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What do-it-yourself plants for hedges are used in the country. Do-it-yourself hedge in the country: what plants

What plants can be used to create a hedge

The hedge is a sophisticated solution for anyone design project. It will not only protect the territory from intruders and prying eyes, but will also become an excellent green fence from noise and dust.

The fence can be built of any height, the parameters are selected depending on the purpose. For decorative fences used to delimit zones on the site, suitable small size fences up to 1 m high, and to protect the territory from external intrusion - over 2 m.

The purpose and purpose of the hedge

Most often, a green fence is installed to improve the territory. Regardless of the size, the fence is always beautiful in both winter and summer. It is perfect for any landscape. Hedges can be cut to any geometric shape.

If you choose plants of the same species with different terms flowering, flowering greenery will please the eye long time and possibly the whole season.

With proper planning and planting of greenery, the fence does not need additional financial investment. Green spaces reliably protect the territory from wind and dust. They are often planted as a fence on the side of a road with heavy traffic. A dense green fence is a reliable impenetrable obstacle for animals and strangers.

Types of green fences

Living fences are formed from plants that can keep their shape for a long time. With the help of a haircut, they are given various geometric shapes and bizarre outlines. Plants can even be wild, such plantings are either never cut or cut very rarely.

In appearance and height, green fences can be divided into three categories:

  • up to 1 m high are intended for delimiting flower beds, lawns and garden paths, irga, oval-leaved privet, currant are suitable for them;
  • 1-2 m high allow to divide household plot or square on functional areas, thuja, hawthorn, yew berry, boxwood, juniper, bird cherry antique are suitable for them;
  • 2 meters or more high are planted on the border of the territory as a solid green wall to protect against strangers, thuja, linden, willow, elm are suitable for them.

Green fence form a single row or two rows. When laying a fence in two rows, plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern. Shrubs and trees are suitable for such planting. Three-row hedges are less common. They are formed stepwise from plants of different heights. The disadvantage of a three-row fence is the large size of the occupied territory, but such a fence will best protect against unauthorized entry and prying eyes.

About the landing further care and haircut you can learn from this article.

How to form a hedge of spruce in the country with your own hands - read.

What are the options and how to independently build a fence from plastic bottles for the garden, you can read at.

How to choose hedge plants?

First of all, pay attention to the endurance of plants: seedlings must be resistant to the local climate and frost. Plants for the fence are selected with a dense crown and decorative qualities. Shrubs and trees should easily recover from adverse conditions and careful pruning. Varieties with small foliage are suitable for forming a uniform surface. Hawthorn, deren, spirea and forsythia do not require pruning, parthenocissus.

You can form fences from plants of different species with different colors of flowers. They are selected in such a way that the color shades over the entire size of the fence are evenly spaced, combined with each other. To improve the aesthetic appearance, greens with different flowering periods are selected, while it is better to give preference to varieties with long flowering.

A fence is laid away from buildings. The distance from buildings to a living fence should be at least 2 m, between the capital fence and greenery - 0.5-1.5 m.

The width of the trench for the hedge is 40-50 cm, plus 50 cm for each additional row. Planting density per linear meter depends on the height of the plants. In low hedges, the planting density is 5-7 plants, in medium ones - 4-5 pieces, in high ones - no more than two copies.

coniferous fence

Evergreens delight us with their greenery at any time of the year. They are planted in a well-lit area so that they do not obscure other plantings. The distance between the conifers depends on their size and is approximately 20-50 cm. If the hedge is not cut, the distance is increased, it will be 30-70 cm.

Most species need to be planted in only one row, otherwise, in poor light, the lower part of the conifers loses its needles.

Most conifers can be cut several times a year. The exception is spruces, they are cut once. Other species are trimmed most often twice a year. You should not cut the conifers in the second half of August, the new growth will not have time to get stronger, such branches may freeze slightly. Pyramidal types are trimmed only in cases of overgrowth, excessive height and baldness, they usually keep their shape well.

There are several optimal and most commonly used plants.

Thuja western Brabant- of all varieties grows fastest. A three-year copy has a height of 3-4 m with an annual growth of up to 30 cm. Needles all year round light green. Prefers fertile soil and moisture, tolerates partial shade and shearing. Frost-resistant.

- a long-lived plant with dark green needles up to 25 m high. The annual growth of greenery is about 40 cm. The needles are blunt, arranged in the form of combs in the same plane. The crown is pyramidal, adult plants have a blunt top. Does not tolerate drought and stagnant water. Prefers loam or fertile soil, hardy.

Yew berry elegantisima has rigid branches located at an angle of 45 °. The height of the bush is 3 m. The annual growth is up to 10 cm. The needles are glossy, soft, light yellow color, by autumn it turns white. The fruits are red berries. High resistance to strong shade and frost. Prefers fertile soil, tolerates shearing well.

Juniper horizontalis Alpina Ideal for border fences. Its height is about 40 cm. The needles are grayish-gray, by autumn it turns brown. Does not tolerate heavy soils, requires high humidity prefers sandy soil. Frost-resistant.

Trees for a living fence

Large-leaved and small-leaved linden suitable for the formation of alleys. Of these, hedges are formed with a height of more than 3 m. The crown is wide, the branches are slightly lowered down. The leaves are dark green and heart shaped. Blooms in mid-summer with a strong fragrance. Easily tolerates cutting crowns, can grow in partial shade. Prefers a humid microclimate, frost-resistant.

Rough elm (mountain elm) has a high crown and rough leaves. Demanding on soil moisture and the presence of nutrients in it. Shade-tolerant, goes well with spruces. There are varieties with a weeping and rounded crown, as well as undersized species.

Choosing a shrub

Attracts landscapers with its appearance and undemanding care. It is named so because the berries appear without fertilization by pollen. The shrub has dark green foliage in summer, which changes color from yellow-red to crimson by autumn. It tolerates frosts well, it is easily restored after a haircut. Branches can grow up to 20 m, while freely trailing along vertical surfaces. Do not allow the penetration of the vine under the roof and into the gutters. Various varieties are suitable for hedges.

Cotoneaster has over 40 subspecies. There are deciduous and evergreen forms. The plant is well branched, has dark green foliage. various shapes which turns red in autumn. The fruits are bright red or black, not poisonous.

Deren (dogwood) has a consonant name with cotoneaster. Its berries are also edible. Hardy and high yielding. The leaves are green and shiny, from the inside - light. Over 50 varieties are used in landscaping.

Rose hip attracts the attention of landscapers with its thorns. The rosehip hedge is not only very beautiful, but also absolutely impenetrable. It is recommended to plant plants in two rows. The shrub grows easily in different directions, so the hedge must be systematically cut to maintain the desired shape. Not demanding in care.

