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Calculation of the boiler room for an apartment building. How profitable is the installation of a boiler room on the roof of an apartment building. Own boiler room: good or evil

Payment utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings are carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). It follows from the question that heating water to heat your apartment building carried out by gas in an individual heating point. Thus, there is no centralized heat supply in your house, and heating is carried out using equipment that is part of the common property of the owners of the premises in apartment building.In this case, the calculation of the payment for heating is carried out by the management company (utility service provider) based on the volume of communal resources used for heating during the billing period and tariffs for the used communal resources. In the production of thermal energy for heating, the following types of communal resources are used: gas; cold water; electric energy. The amount of payment (P i) for heating for the billing month in the i-th apartment is determined by the formula: Pi = ( VG* T g +Vuh* T e +VV* T c) *Si/ Sabout, Where: VG- the volume of gas used for the billing month in the production of utility services for heating (Gcal); T g— gas tariff in the billing period (RUB/Gcal); Vuh- the volume of electricity used for the billing month in the production of utility services for heating (kWh); T e— tariff for electricity in the billing period (rubles/kWh); VV- the volume of cold water used for the billing month in the production of utility services for heating (m³); T in- tariff for cold water in the billing period (rubles / m³); Si— area of ​​the apartment (m²); Sabout- the total area of ​​​​all residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building (m²). Thus, the resources used in the billing month for the heating utility service are distributed to the owners (users) in the apartment building in proportion to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. In accordance with the Rules , the volumes of resources (in this case, gas, cold water and electricity) used for heating in the calculated months are determined based on the readings of the meter, fixing their volumes. In the event that water is heated in an individual heating point for heating and hot water supply , and metering devices record the total consumption of resources (gas, cold water and electricity) for heating and hot water supply, the volume of resources for heating is determined by the specific costs of such a resource for the production of 1 Gcal for heating purposes. It should be noted that if the heating of an apartment building is carried out using equipment that is part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building (in this case, an individual heat point), the costs of maintaining and repairing such equipment are not included in the payment for heating, but are subject to inclusion in the payment for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building. Chief Economist of Yurenergo Group of Companies Isaeva T.V.

Traditional schemes for organizing heating infrastructure are not uncontested. New technological approaches to energy efficiency and the possibility of autonomy. According to such principles, in particular, a roof boiler house is implemented. In an apartment building, it allows you to optimize heat losses, increasing energy savings by 25-30%. Of course, this solution also has disadvantages, which are expressed both in the complexity of technical execution and in the strict requirements of regulatory rules.

The concept of an autonomous roof boiler

The roof heating system is organized in an appropriate technical room located on the topmost or one of the top floors. Often, for such purposes, special premises and utility blocks are built, designed specifically for the needs of placing heating equipment. From the boiler room, communication circuits are distributed throughout the house, heating the apartments. These can be the same pipelines as in the case of traditional hot water supply. Another thing is that the length of these lines will be less. Since the stand-alone rooftop boiler is not connected to the main supply network, its management is completely concentrated in the building itself, which facilitates maintenance. But this does not at all exclude the need to connect to centralized sources of fuel or electricity. The nature of the execution of this part will depend on the type of equipment, capacity and other operational characteristics.

Varieties of rooftop boilers

There are several classifications of rooftop boilers, determined by both the principle of operation and technical and structural features. First of all, it is worth emphasizing the popularity gas equipment, an alternative to which are only electric models of boilers. The use of gas is economical and easy to maintain. As for electrical units, they, on the contrary, are characterized by high costs, but at the same time they eliminate the need for a gas pipeline. There is also a security nuance. The fact is that the roof gas boiler house in an apartment building must be carefully guarded by security systems, as a rule, automatic and suggesting the possibility of self-diagnosis through sensors. Solid fuel boilers it is irrational to use on the upper floors due to technical difficulties with the organization of the delivery of coal and firewood. Another sign of division involves a classification into integrated and block-modular boiler houses. These two types should be considered separately.

Built-in boiler rooms

Main hallmark built-in or stationary boiler room - this is technical and structural compliance with the building itself. That is, the room with its constituent components is similar building structures, forming directly the house. If the building is made of panels or bricks, then the room for the boiler room is made in the same way. In a sense, this is the same technical room, only focused specifically on the needs of heating. Another sign may be the fact that the design of the house itself, in which an autonomous roof boiler room is installed, provided for such a possibility. This could manifest itself in the calculation of the bearing capacity of the walls, and in the choice of insulating materials, and in the creation of circuits for the same gasification. Not to mention the fact that the designers could consciously refuse to introduce the pipeline into the walls for one reason or another and relied on strengthening the upper floor.

Block-modular boiler rooms

This is a type of lightweight boiler houses that do not belong to capital technical structures. Block-modular design consists of thin metal panels, which are additionally reinforced with profile elements, technological ribs and corners. From the inside, the modular roof boiler room is carefully finished with steam, heat and waterproofing materials with fire protection. To remove the combustion products, a chimney is integrated, which also has a lightweight design.

The advantages of block-modular objects include ease of construction, versatility in operation and the ability to quickly dismantle. Initially, materials for such premises are supplied in the form of kits that have everything necessary for the functioning of the heating system. If you need a rooftop boiler house in an apartment building, the design of which was not designed for construction on the top floor, the modular option will be optimal.

SNiP regulatory requirements for design

Regardless of the choice of the type of boiler house design, the developers of its project must rely on the requirements of SNiP. For this, a whole section of rules II-35-76 is provided, which applies to general design standards for boiler rooms, as well as addition P 1-03, dedicated specifically to roof structures. The technical solution must, in particular, comply with the following rules:

  • Walls and engineering structures should not directly interface with the walls of residential premises.
  • In the construction of roof boilers should not be carried out on the floors of residential premises.
  • The control system must provide for an autonomous signaling.
  • The height of the chimney pipes is at least 50 cm relative to the highest point of the building.

