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Fig tree or fig: outdoor cultivation. How to grow figs from seed

07.10.2017 2 593

Figs, growing at home - secrets and tips for delicious fruits on the windowsill

Many housewives fell in love with figs, which are easy to grow at home, but still require proper care. First of all, you need to know how to plant seeds, grow from cuttings, what kind of soil is needed, how often to water, how to feed and fertilize, what to do during flowering. Below you will find information on whether to plant a seed crop at home or on suburban area, a description of the rules of care and much more.

figs grown at home - pictured

Suitable varieties of figs for growing at home

The fruit contains an incredible amount of valuable substances, so it is useful for children and adults to use it. But, in Russia, on our table there is a dish that has long been studied. That is why home-grown culture is gaining more and more popularity.

Before starting the cultivation procedure, you should decide on the variety. To date, there are a number of varieties available, specially bred by breeders for growing at home.

Varieties of indoor figs Characteristic
White Adriatic

It is a self-fertile variety
sweet yellow-green fruits with a weight of 60 g.

It is characterized by pear-shaped fruits and greenish-
yellow color having pronounced ribbing and mass
about 100 g. The flesh is golden in color and
medium sweet taste. Gives up to
2 harvests.

Can produce up to 2 crops per year,
characterized by large fruits (up to 130 g) and juicy
red pulp. Fruiting of this variety
usually starts around July or September

Differs in fruits with a flattened pear shape or
elongated. They often have a weight of 60 and
differ in brown sweet pulp and enough
thick juice.
Purple Sukhumi

It is characterized by high tasting qualities and
medium sweet fruits with red flesh. Outwardly they
have blue color With purple tint and a small

According to numerous reviews, the apartment cultivation of figs, regardless of the variety chosen, is not particularly difficult. You only need to follow certain instructions.

Figs, growing at home - planting and propagation methods

This heat-loving plant, undemanding to the soil, perfectly adapts to the home climate and, with proper care, spoils its fruits for more than one year. You can grow a culture in 3 main ways:

1. Cuttings. They are taken from an adult tree, must be 10 or 15 cm long and have at least 3 buds. Better rooting will help applying a couple of scratches on the cuttings at the bottom. Drying the milky juice that has come out will help keeping it in a room that should be cool. Then you should hold the cuttings in Heteroauxin (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) for 12 hours. After that, small expanded clay (1 cm) should be poured into the prepared pot, and on top - soil for indoor figs (6 centimeters), which should consist of sand with turf (1 part each) and 2 humus (preferably sheet). River sand (calcined) should be placed on top of a 3 cm layer. It is necessary to moisten it, and then make a hole of 3 cm. Then sprinkle wood ash on the stalk in the lower part and install it in the hole, pressing the sand tightly with your fingers. Then the cutting should be moistened with sand and covered with glass jar. The cutting should take root in 1 or 1.5 months. The first fruits can be harvested in a year or two

2. Branches. Often, the roots of the plant give rise to shoots that can be separated and planted in pots with soil (its composition was indicated above). On top of the shoots, put on a plastic bag. Figs will need to take root in this way for at least 4 or 5 weeks. After that, you can open it for a while to get used to the open air.

3. Seeds. This method will be preferred when cuttings are not available. First you need to prepare a mixture of soil, sand and humus in equal amounts. Seeds should be sown to a depth of no more than 3 cm with a distance of 1.5 or 2 centimeters. Then you need to moisten the soil well and cover the pot with polyethylene. With regular moisture and a temperature regime of +25 ° C, the seeds should sprout in 1 or 2 weeks. A month later, young fig seedlings should be planted in separate pots. At good care the first fruits will appear in the 4th year or the 5th.

propagation of figs by cuttings - in the photo

Before fruiting, young figs should be transplanted annually, by transferring them to a container that is 1 liter larger than the previous one. The best soil for transplantation, there will be a mixture of sand with soddy soil, peat and humus (leaf) in a ratio of 1: 2: 1: 2. After the onset of 5 years of age, transplantation is carried out with the growth of the roots.