Privet- shrub up to 3 m high. Has many decorative forms. The leaves are dark green, do not fall off for a long time. There are varieties with yellow and bluish-silver leaves. Only young bushes are demanding for watering. Recommended for trellis hedges. It tolerates a haircut perfectly; figures of various shapes and sizes are formed from privet.

attracts landscapers with a wide variety of flowering forms, which differ in the shape and color of flowering brushes. It grows up to 8 m high, forming many trunks. Not demanding on conditions, but prefers open areas. A shrub can be formed in the form of a tree, constantly removing shoots. The leaves are heart shaped. Some species retain greenery on the shoots for a long time. Great for pruning.

Other design options

- unpretentious plant with high decorative qualities. The crown is spherical and spreading, the branches hang slightly. The leaves are corrugated. It tolerates shade, but at the same time its leaves fade. It tolerates urban conditions, grows on various types soil. Needs careful pruning and crown formation, which has a good effect on the growth of branches, winter-hardy.

Irga not demanding to care, winter-hardy. Grows as a tree or shrub. Cannot tolerate high levels ground water. Resistant to urban conditions and smoke. The fruits are edible, used in folk medicine. They ripen unevenly. It tolerates slight shading, looks optimal as a hedge up to 2 m high, it is recommended to limit the height.

attracts attention with beautiful flowers. Suitable for border hedges, requires a lot of space. Poorly tolerates open sunlight, preferring shade. In the sun, it grows poorly, the flowers are crushed. The plant is moisture-loving, it is recommended to mulch the soil to preserve moisture. For the winter it is recommended to cover well. The acidity of the soil affects the color of the flowers.

boxwood suitable for warm regions with a mild climate. It grows slowly, the hedge is evergreen. It cuts well, it is recommended to trim every 6 weeks. Grows in any soil, tolerates both sun and shade equally. In cold regions, it must be covered.

The video discusses all the main types of hedges for suburban area, their pros and cons, features of planting and care are discussed:

An important role in the design of any site, whether it be a summer cottage or a large estate, is played by a fence. can be a great alternative to a traditional wooden or stone fence. The green fence will perform not only a protective role, but also an aesthetic and health-improving one. The protective role consists in the standard concealment of the site and the house from prying eyes, the aesthetic role is also understandable - it will please the owners and become part of landscape design. But with wellness everything is more interesting. Not only will dust not pass through such a barrier, since most of it will remain on the foliage, so much more oxygen will be released than under normal conditions.

In addition to all the other advantages of a hedge in the country, the air with its help will be more saturated with useful essential oils. True, it directly depends on what our fence will consist of. Therefore, let's figure out which plants are better to choose for hedges on the site.

Plants and shrubs for hedges

The ideal option, of course, would be an oleander and similar trees. But, alas, it grows very slowly, just like all conifers. We need a fast growing hedge in the country, so let's go through other types of plants for her.

First of all, it is important to know that it is better to make a green hedge two-row. The first row should be given to undersized shrubs. Plants such as wild rose, barberry, honeysuckle, blackcurrant, sea buckthorn and others are suitable for this. It is necessary that the representatives of the outer row tolerate pruning well. The second row will be able to present: lilac, yellow acacia, some conifers (if you manage to buy and plant seedlings at least 1.5 m tall) and other tall shrubs for hedges.

Stages of planting a hedge in the country

At the first stage, it is necessary to stretch and fasten a cord of medium thickness around the entire perimeter of the future green fence. You will need to retreat from this line by about 50 cm.

A little mineral fertilizer should be poured into the dug trench, but peat (humus or manure) - in sufficient quantities. After this, it is necessary to give the earth a drink and leave for a while to absorb moisture.

Now we proceed directly to planting a hedge. It is necessary to plant plants at a short distance, but not close to each other. It is best to make something like a chessboard: the bushes of the inner (second) row are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm, and between them and a little ahead is an undersized shrub of the outer row.

  1. The hedge needs to be watered to keep the plants from feeling thirsty. Don't forget to water your hedge, especially during long hot periods.
  2. Feed hedge plants periodically (together or before watering). After planting, it is advisable to cut the bushes strongly.
  3. Fencing is best done in mid-autumn. Plants will have time to strengthen before frost, and in the spring they will delight you with renewed greenery.
  4. You can do a beautiful design of a hedge in the country for the next season: weave branches, give any shape to shrubs.
  5. Remember to prune your green hedge at least in the spring before the growing season begins. Since otherwise it will not be a decoration of the garden, but an ugly thicket that suddenly grew around the perimeter of the house.
  6. To create a green fence, you can also use climbing plants. It can be all kinds of ivy and grapes, as well as creeping roses, wisteria and even hops.

In general, do not be afraid to fantasize and make a green hedge in the country house alive and beautiful, then rest and even work on the site will bring only pleasure. In addition, in addition to standard hedge shapes, you can create real masterpieces from it by cutting it in a variety of shapes, like green topiary sculptures.


Practical advice and examples of hedges. Description of the shrubs and trees used to improve the landscape on your site.

A row of trees or shrubs planted along the border of the site is not just a fence, but also a decorative element.

The fence is designed to mark the boundaries of the property, make it difficult to access it and provide isolation for the inhabitants of the house.

It can be a high wall made of stone, brick or wooden elements, an openwork fence made of metal mesh, rods or ... "hedge".

A number of trees or shrubs has a major advantage over other types of fences, since it is also an integral part of the green composition of the garden.

It is also worth being aware that not only those trees and shrubs that need to be shaped by yourself are suitable for a “hedge”.

There are many plants that are enough to plant to provide complete insulation.

Solid merit.

"Hedge" performs all the functions of a good fence, in addition, there are other advantages.

Trees and shrubs, even with fallen leaves, trap dirt and dust.

A dense "hedge" is a barrier to gusts of wind. In summer, it also limits the influx of hot air generated from the carriageway heated by the sun.

The green screen reduces the noise level by scattering and absorbing the acoustic wave.

"Hedgerow" is a garden decoration, and the sight of greenery has a calming effect on a person's nervous system.

thick wall of thorny plants is often a more serious barrier to an uninvited guest than a fence made of metal, brick or boards.

The "hedge" has only two disadvantages:

Unfortunately, you will have to wait until the planted trees and shrubs grow and become a fence. In order to shorten the waiting time, it is possible to plant a "living fence" on an earthen rampart along the boundaries of the site.
The plants that make up such a hedge require systematic care: watering, fertilizing and cutting (this is especially true for front gardens that are shaped).

Types of "living fences".

Trees and shrubs suitable for creating a front garden must have the appropriate qualities: dense and abundant growth, numerous branches, as well as the ability to quickly form new shoots (mandatory for hedges that are regularly cut).

natural or shaped.