Also, without fail, the technical rooms reserved for boiler rooms must initially have ventilation. This already applies to measures fire safety when it comes to the operation of gas equipment.

SNiP requirements for equipment power

The operation of thermal units as part of residential buildings, as such, requires compliance with strict restrictions. And this is especially true for objects placed on rooftops. In particular, a roof boiler house in an apartment building cannot contain heating stations with a total capacity of about 3 MW. In addition, even if the performance is less than the above value, another limiting bar should be taken into account regarding the total need of the building for thermal supply. The equipment should not operate at capacities that are 15% higher than the demands of all consumers of the house in the aggregate.

There are also limitations due to the design of the room itself. Inside technological block the equipment must be located at a point that provides the operator with free access to all functional parts. At the same time, the construction of roof boilers should not affect the design of the house itself. That is, the project should not involve changing the structure of the roofing pie. IN last resort laying of additional technological layers of the insulator is allowed.

gas supply requirements

Separately, there is a set of rules (SP), focused on ensuring safety rules for the operation of gas communications. In operating mode, the gas supply circuit should not experience a pressure load of more than 5 kPa. As noted in the same SP, rooftop boilers should be supplied with gas only from a circuit drawn through outer wall and without additional inserts. That is, the gas pipeline for the heating system is purposefully focused only on the needs of boiler equipment.

In some cases, it is allowed on the roof, it is sold only in open form without protection by gratings and other structures that prevent access to the pipe. Also, the roof gas boiler house in an apartment building is supplied with a complete set of technological fittings. This and shut-off valves, and purge channels, and leak sensors.

Requirements for the electrification of boiler houses

The electrical infrastructure applies not only to boilers powered by electricity, but also to gas units. In the first case, developers must provide for a second-level energy protection class. Heating equipment, supply elements and adjacent communications must comply with it. Regardless of the type of fuel used, the rooftop boiler house of a residential building must be provided with lightning protection and grounding. Lighting is provided by sealed lamps, the body of which has a metal mesh.

Positive feedback about the rooftop boiler

Most of the positive feedback about boilers of this type is based on optimization. No additional communication channels, reduced construction costs individual buildings and, as a result, simplification of maintenance - all this, of course, creates only a positive impression. In addition, the rooftop boiler house of a residential building provides significant savings in energy costs already in the process of operation. In most cases, it is this aspect that becomes the decisive factor in favor of such a choice.

Negative Feedback

Organizations that have experience with rooftop boilers note the complexity of design due to severe restrictions. First of all, this is due to the structural and power limits in which a rooftop boiler house in an apartment building should be equipped. Reviews point to the fact that traditional ground facilities can be built on the basis of equipment of almost any capacity. Rooftop heating units, in turn, do not allow the use of even traditional solid fuel units.

Another group of disadvantages is associated with high requirements for the provision of protective measures. For example, a rooftop boiler house in an apartment building should have a modern automatic control system and a wide range of devices that are activated when emergency operating modes are fixed.


According to a number of parameters and operational features, it can be concluded that the roof method of placing heating equipment is the most promising. Moreover, the shortcomings of this solution are now resolved by modern technologies - this also applies to compact dimensions and the introduction of automation. The only significant obstacle for organizations that cannot access a roof gas boiler in an apartment building is the price, which averages 2-3 million rubles. This is the cost modular block with standard boiler. To this it is worth adding the payment for the services of designers, installers and servicemen, as a result of which the price tag will rise by about another 1 million rubles.

Question from a reader: “Please help me understand the issue of the cost of heating and hot water supply. Our home serves Management Company, there is a rooftop boiler house on the roof of the house, but the cost of heating and hot water services is at the city level. Why and what then is the advantage of a rooftop boiler? And who, after wear and tear in a few years, will pay for the purchase of a new boiler?

So, considering this issue, we decided to highlight a few points regarding autonomous heating.

1. What are the principles for setting tariffs for heating and hot water services in the case of a rooftop boiler?

2. What are the advantages of autonomous heating (roof boiler)?

3. Maintenance and repair of equipment for autonomous heating.

1. An autonomous boiler room (in particular, a roof-top one) is a room with a heat generator or a whole complex of buildings designed to generate heat for the purpose of heating one building. The boiler room is the main element of a decentralized heating and hot water supply system (DHW) and may be owned by residents or owned by a legal entity (for example, the Management Company).

In the event that the rooftop boiler house is the common property of the residents of an apartment building, the payment for the consumed resources is set by the owners on the basis of an agreement with a resource supply organization (RSO). RSO only serves the rooftop boiler house (homeowners and the resource supplying organization conclude a contract for the performance of work). And the decisive role in setting tariffs is assigned to the contractor of public services, which RSO is not here. The contractor of public services (the HOA can serve them) is guided by the government decree of the Russian Federation No. 307, according to which “in the production of thermal energy for heating an apartment building using autonomous system heating, which is part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building (in the absence of centralized heating), the amount of payment for heating is calculated based on the readings of metering devices and the corresponding tariffs for fuel used for the production of thermal energy ... "and" in the preparation hot water using in-house engineering systems apartment building (in the absence of centralized hot water preparation), the amount of payment for hot water supply is calculated based on the readings of metering devices and the corresponding tariffs for cold water and fuel used to prepare hot water ... ”(clause 18)

If the resource supplying organization (RSO), being legal entity, owns a rooftop boiler house (homeowners and a resource supplying organization enter into a boiler house sale and purchase agreement), then it is a heat supply organization and utility service provider (according to federal law RF No. 190 "On Heat Supply") with activities regulated by the state. Therefore, the tariffs for resource consumption are set by the state department according to the tariffs of the city (region) administration. Up-to-date information on all tariffs can be found on the official website of the department.

In order to find the answer, on what basis the cost of services for heat and hot water is calculated, one should find out how legal relations are organized in the situation under consideration. If the Management Company is the full owner of the rooftop boiler house (there is a contract for the sale of the boiler house), then billing should be carried out at citywide rates.