Fig care at home

A delicious fruit, growing at home, which is not so difficult, also implies competent care. It will allow you to collect ripe and juicy fruits from the tree. The basis of care is 3 important points:

  1. Light. Culture loves light warm rooms but no direct sunlight
  2. Warm. Optimal temperature regime for fruiting is from +22 ْ+…25. In winter, figs will need rest at a temperature of +10 ْC
  3. Regular watering. For a plant, it is especially important during the growing season. Spraying and acceptance procedures are also useful. warm shower. In figs, with the end of October, a dormant period begins and at this time watering should be reduced to a couple of times a month. Regular watering should be resumed from the end of February

In addition to all of the above, regular pruning with fertilization is necessary, which should be performed after the irrigation procedure at least 1 time in 2 weeks. Weed grass is suitable as an organic top dressing. It must be finely chopped and placed in any jar for half the volume, then pour water to the very top and leave to infuse. After 3 or 4 days, the fertilizer will be ready. As a complex fertilizer, Vitro is suitable (for 2.5 liters of the product, 1 cap of water). In the period of active vegetation, Carbamide (3 g per 1 liter) is useful along with Kalimagnesia (2 grams per 1 liter). Separately, you need to make Superphosphate (5 g per 1 liter).

Caring for a crop grown from a seed, seedling or cutting is not so difficult. Bush, at proper care will indulge in its valuable fruits every year. They are incredibly useful for most cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the urinary system, and oncology. The antiseptic, softening and anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit, which is used in medicine, are well known. At home, the fruit helps to cope with diseases of the lungs, throat, intestines and other problems. Therefore, it will be so useful for your health to grow a bush right on the windowsill.

Figs are an exotic fruit with high palatability. If a gardener decides to plant figs on his plot, growing a crop will require the provision of all conditions for development and growth. The key to success in this difficult task is: planting, competent choice of variety and regular care behind a bush.

For the northern hemisphere it is better to choose self-fertile varieties figs that do not need pollination by blastophage wasps, since they live only in subtropical conditions. The best varieties for this are:

  1. White Adriatic, which is a small fruit covered with a yellow-green skin and soft pink flesh.
  2. Dalmatian, considered one of the cold-resistant varieties. The fruits are pear-shaped and grey-green in color. The fruits are very juicy and have a sweet and sour taste.
  3. Kadota" is an excellent variety for long-distance transportation. It is a round-pear-shaped fruit with pink flesh and a sweet taste.

In addition to the main varieties, the following species can be grown: Brunsvik, Crimean Black, Nikitsky Fragrant, Apsheronsky.

Climate comfort

How to grow figs so that it not only pleases the eye, but also bears fruit well? To do this, it is necessary to provide the plant with optimal climatic conditions. Since the subtropics are considered the birthplace of the bush, it needs high-quality watering.

The procedure must be carried out taking into account the age of the plant:

  1. Young stems need to be watered every week. The volume of moisture is from 5 to 10 liters per bush.
  2. In subsequent years, the root system of the culture has already been formed, so watering can be reduced to 1 time in two weeks, and the water rate should increase to 8-10 liters per bush.
  3. During the period of fruit ripening, watering should be stopped.
  4. Water the plant for the last time after harvest to increase the wear resistance of the fig.

Watering should be carried out taking into account the age of the plant

After each watering, it is necessary to carefully loosen the aisle and weed it to prevent the growth of weeds.

You need to feed the plant at least twice a month. There are a number of rules for feeding culture:

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied in the first third of the growing season.
  2. In mid-summer, it is important to focus on phosphates to promote fruit set.
  3. In the last third of the growing season, a large proportion of potash fertilizers should be applied, which will help both the fruits and the wood itself ripen better. Nitrogen fertilizers are prohibited during this period.
  4. Monthly it is necessary to carry out top dressing with microelements necessary for the normal development of the shrub.
  5. Twice a month, foliar top dressing should be carried out by spraying.
  6. For berry bush Organic fertilizers are also important. For this, humic acids, microorganisms and ground are used.

