Well      06/20/2020

Home made hydroelectric power plant. Low-power hydro generators for home Ges do-it-yourself homemade

Hydroelectric power plants use the power of water to generate electrical energy. Self-made stations solve the problem of remoteness from centralized power grids or help save on electricity.

Advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric power plants

Hydroelectric power plants have the following advantages over other types alternative sources energy:

  • They do not depend on the weather and time of day (unlike). This allows more power to be generated at a predictable rate.
  • The power of the source (river or stream) can be adjusted. To do this, it is enough to narrow the channel with a dam or provide a difference in water heights.
  • Hydraulic installations do not make any noise (unlike).
  • Many types of low power stations do not require any installation permits.

The disadvantages of home-made hydroelectric power plants include the inability to work in cold weather. In addition, the water environment is aggressive, so the station parts must be waterproof and durable.

When designing a mini-hydro power plant for use as an alternative energy source for own house The following factors should be decisive:

  • The proximity of the river to the house. Installing a homemade station away from home is not worth it. The farther the installation, the lower its efficiency, because some of the energy will be lost during transmission. In addition, it is more difficult to protect your HPP from theft or damage.
  • Sufficient flow rate or the possibility of its increase. The power of the station increases exponentially as the speed of the water increases.

Finding the speed is easy. Throw a piece of Styrofoam or a tennis ball into the water and time it to swim a certain distance. Then divide meters by seconds and you'll find your speed. The minimum sufficient water speed for a home-made hydroelectric power station is 1 m / s.

If the flow rate of your river or stream is below this value, then a small dam or a narrowing pipe will increase it. But these options can cause additional difficulties. The construction of the dam requires permission from the authorities, as well as the consent of the neighbors.

Do-it-yourself mini hydroelectric power station

The design of the hydroelectric power station is quite complicated, so it will be possible to build only a small station on your own, which will save on electricity or provide energy to a modest household. Below are two examples of the implementation of a homemade hydroelectric power station.

How to make a mini hydroelectric power plant from a bicycle

This version of the hydroelectric power station is ideal for cycling trips. It is compact and lightweight, but will be able to provide energy for a small camp set up on the banks of a stream or river. The resulting electricity is enough for evening lighting and charging mobile devices.

To install the station you will need:

  • The front wheel of a bicycle.
  • A bicycle generator that is used to power bicycle lights.
  • Homemade blades. They are pre-cut from sheet aluminum. The width of the blades should be from two to four centimeters, and the length should be from the wheel hub to its rim. There can be any number of blades, they need to be placed at the same distance from each other.

To start such a station, it is enough to immerse the wheel in water. The immersion depth is determined experimentally, from about a third to a half of the wheel.

To build a more powerful station for permanent use, more durable materials will be needed. Best suited for metal plastic elements, which are easier to protect from the effects of the aquatic environment. But they also fit wooden details, if soaked with a special solution and painted with waterproof paint.

The station requires the following items:

  • Steel drum from the cable (2.2 meters in diameter). A rotor-wheel is made from it. To do this, the drum is cut into pieces and welded again at a distance of 30 centimeters. Blades (18 pieces) are made from the remnants of the drum. They are welded to the radius at an angle of 45 degrees. To support the entire structure, a frame is made from corners or pipes. The wheel rotates on bearings.
  • A chain reducer is installed on the wheel (the gear ratio should be four). To make it easier to bring the drive and generator axles together, as well as to reduce vibration, the rotation is transmitted through the cardan from the old car.
  • Suitable for generator asynchronous motor. Another gear reducer should be added to it with a coefficient of about 40. Then for a three-phase generator with 3000 revolutions per second, with a total reduction factor of 160, the number of revolutions will decrease to 20 revolutions per minute.
  • Place all electrical equipment in a waterproof container.

The source materials described are easy to find in a landfill or from friends. For cutting a steel drum with a grinder and for welding, you can pay specialists (or do everything yourself). As a result, a hydroelectric power station with a capacity of up to 5 kW will cost a small amount.

Getting electricity from water is not so difficult. Harder to line up autonomous system power supply based on a makeshift hydroelectric power station, keep the station operational and ensure the safety of people and animals around it.

Small hydro turbines are very specific in principle of their operation, unlike the turbines of ordinary hydroelectric power plants. The process of operation of a micro hydroturbine is interesting in that the properties of its structure can provide for a specific object the volume of water masses that will flow to parts of the hydroturbine (blades), bring the generator into operation (the generator plays the role of generating electricity).