If it turns out that your Management Company is not a utility provider and only serves the boiler house, the tariffing does not comply with the legislation of the Russian government, and you can apply to the Court with a claim.

2. Roof boilers, which are equipped on the roof of an apartment building, have a number of advantages over the usual centralized heating and hot water systems.

a. Perhaps the main and serious argument in favor of using autonomous heating and rooftop boilers is a significant saving in energy resources. According to statistics, rooftop boilers reduce resource costs by 45% compared to centralized open systems.

b. Autonomous heating - controlled. This means that the owners of the house have the right to regulate the temperature during the period heating season and during the day. In practice, it can be seen that such heating control allows saving up to 30% on fuel bills.

V. Rooftop boilers do not require constant maintenance, so the presence of people during the operation of the boiler is not necessary. Full control over the state and operation of the boiler house is carried out through the control room.

d. The boiler room, located on the roof of the building, eliminates a number of problems:

- No need to allocate space land plot for the construction of a boiler house;

- gives free access to the pipeline;

– provides excellent conditions for equipment (no pressure on pipes, units, boilers, etc.);

- convenient air supply to the boilers;

- saving material for the manufacture of a chimney.

e. The safety of operation of rooftop boilers is another big plus in the direction of autonomous heating. In the event of unauthorized entry of smoke emissions into the apartment, the risk of a serious accident is not high.

e. Roof boilers are environmentally friendly due to good dispersion and volatilization of gases.

3. Returning to Decree No. 307 “On the Procedure for Providing Public Services to Citizens”, one can see that “... the costs of maintaining and repairing in-house engineering systems used for the production of thermal energy, as well as the costs of maintaining and repairing in-house engineering systems used for cooking hot water are included in the payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises ”(clause 18 of the RF PP No. 307).

In addition, in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, “the owners of premises in an apartment building bear the burden of maintaining the common property in an apartment building” (Article 39).

Therefore, the installation of a boiler or other failed element of the boiler plant is carried out at the expense of the residents. In practice, the cost of monthly payments for heat and hot water can include interest for unforeseen repairs or installation of a new boiler house, which is required every 25 years.

If desired, arrange in an apartment individual heating using a gas boiler, one should not rush to purchase equipment, since it is not always possible to make such heating. There are many restrictions. The fact is that not all apartment buildings are designed to use a gas boiler in an apartment instead of central heating.

In the case of living in a high-rise building, where apartment heating is not provided, it is difficult, and often unrealistic, to implement such a solution. If the house does not have such an opportunity, then you can make an attempt to obtain permission in the event of its reconstruction, if there is a decision to disconnect the building from centralized heating and transfer to apartment heating.

In such a situation, for the entire structure, they develop specifications transition and they are issued to all property owners in their hands. To find out if it is possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment, you should fill out an appropriate application and submit it to the Gorgaz branch that serves the area, and get a response.

Checklist of necessary actions

If it became known that the installation of individual heating is allowed in the house, a long walk through the authorities cannot be avoided:

  • First of all, you need to go to the local organization responsible for the supply of gas and write an application there regarding the installation of a gas boiler in the apartment. After a certain time, the homeowner is issued a conclusion regarding the permission or prohibition to install a heating unit. Receiving a positive response means that you can install the equipment.
  • Next, you need a project. It should be ordered from the design office that has the right to this type of work. His address can be obtained from the gas supply company. At this stage, it is advisable to choose a boiler model and a meter. Under them, project documentation should be drawn up, and the data should be indicated in the specification. The fact is that changes after approval can only be made later, and for a fee. If the project is signed, nothing can be changed in it, you need to order a new one.
  • The fire authorities should find out the address and name of the organization that checks the condition of the ventilation ducts and agree with its specialists about the service. A company representative will come and check the quality of ventilation. If everything is in order, a permit will be issued to install a gas boiler in the apartment. In the event of an unsatisfactory condition of the chimney, an act is drawn up with a list of work to be performed. After eliminating the shortcomings, you need to re-invite a specialist in order to eventually get permission.
  • At the next stage, an application for refusal from heating is submitted to the heating network. If you plan to heat the water yourself, you should also refuse hot water supply. It is advisable to immediately clarify the timing of the shutdown measures. The rework project approved by Gorgaz should already be in hand.

  • Data regarding the purchased meter and boiler are reported to the design organization. Then the finished documentation is taken. It is not worth purchasing equipment in advance, since it is not always possible to obtain permission to install a gas boiler in an apartment building.
  • Then, a service agreement for the unit is concluded in the Gorgaz branch, and the gasification project is submitted for approval.
  • After receiving the signed project in hand, you can proceed to disconnect from the heating network. In this case, it will be necessary to drain the water from the heating system of the entire house.
  • Next, the owner of the apartment must mount an individual heating system. The boiler is installed without connecting to the gas main, the system is checked for tightness and readiness for operation.
  • In "Gorgaz" find out the date when you can install a gas boiler in an apartment building in a particular apartment. Its employees will connect pipes and equipment according to the project, seal the meter, put the stove and unit into operation.
  • In order for the guarantee for the gas boiler to be valid, it will be necessary to set up and carry out the first start-up, followed by a note in the passport. Regarding this type of work, contact the department where the device was serviced. The master will adjust the boiler, start the system and put a stamp in the passport. Now you can use the mounted equipment.

The entire process described above, subject to the requirements for installing a gas boiler in an apartment building, will take from 1.5 to 2.5 months. Therefore, it is advisable to start the procedure in the spring or at the very beginning of summer.

Rules for the installation of gas appliances in the apartment

The least problems with the arrangement of individual heating occur among the owners of new apartments that are not connected to centralized system heating. In this case, there is no need to visit the heating network and there is no need to deal with disconnection from the risers, and permission to mount gas heating in an apartment building, may be in the package of documents for real estate.

But in this case, you need to follow certain rules. First of all, having documents in hand, you cannot install gas equipment on your own - this work must be performed by specialists. These can be not only employees of a gas supply organization, but also representatives of a company that licenses this type of activity.

