large.
  6. When harvesting, clean the strip carefully with your hands, do not hit it on the ground or against each other.
  7. The product should be stored in a cool, dark place, and the tops should be trimmed.

If you follow all the recommendations presented for caring for and growing carrots in an open bud, you can be guaranteed to get a tasty and juicy root vegetable that will be stored for a long time. In addition, you can sow not just one variety, but several, which will allow you to get a varied harvest.

carrots in Middle lane It is convenient to grow in Russia; the climate is suitable for this. I prefer mid-season carrots; they last a long time and taste good. It is optimal to sow mid-ripening varieties in mid-May. However, to avoid negative influence return frosts, you don’t have to rush to sow - plant carrots at the end of the month.

Soil for planting carrots

Planting carrots in beds

I prepare beds for carrots in an open, well-lit area; there is no shade there, and this has a beneficial effect on the yields - the soil warms up well. I choose the most leveled part of the site for the beds - without slopes or depressions where it can accumulate cold air and excess moisture.

Prepare beds for carrots in the fall, when there is significantly more free time than in the spring.

First, I remove all the plant parts remaining from the crop growing on the site, then I dig up the soil using a shovel full, trying to remove maximum amount weeds, after which I loosen the soil with a rake and level it. For those who have heavy soil on their plot, I advise you to dig it up with sawdust, scattering it at the rate of 3 kg per 1 sq. m. m.

I don’t make the beds too large and I don’t advise you to do so; the optimal width of the bed, which allows you to care for the plants without problems, is 1 m, or a little more. I arrange the beds on the site so that their length runs from north to south.

Carrot planting scheme

The scheme is simple: first, I draw grooves along the beds about 5 cm wide and about 2 cm deep or a little more. I make the outer furrow no closer than 10 cm from the edge of the bed, maybe even a little further, and the rest, 18-20 cm apart from each other. Some gardeners believe that they will save a lot of space if they make narrow furrows, but experience has shown that such beds further care very inconvenient.

In order for carrot seeds to germinate faster, I always sow them in pre-moistened soil. Before planting, I first water the beds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (light pink), after which I thoroughly moisten each furrow with water at room temperature, using 5-6 liters. Before sowing, it is also better to keep the seeds in water for about a day so that they swell. I scatter the prepared seeds along the furrow at a distance of about 1 cm or a little more from each other.

Follow the sowing scheme and you can significantly save seed and own strength– you don’t have to thin out the carrot seedlings immediately after they appear.

Caring for carrots after planting

After sowing the carrots, I sprinkle the furrows with a mixture of river sand and peat, in equal parts, until level with the soil surface, and then cover them with film. There should be 10 cm of free space between the soil and the film, so I lay bricks along the edges of the bed, then lay the film on them, and lay another brick on top of the same bricks, stretching the film.

To prevent water from accumulating on the film, which can press it to the ground, I make several holes in the film through which excess water will drain onto the soil.

The film plays a purely positive role; it retains moisture in the soil, helps to increase the soil temperature, due to which seedlings appear in just a week. Immediately after the emergence of seedlings, the film must be removed so as not to interfere with their growth.

The rest consists of regular thinning, loosening, fertilizing and timely watering.

Nikolay Khromov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior researcher

Planting carrots in open ground: video

For information on the experience of planting carrots in open ground in the spring in the Tula region, see. Carrots are sown at the end of April or early May. Carrot seeds are soaked in hot water for half an hour or in a damp cloth for 2 days. The swollen carrot seeds are dried and powdered with ash. To make the crops sparser, sand is added to the carrot seeds and mixed. Carrots are convenient to use in joint plantings, for example, with onions or peas. When growing, you need to observe crop rotation, for example, sow carrots after potatoes.

Planting carrots on paper: video

Experience of sowing carrot seeds different ways see: how to plant carrots in jelly and on paper, using ash and sand, how to prepare seeds and beds for sowing. Carrots can be sown in joint plantings with beets and onions. Before planting, the seeds are prepared. First, carrot seeds are soaked in hot water at a temperature of 50-60 °C for 2 hours in a thermos, and then for 15 minutes according to the instructions in a growth stimulator solution. Immediately before sowing, after soaking, the carrot seeds are dried on a linen napkin.