You need to feed the plant at least twice a month.

All top dressing should be carried out only after watering, in order to prevent burns of the root system.

Landing place

It is better to choose the sunniest place for planting shrubs. It is desirable that tall trees or tall buildings be located on the south side. If there are some objects on other sides that can protect from the wind, you can create an optimal microclimate in the summer.

In order to resolve the issue of how to grow figs on the site, you need to take care of a well-executed planting. For this plant, planting deep in trenches is considered the best way.

the best way considered landing deep in trenches.

They need to be dug in such a way that the depth is at least half a meter, and the width is about a meter. If the soil is loamy, it is better to fill the bottom with a drainage layer of sand and fine gravel.

For the substrate, surface soil is mixed with humus, manure and compost, after which it is poured into the planting pit.

After that, small mounds are poured on which seedlings will be laid. To do this, the roots are straightened, and the seedlings are covered with earth, holding the stems, to the level of the root collar.

For the substrate, surface soil is mixed with humus, manure and compost, after which it is poured into the planting pit.

The southern slope is covered with a dense black film, which will not only protect the root part of the stem, but also prevent weeds from growing. The appearance of weeds can lead to diseases, as they block the bottom of the bush from the sun.

From the northern part, you need to install a polymer wall or from slate sheets. It will reflect light rays and smooth out uneven lighting.

To correctly form a plant, you need to understand how figs grow.

For creating compact form, you need to build a trellis from wooden slats or regular wire. A bush will be tied to it.

In the first year of development, three upper shoots 20 cm high are left during pruning. One of them is launched vertically, and two side ones are tied to the trellis. The result is a kind of trident.

When the stems reach a height of about a meter, they are bent parallel to the ground. Further growth of the stems is started vertically and tied up for the accuracy of the angles.

The next spring, the trunk, which is in the middle of the bush, is cut off 20 cm above the place where the branches appear. Then we repeat last year's procedure.

To correctly form a plant, you need to understand how figs grow.

Thus, the plant must be grown up to 4 tiers of branches. On last step only two branches are left, which are conducted in different directions parallel to the ground. When they grow to 10 cm, they are allowed vertically.

As a result, a neat bush of compact shape is obtained, which can become decorative element landscape. For example, approx.


Figs, the care and cultivation of which require care, are also demanding on the methods of reproduction. It is believed that best ways plant transplants in our climate are:

  • propagation by cuttings;
  • seed way.

For this method, you can use both winter seedlings and summer green shoots.

Winter cuttings are taken only from plants that are at least a year old. Planted cuttings in early spring with light soil until buds appear.

Green cuttings should be planted in late spring or early summer, preferably in the sand. Cuttings are taken from fruit-bearing plants. Before rooting, they are kept in a humid environment. (This can be a jar of water or a regular glass).

Cuttings are planted in early spring with light soil until buds appear.

The container is placed in a warm place. After about 3-4 weeks, the roots will appear, and when they are 1-2 cm long, they can be planted in the soil.

To obtain the source material, only the best juicy fruits are selected. From them, choose the pulp with seeds, put it in a bowl and leave it in a warm place for about 3-5 days. After the mass begins to ferment, the seeds are separated from the remnants of the pulp, washed and dried. After that, they are stored until February, when they start planting.

Then the source material is sown in the prepared substrate, consisting of humus, soddy soil and sand, to a depth of about 0.5 cm. The appearance of the first shoots is expected in about a month, subject to daily spraying of the soil warm water. After the appearance of 6-8 leaves, the seedlings dive into separate pots with a diameter of 10 cm or more.

To obtain the source material, only the best juicy fruits are selected.

The plant will be ready for transplanting into open ground in 2 years. During home growing seedlings they need to be fertilized, and with the onset of sustainable heat they are taken out to open air. There they can stay until autumn.