After the installation is completed, the engineer of the company supplying gaseous fuels will check the correctness of the connection and issue a permit to use the boiler. Only then can you open the valve leading to the apartment.

Before starting, in accordance with the requirements for installing a boiler in an apartment building, it is imperative to check the individual heat supply system. To do this, it is launched under a pressure equal to at least 1.8 atmospheres. You can control this parameter using the pressure gauge of the heating unit.

If the pipes are built into the floor or walls, it is advisable to increase the pressure and drive the coolant through them for at least 24 hours. Only after testing the system can you be sure that there are no leaks and reliable connections.

Air must be bled from the equipment before start-up. Since when installing a gas boiler in an apartment building, the systems are made closed, you need to use the Mayevsky taps available on the radiators. Air is bled in each battery, bypassing them several times in turn until there is no air left in them. After that, the system can be launched into operating mode - turn on the heat supply.

We should not forget that modern units are controlled by automation, and such devices are demanding on voltage. Therefore, it is recommended to use a voltage stabilizer and a device uninterruptible power supply. To protect the boiler from deposits accumulating on its inner surface, filters must be installed at the fuel and cold water inlets.

Place electrical outlet and another gas appliance is needed at a distance of at least 30 centimeters from the unit.

Arrangement of a room for a boiler

It is best to install a wall-mounted gas appliance in a kitchen, the layout of which meets the standards for the placement of such equipment. Also in this room there is already a supply of both water and gas.

Here's what the norms for installing a gas boiler in an apartment look like:

  1. The area of ​​the room where the installation of equipment is planned, when the ceilings in it are not lower than 2.5 meters, must exceed four square meters.
  2. It is mandatory to have a window that opens. Its area should be 0.3 square meters. m. per 10 cubic meters of volume. For example, the dimensions of the room are 3x3 meters with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters. The volume will be 3x3 x2.5 = 22.5 m 3. This means that the area at the window cannot be less than 22.5: 10 x 0.3 \u003d 0.675 square meters. m. This parameter at standard window 1.2x0.8 \u003d 0.96 sq. m. It will do, but the presence of a transom or window is required.
  3. Width front door cannot be less than 80 centimeters.
  4. There must be ventilation holes located under the ceiling.

In the documents attached to the product, each manufacturer describes the requirements for installing a gas boiler in an apartment. For the manufacturer's warranty to be valid, the unit must be installed in accordance with their recommendations.

The list of requirements is as follows:

  1. wall boiler separated from the walls with non-combustible material. When they are tiled or covered with a layer of plaster, this will be enough. Do not hang the appliance directly on a surface lined with wood.
  2. floor unit placed on a non-flammable base. If the floor has ceramic tile or it is concrete, nothing needs to be done. On wooden flooring you need to put a sheet thermal insulation material, and fix on top of it a metal sheet, the size of which exceeds the dimensions of the boiler by 30 centimeters.

Requirements for the arrangement of the chimney

When a gas boiler of any type is installed in an apartment building, the chimney must not be made narrower than its outlet. If the device has an open combustion chamber and a power of not more than 30 kW, the cross section of the chimney pipe cannot be less than 140 millimeters, and with a capacity of 40 kW - 160 millimeters in diameter.

If the boiler has a closed combustion chamber, it is provided with a coaxial chimney with a cross section recommended by the manufacturer.

  • pipe coming from the wall gas unit up, must have a length of at least 50 centimeters, and then only you can install the knee;
  • over the entire length of the chimneys, more than three bends cannot be created;
  • combustion products from appliances with open combustion chambers are removed into the chimney, and with closed ones - also into the chimney or through the wall directly to the street (the method depends on the project).

Choosing a gas boiler

Before you put the boiler in the apartment, you need to do optimal choice. In a multi-storey building, wall and floor boilers can be installed. Wall models are considered more aesthetic and convenient in terms of placement. Their dimensions are comparable to the dimensions of kitchen wall cabinets and therefore they fit well into the interior of the room.

With the installation of floor units it will be more difficult, since they can not always be pushed close to the wall. This nuance depends on the location of the smoke outlet. If it is on top, then the device, if desired, is moved to the wall.

Boilers also come in single and double circuit. The first of them work only for heat supply, and the second - for heating and water heating. When other equipment is used for DHW, then a single-circuit model will suffice.

If the water is heated by a gas boiler, then you will have to choose one of two methods: an indirect heating boiler or a flow coil. Both options have disadvantages. When a coil is used, which means flow heating is carried out, not all units are able to maintain the set temperature.

For this reason, it is necessary to set special operating modes in boilers; they are called differently in different devices. For example, in Navien models (read about Navien boiler malfunctions), Beretta is “hot water priority”, and in Ferrolli it is “comfort”.

The disadvantage of boiler heating is that gaseous fuel is consumed to maintain a stable water temperature in the tank. In addition, the reserve of heated water is limited. After its consumption, you have to wait until the new portion heats up.

The choice of the above methods is an individual matter, but you need to remember that with the flow option, you will have to focus on the water heating capacity per minute, and with the boiler, on the volume of the tank.

Gas units differ in the type of burner used, which are:

  • single position;
  • on-off;
  • modulated.

The cheapest are single-position, but at the same time they are the most uneconomical, because they always work at full capacity. Slightly more economical - on-off, which are able to function both at 100% power and at 50%. The best burners are considered modulating, as they have many operating modes, which saves fuel. Their performance is controlled automatically.

The burner is located in the combustion chamber, which can be open or closed. Oxygen for open chambers comes from the room, and combustion products are removed through an atmospheric chimney.

Closed chambers are equipped with a coaxial chimney structure, and oxygen for combustion enters them from the street. In this case, combustion products are discharged along the central contour of the chimney, and air enters through the outer one.

Floor units are equipped with an inflatable or atmospheric burner. When a floor model boiler is installed in an apartment building, it is allowed to use an atmospheric burner in the apartment. Most of these gas appliances have closed cell combustion, which means that they are equipped with a turbine and a coaxial chimney.

