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How to sow lawn grass correctly - step by step instructions with photos and videos. The perfect do-it-yourself lawn: how and when is the best time to sow lawn grass

The dense grassy lawn near the house always arouses admiration and envious glances of passers-by. Is it possible to achieve the ideal result with minimal cost? How to sow a lawn by hand without weeds, when is the best time for such work?

Planting a lawn yourself is a fairly simple process, but it will require a lot of patience to achieve the optimal result. Work should be done in stages.

We plan the lawn

Before starting work, you should mark the area for the future lawn. Important on initial stage consider the presence of other plants on the site, since in the future this can lead to difficulties with cutting the grass. If there is on the territory, then it is worth considering the distance between the grass and. Distance should be up to 1 meter convenient operation lawn mowers.

We are preparing the site

Preparing the base is one of the important steps that will ensure a clean and beautiful weed-free grass surface. Before you start seeding your lawn, you need to prepare the soil.

The main stages of land preparation:

  • remove debris from the territory of the future lawn - this applies to stones, residues building materials, brushwood and other foreign objects;
  • if there are remnants of the root system or entire unnecessary trees, they should be uprooted and removed from the site;
  • herbicides - this is one of the options that will be the solution to the question of how to properly sow the lawn by hand without weeds;
  • dig up the prepared area, fertilizing the ground;
  • create a drainage layer - crushed stone or broken brick will perfectly cope with this function;
  • form flat surface, without tubercles and ravines, compact the soil with a roller;
  • it is necessary to enrich the soil with oxygen - loosen the earth with a rake;
  • leave the site for a while under fallow.

Treat the land with herbicides. Do not save on the quality of the drug.

Lawn Seed Selection

When choosing a lawn mix, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • soil features;
  • the presence of sunlight;
  • functional purpose of the site.
  • experts will recommend the best composition for your site.

lawn seeding

For quality coverage surface with grass, you should carefully read the information on the package. The manufacturer indicates required amount seeds per square meter. On average, per 1 sq. m. it will take about 30-40 gr. seeds.

Don't skimp on the amount of grass. empty seats weeds will take over very quickly.

Conditionally distribute the material for sowing into equal parts, this will ensure uniform consumption. Moisten the soil lightly by spraying water evenly.

Windless weather is the perfect day to sow the lawn.

For even distribution, sprinkle lawn grass first along, then across. Gently, lightly, pour in the seeds and compact the soil with a roller or walk around the area. Water the area using a fine sprayer.

Lawn care

A plot sown with grass must be systematically watered at least once a day, and more is possible. Especially carefully monitor soil moisture in the first month after sowing. In the future, it should depend on the amount of precipitation.

After the lawn is mowed, experienced gardeners recommended to water the grass cover.

Through compliance simple advice, you will become the owner of a rich and dense lawn, which will become an ornament suburban area or area around the house.

Lawn planting video

Let's define what a "lawn" is? A lawn is understood as an area on which a dense cover grows herbaceous plants subjected to periodic mowing. More often used perennial cereal grasses: ryegrass, bluegrass, fescue.

There is a wide variety of types of lawns, but how to create a lawn with your own hands in a simple way And with easy further care? This is an ordinary garden lawn with a mowing height of 20-40 mm. Other types, such as parterre, Mauritanian, for golf fields, for football fields require large material and physical costs. For people who want to enjoy their lawn, it is best to stick to the principle of minimum maintenance.

We will not consider how to plant a lawn with our own hands, using ready-made rolls. Despite the speed of laying the finished turf, it has a number of significant drawbacks:

  • high cost of turf rolls;
  • high physical costs for soil preparation and laying;
  • soil in rolls may not be suitable for this site;
  • additional difficulties in daily work, as there is a polymer mesh in the rolls, which interferes with some important operations.

If you choose how to make a lawn, then better by sowing seeds. With the right actions, you can get a dense turf in two months, significantly saving and facilitating further operation.

What you need to know before making a lawn with your own hands?

In the first place, oddly enough, is watering. Why exactly him? Having guaranteed irrigation on the site, regardless of any other factors, you can get any kind of lawn. Water helps plants grow and get nutrients through the roots. A growing plant can be mowed, thereby always getting a living lawn of the desired height.