After the end of the growing season at average temperatures of about 2 degrees Celsius, you can start covering the bushes. For this you need:

  1. Remove autumn structures: arcs, nonwoven fabric and polycarbonate.
  2. Branches bend to the ground.
  3. Lay boards or sheets of plywood on top of the pit.
  4. Lay a strong film over the flooring.
  5. A layer of earth of about 10 cm is poured over the entire structure. It will not allow frost to penetrate the tree.

In especially frosty regions, you can make an additional layer of insulation.

The presence of air in the shelter will ensure normal aeration of the plant.

In especially frosty regions, you can make an additional layer of insulation. As natural insulation may perform:

  • straw;
  • tops of corn;
  • spruce branches.

As a load stacked on polyethylene, the following can be used:

  • boards;
  • cardboard;
  • ruberoid.

If the material for shelter is too dense, small holes are made in it for air to enter.

After the end of the cold weather, one of the most important moments in caring for figs is the timely opening of the plant.

So that the stem does not rot, it must be opened already in mid-April. In the case when the soil above the structure has not thawed, it can be spilled with hot water.

So that the stem does not rot, it must be opened already in mid-April.

After that, a greenhouse is erected above the tree, and the associated branches straighten out. The stem is cleared of dry leaves, while the fruits formed during wintering are left on the branches.

Diseases and pests

Based on where the fig grows, you need to be prepared for the fact that the plant will be susceptible to various diseases and be attacked by pests.

The most common diseases are:

  1. Cancer of branches, which covers the affected area of ​​the trunk with cracks. As a result of the disease, the wood is exposed, part of it dies.
  2. Gray rot is manifested by gray and white bloom on the fruits themselves.
  3. Fusarium leads to internal rotting of the fruit and flaking of the pulp.
  4. Anthracnose is characterized by the appearance dark spots on fruits that lead to fruit rot.
  5. Fruit souring begins with the appearance of various brown or watery spots.

The following pests can attack the shrub:

  1. Butterfly moth, which can lead to rotting of the fruit.
  2. The leafworm, which is considered to damage the bush in such a way that the leaves turn yellow, the fruits begin to rot, and the stem itself dries out.
  3. The psyllid threatens to slow down the growth of the stem due to a lack of useful substances sucked out by the pest.
  4. The beetle damages the bark, which often leads to the death of the plant.

Butterfly moth can lead to fruit rot

To control pests, it is necessary to use special insecticides, and to overcome various fungal diseases It is possible by normalizing the climatic regime of irrigation and careful care.


At competent landing and caring for figs, growing in open field can bring good harvest. Fig fruits ripen extremely unevenly, so they are removed from the trees as they ripen. A sign of ripeness is the appearance of drops of nectar on the skin, the color of the fruit depending on the variety, as well as the softness of the fruit. When the fruit is torn off at the point of separation from the branch, no juice is released.

Fresh figs can be stored for about 2-3 weeks. During this time, it must be processed. It is usually used for making jams and as fillings. And when dried, it becomes one of the most popular dried fruits.

Having dealt with the intricacies of growing a shrub in the open field and the features of caring for it, you can get a stable harvest of tasty and healthy berries.

How many names does this beautiful plant have! This and fig tree, And fig tree, and just fig. Fig fruits are named accordingly fig, fig, and wine berry. And yet, the most common name for the tree itself and its wonderful fruits is figs.

figs, or ficus carica(Ficus carica) is subtropical fruit tree, reaching a height of 8 meters in nature, and usually gives two crops per season. Like other ficuses, the tissues of the shoots and leaves of figs contain a thick white milky juice, which begins to actively stand out after they are damaged.

Large fig leaves solitary; the lower ones are solid or weakly emarginated, the upper ones are lobed, heart-shaped. The underside of the leaf is grayish, covered with fine hairs, while the upper side is bright green and rough. Young shoots of figs have dense pubescence.