Many types of trees and shrubs do not need to be cut to get a pretty hedge that effectively encloses the site. It will be enough to plant the plants more densely and to select such species, the natural height of which will correspond to the expected level of the “living” fence. For a low hedge (up to 1 m), which does not need to be cut, meadowsweet (Spiraea x bumalda Burv.), barberry (Berberis thunbergii) are suitable; for a fence of medium height (1-2m) - eternal mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius L.), rough deutzia (Deutzia scabra Thunb.), viburnum vesicle (Physocarpus opulifolius "Diabolo"); for high (above 2m) - blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm), Canadian spruce, or white, or gray (Picea glauca Moench), common oak, or pedunculate (Quercus robur Fastigiata).

It should be noted that plant growth is greatly influenced by the quality of soil and water. In order to obtain the expected height of the hedge, both natural and formed, the plants should be given the best conditions.

It is also important to select plants that are suitable for each other, that is, it is impossible, for example, to specially cut trees low, because you can form a hedge of the desired height from shrubs.

To create a low hedge that can be shaped, boxwood evergreen (Buxus sempervirens) is very suitable; for a fence of medium height - hawthorn, cotoneaster, privet (Ligustrum) and barberry; for high - hornbeam, plum, thuja.
Evergreen or with falling leaves.

The advantage of evergreen trees is that the hedge of them will be a decoration of the site and good insulation all year round. However, the choice of tree species for this is not so great. Of the evergreen deciduous trees, only boxwood and purple pyrocanthus are mainly used, because the rest of the species from this group freeze in our climatic conditions. At the same time, coniferous trees tolerate winter well: juniper, thuja, yew, Canadian or common spruce. Just remember that evergreens and conifers are less resistant to air pollution than those that shed their leaves for the winter. If you still want to plant them on your site, then choose the most hardy one - thuja, black pine or European larch (an original and unusual tree that sheds its needles for the winter).

Trees and shrubs that drop their leaves in autumn grow faster than evergreens, and it is from them that a “hedge” will turn out faster. In addition, they change throughout the year. appearance, which should also be attributed to their merits. First of all, due to the large selection, it is easy to find a breed that will meet all expectations, as well as local climatic conditions.

Blooming or prickly.

"Hedgerow" should not be a green monolith. It can be made from spectacularly flowering and fruiting plants, such as jasmine, forsythia, tavula, quince, snowberry (Symphoricarpos Duhamel), cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa) or pyrocanthus purpurea. Such front gardens look very impressive if you plant next to plants that bloom in turn, or those whose leaves change color in autumn, as well as with species decorated with fruits.

For those who want to create a barrier from a green hedge for intruders, strange dogs or wild animals to enter the site, deciduous trees and shrubs with thorns or thorns should be planted (for example, sea buckthorn, wild rose, hawthorn, barberry, blackthorn, purple pyrocanthus, honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos)). Such plantations should be provided with plenty of space, because frequent cutting of these plants will deprive them of the thorns and thorns for which they were planted.

Planting a hedge.

Distance. The number of plants in the hedge depends mainly on the selected species, as well as on the method of planting (in one or two rows). Most often, plants are planted in one row, but sometimes, to obtain a dense thicket (mainly when creating thorny hedges), planting is done in two rows. A common mistake is to plant plants too densely. In this case, plants develop incorrectly, “fight” among themselves for water, mineral salts and light.

In fences that do not need to be formed, as well as in high sheared plantings, plants are usually located at a distance of 0.5 to 1 meter, with a fence height of up to 1 m - 20-50 cm, and with low plantings - every 10 cm.

Landing. On the strip of land allotted for planting, you should first carefully weed and remove the weeds, and then dig a hole a little deeper than the root system of the plant requires. It will be good if you put some compost or black earth on the bottom. Place the roots of the plant in the recess, sprinkle them with earth and lightly tamp down. The land around the plantations should be covered with a 5-cm layer of humus to reduce the evaporation of water from the soil and limit the number of weeds.


Fertilizer. This is very important point because the plants in the hedge are often planted and the soil quickly becomes "empty". Mineral fertilizers should not be used immediately after planting, but only after making sure that the culture has taken root (that is, when new shoots appear). Only half the recommended amount of fertilizer should be used, and only from next spring can a whole serving be given (it is best to use manure consisting of many components). Fertilize 2-3 times a year, from May to July, or use long-acting manure supplied only once (in spring).

Watering. It should always be done, after top dressing, in between rains. You need to water directly the soil around the plant. It is better to do this less often, but more abundantly, than more often, but little by little.

A haircut. Green hedges, which do not require shearing, also sometimes need such procedures. However, this is not to rid the plants of their natural form, but to thin out (make as thick as you need), as well as to remove the green shoots that have appeared in in large numbers, dry or tangled. Shearing should be no more than once a year.

Plantings that need to be shaped on their own should be trimmed regularly so that they become thick and take the shape you need. The first haircut of trees and shrubs planted in spring or autumn, shedding foliage for the winter, should be done after the end of frost, but before the growing season (end of February, the latest is the end of March). In subsequent years, the main period for shaping the hedges will be the end of June - the beginning of July. It was during that period that it would be necessary to remove at least half of the shoots that appeared this year. And only after the plants have reached the desired height, should they be cut regularly two, or even three, times a year, each time leaving a few centimeters of the past growth. Shaping, at the end of the growing season, should be done with particular care so that in a leafless state, the shoots do not spoil the overall appearance of the plantations.

Hedges made of coniferous trees do not need to be cut for the first few years (the only exception is European larch, which should be cut low already in the first year). Then, when the plants approach the height you need, they should be cut once or, in last resort, Twice a year. For the first time, such trees and shrubs should be shaped in the spring, before the first shoots appear, and the second time in the summer, but no later than mid-August.

Hedges- one of best solutions fencing problems land plot and dividing it into functional zones. Trees, shrubs, and sometimes herbaceous perennials are used as planting material.

But a hedge is needed not only to protect against the intrusion of outsiders, it is also an element of the decoration of the site.

With the help of hedges, you can drape an unsightly fence, hide outbuildings from the eyes of guests, revive the right corners of paths, separate a recreation area from a sports field or a play area from a vegetable garden.

A hedge can be given a geometrically finished look if it is made up of plants that tolerate shearing well. You can land it in a single-row, double-row or multi-row landing (usually no more than five rows), depending on the required degree of protection of the site.

tall hedges

For bordering relatively large areas, usually use high hedges(3-4 m). The following plants are suitable for high hedges:

    small-leaved elm,

    Berlin poplar,

    Maple Tatar,

    Siberian hawthorn,

    honeysuckle golden,

    Small-leaved bush linden,

    Thuja western.