Many people think that they are ready to manually water their site daily with a hose, and it is this water regime that the lawn requires. But, sometimes, a situation arises when you need to go somewhere to relax, or there are simply very busy days when there is no time. A missed one or two waterings, especially during the hot summer months, can be so damaging to your lawn that it can take months to recover. Therefore, it is desirable to have automatic watering.

Fortunately, there are now enough opportunities to do it yourself. For a small plot up to two acres, you will need:

Such automatic system especially important when obtaining seedlings in the first 2 weeks after sowing. Watering is carried out during this period 3 times a day at a rate of 100 liters per one hundred square meters (100 sq. m.). Then, depending on the air temperature, it is watered 1 or 2 times a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening, at a rate of 50-100 liters per hundred square meters.

Seed selection. How to make a lawn with a uniform color? Lawn grass uniformity is possible only if only one type is used. cereal grass. When using a mixture, there is a possibility of getting spots of different colors and structures. Therefore, seeds containing 100% bluegrass are suitable for a landscape gardening lawn, it is possible to use a mixture different varieties bluegrass. For hot climates, it is better to use 100% cane fescue, although it has a tougher leaf, but its vitality is much higher than bluegrass. It is not recommended to use ryegrass as it has a wide leaf and does not withstand low cuts below 20mm. It is also undesirable to sow stolon-shaped bent grass. It has an aggressive growth and requires frequent combing operations, when in the mixture it crowds out other grasses, forming unsightly spots, it is difficult to mow, since the recommended height is 10 mm and below.

What you do not need to save on is the cost of seeds. Good seeds with high germination and the desired varietal characteristics have a decent price. The producer of lawn grass seeds is also of no small importance. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to find seeds of domestic producers with good varietal characteristics, but not all imported ones may be suitable for the site. The Danish company DLF trifolium and the Dutch Barenbrug have proven themselves well.

They buy seeds with a 20% margin, in case of possible overseeding. Quite often sold seeds this season are not easy to find next.

Do-it-yourself lawn installation. Main stages

The optimal periods for creating a lawn are spring when the soil warms up above +10 degrees and autumn, when the daily air temperature is below +25 degrees. However, with guaranteed watering, shoots can be obtained even in the middle of summer.

Stage 1 Soil preparation

The site before the main work must be cleared of unnecessary shrubs and trees, old stumps, to select from the soil, if any, debris and stones with a diameter of more than 10 mm.

Apply starter fertilizers. It can be complex species, for example, Azofoska. The application rate is 30-40 g per square meter. The plot is loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm, preferably with a gasoline cultivator, which will make the soil homogeneous and loose. After that, the site is leveled with a rake and rolled with a roller.

The main question during this period: how to make a smooth lawn? Regardless of whether there was already compacted soil on the site or whether new ground, after loosening and rolling it must be watered abundantly until puddles form. This will allow the soil to settle and compact evenly. Then they wait for the soil to dry out until a crust forms. If depressions and irregularities have formed on the site, then they are smoothed out again with a rake, moving first in one, then in the transverse direction.

Stage 2 Sowing

Sowing seeds can be carried out both with a seeder and manually, in the latter case the result can be even better. The seeding rate for bluegrass or cane fescue is 20-25 g per square meter. Do-it-yourself lawn planting is carried out as evenly as possible, for this they move first in one, then transverse and even diagonal directions. After sowing, it is obligatory to plant the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm. This is done carefully with a rake, without moving the soil much, otherwise bare areas without shoots may form. Even if a small part of the seeds remains on the surface, they are left and rolled with a roller in two or more directions.

Irrigation is then installed and adjusted to the periodic watering described earlier.

Stage 3 mowing

On the 7-10th day after sowing, thin hairy shoots appear. When 3-4 true leaves appear, watering is reduced, the soil is brought to a state of drying of the upper crust, with different temperature air, this can take several days, then it is watered again and the frequency is set 1-2 times a day until puddles form.

For mowing, it is best to use a mower on wheels with a rotary metal blade. On a plot of up to 2 acres, an electric mower with a working width of about 35 cm with a grass collection hopper is recommended.

