Well      04/14/2019

Creepers for the garden: an overview of the most unpretentious climbing varieties. Lianas: getting to know the species

Lianas - one of the varieties with flexible thin stems native to tropical forests. Under natural conditions, they grow upward, towards the light and the sun, clinging to the trunks and branches of neighboring plants. IN room conditions liana plant species are able to use as special props, garters.

Indoor creepers

In room conditions, creepers can decorate corners and sheer surfaces. types of vines are flowering and non-flowering, accents are either on flowers or on decorative leaves, large and small sizes. All types of indoor vines need support. In the fruit of vines there are 50-100 seeds, the shape of which is cylindrical or ovoid, rounded, 3-6 mm in diameter, 5-10 mm long.

Did you know? There are no plants in the world longer than tropical vines. This is due to the fact that the vines need to overtake the growth of the host tree, into the crown of which they climb. Finding intermediate supports for themselves on trees, they sometimes stretch along them for hundreds of meters.

Photos and names

The most common are flowering and unpretentious indoor vines. Among the many names of indoor vines, the most popular plants are cissus (birch), scindapsus, common ivy.

According to one version, it is believed that the name of this indoor vine comes from the word "monster" because of the huge cut leaves and hanging roots, which the first travelers who saw in the tropics perceived as the legs of a monster. It is often called a "crybaby" for the bizarre shapes of its roots.

Monstera often sprouts on the tops of trees, where birds bring its seeds. From there, with the help of its aerial roots, it reaches the soil and takes root. Under natural conditions, it is able to reach tens of meters in length, at home - 5-6.

It has huge, wiry dark green leaves reaching up to 0.5 m on long cuttings. Whole, heart-shaped leaves eventually become pinnate with slits.

Under natural conditions, it is possible to predict the weather thanks to its hydathodes - special organs located on the lateral processes. Water is released on them on days with high humidity. Slits on the leaves provide patency of streams from tropical rains and make it possible not to tear.

In addition to the main stem, monstera has well-developed additional ones. They, in fact, are aerial roots that provide the plant with additional moisture and nutrition, serving as additional supports. They grow from the nodes of the main stem and grow towards to take root there.
Originally from South and Central America, belongs to the genus Aroid. Of the 30 known species at home, they grow such as oblique and unequal-sided monstera, perforated monstera (Adanson), lovely monstera (delicacy). For all these species, a bright place and space are important in the room.

The plant grows completely in the 4-5th year of its life and has a diameter of up to 3 meters, sticks tightly to the walls with its lateral roots. But even so, she needs additional supports and tying.

Blooms rarely at home. The flowers are small, inflorescence-cob with a white-green hood. After flowering, a cob fruit with a sour taste and smell of pineapple is formed.

The fruits of the delicacy in her homeland are eaten.

indoor flower- liana, one of 25 species of the Aroid family from Southeast Asia. Due to its similarity with ivy, it got its name from the Greek word skindapsus.
Like the monstera, it has, in addition to the fibrous underground root system, also additional aerial roots.

In room conditions, it also grows well, unpretentious. It has oval, alternately arranged on the stem, sinewy leaves of different variegation and shades of green. Almost never blooms.

It can grow in both dark and bright rooms. This winding among the people was named by visual similarity - "grapes" and "ivy". In fact, it is with flexible shoots with antennae, therefore it forms a crown very beautifully from a suspended pot or on a stand. Belongs to the grape family.

It has simple oval or dissected leaves, rarely blooms indoors. Cissus flowers are small, collected in false umbrellas.

Most often, under room conditions, Cissus antarctic and Cissus rhomboid are grown - shade- and temperature-tolerant plants. In winter, these species are able to withstand temperatures down to minus 10 degrees, and in summer they can endure hot and dry air.

One of the numerous genera of the Aroid family, which includes up to 900 names. The name, translated from Greek, sounds like “I love a tree” and reflects the essence of the growth of this liana plant. It grows in tropical forests, is found in swamps, on the banks of rivers, in the lower belts of mountains. It has aerial roots and suckers. Differs in life forms depending on the habitat.