If you do not want to engage in the formation of crowns of shrubs and trees, then you need to opt for planting an unformed hedge. Planting density in the rows of such a hedge is 0.5-1 m; between rows - 0.5-0.7 m. Tall unshaped fence can be created from plants such as:

    Common lilac,

    lilac hungarian,

    Siberian apple tree,

    honeysuckle golden,

    Honeysuckle Tatar,

    Irga spike-flowered,

    Irga canadian,

    Viburnum ordinary,

    Chubushnik ordinary.

It will give special splendor and solemnity to the site high hedge of coniferous plants. Coniferous hedges well set off solitary and group plantings of shrubs, trees of exquisite shape or flower beds and rabatki on the field of emerald lawn. The following conifers are suitable:

    Thuja western,

    Yew berry,

    juniper columnar,

    juniper medium,

    Chinese juniper,

    Lawson's cypress,

    Cypress pea,

    Canadian spruce,

    Spruce prickly,

    Spruce ordinary.

medium height hedges

To drape outbuildings or protect fruit trees from cold winds, planted middle hedge(up to 2 m high).

If you want to further shape the hedge, then you need to choose plants that are easy to cut and remain attractive for a long time, these are:


    Barberry common,

    purple barberry,

    Today, more and more supporters are finding the idea of ​​​​creating hedges from living plants in estates, ennobling the garden and delivering aesthetic pleasure. Such hedges are used by designers for visual zoning of land areas. For example, they allocate the driveway to the main entrance to the house, recreation and games areas, hide the areas for the location of utility structures. In the article, we will consider the most popular plants for creating a hedge with your own hands.

    Types of hedges

    Landscape designers subdivide hedges from living plants according to several criteria.

    • First - in height: they are high 1.5 m or more, medium with a height range between 1 m and 1.5 m, and low, having a height of 1 m or less.

    • Secondly, hedges are distinguished by the types of plant material used: from deciduous, evergreen, flowering and climbing plants.
    • Thirdly, the arrangement of hedges may be different. They are:
      1. single-species - when only one type of plant is used;
      2. combined - when they create complex multi-tiered landings, combining several types;
      3. trellis - when plants planted in one row are sent with regular haircuts along special supports (trellises, cordons or palmettes).
    • And finally, there are hedges, shaped into geometric shapes by systematic shearing, and growing without human intervention. According to experts, more and more gardeners are now striving to grow green hedges without forming them. It has become one of the areas of landscape design. Light neglect, approaching the natural look gives the hedge some romance.

    Plant selection for hedges

    • When planning a fence, it is best to opt for woody or shrubby plants acclimatized in the area, in order to avoid freezing them out and saving yourself from the additional work of arranging winter shelters.
    • The choice of plants also depends on the purpose of the planting - either it serves as a fence, or it will be zoning of the territory.
    • It would also be good to evaluate your capabilities in terms of labor costs, as they will depend on the type of hedge. For example, a range of free-growing plants require less pruning labor but cover a larger area. On the contrary, a hedge formed in geometric shapes will take up a smaller area, but considerable effort is required to create and maintain it.

    Deciduous shrubs for hedges


    • In regions with a temperate and warm climate, low hedges are created from Japanese quince, which blooms profusely in early summer. bright flowers red-orange color.

    • In addition to decorativeness, quince also has nutritional value. Its fruits rich in vitamins are used in cooking.
    • With its leathery, shiny foliage that does not fall until the very winter, Japanese quince makes the hedge very decorative. From the haircut, the shrub becomes even thicker.
    • Japanese quince is good for zoning the site, fencing front gardens and other purposes.

    Tip: to create a dense hedge, quince seedlings are planted at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other in nutrient-rich soil.


    • This deciduous shrub can be grown anywhere. He is the most prickly. This is its advantage, since it creates an impenetrable protection of the site for outsiders, and a disadvantage, because it is rather difficult to remove fallen leaves, make sanitary pruning and formation.

    • Thunberg barberry is suitable for creating medium and low height hedges. Shrub is good for shearing. When grown freely, it produces beautiful curved shoots. There are varieties that have red, yellow or dark pink foliage, which provides a decorative planting. In June, small yellow flowers bloom, which have a honey aroma and attract bees. The berries of this species are unsuitable for food, but they serve as a garden decoration for a very long time.
    • The most winter-hardy and unpretentious is the common barberry, which has green foliage. It can grow in any soil but thrives best in dry, sunny locations. This shrub can be used to create tall fences as it grows to over two meters in height. Blooms in spring. bears fruit edible berries Red.

    • In regions with warm winters, the Ottawa barberry, bred in Canada, is suitable for hedges. He is more whimsical and does not tolerate cold. The shrub has unusual leaves purple.

    Tip: when planting a barberry, you can use both a single-row scheme, and a two-row and even a three-row one. The distance between rows is no more than 50 cm, and between plants from 50 to 90 cm.


    • This deciduous plant can grow as a shrub or tree. It has opposite smooth leaves, due to which the crown acquires an openwork appearance.

    • Blooms inconspicuous semi-umbrella inflorescences. The bright red fruits in the form of boxes, which stand out contrastingly against the background of greenery, give elegance to the plant. In autumn, the foliage becomes especially beautiful because of its diversity - on one bush, the leaves turn orange, pink, red, purple.
    • Euonymus is still little used by gardeners for hedges, although some varieties have good winter hardiness and can be successfully grown in the middle lane, for example, warty spindle, Bunge, European, large-winged, few-flowered, broad-leaved and others.


    • A wide variety of species of hawthorn leaves gardeners with a difficult choice. There are types of hawthorn with thorns of different lengths, there are also without them. The leaves of all species are carved along the edges of an ovoid or triangular shape. Blooms in spring with white or pink flowers. Fruits have healing properties, as they are a storehouse of vitamins and other substances useful to humans. Also, the fruits are used for food both fresh and canned.

    • Depending on the species, the fruits are of different colors, for example, black hawthorn has large fruits of a very dark, almost black color. Blood red hawthorn has red or bright orange fruits. The single-pistil hawthorn inflorescences are pink, and the fruits are red. There are varieties with yellow fruits. But if the hedge is trimmed, then there will be no abundant flowering and fruiting.

    Tip: sometimes lovers use a combined version of the haircut, in which the hedge is cut on the sides to a certain height, and the upper branches are left to bloom.

    • Hawthorns are unpretentious, do not require special care, are winter-hardy and drought-resistant, tolerate pruning well. They can be a shrub or tree from 5 to 8 m tall. Able to form many shoots, so the hedges have a high density.
    • The curly foliage of the plant looks stunningly beautiful in trellis hedges. However, their creation is very laborious and requires special skills and knowledge.