In wild figs, two types of inflorescences are placed on one plant. In some inflorescences, only female long-columnar flowers are formed (fleshy, juicy seed-figs develop from them). In inflorescences of another type, there are male staminate and female short-columnar flowers that give rise to inedible caprifigs - smaller formations that remain solid.

Figs often bloom during growth. However, caprifigs are formed on the plant from early spring to late autumn, and edible seedlings - only in summer and autumn.

Since cultivated figs are a dioecious plant, in order to obtain tasty and healthy fruits, female specimens are grown in which juicy seedlings are formed without the participation of male plants. The fig is usually round or pear-shaped, and its flesh contains very small and numerous nut-seeds. The fruits of ripe figs are very tender and do not tolerate transportation well, so they can often be found on sale as dried fruits.

People began to grow figs in different countries world several thousand years ago. This tree is often mentioned in the Bible, it is one of the symbols of a carefree life in paradise. In Buddhism, the fig tree is considered a symbol of enlightenment - it was under this tree that the Buddha achieved knowledge of the essence of life.

Reproduction of figs by seeds

I really like to grow exotic, so I buy more and more new fruits exotic plants to try and grow them at home from extracted seeds.

Having once bought a very ripe and soft fig, I decided to grow a fig from its seeds.
Ripe fruit of a fig tree contains full-fledged, germinating seeds - they can give life to many new plants.

I cut the fig shell in half and carefully removed the seeds from it. I put them in a fine sieve and washed them under running water. The seeds freed from the pulp were laid out on a thin paper napkin to dry them. A day later, the fig seeds were ready for planting.
At the bottom of the bowl, I poured a layer of drainage, and then filled it with a nutritious, loose substrate. Having spilled the ground well with water, I laid out a napkin with seeds on the leveled surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled it with earth. The pot was covered with a plastic bag and put in a warm place, providing the germinating seeds with a temperature of 25-27 degrees.

Every day I ventilated the crops - I removed the bag from the bowl and removed the condensate that appeared on it. The soil was moistened with a spray bottle if necessary.
Fig shoots appeared in about 2-3 weeks. The seeds sprouted very amicably, so there were too many seedlings in the pot. Heap shoots had to be thinned out so that they did not oppress each other.

When fig shoots had 2-3 true leaves, I planted the largest seedlings in individual pots.

Fig Care

Figs are a light-loving plant, and therefore in the summer I placed my seedlings on a glazed balcony. Although, due to its unpretentiousness, figs grow well even with some shading.

In the warm season, fig trees really like spraying. In very dry air, pests can appear on figs: spider and other herbivorous mites, as well as scale insects and mealybugs.

I water the figs abundantly in the summer, because I noticed that when the substrate dries out, the leaves of plants that lack moisture begin to curl, turn yellow and fall off. For watering figs, I use warm, soft water. room temperature. In autumn, I reduce the watering of figs, in winter I water it very moderately.

As winter approaches, figs begin to go into a state of short rest, during which this plant may partially or completely shed its leaves - this is normal when wintering a deciduous plant. In winter, I keep the figs cool (not lower than 10 degrees, not higher than 18 degrees).

I repot young fig plants every spring in a slightly larger pot. Figs grow well in a mixture of soddy and leafy soil, humus and sand.
During active growth figs for good plant development, I feed them every two weeks with infusion wood ash, and sometimes - liquid fertilizer with trace elements (I use complex fertilizer for indoor flowers).

If a fig seedling grows only upwards and does not give side shoots, then in order to form a branched crown, it is necessary to pinch the top of the central trunk.

fruiting figs

Now my fig trees are two years old, but they have not yet bloomed.

Under room conditions, a fig tree reaches a height of about two meters and usually begins to bear fruit in the fourth or fifth year after sowing.
But some varieties of figs can begin to bear fruit much earlier.

A friend of mine had a fig grown from seeds that bloomed and gave six fruits in the first year of life! I asked her what were the features of care, what is the secret of such a super-early fruiting of her fig seedling.