Boiler power calculation

When the type of heating unit is selected, it is necessary to determine its power. If desired, you can order a heat engineering calculation that allows you to determine the heat loss in the premises. Based on this figure, they begin to select the power of the boiler.

You can not make calculations, but use the norms obtained empirically, according to which 1 kW of boiler power is needed for 10 "squares" of area. TO this result you should add a margin of performance for various losses.

For example, to heat an apartment with an area of ​​​​60 "squares", you need a device with a capacity of 6 kW. If water heating is planned, add 50% and get 9 kW of power, and in case of abnormal cold weather another 20-30%. The final result is 12 kW.

But this calculation is for middle lane Russia. If the settlement is located to the north, the performance of the unit should be further increased. The specific value depends on the degree of insulation of the house. For a panel or brick high-rise building, this will be 50% or more.

The boiler must have sufficient power to ensure comfort in the apartment, so you should not save on it. The cost difference won't be big. If an automated boiler is purchased, then there will be no excess gas consumption, since such models of units are the most economical.

The process of obtaining permission related to whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment is quite complicated, costly and takes a lot of time. But all the effort is worth it, since it is much better to live at a comfortable indoor temperature. At the same time, you will have to pay less for individual heating than for centralized heating.

The presence of central heating in the apartment is, of course, convenient, since the owners "do not have a headache" in this regard. But, unfortunately, it is not always practical, since the temperature in the rooms begins to directly depend on the thermal regime established in the common boiler room. Moreover, such a system is not immune to emergencies that can occur in any area her length, as a result of which the entire house is often turned off from heating. A lot of difficulties also arise during the periods of the "off-season", when early cold snaps are ahead of planned the beginning of the heating season, or, conversely, the batteries are heated when the weather is too warm outside.

Despite violations of temperature regimes and temporary shutdowns of the house from heating, payment for it remains unchanged, which absolutely not beneficial ordinary users. Therefore, in last years the trend is gaining momentum when more and more apartment owners in high-rise buildings resort to installing autonomous heating systems.

Those who decide to “separate” usually have numerous questions related to the various nuances of this procedure. Therefore, it will be further considered individual heating in an apartment building - necessary documents and installation rules for him.

Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous heating in an apartment

Before deciding on such a radical replacement, it is necessary to evaluate all the pros and cons of an individual heating system.

So, advantages availability of an autonomous heating system are as follows:

  • Possibility of heating the apartment in the off-season, when the central system is not yet turned on or already turned off, in accordance with established regional regulations based on temperature environment, at these times of the year - very unstable and with large daily fluctuations.
  • The ability to maintain the required temperature in the rooms, which is much more difficult to organize with central heating, since it does not take into account the location of the apartment and the degree of its insulation. Probably, it is not necessary to explain that the apartments located inside the house, and the corner ones, and even substituted for the prevailing winter winds, still require a differentiated approach to heating. However, to balance consumption spending, payment for warmth is charged in the same way, usually based on the area of ​​​​the apartment.

Therefore, by installing autonomous heating in apartments, you can and should immediately take into account the specifics of the location of the rooms, getting a comfortable microclimate in any of them, and considerable savings in money.

  • Autonomous heating is easy to customization operating modes. For example, it makes no sense to drown "to the fullest" if in this moment all residents are absent. It would be more logical to only maintain the required level of heating. But by the time the owners arrive, the automation will “catch up” with heat so that the rooms have optimum temperature.

Many modern systems management, in addition, are able to independently respond to changing weather conditions. They can also be controlled remotely using GSM or IP communication channels.

  • A reduction in operating costs will also occur due to significantly lower energy consumption, since modern gas or electric equipment is designed for optimal energy consumption - they have high efficiency rates approaching 100 percent.
  • When installing, it is quite possible to refuse from the central hot water supply system, providing for your family hot water offline. This means that an apartment equipped with such a unit will not depend on hot water maintenance during the summer, and there will always be hot water in it.

  • Another category of advantages is the fact that you have to pay for central heating in the summer, as it requires constant maintenance. By installing an autonomous heating option, payments will be made only by gas (or electric) meter, that is, it will be possible to directly control energy consumption and the cost of heating and hot water supply, analyze and find ways to further save.

However, there are considerable difficulties in transferring an apartment to individual heating, and they can be attributed to shortcomings its arrangement:

  • All work must be carried out legally and in compliance with all the requirements necessary for this process. Unauthorized reconstruction, firstly, will not save you from paying utility bills for heating and hot water supply. And secondly, it also threatens with a serious administrative punishment in the form of a rather large fine.
  • There will be difficulties associated with the preparation of documentation for disconnection from central communications, the development of a project, as well as obtaining permission to install equipment.
  • It will be necessary to allocate or equip a room with a proper ventilation system for the installation of a heating unit.
  • Installation of the system belongs to the work of a rather high category of complexity.
  • Considerable costs will be required, both in the preparation of documents and in the acquisition of everything necessary for the arrangement of autonomous heating and hot water supply. And this is without taking into account the installation work.
  • All responsibility for carrying out operational and preventive measures, as well as for the safety of the system, lies entirely with the owner of the apartment. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that all the named processes related to autonomous heating will be controlled by the relevant specialized organizations, whose representatives the owner of the apartment will have to provide access to the installed equipment.

However, even taking into account all the upcoming difficulties and significant initial costs, an autonomous heating system is in all respects much more profitable than central heating and hot water. In practice, it will quickly pay for itself and will serve reliably for many years.

A package of necessary documents for "autonomization"

In order to organize autonomous heating in an apartment, you will have to do some redevelopment, and this, as you know, is a fairly labour intensive. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the issuance of permits can take from three to five months, and installation work- about a week. In this regard, the preparation process must begin in advance.

Preliminary approvals and obtaining permits

So, the first step is to decide on the documents that will be required in order to start developing a project, purchasing equipment, and then installing an autonomous system. The list of documents approved by Art. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation "The basis for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises."