    Derain white

    • With the help of this ornamental shrub you can grow picturesque hedges of different heights.

    • At favorable conditions the plant blooms twice a summer with white inflorescences collected in baskets.
    • Deren is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, it is not afraid of nearby groundwater, which is a very valuable quality.

    Tip: a hedge from this shrub can be formed by a combined technique: cutting off the lower side branches and leaving the top free-growing. Thus, you get a narrow, but high green fence.

    And you

    • Many types of willow are used in green hedges of various heights. Narrow, swaying from the slightest breath of breeze, the leaves make the fence very beautiful.

    • Tall varieties, such as basket willow and Schwerin willow, are best planted in spacious areas. in the gardens small area you can use white willow, whole-leaved, ashy, purple rosemary.
    • Shrubs prefer moist, acidic soils, are unpretentious, easily propagated by cuttings, grow quickly, and endure winter cold well.

    Tip: to create a beautiful hedge in the country house from willow, the plant must be cut twice a season.

    Vesicle viburnum

    • Shrubs of this species are large in size, can grow up to 3 meters in height and about 4 meters in diameter. The hedge from it turns out very dense in the summer and dense in the winter.

    • Decorativeness is created by arched shoots with foliage of various colors, which depends on the variety. However, in low light, the leaves of colored varieties turn green.
    • Bubblewort likes to grow in neutral or acidic soils. It grows rapidly up to 40 cm per year. Drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Almost not affected by diseases and harmful insects. As a result of haircuts, it forms dense crowns.

    Tip: to create a hedge of the correct geometric shape, the viburnum vesicle will need to be trimmed regularly, as it is characterized by a rapid growth rate.

    Alpine currant

    • For curly green hedges, alpine currants are often used. This tall shrub is ornamental with its long, drooping arched branches.

    • It blooms with inconspicuous greenish flowers, but then the green arches of the shoots are decorated with red berries. However, the berries have almost no taste.
    • The plant is not afraid of winds and frosts, but does not tolerate heat and aridity of the soil.

    Tip: with regular fertilization, the shrub acquires dense foliage, thanks to which curly compositions are created from it.


    • A high hedge can be created from thorns - a not very tall fruit tree.
    • It has dense beautiful leaves. Abundant flowering starts in the spring. It bears dark blue fruits with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The turn is completely unpretentious to the growing conditions, has good winter hardiness.

    • It is recommended to make not too long fences from the turn, for example, with its help you can hide an ugly fence or an outbuilding from prying eyes.

    Tip: trees are planted in two-tier hedges, combined with lower shrubs.

    Living evergreen hedge of coniferous plants

    A conifer hedge is good because it remains green and dense all year round. What can not be said about deciduous. True, this introduces some monotony into the design, but it decorates and makes the site more comfortable in winter.

    Coniferous fences serve as a good protection of the garden from the winds, filter and purify the air, and are a barrier to dust and noise. In the summer on a green background coniferous hedge bright flowers look great.


    • Growers in regions middle lane Russians often create hedges from various varieties of western arborvitae. It grows well in shady areas, withstands frosty winters, does not make great demands on the soil.

    • Perfectly suited for hedges are varieties of columnar and pyramidal shapes, for example, Smaragd, Holmstrap, Brabant.
    • Tui perfectly tolerate haircuts, from which they become even thicker. Craftsmen, showing imagination, form hedges of various fantasy forms from these plants.


    • Russians in the old days noble estates often decorated with hedges of spruce. These days, such landings are also popular.

    • Spruce, used as a shrub, deserves attention for its decorative effect, since along with green varieties there are spruce trees with blue and golden needles. Can be grown very beautiful hedge by combining spruces of different colors. In order for spruce bushes to branch well, they are regularly trimmed.

    Tip: varieties are best suited for hedges: Siberian spruce, common, prickly, purple, gray.


    • Most often, Siberian, mountain, and ordinary pines are planted in hedges.
    • These trees are unpretentious and frost-resistant, therefore they are well suited for regions with harsh climatic conditions.

    Tip: Pines grow very tall, and do not have the ability to bush like spruce. Therefore, they are used less frequently for fencing, and even then in the most remote areas.


    • The use of cedars in green hedges, which are centenarians, is popular.

    • The most famous varieties are Lebanese, Atlas and Himalayan cedar. The needles can be dark green, silver or golden.
    • The value of cedars lies in the fruits - tasty and healthy nuts located in the cones. True, it takes several years for cedars to begin to bear fruit.


    • Pyramid fir hedges are very decorative and elegant. Fir has soft, very fragrant needles and vertically growing cones.

    • They use Sakhalin, Siberian and Kamchatka fir. The names of the varieties themselves indicate that the plant is winter-hardy and unpretentious.


    • Junipers are difficult to grow plants. They require a sunny location and moist soil.

    • Often for hedges, varieties of Green Carpet, Horstman, Ice Blue, Variegata, Expansa Variegata and others are chosen.

    Tip: hedges are shaped after the plant has grown enough.

    Flowering plants for hedges

    In landscape design, it is popular to create flowering hedges that deliver the greatest aesthetic pleasure to adults and children, attracting beautiful butterflies and songbirds. By combining plants of different heights and colors that bloom at different times, they create fences of unsurpassed beauty.

    Potentilla shrub

    • In the people, wild cinquefoil is called Kuril tea. It's useful medicinal plant with a dense crown of pinnately compound leaves. Blooms with yellow single flowers. Breeders have bred many ornamental varieties based on this plant, which is resistant to harsh climates.

    • Potentilla flowering continues almost the entire summer season. Varieties Jackman, Goldstar, Farrery have large flowers yellow color with different shades - from lemon to dark yellow. The varieties Princesses and Pretty Poly bloom with pink flowers. Abbotswood cinquefoil is white-flowering. And the Longacre variety has bluish-green leaves.
    • Cultivated cinquefoil grows best in well-lit places, does not require much care. It is disease and pest resistant. The dense long-flowering crown makes the shrub an excellent plant material for perennial hedges.

    Tip: shearing gives the plant a call to form additional shoots.

    Currant golden

    • One type of ornamental currant is the golden currant, widely used by landscape designers for hedges. In terms of fruit taste, it cannot compete with blackcurrant, but it surpasses it in decorativeness.

    • It is a powerful shrub that grows more than two meters in height, resistant to cold, drought, diseases and pests. Does not make any special claims to the soil. Blooms late, after spring frosts.
    • In spring, the bushes are decorated with large yellow flowers, and in autumn with spectacular foliage colors. Currant golden is perfect for ordinary and trellis hedges.


    • Remarkable plant material for medium and high (up to 2 meters) hedges can serve different kinds spirea - willow, oak-leaved, felt, medium, Douglas spirea and many others. Varieties vary in height, shape and color of foliage and flowering, but all are very decorative.