First mowing - very important point to get a lawn with your own hands. After 3-4 weeks, when the seedlings reach a height of 40-50 mm, the first mowing is carried out only on dried soil. The first time the amount of grass harvested will be very small, but mowing is very important to encourage the grass to grow sideways.

The frequency of further mowing every three days. It is possible to mow painlessly for the grass no more than half of the constant height, i.e. if the usual height is 40 mm, then mowing is carried out at a height of 60 mm.

Stage 4 fertilizers

To ensure the specified frequency of mowing, it is necessary to regularly fertilize the lawn grass with nitrogen fertilizers. In the first two months, it is better to use ammonium nitrate at a dose of 10 g per square meter for top dressing; in the future, it is recommended to use urea at the same dose. The uniformity of fertilizer application must be ensured by a special disc spreader, it is not recommended to do this manually. If grass growth is very intense, more than 30 mm in 3 days, then the amount of fertilizer is reduced or completely eliminated.

Stage 5 weeds

In any area, you can find the rhizomes of perennial weeds, and weed seeds in the soil remain viable for up to 40 years. When lawn grass seedlings appear, weeds also appear.

If time permits, a month before sowing, treat the area with a continuous herbicide, such as Hurricane, on green mass to reduce the number of perennial weeds.

It is undesirable to pull up the ascended weeds manually, as shoots of a lawn grass are damaged. After the first mowing, continuous treatment with selective herbicides, for example, Lontrel, is carried out. This will not harm the lawn grass, and the weeds will die.

If all actions are done correctly, then after 5-6 mowings a smooth young lawn is obtained, which easily later turns into a beautiful, well-turfed carpet. We hope we have revealed the topic: how to make a lawn with your own hands.

So! You have decided to get a lawn in your area. A reasonable question arises - when and how to plant lawn grass?
Let's start in order.

How to choose lawn grass

The decisive issue for the choice of lawn grass mixture is its intended purpose.

Usually the name of the lawn grass that you see on the packaging speaks for itself. For example:

sports turf– lawn for places subject to high load. It can be sports and playgrounds, playgrounds for active games of dogs. Such a lawn is resistant to trampling, but grows quickly, which requires frequent mowing.

Parterre lawn- a lawn with a decorative function, serves as a backdrop for solitary plants and flower beds. It has a bright color and a beautiful sheen. Requires regular watering and open to sun rays space.

dwarf lawn– A lawn containing low-growing and slow-growing grass species, which makes it easier to care for and minimizes the need for mowing. It is more often used as decorative, because it is subject to trampling.

Slope lawn– in this lawn, the grasses are selected in such a way as to form a strong root layer (sod) that is able to hold the soil on the slope and prevent erosion.

When to sow lawn grass

IN middle lane In Russia, lawn grass seeds can be planted immediately after the snow melts (late April - early May) and confidently until the very end warm season(usually October). In a later period, it is not recommended to sow the lawn, since the plants will not have time to fully get stronger before wintering, and as a result, in the spring it will be necessary to oversow, or even re-sow the lawn.

The most favorable period for sowing lawn grass is the end of April - May and September - the beginning of October

If fresh fertile soil is brought in, it is worth waiting 1-2 weeks before sowing. After spilling the soil, wait 3-4 hours, then sow the lawn.

If sowing lawn grass is carried out in the summer, it is worth waiting for rainy, cloudy days.

Do not overdo it with watering. Before germination - watering every day, then no more than 1 time per week.

The first mowing of the lawn at a grass height of 15 cm.

Before planting the lawn, it is necessary to create a drainage system, if provided, a power supply system, an underground irrigation system.
In order for the lawn to look perfect, it is necessary to level the soil. The slope can be 1-3% to facilitate surface water runoff. A large lawn area can be given a greater slope, but not more than 30%.

Soil preparation for lawn grass

Weed removal

Removing weeds will ensure friendly seedlings, the appearance of the lawn and facilitate further care behind him.

Weed control methods:

Freezing- this is the death of the underground parts of weeds in the winter, for this in the fall it is necessary to carry out deep digging of the soil.

suffocation- a long-term method based on repeated cutting of weeds at a shallow depth (harrowing for 2-3 years), the effect is achieved by depleting the rhizome.