Any reorganization of the residential premises is carried out taking into account the established requirements and in agreement with the local authorities. For approval, it is necessary to collect a package of documents, which includes standard constitutive documents for the ownership of this housing, which include the following:

  • Application-petition for the reconstruction of housing. The application form is standard and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate of State registration of the right to own an apartment - this may be the right of inheritance or an agreement on the transfer of housing ownership. You will need a copy of the document certified by a notary.
  • Technical passport for the apartment - a photocopy certified by a notary.
  • The project of the redevelopment of the apartment, made in accordance with the established form.
  • A certified copy of the document, which indicates all the persons registered in the apartment.
  • Consent to the reconstruction of the heating system from all residents of the apartment. This document is drawn up on one sheet, which lists all the persons living in the apartment, and then they put down their signatures, confirming their consent.
  • A document from an organization for the protection of architectural monuments, if the house where the reconstruction is planned belongs to the category of architectural monuments.

The applicant should remember that self-government bodies do not have the right to demand other documents that are not provided for in this article. After accepting the package with documentation for consideration, the applicant must be issued a receipt of receipt, with a list of accepted documents.

Consideration and decision on consent or refusal should be carried out no later than through 45 days from the date of submission of documentation. The document developed by the commission must be issued to the applicant no later than 3rd working days after the decision.

According to the norms and rules for the technical operation of housing, which are approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia No. 170 of 27. 09.03. , a refusal to re-plan or re-arrange the residential premises may follow if these actions worsen the living conditions of all or individual residents of the building where the applicant’s apartment is located.

However, that's not all. The list of documents indicates a redevelopment project, which must be approved by the controlling organizations of gas and heat supply, since permission must be obtained to disconnect from the central heating system and install gas equipment. And after obtaining such permits, a project for redevelopment and installation of an autonomous system is drawn up, which must be agreed with the relevant authorities.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare all the above documents, since they will have to be presented in all organizations that directly affect the drafting of the project. Documentation is done in the following order:

  • The first organization you need to contact is the city or district heating networks. That's where they give you permission to turn it off. heating circuit apartments from the central heating system. Consent can be issued if the shutdown does not lead to disruption of work engineering equipment adjacent apartments or the whole house as a whole. In principle, there can be no other reasons for refusal.

If an unreasonable refusal is received from this organization, then this is a reason to apply to the courts. It should be noted that sometimes an application for disconnection is submitted through the self-government organization of the housing stock.

  • Then, with the letter of consent received, you must contact the gas service of the district or city for technical specifications for the installation of autonomous heating. This document must be issued within 10 days from the date of the applicant's application.
  • After receiving the technical specifications, taking all the documentation for the apartment, you can go to the design or energy organization that is involved in the preparation of such projects. If the boiler was purchased before the drafting of the project, and it meets all the requirements for installation in an apartment of a multi-storey building, then documentation for it should also be submitted to the design organization. The project will be prepared taking into account the technical conditions provided.

Most of the requirements imposed by regulatory organizations, including the gas service, are spelled out in the document "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" paragraph 6.2 " Apartment systems heat supply" SNiP41 - 01-2003.

To free yourself from going to all instances, you can entrust the execution and approval of all necessary documents to the design organization. In some regions of Russia, this function is taken over by the gas service. Naturally, all this extra work carried out for a fee.

Autonomous heating project

Separately, it must be said about the project for the reconstruction of heating. First of all, before contacting the specialists who will perform the design work, you need to carefully study the technical conditions used in the preparation of the project, and it is desirable to draw up a preliminary sketch of the approximate location of the heating elements.

Its exact location can be determined after specialists study the plan of the apartment, which is in the technical passport.

So, the project is a necessary document when carrying out any reconstruction of a dwelling. Based on it, a new heating circuit and a heating boiler will be installed. How correctly and accurately this document will be drawn up, and then, according to it, the equipment will be installed, how efficiently it will work.

The project includes data on external and internal factors that determine the type of heating:

  • The climatic conditions of the region in which the house is located.
  • Engineering specifications buildings.
  • Available energy carriers on which the heating system can operate.
  • Technical characteristics of heated housing - the number of rooms, the presence of loggias, as well as the area and volume of the premises.
  • The financial side of the issue.

Based on these data, not only the installation location of the heating unit is selected, but also its type, as well as power.

To make heating efficient and economical, it is recommended to entrust the development of its project to specialists. This stage is best handled by energy companies that themselves control or interact with organizations approving the heating sector, with whom the project will subsequently be coordinated, which will accurately ensure the correctness of its preparation, and hence approval.

To get a positive result and an optimal technical solution, the customer must work closely with the organization that develops the project. In the process of creating a project, several options are usually considered. The customer chooses the one that suits him the most, after which it is determined technical specifications unit and all necessary equipment. The project is being developed in several stages:

  • If the customer did not provide his own version of the sketch, then work begins with it.
  • A heating circuit diagram is being developed, on the basis of which the system will be installed.
  • Documentation for the designed heating system is being prepared.
  • An estimate is being made.

If this work is entrusted to professionals, then at each specific stage of project development, specialists in the field of heat supply, ventilation, architecture, and energy supply will participate in it.

The project consists of several parts, which present certain data from different aspects of the project:

  • Descriptive part gives information about the content and significance of the project. This section of the document, in turn, is divided into several paragraphs, where the following technical data is placed:

- the location of the apartment or house, if it is planned to mount it in the private sector;

- the location of residential premises and features of the layout.

In the descriptive section of the document, the data on the technical characteristics of the premises are specified, taking into account their location and the climatic features of the region where the building is located. This description is necessary in order to determine the types and types of heating equipment. This information will subsequently be used to carry out calculations and determine the power that the heating system, as well as the parameters of the temperature regime in the apartment.