    • Some species of this shrub, for example, felt spirea, are able to grow in areas with elevated groundwater levels, which makes it very popular among gardeners. In addition, it is characterized by unpretentious care and frost resistance. The plant responds well to regular haircuts - it produces new shoots and blooms more profusely.


    • Various types of lilacs are very popular as the basis for hedges. There are many excellent varieties that can grow in almost all regions of Russia.

    • The shrub is highly decorative, especially during flowering. The racemose inflorescences are white and purple in different tones, fill the garden with a pleasant aroma. Lilac prefers fertile sunny areas.
    • Amur and Hungarian lilacs have the greatest cold resistance and drought resistance. By the way, the latter has the ability to grow rapidly both in height and width, the annual growth can be up to 40 cm.

    Tip: shrubs give out a lot of root offspring, some of which are removed due to strong thickening, but with age, the density in the lower part decreases. In such cases, low plants that can tolerate shading are planted in the foreground.


    • Anyone will be delighted with their beauty, hydrangea bushes planted in a row along the path, blooming against the background of juicy green foliage with luxurious spherical inflorescences of white, blue and Pink colour. These shrubs are thermophilic and photophilous. Depending on the variety, they have different heights.

    • A low decorative hedge can be grown using the Bretschneider Hydrangea. It has flexible branches with wedge-shaped carved leaves. It blooms profusely with white umbrella inflorescences. However, a plant that has reached the age of five begins to bloom. Of all types of hydrangeas, this species is the most winter-hardy and shade-tolerant.
    • Hydrangea Sargent, which begins to bloom with lilac or purple inflorescences from mid-summer, is most often used to create spectacular hedges medium height. Plants can freeze slightly, so their stems are completely cut out in the fall, and the planting site is covered. In the spring of next year, they grow back.
    • If a taller hedge is required, varieties of the hardy hydrangea tree Sterilis and Grandiflora can be planted. They grow up to two meters in height and are decorated with large snow-white or cream balls of inflorescences.
    • Distinguished by the unpretentiousness of the panicle hydrangea variety, which grows 2 meters in height. Among the velvety oblong foliage are beautiful brushes of inflorescences. Very spectacular hydrangeas Floribunda and Grandflora with white and creamy blooms.

    Mock orange

    • Fragrant with a delicate aroma during flowering, mock orange is known to many gardeners under the name of jasmine.

    • It is perfect for shaped hedges. The cut is good for him. The more it is cut, the more abundant it blooms and bushes.
    • The plant is not too whimsical, winters well, but the proximity of groundwater does not tolerate well.

    creepers in hedges

    petiolate hydrangea

    • Petiole hydrangea - a woody deciduous vine can be used to create a beautiful hedge, you just need to make a suitable support for it. With its sucker roots, the plant clings tightly and spreads over the entire surface.

    • In early summer, it produces many pinkish loose inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. A fast-growing Miranda variety with beautiful foliage is popular.
    • For cold regions, this vine is not very suitable, as it is not winter-hardy and requires shelter. In order for the plant to cover the support area with a dense carpet, it takes two to three years.

    Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

    • The most unpretentious and winter-hardy liana is Honeysuckle Honeysuckle.

    • It grows quickly, gives many shoots, and blooms beautifully with white or pink inflorescences in early summer. The plant is very rarely affected by diseases, not whimsical in care.
    • Liana is ideal for green fencing, for which an existing fence can be used as a support.

    climbing rose

    • The most beautiful is considered to be a hedge from climbing roses.This decoration will harmoniously fit into the design of any style. There are a lot of varieties of climbing roses.

    • The so-called ramblers - small-flowered park roses have flexible stems. They have a two-year flowering cycle, so they require pruning of faded shoots. These include the popular varieties Excelsa and Dorothy Perkins.
    • The other group, the climbers, has stiff, long shoots and larger blooms. In favorable conditions, they can bloom twice a season. Such species include, for example, the varieties Flamentanz and Schwanensee.
    • The rose of the Canadian selection Quadra is unpretentious and more resistant to cold. It blooms for a very long time with purple and red flowers. Although it belongs to frost-resistant varieties, in the cold regions of the country it is better to remove the whips from the supports and cover for the winter.

    Tip: To create a denser hedge, you can plant girlish grapes or any other unpretentious vine between roses.


    • From chic blooming clematis hard to take your eyes off. Proper pruning you can prolong the flowering of the vine for a long time. Clematis are thermophilic and need good lighting.

    • These vines have many colors - lilac different shades, white, blue, pink. A suitable support may be a chain-link mesh, but the lashes must be fixed on it.
    • Currently, many cold-resistant varieties have been bred that can be grown even in Siberia. These varieties include clematis JapsyQueen, Luther Burbank, Blue Flame, Golden Jubilee, Victory Salute and many others.

    girlish grapes

    • Girlish grapes are a perennial woody vine, the lashes of which, when good conditions grow up to 7 meters long.

    • Liana has carved green foliage, changing color to purple by autumn. Dark inedible berries also serve a decorative function.
    • The plant is long-term, not capricious, tolerates well the winter frosts of central Russia. It can grow and develop well in both sunny and semi-shaded places.
    • With the help of this plant, flat green fences up to 30 cm thick are created. At the same time, metal, plastic, and wooden crates are used as supports.

    annual climbing plants

    These plants are indispensable for creating a fast-growing hedge. If they are grown in seedlings, then the waiting time for flowering will be even more reduced. Also, many gardeners like the fact that the appearance of the fence can be changed every year using different types plants or combinations thereof.

    • Perhaps the leading place among annual vines is occupied by unpretentious morning glory, which grows rapidly and blooms beautifully with pink, blue and purple gramophones.

    • Fence decorations are popular sweet peas that fills the air with honey aroma. Drop him off on his own in early spring because he is not afraid of frost. Blooms all summer. The colors vary, depending on the variety. Requires regular watering, but undemanding to soils.
    • Very beautiful kobeya, blooming in a cascade of bell-shaped flowers. But kobeya, unlike morning glory, needs fertile soil and regular feeding. A faded liana produces decorative seed pods similar to cucumbers.

    • decorative beans more tender than sweet peas and does not withstand spring frosts, so it is planted towards the end of May. Can grow in partial shade. It has bright red blooms that stand out against the background of green foliage.

    Living fence in the country - perfect solution for those who want to elegantly and beautifully decorate the fence of the site, divide their garden into several parts using original means of delimitation and decorate the territory decoratively. For decoration, you can use a variety of types of plants from tall evergreens coniferous trees to flowering bushes.