Provocation- a couple of weeks before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the soil, and when many sprouts of weeds appear, they are loosened on the surface, thereby destroying them.

Mulching- cover the soil, depriving the light of weeds. For this purpose, ripened compost is well suited, and crushed bark under trees and shrubs.

New soil- the most effective, but time-consuming and more expensive way. Removing the old soil and laying out the new soil with drainage system- the soil is removed to a depth of 30 cm and laid out in layers: crushed stone, sand and black earth, and laid on top rolled lawn or sown seeds of lawn grass mixture.

herbicides- Treatment of weeds should be carried out during their period active growth but they must not be mechanically damaged. Within 5-10 days, the herbicide spreads over the entire area of ​​the plant and after 20-30 days the plant dies entirely. Approximately 15 days after the action of the preparation, the land can be cultivated. Herbicides are best applied in the fall if lawn grass is planned to be planted in the spring.

Plots on which weeds have already been removed would be good to protect from those that have not yet been processed.

The surface of the soil under the lawn must be leveled - there should be no mounds or holes. In the pits, subsequently, water will accumulate, which will lead to wetting of the grass, and the bumps will make it difficult for the lawn mower to work.

soil fertility

The thickness of the fertile layer for the proper development of lawn grass should be at least 10 - 15 cm.
The soil should be improved, depending on its characteristics.

The soil mixture and all its components should be well mixed and carefully incorporated into the soil, loosened to a depth of about 40 cm, so that the lower layers do not subsequently move upwards. When carrying out these works, it is necessary to remove from the ground all parts of plants that have previously been treated with chemicals, especially carefully to remove their roots.

In order to make it convenient to care for the edges of the lawn, it is better to fix them. For borders, materials such as gravel, crushed stone are usually used, you can also use a stone border or lay tiles - this will look advantageous in a decorative way and will provide you with access to cutting the edges of the lawn, which will greatly facilitate mowing.

How to sow lawn grass with your own hands

  • Level the soil with a fan rake. There should be no bumps or depressions.
  • The seeding rate of lawn grass is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Sowing is done by hand or with a special manual seeder, the section should be passed several times: in different directions(left to right, right to left and diagonally). This is done to evenly distribute the seeds over the entire area.
    For convenience, seeds can be mixed with sand before sowing. Then the seeds will not stick together, sowing will be convenient and even.
  • Then you should roll the seeds with a special roller or close them with a rake.
  • Be sure to shed the soil well with a nozzle that finely sprays a jet of water.

How to care for lawn grass

During the period of growth of a young lawn, he needs to provide:

  • sufficient watering
  • removal of weeds that will attack a fragile lawn
  • mowing the lawn to a height of 5-10 cm

A mature lawn is considered to be 2-3 seasons after sowing.

In order to properly plant lawn grass with your own hands, you do not need any special knowledge.

It is enough just to watch the training video and read this article, so that there would be beautiful green grass in your dacha.

In the country, they usually sow a lawn that is sold in seeds, less often they buy a roll.

To do everything right, carefully read everything that is written on the package with lawn grass seeds, as a rule, all necessary information about plant type and sowing rates.

Consider the features of the place where you plan to break the lawn. Choosing the right mixture is the first step to a beautiful landscape in your country house. The lawn loves the sun.

Not a single grass mixture can stand a permanent shadow.

In dense shade, it is better to break a flower bed or come up with another landscape solution.

However, if there is sun on the site for at least a couple of hours a day, then the situation is solved by choosing a shade-resistant mixture of lawn grass varieties. They are dominated by meadow fescue.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the name, but also to the composition seed when you buy it in the store. Mixes can include up to eight different types of herbs.

Usually this:

  • fescue,
  • ryegrass,
  • broom,
  • bluegrass.

Herbs are selected in such a way that the overall coating germinates evenly, looks harmonious and aesthetically pleasing.

Under certain conditions, some seed variety may die during sowing, but then other varieties will fill in these gaps. Properly formulated mixtures give excellent results.

Another criterion for selection is the purpose for which the lawn will be used.