Like other climbing species, it is a semi-epiphyte. Some of its primary forms may be wholly, that is, climbing plants. Of these, only the secondary form takes root.

Under natural conditions, the main characteristics of liana plants are presented: underground and aerial root systems, tendrils and suckers. Philodendron leaves develop in two types: first, scaly, in the axils of which lateral buds develop (photo), and then ordinary, on a long petiole, inside which rudimentary inflorescences form.

Did you know? The record among liana plants belongs to the rattan palm. The longest of the rattan vines - kalamus is the best. The length of its stem exceeds 300 meters.

All this is located on the main shoot, which ends with an inflorescence. Scientists still do not know where the next shoots grow from.

Scale-like leaves are also called cataphylls - usually green, hard during the period of bud protection on the stem. Then, when a leaf is formed, the cataphylls fall off, leaving marks on the stem.

The leaves are alternate on the petiole with a sheath. The leaves of some species reach up to 2 meters in length. The shape of the leaves of this plant can be oval, arrow-shaped and other forms, whole and dissected, sometimes twice. Seedlings have heart-shaped leaves.

An interesting fact is that leaves of different shapes are found on the same plant.
In adult plants, as a result of morphogenesis, leaves of various shapes and sizes are formed.

Flowers also have much in common with other types of vines - this is an inflorescence-cob that forms a fruit-cob. The cob is similar to wax due to the density of flowers, self-pollinating.

Another representative of vines is syngonium. The stems of a young plant are involved in photosynthesis, have a width of a few millimeters at an early age to 6 cm during their maximum development. With age, the outer epidermis has a slight tendency to crack, reducing the flexibility of the stem. There are species with a wax coating of the stem.

The roots of the signonium are of two types - nourishing and scototropic.

The leaves of the syngonium are cut into several parts. The underside is relatively smooth. On the upper leaf there is a barely noticeable longitudinal vein, the lateral veins do not reach the edge of the leaf. The reticulate nature of venation is a hallmark of syngonium leaves.

Inflorescences-cobs have small distances between flowers.

Blooming indoor vines amaze with their beauty. The saturation of colors, the waxiness of the figures of flower petals, the aroma attract and cause admiration. One of these flowers is. - a genus of vines from the Lastovnevy family - climbing evergreen. It has oval, leathery, ovate leaves. Inflorescences are axillary, with a rounded fleshy corolla with five members. Flowers are collected in an umbrella.

It grows both in warm and cool rooms, it is also picky about the air.

Second name - Madagascar jasmine or marsdenia. From the Greek words "stephanos" - crown and "otos" - ear, refers to the Lastovnev family. The name was given by the shape of the flower, resembling a crown with petals bent like ears. At home, out of 16 species, only stephanotis floribunda is grown, which is a blooming indoor vine.

In room conditions, the flower reaches 5 meters in length. Its leaves are oval with a pointed top, leathery, entire, dark green, 7-9 cm long and 4-5 cm wide. The flowers of the room are waxy, like a funnel, up to 4 cm in diameter, fragrant. Flowers are white or cream. Under natural conditions, flowers are found in both yellow and light purple. They form an inflorescence-beam, numbering up to 7 flowers.

Mandevilla (diplosion)

She is the most attractive of flowering domestic vines, but whimsical. At home, it reaches up to 4 meters in length, has leathery, shiny, dark green oval leaves with a sharp point at the top.

It is formed both as a climbing vine and as a bush. But the decoration is large funnel-shaped flowers, which are white, crimson, red or Pink colour. Each flower has five petals. On one plant, up to 80 flowers can bloom at the same time and do not fade for 10 days. The flowering period is from spring to autumn.

The most popular due to their beauty for flower growers are:

  • brilliant mandewila;
  • mandeville Sander;
  • loose mandevilla;
  • Mandevilla Bolivian;
  • the mandevilla is excellent.
Warmth, fresh air and good lighting are the main conditions for caring for these plants.