The process of increasing the pressure of water is ensured by the formation of a “derivation” - free flow of water (provided that this micro hydroelectric power station is of a diversion type) or a dam (the condition is a mini thermal power plant similar to a dam).

Mini HPP power

The power level of a mini hydroelectric power station directly depends on the conditions in which its hydraulic properties are located:

  1. Water flow is the volume of water masses (l) that passes through the turbine in a certain period of time. It is customary to take 1-2 seconds for this interval.
  2. Water pressure - the distance between two opposite points of the water mass (one is located at the top, the other at the bottom). Head has a number characteristic features, on which the types of micro hydroelectric power plants also depend (high head, medium head, low head)

The peculiarity of the operation of a micro hydroelectric power station is assessed from the point of view of its territorial location. For example, a pressurized micro hydroelectric power station works by diverting water flows through a special channel made of wood, located at a certain angle of inclination, which allows water to flow faster. The water pressure in such a hydroelectric power station depends on how long this channel is. Further, the water flows into the pressure pipeline, after which it enters the hydraulic unit, which is located in the lower part. Then the recycled water is sent back to the source by squeezing.

Location of mini hydroelectric power station

It is important to note that the position of the hydraulic turbine, depending on the type of construction, may be different:

  1. Horizontal position. This position of the hydro turbine leads to a natural increase in the size of the mini hydroelectric power station itself (with the help of a turbine shaft, which also increases the size of the energy system during rotation, as well as a change in the scale of the turbine hall). However, it should be noted that the construction of such hydraulic turbines is not more complicated than the others, but on the contrary, it simplifies it.
  2. Vertical arrangement. This type of arrangement helps to reduce the size of the HPP, improves the balance of center lines, and its compactness. This arrangement is more difficult to build, since it creates the need for a detailed balance of the axis in the rotational element. Also in such a situation, it is important to be more careful about the mandatory position of the working floor, when it is in one horizontal line and its strength characteristics, so that they are able to withstand the weight of the entire structure. The vertical arrangement increases the pressure on the axis of the structure.

The use of mini hydroelectric power plants

In general, installations of small hydroelectric power plants are used mainly for their use in remote areas of residential facilities. They cannot be serious competitors to large power plants, but rather serve to provide energy savings. Recently, the number of people using batteries as hydroelectric power plants solar type And various settings wind regulation. The turbines described in this article may soon become one with these innovative energy sources, which will eventually lead to the creation of new electrical circuits and models.

What can these structures be used for?

  • to provide electricity to private property;
  • for remote industrial areas;
  • for electric charging stations;
  • for temporary use.

Advantages of a mini hydroelectric power station

Small hydropower plants have a number of special advantages:

  • they are available in two versions: fixed at the bottom of the reservoir, as well as with special hooks that allow you to work on the surface
  • the unit can reach a power equal to 5 kW, in order to increase the power and efficiency of the hydroelectric power plant, the turbines are installed as modules
  • HPPs do not negatively affect the environment in any way during the construction process, because to create it, natural water is used, which is directed into a certain stream and sets the blades in motion.

Turbines for mini hydroelectric power plants

Now let's talk directly about hydro turbines for mini hydroelectric power stations and what we need for its construction. Characteristics and features of the operation of the hydraulic turbine:

  1. The temperature of the water supplied to the turbine must exceed +4 °C.
  2. The temperature that should be in the block module is +15 °С and higher.
  3. Sound pressure, the source of which is located 1 m from the turbine, is 80 dB or more.
  4. The outer surface of the hydroturbine must be heated to a temperature not exceeding +45°C, provided that the air temperature is around +25°C.

Let's consider an example of a well-balanced and working hydroturbine under ideal conditions.

Let's assume that we have a flow turbine, radial, high-pressure with an average head, which provides a tangential supply of water to the blades, the shaft is horizontal. Such types of pipes are classified as "quiet". They have the peculiarity of adapting to the environment, the place of installation and various differences in altitude pressures. If the water flow changes dramatically, then the design of a two-chamber bag is used in the turbine, which makes the device work better.

The body of any hydraulic turbine is made of structural steel, it is durable and reliable. The cost of materials, construction is significantly reduced compared to hydro turbines for conventional hydroelectric power plants. The most common material used to build a hydro turbine will withstand drops of 90 to 120 meters, some parts are made of of stainless steel(body, pipelines).