There are the following types of lawn mixtures that are planted with their own hands:

  • Sports lawn. Resistant to mechanical stress, not trampled, easily restored after damage. Perfect option for sowing on playgrounds. Even the most active walks on this surface are unimportant to him. But there are also “buts” - this mixture includes a ryegrass plant, which does not tolerate cold winters very well. In the northern regions of the country, such a mixture will have to be sown at the beginning of each season;
  • Decorative lawn. A blend of herbs specially selected to give your lawn an even layer of soft emerald grass. This best option for use in the garden;
  • Parterre grass. Rarely used in cottages. This is not a grass mixture, but one type of plant, extremely sensitive to any influences. You can’t walk on it, and it’s difficult to properly care for it. Therefore, it is used exclusively for decorative purposes;
  • Moorish lawn. This type is significantly different from the usual flat green carpets and looks more like a flower bed with different colors. The average height of plants and the timing of their flowering in these mixtures are selected in such a way that the overall composition looks harmonious.

A popular type of grass cover is midget. It is taken out to a separate group and called the lawn for the lazy. Its main advantage is slow growth.

Lilliput is popular among novice gardeners.

When should lawn grass be planted?

There are no strict deadlines for sowing a lawn. You can plant it in central Russia from May to October.

You can do this whenever it suits you, and then, as the lawn sprouts, you can sow it throughout the warm season.

In the southern regions of the country, it is better not to do this in the hottest months - from mid-June to mid-August - due to the heat, the grass may not germinate well.

On average, it takes 4-6 weeks to prepare the soil, plant and germinate seeds.

Therefore, the first stages of work - clearing and fertilizing the soil - can be started in the spring with the onset of the first warm spring days, then by the summer you will already have beautiful green shoots on the site.

Landing stages

Soil preparation and fertilization

The first stage in the creation of a future beautiful lawn is the preparation of the site, its marking and leveling. At this stage, the final design of the landscape of the site takes place.

It is impossible to redo it when a beautiful lawn is ready. Mark the boundaries of the place where the lawn grass will be sown.

If possible, do this work in the fall, then dig the site and apply fertilizer.

In this form, the earth will overwinter, and in the spring you will already proceed directly to leveling the site and sowing it with seeds.

If you didn’t manage to do this work in the fall, it’s okay, then proceed to it as soon as the earth thaws.

It is right to dig up the earth with a depth of 25-30 cm. After that, the earth must be cleaned of plant roots, stones and debris.

Weed removal - very milestone, since it is extremely difficult to fight weeds when the midget grass has already risen.

How carefully you remove them from the soil will determine the appearance of your entire garden.

There are several ways to get rid of unnecessary vegetation on the site:

  • Before sowing, manually weed all the weeds several times, remove all the roots;
  • In autumn, treat the land with chemicals (herbicides) that destroy weeds. You can even do this several times at short intervals. Spare no effort in preparing for sowing the lawn, it is better to do it once with high quality than to redo it several times;
  • Some experts recommend loosening the ground with a rake before planting, and then covering the ground with a film for 2 months. During this time, all remaining weeds will perepere and die.

The next step is fertilization. In winter, only fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium should be applied. Nitrogen-containing plants are best left in the spring, as they reduce the frost resistance of the soil.

Sowing seeds

The dug up earth should be leveled with a rake. If possible, you can add additional plant-fertile soil and distribute it over a plot with a thickness of 8-10 cm.

The composition of the soil should be a peat-sand mixture with an admixture of soddy soil. This mixture is quite fertile and can be left unfertilized in the first year.

After leveling with a rake, the stage of compacting the earth with a roller follows. Manual roller - handy tool for leveling loosened earth with your own hands.

If there is no skating rink, then an empty barrel can be used instead. The rolling technology can be viewed in the video in the article.

And now, after rolling, you can proceed directly with sowing seeds of lawn grasses. This is done manually or with a seeder. The volume of seeds per 1 sq.m. land is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

The average landing rate is 3-5 kg ​​per hundred square meters. Some experienced gardeners recommend mixing the seed with a small amount of sand so that the seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the earth.

Others prefer to sow as is. Both of these methods bring good results. Classic technique: pour first along, and then across.

It is believed that this is the easiest and most convenient way to distribute lawn grass mixture evenly over the surface.

And for an optimal result, the seeds are additionally embedded in the soil with a rake to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

After that, you can use the mulching method - sprinkle the seed on top with a small layer of earth.