Mandeville does not tolerate low temperatures. For better root renewal and crown formation, she really needs pruning.

Important!Mandevilla juice is poisonous!

When caring for, you need to wear gloves, keep children and animals away from the plant.


Liana from the acanthus family. It reaches up to 1.5 meters in room conditions. The leaves are heart-shaped at the base, up to 7 centimeters long. Represents one of the most fast growing plants Aroid family. It can be both in the form of a bush, and vines or

The unusual luffa plant is an exquisite representative of tropical vines. Under natural conditions, the plant grows only in a hot climate, which is characterized by high humidity air. The porous structure of the loofah allows you to use the plant in everyday life as a natural washcloth. This article will describe this unique plant, its types and methods of application are listed.

According to the similarity of the structure of fruits with pumpkins and zucchini, botanists refer to the herbaceous liana luffa as a member of the gourd family. The warm countries of Asia are considered the birthplace of the plant. The luffa trunk in natural conditions can reach a height of up to 5 m. Due to this, gardeners often use a vine with decorative purpose: the plant looks good in the form of a hedge.

Luffa leaves are neither large nor small, most often they are whole, but there are also lobed, divided into 5 or 7 segments. When the plant blooms, several brushes are formed on it, on which snow-white or pale yellow flowers are located. The stamens are collected in neat inflorescences, and the pistils are located away from them.

The root system of luffa is quite weak. The roots are at the surface of the earth. Ripe fruits are large, reaching a length of up to 60-70 cm. They have an elongated shape, which in its appearance resembles a large cucumber. Due to its huge size and external similarity to a cucumber, the fruits are popularly exotic creepers called "mad cucumber".

Luffa is different from other plants in an unusual way seed maturation. A sticky mucus forms inside the ripe fruit, and a small hole appears in the upper or lower part of the fruit through which the seeds are thrown out.

Ways to use the fruit

Ways to use unusual fruits depend on their maturity:

The new crop is widely used in cooking. From the fruits of the luffa they prepare delicious, healthy meals. To taste, they are somewhat reminiscent of the well-known zucchini.

Ripe fruits are used as natural washcloths, donated to man by nature itself. Luffa washcloth fibers do not damage skin person, cleansing them well and carefully. Luffa washcloths are used as an excellent massage tool.

The above methods of using fruits are associated with their unusual structure. The pulp of the young fruit is tender and nutritious, while after full ripening the structure of the fruit becomes very strong, porous and fibrous.

Among useful properties plants, it is necessary to note the high content of protein and valuable edible oils in the seeds. These oils are used in the preparation of various cosmetic creams and face masks. Luffa stems are considered useful, from the juice of which Japanese cosmetologists make lipstick, as well as face lotions.

plant species

Experts identify several types of tropical luffa liana. These include:

Sharp-ribbed luffa - this plant is much easier to grow than other species, because it is undemanding to a special type of soil and unpretentious in care. This type is said to be less susceptible to fungal diseases. Liana flowers bloom at night, and therefore, they are pollinated either manually or resort to the help of nocturnal insects.

The fruits are advised to be eaten until they are fully ripe, when the fruit reaches a size of 30 cm. Later, the fruits become bitter in taste. The shape of the sharply ribbed loofah resembles a regular cone, the surface of the fruit is not smooth, the peel is difficult to remove. Made from fruits vegetable salads. Leaves and flowers of an exotic plant are also considered edible. They are stewed with a little olive oil and get an unusually tasty and nutritious side dish.

Cylindrical luffa is used to make natural washcloths. The fruits can reach 70 cm in length, they have a slightly pointed shape towards the point of attachment on the stem. The peel of the fruit is very thin, it is easily separated from the snow-white edible pulp.

Descriptions of the two most common types of plants will help the gardener decide on the right type of luffa, depending on possible ways plant applications.

exotic plant care

Loving high humidity, luffa will delight with harmonious development under special watering conditions.

Experienced gardeners advise watering the plant with special hoses. Quantity needed by the plant watering will depend on weather conditions: during dry summers, luffa is watered at least twice a week.