As it turned out, she takes care of figs in the same way as I do. Then we agreed with her - probably the whole thing lies in the characteristics of the plant variety. Apparently, a friend turned out to have a variety of figs that begins fruiting in early age. And one more, maybe important point: I removed the seeds for sowing from a fresh fig fruit, and she from a dried one.

In addition to growing from seeds, figs can be successfully propagated by cuttings. A fig tree grown from cuttings can begin to bear fruit in the first or second year after planting.

medicinal properties fig fruits

Figs are among the valuable nutritious and medicinal plants because its fruits are very rich in sugars and vitamins, pectin and organic acids. Figs are also rich in potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Figs help lower blood cholesterol levels. Fresh and dried figs are recommended for recuperation, for heart and many other ailments. The use of figs, which contain a large amount of fiber, helps to improve the functioning of a sluggish intestine. Fig fruit syrup has a mild laxative effect and is indicated for constipation in children.

An infusion of dried figs (3 tablespoons of crushed fruits per cup of boiling water), taken orally, helps with coughs and bronchitis, and used as a gargle for acute laryngitis. Good folk remedy, which is used for colds, dry coughs and whooping cough - figs with milk (4-5 figs are brewed in a glass of milk, rubbed and taken in warm form half a glass twice a day).

Those who follow their figure should remember that dried figs are very high in calories - six times more than fresh ones.

Olga Yurievna Morozova (Moscow)

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The fig or fig tree is a deciduous plant that belongs to the Mulberry family. Its homeland is the Mediterranean. In Crimea, Carpathians, Central Asia and in the Caucasus, figs are grown in the open field as a valuable cultivated plant that bears fruit - wine berries. The fig tree is also common in indoor floriculture. With proper care, it acquires decorative look and can bear fruit twice a year.

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    The fig is a dioecious plant in which female inflorescences grow on some trees (figs) and male flowers on others (caprifigs). Female plants bloom with pistillate flowers, after which edible fruits are formed, and male representatives form two types of flowers: staminate and pistillate. The former are necessary for pollination, while the latter produce inedible fruits. Pollination is carried out by small wasps - blastophages living in male flowers.

    With proper care, a fig tree can bear fruit every year.

    Dioecious species are not suitable for growing at home, since pollination is impossible. For this purpose, special self-fertile varieties have been developed that form female inflorescences and are able to set fruits without pollination. Figs shed their leaves in winter. The leaf blades are large, fleshy, entire or palmately dissected, broadly ovate. The fig is a light-loving plant, drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil composition and able to grow even on acidic soils. A powerful root system penetrates deep into the soil.

    Reproduction methods

    Indoor figs are propagated:

    • seeds;
    • cuttings;
    • root growth.

    Most often, the cultivation of figs is carried out using cuttings, and fruiting occurs in 2-3 years. If the plant is grown from seeds, then the crop is harvested in the 5-6th year. Breeding with root shoots at home is practiced very rarely, since there is a high probability of injury to the root system and death of the tree.

    Growing from seeds

    Fig seeds have a germination capacity of two years. Landing Special attention given to the composition of the soil. The tree grows well in light soil with a high content of humic acids. But an excessive amount of carbonates adversely affects the growth and development of the plant.

    To prepare the soil, take equal amounts of humus and coarse sand. You can also use a soil mixture of humus, peat and sand. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the planting pots and 2–3 grains are sown in each. In the future, the strongest plant is selected from the shoots that have appeared.

    Growing figs in a pot

    The seeds are sown shallowly, after which the containers are covered with polyethylene. For their germination, a temperature of + 24 ... + 27 degrees is required. The first shoots appear after 2-4 weeks. Shelter is removed, and crops are thinned out. When two pairs of true leaves develop on the seedlings, they are seated in separate containers.