  • Technological calculations - this is the main part of the project, which summarizes the parameters of the volume of the required energy carrier when the unit is operating in different modes, as well as the optimal temperature of the coolant, which provides the necessary heating of the apartment's rooms. It is especially important to determine the power of the heating and hot water supply boiler, since on the basis of these calculations, equipment and accessories for it are selected.

In the same part, heat losses during space heating are calculated, on the basis of which it will be possible to draw conclusions about the efficiency of the system.

The calculated parameters will also show how appropriate this or that wiring and the type of connection of radiators to the system circuit. The calculations also include the use of automatic control devices in the heating system.

Further, all the data obtained is necessarily reflected in the scheme of the heating system, which will become a guide for the installers during the work. Deviations from the scheme developed by specialists and approved can lead to a failure to put the system into operation, which is allowed by the selection committee.

  • Specification . This section contains data on the main materials and elements of the heating system, and their main technical characteristics. This part of the project also includes a diagram of the heating system with marked nodes and devices listed in the list.

This information is key to calculating the hydrostatics of the system, as well as the required heating temperature. If these calculations are carried out incorrectly, then the system will be inefficient, and the gas flow will be exceeded.

  • Graphic image - this is an important section of the project, which visually represents how it will look like general design heating systems. This part of the project is carried out with the help of special computer programs, most often in three-dimensional projection.

When submitting an application for the development of a project, it is necessary to clarify for specialists the reasons for switching to offline view heating. The more justifications there are, the more accurate the calculations will be, since specialists will know what to pay special attention to when carrying out them.

A copy of the project documents must be submitted to the gas company, which will continue to service the installed equipment.

Gas boiler for autonomous heating of an apartment

When drawing up a project, experts will offer options for boilers that can be used for installation in an individual apartment heating system. However, you need to independently study some information related to the choice of the unit.

First of all, it is worth referring to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307, paragraph 44 of 16. 04.12. , which considers the connection of heat supply systems. This resolution provides a list of heat and power devices that do not meet the established requirements, and therefore are prohibited for installation in apartments multi-storey buildings. After studying this document, it will be possible to immediately decide which devices of which designs cannot be installed in an autonomous heating system of an apartment.

So, the list of boilers that can be used in apartments of multi-storey buildings includes units that operate on natural gas and meet the following requirements:

  • Having a closed (sealed) combustion chamber.
  • Mandatory availability of automatic shutdown of the fuel supply in the event of a power outage, extinction of the burner flame, if there are malfunctions in the protection circuit, with insufficient pressure inside the system, which may fall below the limit value, when the coolant is heated above the limit temperature, as well as in case of malfunctions in the flue system .
  • With an allowable coolant temperature in the system not higher than 95˚.
  • The coolant pressure is not more than 1 MPa.

In addition, boilers are single-circuit, used only for heating an apartment, and double-circuit, designed for both heating and water heating. When applying and collecting documents, this factor should also be indicated. This is due to the fact that the heating networks must give consent to disconnect the apartment not only from heating, but also from the hot water system.

Next, you need to decide on the design of the heating unit, as it can be wall or floor. For installation in conditions modern apartment most often chosen wall variant gas equipment, as such boilers are compact and quite aesthetic design, reminiscent in appearance. Since the chimney from the heating boiler must go outside, it will be convenient to place it on outer wall, with this installation there will be no problems with the location of the pipe in the room. As a rule, there is a window on the outer wall, which will solve the problems with the ventilation of the room. Usually, the power of a wall-mounted boiler is sufficient to heat a standard apartment with proper wall insulation and the presence of euro windows with double-glazed windows.

Rooms in the apartment where a gas boiler can be installed

Separately, a few words must be said about the room for installing a gas boiler, since it cannot be placed in any room, according to the preference of the owners.

The room for the placement of gas heating equipment must meet certain safety requirements, which include the following:

  • Do not install gas equipment in a residential area.
  • The area of ​​the room should not be less than 4 square meters.
  • The entrance door to the room with the installed boiler must be at least 800 mm wide.
  • The room should be equipped with a window facing the street.
  • The boiler is mounted on the wall or installed on the floor, at a distance, which must be at least 300 mm from other gas equipment, such as a gas stove.
  • Indoors, it is necessary to find the possibility of output to the street, that is, through the wall. Conclusion of the pipe in the common house ventilation duct not allowed.
  • Some heating units require the presence in the room forced ventilation, that is, you will have to install an exhaust fan on the window. This will be specified in the specifications.
  • A wall-mounted boiler must be fixed to a wall built of non-combustible material, and for a floor boiler it is necessary to make fire-resistant flooring, for example, lay ceramic floor tiles.

Without fulfilling these requirements, the commission signing the acceptance certificate will not give its consent to the commissioning of an autonomous heating system.

Based on the characteristics of the room, we can conclude that the unit can be installed in the kitchen or in a pre-insulated loggia combined with it. Since the gas boiler is tied to main pipeline supply of energy carrier, which is connected to the kitchen room of the apartment, it is it that is optimal for the location of the heating unit.

In addition, the kitchen is necessarily equipped with a window facing the street and a door of the required width. And, besides, a general house ventilation channel is connected to it, which is also necessary for placing an apartment "boiler room".

How to choose a gas heating boiler?

In order for the purchased boiler to fully meet the to its parameters of the created system heating, was reliable and easy to use, it is necessary to be guided by a number of criteria for evaluating such equipment when purchasing. - read in a separate publication of our portal.

Autonomous electric heating

The arrangement of electric heating is much simpler than gas heating. If only because there are more wide choose the place of its installation of the boiler or other equipment, since the power supply is distributed throughout the apartments, and ventilation and exhaust systems for combustion products are not required.

When planning the installation of electric heating, first of all, you need to consult the institution of Energonadzor (or a similar organization). It is necessary to check the availability of resources in the house for the allocation of additional energy. If a written consent is received in this organization, then with it and with a request to disconnect the apartment from the centralized heat supply, it is necessary to contact the heating network service.