The top layer of soil should always be slightly moist, but it should be ensured that moisture does not stagnate.

After planting, the plant is watered once a week, after the start of flowering, the watering regimen should be increased.

Feed the plant twice a month. The bushes are watered with a special solution, which is prepared as follows: mullein fertilizer and 0.25 kg of charcoal are mixed in 10 liters of water. Any solution can be used for feeding, which includes a bucket of water and a small amount of urea.

The harmonious development of the liana is impossible without the constant participation of man. For the correct formation of fruits, it is recommended to remove the loofah shoots that appear on the sides in a timely manner and pinch the main shoot at a height of 4 m. From the middle of the first month of summer experienced gardeners it is recommended to remove the emerging ovary.

If the gardener notices that young fruits are beginning to deform on the branches, then he should immediately turn to the growing conditions of the plant. Growing branches of a tropical liana must be tied to a special support.

From time to time it is necessary to straighten the branches of the plant so that a new ovary can hang from the trellis. Only when these conditions are met, the fruits will be large, and their shape will become correct and beautiful.

While watching the video, you will learn about growing luffa.

A beautiful exotic plant will require a lot of attention and care from gardeners. But after harvesting the first crop, he will not regret the time and effort spent on growing an unusual tropical liana on his site.

Attention, super FLY!

Scindapsus (scindapsus), or "ivy-like" - familiar to everyone indoor plant. True, they know it under different names - pictus, muzhegon, golden pothos, widow's ivy and others. At home (southeast Asia), these plants of the Aroid family (numbering more than two dozen species) are vines climbing trees to a height of 15 meters.

Description of species and varieties of scindapsus

Home scindapsus is a climbing plant that attracts with its oval, shiny leaves with a colorful pattern that enlivens walls, balconies, and partitions. This unpretentious indoor (never blooming) flower on account varietal diversity colors and exquisite picturesqueness of the leaves is one of the most beloved in home floriculture. Several of its species and varieties are known, which will be discussed.

Scindapsus golden

For indoor floriculture, the most suitable is golden scindapsus (scindapsus aureus), called golden pothos or golden epipremnum in various sources. This is a fast growing vine with bright, golden leaves, which are especially effective when good lighting. But when shaded, it grows faster. Adventitious roots appearing on the stems help him in this. Clinging to them, the flower can stretch up to three meters.

Various varieties This variety of scindapsus is famous for its special variegation. These can be white spots, located in a random order, occupying almost the entire leaf plate or bordering it. Their color depends on the illumination and compliance with all conditions for caring for plants.

Painted Scindapsus (Scindapsus pictus) - motley, spotted, pictus. Silvery spots, dots or the same arcuate border stand out on the leaves of this flower. Thanks to growth-like growths (first green, then brown), aerial roots, grows up to one and a half meters long.

Two varieties of this variety are known. Exotic - with large, with silvery clear patches, leaves of a bizarre shape. One of its halves is larger, and the other is smaller. A vein running in the center, curving, divides the sheets into relief segments.

The Argyraeus variety is distinguished by the heart-shaped form of medium-sized leaves. Silvery chaotic spots and a narrow border around the edge are visible on them.

Scindapsus pinnate is a very long domestic liana, stretching up to 8 meters in length. In addition, it is branched, and the leaves are located mainly in the lower part and on the tops of the shoots, distributed along them randomly (often leaving significant bare areas).

In indoor flowers of this species, the leaves are very large - almost up to half a meter in length. In nature, they are even larger. The outlines of the leaves different varieties various - oval, heart-shaped, pointed. In adult plants, they are finger-shaped and especially decorative.

Scindapsus Marble Queen (Marble Queen) - silver-green. Graceful strokes or specks stand out on it, making it similar in pattern to marble. The predominant color is silver-cream with a few green splashes. But this shade varies, increasing to almost a third of the volume of the sheet, depending on the intensity of the light.