In the new generation of hydro turbines, it is possible to replace the generator and the impeller without severe deformation and sorting. It should be noted that the impeller has the property of self-cleaning due to water flows that pass through the area of ​​the impeller in the course of their work. During the design of the generator and the hydro turbine itself, a number of measures are taken to reduce the cavitation level. Current hydro turbines are 100 percent free from this problem.

The main part of the hydraulic turbine is the impeller. The material for the manufacture of blades is often profile type steel. The blades, due to their properties, can create an axial level force, facilitating the work of the bearings, and the impellers themselves are in constant balance. The duration of the impeller axis is determined by its position, for longer operation it is installed on the bearing level.

Features of hydro turbines for mini hydroelectric power plants

  1. Can be used in purification systems to obtain high-quality drinking water.
  2. It is possible to connect an industrial generator.
  3. Increased requirements for the reliability of the generator.

Some characteristics of the technical plan:

  1. Height difference: 3 - 200 m
  2. Water consumption: 0.03 - 13 cubic meters per second
  3. Power: 5 - 3,000 kW
  4. Number of blades located on the axial sector: 37
  5. Efficiency: 84% - 87%

Of course, mini hydropower plants are unlikely to become the main source of energy, but their use is quite reasonable as a means of reducing the load on the main supply grid, especially during periods of peak consumption.

IN Lately, due to the growth of electricity tariffs, renewable sources of practically free energy are becoming more and more relevant.

Small hydroelectric power plant or small hydroelectric power station (SHPP) - a hydroelectric power plant that produces a relatively small amount of electricity and is based on hydropower plants with a capacity of 1 to 3000 kW. There is no generally accepted concept of a small hydroelectric power plant for all countries; their installed capacity is taken as the main characteristic of such hydroelectric power plants.

Installations for small hydropower are classified by power into:

  • equipment for mini hydroelectric power plants up to 100 kW;
  • equipment for micro hydroelectric power plants up to 1000 kW.

From the well-known classical triad: solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric generators (HPP), the latter are the most complex. Firstly, they work in aggressive conditions, and secondly, they have maximum operating time for an equal period of time.

The easiest way to make damless hydroelectric power plants, because. dam construction is quite complex and expensive and often requires the approval of local authorities, or at least neighbors. Damless mini hydroelectric power stations are called flow-through. There are four main options for such devices.

Types of mini hydroelectric power plants

Water wheel- this is a wheel with blades installed perpendicular to the surface of the water. The wheel is less than half immersed in the stream. Water presses on the blades and rotates the wheel. There are also turbine wheels with special blades optimized for the liquid jet. But that's enough complex structures rather factory than homemade.

Garland mini hydroelectric power station- represents a cable, with rotors rigidly fixed on it. The cable is thrown from one side of the river to the other. The rotors are like beads strung on a cable and completely submerged in water. The flow of water rotates the rotors, the rotors rotate the cable. One end of the cable is connected to the bearing, the other to the generator shaft.

Rotor Daria- This is a vertical rotor that rotates due to the pressure difference on its blades. The pressure difference is created due to the fluid flow around complex surfaces. The effect is similar to the lift of a hydrofoil or the lift of an airplane wing.

Propeller- this is an underwater "windmill" with a vertical rotor. Unlike an air propeller, an underwater propeller has blades minimum width. For water, a blade width of only 2 cm is sufficient. With this width, there will be a minimum resistance and a maximum rotation speed. This width of the blades was chosen for a flow velocity of 0.8-2 meters per second. At high speeds perhaps other sizes are optimal.

Advantages and disadvantages of various mini-hydro systems

Flaws garland SHPP obvious: high material consumption, danger to others (long underwater cable, rotors hidden in the water, blocking the river), low efficiency. The Garland hydroelectric power station is a small dam. Rotor Daria difficult to manufacture, at the beginning of work it needs to be untwisted. But it is attractive in that the rotor axis is located vertically and the power take-off can be made above the water, without additional gears. Such a rotor will rotate with any change in flow direction.

Thus, from the point of view of ease of manufacture and obtaining maximum efficiency with minimal cost, it is necessary to choose a construction of the type water wheel or propeller.

Construction of a small hydropower plant

Construction of a small hydropower plant is based on a hydraulic unit, which includes a power unit, a water intake device and controls. Depending on what water resources are used by small hydropower plants, they are divided into several categories:

Run-of-river or near-dam stations with small reservoirs;

Stationary mini hydroelectric power stations using the energy of the free flow of rivers;

SHPPs using existing water level differences at various water management facilities;

Mobile mini HPPs in containers, using as a pressure derivation plastic pipes or flexible reinforced hoses.