The list of other documentation should be clarified with the energy company and with self-government bodies. The fact is that when installing electric heating in different regions country requirements for its installation may vary significantly. The only thing to note is that the number of documents and approvals will be much less compared to the gas option for heating an apartment.

Thanks to modern technologies today you can choose one of two options for electric heating. One involves the use of a heating unit with a conventional piping for the circulation of the coolant. The second involves direct heating by separately installed devices or systems - electric convectors, infrared heaters, systems "".

Heating using an electric boiler

The system using a coolant, that is, piping and radiators remain in place. But they are connected to an electric heating boiler, and the coolant will be heated from it, and not from the central heating main.

Majority modern models electric heating units are equipped automatic control. Therefore, the system can be programmed in such a way that the heating of the premises to the required temperature indicators will not occur constantly, but only at the time set by the owners. You can save a lot on this function, for example, using a nightly reduced rate for “charging” heat accumulator.

On sale are wall electric boilers, which can have a power of 5 ÷ 60 kW, as well as floor options, their power exceeds 60 kW.

Which one to choose, experts will tell you when submitting documents for drafting an electric heating system, in which there will be a diagram of its arrangement. The choice of the boiler will depend on the area and location of the apartment in the house, the degree of its insulation, the number of windows and balconies, as well as the frame material. Usually, when choosing the power of the boiler, they rely on the established technological standards, that is, 1 kW of electricity per 10 "squares" of area.

We must not lose sight of the fact that if a unit with a power exceeding 9 kW is purchased, then there will be a need to re-equip the apartment electrical network and install a three-phase meter. If it is planned to install a heating boiler of a larger capacity, then before purchasing it, it is necessary to consult and obtain written permission from the local energy company.

It should be borne in mind that household electric boilers are not designed for a large number of radiators, respectively, their installation is optimal for heating small areas, up to 80 - 90 m². In addition to the boiler, "warm floor" systems can be used, which consume electricity quite economically.

Electrical units operate according to a standard system automatic heating. The coolant (water or antifreeze) is heated, passing through the boiler, and then enters the heating circuit with radiators installed in it. Passing this path, the coolant cools down and returns to the boiler for heating, etc. In order for the circulation to be more intense and the radiators to warm up faster, a circulation pump is installed in the heating circuit.

Electric boiler, unlike gas equipment, can be installed in any utility room where it is convenient to draw a power line, and from where it will be easier to carry out a general wiring of pipes for the heating circuit. Most often, a kitchen or a bathroom is also chosen for this. But sometimes it is also mounted in the corridor, sinking the wiring of the circuit pipes into the wall surfaces.

What is an electric heating boiler?

The variety of such devices is quite large, and, not only in terms of size, power and other operational parameters, but even in terms of the principle of heating. Read more about this in a special article on our portal dedicated to.

Direct space heating with electrical appliances

Heating using separate electrical appliances or underfloor heating, which can be combined or operated separately, is called a direct heating system.

This option is preferable to choose if there is a desire to get rid of numerous pipes and volumetric radiators, since, for example, electric convectors have a more aesthetic appearance and compact size. The "warm floor" system can be cable rod or film - but in any case, it is generally invisible to the eye.

When combining individual devices into a single system, it is possible to connect it to a common control unit, with which you can set temperature conditions by time of day and by day of the week, taking into account the daily routine of the family.

When choosing any type of electric heating, for safety reasons, it is necessary to provide grounding, without which a permit to put the system into operation will not be issued.

The advantage of electric heating is that it is safer than gas heating. And compared to the central system, it can be easily and very accurately regulated, setting the required temperature.

Main disadvantage electrical system is that in the event of a power outage, the apartment will remain not only without lighting, but also without heating. Therefore, if in a particular locality this phenomenon is repeated with frightening constancy, then it is better to opt for an autonomous gas heating apartments. In addition, the obvious "minuses" include very high tariffs for electricity.

Features of the arrangement of electric heating are the observance of certain conditions that are not provided for the gas version of heating. So, experts recommend:

  • Conduct for electric heating system from distribution separate shield power cable, which stabilizes the load on the general house electrical network.
  • RCD systems are installed today in all apartments of new buildings equipped with an autonomous electric heating. If it is not there, then you will have to attend to the acquisition of such a block. This - reliable protection against electric shock when it leaks to the instrument case.
  • It is highly desirable to install a two-tariff meter, which will help save money if the heat supply to the premises takes place during preferential hours.

Devices and systems for direct space heating - what to choose?

The variety of such devices is extremely wide. With you can get acquainted in a special article of the portal. Another publication will describe in detail the varieties and specific features various systems.

Installation of an autonomous heating system

Disconnecting the apartment from the central heating and hot water supply lines, as well as installing gas and electric boiler produced only by specialists of energy companies who have a special documented permit to carry out such work.

Such rules have been introduced to comply with all safety conditions both during installation and during the operation of the equipment. We must not forget that in an apartment building there are many neighboring apartments with people in them. Don't put your life and theirs in danger.

You can take on the laying of pipes and the placement of heating radiators, the installation of other necessary elements systems. But even then - only if you have good skills in conducting such operations.

In this publication, dwelling on the installation order does not make much sense. The fact is that with all the details it is set out in a special article of the portal.

The nuances of installing a water heating system

Whether a gas boiler is installed, or an electric one, otherwise the wiring of the pipe circuit, the installation of radiators, additional appliances and parts are almost the same. How it is carried out in a house or apartment - to the appropriate detailed instructions the recommended link will take you.

Before deciding to abandon centralized heating and hot water supply, it is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of autonomous heating of the apartment. And only after such a comparison and a thoughtful analysis - to start collecting documents.

One more small clarification. It may also happen that, having disconnected the apartment from heat supply and hot water supply, you still have to pay for general house heating. But these amounts will be quite miserable, compared to those that were indicated on a monthly basis in the payment order earlier.

And in conclusion - a short video that will also help weigh all the "pros" and "contras" of an autonomous heating system in an apartment

Video: Advantages and disadvantages of an autonomous apartment heating system