N-Joy - new variety Dutch origin. This is a compact vine that is best used hanging in a basket. Numerous succulent, hard leaves, clustered along the central veins. The color of the leaves is bright green. Randomly arranged silver spots look spectacular on them. They also trim the edges of the leaves.

This variety of golden pothos is also recently bred.. Its large leaves differ in shape and color. They are shaped like spears. And the combination of bright green and lemon coloring will enliven any room composition.

How to distinguish scindapsus from epipremnum

Ornamental creeper plants, scindapsus and epipremnum, belong to the same family of aroids. Outwardly, they are difficult to distinguish. And even experts are confused in these concepts, attributing different kinds of these plants to varieties of one or the other of them. The main differences between these flowers-vines in various requirements for the conditions of detention:

  1. Epipremnum is more pretentious in terms of lighting. Scindapsus does not like bright light. However, in the shade, its color loses its attractive decorative effect.
  2. With good lighting, the first one can withstand lower winter temperatures (below 15 degrees).
  3. Epipremnum tolerates waterlogging and drying out of the earth more easily. But these care errors should be short-lived. Scindapsus is very demanding on constant soil and air moisture.

Is it possible to keep scindapsus at home: signs and superstitions

Widow ivy does a good job of cleaning the air in the room where it grows. It removes many harmful substances such as xylene and formaldehyde.

But flower growers should be aware that the juice of all representatives of the aroid family is dangerous when it comes into contact with the skin with allergic reactions. You can’t chew decorative leaves, because. they cause poisoning. Therefore, decorating an apartment with scindapsus is fearlessly possible only where there are no kids and pets.

This plant has another name - muzhegon. For some reason, it is believed that the flower "drives" men out of the house, breaking families. It is not recommended to hang it in rooms where there is a girl of marriageable age, predicting her, otherwise, to be left without a mate. These superstitions and rumors are based only on the unpaired number of leaves on the plant and the negative effect of its flowers on male power. But, as you know, the husband does not bloom at home. And Eastern sages consider him a carrier of positive energy.

Reproduction methods

Most often, golden pothos is propagated by apical or stem cuttings. They should have at least a couple of leaves. There are two ways to root cuttings:

  • in a glass of water;
  • in the soil mixture.

In the first case the stalk cut at an angle has to be transplanted into the soil after the appearance of roots on it. At the same time, the process of obtaining a full-fledged plant is delayed.

In the second case the prepared shoot is planted in a nutrient mixture of moss, sand and peat. Before that, it is kept in a solution of "Stimulin", and then the cut is dried and treated with crushed charcoal.

The best conditions for keeping a seedling are heat (temperature not less than two tens of degrees), diffused light and moisture. He also needs a mini-greenhouse from a transparent container.. In this case, it is imperative to spray and air the plant. The process of adaptation and the appearance of roots in it lasts several weeks. Then you can transplant a stronger seedling with a clod of earth into a separate pot, where you can no longer create greenhouse conditions for it.

A less common method of propagating pictus is the so-called "pinning" of branches. In this case, the young shoot is bent to the ground and fixed in this position with a wire. After the roots appear on it, the shoot can be separated from the main flower and transplanted with an earthen clod into a separate pot.

Care for scindapsus at home

Scindapsus is not a very capricious plant. Since it comes from tropical forests, for comfortable growth and decorative look he needs certain conditions. Golden pothos is afraid of drafts, prefers a humid atmosphere and warmth, does not like the bright sun. More about this.

Planting pot and soil

root system tropical plant spreads not in depth, but in breadth, so it needs a wide and shallow pot. Considering that drainage for a pictus is of paramount importance, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the drain hole in this container. Yes and myself the drainage layer at the bottom of the pot should be impressive. It will not be superfluous to pre-wash the pebbles that make it up.

Decorative liana prefers loose, fertile soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. It should include equal parts of turf and sand, and twice or even three times more than each of these components, leafy earth.

Lighting, humidity and temperature

Scindapsus does not like bright light, because in natural conditions it grows in a dense tropical forest. Optimum lighting for him - partial shade, because direct sunlight can cause leaf burns. This can be achieved by placing the plant further away from the windowsill. Most often it is hung in a pot on the wall. The variegated species of lianas cannot be shaded too much, because of this their color and pattern are lost.