Varieties of hydraulic units for small hydroelectric power plants

The basis for a small hydroelectric power station is a hydraulic unit, which, in turn, is based on a turbine of one kind or another. There are hydraulic units with:

Axial turbines;

Radial-axial turbines;

Bucket turbines;

Kaplan turbines.

SHPPs are also classified depending on the maximum use of water pressure on:

High-pressure - more than 60 m;

Medium pressure - from 25 m;

Low pressure - from 3 to 25 m.

The types of turbines used in the equipment also differ from what water pressure a microhydroelectric power plant uses. Pelton and radial-axial turbines are designed for high-pressure hydroelectric power plants. Rotary-blade and radial-axial turbines are used at medium-pressure stations. At low-pressure small hydropower plants (SHPPs), mainly rotary-blade turbines are installed in reinforced concrete chambers.

As for the principle of operation of the turbine of a mini hydroelectric power station, it is almost identical in all designs: water under pressure enters the turbine blades, which begin to rotate. The rotational energy is transferred to the hydro generator, which is responsible for generating electricity. Turbines for objects are selected in accordance with some technical specifications, among which the water pressure remains the main one. In addition, turbines are selected depending on the type of chamber that comes with the kit - steel or reinforced concrete.

The power of a mini hydroelectric power station depends on the pressure and flow of water, as well as on the efficiency of the turbines and generators used. Due to the fact that, according to natural laws, the water level is constantly changing, depending on the season, and also for a number of reasons, it is customary to take cyclic power as an expression for the power of a hydroelectric station. For example, there are annual, monthly, weekly or daily cycles of work.

When choosing a mini hydroelectric power station, it is worth focusing on such power equipment that would be adapted to the specific needs of the facility and meet criteria such as:

Availability of reliable and easy-to-use means of control and monitoring of equipment operation;

Equipment control in automatic mode with the possibility of switching to manual control if necessary;

The generator and turbine of the hydroelectric unit must have reliable protection from probable emergencies;

Areas and volumes construction works for the installation of small hydroelectric power plants should be minimal.

Benefits of using mini hydropower plants:

hydroelectric power plants low power have a number of advantages that make this equipment more and more popular. First of all, it is worth noting environmental safety mini hydropower – a criterion that is becoming increasingly important in light of protection concerns environment. Small hydroelectric power plants do not arise harmful influence neither on the properties nor on the quality of the water. The water areas where a low-capacity hydroelectric power station is installed can be used both for fisheries and as a source of water supply for settlements. In addition, for the operation of small hydroelectric power plants there is no need for large reservoirs. They can function using the energy of the flow of small rivers and even streams.

With regard to economic efficiency, micro and mini hydroelectric power plants have many advantages here too. Stations designed with modern technologies, are easy to operate, they are fully automated. Thus, the equipment does not require the presence of a person. Experts note that the quality of the current generated by small hydropower plants meets the requirements of GOST both in terms of voltage and frequency. At the same time, mini hydroelectric power plants can operate both autonomously and as part of the power grid.

Speaking about small hydroelectric power plants, it is worth noting their advantage as a full resource of their work, which is at least 40 years. Well, and most importantly, small-scale energy facilities do not require the organization of large reservoirs with the corresponding flooding of the territory and colossal material damage.

One of the most important economic factors is the eternal renewability of hydrotechnical resources. If we calculate the literal benefit from the use of small hydroelectric power plants, it turns out that the electricity generated by them is almost 4 times cheaper than the electricity that the consumer receives from thermal power plants. It is for this reason that today hydroelectric power plants are increasingly being used for power supply of electrically intensive industries.

Let's not forget that small hydropower plants do not require the purchase of any fuel. In addition, they are distinguished by a relatively simple technology for generating electricity, as a result of which labor costs per unit of power at hydroelectric power plants are almost 10 times less than at thermal power plants.

Mini-HPP - Lenev's damless hydropower unit - at a river flow rate of 1 m / s, a mini-HPP installation with dimensions of 1.5 * 0.7 * 0.6 m produces 11 kW.

Mini-hydroelectric power station - Leneva hydropower unit:

Mini-HPP - hydropower unit Leneva N.I. uses the original, not previously used in any of the existing structures, a method of obtaining energy both from a water stream of any kind (rivers, streams, tides, sea ​​wave etc.), so from the movement of air masses. In this case, a natural flow is used, without prior transformation (building dams, canals, pressure pipes).