    An example of a hedge growing on a border of natural stone

    Features of the formation of a hedge with your own hands

    It looks like a hedge of various shrubs

    By alternating undersized, medium and tall plant varieties, you can create a multi-stage hedge. In a small garden, to delimit the site, it is better to plant one type of plant, and in a large area - many different varieties of trees and shrubs.

    Types of hedges

    To create a green fence from plantations, a variety of plant varieties are used.

    Scheme of the device and installation of the fence hedge

    So, the following types of hedges are distinguished:

    • Green hedge using climbing plants;
    • Evergreen hedge of coniferous plants;
    • and deciduous trees;
    • Border hedge of undersized plants.

    Also, hedges are distinguished by height: high (more than two meters in height), medium (from one to two meters), low (up to 120 cm) and border (from half a meter). You can plant a hedge in one, two or more rows. By the speed of formation, fast-growing or long-growing hedges are distinguished. The first category includes natural fences, which can be formed in two years.

    Hedges are also soft and prickly. Soft hedges are used to divide the site into sectors, and thorny ones are often planted along the perimeter of the territory. If the plants do not require constant cutting and shaping, the hedge is called free-growing. Otherwise, the hedge must be molded.

    Willow hedge example

    There are rectangular, square, trellis, triangular, round and other forms of haircuts.

    Curly hedges

    Curly hedges are used for various purposes:

    • Disguises of the unsightly wall of the old barn;
    • Artistic design of the fence, terraces, gazebos;
    • Braiding tree trunks or poles;
    • Decor of long-growing perennial vines, for which I use fast-growing climbing annuals.

    Climbing plants are widely used in design, and with proper care, they perfectly perform their decorative function. to plant perennial varieties possible both in autumn and early spring in open ground. From annual varieties first, seedlings are grown, which are subsequently planted on permanent place after the threat of frost has passed. The ridge is located at a distance of at least half a meter from the fence or wall.

    Curly hedge option

    For better growth Climbing and climbing plants need support to climb up.

    perennial varieties

    Perennial varieties of climbing plants grow in the same place for several years in a row, delighting the owner of the site from year to year. Among them, tree-like or grassy vines are distinguished. Wild grapes are widely used in decor. It is possible to plant a garden with its help in a fairly short time and with least cost effort, time and money. The length of the vines can reach 20 meters. When planting, they maintain a distance of half a meter between plants and plant grapes in holes 30 cm deep.

    In one season, lashes up to two meters long can already be obtained from seedlings, and by the end of the second year of life, the lashes completely cover the surface of the area allocated for them.

    Wild grapes have good frost resistance, grow well both in the sun and in the shade.

    It looks like a hedge of wild grapes

    Evergreen ivy has also become an unpretentious climbing plant, which has become widespread for decorating the site. The cuttings of the plant are planted at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, and the vines rise up with the help of sucker roots. In autumn, shoots require pruning. Frost-resistant varieties ivy is covered for the winter, and more tender and heat-loving plants are transplanted and kept in a bright, cool room, periodically watering.

    A very beautiful and widespread plant in the design is a climbing rose. Roses bloom profusely and brightly, smell wonderfully and create a festive mood. For normal growth, roses require top dressing, pruning and watering. You also need good protection against pests, for which in preventive and medicinal purposes chemicals are used. They plant a climbing rose in the fall in a sunny place, and cover it with spruce branches and film for the winter.

    annual climbing plants

    An example of a hedge from various annual bushes

    From one-year-olds, nasturtium, thunbergia, morning glory, sweet pea, kobe, ornamental beans and pumpkin are often used.
    Sweet peas have flowers of an interesting shape and a variety of colors. In order for the plant to bloom well and for a long time, the resulting beans should be removed in time. Sweet peas prefer neutral soil without an abundance of fertilizers, and, otherwise, bloom poorly, giving strength to leaf growth. Ipomoea is a climbing plant with funnel-shaped flowers of blue, pink or purple. This plant blooms from July until late autumn and can spread up to five meters wide, so it does not require planting frequency.

    Heat-loving nasturtiums are very unpretentious. Planting them is done both by seeds in the ground and by seedlings. The foliage of the plant has a pale green hue, and during flowering, the green carpet is covered with bright flowers of orange, yellow, dark or bright red.

    evergreen pine hedge

    Evergreen conifers are often used to create an impenetrable hedge on the site. At the same time, such a green fence will not have to be looked after a lot, and it will not cost much. The only negative when forming a hedge from conifers is the duration of the process. It will take at least three years to grow a coniferous hedge.

    Another feature of the hedge is an attractive appearance at any time of the year. Coniferous plants do not have flowers, only occasionally shed obsolete needles.

    If you want to add color, you can plant flower beds and flower beds next to the hedge.

    Thuja hedge

    A great way to isolate yourself from the outside world and decorate your site. Thuja will serve as a reliable barrier, protect from unwanted guests and from external noise.

    This is what a thuja hedge looks like

    At good care thuja does not fall off and does not fade, it is easily molded and sheared. Seedlings are placed in one row with an interval of 40–80 cm. Four-year-old seedlings are best suited for planting: they are well accepted and grow quite quickly.

    Varieties Brabant, Holmstrup and Smaragd are widely used. Brabant grows up to four meters in height and requires pruning twice a year. Thuja Holmstrup hedge can rise up to a maximum of 2.5 meters and grows slowly. Care for her is only watering. Thuya Smaragd - a plant up to six meters in height. It has a narrow cone-shaped crown, which is why it is loved by many designers.

    spruce hedge

    If the owner of the site has enough time and patience, you can land around the perimeter. For this, varieties such as prickly, gray, purple and oriental spruce are used. Due to the density of the crown, the spruces close the view well and make the hedge impenetrable.
    Seedlings are best accepted when planting in the fall. Warm dry weather is suitable for planting. Each seedling is planted in holes at least half a meter deep, made in well-moistened soil at a distance of at least a meter. When planting in two rows in a checkerboard pattern, the distance between the fir trees is maintained at least 80 cm. The fir fence looks fresh at any time of the year.

    juniper fence

    Juniper belongs to evergreen shrubs. Juniper needles may have a greenish or bluish tint. From fast growing varieties Virginian juniper is isolated, while other species of this plant can grow for a very long time, up to several centuries.

    Chinese and scaly varieties are also very popular. These frost-resistant species are branchy and tolerate dry climates well. Juniper hedge is unpretentious and can serve for many years.

    Juniper hedge example

    So that there are no openings between its rows, the plants are planted in several rows in a checkerboard pattern.

    A hedge is a spectacular decoration of any site, widely used in decorative gardening. The plants that form it have special requirements. It is desirable that they be fast-growing and perennial. The evergreen hedge will continue to decorate the garden or yard in the off-season. Let's discuss which shrubs are best suited for the formation of this element of landscape design. What needs to be done to make the green wall dense and beautiful.