This will help the seeds when watering better gain and retain moisture and germinate faster. It will also protect them from birds and possible erosion by rain.

A more detailed do-it-yourself sowing technology can be viewed in the video below.

Seedling Care

The first thing to do after sowing is to water the soil well. It is important to ensure regular watering, but not to allow the formation of puddles.

At proper sowing shoots are formed in a week. If it is not yet very warm, then the seeds will take longer.

On average, a seed can lie in the ground from 7 to 21 days, depending on the temperature of the air, the ground and the type of grass.

The first haircut is usually done 3 weeks after the emergence of young shoots.

Further lawn care

The belief that the lawn is "planted and forgotten" is nothing more than a myth.

If you want your site to always have a smooth green lawn lawn, you will have to carefully monitor and properly care for it.

You need to cut it in the summer once every two weeks, fertilize it preferably once a month, and in spring and autumn you can sow seeds in those areas where the grass does not grow well.

The intensity of watering depends on the region and weather conditions, usually every two to three days. Lack of water will make your lawn uneven and pale.

The main mistakes made by inexperienced gardeners

In order to prevent annoying mistakes, when growing a lawn, a midget with their own hands, which in the future will negatively affect the quality of your landscape design, keep the following points in mind.

When cutting at a time, you need to cut no more than 1/3 of the height of the grass. Otherwise, you run the risk of injuring the growth too much.

That is why a systematic haircut is very important so that the lawn does not have time to overgrow too much.

Before winter, the lawn should be mowed, excess grass and leaves should be removed if possible.

Carefully choose which grass mixture to use so that sun-loving varieties do not end up in shaded areas. This can make it difficult to grow a nice, even lawn.

Creating a beautiful, even lawn with your own hands is a painstaking task. However, well-groomed lawn grass in the country house looks very impressive, and is the basis for any landscape design.

A beautiful lawn is an adornment of any personal plot. For its arrangement, many use the services of landscape designers. But you can do it yourself. How to grow a lawn? What grass to plant? What are there? Read about all this in the article.

Ground lawn

This decorative coating plot is sown with grass emerald green colors. How to grow a good lawn? For this, narrow-leaved cereals or their types are used. The field is very popular. This herb has a valuable feature - aggressiveness. Its stems, which are called stolons, grow very quickly, so there are no bald spots on the lawn. If they appear, they are also quickly restored.

Seeds are consumed moderately: per meter square square plot - 1.5 grams. The bent grass does not need to be mowed often, twice a month is enough. A prerequisite is the sowing of seeds in the soil without weeds, as this cereal grows slowly. Do not plant this herb unless you can water it regularly.

The root system is superficial, lies at a depth of 15 centimeters. Such lawns are grown in places where they are not subjected to heavy loads, people do not walk. To grow a flawless lawn, maintenance mistakes cannot be made. If you do not have confidence in your abilities, it is better not to take this job.

Lawn ordinary

This is the most common view. It is sown with a stable mix "Sport and game", which is not threatened by trampling. It includes special varieties of grasses that can form a dense turf. This mixture is suitable for children's and sports grounds, it is used to sow the area around the barbecue. There are many special mixtures that are sown in shaded areas, such as Shady Garden. If you use a mixture called "Lilliput" for sowing, mowing the lawn can be reduced by three times. For a diverse area without active walking on it, a universal mixture is ideal.

lawn clover

The name speaks for itself. The plot is sown with creeping clover. This lawn suits the lazy or busy people who don't have time to mow it every week. This is done once a year immediately after the flowering period of the grass. Special equipment is not required, it is enough to get a trimmer or a scythe.

It is impossible to trample such a lawn, it is resistant to this phenomenon. It does not suffer from a lack of moisture, it can be grown on soils with an acidic reaction. Clover flowers are the object of attention of bees, the result will be the production of tasty and fragrant honey by insects.

For a clover lawn, the soil is prepared in the same way as for a cereal lawn. 1.5-3 grams of seeds are sown per square meter of the area. Clover is an aggressive crop, so it should not be allowed to move to other areas. You need to mow the heads before the seeds form.