    To grow figs from cuttings at home, you need to prepare the material. Do this in the middle of winter, when the plant sheds its leaves and enters a dormant period. For cuttings, it is best to use the central parts of the branches from an adult fruit-bearing plant over five years old. Branches must be ripe. Each segment should be 15 cm long with three to four internodes. At the bottom, the cut is made along the oblique, below the last kidney by 2 cm, and at the top - in a straight line. The cuttings are kept in a cool, dry place for several hours until the juice ceases to stand out. Then longitudinal scratches are made on the bottom to destroy upper layer bark to cambium. Thanks to this procedure, a powerful root system is formed. After that, the segments are placed for some time in a biostimulant solution.

    To plant cuttings, prepare containers. A drainage layer of pebbles and expanded clay is laid at the bottom, then loose fertile soil is poured with a layer of 7 cm, and then sand is added with a layer of 4 cm. It is moistened and holes are made in it. The cuttings are removed from the stimulator, washed running water, the lower sections are powdered with ash and placed in the soil. The containers are covered with a transparent bag or sand and placed in a well-lit place. In cloudy weather, additional lighting is used.

    In order for the cuttings to take root well, they maintain the temperature within + 23 ... + 26 degrees. The roots appear after 1.5 months, during which the seedlings ventilate and moisten the sand. When they get stronger and adapt, they are transplanted into flower pots, which are filled with a fertile soil mixture. After 2 weeks, young plants are fed complex fertilizers for indoor crops.


    Caring for figs at home is easy. He loves sunny places. With a lack of light, it develops poorly, and the fruits do not have time to ripen.

    In summer, the crown of the tree is sprayed every day with warm water and the soil is watered abundantly. Even with a slight drying of the earthy coma, the fig begins to shed its leaves. During fruiting, the amount of watering is reduced, otherwise the fruits will be watery and fresh.

    In winter, the plant goes into a dormant period. At this time, he is taken to a glazed loggia, veranda or other room with a temperature of +10 ... +14 degrees. Figs during the rest period do not need light and top dressing. It needs to be watered rarely and sparingly. The main thing is that the earthen ball does not dry out.

    In order not to prematurely awaken the kidneys, cool water is used for irrigation.

    Figs begin to feed after the swelling of the first buds. To do this, use a mullein diluted with water. After 2 weeks, a solution of phosphate fertilizers is added to the soil. During the growing season, the fig tree is fed every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic compounds.


    Since the roots of figs grow very quickly, they need to be replanted every spring before the leaves bloom. Transplantation of adult plants older than 7 years is carried out every 3 years, while the new pot should be several centimeters larger than the previous one. A container that is too large promotes root growth, which leads to a decrease in yield.

    The procedure is carried out as follows:

    • the pot is scalded with boiling water and a drainage layer 3–4 cm thick is laid on its bottom;
    • the plant is transferred to a new container without violating the integrity of the old earthy coma;
    • voids are filled with fertile soil, while the root collar cannot be buried.

    The transplanted tree is watered with plenty of water and placed in a well-lit place.

    crown formation

    In order for the fig to fully develop, it must be cut off in a timely manner. Without the formation of a crown, the plant eventually grows into a big tree, which is very inconvenient for a closed room. Pruning is carried out before the swelling of the kidneys. Young plants leave 3-4 healthy shoots. When the tree reaches a height of 25-35 cm, pinch the crown. This stimulates the development of side shoots.

    In order for the lower branches to become stronger and more powerful in the future, the shoots of the upper tier should be shortened by 1/3. Competent pruning allows you to get a beautiful lush crown, consisting of 3-4 vertical shoots of the main order and a large number side branches.

    There is another pruning option that gives the crown the shape of a fan. It is necessary to pinch the apical bud and remove the branches directed inside the crown. The main shoots should be in relation to the plane horizontally and parallel to each other. Thanks to fan pruning, the number of fruit-bearing shoots increases several times, and the tree looks very attractive.

    Figs can get coral blotch. The disease manifests itself in small red formations on the shoots of a tree. As a treatment, the affected areas are cut out, healthy parts are sprayed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or fungicides.