Constant, high humidity is the most important requirement for a tropical inhabitant. It should not be placed near heating appliances. To increase the humidity, you need to regularly spray the air and leaves from the spray bottle. in a good way moisturizing standing plants is their placement on a pallet with wet expanded clay. And pots with vines hung on a planter can be wrapped with wet moss.

Pictus feels great at room temperature, he does not need tropical heat. In summer, the temperature is about 25 degrees. In order for the plant not to freeze, the winter temperature should not fall below 12 degrees.

Watering and spraying

In the active phase of development, the scindapsus needs to be watered almost every day. Do this when the top layer of the earth dries up. Water should be warm, settled. Excessive watering can quickly cause root rot. After all, they are located close to the surface. IN winter time widow ivy is better to set aside away from window sills with radiators and vents. Watering at this time is carried out no more than once a week. The plant signals excessive watering by the appearance of droplets of liquid on the leaves - “tears”.

Moisture-loving vine is not indifferent to year-round spraying with filtered water room temperature. Young plants love "bathing" in the shower with warm water. Only in this case should the pot be covered with foil. It is also important to constantly ensure that dust does not accumulate on the leaves. To do this, they should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Feeding the golden pothos

For unpretentious plant ready-made fertilizers intended for indoor flowers are suitable. It is best to bring liquid top dressing at the same time as watering. At the same time, the standard dose of fertilizers recommended by the instruction is halved.

It is enough to fertilize the plants once a month. In winter, only large specimens are fed. Do this no more than once a month.

Pruning and crown shaping

Since the scindapsus grows quickly (up to half a meter per year), it needs pruning and crown formation. They also practice cutting cuttings to half the length and pinching their tops to form lush lateral processes. These procedures are best done in the spring.

For young vines, arches and stairs are used, and for mature ones, plastic tubes are used, in which moss is often moistened. These devices are provided with holes for the aerial roots of the vine and are wrapped in coconut copra. With the help of various supports and their bends, you can give the vines any shape and direction of growth.

The main problems in growing

Ornamental plants need proper care, when growing them, you may encounter such difficulties:

  1. The leaves turn yellow. This indicates a lack of nutrition. The plant needs feeding.
  2. Appearance on leaves dark spots and twisting their ends indicates the dryness of the air, when the vines need to be sprayed and moisten the air and soil.
  3. Rotting stems speaks of excess moisture and rotting of the plant. Usually in this case, the temperature is below normal.
  4. When the leaves turn pale, then the light is either too much or not enough.
  5. Pictus growth retardation says that it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot and fed.
  6. If the leaves fall, then the flower "freezes" in the draft and it does not have enough light.

Scindapsus (pictus, widow ivy, golden pothos) - beautiful and bright tropical liana, able to decorate and enliven any room with unusual, picturesque drawings. Inexperienced flower growers unreasonably consider it unsuitable for housing. In fact, this is an undemanding indoor plant that can bring comfort to the house, purify the air and harmonize the atmosphere.

The temperate liana is no less beautiful than its tropical relatives. This plant is interesting to use in landscape design for registration of hedges, arbors and scenery of walls. Description of popular species and care tips will be useful to gardeners.

Creepers include all climbing plants that do not have their own vertically growing stem, and cling to supports, rising above the ground up to the sun.

Liana is a many-sided plant, it can be an evergreen perennial, a herbaceous annual or a woody specimen with falling leaves. Creepers are attached to a vertical surface and tree trunks with antennae (grapes), sucker roots (ivy) or simply wrap around a support, clinging to shoots.

Species, varieties and names of plants

There are perennial and annual vines.