Moorish perennial lawn

It is called meadow. Sow with cereals and annual and perennial flowering herbs. Usually they take 10-20 species, which differ in small growth. A mixture of cereals and herbs is sown in the far corners of the garden. Such a lawn resembles a natural plant community, the ecological balance of which is difficult to maintain. If you choose the right Moorish lawn, it will bloom from June until the first frost. Meadow grasses smell pleasant and attract insects, birds and even lizards with their flowering.

Moorish annual lawn

How to quickly grow a lawn? It is sown with 20-30 kinds of flowers. Weeding by seedlings is impossible, therefore, sowing is carried out in well-prepared soil: all weed rhizomes with a long-term growth cycle should be removed from it. The lawn should be equipped in an open sunny place.

It will bloom a little later than the perennial, but this does not affect its colors in any way. This lawn is drought tolerant and requires no maintenance. It is enough to mow the plants after they have faded. Not all types of herbs will survive next year, only those that have high viability will remain.

Seed selection

How to properly grow a lawn? To do this, you need to select the appropriate variety of seeds. The type of grass chosen depends on what the future coating is intended for. It is not recommended to buy cheap mixtures, as they include lightly cultivated or forage grasses.

How to grow a beautiful lawn? For good lawn special varieties of herbs are needed. The density of the turf should be high and the color of the cover should be dark green. Plants that are unpretentious in growing and caring are selected. Lawns are sown with fast-growing, shade-tolerant, flower grasses and mixtures intended for sowing on slopes and roadsides. Today you can buy seeds in a shell, they are in demand among gardeners and designers. The seed-enveloping composition contains valuable nutrients that stimulate friendly seedlings and rapid growth of grass on the lawn. Using the seed in the shell saves money and time.

What grass is grown on lawns?

Sandy and stony soils are recommended to be sown with non-grass grasses, such as the horned bird. This perennial from the legume family. Blooms every year. This period starts in May and ends in July. At this time, the lack of flowering plants felt particularly acute. Grass covers the ground golden yellow carpet, after mowing it grows quickly, trampling does not threaten it.

The bird-foot grows up to 35 centimeters in length, but in the lawn it looks much lower (20 centimeters), as the plant spreads along the surface of the earth. The grass is undemanding to structure of the soil, is drought-resistant.

How to quickly grow a lawn? You can sow it with phacelia. This plant is called an ascetic, as it forgives its owner both the depleted composition of the soil, and the complete absence of regular watering. The flowering period begins in July, ends in August, lasts 45-60 days. The lawn resembles a purple-blue carpet. Phacelia is the best honey plant among herbs. Sowing is carried out in the spring. Only two grams of seeds are consumed per square meter.

How to grow a lawn? If you want to experiment, use ground cover plants various kinds speedwell, highlander bird, creeping yarrow. If these seeds are not on sale, you can grow them yourself. In the south of our country, thyme lawns are grown. This plant, 5-15 centimeters high, has small and very fragrant leaves, and tiny flowers have a different color.

Usually the lawn is equipped in the center garden plot, it is the canvas for the main pattern. But an abandoned lawn of cereal plants without care will very soon become a wasteland.

Grass sowing time

There is no strict deadline for this. This takes into account the time required for preparatory work, for seed germination. best time for registration of the site is the period from mid-May to early September. It will take 4-6 weeks to sow and germinate the lawn. It is better to finish all the work before the onset of cold weather and snowfall.

Site preparation

How to grow a lawn with your own hands? To do this, you first need to clear the area of ​​weeds and level its surface. Preparatory work in the future, they save the owner from many problems associated with growing a lawn. It does not need to be weeded from weeds, it is easier to cut. Site preparation usually takes 1-4 weeks.

How to grow a lawn? You should start by marking it, adhering to the site plan. At the same time, flower beds are broken, paths and paths are laid. For marking you will need pegs and rope. You should not adhere to strict geometric lines, they are not always suitable for every type of lawn. Glades with flowering herbs and lawns that are not delineated by strict borders with right angles look more harmonious.

The site must be treated with herbicides. If weeds constantly appear on it, the seeds of which have good germination, the treatment is carried out several times with a break of 14 days. Herbicides have a good effect on May vegetation. Processing can be carried out in the fall, but the seeds can only germinate in the spring.