    Figs in Stavropol

    Since the tropics are the birthplace of figs, it is rather difficult to grow it in the middle lane in open ground. Even in Stavropol, this is not easy to do. It must be planted on the south side of the site. Having landed on the site, it must be covered for the winter.

    To do this, the bush is tied with a rope in a bundle in the fall and bent tightly to the ground. On top put a load for a week. During this time, the plant gets used to being in this position and begins to cuddle itself to the ground. Then it is covered with tomato tops or corn stalks, and covered with fertilizer bags on top. Figs under such shelter can withstand frosts down to -25 degrees.

Choosing plants for your own garden is a rather complicated and at the same time very exciting thing. In this regard, both familiar species - apple, plum, cherry, and more exotic species are of interest.

For example, many owners of their own land plots dream of growing figs. This event is quite complicated, especially in the northern latitude, but still quite accessible to the implementation of the undertaking. To choose suitable varieties and plant figs correctly, read the recommendations below for all the processes of growing this crop.

Benefits of planting figs

The fig tree will not only allow you to significantly diversify the landscape of the site, the benefits of its fruits are very significant. Moreover, we note that they use it, both immediately after harvesting, and in dried form. Therefore, you do not have to worry about how to keep the fruits whole and prevent their premature spoilage in order to enjoy the amazing taste of wine berries for as long as possible.

Features of the unpretentiousness of fig seedlings during development will allow planting this tree on the site, with almost any conditions. Here are some of the benefits of this solution:

Important! Separately, we note big sizes fig fruits, which will certainly bring you joy.

Where to plant figs?

To understand how harmoniously this tree will combine with other plants on your site, preview a photo of an adult fig.

When choosing a specific planting site for this crop, consider the following requirements:

When to plant figs?

There are very precise recommendations regarding the appropriate time for planting figs. Assign this work to mid-late March, immediately after warming.

Important! To have time to complete this procedure, buy and prepare fig seedlings in advance. In this case, you will not have any inconsistencies in the course of decorating the local area.

Which variety to choose?

The variety of modern varieties of figs may well cause quite a long reflection on the topic: which variety is better?

To reduce the time of the process of acquiring seedlings, define your requirements in advance according to clear criteria:

In our climate middle lane, the following varieties have gained particular popularity:

This culture is one of the few that is favorably distinguished by a variety of planting methods. The most commonly used options are:

What seedlings are suitable for planting?

When buying seedlings, give preference to two-year-old individuals with two side branches - the degree of their survival rate is much higher, and the fertility period will come earlier.

How to prepare the land for planting figs?

Although this tree is not picky about soil quality, be sure to pre-fertilize the soil to help the plant develop faster and ensure proper seedling health.

Given the simplicity of this procedure, you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on its implementation, and the efficiency will be at a high level.

Important! Take into account the fact that the abundance of the future harvest largely depends on how correctly you prepare the soil.

Soil preparation sequence:

  1. Remove the top soil to the level of the planned depth of the pits or trenches.
  2. Mix the dug mass with sand, humus and leafy soil in equal parts.

Important! If you decide to drastically reduce your fig planting effort, buy a ready-made potting mix like Lemon or Rose and add it to the dug-out soil.

The technology of planting figs in the pits

Sequence of work:

Trench method of planting figs

This method is great for planting figs in the form of a shrub. When using this method, the workflow looks like this:

Fig Care

In the process of growing figs, caring for these trees is not much different from the usual necessary procedures for other plants:

Some features are inherent in each stage, so carefully read them to ensure the full development of the crop and a bountiful harvest of fruits:


Despite the fact that figs are not very whimsical to growing conditions, they still need proper care. Therefore, do not ignore the recommendations for growing this tree. In the case of performing all the necessary regular procedures, the fig will certainly please you with dense greenery of an interesting foliage shape, due to which the attractiveness of the entire site will increase significantly, and with a bountiful harvest of exquisite large fruits.