This method of taking the power of the water flow is the most beneficial from an environmental point of view, since it does not violate the natural course of the river at all, occupying from 1% to 10% of the area, thereby not preventing the free movement of river fauna and flora, unlike existing hydroelectric power plants. .

At a river flow rate of 1 m/s hydropower unit Leneva N.I. with dimensions of 1.5 * 0.7 * 0.6 m produces 11 kW.

The design of the Leneva hydropower unit:

Mini-hydroelectric power station - hydropower unit Leneva represents a system (two rows) of rectangular blades (a flat plate) whose axes divide them into two (1/2) unequal parts, the largest of which is always (due to the action of the flow) located behind the axis downstream. Thus, its minimum rotation around its axis and, consequently, the smallest turbulent eddies are achieved.

The axes of the blades, with their upper and lower parts, in turn, are fixed on the upper and lower, closed in rings - PRL chains (or on any other flexible element). Chains transmit force through sprockets (impellers) to two vertical shafts, from which the mechanical energy of the moving medium (water, air, etc., etc.) is transmitted through a flexible coupling and an intermediate shaft to the shafts electric generators. The shafts of the unit are rigidly fixed on the frame of the hydraulic power unit through sliding (rolling) bearings, which have 2/3 closed side and blank bottom walls, which does not prevent additional water from flowing from the surrounding flow through the top and 1/3 of the side walls of the hydropower unit.

In one frame it is rational to place at least three block mini-hydro installations.

The position of the blades in relation to the main flow is regulated by fixed guides for the chain and movable guides for the larger side of the blade, and by changing the distance between the movable guide for the blade and the fixed guide for the chain, we set the required angle of rotation between the blade and the direction of the main flow from 0 0 to 45 0 , thereby achieving the optimal operation of the hydropower unit or stopping it completely. Thus, the flow acts on the blade actually perpendicular, under 90 0 . One of the shafts of the hydraulic power unit has a tensioner that regulates the tension of the chains. The blades must have freedom of rotation on their axes, and the axes must also be free to rotate in attachments to the chains. Between the blade and the place of attachment to the chain, rollers must be installed on the axles, which will roll along fixed guides, thereby keeping the chain constantly in a perpendicular position relative to the direction of the main flow.

The sizes of blocks of mini-hydroelectric power stations are not limited. Determined by the required power and size of the river. As an example, let's take: width - 1200 mm, depth - 700 mm, length - 1250 mm, i.e. volume - 1 m3. It allows you to place in it 3 installations with 17 blades in each, which, in turn, have: a width of 150 mm and a depth of 500 mm, i.e. each with an area of ​​0.075 m2. Since two blades will always be on the turns, then the total working area of ​​one hydropower unit is 1.125 m2, the sum of 3 mini-hydroelectric power plants in one frame (1 m3 of flow) will be 3.375 m2!!!

The rotational speed of the shafts is only 30-60 revolutions per minute.

It is this design of the hydropower unit that allows the most complete use of each cubic meter flow of a moving medium, centrifugal and centripetal accelerations that arise, significantly increasing both the speed of the flow and the effect of gravity of the flow of a moving medium divided into sections, in our case, a river.

The material consumption of one kilowatt of a mini-hydroelectric power station, depending on the materials used for manufacturing, will vary from several hundred grams (plastic, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene) up to 2-3 kg (steel) per 1 kW of installed power.

Description of the principle of operation of a mini-hydroelectric power station:

Hydropower unit Leneva N.I. creates a small backwater of 10 centimeters in front of it at a flow rate of 1 m / s, and behind it - a vacuum, and therefore the water falling from this backwater affects the blade at a different speed than in the surrounding flow. If there is also a vacuum at the outlet of the mini-hydroelectric power station, the flow under the action of centrifugal force and the gravitational constant increases its speed! This is not difficult to verify in the presented photographs from the outgoing stream and the surf that it creates. The hydropower unit works like a pump.