When the grass turns yellow and dry, the area must be cleaned of roots, debris and leveled. How to grow a lawn with your own hands? To avoid weeds on it, you need to cover the entire area with a non-woven fabric through which they do not germinate.

Soil preparation

At this stage, it is important to create conditions under which shoots will appear together, and the lawn grass will quickly grow. Fertilizers are applied depending on the type of soil. If it is loose, fertile, contains all the necessary nutrients, passes and retains moisture well, no additional dressings need to be done. It will take at least three days to prepare. This procedure includes the following:

  • Determination of the composition of the soil, its structure and moisture. If the soil reaction is acidic, slaked lime or chalk is added. Areas with clay soil should be loosened by adding humus to it.
  • How to grow a lawn in the country with your own hands? A prerequisite for this is the introduction mineral fertilizers: in spring - nitrogen, contributing to the rapid growth of grass; autumn - phosphorus and potash. They will help the seeds to endure the winter more easily. Uniform distribution of soil and fertilizers over the site, its loosening and moistening is a guarantee successful cultivation lawn grass. During work, the soil should not stick to the garden tool.
  • Rolling the leveled area with a roller. If holes are found, they need to be cut or sprinkled with soil, and then rolled again.
  • After the site has been leveled and compacted, the soil should be allowed to mature (about a week). If weed seeds, along with humus, enter the soil and germinate, they are removed, and the soil surface is loosened with a rake.

Sowing Grass Seeds

Usually, each package indicates the consumption of seeds for a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot. For lawns different types the sowing rate is your own, but you should not save on seeds, because the main thing is that there are no bald spots. They won't stay long on the lawn as weeds will grow on them.

It doesn't take long to sow the seeds. Enough one day at small area site. Sowing is carried out as follows:

  • To expense planting material was uniform, the lawn is mentally divided into equal sections, and the seeds - into identical piles.
  • Dry soil is watered from a spray hose. You need to wait a little while it absorbs water.
  • How to grow a lawn in the country? First you need to sow the grass. To do this, you should wait for a calm day. Seeds are scattered across the site along and across. So they evenly lie on the ground.
  • At the end of sowing, you need to loosen the lawn with a rake, so the seeds will be embedded in the soil. Then roll landing
  • The lawn sown with seeds is watered using a fine sprayer.

Planting rolled grass

This lawn is grown in nurseries. It can be planted from spring to autumn. It takes root well and grows quickly. To lay rolls of grass, you need to carry out a number of preparatory activities:

  • Dig the soil to a depth of 10-15 centimeters.
  • Remove all roots, stones and debris.
  • Level the area with a rake.
  • Apply fertilizer to the soil.
  • Roll the area with a roller.

How to grow a lawn? To do this, the layer of the roll is removed from the soil. No later than three days later, it must be landed in a new place. Laying is done in a checkerboard pattern. The edges are leveled, all excess is cut off with a knife. Then the rolled lawn is rolled by a skating rink. This is necessary to eliminate air cavities. takes root easily, so that after a few weeks such a lawn can be used for recreation.

Growing a lawn without weeds

Even with the most correct good care not to do without weeds on the lawn. How to grow a lawn without weeds? To do this, you need to fight them. The main way is a haircut, carried out regularly twice a month. This procedure is carried out throughout the period May - October. Optimal Height lawn - 4-5 centimeters. If the weeds have grown higher, another haircut is done. It is important that they do not bloom. Lawn weeds are:

  • Dandelions. Their large leaves and yellow inflorescences are undesirable for the formation of an attractive appearance lawn.
  • Chernogolovka. This weed grows very fast. Prefers to breed on groomed lawns. Herbicides are used to control it.
  • Plantain. It spreads in areas where the soil is over-compacted. It is controlled with herbicides and root removal.
  • Moss. If it appeared, it means that there is a lot of moisture in the soil, it is damp. Aeration is used to remove excess moisture.

If weeds have taken root and multiplied in areas with sparse herbage, and get rid of them mechanically impossible, the lawn is treated with herbicides. Very quickly, you can clear the lawn of weeds if you process it chemical preparation with addition liquid fertilizer. After three days, the grass can be cut.