    General requirements for plants

    This element of landscape design is used very widely: it can play the role of a separator within the site, frame paths, surround various objects, and complement architectural forms. Often a hedge serves as an alternative to a conventional fence. Working with living, growing material, there are wide opportunities for experiments. You can grow a compact, low and dense hedge. Having opted for a high wall and choosing plants with thorns for it, you can get a completely impregnable fence.

    Advice. If the height of the hedge can be selected based on individual preferences, then the width traditionally does not exceed 80 cm. This is important from the point of view of decorativeness and the appropriateness of using the area of ​​​​the site.

    The requirements for the selection of plants for linear plantings include a number of important parameters. If its length is large, the unpretentiousness of shrubs comes to the fore. Painstaking care of each bush, when there are several hundred of them, can forever discourage the desire to decorate your site with a hedge. In the conditions of the middle zone, one should not forget about the frost resistance of perennials.

    choose unpretentious cultures for hedge

    Planting new plants every spring to replace the frozen ones is not only expensive and difficult, but can also deprive the entire hedge of attractiveness as a whole. Along with these important characteristics, you should also pay attention to the following indicators:

    1. The rate of growth and development.
    2. The presence of flowers, fruits.
    3. Possibility of cutting, shaping.
    4. Duration of decorative season.
    5. No uncontrolled growth.

    There is a special type of hedge using climbing or weaving plants. For them, you can arrange trellises or leave them to curl along the fence. This kind vertical gardening, located along the perimeter of the site, forms the most beautiful cascades of greenery, creating a kind of hedge.

    You can plant clematis or cultivated loaches, which bloom for a long time, large corollas are very attractive. Such a flowering vertical hedge has every chance of becoming the main decoration of the garden. The advantage of climbing plants is their rapid development, in the second year a rather large curtain is formed, almost completely hiding the site from prying eyes. In addition, a vertical hedge takes up little space in width, which can be important for narrow areas.


    Fast growing hedge crops

    Barberry is very often used to create hedges. This perennial is very plastic, from it you can form a low, trimmed along one line, neat border fence. Or place the plants in a more spacious planting pattern, giving them the opportunity to develop into tall, thorny, impenetrable hedges. Barberry has earned its popularity due to the following qualities:

    • unpretentiousness;
    • frost resistance;
    • rapid formation of green mass;
    • responsiveness to a haircut;
    • the presence of spines;
    • high decorativeness.

    Hawthorn is no less often used by landscapers to create hedges. In addition to the decorative qualities that this plant boasts, its edible fruits are healing for the heart and blood vessels. The plant is characterized by the following qualities important for phytodesign:

    • high decorative effect;
    • undemanding care;
    • easy to form;
    • unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

    Mature hawthorn plants are hardy, but young, immature bushes may need light shelter, especially in the first year of life.


    The following types of shrubs, which are excellent for creating linear plantations of various configurations, also deserve close attention:

    1. Snowberry.
    2. Honeysuckle (different types).
    3. Forsythia.

    Evergreens for hedges

    The climate of the vast majority of the territories of our country suggests the use of only conifers as evergreens. The advantages of such plants are quite obvious, they are attractive all year round, their lush branches are well suited for linear plantings. The aroma of their resins is different useful properties for people's health.

    Coniferous plants are durable, if you plan to create a green hedge once for many years, then this choice will be the best. However, most coniferous crops grow quite slowly and require a special approach when planting. There is no seasonal change in the color of the foliage that colors the landscape, and there will be no flowering. This fact must be taken into account. Consider those conifers that are best suited for hedges.

    Norway spruce

    Breeders have bred many ornamental varieties of spruce. They differ in the shade of the needles, the speed and strength of growth, the shape of the crown. The choice is quite wide, using various varietal forms of common spruce, you can get a low hedge, consisting of beautiful spruce paws. Or grow a powerful, human-height, prickly barrier, distinguished by its decorative effect. Alternatively, you can plant at some distance from each other plants of the Little Jam or Echiniformis variety, which have crowns in the form of a hemisphere or pillow. Spruce, planted in the form of a hedge, meets a number of requirements for this element of garden design:

    • unpretentiousness in care;
    • frost resistance;
    • undemanding to fertility and soil composition;
    • pleasant spruce aroma;
    • the ability to create a prickly barrier;
    • amenable to formation.

    Thuja is rightfully popular among landscape designers and site owners. Its naturally even crowns often do not need to be artificially formed. Even planted in the form of a simple single-row hedge, thuja beautifully decorates the space. However, this southern plant is vulnerable to severe frosts. Depending on the region of cultivation, it may require shelter.

    Juniper is represented by many varieties and varieties. From creeping plants to fairly tall representatives. Its branches are able to create dense weaves, well suited for living fences.

    Planting a hedge and caring for it

    Particular attention should be paid to the purchase of seedlings of coniferous plants. It is recommended to purchase planting material from a nursery rather than taking young plants from their natural habitat.

    Planting a hedge

    Since conifers are characterized by a very close symbiosis with other organisms, they do not take root well in a new place. It is highly desirable to purchase seedlings with a closed root system, with a clod of earth. So at least part of the soil community will be preserved and survival will be much faster. Coniferous seedlings are usually selected at least 4 years old. Whereas deciduous shrubs can be planted already in the 2-3rd year of their life.

    Preparation for planting plants in a hedge differs little from work with other types of shrub plantings. Throughout the future green wall, a landing trench is dug with an average depth of 50 cm. For a single-row hedge, the width is approximately equal to the depth. The planting scheme differs significantly depending on the specific plant species. Most shrubs widely used for hedges are placed 25 cm apart.

    Advice. When planting an evergreen hedge of coniferous plants, manure should not be added to the planting trench.

    Plant care is standard for shrubs. It must be remembered that the roots of crops growing in hedges consume a significant amount of nutrients from the soil. Because they are planted quite tightly. This fact must be taken into account when calculating the consumption of fertilizers for other plants growing on the site.

    The main difficulty in caring for a hedge is its regular haircut. After all, a free-growing hedge does not always meet aesthetic and design needs. Plants should be sheared at least once per season, but this is usually done more often. Properly formed plants form a well leafy curtain, never bare at the bottom.

    Important! To reduce the frequency of cutting hedges and reduce labor costs, you can use special chemicals, inhibiting plant growth - retardants.

    Planting a hedge is not difficult at all. Having picked up fast-growing crops for its formation, you can get a wonderful fence in the shortest possible time. A hedge is superior to conventional fences in many ways. After all, it traps dust, muffles sounds, saturates the air with oxygen, and creates a pleasant shade. Among other things, such a fence is very aesthetic and attractive in appearance.

    Plants for hedges: video

    hedge: photo