Advantages of the Leneva hydropower unit:

– increased working area of ​​the hydropower unit. There is not a single blade in the installation of a mini-hydroelectric power station that would not work at any given moment or oppose the work of the others. The blades are located in two rows, each of which is a worker. On a turn - the blades also work,

the shape of the installation creates a modularity in the design of the hydropower unit, which allows you to build larger hydroelectric power plants from miniblocks for small, medium and large consumers,

– the working blades of the hydraulic power unit are located in relation to the moving flow at an optimal angle of 45 degrees. Thus, a mini-hydroelectric power station not only does not stop the movement of water, taking away all its energy from it, but also provokes the emergence of additional forces that significantly increase the power of the water flow, and, accordingly, our own

Among all alternative energy sources, hydroelectric power plants are the most popular. This fact is explained quite simply - with the same investment, the return is much greater. The only drawback is that a river or stream is needed for stable operation.

Classification of mini hydroelectric power plants

Depending on the principle of operation, four main types of hydroelectric power plants are distinguished:

  • HPP garland, additional hydraulic structures are used to enhance the flow of water;
  • a classic water wheel, the simplest option, for a homemade hydroelectric power station;
  • propeller, suitable if the river bed is more than 10 m wide;
  • The Daoye rotor is used for the manufacture of industrial micro hydroelectric power plants.

All these types of hydroelectric power plants are united by the fact that they do not need to build a dam for their operation. This design is a high-precision and expensive engineering facility, the construction of which costs many times more than the hydroelectric power station itself.

The second criterion by which small hydroelectric power plants should be divided is the possibility of using them in domestic and industrial purposes. We are talking about the fact that the same type of hydroelectric power station can have several options for supplying and discharging water. This makes it possible to create power plants that can operate in closed system pipelines. They are relevant for factories and enterprises, the production process, which is associated with high water costs. In addition, the power of the installation must correspond to the need for electricity.

Household installations are much simpler and cheaper. But their installation is possible only if there is a constant source of water. This does not include municipal water supply.

Advantages of a mini hydroelectric power station

  • works almost silently and does not pollute the atmosphere;
  • does not affect the quality of water in any way, if desired, filters are installed on the drainage system, which makes the water suitable for drinking;
  • the operation of the station does not depend on weather conditions, electricity is generated 24 hours a day;
  • even a small stream is enough for the operation of a hydroelectric power station;
  • there is an opportunity to sell excess electricity to neighbors;
  • no need to collect certificates and permits.

Comparison of homemade and factory mini hydroelectric power station

For domestic use, you need no more than 20 kW per day. This is not so much, so the expediency of buying a hydroelectric power station manufactured in an industrial way is being questioned. It seems that there are no difficulties in making a wheeled or propeller-type hydraulic station. But in practice, a number of problems arise.

First, it is difficult to produce necessary calculations, secondly, the thickness and size of the parts are selected exclusively empirically, thirdly, makeshift hydroelectric power station are made without protective elements, which leads to constant breakdowns and, as a result, additional waste.

If there is no experience in hydropower, from the idea homemade installation better to refuse. It is much easier and more reliable to discuss the issue with neighbors and joint efforts to purchase a factory hydroelectric power station with a quality guarantee. In addition, companies selling these units carry out their installation.

Overview of manufacturers of mini hydroelectric power plants

In fact, not many companies are engaged in the production of mini hydroelectric power stations. Intermediary companies try not to disclose this information, as they will lose the lion's share of income. Among those factories that are really worth trusting, CINK Hydro-Energy should be singled out. It is a recognized world leader in the development of hydraulic equipment.

However, before contacting a company manager, it is necessary to calculate the costs of information processing, logistics and installation. In most cases, the amount will be not much less than that of intermediaries.

Which company to order a mini hydroelectric power station

Given that the equipment is quite expensive and precise mathematical calculations are required for manufacturing, it makes sense to turn to companies that have proven themselves in the market. Alternative energy is a new direction for our country, so the list is rather small.

1. AEnergy is the largest supplier of high-quality hydroelectric power plants, the company provides a full range of services from collecting and processing information to installing a hydroelectric power plant.

2. INSET is a company from St. Petersburg. She is independently engaged in the manufacture of hydroelectric power stations, therefore she is personally responsible for the quality. The advantages of cooperation are that it is possible to order a micro hydroelectric power station for 5-10 kW.

3. Hydroponics is another domestic company that manufactures hydroelectric power plants on its own. A guarantee for all production of 10 years. Most interesting model Shar-Bulak with a power of 5 kW.

4. NPO Inversion - a design bureau specializing in the development of alternative and standard energy sources. Distinctive features - the presence of non-standard hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 7.5 and 12.5 kW.

5. Micro hydro power is a Chinese company that sells several relatively inexpensive domestic units.