Popular annuals include:

  • Ipomoea tricolor. Light and airy, quickly gaining green mass, can wrap around any shape, blooms beautifully, looks great.
  • Sweet pea. It has loose, airy flowers, lacy foliage, it is beautiful and fragrant, it can decorate a low fence.
  • Vysloplodnik rough. Plant with original tubular flowers and fruits, fast growing.
  • Thunbergia winged or Black-eyed Susanna. Bright yellow and orange flowers of this plant with dark centers look very decorative.

Favorites, which can be found more often than others in gardens, are perennial vines. They are usually planted on permanent place at the fence, gazebos or buildings are used for landscaping hedges. Choosing climbing plant, you need to ask how it is attached to the supports, what is its approximate weight. Powerful and heavy vines are not suitable for weak partitions, and graceful, green ivy can easily destroy the wall of the house, climbing along it under the roof.

The most popular varieties of perennial vines:

  • Kirkazon large-leaved. The leaves are light green, large, about 30 cm long, the flowers resemble smoking pipe. The plant is powerful and heavy, grows well in both sun and shade.
  • Climbing rose. Plants look incredibly beautiful in any corner of the garden - at the entrance, near the gazebo, against the wall of the house. There is a large selection of varieties with different flower colors and flowering duration.
  • Clematis. These creepers can compete in beauty with roses. There are varieties that bloom all summer or only in spring and autumn. They winter in middle lane with cover. Clematis cannot climb the support as high as climbing roses, they are looser and more airy.
  • Ivy. One of the longest vines. With its help, you can decorate a tall building. But if there are cracks and chips in the wall, ivy can destroy brickwork. Ivy flowers are small and inconspicuous, the leaves are thin and graceful, it is they who give the plant a decorative effect.
  • Hydrangea climbing or petiolate. One of the creepers that can beautifully decorate any part of the garden. It has a heavy trunk, can climb to great heights, but requires strong support.
  • Japanese grape. A plant with large leaves, the upper part of the leaf plate of which is dark green, and the lower part is silver. It grows up to 7 meters in length, blooms with inconspicuous flowers, but its black rounded fruits look very beautiful.

Grow vines and in the conditions of apartments. So, for example, indoor creepers scindapsus and monstera have been delighting flower growers with their bright greenery for years.

Features of growing vines

Annual creepers grow rapidly, braiding the support near which they are planted. They please abundant flowering and unpretentiousness. For successful growth and development, they need monthly top dressing and regular watering. These plants do not need formative pruning and shelter for the winter. The only drawback of annuals is the need to re-sow them in the spring and wait for the plants to gain full strength, delighting with the splendor of foliage and flowers.

Perennial vines require more careful care. Many of them are thermophilic, they need to be removed from the support and covered for the winter. It is necessary to find time annually for formative and sanitary pruning of shoots, carefully direct them in the right direction.

But all these works will be rewarded with incredibly beautiful flowering and an abundance of green foliage.

Landing in open ground

Annual cold-resistant vines are grown by direct sowing in the ground in spring, in April or May. The soil at the proposed support is fertilized, dug up and leveled. After sowing, the seeds are moistened and covered with a film. When shoots appear, the film is removed, they begin to fertilize, weed and loosen the soil.

Most perennial heat-loving vines are grown through seedlings.

To do this, the seeds are sown in pots and placed in a room where the air temperature is 20 ° C. In the middle or end of May, the grown seedlings are transplanted into open ground to a permanent place near the support.

How to care for liana

It all depends on what kind of liana you planted on the site. Features of cultivation are determined by the type of plant and have significant differences.

These tips will help you care for the described perennial vines:

  • Hydrangea climbing grows best in partial shade. Any soil with a neutral or slightly acidic composition is suitable for cultivation. The plant blooms wonderfully. It does not endure cold weather, therefore for the winter it must be removed from its supports and covered.
  • Common ivy is undemanding to lighting. If the soil is fertile, it will show all its beauty. This plant is not afraid of polluted city air and pruning, growing vines will not cause much trouble.
  • Japanese grapes develop slowly at a young age and need to be fed. Every year the growth rate is increasing. Japanese grapes are undemanding to soils, tolerate shearing well, and need regular watering.
  • Clematis love fertile and drained soil with neutral acidity. They need timely watering and regular fertilizing for flowering plants. For the winter, clematis are removed from the support and covered; they do not like frost.
  • Kirkazon large-leaved needs frequent watering. Fertilize it with complex preparations or organic matter 2 times per season. The rest of the care comes down to removing weeds, mulching the soil, forming and sanitary pruning.
  • Climbing rose loves frequent watering, especially during flowering. At least 10 liters of water are poured onto one bush. The soil is loosened and mulched the next day. Roses are demanding on top dressing, they are fertilized with complex preparations, for example, Agricol-Rose, and organic matter - mullein, wood ash. The stems of the plant must be cut from the first year of cultivation, stimulating the formation of side shoots. In autumn, rose bushes are removed from the support and covered.

Protection against diseases and pests

Annual and perennial vines need protection from pests, just like other plants in your garden. Noticing the suspicious activity of insects on the leaves, the vines are watered with systemic insecticides. Contact preparations are not as effective, they are quickly washed off by rain.

When signs of late blight or other fungal disease appear on the stem or leaves, fungicides are used. Processing is carried out repeatedly until the complete recovery of the plants.

Liana in landscape design

Lianas in the garden can serve as a decorative screen, protecting from prying eyes what you would like to hide. They create coziness and privacy in the garden. Long shoots and beautiful flowers hide irregularities that hurt the eye, smooth out the difference in the height of structures, decorate ugly walls, serve as a hedge.

The fruits of some vines are edible. In the southern regions, in addition to the usual grapes, chocolate akebia liana bears fruit. Her fruits unusual look similar in taste to raspberries. In Japan, its young shoots are eaten in spring. The plant got its unusual name because the creeper flower smells like chocolate.

Which vine to choose, and where to plant it, depends on your preferences. The quality of the support, location and growing conditions will affect how the plant will show its beauty later.

Many dream of "curling the whole house with ivy." And they plant near the house ... hops.)
Others are afraid of dampness on the walls. Still others think that any liana "strangles" the tree ...
Where is the truth? Let's understand a little.
The fact is that creepers grow oh-oh-very differently.

Lianas with perennial stems are the same trees and shrubs (buds of renewal of skeletal branches on the tops - like trees, or near the soil - like shrubs), but unable to support themselves. To support the vines, other plants, soil are used (many of them take root easily at the points of contact) or rocks.
They "save" on the construction of mechanical tissues, directing resources to the rapid elongation of the stems. All creepers are forest plants and are very shade-tolerant when young. The flowering and fruiting of most vines occurs only with sufficiently good illumination (in horticultural terminology, this is “partial shade”).

By the nature of growth, woody vines (with perennial trunks) are:

All lianas and lianas can be used for shading buildings or sites, given the nature of growth.
In the northern regions, many shrub and tree lianas annually freeze to the level of snow or even to the level of the soil, i.e. behave like semi-shrubs or like herbaceous perennials.
Some creepers give edible fruits - Actinidia, Lemongrass, Grapes, Blackberries, Akebia. Others are valued for their spectacular blooms - Rose, Jasmine, Clematis, Prince, Wisteria, Akebia, Highlander, Honeysuckle, Campsis. Or for a dense sheet mosaic - Ivy, girlish grapes, Kirkazon, Fortune's Euonymus, Hydrangea.
And a few more words about a common prejudice - allegedly "under the vines the wall is damp" ... Actually this is not true. The leaves of the vines give a very dense "leaf tile". Even after a downpour with a strong side wind, the wall under the vines is dry! Don't believe me, check...
Dampness on a wall overgrown with vines can be observed ... in autumn and spring, if deciduous vines grow right on the wall. The fact is that fallen leaves sometimes accumulate on the stems and shoots, which absorb precipitation ... It is very simple to solve this problem - it is enough to withstand the gap between the supports (to which the stems of the vines are attached) and the wall. Or (if the climate allows) - plant evergreen vines, under them all year round dry. Do you think why the British love curling their hair so much? brick houses ivy? In their damp climate?

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